HomeMy WebLinkAboutHighway History 020504 , . ,,~ ~ . " .~'.... '., .-~.' ",. P.....,.. , . ,'.~ ~-.t- -::J- -',......,.~:...'t~-~.....:-.;.-:"\~~I)UIImII.DII&ID c~:~Ul3IIIl . :D't.:S"U ...~",J.\,;".O:;-'f'_' - .-,. t- .--.......? . c....""...,,, ../:' ....:..........-.;~..,.,i:!...4..::t:'.\.-;'""...,........~.~., .....P_~'S~lr'l4:~'I....: t.I,..1(!"~ ~r-~..l' .t-......t,....J:.......;.f,:~.-.-.-.-.'" ft." ~ -:'r.:.1-o~'"" .... tl':*7~~~~~~.~' .t::~~;, '-Ri.:' .'~ii~,.;"5{;';~t' 4:~~~~l,!;""~;::~:r.. ~.~;;r;.\.:.:.~.:-'....... t.: ;..:::./,-;;~;:' ~~".-:"-''-V .-:.;.".;': '.:: ~:. .f ;'::'~:\... ..;:".;. ~~:::.~. ~ ~l~~\{:,~~;,..::~;,.~ :~jIo(t}. --..~,...lU~I.~~ "'~'~ ~~~ ~~~~;~;~';-:~~.:::; ;' . t'ii; ;~i;;.~;f~;:~~}~r~?\~~~l~~~+t~;.,~.:?~~~,.:~"~]{::area\o!slille'lnalIon'" · .:>>;',.Il.lg.11way. s..now 'J.TI.,...~;. _:'"Y' <:.~..,.-.; '~", ,....,. .: ;1~,:;::,:._"Ci,-,~'.'.:' ..... !::~ ; . \,. ':, :;. ....,.. :...:' ".:' . ;'-.'- :.' ,- :. ,. '. ....:..;:.. ..,. . . .' '. . . '" .':. .... ". ,. . .... ; ",. . "..... . . '."" . ""..' --:::,'; .'~ . . i : . . I for B.....,.,.s Bottom CX>>ttOn was made . C ", ..,..... ,,' ;-, ,}.. ... .cy carol D 2elg er .a......,. . _._ .._~" ...... '.# .... . 1..g . .'- --. .... vailabl With the in aease in trade, - t ,~,.-:c,,,,,":'''''''': '....... .~~,l'" . '.' dNI kT h a e. 1 . .:t:....;.<r.'';!:!:-,....;>j'" '.,., <"J an c urn am . the population grew rapidly and an >':5~/f ~-f(:...:r.:..~ . '( . ~........_11O the Eagle . boom developed.' '-'. .,' ...:;a"...t..ct:.... / . .~ ..econom1C &~.,' ~~~j:...,. : On Dee. 10, 1925, the traffic ~ Except for the railroads, travel in .:"':Z!!?"'....~.... Iume crossing the Brazos River on the Brazos Valley in the early 1900s ':.:'.'(.. lhe Bryan to. Caldwell road was 4S had changed little since the first set- )utomobiles, 20 h~rse-drawn vehi- tJers had traveled OSR. There was an -des and 10 trucks. The average truck extensive system of public roads but . :Weight was 3 tons with the heaviest they were little more than wagon I being 10 tons. trails. Maintenance. if any, was per- ::. Based upon this traffic, Mark S.. formed by ownens of the adjacent Swain, Highway Department district land. One of the earliest records of engineer, recommended that a new county involvement in road main~ bridge be constructed across the Bra- tenancewas in 1914. zos River near Stone City. There had The heavy rains of 1913 and spring been a ferry at Stone City, but it re- of 1914 brought many changes to the cently had been taken out of service. county road system. The floods wa- . Traffic had to use either Jones Bri- sbed out scores of bridges in the dge, on the present route of FM 60, or county and made travel very diffi- Pitts Bridge, about 3.5 miles down- cult at best. The Brazos County stream from the present Texas 21. Commissioners Court addressed this Either alternative made the trip be- problem at its regular June meeting tween Bryan and Caldwell consider- in 1914. The court awarded a con- ably longer. Although the 1925 traf- tract to A. B. Carson in the amount of fic volumes seem rather insignificant $50,000 to build or repair 44 bridges by 1989 standards, Swain's recom~ within the county. These steel struc- mendation led to the start of con- tures served the rural areas of Brazos struction of a new steel truss bridge County for decades. Several of these in 1931. bridges hnte been replaced in the EL CAMINO REAL last few years under the Federal Aid - This is but one event in a 300 year Off System Bridge Replacement Pro- history of transportation develo~ gram. One of these early bridges was ment in the Brazos Valley. The first remowd from Bird Pond Road and definite route of travel was establi- is on display at the Brazos Center. shed in 1691, when Domingo Teran ffiGHWAYDEPARTMEm de los Rios. first provincial governor Prior to 1917, each county was re- of Texas blazed E1 Camino Real. a 'sponsible for an roads within its direct route from Mondova. capital boundaries. TIlere were no 'long of the province. to the Spanish mis- range plans for improvements or sions of East Texas. Known also as plans for a statewide or nationwide the Old San Antonio Road or the network.. The Texas Legislature re- King's Highway, it was used by cognized the need for'road 1m- Canadian trader and explorer Lows provements and a means of finane- Juchereau de St. Denis on his expedi- ing. As a result on April 4. 1917, Gov. tions into Texas. JlUneS E. Ferguson signed into law a .. Moses Austin traveled the route in bill that made Texas the 45th state'to 1820 to request a land grant &om set up a highway department. .:' Spain. Early settlers used the route The first public hearing of' .the when establishing homesteads in the three member highway commissfon new territory of Texas and the road was held in Mineral Wells on June became the northern boundary of 17, 1917. Delegations from every Brazos County. . cOunty in Texas were invited to this The original route meanderec1 meeting. Its primary' purpose was to from water hole to water hole follow- designate a state highway system. ing the best grazing land. It also The routes selected follow with a crossed numerous streams and rivers on its more than SOO-mile route from Pendleton's Feny on the Sabine River to Paso de Francia on the Rio Grande. ROUTE SURVEYED -: The entire J'DU~ was surveyed and ,permanently marked in 1915 and 1916. by civil engineer V. N. Zivley, hired by Gov. James E. Ferguson. The Dau~ters of the American Re- volution erected granite markers every five miles over tl;e entire . route. The 41st Legislature in 1929 passed Senate Bill No. 570 ,,!hich . provided for the preservation Of the Old San Antonio Road. Much of the original E1 Camino Real has lost. its , identitY as it is on concurrent routmg with a state or federal highway such as Texas 21 in Burleson County. . Across DOrthem Brazos and Ma-. dison Counties it ia a unique route.: It bas the distinction of being the only fuad on the:state .highway system that . does not. have a numbered ioute.ltis &imply identified as OSR. At. the. time Texas, entered the Union in 1845, there was DO 115ll system ofmads,. only a few priJnitiw trails. Molt ~Pf\ts were along major atAo:>oau6 aDd a practical way of moving goad5 aDd supplies was by water. . -sTEAMBOATONUlTLE RIVER '-. Susan T-h2.ft McCown. an early Settler of Mibm . County, describes an ,..........- of a steamboat auiviDg on theUtdeRiwrnearCameron: . -4n 185D.J. W.McCown St., wbaee ~ J. W_1IcCDwn Jr.., -I mazried in i854, wu .u.:handising in Cameron. He .mea goods and went dDWZl ID Washington. an im- portant 1DW:Il CD the Brazos, bought what be -"-ii dtutg...J a steam- boat and ~ his wares. dele'- mined to :IIIIIiiz the return trip by boat. The iIaa ame up the Brazos. then into Ut:iie ~_ Little River was then:QDa&m:~w and there WM pJenrv <<:4~. but it took a good deai tDi M:iggling to get the boat up.t:he1DlllllaW'stn!IIm. where in places the ~~g boughs al- most touchedamDH the stream. "The ~~afthe boat had been duly ~ a&' Mr_ McCown. at that early ~ Wa& keenly alive to _ _ -the _value_a -advertising. People came far:mi.lIsami lined the banks to watch the 1mm came in. The boat landed eieW where the McCown bridge nn,,' !amnm.. After discharg- ing the tnlU:ito. the Captain. a Mr. Hatfield.:nzmm the boat over to the young~leamtfortwo days there was amtmUlWf feasting and danc- ing. Likeul1~eryoung~, I enjoyed dol.......!!' ".,.ith the Captain. "The RlVtr. ~ falling, so the Captain :m~nm tDDk command and the boat sikmtu'made its way down to the Bmxnt: and no echo of the steamer'~.wtUlrlahas ever awakened those sl.el%p111Fmt' the ~ of Little River." .... ARRI\.A1.WJr lll1.hRAlLROAD Steamshn' tmific: on the Brazos lasted on": at fmy, short years. The coming at mil' mi1mads marked a new era m:ttl1UlllaJtation. The Hous- ton and TDmb~ Railroad was the.first Un Bmms County. It was completed3J5fio!as Mi1lli:an in 1860_ Work on-themilmad was suspended during .the <GP.ili War, but was re- sumed .soon~ the war and was constructed. ttI> Bryan in 1867. With the co~cOitbe:milroa.d, a mar~ , ,. Ftan.. ..oIlhee.g.;.: The Brazos River. shown here near FM~. pr.Mded both a meansal and a hinderanca~trw1sporbdion in the Brazos Valley. . . with petent engineers. mute from - Hearne to Benchley .is. few eu:eptian our interstate high- ~ tohaH~.= = ~ Wnh':fundingavai1ahlefroma stillbeingusedasacountyroad~-. way corridon and mapr primuy 1926nothen~~ Seventem was 0lIII....1ine tax. the highway deput_ is known today.as the Old Hearne.. 'hi~ways. 'w ~ 0-- only ed the Road. The loc:at1on of Texas 6 that. . 'to finance the state's portion of =eIi. W:e'.~C::~:: :':;C:f buiJ~ but also ~ was develo~ in the ~20s 'followed' highway construction the act put au- Caldwell until April 1 1927. when it taining the highway..,-m. Gik:b- the H~TC Railroad from Hearne tb tomobi1e registration under the B' rist served the department with ~ approxunate1y one mile north of_ . Highway Deputtnent. Registrabon wasD~ STABIUZES tinction as it Chief engineer' IUltil ~ Bencbley. From the railroad north of : = ~ ~ ~~::~ After several years of po~ tember 1937. It was duringhis~ '~to OSR the ~ sel~: . was used as proof of registration. 'turmoil and reorganization,. the de- that a statewide network of high- ~ m about the same on as it: The disk was ~g from the radiator ..","""- achieved a measure of sta-' ways was developed and long- range IS today. : .' . th '. 1 RUR r---- -. lannin used to project future This new route served e peep e. . with baling wire and was commonly . bi1ity in 1921. Gibb Gilchrist ~ ser- P ~ was.d. the Gilchrist of the Brazos Valley until the: called a radiator tag. . " ~ .. veri a brief te!:m as state highway routes. t was ~g w the mid-l950s when the present road' In 1919, the Highway Department . engineer in 1924-~. H~ was called ~ that Brazos c::o~ 10- was built.' Many still can remember. created eight divisions Or districts. from pri,vate b,usiness 1o. ~; to highway. ~ .being ped the sharp "'5" curve with a railroad The entire southeast area of Texas again assum.e the top posmon.m the cally. S 6 RELOCATED overpass just south of Hearne and .' was administered from Eagle Lake. d~~t m early 1928. He set up.a ..T~ from Hearne to the the hairpin curve with the narrow- The Eagle Lake he3dquarters was orgamzatJonal :structure that has '. . .'. moved to Bryan in 1920, where it been continued. to ~e present with Robertso.n-B~ ~ line was re- Please see Highways, 24C " . remained until. 1922 when r it was , only minor modifications and staffed located 10 the IIUd 1920s. lbe old . . -:.. .: Jr : :..~ " . . ~ ~ '. choice . . is. a,.po~erful argi1ment,~.?'.:~, for independentrri~~~!"~~i!~~:~~ .,. !. :'. . . ;'Free.dom of ... '. . :.~ ~ / ......:. . . ..'.~1 :..r.:.:- '. ._'. __':.~' ...: ".. .", . Jti:'J:';; ~: .. .. '. . . ~. .,::Here '.are 62"'reasons';~li.y~':"^".....".:~.;;:~~:.,: , I . .:. :,''':'; '4~r~:;0__' '::...._ '. _ . ._' ...0 .U., '. ~..;.,: _ ,"~."':":: .....L.. ,~. .:.... . .,. .... .... . . . . . . . . t:. ~. . . . ...: ' ::: . , . .:..: ..:.:...'"':..,;' .' .... ~.;. -:~ :::.:.......':.. .~:.'" . ..- . -.....' ... ,'''-..... ~ ..;...._._.~: .:. " ~. - .. . \ ....- ' - - :.- -. . . '..-., -: , .' " \~..:. .;. ALLERGY GENERAL SURGERY .. -, ... \ "': '..: .: ~ . ~-:':,,- .~::.::t~~;o~H'!-i~ .~::... :. .,' ;;,' ..... ..Mike McMahon, M.D. . . "'::", .,........~ .... ~ 'n&0101."" . ':,<, .:'. ;.:.. ..:~'Nolan Shipman, M.D.' . _ __---:.,.:.;-:_.696-4781 _..._ ____.~ .' -.) .. -...... =NEUROLOGY Barry Paull, M.D. "776-7895 ' David Beeslnger, M.D.'''' . 775-7569 .. '. -i1'\'. ..... Henry Bohlley M.D. n 'l!. : "i"I~''''':I:I~U.I..le\'''' . 764- 64 ._.' ,.' '_., , R. ro,.... M.D ~)i5-......... Char1es Anderson M.D Sjoerd Adams, 11.0. ... =,... Steve . ~ .' ':.::::. ' .. , . .' ~, 776-4777 ... ." 693-0325. ,,~'/.I,",.... 693-0737' , JB Dott MD -, "':. '.--'-BradGrtffln,M.D . ;:....::.':.......-"'''DavldDoss,M.D _ "'.:..~~-;~,.. :.~.c.~M.D. .. ,.. - --......... ....- . . -' . - -...... .....::.::::::.....~.::..,: ...._..77~~02 --776-4777 >..':.,'.'" .~f'~:_.. 823-1503 ~. '..." -77&-5602 ,e. "- "._J-, 0"'"1 V Bert Hart, M.D. . Henry McQuaide, M.D. '1, Mark Montgomery, M.D. n6-4777 n&-5631 .~, \' n6-5602 Thomas Hoyt, M.D. I . . Sudhlr Patel, M.D. . n6-4777 .1i""=:Ii""'''I'JI=lll~W:a'' n6-9400 Richard Huffman, M.D. Barbara Brtner, M.D. ~i' Randy Smith, M.D. n6-4777 n4-0752 .' .', 693-0737 Pat Ryan, M.D. . Scott Davis, M.D. '~,!h . M.O. Thakrar, M.D. . n6-4777 'n6-1336 ;'.\ n6-5117 Thomas Ginn, M.D. n6-5120 ..:t:; Council Mills, M.D. ',-"'.. n6-1323 , Stephen Tseng, M.D. _. , n6-00aa . . . Randall Ught, M.D. . .-.. ,n6-4791 PATHOLOGY .. .r :.: . :-. ~~ ~.:.:: '/:. J". . PSYCHIATRY DERMATOLOGY Gary Newsom, M.D. 696-0400 Robert Potts. M.D. . .7~1655 .AIan' Reyes. ,M.D. 846-7588 ". .. Bevan Steadman, M.D. Child & Adolescent 846-2050 _J:.I:.. :'-'.\',[.) ..In....... Frank Anderson, M.D. .__ ...822-6622 Mark R. Coffman, M.D. n4-Q498 .Barry Glenn, M.D. . n6-7770 - Mark Undsay, M.D. n6-2020 .Wllllam Marr, M.D. n6-7564 . . Clyde Capenon, M.D. n6-1318 Terry Jones, M.D. n6-n67 . RADIOLOGY Gary McCord, M.D. n6-8291 Ronald Rust, M.D. 764-5220 FAMILY PRACTICE CARDIOLOGY Stephen Braden, M.D. n6-6178 James Undsay, M.D. n5-1700 Jack Marsh; M.D. n6-9492 H. David Pope, M.D. .- . n6-8440 Paul Roquet, M.D. 69&0683 . , Gordon Mitchell, M.D. ::! . n4-4008 . ::.-r- Kennon D. Wigley, M.D.~i!' n4-4008 . ~.;:. PEDIATRICS William S. Conkling, M.D. _ n6-4440 Kenneth E. Matthews, M.D. n6-4440 . Jesse W. Parr, M.D. n6-4440 Kathleen H. Rollins, M.D. n6-4440 Robert H. Moore, M.D. n6-4440; ~ Ted Rea, M.D. n6-3604 Larry Coleman, M.D. n6-0949 James Giles, M.D. 693.6339 Mark Riley, M.D. 693-6339 . Douglas Stauch, M.D. 693-6339 ... : ~.:.': " . PULMONARY Anup Amln, M.D. n4-0012 Lamar McNew, M.D. "823-8101. . -- :. ..' Rudy Briner, M.D. . " 'n4-0345 , Kart Schmitt. M.D. n6-8896 . ',ONCOLOGY Kumud Trtpathy, M.D. , ~. n6-2000 ... ". . . " . .~.. ~ . ., ... .-,.,';.. - . - . . .- .- . '.. ...." . , """':'~'1'ii9J ;Brazosrlndependent~Physicians . ,; ......:.".. '. . "'--. . 'A..~ . 1..:r,,--:-. .J \ .. .." 0' ".. .-: .:.. ...!..~i.;;~7--:,...t4..:i'.. .,. . . . I '. ,:::'~.:':':.~,!"j{~ "'~ J "'i~~-:': f.~:~r.:~;<'~': ";;.r: ;,-;j;:'''~;':';':'':'i;.. :.: ~_~..,.:.' i,: :..;.~.~.j . ,. -....:.- . '_ ,...0 'I: . >l . j" ... -.~~~;~~L.~~.~ - . . ~~-s;l:~~~~~,- '~~~~~~1 ~~...'1"'~..Ii~-""~ " .__.c....'!'.. ,...:."",, ::-:-:"':.EagIe....-- . . ,,:' y'HJctobC:f4 , " ~n89- ~ ' ....... . ~~~~ :~~~ _ _.' '...,... ...- ,; ~ .. - '. '''-' ~. ' .,,,...'.~ .'...... .,' ~~ . . . .... . ". .! ~... ....:.:I,.?.. ". '.:"0;. .~~__:.:. ':; !"d.. .'- -- ,.-. . . ~.-....r -::..~' ._". _ . ..._ ~._ _ . ~.__'.._ ,~ . 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"'o ._ ,;. .- . ,p' ~~tunl"~"'"'""II'" - .........;..p.... .,~. '...., - roO; . ..' ..- . ' , .., r.G:-\. ~-r c,' ..' '1' "c~.!;~\.' .J".......; . _... ., . ~tafiroad underpass near the ~ IODMainSIa!et. . .~.(:'.>>-. . "'~~; .' .' "S.;---." ,-...... .-, '" .':'. f" :,.;;~~~~~ .:;:~.. .''7' -<: ~- '-:~ '\~Lb t, ...~ > tl:i:..,. ~~;'1- _;:...,:-::-~ ,.,,~, . . ' :. .' _:., ., ~ .:.:....:..... '" . ;. :. .~ ~..: .,...A_.-northofBenchley.~t..._.. .........8 or. r.A.~' . bl-t... ,.:"'P,.. ,........., " ,,~:;: ..... ~ ", . ~ ''':. ....-..... .' ....: .' ..... .__'" .' ':_ '"...... :.. . ::--Ther--eart 19305-'- the...a_-- ~ _~....................ugutone ~ .r..'r"'~, t.... .., ...:".;. . _..' .' ';;.~", ~. ,'''.' 'I"~/' ...~. #4"_-_' ".-' .' ,.' . ,.~, .,' .......... ....:.. _ . 1'" Y OWIUlaW UCYOC"" turn'~ on blOclc. then'left,one .. .<!----- . "'.. ~ .~;..~. :.r;': "';""-1'; ..':. "",." -:,.. .!::': '. ..: '.. .... ",,-.,...: ....:: ..:.:: __ :.:.,. ':.N"'~. ''"':.,. ...~: . , ,;;lopmentofTexas6fromBench1eyto 'hi ~k then right one : ....::,..::.. ~:~ ':'. '''''':~"'':' :::;':'::~'..',;.':::; .~. ,''7.'(:)\,., .,._.,'f..... ...... .,.'::: """!".;. . . did ~llo oc " .... ~ . '. ".' ..... ~', ~", : ,~:..:~ ..-.s-'....r.... .' ',.. . ... ""3" ,", Ji: ~&yan. This new route nohu w block. .': . .. . '- ". .....,:~, ,'. '.' ~ .: c.. <> ;7.: .:.:.,'.,..... .: ':' : ;,.. ;; .~:. :.:.,: _.':':. ~',~" _.: : '. ". ..,.. "''-.'' ,..-the old road or the railroad. This left blockth right ""~'" ," '.- ..~.,.~:.~.,~ ...i' , . _.~,. .r_ ..:..!. ,7 > . .' ....1: '., ;..,." ". . the the ID4.D_TIIID one en .,...'....... .. '.. ""...:",. .1. .....,. ._' .., 1 .... .,'~. "'touteia.eaentially sameas. out of town. Church on >. ....':-.n'........;......~. _'~;:.'" '~:.. '. ''''~J.-'''' . .:.., ":'. ", 'onebeingusedtoday.Theold'route right.. .,..' ..,_;...-._:~,....._.}.::. .... ."..:.:_.._",... __...:... '. ......_. ...,. .'W abandoned and is not being . . .' .. .... ..... '..' ,.... : ... ,'. . .. ,... ~ as . _...a in the 1D4.6~R.R.,gradedclay ...'... .... -'....... ._. 'p':" "',,:.. '.' .. _ '.. ..., ' . used as a public: fiMW except .. :.~. ... '. "'. '.' , "" . : north Bryan arm where it is still ~ ---Pass Khoolhouse on right, 00 ~ W ~ IN! " .' ,-' . ~ ... .' referTedtoasOldHeameRoad. 'uhowfn",yJDllL ., . ':'l~.. '. .......,~;..'.,~.. Texas 6 from Bryan south to the "---:-0 . '~:. :~.. . : '. ._ ~ . . also -,- 105.1 ...Passroadonnght. . ___.. J .. ".......... '.' ..... -Grimes County line was R:lU" -. W ,.'.\.. , " .'_ _, _, .. . . . cated in the eerly 1930s. The new ~ ~;~~~N.;e ,:. .... . "', '. .._ ..... ,_ :.."; . . ;. . : route follows the existing Texas Station woaJd be as follows: 25th s.,.. _ __ .._, ___ __-,. _. . _ ...... _ Avenue and Texas 6 to the Navaaota Follow Wellborn Road to Old Col- . River. .The. old ~ which in most lege Road. Old College Road to <;01- .,.' ",aL5eS 15 still being used today fol- lege Avenue.. College Avenue to its ,..' . lowed College Avenue to Old' Col- intersectioa witb Washington. North ~/'~ ; lege Road to W~ Road. Old on WashiDgton to 25th Street, west ~,- , Texas 6 and the ex1Stttlg FM 21S4 are on'25th to Main,. north on Main to . the same route except old Texas 6 Martin Luther King, west on Martin . crossed the railroad four times be- . Luther JGDg one block. turn north on : tween College Station and the Nava- . Bryan one bIoclc, left on 18th Street :.sotaRiver. one block. turn north on Parker one . BIUDGE 5P ANS lHE BRAZOS . block. turn wes: on 17th Street one . The new ast-WeSt 'route ~ block. tam Dl1 th on Sims. aoss . Brazos County also was established Texas Awaae and follow the exist- ~ in the early '3Os.. Texas 2L ~g ingOld HeameP.oad. . the Brazos River and Navuota River STA'IEIDG:iWAY SYSl'EM : bridges. was ft:ioc:ate:i and paved By the 1930s. a state highway : during this period- Construction for system had been establishecL at least ..:the new bridge Kr05l5 the Brazos in CDII&:Zpt. A. news story in the :':River on Taaa 2l. which had. been 'I'ln1nday, Aug. 2. 1934. edition. of .' ~ by ),(arX Swain in . the Bryan Daily iagle illustrates the :'1925,' ~ in ~ and was com- -.status ofhighway c:onst:ru.c:tion: _ . :-pleted m 1932. This structure served . "'Paving of Highway No.6, .south "the people of Texas and the Bmzas, of CoDege aDd to the Grimes county :Valley for mont than SO yars.1t wu line aDd the dosing of all other gaps !demo1iabed and r-pt-t .~ ~ ~in this I'OUIle, north of Bryan. as well .~ in 1986. . - . .' . ,_: - '. -as those in No. 14. have been as- :. ': An inteftsting sidelight of the 1931" ~aaDrding to W. 5.. Banon. '~ge ~ .is ~tbat the. .chairman of the X-All Highway As- .: .. Pl'OJl!Ict superintendent for the mD- sociation. - . . ,..... _ : ~. MiaIouri Valley Bridge and - ~ is ex:peaed. aa:ording to those : Iron Co. of Levenwonb. Kan.., was in touch with the situation. that the .' Lyman Lynch Hardeman. He.was work on No. 6 south of College may : the grandfather of CUITent Bryan "be done this fall and it may be that : pnutcilman. Ben ~eman. all the other gap. will be dosed be- . I. Prior to the relocation of Texas 21 foIewimer.. : _ of Bryan to its present site. a .-'1'hematt2!'oi.lnewlydesignated . traveler had to follow a munty road highway from Valley Junction of No. : tt> Kurten. county road to the Demo-, 43 to No.n was taken under COD- ,. ~ ' . ;crat Crossing and Madison County ~bytheHighwayCommi&- . ,: .<_ ".U.. ..t_~:....:,.,. : :)Oads into Madiaonville. When Texas . -sian Wednesday. . -- ". ..~'-_._...._--- . .--'--.~--~'~-_~_._ ~ Z was completed. the distance from . . _ ~ Commission Wednesday o~ '. ' . : Bryan to Madisonville was made ..:dered' an impnn'ement of interest ! oonsiderably shorter. . . here,. that of widening No. 24 from .: With the comp~n of Texas 6 :. BrenhamwestaDC!designatedaroad :.and Texas 21, the citizeDS Of Brazos from No. 90 to Iniependence on the , County had both eut-west~ and ..amdition that the county secure the : ~ routes available..~ 'site ofBayior Uni?emty and make it ; ~ routes opened up opportunities availabie for a state park." . ,fOr both int&" and intra state bigh- Bytheendoftha!1930s,moststate ,:...-<:.~...'...;.:.-:----- ; way travel. Travel had become ~uch' and U5.lDghwaya had lIOIDe type of ..-.~. -:'. ~,_..__. : rasier and good5 CXJUld be shipped :"'paving or aIlwatl er su:facing. . _ , _ : (tnd r&:eivect. from new tradecent:!l'S. .WARHALTSCONSTRUcnON . .._ __ _._ . . 'ihe' age of highway transportation. World War n brought an abrupt . 1:1__"""""__"-_ Station.. .' . :.JaadccmetotheBrazosVa11ey. halt to highway amstruc:tion and 'Thismapshowsth.thr8erou:-s1halhavecarriedtrafficbetween~.aridwao:'through"7,.an'-"'-~ ....:.:_:>: oJ,.:.;' ',~.:.'. .,. ,:". ...::,< . . Inretrospect,thedevelopmentofa expansion. S:arci..T.of equipment ., .-: :.,,:-:~.-:-:";_-: .~,:: .-:< ..:~.', ': ..,.' ._. ,'_' ' _ ..... . "_ _. ". ..'. _ . ... ~highway transportation n.etWork;in... and.fuei, maR:rials.and.manpower 'AckM UniversityandtheUniveisity ':~ are being med in both .;z347.'l'eCeived his .whole: hearted !go~ had dropped to zero but it.a : the 1920s and 1930s was a tremen- .',reduced highway activity to the '-.'ofTexas.1n tbeemiyyeusofthede- . highways and 'brid~' Many "1)f ..uPfOrt. Creer. ~ Of ..1923.. ::doubtfu1 that ~ would ~~ ~ :dous step forward in a .relatively ,1eYel of minimum maintenanCle. 'partmentthetwounivenitiesdidall dbl!llecbangeswereadirectftSultof~~ ~hed"a1umni .'tedtofind.ab~Iamaeasem ~ Ilbort time. When the Texas Highway Many empJoyees of the highway d~ ; material testing in their Jaborataries ::~ perfonned bym or erR. . . award from A&tM 1!' 1966. Greer s.;r- 1:motor ~ Neither CX)U)d he:'?,'- ~ j)epartment was formed in 191,7, au- partment CDDtinuEd their amstruc- . fOr highway amstrud:ion... . ....: : ?":\.~ One example of the long standing " veri on ~ State Hi.ghway Co~~ ",pea ~t m ~ ~~ of:~,400 ~ ; tomobiles were still considered as . tion wmk as military. and' civilian "When the Highway DeputmeDt ~ CX)O~ efforta .between the;.,~ from:-1969 ~ ~ ~.JUS ;-~;hideSper~thismatewoUld .: l\eW-fangled amtraptions in many personnel constructing military. ~was' organized. both A&M and LJT ~.Highway' Department and .A&tM. is ~. :Mirement- .as : state ~ghw~y .;pg-.;~ ~ great Immbel:~oftrucb .qi.tpms f: cxnnmunities. Travel aaossthe state 'roads and air fields in the. United \ft!COgDized the.need.for competent ;.:the fact that the 63rd.~ High-'.i:~ineer;"he .ta~. en~g .and ~ ~eigh~of80,(XX)pounds~u:'~ ~ ~ was an 'adventure Subject to ~ States and overseas... . ..... highway- engineers. Both 1h....tw...J . ~.way ~and Transportation:: Short "hi~war' adnnn'~tion .:at . ~e ~ ,,:,:-. Hemy c..;.~ ~ ,a ~.p1 . f questionable mechanical dependabi-, .~. ;IbeeudofWorld Warnre1eueda': ..their -c:ivil.~gi~.deprutmeDta ~Coune ,will. be. conduc:tl!ld-:on:"tbe, "UIJiverSityofTexas., 4 .~ ~: \_ '~'! his. book '. 'A ~~, history~ ~: lity of the'automobiles of the day. -pent-updemDdforhighwaytravel. to produce qu.1ifWt 81gi-1J in ~~campusthismanthuwerethe J'.I::FOUR.DlS11lIcr~GINEERS-':~exas.A&tM UniWnity 187&.~976 ' ~d to the unforeseen cxmditions of (;, When -the '!iIen/ice.IieD. came home 'highway -design aDd ~-a....," 62 previous short courses. Hi~way . .;..:.Except .for approximately '-;four . .of Cadets ~ tlwro.d. to Bryan about :loads lII"intained principally by ~ ~"from the .war most ~ne;had... Hundreds:. of: tbe8e highway 'eag- ~Blgi'~, ~ .otber"pr~,nnaIs~~ .ih:e..early,.l94Os,~.{'~.~are~~wn..Da!'- : lunteerlaborin each community. . .::. :;'money for new automobiles-and ineers.have,.woriced for the depart-- 'frcIn~ the state ~~ .';'~'~hashad~1our.CIis- ~-.:row'~ lane.~ ~,~.~ , .' ~cull'lGLOSTWASEA5Y',: tbeywerebougbtuquicldya'tbey .'ment and moved up ttu~.the .:for,threl;daJ'-of,~~l.........l'~~'~SJ'-:"L-JoIm.~_~~n-f'~~~~~~'~inade 'J, Road maps were rare or nonex- wereproclur::ed..Therewasnomore ranb to....:adminict:l~&.., Otben ;Thesabjea.~"lis~.and_~J..4btric:toffice~,~.in 1921~~co~~~a:aE- . ;.istent. One aid to .travel1era..was a gasT..tinningaDde........1budywanted "moved-in to private iDdustzy:aD! :'!,&'<''P'''' .....I.by both.d.ep.o..l..~.t.em: .;.;,_chl!lwdab.~~~~ .;.~rr~y'~'~~u:"~i~tely : IWrativedesaiptiono(theroutebe- totravel.Highwayswerebeingbuilt formed.cxmstruction m~ ~ ~pLJ -tA.H(facuhy~ ~~ .'i!-tFtiMu&&T:J957~~..;~.;the.f:~-iehides:per4aYtraftlirig~ ' · tween two points. The following is... as fast - plans could be ~ ..built the highwar- and bridgea;tbat ~,,~'~Hllaf.HlJaNG~~~.:,.,:;:...:~.Jie'~'.in ~ DaVY ;'t~'BryanaDa:~~...:......: ~an excerpt from~. ~-tourw-:'. and...-MlaJaJdbe~ - -'-':'~'weredesignedbytbeir~p.a.. ? .-Mauy'Agiesuf~J'IBIS ~.~.t~~~~C:M-G.u~''''-'>7;if~f~i~~.~PllOA?S ;;".~ . ~tng~e.19lSediti~andind~ :'In the five yoar'periad bcnI~ '....-A&tM:and ur both.created -c~b.(doee.tia-:widi ldgh,,!.,~ in:~.--wn-rframJuIy~,~~::~]'~~~,~~~.ata~_ '1:y sam Ie Carol Enloe in the trans- . 1945 and 195D, motor vebide regia-. -reIl!IUdl .ft~'i"'- 'a--put of -their iJtbe ~ VaBey.-~ ~~~...AugUIt.~~:1'bames ..eried.asj1JJS; ~'~.~!~~.3 ~1lOrtation section of ''Brazos County trations in T~ dimbed from 1:1 ':.systems. Texas Tl'BNpO&t.d:Iou Insti- .;pmed to. haft said that. an army' .'CIiatrict I!ftgJ~ at Bryan from1.9S7 'Brazos CoimtY rn2int2n-f by die : l~ - -gbt FutuM." ,miI6Dn........!ban 3.1...- In _ at A&M .... c...... far T..... ...- ods - _.... UDtil _ Joe _ wu _ . State Department of H;gh~ sod .This guide gave directions for the addition to the funding of major portation Research.at ur were ~ ob....~ that the Corps of Cadets " engineerfrom 1966 until 1977, when . Public: Transportation. . r~s : Houston to Waco road. '. highwarsr the IegisI.ature passed the ganized to. provide i. rdl in - tzavela on its .thumb. In the days the ament ~ engineI:r, Carol. 'County ~.. 469 miles. of . Co1son-Briscoe AJ::t of 1949. This act highway materials and COl...tu..buaL when few AggIe ..,.<I--b1 bad. auto- . Zeigler. was appomted. ..;. . . '. county roads ntmM~ the cmporate :MilesfromHoustaJ'l n--.;ption c:aDedforanammalappropriationof Both m and erR are.&~.:._t .~ wbetber ~'~ of ~ The Bryan. d,istrid has woric.ed.._limitsofBryanand,C~Statio~ " S15 million from the state xmeraI worJdwide as laden in highway .DUe Z'I!UDaS or UD:I.._.a1'~ lDOJ'8,cbeIy'with A&M tban:any -., "This total mileage Ci public: roaas ~i2A Wellborn. station on left, straigh; fund for the CDIIStI&Jd:ion of 6DD to J'elII!U'Cb. Because of their efforts :tions. hitch-hiking was a popular, other district because of ita loc:ation.. is less than that shown OIl a BraiDs 1 nor t h) a Ion g . R . R. market roads.. Uter, the act... tlwmIaDda of lives haft bem IaWld lIDdmuc:hUII:sHormoftrawl.Itwaa ..It is ~ ~ Joe ~ ".'.County..map of 1916 but the nat1Ue "S3.o_CurveleftacrossR.R. then right amended to add 58 million -- to .through. building, u!er bridges. . a ..nnn.nn sight to aee long lines of ..was the only Aggie of the four dis- .of. today's'roads.and traffic ~ ,clong R.R.; graded clay road.. -the annual coDau_bon ofFM IOMl& highways.' sign Sut'fOdS and otba' c::ad.ets at East Gale or the Cnl~ tria--g;.-s DIlI!ntioned above. .. :! bears.littIe r-o-nhl.- to that aHa )6.s TumrigbtaaossR.R. i ~urBlCHWAYCENIERS sUety~_wetake-r-t AViI!DUe Baptilt. Omrcb in do~ -CO~GROWIH'., .yearugo." .:: ~"hen left along R.R. I, The history of the HidnnrY De- '.lJmovative mftStl Ydion '.....hrvf. town Bryan waiting to catch a ride . Community growth and transpor- -'What does'tbi futm:e bold for 1& 'a.s--:..PasaCollegeStationonleft. partment is dDseiY tied to .Texas.;.;..'hPe' been deveJoped and 1IIIique fora_ ~ out of town ora Corps . bIDon growth are interdependent. highway ayIteID in Brazos CounsJl ._~ . . . - . EadI tends to influence and shape Probably, as in the put, existiu . The histoJy of the hi~way system .' the ~ther. When the AckM camP'l' . "routes .wfll be. widened, expanded . in Brazo. County also\involves peo-. originallywup1anned, ~ ~ced west ,..and recoNtruded.to . meet trafIic pie who played a role in d~oping . because ~ to the pnnapal form I.. dema.ncU and then! will be reiatiWlf . that I)'*m. As no~.~, ~ibh_ of transportation. the. railroad, and:: ~fewmiJeaofhighwaywherenorofa GUcluist is credited With estabJish.: ,Wellborn Road were to tlte west.. . exists today. H predictions of groWJ;t\ 'lng the ~ organizational When Texas ~ was routed 'along.: fortheBrazDs"a11eypopu1ati~ ba- strw:ture of the Highway Depart- ..Texas Avenue m the 193Os, East Gate: sinesa industly: and education..;e 'ment and estab~ . climate of became the front entrance to ~:. rea.so~ly.....-aa::urate,.. mmparaDle professional com~ce. When he campus. .'. growth in the transportation syste!t\ left the department in 1931, he was . Today the highway system bears. ~:.can be ~C The transportatiQn named as dean of, engineering at little resem~1ance to that of earIJer .System of or 75 years in the fu~ Texas A&:M. He was appointed pre- ~ Certainly one of ~ Spanish. --might. appear' as strange.to toda~6 .iident in 1944 and four years later colonista who lead a ~ of ~ : traveler as the.Texu 6 expressway was named the first chancellor of the mules along OSR could not envision .' .would appear to the 1916 driver:n:.. AIcM ~~ serving as chancellor w~ hecouklsee here today. Mark tempting to follow the B.F. ~ until 1953. .' ' Swam who propo~ a new bridge touringguideaao..B1'IZ08Count.I~ GREER HEADS DEPARTMENT across the .B~s River in 1925 might _ D.C. Greer served as state high- also find it difficult to mmprehend Carol D. Zelgl..ia Bryan cIatriClenglni8r way engineer from 1940 to 1968. It is the vol~e of traffic using that route far the State Oepanrnent 0' Highways_ doubtful that any of his IIl1CCes5Ors . today. Public Transportation. Nick Tumham~ will ever approach this tenure..The . He might not be surprised to ~ pubtic affaira office... In the Bryan dsfDCt ,greatest growth in highway mn- that the volume of horae-drawn wa- ..olfic:e. _ .:.:. atruction and mileage occurred dur- . ing Greer's administration. Farm to market roads were built, new state and Us. highways were cOnstructed :and the interstate highway system .:~~~~-:=.;~.~': ~~'DerythingOld .:' . .theA&M~pusBincehisdayaas._, .: ~N~S~If!!!:~....; .' '.C~NTf:NNIAL ~~.i_ t.an ~gi~ student and a tram- '.'.. ,'.' "'~" _,.'_. .~.~,' .,.... ~.._ ~ ~ l_intheAggieD__...a ~ , . ." - .:.'~_. .............._ ~ .:1uu"'P-r~ J;NIDU.CIU-......" . ~.." \ . '-:~ .').,... ..:JI.:.;;..... . ....r~ :"<;'\.t .poealsfromthe1ocalareastobuDd. ~"'/ ....:... ";" -' '-'" ':. ~"-"': AG~ 'i..,:;;..i..F,,:: ':; " . -..... " ,., . .. ..' 'o" ,... .FnlnI.....ot..EAgle ".state high va IleI'Ving the campus . -.....' . :' . .; -.' ~ ....:... i . :;- ", '.,:' . '. '~.' ....~1:~.1~:1;';~~ Y~~~~~';~~~~~=-~~i~~~:-:~ ,~....\ :..>~,.~,.~'..- ;::. e;veasw:h=FM60,fM2l64and.FM.~':' ;~l"',.~."_...,...~_~.~:--. , .,~~~....-:-~. ;y1'Ofl1 . ",rder. . '-"" '~_. _ '._1..: -i ~, . ~'. . ,.....:. .,' .':... \ . _." . _"-.#_ .. ~+ .",. .:- .:-. :,<-+.4::!~':~:~~~~'>4~..~;..:;o~_";~._",-n,/,""':\,""':" ';t.;, ,,r.., ....... ~""""",Ij~-'.f'Oll-"''' ~""""f""'" "1'/';:" ~.,,~ ':.- .~~.. _"~':"'~;:;""'-1 -- ..... .' " ," _. -'1 ~ . , ~ ." .:. ,.. . ::,"\ ~'. :)..~ .<?:~ _ 4 .. .. . ........ H .:..._. " ) -~. ..~ '".' '.~.' . ...,. ...::.~~......., ";, '-'- : HOUSTON ';o'wA2~~'H';G~~~/';:', .....t . \ ~ '. ,PF.;OR TO 1930'S .'. '. ,..,~ ' ,. '---'-.I~ __'___ .. ~ ~ 930'_5 TO ,1.972 ~ .~.~ .:..',., .... . ' ~ '" PRESENT .~ :.~ _.' ,.~, ;:,.... _ ~'" ;"'; .: . . ..' . -, 6" , - . .-.. --- -'.--- '. .t" . . .. ,.... ....'#' ......CDUl-.pCIII_S-~CIII......,....AMcT~ . . - " -.'.. -..-- '-' -" '- '..~ -- - .. . . ___ "_A'" I I I I I I I" ,. i '~-I.'~:""4.z,..':.",_.""~'" . --, ~._-. ,: 'Fram"~oI..s_o.p.nmemolHlghwayaandPubllc:T,.,.sponaIlOn ~ ~n ~as' e~ected f~r ceremo~ies markiilg the dose of the old bridge on T e~as ~~ spanning the Brazos Riverbetween~rtesonandBrazoscounties. .",' ,...: /.;:'_.' ' --'. ." .- .... . """~ -. - . ~,.. ~.;: .~~:. ~~--:"':"* ~-' - - .1Ht.~ -"c'~'" .~~~""'t-';~,.{iJ~~~IVAt:;";~ .~.., ~ ,,40 ~ ~. ._IP -.. ""'~:.. ~. ~..7":[~,..\:.,.l!:~;;.-=.~~,r:.}.:;;;;~i;~ -- '; v -.L .,.., ....) ....._...*'.... f. ....c-.~_...._ 'f...... "~.,".~ - u,~ ~ ~ ~ (' oo!. .. ~ ';.~:,: ~:. ._.... >> ~ ~i:lo... ,,:,. "p ..........~~..;..;p;: ::e.:";':f~. ".~,,: . .,.;.; .~~";\: :.." .:,~.~ 't"'';''':~ .. -"":r:i~~.:;'i~~~ - ?'1i~:.:..., .. r,) . -r,"'''"'~'''rs t ",-.. ~-R'R- 11)t'r. !,' ..' ''', ........ ,-'. l" :""'''-:1\-'' n ,. (i'!l' '-~. ')1:" -t."".;....:....:-:.;,..' .': ..-:'"...~l..~.~: ~ ~ ,~. n I>, -r.., ..,' '~r.l' . . ."J:ti:. . _ ~. ,~ . ...."'~.i"'.......... ~_I;jtf. ~Di\'" 'J:. "'i7~J':~^' ;,;.---i-....: ":"'~-I_' 'b"'~! ~"fIr'~ ~1..~;w.4~,,, 'V..'It' ~ ,....:..",-..~~... :--. .....~ t:t:..-;.~'~.!:u.~ f:I~*'._....:t '" .~',V." :.....ot. ...:. ~~ . ~__...~;'-~'Z~';'L_':'l"2~').... ~~,i '>~ ".....~.. : .... ~ _v', ..'t.;..... ~:.z ......... 'r~...C:"""'" "l ......~. __.." ..... '.......~". (; ..v...~.....,'~ ' ..~4L2i;,~..:. . ...~~.:-."'. . _ v v," ,.. . _ .. _ . --!~..r.::~ ';;~-:>,<;.J. ._.r.> ~ ,. ._ . ..' . . : ~ 01 ' .... PubIO T.-.panaIlOn . . . FnIm"~oI"S-~ ~ , '.. . .;..., . '" ,- .. .Carel Zeigler. resident engmeer with 'In.an'Oct. 10. '1984. -ceremony. '.:i resents a plaque from the Bryan District of the H'sgttway D:B~OS River from 1931 to the bridge on ~ex~ ~~that ~an; gf the 6yrteson County t:tistorical 1984 to Cathenn9. Aft . ~~, W-_.-J I"'. corton Looking on at . '.' -.-'. r>:..rteson CO'.J~ty JUd!J9 .......,s, ..a.. . Society. and i:)W R.J MO'ck"Holmyreen. '. \ .., ':~_'! right is Brazos County Judge . I _ . ! . ...... 1 --- ~ I.. ~ . t. ',:':