HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/2012 - Report: - Sunset Advisory Committee(*O r"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' June 14, 2012 SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION FINAL SUNSET REPORT TO: College Station City Council FROM: Sunset Advisory Commission RE: Final Sunset Review and Recommendations Dear Mayor and City Council, On February 4, 2011, City Council approved Ordinance 2011-33119 creating the Sunset Advisory Commission. During the regularly scheduled 2011 -2012 Committee appointments, a Commission made up of six members was appointed and tasked with reviewing all City Council appointed boards, commissions and committees. The Sunset Advisory Commission was charged with completing this review within the twelve months stated in the ordinance. Due to complications with member attendance and lack of quorum, the application process was again opened to the public, and three new members were appointed to the Commission at the December 8, 2011 regular City Council meeting. Two of these new appointees were to replace members who resigned due to schedule conflicts. Mr. Dick Birdwell was originally appointed by City Council to chair the committee, but with deep regret was forced to resign in December. Mr. Birdwell was an integral part of the Sunset Advisory Commission, and his recommendations for Commission procedures and knowledge of city policy were unmatched. Chairman Birdwell passed away before this report could be completed, but his name will remain on the report to recognize the work he did on this Commission. The Sunset Advisory Commission met a total of seven times to discuss possible recommendations for each board, commission and committee governed by the College Station City Council. The Sunset Advisory Commission started by setting guidelines on how each committee would be reviewed. It was decided that a questionnaire would be distributed to all committee members serving on a Council appointed board. Each Chairperson and Staff Liaison was required to fill out the questionnaire, and all committee members were encouraged to do the same. During the regular meeting on December 15, 2011, each Sunset Advisory Commission member was assigned specific committees to review, and a deadline for questionnaires was set for February 29, 2012. The following report is a brief description of the current charge and policies set for each board, commission and committee, followed by the Sunset Advisory Commission recommendations approved on June 11, 2012. Sincerely, Gary Erwin Chairman Sunset Advisory Commission REPORT OF THE SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPROVED ON JUNE 11, 2012 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Members Dick Birdwell, Chairman Gary Erwin, Chairman Merribeth Kahlich Ann Marsh M.D. Marshall Kay Parker Betty Trost Sunset Advisory Commission Recommendations: 1. B /CS Library Committee A. As approved by City Council minutes from October 23, 1997 and a yearly Interlocal Agreement, the B /CS Library Committee shall encourage the development of the Bryan /College Station Library System. The Committee shall recommend to the City Council policies and programs for the advancement of the Bryan /College Station Library System; cooperating with all other public and private groups in advancing the best interests of the Bryan/College Station Library System. The Committee shall render to City Council all its recommendations under consideration regarding the Bryan /College Station Library System. The City Council currently has four appointees serving on this committee. Meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November during the third Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. (locations rotate between Bryan & College Station libraries). B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the B /CS Library Committee has maintained its original purpose and meets the criteria set forth in the yearly Interlocal Agreement with the City of Bryan. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the B /CS Library Committee. 2. Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenways Advisory Board A. As per Ordinance 2010 -3265, approved by City Council on August 12, 2010, the Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenways Advisory Board advises City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and other appointed boards and commissions on all matters concerning bicycling, walking and greenways within the City of College Station. The Board provides recommendations on adopted plans, policy, and standards, as well as having a role in setting priorities, programs and advocacy. The Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenways Advisory Board currently consists of seven members. Meetings are held at 3 p.m. the first Monday of each month in Council Chambers at City Hall. B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenways Advisory Board has maintained its original purpose, continues to take direction from City Council, make regular reports to said Council, and meets regularly with a large majority of members present at all posted meetings. The Board serves a specific purpose to the community and is relevant to the current interests of the City of College Station. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board. 3. Cemetery Committee A. As per Resolution 1- 23- 97 -6 -d, approved by City Council on January 23, 1997, the Cemetery Committee is charged with committing their time to ensure appropriate rules and regulations are in place, to address citizen concerns with cemetery policy and make recommendations to the regulations governing the aesthetics of cemetery property. The Cemetery Committee currently consists of seven members. Meetings are held on call by committee chair. B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Cemetery Committee has completed its charge and responsibilities to the City, and any further direction regarding City cemetery matters can be handled by City staff. The Sunset Advisory Commission found that Cemetery Committee meetings were held infrequently and the major projects listed by committee member questionnaires have been completed. The Sunset Advisory Commission recommends City Council sunset the Cemetery Committee. 4. Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals A. As per Ordinance 1919, stated in the Unified Development Ordinance, Chapter 3, the duties and responsibilities of this board are to hear appeals of decisions, consider interpretations of the Building Official, and to consider variances to the terms of the technical codes. The Construction Board of Adjustments currently consists of five members and three alternate members. Meetings are held on call by committee chair. B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission reports that the Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals (CBA) was created by Local Government Code (LGC) statute. Changing the operations of the CBA for additional function or combining the CBA with other planning based committees would create a direct conflict with the functions set. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals. 5. Charter Review Advisory Committee A. As per Ordinance 2011 -3318, the Charter Review Advisory Committee (CRAC) shall perform and complete a thorough review of the College Station City Charter. The Committee shall inquire into the operation of City government under the charter provisions and determine whether any such provisions require revision. The Committee shall propose any recommendations it may deem desirable to ensure compliance with the provisions of the charter by the departments of the City government. The Committee shall propose, if it deems desirable, amendments to the Charter to improve the effective application of said charter to current conditions. The Committee shall report its findings and present its proposed amendments, if any, to the City Council. The Charter Review Advisory Committee currently consists of nine members. Meetings are held the 1 st and 3 d Wednesday of each month. B. Recommendation: The Charter Review Advisory Committee is ordered by above mentioned Ordinance to be sunset by discretion of City Council once a charter review has been complete. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Charter Review Advisory Committee. 6. Design Review Board A. Asper Ordinance 2879, stated in the Unified Development Ordinance, the Design Review Board is established for the purpose of enhancing the City's ability to review sign, building and site design issues, including architectural issues as specified in the UDO, by bringing expertise from the community to bear on these issues in designated design districts. The Design Review Board currently consists of seven members and two alternate members. Meetings are held on call as needed. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Design Review Board in comprised of members chosen specifically for their design expertise. While the board meets infrequently, the Sunset Advisory Commission finds that changing the design specific board would alter its original purpose negatively. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Design Review Board. 7. Historic Preservation Committee A. As per Ordinance 1646, creating the committee, and Ordinance 2025 & 2505, amending the committee, the Historic Preservation Committee is charged with aiding in the collection and preservation of the history of College Station and its environs, and providing for the education of citizens on the history of the City. The Historic Preservation Committee currently consists of nine members. Meetings are held every first Monday of the Month at 4:00 p.m. at the College Station Conference Center. B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Historic Preservation Committee maintains a purpose within the community. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Historic Preservation Committee. 8. Landmark Commission A. Asper Ordinance 3110, stated in the Unified Development Ordinance, the Landmark Commission was established for the purpose of enhancing the City's ability to identify and protect historically and/or culturally significant districts, areas, sites, building and structures by bringing expertise from the community in those areas related to the designation of Historical Preservation Overlay Districts and protection of the contributing elements within. The Landmark Commission originally held meetings in January, April, July and October on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Recently the Landmark Commission voted to change their meeting schedule to meet once a year or on call as needed. B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Landmark Commission is a part of the UDO. The Sunset Advisory Commission finds the sunset of the Landmark Commission would eliminate the ability to identify and protect historical districts and designate Historical Overlay Districts. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Landmark Commission. 9. Joint Relief Funding Review Committee A. As per Resolution 5- 26- 88 -12, the City of College Station and the City of Bryan annually receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Federal regulations allow for up to 15% annual CDBG grant to be allocated to public services. Both City Councils supported the allocation of the maximum funds allowable. The City of College Station and the City of Bryan work in a joint process to allocate these funds to local non - profit agencies who will provide direct services to low income residents of the Bryan /College Station community. The Joint Relief Funding Review Committee currently has three appointees serving on this committee. Meetings are generally held weekly during April and May, but the schedule can be extended depending on the volume of applications received. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee maintains its purpose in partnership with the City of Bryan appointees. The six - member committee conducts a yearly review of applications from eligible programs, makes site visits to the agencies, ranks the applications, and finally, recommends funding allocations to each City Council. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations. 10. Lick Creek Park Nature Center Advisory Committee A. As per Resolution 06- 23- 11 -2f, adopted by City Council on June 23, 2011, the Lick Creek Park Nature Center Advisory Committee (LCPNCAC) is charged with providing input regarding design features for the Center, input on Center amenities, input on future facility programming, and participating in the design charette process. The LCPNCAC currently consists of eleven members. Meetings are held on call by the committee chairman. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the LCPNCAC is set to sunset as per the creating resolution on July 1, 2012, unless reauthorized by the City Council. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the LCPNCAC. 11. Medical Corridor Advisory Committee A. As per Resolution 03- 24- 11 -2c, the Medical Corridor Advisory Committee, through the Economic Development Department, advises, guides and provides feedback and assistance to the Economic Development Department, City Manager and City Council. The City of College Station is partnered with the College Station Medical Center and other stakeholders to realize the Medical Corridor in the southern portion of the City that acts as a focused healthcare and wellness district. The Medical Corridor Advisory Committee currently consists of 38 members, but can board up to fifty members acting as stakeholders or community representatives. Meetings are held on call by the board. B. Recommendation: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that this Committee is a stakeholders board and not subject to Sunset Review. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Medical Corridor Advisory Committee. 12. Parks and Recreation Board A. As per Ordinance 1137, the Parks and Recreation Board exists to advise City Council on all matters concerning the establishment, maintenance and operations of all parks within the City of College Station. This board also gives advice regarding the establishment and operation of recreation programs conducted by the City for its citizens. The board assists in making recommendations for parks planning and maintains a current list of goals and priorities. The Parks and Recreation Board currently consists of eight members. Meetings are held monthly, every second Tuesday in the Green Room at Wolf Creek Park. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Parks and Recreation Board meets regularly and maintains a scope of work that reflects the original purpose of the committee. The Board takes direction and seeks Council input regularly. The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Board's work is viable to the Parks Department and their outlined goals are consistent with the needs of the community. The Sunset Advisory Board has no new recommendations for the Parks and Recreation Board. 13. Planning and Zoning Commission A. As per original Ordinance 682, and amending Ordinances 1233, 1805 and 2017 (Unified Development Ordinance), and by state statute, the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a review body to recommend changes in development codes and the zoning ordinances to the City Council. The Commission prepares, adopts and modifies a comprehensive plan for the city for ultimate review by City Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission also prepares subdivision regulations, zoning ordinances and amendments thereto for recommendation to City Council. The Commission also has final authority over all plats submitted to the City and performs all other duties assigned by statute and City Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission currently consists of seven members. Meetings are held every first and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Planning and Zoning Commission is required by City Charter, Code of Ordinance and state statute. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Planning and Zoning Commission. 14. Senior Advisory Committee A. Asper City Council recommendation, the Senior Advisory Committee was originally created as an ad -hoc sub- committee of the Parks and Recreation Board and held their first meeting on January 26, 1999. The purpose of the Senior Advisory Committee is to address the needs of older adults living in the community. The committee offers suggestions for programs and activities to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department that will promote the physical, social, educational, recreational and emotional well being of seniors. The Senior Advisory Committee currently consists of 15 members of College Station residents, age 55 and older. Meetings are held the last Monday of each month at the Southwood Community Center. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Senior Advisory Committee continues to offer an avenue for senior development in the community. The Senior Advisory Committee remains viable due to the growing senior population in College Station and continues to provide guidance on active senior living, programming catering to the senior community and an outlet to voice senior community concerns. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations. 15. Sunset Advisory Commission A. As per Ordinance 2011 -3319, approved by City Council on February 24, 2011, the Sunset Advisory Committee serves as an advisory body to the City Council concerning whether a public need exists for the continuation of a City board, commission or committee or for the performance of the functions of the City board, commission or committee. The Sunset Advisory Commission currently consists of 6 members. The Commission no longer calls meetings. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that they have met their purpose in submitting a final Sunset Review Report to the City Council. The Sunset Advisory Commission will automatically sunset following report review by City Council. 16. Zoning Board of Adiustments A. As per Local Government Code 211.008 (V.T.C.S.) and Ordinance 1638, approved on March 13, 1986, the Zoning Board of Adjustments hears and decides appeals for interpretations, special exceptions, and variances to the terms of the zoning ordinance as well as use permits. Other duties are outlined in the ordinances and statutes from which it is created. The Zoning Board of Adjustments currently consists of six members and two alternates. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, as needed. B. Recommendations: The Sunset Advisory Commission finds that the Zoning Board of Adjustments is required by state statute and Code of Ordinance. The Sunset Advisory Commission has no new recommendations for the Zoning Board of Adjustments. This report was approved unanimously by the Sunset Advisory Commission during the Regular Meeting on Monday, June 11, 2012. /s/ GARY ERWIN Chairman