HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-2630 - Ordinance - 04/24/2003ORDINANCE NO. 2630 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, "BUSINESS REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 4, "Business Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 24th day of April, 2003. APPROVED: RON~3IL~~, Ma~or ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: ciiy Affo-meY o/group/legal/ordinances/2003 towing ordinance, doc ORDNANCE NO. 2630 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 4, "Business Regulations", Section 10, "Wrecker & Vehicle Storage Business Regulations," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended in its entirety as set out hereafter to read as follows: "SECTION 10: TOW TRUCK & VEHICLE STORAGE BUSINESS REGULATIONS A. DEFINITIONS (1) Consent Tow means any tow of a vehicle initiated by the owner or operator of the vehicle or by a person who has possession, custody, or control of the vehicle. The term does not include a tow of a vehicle initiated by a peace officer investigating a traffic accident or a traffic incident that involves the vehicle. (2) Non-Consent Tow means any tow of a vehicle that is not a consent tow. (3) Parking Facility means any public or private property used, in whole or in part, for restricted and/or paid parking of vehicles. The term includes a restricted space on a portion of an otherwise unrestricted parking facility, a commercial parking lot, a parking garage, and a parking area serving or adjacent to a business, church, school, home, apartment complex, property governed by a property owner's association, or government-owned property leased to a private person. (4) Parking Facility Owner means an owner or operator of a parking facility, including any lessee, employee, or agent of an owner or operator. (5) Person means an individual, a corporation, organization, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, joint venture, association, or other legal entity. (6) Tow Away means a tow that is conducted from a Parking Facility and without the consent of the owner or operator of that vehicle, but with the parking facility's authorization. (7) Tow Business means the business of towing or removing vehicles compensation, or the expectation of compensation, regardless of whether the purpose of the towing is to remove, repair, wreck, store, trade, or purchase vehicles. (8) Tow Company means an individual, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity engaged in the tow business and includes the owner, operator, employee or agent of the tow company, but does not include a political subdivision of the state. For the purposes of this ordinance, each such legal entity is considered a separate tow company. o/group/legal/ordinances~2003 towing ordinance, doc ORDIN~CE NO. 2630 Page 3 Bo (9) Tow Rotation List means a list prepared and maintained by the College Station Police Department of tow companies which have requested and qualified to appear thereon. (lO) Tow Truck means a vehicle, including a wrecker, equipped with a mechanical device used to tow, winch, or otherwise move another vehicle. (11) Tow Truck License means the certification of registration issued to a tow company by the Texas Department of Transportation, listing all tow trucks licensed to operate for that tow company within the state. (12) Unauthorized Vehicle means any vehicle parked, stored, or located in or on a parking facility without the consent of the parking facility owner. (13) Vehicle means a device in, on, or by which a person or property may be transported on a public roadway. The term includes an operable or inoperable automobile, track, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, or trailer, but does not include a device moved by human power or used exclusively on a stationary rail or track. (14) Vehicle Storage Facility (VSF) means a garage, parking lot, or any facility owned or operated by a person other than a governmental entity for storing or parking ten (10) or more vehicles. Ten (10) or more vehicles shall mean the capacity to park or store ten (10) or more vehicles per year. (15) Vehicle Storage Facility License means the license issued by the Texas Department of Transportation/Motor Carder Division authorizing a business to store vehicles. LICENSE REQUIRED (1) Unlawful to Overate without License It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the tow business and make non- consent tows in the City of College Station unless such person possesses a current, valid tow truck license that lists each tow truck operated by that tow company. (2) Vehicle Storage Facility Each tow company performing non-consent tows shall utilize a Texas Department of Transportation licensed VSF located within Brazos County. (3) Police Insoection Any tow truck performing non-consent tows within the city limits of College Station may be inspected by an official of the College Station Police Department at any time the tow truck is being operated on the public streets as a tow truck. Such inspections may be conducted to ensure required licenses and compliance with this ordinance and state law. Further, upon the request of the Chief of Police or his designee, a tow company performing non-consent tows within the City o/group/legal/ordinances/2003 towing ordinance, doc ORDINANCE NO. 2630 Page 4 Ce shall produce records from VSFs used for non-consent tows to ensure compliance with the maximum rates established under this ordinance and other requirements of this ordinance and state law. TOW ROTATION LIST (1) Oualifications The College Station Police Department shall establish and maintain a tow rotation list. Each tow company is qualified to be on such list if it maintains a twenty-four (24) hour tow service; has one (1) telephone number which is answered twenty- four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week; and uses a VSF that meets or exceeds the Americans With Disabilities Act ("ADA") accessibility criteria established by the United States Department of Justice. To be eligible to be placed on the tow rotation list, a tow company shall certify in writing that the VSF meets or exceeds the criteria set forth on an ADA accessibility form, a copy of which will be provided by the City at the time the tow company applies for inclusion on the tow rotation list. Only those tow trucks that are included on the tow company's tow truck license are authorized to respond to a rotation call. A tow company may not substitute a tow truck from a different tow company to respond. (2) License Each tow company requesting placement on the tow rotation list must possess a tow truck license that lists each tow truck operated by that tow company. (3) Forfeiture of Calls Failure of any tow truck to respond to the location dispatched by the City within thirty (30) minutes of being called will result in the forfeiture of that call and shall be considered a violation of this ordinance. (4) Temporary Removal From List Should a tow company wish to be removed from the tow rotation list for a specific period of time, the tow company shall notify the College Station Police Department dispatch. It shall be the tow company's responsibility to notify dispatch when the tow company wishes to return to the tow rotation list. (5) Unneeded Calls If a tow company is called to respond to a scene by a police officer and subsequently is not needed, that tow company will be placed as "next in line" on the tow rotation list. If a tow truck responds and performs minor service that enables the vehicle to be driven, and for which a small or no fee is charged, that tow company will be placed as "next in line" on the tow rotation list. This situation is considered a "drop fee" incident. o/group/legal~ordinances~2003 towing ordinance, doc ORDINANCE NO. 2630 Page 5 (6) Fee for Being on Tow Rotation List A tow company desiring to be placed on the tow rotation list shall pay an annual administrative fee of $200 to defray the cost of administering, updating and maintaining the tow rotation list. This fee shall not be prorated or refundable and will be assessed to each tow company. D. FEES TO BE CHARGED BY TOW COMPANIES The maximum "rotation" fee charged by tow companies performing non-consent tows for vehicles weighing up to and including 10,000 GVW is $100. The maximum "tow away" fee is $75. The maximum "drop fee" is $40. Itemized receipts shall be provided to owners or operators at the time payment of tow related fees is made. Violations of this provision may result in suspension or removal from the tow rotation list, and criminal penalties against the offender. The fee structure will be reviewed by City Council on an annual basis. E. DRIVING TOW TRUCKS TO SCENE OF COLLISION PROHIBITED No tow company shall drive, or cause to be driven, a tow track to or near the scene of a collision on a street within the City unless such tow company has been called to the scene by the College Station Police Department or by a vehicle owner/operator involved in the collision. F. SOLICITING TOWING BUSINESS ON CITY STREET PROHIBITED No tow company shall solicit in any manner, directly or indirectly, a person owning/operating any vehicle which is wrecked or involved in a traffic accident on a public street. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the solicitation is for the purpose of soliciting the business of towing, repairing, selling, or purchasing such vehicle. G, IMPOUND TOWS , , Any police officer investigating an accident or offense within the City may order the impoundment of any vehicle involved therein when, in the judgment of such officer, criminal prosecution will be involved as a result of such event, or when it is necessary to impound such vehicle to secure evidence, or when the owner or occupant of the vehicle is unable or fails to have such vehicle removed. The fees to be charged for impound tows will not exceed the maximum rates allowed under this ordinance or state law. H. DUTIES OF TOW COMPANIES It shall be the obligation of all tow companies under this section to operate the tow business in a safe manner, to include but not be limited to the following: o/group/legal~ordinances~2003 towing ordinance, doc ORDINANCE NO. 2630 Page 6 Jo (1) Taking Direction from Investigating Officer Upon arrival at the scene of a collision within the City, tow truck operators shall take directions on when to engage or tow from the police officer investigating the collision. (2) Removin~ Debris of Collision Tow truck operators that engage and tow any vehicle from the scene of a collision within the City shall remove all debris of the collision from the public street. This duty specifically includes the removal of vehicle parts, glass, and other debris. Such debris shall be disposed of in a lawful manner which will keep it out of the gutters, storm sewers, streams, public fights-of-way, or property not belonging to the tow company. (3) Disen~a~in~ A tow truck that removes a vehicle from the original location shall not disengage from the vehicle until the vehicle has been deposited with the appropriate VSF except when the vehicle is released to the owner or operator or when the owner or operator specifies the location of disengagement. This restriction is enacted to prohibit tow trucks from engaging an unauthorized vehicle in a parking facility and moving it to a close location, then returning for another unauthorized vehicle, ultimately towing all the relocated vehicles to a VSF. (4) Drops A tow truck that has "connected" a vehicle for towing shall release the vehicle to its owner or operator upon payment of the "drop fee" and will not tow the vehicle, except when the vehicle is being taken into custody by a police officer. A vehicle is "connected" if it is at least partially attached to the tow truck or when skates/dollies have been placed under the vehicle. A vehicle is not "connected" if the tow truck has merely backed up to the vehicle. ADMINIST~TIVE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS In addition to the criminal penalties imposed for violations of state law or this ordinance, any tow company on the tow rotation list that violates this ordinance or state law may be subject to sanctions by the Chief of Police, depending upon the nature of infraction, number of infractions, and other circumstances. The sanctions shall range from written notification of violation with warning to, and including, removal from the tow rotation list. REPORT OF TOWING OF UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE TO POLICE DISPATCHER The VSF that receives a vehicle from a tow truck that removed the vehicle from private or public property within College Station and on a non-consent basis, shall notify the City of College Station Police Department Public Safety Dispatch office within one (1) hour o/group/legal/ordinances/2003 towing ordinance, doc ORDINANCE NO. 2630 Page 7 of receiving the vehicle. include: The information to be provided in such notification shall (1) The general description (brand, model, color) of the vehicle towed, including the state and the license plate, if any; (2) The tow company name that towed the vehicle; (3) The location/address fi'om which the vehicle was towed and reason; (4) The date and time the vehicle was removed from the location; (5) The date and time the vehicle was accepted at the VSF, and (6) The street address and phone number of the VSF where the vehicle is located. Such reports shall be made by telephone or in person. A VSF must release vehicles during the time the VSF accepts vehicles. If the VSF accepts vehicles on a twenty-four (24) hour a day basis, it shall release vehicles on the same basis, with one (1) hour notice." o/group/legal/ordinances/2003 towing ordinance, doc