HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 101002 Facade Gwoeco"",w.cm 8-tr City of College Station Facade Improvement Program Advisory Committee Minutes for the October 10, 2002 Meeting Committee Members Present Rick Lemons, Karen Kasper, Dr. Valerian Miranda, Alexandra Davis as designee for Bill Lancaster (Historic Preservation Committee), Bob Mosley (City Engineer), Jane Kee (City Planner) and Randy Brumley (CD Administrator) Staff Present Eric Barton, Bridgette George, Molly Hitchcock Visitors Present Mr. Don Ganter Mr. Barton introduced Alexandra Davis, who was presiding for Mr. Lancaster, as designee of the Historic Preservation Committee. Mr. Lemons called the PIP Advisory Committee meeting to order at approximately 8:35 AM. Mr. Ganter, as Owner of Satchels Restaurant, was present to answer any questions the committee may have regarding the alterations to his building. I. II. III. Consideration of Absence Reauests There were no absentee requests available to be considered. Review of Minutes from Au2:ust 21, 2002 FIP Meetin2: The minutes from the previous PIP Advisory Committee meeting were reviewed and Ms. Kee moved that the minutes be accepted. Dr. Miranda seconded the motion and the item passed unanimously. Consideration and Discussion of Alterations to a Previous FIP Project (Satchels) Mr. Barton recounted for the committee the history of correspondence with Mr. Ganter regarding the alterations to his building and the requirement to have both the PRC and PIP committee approvals prior to proceeding with the proposed alterations. Mr. Ganter concurred with the history of correspondence with Mr. Barton and went on to explain to the committee his reasons for desiring to enclose the open porch and alter the original façade design. Many members of the committee posed questions to Mr. Ganter regarding the alterations of the porch and expressed difficulty envisioning the completed conceptual image of those alterations. After much deliberation between the committee members and Mr. Ganter, Ms. Kee made a motion to table further discussion until Mr. Ganter could procure an architect that would produce an artistic rendering of the conceptual design of the alterations to the porch. Ms. Kasper seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Kee asked staff (before the committees' next meeting) to inquire with the City's Legal Department on whether consideration for alterations to this project needed to be brought before City Council again. Mr. Brumley stated that he and Mr. Barton would meet with Legal staff to discuss Ms. Kee's concerns. Mr. Ganter agreed to obtain an architect to create a conceptual design rendering of the porch, and resubmit the drawings to the PRC so that the PIP committee could reconvene to further consider approval of the proposed alterations. Mr. Lemons asked Mr. Ganter to briefly provide the committee with comments and concerns regarding his experience with the Façade Improvement Program. Mr. Ganter responded with comments and concerns about the program for the committees' consideration. IV. V. Update on The North2:ate Center Mr. Barton updated the committee on his conversations with Mr. Robert Forrest, Owner of The Northgate Center, and explained that Mr. Forrest had been actively engaged in lease negotiations with BankOne for the remaining lease space area of his building. Mr. Lemons indicated that he had also aware ofMr. Forrest's negotiations with BankOne. Committee members expressed approval ofMr. Forrest's completed project and his marketing of the remaining portion of the building. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:40 AM.