HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/09/2003 - Regular Minutes - Parks BoardMinutes VW Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 5:30 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center College Station - 1520 Rock Prairie Road Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future College Station, Texas Staff Present: — Parks & Recreation: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant. tv Development Services: Jane Kee, City Planner; Spencer Thompson, Graduate Civil Engineer; Brett McCully, Assistant City Engineer; Trey Fletcher, Staff Planner; Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Jodi Warner; Larry Farnsworth; Ken Livingston; Glen Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Gary Erwin, Alternate. r Board Member Absent: Don Allison. Guests: Bill Davis, 1219 Boswell, College Station Leroy Parker, 1303 Langford, College Station Phyllis Ferguson, 1303 Langford, College Station Clancey C. Ferguson, 1303 Langford, College Station Robert Carroll, 7090 Old Reliance Road, Bryan Jim Jett, 5004 Congressional, College Station Morris Hamilton, 3602 (street unclear on record), College Station Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbruck, College Station Bill Lero, 4421 Nottingham Lane, Bryan Mike McClure, 9262 Brookwater, College Station Mike Hester, 2900 Brothers, College Station Craig Brown, 420 Tarrow, College Station Herb Allen (no address given) Greg Taggert, 2551A, Texas Avenue S., College Station Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 1 of 8 1. Call to order: Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at w 5:38 p.m. 2. Pardon N possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: Jodi Warner made a motion to accept the absence of Don Allison as excused. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Presentation and recognition of Bill Davis for his dedicated years of service to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Chairman John Nichols presented a plaque to former Board member Bill Davis in recognition of his service on the Board from 1999 to 2003. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board meeting of August 12, 2003, and Special Board meeting /tour of August 19, 2003: N Larry F. made a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular meeting of August 12 Ken Livingston seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. N Jodi W. made a motion to approve the minutes from the Special meeting /tour of August 19 Gary Erwin seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding park land dedication requests for the following projects: ❖ Development by Great Western Land and Recreation Development Company (Park Zone 16): Eric Ploeger referred to a site map, and showed that this unnamed proposed multi- family, 104 dwelling -unit development by the Great Western Land and Recreation Development Company is located on F &B Road, on the west side of FM2818. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.832 acres, and the total cash dedication requirement would be $47,000. No parks exist in this zone; however, staff is recommending acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land due to the small land dedication requirement as well as the lack of available adjoining property. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 2 of 8 After some discussion, Glen Davis made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the proposed development by the Great Western Land and Recreation Development Company. Ken L. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ❖ Southern Trace Subdivision (Park Zone 13): Peter Vanecek stated that the proposed single - family, 50 dwelling -unit development is located on the east side of Wellborn Road, south of Graham Road. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.495 acres, and the total cash dedication requirement would be $27,800. Staff is recommending acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land due to the small land dedication requirement. After some discussion, Glen D. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the Southern Trace Subdivision. Jodi W. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ❖ Villas of Harvey Subdivision (Park Zone 4): This proposed multi - family, approximately 600 dwelling -unit development, located north of Highway 30, east of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (bordering FM158), was originally presented to the Board during the August 12 Regular Meeting (refer to item #6). At that meeting, the Board discussed the following issues concerning the proposed park land dedication: - How much usable park land there would be. - How the detention /retention pond would be incorporated into the park. - How access to /from the park site would be provided. The Board toured the proposed dedication on August 19 The engineer for the development has since reconfigured the conceptual plan. The proposed 6.76 -acre park is in the same general location as originally proposed. However, the proposed street frontage has been increased to approximately 51 %, and roughly 4.03 acres have been identified as floodplain. Eric noted that some additional work would need to be done to determine the exact amount of property within the floodplain. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 3 of 8 Eric stated that staff is concerned with the amount of property in the floodplain itself, and recommends that more of the property be outside the floodplain. Staff further recommends that the Board consider acceptance of the property within the utility easement for potential connectivity to Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. There was discussion concerning the plans for the detention /retention pond that is included as part of the proposed dedication. The engineer stated that the intention is to construct a water feature, with a bridge, and incorporate it as part of the park. Eric stated that the developers would need to work with the Corps of Engineers to determine exactly what can be done with the pond. There was discussion concerning the configuration of the property and the need for additional usable park land outside of the floodplain. Ken L. made a motion to recommend that the developers include the addition of four lots on the north end of the proposed dedication, and to accept the proposal if this could be done. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. Four were in favor of the motion (Glen D., Glenn S., Gary E., and Ken L.), two opposed it (John N. and Jodi W.), and one abstained from voting (Larry F.). The motion passed by majority vote (4 -3). Glen D. made a second motion to request the developer to dedicate the land indicated in the highline acres. Larry F. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ❖ North Forest Parkway Subdivision (Park Zone 8): Eric referred to a site map. The proposed single - family, 62 dwelling - unit development is located on North Forest Parkway, east of the HWY6 Bypass, and southeast of Central Park. Walking distance is approximately one mile to Emerald Forest Park by walking on streets; however, the access may improve if access is granted through the greenway. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.614 acres, and the total cash dedication requirement would be $34,472. Staff recommends acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land. The dedication funds can be used to make enhancements to Emerald Forest Park. Jodi W. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the North Forest Parkway Subdivision. Glenn S. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 4 of 8 seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ❖ Campus Crossing Condominiums (Park Zone 6): Eric stated that staff was not looking for Board action on this item during the meeting. This proposed multi - family, 96 dwelling -unit development adjoins the Southwest Park property, which is located between Wellborn and Welsh. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.77 acres, and the total cash dedication requirement would be $43,392. The developers are proposing to dedicate 1 acre of land plus greenway on the northern portion of the tract. Staff recommends that the required dedication come from the eastern portion of the tract so that the park does not have small strips surrounding the new development. Developer Greg Taggert discussed the conceptual plan for the proposed dedication. He stated that the developers were looking for input from the Board concerning the design and layout of the property. After some discussion, the Board was in consensus on taking a site tour of the property. r No action was taken on this item. •S Development by Ling Yu He (Park Zone 1): Peter pointed to the conceptual plan for the proposed multi - family, 4 dwelling - unit development that is located on the corner of Boyett and Spruce Streets. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.032 acres, and the total cash dedication requirement would be $1,808. Staff recommends acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land. Glenn S. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the development by Ling Yu He. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ❖ Randall's University Park (Park Zone 2): Pete V. pointed to the conceptual plan for the proposed single - family, 1 dwelling - unit development that is located on Chimney Hill Drive and Arguello Drive. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.009 acres, and the total cash dedication requirement would be $556. Staff is recommending the acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 5 of 8 Jodi W. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for Randall "s University Park, with the recommendation to Development Services to require the owner of the property to develop a public access easement to Madeley Park. Ken L. seconded the motion. After some discussion, Jodi amended the motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for Randall's University Park upon the condition that Development Services is awarded the public access easement to Madeley Park. Ken L. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ❖ Shenandoah Park Dedication Review (Park Zone 10): Eric stated that the Board recently accepted some additional park land at the southern end of the Zone 10 Park. At the time, it was clear that there would be some type of detention /retention structure on that property. A design for that feature has since been developed. Engineer Mike McClure referred to the design concept. Steve Beachy stated that staff is not necessarily objecting to the design; however, it is different from what was presented to the Board when it approved the dedication, and staff wanted the Board to be informed of the change. No action was taken on this item. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Northgate area tour and park facilities for Park Zone 1: This item is a follow -up from the August 19 Board tour of the Northgate area. The Board discussed possible park amenities if property were to be acquired. After some discussion, Glen D. made a motion to recommend that staff proceed to negotiate the purchase of the lot located at 305 Cherry Street between Boyett Street and College Main, where Second Street intersects with Cherry Street. Jodi W. seconded the motion. There was some discussion concerning the motion, and whether to amend it to recommend that staff also explore the feasibility of purchasing the property at the southwest corner of College Main and Spruce Streets; however the motion was not amended. Six were in favor of the motion (John N., Glen D., Jodi W., Glenn S., Larry F., and Gary E.), and one opposed it (Ken L.). The motion passed by majority vote (6 -1). Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 6 of 8 8. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Plan: Steve discussed the City's approved Fiscal Year 2004 Strategic Plan as it relates to Parks and Recreation. After some discussion, the Board was in consensus on submitting their suggested goals for Fiscal Year 2004 to Kristin Lehde. She will composite those suggestions, and submit them to the Board prior to the Special Goals Meeting on September 23 Steve noted that when formulating their goals, the Board should look at what top priorities they would like to see accomplished during the fiscal year. No action was taken on this item. 9. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: ❖ Park Land Dedication Project List N • Zone 10 Park Development; A construction contract for the development of the City -owned park in Zone 10 will go to the City Council for approval on September 23r Steve noted that there is already a neighborhood park called "Shenandoah Park" within that zone, so the Board would need to come up with a name recommendation for the City -owned park. After some discussion, John N. appointed the following members to serve on a subcommittee of the Board to propose recommendations for naming the City -owned park in Zone 10: Jodi Warner (subcommittee Chairperson), Gary Erwin, and Ken Livingston. ❖ Current Capital Improvement Project List N • Lincoln Center Expansion /Improvements: The contract for the first phase of the project is being routed for signatures, and the design process will begin soon. • Hensel Park Playground Replacement: This project is out to bid; however, funding will not be available until October 1 St ❖ Proposed Future Bond Election Projects ,v The Board received a breakdown sheet of the proposed park projects that will be included in the upcoming bond election on November 4 th . Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 7 of 8 John N. asked if staff could provide program participation numbers for soccer and softball programs. The City is in the process of designing the bond brochures, and the Board will receive a copy once they are printed. 10. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: ❖ Special Meeting to discuss FY04 Board Goals: September 23, 2003: ❖ Joint Meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission: No meeting date was set. ❖ Joint Meeting with City Council: No meeting date was set. A date will be set after the Board approves their Fiscal Year 2004 Goals. 4• Site tour of the Texas Municipal Power Agency land: Staff will determine a suitable date with the Board. 11. Adjourn: Jodi W. made a motion to adjourn. Gary E. seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2003 Page 8 of 8