HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1972 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
December 15, 1972
5:00 P.M.
Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer
Adams, Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff and
C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer
George Ford; City Attorney James Dozier; and Admini-
strative Secretary Nancy Reeves
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey and on motion by
Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the November
27, 1972 meeting were unanimously approved.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Adams, Ordinance No. 853,
an ordinance exempting Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) of the assessed valuation
of residence homesteads of persons sixty-five years of age and over, was passed and
approved. Councilman Brison is recorded as abstaining from voting, stating that he had
some reservations, being that this ordinance is an ordinance based on "age'~ only and
he felt something about ~need" should be included. Councilman Bonnen stated that if
"need~ is included, a problem of eligibility will become involved. Councilman Radeleff
stated that if more people had had Councilman Brison~s attitude thirty years ago, things
would be better off.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Mayor was
authorized to execute a contract between the City of College Station and the U. S.
Department of Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for the swimming pool project
grant. Councilman Radeleff pointed out that there is a strong possibility that the pool
will not be completed by next summer and he f~lt that negoiations should be made with
the University for continuing our summer swimming program at their facility until our
pool is completed. The Council agreed and Mayor Hervey stated that a conference with
President Williams should be held to discuss this matter.
Mayor Hervey stated that consideration of a resolution accepting the provisions of the
State Highway Commission Minute Order No. 66645 related to the signalization of State
Highway 6 had been put back on the agenda after a conference with Mr. Joe Hanover,
District Engineer of the Texas Highway Department. The Council did not approve the
resolution at their meeting in November - the Minute Order was received by mail and the
Council had no opportunity for a previous briefing on the matter. During the meeting with
Mr. Hanover, the Council was assured that this action would not prejudice other requests
for traffic lights included in this TOPICS Program.
City Council Meeting
December 15, 1972
Page 2
Councilman Dale stated that this TOPICS Program is primarily concerned with Highway
6 and the signalization has not gone beyond one thousand feet (1,000') from the campus -
there is a need for signalization on all of Highway 6 and it was not considered and it is not
being considered at this time. Councilman Dale stated that he f~lt some priority should be
given to the south part of town.
Councilman Lindsay stated that he felt some consideration should be given to a signal
at the intersection of University Drive and Tarrow Street.
Councilman Brison stated that he had understood that this Minute Order simply deals with
a study and that the Council will have an opportunity to consider the results of the report.
Mayor Hervey stated that this was correct and the study will be done of all of Highway 6.
Councilman Dale stated that he had misunderstood the Minute Order.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the resolution was
unanimously passed and approved. (A copy is attached as a part of these minutes. )
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Dale, Mrs.
City Secretary, was appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics.
Florence Nee lley,
Councilman Adams stated that he felt that a cmnmittee should be appointed to investigate
the possibility of combining the City Tax Assessor-Collector with the School Tax office.
The Council agreed to appoint a committee to work with the City Manager to investigate
this possibility.
Miss Gloria Martinson appeared before the Council and stated that her employer, Dr.
F. B. Clark, had prepared a tape to be presented to the Council. With the Council's
permission, the tape was played. Due to the static and interference, it was difficult to
understand the tape. Dr. Clark was understood to say that he, at one time, made an
agreement with the City of College Station concerning sewer lines in the South Knoll
Subdivision. Dr. Clark stated that he had lived up to his part of the agreement but felt
that the City had not and wanted an investigation made of the situation. Miss Martinson
presented Mayor Hervey with a written copy of the tape (a copy is attached as a part of
these minutes) and Mayor Hervey requested that Mr. Boswell have copies made and mailed
to the members of the Council. Mayor Hervey also stated that it would be investigated to
determine if Dr. Clark had a valid claim against the City.
Councilman Radeleff recognized the Scout Troops present at the meeting and the Troop
conducted a flag ceremony prior to the adjournment of the meeting.
As there was no other business to discuss, Mayor Hervey declared the meeting adjourned.
'"i ~ " "
CITY OF College Stat~ola
s,T~~ Hrc~_AY~ .co~_ !,s. sr.o.s. ~~rE_ OR. D~R
College Station __,Texas
December 15, _ , 19 7.._.~2
MOTION was made by Councilman Radeleff and seconded by .~. Councilman _
...... ' ;'_~"i _-'that- the_' Cit~f Col!e_ge Station ......
'- B°-nnen ......... S~Ce'pt-'-the- provisions contained "in Minute Order No. 6666'--5-~ passed
by the state Highway Commission on ~_ ..Oc. cober_5 ......... , 19 7__~2, for the improve-
ment by the Texas Highway Department on the roads described below:
Loop 507 (State Highway 6 Business Route), from 1.0 Mile Northwest of State Highway 21
in Bryan, Southeast to Farm to Harket Road 2818 in College Station.
VOTE on the motfon was as follows:
Councilman Briso_n -. y_es
Councilman Adams - yes
_.Counc..i!man Dale, yes ....... . __
~ C?_~u~ c ..tma. Lindsay-_yes, ....
Counci.lman_ Radele, ff.-yes_ ....
C?uncilm,an Bonne. n.- _yes ..... ~ ....
WERERUPON the motion was declared carried.
CITY OF College Stationl
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of order passed
by the _~-- . . C01.1ege Stat.ion Qitv. Co_uncil _ ~ .... _ _, _---~~ on the _ !5th.
day of ~.. December ............ , 1972..~_.
"- City Secretary --~
Florence Neelley/ /r ·
,Pot"an &30- I,J
._.~..~._~..~ZOS County
Page ~ .... or .....
b~SRIAS, lC has b~en detemined that su~h work to ellltble' for part,siltation Lu tko.'
federal TO~tCS l~osrlml and
B~an and Colle,e 8cattou In ~oh ~pr~nCoj
~, ~, the Suce ~~y ~tn~r 1o dirtied ~o tenor Ch foll~ pr~
I. Adopt end enforce su~h ord~nen~eo and .for proper o~rat~o~ of ~m
~. hincm~n earl operate a11 of t~. ~rk consisted ~chtn
Cron, at an ffCi~t~ eolt Of ~390,000,
Upou acceptance o£ the provisions of ~hte Order by the Cities o£ Bryan ~ 'Colle~
Station, ch SCats H~~ ~t~er b directed Co enter taco Mreunto ~~ Cb
8cactou and if not a~opted within 90. dap of the d~tm hmcoof, tim ration bsrmbt dram-
trained ohmll be ~utomattm&lly omn~elled,
Submitted by:
Examined and recommended by:
............ state :Hilh -ir:End, inset;
................ Commissioner
........................................ · ........... Commissioner
,~nte' This form i.~ to ho submlt.t~d in quintuplicate.
Minute Number .............
Date Passed
B Z',lan, Texas
To The City Co~ctl
College Station, ~exas
This letter is ~ritten ~ith the hope. that there nmy be worked out
a clarification of certain issues ~htch relate to my going ahead with
the design for a new development southeast of the South Knoll, That
which I have in contemplation is not a municipal subdivision in the
usual sense off the word but is instead a p~ivatel~ sponsored p~oject
worked out after much stud~ with the aid of Mr, ~elvin ~, Rotsch of the
Department off A~chitectu~e, The d~tatl$ of this p~oject are fully
cove~ed in the accompanytn~ folder,
I have arrived at the' time ~hen ! want to take the next steps in
openin~ up of this pzo~ecto One sale has already been made but its
cuhtnatton was postponed by one year with the hope that by that time I
could /hish the thtn~ out in such a manner as to make aiailable sales
to other persons who may want to join in with the ef£O~to 'In a nui~hel!
t~e project amounts to a sort of elaborate nursery p~ojecto Although it
is not anticipated that that which is here characterized as c~eative
actt~.~ttes ~ill necessarily be limited to nurseries,
Tliat ~htah has amounted to the collapse of an e£fo~t of the cit~ to
tmpos~ on the South Knoll Addition Ordinance 110 has c~eated £o~ me
perplexing questions, '
In my dealings with ~esSrSo Pugh and Dale I have at no time considered
that the city would not co~ply with its agreement to ~eemburse me fo~ the
6 inch water ~ain$, as agreed at the ve:,.~ inception of th~ South Knoll
Addition, As a ~atter of fact ! ~ade a...- :l:.ble to ~es$~So Pugh and Dale
about $6000 more than ! should o%he~is-' been willing to do to help
them with their effort to cc.'~,pl7 with Ox-c~a:.,-., ..-..: '..:1.0 expecting ~eembu~se-
~ent £rom this source, ' ' '
That which ! did was to employ'a licensed ci-¢i! engineer, ~tro ~o $o
HarrisOn, to figure this out for me, and advanced to Pugh and Dale some-
thing over $10,000 as the amount which it ~ould have'ges'~ to complete
those roads in co,fortuity with p~eviou$ requi~e~entso .-~eviously ! had
been requi~ed .'-~ ~var the roads with 6 inches off impacxed §fare! be£o~e
taking the ad.:.. ., into th~' city'li~iv.:, and qualif$ing for the ~efunds
at $150 per '-;:..:~ ~,.. 'ions,etco,'e*¢. T~,- .-~"~,000 here advanced covered not
only the six inches of g~avel, ~ an , 'iona! a~ount o£ hypothetical
black-topping. It ~a$ the adc ...offal .... ~',.' ~t of black-topping which was
taken not ice of in the extra ~-.,.;,.,00o ~' h. f igu~ed out at the time'o£ 'the
complei[an of the six inch wa~r ~ains ',ha~ the~ had cost me $$972°00°
The~e seems to'be some hesitation on the part o£ the city to comply
vith this agreement. This hesitation is causing delay in my going ahead
v ith m? l~la;'~, There are no~ upwards of 28 connections within the city
limits, eic,,.:. 'iCo This hesi~.ation ! do not'quite understand, except.[~
x;~e fact tha~ ~-=~, full ~mount .~.s not ~et due,
P£evic~?:.' ./ when ! received :eembu:...-.:,-_~..~ant fo£ the 6 inch ~alez~ains
I deeded to the city all of the other '~-.'.;.' 'fy lines owned by me - in-
¢ludin~ smalle~ water mains and the se~e: '.tries ~ithin the limits of the
subdiiisi~n, But in other instances there was not as ~reat a discrepancy
in values, In this instance the total investment amounts'to'not less than
$25,000 ~hich I ~m o£ferin§ re. ~aed to the ctt~ for $$972,00,
In spite of this marked discordant relationship in values, however,
! am hereby a~eein~'to abide ~v my part of this a§~eement, ~heneve~ the
~ity llouncil says so, '
There are two reasons £o:.~ '.als, Ca.~ is that I intend to retain title
to a diversion chamber on my property f,', potential use of 1:he sewer
figment for · r_"_'.a.--.llon p'arposes, And thc ,~he~ is that I hol~e ~o wo~:k it
out so th&:. f,:.-.~..'er extension of uiili~ ;ines into the a~'~.'.-', below may be
" ...... ~*~-" :-~!,onal cost to me,
Another matter needs ~ten%ion before ! can evan ~ake a move in
the direction of ~y new p~o~ect. The uncompleted roads in the South
~ol~ ' Add it ion ~ve been conve~ed into ~ nuisance where I h~ us.Oable
ro~s. ~at is the bes~ th~ng to do ~o those ~oads ~s not an easy question
The ieas~ ~o be e~ected is tha~'~hey will be greed up and covered
with a few inches of go~ read gravel. If and when t~t is done, I can
extend the'road into the area below ~ ~i~ on the fo~ation thus
I am so~ry to ~ve been the occasion for that which on its face ~
the appear~ce of a cont~veriy~ ~t ~hich ~ fact .I th~k ~ill develop
~to so, thUg ~usually fine,
Very truly yours,
F. B, Clark
To Mayor Lan§ford:
! have prepared the above lette~ so 2hat an opportunity will exist
fo= everyone concerned ~ith the ii£¢u~$t-a;:c,~.l related to the above may
have a dhance to study the issues, t::.'.:~h copies are a~ailable for that
pu~poseo I am even leaving enough ex'~."a copies ~ith Mr, Ran Bos~ell~ the
City Mana§er~ for each membe~ o£ the City Council to ha~e one~ and a few
extra for release to the press, if the occasion demands,
I shall be happy to appear in person before the Council, if they wish
me to, for the pu£~ose o£ answering an"/ ','..~:s~ion ~hey may want to ask me
about this subject,
There is one thing in particular which should be mentioned, which does
not appear in the abo~e statement, In the previous transfers the lines
deeded to the city all lay within the limits of the subdivision which had
been annexed by the city and the sewage was discharged into a main line
owned by the city, In'this /nstance not more than 3/$ o£ the lines lie
~tthin the city limits, although all of the 6 inch water mains apparently
do, In fact about 650 feet of the 6 inch sewer lines- e~ending from the
South Knoll to the main sewer line belon§in~ to the city- extend across
a prazie and do not lie in a dedicated area, either no~ or even in possible
P, B, Clark
Copies to:
,Judge W, ' S. Barton
· .
Mr~ A, A. Cathers
Mr. D, E, McCrory '
~.ndrews-Parker, inc.
and many others