HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/25/1972 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
September 25, 1972
7:00 P.M.
Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer
Adams, Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff and
C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer
George Ford; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative
Secretary Nancy Reeves
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. and on motion by Councilman
Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the August 28, 1972 meeting
were unanimously approved.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated that the City of College Station had received two
bids for the 1972-73 street improvements program. A bid of $183,334.48 was received
from Dalworth Slurry Seal Company of Arlington, Texas and a bid of $184,322.70 was
received from Young Brothers of Waco, Texas. City Manager Boswell recommended
that the Council accept the low bid of Dalworth Slurry Seal and on motion by Councilman
Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council so ordered.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance
No. 835, an ordinance determining to assess a part of the cost of improving portions
of Burt Street, Ash Street, Southwest Parkway and Holleman Drive against abutting
property owners and providing for notice for a public hearing, was unanimously passed
and approved.
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning Lot 4,
Block 21 of the Boyett Subdivision from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District,
to District No. 3, Apartment House District. City Planner George Eby outlined the
location of the property in question and when no one spoke for or against the zone change
request, the public hearing was closed. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by
Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 836, an ordinance rezoning the above described
property, was unanimously passed and approved.
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning Lot 1,
Block B, College Heights Addition from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District,
to District No. 4, First Business District. City Planner George Eby explained the
location of the property in question and Mr. Larry Landry, owner of the property, stated
that he would be glad to answer any questions concerning this request and when no one
spoke, the public hearing was closed. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by
Councilman Dale, Ordinance No. 837, an ordinance rezoning the above described property,
was unanimously passed and approved.
City Council Meeting
September 25, 1972
Page 2
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning the south-
west one-half of Lot 4 of the D. A. Smith Subdivision from District No. 3, Apartment House
District, to District No. 4, First Business District. City Planner George Eby explained
the location of the property in question. Mr. W. D. Fitch stated that he was the owner
of the property a r~ would answer any questions concerning the request and when no one
spoke, the public hearing was closed. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by
Councilman Dale, Ordinance No. 838, an ordinance rezoning the above described property,
was passed and approved. Councilman Adams declined to vote on this issue as he stated he
might possibly have an interest in this property sometime in the future.
A public hearing was called by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning a 21.77 acre
tract of land located on the southwest side of Welsh Avenue at FM 2818 from District No. 1,
First Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District. City Planner
Eby explained the location of the property in question and Mr. W. D. Fitch, owner of the
property, stated that he felt that this property was an ideal location for an apartment
complex. When no one spoke during the public hearing, the hearing was closed and on
motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance No. 839, an
ordinance rezoning the above described property, was unanimously passed and approved.
A public hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on the question of rezoning a 4.74 acre
tract of land located on the northeast side of Texas Avenue and 200 feet southeast of Sterling
Street from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 4, First Business
District. City Planner Eby explained the location of the property in question.
Mr. Martin Leissner, owner of the property in question, stated that it was his intention
to build another garden center similar to his Hardi-Gardens on Villa Maria Road in Bryan.
Mr. Leissner stated that it was also his intention to landscape the whole area surrounding
the garden center. He showed the Council and the public a preliminary drawing to give
everyone an idea of how the center would look.
Mr. Sam Ford, 112 Richards Street, College Station, stated that he, as most of the
others in the neighborhood, were not opposed to the land being used as a garden center, but
were opposed to the commercial zoning because once: the land is zoned commercial, any
kind of commercial business could be brought in.
Mr. Walter McGruder, 2201 Texas Avenue, College Station, stated that he had no
objections to this rezoning because it might possibly increase the value of his own property.
When no one else spoke during this public hearing, it was closed and on motion by
Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance No. 840, an ordinance
rezoning the 4.74 acre tract of land owned by Mr. Martin Leissner, was unanimously
passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No.
841, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1. 715 acre
tract of land located in the Richard Carter League from District No. 1, First Dwelling
House District, to District No. 4-A, Neighborhood Business District, was unanimously
passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No.
842, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 15. 649 acre
tract of land located in the J. E. Scott League from District No. 1, First Dwelling House
District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was unanimously passed and approved.
City Council Meeting
September 25, 1972
Page 3
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council
authorized the Mayor and City Council to sign an agreement between the City of College
Station and the State of Texas pertaining to the City's cost for improvements along State
Highway 6 from Jersey Street to Farm to Market Road 2818. It is recorded in these
minutes that Councilman Adams voted "no" on this item due to the fact that he felt that
the hill on Highway 6 is a dangerous situation and should be lowered before any improve-
ments are done on the highway. It is also recorded in these minutes that Councilman
Dale abstained from voting on this item because he owns property in this vicinity. (A
copy of this agreement is attached as a part of these minutes).
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council
approved a resolution accepting the provisions of the State Highway Commission's Minute
Order No. 66441 pertaining to traffic signals at the intersection c~ University Drive and
State Highway 308. (Copies of the resolution and minute order are attached as a part of
these minutes). Councilman Adams voted "no" on this item stating that the four-way
stop at this intersection moves traffic very we 11 99~c of the time except at the peak hours
four times a day and if traffic signals are erected at this intersection, traffic will be
moving much slower during other times of the day. Councilman Dale pointed out that possibly some
sort of signalization could be arranged during the normal traffic count during the day.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council
approved a municipal construction and maintenance agreement pertaining to the traffic
signals and other improvements at the intersection of University Drive and State Highway
308. Councilman Adams is also recorded as voting "no" on this item. (A copy of the
agreement is attached as a part of these minutes).
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance No.
843, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance, was
unanimously passed and approved. Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that one
copy of the proposed zoning ordinance would be available for anyone to check out of the
office if they wanted to make a copy of it and then brought back for someone else to check
out and so on. There would also be several copies in the City Secretary's office available
for the public to come in and read in the office. Mayor Hervey then commended the Planning
and Zoning Commission for the excellent job they had done on the ordinance and for the
hours they had spent on it.
Mr. Yates Canipe and Mr. John Frederick came before the Council in the interest of
Junior Football and requested some lights be provided at various fields within the City. Mr.
Canipe stated that there were presently over 300 boys (ages 6-12) enrolled in this program
and that last year it was necessary for some games to be played in the dark due to the lack
of lights.
Mayor Hervey suggested that this item be turned over to the Parks and Recreation
Committee for their review and comments in turn to the City Council.
Councilman Adams commented that the minutes of the last Safety Committee meeting reflected
a need for bicycle lanes on Jersey Street. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that additional
copies of the minutes would be mailed to the Council for their review.
Councilman Dale stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission not only have one
regular meeting a month but they have had several special sessions to get things done; that
they are always in good attendance and are doing a fine job. Mayor Hervey then stated that
the Council echoed Councilman Dale's statement.
City Council Meeting
September 25, 1972
Page 4
Mayor Hervey informed the public that a public hearing concerning the telephone rate
increase had been held Tuesday, September 19, 1972, in the auditorium of the A&M Con-
solidated High School and that the City of Bryan would hold a public hearing concerning the
same Tuesday, September 26, 1972 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall in Bryan.
As there was no other business to discuss, Mayor Hervey declared the meeting
adjourned, subject to call.
City Secretary
~/~/ May r
~, 0. Box 3249
Bryan, Texas 77801
October 6, 1972
Project M 5267(1)
Control 50-1-42
Brazos County
Mr. Ran Boswell, City Manager
City of College Station
College Station, Texas 77840
Dear Mr. Boswell'
Attached is a duplicate original of the agreement between the City of
College Station and the State of Texas in connection with the construc-
tion of the above project.
This is for your information and files.
Yours y~ry truly,
/ B. G. 'Bo~kmon
Supervising Resident Engineer
cc- District File
5267 (1)
Brazos County
THIS AGREEMENT, made this 25th day of
September , 1972,
by and between the City,,~Of College Station, Texas, hereinafter called
the "City", Party of the First Part, acting by and through its City
Council and the State of Texas, hereinafter called the "State", Party
of the Second Part, acting by and through its State Highway Commission.
WHEREAS, the City desires the construction of concrete curb and
gutter, storm sewer work and incidental items within the limits from
Farm to Market Road No. 2347 to Farm to Market Road No. 2818 on State
Highway No. 6, which is solely the City's responsibility and the City
has requested the State to construct or have constructed this work.
The State will construct or have constructed this work for and on
behalf of the City and at the City's sole expense, excluding preliminary
engineering. The est-tmaedd construction cost of this work is Eighty
Three Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($83,700.00), in-
cluding contingencies and con~zuction engineering, and
WHEREAS, the City by the execution of this agreement agrees to
the terms and conditions of State Highway Commissiom Minute No. 66077,
as it applies to the City, a copy of which is attached hereto and
marked "Exhibit i" md made a part of this agreement.
NOW THEREFORE, it is understood that this proposed work will be
constructed by the State and the C~y w~l:[ i:ransm~ t:o the State w~th
the return of this agreement, executed by the City, a warrant or check
made payable to the>~State Treasurer~ Account of Trust Fund No. 927 in
the amount of Eighty Three Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100 Dollars
($83,700.00), to be used in paying for the proposat work required by
the City in the City of College Station. It is further understood
that the State ~ill construct only those items for the City as requested
and required by the City and the entire cost of s/ch items, excluding
preliminary engineering, will be borne by the City. If the State
elects to receive bids and if upon receipt of bids by the State and/or
the actual construction and/or approved changes in the contemplated
improvements it is found that this amount is insufficient to pay the
City's portion~ then the City upon request of the State ~tll forth-
with supplement this amount by an amount equal to the City's full
estimated or actual share of the cost of this work less the amount
previously paid into Trust Fund No. 927. In the event the amount as
paid is _~ore than the actual costs then the exa~sR ~__~o_,_,~_ =~_11 h~ re-
turned to the City. It is further understood that the work to be done
on behalf of the City, as herein provided, will include the cost of
contingencies and construction engineering. It is further understood
that the City by the execution of this a~reement a~rees to the terms
and conditions of State High~y Commission Hinute No. 66077, as it
applies to the City, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked
"Exhibit A" and made a parc of Chis agreement.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents
Co be executed in duplicate on the day above seated.
Party of the First Part STATE N~¢H~AY COMMISSION
Party of the Second Part
By: .... ~~~\ ~- Certified as being executed for the
May~r~ .... ~~~ ~~.~ purpose and effect of activating
By..' ~.~ ~ ~ --) ..... i~ .~' ~ ~" -~'~tablished policies, or work p~ogr~s
Member ~ Cit~ Council heretofore approved ~d authorized
~~~~ ~ ~ b~ ~he State Highwa~
By: .... ~~~~ ~
~y: .... '. .....
Member ~f City ~cil under authority of Comiss
'~ '~ ~ · / ~ ' Minute
~ty bouncil' '~'~..'~ Reco~ended for execution:
Me~b'~r of City C~u~Cil ' '
By: _ __
WHERFAS, in BRAZOS COUNTY on present STA .TE H!~GP~AY 6, the City of
College Station has reques~e~ss~tance in the widening of pavement including
incidental items thereto from Farm to Market Road 2~47 southeast to Farm to
Market Road 2818, a distance of approximately 1.8 miles; and
~,~tEREAS, the requested work has been tentatively accepted for
p&rticipation in the Federal Metropolitan Program.
NOW, THEREFORE, the State Highway Engineer is directed to tender
the following proposal to the City of College Station:
Provided the City will:
1. Provide for the construction of continuous curb and gutter
where none now exists between F&m to Market Road 2S47
and 700 feet south of Holleman Drive, the adjustment of
utilities as may be required, construction of storm sewers,
etc., all as may be required for a complete project with the
exception of pavement and its support.
2. Assume responsibility for the construction of driveways and
sidewalks should they be deemed necessary now or in the
future and agree to make such installations in accordance
with governing policies and regulations of the Department.
B. Maintain that portion of the work which is its responsibility
in accordance with present maint~enance agreement, and agree
to regulate traffic, ~.rohibit ~ D~a~rking and prevent encroach-
ment on the right of way, all in accordance with governing
policies and regulations of the Department.
The Texas Highway Department will:
1. Provide for widening pavement and its support within these
limits, at an estimated cost of $605,700.00, subject to the
eligibility of the proposed work for financing with Federal
Metropolitan Funds.
2. Maintain that portion of the work which is its responsibility
in accordance with present maintenance agreement.
It is understood that the responsibility of the Texas Highway Depart-
ment is confined to the pavement and its support, and all other features
necessary now or in the future to provide an adequate travel facility shall
be the responsibility of the City of College Station.
Upon acceptance of the provisions of this Order by the appropri-
ate officials of the City of College Station, the State Highway Engineer is
directed to proceed with the development of plans for construction and
after the City has fulfilled its responsibilities, proceed with construction
in the most feasible and economical manner, financing the cost in the Federal
Metropolitan Program.
Minute No. 66077 - Continued
It is understood that the City may discharge its construction
obligations as outlined herein in any manner as they may elect. In the
event the City desires the State to include their portion of the work in
the State's construction contract, the ~tate Highway Engineer is hereby
authorized to enter into agreement with the City for such work and its
cost as may be agreed upon.
This Order shall become operative upon acceptance by the City
of College Station and if not accepted within 90 dayz of the date hereof,
the action herein contained shall be automatically cancelled.
Minute No. 66077
April ~, 1972
[ m_ · .-. - .. _...
.Cp!leR_e Station ,Texas
CITY OF ColleEe Statto~
MOTION was made by _ _ Councilman Dale - ,- L,.. and seconded by ~_Councilman..
_. R_.adeleff ............. that the __ ,City,,of C_oll.ege_Station._. -
._ accept the' prOVisions contained in Minute Order-So. - 'j__---pas;ed
b~ the sta~e-Hi-~hway commission on _ July ~!... , 19,Z~, for ~'e-improve-
ment by the Texas lttShway Deportment On the road~' ~es-cr-tbed be lo~:
Farm to Market Road 60 at the Intersection with State Htgh~ay 308
VOTE on the motion was as follovs:
.. _.Council. m_a_n.__B_ri~on
._ yes .. , _ c0un_ci!man' Lin.ds_a~ ..... ye,s
. ___Councilman _Adams .:. . ............ n° .... co _upcilman Radeleff .yes
councilman Dale yes
_ Cpun_ ci!man Bo_nnen ...... _yes
- i lJ, .... .i i
kq~RERUPO.~ ~he motion was declared certied.
olIege Stattorl
ih¢ .'eby certify _that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of order passed
by the ......... College station City Council on the 25th
..... -
day of __. __S~ptember
Floren~ Nee Hey
District Bio ...... 17
t~l~, tn ~.~I~AZO~ C0~ on ~.ltl~_~o::~~:._g0~_.D ~0, th, City of Colt,se station ' '
~s requested assistance in the Installation of Traffic Ii,lo,
and lll~inaCion ac tho Xntersection with Scats Hig~y 308; and ' '
~aa~8. iC ham been deCe~tned chlt much ~rk tm eliltb~e for ~rctct~ci~
the Federal ~PX~ ~rosramt and
~. tc ts the desire of th, Te~. Ht~ay hpart~t to assist
NOVo THiIItllYOSS, the Orate H.tg*t~y I~Stneer to directed to tender ~tm ~ollm~n8
proposal Co Cbs Gtty of Collese mention for tho development of much a projeotl
· rovided the City wills
1, l'repare consCrucCt~n piano end epectfic&tionf for the Tr&f~t~
Bi.al Byetem.
2. 4hiopC and enforce such ordtnaneme m~d. rezulattono mo may be
necessary for proper operation o~ ~be instillation,
3, ttatncain and operate all o£ Cbs york constructed am 'a' parC.
of the proJec~ in e manner smttmfmeto~, t0 the ~p~rtm~nt.' ·
.Eot c~ C~nnelt~Ct~ and tllmt~tion portion of 'the york"and'rill proVUe - . "
for the tn~calla~lo~ of ~r~[ftc 8t~als, ~nneli~tA~n.ind-Xllumt~cto~,."~t~ .. '"'
, .. ~,, ,, ·
, ,. ,... '~ ',~ ., , .';.'~ '.,.. ~ .... '.~ ,. ,..,
, . , '. ,',
., , ''..
~he S C~te HXa~y BngXnear 'ts. dtrect~ tO enter tn~O' mgre~ant vi:th' the tit7
teac tn the Federal ~Pl~ ~rogrmm, ., ." ".' ', '
,, ;. , ... ,'. . ,.
. .
~te ~der shall bee~'opermtt~ upon aeeepta~j"bY tb gtty~'of goll. e~
and if no~ accepted vitbin 90 deft of tb ~te'.hmr~,. ~' 6at/~."h~retn cone "..
catn~ a~ll be auc~~toally cancelled. , '.,' ~ ,, .' .. ,. "
..., '
8ubmltte¢~ dy'
-;,:~.'.. ,....N ,oMt., Thle form in to ho m, hmlt~d la (tnlntuplte~tte.
,',' !.:.; .-' , ... '..~ - . '., ', . ..
c~,. ............ Commissioner
· :.,,';. ..
:,,, .................. · .................... ~rnml~loner
"'~'~" OIBTRICF rILE GL]PT Comml.eton~",,
Minute Numtmr
T 9051 (2)
Brazos County
THIS AGREEMENT made this__ 25~h day of_September
, 1972,
by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the
"State", Party of the First Part, and the City of College Station,
Brazos County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized
officers under a resoxution passed the ~_Sth .... day
1972, hereinafter called the "City" Party of the Second Part
WHEREAS. The City of College Station has requested the State
to provide for traffic signals, channelization, and illumination at
the intersection of Farm to Market 60 with State Highway 308 under
the Federal-Aid Urban Traffic Operations Program to increase Capacity
and Safety, hereinafter referred to as TOPICS; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that such work is eligible for
participation in the TOPICS; and
WHEREAS, Highway Commission Minute Order No. 66441 authorized the
projec= and directed the State Highway Engineer to enter into an agree-
ment wi=h the City covering details of the project.
NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual
covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respec-
tively kept and performed, as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as
1. PROJECT AUTHORIZATION. It is understood and agreed between the
parties hereto that the City by virtue of the provisions of its
charter has primary responsibility for control over all streets and
public ways within the incorporated limits of such City, unless
otherwise modified by law or agreement, and that the City has re-
quested and consented to the construction of the project and the
State in construction of such project does so at the special instance
and request of the City. The City, in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained does hereby agree to and does hereby
authorize the State to install signalization, channelization, and
illumination at the location, and in the manner shown on the con-
struction plans. It is mutually agreed that as the project is
developed to the construction stage, both parties shall approve
such plans by signature approval thereon.
2. RIGHT OF WAY A,.ND .E._XISTIN_G UTILITI.E.S.. No right of waY acquisitions
are required. Amy utility adjustments required for the proposed proj-
ect shall be the responsibility of the City.
3. CONSTRUCTION_ RESPONSI..BiLIT!~ES. The City will provide the plans
and specifications for the traffic signal installation and the State
will prepare the plans and specifications for the channelization and
illumination and secure approval of the Federa, 1 Highway Administration,
advertise for bids, and let the construction contract, or otherwise
provide for the construction and will supervise the construction as
required by said plans. ,
4. G~ENERAL. The City agrees to operate and maintain the entire
installation upon completion, in accordance with current Higi~way
Department policies. If any parts of the ec/-~ipn~ent and materials
installed as a part of the project covered b'.'3 this agreement are
removed by the City in the future, they shai~ b~= returned to the State
or installed on a State or Federal numbered higkway route at a location
approved by the State.
1. The City will either establish, maintain or otherwise provide
for a traffic engineering unit which is capable of maintaining,
and operating the improvements in a manner satisfactory to.
the State.
2. Should an evaluation of the effectiveness o': '~e project in
increasing capacity and safety of streets in o-~.'.._~ project area
be re¢iuired under the program for financing ;-"_ proposed im-
prove~,~=nts in the Federal Hi~kway Act of ~5~ and appl'cable
regula'aions pertaining to this Act, the Ci-ay and State shall
cooperate in collecting and
_~.~c3 the necessary data. Each
party shall be responsible for its share of the cost of this
-2- ~?$~D October i0, 1972
6. INDEMNIF_ICATION. The City agrees to indemnify the State against
any and all damages to adjoining, abutting or other property for
which the State is or may be liable arising out of, incident to or
in any way connected with the installation, the construction, the
existence, the use and/or maintenance of such project and does
hereby agree to indemnify the State against any and all court costs,
attorneys' fees and all expenses in connection with suits for such
damage and shall, if requested to do so in writing, assist or relieve
the State for defending any such suits brought against it.
7. It is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto
that the construction of the project by the State is for the sole
purpose of providing the traveling public a more adequate travel
facility and shall never be the basis of any claim for State assump-
tion or participation in the payment, of the obligations of the City
incurred in the improvement, past or present, of any street project.
8. In the event the terms of this Agreement are in conflict with
the provisions of any other existing Agreement and/or Contracts
between the City and the State, this Agreement shall take precedence
over the existing Agreements and/or Contracts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto affixed their
signatures on the dates indicated.
Party of the First Part
Party of the Second Part
Certified as being executed for the
purpose and effect of activating
and/or carrying out the orders,
established policies, or work pro-
grams heretofore approved and
authorized by the State Highway
Commission under Minute No. 60394.
Mayor j. B. Hervey
Date: September 25, 1972
· . __
Assistant State Highway E'n~ne~
City Secretary
Florence Nee lley
Dist'r'ic~ "Engineer, 'District -17 --
City Attorney
James H..Dozier
Chief Engineer of Highway Design .....
Chief Engineer of Maintenance
SECTION 1. That the certain agreement dated September 25,1972 between
· -. ~ _ L , , ·
the State of Texas and the City of College Station, Tex~s .., fOr the
installation, construction, existence, use, operation, ~nd maintenance
of certain highway traffic signal, channelization, and illumination
project at the location of Farm to Market 60 with State Highway 308, in
the City of College Station. Texas . _, be and the same is hereby, approved,
and M~vor Hervev ..... , is hereby authorized to execute said
contract on behalf of said-City and to transmit the same to the State
of Texas for appropriate action.
SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its
ADOPTED: ,,,,S_eptember 25~. 1972 ...
APPROVED: S,e,,,ptember 2~, 1972
J. B. Hervey
City Secretary
Florence Neelley
James H. Dozier
I, .. James H. Dozier
City Attorney for the City of
CoIl. e_ge .Stat,ign.
Texas, do hereby certify that the
City Charter of the City of . College Station
the City Council to approve the execution of contracts by
means of a resolution, and that the attached contract between
said City and the State of Texas, dated. September .25, 1972
approved by Resolution passed, September 25, _1972_ and executed
by Mayor J. B. Hervey is valid and binding on said City
insofar as its approval and execution is concerned.
James H. Dozier
City of College Station` Texas..._
COUNTY OF_. Brazo, s
I, Flore ,nce Nee_lley
the duly appointed, qualified
and acting city secretary of the City of Co, ll, ege St,a, tion
Texas, hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true
and correct copy of a resolution duly passed by the City Council
at a meeting held on- September 25,_ .... , A.D., 19 72
at~.. 7;0_0_ _
o 'clock P. M.
To certify which, witness my hand and seal of the City of
College Station_ , Texas, this_ ...... 26th day of September 0 1972 ,
at C,,91Iege Station
City S~c'ret~"~ of the 'Cit~ of
Florence Neelley
College Station ......... .... Texas
P. O. Box 3249
Bryan, Texas 77801
October 25, 1972
Honorable J. B. Hervey
Mayor, City of College Station
College Station, Texas 77840
Dear Mayor Hervey:
Attached for your file is a copy of the executed Municipal
Construction and Maintenance Agreement for the signalization,
channelization, and safety lighting of the intersection of
FM 60 and SH 308 in the City of College Station.
Yours very truly,
Joe G. Hanover
District Engineer
District Seventeen
~ -G-eorge~E. Boriskie
Traffic Engineer
GEB: ma
cc: Mr. B. G. Bockmon
Mr. J. H. Young
Design Office
03t. ';Z2
T 9051 (2)
Brazos County
THIS AGREEMENT made this .... 9..5. th_ day of. .... . ~ September ...... , 1972,
by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the
"State", Party of the First Part, and the City of College Station,
Brazos County, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized
officers under a resolution passed the 9.§th day of September
1972, hereinafter called the "City" Party of the Second Part
WHEREAS, The City of College Station has requested the State
to provide for traffic signals, channelization, and illumination at
the intersection of Farm to Market 60 with State Highway 308 under
the Federal-Aid Urban Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity
and Safety, hereinafter referred to as TOPICS; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that such work is eligible for
participation in the TOPICS; and
WHEREAS, Highway Commission Minute Order No. 66441 authorized the
project and directed the State Highway Engineer to enter into an agree-
ment with the City covering details of the project.
Nf~, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual
covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respec-
tively kept and performed, as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as
fo 1 lows:
01, 23
1. _P. ROJECT AUTHORIZATION. It is understood and agreed between the
parties hereto that the City by virtue of the provisions of its
charter has primary responsibility for control over all streets and
public ways within the incorporated limits of such City, unless
therwise modified by law or agreement, and that the City has re-
quested and consented to the construction of the project and the
State in construction of such project does so at the special instlnce
and request of the City. The City, in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained does hereby agree to and does hereby
authorize the State to install signalization, channelization, and
illumination at the location, and in the manner shown on the con-
struction plans. It 'is mutually agreed that as the project is
developed to the construction stage, both parties shall approve
such plans by signature approval thereon.
2. RIGHT OF,W.A.~ _AND .. EXISTING U?ILiTI..E..S. No right of way acquisitions
are required. Any utility adjustments required for the proposed proj-
ect shall be the responsibility of the City.
3. CONSTRUCTION RESPON..SIBILITIES. The City will provide the plans
and specifications for the traffic signal installation and the State
will prepare the plans and specifications for the channelization and
illumination and secure approval of the Federal Highway Administration,
advertise for bids, and let the construction contract, or otherwise
provide for the construction and will supervise the construction as
required by said plans.
· GENERAL. The City agrees to operate and maintain the entire
xnstallation upon completion, in accordance with current Highway
Department policies. If any parts of the equipment and materials
installed as a part of the project covered by this agreement are
removed by the City in the future, they shall be returned to the State
or installed on a State or Federal numbered highway route at a location
approved by the State.
1. The City will either establish, maintain or otherwise provide
for a traffic engineering unit which is capable of maintaining,
and operating the improvements in a manner satisfactory to.
the State.
2. Should an evaluation of the effectiveness of the project in
increasing capacity and safety of streets in the project area
be required under the program for financing the proposed im-
provements in the Federal Highway Act of 1968 and applicable
regulations pertaining to this Act, the City and State shall
cooperate in collecting and analyzing the necessary data. Each
party shall be responsible for its share of the cost of this
SED October'~
10, 1972
6. INDEMNIFICATION. The City agrees to indemnify the State against
any and all damages to adjoining, abutting or other property for
which the State is or may be liable arising out of, incident to or
in any way connected with the installation, the construction, the
existence, the use and/or maintenance of such project and does
hereby agree to indemnify the State against any and all court costs,
attorneys' fees and all expenses in connection with suits for such
damage and shall, if requested to do so in writing, assist or relieve
the State for defending any such suits brought against it.
7. It is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto
that the construction of the project by the State is for the sole
purpose of providing the traveling public a more adequate travel
facility and shall never be the basis of any claim for State assump-
tion or participation in the payment, of the obligations of the City
incurred in the improvement, past or present, of any street project.
8. In the event the terms of this Agreement are in conflict with
the provisions of any other existing Agreement and/or Contracts
between the City and the State, this Agreement shall take precedence
over the existing Agreements and/or Contracts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto affixed their
signatures on the dates indicated.
Party of the First Part
Party of the Second Part
Certified as being executed for the
purpose and effect of activating
and/or carrying out the orders,
established policies, or work pro-
grams heretofore approved and
authorized by the State Highway
Commission under Minute No. 60394.
-~l~°rJ: t~'- Hervey ~
Date :~_ September 25.: 1972
City Secretary /! J
Florence Neelley
ct' Engineer, District 15
Chief Engineer of Highway Design~.~,~.
Chief Eng
-- i~~~. 0f~-Mainte~an~ce
C~jcai~- y Attorn~~
i ~ H. Dozier
__ ~ : - .._ , , ....,
SECTION 1. That the certain agreement dated_ Sep/.ember..25, ..19.._.72 _ between
the State of Texas and the City of College Station,. . Texa,s . , for the
installation, construction, exi~ten~', use, operation, and-maintenance
of certain highway traffic signal, channelization, and illumination
project at the location of Farm to Market 60 with State Highway 308, in
the City of C_o. ll..e.ge_S, tation be and the same is hereby approved
_ L .... "-_ ' · ~
and Ma~or-; ..j....B, Herye~ , is hereby authorized to execute said
contract on behalf of said City and to transmit the same to the State
of Texas for appropriate action.
SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its
ADOPTED :_ September .25,...1972
APPROVED: September 25, 1972
· Hervey
City Secret~ry / / -
Mrs. Florence Neell~y
j~tm~ H. Dozier
James H. Dozier
City Attorney for the City of
College Station.
, Texas, do hereby certify that the
City Charter of the City of .. Colleg..e Ststion authorizes
,~ , ,_ - ! ,
the City Council to approve the execution of contracts by
means of a resolution, and that the attached contract between
said City and the State of Texas, dated_~_September 25,...1_97.2_ ,
approved by Resolution passed__ September 25. 1972_. and executed
by~__Mavor J..B.H.e.r_ve¥- is valid and binding on said City
insofar as its approval and execution is concerned.
s H. Dozier
City of ._ College Station . . _
I, . . Flore..n.ce N..e~el!ey .............. ,
the duly appointed, qualified
and acting city secretary of the City of~._ C~ollege Station ..... ,
Texas, hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true
and correct copy of a resolution duly passed by the City Council
at a meeting held on September 25, , A D , 19 72 at 7-00
: _ _ ~ , .. .~. : . · · , .._ I ~. ,_., ,,,
o'clock P. M.
To certify which, witness my hand and seal of the City of
,College Stat~.ion~ .... , Texas, this 26th __. day of, ..Sept.e. mber _, 19 72~ ,
at College Station , Texas.
City Secretary o Florence Neelley
College Station Texas
-- , _ , ,,, 11 11 11 ,
01. 29