HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/26/1972 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMEMBERS PRESENT:
June 26, 1972
7:00 P.M.
Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams,
Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen;
City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; City
Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor J. B. Hervey and on motion by
Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the minutes of the May 22, 1972
meeting were unanimously approved.
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor on the question of rezoning Lots 3 through 16
of the Visoski Addition from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District No. 4,
First Business District. City Planner George Eby explained the location of the property
in question and when no one spoke either for or against the change in zoning, the public
hearing was closed. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen,
Ordinance No. 820, an ordinance rezoning the above described property, was unanimously
passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No. 821,
an ordinance levying taxes for the use and support of the municipal government of the
City of College Station and providing for the interest and sinking fund for the year 1972-
73, was unanimously passed and approved.
Mayor Hervey then opened the public hearing on the city budget for the fiscal year 1972-
73. Following the discussion on the budget, Councilman Dale moved approval of Ordinance
No. 822, an ordinance adopting a budget for the Fiscal Year 1972-73 and authorizing expendi-
tures therein provided. The motion, seconded by Councilman Brison, was unanimously
passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 823,
an ordinance relating to speed zones which specifically designates additional areas in the
City of College Station in which rates of speed of thirty (30) miles per hour or more are
authorized; rescinding all parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring that
attendant facts necessitate immediate action, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Dale, a resolution, authorizing
the City Manager to act for the City of College Station in dealing with the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department for financial assistance in the construction of a swimming pool, was
unanimously passed and approved. The resolution is as follows:
City Council
June 26, 1972
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the United States Congress has passed the Land and Water Conservation
Fund Act of 1965 (Pablic Law 88-578), authorizing the Secretary of the
Interior to provide financial assistance to states, and political sub-
divisions thereof, for outdoor recreation purposes; and
the Texas Legislature has adopted Article 6081r, V.A.C. $., "Development
of Outdoor Recreation Resources", for the purposes of allowing the State
of Texas, and its political subdivisions, to participate in the Federal pro-
gram established under said Public Law 88-578, or such other programs
as are hereinafter established by the Federal Government; and
the City of College Station is fully eligible to receive assistance under this
Program; and
the City Council of the City of College Station is desirous of authorizing its
administrative staff to represent and act for the City in dealing with the
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concerning this Program, NOW,
Section 1. That the City Council of the City of College Station hereby certifies that the City
of College Station is eligible to receive assistance under Public Law 88-578, as augmented
by Article 6081r, V.A. C, S.
Section 2' That the City Council hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager to represent
and act for the City of College Station in dealing with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
for the purposes of this Program. The City Manager is hereby officially designated as the
City's representative in this regard.
Section 3. The City Council hereby designates its City Secretary as the official authorized
to serve as the City's fiscal officer to receive Federal funds for the purposes of this
Section 4- The City Council hereby authorizes the City officials herein designated to make ap-
plication to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concerning the construction of a swimming
City Council Meeting
June 26, 1972
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Section 5: Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective from and after its
passage by the City Council of the City of College Station.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of June, 1972.
J.B. Hervey
Florence Neelley
City Secretary
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the City Council unanimously
approved the City accepting the 701 Planning Grant and authorizing City participation in the
amount of 25~ of the cost of the plan.
Councilman Brison moved that the City request that the three local planning firms and firms
from elsewhere submit proposals based upon an outline which would be prepared by City
Planner George Eby and the various official city committees. The motion, seconded by
Councilman Bonnen, was unanimous ly passed and approved.
Mr. Clay Seward explained to the Council and the citizens that he had been employed to
make a study concerning a future water supply for the City. Mr. Seward stated that one
location for the City to drill a well would be the location of the ground storage tank on
University Drive. Mr. Seward stated that the sodium bicarbonate content of this water is
very high and possibly would pose a problem for people suffering from high blood pressure.
Mr. Seward also pointed out that this high content in the water would probably cause the
Health Department not to approve the City's water supply but Mr. Seward stated that it
was surprising just how many municipalities did not have a public approved water supply.
Mr. Seward stated that the farther northwest the location was moved, the less sodium
bicarbonate content the water would have but that it would be more expensive to transport
the water from a farther location. After considerable discussion, the Council thanked Mr.
Seward for his presentation and requested that he attempt to secure a drilling firm to drill
a test hole in order to determine just what the so[id content of the water would actually be.
Mr. Seward stated that he would do this.
City Manager Ran Boswell informed the Council that the City had sent out numerous requests
for bids for two police cars. Only two bids were received, however, one bid was not for
the specifications submitted by the City. Cade Motor Company was the only company to
City Council Meeting
June 26, 1972
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submit a bid on the specified cars which was in the amount of $7344. City Manager Ran
Boswell recommended that the City Council accept the bid of Cade Motor Company. On
motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the City Council unani-
mously accepted the bid of Cade Motor Company inthe amount of $7344.
Mayor Hervey reminded the Council that Friday night is Bryan-College Station night in
the Astrodome and urged all who could, to attend the baseball game there.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated that he had received several phone calls relative to
the City of College Station being left out of the revenue sharing program bill. Mr. Boswell
stated that this was incorrect and the City of College Station will receive $254,933.00 in
revenue sharing.
Mrs. Joe LeBlanc thanked the Council for appropriating funds in the budget for support
of the Mental Health Center.
As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
City Secretary
o ago