HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/1972 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMEMBERS PRESENT:
January 24, 1972
7:00 P.M.
Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams,
Don Dale, Dr. J. D. Lindsay, Dr. R. D Radeleff, and C. A.
Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Planner George Eby;
and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order by Mayor J. B. Hervey at 7:00 P.M. On motion by
Councilman C. A. Bonnen, seconded by Councilman J. D. Lindsay, the minutes of the
December 17, 1971 meeting were unanimously approved.
Mr. Phillip Noe, of 1501 Gunsmith, presented a petition to the Council for the purchase
of parkland along the A. Holick Tract south of Holleman Drive. The Petition is as
"We, the undersigned property owners and/or registered voters of the City
of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, do hereby petition the City Council
of said municipality to purchase parkland in that part of the A. Holick tract
indicated by the crosshatched area on the attached map. A coarse description
of this property is the eastern quarter of the A. Holick tract bounded by the
proposed extension of Haines Drive on the northwest and Dexter Drive on the
southwest (reference attached map and Joe Orr Engineering Survey).
We further petition the City of College Station to use the above described
property to construct and adequately maintain a neighborhood park containing
childrens' playground equipment, a shallow concrete wading pool, a stocked
pond, picnic tables, trees and shrubbery. One or more open areas should also
be regularly maintained for sandlot softball and football activities."
Mr. Noe stated that he had performed a survey of property owners in this area and only
ten had refused to sign this petition. Mr. Noe also stated that the money for this project
could be obtained by an addition to the bond issue for the new swimming pool.
Councilman Dale asked Mr. Noe if he had contacted the owners of this land and he replied
that he had not contacted the actual owners, but had consulted with Mr. Bill Fitch, of
Area Progress Corporation, who has the land for development and Mr. Fitch was in
support of the project and had planned to dedicate two to three acres out of the southern
area of this tract for a park.
City Council Meeting
January 24, 1972
7:00 P.M.
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Mayor Hervey requested that City Manager Ran Boswell present this petition to the Parks
and Recreation Committee for their study and consideration and ask them to bring their
findings and recommendations back to the Council.
Mr. Bruce Clay, a student from Texas A&M University, presented two resolutions for
the Council's review and action. Mr. Clay stated that both resolutions were passed
unanimously by the Student Senate Executive Committee and will be presented to the
entire Student Senate Body later this week for their consideration.
One of the resolutions is as follows:
Texas A&M students now have the right to vote in College Station
e le ctions, and
Texas A&M students have shown an increased concern in community
activities, and
Members of the City Council may not be aware of the problems
of students in College Station, and
Students may not understand the functioning of City Council, and
City Council may not understand the functioning of the Student
Senate, therefore
BE 1T RESOLVED, That the City Council of College Station and the Executive
Committee of the Texas A&M Student Senate meet in conference
to exchange ideas and discuss problems in an effort to establish
and increase communications between the students of Texas A&M
and the community of College Station.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Dale, the Council unanimously
approved the above resolution with the condition that the Student Senate Body concurs also.
The second resolution is as follows:
College Station Spring General Elections are to be held on
April 4, 1972, and
Texas A&M students will bern Spring Break from March 29, 1972
through April 5, 1972, and
City Council Meeting
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Over 2,000 Texas A&M students have registered to vote in
College Station elections and this is a large portion of the
voting public, and
The City Charter of College Station states that the election must
be held on the first Tuesday of April (this year on April 4, 1972)
thereby making a change of election date nearly impossible, and
The purpose of an election is to collect as many votes as possible
in the most facilitated manner, therefore
BE 1T RESOLVED, That an absentee poll for absentee voting for the Spring General
Election for April 4, 1972 be placed on the Texas A&M University
campus to enable student voters to cast their ballots.
Mayor Hervey informed Mr. Clay that the Council would consider this'situation and let
him know their decision, but that it was questionable whether or not this would be legal
Also it was pointed out that it might be giving preferential treatment to students
by placing an absentee voting place on the campus and not in various other parts of the
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 800,
an ordinance rezoning a 13.2 acre tract of land located in the Crawford Burnett League
from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business
District, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 801,
an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of annexing a 12.17 acre tract
of land located along Old Highway 6 and west of the Old City Hall, was unanimously
passed and approved. When the City was incorporated in 1938, the boundaries of the
city limits at that time were along the west side of the Boyett Addition and did not include
Old Highway 6 and a part of the grade separation on University Drive. The City would
like to annex this property in order to have control of traffic and maintenance of the
old highway. A petition in favor of this was presented to the City Manager prior to the
meeting by the Traffic and Safety Committee.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council unanimously
approved the building of a nursing home and a senior citizen's home on a 18.446 acre tract
of land out of the Dobrovolny property and located along Holleman Drive.
Consulting Engineer, Bill Wischmeyer, was present and presented a progress report
stating that the design of the waste water treatment plant was approximately 90~c
complete. The Council commended Mr. Wischmeyer on the excellent job he had done
on this project. Mr. Wischmeyer stated that the plans for this project would be in the
City Manager's office if anyone would like to look at them.
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Mr. Wischmeyer recommended that the Council accept the bid of $25736.00 from S&H
Plumbing Company of Bryan and the bid of $3730.00 from Asa Hunt, Inc., of Dallas,
for a pump and other improvements at the water pump station. On motion by Councilman
Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, the Council unanimously accepted Mr. Wischmeyer's
recommendations and authorized the awarding of the bids as such.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the Council authorized
the negotiation for the purchase of a 4.90 acre tract of land north of the present waste
water plant property to be used for the new waste water plant.
Mr. Tom Chaney, Chairman of the City Beautification Committee, presented a report to
the Council, bringing them up-to-date on the plans of his committee. Mr. Chaney's report
is as follows.
Beautification Committee Report - 1971
I. Spring Clean-Up Campaign
The spring clean-up campaign is scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 1972, starting
at 8:00 a.m. and lasting until 5:00 p.m. the same day. A press conference is scheduled
for 2-00 p.m. March 9th at the City Hall to release information to the press and seek their
support to give adequate coverage. The City will be divided into areas, with an area
chairman for each to supervise pick-up and handle any problems. The pick-up will be
manned by volunteer help as well as City equipment and donated equipment. Headquarters
will be the City Hall with coffee, donuts and soft drinks available for workers. A $100
budget is requested for the following- (1) Bumper sticker publicity - $50; (2) Signs to
landfill area - $15; (3) Refreshments - $35. After completion of clean-up a summary of
results will be issued to the press and letters of appreciation sent to volunteer agencies
and area chairmen.
II. City Landscaping
(A) City Hall and Fire Station - The City has allocated the sum of $3000.00 from the
contingency fund for 1972 for this project. Prices are being received and the plants for
City Hall will cost in the range of $2700.00. The City will plant and make soil preparation.
It has been recommended that the existing soil be removed to a depth of 9" and replaced
with topsoil with peat moss filled in at the rate of I bale per 100 square feet. This
planting is to be completed in the month of February.
(B) Intersection of Texas Avenue and Walton Drive -The water line to the two
triangles is complete and Mr. Bob Rucker of Texas A&M is in the process of re-designing
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January 24, 1972
7.00 P.M.
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the A&M side and has volunteered to design the College Station side also. These plans
should be complete shortly. The A&M Garden Club is to landscape the triangles and plan
to plant two large cedar trees for use at Christmas.
III. Garbage Disposal
A. Garbage Bag System
The Beautification Committee discussion on the use of garbage bas has been
as follows:
(1) Select a street in College Station or which the citizens volunteer to try the
use of bags for one month and then express their experiences, both pro and con. If the
results are favorable, then extend on a volunteer basis to the entire city.
(2) Bags could be bought by the City and either sold to the citizens or issued
(specified number per month, quarter, etc.. ) and paid for out of garbage collection fees.
(3) If issued on specified number basis, then additional bags could be purchased
at City Hall, thus heavy users would help offset costs which they cause.
(4) Paper bags were recommended because they will decompose in the landfill
area. I am sure that the use of polythylene bags would be satisfactory if a spray-on-solution
were available to facilitate decomposition of the plastic.
(5) The bag system would best work if placed at the curb for more rapid pick-up.
If labor time and costs were reduced it might be possible to supply the bags without increasing
the garbage pick-up fees.
(6) It is hoped that the bag system would be used to classify garbage thus:
i bag containirg newspaper and recyclable paper (bags, etc.. )
i bag bottle s
I bag cans
i bag wet garbage.
This item #6 gets quite complicated and is part of possible long range planning involving
several areas of public works and citizen participation. Item #7 will try to explain.
(7) Gargabe Disposals
It might be possible that the City purchase in volume (on a pre-order basis)
enough garbage disposals to put one in each home in the City. (A citizen might pay this
out over a 4-6 month period with his utility bill). The reason is that all wet garbage would
be transported through the sanitary sewer systems and reclaimed at the treatment plant and
treated for re-sale as liquid fertilizer or heat-dried fertilizer. With wet garbage eliminated,
the garbage pick-up could go to a mini-train system with the bags of paper in one trailer,
bags of bottles in another and cans in the third. All could be re-cycled and vertually eliminate
a landfill area. This is all long range planning but should be considered due to the problem
of locating future landfill areas and also the problem of waiting long periods of time before
building on former landfill areas, due to methane gas presence.
(8) Brush Pick-up
It might be feasible to purchase a hydraulic chain to be attached between the
cab and bed of trash trucks in order to reduce manpower requirements and time of loading
and disposing of brush and limbs.
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IV. Newcomers' Letter of Welcome
The Beautification Committee would like the Newcomer's Letter to contain paragraphs
on the following:
(a) One to the effect that trash and brush will be removed by calling the City Hall at a charge
of $1.00 per 12 cubic yard load,
(b) One to the effect that newspapers are re-cycled if bundled and delivered to the
city warehouses and its, address,
(c) One to the effect that dogs must be chained or kept in a fenced area at all times.
V. Non-Returnable Bottles
The Beautification Committee recommends that the ordinance banning the sale of
items in non-returnable bottles in the City not be adopted. The committee does ask that
the Police Department be urged to actively pursue the arrest and prosecution of all in
violation of these litter ordinances.
VI. City Warehouse Fence:
The Beautification Committee requests the City to install additional screening down
the back fence of the city warehouses to screen the material storage yard.
The Council thanked Mr. Chaney and commended him for his report.
Councilman Lindsay, Chairman of the Committee on the Use of Garbage Bags, stated that
he had contacted various service organizations regarding this project and stated that they
had been interested. Councilman Lindsay then asked Mr. Holland Winder, President of
the Bryan-College Station Optimist Club to speak on behalf of this organization.
Mr. Winder spoke to the Council in reference to this service club handling the sale of
plastic garbage bags to the citizens. He stated that the Optimist Club would like to handle
this project exclusively rather than in conjunction with other organizations. Mayor Hervey
requested that Councilman Lindsay and Tom Chaney work with Mr. Winder on this project.
City Manager Ran Boswell informed the Council that the College Station Kiwanis Club
had donated four etching pencils for citizens to use to engrave an identification number onto
any items which might be stolen. These pencils are available at the police station to be
checked out by the citizens.
Mayor Hervey recommended to the Council that Mr. Paul Pate, a local architect, be
appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unsxpired term of Mr. Robert
Evans, whose term expires April, 1972. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by
Councilman Lindsay, the Council unanimously accepted Mayor Hervey's recommendation
and appointed Mr. Pate to this position.
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January 24, 1972
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Mayor Hervey appointed a Charter Revisions Committe consisting of:
O. M. Holt, Chairman
John Denison
James Dozier
John B. Longley
Dorsey McCrory
Joe Sawyer
Robert White.
Mayor Hervey then informed the Council and the public that the Bryan Library would
sponsor a program by the A&M Singing Cadets at the Bryan Civic Auditorium on
February 11, 1972 at 7.30 P.M. All citizens are attended to attend this program at
no charge.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the meeting was
adjourned subject to call.
Assistant City Secretary