HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-3261 - Ordinance - 07/22/2010 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibits "A", "B", "C" and "D" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22nd day of July , 2010 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: i ~.Jti ~0-k c City ecretar APPROVED: - 7" - / /_'1_1 City Attorney ~%w *404 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows and as shown graphically in Exhibits "C" and "D": The following property is rezoned from A-O, Agricultural Open to PDD, Planned Development District: 5.00 Acre Tract Thomas Carruthers League, A-9 College Station, Brazos County, Texas METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE THOMAS CARRUTHERS LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 9, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING ALL OF A CALLED 5.00 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BILLY PITTMAN, JR. AND SHERRY PITTMAN RECORDED IN VOLUME 2615, PAGE 160 OF THE OFFICAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN EXHIBIT "B" AND GRAPHICALLY SHOWN IN EXHIBITS "C" AND "D". .J ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 Page 3 EXHIBIT "B" METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPT ION OFA 5.00 ACRE. TRACT THOMAS CARUTHMS LEAGUE, A-9 COLLEGE STATION, BRA'ZOS ('4)UN"1'Y, "TEXAS ME7TS AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF Al.l. THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN T [IF, T'IIOMAS C:ARUTHESRS LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 9, COLLliGE STATION, BRALOS COIJNTY,'L1XAS. SAID TRACT BEING ALL OF A C'AI.I.IiD 5.00 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BILLY PITIMAN, JR. AND SHERRY PITTMAN RECORDED IN VOLUME 2615, PAGE 16f) OF THL OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, 'I1AAS. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICI)LARLY DESCRIBED 14Y Mi:7T•.S AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN ".X" SET IN C:ONC RETE IN AN EXISTING CONRETE I)RIVF.WAY ON THE NORTH WEST LINE OF WILLIAM D. FITCI I PARKWAY (GREENS PRAIRIF. ROAD-135' R.O.W.) MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF SAID 5.00 ACRF. "TRACT AND THE SOUTHEAST' CORNER OF SPRING MEADOWS SIIRDIVISION, PILASE II, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 5838, PAGE 177 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC= RFCORDS OF BRA7.(-)S COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: N 48° 08' 16" W AL-ONU THE COMMON LINE: OF SAID 5.00 ACRE TRACT AND SPRING MFATN)WS SIJRDIVISION, PHASE II, AT 199.82 FEET PASS A'h INCH IRON ROD FOUND, CONTINUEON FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 550,$0 FEET TO A 5/9 INCH IRON ROD SET MARKI NG'11R.' WFST CORNER OF SAID 5.00 ACRF. TRACT; THENCE: N 41° 52'04 " F. CONTTMJING ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 5.00 ACRE TRACT AND SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASE 11, AT 35.66 FELT PASS A !4 INCH IRON ROD FL)lIND, CONTINUE ON FOR A TOTAL DI STANCE OF 374.75 FEET TO A'/ INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE NORTH CORNER OF SAID 5.00 ACRE TRACT; THENCE: S 48° 09'46" Is ALONG THE COMMON LINti OF SAID 5.00 ACRE TRACT AND SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1, AC:CORDTNG TO TIE PLAT RECORDED IN VOi.[<IMF 5106, PAGE 294 OF THE OFF1C;1A1. PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COLIN TY, TEXAS, FOR A DISTANCE OF 590.77 FEEL' TO A Sig INCA IRON ROD SET ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF WILLIAM D. FITCH PAKKWAY MARKING THE EAST CORNS R OF SATI) 5.00 ACRE TRACT; THENCE: S 41'51'47" W ALONG THE NORTHWEST LINK OF WILLIAM D. FITCH PARKWAY FORA DISTANCE OF 375.00 FEET TO TI1E POINT OFBEGINNING CONTAIN NG 5.00 ACRES OI: LAND, MORE OF LESS, AS SURVEYED ON TFIF: GROUND FEBRUARY, 2(K)7. SEE PLAT PREPARED FEBRUARY, 2007, FOR MORE DESCRIF' TVE INFORMATION. BEARING SYSTEM SI IOWN IIER.EIN IS BASED ON TIlh PLAT CALL BEARINGS OF SPRINU MEADOWS SITBDIVISI ON, PHASE, 11, 58;38.177, BRAD KERR RF.GISTFRBD PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No, 4502 DJW0RKlMABl07-069.MA8 trf° ~ t C !,I) tCERR 517 ~ ~N'y ,%W ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 Page 4 EXHIBIT "C" F Z ~ a a 0 a CD CD d T a c~ 0 o ~ N 0 I/ T W y w O CL ~a d N \ U °f Q Q d o mT ~ w Q W z Z ~I I N Z ~ N c W ~ ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 Page 5 EXHIBIT "D" NOTE: The C-3, Neighborhood Commerical Zoning District Regulations shall be applicable except as modified in the attached concept plan. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the PDD is to develop an infill tract of land as a commercial development that will provide goods and services to the surrounding areas along W.D. Fitch Parkway. The development will serve as a buffer between the existing neighborhood to the west and the Fire Station to the east. General layout and uses will be as shown on the Concept Plan. Buildings will be located as far to the east side of the property and away from the neighborhood as is feasible. Parking areas will be confined to behind the building facing W.D. Fitch. The existing pond will remain as additional buffer and all neighborhood protection standards will be met adjacent to existing R-1 Lots. ,r NNW ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 Page 6 EXHIBIT "D" CONTINUED X\\'N 1 i r ! i ~ I i L4- g w G c2i t I I i~ ~ ` f1 ~~k• ..,t~ ` ~ I III 1 ~a t I I ,,1, Iwo ORDINANCE NO. 2010-3261 Page 7 EXHIBIT "D" CONTINUED NOTE 1. A portion of this tract cartoirs tie 100 year floodpt:ir. as ideitified by the Federal Emergercy Management Agency on Community Parel No 4SC41C0201D Dated July 2. 1992. 2. Drdrage from the impervious por.ion of the site will be taker to the existing pond The po,d will act as either a retenti3n or detertion facility and discharge to the rear o°f the property to the topographical low point on the property- 3. All porkirg to be artificially lit. No ombien: light will project across the property line. 4. All buildings will be one story. Fool lines xill be pitched to match typical single family homes in the odjacert neighborhood. Roo` materials will consist of typical shirgle style and colors similar tc those on the homes. There will be ro flat cr metal roofs. Facades visible from the street will consist cr a combination of two or more of the following materiels (rot ccuntirc windows and doors): Crick, stone, EF15, and/or sldln.) o- wood vinyl, handle plark or eciAvalert materials. Facades will have crlculation similar in scale and type to residential strw:tares in the surrounding neighborhoods. More definitive crchi.ecturd design will occur at the time of the dzvelcpmem. of the building plans. 5. Variance to climirate the buffer alorc the .astcrr property line bordering COCS Fire Station f5. LIST CF USES: Uses may consist of all uses allowei it C-3 except Fuel sales. self storage, 503s. aid stand alone restcurants. It addition, general building sizes and lses will consist of the following: o A retail building (rraximurn 10,000 S.F.) facing W.D. Fitch Parkway and containng a combination of retail and restaurant uses (intense uses not tc exceed 256); Parking assessed at 1:250. o A 4.000 - 3,00-0 S.F. stand alone builiirg wi`h potential prWessional orrice or retail uses; Parking assessed at 1:250, a Two builcings approximately 5.000 S.F. each containing processional office uses including medical offices and/or retail space: Parking assessed at 1:250 for office and retail and 1:200 for medical office space. Certain specific uses may include drive-througi facilities, those being pharmacies, banks and clearers, Sgnage will meet :he standcrds of the C-3 Planned Commercial district with orieritcrion toward W.D. Fitch. T I:1 CV14rRATION, USES -RIP RATES TRIPS 10.0JC 5F REfAI_ CENTER 3.75 TRIPS/IcSF 38 TRIPS 14,500 SF PRwF=SSIONAL/NEDI^AL OFFICE 1.55 TRIPS /KSF 23 TRIPS