HomeMy WebLinkAbout19501211'3ec:.~mber I!~ 1950 i.'.~., with ±}'.~. foilow!r:[ !=re.te..,~: :~,.or ..... · ' i+c?:, .-.r~ll,in· and Orr; Ci%,/ i.+,to,,'~. .... - ~ar. ,er; '~-~'':-: .....,..i..: e:;r ~,~- Secretary '..cgi':.,~ ~; Cit-.- ..... - ..... 'v j ~: ~ ....... or'""' ~Fe'4: '~, f'-, . r'y ."-,e:';.~;; end Earl uunr_:in . :am. ..'-:e i-:.: _,.os.-. of' t.!:e ..' .. ~ti~,'g was to .'Jecide uFor arran.jeme=%s ............ fo~ ",. he t ~',:'e r:';:-.. ?~" .." ' ~".' ' ,' ; o ~-',- ':,: ...... '.'t~ '.. :: *'. ,_ -" he c _~ ~. _~ z-... "~,,,- for ~ ,, .- ., ballot on :: uary ..· ..... ....... ~ :~-ec.r ...... o'.~uc:i Iv.a:',, -:_' itc?:, t}~s,~.· the ". o':; ::c i i -,~ ....... :. '" t~..**'-~, q"",' 1'~ ''*'': ..... o*.. .... c.e 'the ~it:/ the [roi:.o~i.:.o:i' ' to "': 600.00 !--': ...... ".~,,-'.' '.'.,o:',,~ s, .... ,. .:_, ...... . . ..~.OO, . . "o }:e re+t~-ed £,-o e.:,~...-.':-- .,e the .....-'"or ~nd ~:evr-r de.[...~,'" c,,~r....": ;7 .r..,....,, u, i~y, -t,-c, *-,~ :.J3e; a~ ('o'~ , ,~ . ........ b,,u for the ~,i%y's sewer "'..'z+z~,ms -~;t. provemen%. ..... "" ' t. '~ i:': "~'~-,.,._, s. nd Crt. C:o~:nc' Iman ~fs. lp_;'~, did not 'vo~e. ·, . -. 4 c' nd .... -' t iur,. Council=-.nn O.r':. ir..+:-o,juc.:~.,-'. ..:: t, co,_u ion s.~' order a :.'.roved it~ ~-~c'~. ?'be :::o*..Jon wes ~econded b,' Jounc~'l:-.~n Fitch. ~}'le r~,o*;.~, ca., .... 1~,,, v;'ith ii ,. ..... % ..., ...... j '~- ~.. ~.:e a:~.option of 'i'-.c re"olu+~on aud o~or, prevaile~ ~,,~ ~r.~ ~,~ ' '; '. .... ~OWlr~.F 'VO+ a = ._, ~ ~. ,/ t- ~ ~ . .. .[~OES: I:one 3ounc j h'::ar ,!'Telpin ~ id r:ot vote. ';lzi:'EA2, the git'.~ '?.ounc:~ of' the Ci~:v of Co:Is-'- Ststion T aeems i~ ad~,~,~ai:ie ..... ar,~ *o. the ke'-~,. ~r,~erea*~ oe ,_s" 'f City 'to ....... .~o ..he residen,: ~'-~sli~er] [r~."~':3, t,a.xisying vd%er: c" "~','~ City tk, e ~roposition for issuance of eYO,OOO.ar~ . . ...,~ revenue bonds of sa i~ City-for funds with ~'l.ich 'to build a,:d Fure~a:~:s ~,.:l...rovement~ svd ,":~'~n~:ons ~:o tY;e ~-~ ' " ~'" ' -. ~ ,. CO0.O0 ':.-ctr'i.: light a~'sten:.~, of s~d.. Crt:, ' ... p'oFo,..i*= on for +~e i~,:~e.n~ of [)20, construct improvements and exten:;io~s %o the wsterworks system of' said City, ' ~ 006.00 revenu,, bon~s of an~ t~,e proposition fo %be iscu~.nce of .~110, ...... for ~';'~ v e ,, ., n~" fu '..-- p-rkos~ o .... ec,,ri :'d-' '/~i+h vt! ici~ to cun;..i'ruc% imp~'o'.,e~n~ntc ~:,:tensions to %he sewer s:/atem of :'aid :'~hat er: .'}'"+.io~ be ".-~¢±~ .fn the City o.~' College $~ai;un, ~'exas, on the J~'h,. day of January,, I~=1,., ~. a+ ,~._c..;, ~ h e leer ion the followin;.'~ Fro~osf.'Lio~'s,., st',all. be s,~T)n'.it~ed to the resident q~alif'icd i::-o~er~.:y taxltayinf voters of said C j!y, w;'o ow~ tazab].e pro['.erty in ssid C:ity az~O '.W'~c ~,ave duly rendered i'd te,,:e for ~z:etion, for their sc,*;ct: i'-.e-eupcnJ 0O364 ~"inutes of S~'ec.ial ',"~e:,ti:,c :Clc .... :"(.. 1 c-u'" "o" :L~,'~". ..... "o :~ue ,~7OoOCO.C"~ .'..--~-,'- :~ ~,-.' ~:. o.'.:d s o.~' ..:a_.':~ '." i'i'~.', OV:?I' ~ ~FiO,': 0z' ~,~,~.~' I,O'!' *0 e. xoc-'e ~...~,.,.i. ~ , = - 9 ,. .'. .: ?,~:,.:'h':." iz,t~, re al; ~:t ,:, r'ste net, tu ,':<, ..... ,. 0 t~,ree et.~r o'.ce-h~:~f cent i:"~' u,r. .... , '~o" ~'~ .... ':.:,'~o,,' c~' ~ecr..r'l;'./' f'u:-~.-',,--.,~;-'.+_'- :,;'-;,.-:~- ~'o b,:,:l~ and pvrc'i~r,;.e i.mp:'c",'e~;-a:ii- ~.:,r.d exter~aiun~; ~ .... iee~- ' " - ,. ,. c. e e ',' ~ z i~:'~'..~.: e ::,; stem o *~ said ,,ii.y, arc ':o }.,'o';:'6e .fo"' i:~e i:~-. w..?i:± of ":',.-... pri~cip..::,l c"_ .:~,,;:i,. ;"'-'z'~::+.,.... .. on · ~'ue'~, i.,or:ds .,'c:--~... le n;~ t:",. -t: ,' ....- , '-,,' ...... o t'i,' t" dL i .... re cver:.u¢. :: ix'ed f'rcn'. ............ - -:.~ e~,~ 0',9 ':~,, i,: '~ .- . . . . .- e vez-i. "_.:..'i ' :; -~[9 '('o, ~ciz be. eui.bo',-iz,', ;,, i.: :_:,* - ,, ' .! ~'';'~I. '~ ~ :': .... ; .... ': ~" ~C;~.'OTq~ &Oil ~- ~' "':' ' '~ ' ~ ...... -- ' ..~ , "O-~i~.' ";- "::li:it~ ef', in },"~po~:i. .:_.o'. -c. ?~ +,~.. i ...... .~ cv:::~ :'..'.",'. ~et-i:. . Lic ., ';"'O4'~, fl'fSI' 9114 ~ ':':' i' ~' L ~" ~ :~ : Gl';,.: b I ~,, !~. iL~.Xz-E-U.r;, ' ' ' ~' ;-.ol' 't ;, 4- ,~ - . , ' · "a,_,, :; .... ne z' -, ~:u.'~., ~.['' 'r,,:, .-. i;"~,': .1.- ° ,, .,, ~ ~ ., . . . . , . .. /., i'.:i:.t:t.,. '. to t.}.e ~.',-',._~-r,i. o:.' .... · .... ',...'.' .*~.] o,';.,',-''"- ..i. e :-,,.:'. ,:'t on :6-' ;-w" ,', -'- - '-- " .' ~I..,.:Oo~ ' · ' : · - · .- ' · c .-. ·, [ -., ! em evenue '~Orl¢!,.'~ · ?ILO] "bS ': ] .~ t l; ' ¢.. ,.3 .... ,=, 0035,5 I" ]. 'fl Z 00357 ~i't'.:VTES 0F' PmGULi~ CC'~JhC. iL De¢-~,,nber 11, 1950 The Ci~L, Cou~,cil 7:30 p.m. wi~h the fo!lowirg present: ~adFe+~ ' itc~' '~s ~ ~f.~- ~.'~c, rne~. ~er; ~i~v 12n~i'aee- ~-nson, City %a~a~,-er }~o[e~s, A~~ .. *y cre sr~ swell, .. · ~ ,_ . ..... ant c'~ Se t ' ~o an~ City Sec re~ ary "cfi inn is. Co'v.n.~illrau Crt n, afe~ '.~.':otion, aeco;:.~e~ k.y C'ouncilma~ Fs.].l:in, that OrP~nan~e Fc i51, .. . an or~ins, nce vae~i-in[' ~,~ alley in °Ioo~- 1 of C.~l:wood Addition Le passed. ..."or: Co~,nci].n_en Am...~s, i itc~:, ",.~.!~.ir:, e:,~,'"'. Orr Age ' nsf: Councilman Bed ge~+~ ~ouncil:rtan Hal. Fin made a motion, seconded b~, Cou:.""i_.":,sr, ~:~tch, that Ctis Ce. troll, s 1. on~-4:im~ emplcyc~ of' the Ciiv, b-. ;" Cen a leave of ."' . .... '~'~om Jsnu,~,~y ~ !~51 to J~:ly I~ .. eh ,nc~, s~ ';'is r~qt,,~+, ,.. ~, ~35i. 2'}:e "o~.~ncil vote wva u.~,~-nimo,~.~' ..... 5~n [:avor o.f +h, e motior. '~..ou.'.'ci]~;,,.an i"ituh made a raotio:", :-:e,':.::n.4e,] h;/ ~;ncS. i:,mn ~aes, .... bond -rr..':' .:"::- Le n~jfora, ~, ,.'...:or OO358