HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/2011 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - Historic Preservation CommitteeCITY OF COIA.FGE STATION Parks and Recreation Department HPC — 9 /12 /2011MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee Monday, September 12, 2011 College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive, Room 103 College Station, Texas 77840 4:00 pm Attendance: Susan Irza (Chair), Linda Harvell, Louis Hodges, Libby Vastano, M.D. Marshall, Jerry Cooper, Ann Hays Approved Absence: Pat Cleere, Hillary Jessup Unapproved Absence: Frances Williams Staff Attendance: Anne Boykin, Heritage Programs Coordinator; David Schmitz, Director of Parks and Recreation; Kathy Merrill, Assistant City Manager; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Kelly Kelbly, Recreation Supervisor; Herlinda Godinez, Secretary Visitors: Dr. Alston Thoms; HPC Volunteer, Tina Hanna Agenda Item #1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Susan Irza, at 4:00 p.m. Agenda Item #2 -3: Hear Visitors: Dr. Thoms reported that the annual Hot Rocks Cook Off did not receive a special permit from the fire marshal to hold the event due to the dry conditions and burn ban. . The event is set to occur November 17 through November 20 2011. He asked the Historic Preservation Committee for their opinion regarding canceling the event. After discussion, it was decided to cancel the event for this year. Dr. Thoms will notify the Department of the Army, the Indian tribes and other participating universities. He will email the fire marshall report to David Schmitz. Dr. Thoms asked for a commitment to participate in Hot Rocks for 2012. The HPC committed to support the event in 2012 and Mr. Schmitz assured Dr. Thoms that the Hot Rocks Cookoff will continue to have the support of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. Agenda Item #4: Possible action and discussion on absence requests. Pat Cleere and Hillary Jessup submitted absence requests. The absence requests were approved. Agenda Item #5: Possible action and discussion to approve meeting minutes of regular meeting of July 11, 2011. The July 11, 2011 minutes were approved. Agenda Item #6: Report from HPC Chairperson. Susan Irza reported that she and HPC member, Jerry Cooper, met with the City Manager and Mayor to discuss the recent changes to the Historic Preservation program. There is a possibility that Project HOLD (Historic Online Library Database) and the 75` Anniversary program will be moved under the City Secretary's Office. Susan also informed the committee that she and Jerry Cooper have has a meeting with Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary, the Mayor, and the City Manager on Wednesday, September 14 Agenda Item #7: Report from Heritage Programs Coordinator. Anne Boykin reported that her last day with the City is September 16 2011. Kelly Kelbly will be the interim HPC Coordinator, and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator, will also be helping with Heritage Programs until the position is filled. Anne reported that the HPC office will still be located at the Conference Center. Mrs. Boykin reported that there is now a shuttle from the Southwood Community Center to the College Station Conference Center for the Exploring History Lunch /lectures. Agenda Item #8: Possible action and discussion on HPC By -Laws. The HPC is waiting on a template for the by -laws. The last revision to the by -laws was in 2006. Agenda Item #9: Discussion and possible action on Preservation Excellence Awards. Susan Irza reported that there are only abou 2 or 3 medallions left and two pending applications. Any new applications will be put on hold until more direction is received regarding the future of the HPC and funding to purchase a new supply of medallions. Linda Harvell may be able to get a better price on the medallions. The HPC feels that at least 10 markers need to be purchased and the current price is approximately $255 each. The program is a courtesy program and awarding a medallion does not affect the zoning designation of the property. The HPC may look into a less costly form of award, such as a paper "Award of Excellence" Such a less costly award could be given to worthy places that do not meet the criteria for a medallion . Agenda Item #10: Committee Reports: • Historic Marker Program — A copy of pending applications is available for committee members to view. Votes on existing applications will be held until a later date. • Oral History Transcript Project— (Lou Hodges) Lou informed the committee that he now has a book scanner in his office. • Exploring History Lunch Lecture Series — (Susan Irza, Anne Boykin, and Marci Rodgers) Susan announced that the 2012 lecture line up is set and there are sponsors for all the luncheons. • 75` Anniversary — (Linda Harvell- (Chair), Patricia Cleere, Jerry Cooper, Susan Irza) Linda is scaling down the event to one day. David Schmitz and the City Manager's Office expressed their full commitment to the event and will continue to discuss it through the fall and spring. • College Station Timeline & College Station History Book Advisor — (Jerry Cooper) In order to start the book, funding will be needed. Jerry suggested scaling back the project and reprinting the existing book from 1986. The author has given permission to reprint the book. Sponsors or funds from the City will be needed for the book project. Decisions need to be made as soon as possible so that it can be published in time for the 75"' Anniversary Event. • College Station Oral History Interviews & Educational Initiatives — (Libby Vastano, Susan Irza) The project has been put on hold until the direction of the HPC is solidified. • "Military History on Tap in Brazos Valley" Guidebook — (Anne Boykin, James McGinnis, Vicky Eastes (HP Volunteer) This item has been put on hold for the time being. • Heritage Programs Acquisitions — (Tina Hanna (HP Volunteer)) Tina has acquired a letter from 1901 discussing Dr. Foster's funeral. Dr. Foster was one of the first presidents /director of Texas A &M University Agenda Item #11: Show and Tell Lou Hodges brought an 1878 medal honoring Major General John Stark that he purchased from a flea market. Agenda Item #12: Calendar Events - September 21, 2011 Exploring History, "A Short History of the Laws and Legal Community of Brazos Valley." The Honorable W.T. McDonald, Jr. CS Conference Center, Room 127,11:30 a.m., $5pp October 1, 2011 Buffalo Stampede, Brazos Valley Museum October 3, 2011 HPC Meeting, 4:00 p.m. CS Conference Center, Room 103 November 5, 2011 Museum of the American G.I. Open House Agenda Item #13: Future Agenda Items — It was suggested that the marker applications for the house at 1009 Walton Drive be placed on the agenda. There is also a request to designate the neighborhood behind Lions Park as a historic area. Barbara Moore, Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator, has funds that could be used to purchase signs for the area. The committee will also need to follow up with John Happ regarding designating Easterwood Airport as a historical location. Agenda Item # 14: Adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. AP OVED: Susan Irza, Chai an ATTEST: Sherry MashRurn, Staff Liaison