HomeMy WebLinkAboutMilitary Panel Program City of College Station Historic Preservation Committee and Conference Center Advisory Committee History Project: Memory Lanes M Wednesday, February 19, 1997 9:30 a.m. to 12 :00 noon College Station Conference Center ��. 1300 George Bush Drive eL "Military" Memory Lane Oral Histories Scheduled on February 19, 1997 Clarence J. Allen Bud Denton Charles Baker Qus A. Ellis Spencer Baen Dr. Ted Franklin Joe Barron F. W. Hensel F. D. Bennett Dick Hewey John Blazen Lannes Hope Morris Bloodworth Peggy Hope r �: Calvin Boykin John W. Huckabee, Jr. W. S. Brezeale Allen T. Kraft 7 . Larry L. Burleson Charles Lewis / Alice Jean Butler Robert M. Logan O. D. Butler Richard Magers J. H. Caddess Pat Mann Thomas Cartwright Dial F. Martin Hazel & Bill Chastain James T. Moore D. B. Clifton Galen Morgan David Cofer Fred Nabors Curtis Cox John Ratcliff Qlada T. Crocker Mrs. Earl Rudder William Culver Clyde Schaeffer James T. Cushion Robert Skrabanek C vrto -a.,a Phillip Smith PROGRAM General Assembly, Room 127 9:30 - 9:50 Social 9:50 - 10:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks Bill Lancaster Historic Preservation Committee 10:00 -10:20 Break and go to interview rooms 10:20 Interview Sessions 12:00 Noon Adjourn Oral History Project "Military" Memory Lane Steering Committee W. G. Breazeale Lt. Col. Buck Henderson Grace Calbert Bill Lancaster Sylvia Martinez Moderators Transcriptionist Video Camera Operators Charlotte Bergstad Sharla Beason Gabe Barrick James Burk Olive Black David Epperson Mary Jane Hirsch Pam Einkauf David Gerling John Holder Sue Hosea Ed Holdredge Debbie Jasek • Mary Lancaster Richard Molina Bill Lancaster Sylvia Martinez Foy Page Dennis Maloney Tina Rodriguez Helen Sheffield Naomi Shannon Kym Rucker Carol Zeigler Kitty Worley Eillen Sather Nell Zeigler Sign -In Table Refreshments Photographers Sylvia Martinez Grace Calbert Afsaneh Yasdani Helen Perry -.,A Sylvia Martinez rAtair, Audio Technician Leslie Boykin We hope you can join us on Wednesday, February 19, from 9:30 am. to 12 noon, to discuss military days in our area from 1900 to 1949. Eventually, ten oral history topics will be completed and the stories compiled into a book. These great memories from you and your friends will be shared with our school children. I know you will want to be a part of this wonderful endeavor to preserve our memories for future generations. Some of the discussions pertaining to the military will be on these subjects: 1. How many members of your family were in the Spanish - American War. What do you have in the way of letters, photographs, and memorabilia from this war. 2. How many members of your family were in World War I anytime during 1914 to 1918. What do you have in the way of letters, photographs, medals, or any other memorabilia from this war. 3. Where were you when you heard about the United States entering World War II. What did you do next? What was your family doing for a living at the time? 4. Did anyone in your family (men or women) join immediately? How old were they. Which branch of service did they join. Where did they go for training and how long was it. Where did they go after that. 5. What was it like on the homefront during World War II in reference to rationing, black -outs, shopping, fashion, trains, transportation, golf, recreation, YMCA, socials, big bands, victory gardens, farming, the war effort. over 6. During World War II, explain sending and receiving letters, censorship, telegrams, newspapers, newsreels at the movies, radio programs, telephone calls, and opportunities to visit loved ones. 7. What was life like around the A &M College during World War II. The Corps, the A &M News, The Battalion paper, Mothers Club, Aggieland Orchestra, A &M College Band. Did your family ever go to Guion Hall on campus for any orientations regarding the war. Where there support groups for families who lost loved ones. How many churches were here at the time. 8. Were you or any of your family involved with the Bryan Air Force Base or Coulter Field during World War II. Explain any work your family did to go away to work in the war effort, such as the ship yards, factories, or prisoner of war camps. 9. Was your family in business during World War II. How did the war affect the business, the advertising, prices, credit, supplies, shipping goods, receiving goods, and the work force. 10. Explain an experience you had in the military regarding troop trains, mail call, censured letters, entertainment, "sea rations," newspapers, boxes from home. 11. Explain any battles, badges, or medals you or your family received during World War II. 12. What was it like as a returning soldier after World War II regarding adjustments, housing, continuing college, cost of living, marriage, and what medical facilities were available. a:qstions.doc f CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Wou are cordially invited to attend a coffee hos ted by /he Ci% of College (Station :5 9I1,5Woric 'reservation Committee and Conference Center gdoisory Comm/Ike 9n order to preserve our history, the 9en and ( Women, City,s Oral 9listony 9lemory �anes, Come share your memories and (Series 9'0. 8, will pertain to the experiences pertaining to the military in our area Wilitary 9n Our area from 1949. mom 1900 -1949" ( - l)ednesday ( February 19, 1997 ( Please bring your memories, photos, documents, 9 : 30 lo 12.•00 9)'oon and memorabilia pertaining to the College dtation Conference Center • ( The cSpanish- gi (War 1300 George bush'1rive • The Corps College (Station, Texas • The 9JIlen g1cademy • ( 2Oorld mar 11 Call lo reserve space by ( Wednesday, • ( The ( Bryan 7Iir force Lase 'Tebruary 12, 1997, 5.00 99)1 • 90 Camps 764 -3720 or 764 -3726 • • c The 9Yational guard • ( Project 9lousing and 4dmission is free and refreshments mill be served • on the 91ome (- Front Transportation can be made available PPlease call in advance ��1ili�ary 1900 - -J4J �J CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Oral 9listory ( Project csleering Committee Toll are cordially inoited to mend a coffee hosted by the G `9recz ' 13reazeale Grace Calbert of College cStation s �t Col Buck 9lenderson 9listoric c reservation Committee �1 ill Lancaster and c5ylaia 9lartinez Conference Center daisory Committee