HomeMy WebLinkAbout"Color College Station" Banners TH 12A MAN F O U N D A T I O N SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS July W. Miles Marks uly 20, 1998 Executive Director Mr. Lee Battle Staff Planner City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Mr. Battle: After traveling extensively the past several weeks, I have been going through my correspondence and wanted to acknowledge your letter to me dated June 4, 1998. Your letter addresses many aspects of the Community Appearance Committee's banner program and the 12 Man Foundation banners/brackets. I want very much the opportunity to visit with you further regarding this program. Please let me or my assistant, Judy Crockett, know when a meeting can be arranged. Sincerely, W. Miles Marks WMM/jc cc: Lynn Mcllhaney, Mayor, City of College Station John Nichols, Chairman, Community Appearance Committee Texas A&M University 12th Man Foundation P. 0. Drawer L-1 College Station, Texas 77844 -9101 Telephone (409) 846 -8892 Fax (409) 846 -2445 June 4, 1998 Mr. Miles Marks 12th Man Foundation P.O. Drawer L -1 College Station, Tx 77844 Dear Mr. Marks: As you may know, the Community Appearance Committee (CAC) for the City of College Station is operating a program to install banners throughout the City. The program is now entering its third phase which includes the installation of College Station banners on Texas Avenue. Currently there are 12th Mania banners along this road as well as in other areas of the City. You may have seen previous communications between myself and your predecessor, Mr. Frank Shannon, regarding future use of the 12th Mania banner brackets along Texas Avenue. The CAC has determined that a joint use agreement regarding this hardware would not be practical for several reasons: 1) the College Station banners will not be the same size as the existing 12th Mania banners and therefore would not fit the existing brackets, 2) the regular changing of banners increases wear and the chances of damaging the banners, brackets, and light poles, and 3) installation of banners is expensive and there are no funds budgeted or proposed for the regular changing of banners. The resolution approved by the City Council permitting the 12th Mania banners included a nine month time limit, after which the banners were to be removed. Although the time limit elapsed last summer, the City has allowed the banners to remain while the Texas Avenue widening project was being completed. The CAC is now ready to begin implementing the next phase of the banners program. I would like to ask for your cooperation in removing all of the 12th Mania banners and hardware throughout College Station. The new College Station banners should be ready for installation in approximately two months. Any future 12th Man banners will require another resolution from the City Council. Please contact me with any questions that you or the 12th Man Foundation may have. Thank you for your time and cooperation in making College Station a better place to live. Best Regards, Lee Battle Staff Planner 12 TH I j MAN F O U N D A T 1,O N SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS W. Miles Marks July 20, 1998 Executire Director Mr. Lee Battle Staff Planner City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Mr. Battle: After traveling extensively the past several weeks, I have been going through my correspondence and wanted to acknowledge your letter to me dated June 4, 1998. Your letter addresses many aspects of the Community Appearance Committee's banner program and the 12 Man Foundation banners/brackets. I want very much the opportunity to visit with you further regarding this program. Please let me or my assistant, Judy Crockett, know when a meeting can be arranged. Sincerely, W. Miles Marks WMM /j c cc: Lynn McIlhaney, Mayor, City of College Station John Nichols, Chairman, Community Appearance Committee Texas A &M Universitv 12th Man Foundation P 0. Drawer L -1 • College Station, Texas 77844 -9101 Telephone (409) 846-8892 Fax (409) 846 -2445 TH 12A F O U N D A T I O N SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS August 18, 1997 Mr. Lee Battle Staff Planner City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Lee: Thank you for your letter of July 16 regarding the future use of banners and brackets along College Station roadways. We would appreciate very much the opportunity to work with the City of College Station on the 12th Mania banners currently in use, and working with you on future joint use of the brackets in place. We do not have any current plans to change or remove the banners. Understandably, it is expensive to do anything with regard to the banners and due to the fact that the banners still look good, we do not recommend a change at this time. However, we would be pleased to offer the brackets for the use of the city, as you suggested in your letter, when next spring you are ready to place City of College Station banners in various locations. I would request that you suggest some type of joint use agreement regarding the brackets between the 12th Man Foundation, Texas A &M University, and the City of College Station that I can carry forward to the appropriate officials at the Foundation and the University. Since I am going to be leaving my position sometime this fall, you should know that I will not be directly involved in the future plans of this project after approximately November 1. However, I will be happy to assist in seeing to it that a joint use agreement is reached before my departure. Again, please let me say how grateful we are for the partnership between our organization, the University, and the City of College Station, as well as the City of Bryan regarding the promotion of the 12th Mania program. Texas A &M University 12th Man Foundation P.O. DrawerL -1 College Station, Texas 77844 Telephone (409) 846 -8892 Fax (409) 846 -2445 Mr. Lee Battle August 18, 1997 Page 2 Please accept my continuing best wishes to you and the City of College Station in all that you do. With best regards, P 1' . n S -non III xecutive ■ irector FS /jc pc: Lynn Hickey, Associate Athletic Director, Texas A &M University Skip Noe, City Manager, City of College Station John Nichols, Community Appearance Chairman, City of College Station Jane Kee, City Planner, City of College Station TH Mrs. Jane Kee I ATM City Planner F o u ry D a T i o ry SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 W. MILES MARKS College Station, TX 77845 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR August 18, 1998 Dear Mrs. Kee: The Texas A &M University 12 Man Foundation respectfully requests approval of a resolution to allow us the privilege of placing decorative banners around the north, south, and west perimeters of the campus of Texas A &M University. More specifically these banners would be located between Texas Avenue and Wellborn Road along both George Bush Drive and University Drive, and along Wellborn Road between George Bush Drive and University Drive. In discussions with College Station' s Staff Planner, Lee Battle and Kay Floyd of the Community Appearance Committee, I learned of the city's plan to extend the College Station banners along Texas Avenue. To assist in this plan, the Foundation has offered to donate the brackets we had installed along Texas Avenue during the 12 Mania campaign for city use. Our new banner plan includes professionally- designed banners which focus on themes directly related to Texas A &M, Reed Arena, and Kyle Field, alternating with decorative colored banners. Our plans are to rotate the banners at least semi - annually and I have dedicated the budget to keep them in a presentable and repaired state at all times. If approved, the design and installation will be handled by Signs Now. We have surveyed the poles and bracket locations with Mr. Ray Havens of the College Station Electric Department. Our count is currently nine (9) locations on University Drive, seven (7) on Wellborn Road, and two (2) on George Bush Drive. We propose to add brackets on up to: five (5) locations along George Bush Drive, six (6) locations along Wellborn Road, and five (5) locations along University Drive, bringing the total approved banner locations under this resolution to 34. We request that the term of this privilege be continuous, unless and until we are requested by the City Council to change our practices. Thank you for this consideration. Respectfully submitted, W. Miles Marks Texas A &M University 12th Man Foundation P.O. Drawer L -1 College Station, Texas 77844 Telephone (409) 846 -8892 Fax (409) 846 -2445 November 4, 1998 Mr. Miles Marks 12th Man Foundation P.O. Drawer L -1 College Station, Tx 77844 Dear Mr. Marks: Let me first say congratulations on the installation of the 12th Man banners. They have certainly added to the spirit and excitement of this year's football season. As you may recall, the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the City to create an agreement between the City and the 12th Man Foundation to allow the installation of the 12th Man banners. I have enclosed an agreement that will fulfill the requirements of that resolution. The agreement restates the conditions that we have previously discussed verbally. Please sign and return the agreement so we can bring this project to a close. I believe that the combined efforts of our banners programs will increase the visual quality of College Station and add color and excitement to our community. Thank you for your time and cooperation in making College Station a better place to live and visit. Please contact me with any questions that you may have. Best Regards, Lee Battle Staff Planner cc: Jane Kee, City Planner, City of College Station • ................. ......... , ...::.:::::::.:::: Regular Item U Consent Item U Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Joey Dunn, Staff Planner For Council Meeting Of: September 26, 1996 Director Approval: City Manager Approval: Ends Statements / Strategic Issues: Ends Statements #6 Cultural Arts and #8 Civic Pride; Community Appearance and Strategy Item: Consideration of a resolution to endorse the 12th Mania Campaign which will involve the placement of off - premise banners along major thoroughfares throughout the City. Item Summary: As part of the "12th Mania" campaign to promote Aggie Athletics, the 12th Mania Committee, which consists of representatives from the 12th Man Foundation, TAMU officials, B -CS Chamber of Commerce, and the cities of Bryan and College Station, is initiating the installation of vertical street banners throughout both cities. The banners will be approximately 30 inches wide by 8 feet in height, will feature the 12th Mania design (as attached), and will remain up for a period of nine months. According to the sign ordinance, the banners are considered "off premise" signs, which are prohibited within the City, unless there has been a minute order of the City Council to determine that the signs promote a positive image and community spirit (refer to attached copy of sign ordinance). Exact locations have not been identified; however, Mr. Frank Shannon, Executive Director of the 12th Man Foundation, will be present at the meeting to answer more specific location questions. Mr. Shannon has also met with TxDOT representatives as well as members of the Community Appearance Committee to coordinate this project with the ongoing 'Color College Station' Banners Program. Financial Summary: This project relies totally on outside funding sources involved with the 12th Mania Committee, and is not included in the FY '96 -'97 Service Level Adjustment for the Color College Station Banners Program. o: \group\d eve_ser\cvsht \12man ia. doc Staff Recommendation: Staff, as well as the Banners Subcommittee of the CAC, recommend the adoption of the resolution with the condition that specific locations be approved by staff and /or members of the CAC Banners Subcommittee prior to installation, and that the banners be allowed to remain up for no longer than 9 months. City Attorney Recommendation: N/A Council Action Desired: Determine that the proposed banners indeed promote a positive image and community spirit, and adopt resolution with the above staff recommendations. Supporting Materials: Copy of 12th Mania banner design Letter from Frank Shannon dated September 11, 1996 Section of Sign Ordinance Resolution o:\ group \deve_ser\cvsht \12mania.doc a L..1 1 - I ,.. ,.\ / _, ,-/_,°,\_,, ,,raihmH ,_ -, .),ik *rt. 8 F-t-T-- t t 1.) f BIG 12 CO ' i'JANCE //i , ! f +1,- rs- K- . .,ir1 - % acs C3 6,941c 11. s/ 44 " 747 c 0 , /U b„:„..- cL71-1._ ,731- 7 ,1, oz �-�- .5^0 — < - 4 o-= i rc- a ,, v ,7x na . s _ s* ozczkIA. Sk P'W~' e"..1. /4 -r - (?' - /r `"' 1.�. -i ✓. /e _-. Pr �Yl..- s�= =-- vb s 1 vY -s� ---jam - - L: ___ m oz l! - - A 09/1'196 14:45 $409 846 2445 12th MAN FOUND. i{7.jow. 12th Man F DATE: q TO: . J DE 'f behtbv ATTN: FAX NO.: 7l q /— 3`T FROM: ! 7V Ai S 1 - 1 1 4 FAX NO.: (409) 846 -2445 NO. OF PAGES: 3 (including this page) MESSAGE: je q• The information contained in this facsimile is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the intended recipient's agent. you a re hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us i mmediately at (409) 946 -R$92. If you experience problems in receiving all pages indicated piea contact us immediately. Thank you. NO. A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE 12TH MANIA STREET BANNER CAMPAIGN. WHEREAS, the 12th Mania Committee proposes to erect vertical street banners along major thoroughfares within the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, the proposed banners are classified in Section 12.3.0. of the College Station Zoning Ordinance as `bff- premise" signs which are prohibited within the City of College Station, except in areas where there has been a determination and minute order of the City of College Station City Council which finds that the display of the signs (a) promote a positive image of the City of College Station for the attraction of business or tourism; (b) depict an accomplishment of an individual or group; and (c) create a positive community spirit; and WHEREAS, members of the 12th Mania. Committee have consulted with the Banners Subcommittee of the College Station Community Appearance Committee to coordinate the proposed 12th Mania street banners with the ongoing `Color College Station' street banners program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS that the proposed off - premise signs meet the above criteria, and are hereby allowed to be erected along major thoroughfares within the City of College Station, subject to the following conditions: (1) The banners shall be erected for a period of no longer than nine months from the date of installation; (2) The timing and location of the proposed banners shall not conflict with the current and future phases of the `Color College Station' street banner program; (3) All banner locations shall be approved by city staff prior to installation. PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 1996. APPROVED Lynn McIlhaney, Mayor ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary o: /group /deve_ser /joey /12manres. doc 9/20/96 09/11/96 14:46 7N109 846 2445 12th MAN FOUND. 10002 12 mAN F O U N D A T I O N SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS September 11, 1996 Mr. George K. Noe City Manager City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Reference: 12th Mania Banners Dear Skip: As you will recall from your attendance at the 12th Mania community partnership meeting, we have discussed displaying "light pole" banners throughout the cities of College Station and Bryan. As you know, 12th Mania is cooperative effort between Texas A &M University, the Athletic Department, the 12th Man Foundation and the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce to promote opportunities made available to the community through Texas A &M University's membership in the Big 12 Conference. It would be our proposal to the City of College Station that you endorse the displaying of banners in the city with the following provisions: 1) It does not conflict with the current City of College Station banner program. 2) That we work with Joey Dunn and the Community Appearance Committee regarding location of the 12th Mania banners so that it does not draw from your existing program. 3) We consider the possibility of sharing brackets with the City at times when the 12th Mania or TAMU Athletic Department banners would not be displayed. Tc.ra; ARCM Un u'r3ity 12th Man Foundation 09/11'96 14 :46 23'409 846 2445 12th MAN FOUND. 0003 Mr. Skip Noe September 11, 1996 Page 2 • We greatly appreciate the city's involvement in the 12th Mania campaign through your and Ms. Mcllhaney's attendance at these meetings and the public endorsement of this campaign. We regret asking you to consider this 12th Mania banner project at such a late date and pledge to you that in the future a much more thoughtful process of coordination will be conducted. If I may be of any further assistance to you the Council, or the Community Appearance Committee to address any concerns or questions you may have, please do not hesitate to give me a call. It is with great respect for your work and the goals of the City of College Station, that we make this proposal and request. With best regards, • Frank A. Shannon III Executive Director FS /jc pc: Joey Dunn Community Appearance C:ommirree • © Regular Item Consent Item ❑ Statutory Item Item Submitted By: Lee Battle. Staff Planner For Council Meeting Of: Regular Session. August 27. 1998 Director Approval: City Manager Approval: Item: Consideration of a resolution regarding a request for expanding and continuing the 12th Man banner program on public streets along the Texas A &M main campus. Item Summary: We have received a request from the Twelfth Man Foundation for expansion and continuation of the banner program that was initiated two years ago. The time limitation placed on the first banners by the Council has elapsed, and the Foundation would like to continue and expand the program to include both sides of G. Bush Ave. and University Dr. as opposed to the "campus side" of the streets as previously approved. The Foundation would also like to place banners along one side of Wellborn. Banners are not proposed for Texas Ave. since the City's Community Appearance Committee banner project is slated for Texas Ave. Mr. Miles Marks, Executive Director of the 12th Man Foundation, has consulted with staff and a representative of the Banners Subcommittee of the Community Appearance Committee to coordinate the project with the ongoing `Color College Station' Banners Program. The Foundation is requesting continuous approval as opposed to a fixed term as previously approved. The Foundation would also like to have approval to periodically 9 eriodicall change out the banners. According to the sign ordinance, the banners are considered "off premise" signs, which are prohibited within the City unless there has been a minute order of the City Council to determine that the signs promote a positive image and community spirit (refer to attached copy of sign ordinance). Budgetary and Financial Summary: The Foundation will be responsible for installation and maintenance of the banners. Staff Recommendation: The Foundation is coordinating with staff regarding specific installation of banners. We recommend adoption of the resolution with the condition that specific locations be approved by staff and /or members of the CAC Banners Subcommittee prior to installation, and that Council approval be renewed in five years. No problems have been identified with the request to periodically change out the banners. We cannot recommend any permanent or perpetual approval for the use of public facilities and /or right of way. We have no objections to a resolution that may be renewed every five years. Related Advisory Board Recommendation: This request has not been presented to the full Community Appearance Committee, however, the Committee is aware of this request, and there have been some concerns expressed concerning review of the banner designs. City Attorney Recommendations /Comments: Council Action Options: Approve, deny or approve with modifications. Supporting Materials: 1. Proposal from Twelfth Man Foundation. 2. Section of Sign Ordinance 3. Resolution NO. A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE 12TH MAN STREET BANNER PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the 12th Man Foundation proposes to erect vertical street banners along major thoroughfares within the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, the proposed banners are classified in Section 12.3.0 of the College Station Zoning Ordinance as "off - premise" signs which are prohibited within the City of College Station, except in areas where there has been a determination and minute order of the City of College Station City Council which finds that the display of the signs (a) promote a positive image of the City of College Station for the attraction of business or tourism; (b) depict an accomplishment of an individual or group; and (c) create a positive community spirit; and WHEREAS, members of the 12th Man Foundation have consulted with the Banners Subcommittee of • the College Station Community Appearance Committee to coordinate the proposed 12th Man banners with the ongoing `Color College Station' street banners program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS that the proposed off - premise signs meet the above criteria, and are hereby allowed to be erected along major thoroughfares within the City of College Station, subject to the following conditions: (1) The banners shall be erected for a period of no longer than five years, after which the program may be renewed by the City Council; (2) The timing and location of the proposed banners shall not conflict with the current and future phases of the `Color College Station' street banner program; (3) All banner locations shall be approved by City staff prior to installation. PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 1996. APPROVED Lynn Mcllhaney, Mayor ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary The following excerpt is from Section 12.3.0. of the Zoning Ordinance: O. PROHIBITED SIGNS: The following signs shall be prohibited in the City of College Station: 1. Portable and Trailer Signs. 2. Off premise signs, both commercial and non - commercial, except on City of College Station property where there has been a determination and minute order of the City of College Station City Council which finds that the display of the sign does as follows: (a) promotes a positive image of the City of College Station for the attraction of business or business or tourism; and (b) depicts an accomplishment of an individual or group; and (c) creates a positive community spirit. Upon such order, the City of College Station can authorize, upon approved construction plans, the following: (a) a sign on a City of College Station water tower; or (b) an entrance sign to be located on City of College Station property such that it is visible from the Highway Six East By -pass; or (c) a sign to be located on City rights -of -way. Said sign shall be displayed for a period ordered by the City Council or as may be decided by it from time to time. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1954 dated April 9, 1992) 12THMAN4.PLT 8/25/98 4:41:10 PM Scale: 1:10.19 H: 96.498 L: 67.340 in u • me. r rn rn v ■161/4 Page 04 Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, June 2, 1996 0 rW • ,. .ilA s ' Connections . • s t . . Here are a few photos from Brazos Valley gettogethers during the past week. ` fi • k 1 , t Y., ,, , , t ry • r4 1 f t At 51 ASE r �, d A A y i h �y y A N' ff . ? Y �. olW'V 4,11It. Sr .4 ; . }P f�'S fi t1 A "i d' 'A4L ;,' 14 �W ., `", C* 5 { RY k 4 + t ° , nom$ � 4, j n � Texas A &M graphic artist Carolyn Cobb stands next to the deco- ,A .e rative banners she designed for the City of College Station. Eagle photos/Michelle Lyons Members of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley gathereThursday From left, Joey Dunn, city liasion to the Community Appearance to celebrate the installation of the banners along East University Committee, and Kay Floyd and Doug Slack, members of the com- Drive. Soon, banners will be placed along George Bush Drive., the mittee, attend an Art's Council of Brazos Valley gala celebrating Northgate Area and other high traffic areas. the installation of College Station's new decorative banners on East University Drive. The guest of honor was designer Carolyn Cobb whose idea was chosen from among several entries. COLOR COLLEGE STATION PURPOSE 1. To enhance main traffic arteries of College Station with Color. 2. To use banners to develop a cohesive theme which symbolizes the pride, spirit, and vision of the residents of College Station. CONCEPT We plan to use large, colorful banners displaying a common theme appropriate to College Station to enhance the appearance of the primary traffic artieries of the city. These banners will capture the pride, spirit and vision of the residents of the community. In order to encourage civic participation and to publicize the Color College Station project we will organize a banner design competition. Banner design proposals will be solicited through a public Call for Entries coordinated by the Arts Council of Brazos County. The Call for Entries will be open to all residents of Brazos County. All entries should include three coordinated designs to be used in different areas of the city: Banners will be fabricated using up to two screened colors on a singe color background. Entry designs should be planned accordingly. Banner fabrication, installation, and maintenance will be the responsibility of the City of College Station. Finished banner size will be approximately 2' wide and 7' long. Entries will be submitted (with three designs) in an 8 1/2" x 11" format. No framed entries will be accepted. Artist's name, address and phone number must be marked clearly on each entry. Artists wishing to have designs returned following jurying must include a self - addressed, stamped envelop with entry. A fee of $10 will be charged for each entry. Entries will be juried by a committee made up of artists, citizens, Arts Council, and City of College Station officials and staff members. Entries will be judged based on artistic merit, cohesiveness of design, and potential visual impact on appearance of the community. A $500 cash award will be provided to the artist whose entry is selected by the jury. The winning entry becomes the property of the City of College Station. The following primary traffic arteries will be considered for banners: George Bush Drive Northgate (Texas Avenue to Wellborn Road) Texas Avenue north city limits to Southwest Parkway) Y Y) University Drive East (east of Texas Avenue) Harvey Road (Texas Avenue to East Bypass) Holleman (Wolfe Pen Creek area) Banners will be placed on appropriate light poles along the arteries. Coordination with the public utilities department, Northgate steering committee, and Texas A&M University will be critical. The Color College Station program will coordinate closely with the Northgate steering committee to ensure compatibility with ongoing development plans. In addition, TAMU participation will be sought in order to use banners in relation to the George Bush Library, a major tourist attraction for College Station. Dr. Don Wilson, Executive Director of the George Bush Library, has expressed an interest in working with us on the George Bush Drive portion of the Color College Station project. We anticipate that 3 styles of coordinated banners would be used; one for George Bush Drive, one for the Northgate area, and one for the remaining traffic areas in College Station. SEASONAL AND EVENT EXPANSION Color College Station may be expanded to include special holiday season banners or for special events promoted by the community. Seasonal banners or special thematic banners could be designed and used to enhance specific promotional needs. Only additional banners would be needed as hardware would be usable for thematic changes. COST ANALYSIS Preliminary cost estimates are from Display Sales, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. The final project will involve a solicitation for bid from at least 3 sign companies. A. All banner warranties at 100% for failures and replacement within warranty period. B. For seasonal banners -- warranty is for 5 seasons (season is for 1 -3 months) C. Banners used year round -- warranty is for 2 years Custom Banners (i.e. designed by customer) A. Set -up for a 2 -color banner $275 (one time cost) B. Personalization for standard banners $75 2 Preliminary cost estimates for 30" x 80" banner (likely size for cobra style light poles) A. Display Sales will send blank samples of different size banners for our own sizing. 1 - color banner 2 - color banner Number Price (each) Number Price (each) < 21 $95.00 <21 $115.00 22 -32 66.75 22 -32 100.00 33 -43 62.50 33 -43 90.00 44 -65 54.50 44 -65 _ 66.00 B. Banding and brackets $80.00 each C. If city has banding and bracket tools, then $60.00 each Projected costs of banners based on purchase of 65 banners (10 for Northgate, 20 for G.B, Drive, and 45 for remainder of College Station). 1 color A. 3 Set -ups @275.00 =_ $ 825.00 B. banner @$54.50 = $ 3,542.50 C. Brackets @80.00 = $ 5,200.00 D. 3 sketches (1 colored) = $ 75.00 $ 9,642.00 2 color A. 3 Set -ups @275.00 = $ 825.00 B. Banners @$66.00 = $ 4,290.00 C. Brackets @80.00 = $ 5,200.00 D. 3 sketches (1 colored)= $ 75.00 $10,390.00 These costs are only preliminary with final costs determined by the number of traffic arterica decorated with banners and the. numbe.r of utility poles awatlable for banners. We will work closely with College Station City staff and the Utility Department in the preparation of a 3 final proposal. With the assistance of city staff we will develop a map of available and potentially available light poles for use and costs of installation and maintenance of banners. We anticipate seeking costs estimates for the project from local sign installation companies. We recognize the interests of the staff in moving forward on a pilot project. However, the Call for Entries (design of the banners) will need to include the completed project to ensure design compatibility. Submitted by the Community Appearance Committee Banners Subcommittee Kay Floyd Doug Slack John Nichols cc: members CAC Joey Dunn Kass Prince 4 T } P \ , P B 3 in 1 * f f c f r . ,. r'T . i \ 4 ---.., 3� o $ V d r v. „. F t ,. ''�' 4 yr \ . • J, s I f !. ! ' - i ' f t S t I l F t t l; ! , : f .l J �.t ? r r E t i' t _ i , f I ' '''*''''''-' 1 it {' ■ tf t' i ■ t i ` its a � t• _. J-_ . •te - : / s�G • . . . . . 1 • . , , ;• - _'-- = • ' ----.: -,,, - •:;::- .. - , . .• . .. _ ••• .., -. -. __ . , I ; 0 ,--, I -:. 1 .: OM% 1 , ...,, - - " ... 7. , - . ,..„ ,', , - . Ci) .. -.-,• . '..... . 411 , . , , .. , - 1 - ..• W ) 1.11 0111111 4111111111111111 0 U r higi . pi . . .., rie .• V 44 . 00,,irria t:4" 96 • x *� ;r4 4 (4) 0 4'1 D > A W J V 0 A/ C J L B' 0 y 2 419 1 77-(16G. DAMN 1 The arts Council of V_jrazos'Valley and the Community Appearance Committee of the City of College Station invite you to celebrate the installation of the Color college Station decorative banners on University Drive East and to a reception honoring the designer, Carolyn Cobb. Thursday, May 30, 1996 5.30 to 7:00 PM Arts Council of V_ jrazos 'Valley 310 University Drive East in College Station