HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsolidated Classes 1951 - '55 plan first-ever reunion Page 4, Section A, Thursday. October 13, 1988 JUST SAY '7 SAW IT IN THE I'RESS!" Consolidated Classes 1951 -'55 plan first -ever reunion The first class reunion ever for graduation. or below them. The reunion now A &M Consolidated High School's 'lom Barlow, a member of the includes five years of graduates. classes of 1951, -52, -53, -54 and -55 class of '53 who lives in Livermore, Back in the fifties A& M Consoli- will be held October 28 through 30 at California, has been tracking down dated High School was a small town the Ramada Aggieland inn in Col- classmates since last Christmas school located on Jersey Street just lege Station. Of the 185 graduates it when he decided a reunion was long southeast of the Texas A &M Col - will be the first time many of them past due. Originally planning to lege campus. The entire high school have seen each other in over 35 reunite the 40 graduates of the class student body numbered less than years. The greatest task facing the of '53, his plans began to grow as he 200, a broad mixture of young organizers of the reunion is locating made phone calls and wrote letters to people drawn from college faculty long lost school mates who have classmates, many of whom had families, rural farm families, and scattered across the globe since friendsand relatives in classes above local residents of College Station, - then a tiny college town of less than 8,000 people. I The taxpayers of the sprawling school district had just completed construction of a new high school in 1950 and the class of 1953 were the first students to spend all four years out of the old white clapboard pre - World War II consolidated school buildings. The United States was involved in the Korean War and some classmates joined the armed forces before and after graduation. Several of them did not return. College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and the entire world have changed significantly in the past 37 years and no doubt so have those high school graduates. The class reunion committee is eagerly searching for some of their long -lost friends. Anyone having information that would aid in locating 44 of the graduates still missing should con- tact the follwing chairmen: Tom Barlow, 1463 Wilton Road, Liver- more Califomia 94550, (415) 455- 4491 or Barbara Jean Sims, 1820 Langford, College Station, Texas 77840, (409) 693-0314. Here are the missing graduates of per, Roger Donahue, Janie Daniels, Billy Richards, Donald Royder, A &M Consolidated High School Alice Claire Evans, Homer Franks, Suzie Martinez, Marsha Sharp, Ann Classes of 1951 -55: Barbara Ann Gerald Frenzel, Paul Harris, Sylvia Southern, Dorothy Spriggs, James Allen, Frank Barnes, Luzon Havel, Jerry Homes, Arlene Shays, Jimmy Templin, Sergio Beauchamp, Barbara Belcher, Dixie Keitzman, Esterlyn King, Harlene Trevino, Lou Van Steen, Don Brosche, Monte Campbell, Joe Car- Leonard, Mary Louise Liguez, John Wilson, Kenneth Worsham, Elrose lisle, Polly Carney, Ross Chamber - Manthei, Bobbie Meadows, Shirley Stahl, Felicia Mallory, Barbara Mor- lain, Addielen Clark, Barbara Coo- Moffeu, Ann Morgan, Jerry Reeves, ris, and Maxine Wilson.