HomeMy WebLinkAboutPossible Projects for DCBG Funds 1998 0 Description of Possible Projects for CDBG Public Facilities Funds The proposed amendment to the CD FY 98 Budget will allow for $813,816 in funds for Public Facilities. It is eligible under HUD regulations to use these funds for: "the Acquisition, Construction, Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, or Installation of public improvements or facilities (except for buildings for the general conduct of government), provided such improvements or facilities meet a National Objective of the CDBG program." Examples include, but are not limited to: shelters, water and sewer facilities, flood and drainage improvements, fire protection, community centers, parking, streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, and parks and playgrounds. . r The Council has already allocated $100,000 for the Consolidated Health Care Facility; ' $10,000 for lighting for the Southside Historical project; $100,000 for sidewalks in the *. hgate area, and $75,000 for air conditioning for the Lincoln Center Gym. q-,, ,t, o - P-11' leaves a balance of $528,816 in unprogrammed funds. 1 0 We have already received several requests and possible projects for these funds. Staff will present additional information about each project at the Council meeting. Items marked with a "" can be expected to receive a recommendation by staff for funding. 1.* The Lincoln Center Master Plan completed in 1990 included a proposed expansion of the Lincoln Center to include a center for social services. The property for this center has ,already been acquired and is located across Eleanor Street from the Lincoln Centel. The next step in this project would be the hiring of a consultant and an architect to begin the actual planning and development of the social service providers that would relocate services to the facility and the actual physical planning of the facility. Planning would also include consideration of the possible future acquisition and usage of the Girl's Club (Community House) property located at 400 Holleman. Approximate cost of planning and architectural services: $150,000 2 7 2.* The non - profit owners of the Girl's Club (Community House) at 400 Holleman have approached the City about possibly selling the property to the City. They have proposed that the City continue with a community usage of the property. Please see #1 above. G t An estimate of acquisition and development costs is not yet available. C (L__� 3.* LULAC Oakhill Apartments, a Section 202 housing development for the elderly, located at 1105 Anderson, is in need of some improvements. Some of the improvements can • be funded through CDBG Rental Rehab funds, however, some of the improvements are more appropriately funded with Public Facilities funds. These include removal and replacement of 1 sidewalks to meet ADA standards, exterior security lighting, a "gazebo- type" covered I recreational area, playground equipment, and other recreational equipment designed for the • handicapped or elderly. Proposed budget: $50, 000 .____ _� -----* 4.* Another proposed usage is the completion of a residential street project in Northgate. The 1997 Northgate Charrette focused on commercial streets (Church Street) and provides a preliminary idea of a proposed commercial project. However, other rest en ' 1 Northgate streets are in urgent need of replacement, including improvements to drainage, curbs, and gutters. The Public Works Department has selected Cherry Street as an appropriate residential street based on standards contained in the City's Annual Pavement Management System, including the review of the condition of the pavement, curb, and gutter. Estimated budget for preliminary design and engineering cost of the Cherry Street project: ,t64 Estimated budget for construction cost is 28 4 00. Funding of this project will require that additional funds be set -aside from future grants or other sources. r 5.* The Parks Department has submitted a request for CDBG funds for the acquisition of property and development costs associated with the completion of Madeley Park. This proposed project is located at the end of Cooner Street and is in eligible CDBG area. As a part of the donation agreement, the City has 5 years from the City's acceptance in July,,1997, to develop this park. Staff is recommending the expenditure of $105,000 for acquisition of property needed to provide adequate access to the park area. -----7 Preliminary estimated project cost for surveys, title work and acquisition: $150,000 III (Additional development costs are estimated at $2Q 0) J 6. The proposed Northgate parking garage may necessitate the need for funds to provide relocation assistance to tenants residing in the acquired properties if HUD determines that URA regulations apply to the project. Estimated project cost: $200, 000 7. CD has been meeting with three local multi - family owners about possible Rental Rehabilitation projects. These would be large -scale projects and would assist numerous multi - family units. There is currently $100,000 budgeted for Rental Rehabilitation projects. If these proposed projects proceed on, then it might require a budget transfer from other CDBG activities to accommodate the funds that are requested. No estimate of cost is available at this time. 8. City staff have been approached by residents of the Prairie View Heights Subdivision regarding their concern about their neighborhood remaining primarily single - family owner- , occupied housing. Council just recently approved the purchase of 4 residential lots on Banks 9 Street. Numerous other lots remain vacant in the neighborhood and might possibly be acquired f housing vepee ctive n acquiring �fl so cq me of these or future lots in order to de increase lo m th e availability of ould owner- occupi pro- ac ed housing acqu and by allocating some CDBG funds to acquire these lots. The lots could be purchased utilizing either Public Facility funds or Acquisition funds. Staff is recommending that Acquisition be III utilized, as available, for this purpose. • Estimated annual acquisition costs: $25, 000 9. The Prairie View Heights neighborhood has also expressed comments about the need to improve street conditions in their neighborhood. Since the initial time of these requests, the Public Works Department has sealcoated three streets Pasler, Banks, and Pierce) and re- sealcoated Churchill. Public Works staff have reviewed the maintenance con ition of the other streets in the area and will continue to review these streets on an annual basis as a part of the City's Annual Pavement Management System. Based on a city-wide comparison of street conditions, there are no immediate plans or recommendations to provide services beyond routine maintenance, such as street sweeping or patching pot- holes. Routine maintenance of city streets are not eligible for CDBG funds. 10. City staff is having discussions with CSISD regarding joint venture park facilities in conjunction with the redevelopment of the Willow Branch school site. This project may include park facilities including tennis courts and jogging trails. It appears that the project would be eligible to receive CDBG funds, subject to final information and documentation being received. No estimate of cost is available at this time. 110 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE (BUDGET AMENDMENT 3) AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2207 WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 1997 -98 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, a budget for the fiscal year October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998, was prepared for Council consideration; WHEREAS, on February 12, 1998, the Council called a public hearing for February 26, 1998, and notice of such hearing was published in the newspaper on February 20, 1998, in compliance with the Charter of the City of College Station; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on February 26, 1998, and at said hearing the Council received a recommendation to amend the budget; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to amend the 1997 -98 Fiscal Year Budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That the amended revenues budgeted for fiscal year 1997 -98 for the Community J Development Fund is $3,967,322 and II. That the amended expenditures budgeted for fiscal year 1997 -98 for the Community Development Fund is $3,967,322 and III. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station, Texas. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS THE 26Th DAY OF FEBRUARY 1998. APPROVED: Lynn Mcllhaney, Mayor ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary