HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Cost of Celebrating in College StationJ Ilow Up Property owners and property managers will be notified of all noise and alcohol violations occurring on their property. Property owners will have to make decisions on handling these violations. If the violations of the Texas Penal Code and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code continue, theTexas nuisance abatement statue may be enforced. This action can result in civil prosecution of property owners. "Bee" A Good Neighbor In addition to Noise Abatement and Alcohol Enforcement, the Police Department is working with the City of College Station Code Enforcement division to identify and enforce the f ollowing violations: Parking Violations *Parking in yards is prohibited *Be sure you park legally on the street *Don't block your neighbors driveway Littering *Keep your neighborhood clean *Pick up any cups, cans, bottles, etc. that your guests may leave We want everyone to enjoy living in College Station. Please be responsible when entertaining guests and respect the privacy of others. Together we can all make College Station a safe and peaceful place to live. ` college Station POLICE Department For more information contact the: College Station Police Department Police Assistant 979 - 764 -6277 www.ci.college-station.tx.us Celebrating in College Station P Colle e Station Department College on P I CE Departi ent Noise Abatement and Alcohol Enforcement With a continuing effort, the City of College Station will work toward keeping our city an enjoyable place to live. College Station Police Department is committed to strict noise and alcohol enforcement. Additionally, we will work with Community Enhancement to address such problems as: • Loud Parties • Alcohol Abuse • Litter • Parking Issues • Disorderly Conduct Offenses Goals Enhance and protect the quality of life for all Maintain cooperative efforts of police and code enforcement Maintain cooperative efforts of local law enforcement Maintain cooperative efforts between the City of College Station and property owners /managers Maintain cooperative efforts between the City of College Station, the City of Bryan, Texas A &M University, and Brazos County Agencies. ( C/ei Texas Law Violation A loud party or noise violation falls under the Texas Penal Code Section 42.01 Disorderly Conduct (a)(5): a person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly; makes unreasonable noise in a public place other than a sport shooting range, or in or near a private residence that he has no right to occupy. Disorderly Conduct is a Class C Misdemeanor and is punishable by fine up to $500.00. Action Taken If officers determine you are in violation of the Disorderly Conduct statute, each resident will receive a citation. If necessary, arrests will be made. If the police department responds to a second complaint of loud noise or music and officers determine you are in violation of the Disorderly Conduct statute, each resident may be arrested. Alcohol is found at most loud party/ loud music complaints. All alcohol violations will be strictly enforced. Consequences in addition to fine: *1st offense can lead to: 30 -day driver's license suspension 8 -12 hours community service up to a $500 fine mandatory attendance in alcohol awareness class * *2nd offense can lead to: • 60 -day driver's license suspension 20 to 40 hours community service up to a $2,000 fine judges discretion on awareness class ** *3rd offense can lead to: 180 -day driver's license suspension up to a $2,000 fine jail sentence up to 180 days If you are under 21, it is illegal for you to operate a vehicle in a public place with any detectable amount of alcohol in your system or on your breath. There is no requirment for any type of sobriety testing. If you are under 21, here's what happens when you are stopped for drinking and driving: 1st Offense: 60 -day driver's license suspension 20 to 40 hours of community service up to $500 fine mandatory attendance in alcohol awareness class 2nd Offense: 120 -day driver's license suspension 40 to 60 hours community service up to $2,000 fine judges decretion on alcohol awareness class Fines Effective as of 09/01/2001 Follow t i Property owners and property managers will be notified of all noise and alcohol violations occurring on their property. Property owners will have to make decisions on handling these violations. If the violations of the Texas Penal Code and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code continue, theTexas Nuisance Abatement statue may be enforced. This action can result in civil litigation for property owners. We want everyone to enjoy living in College Station. Please be responsible when entertaining guests and respect the privacy of others. Together we can all make College Station a safe and peaceful place to 01,6? Department For more information contact the: College Station Police Department Police Assistant 979 - 764 - 6277 www.ci.college- station.tx.us The Cost of Celebrating in College Station College Station POLICE Department College ion POLICE Department Noise Abatement and Alcohol Enforcement With a continuing effort, the City of College Station will work toward keeping our city an enjoyable place to live. College Station Police Department is committed to strict noise and alcohol enforcement. The College Station Police Department is working to educate citizens of the Brazos Valley on alcohol and noise issues. We are working to enhance and protect the quality of life for all. We will maintain a cooperative effort between the City of College Station, the City of Bryan, Texas A &M University, and other Brazos County Agencies. The College Station Municipal Court sets the Class C Misdemeanor fines for the City of College Station following guidelines in the Texas Penal Code. All other Class B and Class A Misdemeanor fines are set by the State of Texas Penal Code in conjunction with local Judges. The following are the most common alcohol and noise fines set within the city limits of College Station. Disorderly Conduct -Noise Violation 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Consuming Alcohol by Minor: 1st Offense * 2nd Offense ** 3rd Offense*** $ 300.00 $ 403.00 $ 545.00 After a third offense, it becomes a Class B Misdemeanor and will be handled in County Court. Noise citations are issued to every resident within the household. If necessary, officers will respond on a follow -up basis to issue noise citations. ALCOHOL OFFENSES: Attempt to Purchase Alcohol by Minor: 1st Offense $253.00 2nd Offense $545.00 3rd Offense Class B Misdemeanor County Court Consuming Alcohol After Hours $95.00 $ 253.00 $ 545.00 Class B Misdemeanor County Court Public Intoxication $320.00 Minor in Possession of Alcohol: 1st Offense * 2nd Offense ** 3rd Offense*** Purchase of Alcohol by Minor: 1st Offense * 2nd Offense ** 3rd Offense*** Minor - Driving Under Influence (DUI): 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense $ 300.00 $ 545.00 Class B Misdemeanor County Court $ 300.00 $ 545.00 Class B Misdemeanor County Court $ 400.00 $ 545.00 Class B Misdemeanor County Court Providing Alcohol to Minor Class A Misdemeanor County Court Minimum Bond $3,000.00 Purchase of Alcohol for Minor Class A Misdemeanor in County Court Minimum Bond $3,000.00 Making Alcohol Available to a Minor Class A Misdemeanor in County Court Minimum Bond $3,000.00 A Class B Misdemeanor Minimum Bond is $1,500.00