HomeMy WebLinkAboutComplaints from Shenandoah Resident 12.22.1986Cf Ci ty of College Station
TO: Councilman Pat Boughton
FROM: King Cole, City Manager f„k C-
DATE: December 22, 1986
SUBJECT: Complaints from Shenandoah Resident
I have reviewed the complaints from the Shenandoah resident
with the appropriate staff members and have a response for you on
each of those issues.
I have discussed this matter with Edgar Feldman and he
indicates that it may be possible that they are not getting as
much patrol as they should because of the location of the
Shenandoah Subdivision. Major Feldman has assured me that he will
instruct the respective patrol shifts to start patrolling
Shenandoah on a regular basis. Major Feldman did inform me that
the Shenandoah Subdivision does have two of our patrol officers
living within the subdivision. The complaint that I received
indicated that there were some car break -ins that were reported
that were never responded to. In order for me to give a proper
response to this issue I need to know when the car break -ins were
reported so the police department can review the complaints.
The individual making this complaint indicated that it takes
35 minutes to get out on Highway 6 in the morning. They have
requested that we consider placing a traffic light at that
intersection. I have discussed this matter with Elrey Ash and he
informs me that the intersection of Highway 6 and the main drive
going into Shenandoah Subdivision are not located within the
College Station city limits. The only entity with authority to
install a traffic signal at that location is the Highway
Department. The capital improvements office has submitted a
letter to the Highway Department asking that they study the
traffic conditions at that intersection to determine whether it
warrants a traffic light. I would mention to you that the future
plans for Highway 6 South include some major improvements which
will eliminate the possibility of Shenandoah traffic entering
directly onto Highway 6. In the future it will be necessary for
them to travel to an overpass on Greens Prairie Road to go either
Councilman Boughton
December 22, 1986
Page 2
north or south on Highway 6.
The resident making the complaint to you indicated that they
must pay fifty cents extra per month for phone service as an out -
of -city charge. Cindy Magoon has discussed this with General
Telephone and they informed her that this is correct. The
telephone company is permitted, through tariffs approved by the
Public Utility Commission of Texas, to charge extra for phone
service that requires a lengthy line extension. Apparently,
Shenandoah Subdivision meets this criteria. This tariff is
established by the Public Utility Commission and the City has no
ability to approve or disapprove the charging of the extra fifty
The person is correct in informing you that there is no cable
television available in the Shenandoah Subdivision. Cindy Magoon
has discussed this with Mr. John E. Southard, System Manager for
the local McCaw System, and he informs us that this subdivision
does not meet the minimum housing density requirements for
mandatory service according to the City's franchise agreement with
McCaw Cable. However, he does indicate that McCaw will make every
effort to serve the residents of this subdivision at the earliest
possible date. I am not sure what this comment, by McCaw, means.
The earliest possible date could be the year 2000. I think it is
also important to point out that presently our local McCaw Cable
franchise is for sale. I don't envision McCaw making major
capital improvements to the system while it is up for sale. I am
afraid we will have to wait until after the system is sold to a
new cable company before we can realistically expect an extension
to the Shenandoah Subdivision.
The person making this complaint indicates that there are
flooding problems in the subdivision. Furthermore, this person
indicates that they have personally spent seven thousand dollars
to correct the problem at their home. It is my understanding,
from talking to employees of the engineering staff, that there are
serious flooding problems in the Shenandoah Subdivision. It is my
understanding that these flooding problems are caused by the fact
that the subdivision was never completed as planned. This also
means that the drainage improvements were never completed. As a
result there are some flooding problems that will not be corrected
until the subdivision is completed and the drainage improvements
are completed. It is my understanding that the original
subdivider went into bankruptcy. I don't know when a developer
will ever take the initiative to go into that subdivision and
Councilman Boughton
December 22, 1986
Page 3
complete the subdivision or complete the drainage work. Of
course, this brings up the question of what responsibility the
City has to go in and finish out the necessary drainage systems.
Pat, that is about all I know about the complaints that you
have received to date. If, after reading this memo, you still
have questions about the complaints then bring it to my attention
and I will try to get an answer.
F :C :tir
Ms. Cindy Magoon
City of College Station
P. 0. Box 9960
College Station, Texas 77840
Dear Ms. Magoon,
This will confirm our conversation regarding the Shenandoah subdivision
which is shown to be within the College Station city limits, but outside
our Base Rate Area (BRA).
As I indicated to you on the map, our Base Rate Area is that portion or
portions of an exchange area, usually the continously built -up section
surrounding and including the central office or offices, within which any
of the regularly offered classes of service, except rural or service
station service, are offered. This area may be described by means of a
map specifically identifying the area.
Consequently those residents located outside our Base Rate Area would pay
excess mileage per main station (one party service) per 1/4 mile or fraction
thereof, air line measurement from the customer's station to the nearest
point on the Base Rate Area boundary.
Should you need any further information, please let me know.
. A. Erwin
Customer Service Manager
P. 0. Box 3158
Bryan, Texas 77805
December 30, 1986
1 1996
5 `
Dear Cindy:
I talked on the telephone today with Bob Shepherd, the
vendor, and he still feels the furniture will be shipped out
from the factory in Pennsylvania on Jan. 5. He will
telephone the factory next Monday, to verify any change. I
was not able to get him to commit to a "best guess" as to
when it would arrive. Also, there are still some odds and
ends with the Danish equipment that are yet to arrive. I
asked him if he thought we would have everything by Jan. 15,
and he wouldn't commit, but said it sounds reasonable.
I finally found my measurements of the neat little
refrigerator. It is: 18" in width
18" height
19 1/2" in depth
A small cart like table like you see for microwaves ovens
would be nice in that space -- especially if it had a cabinet
bottom. Whatever you can fit into the budget, we will
appreciate. I have seen them for under $50.
Something else that is going to be necessary to buy is a
dolly. So far we have used the library's dolly, carrying it
down to the branch and back. We will always have the need of
moving heavy boxes of books. I know nothing about the
specifications for this type of equipment - -maybe Virginia has
a catalog of this kind of equipment. It should be a sturdy
one - -ours is.
Can Virginia let me know of a local source for disposable
bags for the vacuum? It came with only one!
Clara B. Mounce
Dec. 23, 1986