HomeMy WebLinkAboutLandiss Family 123103 Memories Of College Park And Southside Center College Station In The 1940s ~ The early 1940s were World War II days. Sugar, meat, butter, gasoline and automobile tires were rationed as well as shoes and other leather goods. Housing was scarce and there was a waiting list for every house for rent. The Landiss family (Carl, Georgia Belle and Carolyn) came to College Station at the beginning of the spring semester of 1943. Carl had our name on every housing list available and were finally able to rent the first floor of a duplex at 301 Fairview. Soon afterwards, the Nelson Dursts came as newly weds to occupy the upper story. Fairview street extended from the A&M College on the north to Park Place on the south. Looking south there was a rose garden that had been planted by a math professor, Dr. E.C. Klipple, who lived next door. Along the asphalt street we could see people riding bicycles to A&M and to the Souths ide Shopping Center. Looking north we could see people riding bicycles coming from these places and we could see people in cars turning on to Jersey street which was the main thoroughfare bordering the south side of the L campus. There were no sidewalks or street lights. Our neighbors included the David Flemings, the W.M. Dowells, the Bill Moores, the Frank Coulters, the Sam Clelands, the John Riggs, and the Johnny Rogers. Turning on to Jersey Street, there were the J.G. McGuires, the Luke Patranellas, the Wayne Longs, and the Welcome Wrights. All of them worked at A&M except for the Patranellas who owned a grocery store at East Gate. Joyce Patranella had a Cocker Spaniel dog that took a nap in the middle of Jersery every afternoon. I guess he liked to lie on the asphalt. Carolyn met a girl, Rosemary Lenert, in Mrs. Lyle's first grade class who shared the same birthday, September 25, 1936, and they became best of friends. Her father was Dr. AA Lenert in the Veterinary School at A&M. Another close friend was Ann Copeland whose father was with the A&M Dairy Science Department. These girls formed the "CAR" club which stood for Carolyn, Ann, and Rosie. L L Ensign Carl W. Landiss before leaving to serve in the U.S. Navy in WW II m--~~4~ R! Da~ e" ~ r:; ~ L Georgia Belle, Carl and Carolyn '- .~ c~-~~:,-,,,,, ~ ,. .,- in their yard at 301 Fairview L 2 L. L Carolyn Landiss And Susan Dowell Dropping A Letter To Carlin The mail Box During World War II. L 3 Carolyn Landiss Outside Her Bedroom Window At 301 Fairview. I.. ~ ~ ""'. '---- L L Rosemary Lenert & Carolyn Landiss At 301 Fairview Jerry the dog- one ofa litter of three Helen Pugh gave to Carolyn Landiss, Ann Copeland, and Rosemary Lenert of the "CAR" Club. (Carolyn, Ann, Rosie) 4 -,- /:i --1 - ; ... Ann Copeland & Carolyn Landiss L L L "Bubble Gum" was at a premium during World War II and Carolyn shared a whole box of it she got from her Uncle Wayne Parish for her birthday (September 25, 1944). She and Rosemary shared the same birthday (September 25, 1936). Hershey Bars were also a luxury during WW II. Grocers would dole them out to customers with children when groceries were delivered to their homes. 5 209 Fairview In College Park The Carl W. Landiss family.rented this house at 209 Fairview in College Park from Colonel Rierson when Colonel Joe Davis was made Commandant and moved his family to the campus. The picture shows the record snow fall ....6 inches....which fell in February 1949. It was the soft fluffy dry snow which was good for making snow ice cream. There has not been this much snow in College Station before or since. Carl attached a tall wooden ladder to the back of our car to take the neighbors on a makeshift sleigh ride. The neighbors included the Dave Flemings, Bill Moores, W.M. Dowells, Frank Coulters, Harrison Hierths, Johnny Rogers, and San Clelands. L 6 L L Bill Landiss with his mother Georgia Belle in the living room at 209 Fairview, College Park. Darnell White came up with "Billy Cole" for a name he was often called. L Carolyn Landiss at the piano inside the brick house at 209 Fairview in College Park 7 G L L Springtime at 209 Fairview in College Park Easter 1949 - Carolyn and Bill Landiss in the back yard at 209 Fairview. 8 ~ --_..~-- -.... Landiss home built in 1950 The Landiss house being built at 803 Dexter. Materials were furnished by Marion Pugh Lumber Company and financed by Hershall Burgess with the College Station State Bank. '--' L, The Swartz Farm bordered our property at the back., and was the east boundary of the city limits of College Station. 9 1 '-' )/. ~~ ~ Inside the Landiss house at 803 Dexter in 1950. Pictured are Carl's mother, Mrs. Ollie Landiss,his sister Edith and our son Bill. ~ Fire place inside Landiss house at 803 Dexter. Carolyn and Bill Landiss l/ 10 ( l...-- "-' Carl Landiss in one of the trees bordering Bee Creek where we built a house at 803 Dexter after the city put in a culvert at Bee Creek and extended South Dexter Drive. Our back fence was the east city limits of College Station and the county road later named Holleman was the southern city limits in 1950. ~ ] 1 Circa 1926 f '-- COLLEGE PARK A PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION OF THE MAP OF COLLEGE PARK, COLLEGE ~TATIDN, TEXAS. BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS DEED RECORDS, VOL. 38, PAGE 602-05 L 0 0 ::: ... t t:"> .., .. .. .. .. ~~Q:j", = - ~ ~.. II ~ ~ .. 'i .. '- ' . .. ~ .. . . .. ~ -- " ---- t~ Lr.J. ~~ ~ ~ l~ t~ 1 mRl.l.2:'''J.I" l 111 ~_"r., ~S'N_". .. " U' II .. \I .. ..II) t .. ~ ~ ...~ .. .. .. n ESM2N.., LJL:J -: ~q-- 4 ~611J.S" ~ ~ ~~ !: .. ~ ... 'I _ /WIslI:zr p ;~ . .tI \ .LZ:zII...l.S' t ~ ~ A _ ., .'4." ~tr., .... 2' Jf 0711 KEEP THIS MAP FOR YOUR GUIDE IN CHOOSING YOUR LOT. / J ....... ,. -~ , ~.,~ 'HI~C: t . .. ,\.'\ III ~ I I " -..