HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublicity Vol. 69 (May 29, 2002 - Dec. 31, 2002)The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 IL Region / State May 29, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Council vows to stay in touch Club Meetings College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links INDEPENDENCE — Pledging to improve communications with Obituaries residents and place a greater emphasis on basic city services, the Town Talk College Station City Council on Tuesday began a two -day retreat Site Sections to map the city's course for the next year and beyond. A &M News Agriculture The City Council and city department heads gathered at the Announcements Heartland Christian Retreat Center to rewrite College Station's Business & Technology vision statements and decide how the community should grow in Classifieds the future. Columnists City Manager Tom Brymer said College Station may look to use Community Council members said they want to begin televising their The Eagle bimonthly meetings and make sure the city is taking care of its Entertainment core services before focusing time and money on other projects. Faith & Values Both topics were major issues in the recent municipal elections. Food info out about a lot of projects, like the conference center," Health & Fitness The council took a large step toward broadcasting meetings, with Kids Korner several members saying it was time to air them on Channel 19, Lifestyles the city's cable access channel. Newspapers in Education Obituaries City Manager Tom Brymer said College Station may look to use Opinions its cable access channel in a fashion similar to Bryan, which Politics televises its meetings and produces some original programming Region /State about the city. Schools Sports "Over a period of time, we'll have a tool where we can get a lot of Subscriptions info out about a lot of projects, like the conference center," Weather Brymer said. "To Bryan's credit, they're doing that. Now they're even doing things about some of their capital projects." The council also discussed enhancing the city's Web site as a means of improving communications and possibly even broadcasting meetings over the Internet. Mayor Ron Silvia said putting the meetings on the Web could allow people to go back and view specific portions they are interested in. Tho n�i �nnil .�In� nnrr��uerl i�c. einh4 �iioi�n n�n�ew+on4n fn fni �r in nn http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /052902councilintouch.htm 5/29/2002 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 i i IV wui wn aIav 1 101 1 vvvcu na 01yi n viawi I aLaLcI i ici na w ivui iii C111 • attempt to make the document more user - friendly and eliminate redundancy. All city functions were divided into the four categories: core services; planning and development; recreation, culture and parks; and economic development. The council Wednesday will prioritize each category and the responsibilities that fall under them, but the members made no secret that basic city services would be at the top of the list. "That's what we ought to be the best at," Councilman James Massey said. "That is why the city exists." Under the "core services" umbrella are public safety, streets, information and technology and communications and utilities — including water, gas, sewer, sanitation and drainage. Consensus among council members was that all these areas should be funded and given resources before any enhanced city services are considered. "if I have a place in the country, that is the stuff I want," • Councilman Dennis Maloney said. "That is the stuff I am always willing to pay for." The council decided to put communications in the core services section to make sure they are keeping residents informed of programs and projects in the city. "That's something that came up during elections," Silvia said. "We need to address the overall communication needs of our city." The retreat will conclude Wednesday in Independence. Along with prioritizing city services, the council also is expected to select a mayor pro tem. - Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferre/l(p_theeagle.com © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /052902councilintouch.htm 5/29/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Home ( Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map flex M"'� CI S Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook May 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Alice L. Krenek Datebook Government Links Feb. 7, 1922 — May 27, 2002 Links Obituaries Services for Alice L. Krenek, 80, of College Station are set for 10 Town Talk a.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. Site Sections A &M News Dr. Phil McLarty of First Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial Agriculture will be in the College Station Cemetery. Announcements Business & Technology Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to Classifieds the time of services Thursday at the funeral home. Columnists Community Mrs. Krenek died Monday at her home. The Eagle Entertainment She was born in Chicago and lived in College Station for 39 Faith & Values years. She was a homemaker and member of First Presbyterian Food Church. Health & Fitness Kids Korner She was preceded in death by her husband, Lt. Col. Hugo Lifestyles Krenek. Newspapers in Education Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, David and Betty Obituaries Krenek of College Station; two daughters and a son -in -law, Linda Opinions and David Swartz of Mabank and Beverly Lane of Jersey Village; Politics Region /State four grandchildren; and two great - grandchildren. Schools Sports Memorials may be made to the First Presbyterian Church at 1100 Subscriptions Carter Creek Parkway Bryan, Texas 77802. Weather Myrtle Alva Tabor Aug. 2, 1921 — May 27, 2002 CALDWELL — Services for Myrtle Alva Tabor, 80, of Caldwell are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Caldwell. The Rev. Rick Mitchell will officiate. Burial will be in the Chriesman Cemetery. http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /may02 /052902obits.htm 5/29/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Irth , O 'Com , y Home' Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook May 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook might not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections May 22, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Eliza Rincon, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology May 21, 2002: Classifieds Columnists Jennifer and David Jones, Giddings, a girl; Community The Eagle Jennifer and Lance Hopkins, Bedias, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Maria and Juan Lopez, Bryan, a girl. Food h & Fit & Health Fitness F College Station Medical Center Kids Lifestyles May 24, 2002: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Maria and Enrique Padron, Navasota, a boy; Opinions Politics Rhonda Snook and Eric Masias, Iola, a girl. Region /State Schools May 25, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Sharon and Joel Castillo, Giddings, a girl; Weather Marisa and Adelfino Maldonado, Bryan, a girl. May 27, 2002: Catherine and David Childers, College Station, a boy; Amanda and Joseph Scott, Bryan, a boy. http : / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /mayO2 /052902births. htm 5/29/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 � The Emile dROW; Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -84 Police Patrol Uniforms - Annual Blanket Order The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 12, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall, received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us Questions concerning the bidding process may be addressed to the City of Coll Station Purchasing Services Division, 979/764 -3823. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. May 29, 2002 & June 5, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS 4.1 Madeley Park Bridges The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/29/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 5 be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall, received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves installation of two (2) woo( bridges to be constructed on the park site. A Pre -bid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station, City Hall, 11 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, 201 inspection at Billie Madeley Park will follow immediately after the pre -bi( meeting. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommende A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at no char the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. These documents cannot be transmitted electronically. Additional information is available on our website a www.ci.colleg_e- station.tx.us . • The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. May 29, 2002 & June 5, 2002 BRYAN Independent School District Invitation to Bid #3096 School Bus The Bryan Independent School District is soliciting sealed bids from suppliers provide 1 Pre -built 77- Passenger School bus for BISD. Copies of the Bids ma) obtained from the Business Services office, 2nd Floor, 101 North Texas Avem Bryan, Texas 77803 or by calling (979) 361 -5255. Bids will be received until on June 11, 2002 at which time they will be opened and tabulated in Room l It Bryan ISD Administration Building. Questions concerning the bids prior to the opening date should be referred to E Bray C.P.M., BISD Purchasing Manager, at (979) 821 -5138. May 29, 2002 and June 2, 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/29/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State is c Region / State May 30, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station City Council sets plan Club Meetings College Town for growth Datebook Government Links CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries Town Talk INDEPENDENCE — The College Station City Council agreed Site Sections Wednesday that it should provide the best basic city services A &M News possible before designating resources for other projects. Agriculture Announcements Council members ended their retreat at the Heartland Inn Retreat Business & Technology Center after affirming their commitment to a stronger focus on Classifieds core city services, including communication with residents. Columnists Community The two -day session, which also included city department heads, The Eagle was staged so the council could develop its new strategic plan — Entertainment a blueprint for future growth and projects within the city. The list of Faith & Values priorities will guide city staff as the budget season approaches. Food Health & Fitness The strategic plan is broken into four vision areas that encompass Kids Korner all city functions. Each of the four vision areas includes a list of Lifestyles key strategies, which combine to total 16. Newspapers in Education The city staff will now take the direction from the council and map Obituaries out a plan to implement the strategies. Opinions Politics Providing a "high level of quality and reliability' for streets, utilities Region /State and technology was the council's top priority. But public health Schools and safety, more effective communication and well - planned Sports neighborhoods that are "suited to community interests and Subscriptions lifestyles also were included in the top group. Weather "These are all number one things that absolutely have to be done," Councilman Dennis Maloney said. The other three vision categories are parks and leisure services, planning and development and economic development. Passage of the city's Unified Development Code, which falls under the planning and development category, drew special attention from the council. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053002cssetsplanforgrowth.htm 5/30/2002 Home i Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe ` Contact I Site Map The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Other development issues pinpointed by council members are to • update the city's comprehensive plan, develop an Intermodal Transportation Action Plan, update the park system plan and promote redevelopment in older, declining areas. The top economic development priority is the city's "30/60 corridor" plan, which is the area on the College Station's east side that will be home to the hotel and conference center. Attracting other developments to the area will benefit the tax finance district that has been established there. Other economic development goals cited by the Council are to promote tourism and bring in new, higher - paying jobs. Maintaining the city's park system was designated the top parks priority. Developing recreation programs for people of all ages, connecting the community with a bikeway system and promoting cultural arts were listed as other areas to work on. The council also expressed a strong interest in working to get a performing arts center built near the conference center site. Council members said the city should have enough money to cover all 16 points within the strategic plan, but it was important to let staff know which areas they felt the strongest about. • "When they go through the budget process, they're going to try and do it all," Councilman Scott Mears said. "But if money gets tight, that's why we did what we did." And while the Council was satisfied with the list of priorities, members acknowledged that unforeseen events could cause some items to be added or eliminated. "This is just a plan," Mayor Ron Silvia said. "And like all plans, it is subject to change." • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell theeagle. com © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eaqle Privacy Statement C http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /053002cssetsplanforgrowth.htm 5/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 2 � The Ergle 'r .WN Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -86 Steel Electrical Distribution Poles The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.college- station . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. May 30, 2002 & June 6, 2002 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE Notice is given that Steamatic of Brazos Valley, whose principal business offic 752 N. Harvey Mitchell Parkway, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas 77807 intends before March 19, 2002, to become incorporated without a change of firm name Dated: March 19, 2002 KEVIN E. SLATEN, OWNER http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/30/2002 • The Bryan - College Station Eagle >Music Page 1 of 3 Home I Classifieds' Aggiesports.com Subscribe I Contact Entertainment Books Exhibits Movies Music Theater Profiles Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Entertainment > Music May 30, 2002 Trout Fishing in America They never meant to play music for kids, but now they're hooked By Laura Hensley Eagle Staff Writer At this year's Grammy Awards, Keith Grimwood and Ezra Idlet were like fish out of water. The shaggy - haired folk duo, who normally sport bright - colored shirts and sneakers, were surrounded by men in tuxedos and women in gowns that cost more than Grimwood's farm house in Arkansas. With a name like Trout Fishing in America and the physical mismatch of the pair — Idlet is 6- foot -9, Grimwood is 5- foot -5 — they stuck out in the crowd of chic rap producers and record moguls. Subscriptions After the awards ceremony, Grimwood and Idlet happily mingled at the Weather afterparty, where sushi was stacked two feet deep and champagne flowed like a river. It didn't matter that their 10th independent album, inFINinty was beat out for Best Musical Album for Children by a Muppet. Trout Fishing, whose songs are about dinosaurs in your bathtub and the sweet goodness of junk food, was just happy to be there. "It was beyond our imaginations," said Grimwood, the duo's bassist. "It was just a huge party that lasted for three days. It was interesting to be around so many people with different styles of music. One minute you'd be talking to someone in rap and hip hop, and then you'd turn around and talk to a classical violinist. It was wild." After February's ceremony, Idlet and Grimwood returned their tuxedos, . _ _ _ 1 I- _ -1. ! . _ 1 _ AI_ _ :. _ _ . _ _ _ 1 _ . __ _ _ . _ _ I ... _ . _ 1 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ 1 _ :. _ _. _ _ .1 _ - i _ _ . - _ _ http: / /www.theeagle. com/spotlight /music /2002articles /05 3002troutfishing. htm 5/31/2002 Trout Fishing in America The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Music Page 2 of 3 siippea DaCK into tneir sneaKers ana went DaCK to aoing wnat was a little more comfortable for them — making music for people who take their fun seriously. Trout Fishing's perky and upbeat style ranges from introspective folk, pop, jazz, country and rock tunes. But it's the group's childish side that often gets them the most attention. In addition to their recent Grammy nomination (practically unheard of for independent artists), Trout Fishing has also received other honors for inFINinty: a 2002 American Library Association Notable Children's Recording, a 2001 Gold National Parenting Publications Award and a 2001 Parent's Choice Gold Award. Altogether, the group has received 20 national awards for recordings and live performances during its 26- year career. Trout Fishing's music, with its intelligence, humor and charm, is something children and adults can enjoy together. But Trout Fishing started as a somewhat simple folk duo, with Grimwood on bass and Idlet on guitar. "We never set out to make children's music," Grimwood said. "We didn't write any children's music until we had kids ourselves." Grimwood and Idlet first teamed up in Houston as members of the folk rock outfit St. Elmo's Fire. Grimwood left his classical music career as bassist in the Houston Symphony to join the group in the mid - 1970s. After a failed West Coast tour, St. Elmo's Fire dissolved and Grimwood and Idlet began performing regularly together for money on street corners in California. It was there that name Trout Fishing in America was spawned (named after Richard Brautigan's 1960s novel). They eventually returned to Texas and began performing at steak houses and nightclubs. C TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA What: The popular folk duo - children's entertainers play at College Station's Starlight Music Series When: Saturday; gates open at 6:30 p.m. Where: Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater cost: Free Details: Lawn chairs, blankets, coolers, food and beverages allowed; no pets or glass containers Radio: KEOS -FM 89.1 live interview at 11 a.m. Also: Trout Fishing in America's family concert when: June 7; 7 p.m. where: Camp Allen Retreat and Conference Center near Navasota, FM 18800 cost: $20 for adults, $12 for children. Catfish buffet also available: $30 for adults and $20 for children. Reservations required for all tickets. For information and reservations call (936) 825 -7175 or visit www.campallen.org A defining moment came in the late 1970s when the duo were asked to perform at a grade school. Since then, performing and recording for children have been their http: / /www.theeagle.com /spotlight/ music/ 2002articles /053002troutfishing.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Music Page 3 of 3 major focus. But kids' music doesn't have to be completely silly or extremely educational all the time, according to Trout Fishing. They aim to not play down to kids or adults. "We cover serious subjects, then we move to stupid very easily," Grimwood said. "Kids don't need to be silly all the time," Idlet interjected. One reviewer said Trout Fishing treats kids as smart, cynical and obstinate — akin to the empowering work of Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss. With lyrics that wish for the day when your big sister is evicted so you can have her room, and how healthy food can make you mean, Trout Fishing caters to kids' true desires — no matter how "wrong" they are. At the same time, their new album sneaks in a few tunes, such as Everything That's Made of Wood and game songs like You're Name Backwards and Simon Says, that subtly remind kids to be socially conscious. Although children's music may be what Trout Fishing in America is best known for, they also mix in plenty of their more "adult" music. "It goes all over the map," Grimwood said about the typical Trout • Fishing crowd. "Basically, we play for people with a pulse." With their base and families in Arkansas, Grimwood and Idlet continue to perform on long weekends around the country in places where their loyal fan base grows with every new album. After retiring their infamous touring truck, Robert Red Ford (which had more than 500,000 miles on it) the group can be found these days traveling in a large cargo van they have lovingly named Stretch. After a few days on the road, the two return home to their wives and now - grown children to seek inspiration for new material. It's a lifestyle the two baby boomers won't be quick to move out of. And like the name of their new album, Trout Fishing in America's lifespan may run through infinity. "We'll be doing this for a long time," Idlet said. "It's important to do something that means something. And this means a lot to us." • Laura Hensley covers music and art for The Bryan - College Station Eagle. Her e-mail address is Ihensley @theeagle.com © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Pri vacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com /spotlight /music/ 2002articles /053002troutfishing.htm 513112002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle I L �� ry r e t h eel ��.m! Home i Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Page 1 of 'l..i i a ll L Y L A— Y i.: A_J 1r t Y L L Starting at 5479 per month See dealer for Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook May 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town College Station Medical Center reported the following births Datebook Thursday. The list may not be complete because some parents Government Links choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries May 28, 2002: Town Talk Site Sections Teresa and Alvin Dunn, Bryan, a boy; A &M News Agriculture Caroline Davis and Damon Thomas, Navasota, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology May 29, 2002: Classifieds Columnists Beth Ashley, College Station, a girl; Community The Eagle Melissa and Stephen Senkel, Bryan, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /may02 /05 3102births. htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State c Page 1 of 4 �,,s: �.�.t ♦ a.n,k.xx Starting at $4 per See dealer for Home! Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State May 31, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Man executed for College Station slaying Club Meetings College College Town By COLLEEN KAVANAGH Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links HUNTSVILLE — Moments after misidentifying his Obituaries victim in an apology Thursday evening, Stanley x= Town Talk Allison Baker Jr. was put to death for the murder of a `, 4 Site Sections clerk at a College Station adult video store. A &M News �4 Agriculture Baker, 35, was pronounced dead at 6:19 p.m., nine Announcements minutes after receiving the lethal dose of drugs for Business &Technology Before being the 1994 shooting death of Wayne John Walters, 44 put to death Classifieds who worked as a clerk at Dolar Video. Thursday, Columnists Stanley Community Baker — who wore black- rimmed glasses and a red Allison The Eagle Entertainment shirt rather than the typical prison whites — told the Baker Jr. warden he didn't have a final statement. misidentified Faith & Values the man he Food Health & Fitness killed. "I don't have anything to say," he said. "I'm just sorry Kids Korner for what I did to Mr. Peters, and that's all." Lifestyles Newspapers in Baker complained of a pain in his left arm — "I guess that's the Education poison," he said — before coughing, gasping and falling silent. Obituaries Opinions No relatives of either Baker or Walters witnessed the execution, Politics Texas' 15th of the year. Region /State Schools Walters was a victim Baker apparently picked at random Sept. 28, Sports 1994. Subscriptions Weather Baker, who was on foot, was headed to the old Winn -Dixie in College Station, where, as he later told police, he planned to kill his boss because he had been moved to a night shift. But Baker said he randomly detoured into the video store with the intention of "robbing and killing anyone inside" because the outside heat had tired him. Once inside, Baker took Walters' keys and shot him three times 4L with a 12 -gauge shotgun. The third shot hit Walters, who was lying face down on the floor, in the back of his head. o.,i. -1 441-- ,.-- 4 -;,,,4 ,.1......i Q An X,__ ..--" ...— ; -4--, L. ;... 1......;..... http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053102manexecuted.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 4 OQnCI LIICII CIIIJAICU QUUUL .p-+U IIUIII I+QJII IC�JI,LCI UCIUIC ICQVIII9 in Walters' truck. He was arrested in Bastrop less than two hours • later and confessed to the crime. Baker was convicted of capital murder by a Brazos County jury in 1995. Physical evidence tied Baker to the crime: The recoil from the shotgun hit him in the face, cutting his lip and chipping his tooth. Blood, the tooth, a footprint and other evidence were found at the scene. Police found a notebook of Baker's that listed his goals for that year. They included "30+ victims dead. 30+ armed robberies. Steal a lot of cars." Other documents detailed his animosity toward gays, African Americans and President Clinton, as well as his plans to go on a murder spree similar to those undertaken by several notorious serial killers. Brazos County District Attorney Bill Turner, who prosecuted Baker, said the randomness of the murder was particularly frightening. "The video store was where he got tired of walking," he said Wednesday. "But the most disturbing thing about the case were the letters recovered from his apartment. He had a goal of killing 30 -plus people, and he termed New York City as the ultimate hunting ground." Baker told police he had contemplated a gun battle when a DPS trooper pulled him over, but he changed his mind because he didn't have the proper equipment, Turner recalled. Inside the truck, police recovered the murder weapon, ammunition, a brass - knuckled stiletto, a bulletproof vest and a variety of survival gear. Baker was born in Paris, France, where his American father was stationed in the military. He moved to the Bryan - College Station area to attend Blinn College after serving in the military and worked at Winn -Dixie as a back -door goods receiver. During his trial, Baker's attorneys sought a life sentence, pointing out that he had no prior convictions and arguing that he had been devastated by his parents' divorce when he was nine and had suffered from mental illnesses. Turner said the Brazos County jury that decided Baker's crime warranted the death penalty made the right decision. "There's just no question in my mind," he said. "Even at the trial, a defense expert admitted he was a future threat to society." I_ \ I - -- - �- L I- - 1 I ^ ^_ "- '- - -' - - /1 - _ - ___Z. . - - -3 i - "- - - -' .... ^ -I-- --I - http://www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053102manexecuted.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 4 in iviarcn, the u.o. oupreme kount rerusea io review tsaKer s case, and on Tuesday the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles 4 refused to recommend that Baker's sentence be commuted to life in prison and denied a reprieve request. In an interview with The Associated Press, Baker sounded reconciled to his fate. "I'm just glad it's about over. HUNSTVILLE — Condemned I'm looking forward to the last killer Stanley Baker, scheduled to meal, but not the part that die Thursday evening for killing a comes after," he laughed. "It's video store clerk eight years ago, going to happen. I might as ordered a huge final meal to be well accept it." eaten about two hours before his Baker, who did not testify at scheduled lethal injection. his 1995 trial, told the wire His request included: service he was at a loss to explain what set him off. —two 16 -ounce ribeye steaks "I ask myself that, too," he —12 strips of bacon said. Baker became the eighth —two large hamburgers with mayo, onion and lettuce death row inmate from Brazos County to be executed since —two large baked potatoes with the U.S. Supreme Court butter, sour cream, cheese and reinstated the death penalty in chives 1976. His execution came seven years after his —four slices of cheese or a half - conviction, a few years shorter pound of grated cheddar cheese than the average 10 1/2 -year stay on death row. —chef salad with blue cheese The last execution of an dressing inmate convicted in Brazos —two corn on the cobs County was in November 1999. Jose Gutierrez died by —one pint of mint chocolate chip lethal injection for killing ice cream Dorothy McNew, an assistant store manager, during a 1989 —four vanilla Cokes or Mr. Pibb robbery in College Station. • Colleen Kavanagh's e -mail address Prison spokesman Larry is ckavanagh(a-theeagle.com Fitzgerald said it was unlikely Baker would get his entire request and that prison cooks would try to come up with something close. There was no mint chocolate chip ice cream, for example, available http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053102manexecuted.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State efaq % dor he � C 0 Mi Page 1 of 3 Starting at S4�' See deaaler, , Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ; BrazosS ports .com I Subscribe Contact i Site Map Region / State May 31, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club 82 -year old woman to get her house Meetings College Town back Datebook Government Links By LAURA HIPP Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk A month -long legal struggle to return Willie Mae Sweeps to her Site Sections College Station house appears to be over. A &M News Agriculture Several anonymous donations may help place the 82- year -old Announcements back in her family home sometime next week, after needed Business & Technology repairs are complete. Classifieds Columnists The prospect of living in her Park Place house of almost 60 years Community brought a big smile across Sweeps' face. The Eagle Entertainment "I could just jump and shout," Sweeps said Thursday. "I want to Faith & Values go home." Food Health & Fitness The new owner's attorney, Cully Lipsey, said Thursday that Kids Korner Sweeps will be allowed to live in the house rent -free until her Lifestyles death. The property will then be given to the Bryan - College Newspapers in Station chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Education Obituaries A sequence of misunderstandings with her mortgage company Opinions Politics last year led to Sweeps being forced from her house in May. She Region /State thought she had completed payments on a mortgage and did not Schools know almost $2,700 was still owed. Sports Subscriptions The mortgage company sold the house for $4,000 in a Weather foreclosure auction in November. The new owner, Mohammed Alfarsi, could not reach an agreement with Sweeps earlier this year, and as a result Sweeps was evicted from her longtime home. Lipsey, Alfarsi's attorney, said two donors who wished to remain anonymous purchased the house for an undisclosed amount of money. 1 %W "The donors have a sense of social justice and morality that they attribute to their thankfulness to God for all their blessings," he said. "They ... felt like this kind of action was an appropriate way http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053102womanhouseback.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 to demonstrate their thanks in a tangible way." • In a statement, Alfarsi said he knew at the time of the purchase the house was occupied but was not aware the resident was an elderly woman. He was granted the deed to the property Feb. 6 by Shabeer Jaffar, who bought the house in the foreclosure auction. Lipsey said he could not elaborate on his client's business transactions. "I purchased the property for what I believed was a good price, as an investment," Alfarsi said. "I have not collected any rent since acquired the property, and I have incurred expenses in the whole matter. Until the donors presented their offer, no one had come close to offering what I had invested in the property." Alfarsi said he did not want to make a profit on the sale but did want to cover his expenses. Attorney Jim James, who is representing Sweeps, said he is pleased with the outcome. "We're very happy," James said. "We're glad Ms. Sweeps is getting back in the house. She's very happy and looking forward to getting back in." James said the house was vandalized after Sweeps moved out. Another donor, who also requested anonymity, is paying to repair the house. Once that is complete, Sweeps can move back, James said. Sweeps has began packing her belongings and preparing to move. But she is concerned about the fate of the house after her death. Her granddaughter, Barbara Childs, lives with her. "It will be mine until I die, but what about my granddaughter ?" Sweeps said. "She's all I got." Childs said terms with Habitat for Humanity were still being discussed. Trish Burke, executive director of Habitat for Humanity, said that because the house would be a Habitat property, Childs would need to qualify under the nonprofit's guidelines. But the agency can help Childs negotiate that process, she said. The agency's board of directors will determine the house's fate when it is necessary, she said. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053102womanhouseback.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 The house will be the first gift of its kind that Habitat has received. Typically, people leave funds in their estates or sponsor a house in memory of another. "It's a little soon to say what Habitat would do," Burke said. Burke said she was pleased that Sweeps can return home. "Our primary goal was: What can we do to help Ms. Sweeps ?," Burke said. "We feel blessed that we have been able to help in some way so that she can go home again." • Laura Hipp's e-mail address is Ihipp(a�theeagle.com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /053102womanhouseback.htm 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 7 �w the ENg �dRN Classifie ds Classifieds Announcements - Automotive NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Business Opportunities Employment The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZ Financial Legal Notices for 2400 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY from R -1, Single Family Resi Merchandise R &D, Research & Development and Light Industry, and PDD -B, Planned Dev Place an Ad District - Business, to C -1, General Commercial. Real Estate Rentals The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Service Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, JUNE 1 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 5 -31 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the City of College Station's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN area bound by Wellborn Road (FM 2154), Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, tht I &GN Railroad (Marion Pugh Extension) and North Graham Road. This area i generally located at the southwest corner of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South ai Wellborn Road (FM 2154). The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JUr 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 7 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR PLANNER 5 -31 -02 CALDWELL I.S.D. SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Caldwell Independent School District announces the sponsorship of the Summ Service Program. Breakfast and Lunch will be served in conjunction with the 7 Summer School held from June 03 through June 28, 2002. Both meals will be provided at the Caldwell Middle School Cafeteria. Breakfa served from 7:15 AM until 8:00 AM. Lunch will be served from 11:30 AM un PM. People who are eligible to participate in the program must not be discriminate( because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion or political Anyone who believes that they have been discriminated against, should write immediately to: Director, Civil Rights Division MC W - 106, Texas Department of Human Services P.O. Box 149030 Austin, Texas 78714 -9030 or Secretary of Agriculture Washington D.C. 20250 NOTE: Discrimination complaints based on religion or political beliefs must b referred only to the Director, Civil Rights Division, Texas Department of Hum Services. 5- 24 -02, 5 -31 -02 CITY OF BRYAN BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 5 of 7 appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and their content: the second layer of insurance on existing buildings and contents. Upon the second publication of notice of these changes in this newspaper, any has 90 days in which he or she can request, through the Chief Executive Office community, that the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration reconsid determination. Any request for reconsideration must be based on knowledge of conditions or new scientific or technical data. All interested parties are on notil until the 90 -day period elapses, the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administ determination to modify the BFEs may itself be changed. Any person having knowledge or wishing to comment on these changes shoulc immediately notify: The Honorable Lynn McIlhaney Mayor, City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -0960 5- 24 -02, 5 -31 -02 C NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the City of College Station's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN area along the Whites Creek Road/Hopes Creek Road corridor. The amendmer involve either removing or realigning this proposed collector on the City of Co Station Thoroughfare Plan. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JUT 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. KEN FOGLE TRANSPORATION PLANNER 5 -31 -02 • NOTICE TO VENDORS http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 7 Sealed Request for Proposals for #2002 -052, DIRECT RECORDING ELECTRONIC (DRE) VOTING SYSTEM, OPTICAL SCAN (OPSCAN) VOTING SYSTEM AND ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (E] FOR BRAZOS COUNTY will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Department in the Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas until 1: Friday, June 28, 2002. All proposals received after that time will be returned u Said proposal will be publicly opened and acknowledged at 2:00 P.M., Friday, 2002, in the Brazos County Purchasing Department, Brazos County Courthous Brazos County reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or an, irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantage the County. Requests for Proposals are available at the County Purchasing Off: East 26th Street, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas 77803; or call (979) 361 -4290 for information. Pat Howard Purchasing Agent 5- 31 -02, 6 -7 -02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ® Property /Casualty Insurance College Station Independent School District The College Station Independent School District is requesting proposals for Pr Casualty Insurance for September 1, 2002 policy year. Sealed proposals for Property/Casualty Insurance will be received at the College Station I.S.D. Busi Office, 1812 Welsh Street, College Station, Texas, 77840 to the attention of M Ball, Deputy Superintendent until 2:00 p.m. Friday, June 28th, 2002. Each pro] shall identify his/her priced proposal by typing on the outside of the envelope: "Priced Proposal for Property /Casualty Insurance ". Also all addendum re( must be lis on the outside of the envelo Proposals received after 2:00 p.n time Friday, June 28th, 2002 will be returned unopened. Proposal documents may be obtained from College Station I.S.D. Business Ofi 1812 Welsh Street, College Station, Texas 77840, (979) 764 -5409. 5- 31 -02, 6 -7 -02 PUBLIC HEARINGS Joint Relief Funding Review Committee Bryan and College Station, Texas The Cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas will hold two joint public hear. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 7 of 7 concerning the recommendations for Community Development Block Grant pi service funding allocations for the fiscal year 2002 -2003. The agendas are as fc Monday, June 10, 2002: I. Call to order II. Recognition of Affidavits Filed in Response to State Law on Disclosure of Officials Conflict of Interests III. Approval of Minutes from June 6, 2002 Public Meeting IV. Public Service Presentations V. Break VI. Public Service Rating Process VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Wednesday, June 12, 2002 I. Call to order II. Recognition of Affidavits Filed in Response to State Law on Disclosure of Officials Conflict of Interests • III. Approval of Minutes from June 10, 2002 Public Hearing IV. Recommendation of Public Service Funding Allocations A. Discussion B. Action V. Other Business VI. Adjourn FOR INFORMATION ON TDD, SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, C OTHER TRANSLATION OF ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY'S PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, JAY SOCOI 979.209.5120. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LE HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT REQUEST MAY BE COMPLETELY FULFILLED. For information regardin, Public Hearings please call 979- 209 -5175. 5- 31 -02, 6 -2 -02 © 2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /classifieds.theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 5/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 �. All new & used .. 0 M woubst6046in inventory on sale Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe 1 Contact I Site Map Region / State June 1, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station plan to help home Club Meetings College Town buyers Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk College Station's community development department is offering Site Sections to help low- and moderate - income families purchase their first A &M News homes. Agriculture Announcements Under the program, qualified applicants can receive up to $7,500 Business & Technology for a down payment that will not have to be repaid if the family Classifieds stays in the house for at least five years. Columnists Community To be eligible, the applicant's total household income must be at The Eagle or below 80 percent of the area's median income. For a two - Entertainment person household, that equates to $29,550. The cutoff for a four - Faith & Values person household is $36,950. Food Health & Fitness The city receives money for the program from the Department of Kids Korner Housing and Urban Development's HOME grant fund. Over the Lifestyles past three years, 57 local families have moved into new homes Newspapers in with help from the program. Education Obituaries "The program is geared toward people who are first -time Opinions homebuyers buying a home in College Station," said Gregg Politics Lancaster, a housing analyst with the community development Region /State department. "Money is made available to the city, and one of the Schools purposes of getting the money is to help people with housing Sports needs." Subscriptions Weather The city will provide 10 percent of the total cost of the home — #up to a maximum $7,500 — to be used for a down payment. Homes can be purchased from real estate firms or individual sellers. The program only provides money for a down payment. It does not provide loans for the actual mortgage. Lancaster said applicants must secure a loan through a bank or mortgage company before receiving city funds. The community development loan is forgivable after five years if the family lives in the home for at least that long, pays taxes and http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /060102cshelphomebuyers.htm 6/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 maintains the property. "The city puts a five -year lien on the property," Lancaster said. "We're in the second lien position behind the primary lender." Applications can be picked up at the community development office at 903 S. Texas Ave. and must be completed at least 30 days before the buyer closes on the house. Residents also can call the College Station Community Development office at 764- 3778. A copy of the driver's license and Social Security card for everyone who will live in the home must be included. All incomes must be verified by employers. Applicants also have to go through an evaluation process that includes budget and finance counseling before they can be approved. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfeqell © 2000, 2001 Th Brya /C ollege Sta tion Ea gle Priv Sta • • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /060102cshelphomebuyers.htm 6/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Christina and Billy Knight, Hempstead, a girl. May 25, 2002: Maria and Benjamin Jimenez, Bryan, a boy. May 26, 2002: Megan and Carlos Villaneuva, Bryan, a boy; Kimberly Tate, Kenney, a boy; Jennifer Parker and Charles Almanza, College Station, a boy; Marsha Nutall, College Station, a boy; Vicky and Jordon Post, College Station, a boy. May 27, 2002: Kera and Torrence Ross, Navasota, a boy; Deborah and Sylvester Kapchinski, College Station, a boy. • May 28, 2002: Angel and Dene Matthews, College Station, a boy. College Station Medical Center May 30, 2002: Natoria Hyman and Brian Darnell, Hearne, a boy; Carlotta and Devin Smith, Caldwell, a boy. © 2000 The Bry /Colleg St ation Ea gle Priva Statemen • http: / /www. theeagle. com/ region / records /births /June02births /060102births. htm Page 2 of 2 6/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State (W Page 1 of 3 Home I Classifieds j Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map CW Region / State June 2, 2002 Births Other areas along Greens Prairie Road on the southwest side Brazos Valley Notebook College Station weighs growth with 6 Club Meetings considered. College Town potential annexations Datebook "The areas that we're looking at this year are largely vacant, or Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Key, College Station's city planner. Town Talk The College Station City Council will consider annexing up to six Site Sections parcels of land that sit just beyond the current city limits. A &M News densely populated areas both more expensive and time - Agriculture The council will decide how many of the properties it will pursue at Announcements its June 27 meeting. All six areas under consideration could be Business & Technology annexed within the year because there are fewer than 100 homes Classifieds On each tract. Columnists Community Most of the land sits along College Station's east boundary line. The Eagle Other areas along Greens Prairie Road on the southwest side Entertainment and along Wellborn Road near the south side are being Faith & Values considered. Food Health & Fitness "The areas that we're looking at this year are largely vacant, or Kids Korner they have so few ... residences that they fall under the point that Lifestyles we can go ahead and look at annexing them this year," said Jane Newspapers in Key, College Station's city planner. Education Obituaries The last Legislature passed laws making the annexation of Opinions densely populated areas both more expensive and time - Politics Region /State consuming. Schools Among the reasons cities choose to annex land, Key noted, are to Subscriptions provide future revenue sources and to add areas for future Weather grOWth. "The Greens Prairie Road area that we're looking at, for example, you might anticipate there could be some development because that road has opened up as a way into our city," Key said. "So looking at land use control is certainly a reason." College Station's growth has been a major catalyst for annexation er plans. The latest census figures show the city's population grew by more than 29 percent during the 1990s, and a similar level of growth is expected to continue. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /060202annexations.htm 6/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 "We're trying to stay ahead of the game as far as development and making sure you've got enough land and property for future growth," Key said. "Right now we are booming. We still have a lot of land within the city limits that is vacant, but it never hurts to look. You don't want to wait until you get to the point where you need room to grow and you don't have any." Five of the areas up for consideration already have been included in the city's comprehensive plan. The stretch along Greens Prairie Road has not. But all six areas have been targeted by city planners as potential growth spots. "We have already had some development interest in some of them," Key said. "For the most part it's going to be 20 or more years for some of these areas [to develop]. It's going to be a chicken and egg thing. It all depends on when utilities get out there and the desire on folks' part to develop." Simply because the council decides to study annexing a particular piece of land at the June 27 meeting does not mean it has to annex it. The council could decide to study all six pieces and then annex only a few, or none. During that meeting, Key said, the city staff will present costs for water and sewer services and police and fire protection for all six pieces of land. Public hearings will be required if the council decides to pursue any annexation, and those probably would take place sometime in September. The city must give notice to residents within the targeted areas at least 30 days before a hearing. An ordinance to annex some, none or all of the land is scheduled for consideration on Oct. 2. Any areas that are annexed at that time would be immediately eligible for city police and fire protection. College Station also would be responsible for road maintenance and mowing all rights of way. State law requires all municipal services to be provided to the annexed areas within 2 1/2 years. Key said several of the areas currently receive water service from Wellborn, and that contract expires next year. College Station and Wellborn have a standing agreement that calls for College Station to provide water to annexed areas. College Station last annexed property in 1996, when it took in more than 5,200 acres, most of which was along the south side of the city. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /060202annexations.htm 6/3/2002 The BW College Station Eagle Classifieds s A • Pageof 10 Yti Classifieds f_ ' C 't A Classifieds Announcements Automotive NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Business Opportunities Employment The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING Financial for 2400 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY from R -1, Single Family Residential, Legal Notices R &D, Research & Development and Light Industry, and PDD -B, Planned Development is ise Merchandise District- Business, to C -1, General Commercial. Place an Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Rentals Service Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, JUNE 13, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 5 -31 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/3/2002 The B�- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pagebf 10 0 The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the City of College Station's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for the area bound by Wellborn Road (FM 2154), Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, the Old I &GN Railroad (Marion Pugh Extension) and North Graham Road. This area is generally located at the southwest corner of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Wellborn Road (FM 2154). The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JUNE 13, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR PLANNER 5 -31 -02 CALDWELL I.S.D. SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Caldwell Independent School District announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program. Breakfast and Lunch will be served in conjunction with the Title 1 Summer School held from June 03 through June 28, 2002. Both meals will be provided at the Caldwell Middle School Cafeteria. Breakfast will be served from 7:15 AM until 8:00 AM. Lunch will be served from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/3/2002 The BW College Station Eagle Classifieds • Pagebf 10 5- 24 -02, 5 -31 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the City of College Station's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for the area along the Whites Creek Road/Hopes Creek Road corridor. The amendment will involve either removing or realigning this proposed collector on the City of College Station Thoroughfare Plan. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JUNE 13, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. KEN FOGLE TRANSPORATION PLANNER 5 -31 -02 NOTICE TO VENDORS Sealed Request for Proposals for #2002 -052, DIRECT RECORDING ELECTRONIC (DRE) VOTING SYSTEM, OPTICAL SCAN (OPSCAN) VOTING SYSTEM AND ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) FOR BRAZOS COUNTY will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Department in the Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas until 1:30 P.M., http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/3/2002 The B0- College Station Eagle Classifieds • Pag *f 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS Joint Relief Funding Review Committee Bryan and College Station, Texas The Cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas will hold two joint public hearings concerning the recommendations for Community Development Block Grant public service funding allocations for the fiscal year 2002 -2003. The agendas are as follows: Monday, June 10, 2002: I. Call to order II. Recognition of Affidavits Filed in Response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Officials Conflict of Interests III. Approval of Minutes from June 6, 2002 Public Meeting IV. Public Service Presentations V. Break VI. Public Service Rating Process VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Wednesday, June 12, 2002 I. Call to order II. Recognition of Affidavits Filed in Response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Officials Conflict of Interests III. Approval of Minutes from June 10, 2002 Public Hearing IV. Recommendation of Public Service Funding Allocations A. Discussion B. Action V. Other Business http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/3/2002 The B0- College Station Eagle Classifieds . Page f 10 VI. Adjourn FOR INFORMATION ON TDD, SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, OR OTHER TRANSLATION OF ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY'S PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, JAY SOCOL AT 979.209.5120. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE COMPLETELY FULFILLED. For information regarding the Public Hearings please call 979- 209 -5175. 5- 31 -02, 6 -2 -02 © 2000.2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds T h e W Mld Classifieds �Z A5 Classifieds Announcements - Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02 -82 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise State Highway 30 Sewer Realignment Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 11, 2002 at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves a sixteen inch sanitary sewer main realignment on Harvey Road (State Highway 30) and Earl Rudder Freeway (State Highway 6). A Pre -bid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on June 4, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. Page 1 of 4 httpassifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html j J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at w - station.tx. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. May 28, 2002 & June 4, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -88 Street Light Poles and Fixtures The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 18, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at w ww..ci.c ollege station. . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive Page 2 of 4 http *Jassifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds informalities and irregularities. June 4, 2002 & June 11, 2002 NOTICE R. M. DUDLEY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. would like to invite all subcontractors and vendors to bid with us on the TAMU MSC Board of Regents Kitchen Renovation on June 11, 2002 @ 2 pm. There are HUB Subcontracting possibilities & we encourage your participation. Contact Brad Adams at 979 - 776 -2135. 6 -4 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to Mr. Kent B. Watson, Manager, Wickson Creek Special Utility District, will be received until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday June 18, 2002 for construction of Water Well No. 5 and all related work, in accordance with the project plans and specifications. At the time stated, bids will be opened and publicly read at the office of Wickson Creek SUD, SH 21 East, Bryan, Texas 77805. PROPOSAL FORMS, specifications, plans, and contract documents may be examined or obtained at the office of KSA ENGINEERS, INC., 140 E. Tyler Street, Suite 600, P.O. Box 1552, Longview, TX 75606 -1552, 903 - 236 -7700, 903 - 236 -7779 Fax, www.ksaeng.com. One copy of each set of documents may be obtained from KSA, Inc., for a deposit of $35.00. Plans and specifications costs are refundable to qualified bidders who return undamaged sets within five (5) calendar days of the date of the bid opening. 5- 28 -02, 6 -4 -02, 6 -11 -02 Page 3 of 4 http.. -)assifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm] • MAl2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 All new & used inventory on Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 4, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk May 29, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Donna and James Heath, College Station, a girl; Agriculture Announcements Kameisha Thompson, Bryan, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds May 31, 2002: Columnists Community Maria Guzman and Esteban Pachuca, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Trina Hall, College Station, a boy; Faith & Values Food Misty Wallet, Hearne, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Cherie and Larry Kocian, Rockdale, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education June 1, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Alice Abad, College Station, a girl. Politics Region /State College Station Medical Center Schools May 31, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Monica Perez - Rodriguez and Amador Rodriguez, Brenham, a girl. Weather June 1, 2002: Latisha Johnson, Navasota, a girl; Stephanie Torres and Jose Perez, Bryan, a boy; Coty B. Simons, Madisonville, a boy. © May 30, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /060402births.htm 6/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ,,,. ,ss. tt �; s • Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com j Subscribe Contact I Site Map 40 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 5, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk June 1, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Wendi and Chris Brewer, Normangee, a girl. Agriculture Announcements June 2, 2002: Business & Technology Classifieds Rabiah Shabazz and Larry Houston, Bryan, a boy; Columnists Community Eugenia Campos and Uzziel Mesino, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Yolanda Pintor, Bryan, a girl. Faith & Values Food College Station Medical Center Health & Fitness June 3, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Lisa and Jason Lafollette, College Station, a boy; Education Obituaries Ashraf and Shoukat Dharani, College Station, a girl. Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 20 01 The B_ry an/C o llege St Ea gle Privacy Sta • http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /June02births /060502births. htm 6/5/2002 The B - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa l of 8 f EINgleNed - - ORN Classifieds QA151$ Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -84 Police Patrol Uniforms - Annual Blanket Order The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 12, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at w ww,ci_. coi e ge- st Questions concerning the bidding process may be addressed to the City of College Station Purchasing Services Division, 979/764 -3823. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /1ineads /0699.html 6/5/2002 The Byi- College Station Eagle Classeds Payer of 8 informalities and irregularities. May 29, 2002 & June 5, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -85 Madeley Park Bridges The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves installation of two (2) wooden bridges to be constructed on the park site. A Pre -bid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, 2002. Site inspection at Billie Madeley Park will follow immediately after the pre -bid meeting. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at no charge from the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. These documents cannot be transmitted electronically. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college statio . http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/5/2002 The BO- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pages of 8 The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. May 29, 2002 & June 5, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -90 Landscape Maintenance for Castlegate Park The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 19, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at ww w.ci.college- station.tx.u . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. June 5, 2002 & June 12, 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/5/2002 11 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 0 All new & used oi&mw inventory on sale Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births June 1, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook June 7, 2002 Club Meetings Nancy and Chad Barrum, Bryan, a girl; College Town Area hospitals reported the following births. The list may not be Datebook complete because some parents choose not to have their names Government Links printed. Links June 2, 2002: Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk June 1, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Nancy and Chad Barrum, Bryan, a girl; Agriculture Announcements Wendi and Chris Brewer, Normangee, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds June 2, 2002: Columnists Community Rabiah Shabazz and Larry Houston, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Eugenia Campos and Uzziel Mesino, Bryan, a boy; Faith & Values Food Yolanda Pintor, Bryan, a girl; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Leslie Purl, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Lisa Hawkins, Bryan, twin boys; Obituaries Opinions Maria Medina and Lorenzo Arenas, Bryan, a boy. Politics Region /State June 3, 2002: Schools Sports Ashley and Allen Weaver, Navasota, a girl; Subscriptions Weather Kimberly and Jay Pritchard, College Station, a girl June 4, 2002: Stephanie and Jerry Sanchez, Bryan, a girl; Kwajuana Johnson, Bryan, a boy; Amelia and Martin Diosdado, Navasota, a boy. June 3, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /June02births /060702births. htm 6/10/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Danielle Batchelor, College Station, a boy; • Alicia and Lucas Stringfellow, Somerville, a girl; Margarita and Jose Barrios, College Station, a girl. Myra and David Fafard, Anderson, a girl. College Station Medical Center June 3, 2002: Lisa and Jason Lafollette, College Station, a boy; Ashraf and Shoukat Dharani, College Station, a girl. June 4, 2002: Shannon Sanders, Normangee, a boy; Yun Ja Lee and Kumoo Han, Bryan, a boy. June 5, 2002: Julie and Duane Hunt, Franklin, a boy; • Jennifer and Derek Graham, Bryan, a boy; Vera L. Bell, Bryan, a girl. © 2 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /060702births.htm 6/10/2002 © 2000. 2001 The Bryan /Col Sta jl a le P rivacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records/ births /June02births /060802births.htm 6/10/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 theea s �l ex u -ft Al l new & used i inventory on sale YW Home j Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 8, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk June 5, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Angela and Brian Autry, Bryan, a boy. Agriculture Announcements College Station Medical Center Business & Technology June 6, 2002: Classifieds Columnists Michelle and Daren Zentz, College Station, a boy; Community The Eagle Entertainment Shanna and David Sprouse, Snook, a boy. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000. 2001 The Bryan /Col Sta jl a le P rivacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records/ births /June02births /060802births.htm 6/10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Page 1 of 5 ��Ift�1WN Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Financial Bid # 02 - Legal Notices Merchandise Asphalt Emulsion Street Material Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 24, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at ww station.tx . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w: informalities and irregularities. June 10, 2002 & June 17, 2002 LE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Speci office until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 25, 2002 publicly opened and read alou p.m., same date at the Procurement Office on the following commodities or 1. Material For FM 158 Project - Crossarms, http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -88 Street Light Poles and Fixtures Page 1 of 2 V ��tt#WN The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 18, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall, received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.c ollege- sta . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. June 4, 2002 & June 11, 2002 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to Mr. Kent B. Watson, Manager, Wickson Special Utility District, will be received until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, 20C construction of Water Well No. 5 and all related work, in accordance with the plans and specifications. At the time stated, bids will be opened and publicly rf office of Wickson Creek SUD, SH 21 East, Bryan, Texas 77805. PROPOSAL FORMS, specifications, plans, and contract documents may be e? http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 6/11/2002 l The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 All new & used I ,* inventory on sale Home j Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births June 7, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook June 11, 2002 Club Meetings Christie Crawford, Bryan, a boy; College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Jennifer Crocker, Bedias, a boy. Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk June 7, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Christie Crawford, Bryan, a boy; Agriculture Announcements Kimberly R. and Billy J. Sprouse, Somerville, a girl; Business & Technology Classifieds Jennifer Crocker, Bedias, a boy. Columnists Community St. Joseph Regional Health Center The Eagle June 4, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Food Dawn and Andrew Springer, College Station, a girl; Health &Fitness Kids Korner Kristie Montalbano, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in June 5, 2002: Education Obituaries Beverly and Patrick Pool, Snook, a boy; Opinions Politics Lamas and Antonio Bernal, Bryan, a girl; Region /State Schools Stacy and Brandon Holmes, College Station, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Amber and Christopher Hintze, Bryan, a girl. Weather June 6, 2002: Hollee and Howard Shoemake, Bryan, a boy; Ambre Wesley, Navasota, a boy; Nicole and Michael Lyssy, Bryan, a girl; Candice and Jeffrey Carnes, Bryan, a girl; I nr� onrl Chonnnn CranLlin � nirl- http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records / births /June02births /061102births.htm 6/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State (W Page 1 of 2 7' Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribel Contact I Site Map Region / State June 11, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station residents object to new College Town Supercenter Datebook Government Links By KELLI LEVEY Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk About 30 College Station residents left no doubt Monday about Site Sections their opinions of a proposed Wal -Mart Supercenter being put in A &M News their neighborhood. Agriculture Announcements "We don't want it!" several shouted in unison toward the end of a Business & Technology 90- minute meeting called by Wal -Mart officials. Classifieds Columnists College Station's Planning & Zoning Commission voted Community unanimously May 16 to deny the rezoning request to allow the The Eagle world's largest retailer to build a 2 00,000- square -foot store at Entertainment 2400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway behind Crystal Park Plaza. Faith & Values Food Health Wal -Mart officials planned to present an appeal to the City & Fitness Kids Korner Council on Thursday, then removed it from the meeting agenda. Lifestyles Wal -Mart officials said Monday that they still intend to pursue the Newspapers in rezoning request by eventually taking the issue to the council, but first want to gather more feedback Education from residents. Obituaries Some artlCl Opinions p pants Monday mentioned specific concerns — traffic, Politics landscaping and drainage — in the first of several proposed Region /State neighborhood meetings, but the overall sentiment was that of Schools unwelcome. One lady flatly stated, "This is not a Wal- Mart-type Sports neighborhood." Subscriptions Weather Daphne Moore, Wal -Mart's community affairs manager, began by trying to placate the participants. "We can come back to you with a landscape plan or a traffic study to address these concerns," she said. But after the crowd's outburst interrupted her, Moore responded sharply, "Then let's call it a night. I don't want to waste your time." The store would encompass about 28 acres of a 34.2 -acre tract on the south side of Harvey Mitchell Parkway's intersection with Earl Rudder Freeway South. Surrounding the Supercenter would be a gas station and other retail stores, said civil engineer Bob http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional/ 061102residentsrejectsuperc.htm 6/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Stewart of Houston. C College Station lawyer Chuck Ellis, who is representing Wal -Mart, invited residents of the nearby Emerald Forest subdivision to Monday's meeting and said he hopes to contact other neighborhood associations over the next several weeks. "We know how this room of people feels, but how do you get to the hundreds who do want it, who want a bigger store ?" he said. "We want to hear from everyone." Wal -Mart officials tried to build a Supercenter in the same location nine years ago, but it failed before the Planning & Zoning Commission. At the May 16 hearing, College Station City Planner Jane Kee recommended denial of the rezoning, saying the stand -alone "big box" development does not mesh with the city's comprehensive plan for that neighborhood. She said allowing the development would pressure city officials to rezone the area's remaining tracts as commercial. Kee suggested other nearby sites for the store. About 70 acres at Rock Prairie Road and Texas 6 were designated commercial in a recently adopted regional retail use plan. Also, a 30 -acre tract was recently rezoned as commercial near the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Texas 6. Moore said the sites along Texas 6 are too far south. And, in response to a suggestion that the College Station Wal -Mart that opened in 1988 be expanded in its current location, Moore said she was told the adjacent Albertson's store is not for sale. "Besides, our preliminary studies indicated the parking would not be adequate," she said. • Kelli Levey's e -mail address is 9 vev thee7g/q. com. © 2000 2001 The Bryan /Colle Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.coml region/ localregional/ 061102residentsrej'ectsuperc.htm 6/11/2002 c The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map • Region / State June 12, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station breaks round on court Club Meetings g College Town building Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries The city of College Station broke ground Tuesday on a new Town Talk Municipal Court Building that will house the city's court, its fire Site Sections department administration and the Brazos Valley Solid Waste A &M News Management Agency. Agriculture Announcements The $2.8 million building will be located on Krenek Tap Road to Business & Technology the east of the city's Utility Customer Service Center building. It is Classifieds scheduled for completion in May 2003. Columnists Community The All three agencies will be on the first floor of the building, which Eagle will be 17,000 square feet. A 15,000- square -foot second floor also Entertainment will be built, but it will remain a shell until the city needs to move Faith & Values other employees or departments into the building. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000. 200 T he Br roma /Colle Sta tion Eagle Privacy S tatement �w htt / /w ww.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061202groundbreaking. htm 6/12/2002 �w The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 All new & used inventory on sale Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map C� Region / State June 12, 2002 Births Valley Notebook Club M College Station communicator named Club M College Town region head Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries Kelley Cole, College Station's communications and marketing Town Talk manager, has been named regional director of the Texas Site Sections Association of Municipal Information Officers. A &M News Agriculture Cole will head Region Five, which includes Austin, Georgetown, Announcements Waco and College Station. She also will serve on the Business & Technology organization's executive board. Classifieds Columnists The TAMIO, an affiliate of the Texas Municipal League, was Community developed in 1974 to assist public information officers who work The Eagle for municipal governments. More than 100 cities of all sizes are Entertainment members of the TAMIO. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000 2001 The man /Co Statio Eagle P Stateme c. http: / /www. theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061202regionheadnamed. htm 6/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Pagel of 2 low as � All new & used inventory on sale Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 12, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births on Tuesday. The list Announcements may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections June 10, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Monica Westbrook and Michael Kelley, Bryan, a boy; Announcements Business & Technology Alana Hazlett, College Station, a boy. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle June 4, 2002: Entertainment Faith Food & Values Natalie Williams and William McLean, a girl. Health & Fitness June 7, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Shanna Cook and Chris Spurgeon, Bryan, a boy; Education Obituaries Angela and Jeremy Gaston, Gause, a boy; Opinions Politics Mary and Ray Woods, Bryan, a girl; Region /State Schools Joanna De Palma and Brandon McKinney, Bryan, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Shemeka Williams, Navasota, a girl; Weather Kristy and Douglas Dean, Snook, a girl. © 20 00 2001 The Bry /C Sta E agle Pr iva qy� Statem A http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /061202births.htm 6/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community I th,000 x_� Page 1 of 2 Horne I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe ' Contact i Site Map U Community June 12, 2002 AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide Business Directory College Station to offer seniors shuttle Cities & Counties to movie Crimestoppers Emergency Eagle Staff Report Organizations Pet of the Week The College Station Parks & Recreation Department will offer free Reach Out transportation to seniors for the June 27 showing of Singin' in the Senior Resource Book Rain at the George Bush Conference Center. Thank you, Neighbor Youth Lines The movie is free and begins at 7 p.m. Free popcorn and drinks Site Sections will be served beginning at 6 p.m. A &M News Agriculture Residents age 55 and older are eligible to receive free Announcements Business & Technology transportation, but space is limited. Reservations must be made by June 21. Classifieds Columnists Community For bus stop locations, times and reservations, call Marci The Eagle Rodgers, the city's senior services coordinator, at 764 -6371. Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 92111 2001 The Bryan /Colleg Station Eagle Privac State c. htt p ://www.thee agle-com/community/061202seniormovieshuttle.ht m 6/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community Page 1 of 2 th ee �a gle .txfl Homel Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Community AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide Business Directory Cities & Counties Crimestoppers Emergency Organizations Pet of the Week Reach Out Senior Resource Book Thank you, Neighbor Youth Lines Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather June 9, 2002 Hot rods rev up in College Station By LAURA HENSLEY Eagle Staff Writer John Reed has spent hours in his garage in Madisonville tinkering with his bright yellow 1929 Dodge. It's been repainted, reupholstered and rebuilt. "His car is his life," said Reed's wife, Tammy. Reed and more than 200 other classic car enthusiasts have converged in College Station this weekend for the annual Bluebonnet Streetrider's Rod Run to proudly display the 1 from fellow gearheads Gina Jamison of Bryan (Right) looks at a 1936 Dodge Coupe owned by Craig and Glenda Knopp of Houston at the 11th Ever Rod Run at Central Park in College Station Saturday. Hot Rod enthusiasts from across the state brought about 225 classic hot rods to display in the event which was sponsored by the Bluebonnet Street Rodders, an area car club. ruits of their labor and pick up a few tips "You are proud of your car and the Rod Run gives you a chance to show off your work," Reed said Saturday afternoon at Central Park, the site of the rally. "You take pride in what you do, and this is a time to show it off. This is Bill Kimbro's fifth year at the College Station Rod Run. The retiree from Madisonville has three classic cars at home, but he brought his blue 1939 Ford this weekend. He said attending rod runs around Texas is one part social, another part technical. The vehicles, which were all manufactured before 1973, will be on display again Sunday. http: / /www.theeagle.com /community /060902.hotrods.htm 6/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community Page 2 of 2 I I 1 IICC CVCIIL WtCyll1J QL V.JU 0.111. VVllll Q ICIILY.IUUJ ZCI VIL.C. %JLIICI family activities will begin at 10 a.m. The Rod Run will come to a close with an awards ceremony at 2 p.m. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Still Creek Boys Ranch. • Laura Hensley's e-mail address is Ih ensley theea /e com. © 2000 2 001 The Bryan /Colleg S tation E agle Priva Statement e http: / /www.theeagle. com/community/060902.hotrods.htm 6/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pagel of 3 n l dFJON -Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Financial Bid # 02 -90 Legal Notices Merchandise Landscape Maintenance for Castlegate Park Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 19, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall, received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at ww sta . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. June 5, 2002 & June 12, 2002 NOTI TO CRE NOTICE is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of MARGARET LUE GROVE, Deceased, were issued on May 28, 2002, in Doc] 11,283 -PC; pending in the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texa BENJAMIN H. INSKEEP. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney or the Estate addressed ressed as fol] BENJAMIN H. INSKEEP http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/12/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 Vicente Arenas, 28 yoa, H /M; 1602 S. College Ave #52; 77801; Indecencia co menor; victima -Nina; 7 & 11 and Nino; 6. 6- 12 -02, 6 -19 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZ for 4400 STATE HIGHWAY 6 SOUTH, consisting of 132.01 acres from C General Commercial, and R -IA, Single Family Residential, to C -1, General Commercial, R -3, Townhouse, R -4, Apartment/Low Density, and R-1 A, Singl Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the City Council on Thursday, JUI 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 6 -12 -02 © 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement 0 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 4 y 4 '.. Home j Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I Brazossports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Saturday at the Mater Funeral Home in Marcellus, Mich. The Rev. Brazos Valley Notebook June 13, 2002 Club Meetings officiate. Graveside military rites will follow at Marcellus Cemetery. College Town Gaylon J. Ross Datebook Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Government Links March 27, 1917 — June 10, 2002 Links Mr. Ross died Monday in College Station. Obituaries Services for Gaylon J. Ross, 85, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Town Talk Saturday at the Mater Funeral Home in Marcellus, Mich. The Rev. Site Sections Gregory L. Buchner of the Wakelee United Methodist Church will A &M News officiate. Graveside military rites will follow at Marcellus Cemetery. Agriculture Announcements Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Business & Technology Classifieds Mr. Ross died Monday in College Station. Columnists Community The Eagle He was born in Kalamazoo, Mich., served in the U.S. Navy during Entertainment World War II and was a life member of Marcellus V.F.W. Post No. 4054. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness He was preceded in death by his wife, Marcella L. "Marsha" Kids Korner German. Lifestyles Newspapers in Survivors include his daughter, Cher Ross of Bryan; a son, Barry ry Education Ross of Boca Raton, Fla.; three grandsons; four great - Obituaries grandchildren; two stepdaughters; and several step - Opinions grandchildren. Politics Region /State Memorials may be made to the Marcellus Ambulance Service. Schools Sports Qasim A. Hadibhai Subscriptions Weather June 16, 1934 — June 11, 2002 Services for Qasim A. Hadibhai, 67, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Burial will be in the College Station City Cemetery. Mr. Hadibhai died Tuesday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Agra, India, and lived in College Station for the past five years. He was a manager of a retail store and member of the Ismailia Community Center. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /June02obits /061302obits.htm 6/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 4 Survivors include his wife, Shaker Khanoo of College Station; a son, Abe Qasim of College Station; four daughters, Farida and Parueen, both of College Station, and Shenny and Salma, both of Dallas; a brother, Yusuf of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; a sister, Gulshaker of Dallas; and eight grandchildren. Johnnie Lee `Leo' Baker June 7, 1942 — March 14, 2000 A memorial service for Johnnie Lee "Leo" Baker, 57, formerly of Hearne, is set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Heartfield Funeral Home in Hearne. Internment will be held at a later date in Norwood Cemetery in Hearne. Mr. Baker died in Stark County, Ohio. He attended school in Hearne and served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. He was a Baptist. Survivors include a son, Derek Lee Baker; a sister and brother -in- law, Lola Shipper- Osborn and Tom Osborn; and numerous nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Dovie Mozel Christopher Klecka Jan. 6, 1921 — June 11, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for Dovie Mozel Christopher Klecka, 81, of Navasota are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Nobles Funeral Chapel in Navasota. The Rev. Myron Curtis will officiate. Burial will be in the Oakland Cemetery in Navasota. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the funeral home, with the family present from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday. Mrs. Klecka died Tuesday at Spring Branch Medical Center in Houston. She was born in Fort Worth and retired from Delta X Electronics in Houston. She was a Catholic. Survivors include her husband, Sylvester Emil Klecka of Navasota; two sons and daughters -in -law, Otis E. and Linda Oliver of Houston and Dennis W. and Staci Klecka of Navasota; a son -in -law, Walter "Bebo" Sikorski of Industry; a daughter -in -law, Joyce Klecka of Industry; a stepson and his wife, Russell E. and Linda Klecka of Houston; a daughter and son -in -law, Darlene Faye and Manuel C. Perez of Houston; a stepdaughter, Audrey Lang of Houston; 18 grandchildren; and 26 great - grandchildren. http:// www .theeagle.comJregionlrecordsl obituaries lJune02obits /061302obits.htm 6/13/2002 :7 • The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -89 Fluoride System Upgrade Page 1 of 4 I t 7$ l a ll 1 0 , 1 The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 20, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall, received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the upgrade of the City of College Station's fluoride syste A Pre -bid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station, City Hall, 11 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on June 13, 2002. This r is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci station.tx us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w: informalities and irregularities. June 6, 2002 & June 13, 2002 NOTICE The private foundation tax -return of the National Friends of Public Broadcastii http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/13/2002 LW The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 ° MOAT Home ! Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 13, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Lanes on University to switch on Friday College Town Datebook Eagle Staff Report Government Links Links Traffic lanes will be switched again this week to accommodate Obituaries work on the widening of University Drive from Earl Rudder Town Talk Freeway to Tarrow Street. Site Sections A &M News Starting at 8:30 a.m. Friday, the through- traffic lanes will be Agriculture moved out to the new curb on each side of University between Announcements Glenhaven Drive and the freeway east frontage road. That will Business & Technology allow crews to restripe and sign that portion of the street. Classifieds Columnists Left turns will be denied to minor intersections and driveways by Community construction zones in the proposed raised - median locations. Left The Eagle turns at major intersections will be allowed as indicated by a Entertainment striped left -turn lane. Faith & Values Food Starting Saturday and continuing for several days, the contractor Health & Fitness will reconstruct the pavement in the intersections of University Kids Korner Drive with the highway frontage roads. Lanes will be reduced and Lifestyles turning will be restricted for large trucks and buses. The individual Newspapers in Education sections of new pavement will be reconstructed and open to Obituaries traffic each evening. Opinions Politics The work is part of the $6 million reconstruction project that is Region /State scheduled for completion this summer. Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 20 00, 200 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Pr ivacy Sta tement (W http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / localregional /0613021anestoswitch. htm 6/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 C gfi "'Ool, b o w inventory n Safe Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 13, 2002 Births leyNotebook Club Meetings College Station Council to consider Club M College Town interchange Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The College Station City Council on Thursday will consider Site Sections spending $675,000 for the design of an interchange between A &M News Barron Road and Earl Rudder Freeway South. Agriculture Announcements Such a move would most likely push the project up the priority list Business & Technology of the Texas Department of Transportation. The agency will be Classifieds responsible for construction costs. Columnists Community City Manager Tom Brymer said the project could take several • The Eagle Entertainment years longer to get under way if TxDOT has to wait on funding sources for both the design and construction phases of the Faith & Values Food project. Other cities across the state have followed similar paths to help speed -up projects, he said. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Construction of the interchange will not begin until the state has funding for the project. Newspapers in Education Obituaries College Station's traffic experts have indicated that another entry Opinions and exit is needed to Earl Rudder Freeway South to alleviate Politics congestion at Rock Prairie Road and Greens Prairie Road, Region /State Brymer said. The Barron Road interchange would fall between Schools those exits and serve many of the neighborhoods which have Sports been built off Barron. Subscriptions Weather Under the agreement with TxDOT, the city would be responsible for all preliminary engineering, the design and an environmental assessment. TxDOT would review any work to make sure it is in line with state regulations. The City Council has identified a Barron Road interchange as one of College Station's top transportation priorities. (W Money for the city's portion is available through certificate of obligation bonds. • ChristooherFerrell's e-mail address is cferrelle theeaale. com http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061302councilinterchange.htm 6/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State �w Page 1 of 2 7 T17 - -. 4 rrr is,., S Home j Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map (aw Region / State June 14, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station to be part of rail plan College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Obituaries The College Station City Council on Thursday said it wants to Town Talk make sure the Brazos Valley is included on a route for the high- Site Sections speed rail system proposed for Texas. A &M News Agriculture The council unanimous) voted to join a partnership Y 1 p p to hire Dallas - Announcements based consultants Dean International to help make the area a Business & Technology Part of the proposed corridor. Classifieds Columnists College Station's participation is based on Bryan, Texas A &M Community University and Brazos County also entering the agreement and The Eagle equally splitting the $150,000 contract and all travel expenses. Entertainment Faith & Values City Manager Tom Brymer estimated the cost would come to Food about $45,000 for each entity. College Station's portion would be Health & Fitness covered by interest earned on street bond funds. Kids Korner Lifestyles The Bryan City Council and Brazos County Commissioners Court Newspapers in are expected to consider joining the coalition at their respective Education June 25 meetings. Texas A &M would most likely have to enter Obituaries into an agreement with College Station to become a part of the Opinions group, Brymer said. Politics Region /State Current plans for the Trans Texas Corridor, a high -speed rail and Schools Sports roadway system supported by Gov. Rick Perry and the Texas Subscriptions Department of Transportation, do not include a line through Bryan Weather and College Station. Most routes run through rural portions of the state. College Station officials said it is important the area be connected to the state rail system, especially because the Bryan - College Station area was not included in the interstate highway system in the 1950s. Local representatives would propose a "Brazos Express Corridor' plan that would link Houston, Dallas -Fort Worth and San Antonio, with stops in Conroe, Bryan and College Station, Waco, Temple, Killeen and Austin. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061402railplan.htm 6/14/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 That path would connect 75 percent of the state's population. Stan Lynch of Dean International said it is not too late for Bryan and College Station to become part of the plan. "This area, to make it happen, needs to act," he said. "There are no guarantees of absolute success. But if you do, there is a coalition that we have begun to form with College Station, Bryan, Brazos County and A &M taking the lead." The contract with Dean International would run through Sept. 30, allowing the entities enough time to see if it is worth continuing. "If it is not something that is going to bear fruit, then we have done our best, but there is no need to continue," Brymer said. Becoming part of the system, which could take more than 20 years to become a reality, could mean growth and a significant economic benefit for the area, officials said. "I think we have to pursue this at this point," Councilwoman Winnie Garner said. "I think it is a disservice to our citizens if we don't." In other action Thursday, the council: • Approved a funding agreement with TxDOT for the design of a Barron Road interchange. The city, to speed up the process, will spend $675,000 for the design. The state will pay all construction costs once funding is available. • Reappointed City Attorney Harvey Cargill Jr. and City Secretary Hooks. • Removed White Creek Road from the city's thoroughfare plan. • Moved the "hear visitors" portion of the meeting from 5:45 to 7 p.m. The move was discussed at the council's recent retreat. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cf errell@theeagle c om. © 2000, 2001 The Bry /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /061402rallplan.htm 6/14/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 7 The Rev. Vincent died Wednesday at his home. He was born in Burleson Count and was County a minister and member of the Snook Assembly of God Church in Snook. He retired in May 1991 after 43 years of pastoral ministry, more than 30 of them at Westside Assembly of God Church in Palestine. The Rev. Vincent served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was a member of the VFW Post No. 3907 and the American Legion. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Joyce Giensenschlag Vincent of Palestine; a daughter, Mrs. C.J. "Carol" Bayless of Palestine; a son, Robert James "Bobby" Vincent of Midland; three sisters, Marjorie Rannals and Meleesce Rozell, both of Tyler, and Joanne McGill of Dallas; a brother, James L. Vincent of Snyder; five grandchildren; and one great - grandchild. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Westwise Assembly of God Church Building Fund, P.O. Box 1879, Palestine, Texas 75802, or to Hospice of East Texas 4111 University Blvd., Tyler, Texas 75701. Michael Kline July 16, 1984 — June 11, 2002 Services for Michael Kline, 17, of Bryan are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. The Rev. Chris Snidow of Parkview Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Mr. Kline died Tuesday at Hendrix Hospital in Abilene. He attended A &M Consolidated High School and was a member of the Parkway Baptist Church. Survivors include his parents, Cindy and Charlie Ayala of Bryan and Hugh Kline Jr. of Pinehurst; his grandparents, Cora Brown of Bryan, Janet West of Albuquerque, N.M., and Travis Adams of Pinehurst; two sisters, Misty Kline and DeAnna Kline, both of Bryan; two stepsisters, Cheri Garcia of Bryan and Sonyi Ayala of College Station; two stepbrothers, Michael Ayala of Bryan and Devin Ayala of College Station; and a brother -in -law, David Kunes of Austin. Alice Hughes May 27, 1922 — June 12, 2002 http:// www .theeagle.comlregionlrecordsl obituaries lJune02obits /061402obits.htm 6/14/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 `n Ned - dkqN Classifieds Classifieds Announcements — Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Financial Bid # 02 -83 Legal Notices Merchandise 18 Inch Waterline Installation for Highway 30/60 Place an Ad Corridor Development Real Estate Rentals The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Service be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division ® City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, July 9, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. E received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the installation of approximately 800 linear feet of 18" du pipe waterline within TXDOT right -of -way near the intersection of Highway 6 60 beginning at a point approximately200 ft. south of the intersection of Highc FM 60, approximately 10 feet from the eastern right -of -way line to the Highwz FM 60 intersection, and approximately 20 feet from the southern right -of -way FM 60 to a point approximately 400 ft east of the intersection of Highway 6 an 60, as shown in the plans. A Pre -bid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station, City Hall, 1101 ' Avenue, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on June 26, 2002. This meeting is mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our websii www.ci.colle e- station.tx . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 5 informalities and irregularities. ® June 14, 2002 & June 21, 2002 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SITE PLAN for 1125 WELLBI ROAD. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Monday, July Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 6 -14 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a final plat for the University Preserve Subdivision, 1205, 1207, 1209 Munson, lots 13, 14 & 15, blocks 1 & 2. Applicant is Ash & Brown Engineerij The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Monday, July 1. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be may hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Spencer Thompson Graduate Civil Engineer 6 -14 -02 htt p:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.ht 6/14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 PUBLIC NOTICE The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations will cond accreditation survey of Centr T exas V etera ns Hea C Syste on Jul 2002, Hos pital Long T Ca an Behavioral Health. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations will cond accreditation survey of Central Texas Veterans Health Care System on Aug ust 7 -9, 2002, Hom Care Ong. The purpose of the survey will be to evaluate the organization's compliance wi nationally established Joint Commission standards. The survey results will be i determine whether, and the conditions under which accreditation should be aw organization. Joint Commission standards deal with organizational quality of care issues and safety of the environment in which care is provided. Anyone believing that he has pertinent and valid information about such matters, may request a public information interview with Joint Commission's field representatives at the tim survey. Information presented at the interview will be carefully evaluated for r( to the accreditation process. Requests for a public information interview must in writing and should be sent to the Joint Commission no later than five workii before the survey begins. The request must also indicate the nature of the information to be provided at the interview. Such requests should addressed to: Division of Accreditation Operations Account Representative Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations One Renaissance Boulevard Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 The Joint Commission will acknowledge such requests in writing or by telephc will inform the organization of the request for any interview. The organization turn, notify the interviewee of the date, time, and place of the meeting. This notice is posted in accordance with the Joint Commission's requirements and may not be removed before the survey is com Date Posted: June 14, 2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING for 1401 ARNOLD ROAD from A -O, Agricultural R -1 Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Monday, July Any request for sign interpretive services g 1P for the hearing impaired must be mar hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/14/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 5 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 6 -14 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING for 1855 ARNOLD ROAD, from A -O, Agricultural c R -1, Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on MONDAY, Jul 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 6 -14 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING for 3850 VICTORIA AVENUE from R &D, Researc Development and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residential, to R -2, I Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on MONDAY, JULY l Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. ( For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 5 of 5 SENIOR PLANNER 6 -14 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING for 7103 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD from A -O, Agrici Open to C -1, General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Monday, July Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 6 -14 -02 CW © 2000 2001 The Bn%_WCollege Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.ht 6/14/2002 • 1 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Region / State June 15, 2002 Births leyNotebook Club Meetings g Colle a Station council moves date of Club M College Town meeting Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries The July 25 College Station City Council meeting has been Town Talk moved to July 22. Site Sections A &M News The council is expected to attend the Association of Mayors, Agriculture Council and Commissioners conference in El Paso that week Announcements Business & Technology and moved the Thursday meeting to accommodate. The workshop Classifieds session will still begin at 3 p.m. and the regular meeting starts at 7 Columnists p.m. Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2 000. 2001 T he B roman / Colle ge S Eag Privac �41 http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / localregional /061502councildatemoved. htm 6/17/2002 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map • The Bryan- College Station Eagle Region / State Region > Births Births June 12, 2002; Brazos Valley Notebook June 15, 2002 Club Meetings Jessica and Scott Spier, College Station, a girl; College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Government Links not be complete because some parents choose not to have their & Technology names printed. Links Jari and Matthew Whitcare, College Station, a girl. Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk June 12, 2002; Site Sections A &M News Jessica and Scott Spier, College Station, a girl; Agriculture Announcements Business Kellye and Charlie Murrell, College Station, a boy; & Technology Classifieds Columnists Jari and Matthew Whitcare, College Station, a girl. Community June 11, 2002: The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Pennie and Jeffrey Garcia, Bryan, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Soni and Manish Sinha, College Station, a boy. g Kids Korner Lifestyles College Station Medical Center Newspapers in June 13, 2002: Education Obituaries Yvonne Deleon, Caldwell, a boy; Opinions Politics Ashley and Richard Stolz, College Station, a girl; Region /State Schools Tracie and James Woidtke, College Station, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The B rya n /College Statio Eagle Pr ivacy S (W http: / /www.theeagle. com/ r egion / records /births /June02births /061502births. htm Page 1 of 2 SU21 6/17/2002 Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds • = A r �,� Page 1 of 6 OWN Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Financial Bid # 02 - 91 Legal Notices Merchandise Asphalt Emulsion Street Material Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, June 24, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall, received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at w The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. June 10, 2002 & June 17, 2002 LEGALN OTICE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Speci office until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 25, 2002 publicly opened and read alou p.m., same date at the Procurement Office on the following commodities or 1. Material For FM 158 Project - Crossarms, ht tp: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 6/17/2002 Me Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 19, 2002 Births the greatest single need for College Station ?" involved Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Transportation needs are top concern in College Town College Station Datebook said. Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Education Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries to complete. Hazen said the city also will continue to improve bike Town Talk Transportation improvements throughout College Station are still Site Sections the No. 1 priority facing the city, according to the annual residents' A &M News survey. Agriculture conducted the poll for the city, contacting 500 residents by phone. Announcements Business The poll shows that nine out of 10 residents are happy with the & Technology overall services provided by the city, but results indicate a need Classifieds for improvement of roads, sidewalks and code enforcement. Columnists Respondents were evenly split between homeowners and renters Community The Eagle More than half of the responses received to the question "what is Entertainment the greatest single need for College Station ?" involved Faith & Values transportation, including better roads and improved traffic control. Food Health & Fitness "I think that will be our to p priority," Councilwoman Anne Hazen Kids Korner said. Lifestyles Newspapers in She said the city is in the early stages of projects to improve Education Greens Prairie Road and Baron Road, projects that will take years Obituaries to complete. Hazen said the city also will continue to improve bike Opinions transportation and seek better transport modes for senior citizens. Politics Region /State The University of North Texas' Survey Research Center Schools conducted the poll for the city, contacting 500 residents by phone. Sports The margin of error was plus or minus 4.3 percent. The survey Subscriptions cost $8,650. Weather Respondents were evenly split between homeowners and renters and 60 percent of those polled were nonstudents, compared to 40 percent who were in college. This is the sixth year College Station has conducted the poll, which is used to help the city staff and council gather data about the city from residents. "We want to know if people are happy or satisfied with the services we're providing," said Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic nlannina and budaet manaaer. "We find out how well we're doina. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061902transportationsurvey.htm 6/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 - -- - -- - -- -- - - This is not our only tool, but it is real good information as we plan ® for the budget and the future." Almost 65 percent of those polled said they were satisfied with the city's code enforcement and just over 17 percent were dissatisfied. About a fifth of the respondents had no opinion on the topic. Kersten said the most common complaints include overgrown yards or people who leave their trash cans out too long. "I think we need to tighten our ordinances," Hazen said. "Our people are out there but some things they can't do anything about until we have stricter ordinances." More than 88 percent of the people said they were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with police service. Ninety -two percent said they were pleased with the fire department and 87 were satisfied with the emergency medical service. About 80 percent of the people said they were satisfied with the overall street conditions in College Station. In 1997, 58 percent said they were satisfied with street conditions. Almost 90 percent said they were satisfied with the electrical service and almost 86 were satisfied with water services. Garbage collection received an 87 percent approval rating. Ninety percent said they were satisfied with the recycling program, but only 42 percent said they participate. • ChristopherFerrell's e-mail address is cferrell �theeag /e.com 2000, 2001 Th Rry an /Co llege Station Eagle Privacy Statem http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061902transportationsurvey.htm 6/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 • a 1 ri, x Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 19, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station officials in capital to College Town secure road funds Datebook Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Site A contingent of College Station city officials are in Washington, Sections A &M News D.C., this week trying to convince members of the congressional delegation that the area needs federal funding Agriculture for transportation projects. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds City Manger Tom Brymer, Mayor Ron Silvia, Mayor Pro -Tem Columnists James Massey and council members Winnie Garner, John Happ, Dennis Maloney and Scott Mears Community and members of consultants Dean International made the trip. The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Brymer said the group wants to ensure that the state's senators Food and congressmen are aware of College Station's needs. The Health & Fitness contingent also plans to meet with representatives from Kids Korner congressional committees and federal agencies who decide where funding goes. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education The Dallas -based consulting firm was hired by the city to keep Obituaries College Station in the spotlight of transportation planning. Opinions Politics "This is very focused on College Station and the impact these Region /State projects could have on the whole Brazos Valley," Brymer said. "We Schools have the fourth largest university in the nation and our needs Sports are definitely underserved." Subscriptions Weather The group is keying on the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, which funds all means of transportation throughout the country. TEA -21 money will be reallocated next year. Brymer said the goal is to give lawmakers a more accurate picture of College Station's needs and where it fits into the overall transportation picture. 4 "We think it will have a positive impact or we would not have made the effort," Brymer said. "Some of the projects we're looking at run into the millions in cost. It would not be possible without state or federal fundina." http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /061902csofficialswashington.htm 6/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 - - - - -- -- --- - - - - -- Tuesday sessions included meetings with Texas' Republican senators Phil Gramm and Kay Bailey Hutchison, Rep. Kevin Brady, R -The Woodlands, and representatives from the Federal Transit Administration. Meetings will continue Wednesday, and the group will return to College Station on Wednesday night. The city of College Station had originally planned the trip for September 2001 but it was rescheduled after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This is the second contingent from the Brazos Valley to head to Washington to discuss area transportation needs in the past two months. The Chamber of Commerce went to the capital in early May to discuss the area's economic development and transportation needs. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell theeagle com © 2000. 2001 The Bryan /college Station Eagle Privacy Statem 0 http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional/ 061902csofficialswashington.htm 6/19/2002 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 19, 2002 Club Meetings College Town College Station Medical Center reported the following births on Datebook Monday and Tuesday. The list may not be complete because Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries June 14, 2002: Town Talk Site Sections Kelli and Mark Thornton, Brenham, a boy; A &M News Agriculture Felecia and Gerald McDaniel, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology June 15, 2002: Classifieds Columnists Community Regina Compean, Navasota, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Deardria Pittman and Alvin Wells, College Station, a girl; Faith Food & Values Kris and Rossa Wattinger, College Station, a boy. Health &Fitness Kids Korner June 16, 2002: Lifestyles Newspapers in Veronica Jimenez and Ernesto Sanchez, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries June 17, 2002: Opinions Politics Deanna and Frank Tanner, Brenham, a girl. Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Stati Eagle Pdvacy Statemen http: / /www.theea r egion / records / births /JuneO2births /061902bi 6/19/2002 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 18, 2002 Club Meetings College Town College Station Medical Center reported the a following births on Government Links Monday. The list may not be complete because some parents Go Links choose not to have their names printed. Obituaries June 14, 2002 Town Talk Site Sections Kelli and Mark Thornton, Brenham, a boy. A &M News Agriculture Felecia and Gerald McDaniel, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology June 15, 2002 Classifieds Columnists Community Regina Compean, Navasota, a boy. The Eagle Entertainment Deardria Pittman and Alvin Wells, College Station, a girl. Faith & Values Food Kris and Rossa Wattinger, College Station, a boy. Health & Fitness June 16, 2002 Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Veronica Jimenez and Ernesto Sanchez, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Q2000- The Bry /Col lege Station Eagle Priva S tatement http: / /www. theeagle. com/ region / records /births /June02births /061802births. htm 6/18/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle dilly d"U uavw k.aiuwcu, Diyaii, a yni, Patricia and Hector Vanegas, Bryan, a girl; Betty and Keith Apple, College Station, a girl. College Station Medical Center June 18, 2002: Abigail Rodriguez, Chriesman, a girl; Nastalie and chris Seaman, Bryan, a boy; Josette Richardson, College Station, a girl; D'Lynn and Don Creamer, Iola, a boy. © 2000. 2001 The Br`an /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /062002births.htm Page 2 of 2 6/20/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Ea _, a � Cx A!SSN Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities QUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 02 - 83 Legal Notices Merchandise 18 Inch Waterline Installation for Highway 30/60 Place an Ad Corridor Development Real Estate Rentals The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Service be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, July 9, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the installation of approximately 800 linear feet of 18" ductile iron pipe waterline within TXDOT right -of -way near the intersection of Highway 6 and FM 60 beginning at a point approximately200 ft. south of the intersection of Highway 6 and FM 60, approximately 10 feet from the eastern right -of -way line to the Highway 6 and FM 60 intersection, and approximately 20 feet from the southern right -of -way line of Page 1 of 6 htt /J ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html J J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 6 FM 60 to a point approximately 400 ft east of the intersection of Highway 6 and FM 60, as shown in the plans. A Pre -bid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on June 26, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colle e- st ation_tx_us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. June 14, 2002 & June 21, 2002 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2562 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON June 13, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, BUILDING REGULATIONS ", SECTION 1, A, 1 (a), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY AMENDING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION; DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 3, Section 1, A, 1(a) of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by changing the membership of the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals from seven (7) htt p : i ssi fieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.ht J J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 6 regular members and two (2) alternates to five (5) regular members and four (4) alternates. The same individuals serve as the Building Standards Commission, which consists of five (5) regular members and four (4) alternates. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 6- 21 -02, 6 -22 -02 LEGAL NOTICE - ORDINANCE NO. 2563 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON June 13, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 "SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY AMENDING SECIOTN 8 AS SET OUT BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 9, "Subdivision Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by changing the language required for streets and clarification of oversize participation by the city. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be htt p : i ssifi eds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.ht m l /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 6 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 6- 21 -02, 6 -22 -02 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Sang Yeul Lee has filed for a Mixed Beverage Late Hour Permit. Said business to be conducted under the trade name of Kyoto Sushi. Locate of said business to be 113 College Main, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Witness my hand this the 10th day of April, 2002. Karen McQueen, County Clerk Brazos County, Texas By: Flo Workman DeputyClerk 6- 20 -02 6 -21 -02 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos No. 4379 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage code that Koppe Bridge Bar & Grill, Inc. has filed for a wine htt .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.ht J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 2 C - -- v.u�v�JNvRS.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 21, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Coll Station develpment has much in College Town Store Datebook Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics College Station city planners envision the mostly vacant land near the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Earl Rudder Freeway South as an area full of developments that complement each other. Perhaps a few restaurants will be built there. Maybe a dry cleaners or book store. Even some housing developments. Large retail locations such as the rejected Wal -Mart SuperCenter do not fit the bill. "We felt like we ought to reserve an area for a true mixed -use development, something that had a true combination of compatible uses like retail, commercial, parks and multi - family," said Natalie Ruiz, College Station's development manager. "You develop them together so they can interact with each other and you don't have to hop in the car every time you need to go to the store. You have a more pedestrian- oriented area." Region /State The concept has become increasingl g y popular in other Schools communities, especially around the Dallas -Fort Worth area, Ruiz Sports said, mentioning developments in Addison, Southlake and North Subscriptions Richland Hills. Weather But setting aside enough space to make it work is difficult in an already planned and mostly developed area. "[Harvey Mitchell Parkway] is the only place in town we could reserve a large enough piece for a mixed -use type of development," she said. %W The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission on May 16 denied a request by Wal -Mart to build a 200,000 square -foot store at the intersection. http: / /www.th'eagle.com/ region / localre 06210 2developmenth as i ns t ore. h tm 6/21/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 During the Planning & Zoning meeting, city planner Jane Kee said that rezoning 34 acres for a "big box" development does not suit the plans for the area. Furthermore, rezoning the area for the Wal -Mart SuperCenter could put pressure on the city to rezone the other areas along the tract of land for commercial uses. The city's plans for the Rock Prairie - Greens Prairie triangle includes areas that are set aside for larger commercial or "big box" developments. Kee told the commission the 70 acres at the intersection of Rock Prairie and Earl Rudder Freeway South were included specifically for large retail users. y A 30 -acre tract at Greens Prairie Road and Earl Rudder Freeway South also was included. y Representatives from Wal -Mart have said those locations are farther south than they want to build. Wal -Mart tried nine years ago to build a store in the same Harvey Mitchell Parkway location the city rejected last month. Ruiz said there has not been much interest in the tract besides Wal Mart's, but with time it will develop. It just might take another decade or so. "When you look at the city's land use plan, what you attempt to do — and we attempted to do this when it was adopted in 1996 — is plan for the next 20 years," Ruiz said. • Christopher Ferre l/'s e -mail address is aferrefl@theeog © 2000 2001 The B an /Colle e_Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /WWW-theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /062102developmenthas ins tore. htm 6/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community Pagel of 2 http: / /www.th'eag'e. com/ community/062102castlegatededication. htm 6/21/2002 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Community June 21, 2002 Aggiel-and Primer Apartment Guide Business Directory ry Cities & Counties College Station to dedicate a Castlegate Park Crimestoppers Emergency Eagle Staff Report Organizations Pet of the Week Reach Out College Station will dedicate Castlegate Park on Tuesday Senior Resource Book ceremony beginning at 5:30 with a p m Thank you, Neighbor The city's newest park is located Youth Lines in the Castlegate subdivision on Greens Prairie Road to the Site Sections A &M News west Earl Rudder Freeway . The 4.35- acre park has two tennis courts, a basketball court, Agriculture a playground a swing set, walking trails and a covered picnic area. ' Announcements Business & Technology Free hot dogs, cookies and drinks will be served at the ceremony. Classifieds • Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 2001 The B an /Colle a Station Ea le Privacy Statement http: / /www.th'eag'e. com/ community/062102castlegatededication. htm 6/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 the6aglexom Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births June 19, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook June 22, 2002 Club Meetings Kristina and Kenny Cloud, Gause, a boy; College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Christine Hall- Adcock and Jacob Adcock, Normangee, a girl. Obituaries College Station Medial Center Town Talk June 19, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Kristina and Kenny Cloud, Gause, a boy; Agriculture Announcements Shelley Martinez, College Station, a girl; Business & Technology Classifieds Christine Hall- Adcock and Jacob Adcock, Normangee, a girl. Columnists Community June 20, 2002: The Eagle Entertainment Leticia and Erik Estrada, Bryan, a boy. Faith & Values Food St. Joseph Regional Health Center Health & Fitness June 17, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Ashlee Downey, Brenham, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Krista McDade, Bryan, a girl; Opinions Politics Myla and Obed Matus, Bryan, a boy; Region /State Schools Rosalba and Juan Cocino, Navasota, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Kimberly and Cullyn Winn, Bryan, a boy; Weather Julia and Rosendo Puente - Nunez, Bryan, a boy. June 18, 2002: Arlisa and Jeff Hrncir, Franklin, a boy; Amanda and Henry Gongora, Bryan, a boy. (W © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Stat Ea gle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /JuneO2births /062202births.htm 6/24/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Texas Department of Transportation in 1992. He served as a deputy sheriff for Grimes County from 1961 to 1973 and also worked for the Grimes County Road Maintenance Department before working for the state. He was a volunteer at Grimes St. Joseph Health Center, where he was named 2002 Volunteer of the Year, and was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Survivors include his wife, Doris Zeiss Sledge Allen of Navasota; two daughters, Shawnee C. Allen of Navasota and Sandra Lynn Sledge of Bryan; a brother and sister -in -law, Cicero and Bernice Allen of Anderson; five sisters, Clero Hurst and Luvenia Larose, both of Navasota, Annie Hansen of Columbus, Katheryn Truitt of Iola and Addie Earl Rutledge of Houston; and numerous other relatives. Memorials may be made to Allen Cemetery, 14170 F.M. 3090, Anderson, Texas, or to Trinity Lutheran Church. Brent H. Krenek Dec. 5, 1970 — June 21, 2002 Graveside services for Brent H. Krenek, 31, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Monday at the College Station Cemetery. • Monsignor John McCaffrey of St. Joseph Catholic Church will officiate. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. Mr. Krenek died Friday in Brazos County. He was born in Pasadena and lived in Bryan for 25 years. He was employed by Glen Fugua Construction and was a Catholic. Survivors include a son, Blake Hayden Krenek of Clute; a daughter, Brandi Nicol Krenek of Clute; his mother and stepfather, Debbie and Toby Maddox of Bryan; his father, Charles C. Hahn of Deer Park; and his grandparents, Bryant Krenek of Bryan and Wilma Hahn of Deer Park. Daniel Mack Sr. Sept. 17, 1930 — June 19, 2002 Services for Daniel Mack Sr., 71, of Snook are set for 2 p.m. Monday at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Bryan. C.W. Stewart of Mt. Olive Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. 1 /: :L_L: ...:11 L- 2__.-- A L_ r' .- .-- f'...-J_.. -L LL_ P'1- -.-I_- 0A- 1.._. -. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /June02obits /062302obits.htm 6/24/2002 Community June 21, 2002 AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide College Station to dedicate Castlegate Business Directory Park Cities & Counties Crimestoppers Emergency Eagle Staff Report Organizations Pet of the Week College Station will dedicate Castlegate Park on Tuesday with a Reach Out ceremony beginning at 5:30 p.m. Senior Resource Book Thank you, Neighbor The city's newest park is located in the Castlegate subdivision on Youth Lines Greens Prairie Road to the west Earl Rudder Freeway. The 4.35 - Site Sections acre park has two tennis courts, a basketball court, a playground, A &M News a swing set, walking trails and a covered picnic area. Agriculture Announcements Free hot dogs, cookies and drinks will be served at the ceremony. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 2001 The Bry /College S tation Eag Privac Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle. com/ community /062102castlegatededication.htm 6/25/2002 E c The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State June 25, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Council to view annexation plan Club Meetings College Town College T By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Page I of 2 Obituaries A plan to annex up to 4,200 acres of land in six different areas Town Talk near College Station will go before the City Council on Thursday, Site Sections but a decision on which portions will ultimately be considered may A &M News not be made for another three weeks. Agriculture said, adding that all of the properties could be annexed within the Announcements Cost estimates were not released Monday, but officials said Business & Technology numbers will be outlined at Thursday's meeting. Classifieds Columnists The council will be given financial specifics on the following: "day Community after" city services, including fire and police protection; road The Eagle maintenance for each tract; capital expenditures; and the ultimate Entertainment cost and revenues anticipated once the area is at build -out. Faith & Values Food Jane Kee, College Station's city planner, said the staff will not ask Health & Fitness the council to choose how many of the six areas — which have Kids Korner about 140 residences spread over them — to pursue at Lifestyles Thursday's meeting, but the council will be asked to absorb the Newspapers in Education information and "come back at the July 11 meeting and tell us Obituaries what they think." Opinions Once council members determine which, if any, to consider Politics Region /State annexing, Kee said property owners in those areas will be Schools notified. At the July 11 meeting, a pair of public hearings will be Sports set up for September to receive input from the community, she Subscriptions said, adding that all of the properties could be annexed within the Weather year. The areas under consideration are: - A 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Wellborn Road. - A 1,077 -acre tract located south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. - A 47 -acre portion of the Nantucket subdivision. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/062502annnex.htm 6/25/2002 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ( BrazosSports.com I Subscribe ; Contact I Site Map The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State cr Page 2 of 2 • A 655 -acre section located east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision. • A 1,328 -acre tract east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision. • A 455 -acre section of land along the Greens Prairie Road East extension from Carter Creek Road to Texas 30. Under a law passed during the last legislative session, all six areas could be annexed into the city by the end of the year because none of the six individual areas have more than 100 residences within their boundaries. Any parcels of land containing more than 100 residences must be formally included in a city's annexation plan and can take several years to incorporate, officials said. The new law also makes annexation more expensive because the city has to provide all municipal services within a 2 1/2- to 4 1/2- year window. "Before, water and sewer weren't specifically set," Kee said. "The areas did not have water or sewer until the land was going to be • developed and then that cost was passed on to the developer, who was responsible for infrastructure. "What the legislation is stating now is you have to look at these areas as you plan to use them and then extend accordingly," she said. Kee said water and sewer costs are not included in the city's property taxes, which is a common misconception among people in annexed areas. Both services are paid for by customers in their monthly bills. The city's current tax rate is 47.77 cents per $100 valuation, meaning the owner of a home valued at $100,000 would pay $477.70 a year in city property taxes. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell a@theeagle.com © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /localregional /062502annnex.htm 6/25/2002 • L The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Region / State June 26, 2002 Births Massey, John Happ, Dennis Maloney and Scott Mears made the Brazos Valley Notebook D.C. College Station Council says trip to C Club Meetings College Town was productive Datebook Dean and Stan Lynch. Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries College Station officials on Tuesday characterized their recent trip Town Talk to Washington, D.C., as positive and productive, saying they feel Site Sections confident the city will be kept in mind as federal transportation A &M News Agriculture dollars are allocated over the next five years. Announcements Mayor Ron Silvia and council members Winnie Garner, James Business & Technology Classifieds Massey, John Happ, Dennis Maloney and Scott Mears made the Columnists trip to the nation's capital along with City Manager Tom Brymer Community and the city's Dallas -based transportation consultants, David The Eagle Dean and Stan Lynch. Entertainment Faith & Values The group was in Washington on June 17 -19, and met with more Food than 40 legislators and federal agencies to discuss the Health & Fitness transportation needs of College Station and the Brazos Valley. Kids Korner The trip was originally scheduled for last September but was Lifestyles rescheduled following the terrorist attacks. Newspapers in Education Brymer estimated that the trip cost the city about $10,000, Obituaries although final totals will not be tabulated for a few weeks. Opinions Politics Council members said it was a small price to pay for the potential Region /State funds available for transportation projects. Schools Sports "The money that we potentially stand to gain in this area is Subscriptions substantial," Massey said. "It was an easy decision to make. We Weather made some positive contacts. We think we did a real good job of letting people know who College Station, Bryan, the university, the county and really the seven - county region are." Two of the city's major objectives of the trip were to lobby for reallocation of the Transportation Enhancement Act for the 21 st Century, which gives federal money to states for transportation projects, and to discuss high -speed rail possibilities for the region. The Senate will consider the National Defense and Rail Systems Act of 2002, which would link corridors of the country by rail lines. http: / /www. theeagle. com/ region / localregional /062602dctripproductive. htm 6/26/2002 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe ` Contact I Site Map The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Officials said it was important to make sure the region is involved in both conversations. "We have the opportunity to earmark transportation projects that are currently unfunded," Brymer said. "It's still going to take some time, but [the Transportation Enhancement Act] is an opportunity we have to get help with some of those projects, including the Barron Road overpass and University Drive East improvements from Highway 6 to 158." The National Defense and Rail Systems Act tentatively includes tracks that would link San Antonio and Dallas. Another route would connect Houston and New Orleans. City officials are hoping to have tracks included that would run through College Station, linking the state's three major cities and providing Killeen's Fort Hood with access to the Texas Gulf Coast, from which its troops embark for overseas assignments. "We're right square in the middle of the three metropolitan areas of the state," Massey said. "Fort Hood is the largest military installation in the world. That really plays into what we're talking about." Funding for transportation projects may suffer as resources are • directed toward homeland security, College Station officials acknowledged. "There is going to some competition," Massey said. "That's even more of a reason that we make sure they understand our needs. If we don't ask, they don't understand. If we sit around and wait for it, it's not going to come." Brymer said the emphasis on security could mean more money for transportation needs. He compared the defense rail act to the interstate highway plan of the 1950s. "The emphasis of [the interstate highway system] was not transportation, it was national defense, under President Eisenhower," he said. "Homeland security is a big issue competing for federal dollars and it affects transportation. There may be a security impetus on the federal level that requires more transportation." • ChristopherFerrell's e -mail address is cfe rrell @theeagle.com © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle 0 Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062602dctripproductive.htm 6/26/2002 c c The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 4 Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 26, 2002 Club Meetings College Town William B. McLerran Datebook Oct. 15, 1922 — June 25, 2002 Government Links Links Services for William B. McLerran, 79, of College Station are set Obituaries for 10 a.m. Thursday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Town Talk Site Sections The Rev. Charles Renfroe will officiate. Burial will be in the A &M News College Station Cemetery. Agriculture Announcements Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Business & Technology Classifieds Mr. McLerran died Tuesday in Sherwood Health Care. Columnists Community He was born in Cameron and was a retired truck driver for Lilly The Eagle Dairy Co. Entertainment Faith & Values He was preceded in death by his wife, Albena McLerran. Food Health & Fitness Survivors include two brothers and sisters -in -law, Graham and Kids Korner Nina McLerran and Olen and Mary McLerran, all of Cameron; two Lifestyles brothers -in -law and sisters -in -law, Alvin and Florene Houston of Newspapers in College Station and Johnnie and Mildred Houston of Cameron; g Education three sisters and a brother -in -law, Tressie Abbott and Valeria Obituaries Williams, both of Cameron, and Robbie Lee and Vernon Nichols Opinions of Starke, Fla.; and a sister -in -law and brother -in -law, Floy Beth Politics Region /State and Richard Peek of Bryan. Schools Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Sports Subscriptions Weather Herbert W. Friedrich Aug. 15, 1912 — June 24, 2002 BARTLETT — Services for Herbert W. Friedrich, 89, of Holland are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Bartlett. (bw The Rev. Ardene Wuthrich will officiate. Burial will be in the Bartlett Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Goodnight Fi marni Hnma in Rnrflaff http: / /www.theeagle.comlregionl records / obituaries lJune02obits /062602obits.htm 6/26/2002 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Subscribe j Contact I Site Map The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa of 6 I He EIgHe Y BROWN Classifieds q xsSN' Classifieds Announcements Automotive NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Business Opportunities Employment The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING Financial Legal Notices for 1401 ARNOLD ROAD from A -O, Agricultural Open to R -1, Single Family Residential. Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, JULY 11, 2002. Service Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/26/2002 The Byon- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa of 6 r for 3850 VICTORIA AVENUE from R &D, Research & Development and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residential, to R -2, Duplex Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, JULY 11, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR PLANNER 6 -26 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Marsha L. Powers, Deceased were issued on June 12, 2002, Docket No. 11,303 -PC, pending in the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to Milan W. Powers, Independent Executor. The residence of the Independent Executor is in Brazos County, Texas. The post office address is: Milan W. Powers Independent Executor c/o Allen J. Segal Attorney at Law, P.C. 1722 Broadmoor, Suite 118 Bryan, Texas 77802 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/26/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa of 6 1. Grapevine 2. Muscatel and Creekside Drive which is not platted into any of these subdivisions but serves as the main access road for all of them. The place of the hearing will be the Commissioners Courtroom, Brazos County Courthouse, Room 115, 300 East 26th Street, Bryan, Texas. The date of the hearing will be Tuesday, July 9, 2002 and the time will be 10:30 a.m. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing and present their cause, if any, for or against the posting of speed limits along the previously noted roads. 6 -26 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 1855 ARNOLD ROAD from A -O, Agricultural Open to R -1, Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, JULY 11, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 6 -26 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/26/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds PagL6 of 6 ? r NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 7103 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD from A -O, Agricultural Open, to C -1, General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, JULY 11, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 6 -26 -02 © 2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State r: Page 1 of 2 ISUi L Horne Classifieds j Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Subscribe '; Contact I Site Map Region / State June 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station unveils new feature on Club Meetings College Town City's Internet site Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk They are common questions asked every day by College Station Site Sections residents: How much longer is that road going to be under A &M News construction? When is the city going to install those new sewer Agriculture lines? What did this cost taxpayers? Announcements Business & Technology Now the city hopes to provide easily accessible answers for Classifieds residents through a new feature on the city's Web site. Columnists Information on each of the city's capital projects — descriptions, Community costs and anticipated completion dates — is available online. The Eagle Entertainment The site also offers a link to e -mail the project manager for more Faith & Values information. Food Health & Fitness Mark Smith, the city's public works director, said he knows of no Kids Korner other program like it. Lifestyles Newspapers in "One of the strategies brought up by the council last year was to Education communicate more with the residents," Smith said. "This is more Obituaries information than the public has been able to access previously." Opinions Politics The projects can be viewed by going to the city's Web site at Region /State www.ci.college- station.tx.u and then clicking on the capital Schools improvement project link. Sports Subscriptions Information about a project can be obtained by choosing its Weather location on a map of the city or by viewing a list of each city department's projects. Projects remain on the site for 90 days following their completion. Smith said a similar program has been in place for city employees, but until now residents were unable to access the information without calling or e- mailing city employees. College Station wanted to put the information online but found the appropriate software was not available. So the city had to create http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062702csunveilswebsite.htm 6/27/2002 > Region & State Page 2 of 2 Sam, a system analyst for College Station's management on system, spent parts of the last year developing a for the city at no cost outside of staff time. pher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrel/ a@theeagle. com ) 0, 2001 The Bryan /College Station E agle Privacy Statement �w http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062702csunveilswebsite.htm 6/27/2002 • (W The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Region / State June 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook police academy open to residents Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Links The College Station Police Department is accepting applications for its Citizen's Police Academy, which begins Sept. 3. Obituaries Town Talk Applications can be picked up at the police department at 2611A Site Sections Texas Avenue, or residents can call 764 -3579 to request one by A &M News mail or fax. Applications also are available on the department's Agriculture Web site at css pd.ci.college- station.t Announcements Business & Technology The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on August 23. Classifieds Columnists The 12 -week program is free and provides instruction on topics Community ranging from criminal law to the judicial system, investigation The Eagle procedures and crime scene searches. Classes will be held Entertainment Tuesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Police Department training Faith &Values Food room. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / localregional /062702policeacademyopen.htm 6/27/2002 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ( BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station recognized for open Club Meetings College Town information Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries College Station has been awarded the national "City Livability Town Talk Award" for cities with a population of less than 100,000 people Site Sections from the United States Conference of Mayors. A &M News Agriculture The city's Geographical Information Services program was Announcements recognized for making government information accessible to the Business & Technology public. Classifieds Columnists The award recognizes cites for developing and implementing Community programs that improve the quality of life in their communities. The The Eagle award will be presented to College Station Mayor Ron Silvia at Entertainment Thursday's City Council meeting. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eag Privacy State http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062702csrecognized.htm 6/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 3 b;. ,. fl SUZ a �.; Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook June 27, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook might not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections June 15, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Regina and Billy Compean, Navasota, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology June 18, 2002: Classifieds Columnists Abigail Rodriguez, Chriesman, a girl; Community The Eagle Natalie and Chris Seaman, Bryan, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Josette Richardson, College Station, a girl; Food Health & Fitness D' Lynn and Don Creamer, Iola, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles June 21, 2002: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Cassandra and Charles Kilgore, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Tonya and Brent Phillips, Bryan, a boy; Region /State Schools Shalada and Brent Garner, College Station, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Cari and Scott Richter, College Station, a girl. Weather June 24, 2002: Varsha and Rajesh Kumar Darji, Bryan, a girl; Amber Hoover, Bedias, a boy; Rebecca and Ramon Perez, Somerville, a boy; Rita and Ronald Fernandes, College Station, a girl; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /062702births.htm 6/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle ,JCII111C1 rl IQI I I IJ dl IU IVIIIUCI l rUly. UC, JLdL1U11, Q Y111, I, Patricia Watson, Bryan, a boy. June 25, 2002: Joey and Shawn Medlin, College Station, a boy; Victoria Defreeze, Bryan, a boy; Candace Kelley and Jarrott Olree, Wellborn, a girl. St. Joseph Regional Health Center June 17, 2002: Lori and Ryan Eubanks, College Station, a girl; Lourdes Zuniga, Bryan, a girl. June 18, 2002: • Kelly and Peter Schmid, College Station, a girl. June 19, 2002: Anita Gray, Bryan, a girl; Ahyoung Han and Yongwoo Lee, College Station, a girl. June 20, 2002: Michelle Winslow, Brenham, a girl; Leigh Ann and Jack Thomas, Bryan, a boy; Maria and Juan Martinez, Bryan, a girl; Page 2 of 3 Lourdes and Jose Gonzalez, Bryan, a girl; Lakeisha Frear, Navasota, a girl; ❑ Sherry Truitt, Plantersville, a girl. June 21, 2002: Elena Ledezma, Bryan, a boy. June 22, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /062702births.htm 6/27/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pab of 4 U23 Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02 -81 Financial t�iPk' �T Legal Notices Merchandise Firestation #1 Repairs and Renovations Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, July 23, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project involves construction of a new facility to repair the distressed portions of the existing Fire Station No. 1 at 304 Holleman Drive East, College Station, TX. More specifically the work consists of construction involving installation of subsurface foundation drains and an exterior trench drain and area inlet, demolition and replacement of portions of exterior concrete paving along with regrading of existing topography, demolition and replacement of building concrete floor slabs, http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/27/2002 The B - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa of 4 ?C r repair /replacement of existing interior concrete masonry unit walls and columns, repair /replacement of existing exterior brick panel walls, plumbing repairs, and associated HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work. A MANDATORY Pre -bid Meeting will be held at Fire Station No. 1, 304 Holleman Drive East, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2002. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. Failure to attend the pre -bid conference will cause your bid to be non - responsive. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college - statio.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. June 27, 2002 & July 5, 2002 NOTICE Agricredit Acceptance LLC will offer the following repossessed equipment for sale to the highest bidder for cash plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: Mahindra -350, Tractor, S/N: 21OGX; C &T, 16' Trailer, S/N: 16464; Hico, 5' Disc, S/N: 1227; Hico, 5' Shredder, S/N: 0362; & Hico, 5' Box Blade, S/N: 0703. Date of sale: July 11, 2002. Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m.. Place of sale: J5 Tractors, 35078 OSR, Normangee, Texas. Pictures and condition report may be viewed at www.agricredit.com. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. We reserve the right to bid. For further information, please contact Billy Ray at 1- 800 -577 -8504 extension 1472. 6- 27 -02, 7 -4 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 6/27/2002 U c The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 28, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station annex could be costly Club Meetings College Town By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Datebook Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links Annexing up to 4,200 acres of land on College Station's outskirts Obituaries later this year could cost the city more than $4.6 million over the Town Talk next five years, the City Council was told Thursday. Site Sections A &M News And the city may have to spend an additional $2.3 million annually Agriculture to maintain the areas once the land is fully developed, but that Announcements could take more than 20 years to happen, city planners said. Business & Technology Classifieds Those estimates were included a report given to the council Columnists outlining the costs to annex six tracts of land that have been Community targeted by the city staff. The Eagle Entertainment Dale Schepers, division manager for the city's water /wastewater Faith & Values department, said more than $2.4 million would have to be spent Food on water upgrades and more than $1.7 million would have to be Health & Fitness spent on sewer upgrades. Under state law, the city would have 4 Kids Korner 1/2 years to provide infrastructure to the area. Lifestyles Newspapers in The areas under consideration for annexation and the estimated Education costs to the city for providing infrastructure are: Obituaries Opinions • A 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway Politics and Wellborn Road. The tract would need more than $1.06 million Region /State in water and sewer upgrades, which would be carried out from Schools Sports 2003 to 2005. Subscriptions Weather • A 1,077 -acre tract south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. The section would need $707,000 in water and sewer upgrades, which would be completed in 2003 -04. • A 47 -acre portion of the Nantucket subdivision. The area would need $281,000 in water and sewer upgrades, which would be completed from 2003 to 2006. Even if the area is not annexed, $201,000 in sewer improvements would have to be made to accommodate the area south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. • A 655 -,grrP SPrtion Past of Rork Prairie Road anti north of the http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/062802csannex.htm 6/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 Carter Lake subdivision. Water improvements totaling $298,000 CW would be done between 2004 and 2007. All properties in the annexed area would remain on septic systems. • A 1,328 -acre tract east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision. The area would need $877,000 in water and sewer improvements. They would be scheduled for completion by 2007. • A 455 -acre section along the Greens Prairie Road East extension from Carter Creek Road to Texas 30. The area needs $987,000 in water and sewer upgrades that would be done between 2004 and 2007. Jane Kee, College Station's city planner, said the city would have to absorb such "day after" costs of the annexation as fire and police service, road maintenance and solid waste collection. Kee said the city would have annual costs of $30,318 for waste collection, $29,986 for mowing, $91,276 in road maintenance, $20,000 for portable water pumps for fire protection and an unspecified amount for an additional code enforcement officer. Eventually, the land could cost the city more than $2.3 million in operating costs, according to a fiscal impact analysis of the annexation. Lee Battle, a senior city planner for the city, said it could be more than 20 years before that happens. A fiscal impact analysis looks at what the city would have to spend to maintain the land after property taxes, utility revenues and other charges are collected by the city. Kee said that it is common for cities to spend more than they get back after annexing primarily residential areas. The council will determine which of the areas it wants to consider at the July 11 meeting and also will set a pair of public hearings on the annexation for September. Once the proposed annexations have been identified by the council, the city will contact all property owners in the targeted areas. At least 30 days' notice must be given before the public hearings. An ordinance to annex any or all of the tracts could be passed in October. 4D Under a law passed during the last legislative session, all six areas could be annexed into the city by the end of the year because none of the six have more than 100 residences within 4hoir kni inrinricc http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062802csannex.htm 6/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State u Icn vvui iuc+i wo. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell @theea lg e.com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College St Eagle Privacy Statement • c Page 3 of 3 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062802csannex.htm 6/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State June 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station unveils new feature on Club Meetings College Town city's Internet site Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries They are common questions asked every day by College Station Town Talk residents: How much longer is that road going to be under Site Sections construction? When is the city going to install those new sewer A &M News Agriculture lines? What did this cost taxpayers? Announcements Business & Technology Now the city hopes to provide easily accessible answers for Classifieds residents through a new feature on the city's Web site. Columnists Information on each of the city's capital projects — descriptions, Community costs and anticipated completion dates — is available online. The Eagle Entertainment The site also offers a link to e-mail the project manager for more Faith & Values information. Food Health & Fitness Mark Smith, the city's public works director, said he knows of no Kids Korner other program like it. Lifestyles Newspapers in "One of the strategies brought up by the council last year was to Education communicate more with the residents," Smith said. "This is more Obituaries information than the public has been able to access previously." Opinions Politics The projects can be viewed by going to the city's Web site at Region /State w ww.ci. colle ae-station.tx.us and then clicking on the capital Schools improvement project link. Sports Subscriptions Information about a project can be obtained by choosing its Weather location on a map of the city or by viewing a list of each city department's projects. Projects remain on the site for 90 days following their completion. Smith said a similar program has been in place for city employees, but until now residents were unable to access the information without calling or e- mailing city employees. College Station wanted to put the information online but found the appropriate software was not available. So the city had to create http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /062702csunveilswebsite.htm 6/28/2002 Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 its own. Ryan Pream, a system analyst for College Station's management information system, spent parts of the last year developing a program for the city at no cost outside of staff time. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cf © 2000, 20 01 The Bryan /Co Station Eagle Privacy State • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /062702csunveilswebsite.htm 6/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 1 of 3 com Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters encouraged Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators June 28, 2002 Send a Letter Today in History No doubt for writer Site Sections A &M News I cannot believe anyone with the supposed intelligence of our Agriculture judges on the bench would write such a letter as Judge Rick Announcements Business & Technology Davis. He appears to let his appointment go to his head. Classifieds Columnists Does he think he can judge as our Lord and Savior? Community The Eagle I cannot understand his quoting scriptures from Deuteronomy. As Entertainment a Christian he should go to the New Testament. Good references Faith & Values are Romans and Corinthians. He surely doesn't believe he is a Food judge as in our dear Bible. He judges the criminals, not our life Health & Fitness here on this earth. Kids Korner Lifestyles The Lord will judge him as well as me and all the peoples on the Newspapers in Earth He created. Education Obituaries BILLIE McDAN/EL Opinions Franklin Politics Region /State Schools Save neighborhoods Sports Subscriptions Monday, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Weather will meet to consider the final plat request for a new subdivision of 13 homes to be called University Preserve located on Munson Avenue. Many of the residents of this old, established neighborhood are concerned about the extra traffic the development will bring to the neighborhood. We feel that until the existing Munson Avenue traffic problem is addressed, no additional rezoning requests should be considered. There are currently more than 4,300 cars traveling the portion of 4 Munson Avenue from Dominik Drive to Francis Drive. The number proceeding from Francis Drive to Lincoln Avenue is higher still. This heavy traffic travels on a street designed for no more than _^^ - - __ - -- - - -1 _ TL - -- I - � - -- - _. -1 - - - - � - -- . - - - - .. _ r . . _ _ - - - _ i_ - http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions/ letterstoeditor/ june02lO62802letterstoeditor.htm 6/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 3 - i,uuu cars per aay. i ne piannea aeveiopmeni or university Preserve will increase this number substantially. Having only one point of egress — Munson Avenue — means that all of the additional neighborhood -based traffic generated by this development will flow onto a street that is already carrying more than four times its design capacity. Thus, although the planned development appears to be high - quality, and, in and of itself, should not produce a negative impact on the neighborhood (after construction is completed), it would be unwise to proceed with this or any other development until plans to deal with the traffic problem that already exists are developed. Dealing with neighborhood issues in isolation is a strategy that will almost surely lead to neighborhood degradation. The relationship between increased development and additional traffic is one we all understand. We hope it is one understood by Planning and Zoning Commission as well. SARAH WITHAM BEDNARZ College Station Just like Karl Marx • In his praise of the Democratic Party and its past leaders plus his criticism of Kevin Capps, E.N. Rutherford's diatribe (Eagle, June 24) against self responsibility and support of tribal socialism pontificated by government sounds to me like Karl Marx returned from the dead. Support of various languages by government is just its way of brainwashing the people into thinking that they still have individual freedom. But, in reality, the policies of Rutherford's past Democratic socialist heroes have created governmental dictatorship to the point that individuals cannot go to the toilet, drive an automobile, buy groceries or raise their children without being directed by the government on the proper procedure for doing so. These, of course, are just a few on a long list of their dictatorial directives. As for the use of various languages, I think Rutherford missed Capps' point. He is not talking about use of languages by people for their own personal communication. He is referring to that forced on the people for use by governments and schools. In order to really be fair, when using language as a fairness gauge, then government must print all ballots, not in just Spanish and English, but in the approximately 200 languages of the world, all ® courts must be recorded in all of these languages, schools must teach all of these languages and Congress and legislatures must translate these languages like the United Nations so that http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions/ letterstoeditor/ june02lO62802letterstoeditor.htm 6/28/2002 U The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State June 30, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Notion of College Station as 'stretch Club Meetings College Town suburb' drives debate Datebook Government Links By KELLI LEVEY Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Is College Station a "stretch suburb" of Houston? Site Sections A &M News In other words, is the fast - growing home of Texas A &M University Agriculture now just a mere appendage to the sprawling megalopolis 90 miles Announcements to the south? Business & Technology Classifieds The idea, which some old- timers might find distasteful, gained Columnists some currency recently when an executive of a company that has Community located an operation in College Station called the city "more or The Eagle less a stretch suburb of Houston." Entertainment Faith & Values Some locals dismissed the characterization itself as a stretch; Food others found at least some small elements of truth to it. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Bret Bolin, the chief financial officer of SourceNet, offered the Lifestyles label when explaining why his company decided to move part of Newspapers in its Houston operation to College Station, where 150 people work. Education SourceNet shares a building with Houston -based Universal Obituaries Computer Systems Inc., which plans to build an adjacent Opinions 100,000- square -foot structure and lease it to SourceNet. Politics Region /State Bolin told the Houston Business Journal he hasn't decided whether to move SourceNet's headquarters to College Station, Schools but he said he liked the area's employment pool, lower real estate Subscriptions prices and proximity to Houston. Weather "Success in Houston fosters success in College Station, and vice versa," Bolin said. Steve Murdock, the state demographer and a rural sociology professor at Texas A &M University, balked at Bolin's designation of College Station as suburb of Houston. E "I've never heard that and I don't believe it," he said. Murdock said some areas of the Brazos Valley, particularly http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /063002stretching.htm 7/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 Grimes County, are gaining residents from the south, but most of those are people with weekend homes or retirees. Commuters generally won't choose to live more than 55 or 60 miles from work, he said. "That doesn't mean there aren't people making that commute, but that number is a very small portion of the population," he said. "The vast, vast majority of people — in the 80 percent range will be within an hour commuting time each way." College Station City Manager Tom Brymer said Bolin's theory is partially accurate. "We certainly have our own community identity and regional identity, but in this day and age there's no question the regions connect, both economically and philosophically," Brymer said. "Particularly in Texas, we're seeing more regional interdependence and connectivity." Chuck Sippial, A &M's vice president for administration, said he has long advocated a high -speed rail between the two cities to give College Station residents better access to the "big -city amenities." "From the university's perspective, if we had mass transportation — even low -speed — it certainly would expand our horizons tremendously," he said. "It would give us a leg up on our joint - spouse assignments where we only have an opening for one person. That way, we could hire our desired person and the other spouse could work in his or her profession in Houston." Mark Dotzour, the chief economist of A &M's Real Estate Center, said the title is something College Station could aspire to. "Obviously, from an economic development standpoint, it would be very beneficial for B -CS to become a northern suburb of Houston," he said. "Most specifically, it would be great for some of the medical research done in Houston to move to our area.... There is some significant biomedical research going on in The Woodlands already, so that business is migrating north out of Houston." A Jacksonville, Fla., consultant who visited with community leaders last week to discuss economic development had different reasons for disagreeing with the observation. "Judging from the number of people I've met who work here and live in the Houston area, I think it's just the opposite," said Lamar Nash, vice president of The Haskell Company. "If anvthinq. I think Houston is a stretch suburb of Colleqe http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /063002stretching.htm 7/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 5 of 6 In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Heart Association or to a charity of choice. Sarah Lurie Tucker Dec. 13, 1921 — June 29, 2002 MADISONVILLE — Services for Sarah Lurie Tucker, 80, of Madisonville are set for 2 p.m. Monday at the First Baptist Church in Madisonville. The Rev. Jeff Witcher will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Tabor Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday, with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Madisonville Funeral Home and from 8 a.m. to the time of the services Monday at the church. Mrs. Tucker died Saturday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. She was a lifelong resident of Madison County and was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, "Bud" Tucker of Madisonville; two sons and daughters -in -law, Paul Eugene and Claudia Jordy "C.J. Tucker of Madisonville and Tommy David and Donna Tucker of Normangee; two daughters and sons -in -law, Mary Virginia and Billy Stockton of Tucson, Ariz., and Edna Ruth and Ed Lagravier of Normangee; a sister, Estell Brown of Madisonville; eight grandchildren; and 10 great - grandchildren. Larry Monroe Wells Jan. 2, 1947 — June 28, 2002 Services for Larry Monroe Wells, 55, of College Station are set for 10 am. Monday at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in College Station. The Rev. Bruce Wood of Aldersgate United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station and from 9 a.m. to the time of the services Monday at the church. Mr. Wells died Friday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Marshall and lived in College Station since 1972. He graduated from Texas A &M University with a degree in environmental design and was owner /operator of the Municipal Development Group. He was a member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church, where he served as chairman of the http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /June02obits /063002obits.htm 7/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle administrative council. Page 6 of 6 Mr. Wells served on the Brazos Valley Vision 2020 and worked for the city of Bryan in the Planning & Developing Department. He designed the Aggie Field of Honor and developed the Greenway Plan for the Bryan - College Station Wolf Pen Corridor. He designed the Tigerland Athletic Complex and numerous subdivisions in the area, such as Wheeler Ridge, Emerald Forest, Rain Tree, Fox Fire and others. He also coached Little League soccer and baseball. Survivors include his wife, Pattie Wells of College Station; a son, Joey Wells of Huntsville; a daughter, Kiley Wells of Houston; his mother, Clarice Wells of Bremond; and his in -laws, Homer and Bea Martin of College Station. Memorials may be made to the Larry Wells Memorial Fund c/o First American Bank. Obituaries are printed in The Bryan- College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices Mattie K. Coldiron, 91, of Bryan died Friday in Bryan. Arrangements are pending with J.M. Day Funeral Home in Madisonville. Mildred Foster, 94, of Madisonville died Saturday in Madisonville. Arrangements are pending with the Madisonville Funeral Home. SERVICES TODAY Billy Jack Corley, 2 p.m., Friedens United Church of Washington, UCC, church cemetery. 2000, 2001 The Bryan /Collect a St Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / obituaries /June02obits /063002obits.htm 7/1/2002 The Br— Station Eagle Classifieds Pali of 4 The El'gle d "OWN Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02 -97 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Electric Meters - Annual Blanket Order Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos Automotriz until 2:00 PM, July 16, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes Raices bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios Empleos A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Finanzas address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our Legales website at ww s ta ti on.tx.us . Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/2/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community Page 1 of 2 th ee ! Home ! Classifieds { Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Community July 3, 2002 AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide Local closings due to Independence Day Business Directory Cities & Counties Eagle Staff Report Crimestoppers Emergency • All College Station offices will be closed, including City Hall, the Organizations Utility Customer Service Building and the Parks and Recreation Pet of the Week Office. Reach Out Senior Resource Book . All city pools will be open. Thank you, Neighbor Youth Lines • There will be no residential or commercial garbage or brush Site Sections collection in College Station. Thursday routes will be picked up A &M News Friday and Friday routes will be collected Saturday. There will be Agriculture no recycling and there is no make -up day. Announcements Business &Technology . The Brazos County Courthouse and Brazos County Health Classifieds Department will be closed. Columnists Community • All city of Bryan offices will be closed. Municipal Court The Eagle transactions due Thursday will be accepted only on Friday. Entertainment Faith & Values • Bryan's Drive -In Recycling Center in the Wal -Mart SuperCenter Food Health & Fitness parking lot will reopen Friday. Residential and commercial trash pickup and brush /bulky collection will not be interrupted. Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in • Bryan school district offices are closed all week. Education Obituaries • College Station school district offices will be closed Thursday. Opinions Politics • All public libraries will be closed. Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle P rivacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ community /070302inddayclosing.htm 7/3/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle Classifieds r iAlN C1 f assi ieds Classifieds _ _ _.— Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - USE ONLY for an expansion of the Merchandise Place an Ad existing nightclub at 2501 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE #D101. Real Estate Rentals The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Service Texas Avenue at the 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JULY 18, Spanish Classifieds 2002. Clasificados en Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 Espanol hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- Anuncios 800- 735 -2989. Arrendamientos Automotriz For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios JENNIFER REEVES Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas 07 -03 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/ Pag&J of 7 7/3/2002 The B=r n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa� of 7 r The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for the NORTHGATE LOFTS at 401 TAUBER, FROM NG -3, RESIDENTIAL NORTHGATE, TO NG -1, HISTORIC NORTHGATE. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JULY 18, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 07 -03 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the City of College Station's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for the Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JULY 18, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/3/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pages, of 7 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Trustees of the Anderson -Shiro Consolidated Independent School District is requesting sealed bids on the following items for the 2002 -2003 school year: ice cream, milk, bread, produce, propane gas, gasoline and diesel. Interested bidders should contact Dr. Heath Burns, Superintendent, P.O. Box 289, Anderson, TX 77830 or call 936- 873 -2802. The school district will receive sealed bids in the Superintendent's office until 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 17, 2002. Bids will be opened at the school Board's regular meeting on Wednesday, July 17, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. at the Anderson -Shiro Elementary School. The school district reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 7 -3 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - USE & SITE for 112 DRIVE WEST FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JULY 18, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/3/2002 The B20-College Station Eagle Classifieds JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 7 -3 -02 r Pa##� of 7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 18.33 ACRES for KRENEK TAP ROAD at STATE HIGHWAY 6 from R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, C -1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JULY 18, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 7 -3 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEWIDE HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM FOR CITY OF HEARNE JUNE 20, 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/3/2002 The B - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pae of 7 Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules and regulations (24 CFR 982.206) the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) will re -open the waiting list to administer the Statewide Housing Choice Voucher Assistance Payments Program in the City of Hearne. The waiting list will be open effective July 1, 2002, and will close at 5 p.m. on July 12, 2002. For information on eligibility and applications please contact Michelle Peralez at 1- 800 - 237 -6500. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7 -1 -02 to 7 -12 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 14.31 ACRES on KRENEK TAP ROAD, west of Central Park Lane from R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TO R -5, APARTMENT /MEDIUM DENSITY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JULY 18, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 07 -03 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 W Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook ,June 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list might Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections June 27, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Korin and Samuel Brody, College Station, a boy; Announcements Business & Technology Kelly and Glen Conrad, Bryan, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Sherrie and William Theiss, Normangee, a girl. Community The Eagle Entertainment June 26, 2002: Faith & Values Cindy and Ron Taylor, Navasota, a girl. Food Health & Fitness St. Joseph Regional Health Center Kids Korner Lifestyles June 23, 2002: Newspapers in Education Leslie and Keith, College Station, a boy. Obituaries Opinions Politics June 24, 2002: Region /State Schools Amanda and Jessie Medina, Bryan, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Sarah and Sanford Foster, Bryan, a girl; Weather Rosa and Fernando Cabrera, Caldwell, a girl; Christy and Ken Simmons, College Station, a boy; Kristi and Justin Dillard, Bryan, a girl; Jennifer and Jason Boyle, Bryan, a girl. June 25, 2002: /dine ^^,4 r%n.,;A RAnrf;- Q­ " n ^;,I' http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /June02births /062902births.htm 7/3/2002 The Br n- College Station Eagle Classifieds �° Pageof 16 1 Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -81 Firestation #1 Repairs and Renovations r OROiAlN W DE The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, July 23, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project involves construction of a new facility to repair the distressed portions of the existing Fire Station No. 1 at 304 Holleman Drive East, College Station, TX. More specifically the work consists of construction involving installation of subsurface foundation drains and an exterior trench drain and area inlet, demolition and replacement of portions of exterior concrete paving along with regrading of existing topography, demolition and replacement of building concrete floor slabs, http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/5/2002 The B- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pag f 16 repair /replacement of existing interior concrete masonry unit walls and columns, repair /replacement of existing exterior brick panel walls, plumbing repairs, and associated HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work. A MANDATORY Pre -bid Meeting will be held at Fire Station No. 1, 304 Holleman Drive East, College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2002. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. Failure to attend the pre -bid conference will cause your bid to be non - responsive. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at w ww.ci. c olle2 e - statio.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. June 27, 2002 & July 5, 2002 INVITATION TO BI The Housing Authority of the City of Centerville, Texas, will receive bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and services required to complete the re- roofing of Projects TX253 -002, TX253 -003, and 1 Storage building in the City of Centerville until 10:00 a.m. on the 30th day of July 2002 at the Centerville Housing Authority, 13 E. Main. Centerville, TX 758 Proposal forms of contract documents, including plans and specifications are on file at the Office of the Housing Authority of the City of Centerville, Texas, and at the office of Holcomb, Musemeche & Associates, Inc., 1013 Van Buren St., Houston, Texas 77019. Copies of the documents may be obtained by depositing $1 to Holcomb, Musemeche & Associates, Inc., 1013 Van Buren St., Houston, Texas 77019, for each http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/5/2002 The Br- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page &f 16 and statutory tax liens thereon for taxes due the Plaintiff and the taxing units parties hereto, and those who may intervene herein, together with all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by law up to and including the day of judgment herein, and all costs of this suit. This citation is issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court in the City of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, this the 21st day of June, A.D., 2002. Marc Hamlin Clerk of the District Court Brazos County, Texas, 85TH Judicial District S. Thompson, Deputy 6- 28 -02, 7 -5 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2564 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON June 27, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1 101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZONING ", SECTION I, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section I, "Establishment of districts, provision for an official zoning map", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezoning 132.01 acres located in the Crowley Tract from A -O Agricultural Open to R- I A Single Family and C -1 General Commercial. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/5/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page of 16 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 7 -5 -02, 7 -6 -02 NOTICE THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Martin Rico - Cleto, Defendant Greeting: You (AND EACH OF YOU) ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the 361 ST DISTRICT COURT of Brazos County at the Courthouse being located at 300 E. 26th Street in the City of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, by filing a written answer at or before 10 o'clock A.M. of the first Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days from the date of the issuance of this citation, the date for answer being the 15th day of July, A.D. 2002, to Plaintiffs Petition filed in said court, on 06/22/00 in this cause, numbered 51448 -CV on the docket of said court and styled: THE STATE OF TEXAS VS MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,415.00 A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to -wit:* Notice of Seizure and Intended Forfeiture The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates hereof, and make due return as the law directs. Witness Marc Hamlin, Clerk of the District Court(s) of Brazos County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said court at office this the 25th day http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/5/2002 The 13 n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page U of 16 # 02 -98 Third Party Claims Administration Services & Medical Cost Containment Services The City of College Station is accepting proposals on the above referenced item for the City of College Station Offices. Proposals will be received at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 until 4:00pm, July 25, 2000. All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the proposal considered most advantageous to the City. A complete set of documents for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Division at (979) 764 -3823 orjfinkes@ci.college-station.tx.us . 7 -5 -02, 7 -12 -02 Place an Ad I Announ I Automo I Business Opportunities I Ems mo men t I F Mercha I Rent Real Estate I Service D irecto _ Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I A rrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunidades de Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de C lasificad os © 2000 - 200 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Stateme http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 AO."Com 4 r tw a Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 4, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list might Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 2, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Jennifer and Michael Edelen, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Susan and Steven Yeager, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists July 1, 2002: Community • The Eagle Entertainment Tina Corgey, Bryan, a girl. Faith & Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health & Fitness (No births to report) Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eag Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*uly02births /070402births.htm 7/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 5 of 7 April 15, 1943 — July 2, 2002 ® JEWETT — Services for Domitila Aguilar Ruiz, 59, of Jewett are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Ricks - Bowers Funeral Home Chapel in Jewett. The Revs. E.B. Gillen and Roy Aguirre of the Assembly of God will officiate. Burial will be in the Friendship Cemetery. Visitation will be from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and from 8 a.m. to the time of services Friday at the funeral home. Mrs. Ruiz died Tuesday in Jewett. She was born in Nueva Rosita Coahvilla, Mexico. She was a homemaker and member of the Pentecostal Church. Survivors include four daughters and two sons -in -law, Rosalina Aguilar, Lorena Rodriguez, Yadira Rodriguez and Jorge DeLeon and Karina Rodriguez and Alejandro Lopez, all of Jewett; a son, Lauro Rodriguez of Jewett; and four grandchildren. Ola Mae Blackmon Morgan June 10, 1920 — July 2, 2002 CAMERON — Services for Ola Mae Blackmon Morgan, 82, of Rockdale are set for 11 a.m. Friday at the Kathryn W. Green Chapel of Green - Patterson Funeral Home in Cameron. The Rev. Calvin Springer will officiate. Burial will be in the Smyrna Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 10 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Mrs. Morgan died Tuesday in a Rockdale hospital. She was born in Rockdale and was a homemaker and a nurse's aide. She spent most of her life in the Milam County area. Survivors include two sons, James D. Blackmon of Hearne and Hubert Lee Morgan of Rockdale; two daughters, Sue Riley of Rockdale and Bonnie Fuchs of Hearne; three sisters, Sadie Nichols, Madie Threadgill and Dell Braden, all of Cameron; 18 grandchildren; 34 great - grandchildren; and two great- great- grandchildren. Ernest J. Krenek April 20, 1931 — July 2, 2002 HOUSTON — Memorial services for Ernest J. Krenek, 71, of Houston and formerly of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Windwood Presbyterian Church, 10555 Spring Cypress Road in Houston. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Colleae Station Cemeterv. The Rev Kevin Rudolf of Windwood http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /july02 /070402obits.htm 7/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 6 of 7 Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College 4 Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan and from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Friday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mr. Krenek died Tuesday at his home. He was born in Bryan. He graduated from Texas A &M and lived in Houston since 1958. He was a member of the Former Students Association, the 12th Man Foundation and had served on the executive board of the Houston A &M Club. A retired purchasing agent for Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Mr. Krenek served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean Conflict and was a member of the Windwood Presbyterian Church in Houston. Survivors include his wife, Sue Krenek of Houston; a son, Mark Krenek of Austin; a daughter and son -in -law, Michelle and Walter Rice of Alvin; and three stepgrandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Windwood Presbyterian Church, 10555 Spring Cypress Road, Houston, Texas 77070, or to TAMU Former Students Association, 505 George Bush Drive, College Station, Texas 77840 -2918. Charles Lee Allphin April 10, 1919 — July 2, 2002 MADISONVILLE — Services for Charles Lee Allphin, 83, of Madisonville are set for 10 a.m. Friday at the Madisonville Funeral Home. The Rev. Dick White of the First United Methodist Church in Madisonville will officiate. Burial will be in the High Prairie Cemetery in Madison County. Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m. Thursday with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Mr. Allphin died Tuesday in a Madisonville hospital. He was born in Madisonville, and served in the military during World War II in England, France and Germany. After his service, he worked as a distribution foreman for Imperial Sugar Co. for 27 years until his retirement. He had been a resident of Madisonville since 1996, having moved from Bellville, where he lived since 1986. Survivors include his wife, Rosa Wolfe McWhorter Allphin of hAnrliennwille- three enne nnrl hAln rini inhtere_in_ln%nr rinn nnrl Innet http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /july02 /070402obits.htm 7/5/2002 4 AW 6 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather July 8, 2002 South College Revitaliza to be considers By LAURA HIPP Eagle Staff Writer A plan to revive South College Avenue may bE the latest in a South Colleqe Revitalization 1 string of attempts to spark new life into Bryan while improving shoddy roads. The Bryan City Council on Tuesday will consider adding the South College Revitalization project to a citywide development plan. The project would then become part of efforts to revitalize Downtown Bryan and the Central Business Corridor along Briarcrest Drive and Villa Maria Road. The $22 million South College project calls for a slightly wider four -lane road with sidewalks and lighting. Decorative intersections are planned at Sulphur Springs Road, Villa Maria, Carson Street and Texas Avenue. Gutters and storm sewers are planned to alleviate drainage problems that have plagued the corridor and caused pot holes and other pavement damage, said Linda Huff, city engineer. The City Council identified renovating South College, which handles more than 44,000 cars a day, as a top priority earlier this year. "It's the link between Texas A &M and our Downtown, and [it is] a very important north -south corridor," Huff said. The city is working with The District, formerly Brazos Transit, to " LL _e "_r_ "i___ -- ' -'-'- - '- 11- I -- " -- - - - -I TI__n__-I . -- http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /070802southcollege.htm Page 1 of 2 7/8/2002 Home ! Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Contact I Site Map The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 ootain Teaerai ana state aoiiars Tor ine project. i ne uooaman Corp., which performed the revitalization study, will aid the city and The District in applying for grants. The first phase of construction — rebuilding South College from Homestead to 29th Street and the intersection at Groesbeck Street — will begin within six months, Huff said. About $2.5 million was set aside for the roadwork and to purchase right of way along South College for the entire project. There is no time line for construction, she said. "A lot depends on funding," she said. "We'll just see what happens. We're taking it a bit at a time." The council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Bryan Municipal Building. The meeting also can be seen on Cox Cable Channel 20, the city's government access station. The council also will consider hiring a consultant to lobby for a new state highway through Brazos County. Dean International Inc. of Dallas would create a strategy to include the Bryan - College Station area in the planned Trans Texas Corridor Program. The new state transportation plan calls for a major high -speed rail and highway system that would connect major Texas cities. Bryan, College Station, Texas A &M University and Brazos County want to rally legislative support for a Brazos Express Corridor that would connect Killeen, Brazos County and Beaumont. College Station has approved the agreement, pending support from the other entities. The total contract is worth $150,000 plus expenses. Bryan postponed the vote two weeks ago because officials with Dean International could not be at the meeting. • Laura Hipp's e -mail address is lhipp@theeagle.com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /070802southcollege.htm 7/8/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 • t ( W ➢P R S' � E i1 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map (6 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 7, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 3, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Christyn and Brian Taylor, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology Kristi and Kenneth Atkinson, Bryan, a boy. Classifieds Columnists July 4, 2002: Community The Eagle Monique Lyon and Jeremy Fuller, College Station, a boy. Entertainment Faith & Values Tracey and Larry Hughes, Brenham, a girl. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privac Statemen c http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /july02births /070702births.htm 7/8/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 x✓a+M' . Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map c Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 7, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 5, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Yvonne Parra, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Bridget and Randy Abbey, Bryan, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Melissa and Marvin Duque, Madisonville, a girl. Community The Eagle July 6, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Amy and Douglas Thompson, Bryan, a girl. Food Health & Fitness July 7, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Christy and Rixie Sipes, Gause, a boy; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Anita and Steven Rios, Brenham, a boy. Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The Bry / College Station Eagle Pr ivacy Statement CJ http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*uly02births /070802births.htm 7/9/2002 The BOW- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa( 1 4 3 3 I He Urgle anowky Classifieds u�E Classifieds Announcements - Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02 -97 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Electric Meters - Annual Blanket Order Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasifcados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos Automotriz until 2:00 PM, July 16, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes Raices bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios Empleos A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Finanzas address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our Legales website at w ww.ci.college - station.tx.us . Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/9/2002 The BUan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa of 3 The Eg'qgle Cla_ssifieds qAS V1 Z S F Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02 -97 Financial Legal Notices Electric Meters - Annual Blanket Order Merchandise Place an Ad The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will Real Estate Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos Automotriz until 2:00 PM, July 16, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes Raices bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios Empleos A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Finanzas address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our Legates website at w ww.ci.college - station.tx.us . Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/10/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 the6 Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe ' Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 11, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 9, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Renea Buskirk and Bary Bedford, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Joann and Steven Arthurs, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle June 30, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Eleisa Jordan, Somerville, a boy; Food Health &Fitness Kids Korner Jacqueline West, Navasota, a girl. Lifestyles July 1, 2002: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Tamesha and Christopher Owens, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Josefina Sanchez and Pedro Ocampo, Bryan, a girl; Region /State Schools Teresa and Dale Dominik, Bryan, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Andrea and Timothy Silva, College Station, a girl; Weather Ashley Davidson, Bremond, a boy. July 2, 2002: Cindy and Brad Blevins, Bryan, a boy; Rosita and Larry Rojas Daniel, Bryan, a boy; (W Erin and Dustin Meier, Brenham, a girl; V;-k^rIv nnr) Di.^^W I inr11L^ (`^1.4u* ^11 fi..;n -;A- http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*uly02births /071102births.htm 7/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 a= fl Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe. Contact I Site Map Region / State July 11, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station annex hearing to take Club Meetings College Town place Thursday Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The College Station City Council on Thursday will consider Site Sections selecting six parcels of land along the city limits for annexation A &M News and set a pair of public hearings to receive community feedback Agriculture about the expansion. Announcements Business & Technology Naming an area for consideration does not mean it will be Classifieds annexed. But Jane Kee, College Station's city planner, said she Columnists expects council members will include all six areas within the initial Community plan. The Eagle Entertainment "I see no reason for council not to give us the go -ahead to Faith & Values prepare the service plan and owner notifications on all six areas," Food Kee said. "It just gives them more flexibility. They do not have to Health & Fitness ultimately annex all six areas just because they initiate the Kids Korner process. But if they exclude any areas now, they cannot go back Lifestyles and add them in later." Newspapers in Education An ordinance to officially incorporate any or all of the areas would Obituaries likely be considered at the Oct. 24 regular meeting. Opinions Politics The areas being considered for annexation are: Region /State Schools • A 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway Sports and Wellborn Road. Subscriptions Weather • A 1,077 -acre tract south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. • A 47 -acre section of the Nantucket subdivision. • A 655 -acre section east of Rock Prairie Road and north of Carter Lake subdivision. • A 1,328 -acre section east of Rock Prairie Road and south of the Carter Lake subdivision. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071102csannexarea.htm 7/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 • A 455 -acre section along the Greens Prairie Road East extension from Carter Creek Road to Texas 30. By law, the city could annex all of the areas by year's end because none of the tracts have more than 100 homes on them. The city would have to conduct two hearings before making a decision. The city staff is recommending that the public hearing dates be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 25 and Sept. 26. All property owners within the identified areas must be notified of the city's intent at least 30 days before the public hearings. Kee said there has already been some interest in developing some of the areas. Annexing those areas would be important "if the goal is to exert land use controls before much development starts," Kee said. Five of the areas are in the Wellborn Special Utilities District, but that contract expires this year. If all six areas are annexed, the city would have to spend more than $2.4 million on water upgrades and $1.7 million on sewer upgrades. Kee said several factors make the tracts attractive to the city. "It all depends on whether the goal is for future utility planning, future land -use planning or the desire to have land -use controls in place before development," Kee said. " It may well be that the council has all three goals in mind." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrellAtheea lg e.com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071102csannexarea.htm 7/11/2002 • c The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Home C Classifieds ! Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State July 12, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Annexation produces opposition Club Meetings College Town College T By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links The College Station City Council on Thursday unanimously voted Obituaries to move forward with plans to annex six areas along the city limits. Town Talk Site Sections But the news was not what residents within one of the targeted A &M News areas wanted to hear. Agriculture Announcements Steven Steele, an attorney and president of the eight -home White Business & Technology Creek Lane Homeowners Association, said the residents of his Classifieds street oppose the annexation because of concerns about water Columnists and sewer connections and the way College Station has drawn Community lines to include less densely populated areas. The Eagle Entertainment All six of the areas targeted for annexation have fewer than 100 Faith & Values residences, and under state law that means they can be Food incorporated into the city by the end of the year. City Planner & h & Fit F Health Fitness Jane Kee said an ordinance to annex the areas will come before Kids the Council on Oct. 24. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Steele said he questions how the areas were chosen because Obituaries several are near populated subdivisions but do not include them. Opinions Annexing an area with more than 100 residences would require Politics the city to draft a formal plan and would take three years. Region /State Schools "Looking at their plan, it appears they are purposely trying to keep Sports it under the 100 [home] level," Steele said. "It appears they are Subscriptions trying to circumvent the statute. What this has done is raise some Weather questions about the way they selected the areas." The areas being considered for annexation are: • A 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Wellborn Road. IL • A 1,077 -acre tract south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. • A 47 -acre section of the Nantucket subdivision. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071202annexationopposed.htm Page 1 of 2 7/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 • A 655 -acre section east of Rock Prairie Road and north of Carter Lake subdivision. • A 1,328 -acre section east of Rock Prairie Road and south of the Carter Lake subdivision. • A 455 -acre section along the Greens Prairie Road East extension from Carter Creek Road to Texas 30. By law, the city must provide several "day after" services, including police and fire protection, waste collection and road maintenance. The city also would have between 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 years to provide water and sewer services. Steele said costly utility connections, and the time it could take to install them, is a point of contention among residents. The city would supply an area with the infrastructure, but residents would have to pay to tap into the lines. "It's a big expense for homeowners," he said. "To say you're going to bring it to my house is one thing. To provide sewer in a way so that it is not a financial burden is a separate matter." A pair of public hearings were set by the council for the Sept. 26 regular meeting and on Oct. 2. Property owners within the targeted areas will be notified 30 days prior to the first hearing. • Chris Ferrell 's e -mail address is c errell ,theea le. com © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /071202annexationopposed.htm 7/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State • Home 1 Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe. Contact Site Map Region / State July 12, 2002 t x Births Brazos Valley Notebook Plans for new C Club Meetings College Town performing Datebook arts Center Government Links Alt Links Obituaries By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL .. ter. Town Talk Eagle Staff Writer " '"" "'t - Site Sections A &M News The Arts Council of Eagle photo/Butch Ireland Agriculture Brazos Valley on A model of the proposed headquarters of the Announcements Thursday presented Arts Council of Brazos Valley is presented to Business & Technology the College Station the College Station City Council during a workshop Thursday afternoon. Classifieds City Council with Columnists preliminary plans for a $500,000 headquarters in Wolf Pen Creek Community Park that would serve as its new home until a performing arts The Eagle center is built. Entertainment Faith & Values P. David Romei, executive director of the Arts Council, asked the Food city to provide land within the park or set up a long -term lease for Health & Fitness the 5,200- square -foot building, which would be located at the Kids Korner intersection of Colgate Drive and Dartmouth Drive. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Romei said the Arts Council would s In the p rivately funded y � p � y Obituaries building for three or four years until a performing arts center is Opinions built near the planned hotel and conference center on College Politics Station's east side. Region /State Schools "This is a dream that we have to provide a home of dignity and Sports honor, but more importantly, inhabit Wolf Pen Creek," Romei said. Subscriptions "We would be your inhabitants over there. The wolves are getting Weather lonely." The City Council would have to approve the land -use plan and a potential 50 -year lease at a future meeting before giving the go- ahead. Once the performing arts center is built, the city would have the first option of buying the building to use as a senior citizens center or whatever purpose it deems necessary. Romei said some conversations have already taken place between the Arts Council and city staff to make sure it would fit into College Station's future nh3nc Page 1 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /071202newsartscenter.htm 7/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State riu� w. Page 2 of 2 "We would hope to offer the city the first chance to buy it once we move into the performing arts center," Romei said. "We've asked the architect to keep that in mind as we're doing the design" The design presented Thursday included a main lobby area with classrooms and wings off to each side that would be angled along the intersection. Jim Singleton, the architect working on the project, described the proposed facility as a "multi -use, multi- function" building that would include offices, a gallery, classrooms and an outdoor garden. Romei said the Arts Council would like to break ground on the project by September and have it completed by next April. The lease for its location on Texas Avenue expires next March. "The Arts Council is paying $40,000 a year rent for a leaky -roof facility that has no visibility and we want out of it," Romei said. "If we build the facility at Colgate and Dartmouth, it will save us about $1,000 per month." • Chris Ferrell 's e -mail address is cferrell@theeagle. com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /071202newsartscenter.htm 7/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. corn Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State July 13, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station to smoke out Club Meetings College Town sewer line leaks Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries Where there's smoke, there's not always fire. Town Talk Southgate smokeoul Sewer line smokE tests will take place Monday and continue daily from 7:30 a.m. tc 4:30 p.m. for the next three weeks. Site Sections That, at least, will be the case for the next few weeks in College A &M News Station's Southgate area, where residents may see smoke Agriculture emerging from their vents and the ground as the city conducts tests Announcements on its sewer lines. Business & Technology Classifieds The testing will help the city locate cracks or holes in the lines that Columnists need to be repaired. It is scheduled to start Monday and will be Community conducted daily from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. for the next three The Eagle weeks. Entertainment Faith & Values The targeted area is bordered by George Bush Drive to the north, Food Texas Avenue to the east, Harvey Mitchell Parkway to the south Health & Fitness and Wellborn Road to the west. Kids Korner Lifestyles In conducting the tests, the city will plug one end of a sewer line Newspapers in Education and pump smoke through it. If the line is in good shape, the smoke Obituaries should exit through all home vent stacks and manholes. g Opinions Politics Anthony Hamilton, an environmental services technician for the Region /State city, said the tests will be conducted by the Dallas -based Schools engineering firm RJN Group. The Southgate area was targeted Sports because many of the lines there are older and could be in need of Subscriptions repair. Weather After the tests are completed, the city will determine if any parts need to be rehabilitated. Hamilton said similar tests have been conducted by the city in years past, but it is not a common practice. City spokeswoman Kelley Cole said it is important for residents to understand that the smoke is the result of the tests. They should not panic and call 911 if they see smoke coming out of a home, she said. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /071302sewersmoke.htm 7/15/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Residents who sees smoke can call 764 -3638 to verify the area is being tested. © 2000 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement �Mw http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071302sewersmoke.htm 7/15/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 5 the e ­% - fie. com If ` Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe ; Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 14, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Bonnie Jean Burr Datebook Dec. 16, 1924 — July 11, 2002 Government Links Links MADISONVILLE — Services for Bonnie Jean Burr, 77, of West Obituaries Plains, Mo., are set for 3 p.m. Monday at the Madisonville Funeral Town Talk Home. Site Sections A &M News The Rev. Dick White will officiate. Burial will be in the Madisonville Agriculture City Cemetery. Announcements Business & Technology Visitation will be from 1 to 8 p.m. Sunday, with the family present Classifieds from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Columnists Community Miss Burr died Thursday in West Plains. The Eagle Entertainment She was born in Madisonville and was a member of the First United Faith & Values Methodist Church in Madisonville. She was a homemaker. Food Health & Fitness Survivors include a sister, Gloria Dowell of West Plains; a brother, Kids Korner David Burr of Madisonville; and numerous nieces and nephews. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Leona Geyer Obituaries Sept. 9, 1919 — July 12, 2002 Opinions Politics Graveside services for Leona Geyer, 82, of Bryan are set for 1 p.m. Region /State Sunday at the College Station Cemetery. Schools Sports Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to noon Sunday at Memorial Funeral Subscriptions Chapel College Station. Weather Mrs. Geyer died Friday in Sherwood Health Care. She was born in Madison County and lived in Bryan since 1965. She retired from the Bank of A &M in 1982 as a teller and cashier. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Bryan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Eugene Geyer. Survivors include two sons and daughters -in -law, Duane and Debby Geyer of Houston and Jerry and Marilyn Geyer of Austin; http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /julyO2 /071402obits.htm 7/15/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 �y a C ra .1F 1t I Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 13, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following birth Friday. The list may not Datebook be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 10, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Leah McGrath and Charles Philpott, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology July 11, 2002: Classifieds Columnists Learia Bradford and Tommy Cooper, Bryan, a girl; Community The Eagle Wendy and Ben Cox, Bryan, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Lacy and Kris Kelso, Madisonville, a girl; Food Health & Fitness Adonna and Ryan Saunders, Brenham, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles St. Joseph Regional Health Center Newspapers in Education Obituaries July 4, 2002: Opinions Politics Cecilia and Roland Monsevais, Caldwell, a girl. Region /State Schools July 9, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Meshell Jackson, Somerville, a boy; Weather Jackie A. Reddell, Hearne, a girl; Jenifer Brothers, Millican, a boy; Victoria Ramirez, Bryan, a boy; Courtney and Dustin Davidson, Bryan, a boy; Brandy and Shannon Driver, College Station, a boy; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*uly02births /071302births.htm 7/15/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 z ^ : t h, . e- R9 1, 1 i -0, 1. C - Oi mg ',•��, t Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com j BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region / State July 17, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Brazos Valley hires a transportation Club Meetings College Town consultant for high -speed rail system Datebook Government Links By COLLEEN KAVANAGH Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The Brazos County Commissioners Court joined a local partnership Site Sections Tuesday to hire a transportation consultant and lobby for the A &M News Brazos Valley to be included on a route for a high -speed rail system Agriculture proposed in Texas. Announcements Business & Technology The county, College Station and Bryan have pledged to spend Classifieds $45,000 each to hire Dallas -based Dean International to help make Columnists the area part of the proposed corridor. Texas A &M University Community officials have said they would like to participate in the partnership The Eagle but have not signed a formal agreement committing the $45,000. 4L Entertainment Faith & Values Plans for the Trans Texas Corridor, a high -speed rail and roadway Food system developed by Gov. Rick Perry and the Texas Department of Health & Fitness Transportation, do not include a line through the area. Most routes Kids Korner are proposed to run through rural parts of Texas. Lifestyles Newspapers in Dean International will help lobby for a "Brazos Express Corridor" Education plan that would link Houston, Dallas -Fort Worth and San Antonio, Obituaries with stops in between that includes Bryan and College Station. Opinions Politics Dean representatives have said they will work to recruit other cities, Region /State such as Waco and Temple, as well as other counties interested in Schools the route, which would connect 75 percent of the state's population. Sports Subscriptions Weather Commissioner Bill Thornton cast the lone vote against the measure. "I don't want to be a nonplayer in the community, but I really can't see where this is going to be effective," he said. County Judge Al Jones said he believes it is important for area representatives to try to get the area included in the state rail system, especially in light of the fact that Bryan and College Station was not included on the interstate highway system in the 1950s. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071702railsystem.htm 7/17/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 "I think it's important that we do what we can to provide all types of transportation," he said. The contract will run through Sept. 30, when the partners will decide whether to continue the agreement. In a separate action, commissioners set the speed limit on Creekside Drive at 35 mph. Streets in three subdivisions off Creekside — Deer Trails, Sandy Oaks and Grapevine — will have posted limits of 30 mph. • Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail address is ekavanagh@theeagle.com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071702railsystem.htm 7/17/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page I of 1 th , • • " �� MAIC Home ' Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe I Contact Site Map Region / State July 16, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Smoke tests delayed in Southgate area Club Meetings College Town Datebook Eagle staff report Government Links Smoke testing on sewer lines in College Station's Southgate area has been delayed because of bad weather. Obituaries Town Talk A Dallas -based engineering firm hired by the city to find cracks or Site Sections holes in the area's sewer lines was scheduled to begin testing A &M News Monday morning. Patti Jett, spokeswoman for College Station, said Agriculture the tests have been delayed for about two weeks so the ground can Announcements dr y' Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Y g The area bordered to the north b George Bush Drive, to the east Community by Texas Avenue, to the south by Harvey Mitchell Parkway and to The Eagle the west by Wellborn Road will be tested. Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /071602smoketestsdelayed.htm 7/17/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 thedagle com Y \ x tft3li:;K' s; Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 16, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following birth Friday. The list may not Datebook be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Courtney and Brett Oldham, Bryan, a girl; A &M News Agriculture Janette and Timothy Smith, College Station, a boy; Announcements Business & Technology Kimberly and John Mann, College Station, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /julyO2births /071602births.htm 7/17/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 (ItW v Home j Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Contact Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 18, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may not Datebook be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 16, 2002 A &M News Agriculture Jessica Balderas and Benjamen Ybarra, Hearne, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology Tasha Bauer and Kelly Criswell, College Station, a boy. Classifieds Columnists Laurie and Doug Leopold, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Tina and Jimmy Mullins, Hempstead, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values Jennifer and David Johnson, Franklin, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Cherry Williams, Bryan, a boy. Kids Komer Lifestyles July 15, 2002 Newspapers in Education Obituaries Mollie Binion, College Station, a boy. Opinions Politics St. Joseph Regional Health Center Region /State Schools July 12, 2002 Sports Subscriptions Hui Tang and Yinshan Feng, College Station, a girl. Weather April and Billy Hook, Franklin, a girl. ❑Regina Pratt, Navasota, a boy. Ericka and Corby Alexander, Bryan, a boy. July 13, 2002 Kristin and Greg Backhus, Navasota, a girl.[] Maria Nino, Bryan, a girl. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /july02births /071802births.htm 7/18/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Christy Amos, Calvert, a girl. July 14, 2002 Esna Medina, Bryan, a girl. Casmin and Illya Hicks, College Station, a boy. Rhea and Manuel Aleman, Bryan, a boy. © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*ulyO2births /071802births.htm 7/18/2002 The Bin- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa - 1 of 7 Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios AtZSN LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Mixed Beverage Permit and Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit by D.J. Productions Inc., dba Tonix at River Ranch, to be located at 701 University Drive E, Building B Suite 300, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Officers of said corporation are John S. Platis, Pres. and Dimitrios D. Christie, Sec/ Treas. 7- 19 -02, 7 -20 -02 NOTICE C.F. Jordan invites you to submit bid proposals for the 130,000 sqft New System Headquarters Building for Texas A &M University. TAMU encourages HUB participation. To bid this project please contact Ed Motley 979 - 696 -0500 7 -17 -02 thru 07 -19 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2566 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON JULY 11, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in y http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/19/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle Classifieds r Pa2 of 7 regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZONING ", SECTION I, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section I, "Establishment of districts, provision for an official zoning map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezoning 7.913 acres located in the Robert Stevenson Survey from A -O Agricultural Open to R -1 Single Family Residential. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 7- 19 -02, 7 -20 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2565 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON July 11, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 7/19/2002 The B�n- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa 3 of 7 notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZONING ", SECTION I, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section I, "Establishment of districts, provision for an official zoning map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezoning 17.22 acres located in the Robert Stevenson Survey from A -O Agricultural Open to R -1 Single Family Residential. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 7- 19 -02, 7 -20 -02 NOTICE THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Martin Rico - Cleto, Defendant Greeting: You (AND EACH OF YOU) ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the http:// classifieds .theeagle.comAineads /0699.htm1 7/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 theda = . t tJINt.K' �rrc Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe j Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 19, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may not Datebook be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections July 16, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Jessica Balderas and Benjamen Ybarra, Hearne, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Tasha Bauer and Kelly Criswell, College Station, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Laurie and Doug Leopold, College Station, a girl; Community The Eagle Tina and Jimmy Mullins, Hempstead, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Jennifer and David Johnson, Franklin, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Cherry Williams, Bryan, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles July 15, 2002: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Mollie Binion, College Station, a boy. Opinions Politics July 17, 2002 Region /State Schools Dewanna and Elvin Keith Wheeler, College Station, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Jennifer and Michael Kindle, College Station, a boy. Weather Amy Hohimer, College Station, a girl.; Sue and Chris Faris, College Station, a girl. Tijuana Lea and Brandon Crenshaw, Bryan, a boy. St. Joseph Regional Health Center July 12, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*uly02births /071902births.htm 7/19/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Survivors include two sons, Bernardo "Bill" Gomez Jr. of Beyersville and John Miguel Ferguson of Thorndale; two daughters, Christina Gomez of Austin and Maria Delores Gomez of Taylor; two brothers, Natividad Flores Jr. of Pasadena and Johnny J. Flores of Humble; and six sisters, Maria Maurine Reyes of Taylor, Barbara Zapata of Houston, Connie Jiminez of Jerrell, Molly Romayor of Taylor, Frances Flores Vega of Thorndale and Susie Garza of Houston. Memorials may be made to City National Bank, P.O. Box 1099, Taylor, Texas 76574. DeShad Tyre Harris July 15, 2002 - July 15, 2002 CENTERVILLE — Graveside services for DeShad Tyre Harris, infant, of Centerville are set for 10 a.m. Saturday at the Pleasant Springs Cemetery in rural Leon County. Arrangements are under the direction of Walters Funeral Home in Centerville. Survivors include his parents, Samia Renee Laymon and Stephen Tyrone Harris of Centerville; his paternal grandmother, Ethelene Harris of Centerville; his maternal great - grandmother, Willie Rhinehart of Centerville; two aunts and three uncles. Donald Caldwell March 18, 1941 - July 13, 2002 Services for Donald Caldwell, 61, of College Station are set for 1 p.m. Saturday at Roan Chapel Baptist Church in College Station. Rev. E.E. Garvin of Washington Chapel Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Roan Chapel Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday at Jones - Washington Mortuary in Bryan. ❑ Mr. Caldwell died Saturday in Houston. ❑ He was born in Brazos County and graduated from Lincoln High School. Mr. Caldwell was a retired mechanic, served in the U.S. Army and was a member of Roan Chapel Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Cora L. Caldwell of California; a son, Frederick Caldwell of Houston; a brother, Morris R. Caldwell of Seattle, Wash.; four sisters -in -law, Lula Caldwell and Alice Caldwell, both of Bryan, Iris Caldwell of Seattle, Wash., and Inez Caldwell of Phoenix, Ariz.; and three grandchildren. Leola Mitchell March 14, 1920 - July 16, 2002 Services for Leola Mitchell, 82, of College Station are set for 11 http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /july02 /071902obits.htm 7/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 a.m. Saturday at St. Matthew Baptist Church in College Station. Rev. M.O. Cooper will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. _7j Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday at Jones - Washington Mortuary in Bryan, with a wake service being held from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Mitchell died Tuesday at College Station Medical Center. E She was a lifetime resident of Brazos County and a member of the St. Matthew Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond Mitchell. Survivors include three sons, Charlie J. Mitchell and Robert R. Mitchell, both of Houston, and Lovell Mitchell of College Station; four daughters, Carolyn Taylor of Caldwell, Dorothy McDade of Marlin and Joyce Townsend and Brenda Mitchell, both of College Station; three sisters, Bernice Moore, Carrie Barnes and Myrtle Young, all of College Station; 14 grandchildren and 15 great - grandchildren. Ruby Beakley Pointer June 13, 1912 - July 18, 2002 BROWNWOOD — Services for Ruby Beakley Pointer, 90, of Brownwood are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Austin Avenue Church of Christ in Brownwood. John Shero will officiate. Burial will be in the Eastlawn Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Davis - Morris Funeral Home in Brownwood. Mrs. Pointer died Thursday at Hendricks Medical Center in Abilene. She was born in McCulloch County. She was a member of Austin Avenue Church of Christ, the Brownwood Hospital Auxilliary and the Bluebonnet Chapter of the American Business Women's Association. She was preceded in death by her husband, O.V. Pointer Jr. Survivors include two daughters and a son -in -law, Judy Pointer of Brownwood and Kay and Randy Donahoo of Bryan; one sister and brother -in -law, Claudine and John Reuman of Dallas; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Harry and Rita Beakley of Brownwood and Charles and June Beakley of Millborn; a brother -in -law, George Pointer of Brownwood; two sisters -in -law, Dee Lynch of Brownwood and Ruth DeWitt of Towanda, Pa.; two grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /july02 /071902obits.htm 7/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 t htee ., ag _%Aa� C 01 MI Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe j Contact I Site Map Region / State July 19, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Bryan and College Station propose water - Club Meetings College Town sewer sharing Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Bryan and College Station are pursuing a plan that would allow Site Sections each to provide water or sewer service to new developments in the A &M News other city. Agriculture Announcements The College Station City Council will consider the proposal during Business & Technology its meeting Monday, and the Bryan City Council will study it at its Classifieds meeting Tuesday. Columnists Community Under the proposal, Bryan and College Station would let the other The Eagle city provide water and sewer service to new developments if the Entertainment land or existing infrastructure makes it easier. Faith & Values Food If a Bryan property was served by College Station, that customer Health & Fitness would still get his bill from the city of Bryan. College Station Kids Korner customers who received water and sewer service from Bryan would Lifestyles get their bills from their city. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Bryan would be billed by College Station for an services it y Opinions provided for Bryan customers, and vice - versa. Politics Region /State If both sides approve the agreement, the first customer to receive Schools sewer service from another city would be the new Central Baptist Sports Church, which is under construction inside the Bryan city limits on Subscriptions F.M. 158. Weather College Station City Manager Tom Brymer said even though the land is not in College Station, the tract's topography would make it easier for his city to serve because the sewage would run downhill through College Station lines. He said there could be future developments, possibly along College Station's west side, that might be easier for Bryan to serve. "What we're really doing is looking at an agreement for those areas in Bryan that College Station can work with more easily and vice - versa," Brymer said. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /071902watersharing.htm 7/19/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 4-0 Central Baptist Church will sit near College Station's "30/60 Corridor" along the city's east side. The land, which is sandwiched by Texas 30 and Texas 60, will be home to such major developments as Veterans Park and the planned hotel and conference center. College Station Mayor Ron Silvia said he hopes the two cities can work together. "I think generally, it has to be a good thing for both communities to help the other out like this," he said. "If we can do something to help Bryan, I certainly want to be behind that effort, and I'm sure Bryan would feel the same way if they could do something to help College Station." Bryan Public Works Director Rick Conner said this agreement could serve both communities well. "We're really excited about the opportunity to help both cities," he said. "We look at this as an exciting beginning to what we hope will be a growing partnership." • Chris Ferrell 's e -mail address is cferrell theeagle com • © 2000 2001 The Bry an/Colle ge Station Ea le Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /071902watersharing.htm 7/19/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 rr r • i o Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe ;Contact Site Map Region / State ,July 20, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Home Depot wants College Station site College Town Datebook By KELLI LEVEY Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links T Talk Home Depot has finally confirmed the rumors that have circulated Site Sections for many months — it is coming to College Station. A &M News Agriculture Announcements The Atlanta -based home improvement chain plans to open a Business & Technology 95,000- square -foot store and a 2 4,000- square -foot garden center Classifieds next year on the northwest corner of University Drive and Earl Columnists Rudder Freeway South. It will occupy 11.29 acres in The Gateway Community shopping center behind Cheddar's and Rockfish restaurants. The Eagle Entertainment &Values As an inducement to Home Depot, the College Station City Council Food will consider an agreement Monday that would grant the chain up to Health & Fitness $317,321 to improve the site, up to $20,000 to cover municipal KidsKomer permits and $100,000 to upgrade the building specifications. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries "They're not doing their traditional building," said Natalie Ruiz, the Opinions city's development director. "It will be more upscale and have more Politics earth tones and stone." Region /State Schools Sports Speculation that the city is forcing the chain to exchange its Subscriptions trademark orange color scheme for maroon is unfounded, Ruiz Weather said. "The only orange will be the letters on the building, but that was something we both agreed upon," she said. Home Depot's anticipated opening date is April, and the store is expected to generate between $400,000 and $600,000 a year in sales tax. Other anticipated revenue includes $33,000 in annual property taxes and about $22,000 in utility bill revenues. A Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse is less than two miles from the proposed site, but Home Depot spokeswoman Mandy Holton said it is not uncommon for the company to build near a competitor. 4 "It's just like car dealers and fast -food franchises, we do our research and look at the market and we go where the customers of http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /072002homedepot.htm 07/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 our products are," she said. Home Depot has more than 1,400 stores, more than 100 of which are in Texas, and plans to open 200 new ones in both 2002 and 2003. When Home Depot is considering a site, it studies the current population, housing trends and three- to five -year growth projections, Holton said. The Gateway's owner, Frank Mihalopoulos of Dallas, was unavailable for comment but in the past said he was working with a company to attract a "big box" building to anchor the shopping center. He said once that deal was complete, he would be able to attract other retail businesses. If Home Depot were built, the shopping center will be about 70 percent complete. The would leave enough room on the west end of the development to accommodate another "big box" and several other businesses, said Kim Foutz, College Station's economic development director. City planners anticipate further expansion areawide because of Home Depot's "multiplier effect" on other retail companies, Foutz said. "A lot of smaller companies appreciate Home Depot's due diligence and figure if they're moving into a particular market, it's a good place for them to be, too," she said. Locally owned Wings 'n More plans to move into the center in January just west of the Texas Roadhouse, said owner Mark Dennard. Dirt already is being moved at the site and a driveway will be installed just west of the new restaurant. The new restaurant will replace the original location at 1045 Texas Ave. South, which opened almost 15 years ago and attracts an average of 5,000 people a week, Dennard said. He has since opened additional locations at the Texas 21 exit off North Earl Rudder Freeway and at 1803 Deacon Drive. Dennard also has sold license agreements for four of the restaurants in Austin, six in Houston, one in Corpus Christi and one in San Antonio. Dennard said his lease for the property on Texas Avenue doesn't expire until Sept. 11, 2003, so he is seeking someone to sublease or sign a long -term lease. "It's a prime location, so I'd love to see someone open something http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /072002homedepot.htm 07/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 else up over there," he said. • The Home Depot store probably will have three entrances off the frontage road and three off University. The city plans to add a traffic signal within a few years at Forest Drive, which intersects University Drive just beyond the shopping center. Another item on the City Council's Monday agenda is to consider giving Lynntech up to $50,000 for expansion. The Bryan - College Station Economic Development Corp. approved an incentive package earlier this year for a 33,600- square -foot building at Texas A &M University's Research Park. The $700,000 finish -out costs will be split among developer Caldwell Watson ($500,000), Lynntech ($100,000), the EDC ($50,000) and College Station ($50,000). Lynntech has agreed to hire 16 new full -time and 29 new part-time employees by Dec. 31, 2009, in addition to retaining its 67 full -time employees and 39 part-time employees. • Kelli Levey's e -mail address is klevey@theeaL-le.com • © 2000. 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theea c om / region / localregional /072002homedep 07/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 Region /State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 20 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Friday. College Station Medical Center reported the following births Government Links Links Obituaries This list might not be complete because some parents choose not Town Talk to have their names printed. Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Monica and Todd Iliff, College Station, a boy; Announcements Business & Technology Amber and Thomas Pfaff, The Woodlands, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Community Susan Hamilton - Surovik and Walt Surovik, College Station, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Mary and Robert Miller, College Station, a girl. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com/region/records/births /j uly02births /072002births.htm 07/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 Region / State July 21, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Bryan, College Station ponder sharing Datebook police and fire to save money Government Links Links By LAURA HIPP Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections It's an old idea with a new twist. A &M News Agriculture Announcements A few city council members in Bryan and College Station are Business & Technology wondering if combining police and fire services would save tax Classifieds dollars. Columnists Community The Eagle Now they just have to must h muster enough g su pport from their colleagues Entertainment to study a merger. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Members of the cities' joint legislative committee, which comprises Kids Korner Bryan and College Station council members, discussed joining Lifestyles emergency services last week. The six members decided to mull Newspapers in Education the idea with their respective councils to see whether a study Obituaries should be performed. Opinions Politics Region /State The notion of consolidating he two city g y governments surfaces Schools every few years, but usually meets a chilly reception from either Sports Bryan or College Station. This time, members of both councils say Subscriptions that merging emergency services should be studied if it can save Weather money. Bryan Councilman Mike Beal, who suggested the concept, said the community should look at joining those forces in 10 to 15 years to "get the maximum potential for the least amount of money." "We have an urban county — probably greater than 90 percent of the people live in Bryan and College Station," Beal said. "What we need to be doing is serving the greatest portion of people possible." College Station Councilman James Massey, who is committee chairman, said a merger could be worth examining more closely. We need to start at least thinking about it," Massey said. "If it's cost ( effective for both, then that's going to make it a whole lot more attractive to do that." http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / localregional /072102bcspoliceandfire.htm 07/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 Either council would likely turn to voters before any change could occur because the cities operate under different hiring and promotional practices for officers and firefighters. For over 20 years, Bryan has operated under civil service, a state code that regulates hiring and promotion procedures. College Station does not. And voters must decide whether to adopt or remove civil service practices. Beal said that is another factor that the councils will consider Mike Donoho, Bryan's assistant fire chief, said the fire departments already work together and plan the location of future fire stations. Bryan has a rescue team that responds to its southern neighbor's needs, and College Station has a hazardous materials team to aid its northern neighbor. Combining the departments could be a formidable task as councils debate each other's responsibilities, he said. The Bryan fire department has 93 employees and an annual budget Of more than $6 million. It has responded to 518 motor vehicle accidents and 194 structure -fire calls so far this year. The College Station fire department has 81 employees and an annual budget of more than $6 million. So far this year, it has responded to 250 accidents and 58 fire calls. "It's going to take cooperation from two government entities," Donoho said. "I think it would be a tremendous undertaking." College Station Fire Chief David Giordano said he has not given the concept much thought. Police make joint purchases to cut costs and share information on investigations, said College Station Police Chief Edgar Feldman. College Station has bomb technicians, and Bryan has patrol dogs to aid in searches. Feldman said he's not sure if larger departments would truly benefit the community. "Is bigger better ?" he said. "I'm not so sure that's right. I'm not sure we could gain anything." College Station has 100 officers and an annual budget of $8 million. Bryan has 109 officers with an annual budget of $9 million. http : / /Www.theeagle. com/ re / localr egional / htm 07/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 Bryan Police Chief Ken Burton said the nature of crime in the cities is different, a factor that would pose a challenge in a merger of the departments. College Station probably has more traffic congestion and property crimes than Bryan, he said. Bryan sees more crimes against people. "It makes sense in a lot of areas," Burton said. "I just don't know what I think about the two departments combining. I think we do that already." Bryan Councilman Ernie Wentrcek said he'd like a "metro" form of government that oversees fire and police countywide, similar to programs in Miami -Dade County, Florida and Las Vegas. Wentrcek, who is on the joint committee, envisions a board that would manage fire and police protection throughout Brazos County. It would overee the sheriff's department and replace volunteer firefighters with paid employees. That plan may be discussed with Brazos County commissioners, he said. It also must be reviewed to determine whether such a setup is legal in Texas. And any plan would not be implemented for some time, Wentrcek said . "We're going to take really tiny steps," he said. "We're just going to look at it. This is something that all of us who are currently taking about would be long gone before it evolves." • Laura Hipp's e-mail address is Ihi pp( © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle . Privacy Statement http: / /Www.theeagle. com/ re g i on / localregional /072102bcspoliceandfire. htm 07/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 the&agle.com a � 4W be todayl Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe' Contact I Site Map Business &Technology Business & Technology Chambers of Commerce Columnists Strictly Business Technology Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment July 23, 2002 Wolf Pen Plaza is expanding By KELLI LEVEY Eagle Staff Writer Business is good at the Wolf Pen Plaza in College Station. N Wolf Pen Plaza Faith & Values Four new tenants will open for business Food over the next few months and offer Health & Fitness consumers the chance to make some Kids Komer purchases and then savor them over a Lifestyles Starbucks, Champion Firearms and a Newspapers in Education cup of coffee at Starbucks. Obituaries the southern side of the center. Opinions A Goody's Family Clothing store is Politi opening next week in the center at 1913 Region /State Texas Ave. near Holleman Drive, and a Schools Sports Starbucks, Champion Firearms and a Subscriptions Sprint store plan to move into space on Weather the southern side of the center. ,M � By the end of the year, Wolf Pen Plaza will have some new additions. In the making are a Starbucks, GoodyOs Family Clothing, Champion Firearms and a Sprint store. "If everything goes well and we don't have a lot more rain, everything will be done by the end of the year," said James Chang of Houston -based Ponderosa Land Development Company, which is building the addition. "That's a great intersection with a lot of traffic, so Starbucks is expecting good things from that store." About 38,000 vehicles pass that intersection on Texas Avenue daily, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. The stretch of Texas Avenue from George Bush Drive to Harvey Mitchell Parkway is due for expansion in about two years, and a right -turn lane is planned for the corner nearest the shopping center. City officials plan to straighten Holleman Drive at that intersection about the same time. Goody's is to open Aug. 1 adjacent to the Ross clothing store. The 40,000- square -foot store will be the company's 330th and the 15th in Texas. Starbucks hopes to open as school begins, Chang said. College http:// www. theeagle. com/ businesstechnology/ 072302wolfpenplazaexpanding.htm 07/23/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Station already has in -store Starbucks locations at the Barnes & • Noble Bookseller and Albertson's Food & Drug stores. The new full - sized store will occupy 1,500 square feet, Chang said. Starbucks has more than 5,500 stores in 28 countries and is targeting 10,000 stores in 50 markets by the end of 2005. Sprint is opening a service center in October adjacent to Starbucks, then Champion Firearms is moving in November into a 4,000 - square -foot building beside Sprint. An indoor shooting range will occupy about half of the Champion building and the retail store and gunsmithing shop will fill the other half, said Katy Stulce, who started the business with her husband, Mike, in 1994. The pair probably will wait until January, after the hunting season ends, to move the merchandise from Champion's store farther south on Texas Avenue. The shooting range will have nine lanes with an automatic retrieval system and a rubber backdrop behind the target area, and a Hepa filtration system designed to reduce the amount of lead in the air inside the building. The filtration system is similar to those sold for hospital operating rooms, Mike Stulce said. • "Basically, what we're building is a box within the building that is designed to retain any bullets," Katy Stulce said. "And with this filtering system, the air inside there will probably be cleaner than what we're breathing right now." Steps also are being taken to reduce noise, she said. "Our store will be right next door and we hope to not even hear it from the other side of the wall," she said. The new range will be climate - controlled and more efficient, Katy Stulce said. The nearest outdoor shooting range is about 25 miles away and the nearest indoor range is in Conroe, Stulce said. After the new stores open, one commercial pad will remain in the shopping center, said Jarrett Adami of property owner Clarke & Windham. "The plan right now is to fill all that space with retail stores," Adami said. "We're working with some other retailers but we haven't had any commitments yet." • Kelli Levey's e-mail address is kleve y@theeagle.com © 2000, 2001 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:// www. theeagle. com/ businesstechnology /072302wolfpenplazaexpanding.htm 07/23/2002 sylt:rta Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe. Co Region / State July 23, 2002 Births Notebook Club Meetings College Station agrees to work closer Club M College Town Datebook with Bryan Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections The College Station City Council on Monday took steps to increase A &M News cooperation with its neighbors in Bryan and approved incentive Agriculture packages to expand economic development. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds College Station agreed to work with Bryan to bring more cost - Columnists effective water and sewer service to residents in developments that Community border both communities. For example, new customers in College The Eagle Station would be able to receive service from Bryan, and vice ry Entertainment Faith &Values versa, if existing infrastructure would reduce development and user Food costs. Health &Fitness Kids Komer • College Station's approval is contingent on the Bryan City Council Lifestyles passing the proposal at its Tuesday meeting. One of the first to Newspapers in Education Obituaries benefit under the plan would be the Central Baptist Church, which Opinions is in Bryan's city limits on F.M. 158 but would receive College Politics Station services. Region /State Schools Sports John Woody, College Station's public utilities director, said each Subscriptions case will be considered separately. Central Baptist Church would Weather have to pay to extend Bryan's existing water and sewer infrastructure by more than a mile to connect with its location. College Station has lines across the street that could be tapped at a much lower cost, Woody said. Councilman Dennis Maloney said he was happy the two cities can work together. "You have installed common sense into politics," he joked. "That can be a dangerous thing." The council also unanimously approved an incentive package for Atlanta -based Home Depot USA Inc. to build a 95,000- square -foot facility with a 24,000- square -foot garden center near the • intersection of Texas 6 and University Drive. College Station will provide one -time payments of $317,000 for site http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /072302bcsworktogether.htm 07/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State %"W Page 2 of 2 improvement, $100,000 for facade upgrades and $20,000 for the • cost of all municipal permits. Kim Foutz, College Station's economic development director, said the payments will not be made until the facility is complete and Home Depot has moved into the building. The city estimated its payback on the investment would occur within nine months of the store's construction. Home Depot is expected to open in April and would generate $400,000 to $600,000 annually in sales tax, $33,000 in annual property taxes and $22,000 in utility bill revenues. Foutz said Home Depot will provide a service that has been missing in College Station since Furrow's closed last year. "We're trying to do a project that will prevent residents from having to go outside the community for a service," she said. The council also approved an economic incentive of $50,000 to Lynntech to be put toward a new facility in Texas A &M University's Research Park. The city and the Bryan - College Station Economic Development Corp. will each contribute $50,000, Lynntech will contribute $100,000 and developer Caldwell Watson will contribute • $500,000 for a 33,600- square -foot home for the research and development company. Lynntech has promised to add 16 additional full -time and 29 part- time jobs by the end of 2009. In other action Monday, the council: • Awarded a $451,345 contract for waterline improvements to the 30/60 Corridor Development project, which includes the site of the planned hotel and conference center project. • Approved an order reducing the contract with Young Contractors Inc. for the George Bush East Extension Project by $41,271 because work was completed 70 days later than the city contends the contract stipulated. Young has told the city opposes the penalty, but also has few options to prevent the city's action according to the original contract. -Named Councilwoman Anne Hazen to the Brazos County Health Department board. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell@theea lg e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /072302bcsworktogether.htm 07/23/2002 • • The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 41.1 Home i Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 23, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News July 15, 2002 Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Linnae and Timothy Hutchison, College Station, a boy. Classifieds Columnists July 16, 2002 Community The Eagle Entertainment Dorothy and Phillip Harris, Madisonville, a boy. Faith & Values Food July 17, 2002 Health & Fitness Kids Komer Monica Uvalle, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Christine and Damon Wallace, College Station, a boy. Opinions Politics Juliete Rico, Navasota, a boy. Region /State Schools Sports College Station Medical Center Subscriptions Weather July 19, 2002 Susan Renee Gilmore, Navasota, a boy. Laurie and Gilbert Urrutia, Bryan, a boy. Bianca and Matt Ramos, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement CJ http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /j ulyO2births /072302births.htm 07/23/2002 The K- B College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa 1 of 8 r Classifieds r � a �ZASS Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 Announcements hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- Automotive 800 - 735 -2989. Business Opportunities Directorio de Servicios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial Legal Notices The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to Merchandise consider a side & rear setback variances for 1005 Hereford, portion of lot 2 and lot 3, Place an Ad block 6, Southeast College Park. Applicant is Jack Brent Maxwell. Real Estate 7 -24 -02 Rentals Service The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Spanish Classifieds Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, August 6, 2002. Clasificados en Espanol lasif Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 Anuncios Arrendamientos hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- Automotriz 800 - 735 -2989. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Empleos Finanzas Legales Jennifer Flanery Mercancia Staff Planner Oportunidades de Negocios 7 -24 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 07/24/2002 The B an- College Station Eagle Classifieds / Pa 2 of 8 1 Classifieds �u}t f - Classifieds The Colle e.Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a Announcements _ _ ._ _ _. r Automotive Business Opportunities ege Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a Employment Financial hold a public hearing to consider a Legal Notices Id a public hearing to consider a REZONING for the CROSS STREET Merchandise APARTMENTS located in the 400 Block of College Main, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block Place an Ad W.C. Boyett Addition, and in the 400 Block of Tauber, Lots 14, 15, and 16, of Block y Real Estate and 16, of Block 4 of the W.C. Boyett Addition, FROM NG -3, RESIDENTIAL Rentals Service d 16, of Block 4 of the W.C. Boyett Addition, FROM NG -3, RESIDENTIAL Spanish Classifieds G -1, HISTORIC NORTHGATE. College Station City Hall, 1 101 Texas Avenue at the Clasificados en Espanol llege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council Anuncios Arrendamientos on Thursday, AUGUST 8, 2002. Automotriz for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make Bienes Raices impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call Directorio de Servicios mpaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) Empleos Empleas ents call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Finanz is call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Le Mercancia 3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Oportunidades de Negocios -800 -735 -2989. 00- 735 -2989. 989. 9- n, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 07/24/2002 The - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa 3 of 8 r r The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for the CROSS STREET WAREHOUSE APARTMENTS located in the 400 Block of College Main, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 4 of the W.C. Boyett Addition, and in the 400 Block of Tauber, Lots 14, 15, and 16, of Block 4 of the W.C. Boyett Addition, FROM NG -3, RESIDENTIAL NORTHGATE, TO NG -1, HISTORIC NORTHGATE. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, AUGUST 8, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 7 -24 -02 NOTICE SOLICITATION FOR PROPOSALS The Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) is seeking quotes from network cable vendors to provide Data and Voice cables for the Brazos Valley Wide Area Network. The Brazos Valley region includes the following seven counties: Brazos, Burleson, Washington, Robertson, Leon, Grimes and Madison. The majority of the work performed will be in Brazos County with small amounts in each of the outlying counties. Interested organizations should send their name, address, telephone number(s), fax number(s), email address, along with the name of a contact person to the Brazos http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 07/24/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds P? 6 of 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 14.31 ACRES on KRENEK TAP ROAD, west of Central Park Lane from R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TO R -5, APARTMENT/MEDIUM DENSITY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, AUGUST 8, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 7 -24 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 18.33 ACRES for KRENEK TAP ROAD at STATE HIGHWAY 6 from R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TO C -1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, AUGUST 8, 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 07/24/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds S P67 of 8 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 7 -24 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for the NORTHGATE LOFTS at 401 TAUBER, FROM NG -3, RESIDENTIAL NORTHGATE, TO NG -1, HISTORIC NORTHGATE. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, AUGUST 8, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY PLANNING INTERN 7 -24 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 07/24/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 Rachel Trevino, Bryan, a girl; Vivian and Eddie Agbongiator, College Station, a boy; Zoila and Abel Rodriguez, Calvert, a boy. College Station Medical Center July 22, 2002: Jimmie Blackshear, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle • Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /july02births /072402births.htm 07/24/2002 M, • theeagle-com 141xt:01:1 Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 24, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The Datebook Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News July 17, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Margaret and Jeff Robinson, Jewett, twins, a boy and girl. Classifieds Columnists July 19, 2002: Community The Eagle Daisy Gorham and Brad Christian, Bryan, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Food Mary and Charlie Russ, Calvert, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Komer Korina and Sam Reyes Bryan, a boy; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Shawn and Robert Werner, College Station, a boy; Opinions Politics Julie and Geoffrey Zercher, College Station, a boy; Region /State Schools Sports Samantha Salazar, Hearne, a boy. Subscriptions Weather July 20, 2002: Rachel Trevino, Bryan, a girl; Vivian and Eddie Agbongiator, College Station, a boy; Zoila and Abel Rodriguez, Calvert, a boy. College Station Medical Center July 22, 2002: Jimmie Blackshear, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle • Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /july02births /072402births.htm 07/24/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 4 Funeral Home in Normangee. Mr. Sizemore died Tuesday at his home. He was born in St. Louis, III., and lived in Hilltop Lakes for the past 32 years. He was a real estate broker and a Baptist. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ann Sizemore. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Mike and Susan Sizemore of Victoria; two daughters, Patti Ann Sizemore and Jerry Smith, both of Trinity; a brother, John Sizemore of Houston; four grandchildren; and one great - grandchild. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Brazos Valley. Glenn Irwin `Eagle' Pinnell July 28, 1952 — July 21, 2002 HOUSTON — Services for Glenn Irwin "Eagle" Pinnell, 49, of Houston and formerly of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at A &M United Methodist Church in College Station. The Rev. Jerry Neff will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Pinnell died Sunday in Houston. He was born in Andrews, graduated from A &M Consolidated High School and attended the University of Texas in Austin and the Berkeley Film Institute. Mr. Pinnell was an independent filmmaker. Survivors include a brother, Charles Austin Pinnell of Austin; two sisters and a brother -in -law, Peggy Ann Pinnell of Houston and Patricia and Kenneth Denmark of Kingsport, Tenn.; four nephews; and his parents, Charles and June Pinnell of College Station. Memorials may be made to the A &M United Methodist Church Building Fund, 417 University Drive, College Station, Texas 77840. Lula Mae Reed Nov. 16, 1909 — July 19, 2002 Graveside services for Lula Mae Reed, 92, of Bryan are set for k w 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at Laurel Land Cemetery in Dallas. http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /july02 /072402obits.htm 07/24/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 'thee - 0 - u'rfle-com iio ... .� Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co c Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links July 24, 2002 Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather College Station says it will raise sewer fees By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer College Station officials said they will raise sewer In Bryan, city rates after a consultant hired by the city staff has recommended an increase to offset rising costs. proposed: The study, conducted by Black & Veatch, suggested College Station increase sewer revenues by 6 percent to help pay for several capital improvement projects, most notably the $10.9 million Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. • Raising residential water rates anywhere from 16 to 25 oercent. Increasing ewer rates nywhere from to 13.5 ercent. n U It did not suggest an increase in water rates. According to the study, the minimum residential sewer rate should remain at $15.14 but the volume charge should increase from $2.57 per 1,000 gallons to $2.81 per 1,000 gallons. The recommendation also includes raising the sewer cap from 9,000 gallons to 10,000 gallons. Currently, all residential customers who use more than 9,000 gallons are charged the same price for sewer service. Commercial rates would see a larger increase. The basic service charge would rise from $9.15 to $9.70 while the volume charge would increase from $2.57 per 1,000 gallons to $3.11. The study suggested no changes for apartment complex rates. Charles Cryan, College Station's fiscal services director, said the rate increases that staff will present to the city council probably will be similar to the consultant's recommendations. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /072402bryansewerfees.htm In College Station, a consultant has recommended: The minimum esidential ;ewer ate remain at X15.14 but the rolume charge ncrease from 62.57 to $2.81 )er 1,000 iallons. • Raising the basic charge for 07/24/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Cryan said the rates would be on par with those • charged by other similar -sized cities and would remain slightly lower than total water and sewer rates in Bryan. Dale Schepers, the city's water /wastewater division manager, said the average College Station home uses between 7,000 and 10,000 gallons of water per month. The combined water and sewer bill for a 10,000 gallon user would increase from $66.74 to $70.75. e Page 2 of 2 ;ommercial ,ewer service rom 69.15 to $9.70 nrhile the ncreasing iolume charge .57 to $3.11 r 1,000 Ilons. Bryan residents pay a combined total of $72.19 for using 10,000 gallons. College Station's water rates have remained the same since 1993. Sewer rates increased last year for the first time since 1993. Schepers said the debt for the upgrade of the Lick Creek treatment facility is the driving force behind the recommended rate increases. The project will increase the capacity of the sewage treatment center from 500,000 to 2 million gallons per day. The upgrade is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year and is costing the city almost $11 million. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell o ,theea lg e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c http : / /www.theeagle. com/ region / localregional /072402bryansewerfees.htm 07/24/2002 The B -n- College Station Eagle Pau of 3 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Region > Births July 27, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. College Station Medical Center July 19, 2002 Susan Renee Gilmore, Navasota, a boy Laurie and Gilbert Urrutia, Bryan, a boy. July 20, 2002 Bianca and Matt Ramos, College Station, a girl. July 16, 2002 Laurie and Doug Leopold, College Station, a boy. July 23, 2002 Lisa and Bill Mancuso Jr., College Station, a boy; Elma and David Adame, College Station, a girl. July 24, 2002 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /july02births /072702births.htm 7/29/2002 The B( -n- College Station Eagle Sports Brandy Driskell, Madisonville, a girl. Subscriptions Weather Christian and Hal Imhoff, College Station, a girl. July 25, 2002 Heidi Hargrave Murphy and Wendell Murphy, Bedias, a boy. Candace and Michael Pooch, College Station, a boy. Lisa and David Panak, Bryan, a boy. Elizabeth Deleon and Thomas Nickerson, Caldwell, a boy. St. Joseph Regional Health Center July 15, 2002 Linnae and Timothy Hutchison, College Station, a boy. July 16, 2002 Dorothy and Phillip Harris, Madisonville, a boy. July 17, 2002 Monica Uvalle Bryan, a girl Christine and Damon Wallace, College Station, a boy; Juliete Rico, Navasota, a boy. July 19, 2002 Susan and Mark Schulz, College Station, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /julyO2births /072702births.htm Page ?_ of 3 7/29/2002 The Bean- College Station Eagle> Region & State op*� Pab of 2 �yy.�z Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! BrazosSports.com Subscribe I Contact ( Site Map Region / State July 28, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools College Station director calling it quits By KELLI LEVEY Eagle Staff Writer When Linda Piwonka first started working for the city of College Station 34 years ago, all the municipal offices were in the building that now houses Cafe Eccell. Enrollment at Texas A &M University was about 10,000 and Texas Avenue was a dirt road from Harvey Road southward. Now Piwonka says it's time for someone else to lead the city. She will retire next month as director of the city's Office of Technology and Engineering Services. Piwonka's last da on the J 'ob will be Aug 16 but she will serve as a consultant Y for the city until Sept. 30 to help her assistant for six years, Olivia Burnside, in her transition to the director's position. "It will be a good transition for the city," Piwonka said. "She knows the people and the systems as well as I do. She will do just fine." City Manager Tom Brymer said Piwonka will be deeply missed, not only as a co- worker but also a good friend. "Her steadfast character, integrity and leadership have served as the model for all city employees, who cherish her strong but kind - hearted nature," he said. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /072802piwonkaquits.htm 7/29/2002 Piwonka Y for the city until Sept. 30 to help her assistant for six years, Olivia Burnside, in her transition to the director's position. "It will be a good transition for the city," Piwonka said. "She knows the people and the systems as well as I do. She will do just fine." City Manager Tom Brymer said Piwonka will be deeply missed, not only as a co- worker but also a good friend. "Her steadfast character, integrity and leadership have served as the model for all city employees, who cherish her strong but kind - hearted nature," he said. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /072802piwonkaquits.htm 7/29/2002 The Bean- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Sports Piwonka went to work for the city in 1968 in an administrative support role for then -Mayor D.A. "Andy" Subscriptions Anderson. She has since served as a utility customer service representative, utility office manager, Weather assistant to the city manager and executive director for management services for the Office of Technology and Engineering Services. She has worked for six city managers. As director of the office, Piwonka oversees the city's information technology division, utility customer services, print shop and public library contract administration. The customer service tasks have been her favorite, Piwonka said. "It's good to solve problems and help people out," she said. "It was sometimes a challenge to get their utilities connected, particularly at this time of year, but we have some really good customers who are just a pleasure to work with." Some of Piwonka's pet projects were city's new library on Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and the utility building on Krenek Tap Road. Piwonka helped the city shift from a paper filing system to an automated, computer- driven one that she says has improved service delivery. She also helped install the city's network and fiber optic system and trained municipal employees from the time the first computers were installed. "Throughout all the changes, you basically built a plan of where you were going to go and you updated that plan every year according to what was changing in the world of technology," she said. "You would try to guess where to get on the merry -go- round." Piwonka plans to pursue a long -time goal of dabbling in artistic endeavors, but she said she anticipates missing her involvement in the city's business. "City government is kind of a calling," she said. "You usually find people who are in it a long time and people who are in it a short time. I guess mine was a pretty long time." • Kelli Levey's e -mail address is klevey@theeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /072802piwonkaquits.htm 7/29/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Page 1 of 4 e C a gASSN�`- Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The District Judges of Brazos County will conduct a public hearing as required by the Local Government Code, Section 152.905. At this time parties in interest and citizens have an opportunity to be heard on the issue of the amount of annual compensation of the County Auditor, Assistant Auditors and Court Reporters. The District Judges will be reviewing appointments for Assistant Auditors in the Brazos County Auditor's office, setting annual compensation related to such appointments and reviewing the budget. The hearing will be conducted in the 361st District Courtroom, on the third floor of the Brazos County Courthouse in Bryan, Texas, at 11:45 AM, Wednesday, August 14, 2002. laC�l 1 d, REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -94 Traffic Signal Poles The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/30/2002 The ln- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pa of 4 City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 7- 30 -02, 8 -6 -02 NOTICE Notice of Availability Environmental Assessment for the Operations Specifications Change for Initiation of Commercial Regional Jet Service atEasterwood Field Airport (CLL) July 30, 2002 The Federal Aviation Administration and ExpressJet Airlines Incorporated announce the availability of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed change from commercial turboprop aircraft passenger service to regional jet aircraft passenger http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 7/30/2002 The Irian- College Station Eagle Sports Linda Penick and Aaron Rubach, Brenham, a girl; Subscriptions Weather Paula and Mark Kadlubar, Brenham, a girl; Stephanie and Jaime Mosqueda, Bryan, a girl; Ebony Drayton, Bryan, a girl. July 26, 2002 Latoya Jones, Bremond, a girl. College Station Medical Center July 26, 2002 Abigail Hargrove, Somerville, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Pas— 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*ulyO2births /073002births.htm 7/30/2002 The B r - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pag.P 1 of 2 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 02 -101 Legal Notices Merchandise Various Truck Parts - Blanket Order Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos tri Automotriz until 2:00 PM, August 15, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios Emple os Emple A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above as address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our Fin ales Me ales a website at www.ci.college- station.tx . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/1/2002 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The list may not be complete because Datebook some parents choose not to have their names printed. Government Links July 26, 2002: Links St. Joseph Regional Health Center Obituaries Town Talk July 24, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Kesha Drayton and Ty Warren, Bryan, a girl; Agriculture Announcements Laura Amador and Marcelino DeLeon, Bryan, a boy. Business & Technology Classifieds July 26, 2002: Columnists Community Catherine and Chad Kovar, College Station, a girl. The Eagle Entertainment July 27, 2002: Faith & Values Food Alison and Donald Cohn, College Station, a boy. Health & Fitness Kids Korner College Station Medical Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Jul 29, 2002: y Education Obituaries Sarah Blankenship and Joseph Bennett, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Amanda Clark and Justin Reeves, College Station, a girl. Region /State Schools http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /J*uly02births /073102births.htm 8/1/2002 The B an- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Par 2 of 5 Dr. MICHAEL F. RUGGIERO Clinical assistant professor Family and Community Medicine Texas A &M Health Science Center College of Medicine Wasting our money The Eagle got it right. No economic incentives were necessary to entice Home Depot to open a store in Brazos County — $40 million in anticipated annual sales is adequate incentive. The College Station City Council and city staff made much of the forecasted $400,000 to $600,000 in sales tax Home Depot will generate for the city. They do not seem to understand that this sales tax will be offset by losses in sales at Lowe's, McCoy's, Sam's, Wal -Mart, Woodson Lumber, Hope Lumber, Dealer's Electric, Buddy's Appliance, Builder's Supply and others. The first public mention of an economic incentive package for Home Depot was when the agenda was posted for a special council meeting on July 22. The staff brought to that meeting a completed contract signed by Home Depot. With no debate and little discussion, council members authorized the mayor to sign the contract. This was a done deal before the public ever heard about it. Home Depot will be a welcome addition to the local retail sector. However, the College Station City Council just wasted more than $400,000 of taxpayer funds on the project. DICK BIRDWELL College Station Serious trouble Unbelievable. Is The Eagle truly, finally waking up to what College Station is doing with its economic incentives (Eagle, July 26)? The city now has a well - deserved reputation among consultants as an easy touch, willing to pass out all kinds of incentive deals. The city has never met a deal it did not like. All the while the cost of living here — taxes, fees, etc. — keeps growing. The city staff has proposed a second amendment to the current budget to take nearly $500,000 from http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor/ July02 /073102letterstoeditor.htm 8/1/2002 The Bean- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 3 of 5 the general fund to pay the debt service on the failed Northgate garage venture. The debt meter is now spinning away on the hotel- conference center and the two new business parks and other projects with zero revenues yet to pay for the encumbrances. It is catching up with Bryan now. College Station will be in much more serious trouble. That will mean still higher taxes and fees to bail them out of their messes. ROGER ABLES College Station Managing water The Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District is a not - for - profit local government that is required to protect and conserve the groundwater resources of Brazos and Robertson counties. It is currently developing the science necessary to determine how groundwater pumping will affect the water quantity and quality beneath the counties. The district is required to use this scientific information and the future water needs of the area to develop a comprehensive groundwater management plan and rules on how to regulate groundwater pumping in the district. The question has been asked what will the district do if a person's well dries up because of a neighbor's pumping activity. The district's enforcement of well spacing requirements on new wells should diminish the effects of competing wells. Also, when it issues a groundwater withdrawal permit, the district is required to determine the effect on existing groundwater users, and limit the withdrawal accordingly. This will be accomplished through the use of computer simulated groundwater availability models. The goal is to use available science to prevent drying up wells in the future. However, if a well is depleted, the district will determine the cause. Aquifers are very complicated, and the district will collect data on the wells in question, including withdrawal amounts, depths of wells, and distances between wells. The district's hydrologist would then review the data and determine what was happening. If appropriate, the district could then alter or restrict well withdrawals accordingly to mitigate the impact on neighboring wells. As the election to create the district draws near, it is very important for people to have accurate information about the district. The public is encouraged to attend and ask questions at the district's monthly Board and Citizens Advisory Committee meetings, as well as future public meetings. Please call or write the district for more information. http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions/ letterstoeditor/ JulyO2 /073102letterstoeditor.htm 8/1/2002 The Bnyan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Pa(6 of 2 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com Subscribe 1 Contact I Site Map Region / State August 1 , 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Smoke testing of College Station sewer lines to begin Eagle Staff Report Smoke testing of sewer lines in College Station's Southgate area will begin Monday. The tests were originally supposed to be conducted in mid -July, but were postponed because of bad weather. The testing will last three weeks. Smoke will be pumped into sewer lines to see if any areas are cracked or have holes. Testing will take place daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. City officials said testing will occur in the area bordered to the north by George Bush Drive, Texas Avenue to the East, Wellborn Road to the west and to the south by Harvey Mitchell Parkway South. Smoke will exit through home vent stacks and manholes as the lines connected to them are being tested. If people see smoke, they can contact 764 -3638 to confirm they are in the testing area. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /080102smoketest.htm 8/1/2002 The B =n- College Station Eagle Pae of 2 Sports Nicole and Rudy Hernandez Jr., Bryan, a girl; Subscriptions Mary Kaye and James Beard, College Station, a boy. Weather July 31, 2002: Maria and Ignacio Ponce, Bryan, a boy; Tara and Corey Knight, Caldwell, a boy. College Station Medical Center August 1, 2002: Missy and Jason Keefer, Bryan, a boy; Charlotte Tarrance and Fidel Hernandez, Caldwell, a girl. July 29, 2002: Anita and Silas Whitley, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /080302births.htm 8/12/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle Pa of 3 ? Sports Kimberly Johnson, Bryan, a girl. Subscriptions Weather Aug. 1, 2002: Andrea and Layne Drgac, Caldwell, a girl; Nikki Jones, Navasota, a girl; Estela and Fernando Ramos, Hearne, a boy; Patricia Walsh, Franklin, a girl; Becky Perez, Bryan, a girl. Aug. 2, 2002: Erika and Gilbert Castillo, Bryan, a boy; Stephanie Garcia, Bryan, a girl; Sophia Garfield, Bryan, a girl; Jennifer Doolan, Anderson, a girl. College Station Medical Center Aug. 2, 2002: Brandy and Dwayne Russell, Franklin, a boy; Kaycee and Rhett Stringer, Brenham, a girl; Jun Liu and Ling Zhu, College Station, a girl; Nydia and Roy Willard, Gause, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /080602births.htm 8/12/2002 The Br- College Station Eagle Pas- 1 of 2 ""war VOMW 979.776.2345 th e*090a'com" 7 j 7j =' 77;.. - 'W4 no u Tw!n. �&Scribe today! AIAIN: Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Region > Births August 7, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may not be complete become some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center August 2, 2002: Tracie and Joel Utz, Wellborn, a boy. August 3, 2002: Alma and Thomas Arenas, Bryan, a boy; Robin and Gary Johnson, Bryan, a girl; Megan Villarreal, Bryan, a girl. College Station Medical Center August 5, 2002: Linda and Charles Rosier, Bryan, a girl; Pricilla and Kevin Robertson, Bryan, a girl. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /080702births.htm 8/12/2002 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 8, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list might not be complete become some Datebook parents choose not to have their names printed. Government Links Links St. Joseph Regional Health Center Obituaries Town Talk Aug. 4, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Christie Suarez and Hubert Moore, Bryan, a girl; Agriculture Announcements Amanda Barker, Hearne, a girl; Business & Technology Classifieds Mandy Baker, Bryan, a girl; Columnists Community Aug. 5, 2002: The Eagle Entertainment Christine Anderson, Bryan, a boy. Faith & Values Food College Station Medical Center Health & Fitness Kids Korner A ug. g, 2002: Lifestyles Newspapers in Berry and Kenneh Groholski, Bremond, a girl; ry g Education Obituaries Sharon and Scott Burby, College Station, a boy; Opinions Politics Region /State Jennifer and Joseph Wheeler, Bryan, a boy. Schools http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /080802births.htm 8/12/2002 The 130,Lan- College Station Eagle Sports Subscriptions Mr. Bingham died Wednesday in Temple. Weather He was born in Knox City, was a retired real estate broker and served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War from 1951 -52. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Conroe. Par- 2 of 5 Survivors include his wife, Mary Bingham of Temple; a son and daughter -in -law, John B. and Betty Bingham of Charlotte, N.C.; a daughter and son -in -law, Terri and the Rev. Doug Young of Temple; a brother and sister -in -law, Melvin and Elouise Bingham of Bryan; a sister -in -law, Muriel Bingham of Navasota; and five grandchildren. Betty C. Tauber July 22, 1914 — Aug. 1, 2002 Services for Betty C. Tauber, 88, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at the Family Worship Center in Bryan. The Rev. Joel Withem of the Family Worship Center will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday at Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mrs. Tauber died Thursday at her home. She was born in College Station and was a lifelong resident of Bryan. She worked as a nurse's aid at Sherwood Nursing Home for 16 years before her retirement in 1979. She was a member of the Family Worship Center. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.F. Tauber. Survivors include a son, William Tauber of Bryan; two daughters and a son -in -law, Kathy and Vernon Stubblefield of College Station and Bettie Hancock of Bryan; a brother, Herman Studensky of Bryan; six grandchildren; 14 great - grandchildren; six great - great - grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Family Worship Center Building Fund, 302 N. Bryan Street, Bryan, http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /AugO2obits /080302obits.htm 8/12/2002 The Bp an- College Station Eagle Pa g_ 4 of 5 Survivors include a daughter and son -in -law, Linda and Marvin Hall of Navasota; and three sisters, Angel Coronado of West Point, Ind., Mary Coronado Baldobino of Navasota and Ruth Coronado Perez of Killeen. Irene Shelton June 1, 1919 — Aug. 1, 2002 Services for Irene Shelton, 83, of College Station are set for 11 a.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. The Rev. Bob Waters will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to the time of services Sunday at the funeral home. Mrs. Shelton died Thursday in Bryton Inn. She was born in Palestine and lived in College Station since 1959. She was a homemaker and was a member of A &M United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husbands, W.C. Parker and George Shelton. Survivors include three sons and daughters -in -law, Steve and Kay Parker of College Station, Tom and Terese Shelton of Isle of Palms, S.C., and Gilbert and Lora Shelton of Paris, France four daughters and two sons -in -law, Carolyn and Lee Don Bienski and Marilyn and Dick Gulladge, all of College Station, and Sarah Shelton and Margaret Heath, both of Bryan; a brother and sister -in -law, James and Meryl Lockey of Elkhart; 11 grandchildren; and seven great - grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center, 1318 Memorial Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. DEATH NOTICES Bobby Gene McRamey, 63, of Bryan died Thursday. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. http: / /www.theeagle.com /region/ records / obituaries /Aug02obits /080302obits.htm 8/12/2002 The B 9..n- College Station Eagle Pats- 2 of 4 Sports SOMERVILLE — Services for John William Searles, 70, of Somerville are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Subscriptions Strickland Funeral Home Chapel in Somerville. Weather The Rev. Sid Aiken will officiate. Burial will be at 1:30 p.m. in the Houston National Cemetery. Mr. Searles died Wednesday at his home in the Birch Creek Community. He was born in Wilkes Barre, Pa. Mr. Searles was a Korean War veteran and served in the U.S. Air Force. He and his wife owned the S &S Beverage Store on Park Road 4 near Somerville. Survivors include his wife, Barbara Searles of Somerville; four daughters, Kathy Searles and Patty Feighner, both of Roswell, N.M., Sherry Shipley of Somerville and Debbie Conway of Houston; three sons, Lawrence Searles of Albuquerque, N.M., Michael Searles of Denver and Larry Weeks of Houston; one sister, Isabelle Solomon of Largo, Fla.; 10 grandchildren; and four great - grandchildren. Ray E. Sewell Sept. 8, 1907 — Aug. 6, 2002 CHRIESMAN — Services for Ray Elmo Sewell, 94, of Chriesman are set for 2 p.m. Friday at Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Caldwell. The Rev. Henry Beseda will officiate. Burial will be in the Chriesman Cemetery.'. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Thursday and from 7:30 a.m. to the time of services Friday at the funeral home.[] Mr. Sewell died Tuesday at Sherwood Health Care in Bryan.!_ He was born in Chriesman and was a retired farmer and rancher. Mr. Sewell was a member of the Chriesman United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Anna Belle Sewell of Chriesman; a daughter, Wilma Jean Stracener of Houston; one granddaughter; and one great - grandson. w /e- mailed photo Kevin Wayne Currie Baker Aug. 30, 1986 — Aug. 3, 2002 GLADEWATER — Services for Kevin Wayne Currie Baker, 15, of College Station and formerly of Liberty City are set for 4 p.m. Friday at the Rader Funeral Home Chapel in Kilgore. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Aug02obits /080802obits.htm 8/12/2002 The B ( Aji- College Station Eagle Par I of 4 The Rev. David Hampton will officiate. There also will be a 3 p.m. service Saturday at the Memorial Funeral Home in College Station. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Kevin died Saturday in Gladewater as the result of an automobile accident. He was born in Bryan and attended Sabine schools and A &M Consolidated High School. He was a member of Boy Scout Troop No. 259 in Liberty City. He enjoyed drawing, computers, swimming and fishing. Survivors include his parents, Sandra Baker of College Station, Lee Baker of White Oak and Jimmie "Bodie" Currie of Florida; a sister, Elizabeth Baker of College Station; a brother, Christopher Baker of College Station; his grandparents, Ann Chase of Bryan, Alvin Dombart of Iola and Jim and Betty Baker of Kilgore; and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Baker /Currie fund at the First National Bank of Bryan or College Station. Maudell Findley Baker May 5, 1925 — Aug. 7, 2002 Services for Maudell Findley Baker, 77, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. The Rev. Henry Stovall of Trinity Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Alexander Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Mrs. Baker died Wednesday at her home.' i She was born in the Tabor community and was a homemaker. She was a member of Trinity Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hulon Baker. El Survivors include four daughters and sons -in -law, Linda and Charles Nichols, Barbara and Jim Williams and Nancy and Danny Davis, all of Bryan, and Carol and Bob Eklund of Austin; two sisters and a brother -in -law, Dora Mae Horton and Mollie and Joe Moran, all of Waco; nine grandchildren and three great - grandchildren. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Aug02obits /080802obits.htm 8/12/2002 The B - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pag�of 10 0- Ish e E"Nsox"w's 9VU Classif Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities 2002 Property Tax Rates in City of College Station Employment Financial This notice concerns 2002 property tax rates for the City of College Station. It Legal Notices presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the Merchandise taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate Place an Ad would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both Real Estate years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before Rentals taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by Service dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) Spanish Classifieds with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Clasificados en Espanol Last year's tax rate: Anuncios Last year's operating taxes $4,595,314 Arr endami entos Last year's debt taxes $7,297,316 Auencla triz Last year's total taxes $11,892,630 s R is Biene Bienes Last year's tax base $2,489,560,083 Servicios Last year's total tax rate 0.4777 /$100 Emple Empleos This year's effective tax rate: as Last year's adjusted taxes $11,646,151 ales Fin ales (after subtracting taxes on lost property) Me a Oportunidades de / This year's adjusted tax base $2,532,488,835 Negocios (after subtracting value of new property) = This year's effective tax rate 0.4598 /$100 x 1.03 = maximum rate unless unit publishes 0.4735 /$100 http: // classifieds .theeagle.comAineads /0699.htm1 8/13/2002 The BV- College Station Eagle Classifieds • Pa9Wf 10 notices and holds hearing This year's rollback tax rate: Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after $8,814,189 subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, and/or enhanced indigent health care expenditures) / This year's adjusted tax base $2,532,488,835 = This year's effective operating rate 0.3480 /$100 x 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate 0.3758 /$100 + This year's debt rate 0.2831 /$100 = This year's rollback rate 0.6589 /$100 - Sales tax adjustment rate 0.1613/ $100 = Rollback tax rate 0.4976 /$100 Statement of Increase/Decrease If the City of College Station adopts a 2002 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of $0.4598 per $100 of value, taxes would increase compared to 2001 taxes by $415,916. Schedule A Unencumbered Fund Balances The following estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Tyne of Property Tax Fund Balance General Fund $6,849,379 Debt Service Fund $2,587,156 Schedule B 2002 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long -term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/13/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds . Pa9wf 10 0 Robertson, Madison, and Washington. The RFP can be downloaded at: www.bviob" or requested in writing to, Theresa Strope at: PO Box 4128, Bryan, Texas 77805. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals for an independent C.P.A. monitor to review the proper utilization of funds for BVWDB and its subcontractors in the following counties: Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Madison, Leon, Robertson, and Washington. All services must be consistent with Department of Labor regulations and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, Texas Workforce Commission Workforce Development Letters (WD Letters), Welfare to Work, TANF, Food Stamp Employment & Training, Workforce Investment Act and Child Care Management Services legislation, the rules set forth in the Workforce and Economic Competitiveness Act (Title 10, Chapter 23 08, et seq.), Texas Senate Bill 642, Texas House Bill 1863, Texas Government Code and BVWDB operating policies and procedures and the BVWDB Integrated Plan on file with TWC. This RFP provides a uniform method for the procurement of this service. It contains the necessary background, requirements, instructions and information for responding to this RFP. The deadline for proposals is 4:00pm CST on September 12, 2002. A Bidder's Conference will be held on August 28, 2002 at 10:00am CST at the Brazos Valley Workforce Center on 3000 East Villa Maria, Bryan, Texas. The Bidder's Conference is to explain or clarify this RFP and to answer other questions. Attendance at the conference is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended. No further technical assistance will be provided. 8 -13 -02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 02 -100 Household Hazardous Waste Collection The City of College Station is accepting proposals on the above referenced item for the City of College Station Offices. Proposals will be received at: http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/13/2002 The BW- College Station Eagle Classifieds The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 • Pa*f 10 until 4:00 pm, September 3, 2000. All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the proposal considered most advantageous to the City. A complete set of documents for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Division at (979) 764 -3823 orjfinkes@cl.college-station.tx.us . 8/13 & 8/27/02 REQUEST FOR BID PROPOSALS Re -Bid Rehab Roofs - Moore Hall, Crocker Hall, Davis -Gary Hall Texas A &M University College Station, Texas Project Nos. 011239296, 011239300 & 011239313 SCOPE: Removal of existing roof system and furnishing and installing a new polyurethane foam roof system and silicone coating as specified in the contract documents to provide a watertight assembly. Approximate roof sizes are: 8792 SF, 9187 SF and 9014 SF. All work will be awarded under a single prime contract. Questions regarding scope should be directed to Mr. John Clark or Mr. Sam Cohen at (979) 845 -5317. BID DOCUMENTS: Obtain from Contracting & Programming office of Physical Plant at (979) 862 -1533. A plan deposit of $25 /set is required. General Contractors may obtain 2 sets and Subcontractors /Suppliers 1 set. Refunds will be made if returned in good condition within 3 weeks of bid opening. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/13/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle Classifieds • PaWf 10 AV Principal or Interest to be Contract Payment Paid from Other Description to be Paid from Property Amounts Total Of Debt Property Taxes Taxes to be Paid Payment 1991 General Obligation Bonds $225,000 $49,250 $0 $274,250 1994 General Obligation & Refunding Bonds $300,000 $178,700 $0 $478,700 1995 General Obligation Bonds $250,000 $181,176 $0 $431,176 1996 General Obligation & Refunding Bonds $880,000 $302,728 $0 $1,182,728 1998 General Obligation Bonds $255,000 $274,669 $0 $529,669 1999 General Obligation Bonds $260,000 $245,252 $0 $505,252 2000 General Obligation Bonds $295,000 $389,005 $0 $684,005 2001 General Obligation Bonds $125,000 $122,246 $0 $247,246 2002 General Obligation Bonds $695,000 $308,167 $0 $1,003,167 1998 Certificates of Obligation $225,000 $246,845 $0 $471,845 2000 Certificates of Obligation $340,000 $177,976 $0 $517,976 2000A Certificates of Obligation $535,000 $379,722 $0 $914,722 2001 Certificates of Obligation $435,000 $125,486 $0 $560,486 2002 Certificates of Obligation $1,000,000 $648,538 $0 $1,648,538 Agents Fees $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 Total required for 2002 debt service $9,464,760 - Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in Schedule A $833,000 - Amount (if any) paid from other resources $1,058,500 - Excess collections last year $0 = Total to be paid from taxes in 2002 $7,573,260 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect 100.00% of its taxes in 2002 $0 = Total debt levy $7,573,260 Schedule C: Expected Revenue from Additional Sales Tax In calculating its effective and rollback tax rates, the unit estimated that it will receive $4,313,726 in additional sales and use tax revenues. This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/13/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle Classifieds PagQ.iLof 10 You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at 1673 Briarcrest Drive, Suite A -101, Bryan, Texas. Name of person preparing this notice: Gerald L. "Buddy" Winn Title: Brazos County Tax Assessor /Collector Date Prepared July 31, 2002 8 -13 -02 LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Package Store Permit by Helen Marie Berridge, dba Helen Marie Berridge, to be located at 2205 Longmire Dr., Suite A, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. 8- 12 -02, 8 -13 -02 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos No. 4391 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage code that Mamel, LLC has filed for a Beverage cartage permit, Mixed beverage permit and Mixed beverage late hours permit. Said business to be conducted under the trade name of The Cowboy. Locate of said business to be 2820 Finfeather, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas 77802. The officers of the incorporated business are: Larry P. Culverwell, Manager Paulette Roberta Hunt, Manager. Witness my hand this the 12th day of August, 2002. Karen McQueen http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htmi 8/13/2002 The Br- College Station Eagle �, Pae of 2 Sports Erica and David Anderson, Bryan, a girl; Subscriptions Weather Nicole and Marc Catalina, Hearne, a girl; Kimberly and Greg Lillich, Bryan, a girl. August 9, 2002: Heather and Ralph Balyeat, College Station, a girl; Nicole Sloan, Bryan, a boy; Lydia Martinez, Bryan, a boy; Nancy and Johann Wilson, College Station, a boy. College Station Medical Center August 9, 2002: Kellie and Christopher Kulow, Brenham, a boy; Ashleigh Tice, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /081302births.htm 8/13/2002 The B�n- College Station Eagle Classifieds lf� Pa#S of 3 " ANWOW'P hip[ The Ea"g ■ Classi ■ �,�� . r Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Employment # 02 -105 Financial Legal Notices VIDEO OUTSOURCING Merchandise Place an Ad The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who are Real Estate interested and qualified to videotape and edit City Council meetings and videotape Rentals and edit on- location special events. Service Spanish Classifieds A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this Request for Proposal. Clasificados en Espanol Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2002. and should Anuncios be addressed to: Arrendamientos Automotriz Purchasing Manager Bienes Raices Purchasing Department Directorio de Servicios City of College Station Empleos 1101 Texas Avenue Finanzas P.O. Box 9960 legales College Station, Texas 77842 Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios 8/15/02 8/22/02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/14/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor BEN and NANCY HARDEMAN Bryan Be grateful for Adam I would like to applaud Don Adam for doing what most of us would like to do: Try to stop the Traditions golf course. Payer of 3 I love Texas A &M University and I'm proud of it, but it has a golf course and doesn't need two. If the A &M course isn't adequate, the university should update it. The city of Bryan has a golf course, and for sure it needs to be updated, or at least taken care of properly. It's a disgrace. I live in Bryan and I love it here, but the city has already proven that it needs to stay out of the golf course business. Traditions has hit nothing but brick walls since the city council ramrodded it through. This was not something that the citizens wanted. And, yes, we are concerned about our tax monies. I think if I kept running into brick walls, I would eventually get the message that, maybe, this was not meant to be. Give it up, cut our loses. Don't keep throwing our money into a money pit. Adam's Miramont course is another story completely. It's going to be a beautiful, well- cared -for course — one that Bryan can be proud of — and we didn't have to pay for it. The city shouldn't feel he's stealing its thunder. Be grateful that he sees fit to invest a great deal of money in our city. I am. BETH SOBCZAK Bryan Questionable math I was surprised to see the headline "Trim budget offered in CS" regarding the city's decision to keep tax rates the same. Help me with my math here. If our tax rate stays the same and property values rise 8 percent to 15 percent, how can there possibly be a 9.23 percent reduction in the budget from last year? The only possible way that there would be a reduction in the budget would have been to reduce the rates to http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /AugO2 /08 l4O2letterstoeditor.htm 8/14/2002 The B n- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor r offset the rapid increase in property valuations. Pa� of 3 I wish our governing bodies would stop congratulating themselves for not increasing rates when they know they are getting a budget increase from the increased property values. STEVE BRADLEY College Station Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. The Eagle P.O. Box 3000 Bryan, TX 77805 -3000 FAX: (979) 776 -8923 e -mail: letterseditor@ © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions/ letterstoeditor lAugO2lO8l4O2letterstoeditor.htm 8/14/2002 The Bn- College Station Eagle> Region & State Pa� of 2 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region / State August 14, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools College Station accepting applications for police officers Eagle Staff Report College Station is accepting applications for police officer jobs through Sept. 24. Applicants should relate well to the public, have good written and verbal communication skills and must pass physical, psychological and polygraph tests. A valid driver's license and high school diploma or GED is required. Shift work is required. Hiring salaries range from $31,600 to $33,200 annually, and additional pay is possible for bilingual applicants and those with additional education or advanced peace officer certificates. An entry-level written exam will be offered Oct. 11 to those who apply before the Sept. 24 deadline. Applications can be picked up at the city's Human Resources Office, 1101 Texas Avenue in College Station, or online at www.ci.college- station .tx.us /jobline /cstx.htm. For more information, call 764 -3517. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /081402policeofficers.htm 8/14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 3 h ffe k E rg I e ■ Classi Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Employment # 02 -105 Financial Legal Notices VIDEO OUTSOURCING Merchandise Place an Ad The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who Real Estate interested and qualified to videotape and edit City Council meetings and vide( Rentals and edit on- location special events. Service Spanish Classifieds A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Clasificados en Espanol Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2002. and Anuncios be addressed to: Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Purchasing Manager oirectorio de servicios Purchasing Department City of College Station Emple Empleos as 1101 Texas Avenue ales P.O. Box 9960 Leg ales ales a College Station, Texas 77842 Oportunidades de Negocios 8/15/02 8/22/02 LEGAL NOTICE As of August 9, 2002 Doggett Auto Parts will be under new ownership. DI Ruffino and Tana J. Ruffino will no longer be affiliated with Doggett Aut respectfully. 8 -15 -02 c http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/15/2002 I L • The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 At.134: Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births St. Joseph Regional Health Center Brazos Valley Notebook August 15, 2002 Club Meetings Aug. 10, 2002 College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Shana Gilert, Plantersville, a girl. Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 10, 2002 A &M News Agriculture Allison and Alejandro Ortigosa, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology Shana Gilert, Plantersville, a girl. Classifieds Columnists July 25, 2002 Community The Eagle Kelley and Luke Moore, Bryan, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values Aug. 11, 2002 Food Health & Fitness Francine and Ernest Stutts, Anderson, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles Adriel Carter, Somerville, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries College Station Medical Center Opinions Politics Aug. 12, 2002 Region /State Schools Jennifer and Bobby McCaskill, College Station, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Zaneta Gonzalez, Bryan, a boy. Weather Aug. 13, 2002 Amanda and Brian Mendoza, Calvert, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /08150 8/15/2002 c 11 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 5 Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 15, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Ada Pearl Roy -Forks Datebook Jan. 3, 1929 — Aug. 9, 2002 Government Links Links PEARLAND — Services for Ada Pearl Roy- Forks, 73, of Pearland Obituaries are set for 11 a.m. Friday at Washington Chapel Baptist Church in Town Talk College Station. Site Sections A &M News The Rev. E.E. Garvin will officiate. Burial will be in the College Agriculture Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from noon to 6 p.m. Thursday at Announcements People's Mortuary in Bryan. Business & Technology Classifieds Mrs. Forks died Friday in Friendswood. ❑ She was born in Columnists Brookshire and attended Lincoln High School in College Station Community and the School of Cosmetology in Austin. Mrs. Forks retired from The Eagle the Boeing Company in Seattle, and was a member of the New Entertainment Hope Missionary Baptist Church there. She lived in Pearland during Faith & Values the past year. Food Health & Fitness Survivors include her husband, Sonnell Forks of Seattle; and a Kids Korner brother -in -law and a sister, Willie B. Morrow and Mable Morrow, Lifestyles both of Pearland. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Robert Walkoviak Opinions April 20, 1916 — Aug. 13, 2002 Politics Region /State ANDERSON — Services for Robert Walkoviak, 86, of Anderson are Schools set for 10:30 a.m., Friday at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Sports Anderson. Subscriptions Weather The Rev. Msgr. Chester Borski of the Immaculate Conception Church and the Rev. Louis S. Sikorski of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in the St. Stanislaus Church Cemetery. ❑ Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday at Lindley- Robertson -Holt Funeral Home in Navasota and from 9:30 a.m. to service time Friday at the church. Mr. Walkoviak died Tuesday in Spring. http:// www .thecagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /AugO2obits /081502obits.htm 8/15/2002 s.com Subscribe Co Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSport The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds nlim= Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2569 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON August 8, 2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said n( meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Or( signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is ca as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZONING ", SEC 1, ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CC STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDA: AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; PROVII SEVERABILITY CLAUSE DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDIN( EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For E Official Zoning Map", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezon 14.31 acres in the Morgan Rector League from R -1 Single Family Residential Apartment/Low Density. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the cit} secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapte be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be put by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Th Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the Cit; Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 8- 16 -02, 8 -17 -02 • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2568 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON August 8, 2 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 4 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said nc • meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Orc signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is ca as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 "BUILDING REGULATIONS ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS A; OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 3, 'Building Regulations ", Appendix 2, "Electrical Code Adopted ", o Code of Ordinances has been amended by adding Amendment number 12, sul 10. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapte be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pui by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Th Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the Cir Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 8- 16 -02, 8 -17 -02 n NOTICE Michael Morgan, 32/M; 1413 Pecan Grove Ct., F/16. NOTIFICACION Michael Morgan, 32/M; 1413 Pecan Grove Ct., & 16 amos de edad. 8- 16 -02, 8 -23 -02 77845 Sexual Assualt, Victim 77845; Asalto Sexual de una l NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE Notice is hereby given that McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, w1- principal business office address is P.O. Box 36, Wellborn, Texas 77881, inter or before August 13, 2002, to become incorporated. The business will be con( under the name of McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. This r given pursuant to Article 1302 -2.02 of the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation I Act. McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION, COMPANY, INC. • By: MICHAEL P. McCLEARY, President http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle grandparents, Holly and Bill McVey and Ida McAdams; and his great - grandparents, Curt and Shirley McVey, Jimmy and Betty Gilbert and Gloria McAdams, all of Madisonville. Samuel J. Jackson Oct. 26, 1922 — Aug. 14, 2002 Page 3 of 6 Services for Samuel J. Jackson, 79, of Bryan are set for 10 a. m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. The Rev. Henry Stovall of Trinity Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Bryan City Cemetery.[] Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. to the time of services Saturday at the funeral home. Mr. Jackson died Wednesday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Cory, Ind., and lived for a few years in Bryan. He retired from Peabody Coal Co. in 1975 and Morrison - Knudsen Co. in 1988. He was an Army veteran who served in the European Theater during World War II and a member of Trinity Baptist Church in Bryan. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Anna Mae Royer Jackson of Bryan; three sons and daughters -in -law, Larry R. and Sharon Jackson of Moberly, Mo., Mickey E. and Marilyn Jackson of Jourdanton and Dr. Richard A. and Liz Jackson of South Lake; a daughter, Janita A. Bush of Austin; a sister -in -law, Rosalee Jackson of Indiana; 10 gandchildren; 14 great - grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association, the American Kidney Association, Trinity Baptist Church in Bryan or a charity of choice. Ada Pearl Roy -Forks Jan. 3, 1929 — Aug. 9, 2002 PEARLAND — Services for Ada Pearl Roy- Forks, 73, of Pearland m. Friday at Washington Chapel Baptist Church in are set for 11 a. College Station. The Rev. E.E. Garvin will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from noon to 6 p.m. Thursday at Peoples Mortuary in Bryan. Mrs. Forks died Friday in Friendswood. She was born in Brookshire and attended Lincoln High School in College Station • and the School of Cosmetology in Austin. Mrs. Forks retired from the Boeing Company in Seattle and was a member of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church there. She lived in Pearland during http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Aug02obits /081602obits.htm 8/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 4 of 6 the past year. Survivors include her husband, Sonnell Forks of Seattle; and a sister and brother -in -law, Willie B. Morrow and Mable Morrow, both of Pearland. Margaret `Maggie' Young Baggerly May 19, 1905 — Aug. 15, 2002 CAMERON — Services for Margaret "Maggie" Young Baggerly, 97, of Cameron are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Green - Patterson Funeral Home in Cameron. The Rev. Gary Maroney will officiate. Burial will be in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Cameron. Visitation will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Mrs. Baggerly died Thursday in a Cameron nursing home.[] Born in Tanglewood, she was a homemaker and a member of First Baptist Church in Cameron. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alvie Baggerly. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Wayne and Carol • Jean Baggerly of Waxahachie; two daughters and sons -in -law, Ida and Ben Zajicek and Raye and Joe Lee Humplik, all of Cameron; seven grandchildren; and four great - grandchildren. K.C. Ross June 10, 1910 —Aug. 14, 2002 MADISONVILLE — Services for K.C. Ross, 92, of Madisonville are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Madisonville. The Rev. S.L. Morris and Rev. Terry Lewis will officiate. Burial will be in the West Side Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at J.M. Day Funeral Home Chapel in Madisonville. Mr. Ross died Wednesday at the Madisonville Care Center. He was born in the Hopewell community of Grimes County. He worked for years as a horseman for local ranchers and enjoyed singing in male choruses. • He was preceded in death by his wife of 53 years, Angeline June Ross. http: / /www.theeagle.com /region/ records / obituaries /Aug02obits /081602obits.htm 8/16/2002 (W The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 Af.1IN: Home: Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports .com 1 Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 17, 2002 Club Meetings Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list College Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections August 15, 2002 A &M News Desiree and Patrick Holland, Bryan, a girl. Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Mary Jo McHugh- Derrick and Buddy Derrick, College Station, a Classifieds boy. Columnists Community Ingrid and James David Rockey, Bryan, a boy. The Eagle Entertainment St. Joseph Regional Health Center Faith & Values Food August 12, 2002 Health & Fitness Kids Korner Felicita and Fernando Anzualda, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in August 13, 2002 Education Obituaries Danna and Frank Speakmon, Bryan, a girl.❑ Edi Wood, College Opinions Station, a girl. Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO / 8/19/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Lillian Vorpahl Boone Oct. 29, 1922 — Aug. 16, 2002 Page 2 of 4 Services for Lillian Vorpahl Boone, 79, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Monday at the First Baptist Church of College Station. The Revs. Rodney McGlothin and David Rowland of the First Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station and from 9 a.m. to the time of services Monday at the church. Mrs. Boone died Friday in the College Station Medical Center. She was born in Beasley and lived in College Station 50 years. She attended schools in Tavener and Beasley and graduated from Beasley High School in 1940. She also lived in Houston and Laredo. She was a homemaker and was a 50 -year member of the First Baptist Church of College Station. Survivors include her husband, James L. Boone Jr. of College • Station; a son, James L. Boone III of Albuquerque, N.M.; a brother and sister -in -law, the Rev. Leon and Ardis Vorpahl of Hillsboro; two sisters and a brother -in -law, Lorene and Earl Walzel of Humble and Elbertha Gerke of Eagle Lake; a brother -in -law and sister -in -law, H.S. Dan and Margaret Boone of Houston; a sister -in -law, Betty Vorpahl of Tacoma, Wash.; her mother -in -law, Mora Boone of Bryan; two grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church of College Station, the American Heart Association or to a charity of choice. Carl Ray Crafton May 22, 1956 — Aug. 17, 2002 BRENHAM — Graveside services for Carl Ray Crafton, 46, of Brenham are set for 1 p.m. Monday at Fairview Cemetery in League City. The Rev. Gary Jeter will officiate. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Oaks Chapel in Brenham. Mr. Crafton died Saturday. He was born in Houston and was a welder. He attended Milby High http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Aug02obits /081802obits.htm 8/19/2002 (W c The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 3 Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 19, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Danny Callaway Datebook April 17, 1950 — Aug. 18, 2002 Government Links Links Graveside services for Danny Callaway, 52, of Bryan are set for 11 Obituaries a.m. Tuesday at the College Station Cemetery. Town Talk Site Sections The Rev. Henry Stovall of Trinity Baptist Church will officiate. A &M News Agriculture Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel Announcements in Bryan. Business & Technology Classifieds Mr. Callaway died Sunday in Colton Inn. Columnists Community He was born in Freer and lived in Bryan since 1987. He was part The Eagle owner of Heatflo Systems Inc. from 1987 to 1996. He worked in the Entertainment oil field industry with Mesa Petroleum in Houston and Baker Oil Faith & Values Tools in New Orleans. He was a Baptist. Food Health & Fitness Survivors include a son, Austin Callaway of New Orleans; a Kids Korner daughter, Katie Callaway of New Orleans; his mother, Dorothy Lifestyles Callaway of Bryan; a sister and brother -in -law, Cindy and Robert Newspapers in Brady of Houston; a brother and sister -in -law, Jim Jr. and Summer Education Callaway of Houston; three aunts; two uncles; two nieces; a Obituaries nephew; and numerous cousins. Opinions Politics Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 E. 29th St., Region /State Bryan, Texas 77803 or the American Cancer Society, 3207 Schools Sports Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. Subscriptions Weather Lois M. Ehmling Carraway Feb. 23, 1929 —Aug. 17, 2002 MADISONVILLE — Services for Lois M. Ehmling Carraway, 73, of Bedias are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the J.M. Day Funeral Home Chapel in Madisonville. The Rev. Dean Ferguson will officiate. Burial will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Rest Haven Cemetery in Houston. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday and from 9 a.m. to the time of the services Tuesday at the funeral home. http:// www .thecagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /AugO2obits /081902obits.htm 8/19/2002 41A "Col Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I Bra zosS ports .com ! Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle -qm �� E glo Page 1 of 2 liiii ��,1 ,Ili�lel��'Yi�Y �'BPI�I�s � �3Y�,��, >� AI�IIIIII'larj,dyl _.... _ ay";c «:: Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 20, 2002 Club Meetings Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list College Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Aug. 16, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Heather and Ron Kirby, Brenham, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Amanda and Andy Garner, Bryan, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Kelly and Sam Wigington, College Station, a boy; Community The Eagle Nancy and Allen McHugh, College Station, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Dorothy and Chris Harris, Normangee, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Aug. 18, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Bridget and Jirous Knight, College Station, a boy. Newspapers in Education St. Joseph Regional Health Center Obituaries Opinions Aug. 14, 2002: Politics Region /State Andrea and Michael Prothro, College Station, a boy: Schools Sports Latoya Samples, Bryan, a boy; Subscriptions Weather Tamisha Samuel, Bryan, a boy; April MacDonald, Caldwell, a girl; Jennifer and Herman Smith, Bryan, a boy. Aug. 15, 2002: ® Jamonica Jackson and James Young, Somerville, a boy; Jiyoung Kim, Bryan, a boy; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082002births.htm 8/20/2002 c The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 5 Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Brazos Valley Notebook August 20, 2002 Club Meetings Home in Bryan. College Town Emily Riccio Faulkner Datebook March 4, 1977 — Aug. 16, 2002 Government Links the funeral home. Links Services for Emily Riccio Faulkner, 25, of College Station are set Obituaries for 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic Center in College Town Talk Station. Site Sections A &M News The Rev. Michael Sis of St. Mary's Catholic Center will officiate. Agriculture Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Announcements Business & Technology Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Hillier Funeral Classifieds Home in Bryan. Columnists Community A rosary will be recited and a vigil will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday at The Eagle the funeral home. Entertainment Faith & Values Mrs. Faulkner died Friday in Grimes County as the result of an auto Food accident. Health & Fitness Kids Korner She was born in Middletown, Conn., and was employed as a data Lifestyles analyst at Welch Consulting. She was a graduate of Texas A &M Newspapers in University with a degree in industrial engineering and was a Education member of St. Mary's Catholic Center. Obituaries Opinions Survivors include her husband, Jay Faulkner of College Station; her Politics parents, Ted and Martha Riccio of Palacios; her in -laws, Dwight Region /State and Carol Faulkner of Magnolia; three brothers and two sisters -in- Schools law, Ted and Stella Riccio of Birmingham, Ala., Matthew and Sports Subscriptions Kalaya Riccio of Kingsbury, and Paul Riccio of Palacios; a brother - Weather in -law and sister -in -law, Steven and Dawn Faulkner of Conroe; four sisters and two brothers -in -law, Angela Riccio and Vince Devine of Albuquerque, N.M., Sarah Riccio of Jackson, Miss., Julie and Dan Cortino of Kenosha, Wis., and Ruth Riccio of Palacios; and grandparents, Ted Riccio of Collinsville, Conn., and Julia Riccio of Newington, Conn. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Mary's Catholic Center, 103 Nagle St., College Station, Texas 77840. Billie Sue Barron April 17, 1926 — Aug. 17, 2002 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / obituaries /Aug02obits /082002obits.htm 8/20/2002 r wya.�c�M; Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co (w The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State August 21, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Renovations to begin soon on College Club Meetings College Town Station's Fire Station No. 1 Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries Renovations are expected to begin in the next few months on Town Talk College Station's problem - plagued Fire Station No. 1, a facility that Site Sections is less than 5 years old. A &M News Agriculture City officials expect the station to be operational again in about a Announcements year. Business & Technology Classifieds On Thursday, the City Council will consider awarding a construction Columnists contract for repairs to the Holleman Drive station. The station as Community been empty since May, when the city deemed it unsafe. The Eagle Entertainment The station's crew has been working out of its former home at the Faith &Values Central Fire Station on Texas Avenue. Food Health & Fitness Fire Station No. 1, which cost the city about $1 million, experienced Kids Korner problems before it even opened in October 1997. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Construction was delayed for six months after rain seeped into the Obituaries facility and because of foundation problems. Once the crew moved Opinions into the building, signs of other damage began to appear, including Politics cracked walls in the dormitory areas. Region /State Schools Mark Smith, the city's public works director, said a pre -bid meeting Sports took place in July to bring potential contractors up to speed on the Subscriptions history of the building. Weather "We required the meeting because we wanted all people bidding on the project to be fully aware of the building's condition," Smith said. Nine people attended the meeting, including representatives from three general contractors. Smith said the other attendees represented subcontractors who will probably be brought in on the project. The city received only one bid, which the council will consider Thursday. It was submitted by JaCody Inc. and was for $525,000. http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / localregional/ 082102firestationrenovation.htm 8/21/2002 Home. Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Smith said the other companies that originally showed interest and attended the pre -bid meeting expressed concern that the risk and liability involved were not worth the potential profit. "The best way I can put it is they were concerned with how successful they could be working with the building in its current condition," he said. The city budgeted $681,000 for the project and already has spent $49,000 on design costs. The remaining funds will cover construction, testing and any other costs that may arise. Last year, College Station entered into mediation with eight design and construction companies that worked on Fire Station No. 1. The city was awarded $527,500 in damages, which will be put toward the renovation and repairs. The rest of the money will come from certificate of obligation bonds, Smith said. Smith said the actual construction will take 240 days, but some work will need to be done under the building to improve drainage before renovations can begin, pushing the completion date to about one year. Several walls and slabs inside and outside the building have to be • repaired or replaced to provide for better flexibility in case of future shifting. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is c th © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional/ 082102firestationrenovation.htm 8/21/2002 • • The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Region / State August 21, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Friday is last day to apply for College Club Meetings Station Citizen Police Academy College Town Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Friday is the last day residents can apply for the College Station Obituaries Citizen Police Academy. Town Talk Site Sections The free 12 -week program meets Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. A &M News Agriculture beginning Sept. 3. Announcements Technology Applications can be picked up at the College Station Police Business & Department, requested by fax at 764 -3579 or accessed on -line at Classifieds Columnists cspd.ci.college- station.tx.us. Community The Eagle Topics include criminal law and the judicial system, investigation Entertainment procedures, gangs and narcotics, SWAT and hostage negations Faith & Values and building and crime scene searches. Food Health & Fitness Participants also will be able to ride along with officers. Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:// www. theeagle. com/ region/ localregional / 8/21/2002 Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com i Subscribe r✓o The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page l of 1 Region / State August 21, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station forum to preview classes Club Meetings for seniors College Town Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links The College Station Parks & Recreation Department will host an Obituaries open house for seniors from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Aug. 28 so they Town Talk classes and programs that will be available in the fall. Site Sections can preview A &M News The forum will take place at the EXIT Teen Center in Southwood Agriculture Athletic Park on Rock Prairie Road. Announcements Business & Technology Instructors from each class and program will be on hand to answer Classifieds conduct demonstrations and provide information. Columnists questions, Community Classes begin Sept. 3 at the Parks & Recreation office at 1000 The Eagle Entertainment Krenek Tap Road in Central Park. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /O82102seniorclasses.htm 8/21/2002 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ! Subscriae to The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds The Uagle Classifieds Page 1 of 8 FRED '! BROWN Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - USE & SITE for 112 HOLLEM, Merchandise DRIVE WEST FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER. Place an Ad Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal; Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, Service SEPTEMBER 5, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Espanol 800- 735 -2989. • Anuncios Arrendamientos For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Automotriz Bienes Raices JENNIFER FLANERY Directorio de Servicios STAFF PLANNER Empleos 8 -21 -02 Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider an AMENDMENT to SECTION 8. 10, BUFFER REQUIREMENT' ZONING ORDINANCE. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal'. Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds JANE KEE CITY PLANNER 8 -21 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -104 Page 2 of 8 Liability and Workers Compensation Excess Coverage The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 6, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. • A complete set of specifications and bidding documents may be obtained at th address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Division at (979) 764 -3823 < jfinkes @ci- collegestation.tx.us. Additional information is available on our website at www ci college- station.t The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to 'A informalities and irregularities. Aug 14, 2002 & Aug 21, 2002 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider an AMENDMENT to the City of College Station's COMPREHEN; PLAN for the Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, • SEPTEMBER 5, 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads / 0699 . htm1 8/21/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 8 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. KEN FOGLE TRANSPORTATION PLANNER 8 -21 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Dot Andrews Bauguss, Deceased were issued on August 7, 2002, Docket No. 11,3 pending in the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to Joe D. Wheeler, Independent Executor. The residence of the Independent Executor is in Brazos County, Texas. The pi office address is: Joe D. Wheeler Independent Executor c/o Allen J. Segal Attorney at Law, P.C. 1722 Broadmoor, Suite 118 Bryan, Texas 77802 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being adminis are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by 1 Dated the 12th day of August, 2002. JOE D. WHEELER INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR By: Allen J. Segal, Attorney for the Estate 8 -21 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 18.33 ACRES for KRENEK TAP ROAD at STA • HIGHWAY 6 from R -1, Single Family Residential, to C -B, Business Comme http: / /classifteds .theeagle.com/lineads / 0699 . htm1 8/21/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 8 The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 8 -21 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Chapter 59, TX Property Code, to satisfy a landlord's lien. There Public Auction held at the following: Longmire Self Storage, 3007 Longmire Dr., College Station, TX 77845.979-1 2186 at 10:00 am, August 29th, 2002. Linda Massey- exercise equipment, hou: goods. Flavio M. Olivarez - commercial freezers, restaurant equipment. Flavio Olivarez- restaurant equipment, dresser. John S, Alvardo- furniture, household O Issac Baker - washer, dryer. Guy Brown - furniture, household goods. Ernest A. TV, tool box. SecurCare Self Storage, 4074 S.H. 6 South, College Station, TX. 77845, 979 - 6777 at 10:00 am, August 29th, 2002. Roshonda Blue -TV, dresser. Lynn Han cash register, commercial ice cream freezer. Lion Resources -paper files. SecurCare Self Storage, 625 Graham Rd, College Station, TX. 77845, 979 -69 at 10:00 am on August 29th, 2002. Rickey Coats -tool box, vacuum. Dana L. F rocking horse, dolls. Longmire Self Storage, 3400 Longmire Dr., College Station, TX 77845.979-1 2186 at 10:00 am, August 29th, 2002. Jeff Barnett- furniture, household goods Watson Interiors- basket, boxes. 8- 14 -02, 8 -21 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of OL. • E. SMITH (also known as OLIVER E. SMITH, SR.), Deceased, were issued c 25, 2002, under Docket No. 11,298 PC, pending in the Probate Court of Brazc http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Purchasing Manager Purchasing Department City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 8/15/02 8/22/02 Page 2 of 4 NOTICE Agricredit Acceptance LLC /Agco Finance LLC, will offer the following repo; equipment for sale to the highest bidder for cash plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: Bush Hog- 2615L, Bat Wing Mower, S/N: 12- 21403; Mahindra -i Tractor, S/N: RP1317; & Mahindra Front -End Loader with Hay Forks, S/N: 1 Date of sale: August 29, 2002. Time of Sale: 11:00 a.m.. Place of sale: J5 T1 Inc, 35078 OSR, Normangee, Texas. Pictures & condition report may be viem www.agricredit.com. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. W reserve the right to bid. For further information, please contact Billy Ray at 1- 577 -8504 extension 1472. 0 8- 15 -02, 8 -22 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. on September 5, 2002, at the address sl below with respect to the issuance by the Brazos County Health Facilities Development Corporation (the "Issuer ") of not more than $30,000,000 in prin amount of revenue bonds in one or more series for the benefit of St. Joseph R( Health Center (the 'Borrower ") to finance the cost of constructing and equipp four -story, 72 -bed patient care tower (the "Project "), to be located adjacent to main hospital facility at 2801 Franciscan Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. The init: owner and operator of the Project will be the Borrower. The proposed revenu( will be paid solely from revenues provided by the Borrower and will not be p, taxes or revenues of the Issuer. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing or to forward their written comments to the Issuer at the address beloN comments at the public hearing will be limited to 10 minutes for each individi Brazos County Courthouse 300 East 26th Street, Room 108 Bryan, Texas 77803 8 -22 -02 • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/ 8/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds • NOTICE TO VENDORS Sealed Request for Proposals for #2002 -059 - LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN SERVICE will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Department in t Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Thursda. September 12, 2002. All proposals received after that time will be returned un Said proposal will be publicly opened and acknowledged at 2:00 P.M. Thursd September 12, 2002, in the Brazos County Purchasing Department, Brazos Cc Courthouse. Brazos County reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or ar E Cla spanol adoll en all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advani sp Anuncios to the County. Requests for Proposals are available at the County Purchasing r Arrendamientos 300 East 26th Sreeet, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas 77803; or call (979) 361 -42901 Automotriz information. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios PAT HOWARD Empleos Purchasing Agent Finanzas 8- 22 -02, 8 -29 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 02 -105 VIDEO OUTSOURCING The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who interested and qualified to videotape and edit City Council meetings and vide( and edit on- location special events. A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2002. and be addressed to: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/22/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 " 405 o "' •fit. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ' Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 22, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 19, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Anne Marie and Walter Wood, Navasota, a boy; ❑ Shannon and Announcements Christopher Feldman, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 20, 2002: Columnists Community Laurel and Stephen Lawhon, Bryan, a girl; The Eagle Entertainment Carolyn and Stephen Wisnieski, Dime Box, a boy; Faith & Values Food Margaret C. and David M. Bereit, College Station, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lori and Neil Bufkin, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Regional Health Center St. Joseph Re p g Obituaries Opinions Aug. 11, 2002: Politics Region /State Jaime and Zeb Wright, College Station, a boy. Schools Sports Aug. 16, 2002: Subscriptions Weather Anna and Raymond Casares, Bryan, a girl; Camelia Lewis, Bryan, a boy; ❑ Tasha and Jason Bienski, College Station, a girl; Stephen and Robert Hidrogo, College Station, a girl; Lisa Rodriguez, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http : / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /Aug02births /082202births. htm 8/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 (W r i be Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 23, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Aug. 20, 2002: Site Sections Aug. 21, 2002: A &M News Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Agriculture Angelina Alvarez and Jose Garcia, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Farrah Shoop, Centerville, a boy. Classifieds © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Aug. 18, 2002: Entertainment Faith &Values Deborah and Leslie Hill, College Station, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Aug. 19, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Sheleetres Barton, Bryan, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Aug. 20, 2002: Region /State Schools Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082302births.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 The additional funds would be used to pay for new personnel for the planned Fire Station No. 5, which will cost the city $150,000. Other expenses to be covered include increases in salaries of $440,000 for city employees and increased health care costs amounting to at least $413,000. Kersten said the city could have to pay an additional $200,000 in health care costs, but that won't be determined for certain until January. "I think it is important for citizens to understand that their taxes will increase because their values have increased," Councilman John Happ said. "But so have our operating expenses and they balance each other out." Council members said College Station's reliance on the sales tax is the prime reason the city has worked to attract new businesses to the community. "We may be questioned on economic incentives," Councilwoman Winnie Garner said. "But that is a good example of growing your tax rate. It is an investment." College Station's proposed tax rate is about 15 cents less per $100 property valuation than the one proposed in Bryan. The council has planned budget workshops from 3 to 5 p.m. on Aug. 27, 5 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 28 and 3 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 4. The council must decide which tax rate it wants to advertise at the Aug. 27 meeting. It will host a public hearing on the tax rate on Sept. 12. The council also is set to adopt the budget at the Sept. 12 meeting. The tax rate will be adopted Sept. 26. In other action Thursday, the council approved a contract for $524,961 with JaCody Inc. for renovations to Fire Station No. 1. The station, which was built less than five years ago, has been empty since May because of damage to the foundation and walls. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferr theeag © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State August 23, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Tax rate in College Station likely to stay Club Meetings College Town as is Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Page 1 of 2 Town Talk College Station officials on Thursday told council members the Site Sections city's tax rate should remain at its current level for the upcoming A &M News fiscal year to offset rising maintenance and operations costs. Agriculture Announcements Council members said they have heard concerns from residents Business & Technology questioning why the tax rate should remain at its current level when Classifieds the proposed budget is 9.23 percent smaller than the current one Columnists and property values in College Station have increased 9.4 percent Community over the last year. The Eagle Entertainment "We all pay taxes, too," Councilman Dennis Maloney said. Faith & Values "Whenever we have to collect extra taxes, they come out of our Food pockets, too." Health & Fitness Kids Korner The proposed budget is $148 million and keeps the tax rate at Lifestyles 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That means the tax bill on Newspapers in a $100,000 home would be $477.70. Education Obituaries The budget allots $26 million for capital projects, which is 40 Opinions percent less than the current budget, and $122 million for Politics maintenance and operations, which is 2 percent more than the Region /State current allocation. Schools Sports Subscriptions Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic lannin and budget manager, said g Weather College Station uses property tap dollars to help fund its g P p Y p maintenance and operation costs, which have increased since last year. Property tax revenue accounts for about 16 percent of the maintenance and operations budget. Sales taxes make the largest contribution — 42 percent of the total. Kersten said the increase in property values means the city will realize about $1.117 million in new tax dollars by keeping the 47.77 cent rate. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 41;114111 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com 1 Subscribe Co • The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Region / State August 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station water shutdown won't Club Meetings affect homes College Town Datebook Government Links Eagle staff report Links Obituaries College Station on Tuesday temporarily will shut down water Town Talk service to its Wellfield Transfer Pump Station, but residents should Site Sections not notice any changes, officials said. A &M News Agriculture College Station is in the process of upgrading its water supply Announcements capacity from 18 million gallons per day to 25 million gallons per Business & Technology day. Classifieds Columnists The work on the station, which is located on Sandy Point Road, is Community scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and is expected to be completed by 7 The Eagle p.m. Entertainment Faith & Values The city will have no water production capacity during the shutdown Food and will rely on stored water and interconnections with Bryan and Health & Fitness Texas A &M University. Kids Korner Lifestyles City spokeswoman Kelley Cole said residents should refrain from Newspapers in nonessential uses such as irrigation of landscaped areas. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082702cswater.htm 8/27/2002 4411 IN: Horne Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ( BrazosS ports. com Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 3 I'm proud to know Eric Todd, and if ever a resident deserved a day in his honor, he is this one. NORMA L. MIL LER College Station Drain the ponds A half -mile of noxious, stagnant ponds are located on the eastern edge of the College Hills Elementary School property and in the culvert under Francis Street. These ponds are a continual source of millions of mosquitos. These mosquitos are potential carriers of diseases such as the West Nile virus that is spreading across the country. Even without diseases, they are an infernal nuisance to everyone in the school and the neighborhood. The creek containing these ponds should be straightened, have grades and paved to eliminate the ponds once and for all. The city and the school district should act promptly to get this done. Let's not wait until children are infected with the virus before doing this. go I urge everyone affected — children, teachers, parents and friends — to put pressure on the city and the school district to do what needs to be done. ROBERT M. HOLCOMB College Station Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. The Eagle P.O. Box 3000 Bryan, TX 77805 -3000 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /Aug02 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 �w (W The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Pagel of 3 Home Classifieds ` Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections Le tters encour August 27, 2002 Something wrong A &M News Yes, James Edge (Eagle, Aug. 19), Don Adam has every right to Agriculture pursue his own profit and self- interest. But when those go to the Announcements extreme of trying with all his strength and lawyers to block others' Business & Technology right to do the same, there certainly is something very wrong with Classifieds that. Columnists Community BARBARA WOOTEN The Eagle Bryan Entertainment Faith & Values Proud of Eric Todd Food h & Fit Health Fitness & F My friend, Janice McBride, recently drove me around Downtown Kids Lifestyles Bryan, and what a treat it is. I first saw it on May 23, 1953. Later, as Newspapers in the modern storefronts were put over the old facades, Bryan lost its Education charm. Obituaries Opinions Now, with the able, capable managerial abilities of Eric Todd and Politics his Downtown committee, the charm is back and Bryan is beautiful. Region /State Each and every merchant who is contributing to the renovation of Schools this historic city should be thanked and appreciated. Now, if we Sports could just get a Downtown J.C. Penney, K. Wolen's, Perry Bros., Subscriptions Central Texas Hardware, and all the other wonderful old stores, Weather Bryan would be on its way. And then, more accolades to Eric Todd and his staff at the Bryan - College Station Community Health Center and their milestone grant of more than $500,000 to help fund this wonderful facility. It is now a Federally Qualified Health Center. It's too bad that College Station has to be included in the center's official title. Too many of us recall the scathing denunciation of Eric and his managerial abilities by the College Station City Council when he was asking for city participation. Hopefully, the ex -mayor and her cohorts who are still council members will feel at least a modicum of embarrassment for the decimation of Eric in front of a full chamber. Certainly, not one of them would apologize. http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /AugO2 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Fff'11L HIft tw x ne Egg ip IF Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds �q� Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios Page 1 of 5 et Sin ii I REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 • NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBDIVISI( AND SERVICE EXTENSION POLICY OF BRUSHY WATER SUPPL1 CORPORATION http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Maria and Ramon Arredondo, Navasota, a girl; Nancy and Kevin Bass, Bryan, a boy. Aug. 23, 2002: Rachel and Chris Allen, College Station, a boy; Tricia and Steven Vongonten, Hearne, a boy; Julie and Graham Reaugh, College Station, a girl; Christine and Sean Highberg, College Station, a girl. College Station Medical Center Aug. 22, 2002: Lisa and John Sifuentes, Hearne, a girl; Amy Billings and Steven Widders, College Station, a girl; Melissa and Shane Kirk, Calvert, a girl; Page 2 of 2 • Susan Hawkins - Hegemeyer and Bobby Hegemeyer, Montgomery, a girl. Aug. 23, 2002: Nataya McQueen, Midway, a boy; Claire and Bryan Brown, Bryan, a girl; Donna L. and Roger Havlak, College Station, a girl. Aug. 25, 2002: Francesca and Ruben Cantu, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082702births.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 8 of 8 For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I F Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 7 of 8 The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals will meet at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave., City of College Station, Moi September 9, 2002. Public hearing, discussion and consideration of variance request to section 403 minimum plumbing facilities, 2000 International Plumbing Code. 8- 28 -02, 8 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 3850 VICTORIA AVENUE, approximately 19.5 acres, fror Research & Develoment and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residenti: 2, Duplex Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD • 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR STAFF PLANNER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 4090 RAYMOND STOTZER PARKWAY from A -O, Agr Open, to M -1, Planned Industrial for an office building. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac • hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 8 cannot attend the public hearing may submit their written or oral comments on • budget to the City Manager's Office at the same address given above or by call 209 -5100. A copy of the budget proposed for adoption will be available for pul inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Frid the City Secretary's office beginning August 14, 2002 For information on sign language interpretation, TDD or other translation or accessibility information, please call 209 -5120. Please call at least 48 hours be: scheduled time of the meeting so your request may be accommodated. 8 -28 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Eli Arnold, Deceased, were issued on July 24, 2002, in Docket No. 11,329PC, pen the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to Sally K. Motl. The place of residence of the Independent Executrix is in Bryan, Brazos Count Texas; the post office address is: c /o: Christopher W. Peterson • Attorney At Law P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being adminis are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by la DATED the 23rd day of August, 2002. Law Offices of Christopher W. Peterson P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 Phone: 979 - 764 -6778 Fax: 979 - 764 -6995 E -mail: christopherwpeterson @msn.com 8 -28 -02 Attorney for the Estate 8 -28 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE • CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MEETING http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds 0 # Ir h e E � f Paw'! e Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Pagel of 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to SECTION 8. 10, BUFFER REQUIREMENTS, of the ZON ORDINANCE. Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEP Service 12, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD Espanol 735 -2989. Anuncios Arrendamientos For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Automo Bienes Raices JANE KEE Directorio de Servicios CITY PLANNER Empleos Finanzas 8 -28 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF ALTON EARL GRAY, DECEASED • Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of AL1 EARL GRAY, Deceased were issued on August 8, 2002, in Cause No. 11,350 - pending in the County Court at Law No. Two (2) of Brazos County, Texas, to ] GRAY. The address to which claims may be presented is: c/o J. DEREK MOORE Payne, Watson, Miller & Malechek, P.C. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 6900 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 600 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle I;R �19 '.Co m - .� F _� a9 d:1 tcN.' • Page 1 of 1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribel Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 28, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 24, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Yvonne Galvan, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology College Station Medical Center Classifieds Columnists Aug. 26, 2002: Community The Eagle Donquelle Polk, Hearne, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Veronica and Gerardo Guerrero, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement htt / /www.thee agle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082802bi 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 'hn E 'I- 1 Page 1 of 5 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol (W Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non• refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at w station. . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to 'A informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 LE GAL NOT ICE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Spec http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Aug. 29, 2002 Ami and Kevin Hammond, Navasota, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle t e 'Com hro I'aWe Page 1 of 2 I { ii��� +t � �.r� >,i�. TTi� �,n� �.il�ryi4 •,y�� e 41.1:14m Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region I State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 27, 2002 A &M News Agriculture Melissa and Michael Brunson, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Norma and Eric Robinson, College Station, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Jeana and Wesley Burns, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Beth and Kyle Barrington, College Station, a girl. Entertainment • Faith & Values Caroline and Craig Anderson, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness A 28, 2002 Kids Korner Lifestyles Rita Narrow, Bryan, a girl. Newspapers in Education Elisabeth Ellis and Michael Lebuffe, College Station, a girl. Obituaries Opinions College Station Medical Center Politics Region /State Aug. 28, 2002 Schools Sports Sarah Butler and Brynn Garner, College Station, a boy. Subscriptions Weather Regina and Terry Schubert, Bryan, a girl. Summer and Billy Bishop, Madisonville, a boy. Staci and Craig Weaver, College Station, a boy. Krista K. Klebold and Douglas W. Smith, Navasota, a girl. • Rachel and Richard Whisenant, College Station, a boy. Karri and Jerry Jackson, Bryan, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 4 k w Survivors include a son, Tyson Wieghat of College Station; his mother, Evelyn Buro Wieghat of Brenham; and two brothers, David and Doyle Wieghat of Brenham. Memorials may be made to hospice or St. John Lutheran Church. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. A vigil will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her home She was born in Laredo and was a lifelong Catholic. Survivors include her husband, Steven Maxwell of College Station; Lam. a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael ® Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; and several sisters and brothers. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan- College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices M. G. Thomas, 75, of Temple died Friday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Locy Bradley, 80, of Bryan died Sunday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Nathan Powers, 61, of Tomball died Sunday morning. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090202obits.htm 9/3/2002 y,vzoo a OTJ O J J Y w W un O� N 0 J C11 O O W Jr J ►-� J c < 0 00 N N O G� -j S O = J tlt j� ul cA A A A A UA y n CL ft S G to a � � J •� •� A 00 Ua � v i , � � v • Q� w A W O\ O W E O� n 0 1U w N r Jr C� ,0 , SO SO N J 01 J �co a �� �sAC�� �sr3bA6A cn A � vl ,.n w o 0 0 0 O ° o 00 C� i.4 .+ O' -4 O O 00 N f!9 6f3 A b/9 6l9 EA A 4, N ;j b; W Ul 00 0C ... W W O00 O kqv, N 0 C) co n 0 n VIA C9 f u The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #3 will hold a meeting at 7: on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at the Brazos County Precinct 3 Volunteer F Department Fire Station #2, 5715 Elmo Weedon Road, Brazos County, Texas consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate 0.0280 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #3 by 7.69 percent. 8 -30 -02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise R Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index • Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Le ales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Pri vacy Statement • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 Notice is hereby given that McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, wt. principal business office address is P.O. Box 36, Wellborn, Texas 77881, inte: or before August 13, 2002, to become incorporated. The business will be con( under the name of McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. This r given pursuant to Article 1302 -2.02 of the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation I Act. McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION, COMPANY, INC. By: MICHAEL P. McCLEARY, President 8- 16 -02, 8- 23 -02, 8- 30 -03, 9 -6 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Office in the B County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Friday, Septeml 2002. All bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Friday, September 20, 2002, in t] Brazos County Purchasing Office. 2002 -061 FLEXIBLE BASE • Payments will be processed by the Brazos County Auditor by invoice after notification of satisfactory receipt of items. Bids in excess of $50,000.00 may a five percent Bid Bond. Brazos County hereby reserves the right to award by cost or lump sum discounted and to accept or reject any or all bids and waive formalities and technicalities. PAT HOWARD Purchasing Agent 8- 30 -02, 9 -6 -02 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #2 will hold a meeting at 7: on Monday, September 9, 2002 at the Kurten Fire Station, 894 N. FM 2038, Kurten, Texas to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate is 0.0298 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #2 by 7.97 percent. • 8 -30 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 3 The: El"gle ■ Classifi Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities LEGAL NOTICE Employment Financial ORDINANCE NO. 2572 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON August 22, Legal Notices BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetin; Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tt Rentals is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZO] Service SECTION 1, 'ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN Spanish Classifieds OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE C COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT Clasificados en BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED B Espanol PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE DECLARING A PENALTY, N Anuncios PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For E Directorio de Servicios Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezon Empleos certain tracts of the W.C. Boyett Estate Partition from NG -3, Residential, to T Finanzas Historic Northgate. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secri Legales office. Mercancia Oportunidades de Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapte Negocios be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be put by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Th Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the Cit; Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 8- 30 -02, 8 -31 -02 • NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle thed Page 1 of 1 979.770.2345 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ; BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 25, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Charlotte and Dan Strong, Caldwell, a girl; ❑ Barbara and Tony Announcements Piccolo, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 26, 2002: Columnists Community Evelyn and Travis McClellan, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle ® Entertainment Casey Cisneros, Franklin, a girl; Faith & Values Food Marjorie and Michael Ybarra, Hearne, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Urica and Eric Drake, Somerville, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education College g Station Medical Center Obituaries Opinions Aug. 27, 2002: Politics Region /State Jennifer and Phillip Rodriguez, Austin, a boy; Schools Sports Kim Alexander, Prairie View, a boy; Subscriptions Weather Lavonne R. and Alton McAfoos Jr., Bryan, twin girls. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082902births.htm 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in th( conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 . 979- 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVIS] located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from ] Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. • For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 Page 2 of 5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of • originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htrnl 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds MNIL * tne EXRle Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page I of 5 f The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER L'ld1)PA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of the HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. • Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mr hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 �. A !Ok � 900 Vb5cribe todayl 41.11(( f- Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Brazoss ports. corn I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 4 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug 30, 2000: A &M News Agriculture Felicia Mendoza, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Shannon and Gary Williams, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Sept. 1, 2002: Community The Eagle Melissa R. and Nick Bauer, College Station, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Kristal and Frank Patranella, Bryan, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Patsy Ussery, Bryan, a girl. Kids Korner Lifestyles St. Joseph Regional Health Center Newspapers in Education Obituaries Aug. 22, 2002: Opinions Politics Shannon and Landon Gregory, Bryan, a girl. Region /State Schools Aug. 27, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Nicole Lopez, Bryan, a boy; Weather Sharon and Michael Shrum, Navasota, a girl. Aug. 28, 2002: Alondra and Socrates Gutierrez, Bryan, a boy; Cassidy Nicholson, Bryan, a girl; Amy and Chris Green, Caldwell, a girl. Aug. 29, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090402births.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Survivors include her husband, Dr. Steven Maxwell of College Station; a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; numerous sisters; a brother; and other family members. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. Tillie Schoppe Jan. 27, 1922 — Sept. 2, 2002 SOMERVILLE — Services for Tillie Schoppe, 80, of Somerville are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Strickland Funeral Home in Somerville. The Rev. Robert Thompkins will officiate. Burial will be in the Oaklawn Cemetery. Mrs. Schoppe died Monday at Eden Brook Assisted Living Community in The Woodlands. She was born in Bee, Neb. Mrs. Schoppe was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Schoppe. Survivors include two sisters, Gladys Stava of Lincoln, Neb., and Irma Varner of Seward, Neb.; and a nephew. Memorials may be made to the Arthritis Foundation or the American Cancer Society. Guy Horace Alford Jr. Oct. 9, 1917 — Sept. 2, 2002 BUFFALO — Services for Guy Horace Alford Jr., 84, of Buffalo are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at the Buffalo Funeral Home. Rev. Ray Grissett of Little Flock Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Buffalo Cemetery. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. Mr. Alford died Monday. He was born in Creek, Houston County. He worked for Conoco for 35 years and retired in 1982 as plant manager. He was a World War II veteran who served in the Army Air Force. He was a Baptist. Mr. Alford was a Mason and member of Hope Lodge No. 471. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /SeptO2 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Survivors include Mayra Debrow of College Station; a son, Justin Debrow of College Station; a daughter, Kristin Debrow of College Station; three brothers, Charles Debrow of Houston, Joseph Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and John Debrow of Sugarland; two sisters, Adrianne Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and Ellen Rittmann of Lubbock; and his parents, Charles and Mary Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss. Lendlyn Stonum Oct. 25, 1949 — Aug. 30, 2002 CALDWELL — Services for Lendlyn Stonum, 52, of Caldwell are set for 1 p.m. Thursday at Galilee Baptist Church. The Rev. Calvin A. Arnold will officiate. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery in Caldwell. Visitation will be from noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Jones Funeral Home in Caldwell. Ms. Stonum died Friday at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. She was born in Houston and was a nurse's aide. She was secretary at Galilee Baptist Church and the mission. Survivors include two sons and daughters -in -law, Leonard and LaShaun Young of The Woodlands and Billie and Renee Daniels Jr. of Caldwell; a daughter and son -in -law, Yolanda and Marshall Wortham of Bryan; a brother, C.B. Stonum; six sisters, Gwendlyn Snell, Carol Martin, Doris Marie Stonum, Norma Stonum, Len Ray Sams and Alma Taylor; her mother, Doris Stonum of Caldwell; and seven grandchildren. Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her residence. She was born in Laredo and was a Catholic. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Under the CIGNA plan, that would mean between $25 and $30 per month. Kersten said the city hopes it will be able to find a cheaper solution. Increases could also be included for family, spouse and child coverage. Bryan city employees pay $23 per month for their insurance. One option may to look at plans that have higher deductibles or co- payments but lower monthly costs, City Manager Tom Brymer said. He said most city employees would probably prefer to see more money in their paychecks than as part of a benefit package. "I would like to not charge employees for part of the insurance costs," Brymer said. "But I don't think we'll have much choice." Councilman James Massey said he hopes staff members understand this is a problem many companies and organizations are dealing with as insurance rates climb across the country. "We have gone out of our way since I've been on the council to support the staff and their needs," he said. "But we're trying to look at things in a prudent manner. I hope they understand that we're not just gong to be making a decision and moving on. It's a matter of trying to find the best deal we can." Councilman Dennis Maloney echoed that sentiment, adding that many cities are having to lay off employees because of the cost crunch. "We're increasing personnel and salaries," he said. "If you want good people, you have to pay them what they're worth." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is c ferre ll theea l e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State September 5, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station budget anticipates Club Meetings College Town increase in insurance costs Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries College Station employees may have to start contributing to their Town Talk health insurance costs, but city officials will not know for sure until Site Sections October. A &M News than what has been included in the budget. Agriculture Announcements The city's proposed budget for the 2003 fiscal year anticipates a 30 Business & Technology percent increase in insurance costs, which means the city will Classifieds contribute an additional $70 to cover the costs of each of its more Columnists than 800 employees. Community The Eagle However, projected costs from CIGNA, the city's service provider, (W Entertainment show the increase could be 58 percent higher than the current year. Faith & Values Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said Food that increase would call for the city to spend about $270,000 more Health & Fitness than what has been included in the budget. Kids Korner Lifestyles Employee insurance costs account for between 3 and 4 percent of Newspapers in the city's operating budget, he said. Education Obituaries College Station is seeking bids from other insurance companies, Opinions which will be received in October. The City Council will award the Politics contract in November and the new plan would go into effect on Jan. Region /State 1 Schools Sports Until proposals are received and a contract has been awarded, the Subscriptions city will not know how much, if any, employees will have to Weather contribute to their insurance costs. College Station currently pays $319 per month for each of its employees and also made a one -time payment of $15, which covered the total cost. The proposed budget calls for the contribution to increase to $389. If the cost rises above that level, Kersten said, city staff (W recommends the increase be passed onto the employees. Council members are expected to pass the 2002 -03 budget at their meeting next Thursday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 Home ' Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 �8� cil a r d"E .� &.. dt*.� Y�� �, nkv�, °a^!•d <d Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 5, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 3, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Rae and Tracy Williamson, Normangee, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Tonya and Kyle Miller, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Tesha and David Craig, College Station, twin boys; Community The Eagle Amber and Juan Gamez Jr., Caldwell, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health & Fitness Sept. 2, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Tamie Andersen and Dennis Kildare, Iola, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090502births.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 Page 4 of 5 NOTICE DBE's Young Contractors, Inc. is requesting bids from DBE's for the Texas A &M, Easterwood Airport, Replace a Portion of T/WH and Reconstruct T/LA(FAAi Project No. 2 -2916, College Station, Texas which bids Tuesday, September 1' Plans available at our office. Please contact Kyle Lewis at (979) 779 -1112. 9 -1 -02 to 9 -7 -02 PUBLIC HEARING • On Thursday, September 19, 2002, the Bryan Planning and Zoning Commissi hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. The following item will be considered: 1) (l 16) resubdivision of Jones Addition, a portion of Blocks F & G, approximatel acres located on the southwest corner of Dean and W. Martin Luther King Jr. situated in the Stephen F. Austin League No. 9, A -62, Bryan, Brazos County, This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 212.015 of th Local Government Code. The public hearing will be held in the Council Chan first floor of the Bryan Municipal Building located at the intersection of Texa Avenue and 29th Street. For additional information, please contact the Plannii Services Department at (979) 209 -5030. September 4, 2002 PUBLIC NOTICE BRAZOSCOUNTY TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Brazos County is giving notice of the County's intent to submit a Community Development Fund application for a grant from the Texas Community Develc Program. The grant application request is $240,170 for sewer collection systel improvements on West 28th Street. The application will be available for revie Brazos County Courthouse during regular business hours, on or before Septer 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in the conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 • 979 - 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVISI located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from 1 Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 2 of 5 The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit. Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A A IV I - " a Classifieds Pagel of 5 9 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 Merchandise SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Service Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz Cla Espan l ano en Esp hours before the meeting. arrangements To make arran call 764 -3547 or (TDI ( 979 ) Anuncios 800- 735 -2989. Arrendamientos Automotriz For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570 Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios JENNIFER FLANERY Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas Legales 9 -4 -02 Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of th HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m, hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 and spread information about events or developments around the area, Elrod said. "They also bind neighbors together in a social way," she added. "It builds cohesiveness and helps deal with any problems or delights you have along the way." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfer rell aathe © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090602leamingmedley.htm 9/6/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Purchasing Manager Purchasing Department City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 8/15/02 8/22/02 Page 2 of 4 NOTICE Agricredit Acceptance LLC /Agco Finance LLC, will offer the following repo; equipment for sale to the highest bidder for cash plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: Bush Hog- 2615L, Bat Wing Mower, S/N: 12- 21403; Mahindra -i Tractor, S/N: RP1317; & Mahindra Front -End Loader with Hay Forks, S/N: 1 Date of sale: August 29, 2002. Time of Sale: 11:00 a.m.. Place of sale: J5 T1 Inc, 35078 OSR, Normangee, Texas. Pictures & condition report may be viem www.agricredit.com. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. W reserve the right to bid. For further information, please contact Billy Ray at 1- 577 -8504 extension 1472. 0 8- 15 -02, 8 -22 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. on September 5, 2002, at the address sl below with respect to the issuance by the Brazos County Health Facilities Development Corporation (the "Issuer ") of not more than $30,000,000 in prin amount of revenue bonds in one or more series for the benefit of St. Joseph R( Health Center (the 'Borrower ") to finance the cost of constructing and equipp four -story, 72 -bed patient care tower (the "Project "), to be located adjacent to main hospital facility at 2801 Franciscan Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. The init: owner and operator of the Project will be the Borrower. The proposed revenu( will be paid solely from revenues provided by the Borrower and will not be p, taxes or revenues of the Issuer. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing or to forward their written comments to the Issuer at the address beloN comments at the public hearing will be limited to 10 minutes for each individi Brazos County Courthouse 300 East 26th Street, Room 108 Bryan, Texas 77803 8 -22 -02 • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/ 8/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds • NOTICE TO VENDORS Sealed Request for Proposals for #2002 -059 - LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN SERVICE will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Department in t Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Thursda. September 12, 2002. All proposals received after that time will be returned un Said proposal will be publicly opened and acknowledged at 2:00 P.M. Thursd September 12, 2002, in the Brazos County Purchasing Department, Brazos Cc Courthouse. Brazos County reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or ar E Cla spanol adoll en all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advani sp Anuncios to the County. Requests for Proposals are available at the County Purchasing r Arrendamientos 300 East 26th Sreeet, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas 77803; or call (979) 361 -42901 Automotriz information. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios PAT HOWARD Empleos Purchasing Agent Finanzas 8- 22 -02, 8 -29 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 02 -105 VIDEO OUTSOURCING The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who interested and qualified to videotape and edit City Council meetings and vide( and edit on- location special events. A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2002. and be addressed to: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/22/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 " 405 o "' •fit. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ' Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 22, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 19, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Anne Marie and Walter Wood, Navasota, a boy; ❑ Shannon and Announcements Christopher Feldman, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 20, 2002: Columnists Community Laurel and Stephen Lawhon, Bryan, a girl; The Eagle Entertainment Carolyn and Stephen Wisnieski, Dime Box, a boy; Faith & Values Food Margaret C. and David M. Bereit, College Station, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lori and Neil Bufkin, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Regional Health Center St. Joseph Re p g Obituaries Opinions Aug. 11, 2002: Politics Region /State Jaime and Zeb Wright, College Station, a boy. Schools Sports Aug. 16, 2002: Subscriptions Weather Anna and Raymond Casares, Bryan, a girl; Camelia Lewis, Bryan, a boy; ❑ Tasha and Jason Bienski, College Station, a girl; Stephen and Robert Hidrogo, College Station, a girl; Lisa Rodriguez, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http : / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /Aug02births /082202births. htm 8/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 (W r i be Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 23, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Aug. 20, 2002: Site Sections Aug. 21, 2002: A &M News Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Agriculture Angelina Alvarez and Jose Garcia, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Farrah Shoop, Centerville, a boy. Classifieds © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Aug. 18, 2002: Entertainment Faith &Values Deborah and Leslie Hill, College Station, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Aug. 19, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Sheleetres Barton, Bryan, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Aug. 20, 2002: Region /State Schools Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082302births.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 The additional funds would be used to pay for new personnel for the planned Fire Station No. 5, which will cost the city $150,000. Other expenses to be covered include increases in salaries of $440,000 for city employees and increased health care costs amounting to at least $413,000. Kersten said the city could have to pay an additional $200,000 in health care costs, but that won't be determined for certain until January. "I think it is important for citizens to understand that their taxes will increase because their values have increased," Councilman John Happ said. "But so have our operating expenses and they balance each other out." Council members said College Station's reliance on the sales tax is the prime reason the city has worked to attract new businesses to the community. "We may be questioned on economic incentives," Councilwoman Winnie Garner said. "But that is a good example of growing your tax rate. It is an investment." College Station's proposed tax rate is about 15 cents less per $100 property valuation than the one proposed in Bryan. The council has planned budget workshops from 3 to 5 p.m. on Aug. 27, 5 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 28 and 3 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 4. The council must decide which tax rate it wants to advertise at the Aug. 27 meeting. It will host a public hearing on the tax rate on Sept. 12. The council also is set to adopt the budget at the Sept. 12 meeting. The tax rate will be adopted Sept. 26. In other action Thursday, the council approved a contract for $524,961 with JaCody Inc. for renovations to Fire Station No. 1. The station, which was built less than five years ago, has been empty since May because of damage to the foundation and walls. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferr theeag © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State August 23, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Tax rate in College Station likely to stay Club Meetings College Town as is Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Page 1 of 2 Town Talk College Station officials on Thursday told council members the Site Sections city's tax rate should remain at its current level for the upcoming A &M News fiscal year to offset rising maintenance and operations costs. Agriculture Announcements Council members said they have heard concerns from residents Business & Technology questioning why the tax rate should remain at its current level when Classifieds the proposed budget is 9.23 percent smaller than the current one Columnists and property values in College Station have increased 9.4 percent Community over the last year. The Eagle Entertainment "We all pay taxes, too," Councilman Dennis Maloney said. Faith & Values "Whenever we have to collect extra taxes, they come out of our Food pockets, too." Health & Fitness Kids Korner The proposed budget is $148 million and keeps the tax rate at Lifestyles 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That means the tax bill on Newspapers in a $100,000 home would be $477.70. Education Obituaries The budget allots $26 million for capital projects, which is 40 Opinions percent less than the current budget, and $122 million for Politics maintenance and operations, which is 2 percent more than the Region /State current allocation. Schools Sports Subscriptions Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic lannin and budget manager, said g Weather College Station uses property tap dollars to help fund its g P p Y p maintenance and operation costs, which have increased since last year. Property tax revenue accounts for about 16 percent of the maintenance and operations budget. Sales taxes make the largest contribution — 42 percent of the total. Kersten said the increase in property values means the city will realize about $1.117 million in new tax dollars by keeping the 47.77 cent rate. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 41;114111 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com 1 Subscribe Co • The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Region / State August 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station water shutdown won't Club Meetings affect homes College Town Datebook Government Links Eagle staff report Links Obituaries College Station on Tuesday temporarily will shut down water Town Talk service to its Wellfield Transfer Pump Station, but residents should Site Sections not notice any changes, officials said. A &M News Agriculture College Station is in the process of upgrading its water supply Announcements capacity from 18 million gallons per day to 25 million gallons per Business & Technology day. Classifieds Columnists The work on the station, which is located on Sandy Point Road, is Community scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and is expected to be completed by 7 The Eagle p.m. Entertainment Faith & Values The city will have no water production capacity during the shutdown Food and will rely on stored water and interconnections with Bryan and Health & Fitness Texas A &M University. Kids Korner Lifestyles City spokeswoman Kelley Cole said residents should refrain from Newspapers in nonessential uses such as irrigation of landscaped areas. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082702cswater.htm 8/27/2002 4411 IN: Horne Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ( BrazosS ports. com Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 3 I'm proud to know Eric Todd, and if ever a resident deserved a day in his honor, he is this one. NORMA L. MIL LER College Station Drain the ponds A half -mile of noxious, stagnant ponds are located on the eastern edge of the College Hills Elementary School property and in the culvert under Francis Street. These ponds are a continual source of millions of mosquitos. These mosquitos are potential carriers of diseases such as the West Nile virus that is spreading across the country. Even without diseases, they are an infernal nuisance to everyone in the school and the neighborhood. The creek containing these ponds should be straightened, have grades and paved to eliminate the ponds once and for all. The city and the school district should act promptly to get this done. Let's not wait until children are infected with the virus before doing this. go I urge everyone affected — children, teachers, parents and friends — to put pressure on the city and the school district to do what needs to be done. ROBERT M. HOLCOMB College Station Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. The Eagle P.O. Box 3000 Bryan, TX 77805 -3000 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /Aug02 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 �w (W The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Pagel of 3 Home Classifieds ` Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections Le tters encour August 27, 2002 Something wrong A &M News Yes, James Edge (Eagle, Aug. 19), Don Adam has every right to Agriculture pursue his own profit and self- interest. But when those go to the Announcements extreme of trying with all his strength and lawyers to block others' Business & Technology right to do the same, there certainly is something very wrong with Classifieds that. Columnists Community BARBARA WOOTEN The Eagle Bryan Entertainment Faith & Values Proud of Eric Todd Food h & Fit Health Fitness & F My friend, Janice McBride, recently drove me around Downtown Kids Lifestyles Bryan, and what a treat it is. I first saw it on May 23, 1953. Later, as Newspapers in the modern storefronts were put over the old facades, Bryan lost its Education charm. Obituaries Opinions Now, with the able, capable managerial abilities of Eric Todd and Politics his Downtown committee, the charm is back and Bryan is beautiful. Region /State Each and every merchant who is contributing to the renovation of Schools this historic city should be thanked and appreciated. Now, if we Sports could just get a Downtown J.C. Penney, K. Wolen's, Perry Bros., Subscriptions Central Texas Hardware, and all the other wonderful old stores, Weather Bryan would be on its way. And then, more accolades to Eric Todd and his staff at the Bryan - College Station Community Health Center and their milestone grant of more than $500,000 to help fund this wonderful facility. It is now a Federally Qualified Health Center. It's too bad that College Station has to be included in the center's official title. Too many of us recall the scathing denunciation of Eric and his managerial abilities by the College Station City Council when he was asking for city participation. Hopefully, the ex -mayor and her cohorts who are still council members will feel at least a modicum of embarrassment for the decimation of Eric in front of a full chamber. Certainly, not one of them would apologize. http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /AugO2 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Fff'11L HIft tw x ne Egg ip IF Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds �q� Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios Page 1 of 5 et Sin ii I REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 • NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBDIVISI( AND SERVICE EXTENSION POLICY OF BRUSHY WATER SUPPL1 CORPORATION http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Maria and Ramon Arredondo, Navasota, a girl; Nancy and Kevin Bass, Bryan, a boy. Aug. 23, 2002: Rachel and Chris Allen, College Station, a boy; Tricia and Steven Vongonten, Hearne, a boy; Julie and Graham Reaugh, College Station, a girl; Christine and Sean Highberg, College Station, a girl. College Station Medical Center Aug. 22, 2002: Lisa and John Sifuentes, Hearne, a girl; Amy Billings and Steven Widders, College Station, a girl; Melissa and Shane Kirk, Calvert, a girl; Page 2 of 2 • Susan Hawkins - Hegemeyer and Bobby Hegemeyer, Montgomery, a girl. Aug. 23, 2002: Nataya McQueen, Midway, a boy; Claire and Bryan Brown, Bryan, a girl; Donna L. and Roger Havlak, College Station, a girl. Aug. 25, 2002: Francesca and Ruben Cantu, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082702births.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 8 of 8 For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I F Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 7 of 8 The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals will meet at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave., City of College Station, Moi September 9, 2002. Public hearing, discussion and consideration of variance request to section 403 minimum plumbing facilities, 2000 International Plumbing Code. 8- 28 -02, 8 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 3850 VICTORIA AVENUE, approximately 19.5 acres, fror Research & Develoment and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residenti: 2, Duplex Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD • 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR STAFF PLANNER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 4090 RAYMOND STOTZER PARKWAY from A -O, Agr Open, to M -1, Planned Industrial for an office building. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac • hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 8 cannot attend the public hearing may submit their written or oral comments on • budget to the City Manager's Office at the same address given above or by call 209 -5100. A copy of the budget proposed for adoption will be available for pul inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Frid the City Secretary's office beginning August 14, 2002 For information on sign language interpretation, TDD or other translation or accessibility information, please call 209 -5120. Please call at least 48 hours be: scheduled time of the meeting so your request may be accommodated. 8 -28 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Eli Arnold, Deceased, were issued on July 24, 2002, in Docket No. 11,329PC, pen the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to Sally K. Motl. The place of residence of the Independent Executrix is in Bryan, Brazos Count Texas; the post office address is: c /o: Christopher W. Peterson • Attorney At Law P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being adminis are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by la DATED the 23rd day of August, 2002. Law Offices of Christopher W. Peterson P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 Phone: 979 - 764 -6778 Fax: 979 - 764 -6995 E -mail: christopherwpeterson @msn.com 8 -28 -02 Attorney for the Estate 8 -28 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE • CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MEETING http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds 0 # Ir h e E � f Paw'! e Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Pagel of 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to SECTION 8. 10, BUFFER REQUIREMENTS, of the ZON ORDINANCE. Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEP Service 12, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD Espanol 735 -2989. Anuncios Arrendamientos For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Automo Bienes Raices JANE KEE Directorio de Servicios CITY PLANNER Empleos Finanzas 8 -28 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF ALTON EARL GRAY, DECEASED • Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of AL1 EARL GRAY, Deceased were issued on August 8, 2002, in Cause No. 11,350 - pending in the County Court at Law No. Two (2) of Brazos County, Texas, to ] GRAY. The address to which claims may be presented is: c/o J. DEREK MOORE Payne, Watson, Miller & Malechek, P.C. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 6900 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 600 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle I;R �19 '.Co m - .� F _� a9 d:1 tcN.' • Page 1 of 1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribel Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 28, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 24, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Yvonne Galvan, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology College Station Medical Center Classifieds Columnists Aug. 26, 2002: Community The Eagle Donquelle Polk, Hearne, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Veronica and Gerardo Guerrero, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement htt / /www.thee agle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082802bi 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 'hn E 'I- 1 Page 1 of 5 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol (W Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non• refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at w station. . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to 'A informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 LE GAL NOT ICE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Spec http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Aug. 29, 2002 Ami and Kevin Hammond, Navasota, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle t e 'Com hro I'aWe Page 1 of 2 I { ii��� +t � �.r� >,i�. TTi� �,n� �.il�ryi4 •,y�� e 41.1:14m Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region I State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 27, 2002 A &M News Agriculture Melissa and Michael Brunson, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Norma and Eric Robinson, College Station, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Jeana and Wesley Burns, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Beth and Kyle Barrington, College Station, a girl. Entertainment • Faith & Values Caroline and Craig Anderson, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness A 28, 2002 Kids Korner Lifestyles Rita Narrow, Bryan, a girl. Newspapers in Education Elisabeth Ellis and Michael Lebuffe, College Station, a girl. Obituaries Opinions College Station Medical Center Politics Region /State Aug. 28, 2002 Schools Sports Sarah Butler and Brynn Garner, College Station, a boy. Subscriptions Weather Regina and Terry Schubert, Bryan, a girl. Summer and Billy Bishop, Madisonville, a boy. Staci and Craig Weaver, College Station, a boy. Krista K. Klebold and Douglas W. Smith, Navasota, a girl. • Rachel and Richard Whisenant, College Station, a boy. Karri and Jerry Jackson, Bryan, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 4 k w Survivors include a son, Tyson Wieghat of College Station; his mother, Evelyn Buro Wieghat of Brenham; and two brothers, David and Doyle Wieghat of Brenham. Memorials may be made to hospice or St. John Lutheran Church. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. A vigil will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her home She was born in Laredo and was a lifelong Catholic. Survivors include her husband, Steven Maxwell of College Station; Lam. a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael ® Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; and several sisters and brothers. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan- College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices M. G. Thomas, 75, of Temple died Friday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Locy Bradley, 80, of Bryan died Sunday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Nathan Powers, 61, of Tomball died Sunday morning. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090202obits.htm 9/3/2002 y,vzoo a OTJ O J J Y w W un O� N 0 J C11 O O W Jr J ►-� J c < 0 00 N N O G� -j S O = J tlt j� ul cA A A A A UA y n CL ft S G to a � � J •� •� A 00 Ua � v i , � � v • Q� w A W O\ O W E O� n 0 1U w N r Jr C� ,0 , SO SO N J 01 J �co a �� �sAC�� �sr3bA6A cn A � vl ,.n w o 0 0 0 O ° o 00 C� i.4 .+ O' -4 O O 00 N f!9 6f3 A b/9 6l9 EA A 4, N ;j b; W Ul 00 0C ... W W O00 O kqv, N 0 C) co n 0 n VIA C9 f u The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #3 will hold a meeting at 7: on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at the Brazos County Precinct 3 Volunteer F Department Fire Station #2, 5715 Elmo Weedon Road, Brazos County, Texas consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate 0.0280 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #3 by 7.69 percent. 8 -30 -02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise R Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index • Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Le ales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Pri vacy Statement • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 Notice is hereby given that McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, wt. principal business office address is P.O. Box 36, Wellborn, Texas 77881, inte: or before August 13, 2002, to become incorporated. The business will be con( under the name of McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. This r given pursuant to Article 1302 -2.02 of the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation I Act. McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION, COMPANY, INC. By: MICHAEL P. McCLEARY, President 8- 16 -02, 8- 23 -02, 8- 30 -03, 9 -6 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Office in the B County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Friday, Septeml 2002. All bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Friday, September 20, 2002, in t] Brazos County Purchasing Office. 2002 -061 FLEXIBLE BASE • Payments will be processed by the Brazos County Auditor by invoice after notification of satisfactory receipt of items. Bids in excess of $50,000.00 may a five percent Bid Bond. Brazos County hereby reserves the right to award by cost or lump sum discounted and to accept or reject any or all bids and waive formalities and technicalities. PAT HOWARD Purchasing Agent 8- 30 -02, 9 -6 -02 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #2 will hold a meeting at 7: on Monday, September 9, 2002 at the Kurten Fire Station, 894 N. FM 2038, Kurten, Texas to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate is 0.0298 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #2 by 7.97 percent. • 8 -30 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 3 The: El"gle ■ Classifi Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities LEGAL NOTICE Employment Financial ORDINANCE NO. 2572 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON August 22, Legal Notices BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetin; Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tt Rentals is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZO] Service SECTION 1, 'ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN Spanish Classifieds OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE C COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT Clasificados en BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED B Espanol PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE DECLARING A PENALTY, N Anuncios PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For E Directorio de Servicios Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezon Empleos certain tracts of the W.C. Boyett Estate Partition from NG -3, Residential, to T Finanzas Historic Northgate. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secri Legales office. Mercancia Oportunidades de Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapte Negocios be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be put by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Th Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the Cit; Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 8- 30 -02, 8 -31 -02 • NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle thed Page 1 of 1 979.770.2345 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ; BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 25, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Charlotte and Dan Strong, Caldwell, a girl; ❑ Barbara and Tony Announcements Piccolo, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 26, 2002: Columnists Community Evelyn and Travis McClellan, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle ® Entertainment Casey Cisneros, Franklin, a girl; Faith & Values Food Marjorie and Michael Ybarra, Hearne, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Urica and Eric Drake, Somerville, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education College g Station Medical Center Obituaries Opinions Aug. 27, 2002: Politics Region /State Jennifer and Phillip Rodriguez, Austin, a boy; Schools Sports Kim Alexander, Prairie View, a boy; Subscriptions Weather Lavonne R. and Alton McAfoos Jr., Bryan, twin girls. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082902births.htm 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in th( conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 . 979- 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVIS] located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from ] Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. • For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 Page 2 of 5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of • originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htrnl 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds MNIL * tne EXRle Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page I of 5 f The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER L'ld1)PA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of the HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. • Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mr hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 �. A !Ok � 900 Vb5cribe todayl 41.11(( f- Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Brazoss ports. corn I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 4 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug 30, 2000: A &M News Agriculture Felicia Mendoza, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Shannon and Gary Williams, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Sept. 1, 2002: Community The Eagle Melissa R. and Nick Bauer, College Station, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Kristal and Frank Patranella, Bryan, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Patsy Ussery, Bryan, a girl. Kids Korner Lifestyles St. Joseph Regional Health Center Newspapers in Education Obituaries Aug. 22, 2002: Opinions Politics Shannon and Landon Gregory, Bryan, a girl. Region /State Schools Aug. 27, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Nicole Lopez, Bryan, a boy; Weather Sharon and Michael Shrum, Navasota, a girl. Aug. 28, 2002: Alondra and Socrates Gutierrez, Bryan, a boy; Cassidy Nicholson, Bryan, a girl; Amy and Chris Green, Caldwell, a girl. Aug. 29, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090402births.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Survivors include her husband, Dr. Steven Maxwell of College Station; a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; numerous sisters; a brother; and other family members. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. Tillie Schoppe Jan. 27, 1922 — Sept. 2, 2002 SOMERVILLE — Services for Tillie Schoppe, 80, of Somerville are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Strickland Funeral Home in Somerville. The Rev. Robert Thompkins will officiate. Burial will be in the Oaklawn Cemetery. Mrs. Schoppe died Monday at Eden Brook Assisted Living Community in The Woodlands. She was born in Bee, Neb. Mrs. Schoppe was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Schoppe. Survivors include two sisters, Gladys Stava of Lincoln, Neb., and Irma Varner of Seward, Neb.; and a nephew. Memorials may be made to the Arthritis Foundation or the American Cancer Society. Guy Horace Alford Jr. Oct. 9, 1917 — Sept. 2, 2002 BUFFALO — Services for Guy Horace Alford Jr., 84, of Buffalo are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at the Buffalo Funeral Home. Rev. Ray Grissett of Little Flock Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Buffalo Cemetery. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. Mr. Alford died Monday. He was born in Creek, Houston County. He worked for Conoco for 35 years and retired in 1982 as plant manager. He was a World War II veteran who served in the Army Air Force. He was a Baptist. Mr. Alford was a Mason and member of Hope Lodge No. 471. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /SeptO2 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Survivors include Mayra Debrow of College Station; a son, Justin Debrow of College Station; a daughter, Kristin Debrow of College Station; three brothers, Charles Debrow of Houston, Joseph Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and John Debrow of Sugarland; two sisters, Adrianne Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and Ellen Rittmann of Lubbock; and his parents, Charles and Mary Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss. Lendlyn Stonum Oct. 25, 1949 — Aug. 30, 2002 CALDWELL — Services for Lendlyn Stonum, 52, of Caldwell are set for 1 p.m. Thursday at Galilee Baptist Church. The Rev. Calvin A. Arnold will officiate. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery in Caldwell. Visitation will be from noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Jones Funeral Home in Caldwell. Ms. Stonum died Friday at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. She was born in Houston and was a nurse's aide. She was secretary at Galilee Baptist Church and the mission. Survivors include two sons and daughters -in -law, Leonard and LaShaun Young of The Woodlands and Billie and Renee Daniels Jr. of Caldwell; a daughter and son -in -law, Yolanda and Marshall Wortham of Bryan; a brother, C.B. Stonum; six sisters, Gwendlyn Snell, Carol Martin, Doris Marie Stonum, Norma Stonum, Len Ray Sams and Alma Taylor; her mother, Doris Stonum of Caldwell; and seven grandchildren. Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her residence. She was born in Laredo and was a Catholic. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Under the CIGNA plan, that would mean between $25 and $30 per month. Kersten said the city hopes it will be able to find a cheaper solution. Increases could also be included for family, spouse and child coverage. Bryan city employees pay $23 per month for their insurance. One option may to look at plans that have higher deductibles or co- payments but lower monthly costs, City Manager Tom Brymer said. He said most city employees would probably prefer to see more money in their paychecks than as part of a benefit package. "I would like to not charge employees for part of the insurance costs," Brymer said. "But I don't think we'll have much choice." Councilman James Massey said he hopes staff members understand this is a problem many companies and organizations are dealing with as insurance rates climb across the country. "We have gone out of our way since I've been on the council to support the staff and their needs," he said. "But we're trying to look at things in a prudent manner. I hope they understand that we're not just gong to be making a decision and moving on. It's a matter of trying to find the best deal we can." Councilman Dennis Maloney echoed that sentiment, adding that many cities are having to lay off employees because of the cost crunch. "We're increasing personnel and salaries," he said. "If you want good people, you have to pay them what they're worth." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is c ferre ll theea l e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State September 5, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station budget anticipates Club Meetings College Town increase in insurance costs Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries College Station employees may have to start contributing to their Town Talk health insurance costs, but city officials will not know for sure until Site Sections October. A &M News than what has been included in the budget. Agriculture Announcements The city's proposed budget for the 2003 fiscal year anticipates a 30 Business & Technology percent increase in insurance costs, which means the city will Classifieds contribute an additional $70 to cover the costs of each of its more Columnists than 800 employees. Community The Eagle However, projected costs from CIGNA, the city's service provider, (W Entertainment show the increase could be 58 percent higher than the current year. Faith & Values Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said Food that increase would call for the city to spend about $270,000 more Health & Fitness than what has been included in the budget. Kids Korner Lifestyles Employee insurance costs account for between 3 and 4 percent of Newspapers in the city's operating budget, he said. Education Obituaries College Station is seeking bids from other insurance companies, Opinions which will be received in October. The City Council will award the Politics contract in November and the new plan would go into effect on Jan. Region /State 1 Schools Sports Until proposals are received and a contract has been awarded, the Subscriptions city will not know how much, if any, employees will have to Weather contribute to their insurance costs. College Station currently pays $319 per month for each of its employees and also made a one -time payment of $15, which covered the total cost. The proposed budget calls for the contribution to increase to $389. If the cost rises above that level, Kersten said, city staff (W recommends the increase be passed onto the employees. Council members are expected to pass the 2002 -03 budget at their meeting next Thursday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 Home ' Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 �8� cil a r d"E .� &.. dt*.� Y�� �, nkv�, °a^!•d <d Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 5, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 3, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Rae and Tracy Williamson, Normangee, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Tonya and Kyle Miller, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Tesha and David Craig, College Station, twin boys; Community The Eagle Amber and Juan Gamez Jr., Caldwell, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health & Fitness Sept. 2, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Tamie Andersen and Dennis Kildare, Iola, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090502births.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 Page 4 of 5 NOTICE DBE's Young Contractors, Inc. is requesting bids from DBE's for the Texas A &M, Easterwood Airport, Replace a Portion of T/WH and Reconstruct T/LA(FAAi Project No. 2 -2916, College Station, Texas which bids Tuesday, September 1' Plans available at our office. Please contact Kyle Lewis at (979) 779 -1112. 9 -1 -02 to 9 -7 -02 PUBLIC HEARING • On Thursday, September 19, 2002, the Bryan Planning and Zoning Commissi hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. The following item will be considered: 1) (l 16) resubdivision of Jones Addition, a portion of Blocks F & G, approximatel acres located on the southwest corner of Dean and W. Martin Luther King Jr. situated in the Stephen F. Austin League No. 9, A -62, Bryan, Brazos County, This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 212.015 of th Local Government Code. The public hearing will be held in the Council Chan first floor of the Bryan Municipal Building located at the intersection of Texa Avenue and 29th Street. For additional information, please contact the Plannii Services Department at (979) 209 -5030. September 4, 2002 PUBLIC NOTICE BRAZOSCOUNTY TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Brazos County is giving notice of the County's intent to submit a Community Development Fund application for a grant from the Texas Community Develc Program. The grant application request is $240,170 for sewer collection systel improvements on West 28th Street. The application will be available for revie Brazos County Courthouse during regular business hours, on or before Septer 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in the conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 • 979 - 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVISI located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from 1 Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 2 of 5 The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit. Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A A IV I - " a Classifieds Pagel of 5 9 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 Merchandise SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Service Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz Cla Espan l ano en Esp hours before the meeting. arrangements To make arran call 764 -3547 or (TDI ( 979 ) Anuncios 800- 735 -2989. Arrendamientos Automotriz For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570 Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios JENNIFER FLANERY Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas Legales 9 -4 -02 Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of th HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m, hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 and spread information about events or developments around the area, Elrod said. "They also bind neighbors together in a social way," she added. "It builds cohesiveness and helps deal with any problems or delights you have along the way." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfer rell aathe © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090602leamingmedley.htm 9/6/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Purchasing Manager Purchasing Department City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 8/15/02 8/22/02 Page 2 of 4 NOTICE Agricredit Acceptance LLC /Agco Finance LLC, will offer the following repo; equipment for sale to the highest bidder for cash plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: Bush Hog- 2615L, Bat Wing Mower, S/N: 12- 21403; Mahindra -i Tractor, S/N: RP1317; & Mahindra Front -End Loader with Hay Forks, S/N: 1 Date of sale: August 29, 2002. Time of Sale: 11:00 a.m.. Place of sale: J5 T1 Inc, 35078 OSR, Normangee, Texas. Pictures & condition report may be viem www.agricredit.com. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. W reserve the right to bid. For further information, please contact Billy Ray at 1- 577 -8504 extension 1472. 0 8- 15 -02, 8 -22 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. on September 5, 2002, at the address sl below with respect to the issuance by the Brazos County Health Facilities Development Corporation (the "Issuer ") of not more than $30,000,000 in prin amount of revenue bonds in one or more series for the benefit of St. Joseph R( Health Center (the 'Borrower ") to finance the cost of constructing and equipp four -story, 72 -bed patient care tower (the "Project "), to be located adjacent to main hospital facility at 2801 Franciscan Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. The init: owner and operator of the Project will be the Borrower. The proposed revenu( will be paid solely from revenues provided by the Borrower and will not be p, taxes or revenues of the Issuer. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing or to forward their written comments to the Issuer at the address beloN comments at the public hearing will be limited to 10 minutes for each individi Brazos County Courthouse 300 East 26th Street, Room 108 Bryan, Texas 77803 8 -22 -02 • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/ 8/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds • NOTICE TO VENDORS Sealed Request for Proposals for #2002 -059 - LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN SERVICE will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Department in t Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Thursda. September 12, 2002. All proposals received after that time will be returned un Said proposal will be publicly opened and acknowledged at 2:00 P.M. Thursd September 12, 2002, in the Brazos County Purchasing Department, Brazos Cc Courthouse. Brazos County reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or ar E Cla spanol adoll en all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advani sp Anuncios to the County. Requests for Proposals are available at the County Purchasing r Arrendamientos 300 East 26th Sreeet, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas 77803; or call (979) 361 -42901 Automotriz information. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios PAT HOWARD Empleos Purchasing Agent Finanzas 8- 22 -02, 8 -29 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 02 -105 VIDEO OUTSOURCING The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who interested and qualified to videotape and edit City Council meetings and vide( and edit on- location special events. A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2002. and be addressed to: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/22/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 " 405 o "' •fit. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ' Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 22, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 19, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Anne Marie and Walter Wood, Navasota, a boy; ❑ Shannon and Announcements Christopher Feldman, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 20, 2002: Columnists Community Laurel and Stephen Lawhon, Bryan, a girl; The Eagle Entertainment Carolyn and Stephen Wisnieski, Dime Box, a boy; Faith & Values Food Margaret C. and David M. Bereit, College Station, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lori and Neil Bufkin, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Regional Health Center St. Joseph Re p g Obituaries Opinions Aug. 11, 2002: Politics Region /State Jaime and Zeb Wright, College Station, a boy. Schools Sports Aug. 16, 2002: Subscriptions Weather Anna and Raymond Casares, Bryan, a girl; Camelia Lewis, Bryan, a boy; ❑ Tasha and Jason Bienski, College Station, a girl; Stephen and Robert Hidrogo, College Station, a girl; Lisa Rodriguez, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http : / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /Aug02births /082202births. htm 8/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 (W r i be Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 23, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Aug. 20, 2002: Site Sections Aug. 21, 2002: A &M News Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Agriculture Angelina Alvarez and Jose Garcia, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Farrah Shoop, Centerville, a boy. Classifieds © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Aug. 18, 2002: Entertainment Faith &Values Deborah and Leslie Hill, College Station, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Aug. 19, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Sheleetres Barton, Bryan, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Aug. 20, 2002: Region /State Schools Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082302births.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 The additional funds would be used to pay for new personnel for the planned Fire Station No. 5, which will cost the city $150,000. Other expenses to be covered include increases in salaries of $440,000 for city employees and increased health care costs amounting to at least $413,000. Kersten said the city could have to pay an additional $200,000 in health care costs, but that won't be determined for certain until January. "I think it is important for citizens to understand that their taxes will increase because their values have increased," Councilman John Happ said. "But so have our operating expenses and they balance each other out." Council members said College Station's reliance on the sales tax is the prime reason the city has worked to attract new businesses to the community. "We may be questioned on economic incentives," Councilwoman Winnie Garner said. "But that is a good example of growing your tax rate. It is an investment." College Station's proposed tax rate is about 15 cents less per $100 property valuation than the one proposed in Bryan. The council has planned budget workshops from 3 to 5 p.m. on Aug. 27, 5 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 28 and 3 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 4. The council must decide which tax rate it wants to advertise at the Aug. 27 meeting. It will host a public hearing on the tax rate on Sept. 12. The council also is set to adopt the budget at the Sept. 12 meeting. The tax rate will be adopted Sept. 26. In other action Thursday, the council approved a contract for $524,961 with JaCody Inc. for renovations to Fire Station No. 1. The station, which was built less than five years ago, has been empty since May because of damage to the foundation and walls. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferr theeag © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State August 23, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Tax rate in College Station likely to stay Club Meetings College Town as is Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Page 1 of 2 Town Talk College Station officials on Thursday told council members the Site Sections city's tax rate should remain at its current level for the upcoming A &M News fiscal year to offset rising maintenance and operations costs. Agriculture Announcements Council members said they have heard concerns from residents Business & Technology questioning why the tax rate should remain at its current level when Classifieds the proposed budget is 9.23 percent smaller than the current one Columnists and property values in College Station have increased 9.4 percent Community over the last year. The Eagle Entertainment "We all pay taxes, too," Councilman Dennis Maloney said. Faith & Values "Whenever we have to collect extra taxes, they come out of our Food pockets, too." Health & Fitness Kids Korner The proposed budget is $148 million and keeps the tax rate at Lifestyles 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That means the tax bill on Newspapers in a $100,000 home would be $477.70. Education Obituaries The budget allots $26 million for capital projects, which is 40 Opinions percent less than the current budget, and $122 million for Politics maintenance and operations, which is 2 percent more than the Region /State current allocation. Schools Sports Subscriptions Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic lannin and budget manager, said g Weather College Station uses property tap dollars to help fund its g P p Y p maintenance and operation costs, which have increased since last year. Property tax revenue accounts for about 16 percent of the maintenance and operations budget. Sales taxes make the largest contribution — 42 percent of the total. Kersten said the increase in property values means the city will realize about $1.117 million in new tax dollars by keeping the 47.77 cent rate. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 41;114111 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com 1 Subscribe Co • The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Region / State August 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station water shutdown won't Club Meetings affect homes College Town Datebook Government Links Eagle staff report Links Obituaries College Station on Tuesday temporarily will shut down water Town Talk service to its Wellfield Transfer Pump Station, but residents should Site Sections not notice any changes, officials said. A &M News Agriculture College Station is in the process of upgrading its water supply Announcements capacity from 18 million gallons per day to 25 million gallons per Business & Technology day. Classifieds Columnists The work on the station, which is located on Sandy Point Road, is Community scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and is expected to be completed by 7 The Eagle p.m. Entertainment Faith & Values The city will have no water production capacity during the shutdown Food and will rely on stored water and interconnections with Bryan and Health & Fitness Texas A &M University. Kids Korner Lifestyles City spokeswoman Kelley Cole said residents should refrain from Newspapers in nonessential uses such as irrigation of landscaped areas. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082702cswater.htm 8/27/2002 4411 IN: Horne Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ( BrazosS ports. com Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 3 I'm proud to know Eric Todd, and if ever a resident deserved a day in his honor, he is this one. NORMA L. MIL LER College Station Drain the ponds A half -mile of noxious, stagnant ponds are located on the eastern edge of the College Hills Elementary School property and in the culvert under Francis Street. These ponds are a continual source of millions of mosquitos. These mosquitos are potential carriers of diseases such as the West Nile virus that is spreading across the country. Even without diseases, they are an infernal nuisance to everyone in the school and the neighborhood. The creek containing these ponds should be straightened, have grades and paved to eliminate the ponds once and for all. The city and the school district should act promptly to get this done. Let's not wait until children are infected with the virus before doing this. go I urge everyone affected — children, teachers, parents and friends — to put pressure on the city and the school district to do what needs to be done. ROBERT M. HOLCOMB College Station Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. The Eagle P.O. Box 3000 Bryan, TX 77805 -3000 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /Aug02 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 �w (W The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Pagel of 3 Home Classifieds ` Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections Le tters encour August 27, 2002 Something wrong A &M News Yes, James Edge (Eagle, Aug. 19), Don Adam has every right to Agriculture pursue his own profit and self- interest. But when those go to the Announcements extreme of trying with all his strength and lawyers to block others' Business & Technology right to do the same, there certainly is something very wrong with Classifieds that. Columnists Community BARBARA WOOTEN The Eagle Bryan Entertainment Faith & Values Proud of Eric Todd Food h & Fit Health Fitness & F My friend, Janice McBride, recently drove me around Downtown Kids Lifestyles Bryan, and what a treat it is. I first saw it on May 23, 1953. Later, as Newspapers in the modern storefronts were put over the old facades, Bryan lost its Education charm. Obituaries Opinions Now, with the able, capable managerial abilities of Eric Todd and Politics his Downtown committee, the charm is back and Bryan is beautiful. Region /State Each and every merchant who is contributing to the renovation of Schools this historic city should be thanked and appreciated. Now, if we Sports could just get a Downtown J.C. Penney, K. Wolen's, Perry Bros., Subscriptions Central Texas Hardware, and all the other wonderful old stores, Weather Bryan would be on its way. And then, more accolades to Eric Todd and his staff at the Bryan - College Station Community Health Center and their milestone grant of more than $500,000 to help fund this wonderful facility. It is now a Federally Qualified Health Center. It's too bad that College Station has to be included in the center's official title. Too many of us recall the scathing denunciation of Eric and his managerial abilities by the College Station City Council when he was asking for city participation. Hopefully, the ex -mayor and her cohorts who are still council members will feel at least a modicum of embarrassment for the decimation of Eric in front of a full chamber. Certainly, not one of them would apologize. http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /AugO2 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Fff'11L HIft tw x ne Egg ip IF Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds �q� Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios Page 1 of 5 et Sin ii I REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 • NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBDIVISI( AND SERVICE EXTENSION POLICY OF BRUSHY WATER SUPPL1 CORPORATION http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Maria and Ramon Arredondo, Navasota, a girl; Nancy and Kevin Bass, Bryan, a boy. Aug. 23, 2002: Rachel and Chris Allen, College Station, a boy; Tricia and Steven Vongonten, Hearne, a boy; Julie and Graham Reaugh, College Station, a girl; Christine and Sean Highberg, College Station, a girl. College Station Medical Center Aug. 22, 2002: Lisa and John Sifuentes, Hearne, a girl; Amy Billings and Steven Widders, College Station, a girl; Melissa and Shane Kirk, Calvert, a girl; Page 2 of 2 • Susan Hawkins - Hegemeyer and Bobby Hegemeyer, Montgomery, a girl. Aug. 23, 2002: Nataya McQueen, Midway, a boy; Claire and Bryan Brown, Bryan, a girl; Donna L. and Roger Havlak, College Station, a girl. Aug. 25, 2002: Francesca and Ruben Cantu, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082702births.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 8 of 8 For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I F Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 7 of 8 The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals will meet at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave., City of College Station, Moi September 9, 2002. Public hearing, discussion and consideration of variance request to section 403 minimum plumbing facilities, 2000 International Plumbing Code. 8- 28 -02, 8 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 3850 VICTORIA AVENUE, approximately 19.5 acres, fror Research & Develoment and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residenti: 2, Duplex Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD • 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR STAFF PLANNER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 4090 RAYMOND STOTZER PARKWAY from A -O, Agr Open, to M -1, Planned Industrial for an office building. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac • hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 8 cannot attend the public hearing may submit their written or oral comments on • budget to the City Manager's Office at the same address given above or by call 209 -5100. A copy of the budget proposed for adoption will be available for pul inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Frid the City Secretary's office beginning August 14, 2002 For information on sign language interpretation, TDD or other translation or accessibility information, please call 209 -5120. Please call at least 48 hours be: scheduled time of the meeting so your request may be accommodated. 8 -28 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Eli Arnold, Deceased, were issued on July 24, 2002, in Docket No. 11,329PC, pen the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to Sally K. Motl. The place of residence of the Independent Executrix is in Bryan, Brazos Count Texas; the post office address is: c /o: Christopher W. Peterson • Attorney At Law P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being adminis are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by la DATED the 23rd day of August, 2002. Law Offices of Christopher W. Peterson P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 Phone: 979 - 764 -6778 Fax: 979 - 764 -6995 E -mail: christopherwpeterson @msn.com 8 -28 -02 Attorney for the Estate 8 -28 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE • CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MEETING http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds 0 # Ir h e E � f Paw'! e Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Pagel of 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to SECTION 8. 10, BUFFER REQUIREMENTS, of the ZON ORDINANCE. Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEP Service 12, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD Espanol 735 -2989. Anuncios Arrendamientos For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Automo Bienes Raices JANE KEE Directorio de Servicios CITY PLANNER Empleos Finanzas 8 -28 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF ALTON EARL GRAY, DECEASED • Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of AL1 EARL GRAY, Deceased were issued on August 8, 2002, in Cause No. 11,350 - pending in the County Court at Law No. Two (2) of Brazos County, Texas, to ] GRAY. The address to which claims may be presented is: c/o J. DEREK MOORE Payne, Watson, Miller & Malechek, P.C. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 6900 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 600 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle I;R �19 '.Co m - .� F _� a9 d:1 tcN.' • Page 1 of 1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribel Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 28, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 24, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Yvonne Galvan, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology College Station Medical Center Classifieds Columnists Aug. 26, 2002: Community The Eagle Donquelle Polk, Hearne, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Veronica and Gerardo Guerrero, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement htt / /www.thee agle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082802bi 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 'hn E 'I- 1 Page 1 of 5 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol (W Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non• refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at w station. . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to 'A informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 LE GAL NOT ICE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Spec http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Aug. 29, 2002 Ami and Kevin Hammond, Navasota, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle t e 'Com hro I'aWe Page 1 of 2 I { ii��� +t � �.r� >,i�. TTi� �,n� �.il�ryi4 •,y�� e 41.1:14m Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region I State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 27, 2002 A &M News Agriculture Melissa and Michael Brunson, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Norma and Eric Robinson, College Station, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Jeana and Wesley Burns, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Beth and Kyle Barrington, College Station, a girl. Entertainment • Faith & Values Caroline and Craig Anderson, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness A 28, 2002 Kids Korner Lifestyles Rita Narrow, Bryan, a girl. Newspapers in Education Elisabeth Ellis and Michael Lebuffe, College Station, a girl. Obituaries Opinions College Station Medical Center Politics Region /State Aug. 28, 2002 Schools Sports Sarah Butler and Brynn Garner, College Station, a boy. Subscriptions Weather Regina and Terry Schubert, Bryan, a girl. Summer and Billy Bishop, Madisonville, a boy. Staci and Craig Weaver, College Station, a boy. Krista K. Klebold and Douglas W. Smith, Navasota, a girl. • Rachel and Richard Whisenant, College Station, a boy. Karri and Jerry Jackson, Bryan, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 4 k w Survivors include a son, Tyson Wieghat of College Station; his mother, Evelyn Buro Wieghat of Brenham; and two brothers, David and Doyle Wieghat of Brenham. Memorials may be made to hospice or St. John Lutheran Church. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. A vigil will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her home She was born in Laredo and was a lifelong Catholic. Survivors include her husband, Steven Maxwell of College Station; Lam. a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael ® Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; and several sisters and brothers. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan- College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices M. G. Thomas, 75, of Temple died Friday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Locy Bradley, 80, of Bryan died Sunday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Nathan Powers, 61, of Tomball died Sunday morning. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090202obits.htm 9/3/2002 y,vzoo a OTJ O J J Y w W un O� N 0 J C11 O O W Jr J ►-� J c < 0 00 N N O G� -j S O = J tlt j� ul cA A A A A UA y n CL ft S G to a � � J •� •� A 00 Ua � v i , � � v • Q� w A W O\ O W E O� n 0 1U w N r Jr C� ,0 , SO SO N J 01 J �co a �� �sAC�� �sr3bA6A cn A � vl ,.n w o 0 0 0 O ° o 00 C� i.4 .+ O' -4 O O 00 N f!9 6f3 A b/9 6l9 EA A 4, N ;j b; W Ul 00 0C ... W W O00 O kqv, N 0 C) co n 0 n VIA C9 f u The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #3 will hold a meeting at 7: on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at the Brazos County Precinct 3 Volunteer F Department Fire Station #2, 5715 Elmo Weedon Road, Brazos County, Texas consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate 0.0280 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #3 by 7.69 percent. 8 -30 -02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise R Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index • Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Le ales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Pri vacy Statement • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 Notice is hereby given that McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, wt. principal business office address is P.O. Box 36, Wellborn, Texas 77881, inte: or before August 13, 2002, to become incorporated. The business will be con( under the name of McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. This r given pursuant to Article 1302 -2.02 of the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation I Act. McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION, COMPANY, INC. By: MICHAEL P. McCLEARY, President 8- 16 -02, 8- 23 -02, 8- 30 -03, 9 -6 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Office in the B County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Friday, Septeml 2002. All bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Friday, September 20, 2002, in t] Brazos County Purchasing Office. 2002 -061 FLEXIBLE BASE • Payments will be processed by the Brazos County Auditor by invoice after notification of satisfactory receipt of items. Bids in excess of $50,000.00 may a five percent Bid Bond. Brazos County hereby reserves the right to award by cost or lump sum discounted and to accept or reject any or all bids and waive formalities and technicalities. PAT HOWARD Purchasing Agent 8- 30 -02, 9 -6 -02 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #2 will hold a meeting at 7: on Monday, September 9, 2002 at the Kurten Fire Station, 894 N. FM 2038, Kurten, Texas to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate is 0.0298 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #2 by 7.97 percent. • 8 -30 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 3 The: El"gle ■ Classifi Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities LEGAL NOTICE Employment Financial ORDINANCE NO. 2572 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON August 22, Legal Notices BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetin; Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tt Rentals is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZO] Service SECTION 1, 'ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN Spanish Classifieds OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE C COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT Clasificados en BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED B Espanol PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE DECLARING A PENALTY, N Anuncios PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For E Directorio de Servicios Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezon Empleos certain tracts of the W.C. Boyett Estate Partition from NG -3, Residential, to T Finanzas Historic Northgate. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secri Legales office. Mercancia Oportunidades de Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapte Negocios be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be put by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Th Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the Cit; Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 8- 30 -02, 8 -31 -02 • NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle thed Page 1 of 1 979.770.2345 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ; BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 25, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Charlotte and Dan Strong, Caldwell, a girl; ❑ Barbara and Tony Announcements Piccolo, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 26, 2002: Columnists Community Evelyn and Travis McClellan, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle ® Entertainment Casey Cisneros, Franklin, a girl; Faith & Values Food Marjorie and Michael Ybarra, Hearne, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Urica and Eric Drake, Somerville, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education College g Station Medical Center Obituaries Opinions Aug. 27, 2002: Politics Region /State Jennifer and Phillip Rodriguez, Austin, a boy; Schools Sports Kim Alexander, Prairie View, a boy; Subscriptions Weather Lavonne R. and Alton McAfoos Jr., Bryan, twin girls. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082902births.htm 8/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in th( conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 . 979- 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVIS] located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from ] Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. • For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 Page 2 of 5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of • originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htrnl 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds MNIL * tne EXRle Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page I of 5 f The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER L'ld1)PA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of the HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. • Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mr hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 �. A !Ok � 900 Vb5cribe todayl 41.11(( f- Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Brazoss ports. corn I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 4 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug 30, 2000: A &M News Agriculture Felicia Mendoza, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Shannon and Gary Williams, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Sept. 1, 2002: Community The Eagle Melissa R. and Nick Bauer, College Station, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Kristal and Frank Patranella, Bryan, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Patsy Ussery, Bryan, a girl. Kids Korner Lifestyles St. Joseph Regional Health Center Newspapers in Education Obituaries Aug. 22, 2002: Opinions Politics Shannon and Landon Gregory, Bryan, a girl. Region /State Schools Aug. 27, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Nicole Lopez, Bryan, a boy; Weather Sharon and Michael Shrum, Navasota, a girl. Aug. 28, 2002: Alondra and Socrates Gutierrez, Bryan, a boy; Cassidy Nicholson, Bryan, a girl; Amy and Chris Green, Caldwell, a girl. Aug. 29, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090402births.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Survivors include her husband, Dr. Steven Maxwell of College Station; a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; numerous sisters; a brother; and other family members. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. Tillie Schoppe Jan. 27, 1922 — Sept. 2, 2002 SOMERVILLE — Services for Tillie Schoppe, 80, of Somerville are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Strickland Funeral Home in Somerville. The Rev. Robert Thompkins will officiate. Burial will be in the Oaklawn Cemetery. Mrs. Schoppe died Monday at Eden Brook Assisted Living Community in The Woodlands. She was born in Bee, Neb. Mrs. Schoppe was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Schoppe. Survivors include two sisters, Gladys Stava of Lincoln, Neb., and Irma Varner of Seward, Neb.; and a nephew. Memorials may be made to the Arthritis Foundation or the American Cancer Society. Guy Horace Alford Jr. Oct. 9, 1917 — Sept. 2, 2002 BUFFALO — Services for Guy Horace Alford Jr., 84, of Buffalo are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at the Buffalo Funeral Home. Rev. Ray Grissett of Little Flock Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Buffalo Cemetery. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. Mr. Alford died Monday. He was born in Creek, Houston County. He worked for Conoco for 35 years and retired in 1982 as plant manager. He was a World War II veteran who served in the Army Air Force. He was a Baptist. Mr. Alford was a Mason and member of Hope Lodge No. 471. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /SeptO2 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Survivors include Mayra Debrow of College Station; a son, Justin Debrow of College Station; a daughter, Kristin Debrow of College Station; three brothers, Charles Debrow of Houston, Joseph Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and John Debrow of Sugarland; two sisters, Adrianne Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and Ellen Rittmann of Lubbock; and his parents, Charles and Mary Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss. Lendlyn Stonum Oct. 25, 1949 — Aug. 30, 2002 CALDWELL — Services for Lendlyn Stonum, 52, of Caldwell are set for 1 p.m. Thursday at Galilee Baptist Church. The Rev. Calvin A. Arnold will officiate. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery in Caldwell. Visitation will be from noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Jones Funeral Home in Caldwell. Ms. Stonum died Friday at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. She was born in Houston and was a nurse's aide. She was secretary at Galilee Baptist Church and the mission. Survivors include two sons and daughters -in -law, Leonard and LaShaun Young of The Woodlands and Billie and Renee Daniels Jr. of Caldwell; a daughter and son -in -law, Yolanda and Marshall Wortham of Bryan; a brother, C.B. Stonum; six sisters, Gwendlyn Snell, Carol Martin, Doris Marie Stonum, Norma Stonum, Len Ray Sams and Alma Taylor; her mother, Doris Stonum of Caldwell; and seven grandchildren. Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her residence. She was born in Laredo and was a Catholic. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Under the CIGNA plan, that would mean between $25 and $30 per month. Kersten said the city hopes it will be able to find a cheaper solution. Increases could also be included for family, spouse and child coverage. Bryan city employees pay $23 per month for their insurance. One option may to look at plans that have higher deductibles or co- payments but lower monthly costs, City Manager Tom Brymer said. He said most city employees would probably prefer to see more money in their paychecks than as part of a benefit package. "I would like to not charge employees for part of the insurance costs," Brymer said. "But I don't think we'll have much choice." Councilman James Massey said he hopes staff members understand this is a problem many companies and organizations are dealing with as insurance rates climb across the country. "We have gone out of our way since I've been on the council to support the staff and their needs," he said. "But we're trying to look at things in a prudent manner. I hope they understand that we're not just gong to be making a decision and moving on. It's a matter of trying to find the best deal we can." Councilman Dennis Maloney echoed that sentiment, adding that many cities are having to lay off employees because of the cost crunch. "We're increasing personnel and salaries," he said. "If you want good people, you have to pay them what they're worth." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is c ferre ll theea l e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State September 5, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station budget anticipates Club Meetings College Town increase in insurance costs Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries College Station employees may have to start contributing to their Town Talk health insurance costs, but city officials will not know for sure until Site Sections October. A &M News than what has been included in the budget. Agriculture Announcements The city's proposed budget for the 2003 fiscal year anticipates a 30 Business & Technology percent increase in insurance costs, which means the city will Classifieds contribute an additional $70 to cover the costs of each of its more Columnists than 800 employees. Community The Eagle However, projected costs from CIGNA, the city's service provider, (W Entertainment show the increase could be 58 percent higher than the current year. Faith & Values Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said Food that increase would call for the city to spend about $270,000 more Health & Fitness than what has been included in the budget. Kids Korner Lifestyles Employee insurance costs account for between 3 and 4 percent of Newspapers in the city's operating budget, he said. Education Obituaries College Station is seeking bids from other insurance companies, Opinions which will be received in October. The City Council will award the Politics contract in November and the new plan would go into effect on Jan. Region /State 1 Schools Sports Until proposals are received and a contract has been awarded, the Subscriptions city will not know how much, if any, employees will have to Weather contribute to their insurance costs. College Station currently pays $319 per month for each of its employees and also made a one -time payment of $15, which covered the total cost. The proposed budget calls for the contribution to increase to $389. If the cost rises above that level, Kersten said, city staff (W recommends the increase be passed onto the employees. Council members are expected to pass the 2002 -03 budget at their meeting next Thursday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 Home ' Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 �8� cil a r d"E .� &.. dt*.� Y�� �, nkv�, °a^!•d <d Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 5, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 3, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Rae and Tracy Williamson, Normangee, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Tonya and Kyle Miller, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Tesha and David Craig, College Station, twin boys; Community The Eagle Amber and Juan Gamez Jr., Caldwell, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health & Fitness Sept. 2, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Tamie Andersen and Dennis Kildare, Iola, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090502births.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 Page 4 of 5 NOTICE DBE's Young Contractors, Inc. is requesting bids from DBE's for the Texas A &M, Easterwood Airport, Replace a Portion of T/WH and Reconstruct T/LA(FAAi Project No. 2 -2916, College Station, Texas which bids Tuesday, September 1' Plans available at our office. Please contact Kyle Lewis at (979) 779 -1112. 9 -1 -02 to 9 -7 -02 PUBLIC HEARING • On Thursday, September 19, 2002, the Bryan Planning and Zoning Commissi hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. The following item will be considered: 1) (l 16) resubdivision of Jones Addition, a portion of Blocks F & G, approximatel acres located on the southwest corner of Dean and W. Martin Luther King Jr. situated in the Stephen F. Austin League No. 9, A -62, Bryan, Brazos County, This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 212.015 of th Local Government Code. The public hearing will be held in the Council Chan first floor of the Bryan Municipal Building located at the intersection of Texa Avenue and 29th Street. For additional information, please contact the Plannii Services Department at (979) 209 -5030. September 4, 2002 PUBLIC NOTICE BRAZOSCOUNTY TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Brazos County is giving notice of the County's intent to submit a Community Development Fund application for a grant from the Texas Community Develc Program. The grant application request is $240,170 for sewer collection systel improvements on West 28th Street. The application will be available for revie Brazos County Courthouse during regular business hours, on or before Septer 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in the conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 • 979 - 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVISI located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from 1 Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 2 of 5 The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit. Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A A IV I - " a Classifieds Pagel of 5 9 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 Merchandise SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Service Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz Cla Espan l ano en Esp hours before the meeting. arrangements To make arran call 764 -3547 or (TDI ( 979 ) Anuncios 800- 735 -2989. Arrendamientos Automotriz For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570 Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios JENNIFER FLANERY Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas Legales 9 -4 -02 Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of th HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m, hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 and spread information about events or developments around the area, Elrod said. "They also bind neighbors together in a social way," she added. "It builds cohesiveness and helps deal with any problems or delights you have along the way." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfer rell aathe © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090602leamingmedley.htm 9/6/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Purchasing Manager Purchasing Department City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 8/15/02 8/22/02 Page 2 of 4 NOTICE Agricredit Acceptance LLC /Agco Finance LLC, will offer the following repo; equipment for sale to the highest bidder for cash plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: Bush Hog- 2615L, Bat Wing Mower, S/N: 12- 21403; Mahindra -i Tractor, S/N: RP1317; & Mahindra Front -End Loader with Hay Forks, S/N: 1 Date of sale: August 29, 2002. Time of Sale: 11:00 a.m.. Place of sale: J5 T1 Inc, 35078 OSR, Normangee, Texas. Pictures & condition report may be viem www.agricredit.com. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. W reserve the right to bid. For further information, please contact Billy Ray at 1- 577 -8504 extension 1472. 0 8- 15 -02, 8 -22 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. on September 5, 2002, at the address sl below with respect to the issuance by the Brazos County Health Facilities Development Corporation (the "Issuer ") of not more than $30,000,000 in prin amount of revenue bonds in one or more series for the benefit of St. Joseph R( Health Center (the 'Borrower ") to finance the cost of constructing and equipp four -story, 72 -bed patient care tower (the "Project "), to be located adjacent to main hospital facility at 2801 Franciscan Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. The init: owner and operator of the Project will be the Borrower. The proposed revenu( will be paid solely from revenues provided by the Borrower and will not be p, taxes or revenues of the Issuer. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing or to forward their written comments to the Issuer at the address beloN comments at the public hearing will be limited to 10 minutes for each individi Brazos County Courthouse 300 East 26th Street, Room 108 Bryan, Texas 77803 8 -22 -02 • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/ 8/22/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds • NOTICE TO VENDORS Sealed Request for Proposals for #2002 -059 - LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN SERVICE will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Department in t Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Thursda. September 12, 2002. All proposals received after that time will be returned un Said proposal will be publicly opened and acknowledged at 2:00 P.M. Thursd September 12, 2002, in the Brazos County Purchasing Department, Brazos Cc Courthouse. Brazos County reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or ar E Cla spanol adoll en all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advani sp Anuncios to the County. Requests for Proposals are available at the County Purchasing r Arrendamientos 300 East 26th Sreeet, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas 77803; or call (979) 361 -42901 Automotriz information. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios PAT HOWARD Empleos Purchasing Agent Finanzas 8- 22 -02, 8 -29 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 02 -105 VIDEO OUTSOURCING The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who interested and qualified to videotape and edit City Council meetings and vide( and edit on- location special events. A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2002. and be addressed to: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/22/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 " 405 o "' •fit. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ' Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 22, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 19, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Anne Marie and Walter Wood, Navasota, a boy; ❑ Shannon and Announcements Christopher Feldman, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 20, 2002: Columnists Community Laurel and Stephen Lawhon, Bryan, a girl; The Eagle Entertainment Carolyn and Stephen Wisnieski, Dime Box, a boy; Faith & Values Food Margaret C. and David M. Bereit, College Station, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lori and Neil Bufkin, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Regional Health Center St. Joseph Re p g Obituaries Opinions Aug. 11, 2002: Politics Region /State Jaime and Zeb Wright, College Station, a boy. Schools Sports Aug. 16, 2002: Subscriptions Weather Anna and Raymond Casares, Bryan, a girl; Camelia Lewis, Bryan, a boy; ❑ Tasha and Jason Bienski, College Station, a girl; Stephen and Robert Hidrogo, College Station, a girl; Lisa Rodriguez, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http : / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /Aug02births /082202births. htm 8/22/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 (W r i be Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 23, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list might not be complete because some parents choose not Government Links to have their names printed. Links Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Aug. 20, 2002: Site Sections Aug. 21, 2002: A &M News Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Agriculture Angelina Alvarez and Jose Garcia, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Farrah Shoop, Centerville, a boy. Classifieds © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Aug. 18, 2002: Entertainment Faith &Values Deborah and Leslie Hill, College Station, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Aug. 19, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Sheleetres Barton, Bryan, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Lisa and Chris Tucker, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Aug. 20, 2002: Region /State Schools Alicia King, Rockdale, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /082302births.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 The additional funds would be used to pay for new personnel for the planned Fire Station No. 5, which will cost the city $150,000. Other expenses to be covered include increases in salaries of $440,000 for city employees and increased health care costs amounting to at least $413,000. Kersten said the city could have to pay an additional $200,000 in health care costs, but that won't be determined for certain until January. "I think it is important for citizens to understand that their taxes will increase because their values have increased," Councilman John Happ said. "But so have our operating expenses and they balance each other out." Council members said College Station's reliance on the sales tax is the prime reason the city has worked to attract new businesses to the community. "We may be questioned on economic incentives," Councilwoman Winnie Garner said. "But that is a good example of growing your tax rate. It is an investment." College Station's proposed tax rate is about 15 cents less per $100 property valuation than the one proposed in Bryan. The council has planned budget workshops from 3 to 5 p.m. on Aug. 27, 5 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 28 and 3 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 4. The council must decide which tax rate it wants to advertise at the Aug. 27 meeting. It will host a public hearing on the tax rate on Sept. 12. The council also is set to adopt the budget at the Sept. 12 meeting. The tax rate will be adopted Sept. 26. In other action Thursday, the council approved a contract for $524,961 with JaCody Inc. for renovations to Fire Station No. 1. The station, which was built less than five years ago, has been empty since May because of damage to the foundation and walls. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferr theeag © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State August 23, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Tax rate in College Station likely to stay Club Meetings College Town as is Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Page 1 of 2 Town Talk College Station officials on Thursday told council members the Site Sections city's tax rate should remain at its current level for the upcoming A &M News fiscal year to offset rising maintenance and operations costs. Agriculture Announcements Council members said they have heard concerns from residents Business & Technology questioning why the tax rate should remain at its current level when Classifieds the proposed budget is 9.23 percent smaller than the current one Columnists and property values in College Station have increased 9.4 percent Community over the last year. The Eagle Entertainment "We all pay taxes, too," Councilman Dennis Maloney said. Faith & Values "Whenever we have to collect extra taxes, they come out of our Food pockets, too." Health & Fitness Kids Korner The proposed budget is $148 million and keeps the tax rate at Lifestyles 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That means the tax bill on Newspapers in a $100,000 home would be $477.70. Education Obituaries The budget allots $26 million for capital projects, which is 40 Opinions percent less than the current budget, and $122 million for Politics maintenance and operations, which is 2 percent more than the Region /State current allocation. Schools Sports Subscriptions Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic lannin and budget manager, said g Weather College Station uses property tap dollars to help fund its g P p Y p maintenance and operation costs, which have increased since last year. Property tax revenue accounts for about 16 percent of the maintenance and operations budget. Sales taxes make the largest contribution — 42 percent of the total. Kersten said the increase in property values means the city will realize about $1.117 million in new tax dollars by keeping the 47.77 cent rate. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082302cstaxrate.htm 8/23/2002 41;114111 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com 1 Subscribe Co • The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Region / State August 27, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station water shutdown won't Club Meetings affect homes College Town Datebook Government Links Eagle staff report Links Obituaries College Station on Tuesday temporarily will shut down water Town Talk service to its Wellfield Transfer Pump Station, but residents should Site Sections not notice any changes, officials said. A &M News Agriculture College Station is in the process of upgrading its water supply Announcements capacity from 18 million gallons per day to 25 million gallons per Business & Technology day. Classifieds Columnists The work on the station, which is located on Sandy Point Road, is Community scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and is expected to be completed by 7 The Eagle p.m. Entertainment Faith & Values The city will have no water production capacity during the shutdown Food and will rely on stored water and interconnections with Bryan and Health & Fitness Texas A &M University. Kids Korner Lifestyles City spokeswoman Kelley Cole said residents should refrain from Newspapers in nonessential uses such as irrigation of landscaped areas. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /082702cswater.htm 8/27/2002 4411 IN: Horne Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ( BrazosS ports. com Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 3 I'm proud to know Eric Todd, and if ever a resident deserved a day in his honor, he is this one. NORMA L. MIL LER College Station Drain the ponds A half -mile of noxious, stagnant ponds are located on the eastern edge of the College Hills Elementary School property and in the culvert under Francis Street. These ponds are a continual source of millions of mosquitos. These mosquitos are potential carriers of diseases such as the West Nile virus that is spreading across the country. Even without diseases, they are an infernal nuisance to everyone in the school and the neighborhood. The creek containing these ponds should be straightened, have grades and paved to eliminate the ponds once and for all. The city and the school district should act promptly to get this done. Let's not wait until children are infected with the virus before doing this. go I urge everyone affected — children, teachers, parents and friends — to put pressure on the city and the school district to do what needs to be done. ROBERT M. HOLCOMB College Station Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. The Eagle P.O. Box 3000 Bryan, TX 77805 -3000 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /Aug02 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 �w (W The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Pagel of 3 Home Classifieds ` Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections Le tters encour August 27, 2002 Something wrong A &M News Yes, James Edge (Eagle, Aug. 19), Don Adam has every right to Agriculture pursue his own profit and self- interest. But when those go to the Announcements extreme of trying with all his strength and lawyers to block others' Business & Technology right to do the same, there certainly is something very wrong with Classifieds that. Columnists Community BARBARA WOOTEN The Eagle Bryan Entertainment Faith & Values Proud of Eric Todd Food h & Fit Health Fitness & F My friend, Janice McBride, recently drove me around Downtown Kids Lifestyles Bryan, and what a treat it is. I first saw it on May 23, 1953. Later, as Newspapers in the modern storefronts were put over the old facades, Bryan lost its Education charm. Obituaries Opinions Now, with the able, capable managerial abilities of Eric Todd and Politics his Downtown committee, the charm is back and Bryan is beautiful. Region /State Each and every merchant who is contributing to the renovation of Schools this historic city should be thanked and appreciated. Now, if we Sports could just get a Downtown J.C. Penney, K. Wolen's, Perry Bros., Subscriptions Central Texas Hardware, and all the other wonderful old stores, Weather Bryan would be on its way. And then, more accolades to Eric Todd and his staff at the Bryan - College Station Community Health Center and their milestone grant of more than $500,000 to help fund this wonderful facility. It is now a Federally Qualified Health Center. It's too bad that College Station has to be included in the center's official title. Too many of us recall the scathing denunciation of Eric and his managerial abilities by the College Station City Council when he was asking for city participation. Hopefully, the ex -mayor and her cohorts who are still council members will feel at least a modicum of embarrassment for the decimation of Eric in front of a full chamber. Certainly, not one of them would apologize. http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /AugO2 /082702letterstoeditor.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Fff'11L HIft tw x ne Egg ip IF Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds �q� Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios Page 1 of 5 et Sin ii I REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -103 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Description of Project: This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 • NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBDIVISI( AND SERVICE EXTENSION POLICY OF BRUSHY WATER SUPPL1 CORPORATION http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Maria and Ramon Arredondo, Navasota, a girl; Nancy and Kevin Bass, Bryan, a boy. Aug. 23, 2002: Rachel and Chris Allen, College Station, a boy; Tricia and Steven Vongonten, Hearne, a boy; Julie and Graham Reaugh, College Station, a girl; Christine and Sean Highberg, College Station, a girl. College Station Medical Center Aug. 22, 2002: Lisa and John Sifuentes, Hearne, a girl; Amy Billings and Steven Widders, College Station, a girl; Melissa and Shane Kirk, Calvert, a girl; Page 2 of 2 • Susan Hawkins - Hegemeyer and Bobby Hegemeyer, Montgomery, a girl. Aug. 23, 2002: Nataya McQueen, Midway, a boy; Claire and Bryan Brown, Bryan, a girl; Donna L. and Roger Havlak, College Station, a girl. Aug. 25, 2002: Francesca and Ruben Cantu, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082702births.htm 8/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 8 of 8 For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I F Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 7 of 8 The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals will meet at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave., City of College Station, Moi September 9, 2002. Public hearing, discussion and consideration of variance request to section 403 minimum plumbing facilities, 2000 International Plumbing Code. 8- 28 -02, 8 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 3850 VICTORIA AVENUE, approximately 19.5 acres, fror Research & Develoment and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residenti: 2, Duplex Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD • 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. LEE BATTLE SENIOR STAFF PLANNER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 4090 RAYMOND STOTZER PARKWAY from A -O, Agr Open, to M -1, Planned Industrial for an office building. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac • hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 8 cannot attend the public hearing may submit their written or oral comments on budget to the City Manager's Office at the same address given above or by call ® 209 -5100. A copy of the budget proposed for adoption will be available for pul inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Frid the City Secretary's office beginning August 14, 2002 For information on sign language interpretation, TDD or other translation or accessibility information, please call 209 -5120. Please call at least 48 hours be: scheduled time of the meeting so your request may be accommodated. 8 -28 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Eli I Arnold, Deceased, were issued on July 24, 2002, in Docket No. 11,329PC, pen the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to Sally K. Motl. The place of residence of the Independent Executrix is in Bryan, Brazos Count Texas; the post office address is: c /o: Christopher W. Peterson Attorney At Law • P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being adminis are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by la DATED the 23rd day of August, 2002. Law Offices of Christopher W. Peterson P.O. Box 10021 College Station, Texas 77842 -0021 Phone: 979 - 764 -6778 Fax: 979 - 764 -6995 E -mail: christopherwpeterson @msn.com 8 -28 -02 Attorney for the Estate 8 -28 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF is ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MEETING http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/28/2002 7 v • The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds s Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Pagel of 8 The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to SECTION 8. 10, BUFFER REQUIREMENTS, of the ZON ORDINANCE. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEP 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JANE KEE CITY PLANNER 8 -28 -02 NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF ALTON EARL GRAY, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of ALT EARL GRAY, Deceased were issued on August 8, 2002, in Cause No. 11,350 - pending in the County Court at Law No. Two (2) of Brazos County, Texas, to ] GRAY. The address to which claims may be presented is: c/o J. DEREK MOORE Payne, Watson, Miller & Malechek, P.C. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 6900 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 600 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads / 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 28, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 24, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Yvonne Galvan, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology College Station Medical Center Classifieds Columnists Aug. 26, 2002: Community The Eagle Donquelle Polk, Hearne, a girl; Entertainment ® Faith & Values Veronica and Gerardo Guerrero, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ births /Aug02births /082802births.htm 8/28/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 The EsTgle Classifie Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 02 -103 Legal Notices Merchandise 111 Luther Street - New Residence Construction Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos Automotriz until 2:00 PM, September 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit Bienes Raices All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios Empleos Empleos Location and Description of Project: Finales This project involves the construction of a new single family dwelling located Luther Street. Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non• refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at ww st ati o n.t x. us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to 'A informalities and irregularities. Aug 27, 2002 & Sept 3, 2002 LE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Spec http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Aug. 29, 2002 Ami and Kevin Hammond, Navasota, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • c. Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 27, 2002 A &M News Agriculture Melissa and Michael Brunson, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Norma and Eric Robinson, College Station, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Jeana and Wesley Burns, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Beth and Kyle Barrington, College Station, a girl. Entertainment • Faith & Values Caroline and Craig Anderson, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Aug. 28, 2002 Kids Korner Lifestyles Rita Narrow, Bryan, a girl. Newspapers in Education Elisabeth Ellis and Michael Lebuffe, College Station, a girl. Obituaries Opinions College Station Medical Center Politics Region /State Aug. 28, 2002 Schools Sports Sarah Butler and Brynn Garner, College Station, a boy. Subscriptions Weather Regina and Terry Schubert, Bryan, a girl. Summer and Billy Bishop, Madisonville, a boy. Staci and Craig Weaver, College Station, a boy. Krista K. Klebold and Douglas W. Smith, Navasota, a girl. Rachel and Richard Whisenant, College Station, a boy. Karri and Jerry Jackson, Bryan, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /Aug02births /083102births.htm 9/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 4 Survivors include a son, Tyson Wieghat of College Station; his mother, Evelyn Buro Wieghat of Brenham; and two brothers, David and Doyle Wieghat of Brenham. Memorials may be made to hospice or St. John Lutheran Church. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. A vigil will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her home. She was born in Laredo and was a lifelong Catholic. Survivors include her husband, Steven Maxwell of College Station; • a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; and several sisters and brothers. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan - College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices M. G. Thomas, 75, of Temple died Friday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Locy Bradley, 80, of Bryan died Sunday morning. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Nathan Powers, 61, of Tomball died Sunday morning. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090202obits.htm 9/3/2002 Tear 2002 -Open WScords Tracking Month Birth Records Recv'd from Hospital Birth Requests Recv'd from Public No. of Certified Birth Records Made Cost Death Records Recv'd No. of Certified Death Records Made Cost No. of Open Records Requests Cost January 27 47 54 $594.00 26 179 $693.00 12 $13.00 February 61 36 46 $506.00 21 166 $615.00 20 $13.85 March 57 40 45 $495.00 23 176 $663.00 28 $21.90 Three Month Totals 145 123 145 $1595.00 70 521 51971.00 60 $48.75 April 33 42 44 $484.00 16 98 1 $344.00 10 $482.40 May 120 48 56 $616.00 13 99 $375.00 7 $7.00 June 90 54 56 $616.00 24 160 $594.00 6 $5.10 Three Month Totals 243 144 156 $1716.00 53 357 51313.00 23 $494.50 Jul 75 53 56 $616.00 16 113 $435.00 6 $5.40 August 77 67 72 $770.00 21 126 $507.00 8 $23.60 September Three Month Totals October November December Three th The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 4 ) SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #3 will hold a meeting at 7: on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at the Brazos County Precinct 3 Volunteer F Department Fire Station #2, 5715 Elmo Weedon Road, Brazos County, Texas consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate 0.0280 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #3 by 7.69 percent. 8 -30 -02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business importunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I F Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Emplleos I Finanzas ( Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios • Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 Notice is hereby given that McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, wr principal business office address is P.O. Box 36, Wellborn, Texas 77881, inte: or before August 13, 2002, to become incorporated. The business will be con( under the name of McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. This r. given pursuant to Article 1302 -2.02 of the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation I Act. McCLEARY CONSTRUCTION, COMPANY, INC. By: MICHAEL P. McCLEARY, President 8- 16 -02, 8- 23 -02, 8- 30 -03, 9 -6 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Office in the B: County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Friday, Septeml 2002. All bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Friday, September 20, 2002, in tl Brazos County Purchasing Office. 2002 -061 FLEXIBLE BASE Payments will be processed by the Brazos County Auditor by invoice after • notification of satisfactory receipt of items. Bids in excess of $50,000.00 may a five percent Bid Bond. Brazos County hereby reserves the right to award by cost or lump sum discounted and to accept or reject any or all bids and waive formalities and technicalities. PAT HOWARD Purchasing Agent 8- 30 -02, 9 -6 -02 SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE The Brazos County Rural Fire Prevention District #2 will hold a meeting at 7: on Monday, September 9, 2002 at the Kurten Fire Station, 894 N. FM 2038, Kurten, Texas to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2002. The proposed tax rate is 0.0298 per $100 of value. The proposed tax rate would increase total taxes in the Brazos County Rural F Prevention District #2 by 7.97 percent. • 8 -30 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pagel of 3 rim , ,t , h e EXgle C1 f d assi ie s Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities LEGAL NOTICE Employment Financial ORDINANCE NO. 2572 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON August 22, Legal Notices BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetin; Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tt Rentals is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZO) Service SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN Spanish Classifieds OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE C COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT Clasificados en BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED B Espanol PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE DECLARING A PENALTY, A Anuncios PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Arrendamientos Automotriz Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For E Bienes Raices irectorio de Servicios Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezon mpleos certain tracts of the W.C. Boyett Estate Partition from NG -3, Residential, to 1\ E E mpleo s Historic Northgate. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secr( L office. egales i Mercanca Mecca ades de Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapte Negocios be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be put by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Th Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the Cir Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 8-30-02,8-31-02 • NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 I � c AIX.104s Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 29, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug. 25, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Charlotte and Dan Strong, Caldwell, a girl; E Barbara and Tony Announcements Piccolo College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Aug. 26, 2002: Columnists Community Evelyn and Travis McClellan, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Casey Cisneros, Franklin, a girl; Faith & Values Food Marjorie and Michael Ybarra, Hearne, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Urica and Eric Drake, Somerville, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in College Station Medical Center Education Obituaries Aug. 27, 2002: Opinions Politics Jennifer and Phillip Rodriguez, Austin, a boy; Region /State Schools Kim Alexander, Prairie View, a boy; Sports Subscriptions Weather Lavonne R. and Alton McAfoos Jr., Bryan, twin girls. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records / births /AugO2births /082902births.htm 8/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. ® PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MLK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10:00 AM in th( conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the cone may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 • 979 - 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVIS] located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from ] Planned Development District- Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m� hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI • 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 2 of 5 The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Mariott. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September l 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. • For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID C] You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. K Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this struc and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict acc with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit. Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 Merchandise SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. Place an Ad Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, Service SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m,- Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Espanol 800- 735 -2989. Anuncios Arrendamientos For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. A utomo Bienes Raices JENNIFER FLANERY irectorio de Servicios STAFF PLANNER Empleos Finanzas Legales 9 - 4 - 02 Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of th HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. ® Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m� hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/4/2002 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 4 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Aug 30, 2000: A &M News Agriculture Felicia Mendoza, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Shannon and Gary Williams, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Sept. 1, 2002: Community The Eagle Melissa R. and Nick Bauer, College Station, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Kristal and Frank Patranella, Bryan, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Patsy Ussery, Bryan, a girl. Kids Korner Lifestyles St. Joseph Regional Health Center Newspapers in Education Obituaries Aug. 22, 2002: Opinions Politics Shannon and Landon Gregory, Bryan, a girl. Region /State Schools Aug. 27, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Nicole Lopez, Bryan, a boy; Weather Sharon and Michael Shrum, Navasota, a girl. Aug. 28, 2002: Alondra and Socrates Gutierrez, Bryan, a boy; Cassidy Nicholson, Bryan, a girl; Amy and Chris Green, Caldwell, a girl. Aug. 29, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090402births.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Survivors include her husband, Dr. Steven Maxwell of College Station; a daughter, Katherine Maxwell of College Station; a son, Michael Maxwell of College Station; her mother, Judith Martinez Resendez of Laredo; numerous sisters; a brother; and other family members. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the St. Jude Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn., 38105. Tillie Schoppe Jan. 27, 1922 — Sept. 2, 2002 SOMERVILLE — Services for Tillie Schoppe, 80, of Somerville are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Strickland Funeral Home in Somerville. The Rev. Robert Thompkins will officiate. Burial will be in the Oaklawn Cemetery. Mrs. Schoppe died Monday at Eden Brook Assisted Living Community in The Woodlands. She was born in Bee, Neb. Mrs. Schoppe was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Schoppe. Survivors include two sisters, Gladys Stava of Lincoln, Neb., and Irma Varner of Seward, Neb.; and a nephew. Memorials may be made to the Arthritis Foundation or the American Cancer Society. Guy Horace Alford Jr. Oct. 9, 1917 — Sept. 2, 2002 BUFFALO — Services for Guy Horace Alford Jr., 84, of Buffalo are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at the Buffalo Funeral Home. Rev. Ray Grissett of Little Flock Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Buffalo Cemetery. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. Mr. Alford died Monday. He was born in Creek, Houston County. He worked for Conoco for 35 years and retired in 1982 as plant manager. He was a World War II veteran who served in the Army Air Force. He was a Baptist. Mr. Alford was a Mason and member of Hope Lodge No. 471. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Survivors include Mayra Debrow of College Station; a son, Justin Debrow of College Station; a daughter, Kristin Debrow of College Station; three brothers, Charles Debrow of Houston, Joseph Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and John Debrow of Sugarland; two sisters, Adrianne Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and Ellen Rittmann of Lubbock; and his parents, Charles and Mary Debrow of Bay St. Louis, Miss. Lendlyn Stonum Oct. 25, 1949 — Aug. 30, 2002 CALDWELL — Services for Lendlyn Stonum, 52, of Caldwell are set for 1 p.m. Thursday at Galilee Baptist Church. The Rev. Calvin A. Arnold will officiate. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery in Caldwell. Visitation will be from noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Jones Funeral Home in Caldwell. Ms. Stonum died Friday at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. She was born in Houston and was a nurse's aide. She was • secretary at Galilee Baptist Church and the mission. Survivors include two sons and daughters -in -law, Leonard and LaShaun Young of The Woodlands and Billie and Renee Daniels Jr. of Caldwell; a daughter and son -in -law, Yolanda and Marshall Wortham of Bryan; a brother, C.B. Stonum; six sisters, Gwendlyn Snell, Carol Martin, Doris Marie Stonum, Norma Stonum, Len Ray Sams and Alma Taylor; her mother, Doris Stonum of Caldwell; and seven grandchildren. Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell March 18, 1957 — Sept. 1, 2002 Services for Dr. Elsa Resendez Maxwell, 45, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Monsignor John Malinowski will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Dr. Maxwell died Sunday at her residence. She was born in Laredo and was a Catholic. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /090402obits.htm 9/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 ® Under the CIGNA plan, that would mean between $25 and $30 per month. Kersten said the city hopes it will be able to find a cheaper solution. Increases could also be included for family, spouse and child coverage. Bryan city employees pay $23 per month for their insurance One option may to look at plans that have higher deductibles or co- payments but lower monthly costs, City Manager Tom Brymer said. He said most city employees would probably prefer to see more money in their paychecks than as part of a benefit package. "I would like to not charge employees for part of the insurance costs," Brymer said. "But I don't think we'll have much choice." Councilman James Massey said he hopes staff members understand this is a problem many companies and organizations are dealing with as insurance rates climb across the country. "We have gone out of our way since I've been on the council to • support the staff and their needs," he said. "But we're trying to look at things in a prudent manner. I hope they understand that we're not just gong to be making a decision and moving on. It's a matter of trying to find the best deal we can." Councilman Dennis Maloney echoed that sentiment, adding that many cities are having to lay off employees because of the cost crunch. "We're increasing personnel and salaries," he said. "If you want good people, you have to pay them what they're worth." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferre-ll@theeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State September 5, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station budget anticipates Club Meetings College Town increase in insurance costs Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Page 1 of 2 Obituaries College Station employees may have to start contributing to their Town Talk health insurance costs, but city officials will not know for sure until Site Sections October. A &M News Agriculture The city's proposed budget for the 2003 fiscal year anticipates a 30 Announcements percent increase in insurance costs, which means the city will Business & Technology contribute an additional $70 to cover the costs of each of its more Classifieds than 800 employees. Columnists Community The Eagle However, projected costs from CIGNA, the city's service provider, Entertainment show the increase could be 58 percent higher than the current year. (W Faith & Values Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said Food that increase would call for the city to spend about $270,000 more Health & Fitness than what has been included in the budget. Kids Korner Lifestyles Employee insurance costs account for between 3 and 4 percent of Newspapers in the city's operating budget, he said. Education Obituaries College Station is seeking bids from other insurance companies, Opinions which will be received in October. The City Council will award the Politics contract in November and the new plan would go into effect on Jan. Region /State 1 Schools Sports Until proposals are received and a contract has been awarded, the Subscriptions city will not know how much, if any, employees will have to Weather contribute to their insurance costs. College Station currently pays $319 per month for each of its employees and also made a one -time payment of $15, which covered the total cost. The proposed budget calls for the contribution to increase to $389. If the cost rises above that level, Kersten said, city staff recommends the increase be passed onto the employees. Council Le members are expected to pass the 2002 -03 budget at their meeting next Thursday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/5/2002 Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co �w (W The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page I of 1 .. 4111"(41 :1 Home Classifieds j Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 5, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 3, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Rae and Tracy Williamson, Normangee, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Tonya and Kyle Miller, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Tesha and David Craig, College Station, twin boys; Community The Eagle Amber and Juan Gamez Jr., Caldwell, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health & Fitness Sept. 2, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Tamie Andersen and Dennis Kildare, Iola, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /SeptO2 /090502births.htm 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 5 ® MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE DBE's Young Contractors, Inc. is requesting bids from DBE's for the Texas A &M, Easterwood Airport, Replace a Portion of T/WH and Reconstruct T/LA(FAA4 Project No. 2 -2916, College Station, Texas which bids Tuesday, September 1' Plans available at our office. Please contact Kyle Lewis at (979) 779 -1112. 9 -1 -02 to 9 -7 -02 PUBLIC HEARING On Thursday, September 19, 2002, the Bryan Planning and Zoning Commissi is hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. The following item will be considered: 1) (l 16) resubdivision of Jones Addition, a portion of Blocks F & G, approximatel acres located on the southwest corner of Dean and W. Martin Luther King Jr. situated in the Stephen F. Austin League No. 9, A -62, Bryan, Brazos County, This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 212.015 of th Local Government Code. The public hearing will be held in the Council Chan first floor of the Bryan Municipal Building located at the intersection of Texa Avenue and 29th Street. For additional information, please contact the Plannii Services Department at (979) 209 -5030. September 4, 2002 PUBLIC NOTICE BRAZOSCOUNTY TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Brazos County is giving notice of the County's intent to submit a Community Development Fund application for a grant from the Texas Community Develc Program. The grant application request is $240,170 for sewer collection systel improvements on West 28th Street. The application will be available for revie • Brazos County Courthouse during regular business hours, on or before Septer 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 by a corporate officer of the bidding entity. ® PROJECT #: HRP 01 -02 ADDRESS: 1005 E. MILK Blvd. OWNER(S): Ms. Joyce Thompson Project bid packets are available for pick -up weekdays at the City's Communi Development Office at the location listed below. Office hours are from 8:00 a 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A pre -bid conference will be held on September 13, 2002 at 10.00 AM in th( conference room at the location listed below, to answer any questions the corn may have after reviewing the project scope of work and plans. The City of Bryan, on behalf of the property owner, will receive sealed bids a location indicated below, from Contractors that have been or desire to be qual Community Development housing staff (Contractor must be qualified before contract can be awarded) until 11:00 A. M., September 18, 2002. At which ti bids will be publicly opened and tabulated. Bids received after that time will t returned unopened. The Horizon Building 405 W. 28th St. Bryan, Texas 77803 • 979 - 209 -5185 The City of Bryan and the owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding. 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for LOT 4, BLOCK 1, in the MELROSE SUBDIVIS] located at the southwest corner of Luther Drive and Jones - Butler Road, from ] Planned Development District - Business, to R -5, Apartment/Medium Density. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal: Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. ® For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 2 of 5 The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing tc consider a side setback variance for 703 Kingsmill Court, lot 67, block 25, Pe Creek 8 -C. Applicant is Larry Marion. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September 1 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 9 -4 -02 INVITATION TO BID You are invited to bid on a General Contract for the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1005 E. M: Blvd., Bryan, Texas 77803 in accordance with the scope of work, plans and G Specifications provided. All waste and debris from the demolition of this strut and the clearing of the property shall be disposed of in the BVSWMA Rock P Road Landfill unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The new structure must be constructed in strict ace with all City and State Codes and local ordinances governing this municipalit. Policy and guidelines have been established by the City and approved by HUI this Housing Reconstruction Assistance Program project. This is a Re -bid of is originally placed for bid in May 2002. Bids for this project must be itemized and all bid forms filled in properly and http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds INO3 Classifieds Pagel of 5 8 z f 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds �01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN for 1501 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE E Cla spanol ados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Esp Anuncios 800- 735 -2989. Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 9 -4 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 3950 HARVEY ROAD, LOT 42, BLOCK 1 of th HARVEY HILLSIDES SUBDIVISION, FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OF R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, AND A -P, ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m, hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 9/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 and spread information about events or developments around the area, Elrod said. "They also bind neighbors together in a social way," she added. "It builds cohesiveness and helps deal with any problems or delights you have along the way." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfe rrell theea2lle © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement 1� http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090602leamingmedley.htm 9/6/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Region / State September 6, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station to offer 1 -stop learning Club Meetings College Town medley Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Page 1 of 2 Town Talk College Station residents interested in learning more about how Site Sections their city works, its plans for growth or how to set up a A &M News neighborhood association can have all their questions answered in Agriculture one stop. Announcements Business & Technology The city's development services department is hosting its second Classifieds Neighborhood Conference and Youth Vision, which will take place Columnists Sept. 14 at College Station Middle School on Rock Prairie Road. Community The Eagle Motivational speaker Rick Rigsby, a speech professor at Texas Entertainment A &M University and the Life Skills Development Coordinator for the Faith & Values A &M football team, will deliver the keynote address. Food Health & Fitness Late registrations will be accepted through Monday by calling 764 - Kids Korner 6262 or by e- mailing Kate Elrod, the city's neighborhood services Lifestyles staff planner, at kelrod @ci.college- station.tx.us. Newspapers in Education A free lunch will be provided at the conference. Obituaries Opinions The city will host 35 workshop sessions that fall under three topics: Politics Region /State community planning, neighborhood and homeowner associations, Schools and quality of life. Sports Subscriptions Workshops range from resolving ne conflicts through p g g h 9 9 Weather mediation to development trends in College Station. "We have so much variety," Elrod said. "There are so many people out there who just need to orient themselves to these things to get something going in their neighborhoods." With the recent surge in development in College Station, Elrod said, the conference offers a chance for residents in new neighborhoods to gather ideas for starting neighborhood or homeowner associations. Associations are a good way for neighborhoods to come together http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090602leamingmedley.htm 9/6/2002 �� MA& Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 i 1► k 979. 70.2315 y i • scribe tod ! y =�If*. Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 6, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 4, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Daphanie and Walt Thomasson, College Station, a boy; Announcements Business & Technology Jennifer and Steven Klose, Bryan, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Rebecca and Jasan Guess, Bryan, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith & Values Sept. 2, 2002: Food Health & Fitness Sounaya Fassifehri and Hicham Bouzekri, College Station, a boy; Kids Korner Lifestyles Nancy and William Spencer, Bryan, a boy. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /Sept02 /090602births.htm 9/6/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page I of 6 The EZrgle Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -08 Legal Notices Merchandise Employee Health Insurance Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en Espanol City Hall ® Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, October 10 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City F Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available the above Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. These documents may also be requester Mercancia phone (979) 764 -3555 or by e -mail: jfinkes @ci.college - station.tx.us Addition. Oportunidades de information is available on our website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us . Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to M informalities and irregularities. Sept 13, 2002 & Sept 20, 2002 ADVERTISEMENT AND INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bids in duplicate will be received by Colorado County, Texas for form plant, labor, material and equipment and for performing all work required for construction o£ Office of Rural Community Affairs Contract No. 721141, Pul Water Well and miscellaneous for the Community of Alleyton, Colorado Cou Texas. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm] 9/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Region / State Region > Obituaries Births the St. Joseph Regional Health Care Center. Born in Benchley, she Brazos Valley Notebook September 9, 2002 Club Meetings Church. She enjoyed gardening, was a wonderful seamstress and College Town an avid Aggie fan. Datebook Mary Frances Fick Government Links 1926 — 2002 Links Mrs. Fick was preceded in death by her husband, McNeil Fick; Page 1 of 5 Obituaries Mary Frances Fick passed away Saturday, September 7, 2002 in Town Talk the St. Joseph Regional Health Care Center. Born in Benchley, she Site Sections spent her life in the area. She was a member of Hope Evangelical A &M News Church. She enjoyed gardening, was a wonderful seamstress and Agriculture an avid Aggie fan. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Mrs. Fick was preceded in death by her husband, McNeil Fick; Columnists mother, Frances Zemanek Fick; and her father, August Merka. Community The Eagle Survivors include two sons, Donald Fick and wife Linda of Franklin, Entertainment Faith & Values John Fick and wife Veronica of Lyons; five sisters, Ann Schaffner of Food Euless, Emma Hampton, Lillian Lero and Clara Konecny, all of Health & Fitness Bryan, and Dorothy Maner of Fredericksburg. Other survivors Kids Korner include her two grandsons, Donald Fick Jr. and Michael Fick; one Lifestyles granddaughter, Kelli Fick Perry, and one step - grandson, Paul Newspapers in Education Welch. Obituaries Opinions Politics A visitation will be held Sunday from 5 -7 p.m. at Hillier Funeral Region /State Home. Funeral services will he held at 2 p.m. Monday at the funeral Schools home. The Reverend John Gantt will officiate. Interment will follow Sports at College Station Cemetery. Subscriptions Weather Morris G. Flatt Sept. 29, 1916 — Sept. 7, 2002 Services for Morris G. Flatt, 85, of Bryan are set for 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Callaway -Jones Chapel in Bryan. The Rev. Henry Stovall of Trinity Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Rest -Ever Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Mr. Flatt died Saturday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Camp Creek in Robertson County and lived in Bryan since 1946. He was a retired automotive parts clerk. He http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /Sept02 /090902obits.htm 9/12/2002 4:UA+11:" Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Under the CIGNA plan, that would mean between $25 and $30 per month. Kersten said the city hopes it will be able to find a cheaper solution. Increases could also be included for family, spouse and child coverage. Bryan city employees pay $23 per month for their insurance. One option may to look at plans that have higher deductibles or co- payments but lower monthly costs, City Manager Tom Brymer said. He said most city employees would probably prefer to see more money in their paychecks than as part of a benefit package. "I would like to not charge employees for part of the insurance costs," Brymer said. "But I don't think we'll have much choice." Councilman James Massey said he hopes staff members understand this is a problem many companies and organizations are dealing with as insurance rates climb across the country. "We have gone out of our way since I've been on the council to support the staff and their needs," he said. "But we're trying to look at things in a prudent manner. I hope they understand that we're not just gong to be making a decision and moving on. It's a matter of trying to find the best deal we can." Councilman Dennis Maloney echoed that sentiment, adding that many cities are having to lay off employees because of the cost crunch. "We're increasing personnel and salaries," he said. "If you want good people, you have to pay them what they're worth." • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferre c th © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State C Page 1 of 2 Region / State September 5, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station budget anticipates College Town Datebook increase in insurance costs Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections College Station employees may have to start contributing to their A &M News health insurance costs, but city officials will not know for Agriculture sure until October. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds The city's proposed budget for the 2003 fiscal year anticipates a 30 Columnists percent increase in insurance costs, which means the city will Community contribute an additional $70 to cover the costs of each of its more The Eagle than 800 employees. Entertainment Faith & Values Food However, projected costs from CIGNA, the city's service provider, Health & Fitness show the increase could be 58 percent higher than the current year. Kids Korner Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said Lifestyles that increase would call for the city to spend about $270,000 Newspapers in Education more than what has been included in the budget. Obituaries Opinions Politics Employee insurance costs account for between 3 and 4 percent of Region /State the city's operating budget, he said. Schools Sports College Station is seeking bids from other insurance companies, Subscriptions which will be received in October. The City Council will award the Weather contract in November and the new plan would go into effect on Jan. 1. Until proposals are received and a contract has been awarded, the city will not know how much, if any, employees will have to contribute to their insurance costs. College Station currently pays $319 per month for each of its employees and also made a one -time payment of $15, which covered the total cost. The proposed budget calls for the contribution to increase to $389. If the cost rises above that level, Kersten said, city staff recommends the increase be passed onto the employees. Council members are expected to pass the 2002 -03 budget at their meeting next Thursday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /090502csbudget.htm 9/12/2002 Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com ( BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 C Region / State September 11, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Sewer line smoke part of CS testing College Town Datebook Eagle staff report Government Links Links Smoke testing in some College Station sewer lines will occur Obituaries Thursday and Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 Town Talk p.m. Site Sections A &M News The area set for testing is bordered to the north by George Bush Agriculture Drive, to the east by Fairview Avenue, to the south by Holleman Announcements Drive and to the west by Highlands Street. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Engineers from Dallas -based RJN Group Inc. will conduct the tests Community by plugging one end of a sewer line and sending smoke through The Eagle the line to see if it escapes through holes or cracks. Entertainment Faith & Values During the testing, smoke will exit through all home vent stacks and Food Health & Fitness manhole covers within the area. If residents see smoke and are Kids Korner not sure if they are in the testing area, they can call College Station Lifestyles Utilities at 764 -3638. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /091102cssewersmoke.htm 9/12/2002 I .yat:cra Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 the operating budget together without placing a larger tax burden • on residents. "The budget that is proposed will do everything we need it to do to maintain the same level of quality we had in the city for the previous year," Silvia said. "The costs have risen so much for some of these things, like insurance." Property taxes make up 16 percent of the general fund, which is used to cover operating costs, while sales tax collections accounts for 42 percent. College Station officials are basing their budget on a 3 percent projected increase over the current year. College Station residents would see a 6 percent increase in their sewer bill under the proposed budget, due largely to system upgrades, including the expansion of the Lick Creek treatment plant. A $1 per month increase in garbage collection rates also is included to fund an additional route. More than $26 million is appropriated for capital projects, a 40 percent decrease over the current budget. Projects slated to receive funding include the conference center ($3 million) and street, sidewalk and trail projects ($1.5 million). • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfe theea le © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement htt p ://www.theea g l e.com/region/localregional/091102csbud ge t . ht m 9/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 (W c Region / State September 11, 2002 Births under which city property taxes on a $100,000 would remain at Brazos Valley Notebook Club M Club Meetings College Station to consider new budget College Town Thursday hursday Government Links The council is scheduled to adopt the tax rate at its Sept. 26 Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said Site Sections The College Station City Council on Thursday will consider A &M News adopting a $148 million budget for the upcoming fiscal year that Agriculture Announcements calls for the tax rate to remain at its current level of 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. Business & Technology addressed the core services as much as we could," he said. Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner If approved, College Station residents would see some additional fee increases for sewer and sanitation service. Officials expect the tax rate to stay the same, though the council has acknowledged that rising property values mean next year's tax bill will probably be higher for most residents. Lifestyles A public hearing will be held Thursday on the proposed tax rate, Newspapers in Education under which city property taxes on a $100,000 would remain at Obituaries Opinions $477.70 Of the 47.77 cents, 19.46 would go to maintenance and Politics operations and 28.31 would be applied to debt payment. Region /State Schools The council is scheduled to adopt the tax rate at its Sept. 26 Sports meeting. Subscriptions Weather Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said the budget places a strong emphasis on city services, which the council identified as its top priority during its strategic planning retreat. "As we put the budget together we tried to make sure we addressed the core services as much as we could," he said. Maintenance and operation costs account for $122 million of the proposed budget, a 9.23 percent increase over the current year. Money has been included in the budget to hire additional firefighters for the planned Fire Station No. 5, to enhance code (W enforcement and to televise city council meetings. Mayor Ron Silvia said the city staff has done a good job of putting http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /091102csbudget.htm 9/12/2002 l 1.1x:1 :t+t ++ Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle Linda and Kerry Clemons, Dime Box, a boy. Sept. 6, 2002: Jill and John Herbst, College Station, a girl; Misty and Shelby Skorupinski, Bremond, a boy. College Station Medical Center Sept. 5, 2002: Jana and Travis Lively, College Station, a boy; Edith Pleasant and Carlyle Bennett, Bryan, a boy; Amy and Clay Yorek, Bryan, a boy; Rebecca Russell, Bryan, a boy; Tena and Damien Anderson, Hearne, a boy. Sept. 6, 2002: • Stephanie and Brian Payne, Bryan, a 9 irl; Jennifer and Manuel Lopez, Cameron, a boy; Brittany Chapell and Donald Bullock, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement :a Page 2 of 2 http: / /Www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /SeptO2 /091002births.htm 9/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 but he said the overall increase for Cox is about 15 percent over last year's charges. Cable channels negotiate different rates with different cable providers, so there is no set price for how much a cable distributor pays to such broadcast channels as ESPN, CNN or the Discovery Channel. Rates also vary depending on the number of subscribers. Atlanta -based Cox Communications has more than 6.2 million customers in 20 states. The company is in more than 40 Texas markets, including Lubbock, Abilene, Midland, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Tyler and Victoria. Cantrell said the decision to raise rates was not an easy one because there is a risk some customers will cancel their service. Cox is the only cable company in the Bryan - College Station area, but satellite cable companies, such as Direct TV, have given local companies across the country competition. "Simple economics say that if the price goes up, demand goes down and clearly we're very sensitive to that," Cantrell said. "Obviously we hate raising prices if we don't have to, but the good news for us [is] they're raising rates for our competitors, too." (W The company also cited inflation and local franchise fees as other reasons for the increased costs. Cox pays a 4 percent franchise fee to Bryan and College Station, which is used to cover easement costs for their lines. The franchise fee has been the same in both cities since 1994, and will remain at that rate through at least 2004, when the current contract expires. Cantrell said the 4 percent increase is added to the cable rate, along with local taxes. Sara Burns, a Texas A &M University student, said she would they pay the higher rate, even though she isn't happy about it. "I already pay $40 for cable," she said. "There's really nothing else you can do." • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell theea le.com. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /091302coxcable.htm 9/16/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 2 41F Tom Cantrell, director of government affairs in Cox's Tyler office, said the increase is due largely to higher rates the cable company must pay to channels in order to include them in its packages. "We're a retailer of a wholesale product, just like a gas station or grocery store," Cantrell said. "People buy from us because we have products they want, television products. The people that provide those to us, network affiliates and cable networks, they charge us for the programming. We in turn pass on those costs to the customers." IL Cantrell said the cost increases by individual disclosed under terms of the contracts signed c w with each company, http: / /www.theea region / localregional /091302coxc 9/16/2002 Home Classifieds � Aggiesports.com ! BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State September 13, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Cox College Town raising rates for Bryan - College Datebook Station service Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections A &M Cox Communications cable subscribers in Bryan and College News Agriculture Station will see an increase in their monthly bills starting next Announcements month, when basic cable rates are set to rise by almost 24 percent. Business & Technology Classifieds The cost of having Cox Internet service also will jump by $5 per Columnists month, and adult pay - per -view programs will cost an additional Community $3. The Eagle Entertainment The cost of basic cable service, which includes channels 2 through 20, Faith & Values will be $15.74, up from the current rate of $12.70. Food Health & Fitness Cox Interact Internet service will cost $29.95 per month and the Kids Korner price of Cox High -Speed Internet will rise to $39.95 Lifestyles per month. Newspapers in Education Obituaries The new cost of adult pay - per -view programming will rise to $10.99 per program. Opinions Politics Region /State Schools The new prices do not include additional fees and taxes that a on cable bills. ppear Sports Subscriptions Weather Subscribers have 30 days to change service levels without charge. If customers do not change their service, they will have to pay the increased rates. Tom Cantrell, director of government affairs in Cox's Tyler office, said the increase is due largely to higher rates the cable company must pay to channels in order to include them in its packages. "We're a retailer of a wholesale product, just like a gas station or grocery store," Cantrell said. "People buy from us because we have products they want, television products. The people that provide those to us, network affiliates and cable networks, they charge us for the programming. We in turn pass on those costs to the customers." IL Cantrell said the cost increases by individual disclosed under terms of the contracts signed c w with each company, http: / /www.theea region / localregional /091302coxc 9/16/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State residents, a direction led by the City Council Page 2 of 2 New additions to the 2002 -03 budget include funds to televise council meetings, enhance the city's e- government program, provide for the second of three phases of hiring for the planned Fire Station No. 5 in southeast College Station, hire a new code enforcement officer and increase benefit costs for city employees. The budget calls for the tax rate to remain at 47.77 cents per $100,000 property valuation, which means the tax bill on a $100,000 home will be $477.70. A pair of College Station residents asked the council to consider lowering the rate because residents have been hit with higher costs, including rising insurance rates, and many property values have increased, meaning residents will pay more taxes than last year. Mayor Ron Silvia said the city staff and council could not find a way to lower the rate without adversely affecting city services. Additional revenues will be used to offset the city's rising operation costs, council members said. to The council will set the tax rate at its Sept. 26 meeting. In other action Thursday, the council: • Approved the 2002 -03 Strategic Plan, which was drafted during the council's planning retreat. • Approved more than $227,000 in renovations for Thomas Pool. • Approved a $96,000 contract with Land Design Studio Inc. to update the Northgate Redevelopment Plan. Texas A &M University will provide $25,000 for the contract under an agreement with the city. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrellAtheea le com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /091302artcouncil.htm 9/16/2002 Home; Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Co Region / State September 13, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Wolf Pen to house BV Arts Council College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Obituaries Town Talk Wolf Pen Creek will be the new home for the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley. Site Sections A &M News Agriculture The College Station City Council on Thursday agreed to a lease Announcements Business that will allow the Arts Council to construct a 5,000- square -foot & Technology Classifieds headquarters at the northeast corner of Colgate Drive and Dartmouth Drive. Columnists Community The Eagle The Arts Council will pay about $380 per year for the 1.26 -acre Entertainment tract, which is equal to the appraised value of the land multiplied by Faith & Values the city's tax rate. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Arts Council Executive Director P. David Romei said a Lifestyles groundbreaking ceremony for the $500,000 building will be at noon Newspapers in Education on Sept. 23. Obituaries Opinions Politics The Arts Council plans to eventually move to a site near the Region /State planned hotel and conference center on College Station's east side. Schools Sports Subscriptions If the Arts Council does move, the city will be able to buy the Wolf Weather Pen Creek building for the cost of the council's down payment — which will be about $100,000 — plus the remaining balance the loan. of College Station officials previously have said the facility could be used as a senior center if it is taken over by the city. If another party purchases the building, it will be sold for the appraised value. The City Council also approved a $148 million budget for the 2002- 03 fiscal year, which allots $122 million for maintenance and operations and $26 million for capital projects. IL Jeff Kersten, the city's strategic planning and budget manager, said the budget "provides excellent core services" to College Station http: / /www. theeagle. com/region/localregional /0913 02artcouncil. htm 9/16/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel U2 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 4 of 4 statues." • Steele said his neighbors also have discussed a clause in the state law that would allow them to file for de- annexation if services are not provided within the established window. "We have definitely talked about that and want to impress on the city that we will avail ourselves of that remedy if they annex us and then don't provide services," he said. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell�a theea�le. c om. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www. theeagl e. c om/ region /l ocalregional / htm 9/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 4 understanding why they would have to pay taxes when they would not have the same services that other College Station residents do. Property owners in Brazos County must pay 41.46 cents per $100 valuation, and residents who live in the College Station school district have to pay $1.79 per $100 property valuation. The combined tax bill for both entities comes out to $2,204.60 for a $100,000 home. The College Station City Council will consider adopting a tax rate of 47.77 cents per $100 valuation at its Sept. 26 meeting. That would increase the total tax bill by $477.70 for a $100,000 home. The College Station tax rate is almost 16 cents less than the one in Bryan. "We're going to pay more taxes and not get anything in return," Steele said. "We get a voice in who our city councilmen are, but I don't consider that anything I want to pay taxes for." During discussion on the proposed tax rate during Thursday's College Station City Council meeting, Councilman Dennis Maloney said the city's tax rate is a bargain, considering what it covers. "For $39.89 per month, you get police, fire and EMS," Maloney said. "And you're in a city that has a hospital, shopping and restaurants. I'd bet people pay more to be on the Internet or have cable TV." Under a law passed during the last legislative session, all six areas could be annexed into the city by the end of the year because none have more than 100 residences within their individual boundaries. Any parcels of land containing more than 100 residences must be formally included in a city's annexation plan and can take several years to incorporate, officials said. That also has stirred anger in residents of the targeted areas who say the city is attempting to gerrymander around populated areas to take over land with fewer or no residences. Some areas, like Whites Creek Lane, have considered legal action, but it would be expensive for residents. "[The law] does provide that you can challenge the way in which they gerrymander the annexation, in order to avoid adopting an annexation plan," Steele said. "As I read the statute, we have the right to file a suit to see if they're going to do that for legitimate municipal purposes or to avoid the requirements of the annexation http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /091602annexhurdles.htm 9/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 4 The connection costs are $350 for sewer and $400 for water. City officials have said more than $2.4 million spent on water upgrades and more than $1.7 million on w have to be spent on sewer upgrades. The areas under consideration for annexation and the estimated costs to the city for providing infrastructure are: n A 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Wellborn Road. The tract would need more than $1.06 million in water and sewer upgrades, which would be carried out from 2003 to 2005. n A 1,077 -acre tract south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. The section would need $707,000 in water and sewer upgrades, which would be completed in 2003 -04. n A 47 -acre portion of the Nantucket subdivision. The area would need $281,000 in water and sewer upgrades, which would be completed from 2003 to 2006. Even if the area is not annexed, $201,000 in sewer improvements would have to be made to accommodate the area south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road. n A 655 -acre section east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision. Water improvements totaling $298,000 would be completed between 2004 and 2007. All properties in the annexed area would remain on septic systems. n A 1,328 -acre tract east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision. The area would need $877,000 in water and sewer improvements. They would be scheduled for completion by 2007. n A 455 -acre section along the Greens Prairie Road East extension from Carter Creek Road to Texas 30. The area needs $987,000 in water and sewer upgrades that would be completed between 2004 and 2007. Utilities such as water and sewer service and electrical service are paid for through fees. Property tax money is used to finance the general fund, which covers city services such as police and fire protection. Under the annexation plan, much of the garbage collection would initially be contracted through a private company and electric service would continue to come from Bryan Texas Utilities. Many residents in the proposed areas say they have a hard time http: / /www.theea r egion / localregional /091602annexhurdl 9/16/2002 • 141x::r: Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State September 16, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Annex plan in College Station faces Town Datebook hurdles Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Some residents living in areas targeted for annexation by the city of Agriculture College Station say they are against the move and could challenge Announcements it, especially if city services are not provided in the next few years. Business & Technology Classifieds Steven Steele, a local attorney who is president of the Whites Columnists Community Creek Lane Homeowners Association, said he and his neighbors The Eagle have issues with several aspects of the annexation process. Entertainment Faith & Values An ordinance to annex any or all of the six tracts targeted by the Food city could be passed in October. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles The biggest problems, Steele said, is the distance he and his Newspapers in Education neighbors would have to dig in order to connect to water and sewer lines. Obituaries Opinions Politics Cities are required to bring utility connections to annexed areas Region /State within 4 112 years. Schools Sports Subscriptions The closest connection to Steele's street would be on Arrington Weather Road, about a third of a mile away. "To me, it doesn't mean that I have to go from my house to Arrington Road to hook up to sewer," he said. Residents with septic tanks can stay on them until the tanks have to be replaced. At that point, those residents would have to connect with the city's water system. Jane Kee, College Station's city planner, said residents will not be required to connect to lines that are far away. "If at some point a sewer line gets within 250 feet of a residence on an acreage tract or within 150 of a platted lot on a city street and the septic is permit up for renewal, then the owner would have to tie on," she said. http: / /www.theea region / localregional /091602annexhurdl 9/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 4 The Bryan - College Station Eagle • Sept. 12, 2002: Tracy and Cory Braden, Bryan, a boy; Emilia and Pedro Rocha, Bryan, girl. Sept. 13, 2002: Lucinda and Christopher Watson, Bryan, a boy; Laura and Manuel Gandara, Bryan, a girl; Ida Schmidt and Paul Bellows, College Station, a girl. Sept. 14, 2002: Shelley and Andrew Nelson, Bryan, a boy. College Station Medical Center Sept. 12, 2002: Tracy and Bruce Ray, Somerville, a girl; Wendy Whittemore and Robert Anderson, Bryan, a boy; Maribel Sanchez, Bryan, a boy; Sherry Nelson and Robert Jones, Bryan, a girl; Chelesla Sims and Donald Amerson, College Station, a girl. Sept. 14, 2002: Angela and Jarred Karnei, College Station, a boy; Jamie and Daren Hayslip, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement U htt p :Hww w.theeagle.com /region/records /births /Sept02 /091702 births. htm Page 2 of 2 9/17/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 The City of College Station is soliciting Proposals from firms who are interest qualified to handle certain advertising and brand development for College Sta Utilities. A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Specifications for this proposal are available at our office address listed belom be printed from our website at: www.ci.college- station.tx.us. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on October 8, 2002. and s be addressed to: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Attn: Cynthia Sciulli, A.P.P., Buyer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the submitter na RFP # 03 -01 clearly marked on the outside. 9/10/02 9/17/02 k v Place an Ad I A nno unc ements I Aut omotiv e I Business O pportunitie s m to p yment E I _Financial I Merchandis I F Real Estate I Service De s - - Return to Classified Index Anu ncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices 1 Empleos I Finanzas I Le ales I Mercancia I O ortunid; Negocios - Rearesar a la paaina principa Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 Th Bryan/C Station Eagle Privacy Statement htt clas sifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.ht 9/17/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 ® SCOPE FOR PROJECT NO. 011237717: Construct a 4406 SF addition to 1 existing building in accordance with the plans and specifications provided. Qt regarding scope should be directed to Tom Parker at Brown, Reynolds, Watfo Architects, (979) 694 -8293. SCOPE FOR PROJECT NO. 02035834: Furnish and install one 18'X 48', large animal barn with feed room in accordance with the plans and specif catif provided. Questions regarding scope should be directed to John Clark, (979) F 5317. SUBCONTRACTING: Although all work will be done under a single prime contract, Texas A &M University has determined the following opportunities probable on this project: construction services (914 -27, 30, 38, 47,50, 53, 55, 68, 73, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88); bricklayers and stonemasons (135 -08, 66); carpent (150 -86); carpet, floor, and tile installers and finishers (369 -05, 07, 10); dirt work/landscape contractor (790 -20, 50, 70); electricians (280 -24); glaziers (4z 56, 77); irrigation (670 -17); building insulation contractor and suspended acoi ceiling (010 -05, 53); mechanical and HVAC (031 -03); painters (630 -06, 62, 8 surveyors (907 -79); other - builders supplies (150 -04, 06, 21, 25, 34, 92); other (330 -55). BID DOCUMENTS: Obtain from Contracting & Programming office of Phy Plant at (979) 862 -1533. A plan deposit of $25 /set is required. General Contra • may obtain 2 sets and Subcontractors /Suppliers 1 set. Refunds will be made if returned in good condition within 3 weeks of bid opening. PRE -BID CONFERENCE: 10:00 a.m., September 24, 2002, Physical Plant Administration Building, Room 204, College Station, Texas. BID SUBMITTAL: Proposal and HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) must be r by the Contracting & Programming office in Room 213 of the Physical Plant Administration Building prior to the times and dates listed below. (Public ope Proposals and HSPs will be held immediately following the HSP deadline.) Proposal and Bid Guaranty Deadline: 2:00 p.m., October 8, 2002 HSP Deadline: 2:00 p.m., October 10, 2002 Website: ppweb.tamu.edu/cap/ 9- 16 -02, 9 -17 -02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 03 -01 C College Station Utilities Advertising Services and Brand Development p nt htt p ://cla ssifieds.theeagle-com/lineads/0699.ht m l 9/17/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 6 '' a Erglip Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 02 -108 Legal Notices Merchandise Liability and Workers Compensation Excess Coverage Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi. Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en Espanol City Hall Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, September 25, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cit Directorio de Servicios All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo Legates address or you may request by telephone (979) 764 -3555 or e-mail: Mercancia jfinkes @ci.college- station.tx.us Oportunidades de Negocios Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colleg_e- sta The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w informalities and irregularities. Sept. 11, 2002 & Sept 18, 2002 PUBL NOTICE TO C Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JACK H. (W SHANNON were issued on October 11, 2002, in Cause No. 11,377 -PC, pendi the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to NAOMI L. SHAT Independent Executor. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.htTnl 9/18/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 3 theea OM qk­0e C Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com j Subscribe. Co Region > Births September 18, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Sept. 13, 2002: Diedra and James Wallace, College Station, a girl. Sept. 14, 2002: Tosha Contreras, Bryan, a boy. College Station Medical Center Sept. 16, 2002: Kimberly and Clay Redding, Bryan, a girl; Jana and Joshua Schroeder, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www. theeagle. com/ re / r ecords /births /SeptO2 /091802bi htm 9/18/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 26, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at Cis All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci colle e- st ation.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Sept. 12, 2002 & Sept. 19, 2002 NOTICE Caldwell Independent School District is accepting proposals for the purchase (1) 77 passenger school bus for the 2002 -2003 school year. Proposals will be until noon, Monday, October 7, 2002 and will be opened at 1:00 PM the same Specifications may be obtained by contacting: Marilyn Young 203 N. Gray Caldwell, TX 77836 (979) 567 -9559 9- 19 -02, 9 -26 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Bryan Little League East is having a meeting to elect new Board Members, Si Sept. 22, 2002, East Boardroom @ 5:00 p.m. Call 822 -5727 if questions. 9- 18 -02, 9 -19 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE WATSON & TAYLOR MINI STORAGES WISHING TO AVAIL THEMSt htt class ifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.ht 9/19/2002 c c. The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A ' Classifieds Pagel of 3 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -10 Legal Notices Merchandise All Terrain Excavator Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Service be received at: Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Clasificados en Purchasing Services Division Espanol City Hall Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios until 2:00 PM, October 3, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City H bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the Legales abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available Mercancia on c website at ww statio . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Sept 19, 2002 & Sept 26, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02 -107 Tires - Joint with City of Bryan The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: htt // cl assifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.ht 9/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle cyx:11 Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather :iN:, Homel Classifieds I Aggiesports.com J BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Region > Births September 19, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list might not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Sept. 15, 2002 Araceli and Armando Mata, Bryan, a girl. Sept. 16, 2002 Kristen Trujillo, Bryan, a boy; Jessica and David Embrick, Bryan, a girl. College Station Medical Center Sept. 17, 2002 Peggy and Silbanio Hernandez, College Station, a boy; Shawna Roberts and Andrew Ramirez, College Station, a girl; Jennifer and Matthew Walton, Bryan, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 1 of 1 http: / /www.theeagle. com/ re / records /births /Sept02 /091902birth htm 9/19/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 ! iyx -sE Homei Classifieds Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Region > Births September 21, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list might not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center September 16, 2002 Juana and Jesus Hurtado, College Station, a boy. Lashonda Colleman, Bryan, twins, a boy and girl. September 17, 2002 Catherine Cates, Bryan, a boy. Rachel and Malcolm Macias, College Station, a girl. Marjorie DeLeon, College Station, a boy. Melissa and Jeremy Stone, College Station, a boy. College Station Medical Center September 19, 2002 Patricia Johnson, Navasota, a boy. Jessica Lyon and Rodney Zalobny, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www. theeagle. com/region/records/births /S ept / htm 9/23/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 5 of 9 officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 Sunda .m. Bryan. p y at Hillier Funeral Home in Mrs. Harris died Thursday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center She was born in Monroe, Mich., and lived in Bryan for 20 years. She was a retired speech pathologist for the Grimes County Special Education Cooperative and worked in the North Zulch, Anderson and Richards school districts. She was preceded in death by her husband, Richard Paul Harris Survivors include a son, Thomas Fleure of Houston; a daughter and son -in -law, Katherine and Stephen Krupp of Lake Jackson; a sister and brother -in -law, Barbara and Kent Ross of Cincinnati and a grandchild. ; Memorials may be made to the ALS Association, 27001 Agoura Road, Suite 150, Calabasas Hills, Calif. 91301 -5104. Michael Kuhn Oct. 25, 1975 — Sept. 20, 2002 Graveside services for Michael Kuhn, 26, of College Station for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Bryan City Cemetery. are set The Rev. Gary Samford will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Kuhn died Friday in Bryan. He was born in Alexander, La., and was an electrician. He served in the U.S. Navy and was a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Chanda Kuhn of College Station; a son, Keagan Michael Kuhn of College Station; a step- daughter, Audrey Denise Kuhn of College Station; a brother and sister -in -law, Scott and Christy Kuhn of Plantersville; his parents, Harlan Curtis Kuhn of Magnolia and Diane Reynolds Kuhn of Onalaska; and his grandparents, Polly Reynolds and L.E. Reynolds, both of Onalaska. Memorials may be made to the Michael Kuhn Family Fund at Planters and Merchant State Bank, 3710 E. 29th Street, Bryan, Texas 77802, 260 -3252. Helen Hazel Stampley McCune http: / /www.theea re g i on/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /092202 9/23/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 4 of 9 ( a.m. Monday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Monsignor John McCaffrey of St. Joseph officiate. Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Church will Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday and from 9 a.m. to the time of services Monday at the funeral home. Miss Fridel died Thursday at Sherwood Health Care Center She was born in Brazos County and was retired after 30 years as the postmaster at Mont Belvieu. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and the St. Joseph Rosary Society, an associate member of the Mary Knoll Sisters of New York and a member of the Brazos County Senior Citizens Association. She received one presidential citation from John F. Kennedy and two citations from Lyndon B. Johnson and a gold pin from the Selective Service Board. Survivors include numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Memorials may be made to St. Joseph Catholic School. Caleb Matthew Glass Sept. 20, 2002 — Sept. 20, 2002 BEDIAS — Graveside services for Caleb Matthew Glass, infant, of Bedias are set for 1 p.m. Monday at the Pankey Cemetery in Grimes County. Bro. Dale Evans will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Southern Heritage Funeral Home in Bedias. Caleb died Friday in Conroe. Survivors include his parents, David and Tammy Glass of Bedias; a sister, Jessica Glass of Bedias; a brother, Joshua Glass of Bedias; grandparents, Don and Carolyn Glass of Iola and John and Donna McCloskey of Avoca, N.Y.; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Mary Kate Harris May 16, 1936 — Sept. 19, 2002 Graveside services for Mary Kate Harris, 66, of Bryan are set for 2 P.M. Monday at the College Station Cemetery. Monsignor John McCaffrey of St. Joseph Catholic Church will http: / /www.theeagle.com/re re cords / obituaries /SeptO2 /092202 9/23/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather September 22, 2002 Gloria G. Torres April 11, 1939 — Sept. 21, 2002 Page 1 of 9 Gloria G. Torres, 63, of College Station, Texas, a beloved wife, mother and grandmother, died Saturday, September 21, 2002. She was born in Baytown, Texas, on April 11, 1939. She was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Mrs. Torres is survived by her husband of 44 years, Felix Torres; mother, Ventura Garza; daughters, Laura Bower and husband Mark and Anna Hines and husband Charles; son, Felix Torres Jr.; sisters, Julia Martinez and husband Pete and Lucille Garza and fiance Tony Valdovinos; brothers, Raymond Garza Jr. and wife Josephine and Ronald Garza; grandchildren, Mark Bower II, Joseph Sawyer, Justin Hines, Morgan Torres and Jarred Hines. Also, numerous nieces, nephews and many loving relatives. Visitation will be from 5 to 9 p.m. Monday, September 23, 2002 at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. A vigil for Mrs. Torres will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 23, 2002 with Deacon Ted Baker officiating at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. Funeral mass will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church will Reverend Dean Wilhelm officiating. Rite of committal will follow in College Station Cemetery. Mark Gregory Moore 1965 — 2002 Funeral services for Mark Gregory Moore of Weatherford, TX, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, August 24, 2002, at the Riley Funeral Home Chapel, Hamilton, TX. Mark passed away from severe injuries received on the job site in Weatherford, TX, August 20, 2002. He was born on February 27, 1965, in Bryan, TX, to Byron "Dee" and Ruthanne Moore. Mark grew up in Bryan, graduating from Bryan High School in 1983. He received a business administration degree from Sam Houston State University in 1988. He grew up in the concrete business working with his father. From 1988 to 1991, he worked with Hayes County Gravel. In 1991, he joined Ingram Enterprises, where he was a sales manager. http: / /www.theea re gion/ records / obituaries /SeptO2 /092202 9/23/2002 ��x -arc Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com j BrazosSports.com Subscribe ` Co Births Region / State Region > Obituaries The Bryan- College Station Eagle #heeag/e. com ■ Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Page I of 1 979.776.2345 I Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com i BrazosSports.com 'Subscribe Co Region > Births September 24, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list might not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center September 13, 2002 Mandy Karn and Ricky Pleasant, Bryan, a boy. September 18, 2002 Lillie Merchant, Bryan, a boy. Elizabeth Huepers, Millican, a boy. September 19, 2002 Krista and Jeb Skiles, College Station, a boy. Malynda and Melvin Watson, Jewett, a boy. Kristal Roberson, Bryan, a girl. Leslie Winslow and Francisco DeLeon, Caldwell, a boy. Leigh and Christopher Neaves, College Station, a girl. Detra and Kevin Lehman, Hockley, a boy. College Station Medical Center September 20, 2002 Christine and Ross Herbert, Hempstead, a boy. Latayna and Charles Jessie, Navasota, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theea com / re gion / records /births /SeptO2 /092402bi 9/24/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Creek. C The city has estimated it would have to spend more than $2.4 million on water upgrades and more than $1.7 million on sewer upgrades. All six of the areas can be annexed in October because they contain fewer than 100 residences. About 20 of the 100 people who gathered in council chambers spoke during Thursday's public hearing. A second hearing will be Oct. 2. An ordinance to annex any or all of the areas will be considered by council members on Oct. 24. Nantucket resident Pat Kultgen was one of two speakers who favored the annexation. Speaking on behalf of the eight homeowners on Fair Haven Cove, she said they were more than willing to pay for city services. "It is well worth the money to be annexed," she said. But like others, Rock Prairie Road resident Jim Carll said he doesn't trust the city to provide those services. However, there is one benefit to being a city resident, he noted. "If I'm annexed, I guess I will have the privilege of voting for the City Council," Carll said. In other action, the council voted 4 -2 to approve an ordinance rezoning 18.33 acres in the 2500 block of Earl Rudder Freeway South from single - family residential to business commercial. Members also unanimously adopted the tax rate of 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That sets the bill on a $100,000 home at $477.70 cents. • Holly Huffman's e -mail address is hhuffman theea le Corn © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement htt / /www.th eeagle. com / region /localregional /092702ann 9/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 2 Region / State September 27, 2002 Births protection that would be provided. Others questioned whether they Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings Distrust of College Station prevails at College Town Datebook annexation forum Government Links Links By HOLLY HUFFMAN Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk and she still doesn't have city water or sewer services. That's the Site Sections Although seemingly resigned to College Station's plans to annex A &M News Agriculture their property, a group of Brazos County residents told the City Announcements Council on Thursday night that the extension of the city limits would be unfair. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Many of the 20 people who spoke during a public hearing on the Community annexation said they were opposed to the 10 -year plan because it The Eagle calls for them to pay city taxes for years without receiving city Entertainment services. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness According to the plan, water and wastewater services won't be Kids Korner completely available until 2007, and one area targeted for Lifestyles annexation isn't even scheduled to receive the services in that time. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions A few residents voiced concern about the level of police and fire Politics protection that would be provided. Others questioned whether they Region /State could continue to burn trash and shoot weapons on their property Schools — activities that are prohibited in the city. Sports Subscriptions Weather Shelley Janac, who lives on Rock Prairie Road, said the front 20 acres of her land were annexed by College Station 19 years ago and she still doesn't have city water or sewer services. That's the reason, Janac said, she distrusts the city's promise to have all services installed within the next 4 112 years. "I'm definitely opposed to this," she said. "It's very upsetting ... there's nothing we can do." Janac lives in one of six areas along the city's outskirts that the council is considering for annexation. They are a 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Wellborn Road; 1,077 acres south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road; 655 acres east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision; 1,340 acres east of Rock Prairie and south of the Carter Lake subdivision and 455 acres along the Greens Prairie Road extension between Texas 20 and Carter htt / /www. theeagle.com/ region /localregional /092702ann 9/27/2002 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com J BrazosSports.com j Subscribe Co The Bryan - College Station Eagle >A &M News Page 3 of 3 " I have also been frustrated," Jones said. Bryan moved against a plan that would have run the tracks along Texas 47, but the city supported the downtown bypass, which some of the regents grumbled about Thursday. Mayor Jay Don Watson said the regents' comments were the first criticisms from Texas A &M he has heard since the decision was reached. "We're looking for the best interest of Bryan," Watson said. "After all the studies, that was what the MPO came down with." John LeBas' e -mail address is '1J eba le.c om. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement P� http:// www. theeagle. com/aandnmews /092702regents.htm 9/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle >A &M News Page 2 of 3 Policy Committee. The committee voted unanimously in May to O pursue the current relocation plan. Sippial said he supported the relocation plan because Brazos County risked losing government funding for the project if the relocation wasn't approved. He said it was better to have some local improvements than none at all. Texas A &M and the government entities each put in more than $35,000 to fund a study of possible relocation routes. Each of them would also be asked to help pay for track improvements, which would require a 20 percent local match of federal funds. Regent R.H. "Steve" Stevens questioned whether A &M was adequately represented in the track - relocation decision. "In my view, we have more at stake than Bryan or College Station do," he said. Stevens said A &M needs to take a more active role in the project. He said safety is the major reason he wants to see the railroad moved off campus. "I have seen these kids race across that thing trying to beat the train," he said. "What we're talking about is the safety of the students," echoed Regent Wendy Gramm. "And I, for one, cannot accept what they're doing." Any changes to the relocation proposal would be decided by the Policy Committee, said MPO Director Michael Parks, who was not at the regents' meeting. "There's always a chance for anyone's concerns to be worked into the final outcome," he said. Parks said another public forum on the project will take place after an environmental assessment of the proposed relocation is complete, probably in January. "We recognize that A &M is an economic engine in this community," Parks said. "We welcome their comments, as we would any citizen or entity — especially an entity that would help fund improvements and paid for part of the study." Brazos County Judge Al Jones, who had pushed for the train tracks to be moved west of town, said he understands the regents' frustration. htt / /www.th eeagle. com/aandmnews /092702regent 9/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle >A &M News Page 1 of 3 • �, ,� 776,234 + .. Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ; BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co A &M News September 27, 2002 Bonfire Tragedy Links Site Sections Regents rail at track plan A &M News Agriculture By JOHN LeBAS Announcements Eagle Staff Writer Business & Technology Classifieds Members of the Texas A &M University System Board of Regents Communts y complained loudly Thursday about a railroad relocation plan that The Eagle would leave tracks running through the A &M campus. Entertainment Faith & Values Food The criticism came months after the Policy Committee of the Bryan Health & Fitness - College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization voted to push forward with the plan. Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Texas A &M — which is represented on the Policy Committee by Chuck Obituaries Opinions Sippial, vice president for administration — has consistently lobbied for the tracks to be moved Politics Region /State off campus. But seldom have the regents been so publicly impassioned in their Opposition which was Schools voiced during a business meeting at Texas A &M, Sports Subscriptions Board Chairman Erle Nye said the regents weren't upset, but are Weather dissatisfied that the relocation proposal isn't a "more global" solution. "There is a lot of concern on the board for the safety of the students," he said. The $100 million proposal would leave in place much of the railroad running through Brazos County. Instead of moving the line west of town, as A &M officials had wished, roads would be dropped beneath the tracks at some major intersections and the route would be detoured around downtown Bryan. Sippial told the board that about $25 million would be spent on improvements on the A &M campus. That drew complaints. "There are people who are very much against spending $75 million in an industrial area of Bryan — which I love very much — instead of A &M, where we have a very dense population," Regent Phil Adams said. Brazos County, College Station, Bryan, Texas A &M and the Texas Department of Transportation each have one vote on the MPO's htt www. theea gle. com /aandmnews /092702regents.ht 9/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 The city would have to spend more than $2.4 million on water ® upgrades and more than $1.7 million on sewer upgrades, staff has estimated. Water and sewer connections have been a source of contention among some residents in the areas. The plan also sets guidelines for police and fire protection, road maintenance and development. The council also will consider adopting a tax rate of 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That would set the bill on a $100,000 home at $477.70 cents. Of the total tax rate, 19.46 cents would be applied to the general fund and 28.31 cents would go to debt service. • Christopher Ferrell 's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • c. http: / /www.theeagle. com / region / localregional /092602publichearing.htm 9/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State • Region / State September 26, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station to hold two public College Town Datebook hearings Thursday on proposed Government Links annexation Links Page 1 of 2 Obituaries By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Town Talk Eagle Staff Writer Site Sections A &M News College Station will host the first of two public hearings Thursday so Agriculture the city council can hear residents' opinions of the proposed Announcements annexation of more than 4,000 sparsely populated acres outside of Business & Technology the city limits. Classifieds Columnists Community The hearing is the first item on the council's regular agenda. The The Eagle meeting begins at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Entertainment Faith &Values A second public hearing will be held Oct. 2. An ordinance to annex Food any or all of the areas will be considered by council members on Health & Fitness Kids Komer Oct. 24. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education The council is considering six areas along the city's outskirts for Obituaries annexation: a 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Opinions Parkway South and Wellborn Road; a 1,077 -acre piece of land Politics Region /State south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road; a 655 - Schools acre tract east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake Sports subdivision; a 1,340 -acre tract east of Rock Prairie and south of the Subscriptions Carter Lake subdivision and a 455 -acre tract along the Greens Weather Prairie Road extension between Texas 20 and Carter Creek. Property owners within the targeted areas have been notified by the city through the mail. All six of the areas can be annexed in October because they contain fewer than 100 residences. The city also will present its 10 -year Annexation Service Plan, which falls in line with the Texas Local Government Code. The plan will serve as a blueprint for bringing city services to annexed areas. City staff said the plan corresponds to the current services, infrastructure and maintenance provided areas of College Station with similar topography, land use and population density. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /092602publichearing.htm 9/27/2002 Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe Co O c C7 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Region > Obituaries September 26, 2002 Matt Robert McGill May 17, 1984 — Sept. 24, 2002 Page 1 of 7 Obituaries Services for Matt Robert McGill, 18, of College Station Town Talk are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Central Baptist Church in Site Sections Bryan. A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather The Rev. Chris Osborne and the Rev. Tim Skaggs will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mr. McGill died Tuesday as a result of an auto accident. He was a lifelong resident of College Station and was an auto technician for Firestone in College Station. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Melvin Luedke. Survivors include his fiancee, Sheila Morales of College Station; his parents, Robert "Bob" and Wanda McGill of College Station; three sisters and a brother -in -law, Malissa and Mike Brunson of College Station, Michele McGill of Federal Way, Wash., and Manda McGill and her fiance Scott Jackson of College Station; his grandmother, Helen Luedke of Bryan; and several aunts and uncles; and two nephews. In lieu of flowers, contributions for future scholarships and charitable donations may be made to Robert McGill for Matt McGill, P.O. Box 382, Wellborn, 77881. Frances Marie Curbello Morgan June 22, 1948 — Sept. 22, 2002 FRANKLIN — Services were held Wednesday for Frances Marie Curbello Morgan, 54, of Brazos County at the Franklin Worship Center in Franklin. The Rev. Rodney Box officiated. Burial was in the Henry Prairie Cemetery in Robertson County. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /SeptO2 /092602obits.htm 9/27/2002 1 Nome Classifieds i Aggiesports.com j BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co 0 c The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 ..q a 41.1 rw. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 26, 2002 Club Meetings College Town d the following births Wednesday. hs Wedda The Area hospitals reported ow p p g y' Datebook list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links Ginger and Johnny Williams, Bryan, a boy. Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News September 24, 2002 Agriculture Announcements Ginger and Johnny Williams, Bryan, a boy. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Marti J. and William Ewell Jr., Bryan, a boy. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith & Values September 21, 2002 Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Alicia Henderson, Navasota, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Donna and Robert Adams, Bryan, twin girls. Obituaries Opinions Tamsha Thompson, Calvert, a girl. Politics Region /State Schools Kristie Cook, Normangee, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Shuhwa Ko and MoonKoo Kim, College Station, a girl. Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C7 http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /SeptO2 /092602births.htm 9/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 01*11114:11 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 25, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list p p g Datebook might not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links Lacrisha Jones, Bryan, a boy; Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Sept. 23, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Lacrisha Jones, Bryan, a boy; Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Villita Miles, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith & Values Sept. 20, 2002: Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Amanda and Chad Whisenant, College Station, a boy; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Jennifer and Richard Jamieson, Bryan, a girl; Obituaries Opinions Carolyn Allen, Bryan, a girl. Politics Region /State Schools Sept. 21, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Calvinette Lewis, Navasota, a boy; Weather Marion McKinney, Plantersville, a girl; Jenny and Colby Henton, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /SeptO2 /092502births. htm 9/27/2002 c The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 WOO 4xa:c1w: Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 28, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The p p g y' Datebook list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links Diane and Daren Wittneben, College Station, a boy. Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News September 26, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Diane and Daren Wittneben, College Station, a boy. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle September 24, 2002 Entertainment Faith & Values Tracy Corder, College Station, a boy; ❑ Dr. Yvonne Baum and Dr. Food Health & Fitness Martin Baum, College Station, a boy; Kids Korner Lifestyles Patrise Mack, Bryan, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Belinda Garcia, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Region /State September 25, 2002 Schools Sports Maribel and Juan Martinez, Brenham, a boy. Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region / records /births /SeptO2 /092802births. htm 9/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 4 Survivors include his wife, Nelly Vazquez of Bryan; a son and daughter -in -law, Col. Jose A. Jr. and Nancy Vazquez of College Station; two daughters, Diana Greenwood and Leila Kelley, both of Houston; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Paco and Delia Vazquez of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Julio and Veronica Vazquez of Manhattan, N.Y.; a sister, Igna Vazquez of Ponce, Puerto Rico; a brother -in- law, Modesto Merle; and five grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Beacon Baptist Church, 2001 E. Villa Maria, Bryan, Texas 77802. Ronnie Willeford Nov. 24, 1970 — Sept. 27, 2002 ROCKDALE — Graveside services for Ronnie Willeford, 31, of Forest Grove and Tanglewood are set for 2 p.m. Monday at the Hugh Wilson Cemetery in Tanglewood. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. Mr. Willeford died Friday near Blue in Lee County. • He was born in Houston and lived in the Forest Grove and Tanglewood communities for six years. He was raised in the Spring and Oak Ridge areas of Houston and was a member of the Oak Ridge Baptist Church. He worked in sales for Texan Manufactured Mobil Homes for several years. Survivors include his mother and step- father, Phyllis and Reggie Carroll of Conroe; his father and step- mother, Gary and Sondra Willeford of Conroe; a brother and sister -in -law, Alan Keith and Roberta Willeford of Conroe; his grandmother, Jeannie Robbins of Humble; and three nieces. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan - College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices Ouida Lackey Arann, 93, of Bryan died Friday in Sherwood Health Care. • Arrangements are pending with Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /092902obits.htm 9/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 4 She was born in Trevor City, Mich., and was a cashier for Brookshire Bros. She was a Catholic. Survivors include her husband, Dennis Floyd Sage of Navasota; two sons and daughters -in -law, Brad Willis and Cynthia DeFoy of College Station and Shawn Michael and Amy DeFoy of Huntsville; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Leon Lyle and Carolyn Clement of Trevor City and Michael Antwin and Brenda Clement of Navasota; and two grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Nancy Sage Memorial Fund at the Bank of Navasota, P.O. Box 491, Navasota, Texas 77868. Mary Beth Schultea June 29, 1950 — Sept. 27, 2002 Memorial services for Mary Beth Schultea, 52, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Monday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Jeff Berger will officiate. Ms. Schultea died Friday in College Station. She was born in Watseka, III., and was a caseworker. • Survivors include two sons, Michael Robert Little of College Station and Matthew David Little of Austin; a brother, Wenum Ray Wallace of Cordell, Okla.; a sister, Deborah Lea Ellis of Burkburnett, Texas; her mother, Betty Wallace of Wichita Falls; and a grandchild. Jose Antonio `Cheito' Vazquez Sr. March 19, 1922 — Sept. 27, 2002 Services for Jose Antonio "Cheito" Vazquez Sr., 80, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Monday at Beacon Baptist Church in Bryan. The Rev. Clinton Everett of Beacon Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan and from 1 p.m. to the time of the services Monday at the church. Mr. Vazquez died Friday at his home. He was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and lived in Bryan for 30 years. He was retired as a purchaser in the Oceanography Department at Texas A &M University. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He was a member of Beacon Baptist Church. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /Sept02 /092902obits.htm 9/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 3 so much work is being done to stop the loud parties and underage drinking. I even kind of like the fact that people who drive 55 mph in a 30 mph zone are pulled over. But, it makes me wonder what other crime is being committed when a student, trying to get to class, is ticketed for traveling to and from their institution of education. I know when I finish my degree, I'm moving to a city that doesn't punish me for being a citizen. KELLY COOPER College Station Demand new coach I am writing in regard to David Pritchard's letter (Eagle, Sept. 24) about needing a new head football coach at A &M. I agree wholeheartedly that R.C. Slocum must step down and bring in someone who will turn the football program around. How long do we, as fans have to endure this mediocre type of play? I, too, have been going to A &M football games for a long time and watching them lose time after time. If A &M wants to compete in the Big 12 Conference, something must change. ® Even Slocum himself was quoted as saying that the team was not ready to play in the Big 12. agree with Pritchard that if we keep Slocum we will be facing many more seasons as we have had in the past. The alumni will get tired of pouring their hard - earned money into a program that does not produce. It's time, as football fans, to take a stand and demand that someone else take over. SALLY MOTL, '70 Bryan Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions/ letterstoeditor/ Sept02 /093002letterstoeditor.htm 9/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor U • It's not at all unusual to see a bike cop parked right outside of campus, ticketing students as they come out of the parking lot. In one evening, I have seen as many as five police officers, all ticketing different drivers in the five minute stretch from Southwest Parkway to Holleman Drive. In Bryan, no one ever gets a ticket for "parking against the flow of traffic." I like to think that the Bryan Police have more pressing matters. I'm absolutely sure that there are things that might be done here to • improve the quality of our city other than ruthlessly pursuing students and faculty of this great school. I am more than glad that http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions/ letterstoeditor/ SeptO2 /093002letterstoeditor.htm 9/30/2002 Page 1 of 3 w *= ,40 41;11r44; Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections A &M News Letters encouraged September 30, 2002 Great wsidewalks Agriculture Thank you to former Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney for the promised Announcements sidewalks on University Drive. There are many walkers and joggers Business & Technology using them. I'm sure some of the people are from the many new Classifieds students are their prisoners. Columnists (and older) motels. Community I lived in Bryan for the first 19 years of my life. Now that I have The Eagle I hope that the city will eventually finish the job to Texas Avenue. Entertainment suddenly digressed into being the world's worst driver? No. Faith & Values JOHN OTTS Jr. Food Station. Health & Fitness College Station Kids Korner Lifestyles Leave students alone Newspapers in Education Obituaries What does College Station look like from space on any given day? I Opinions Politics would guess it's a blur of flashing red and blue lights. That's right. Region /State Police officers have taken over this great city, and all of the Schools students are their prisoners. Sports Subscriptions I lived in Bryan for the first 19 years of my life. Now that I have Weather moved to College Station, I've had two tickets in four months. Have suddenly digressed into being the world's worst driver? No. Students are the prime target for any "smart" officer in College Station. ition Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for the KOREAN MISSION CHU OF TEXAS A &M located at 4250 State Highway 6 South for a religious facil The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal; Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, OCI 17, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 - 3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 10 -1 -02 L� NOTICE OF SUBMISSION OF REDISTRICTING PLAN TO THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Brazos County has submitted its redistricting plan to the United States Depart; Justice for its review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 USC § 197 complete duplicate copy of the submission is available for public review in the County Courthouse, 300 East 26th Street, Bryan, TX 77803. Any comments regarding the submission may be sent to: CHIEF, VOTING SECTION CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PO BOX 66128 WASHINGTON DC 20035 -6128 Honorable Alvin Jones County Judge Brazos County, Texas 10 -1 -02 NOTICE http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 10/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 4 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 10 -1 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -16 Wolf Pen Marquee Sign Project The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division it City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 9, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the construction of a marquee sign structure including 21 sign displays, electrical items, and structural supports in Wolf Pen Creek Park the intersection of Holleman Street and Dartmouth Drive in College Station, I A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, Colleg Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, October 2, 2002. This meeting is nc mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non• refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www sta The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to NN informalities and irregularities. Sept 24, 2002 & Oct 1, 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 (W nv Entun Classifie Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -13 Legal Notices Police Motorcycles Merchandise Place an Ad The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Real Estate be received at: Rentals Service City of College Station Spanish Classifieds Purchasing Services Division City Hall Clasificados en 1101 Texas Avenue, Espanol College Station, Texas 77840 Anuncios Arrendamientos trz until 2:00 PM, October 8, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal Automo Bienes triz bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc Empleos Emple as address, Mon -Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Additional information is available on Finales website at www.ci .colle e -statiorax.us . i Mercanca Mecca ades de The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to NA Negocios informalities and irregularities. Sept 24, 2002 & Oct 1, 2002 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - USE & SITE for 112 HOLLEMj DRIVE WEST FOR A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hali ® Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, OCTOBER 17, 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Survivors include her parents, Jack and Donna Young of Bryan; a brother, Jeremy Young of Round Rock; grandparents, George and Frances Young of Caruthersville, Mo., and Pat Porter of College Station; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Christ's Way Baptist Church Building Fund, 3885 Copperfield, Bryan, Texas 77802. Hollie Elizabeth Winn Sept. 2, 1981 — Sept. 29, 2002 Services for Hollie Elizabeth Winn, 21, of Plantersville are set for 11 a.m. Thursday at the First United Methodist Church in Bryan. The Rev. Bob Richers of the First United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Winn died Sunday in College Station Medical Center. • She was born in Bryan and was a lifelong resident of the Brazos Valley. She attended A &M Consolidated High School. Survivors include her mother and stepfather, Lynne and Greg Gantt of Bryan; her father and stepmother, Sam and Angela Winn of Houston; two brothers, Sam Winn IV of Bryan and Brandon Winn of Houston; two sisters, Katie Winn and Breanne Winn, both of Houston; grandparents, Bob and Betty Fuchs of Plantersville and Skeeter Shimshack of Navasota; and great - grandparents, Earl and Rowena Fuchs of Plantersville. Mavis Neely Tribble Oct. 18, 1915 — Sept. 29, 2002 FRANKLIN — Services for Mavis Neely Tribble, 86, of Houston are set for 2 p.m. Wednesday at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church near Franklin. The Rev. Carl Whitworth will officiate. Burial will be in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. ® Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday at McCauley Funeral Home in Franklin. http: / /www.theeagle.com/regi on/ records / obituaries /Oct02 /100102obits.htm 10/1/2002 L11 �A The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community Page 1 of 1 �. b - T - o: d cj Ey.c €�a Home I Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com ( BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Community October 1, 2002 AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide Business Directory Coucil to hold final hearing for Cities & Counties Crimestoppers annexation proposal Emergency Organizations Eagle Staff Report Pet of the Week Reach Out The College Station City Council on Wednesday will hold its second Senior Resource Book and final public hearing over proposed annexation along the city's Thank you, Neighbor outskirts. Youth Lines Site sections The hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the College Station City A &M News Agriculture Council chamber. An ordinance to annex up to six tracts of land will Announcements be considered at the Oct. 24 regular meeting. Business & Technology Classifieds All six of the areas could be annexed at the October meeting Columnists because they each contain fewer than 100 residences. Community The Eagle Entertainment Twenty residents spoke during the first public hearing Thursday Faith & Values with many saying they were opposed to the city's 10 -year Food annexation plan because it calls for them to pay city taxes for years Health & Fitness without receiving city services. Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Concerns from residents ranged from water and sewer service to Obituaries the ability to burn trash or fire weapons on their property, which are Opinions prohibited in the city limits. Politics Region /State Two homeowners within the targeted area said they favored being Schools annexed by the city. Sports Subscriptions Weather The council is considering six areas along the city's outskirts for annexation: a 644 -acre tract at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Wellborn Road; a 1,077 -acre piece of land south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road; a 655 - acre tract east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision; a 1,340 -acre tract east of Rock Prairie and south of the Carter Lake subdivision and a 455 -acre tract along the Greens Prairie Road extension between Texas 20 and Carter Creek. Property owners within the targeted areas have been notified by the city through the mail. CW © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/community/100 102finalannexhearing.htm 10/1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 People living in the targeted areas already pay taxes to the county (W and the College Station school district. The county tax rate is 41.46 cents per $100 property valuation and the school rate is $1.75, which translates to $415 and $1,750 respectively in annual tax payments on a $100,000 home. College Station's tax rate is 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation, which would mean almost an additional $478 for the same $100,000 home. The city has outlined plans that call for water and sewer service to be brought into the targeted areas by 2007. City Planner Jane Kee said residents are not charged for services such as sanitation collection or water that they do not use. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrellgtheeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/I 00302annexation.htm 10/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Births Notebook Final public hearing on annexation Club Meetings Club M College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links College Station City Council members on Wednesday listened to Obituaries Town Talk 16 people whose land has been targeted for annexation tell them Site Sections they did not want to be brought into the city. A &M News Agriculture The second and final public hearing on the proposed annexation Announcements came less than a week after 20 county residents addressed the Business & Technology council on the subject, with all but two saying they opposed Classifieds Columnists annexation. Community The Eagle Five of Wednesday's speakers also spoke to the council last week. Entertainment Faith &Values The council will discuss which areas they want to keep in the Food Health & Fitness annexation plan at their Oct. 10 workshop meeting and will consider Kids Komer an ordinance to annex the properties on Oct. 24. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education College Station would assume control of all areas included in the Obituaries ordinance 48 hours after it is passed and would have to Opinions immediately provide such services as police and fire protection and Politics Region /State code enforcement. Schools Sports But many of the speakers told council members the benefits they Subscriptions would receive aren't enough to offset the payment of city taxes Weather because adequate services are already provided by Brazos County. "You are taking money from us and we are not getting anything we are not already paying for. And we'll continue to pay the county for these things, too," said Randall Pratt, whose cattle ranch is targeted by the plan. Tiersa Hopkins said the annexation of her land is probably inevitable, but she doesn't like it. "I've been voting since I was 18 and my life is about to be changed by people I didn't vote for," she said of the council. "I like my • [county] commissioner and I like my sheriff. For the record, I do not want to be annexed by the city." http:// www. theeagle .com/region/localregional/ 100302annexation.htm 10/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on October 2, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our websi www.ci.college- station.tx.u . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to % informalities and irregularities. Sept 26, 2002 & Oct 3, 2002 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas Property Code, SecurCare Self Storage and Loi Self Storage will hold a public sale of property being sold to satisfy a landlord Property will be sold to the highest bidder for CASH. Property must be remov immediately and space broom swept. Seller has the right to reject any bid and withdraw property from sale. Property in each space may be sold item -by -iten batches or by the space. Sale will be held on October 15th, 2002. 9:30 SecurCare Self Storage #1004, 625 Graham Rd., College Station, TX 771 • Rickey Coats - Vacuum, toolbox. 10:00 am, SecurCare Self Storage #1003, 4074 S. H. 6 South, College Station. 77845 979 - 690 -6777. Crystal Ellis- furniture, aquarium. Cheryl Rigney - con stand. Terry Smith -old trunk, old radio. Tamecka Burns- Clothes, car seat. 10:30 am Longmire Self Storage #1002, 3007 Longmire Dr., College Station, 77845. 979 - 694 -2186 Flavio M. Oliva rez-commercial grade freezer, restaura: equipment. 11:00 am Longmire Self Storage #1001, 3400 Longmire Dr., College Station, 77845. 979 - 694 -2186 Margaret Focke - plastic totes, golf clubs. 9- 26 -02, 10 -3 -02 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF PROPOSED TEXAS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS Sealed proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the I Department of Transportation (TxDOT) until the date(s) shown below, and then publicly read. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 5 City of College Station 4 W Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City HE bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w informalities and irregularities. Sept 26, 2002 & Oct 3, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS • Bid # 03 -12 Lick Creek Park Development The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 10, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City HE bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project is located approximately 2 miles southeast of Greens Prairie Road Hwy 6 (behind Pebble Creek subdivision) and involves Phase I- Consists of tr construction of the entrance road, parking lot, entrance fencing, and Copperhe Trail from the parking lot to the intersection with Old Iron Bridge Trail and Copperhead Cut bridge. Phase II- Consists of the construction of the remainde Copperhead Cut Trail, Deer Run Trail in its entirety, Deer Run Bridge, Iron B • Iron Bridge Trail Culvert, and the entrance fencing at the end of Deer Run Tra A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, Colleg http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -09 Legal Notices Merchandise Compactor Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos triz Automotriz until 2:00 PM, October 17, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City HE Bienes R ces bids received after that time will be returned unopened. ire de Servicios Emple os Emple A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo as address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our Fin ales Mercan a at www — s . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w informalities and irregularities. Oct 3, 2002 & Oct 10, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -11 Brush Truck (2) Cab & Chassis is The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 . .. : .. i Homel Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe. Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 3, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Oct. 1, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Shuntel and Bradford Carr, Hearne, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Laurie and Rafael Loya, Waller, a boy. Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:// www. theeagle. com/region/recordsibirths /octO2/ 100302births.htm 10/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 5 of 6 November 7, 2002. The hearings will be held in the Council Room of the Col Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m, hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JANE KEE City Planner 10 -2 -02 NOTICE Kevin Burns, 19/M; 3031 Victim F /11. NOTIFICACION Kevin Burns, 19/M; 3031 Nina 11. 9- 26 -02, 10 -2 -02 S. Texas Ave. #32; 77845 Aggrivated Sexual Assu, S. Texas Ave. #32; 77845; Agravado Asalto Sexual REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Brazos Valley Community Action Agency, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 non - profit, community -based organization, is requesting proposals to provide Physician within its Family Health Clinic, located in Bryan, Texas. Proposals must acco evidence of current Texas Medical License(s) and Board Certification in Fam Practice. Scope of work sought to ensure a quality continuum of health care for the Fan Health Clinic patients shall include the following: (1) full time physician (2) after hour call coverage (3) participation in hospital city call rotation (4) provide approximately 4250 -4500 out - patient medical encounters per year (5) supervise mid -level practitioners, when applicable (6) participate in performance improvement program (7) assist in ongoing medical staff training and evaluation. The term of the contract shall be from December 1, 2002, through June 30th, Proposals should be outlined as follows: experience, remuneration requiremer documentation of Texas Medical License and Board Certification. Proposals i http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/2/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Dated the 26th day of September, 2002. L LINDA NICHOLS INDEPENDENT EXECUTRIX By: Allen J. Segal, Attorney for the Estate 10 -2 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Page 4 of 6 Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of William B. McLerran, Deceased, were issued on July 24, 2002, in Cause No. 11,333 -PC i County Court at Law No. One of Brazos County, Texas, to Suzanne Krupa, Independent Executor. The mailing address of the Independent Executor is in Brazos County, Texas, follows: Suzanne Krupa c/o D. Brooks Cofer, Jr. Attorney for Estate P.O. Box 3520 Bryan, Texas 77805 -3520 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being admini: are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed byl, DATED this the 25th day of September, 2002. D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Box 3520, Bryan, Texas 77805 (979) 822 -7575 Telephone (979) 822 -3580 Facsimile Attorney for Estate 10 -2 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 17, 2002 to consider an AMENDMENT tc City of College Station's ZONING ORDINANCE, changing the composition cr Design Review Board. The City Council will also hold a public hearing to con the amendment and the Commission's recommendation at 7:00 p.m. on Thur http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/2/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page I of 6 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -14 Legal Notices Merchandise Household Hazardous Waste Collection Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 10:00 AM, October 16, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City 1 Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our Mercancia at w ww.cl.colle ge-sta tion.t x .us . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Oct 2, 2002 & Oct 9, 2002 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of CECIL BR JOHNSON were issued on September 26, 2002, in Cause No. 11,372 -PC, pe the County Court at Law No. 2 of Brazos County, Texas, to CECIL BENTL' JOHNSON. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the Estate addressed as fo http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 10/2/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Sept. 23, 2002: Laura and Brian Brittain, College Station, a boy; Roxann Ramirez, Bryan, a boy. Sept. 24, 2002: Jennifer and Jason Snook, Bryan, a girl; Lisa and Melvin Parker Jr., Caldwell, a girl. C Sept. 25, 2002: Devin Burton, Bryan, a girl; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /octO2 /100202births.htm 10/2/2002 79:77 tod =�:fol. Home i Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! BrazosSports.com � Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 2 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Sept. 27, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Martha and Fred Fanick, Bryan, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Amber Greenroyd and Michael Wager, Bryan, a girl; Community The Eagle Luz Surita -Ward and Calvin Ward, Caldwell, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values Food Sept. 28, 2002: Health & Fitness Kids Korner Serena and Michael Baker, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Sept. 30, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Amanda and Jeremiah Gallop, Rockdale, a girl; Region /State Schools Amy and Richard Coronado, Navasota, a girl. Sports Subscriptions St. Joseph Regional Health Center Weather Sept. 23, 2002: Laura and Brian Brittain, College Station, a boy; Roxann Ramirez, Bryan, a boy. Sept. 24, 2002: Jennifer and Jason Snook, Bryan, a girl; Lisa and Melvin Parker Jr., Caldwell, a girl. C Sept. 25, 2002: Devin Burton, Bryan, a girl; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /octO2 /100202births.htm 10/2/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 4, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News October 2, 2002 Agriculture Announcements Amanda Ramirez and Joe Mendez, Bryan, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Amy L. and James A. Penick, Hearne, a boy. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith &Values September 27, 2002 Food Health & Fitness • Kids Korner Mandi Dowling, Snook, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education September 28, 2002 Obituaries Opinions Arriene Castillo, Navasota, a girl. Politics Region /State Schools September 29, 2002 Sports Subscriptions Jamie Grebe, Bryan, a girl. Weather Davida Holmes, Normangee, a boy. Amy and Michael Hanik, College Station, a girl. Courtney and Wes Mason, Bryan, a boy. Jennifer and Joseph Pettibon, College Station, a boy. September 30, 2002 Heidi and Christopher Smith, Caldwell, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com /region /records/births /octO2/ 100402births.htm 10/7/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Oct. 4, 2002: Melissa and Kenneth Matney, College Station, a girl; Celina and Emiliano Loya, Bryan, a boy; Melissa Ramirez, Bryan, a boy. College Station Medical Center Oct. 3, 2002: Page 2 of 2 Natosha and Victor Sheffield, College Station, twins, a boy and girl; Catherine and Brian Gibson, College Station, a boy. Oct. 4, 2002: Teresa Qu and Migh -Han Li, College Station, a girl; Charissa Jessie, Brenham, a boy; Maria and Marcelo Ibarra, Bryan, a girl; 40 Mary J. and Thomas Newhouse, Bryan, twin boys; Heather and John Fedora, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records /births /oct02 /100802births.htm 10/8/2002 Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Site Sections A &M News Health Center Agriculture Announcements Oct. 1, 2002: Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Jennifer Smith, College Station, a girl; Community The Eagle Sharlotte Kelley, Bryan, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Food Mandy and Sean Mitchell, Bryan, a girl; ® Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lisa and William Abke, Navasota, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Jennifer Massa and Ervin Corado, Bryan, a boy; Obituaries Opinions Politics Kimberly and Juan Morales, College Station, twin girls; Region /State Schools Elizabeth and Marcell Freeman, College Station, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Oct. 2, 2002: Weather Marilyn and James Anders, College Station, a girl; Patricia and Christopher Ramirez, college Station, a boy; Pamela Boyce, Somerville, a boy. Oct. 3, 2002: Nieves and Matt Adams, Bryan, a girl; Norma and Andres Anderson, College Station, a boy; 0 Danielle and Kendrick Gilbert, Dime Box, a boy; Shima and Mazher Ahmed, College Station, a boy. http:// www .theeagle.com/regioii/records /births /octO2/ 100802births.htm 10/8/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Oct 2, 2002 & Oct 9, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -05 Haul Trailer The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 23, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 9, 2002 & Oct 16, 2002 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Page 3 of 7 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 40 10/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios ra Oct 2 2002 & Oct 9 2002 2- 9 l_ 002 & Oct 9, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS OR BIDS BIDS 11 be received at: n n 1 in 1 bids received after that time will be returned unopened. e above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM our website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us .tx.us x.us . nd to waive informalities and irregularities. ularities. Additional information is available on w Page 2 of 7 http: i ssifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html V 42002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 7 the E N go TY a if Class mi e C Z ASSti�``�- Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 - 14 Legal Notices Merchandise Household Hazardous Waste Collection Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz tri until 10:00 AM, October 16, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes irectorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Emple os Emple as A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Finales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website Mercancia at ww w.ci.college- sta tion.tx.us . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http: /Niss1fieds .theeagle.com /1ineads /0699.htm1 42002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 5 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births VICTORIA— A memorial service for Virginia Adams Erickson, 75, Brazos Valley Notebook October 9, 2002 Club Meetings at Tarrytown United Methodist Church Chapel in Austin. Burial will College Town be at 4 p.m. at the College Station Cemetery. Datebook Virginia Adams Erickson Government Links Feb. 27, 1927 — Oct. 6, 2002 Links Austin. Obituaries VICTORIA— A memorial service for Virginia Adams Erickson, 75, Town Talk of Austin and recently of Victoria is set for 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Site Sections at Tarrytown United Methodist Church Chapel in Austin. Burial will A &M News be at 4 p.m. at the College Station Cemetery. Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Arrangements are under the direction of Colonial Funeral Home in Classifieds Austin. Columnists Community Mrs. Erickson died Sunday. The Eagle Entertainment She was born in Houston. She was an artist who received her Faith & Values Food bachelor's from Southern Methodist University and a master's Health & Fitness degree in art education from the University of Texas. She taught at Kids Korner Southwest Texas State University, St. Stephen's Episcopal School Lifestyles and Concordia Lutheran College. She was a member of the Texas Newspapers in Education Toastmasters Club. Obituaries Opinions Politics She was preceded in death by her husband, Len Erickson. Region /State Schools Survivors include a son, James Erickson of Austin; a daughter, Sports Lydia Erickson of Nashville; two sisters, Elizabeth Bartlett of San Subscriptions Francisco and Marjorie Parrish of San Marcos; and a brother, Weather Robert Adams of Victoria. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Yarborough branch of the Austin Public Library or the charity of your choice. Vernon Lee Plantt March 28, 1922 — October 6, 2002 ROCKDALE — Services for Vernon Lee Plantt, 80, of Rockdale will be at a later date at Fort Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso. ❑Mr. Platt died Sunday at Scott & White Hospital in Temple. Arrangements are under the direction of Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /OctO2 /100902obits.htm 10/9/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 979.776.2345 tr h, e. rvA W evaf- amr! 8 MIA :[01. Horne Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ', Subscribe Co Region State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 9, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Oct. 4, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Kasey and Stephen Sparks, Bryan, a boy; Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Florestela Montemayor and Antonio Alvarado, Navasota, a girl. Community The Eagle Oct. 5, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Food Michaele and C.R. Greenwood Jr., Navasota, a girl; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Jennifer and Shane Watson, College Station, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Oct. 6, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Mary and Ricky Thane, Navasota, a boy. Region /State Schools College Station Medical Center Sports Subscriptions Oct. 7, 2002' Weather Sheila and Michael Dotson, Millican, a boy; Tracie and Preston Pratt, College Station, a girl; Karon and Christopher Bosenbark, Bryan, a boy; Barbie and Jaime Romero, Bryan, a boy; Maria and Marcelino Fuentes, Bryan, a girl; Sandra and Kevin Barnett, New Baden, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:// www.theeagle.com/region/records /births /oct02 /100902births.htm 10/9/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 10, 2002 & Oct 17, 2002 NOTICE State of Texas Co. of Brazos No. 4395 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage code that Anndee Ventures, LLC has filed for a Wine and Beer Retailer's Permit/F & B Certificate. Said business to be conducted under the trade name of Lajitas Grill. Locate of said business to be 12675 FM 2154, College Station, Brazos Co., Texas 77845. The officers of the incorporated business are: Kenneth R.Reynolds II, Mgr Christopher K. Willis, Mgr Witness my hand this the 17th day of September, 2002. Karen McQueen, Co. Clerk Brazos Co., Texas Sylvia Polansky Deputy Clerk 10-10-02,10-11-02 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF PROPOSED Page 3 of 5 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 0 ) 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Oct 3, 2002 & Oct 10, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -15 George Bush Streetlighting Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 24, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project is located on George Bush Drive (Timber Street to Wellborn Road) and involves construction of a) 998' of two (2) inch schedule 40 gray PVC conduit installed on trench or bore, b) 3,102' of one (1) inch schedule 40 gray PVC conduit in trench or bore, c) installation of eleven (11) 45' bronze powder coated streetlights, d) installation of ten (10) 30' direct embedded streetlights, e) installation of 297' of #2 Cu Tplx 600 V underground triplex cable to serve streetlights, f) installation of 1,816' of #12 -2 Cu 600 V underground duplex cable to serve streetlights, and g) installation of 1,943' of #6 -2 Cu 600 V underground duplex cable to serve streetlights. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, College Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on October 15, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. Page 2 of 5 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 1 0/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Pagel of 5 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 - 09 Legal Notices Merchandise Compactor Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, October 17, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website Mercancia at www. ci,c_ ollege- station.tx.us . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. � http: /Jsifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 101 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ' pool, NO 11 AlXtN: Home I Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe I Contact ( Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 10, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may not be complete because Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 6, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Lucia and Sante Scuro, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Oct. 7, 2002: Columnists Community Agustina Gonzalez, Madisonville, a boy. The Eagle Entertainment College Station Medical Center Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Oct. 8, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Lajuana and Billy Green, Bryan, a boy; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Tina and Robert Tucker, Bedias, a boy. Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http: /NJW.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /octO2 /101002births.h&) 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 "We're real excited about it," Fogle said. "With this, we've kind of gone back and added to it in some places. We added paths and some policy things, like bicycle parking, signage along the routes and a bicycle safety campaign." College Station's Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously approved the plan at its Sept. 5 meeting, but made one alteration to it, proposing that a section along Longmire Drive be moved from between Valley View Drive and Airline Drive to between Airline Drive and Southwood Drive. City staff is asking the council to adopt the plan with the original route left in place. Whichever plan the council supports, local riders should expect to see more bike lanes by the end of the year, Fogle said. The paths could take 15 years to complete because they will be more difficult to fund. "A lot of the stuff is very short- term," Fogle said. "For a lot of the bike lanes that are shown on the plan, it's just a matter of getting out there and striping them." Some paths will appear sooner because the bike plan ties into some existing or soon -to -be -built facilities. Trails in Wolf Pen Creek are included and will be built by the Parks & Recreation department over the next few years. Fogle said the bicycle plan will put College Station on the state's cutting edge for bicycle and pedestrian transportation. The idea already has become popular in other parts of the community, especially in college towns such as Boulder, Colo., and Madison, Wis. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com theeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:.theeagle.com / region / localregional /101002bikelanes.htm J 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 2 Asa.tw: Home I Classifieds ; Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State October 10, 2002 Births Notebook Club Meetings College Station City Council plans for bike lanes Club M College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Obituaries Bicyclists and pedestrians should find it easier to get around College Station under a plan the City Town Talk Council will consider Thursday. Site Sections A &M News Agriculture The Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan calls for a series of clearly marked bike lanes along city Announcements streets, trails through city parks and paths that are marked by signs but do not provide a specific area Business & Technology for bicycles. Classifieds Columnists A public hearing on the plan will take place during the council's regular meeting, which begins at 7 Community p.m. at College Station City Hall. The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Ken Fogle, the city's transportation planner, said the city staff has been working on the plan for more Food than a year, having several meetings with residents and conducting an online poll to find out what Health & Fitness people want. Kids Korner Lifestyles Under the proposal, designated bike areas will run throughout the city. Fogle said Texas A &M Newspapers in Education Obituaries University was used as a hub for the plan because most of the city's bicycle traffic is generated by Opinions trips to and from A &M. Politics Region /State The plan is an updated version of a 1993 model created by the city when it was seeking a grant to Schools build its bike loop, part of which is already in place. Sports Subscriptions Weather Fogle said the loop, which serves as the plan's foundation, should be completed after the Texas Avenue widening project is finished in a few years. http: NAw.theeagle. com/ region /localregional /101002bike lanes. htm. J 1 N The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 4:0I U Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Oct. 6, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook October 10, 2002 Club Meetings Lucia and Sante Scuro, College Station, a girl. College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may not be complete because Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 6, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Lucia and Sante Scuro, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Oct. 7, 2002: Columnists Community Agustina Gonzalez, Madisonville, a boy. The Eagle Entertainment College Station Medical Center Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Oct. 8, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Lajuana and Billy Green, Bryan, a boy; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Tina and Robert Tucker, Bedias, a boy. Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http:N 4w. theeagle. com / region / records /births /octO2 /101002births.h%J 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle law, Ray and Carol Britton of Palestine; two sisters -in -law and a brother -in -law, Marguerite Britton Patterson of Calvert and Laurie Britton Lind and her husband, Chuck, of College Station; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Shriners Burn Center, c/o Arabia Temple Shrine, P.O. Box 20625, Houston, 77225. Lurline Marsh Dec. 28, 1904 - Oct. 10, 2002 Page 4 of 5 CALDWELL - Graveside services for Lurline H. Marsh, 97, of Caldwell and formerly of Bridge City are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in Orange. Arrangements are under the direction of Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Caldwell. Mrs. Marsh died Thursday at Burleson St. Joseph Health Center in Caldwell. She was born in Liberty, Miss. She was a retired teacher and had last taught at West Orange Juniior High School. She was a member and former Sunday School teacher of First Baptist Church of Orange. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Jim and Lou Ida Marsh of Caldwell; a daughter and son -in -law, Marilyn and Paul Andrzejewski of Lenoir City, Tenn.; a sister, Evelyn Morris of California; two granddaughters and several nieces and nephews. Bertrand "Bert" T. Hansen Feb. 19, 1912 - Oct. 10, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for Bertrand "Bert" T. Hansen, 90, of Navasota are set for 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Nobles Funeral Chapel in Navasota. Rev. David Kline of First Baptist Church in Navasota will officiate. Burial will be in the Oakland Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Mr. Hansen died Thursday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center in Bryan. Born in Navasota, he was a postmaster and a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Lena V. Hansen of Navasota, and numerous nieces and nephews. http: /r region/ records / obituaries /Oct02 /101102obiL -..Itm 10,, 1/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Services for Gerald D. "Jerry" Ray, 48, of Bryan are set for 1 p.m. Saturday at the Jerusalem Baptist Church in Bryan. Rev. S.E. Taplin will officiate. Burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday at Jones - Washington Mortuary in Bryan. Mr. Ray died Tuesday at his residence. He was a lifelong resident of Bryan, graduated from Bryan public schools and was a member of the Jerusalem Baptist Church. Survivors include three brothers, Maxie Ross Sr. of Bryan, Henry Turner of Huntsville and Preston Turner of Stafford; three sisters, Grady Wiggins of Nacogdoches, Doris Joshua of Bryan and Wanda LeBrun of Farmers Branch; and his parents, Ruby Devrow and Elmer Ray of Bryan. Earnest Stewart Camp May 25, 1931 - Oct. 9, 2002 Services for Earnest Stewart Camp, 71, of College Station are set for 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Bill Camp will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday and from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Mr. Camp died Wednesday at his residence. He was born in Fort Worth and lived in College Station since 1970. He was the owner of University Book Stores, Triangle Bowl, Wolf Pen Bowl and Skate and Comet School Supplies. He graduated from Texas A &M University in 1962. Mr. Camp was a member of the Shriner Arabia Temple of Houston, the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Society of Exploration of Geophysicists, American Legion Post No. 159, the board of the Texas Retailers Association, the board of the Texas Bowling Center Assocaition, the Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, the Roller Skating Assocciation and the Texas Printers Association. He was a major while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. Survivors include his wife, Martha Britton Camp of College Station; a son and daughter -in -law, Robert Stewart Camp and his wife, Denise Nerren Camp of College Station; a brother -in -law and sister -in- http:N4w.theeagle.com /region/records /obituaries /OctO2 /101102obl%)tm 1044/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 by cars three times in the past eight years, said he wanted to see the plan passed as presented and be fully funded by the council sooner rather than later. The council did add a stipulation to its vote. It called for the plan to come back to the Planning & Zoning Commission if a proposed bridge is built at Bee Creek Park, which would give it easier access from Longmire. Ken Fogle, the city's transportation planner, said it could take several years and cost College Station up to $100,000 to build the bridge. In other action Thursday, the council: • Voted to keep Cornell Drive /Lassie Lane as a major collector in the city's thoroughfare plan. The two streets do not currently connect, but are scheduled to eventually become one street. A major collector is designed to handle 5,000 to 10,000 vehicles per day and a minor collector can accommodate between 1,000 and 5,000 vehicles per day. • Approved a rezoning along Harvey Road that will allow for an office building adjacent to the Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill, with the back of the lot available for a single - family home. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfe © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: NAw. theeagle. com/ region / localregional /101102bikeways.htmJ l OJ/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 01*11: 01. Home I Classifieds ! Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com J Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather October 11, 2002 Council approves bike and pedestrian lanes By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer The College Station City Council on Thursday unanimously approved a bikeway and pedestrian master plan that will eventually link all city parks and allow safe access throughout the city. Council members did make one alteration to the plan, eliminating a lane along Longmire Drive near Harvey Mitchell Parkway South in favor of a route that calls for riders to turn onto Airline Drive and cross Harvey Mitchell Parkway South where it intersects Southwood Drive. Though the plans calls for miles of painted lanes, paved trails and routes that are designated by street signs, most of the conversation centered around that intersection. Parts of the plan, such as the paved paths, could take 15 years to complete, but bike lanes and routes could be in place by the end of the year. A half -dozen residents spoke to the council, with half supporting the Longmire Drive route and the other three backing the alternative. Jim Griffen, who owns the College Station Business Center at the intersection of Valley View Drive and Longmire Drive, said putting a bike lane through the street would hurt businesses that operate from the facility because it would eliminate part of the on- street parking. He also said the increased traffic at the Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Longmire intersection had more potential for danger than the intersection at Southwood Drive. David Scott, who said he commutes to his job at Texas A &M University by bicycle and has been hit http:NAW.thecagle.com/region/localregional/ V 104 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -17 Live, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Long Term Disability Insurance „r j X04F The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 28, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website at ww w.ci.c o lleRe- sta . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Page 1 of 4 http:/ Jssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html j 1(4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 3 • Craig Kapitan's e -mail address is cka pitan(:c�th eea gl e.com . © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: theeagle. com/ businesstechnology /101202properous.htmi 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 3 Bryan - College Station area isn't as likely to follow it to the same depths. But having a strong base in government isn't all rosy. The flip side of stability is that the area economy doesn't boom as much as other cities when the nation's economy is strong. And compared to other parts of the state, the Brazos Valley has a higher- than - average poverty level. While government jobs are plenty, they don't pay well, Wilkinson explained. "If you look at the large picture, there are still problems," he said. "You can be a single parent working for the school district or for the city as an entry-level fireman or police officer and still be listed at the poverty level." However, the numbers can be somewhat misleading, Wilkinson added. Area government agencies are paying competitive wages, but pay remains low partially because the area is considered a very affordable place to live. For example, the Brazos Valley is about 2.5 times less expensive than New York City. While the area's unemployment rate may be an amazing number, having such a stable economy means that business growth is pretty flat, said Jack Harris, a research economist with the Real Estate Center at A &M. "People aren't moving here thinking jobs are available like they would to Houston," he said. But some officials hope that might eventually change. "The goal is to diversify the economy," said the EDC's Basinger. Industries the group hopes to target include technology, biotechnology and manufacturing distribution. Right now, A &M graduates generally don't stay in the Bryan - College Station area because there's not enough of a demand for them. But if a few high -tech companies were to come to town and offer higher wages, they could easily have a strong pool of potential employees to pull from in an area that is recession - proof, Basinger said. "The university is a stable foundation, and from that we're growing," he said. http:;4w.theeagle .com/businesstechnology /101202properous.htm J 164/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Business & Technology Business & Technology Chambers of Commerce Page 1 of 3 Columnists October 12, 2002 Strictly Business Technology Site Sections Bryan- College Station makes magazine's `prosperous' cities A &M News Agriculture list Announcements Business & Technology B CRAIG KAPITAN Classifieds Eagle Staff Writer Columnists Community The Eagle Extraordinarily low unemployment helped the Bryan - College Station area to be deemed a "pocket of Entertainment prosperity" by a national magazine this week. Faith & Values Food The commendation — given in the Oct. 14 issue of BusinessWeek — was awarded to 12 Health & Fitness Kids Korner communities across the nation that the magazine said had set an example with their humming Lifestyles economies. Newspapers in Education Obituaries While the jobless rate has hit 7 percent in many larger cities, Bryan and College Station had a jobless Opinions rate of only 2.1 percent in the three months that ended in July, the magazine reported. Politics Region /State Schools But that's nothing new, said Gary Basinger of the Bryan - College Station Economic Development Sports Corp. Bryan and College Station has had the lowest unemployment rate of all metropolitan areas in Subscriptions Texas for the past 81 months straight, he pointed out. Weather The reason, he said, is partially due to Texas A &M University, which provides a floor for the economy. Ten of the 12 cities listed in the article were cited for having a strong base in either education, government or both. "Government is just a little more stable of an employer," explained Tom Wilkinson, executive director of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments. That means when the nation's economy is weak, the http:4w. theeagle. com/ businesstechnology /101202properous.htm'1J 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Kacie and Jason Atkins, Madisonville, a boy. October 13, 2002: Angela and Jose Figueroa, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / 4 w.theeagle. com/region/records /births /oct02/ 101502births.hi 1 4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Oct 16, 2002 & Oct 23, 2002 LEGAL NOTICE CORRECTION TO ORDINANCE NO. 2584 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE COLLEGE STATION BIKEWAY AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN AS AN AMENDMENT TO THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN, AN ELEMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ADOPTING BY ORDINANCE THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN ELEMENT, PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION # 8- 12- 97 -5 -b. AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The "College Station Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan map ", as described in Exhibit "A -1" and shown in Exhibit "A -2" be adopted as ordinance for all purposes. The "College Station Thoroughfare Plan map ", as described in Exhibit "B -1" and shown in Exhibit "B -2 ", previously adopted by resolution, be adopted now by ordinance for all purposes. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Page 2 of 8 Connie Hooks http:l ssifleds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • A/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 8 �h E Classifieds Q A Classifieds Announcements ___..__... —...__ Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -23 Legal Notices Merchandise Brush Truck (2) Cab & Chassis Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos tri Automotriz until 2:00 PM, October 30, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Emple Emple os as A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our Mercancia website at w station.tx.us . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 4/2002 http:4ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 1 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Amy and Dwayne Mathis, Lexington, a girl; Michelle Winston and James Wiggins, Calvert, a girl; Shaquitta Franklin and Willie Lockett, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:4wv.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /oct02 /102302births.h%) 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact ( Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Oct. 15, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook October 23, 2002 Club Meetings Julie and Billy Atomanczyk, Franklin, a boy. College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because Datebook Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 15, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Julie and Billy Atomanczyk, Franklin, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Oct. 18, 2002: Columnists Community Christy and Keith Porter, College Station, a girl; The Eagle Entertainment Comeka and Tim Stringfellow, Caldwell, a girl. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Oct. 19, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Lakita Brown, Hearne, a boy; El Rose and Helios Soler, Bryan, a girl;❑ Jackie and Douglas Moore, Newspapers in Education Plantersville, a girl. Obituaries Opinions Politics Oct. 20, 2002: Region /State Schools Jennifer Turner, Mumford, a girl. Sports Subscriptions College Station Medical Center Weather Oct. 21, 2002: http:.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /oct02 /102302births.hJ 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pagel of 7 The Erie Classifieds St' �r _ Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 - 06 Legal Notices Merchandise Motorgrader Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, October 31, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website Mercancia at www.ci.00llege- station tx.us . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http:ssifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html J 1 M412002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ex" Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Oct. 19, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook October 24, 2002 Club Meetings Angela and Rayburn Imhoff, Plantersville, a boy. College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because Datebook Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 19, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Angela and Rayburn Imhoff, Plantersville, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds College Station Medical Center Columnists Community Oct. 22, 2002: The Eagle Entertainment Kristina and John Gunn, Bryan, a girl; Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Marla and Jeffrey Maitland, Brenham, a girl; ❑ Kimberly Mooring, Bryan, a girl. Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http: 114/ Evw. theeagle. com/region/records/births /octO2/ 102402births.hJ 114/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 4 of 5 in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in civil engineering from Texas A &M University. He was professoer emeritus in the construction science department at TAMU until his retirement in 1995 and a member of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Associated General Contractors. Mr. Tiner served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a member of St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Survivors include his wife, Nancy R. Tiner of College Station; two sons and daughters -in -law, Wayne Reynolds and Roxanne Tiner of Houston and Kenneth Henderson and Lou Ann Tiner of Auburn, Ala.; two daughters and a son -in -law, Tammy H. Tiner and Kenn E. Harding of College Station and Cassandrea "Candy" Hager of San Marcos; a sister, Susan Tiner Mitchell of Spring; and seven grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the donor's favorite charity. Ethel Mary Parker Bingaman July 29, 1926 — Oct. 22, 2002 Services for Ethel Mary Parker Bingaman, 76, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Christ United Methodist Church. The Rev. Jerry House Jr. will officiate. Burial will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the Moore Cemetery in Arlington. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Mrs. Bingaman died Tuesday at Kindred Hospital in Houston. ❑ Born in Houston, she attended the University of Texas at Austin. Mrs. Bingaman was an author and member of the Brazos Valley Writers Association. She was a volunteer for the Dispute Resolution Center and member of the city of College Station Citizen's University. She belonged to Christ United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Arlington Bingaman. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Fred P. and Jean Bingaman of College Station; two daughters and sons -in -law, Camy and David Sturdivant of College Station and Judy and John http:4w .theeagle.com/region /records /obituaries /OctO2/102402ob tm 14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe Marino. El Survivors include a son and daughter -in- law, Charles and Diane Marino of Houston; three sisters and two brothers -in -law, Josephine Salverino of Dallas, Virginia and Howard Morrison of Forney and Janie and Lewis Sarao of Houston; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Luke and Barbara Macaluso and Frank and JoAnn Macaluso, all of Dallas; one grandchild; and two great - grandchildren. Buddy Howard `Junior' Thompson April 4, 1971 — Oct. 19, 2002 MIDWAY — Memorial services for Buddy Howard "Junior" Thompson, 31, are set for 3 p.m. Sunday at J.M. Day Funeral Home Chapel in Madisonville. The Rev. Dean Ferguson will officiate. Mr. Thompson died Saturday in Navasota. He was born in Dallas. He was a carpenter. Survivors include his wife, Jeniffer Thompson of Midway; his father, Howard Thompson of Mesquite; a son, Justin Thompson of Midway; two daughters, Ashley Thompson and Sarah Alvarez, both of Midway; his mother -in -law and father -in -law, Flora and Donald Robinson of Midway; and many other relatives and friends. Wayne Douglas `Doug' Tiner Oct. 17, 1926 — Oct. 21, 2002 Services for Wayne Douglas "Doug" Tiner, 76, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Friday at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in College Station. The Rev. Ben Aurand will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. o Mr. Tiner died Monday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in San Antonio and lived in College Station since 1982. He earned a bachelor's degree http: .theeagle.com/region /records /obituaries /OctO2 /102402obsitm 1 42002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community Weather Wensday morning. She was a " winner" in the city's " Kiss a Pig" contest, part of College Station's United Way fundraising efforts, and was one of the top three fundraisers. The other two were utilities director John Woody and CSPD assistant police chief Mike Patterson, who also took thier turns kissing the oinker in front of an enthusiastic gathering of city employees on the south side of City Hall. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:4w.theeagle.corfl/community/102402kissapig.htm Page 2 of 2 16J/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle > Community Page 1 of 2 ibe- tnrqnvi 1 G17: Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Community AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide Business Directory Cities & Counties Crimestoppers Emergency Organizations Pet of the Week Reach Out Senior Resource Book Thank you, Neighbor Youth Lines Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions October 24, 2002 Kiss a pig Olivia Burnside, director of College Station's office of technology and information services, prepares to pucker up and plant a smooch on a piglet outside city hall http: / /www.theeagle.com /community /102402kissapig.htm IO 4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 5 �Yq � U G I W f =4 1 ► t Region / State October 24, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com ( BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact ( Site Map Map of proposed College Station annexation Proposed 2002 College Station annexation areas. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http:/4w.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /102402mapannex.htm II 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Lake subdivision and 455 acres along the Greens Prairie Road extension between Texas 20 and Carter Creek. All are within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction. The council can choose to incorporate as few or as many of the areas as it wants. College Station would assume control of the selected areas 48 hours after the ordinance to annex them is approved. The city would have to provide necessary "day after" services to the areas, including police and fire protection and code enforcement. south of the Carter Lake subdivision and containing approximately 1340 acres. Page 2 of 2 • Area 6 — Located generally along the extension of Greens Prairie Road east from Carter Creek to Texas 30 and containing approximately 455 acres. A plan has been presented to the council to supply water and sewer service to the areas by 2007. Some would receive the services sooner. One area is not scheduled to receive service because of the lack of development in the area. If the council chooses to bring all six areas into the city, it would cost College Station more than $2.7 million to complete the water upgrades and $1.7 million for the added sewer infrastructure. Homeowners would not have to connect to the city's lines until the infrastructure is within 250 feet of their homes and their current septic tanks are no longer usable. Public hearings took place in September and October, during which more than 30 residents of the targeted areas addressed the council. All but two said they were against being annexed, with increased taxes and the availability of water and sewer service being among their chief concerns. College Station's tax rate is 47.77 cents per $100 property valuation. That would make the tax bill on a $100,000 home $477.70. Several residents said the city was trying to skirt the state's annexation laws by targeting sections with fewer than 100 residences. Those areas could be annexed immediately, but under recently passed legislation areas with more than 100 dwellings would have to be included in an annexation plan that would take several years to complete. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrellgtheeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:4w.theeagle.com/ region /localregional /102402annex.htm J 10J/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 r " i is r 1 41*311ifff Home I Classifieds j Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State October 24, 2002 Births Notebook Club Meetings College Station City Council to decide annexation targets Club M College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Obituaries The College Station City Council on Thursday will decide which of the possible a nnexation Town Talk six areas targeted for annexation will be incorporated into the city's areas Site Sections boundaries. A &M News Agriculture • Area 1 — Located generally at The council is considering adding about 4,200 acres of sparsely the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Announcements Business & Technology populated land around the city's outskirts. Each section has fewer than Parkway and Wellborn Road and Classifieds 100 residences. containing approximately 644 Columnists acres. Community The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the council chambers at College . Area 2 — Located generally The Eagle Station City Hall. south of Greens Prairie Road and Entertainment north of Arrington Road and Faith & Values Food Jane Kee, College Station's senior planner, said the proposed containing approximately 1077 Health & Fitness annexation has not stirred as much controversy as previous ones. acres. Kids Korner • Area 3 — Located in the Lifestyles "The public hearings were so much calmer than in the past," Kee said. Nantucket subdivision and Newspapers in Education "There has not been the huge amount of opposition expressed so containing approximately 40 Obituaries angrily as in past annexations. It's interesting in that each annexation acres. Opinions Politics sort of takes on its own personality." •Area 4 — Located generally Region /State east of Rock Prairie Road and Schools Tracts under consideration for annexation include 64 acres at the north of the Carter Lake Sports intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Wellborn Road, subdivision and containing Subscriptions 1,077 acres south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road, approximately 655 acres. Weather 655 acres east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision, 1,340 acres east of Rock Prairie and south of the Carter . Area 5 — Located generally east of Rock Prairie Road and http:,*AW.theeagle.com/ region /localregional /102402annex.htm 10 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10- 22 -02, 10 -23 -02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I Rentals Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotrz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunidades de Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy St atement Page 4 of 4 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 1 Ofd /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 10- 22 -02, 10 -29 -02 LEGAL NOTICE CORRECTION TO ORDINANCE NO. 2584 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE COLLEGE STATION BIKEWAY AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN AS AN AMENDMENT TO THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN, AN ELEMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ADOPTING BY ORDINANCE THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN ELEMENT, PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION # 8- 12- 97 -5 -b. AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The "College Station Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan map ", as described in Exhibit "A -1" and shown in Exhibit "A -2" be adopted as ordinance for all purposes. The "College Station Thoroughfare Plan map ", as described in Exhibit "B -1" and shown in Exhibit "B -2 ", previously adopted by resolution, be adopted now by ordinance for all purposes. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Page 3 of 4 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Oct 15, 2002 & Oct 22, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -18 Landfill Office Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 5, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project is located at the BVSWMA Landfill at 7600 East Rock Prairie Road, College Station and involves the construction of a new office building. The new building includes a reception area, 2 offices and a restroom. Work includes demolition, concrete slab on grade, wood frame, and drywall, exterior prefinished metal siding and roofing, insulation and storefront system. Sitework includes earthwork, grading, concrete walks and steps. Asphalt paving, concrete wheel stop and pavement markings provided by owner. Handicap sign and concrete curbing provided by contractor. Demolition of existing concrete walks and existing utility lines provided by owner. Related electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, College Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on October 30, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. Page 2 of 4 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 1011/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -07 Legal Notices Merchandise Roll -off Container Haul Truck Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, October 29, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website Mercancia at w stati . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Page 1 of 4 http: /issifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html j 10 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Sera Eom and Byoung Koun Min, College Station, a girl; Tracy and Chris Perkins, College Station, a girl. Oct. 17, 2002 Cristal Parra and Carlos Martinez, Bryan, a girl; Rosa Lopez and Jose Diaz, Bryan, a boy; Kristi and Hunter Borland, Bryan, a girl; Socorro Hernandez, Marquez, a girl; Shanandoah and Chad Huebner, Alleyton, a boy; Mary Peterson, Bryan, a boy. Oct. 18, 2002 Rebecca and Wade Ryberg, Bryan, a girl; Tatlete Miller, Hearne, a boy; Rosa and Rosalio Torres, Navasota, a girl; Dawn and Cary Crow, Franklin, a girl;[] Crystal Tennell, Bryan, a boy. C 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: .theeagle.com/ region / records /births /oct02 /102202births.h%) 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 rl I *be torInvi .yxwcfM:;. Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Region > Births October 22, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. College Station Medical Center Oct. 18, 2002 Kristina Devaul and Kevin Hendrix, Bryan, a girl; Kimberly and Joshua B. Varner, Caldwell, a girl. Oct. 19, 2002 Liliana Bautista and Juan C. Martinez, Marquez, a boy. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Oct. 15, 2002 Krissa and Michael Supak, Lyons, a boy. Oct. 16, 2002 Alma and Victor Cerda, Bryan, a boy; Christie and Blake Goehring, Fayette, a girl; http:14w.theeagle. com/region/records /births /octO2/ 102202births.hN) 104/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 1, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www .ci.college - s tation. tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 25, 2002 & Nov 1, 2002 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage code that Jose Hernandez has filed for a Mixed beverage permit/ Mixed beverage late hours permit. Said business to be conducted under the trade name of Sports Bar El Tio. Locate of said business to be 502 W. William J Bryan, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. The officers of the incorporated business are: Jose Hernandez, President Witness my hand this the 21st day of October, 2002. Karen McQueen County Clerk Brazos County, Texas By Sylvia Polansky, Deputy Clerk 10- 24 -02, 10 -25 -02 Page 2 of 5 http:4ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 j 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios �LI)E C w REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -26 Southwood Athletic Parks Improvements The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 5, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: Southwood Athletic Park is located at 1600 Rock Prairie Road, College Station, Texas The project consists of installation of fincing, gates, backstops, and concrete dugout floors. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, College Page 1 of 5 http:lissifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 1(J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Mayor Ron Silvia said Greens Prairie Road will be an important gateway into College Station and it is important that the city be able to control the types of development along it. "It wasn't that long ago that Greens Prairie Road was as rural as Rock Prairie is now," Silvia said. Councilman Dennis Maloney said the council is acting in the best interest of the community's future and discounted many of the complaints raised by residents of the targeted areas. Many of the people who spoke to the council during a pair of public hearings accused the city of gerrymandering to bring in areas that have fewer than 100 residences and thus avoid putting together a lengthy annexation plan. Others said they would not benefit from becoming part of College Station. Several residents also said they should not be annexed because they have land that has been in their families for years and they have no intention of developing it. "Annexation is not about personalities," Maloney said. "It is about control of land use. You may not develop your land, but someday, somebody will. We are annexing you now because we can by law. The areas around these will eventually be annexed." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: .theeagle.com/ region /localregional /102502annex.htm %) 1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 n Ulf 1 » Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State October 25, 2002 Births Meetings Notebook Club M eeting Council annexes 6 tracts into College Station Club M College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Obituaries The College Station City Council on Thursday brought about 4,200 acres of property into the city Town Talk limits, with members saying the move was just the beginning of a lengthy process that will eventually Site Sections include more land acquisitions to help control the city's growth. A &M News Agriculture Five of the six targeted tracts were annexed unanimously, but an area that stretches along Greens Announcements Business & Technology Prairie Road was incorporated on a 5 -1 vote, with Councilwoman Anne Hazen casting the dissenting Classifieds Vote. Columnists Community "This is not an easy issue. The city council must determine what is best for the current and long -term The lle well -being of the city," Councilman James Massey said. "Annexation is a method by which a city like e Faith & Values College Station can do that." Food Health & Fitness City Planner Jane Kee said the city will assume control of the annexed areas on Nov. 1. College Kids Komer Station will be responsible for some services immediately, including police and fire protection. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education The areas annexed Thursday night include 64 acres at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway Obituaries Opinions South and Wellborn Road, 1,077 acres south of Greens Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road, Politics 655 acres east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake subdivision, 1,340 acres east of Region /State Rock Prairie and south of the Carter Lake subdivision and 455 acres along the Greens Prairie Road Schools extension between Texas 30 and Carter Creek. Sports Subscriptions The stretch along Greens Prairie Road drew special interest from Hazen, who said the cost to Weather taxpayers for the road's upkeep would outweigh the benefits of bringing it into the city before development is ready to occur in the area. The road is currently maintained by Brazos County. J ICt /2002 http:4w.theeagle.com/ region /localregional /102502annex.htm The Bryan - College Station Eagle College Station. Page 3 of 6 The Rev. Kevin Randolph of Hillcrest Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from noon to the time of the services Sunday at the funeral home. Mr. Hansen died Thursday at the Carriage Inn. He was born in Avoca, and lived in Bryan for 15 months. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering from Texas A &M University. He retired from Gulf Oil Corp. in Port Arthur in 1975 after 42 years of service in a variety of management positions. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He served in the South Pacific and received numerous medals, including the Air Medal and Bronze Star Medal. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth W. Hansen of Bryan; two sons and daughters -in -law, Stephen and Elaine Hansen of College Station and Jerry and Linda Hansen of Glen Mills, Pa.; two daughters and a son -in -law, Mary Hansen Holland of Bryan and Deborah and Mike Manning of Cheektawaga, N.Y.; and four grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 East 29th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803. Guy Jones Nov. 10, 1953 — Oct. 24, 2002 Services for Guy Jones, 48, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Monday at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Bryan. The Rev. Kirby Garner of St. Anthony's Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in Rest -Ever Memorial Park. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Callaway -Jones Chapel with Monsignor John Malinowski officiating. Mr. Jones died Thursday at his home. http:4w.theeagle.com/region/records /obituaries /OctO2 /102602ob tm 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 6 Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday at Lindley- Robertson- Holt Funeral Home in Navasota and from 2 p.m. to the time of services Sunday at the church. Mr. Abke died Friday at his home. He was a lifelong resident of Navasota and was a truck driver for Leibham Trucking. He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church. Survivors include his wife, Donna Sechelski Abke of Anderson; a son, Cole Abke of Anderson; two daughters, Jennifer Abke and Samantha Abke, both of Anderson; a sister and brother -in -law, Rhonda and Anthony Sechelski of Stoneham; and his mother, Lucille Abke of Navasota. Memorials may be made to Zion Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 409, Anderson, Texas 77830 -0409. Juanna `Joann' Crenshaw June 24, 1954 — Oct. 24, 2002 Services for Juanna "Joann" Crenshaw, 48, of Bryan are set for 1 p.m. Monday at the Martin Luther King Church of Christ in Bryan. Bro. Fred Hickman Jr. will officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday at Jones - Washington Mortuary in Bryan. Miss Crenshaw died Thursday at her home. She was a lifelong resident of Bryan and attended Bryan public schools. She was a member of the Rollins Street Church of Christ. Survivors include her husband, Charles Wiggins of Bryan; and numerous aunts, nephews, nieces and other relatives. Carl J. Hansen Aug. 8, 1911 — Oct. 24, 2002 Services for Carl J. Hansen, 91, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel http: w.theeagle.com/region/records /obituaries /Oct02 /102602obi 1GA /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Ij Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact ( Site Map Region / State October 26, 2002 Births Brazos Valley College Station to consider creating district Club M etings Notebook College Town Datebook Eagle staff report Government Links Links The College Station City Council will hold a special meeting Monday morning to consider a resolution Obituaries supporting creation of the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District. Town Talk Site Sections The meeting will begin at 8:15 a.m. A &M News Agriculture Announcements A vote to create a groundwater district for Brazos and Robertson counties is on the Nov. 5 ballot. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle httpJl tW.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /102602meeting.htm j 14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 r 4,t; . IA11 1: Home 1 Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com 1 BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe 1 Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Region > Births October 15, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center October 5, 2002: Melissa and David Massey, Bryan, a boy. October 9, 2002: Tammy and Kevin Burnett, Brenham, a boy; Susan Murray and Mark Dunn, College Station, a girl; Francis and Brian Eneks, Bryan, a boy. October 10, 2002: Lori Padgett, Bryan, a girl; Shari and Nathan Philipello, Franklin, twins, a boy and girl. College Station Medical Center October 11, 2002: http:/1MMEGw.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /oct02 /101502births.hti 10 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 The Eagle oul - Is ON T U I rA M Classifieds Q A Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -07 Legal Notices Merchandise Roll -off Container Haul Truck Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, October 29, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Emple os Emple as A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website Mercancia at www.ci.College- station.tx.us . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http:4ssifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Oct 9, 2002 & Oct 16, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -23 Brush Truck (2) Cab & Chassis The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 30, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at ww w.ci.co lle ge- sta . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 16, 2002 & Oct 23, 2002 BRYAN Independent School District Page 2 of 5 http:Ajssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html j 1(Q /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 B R - 1 rSDN JL' e EIgHe COUNTY ft1A ■ Classif Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -05 Legal Notices Merchandise Haul Trailer Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotrz tri until 2:00 PM, October 23, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes irectorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. os Emple Emple as A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available order at the anes above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on Leg Me ales a our website at www.ci.colleg stati . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http:ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 1014/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Oct. 13, 2002: Pamela and Paul Marvin, College Station, a girl. College Station Medical Center Oct. 14, 2002: Michelle and Gregory Steele, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: w.theeagle. com/region/records /births /oct02 /101602births.hJ 101 6/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 10, 2002 & Oct 17, 2002 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF PROPOSED TEXAS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS Sealed proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) until the date(s) shown below, and then publicly read. CONSTRUCTION /MAINTENANCE CONTRACT(S) ----------------------------------- District: Bryan Contract 0049- 12- 054for GRADING,STRUCTURES,RETAINING WALLS,HMAC & SIGNALS in BRAZOS County will be opened on November 07, 2002 at 1:00 pm at the State Office. Contract 0117 -01 -023 for GRADING,STRUCTURES, TREATSUBGR,BASE,SURF TREAT,HMA in BRAZOS County will be opened on November 08, 2002 at 1:00 pm at the State Office. Plans and specifications are available for inspection, along with bidding proposals, and applications for the TxDOT Prequalified Contractor's list, at the applicable State and/or District Offices listed below. Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date to be eligible to bid on a project. Prequalification materials may be requested from the State Office listed below. Plans for the above contract(s) are available from TxDOT's website at www.dot.state.tx.us and from reproduction companies at the expense of the Page 3 of 8 http: /tsifieds.theeagle.con /lineads /0699.htm1 is 1002002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Oct 17, 2002 & Oct 24, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -15 George Bush Streetlighting Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 24, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project is located on George Bush Drive (Timber Street to Wellborn Road) and involves construction of a) 998' of two (2) inch schedule 40 gray PVC conduit installed on trench or bore, b) 3,102' of one (1) inch schedule 40 gray PVC conduit in trench or bore, c) installation of eleven (11) 45' bronze powder coated streetlights, d) installation of ten (10) 30' direct embedded streetlights, e) installation of 297' of #2 Cu Tplx 600 V underground triplex cable to serve streetlights, f) installation of 1,816' of #12 -2 Cu 600 V underground duplex cable to serve streetlights, and g) installation of 1,943' of #6 -2 Cu 600 V underground duplex cable to serve streetlights. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, College Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on October 15, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. Page 2 of 8 http: / *sifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 • 104/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Pagel of 8 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -06 Legal Notices Merchandise Motorgrader Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol 1101 Texas Avenue, Anuncios College Station, Texas 77840 Arrendamientos tri Automotriz until 2:00 PM, October 31, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Bienes R bids received after that time will be returned unopened. ire de Servicios Emple Emple os A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above as address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website Finales Mercancia at w -- Colle station.t . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. http: /4sifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 1042002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ribe MIA- c.i. Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe I Contact Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 17, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Michelle and Jimmy Spiller, Franklin, a boy. Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may not be complete because Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Oct. 14, 2002: Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 13, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Michelle and Jimmy Spiller, Franklin, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Oct. 14, 2002: Columnists Community Christine and James Hodges, College Station, a girl. The Eagle Entertainment College Station Medical Center Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Oct. 15, 2002: Kids Komer Lifestyles Dawn and Jody Goodin, Bryan, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Deidra and Rusty White, College Station, a boy; Politics Region /State Billie and David Taylor, Caldwell, a girl; Schools Sports Jennifer and John Rasmussen, College Station, a boy; Subscriptions Weather Teresa and Christopher Wendel, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http: /%OW.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /octO2 /101702births.h4 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle >A &M News Page 1 of 2 ;7 ri s rl irlp I �� ►�x.crys Home ; Classifieds Aggiesports.com ; BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe ; Contact ( Site Map A&M News October 17, 2002 Bonfire Tragedy Links China's president visits Bush Library Site Sections A &M News By JOHN LeBAS Agriculture Eagle Staff Writer Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Chinese President Jiang Zemin is scheduled to visit the George Bush Presidential Library & Museum Columnists Center next week during his trip to the United States. Community The Eagle Jiang will tour the museum and may deliver remarks at the high- security, invitation -only event on Oct. Entertainment 24, an official with the Bush Library Foundation said Wednesday. Former President Bush will host Faith & Values Jiang's visit. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Four days later, the prime minister of Singapore will lecture at the library. A limited number of tickets Lifestyles will be made available to the public for Goh Chok Tong's speech at 11 a.m. on Oct. 28, officials said. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Jiang's stop in College Station will come a day before he is to meet with President Bush at his ranch Opinions Politics in Crawford. Members of Falun Gong, a sect banned in China for opposing the government, have Region /State said they plan to protest Jiang's appearance. Schools Sports Chuck Hermann, professor and associate dean of the George Bush School of Government & Public Subscriptions service, said Jiang's visit is seen as a way to warm icy China -U.S. ties. Weather "Visiting with the current president as well as the former president is all part of this effort to create a better relationship between the two countries," said Hermann. Jiang and Bush are expected to discuss terrorism, the United States' threatened strike against Iraq and reopening military-to- military contacts, which have been suspended since a Chinese fighter jet and an American surveillance plane collided in April 2001. 1J 112002 http: /w. theeagle. com/ aandmnews /101702chinapresident.htm The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Cole said meeting participants will be urged to speak into the microphones at all times to ensure their words gets picked up for television. "We worked very hard to get it in place by the first meeting of the new fiscal year," Cole said. "Within the council's strategic plan, effective communication with citizens is one of the core services." Three cameras — two stationary and one manned by a camera man — were set up around the council chambers to provide shots of the council members and speakers who address them. Images from the chamber's overhead projection system, such as maps and Power Point presentations, can be included in the broadcasts. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell@ © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:11*4w.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /101702cscounciltv.htri 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 ( q 3 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact ( Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports October 17, 2002 College Station City Council to be televised By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer College Station residents can soon see their local government in action without leaving the couch. Starting with a live broadcast next Thursday night, the College Station City Council will televise its meetings on cable Channel 19, which is shared by the city and the College Station school district. The meetings will be broadcast live at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month and replayed Fridays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Shortly after he was elected in May, Mayor Ron Silvia said he wanted to see council meetings available on television to forge a closer relationship with constituents. Council members allotted $25,200 in the current budget to broadcast all 26 regular meetings and four hours of footage each month focusing on city projects and events. Barker Productions, which taped meetings for the city of Bryan when it began televising meetings in 1997, has been hired to handle the College Station telecasts. A crew taped the council's Oct. 10 council meeting and the city reviewed it to see if the sound and lighting in the council chambers were adequate for televising. City spokeswoman Kelley Cole said the dry run went well, with only a few minor changes needed before the meetings are aired. Subscriptions Weather A second microphone will be placed at the podium where visitors and staff members address the council, and two lights above council members' heads will be filtered because they appeared too bright on the tape. http: /,%JW.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /101702cscounciltv.htthi 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Residential Code" of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding amendment number 28, Section P2503.7.2 "Testing ". A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10- 18 -02, 10 -19 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the U -Haul Company of Austin, of a public auction to satisfy a landlord's lien against delinquent tenants goods, for sale is miscellaneous personal and household items. The following are hereby notified of the sale to be held at: U -Haul Center, 2813 Texas Ave, College Station on November 1, 2002. Giniba Day, 1256 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX. 77840 Charlotte Lorbieski, 1504 Hawktree, College Station, TX. 77845 Linda Benedetto, 305 E. Washington, Marengo, IL. 60152 Cynthia Vail, 1518 Harvey Mitchell #32, College Station, TX. 77840 Christopher Horton, 317 Manuel Dr., College Stations, TX. 77840 Howard Jefferson, 709 Muckleory, Bryan, TX. 77803 Jason Wisel, 323 Meadow Creek, Mesquite, TX. 75150 Mike Sutton, 9266 NW 18th Street, Plantation, TX. 33322 Justin Daniel, 2300 Broadmoor #99, Bryan, TX 77802 Page 7 of 8 http:ossifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html is It,, A/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 3, "Building Regulations ", Appendix E, "Amendments to International Plumbing Code" of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding amendment number 8, Section 312.9 "Inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices and assemblies. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10- 18 -02, 10 -19 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2587 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, "BUILDING REGULATIONS ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 3, "Building Regulations ", Appendix 1 B, "Amendments to International Page 6 of 8 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 10/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds STATION, TEXAS BY AMENDING SECTION 10 ENTITLED "CROSS - CONNECTION CONTROL AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION ", RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH BY PROTECTING THE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FROM CONTAMINATION OR POLLUTION DUE TO ANY EXISTING OR POTENTIAL CROSS - CONNECTIONS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING A PENALTY. Chapter 11, "Utilities ", Section 10, "Cross- Connection Control and Backflow Prevention" of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending Subsection B (2), Definitions and Subsection F (1), Testing / Inspection of Devices and Assemblies. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10- 18 -02, 10 -19 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2586 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, "BUILDING REGULATIONS ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET Page 5 of 8 http: ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 40 100/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN, AN ELEMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,.AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The "College Station Thoroughfare Plan" is hereby amended as follows: The Cornell Drive/Lassie Lane major collector is reclassified as a minor collector in its entirety. The remainder of the thoroughfare plan will remain unchanged.. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10- 18 -02, 10 -19 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2585 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, "UTILITIES ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE Page 4 of 8 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 1 6,./2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds and/or District Offices listed below. Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at least 10 days prior to the bid date to be eligible to bid on a project. Prequalification materials may be requested from the State Office listed below. Plans for the above contract(s) are available from TxDOT's website at www.dot.state.tx.us and from reproduction companies at the expense of the contractor. NPO: 7879 State Office Construction Division 200 E. Riverside Dr. Austin, Texas 78704 Phone: 512- 416 -2540 District Office(s) Bryan District District Engineer 1300 N Texas Ave Bryan, Texas 77803 -2760 Phone: 979 - 778 -2165 Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the rates will be part of the contract. TXDOT ensures that bidders will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin. 10- 17 -02, 10 -18 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2584 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said Page 3 of 8 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 • 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10- 18 -02, 10 -19 -02 LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine Only Package Store Permit by William K. Tharp, dba B & M Grocery, to be located at 18746 E OSR, Hearne, Brazos County, Texas. 10- 18 -02, 10 -19 -02 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF PROPOSE TEXAS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS Sealed proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) until the date(s) shown below, and then publicly read. CONSTRUCTION /MAINTENANCE CONTRACT(S) District: Bryan Contract 6090 -31 -001 for BRIDGE MAINTENANCE in BRAZOS County, etc will be opened on November 26, 2002 at 10:00 am at the District Office for an estimate of $109,620.00. Plans and specifications are available for inspection, along with bidding proposals, and applications for the TxDOT Prequalified Contractor's list, at the applicable State Page 2 of 8 http:/,�)ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html j 10 8/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Ir The E Classifoieds �11aE . G � Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities LEGAL NOTICE Employment Financial ORDINANCE NO. 2583 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 10, 2002 Legal Notices BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, Rentals is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZONING ", Service OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, Spanish Classifieds TEXAS; BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY Clasificados en AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Espanol Anuncios rrendam Chapter 12, "Zoning ", Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For An A ientos Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances has been amended by rezoning 5.36 Arrenda triz acres located adjacent to Koppe Bridge Bar & Grill and Pamela Lane, 3.86 of that is Bienes irectorio de Servicios being rezoned A -P Administrative Professional and 1.5 acres being rezoned R -1 Empleos Single Family. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's Finanzas office. Page 1 of 8 Legates Me ales Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall Mecca ci a ades de be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable Negocios by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 • 1 4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 7 Station City Cemetery. Dr. Tim Owens of First Baptist Church in Bryan will officiate. Visitation will be Saturday from 11:00 am until 1:15 pm at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mrs. Rogers died Wednesday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center from complications with Cancer. She was born in Logan, West Virginia and was a member of First Baptist Church in Bryan. She was a former psychiatric aid at St. Francis Medical Center in LaCrosse, WI. Mrs. Rogers was a fulltime grandmother and enjoyed fishing, R.V.ing and spending time with her family. Survivors include her husband, James Rogers of Bryan, two daughters and sons -in -law, Valarie & Eric O'Neill of Berea, KY, Tricia & Travis Musgrove of Bryan; mother -in -law, Priscilla Burns of Bryan; grandchildren, Shelby Kjos, Seth, Samantha, and Schyler O'Neill and Tessa Musgrove; three brothers and six sisters. Arrangements by Memorial Funeral Chapel, College Station Albert Cary Oct. 8, 1920 — Oct. 14, 2002 SNOOK — Services for Albert Cary, 82, of Snook are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Dabney Hill Baptist Church in Snook. The Rev. Leroy Franklin will officiate. Burial will be in the Carven Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday at Jones - Washington Mortuary in Bryan. Mr. Cary died Monday at his residence. He was born in Burleson County and was a lifelong resident of Snook. He was a laborer and a Baptist and served in the U.S. Army. Survivors include his wife, Ida Lee Cary of Snook; and two sisters, Vivian Sandles of Snook and Dora Lee Bowen of College Station. Roxie Taylor http: /'r-w.theeagle.com /region/records /obituaries /Oct02 /101802obi_ )tm ll,,. /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 7 ee WX0 .0.,g Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Region > Obituaries October 18, 2002 James Preston Lee Pennington James Preston Lee Pennington, IT3 / US Navy, 28, born in Cherry Point, NC, died in Jacksonville, FL, Thursday, October 10, 2002. He had attended Stafford High School in Virginia, and graduated from Bryan High School in Texas. He also attended East Carolina University. He enlisted in the US Navy in September 2000 and was stationed on the USS Bradley, Mayport. He attended Holy Church of God in Ellabell, GA and was a member of VFW Post #7909, Jacksonville, FL. He was a devoted Washington Redskins fan. Prior to enlisting in the Navy, Jimmy was a manager and part owner of Sonic Drive -In in Sealy, TX, Savannah, GA and Beaufort, SC. Classifieds Columnists Jimmy is survived by his wife of 5 years, Sonya Lynn Pennington; daughter, Skyler Lynn; son, Ross Community D'Wayne, mother, Diane Eddins (Jack); father, Ross Pennington (Bungon); brother, David V. The Eagle Pennington; sister, Courtney Eddins; step- brothers, Anawat and Artit Tongvichit; step- sister, Kathleen Entertainment Maher; grandmothers, Ernestine Malone and Penny Griffin; in -laws, Grady and Rebecca Sikes; and Faith & Values Food aunts, uncles and cousins. A step- brother, Navachat Tongvichit, preceded him in death. Health & Fitness Kids Komer Funeral services were held on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:00 am in the chapel of Hardage Lifestyles Giddens Funeral Home, 5753 Blanding Blvd., Jacksonville, FL with military honors. Rev. Stanley Newspapers in Education Tyson officiated. Interment took place Wednesday in Beaufort National Cemetery, SC. Visitation with Obituaries the family was on Monday from 6 ? 8 pm at the funeral home. Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Peggy Sue Rogers Subscriptions July 29, 1946 - October 16, 2002 Weather Graveside services for Peggy Sue Rogers, 56, of Bryan are set for 2:00 pm Saturday at College h : / .theeagle.com/region /records /obituaries /OctO2 /101802obitm 1/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds I Lt e-st T ��ot S 8i W_ C)3-1 Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Long Term Disability Insurance The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 28, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website at www.ci.college station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 14, 2002 & Oct 21, 2002 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I Rentals Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamie I Automotriz I Bienes R aices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunidades de Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificado Page 5 of 6 http: /Qssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html J 1 /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Pe 9 SCE July 29, 1946 — Oct. 16, 2002 Graveside services for Peggy Sue Rogers, 56, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at the College Station Cemetery. The Rev. Tim Owens of the First Baptist Church of Bryan will officiate. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. Mrs. Rogers died Wednesday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. Page 4 of 7 She was born in Logan, W. Va., and lived in Bryan five years. She was a former psychiatric aide at St. Francis Medical Center in LaCrosse, Wis., and was a member of the First Baptist Church in Bryan. Survivors include her husband, James Rogers of Bryan; two daughters and sons -in -law, Valarie and Eric O'Niell of Berea, Ky., and Tricia and Travis Musgrove of Bryan; her mother -in -law, Priscilla Burns of Bryan; three brothers; six sisters; and five grandchildren. Mary Hale July 15, 1938 — Oct. 18, 2002 Graveside services for Mary Hale, 63, of Bryan are set for 1 p.m. Monday at Hillcrest Memorial Park in Texarkana. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. Ms. Hale died Friday in Sherwood Health Care. She was born in Nashville, Ark., and was a member of Montalba Baptist Church. Survivors include a sister, Dot Stone of Texarkana. Fred Lige Warhol Sr. July 23, 1918 — Oct. 18, 2002 http: /��4w.theeagle.com/ region /records /obituaries /OctO2 /101902obiL,)tm 16,- /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 10 -23 -02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise I Rentals Real Estate I Service Directory Re turn to Classifieds Ind Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunidades de Negocios Regresar_a la pagina principa de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Boman /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 8 of 8 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 • 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds follows: Karen Scott Castillon Burpo c/o Gayle Cipriano Attorney for the Estate 7903 Bracken Court Austin, Texas 78731 All Persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED this the 9th day of October 2002. GAYLE CIPRIANO 7903 Bracken Court Austin, Texas 78731 Telephone (512) 346 -7484 Facsimile (512) 346 -7330 10 -23 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a rear setback variance at 3805 Bridle Trails Court, lot 3 -R, Block 1, Bridlegate Estates. Applicant is Oakwood Custom Homes. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, November 5, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Page 7 of 8 http:assifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 • 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds DATED the 17th day of October, 2002. ESTATE OF EMILY BRIDGID FAULKNER By: AMY L. CLOUGH Attorney for the Estate 10 -23 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a side setback variance for 1403 Francis Street, portion of lot 1 and portion of lot 2, block B, Carter's Grove. Applicant is John Beck. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, November 5, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planer 10 -23 -02 NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF HARMON ROCO THOMAS, JR., DECEASED Page 5 of 8 http: *Ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 • 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds City Secretary 10- 22 -02, 10 -23 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a lot depth variance for 2304 Cornell Drive, lots 15 -19, block 1, Autumn Chase Subdivision. Applicant is Ed McDow, SI Group LP. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 10 -23 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JACK WAYNE HILL, Deceased, were issued on October 16, 2002, in Docket No. 11,403 - PC, pending in the County Court Of/At Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas, to: BETTY ELLINGTON HILL. The residence of the Independent Executrix is in Brazos County, Texas, the post Page 3 of 8 http:essifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htm1 • 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 28th day of October, 2002. ESTATE OF H. LEWIS MERTON By: J. Allan Garrett Attorney for the Estate 10 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider an ORDINANCE AMENDMENT changing the Conditional Use Permit process to provide for final consideration by the City Council. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NOVEMBER 14, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JANE KEE CITY PLANNER 10 -29 -02 Page 6 of 8 http:/ le.com/lineads /0699.htm1 0 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds consider a REZONING for 3435 Barron Cut -Off Road from A -O, Agricultural Open, to A -OX, Existing Rural Residential to final plat and replace a mobile home on the property. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NOVEMBER 14, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 10 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the Code of Ordinances that provides for A -O, Agricultural Open, zoning to be placed on NEWLY ANNEXED TERRITORY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NOVEMBER 14, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Page 4 of 8 h ttp :/ 4ssifieds.theea g le.com/lineads /0699.html j 14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 10 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 2892 Graham Road North from A -O, Agricultural Open to C -1, General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NOVEMBER 14, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 10 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to Page 3 of 8 http: / (*ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 100/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds and pavement markings provided by owner. Handicap sign and concrete curbing provided by contractor. Demolition of existing concrete walks and existing utility lines provided by owner. Related electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, College Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on October 30, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 10- 22 -02, 10 -29 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 16.316 acres of the Robert Stevenson Survey A -54, located 1/2 mile north of Greens Prairie Road, west of State Highway 6, FROM R -3, TOWNHOUSE, AND A -O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN, TO PDD -H, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT- HOUSING. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NOVEMBER 14, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. Page 2 of 8 httP :lossifieds.theea le.com/lineads /0699.html • 1$/2002 g The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds • Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -18 Landfill Office Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 5, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project is located at the BVSWMA Landfill at 7600 East Rock Prairie Road, College Station and involves the construction of a new office building. The new building includes a reception area, 2 offices and a restroom. Work includes demolition, concrete slab on grade, wood frame, and drywall, exterior prefinished metal siding and roofing, insulation and storefront system. Sitework includes earthwork, grading, concrete walks and steps. Asphalt paving, concrete wheel stop Pagel of 8 http: /1gssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html 1J 104/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Arrangements are under the direction of Stanley -Ley Funeral Home in Clinton. Ms. Dangerfield died Saturday in Clinton. She was born in Wilcox and was a retired nurse's aide. She was a member of Allen Chapel AME Church in Bryan. Survivors include a niece, Lois Smith of Clinton. Lydia Feldman May 18, 1919 — Oct. 27, 2002 Services for Lydia Feldman, 83, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Bethel Lutheran Church in Bryan. The Rev. Neil Bockelmann of Bethel Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Page 2 of 6 Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station and from 9 a.m. to the time of services Wednesday at the church. Mrs. Feldman died Sunday in the College Station Medical Center. She was born in Riesel and lived in College Station since 1941. She was a homemaker and was retired from the Food Services Department of the College Station Independent School District after 30 years of service. She was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church and the Altar's Guild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Louis Feldman; and a son, Danny Feldman. Survivors include a son and two daughters -in -law, Edgar Ray and Susie Feldman and Dianne Feldman, all of College Station; a brother and sister -in -law, Bennie H. and Jane Luedke of College Station; a brother -in -law and four sisters -in -law, August and Vera Feldman and Erna Feldman, all of Marlin, Joyce Luedke of Waco and Helen Luedke of Bryan; three grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. http: /i-,Iw.theeagle.com /region/records /obituaries /OctO2 /102902obil�Atm 16 : t/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle A$Alt t: Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Page 1 of 2 Home I Classifieds i Aggiesports.com 1 BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region > Births October 29, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. College Station Medical Center Oct. 24, 2002: Judy and Jimmy Finke, Brenham, a boy. Oct. 25, 2002: Whitney Smith, Bryan, a girl. Oct. 26, 2002: Cynthia and Robert Bartnett, Normangee, a boy; Kimberly A. and Jason M. Pruitt, Bremond, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle h ttp g g ii� 1 :1 w.theea le.com/re ion / records /births /oct02 /102902births.h/2002 AM Home I Classifieds i Aggiesports.com 1 BrazosSports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region > Births October 29, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. College Station Medical Center Oct. 24, 2002: Judy and Jimmy Finke, Brenham, a boy. Oct. 25, 2002: Whitney Smith, Bryan, a girl. Oct. 26, 2002: Cynthia and Robert Bartnett, Normangee, a boy; Kimberly A. and Jason M. Pruitt, Bremond, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle h ttp g g ii� 1 :1 w.theea le.com/re ion / records /births /oct02 /102902births.h/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 6 fo hie a r W Mordhs Is B arc W,: j, I e i t, a, M 11 , I Home 1 Classifieds f• i4 • t. ii i m 1 Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Church of Bryan. Brazos Valley Notebook October 30, 2002 Club Meetings The Revs. Bob Richers, Harral Dunnam and Marlin Fenn will officiate. Burial will be in the College College Town Station Cemetery. Datebook Nancy B. Harmon Government Links Dec. 11, 1933 — Oct. 28, 2002 Links Visitation will be from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Hillier Funeral Home and from 9 to 10 a.m. Obituaries Services for Nancy B. Harmon, 68, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at First United Methodist Town Talk Church of Bryan. Site Sections A &M News The Revs. Bob Richers, Harral Dunnam and Marlin Fenn will officiate. Burial will be in the College Agriculture Station Cemetery. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Visitation will be from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Hillier Funeral Home and from 9 to 10 a.m. Columnists Thursday at First United Methodist Church of Bryan. Community The Eagle Mrs. Harmon died Monday. Entertainment Faith & Values Food She was born in Circleville, Ohio. She was a homemaker. She attended Ohio University and was a Health & Fitness charter member of the Mary Porter Sunday School Class, a member of the Women's Club, Alpha Kids Korner Delta Pi Sorority and past president of the Oaks Garden Club. She was a member of the First United Lifestyles Methodist Church of Bryan. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Survivors include her husband, Warren Harmon of Bryan; two daughters and a son -in -law, Sally and Politics John Godfrey, and Amy Harmon, all of Bryan; her mother, Martha Mary Bower of Bryan; and three Region /State grandchildren. Schools Sports Subscriptions Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church of Bryan or Brazos Valley Animal Shelter. Weather Lucy Pauline `Polly' McCarty http: // .. tw.theeagle.com/ region / records / obituaries /Oct02 /103002obi, -)tm 16/- j/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds our website at www.ci. . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 10- 30 -02, 11 -6 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -27 UV Lamps, Ballasts, and Assessories The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our website at www.ci.coll stati on.txus . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 10- 30 -02, 11 -6 -02 Page 9 of 12 http:/�,issifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html J 16J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds 626 Shenandoah Shenanhoah, Texas 77381 10 -30 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -19 822 Nimitz Demolition/New Construction Bid # 03 -20 2813 Jennifer Residential Remodel/Rehabilitation Bid # 03 -21 3103 Normand Residential Remodel/Rehabilitation Bid # 03 -22 1106 Georgia Residential Remodel/Rehabilitation The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents for all four bids is available for a non - refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on Page 8 of 12 http:4ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html � 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Oct. 26, 2002: Tara and Carlos Brooks, Bryan, a girl; Susan and Doug Hufstedler, Bryan, a girl. College Station Medical Center Oct. 28, 2002: Dawn Greunisen and J. Bryan Duke, Bryan, a girl; Nicole Schulz and Henry A. Marx Jr., Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:4w.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /oct02/ 103002births.h4 164/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 i Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports .com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Region > Births October 30, 2002 Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Oct. 18, 2002: Keymon Williams, Bryan, a boy. Oct. 23, 2002: Rebecca and Michael Breeding, Bryan, a boy; Teresa and Rafael Esparza, Bryan, a girl. Oct. 24, 2002: Rebecca and Marty Shaw, Bryan, a girl; Velma Curtis, Bryan, a girl; Wendy and Bryan Kotrla, College Station, a girl; Jaime and John Tippett, College Station, a girl; Evangelina and Filiberto Aquina, Bryan, a boy. http:4w.theeagle.com/ region / records /births /oct02 /103002births.h%) 1 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Lydia Luedke Feldman May 18, 1918 — October 27, 2002 Page 2 of 7 Funeral services for Lydia Luedke Feldman, age 83, of College Station, will be held at 10:00 am Wednesday, at the Bethel Lutheran Church in Bryan. Reverend Neil Bockelmann will officiate. Interment will follow in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 :00 to 8:00 pm Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station and from 9:00 am to the time of the service Wednesday at Bethel Lutheran Church. Mrs. Feldman was born in Riesel, Texas and had lived in College Station since 1941. She was a homemaker and had retired after 30 years of service in Food Services with the College Station Independent School District. She was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church in Bryan and was a member of the Altars Guild for many years. She is preceded in death by her husband Louis Feldman, her son Danny Lee Feldman and three brothers, Herbert Luedke, Albert Luedke, and Melvin Luedke. She is survived by a son and two daughters -in -law, Edgar Ray and Susie Feldman of College Station and Dianne Feldman of College Station; grandchildren, Tracy Feldman of New York, NY, David Feldman of Houston, and Dana Briers and husband Scott of Conroe; a brother and sister -in -law, Bennie H. and Jane Luedke of College Station; brother -in -law and sisters -in -law, August and Vera Feldman of Marlin, Joyce Luedke of Waco, Helen Luedke of Bryan, and Erma Feldman of Marlin; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Bethel Lutheran Church Building Fund. Guy R. Jones November 10, 1953 - October 24, 2002 Guy Robert Jones, age 48, of Bryan, passed away October 24, 2002 at his home after a short struggle with colon cancer. He was born November 10, 1953 in Thierville, France. A Rosary will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Sunday, October 27, 2002 at Callaway -Jones Funeral Chapel in Bryan with Monsignor John Malinowski officiating. Services will be at 10:00 AM on Monday, October 28, 2002 at St. Anthony's Catholic Church with Rev. Kirby Garner officiating. Interment will follow at Restever Memorial Park. http: //, )w.theeagle.com/region/records /obituaries /Oct02 /103102obit- Im 10/-, ,/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 7 the6ag !wxom W�16 For 60 Monft Is M1 C I I I 4111,1C Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe ( Contact I Site Map Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 31, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Nancy B. Harmon Government Links December 11, 1933 — October 28, 2002 Links Obituaries Nancy Bower Harmon, age 68 passed away in her home on October 28, 2002. Town Talk Site Sections She is survived by her husband Warren Harmon, two daughters and a son -in -law; Sally & John A &M News Godfrey and Amy Harmon all of Bryan. She is also survived by three grandchildren; Richard Godfrey, Agriculture Announcements Russell Godfrey and Mary Megan Godfrey all of Bryan; and her mother, Martha Mary Bower. Business & Technology Classifieds She is preceded in death by her father; John Luther Bower. Columnists Community Nancy was born in Circleville, Ohio on December 11, 1933 and moved to Texas as a bride in 1955. The Eagle Entertainment She graduated from Circleville High School and attended Ohio University. Upon moving to Bryan, she Faith &Values and Warren joined First United Methodist Church of Bryan. There she taught Sunday school and was Food a charter member of the Mary Porter Sunday School Class. She was a member of the Woman's Club, Health & Fitness Alpha Delta Pi Sorority and past President of the Oaks Garden Club. Her special interests were Kids Komer gardening and cooking. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Funeral Services will be held at 10am, Thursday, October 31, 2002 in the First United Methodist Opinions Church of Bryan with Reverends Bob Richers and Harral Dunnam and Marlin Fenn officiating. Politics Interment will follow in the College Station Cemetery. Region /State Schools The family will receive friends from 5:30 to 8:00pm Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at Hillier Funeral Sports Home and from 9:00 to 10:00am Thursday in the First United Methodist Church of Bryan. Subscriptions Weather Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church of Bryan, 506 E. 28th. Street, Bryan, Texas 77803 or to the Brazos Valley Animal Shelter. http : // )W.theeagle.com/region/ records /obituaries /OctO2 /103102obi l01 1/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 4 of 9 In my mind, politics is not personal. It's business. The City of College Station has no problem giving Home Depot $400,000 worth of infrastructure and giving tax abatements and $3 million worth of infrastructure. They are hopelessly convinced that businesses will not locate here unless they are bribed. Unless, of course, your company is Wal -Mart and you want to build a new store and are asking for nothing in return. The city planners have decided that they don't want "that kind" of store in College Station. When the County Commissioners voted unanimously to give TAC realty a 13 -year tax abatement, while denying the sheriff's department a pay increase, it appeared the silliness of College Station was beginning to affect the Commissioners Court. Join me in voting for Tommy Lyons for Brazos County Judge. The silliness needs to stop. W.J. "Bill" Batchelor College Station Choice is Perry It is puzzling to me that people have a knee -jerk reaction when discussing political candidates. It would be so nice if they would study the issues just a little bit before they make up their minds. Under Gov. Rick Perry's leadership, our classrooms are smaller, our teachers are better paid, and our children are learning. Texas fourth - graders rank in the top 10 in the nation in skills of reading, writing and math. Class sizes are smaller because of greater funding for classroom facilities. With Perry's leadership the state has increased education funding by $6 billion, made the curriculum stronger and improved reading and math programs. Perry has a plan to improve early childhood learning and ensure teachers can run their classrooms without the threat of frivolous lawsuits. He has fought for important investments in education and health care. He helped deliver the largest tax cut in Texas history and vetoed more than a half - billion dollars in unnecessary spending. He has also protected the state's rainy day fund from being raided for more spending. That fund is now approaching $1 billion. When tough choices need to be made in order to control spending and keep government living within its budget, like our families do, Perry is the only candidate with proven experience. He has worked for http: /i*6w.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /Oct02 /103102letter ditor.htm 104/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 3 of 9 Teri Metcalf College Station Stick with Rylander As the hard - working parent of two children who will one day attend college, I like Comptroller Carole Keeton Rylander's proposed TexasNextStep program that provides every Texas high school graduate the opportunity to complete up to two years of work at any public community college, technical, or lower- division institution in the state. She proposes funding this with a small portion of the lottery revenues to pay tuition and required fees, plus textbooks, to every student who enrolls within 16 months of high school graduation. Also, by providing the first two years of college free at a community or technical college, many students can attend college while living at home and avoid the costs involved with moving to another city to attend college and living either off - campus or in a dorm. Students who complete the program could then enter the workforce directly or continue their education by transferring to a senior -level institution to obtain their degree. Rylander's forwarding - thinking ideas are key to Texas' economic future and to a better - educated workforce. We can use more politicians in Austin like Carole Keeton Rylander, and I encourage voters to support her re- election bid for Texas State Comptroller. Bob Morris College Station Time for change Not since 1980 when I voted for John Anderson in the spring primaries have I voted for a non - Republican in an election. For the first time in my 41 years on this planet, I will be voting for a Democrat. I am a conservative and I look for conservative candidates — candidates who are pro -life, desire smaller government and want less of my money to feed the bottomless pit called government. Tommy Lyons, candidate for County Judge, is such a person. Randy Sims is a great guy and has served our area faithfully for many years. We have visited many times and agree on most issues. But spending priorities and giving tax abatements is where we differ. http:,A W.theeagle.com /opinions /letterstoeditor /OctO2 /103102letter ditor.htm 10/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11 -1 -02, 11 -2 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Office in the Brazos County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Friday, November 22, 2002. All bids received after this time will returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Friday, November 22, 2002 in the Brazos County Purchasing Office. 2003 -011 PURCHASE OF ONE 15 -16 YARD DUMP TRUCK Payments will be processed by the Brazos County Auditor by invoice after notification of satisfactory receipt of items. Bids in excess of $50,000.00 may require a five percent Bid Bond. Brazos County hereby reserves the right to award by unit cost or lump sum discounted and to accept or reject any or all bids and waive all formalities and technicalities. PAT HOWARD Purchasing Agent Page 6 of 10 http: / *sifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 102002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not issue the permit and will forward the application and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled commission meeting. INFORMATION: Written hearing requests, public comments or requests for a public meeting should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711 -3087. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, the same address. For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Office of Public Assistance at 1- 800 - 687 -4040. General information regarding the TCEQ can be found at our web site at www.tceq.state.tx.us Issued: October 23, 2002 11 -1 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2589 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON October 24, 2002 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 10, "Traffic Code ", Section 4E (3) (b) of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding new paragraphs numbered xxiii, xiv, xxv, and xxvi, regarding parking on certain sections of Longmire, Avenue A, Lincoln Avenue, & Maple Street. Page 5 of 10 http: / *sifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html • 10/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 1, 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Oct 25, 2002 & Nov 1, 2002 NOTICE OF SHERRIFF'S SALE By virtue of a certain Execution issued by the clerk of the District Court of Brazos County, Texas, on the 20th day of August, 2002, in a certain cause numbered 53,221 - CV -CCL1, wherein Robert B. Waltman is Plaintiff, and Glenn Maas is the Defendant, in favor of said Plaintiff, for the sum of $2329.75 Dollars, together with all costs of suit, that being the judgment recovered by the said Plaintiff, on the 2nd day of May, 2002. I, Christopher C. Kirk, Sheriff of Brazos County, Texas on the 28th day of October, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., have levied upon, and will, on the 3rd day of December, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., at the Courthouse Door of Brazos County in the City of Bryan, Texas, within legal hours, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, all of the right, title and interest of the Defendant in and to the following described property, levied upon as the property of the Defendant, to wit: All right, title and interest of Glenn Maas in a 2.08 acre tract of land located in the Shady Branch Acres Subdivision, Lot#8 (PT OF), Brazos County, Texas, and Mobile Home Serial #N175031, Label #TEX0112979, being the same property described in a deed dated July 30, 1996, recorded in Volume 2655, Page 205 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas and being more commonly known as 9141 Wannabe Road, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas R40318. Page 2 of 10 http: /* sifieds .theeagle.com /kneads /0699.htm1 40 0/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds The Emile Classifieds f �? Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities RE QUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 - 26 Legal Notices Merchandise Southwood Athletic Parks Improvements Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, November 5, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas Location and Scope of Work: Legales Southwood Athletic Park is located at 1600 Rock Prairie Road, College Station, Mercancia Texas Oportunidades de The project consists of installation of fincing, gates, backstops, and concrete dugout Negocios floors. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, College Page 1 of 10 http:, sifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.htrnl J 19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www. station.tx.u . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. November 5, 2002 & November 12, 2002 REQUEST FOR BID PROPOSALS The Physical Plant at Texas A &M University in College Station, Texas is accepting bid proposals for the following three (3) Roof Replacement Projects: HAAS HALL, BLDG, #549, PROJECT NO. 020892848: Scarf 1" of an existing foam roof system (15,669 sq. ft.) as indicated on the drawings and the installation of new polyurethane foam roof with silicone /granule coating. All work will be awarded under a single prime contract. Questions regarding scope should be directed to Ms. Audrey Rohloff at (979)862 -4434. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE HALL, BLDG. #394, PROJECT NO. 020890948: Scarf 1" of an existing foam roof (approx 19,750 sq. ft.) and install new polyurethane foam roof with silicone /granule coating. All work will be awarded under a single prime contract. Questions regarding scope should be directed to Mr. Dan McGuire at (979)458 -8855. SPENCE HALL, BLDG. #400, PROJECT NO. 020890950: Scarf 1" of an existing foam roof (approx 8,244 sq. ft.) and install new polyurethane foam roof with silicone /granule coating. All work will be awarded under a single prime contract. Questions regarding scope should be directed to Mr. Dan McGuire at (979)458 -8855. Page 3 of 5 http:4ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html J X5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds College Station, Texas at 2:00 PM on November 14 2002. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - S:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at w . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Nov 5, 2002 & Nov 12, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -29 Exterior Painting at College Station Public Utilities Center 1601 Graham Road The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 19, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the Public Utilities Service Center, 1601 Graham Road, College Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 12, 2002. This Page 2 of 5 http:lissifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html Ij 4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds The EZ'gle , i iDE Classifieds 01-11" P, Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -02 Legal Notices Merchandise Tarrow Street Improvements Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, November 21, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall. Directorio de Servicios All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas Location and Scope of Work: Legales The project limits are Tarrow Street South between University Drive and Lincoln Mercancia Avenue in College Station, Brazos County, Texas. A distance of approximately 1,700 Oportunidades de linear feet. The project involves the rehabilitation of pavement and the addition of a Negocios sidewalk. A Prebid Meeting will be held in the Conference Room of the Public Works Building, Pagel of 5 http:/ 4ssifieds .theeagle.com/lineads /0699.html J J/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Megan Barry, Rockdale, a girl; Sheena and Joe Thomas, Normangee, a girl. Oct. 31, 2002: Kimberly Plunk, Bryan, a girl. Nov. 1, 2002: Kellie and Jimmy Green, Bryan, a girl; Elizabeth Ojeda, Bryan, a boy; Amy and Jeff Plotts, Cypress, a boy. Nov. 2, 2002: Maria Comilla, Navasota, a girl; Anahi Ocampo, Bryan, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:N Aw. theeagle. com/region/records/births/Nov02/ 110502births.Pi NO /2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle meeagles Cam I .IfXrM: Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Region > Births November 5, 2002 Pagel of 2 cribe tod # wil Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports, cam' Subscribe j Contact I Site Map Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may not be complete because some parents choose not to have their names printed. College Station Medical Center Nov. 1, 2002: Mariana and Jose Rendon, College Station, a girl; Billie Jo and Wayne Lambright, Bryan, a girl; Kristy and Jose Hernandez, Bryan, a boy. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Oct. 29, 2002: Annette and Jesse Guel, Brenham, a boy. Oct. 30, 2002: Laura and Jose Almanza, Navasota, a boy; http: /, ,.Iw. theeagle.com/ region / records /births/NovO2 /110502births. i i „ x/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Deanna and Benjammin Saenz, College Station, a girl; Jessica Duran and Walter Freeman, College Station, a boy; Kathryn and Joshua Oelze, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: . theeagle. com/region/recordsibirths/Nov02/ 110102births.hi 4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 +® 4 TQCIQVI Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe ( Contact ( Site Map Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 1 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Elsa and Jaime Villarreal, College Station, a boy; Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list may not be complete because Government Links some parents choose not to have their names printed. Links Brandi and Bruce Grandchamp, Gause, a girl; Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 30, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Elsa and Jaime Villarreal, College Station, a boy; Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Brandi and Bruce Grandchamp, Gause, a girl; Columnists Community Jennifer and James Roselius, College Station, a girl; The Eagle Entertainment Faith &Values Chantal and Allen Jaynes, Bryan, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Brenda and Tommy Harris, Wheelock, a girl; Kids Korner Lifestyles Nicole and Donnie Fowler, College Station, a girl; Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Lisa and Frank Garcia, Navasota, a girl. Politics Region /State College Station Medical Center Schools Sports Oct. 29, 2002: Subscriptions Weather Jennifer and James Scamardo, College Station, a girl; http: . theeagle. com /region/records/births/NovO2/ 110102births. 15 /2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 8 Bid # 03 -27 C UV Lamps, Ballasts, and Assessories The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our at Ww w.ci.college- station The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to m informalities and irregularities. 10- 30 -02, 11 -6 -02 1� REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 03 -31 Redesign of the City of College Station Website The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who interested and qualified to redesign the City of College Station Internet Websi A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this for Proposal. Specification documents are available at the below listed address Mon -Fri, 8a or may be downloaded from our website at: www.ci.college- station.tx.us. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on December 4, 2002. an( be addressed to: Purchasing Manager Purchasing Department City of College Station (W 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 ht tp:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 11/6/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds • http:\records.tx.dps.state. tx.us Page 5 of 8 11 -2 -02, 11 -6 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -19 822 Nimitz Demolition/New Construction Bid # 03 -20 2813 Jennifer Residential Remodel/Rehabilitation Bid # 03 -21 3103 Normand Residential Remodel/Rehabilitation Bid # 03 -22 1106 Georgia Residential Remodel/Rehabilitation • The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 13, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents for all four bids is ay. for a non - refundable fee of $20.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is availat our website at www.ci.co - s tation.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. 10- 30 -02, 11 -6 -02 © REQUEST FOR BIDS http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/6/2002 • © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement � I The Bryan- College Station Eagle �. A- 11111141Ls Page 1 of 1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 6, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 4, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Debbi and John Beck, College Station, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Autumn Heather and Jamie Bokelmann, College Station, a boy. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith & Values Food Oct. 28, 2002: Health & Fitness Kids Korner Francesca and Jesse Youlton, College Station, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather http:// www. theeagle. com/region/records/t)irths/NovO2/ 110702births.htm 11/7/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Survivors include his wife, Callie J. Sanders of Bryan; a brother and sister -in -law, Monroe and Joyce Sanders of Lake Jackson; two 40 brothers -in -law and sisters -in -law, Charles and Beverly Sanders of Fort Worth and Larry and Alice Cothran of Dallas; a sister and brother -in -law, Pauline and Tommy Brown of Houston; and a sister - in -law, a Minnie Chapman of Midland. Memorials may be made to the Shriners Crippled Children's Hospital, c/o Arabia Shrine Temple, P.O. Box 20625, Houston, Texas 77225. Billie Raymond Nov. 17, 1914 — Nov. 5, 2002 Graveside services for Billie Raymond, 87, of Bryan and formerly of Houston are set for 11 a.m. Thursday at Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery in Houston. The Rev. Bob Richers of First United Methodist Church in Bryan will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. Mrs. Raymond died Wednesday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center in Bryan. She was born in Houston and was a secretary for Harris County commissioners for 34 years. She lived in Bryan for the past 21 years and was a member of the First United Methodist Church there. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.H. Raymond Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Bill and Andrea Raymond of Rockdale; and three grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 3846, Bryan, Texas 77805. Vernon Davis Anderson March 17, 1934 — Nov. 5, 2002 ODESSA — Services for Vernon Davis Anderson, 68, of Odessa are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at West University Church of Christ in Odessa. Roy D. Jones will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Sunset Memorial Gardens http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records /obituaries/Nov02/ 110702obits.htm 11/7/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle thee�,le.eom w , Pagel of 5 .17:11.(41:1 Home. Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 7 , 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Matthew Hailey Government Links Nov. 5, 2002 — Nov. 5, 2002 Links Obituaries LUFKIN — Private graveside services for newborn infant Matthew Town Talk Hailey of Lufkin are set for Friday in the Garden Memories Site Sections of Memorial Park in Lufkin. A &M News Agriculture Announcements Dr. Nolan Duck will officiate. Business & Technology Classifieds Arrangements are under the direction of Gipson - Metcalf Funeral Columnists Directors of Lufkin. Community The Eagle Entertainment Matthew Haile y was born and died Tuesday at a Lufkin Hospital. Faith & Values Food Survivors include his parents, Mark and Monica Hailey of Lufkin; Health & Fitness two sisters, Melissa and Annie Hailey of Lufkin; grandparents, Kids Korner Lifestyles Buford and Melissa Abeldt of Lufkin and Robert and Laura Hailey of Newspapers in Education Franklin; and great - grandparents the Rev. J.V. and Dorothy Obituaries Patterson of Lufkin, Marie Linder of Waco and Lester and Pat Opinions Hailey of Franklin. Politics Region /State James W. `Sandy' Sanders Schools Jan. 16, 1922 — Nov. 4, 2002 Sports Subscriptions Weather Graveside services for James W. "Sandy" Sanders, 80, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Thursday at College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Sanders died Monday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Crews and lived in Bryan for 13 years. He was a retired iron worker. Mr. Sanders was a member of the Iron Workers Union, the Scottish Rite Free Masonry for more than 50 years, Adam Royder Lodge No. 778 and the Reagan Lodge No. 1037. Mr. Sanders also was a member of the Houston Arabia Temple. He was a Baptist. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /NovO2 /110702obits.htm 11/7/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Texas A &M, Bryan and Brazos County will consider joining the e organization in the future. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell(ktheeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /110702cscitycouncil.htm 11/7/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 MMR LyI: A#H Home ' Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe i Co Region / State November 7, 2002 Births Notebook Club Meetings College Station City Council considers Club M College Town Datebook joining transportation group Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections The College Station City Council on Thursday will consider joining a A &M News group dedicated to ensuring that the Bryan - College Station area Agriculture benefits from Gov. Rick Perry's Trans -Texas Corridor. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds The transportation system proposed by the governor includes right Columnists of way for freeway lanes, passenger and freight railroad lines and Community utilities that would connect the state. The plan does not include a The Eagle route through the Bryan - College Station area, but municipalities, Entertainment private companies and other groups can submit proposals to the Faith & Values Texas Department of Transportation to build sections of the Food corridor. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles The "Brazos Express Corridor," which the Texas High Speed Rail Newspapers in Education and Transportation Corp. is hoping to have included in the plans, Obituaries would connect the Interstate 35 corridor to the Houston Opinions metropolitan area with a route running through Bryan and College Politics Station. Region /State Schools Sports College Station City Manager Tom Brymer said the "Brazos Subscriptions Express" plan also fits into a defense rail bill being considered by Weather the federal government. The council will decide Thursday if it wants to join the group, which has annual membership dues of $35,000. The cost of the membership could be covered by the city's contingency funds. To date, College Station, Bryan, Texas A &M University and Brazos County have shared in the cost of hiring Dallas -based Dean International to gauge the feasibility of the project and the interest of other governing bodies. Harris County, Houston and Killeen all have been approached and have shown a desire to participate. Brymer said joining the nonprofit THSRTC is logical for the entities because it can begin to concentrate on developing a route, funding method and design of such a corridor. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/I 10702cscitycouncil.htm 11/7/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds • College Station, Texas 77842 Phone: (979) 764 -3778 11 -10 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Page 9 of 10 Sealed bids addressed to the College Station Independent School District Atte Mark Pantel, Coordinator of Purchasing will be received at the Purchasing Of 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX, 77840 until: 2:00 p.m., November 25, 2002 for Electrician Labor Bid RFB #3 -006 Immediately following the deadline, bids will be received, opened and publicl at the College Station I.S.D., Purchasing Office, at the above address. For infc and bid documents, contact the Purchasing Office at 979.764.5408. 11 -3 -02, 11 -10 -02 REQUEST FOR SEALED PRICE PROPOSALS SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL WALKWAY CANOPIES AND CONCRE' SLAB AT CYPRESS GROVE INTERMEDIATE, COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Sealed price proposals to fabricate and install two walkway canopies and one concrete slab at Cypress Grove Intermediate School, 900 Graham Road Colle; Station, Texas will be received at the College Station I.S.D Purchasing Office Welsh Street, College Station, Texas 77840 to the attention of Mark Pantel, Coordinator of Purchasing until 2:00 p.m., Thursday November 21, 2002. Eac proposer shall identify their priced proposal by typing on the outside of the en "Priced Proposal for Cypress Grove Canopies and Slab ". All addendums recei shall be listed on the outside of the envelope. Proposals received after 2:00 p.r time November 21, 2002 will be returned unopened. Proposal documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office located at 1 Welsh Street, College Station, Texas 77840, (979) 764 -5408 or Fax (979) 694 A pre - proposal conference and walk -thru will be held Wednesday Novem 2002 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cypress Grove Intermediate School Conference College Station, Texas 77840. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 8 of 10 otherwise, no refund will be made. Checks to be made payable to: Doucet & T (W P.C. HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES: It is the intent Texas A &M University System that Historically Underutilized Businesses be afforded every opportunity to participate in this construction project as prime contractors, subcontractors and/or suppliers. The Texas A &M University Syst determined that subcontracting opportunities may exist for this contract and a Subcontracting Plan is required. PRE -BID CONFERENCE: A pre -bid confe will be held at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at the Facilities Pla Division Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Facilities Planning & Construction Bu Asbury at University Drive, Texas A &M University, College Station, Texas 7 Manufacturer /Supplier attendance is mandatory. 11 -3 -02, 11 -10 -0 P U B LIC NO O F DEMOLITION The City of College Station Community Development Office will begin dem procedures on a deteriorated residential dwelling unit at the following location 1114 Detroit Street (3 Bedroom SF Residential Dwelling Unit) and constructing a n re re d unit at the followij location: 111 Luther Street (3 Bedroom SF Residential Dwelling Unit) Demolition will commence no earlier than December 15, 2002. Construction new replacement dwelling unit shall commence on or about November 4, 20( The demolition and replacement activities will be paid for using federal Comr Development Block Grant and HOME funds. All demolition and construction activities will be completed on or about May 31, 2003 and will be done in conformance with the requirements of Section 104(d) of t Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, specifically §42.375 C One replacement of lower- income dwelling units. Public comments, concerns and/or questions regarding this notice should be d to the address listed below before Thursday, December 12, 2002. City of College Station — Community Development Office Attention: Eric Barton Housing Program Coordinator P.O. Box 9960 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/11/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios CITY OF CS 161124 6X11 0699 CITY OF CS 11 /10 JH Page 1 of 10 KICK OFF 161368 6X9 0699 TXDOT 11 /10 JH * *P/U 10120 #126384 ** NOTICE Dudley Construction would like to invite you to bid with us on the TAMU pr( TTI Shop - Renovate Exterior of Hangar, Bldg. 7092, on November 19, 2002 pm. This is a bonded and insured project thru TAMU Physical Plant. HUB subcontracting opportunities are available and we encourage your participatio Plans may be purchased from TAMU 979 - 862 -1533 or viewed in our offices. contact Clint Willis @ 979 - 776 - 2135(0) / 979 - 776- 2234(f). 11 -10 -02 NOTICE OF SALE http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 7 i xt.r�ll: Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 8, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Julia Bass Wallace Datebook Government Links Aug. 18, 1917 - Nov. 4, 2002 Links Obituaries Services for Julia Bass Wallace, 85, of College Station are set for 2 Town Talk p.m. Saturday at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in College Site Sections Station. A &M News Agriculture Dr. Bruce Wood will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Announcements Cemetery. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Visitation will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Community Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. The Eagle Entertainment Mrs. Wallace died Monday at Denton Community Hospital. ❑ She Faith & Values Food was born in Whitesboro and lived in College Station since 1983. Health & Fitness She was a resident at Colton Inn Geriatric Center. After attending Kids Komer Texas Wesleyan College in Fort Worth, she attended the Lifestyles Metropolitan Business College in Dallas. She was a member of the Newspapers in Education Aldersgate United Methodist Church. ❑ She was preceded in death Obituaries by her husband, Dr. William Robert Wallace. Opinions Politics Region /State Survivors include a daughter and son -in -law, Judy and Bill Schools Hedderman of College Station; a sister -in -law, Janice Bass of Sports Whitesboro; four grandchildren and three great - grandchildren. Subscriptions Weather Memorials may be made to Aldersgate United Methodist Church Prayer Garden Fund or the American Cancer Society. Bobby Joe Phillips Oct. 26, 1946 - Nov. 2, 2002 Services for Bobby Joe Phillips, 56, of Bryan are set for noon Saturday at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. James Williams of Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Friday at Daniel & Son Funeral Home and 8 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the church. A wake service fwill be conducted at the funeral home from 7 to 8 p.m. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records /obituaries/Nov02/ 110802obits.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 In other action, the council selected Unicare to provide health insurance for city employees. The move means employees will begin contributing $15 per month for single coverage. The change in providers became necessary after the city's current provider, Cigna, proposed a 58 percent cost increase to insure the city's 800 employees. The switch to Unicare means the city and its employees will have to pay about $2.9 million for medical coverage, which is still about 50 percent more than last year. The council agreed to raise the city's contribution to $289 per employee during the budget process, an increase of $70 over last year. Councilman James Massey said the city is working with Bryan, the Bryan school district and the College Station district to see if better rates could be realized by joining forces on insurance coverage. Councilwoman Winnie Garner said the rising costs of insurance are having an impact on all budgets, whether they be cities' or private businesses'. She said many employees are being asked to contribute to their health coverage for the first time. "We hope the employees will understand this," she said. "We have their best interest at heart, but we also have the taxpayers' best interest at heart." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cferrell the le.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /110802csalignswithrail.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 2 a .. PR Home ' Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosS ports. com Subscribe! Co Region / State November 8, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station votes to align with rail College Town Datebook group Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections The College Station City Council on Thursday unanimously voted to A &M News join forces with a coalition established to the area included in Agriculture get the governor's proposed Trans -Texas Corridor. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Council members said the decision to join the Texas High Speed Columnists Rail and Transportation Corp. allows the city to "get to the table" on Community the plan, which would link the state by building corridors that The Eagle include highways, passenger and freight railroads and utility lines. Entertainment Faith Food & Values Current plans do not include the area, but the Texas Department of Health &Fitness L Transportation is accepting proposals. Kids Korner Lifestyles College Station joins Houston and Harris County in the nonprofit Newspapers in Education group, which will lobby to have a "Brazos Express" line included in Obituaries Opinions Gov. Rick Perry's plan. The line would link the Houston area to the Politics Interstate 35 corridor by a route through Bryan and College Station. Region /State Schools The city's annual membership fee will be $35,000, which will be Sports paid from contingency funds. Houston and Harris County each paid Subscriptions $125,000 because they have larger populations. The Houston Weather Airport Authority also has shown an interest in joining. Council members urged the city of Bryan, Brazos County and Texas A &M University to join in the partnership. "I think it is so important that if this corridor is built that we are a part of it," Mayor Ron Silvia said. "If we are not at the table, we can get passed by just like [Interstate] 45 passed us by." Councilman John Happ, who will represent the city by serving as the group's vice chairman, said the Trans -Texas Corridor will be important to the future of Texas. "None of us will probably be here when it happens, but if you look at the future and what needs to happen with transportation in Texas, I think this is a benchmark for the entire country," he said. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/I 10802csalignswithrall.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 economic development department. "We want this to be a very open process." The final design will be available for a public viewing and critique session at the College Station Conference Center from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 25. The College Station City Council must approve the plans before work can progress. Anyone interested in attending any of the programs can RSVP to Wood at 764 -3510 or by e-mail at cwood ci.colleg station • Kelli Levey's e-mail address is kle vey@theeagle.com . © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /111002northgate.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Me&igle.' C. 0m: W*AM AIAII €.taz Home ' Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe ' Co Region / State November 10, 2002 Births Notebook Club Meetings Redevelopment plan topic of workshops Club M College Town Datebook By KELLI LEVEY Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Obituaries Workshops will start Monday to allow public input on the next Town Talk phase of the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which will furnish a "road Site Sections map" for redevelopment of the historic area on University Drive. A &M News Agriculture Announcements The plan also will provide recommendations for how to implement Business & Technology the ideas that are generated and will help the city spur private Classifieds development and garner community support. Columnists Wednesday night, merchants and customers of the area can Community The Eagle College Station and Texas A &M University have funded the project, Entertainment which was started in 1996. The first phase laid the groundwork for Faith & Values many of the improvements done to Northgate so far, such as the Food College Main Parking Garage, the Patricia Street Promenade, the Health & Fitness Second Street Plaza and College Main and Church Street Kids Korner redevelopments. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries The updated plan is being put together by consulting firms Land Opinions Design Studio and Centro Development in Austin, who have done Politics similar projects in Austin, Cedar Park and Houston. Region /State Schools The workshop process starts Monday with an introduction session Sports Subscriptions at 7 p.m. at A &M United Methodist Church, 417 University Drive. Weather Wednesday night, merchants and customers of the area can comment on the first ideas proposed for the district. The Northgate Stakeholder Critique will be 5 to 8 p.m. at the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive. Feedback from the critique will direct designers toward a final conceptual design. The consultants already have held interviews with numerous groups of people, including Texas A &M University faculty, students and administration, property owners and merchants, and representatives from organizations such as the city of Bryan, the Texas Department of Transportation and area churches. "We want this to reflect the wishes of the people who go there and who do business there," said Charles Wood of College Station's http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/I I 1002northgate.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice about the land. \r • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrel l@theeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 3 of 3 http://www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/I I 1002startofsomething.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice c c The Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial, which A few plaques need to will be dedicated Monday, is just one part of be set, and several the planned Veterans Park and Athletic large holes that have Complex. been dug must be filled with crape myrtles. But for the most part, the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial is ready for Monday's dedication. "I'm so proud to be a part of this," said P. David Romei, executive director of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley and chairman of the memorial's design committee. "We're building something that will instill pride in everyone who sees it for centuries to come." With the first phase nearing completion, Romei is already looking to (W the next step in creating the memorial site, which he believes could just as easily be in the Arlington National Cemetery as the Veterans Park Complex. http://www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/l 11002startofsomething.htm 11/11/2002 Pagel of 3 aa 979.770.2345 A 4 cyx:cal Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics November 10, 2002 The start of something special Veterans memorial is first part of greater vision By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Region /State The bronze statue is in Schools place, and the cement Sports walkways around it Subscriptions have been laid. The Weather poles from which flags representing each branch of the armed services will wave have been erected. Benches await wearied visitors. 2002 Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Dedication The Bryan- College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice Page 3 of 3 • Larry Holt • John Stropp • Debbie Jasek • William Pruitt Keynote Address • Dr. P. David Romei, Board Director and Design Chairman, Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Wreath Ceremony • The Honorable Rick Perry TAPS Grand Finale • Fireworks • Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • 1 4 http://www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/I I 1002program.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice Gen. U.S. Army (Ret.) Recognition of Dignitaries • Ambassador Roman Popadiuk • U.S. Congressman -elect John Carter • Texas Sen. Steve Ogden • Texas House Rep. Fred Brown • Brazos County Judge Al Jones • Grimes County Judge Ira Haynie • Robertson County Judge Billy Lee Stellbauer • Bryan Mayor Jay Don Watson • College Station Mayor Ron Silvia • Hearne Mayor Ruben Gomez Recognition of Veterans Posts • American Legion • Disabled Veterans • Veterans of Foreign Wars • Sojourners Recognition of Texas A &M University and Brazos Valley recipients of the Medal of Honor • Horace S. Carswell, Jr. U.S. Army • Thomas W. Fowler, U.S. Army • William G. Harrell, U.S. Marine Corps • Lloyd H. Hughes, U.S. Army • George D. Keathley, U.S. Army • Turney W. Leonard, U.S. Army • Eli L. Whiteley, U.S. Army Introductions • Robert Eccleston, Sculptor • Larry Schueckler, Landscape Designer • Stanton K. Ware, M.A. Architecture, Graphic Design • Carol. A. Wagner, Chair, Dedication Committee Dedication of Louis L. Adam Memorial Plaza • Donald A. Adam Presentation of Sculpture • Lt. Gen. John Van Alstyne, U.S. Army • Lt. Gen. Howard Graves, U.S. Army (Ret.) • Major Gen. Al Jones, U.S. Army (Ret.) • Major General Chuck Cargill, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) • Major Gen. John Simek, U.S. Army (Ret.) • Brig. Gen. Lynn Stuart, U.S. Army (Ret.) • Mayor Ron Silvia • Mayor Jay Don Watson • Spence Pennington • Steven Gonzales Page 2 of 3 http://www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/I I 1002program.htm 11/11/2002 (W c The Bryan - College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice Pagel of 3 W � I r� rM m%i M=v'7i i � ", §07M, - *scribe todav7i, Home ' Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Co Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Veterans Day Memorial Program Monday, November 11, 2002 College Station, Texas Program begins at 5 p.m. Welcome • Marilyn Martell, Master of ceremonies Bagpipe rendition of Amazing Grace • Dr. Robert Leslie Posting of the Colors • Veterans of Foreign Wars • American Legion • Disabled American Veterans • Texas A &M University Corps of Cadets • Sojourners The National Anthem • Raymond Boney The Pledge of Allegiance • Steven Gonzales, Former POW, Kosovo Invocation • Dr. Travis H. Small Jr., Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.), Vice President, Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Greetings • Dr. Craig N. Carter, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, President, Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial • The Honorable Rick Perry, Governor of Texas • The Honorable Kevin Brady, United States Congress • Chancellor Howard Graves, Texas A &M University System, Lt. http: / /www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/ 111002program.htm 11/11/2002 2002 Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Dedication The Bryan- College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice Page 2 of 3 The second phase will include a walkway near the main statue that will eventually have smaller memorials for America's 12 military conflicts. Romei said he hopes a 13th won't have to be included. The Arts Council has already agreed to sponsor the first, which will commemorate the Revolutionary War, and First National Bank has agreed to fund a statue for the Spanish- American War. Funding is still being sought for the 10 other memorials. Romei said the third phase will be the maintenance and upkeep of the area to ensure future generations can share the experience. "This will be a destination point for the community, just like the George Bush Library," Romei said. "We've already gotten calls about it from people in New York and Georgia who said they are going to come here and see it." el M Eagle photo/ Dave McDermand Former College Station Entrance to the Veterans Park and Athletic Mayor Lynn Complex. Mcllhaney, who now chairs the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau board, said the memorial and accompanying athletic park will be another big tourist draw for the Brazos Valley. "I think we're blessed to have what we have here in our community," Mcllhaney said. "The Veterans Park and the Veterans Memorial are just another example of being able to provide quality venues not only for our citizens, but also for the people who visit our community." In addition to the military history aspect of the complex, visitors will eventually be able to learn about Brazos County's earliest residents. The memorial and adjoining athletic park sit on land that was once inhabited by several American Indian tribes. Archeological studies of the land show that the tribes once used the area for camp sites, but there were no uses that hold enough historical significance to prevent development in the area. Steve Beachy, College Station's parks and recreation director, said the park will include exhibits and kiosks presenting information http://www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/I I 1002startofsomething. htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice Page 3 of 3 honored for their participation in that war, as well, brought a dignity that would not have been possible without his visit," Romei said. • John LeBas' e -mail address is jlebasgtheeagle.com. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement r C http : / /www.theeagle.com /vetmemorial/ 111102bushatmemorial.htm 11/11/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle >Of Honor and Sacrifice Page 2 of 3 Veterans Day. The the Veterans Memorial Sunday morning. public is invited to attend the dedication ceremony, which starts at 5 p.m. in College Station's new Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. After Bush arrived at the site, retired Major General Al Jones and retired Brigadier General Lynn Stuart posted a ceremonial wreath of red, white and blue carnations. The former president inspected the names of 1,677 veterans engraved in the memorial's granite walls, making special note of the listing of seven Medal of Honor recipients who attended Texas A &M. Bush asked people to pray for the current President Bush, who has threatened military action against Iraq if Saddam Hussein does not comply with U.N. weapons inspections. "I know faith sustains the president when faced with the most difficult decision a president faces," Bush said during brief, informal remarks. "There are plenty of human problems, plenty of problems for the president to have to make tough decisions. But none, in my view, equals the time when he has to commit someone else's son or daughter into harm's way." Bush said he and his son have agreed that one cannot be president without spending some time on his knees in prayer. "Lincoln first said that," Bush said. "And I know in our family, we feel it very, very strongly." Bush smiled when shown a granite plaque placed permanently into the stage to commemorate his Sunday appearance. He then posed for pictures in front of the memorial and shook hands with almost everyone in attendance. A breeze blew fall leaves across the park during the morning ceremony and lifted the flapping flags straight out. In all, nine flags — for the United States, Texas, POW -MIA and each branch of the service — fly above the memorial. Project organizers presented Bush with a gift — the first of 50 small bronze replicas of the memorial sculpture, which depicts a soldier carrying a wounded buddy to safety. President Bush represents one of the most important wars in America's history, said P. David Romei, a chief organizer of the memorial who introduced the former president Sunday. "To have him here visiting this site where so many soldiers are http:// www. theeagle. com/ vetmemorial /111102bushatmemorial.htm 11/11/2002 • 0 Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather November 11, 2002 Former President Bush pays tribute to Vets during visit By JOHN LeBAS Eagle Staff Writer Former President George Bush, whose Navy plane was shot down in 1944 during World War II, paid tribute Sunday to other uniformed men and women as he toured the new Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. "I am happy to salute those who have made this marvelous project possible," Bush said before an invitation - only crowd of about 100, including memorial organizers, lead donors and elected officials. "It's a wonderful thing." Bush's appearance set the stage for a formal dedication of the memorial on Monday, Former U.S. president George Bush looks over his very own plaque with Dr. P. David Romei at http://www.theeagle.com/vetmemorial/I I I 102bushatmemorial.htm 11/11/2002 2002 Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Dedication The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 4 All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the Public Utilities Service Center, 1601 Grz Road, College Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 12, 2002. meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at ww w.ci.college - station.t . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. November 5, 2002 & November 12, 2002 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos No. 4404 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage code that Manasi Inc. has filed for a Wine and beer r, permit / Food and beverage certificate license or permit. Said business to conducted under the trade name of Spice Bowl. Locate of said business tc 2501 Texas Ave. South Suite 111 C, College Station, Texas, 77840, Brazos County, Texas. The officers of the incorporated business are: Philip Aylookunnel, B. President/ Secretary. Witness my hand this the 11th day of November, 2002. Karen McQueen County Clerk Brazos County, Texas Sylvia Polansky Deputy Clerk 11- 12 -02, 11 -13 -02 Pla an Ad Announcem I Automotive I Bu_s_iness_Opp I Emp loyment F inancial Merchandise F Rea Estate I Service D irectory R eturn to Classifieds Inde Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Le-gales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios 0 Re a la pagina pri ncipal de Clasifi http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/12/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 4 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -32 Southwood Athletic Park Improvements The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 26, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves Southwood Park Improvements which includes the insta of fencing, gates, backstops, and concrete dugout floors. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. There is no deposit required. Addition information is available on our website at w ww.ci.co lleR e- station. . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Nov 12, 2002 & Nov 19, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -29 Exterior Painting at College Station Public Utilities Center 1601 Graham Road The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 19, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htmi 11/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 The Egg'le Classifieds • ■ Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -02 Legal Notices Merchandise Tarrow Street Improvements Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, November 21, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Directorio de Servicios All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas Location and Scope of Work: Legales The project limits are Tarrow Street South between University Drive and Lin( Mercancia Avenue in College Station, Brazos County, Texas. A distance of approximate Oportunidades de linear feet. The project involves the rehabilitation of pavement and the additic Negocios sidewalk. A Prebid Meeting will be held in the Conference Room of the Public Works Building, College Station, Texas at 2:00 PM on November 14 2002. This mee not mandatory, but attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on website at ww st ation.tx. us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. (W Nov 5, 2002 & Nov 12, 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.httnl 11/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Nov. 7, 2002: Estela Arellano and Oscar Vasquez, Bryan, a girl; Misty and Kevin Lucherk, Burton, a boy; Jennifer and Greg Hage, Bryan, a boy. College Station Medical Center Nov. 8, 2002: Chequistia Steward, College Station, a boy; Stephanie Franklin, Bryan, a girl. Nov. 10, 2002: Karen and Charles Crouse, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement is Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births/Nov02 /111202births.htm 11/12/2002 • C The Bryan- College Station Eagle Home ! Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Page 1 of 2 a scribe todej Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 12, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Thurday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 2, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Georgann and James Smith, Brenham, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Amber Clay, Franklin, a boy. Community The Eagle Nov. 3, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Food Lisa and Jerry Lloyd, Bryan, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Rebecca and Tommy Swinson, College Station, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Nov. 4, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Amanda and Kirk Wichman, Anderson, a girl; Region /State Schools Lisa and Jimmy Kanetzky, College Station, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Laura and Charles Long, Bryan, a Weather girl. Nov. 5, 2002: Kimberly Squires, Bryan, a girl; Shannon Lesley, Snook, a boy. Nov. 6, 2002: c Malissa Thomas, Bryan, a boy; Neiandra Washington, Bryan, a boy; Sherri and Jimmy Holliday, Hearne, a girl; Jennifer and Juan Rangel, Bryan, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle. com/region/records/births/NovO2/ 111202births.htm 11/12/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to the time of the services Thursday at the funeral home. Mr. Houston died Saturday in the College Station Medical Center. He was born in Davidson, Okla., and lived in College Station since 1947. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and retired from Texas A &M University after 26 years of service. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in College Station since 1947 and served as a deacon for 25 years. Survivors include his wife, Florene Houston of College Station; a daughter and son -in -law, Ailese and Pat Gamble of Anchorage, Alaska; a brother and sister -in -law, John and Mildred Houston of Cameron; a sister and brother -in -law, Floy and Richard Peek of Bryan; and a grandson. Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church in College Station. Anna Mae Match Aug. 8, 1926 — Nov. 10, 2002 • Anna Mae Match, 76, of Navasota died Sunday in the College Station Medical Center. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Ms. Match was born in Iowa. Survivors include a daughter, Melodie Tomkivits of Navasota; two brothers, Wayne Wells and Jack Wells, both of Auburn, Calif.; four grandchildren; and five great - grandchildren. James Lee Smith Jan. 26, 1905 — Nov. 10, 2002 NORMANGEE — Graveside services for James Lee Smith, 97, of Austin are set for 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Resthaven Cemetery in Houston. Clinton Thomas Smith will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Cozart Funeral Home in Normangee. Mr. Smith died Sunday in Austin. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / obituaries /Nov02 /111202obits.htm 11/12/2002 l C] The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 5 thee Aft Ar fle" com 0% APR Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ; BrazosS ports. com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather November 12, 2002 Robert Franklin Cotten Oct. 16, 1911 — Nov. 9, 2002 NACOGDOCHES — Services for Robert Franklin Cotten, 91, of Nacogdoches are set for 3 p.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church in Rockdale. Bro. Raymond Wooten, his son -in -law, will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Lawn Cemetery. Visitation will be from 1 p.m. to the time of the services Tuesday at the church. Arrangements are under the direction of Garrison Funeral Home in Garrison. Mr. Cotten died Saturday at the Rock Haven Nursing Home in Nacogdoches. He was born in Rockdale and lived in Nacogdoches since 1996. He formerly lived in Bellville from 1964 to 1996. He was a boilermaker, pipe fitter and welder, retiring in 1965. He also worked as a framing contractor between boiler jobs. He was a member of Boilermakers Union Local No. 74 in Houston for more than 55 years. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Bellville. Survivors include his wife, Bertie Cotten of Nacogdoches; three sons, Bob Cotton of Katy, Johnny Cotton of Bryan and Charles Cotton of Houston; two daughters, Mary Zinn of Caldwell and Flo Wooten of Nacogdoches; a brother, Charlie Cotton of Houston; 20 grandchildren; and 44 great - grandchildren. Alvin W. Houston March 12, 1912 — Nov. 9, 2002 Services for Alvin W. Houston, 90, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. The Rev. David Rowland will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. http: / /www.theeagle.com /region /records /obituaries/NovO2/ 111202obits.htm 11/12/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 5 Sealed bids addressed to the College Station Independent School District Atte Mark Pantel, Coordinator of Purchasing will be received at the Purchasing Of 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX, 77840 until: 2:00 p.m., December 3, 2002 for Turf Aerator RFB# 3 -008 Bids for used aerators will be considered if requested documentation is submi with bid. Immediately following the deadline, bids will be received, opened ai publicly read at the College Station I.S.D., Purchasing Office, at the above ad, For information and bid documents, contact the Purchasing Office at 979.764. 11- 13 -02, 11 -20 -02 NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF VIRGINIA H REYNOLDS, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of VII • H. McREYNOLDS, Deceased were issued on November 4th, 2002, in Cause 11,416 -PC, pending in the County Court at Law No. Two (2) of Brazos Coum Texas, to BEVERLY McREYNOLDS ALEXANDER. The address to which claims may be presented is: c/o J. DEREK MOORE Payne, Watson, Miller & Malechek, P.C. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 6900 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 600 Bryan, Texas 77805 -6900 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being admini are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by 1 DATED the 4th day of November, 2002. PAYNE, WATSON, MILLER & MALECHEK, P.C. By: /s /J. DEREK MOORE J. DEREK MOORE Attorneys for the Estate 11 -13 -02 • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 11/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 5 MERRILL LYNCH TRUST COMPANY F.S.B. �W Independent Executor Estate of JOSE EDUARDO MARTINEZ, Deceased c/o R. HAL MOORMAN MOORMAN, TATE MOORMAN, URQUHART & HALEY, L.L.P. P.O. Box 1808 Brenham, Texas 77834 -1808 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being admini� are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by 1 DATED the 28th day of October, 2002. MOORMAN, TATE, MOORMAN URQUHART & HALEY, L.L.P. By: R. HAL MOORMAN Attorneys for the Independent Executor 11 -13 -02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 03 -31 Redesign of the City of College Station Website The City of College Station is soliciting Proposal(s) (RFP's) from firms who interested and qualified to redesign the City of College Station Internet Websi A single consultant will be selected to accomplish all services outlined in this Request for Proposal. Specification documents are available at the below listed address Mon -Fri, 8a or may be downloaded from our website at: www.ci.college - station.tx.us. Response packages will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on December 4, 2002. an( be addressed to: Purchasing Manager Purchasing Department City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 11/6/02 & 11/13/02 O REQUEST FOR BIDS http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Nov. 7, 2002: Estela Arellano and Oscar Vasquez, Bryan, a girl; Misty and Kevin Lucherk, Burton, a boy; Jennifer and Greg Hage, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 8, 2002: Brenda and Christopher Cadena, Bryan, a girl; Dedie and Bret Cooley, Hearne, a boy; Becky and Billy Koerner Jr., College Station, a girl; Robin and Jeff Haas, Bryan, a boy; Maria Medina, Hearne, a boy; Molly and Davis Weston, College Station, a boy. College Station Medical Center • Nov. 8, 2002: Chequistia Steward, College Station, a boy; Stephanie Franklin, Bryan, a girl. Nov. 10, 2002: Karen and Charles Crouse, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 11, 2002: Patricia and Paul Lopez, Bryan, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births/NovO2/ 111302births.htm 11/13/2002 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 979,776.234 9 t#! Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 13, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Fyn =:t. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 2, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Georgann and James Smith, Brenham, a boy; Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Amber Clay, Franklin, a boy. Community The Eagle Nov. 3, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Food Lisa and Jerry Lloyd, Bryan, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Rebecca and Tommy Swinson, College Station, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Nov. 4, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Amanda and Kirk Wichman, Anderson, a girl; Region /State Schools Lisa and Jimmy Kanetzky, College Station, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Laura and Charles Long, Bryan, a girl. Weather Nov. 5, 2002: • Kimberly Squires, Bryan, a girl; Shannon Lesley, Snook, a boy. Nov. 6, 2002: Malissa Thomas, Bryan, a boy; Neiandra Washington, Bryan, a boy; Sherri and Jimmy Holliday, Hearne, a girl; Jennifer and Juan Rangel, Bryan, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births/Nov02/ 111302births.htm 11/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 the phase to be complete in August 2004. • A marquee that will advertise events at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater and a parking lot also are in the works. Over the years, plans for the corridor have included a hotel and conference center, which is now being built on the east side, and a smaller version of San Antonio's Riverwalk. While the corridor may never live up to its past hype, Councilman James Massey, who heads the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, said he believes Wolf Pen Creek will make residents proud. "After the amphitheater, this is the first big project we've had in there in a while that people can really see and really be able to enjoy," Massey said. "The hope is with the trails, our citizens will be able to go out and enjoy it like Research Park at [Texas] A &M." Once completed, Massey said, the park will have a loop that connects the recently completed George Bush Drive East bridge to the Earl Rudder Freeway with a safe route that can be accessed on foot or on a bicycle. It also will tie Wolf Pen Creek into restaurants along Harvey Road. Massey said the hope is that other businesses will want to be a part of the area. The city has revised ordinances to make it easier for developers to build in the corridor. At least one new tenant is already on board. The Arts Council of Brazos Valley has broken ground on a new headquarters that will be completed in 2003. "We're really happy," Massey said. "We're starting to see some progress in an area that can be a real asset to the city. It has just taken a little bit of time and there have been some hoops for us to get over." • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfeffell@theeagle.co © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /localregional /111402trails.htm 11/14/2002 • c The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 AMIUM Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State November 14, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Wolf Pen Creek Corridor taking shape By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Slowly but surely, the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor is taking shape. Construction crews are installing pedestrian trails and bikeways in the lower section of the corridor, which encompasses the land south of Holleman Drive between Dartmouth Drive and Earl Rudder Freeway South. Eagle photo/ Dave McDer�= 1 41 Workers finish concrete Wensday on the trails currently under construction at Wolf Pen When completed in Creek. February, the park will have about 3,000 feet of additional paved trails, most of them 12 feet wide. The $2.46 million lower trail system will include a pair of overlook stations and kiosks offering educational information about the area. Landscaping and other amenities such as park benches also are being installed. Funds for the improvements are available through the Wolf Pen Creek tax increment finance district. "I think it is going to really open up the area for recreational use," said project manager Laura Harris, who is a graduate engineer for the city. "It is going to increase the attractiveness of the area and it will start to become more of a destination for people." But the trails are just the beginning to a renovation the city hopes will breathe life into Wolf Pen Creek. Plans are being developed for an upper trail system that will link the area between Texas Avenue and Dartmouth Drive. Plans call for http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/I I 1402tralls.htm 11/14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 SVb cribe todayl Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 14, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook College Station Medical Center reported the following births Government Links Wednesday. The list may not be complete because some Links parents choose not to have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk Nov. 12, 2002: Site Sections A &M News Inia and Gabriel Garcia, Bryan, a girl; Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Jamie and Christopher McCravey, Normangee, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Kelly and Donald Gallagher, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food • Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com/region/records/births/Nov02/ 111402births.htm 11/14/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 8 of 9 Houston. L Mrs. Elmquist died Sunday in Houston. She was born in Midland and lived in College Station until her graduation from A &M Consolidated High School. She obtained a bachelor of science degree from Southwest State University and a master's from the University of Texas in Austin. She was a psychotherapist at the Harris County Psychiatric Hospital in Houston. Survivors include her mother, Dr. Anne Marie Elmquist of College Station; two brothers and a sister -in -law, Jim and Stephanie Elmquist of College Station and John Elmquist of Denver; two nieces and a nephew. Tina Webber July 1, 1906 — Nov. 13, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for Tina Webber, 96, of Navasota are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Truevine Baptist Church in Navasota. The Rev. William Gantt will officiate. Burial will be in the Weaver Cemetery in Millican. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mrs. Webber died Wednesday at Grimes St. Joseph Hospital. She was born in Old Washington and was a homemaker and member of Truevine Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Lula Brown of Navasota; four grandchildren; 18 great - grandchildren; and 21 great- great- grandchildren. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan - College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices. 4 W Harold Eugene Swarthout, 75, of Buffalo died Thursday. Arrangements are pending with Buffalo Funeral Home. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region /records / obituaries /Nov02 /1 1 1 502obits.htm 1111512002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 7 of 9 She was preceded in death by her first husband, Monroe DeFriend, and her second husband, George Williams. Survivors include three sons and daughters -in -law, Roy and Bonnie DeFriend of Groesbeck, Morris and Jackie DeFriend of Fairfield and Douglas and Brenda Williams of College Station; and seven grandchildren. Phyllis J. Lowery Nov. 26, 1945 — Nov. 11, 2002 Services for Phyllis J. Lowery, 56, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Grace Bible Church in College Station. The Rev. Rick Rigsby will officiate. A reception will immediately follow the service. Graveside services will be at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at College Station City Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mrs. Lowery died Monday in College Station. She was born in New Braunfels and lived in Bryan since 1991. She • was an elementary school teacher who taught school at Brazos Christian, Mary Branch Elementary School and Southwood Valley Elementary School. She graduated from Texas A &M University in 1972. She was a member of Grace Bible Church. Survivors include her husband, Bill Lowery of College Station; three sons, David Lowery of Austin, Mark Lowery of Fort Worth and Paul Lowery of College Station; two brothers and a sister -in -law, Mike and Karen Carlton of Winnfield, La., and Charles Carlton of Lafayette, La.; a sister and a brother -in -law, Gail and Gary Rowland of Spring; a sister -in -law, Sharon Lowery of Carlsbad, N.M.; a mother, Freda Rayburn of Austin; a grandmother, Addie Rayburn of Kenedy; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Brazos Valley, 502 W. 26th St., Bryan, Texas 77803. Judy Angela Elmquist Dec. 17, 1949 — Nov. 10, 2002 HOUSTON — Services for Judy Angela Elmquist, 52, of Houston are set for 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 7 at the College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Arlington Funeral Home in http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records / obituaries /Nov02 /111502obits.htm 11/15/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 3 of 4 full budget year. You will not hear any financial results from the city or the council. Some will remember that in 1998, the mayor told us �... the garage would not cost the taxpayers of College Station a penny. The city's consultant estimated revenue at $1.5 million per year. The city budgeted revenue at $1 million for fiscal year 2001 -2002. Actual revenue was $201,968. Operational costs were approximately $200,000. Therefore the garage produced no net revenue to make bond payments. The taxpayers footed the bill for more than $600,000 of debt service for the year just passed. Another large debt service payment will have to be paid by the taxpayers this year. Without this expense, the tax rate could have been reduced. The current plan to mitigate this problem is to lease the garage to the federal government for an amount equal to the debt service. I am amazed that the feds are even willing to consider such a deal. DICK BIRDWELL College Station Follow God's laws The recent article about the Huntsville prison preacher was very interesting to read. But, one can only understand the transformation the preacher experienced when surrounded by criminals constantly. The toll on a man's emotions and sense of well being weighs heavy after so long working behind bars. No one is ever the same after spending a career working behind the clanging of steel doors and constantly being on guard from attack. The preacher now says he is against the death penalty after being present at the murderers execution in so many years. He even goes so far as to quote a scripture, "Thou shall not kill." But, he fails to point out that God himself says that a murderer shall be put to death. The term "Thou shall not kill" applies equally to all people, including the murderer. Once the killer has taken life that is precious to God then the murderer is to be put to death according to God's scriptures. The problem that the preacher has forgotten is the fact that this world does have evil people in it and those people do not obey God's law. God has given the governments of this world authority to put to death those who murder. For a prison chaplain to go about • preaching against the death penalty is for him to say he rejects God's own words. The death penalty must stand. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /NovO2 /lll5O2letterstoeditor.htm 11/15/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 4 The VFW said there are and have been about 22,000 veterans here in the Brazos Valley. The names would be very easy to acquire just by checking with the VFW, American Legion and the courthouse. Why weren't all known Brazos Valley veterans names listed on the memorial? BURTIS R. DOCKERY Bryan A bad precedent The Texas Highway Department, Texas Transportation Institute and Metropolitan Planning Office sponsored a meeting on Nov. 7 at the Brazos Center seeking citizen input on a long -range plan for transportation needs in the area. A member of the local Highway Department office told me the transportation corridor envisioned by Gov. Perry would be an undertaking by the private sector. When asked about land acquisition for this grand scheme, he said land owners are supportive of the proposal, including the acquisition of needed land by the private sector. To proceed with such a scheme, private • corporations would have to be empowered with the right of eminent domain. The taking of one's property by a public agency is a right that has been used many times in the past, but it was land used for the public, funded by the public agency responsible for the public need. Other publicly controlled agencies — like port authorities for air and sea movement of goods and people — are vested with such eminent domain authority; however, this is for specific use /location development. What I was told leads me to believe it would be a major change in law governing the taking of private property for private gain. Interestingly, compensation could be in the form of royalties based on usage. We just concluded an election campaign where the term conservative was freely used to identify acceptable candidates. So, I can only assume all good conservatives would be opposed to such a scheme as this. It sounds more like an ugly liberal scheme. Right? JIM SMITH College Station C Parking woes The College Station parking garage has now been in service for a http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /NovO2 /1115O2letterstoeditor.htm 11/15/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor #`neeagle. co- Page 1 of 4 �x -s;(a; Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters en couraged Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter November 15, 2002 Today in History Site Sections Who was honored? A &M News Agriculture Announcements On Monday, my son and his family and my wife and I attended the Business & Technology dedication of the Veterans' Memorial in College Station. My son Classifieds and his family had honored me by having my name inscribed on the Columnists granite wall which surrounds the sculpted figure of a soldier Community carrying his wounded comrade. The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values I was disappointed that I was only able to view the monument from Food a distance, as the area adjacent to the monument was reserved for Health & Fitness VIPs and was cordoned off to the general public. A very lame Kids Korner explanation of "security" was offered as the reason the Lifestyles memorial could not be examined closely. I began to wonder who was being Newspapers in Education honored — the veterans or the VIPs? Obituaries Opinions Politics If it were not for the fact that I had purchased a program and could Region /State follow the announcement of each veteran's name engraved on the Schools granite wall, I would never have recognized my name nor the Sports countless numbers of other veterans whose names were Subscriptions completely unintelligibly pronounced. It would seem that some Weather rehearsal of name pronunciation should have occurred beforehand. thought Chancellor Howard Graves' speech and several other speeches were well presented, but the keynote speaker's presentation was disjointed and it was difficult to tie his thoughts together to make sense. I will close on a positive note: Outback Steakhouse and McDonald's are to be complimented for their generosity in providing food and beverages for the crowd. KARL J. KOENIG World War II veteran Bryan 4) Why not everyone? I read that the Veterans' Memorial had 1,677 names etched into it. htt p: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /NovO2 llll5O2letterstoeditor.htm 11/15/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds W ­11111_ a - .�. Classifieds Pagel of 3 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -32 Legal Notices SouthWood Athletic Park Improvements Merchandise Place an Ad The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Real Estate be received at: Rentals Service City of College Station Spanish Classifieds Purchasing Services Division City Hall Cla sano en 1101 Texas Avenue, Epanol l Esp College Station, Texas 77840 Anuncios Arrendamientos until 2:00 PM, November 26, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Automo Bienes Raices All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Directorio de Servicios Empleos Location and Scope of Work: Finanzas The project involves Southwood Park Improvements which includes the instal Legales of fencing, gates, backstops, and concrete dugout floors. Mercancia Oportunidades de A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc Negocios address, Mon -Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. There is no deposit required. Addition information is available on our website at www.ci.college - station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to m informalities and irregularities. Nov 12, 2002 & Nov 19, 2002 REQUEST FOR BID PROPOSALS Legett Hall Roof Replacement Texas A &M University College Station, Texas Project No. 020890943 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/19/2002 C 0 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 �yxa.tw:' Homel Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 19, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 15, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Amber E. Dyess, Caldwell, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Ashley Dorsett, College Station, a boy; Community The Eagle Mary and William Budnik, Caldwell, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Food Tamara Donnell and Joseph E. Manjack III, College Station, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Leanna Jaramillo and Jesse Valenzuela, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Nov. 14, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Amy Calhoun and William Guinn, College Station, a girl. Region /State Schools St. Joseph Regional Health Center Sports Subscriptions Nov. 11, 2002: Weather Maria and Thomas Alvarado, Bryan, twin girls. Nov. 13, 2002: Merle Gonzales and Victor Ramirez, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 14, 2002: Maryann and Erick Miron, Centerville, a girl; Brandi Johnson, Bryan, a girl. Nov. 15, 2002: Shantell and Willie Collins Jr., Bryan, a girl; http:// www. theeagle. com/region/records/births/Nov02/ 111902births.htm 11/19/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Pagel of 3 eel. cotr �' ! a i= Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 19 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Jannette Godfrey Government Links June 9, 1911 — Nov. 17, 2002 Links Obituaries Services for Jannette Godfrey, 91, of College Station are set for 2 Town Talk p.m. Tuesday at the A &M Methodist Church in College Station. Site Sections A &M News The Revs. Jerry Neff and Bob Waters of A &M United Methodist Agriculture Announcements Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Business & Technology Classifieds Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday at Memorial Funeral Columnists Chapel in College Station and from 1 p.m. to the time of services Community Tuesday at the church. The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Mrs. Godfrey died Sunday at her home. Food Health & Fitness She was born in Osceola, Texas, and lived in College Station since Kids Korner 1950. She taught school for 22 years, starting at a three -room Lifestyles Newspapers schoolhouse in Woodrow, Texas, and retired from the College in Education Obituaries Station school district. She was a member of A &M United Methodist Opinions Church and was a volunteer with the Sunshine Ladies at the Politics College Station Medical Center. Region /State Schools She was preceded in death by her husband, Curtis L. Godfrey. Sports Subscriptions Weather Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Larry and Judy Godfrey of Abilene; three grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the A &M United Methodist Church Building Fund, 417 University Drive, College Station, 77840. Mary Francis Moss April 4, 1924 — Nov. 18, 2002 FRANKLIN — Services for Mary Francis Moss, 78, of Wheelock are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at the McCauley Funeral Home Chapel in Franklin. Dale Wells of Elliott Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Wheelock Cemetery. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / obituaries /Nov02 /111902obits.htm 11/19/2002 • • • Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections A &M News L etters encou November 17, 2002 Thanks for dedication Agriculture This past week, the Brazos Valley witnessed and participated in a Announcements most fitting tribute to the veterans of our country. Our community is Business & Technology Classifieds to be congratulated on this celebration which included individuals Columnists from all walks of life, of all ages and all backgrounds who came Community together to say thank you to these brave men and women for their The Eagle commitment to ensure our freedoms and way of life. Entertainment Faith I'd like to say a particular thank you to the hundreds of volunteers Health & Fitness who toiled so diligently to make this celebration fitting and Kids Komer spectacular. From the Scouts who read the names, to the Lifestyles musicians of the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra, to our local Newspapers in Education officials, to all those who attended — each participated because of Obituaries their belief that it is our duty and privilege to honor our veterans. Opinions Politics Region /State A special thank you goes to College Station Parks and Recreation Schools and the College Station Police Department which handled many of Sports the logistical aspects of the celebration. An equally heartfelt to the Subscriptions staff of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley who have worked on this Weather project with grace and diligence for more than two years. The commitment of all of these guaranteed that many seemingly impossible tasks were readily completed and that all of the events associated with this celebration transpired smoothly and seamlessly. Their contribution is immeasurable. And finally, I would like to thank the members of the Veterans Memorial Dedication Committee. Their dedication to this project ensured our success. Others may not know the many hours, the thankless jobs, the creativity that this project required. However, I cannot help but believe that many do. Thank you to them for all that they have done for this project and for their many continuing contributions to our community. CAROL A. WAGNER, chair Veterans Memorial Dedication Committee http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /NovO2 /1117O2letterstoeditor.htm 11/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 2 of 2 There was some grumbling among those who were kept 50 yards away. Nowhere did we read that we needed to bring a lawn chair or that we would be kept away because of security reasons. I do understand the need to have a secure area, but hundreds of vets, wives and families came and then were unable to sit. I'm talking about the vets who are 88 -plus years old and can hardly stand up. The event was over about 7 p.m. and we had to board a bus or get left behind, so we did not get a chance for a close look. I'm proud to have my dad's name on the wall, but what was done to our elder vets shows no respect or consideration. ALICE MENDEZ Bryan Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject 4 to editing for length and clarity. All letters must be signed and contain the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. The Eagle P.O. Box 3000 Bryan, TX 77805 -3000 FAX: (979) 776 -8923 e -mail: le tter s ed i @theeag le. com. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com / opinions / letterstoeditor /NovO2llll9O2letterstoeditor.htm 11/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Pagel of 2 th ` • M1Y.cAl. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com B razosS ports. com 1 Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Letters encour Guest Commentators Send a Letter November 19, 2002 Today in History Site Sections A great evening A &M News Agriculture Announcements I want to express my deepest gratitude to the committee whose Business & Technology vision and relentless effort brought the impressive Veterans Classifieds Memorial into fruition. I am sure we cannot fathom the countless Columnists hours of dedicated work required to bring the memorial from Community an idea in someone's mind to the spectacular monument The Eagle that it is today. Entertainment Faith & Values Food The contributions of so many in planning, fund raising, architectural Health & Fitness and landscape design, and many more details will benefit this Kids Korner community for years to come and will continuously be updated as Lifestyles other brave men and women are called upon to serve. Newspapers in Education 'r► Obituaries Opinions The dedication of the memorial was an inspiring tribute to fighting Politics men and women of all wars. I was overcome with pride and Region /State emotion as the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra presented our Schools favorite patriotic songs and guest vocalists Raymond Sports Boney and M. A. Sterling sang the music that we love so well. I thank those on the Subscriptions Weather program and the special guests for their contribution in making the evening of Nov. 11 so memorable. I married my veteran, Edgar Morris, after he served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. 1 have not yet seen his name on the memorial, choosing rather to go when I can have a quiet time to reflect on the sacrifices made by so many. To all who have served our country, I say thank you. MARJORIE MORRIS Bryan No consideration We were some of the people who attended the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial dedication. Even though the program was planned very well, I was very disappointed for the lack of concern for the less fortunate people (who funded the memorial) in their seating arrangements. htt / /w ww.theeagle.com/ opinions/ ietterstoeditor /NovO2 /lll9O2letterstoeditor.htm 11/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South may have had brownish - colored water come through the pipes or experienced low water pressure. The discoloration was most likely caused by rust, Nations said. College Hills Elementary School also reported discolored water and low pressure. College Station school district spokesman Ann Ganter said drinking water was taken to the school and the restrooms remained in working order. Although the brown - colored water coming out of faucets may not have looked appetizing, Nations said it was not dangerous for residents. "I don't want to say it is 100 percent safe to drink, but it did come from an approved source and had been treated according to state and federal guidelines," she said. The second waterline break occurred about an hour later on Welsh Avenue in front of A &M Consolidated High School. Nations said the two failures appear to be related, but that there was no evidence yet to prove the link. She said there's a good chance that when the first line was shut down it caused a backup in the system, which could have increased pressure in other pipes and caused the second pipe break. "That line failed so quickly after the first one was shut down that it is very likely that is what caused it," she said. The broken line next to A &M Consolidated is the same one which broke several times over the past two years, causing classes to be canceled because the campus had no water service. The city installed a devise last year which allows the high school to be switched to another waterline in the case of a breakdown, so classes were not affected Monday. The line was repaired sometime in the afternoon. College Station Utilities spent most of the afternoon flushing waterlines to remove all discolored water from the system. Customers who are still receiving discolored water can contact College Station Utilities at 764 -3638. Utility crews in College Station have been busy so far this month. A sewer line along Carter Creek near North Forest Parkway and Earl Rudder Freeway South broke Nov. 7, spilling about 2.9 million gallons of untreated waste water. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrellktheeagle.com http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /111902nowater.htm 11/19/2002 • I t The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 3 thee" mk, .. e flexom O%AM 41;.1;Yff Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State November 19, 2002 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Businesses, residents lose water service for afternoon By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer A pair of waterline breaks Monday morning left several central College Station businesses without service for most of the day and many residents with brown water streaming from their faucets. 8 , The first break occurred before 9 a.m. at the intersection of Harvey Road and Earl Rudder Freeway South when a 12 -inch waterline broke, causing some minor flo Muddy water flows from a pump hose as workers dig to fix a broken waterline at the corner of Earl Rudder Freeway South and Harvey Road in College Station on Monday. Several businesses and residents were affected. ding in the area for about an hour. Jennifer Nations, water resource coordinator for College Station, said the ductile -iron line was about 20 years old, which she said probably contributed to the break. "It appears that it just failed," she said. "Sometimes they will do that when they get to a certain age." Several of the businesses, including two convenience stores, along Harvey Road were without water until Monday evening when repair work was completed. Post Oak Mall and the apartment complexes along the same road are served by a different waterline and did not lose service, officials said. Nations said the city was not sure how many customers were affected by the line breaks, but said many of the residents in central College Station and homes north of Harvey Road and north of http: / /www.theeagle .com/region /localregional/ 111902nowater.htm 11/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 8 of 9 Roman N. Luther, Jr. and Janice Lynn Coots, Independent Co- Executors c/o Allen J. Segal Attorney at Law, P.C. 1722 Broadmoor, Suite 118 Bryan, Texas 77802 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being adminis are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by I Dated the 13th day of November, 2002. ROMAN N. LUTHER, JR. and JANICE LYNN COOTS, INDEPENDENT C EXECUTORS By: Allen J. Segal, Attorney for the Estate 11 -20 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ORDINANCE AMENDMENT changing the Conditional Use Permit proces provide for final consideration by the City Council. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, DECEM 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JANE KEE CITY PLANNER 11 -20 -02 REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids addressed to the College Station Independent School District Atte Mark Pantel, Coordinator of Purchasing will be received at the Purchasing Of 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX, 77840 until: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.htmi 11/20/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 5 of 9 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an AMENDMENT to the Code of Ordinances that provides for A -O, Agricultur; zoning to be placed on NEWLY ANNEXED TERRITORY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, DECEM 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JANE KEE CITY PLANNER 11 -20 -02 • NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT it is the intention of the City Council of City of College Station, Texas, to issue one or more series of the interest beari certificates of obligation of the City to be entitled "City of College Station, Te Certificates of Obligation, for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to incurred by the City, to -wit, acquisition of equipment (an excavator, brush tru( trailer, a motor grader, a compactor and a roll off sanitation container) for use various municipal departments; and the payment of fiscal, engineering and leg incurred in connection therewith. The City Council tentatively proposes to authorize the issuance of said series 1 more) of Certificates of Obligation at its regular meeting place in the City Hal meeting to commence at 7 o'clock, p.m., on the 5th day of December, 2002. T maximum amount of Certificates of Obligation indebtedness that may be auth to be sold on said date for such purposes described above is $1,200,000. The ( Council presently proposes to provide for payment of said series (one or more Certificates of Obligation from the levy of taxes and from a limited surplus re pledge (not to exceed $1,000) derived from the operation of the City's electric waterworks and sewer systems. O CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 11/20/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds 800 - 735 -2989. • For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 11 -20 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Page 2 of 9 The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 3435 Barron Cut -Off Road from A -O, Agricultural Open, OX, Existing Rural Residential, to final plat and replace a mobile home on the property. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, DECEM 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma • hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 11 -20 -02 CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Nettie Eaton Or The Unknown Heirs Or Assigns of Nettie Eaton, Defend; Greeting: You (AND EACH OF YOU) ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear befo; 361ST DISTRICT COURT of Brazos County at the Courthouse being located E 26th Street in the City of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, by filing a written a at or before 10 o'clock A.M. of the first Monday next after the expiration of fc days from the date of issuance of this citation, the date for answer being the 9t December, A.D. 2002, to Plaintiff's Petition filed in said court, on 10/14/02 in cause, numbered 02- 002137 -CV -361 on the docket of said 361st District Coul styled, OSTIGUIN, LUPE vs. NETTIE EATON, OR THE UNKNOWN HEII http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/20/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 9 WIMNX 01.0. Cl assifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Employment Financial The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a Legal Notices REZONING for 16.316 acres of the Robert Stevenson Survey A -54, locate Merchandise mile north of Greens Prairie Road, west of State Highway 6, from R -3, Place an Ad Townhouse, and A -O, Agricultural Open, to PDD -H, Planned Development E Real Estate Housing. Rentals Service The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Spanish Classifieds Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, DECEM 2002. Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma Arrendamientos hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Automotriz 800- 735 -2989. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Empleos Finanzas MOLLY HITCHCOCK Legales STAFF PLANNER Mercancia Oportunidades de 11 -20 -02 Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 2892 Graham Road North from A -O, Agricultural Open tc General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, DECEM 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/20/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle O Brandi Johnson, Bryan, a girl. Nov. 15, 2002: Shantell and Willie Collins Jr., Bryan, a girl; Zhuolin Gu and Wei Tu, College Station, a boy; Jennifer B. Scott, Bryan, a girl; Rhonda and Steve Mainard, Bryan, a boy; Angelica and Gilberto Velazquez, College Station, a girl; Duaa Hasan Alrzouq and Alrababah Ali, College Station, a boy; Madiha Haque and Igbal Manzoor, College Station, a boy; Dewanna Flowers, Somerville, a girl; Toni Bovee, Lyons, a girl; Courtney and Richard Wagner, La Grange, a girl; Bernadette and Paul Revilla, Caldwell, a boy; Belinda Dearman, Bryan, a girl; Nov. 16, 2002: Stacy and Jason Colvin, Bryan, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • Page 2 of 2 http:// www. theeagle. com/region/records/births/Nov02/ 112002births.htm 11/20/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 m • coin Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 20, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday and Government Links Tuesday. The list may not be complete because some parents Links choose not to have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 15, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Amber E. Dyess, Caldwell, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Ashley Dorsett, College Station, a boy; Community The Eagle Mary and William Budnik, Caldwell, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values F Tamara Donnell and Joseph E. Manjack III, College Station, a boy; e Health & Fitness Kids Komer Leanna Jaramillo and Jesse Valenzuela, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Nov. 14, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Amy Calhoun and William Guinn, College Station, a girl. Region /State Schools Nov. 18, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Weather Petra and Lorenzo Perez, College Station, twins, a boy and girl; Ashley and David Zaehringer, Bryan, a boy. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Nov. 11, 2002: Maria and Thomas Alvarado, Bryan, twin girls. Nov. 13, 2002: Merle Gonzales and Victor Ramirez, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 14, 2002: Maryann and Erick Miron, Centerville, a girl; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births/NovO2 /112002births.htm 11/20/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 3 -• 979.776.2346 s M ! a � 7 i -� Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 21, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 19, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Jennifer Hanson, College Station, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Lacy Brown and Kris Pittman, Buffalo, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith & Values Food Nov. 17, 2002: I L Health & Fitness Kids Korner Jessica Aguilar, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education N OV. 18, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Stephanie Schroeder, Anderson, a boy. Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records /births/Nov02 /112102births.htm 11/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Schools • College Station school trustees passed a resolution Monday supporting the city's bid for the grant money. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(a theea le com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • Page 2 of 2 http://www.theeagle.com/schools/I 12102consolintersection.htrn 11/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Schools u Page 1 of 2 41314: Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe Co Schools November 21, 2002 Calendar Lunch Menus Links City Council may make Consol School Board Contacts intersection safer Students of the Week Site Sections A &M News By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Agriculture Eagle Staff Writer Announcements Business & Technology The College Station City Council will decide on Thursday if it wants Classifieds to seek grant money to make a busy intersection near A &M Columnists Consolidated High School safer. Community The Eagle Entertainment City staff is asking the council to approve an application requesting Faith & Values almost $169,000 from the Texas Department of Transportation that Food would be used to improve the intersection of Welsh Avenue and Health & Fitness Harvey Mitchell Parkway South. Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education The grant money is available through TxDOT's Safe Routes to Obituaries School program, which provides funds to improve routes students Opinions take to get to class. This is the first year TxDOT has offered the Politics program. Region /State Schools Sports The city would have to put up $64,000 in matching funds for the Subscriptions project, which would cost almost $233,000 to complete. Weather "The reason we're looking at this is it is one of our difficult intersections to cross," said public works Director Mark Smith, noting that a student was struck and injured at the intersection earlier this year. The intersection improvements also tie -in to the recently adopted bikeways plan, which links the city through a system of paths, trails and lanes for bicyclists and pedestrians. Lanes are included on both sides of Welsh Avenue. "When you approach the intersection on the bike lanes, it's really not clear how you get across," Smith said. "You actually have to walk down into a ditch to push the pedestrian button. There are no sidewalks there." If College Station receives the grant, the city would build traffic islands, curbs and gutters, a better traffic signal and sidewalks along the intersection. More than 20,000 cars pass through the intersection each day. http://www.theeagle.com/schools/I 12102consolintersection.htrn 11/21/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Schools Page 2 of 2 intersections and routes near College Station schools that need to be made safer. In other action Thursday, the council: • Appointed Mayor Ron Silvia and Councilwoman Anne Hazen to the city's transportation committee. • Appointed Councilman Scott Mears as chairman and Councilwoman Winnie Garner as co- chairman of a citizens committee that will rank the order of projects proposed for a capital improvements bond election in November. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.co 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • (W http://www.theeagle.com/schools/I 12202pedroutehighschool.htm 11/22/2002 Schools November 22, 2002 Calendar Lunch Menus Links College Station seeks grant for School Bard Contacts Stu o ftheWeek pedestrian route to high school Students f the W g Site Sections A &M News By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Agriculture Eagle Staff Writer Announcements Business & Technology Bike riders and pedestrians who travel near A &M Consolidated Classifieds High School could get some relief from the traffic after the College Columnists Station City Council voted to submit a rant application for Community y g pp The Eagle improvements in the area. Entertainment Faith & Values The city is seeking almost $169,000 from the Texas Department of Food Transportation's Safe Routes to School program, which provides Health & Fitness funds to improve routes students take to get to class. The funds Kids Komer Lifestyles would be used to make the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway Newspapers in Education South and Welsh Avenue safer. (W Obituaries Opinions If approved, the city would have to put up about $64,000 in Politics matching funds. Region /State Schools Sports "Welsh Avenue is a bike lane and it is used by all students, from the Subscriptions Aggies to the soon -to -be Aggies," Councilman Dennis Maloney Weather said. "it is an unfriendly intersection for pedestrians and I'm glad to see we're picking it out." The intersection has no sidewalks and pedestrians must walk down toward a ditch to push the traffic signal to cross. Studies conducted by the city show that at least 40 to 50 Consol students walk through the intersection each morning and afternoon and many others walk through during nonpeak times. About 20,000 cars pass through the intersection each day. The city wants to improve the signals at the intersection, add sidewalks, curbs, gutters and possibly a traffic island. The cost of the project would be about $233,000. Improvement plans also tie into the city's recently adopted bikeways plan to link sections of College Station with trails, paths and lanes designated for bicyclists and pedestrians. The city and school district are working together to identify other http://www.theeagle.com/schools/I 12202pedroutehighschool.htm 11/22/2002 • • The types of industry most desired by Brazos County require convenient access to airline service. The development of convenient access to major airports, whether by rail, highway or other means, should be one of our community's highest economic development priorities. LAWRENCE J. HASKINS Bryan Letters encouraged http: / /www.theeagle.com/ opinions / letterstoeditor /Nov02 /112502letterstoeditor.htm 11/25/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Pagel of 2 AIA1140 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections A &M News Le encoura November 25, 2002 Highway access Agriculture I applaud the city of College Station's allocation of resources to Announcements Business & Technology secure inclusion within the proposed Trans -Texas Corridor. High - Classifieds speed passenger rail service skeptics point out that visitors to large Columnists Texas cities usually require an automobile during their visit. Why Community take a train? Until there is further development of public The Eagle transportation within metropolitan destinations, the skeptics have a Entertainment valid point. Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics But imagine a 40- minute direct rail ride from Brazos County to the George Bush Intercontinental or Austin - Bergstrom International airports. The ticket cost might be little if any more than the cost of airport parking. In terms of time, Brazos County residents would be closer to a major airport than are most big -city residents. Region /State Convenient access to major airports would impede the expansion Schools of passenger airline service within Brazos County during the short Sports term. The development of expanded airline service within Brazos Subscriptions County poses a dilemma. Absent of a concentration of people Weather utilizing airline service, airlines will not find the demand justifying expanded service. Absent convenient access to nationwide airline service, people requiring such access will not seek residence within Brazos County. High -speed passenger rail service from Brazos County to a major airport can bridge the dilemma. The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community decide which projects the city should move forward with." • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell @ theeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement is C, Page 2 of 2 http://www.theeagle.com/community/I 12502advisorypanel.htm 11/25/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle > Community r: Page 1 of 2 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe Co Community November 25, 2002 AggieLand Primer The advisory committee would begin meeting after the first of the Apartment Guide College Station seeks residents for Business Directory prioritized list of projects for voters to consider. Meetings could run Cities & Counties advisory Crimestoppers panel Emergency "We encourage anyone who is interested, no matter who you are. If Organizations By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL eEagle Eagle Staff Writer Pet of the Week Reach Out Senior Resource Book The College Station City Council is seeking residents to serve on a Thank you, Neighbor committee to rank potential capital improvement projects for a Youth Lines November bond election. Site Sections Applications are available on the city's Web site — www.ci.college- A &M News The advisory committee would begin meeting after the first of the Agriculture year, most likely on Monday or Tuesday evenings, to create a Announcements Business & Technology prioritized list of projects for voters to consider. Meetings could run Classifieds through April. Columnists Community "We encourage anyone who is interested, no matter who you are. If Th you live in our city, we want you to apply," said Councilman Scott eEagle Mears, who will chair the committee. "We have a `the more the Faith & Values Food merrier' philosophy because we want this committee to be Health & Fitness diversified." Kids Komer Lifestyles Applications are available on the city's Web site — www.ci.college- Newspapers in Education station.tx.us — or from the city secretary s office at College Station Obituaries Opinions City Hall. Applications can be requested by fax, mail or e-mail by Politics calling 764 -3510. Region /State Schools Members will be selected at the Dec. 19 City Council meeting. Sports Subscriptions Once filled, the committee will be brought up to date on the city's Weather strategic plan and recent development trends. City staff will make presentations explaining projects that have already been targeted and committee members can make additional suggestions for road, parks or construction projects in the city. College Station enlisted the help of residents to prioritize projects for bond elections in 1995 and 1998. (WI "This is probably one of the most important committees that we as a council can ask our citizens [to serve on]," Councilman John Happ said. "We want a good representation from across the city to http: / /www.theeagle.com/ community /112502advisorypanel.htm 11/25/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Opinions > Letters to the Editor Page 1 of 2 XOM .. .9<cribe todiriv! 41;11:14M Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Opinions Opinions > Letters to the Editor Contact Government Editorials Letters encoura Letters to the Editor Guest Commentators November 24, 2002 Send a Letter Today in History Site Sections Another boondoggle A &M News Agriculture Dick Birdwell (Eagle, Nov. 15) asked what federal agency would Announcements want to lease the Northgate Parking Garage at a rate three times its Business & Technology revenue in order for College Station to shed a tax headache. That Classifieds Columnists agency would, of course, be the Brazos Transit District, the same Community group operating near -empty buses throughout Bryan - College The Eagle Station and the surrounding counties. Entertainment Faith & Values The District, as it now is called, generates about 5 percent of its Food Health & Fitness $1.9 million budget from fares. Kids Korner Lifestyles The rest comes from tax dollars, so managing another system that Newspapers in Education dumps tax money down the drain would come easy. Obituaries Opinions When the concept of local tax - subsidized public transportation first Politics Region /State was proposed it was planned to fill a void at minimal subsidies; it Schools has evolved into another bloated, inefficient bureaucracy craving Sports more. Subscriptions Weather Annually, more than $500,000 for The District comes from state funds. This year, with a budget deficit, why support such a system? Just look at the next transit bus cruising around town. If it has more than three riders on that 30 passenger unit, it's a good day. GREG STASNY Bryan Letters encouraged The Eagle encourages letters to the editor. No more than one letter per writer will be printed each 30 days. Letters should be no more than 300 words and subject to editing for length and clarity. http: / /www.theeagle.coml opinions / letterstoeditor /NovO2 /112402letterstoeditor.htm 11/25/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 "At least we're keeping it out of a landfill," he said. "If we don't do it, what's our Earth going to come to? What are we going to do, live in our own trash ?" • Craig Kapitan's e-mail address is ckqp © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /112402candorecycling.htm 11/25/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State diversion rate of about 27 percent. Page 2 of 3 But officials are still trying to get the word out. One method that seems to be working, she said, is the Cash for Trash program. The city randomly monitors three streets in a service area, then draws an address that has been recycling. The address selected gets $250 cash. Betten said she hopes participation will increase at an even greater rate once more apartment residents — who currently don't get curbside recycling services — are able to participate. Within four or five years, she said, the city would like to see a drop -off facility for those residents. The city of Bryan, which doesn't have curbside service, has such a drop -off facility. It recycles about 700 tons of material each year. The A &M program is also ready for expansion. The sorting facility is near capacity, Marshall said. It collects recyclables from about 135 buildings on campus, as well as materials students and faculty dropoff. But there's still plenty of room for growth. The recycling program is just now experimenting with service at dorms. Until last spring, 4L collection wasn't permitted in those buildings because they didn't have sprinkler systems. That created a fire hazard, officials decided. As sprinkler systems are eventually added to the buildings, so are pilot recycling programs. The university presently has two. While the Bryan - College Station area seems to be headed in the right direction, some of the smaller communities in the Brazos Valley could probably use a little more work, McLean said. That's because with smaller city staffs, such initiatives tend to fall by the wayside. "It becomes very expensive," she said. And that's true for larger cities as well. College Station makes just enough money to break even. For A &M, money is lost, Marshall said. At one time, he remembers, paper prices were nice and high and there was money to be made. But then recycling became popular and the market was flooded. A lot of companies that previously dealt in recycling had to leave the business. ® But Marshall shrugs it off. He doesn't see any alternative, even if it is a money - losing proposition. http: / /www.theeagle.com /region /localregional/ 112402candorecyc ling. htm 11/25/2002 c. The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 M004 ►yx::�� Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com I Subscribe Co Region / State Births Brazos Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links Links Obituaries Town Talk Site Sections A &M News Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather Novemberr 23, 2002 Cities taking a can -do approach to recycling CRAIG KAPITAN Eagle Staff Writer Texans toss out enough trash each month to fill up the Astrodome — twice. But Thomas Marshall is doing what he can to ensure that Texas A &M University contributes as little as possible to that pile. Some local drop -off locations • the Bryan Drive -Thru Recycling Center in the Wal -Mart parking lot, which accepts aluminum cans, steel cans, clear and brown glass, plastic, newspapers, magazines and corrugated cardboard. 209 -5675 As maintenance worker foreman for the university's sorting facility, Marshall oversees 19 students and temporary workers who help divert about an 18- wheeler full of recyclable materials each week. The A &M program is one of several local initiatives to collect materials otherwise headed to landfills. "Bryan and College Station are doing a tremendous job," said Candilyn McLean, the solid waste manager for the Brazos Valley Council of Governments. - Wal -Mart locations in Bryan and College Station, which accept used motor oil, filters and car batteries. 776- 0752 - The city of College Station Public Services Center, which accepts used motor oil, car batteries and oil filters. 764 -3690. • Bryan Iron and Metal, which accepts aluminum cans and car batteries. 775- 7190 - Pack 'N Mail in Bryan, which accepts Styrofoam peanuts, cardboard and bubble wrap. 846 -8781 • Albertson's grocery stores in College Station, which accept used plastic and paper grocery bags. 260 -4200 - Office Depot in College Station, which accepts used printer ink cartridges. 695- 1490 Both cities, as well as A &M, have different approaches to recycling. While there's always room for improvement, each program seems to be working, she said. (W About 60 percent of College Station homes participate in the city's curbside recycling program, said Samantha Betten, the city's recycling coordinator. For fiscal year 2002, the city had a residential http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /112402candorecycling.htm 11/25/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 5 of 5 For more information concerning the Building and Standards Commission me please contact the College Station Development Services Department at (979) 3741. 11- 26 -02, 11 -27 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a FINAL PLAT - REPLAT for RESIDENTIAL LOTS #30 and # BLOCK 1, IN THE WOODLAND HILLS SUBDIVISION. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be = hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. SPENCER THOMPSON GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER 11 -26 -02 Plac an Ad I Announc I Aut omotive I Bu Op portunities I Em p_loy_m ent I Financi I Merchandise I F Real E state I S ervice Directo Return to Cla Index Anunci I Arrendamie I Automotri I Bie nes Raices I E I Finanzas I Legates I Mercancia I Oportunid; Negoci Regresar a la p agina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. C7 LEE BATTLE SENIOR PLANNER 11 -26 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 4 of 5 The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 16.316 acres of the Robert Stevenson Survey A located 1/2 mile north of Greens Prairie Road, west of State Highway 6, F R -3, TOWNHOUSE, AND A -O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN, TO PDD -H, PL, DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - HOUSING. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. • For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 11 -26 -02 PUBLIC NOTICE BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING The Building and Standards Commission will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the Counci Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave.; City of College Station, Monday, December 9, 2002. The following items will be discussed: Public hearing and consideration of a report by the Building Official concerni condition of the structure located at 1216 Carolina Street (Lot 20, Block 4, McCulloch Subdivision, College Station, Texas). Public hearing and consideration of a report by the Building Official concerni condition of the structure located at 1201/1203 Georgia Street (Lot 7, Block 1 McCulloch Addition, College Station, Texas). http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Ell REQUEST FOR BID PROPOSALS Briggs Building #402 Roof Replacement Texas A &M University College Station, Texas Project No. 020890952 Page 3 of 5 SCOPE: Scarf 1" of an existing foam roof system (9,464 square feet) as indic the drawings and the installation of new polyurethane foam roof with silicone coating. All work will be awarded under a single prime contract. Questions re scope should be directed to Ms. Audrey Rohloff at (979) 862 -4434. BID DOCUMENTS: Obtain from Contracting & Programming office of Phy Plant at (979) 862 -1533. A plan deposit of $25 /set is required. General Contra may obtain 2 sets and Subcontractors /Suppliers 1 set. Refunds will be made if returned in good condition within 3 weeks of bid opening. PRE -BID CONFERENCE: 10:00 a.m., December 3, 2002, Physical Plant Administration Building, Room 204, College Station, Texas. BID SUBMITTAL: Proposal must be received by the Contracting & Progran office in Room 213 of the Physical Plant Administration Building prior to the 9 V and date listed below. Bids Due: 2:00 p.m., December 17 2002 Website: ppweb.tamu.edu /cap/ 11- 25 -02, 11 -26 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider an AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE regarding C Towers. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz e hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 11/26/2002 lege Station Eagle Classifieds JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 11 -26 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Page 2 of 5 The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for 601 GREENS PRAIRIE R FOR A FIRE STATION. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 11 -26 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider an AMENDMENT to the Zoning Ordinance to modify the compo: the Design Review Board. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. JANE KEE to CITY PLANNER 11 -26 -02 http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 Classifieds E Classifieds Announcements - Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for 1808 -H BROTHERS FOR Merchandise RELIGIOUS FACILITY. Place an Ad Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal: Rentals Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, Service DECEMBER 12, 2002. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be m,- E Cla spanol ados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Esp 800- 735 -2989. Anuncios Arrendamientos Automo For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios JENNIFER REEVES Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas 11 -26 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for .86 ACRES LOCATED AT 4081 STATE HIG 6 SOUTH from A -O, Agricultural Open, to C -1, General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2002. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 11/26/2002 lu The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 MIA IOU Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 26, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list Datebook Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not have Links their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 18, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Guadalupe and Carlos Carreno, Bryan, a boy. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Nov. 20, 2002: Community The Eagle Heather Jones, Richards, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Guadalupe Granados, Navasota, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Nov. 21, 2002: Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Lori and Rance Ford, Bryan, a girl; ❑ Karla and Richard Robertson, Obituaries Cypress, a boy; Opinions Politics Region /State Lela and Troy Vanloo, Bryan, a girl; Schools Sports Angelica Contreras and Jose Pesina, Bryan, a girl. Subscriptions Weather College Station Medical Center Nov. 22, 2002: Catalina and Ruben Sanchez, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 23, 2002: Desarie and Robby Hobbs, Wheelock, a boy. Nov. 24, 2002: • Cecilia and Joseph Benningfield, College Station, a girl; Christina and Tommy Gilmore, Centerville, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http: // www. theeagle. com/region/records/births/Nov02/ 112602births.htm 11/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community decide which projects the city should move forward with." 0 • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theea lg e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • E ft Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ community /112502advisorypanel.htm 11/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle > Community • :1_ Page 1 of 2 970.776.2345 LAI J%_1 e todayl A-11.11011:1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Co Community November 25, 2002 AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide College Station seeks residents for Business Directory Cities & Counties advisory Crimestoppers panel Emergency Organizations By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Pet of the Week Reach Out Senior Resource Book The College Station City Council is seeking residents to serve on a Thank you, Neighbor committee to rank potential capital improvement projects for a Youth Lines November bond election. Site Sections A &M News The advisory committee would begin meeting after the first of the Agriculture year, most likely on Monday or Tuesday evenings, to create a Announcements Business & Technology prioritized list of projects for voters to consider. Meetings could run Classifieds through April. Columnists Community "We encourage anyone who is interested, no matter who you are. If Th you live in our city, we want you to apply," said Councilman Scott eEagle Faith & Values Mears, who will chair the committee. "We have a 'the more the Food merrier' philosophy because we want this committee to be Health & Fitness diversified." Kids Korner Lifestyles Applications are available on the city's Web site — www.ci.college Newspapers in Education station.tx.us — or from the city secretary office at College Station Obituaries Opinions City Hall. Applications can be requested by fax, mail or e-mail by Politics calling 764 -3510. Region /State Schools Members will be selected at the Dec. 19 City Council meeting. Sports Subscriptions Weather Once filled, the committee will be brought up to date on the city's strategic plan and recent development trends. City staff will make presentations explaining projects that have already been targeted and committee members can make additional suggestions for road, parks or construction projects in the city. College Station enlisted the help of residents to prioritize projects for bond elections in 1995 and 1998. "This is probably one of the most important committees that we as a council can ask our citizens [to serve on]," Councilman John Happ said. "We want a good representation from across the city to http://www.theeagle.com/community/I 12502advisorypanel.htm 11/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 in -law, Sharon McNamara, Peggy and Tracy Snipes, Debbie and Michael Haney and Lisa and Tommy Ross, all of Missouri; her parents, Leon and Dorothy McNew of Missouri; a mother -in -law, Ruby Leathers of Bryan; two grandchildren; and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Ann McMurry Hardaway May 29, 1948 — Nov. 24, 2002 STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. — Visitation for Ann McMurry Hardaway, 54, of Stone Mountain will be from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Graveside services will follow at College Station Cemetery. The Rev. Dean Wilhelm of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church will officiate. Mrs. Hardaway died Sunday in Georgia. She was born in Brazos County and was a teacher. She graduated from A &M Consolidated High School and was a 1970 graduate of Texas A &M University, where she earned a degree in elementary education. L Survivors include her husband, Rex D. Hardaway of Stone Mountain; a son, Tim Hardaway of Boca Raton, Fla.; a daughter, Melissa Yeager of Atlanta; two sisters, Dorothy Fos and Margaret Griffith, both of College Station; her mother, Carolyn D. McMurry of College Station; and four grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, 235 Peachtree Center Ave., Atlanta, Ga. 30303. Bessie Lee Hawkins May 10, 1914 — Nov. 21, 2002 HOUSTON — Services for Bessie Lee Hawkins, 88, of Houston are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at Integrated Church, 4910 Martin Luther King Blvd. in Houston. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at McCoy and Harrison Funeral Home Chapel in Houston. Mrs. Hawkins died Thursday. She was born in Brazos County and lived in Bryan until 1946, when she moved to Houston. C She was preceded in death by her husband, O.D. Hawkins. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region /records / obituaries /Nov02 /112702obits.htm 11/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle • Merilyn Sauser, Bryan, a girl; Janlisa and Lee Soltis, College Station, a boy. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • C Page 2 of 2 http:// www. theeagle. com/region/recordsibirths/NovO2/ 112702births.htm 11/27/2002 Lori and Rance Ford, Bryan, a girl; Karla and Richard Robertson, Cypress, a boy; Lela and Troy Vanloo, Bryan, a girl; Angelica Contreras and Jose Pesina, Bryan, a girl. College Station Medical Center Oct. 30, 2002: Nicole and Donnie Fowler, College Station, a boy. Nov. 25, 2002: http:// www. theeagle. com/region/records/births/NovO2/ 112702births.htm 11/27/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 979.776.234 5 ® the e .. be todev! ina:*ltr+t. Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 27, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 17, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Latasha Edwards, Hearne, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Nov. 22, 2002: Community The Eagle Bobbie and Henry Duke, Madisonville, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Food Valerie Garcia, Navasota, a girl; • Health & Fitness Kids Komer Tara and Steven Davenel, New Braden, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education NOV. 23, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Guadalupe and Mauricio Diaz, New Braden, a boy; Region /State Schools Guadalupe Granados, Navasota, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Nov. 21 2002: Weather Lori and Rance Ford, Bryan, a girl; Karla and Richard Robertson, Cypress, a boy; Lela and Troy Vanloo, Bryan, a girl; Angelica Contreras and Jose Pesina, Bryan, a girl. College Station Medical Center Oct. 30, 2002: Nicole and Donnie Fowler, College Station, a boy. Nov. 25, 2002: http:// www. theeagle. com/region/records/births/NovO2/ 112702births.htm 11/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 9 Station Cemetery. • Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday and from 8 a.m. to the time of the services Wednesday at the funeral home. Mr. Fields died Saturday at Crestview Nursing Home. He was born in Amarillo and lived in Bryan 33 years. He graduated from Texas A &M University in 1944 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later worked for the university 10 years before retiring with the Facilities Planning and Construction Department. He was a member of First Baptist Church in College Station and served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Survivors include his wife, Rachel Fields of Bryan; a son and daughter -in -law, Frank and Betty Fields of Bryan; a daughter and son -in -law, Linda and Stan Hargus of Seattle, Wash.; six grandchildren; and two great - grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Still Creek Ranch or to Camp For All, 10500 Northwest Fwy., Suite 145, Houston, Texas 77092. James Cortemelia April 18, 1927 — Dec. 1, 2002 is HEARNE — Services for James Cortemelia, 75, of Hearne are set for 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Hearne. The Rev. Scott Mikkelson of St. Mary's Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in St. Mary's Mausoleum. Arrangements are under the direction of Heartfield Funeral Home in Hearne. Mr. Cortemelia died Sunday in Hearne. He was born in Missouri City, Texas, and was a longtime resident of Hearne. He was a retired bait dealer and farmer and served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. He was a member of the Hearne Chapter of the American Legion and was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Cortemelia of Hearne; a son and daughter -in -law, Leonard J. and Sue Cortemelia of Freeport; a daughter and son -in -law, Jo Ann and Joe Boggan of Hearne; a sister, Betty Jo Maniscalco of Hearne; two grandchildren; and three great - grandchildren. O Memorials may be made to a charity of choice. http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /decO2 /120302obits.htm 12/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 9 Mrs. Pooch died Friday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. She was born in San Diego, Calif., and lived in College Station 33 years. She was a former employee of the Bryan - College Station Eagle. Survivors include her husband, Udo Pooch of College Station; a son and daughter -in -law, Michael A. and Candace Pooch of College Station; a daughter, Nicole H. Pooch of College Station; a sister, Ginger Truschke of California; her mother, Hallie Cash of California; and four grandchildren. Hildegard Winkelmann Fuelberg July 28, 1910 — Dec. 1, 2002 BRENHAM — Services for Hildegard Winkelmann Fuelberg, 92, of Brenham are set for 3 p.m. Wednesday at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brenham. The Revs. Lawrence Bade and Kim Little- Brooks will officiate. Burial will be in Prairie Lea Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Oaks /t Chapel in Brenham. � + Mrs. Fuelberg died Sunday in Brenham. She was born in the Salem community. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie O. Fuelberg; and a son, Roger Fuelberg. Survivors include a daughter, Geraldine Johnson; two brothers and a sister -in -law, Fred and Lydia Winkelmann of Brenham and Raymond Winkelmann of Houston; four brothers -in -law and three sisters -in -law, Arnold Fuelberg, Ben and Evelyn Fuelberg, Viola and Earl Bright, Lillie Sommer and Walter Fuelberg; and two grandsons. Memorials may be made to the St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Radio Ministry. Lewis Fields Nov. 6, 1922 — Nov. 30, 2002 Services for Lewis Fields, 80, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Wednesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. The Rev. Malcolm Bane will officiate. Burial will be in the College http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /120302obits.htm 12/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 5 of 8 Mrs. Mason died Saturday at the Manor Oaks Nursing Center in Rockdale. She was born in the Salty community and lived in Rockdale 46 years. She was a homemaker and attended the Methodist Church in Salty as a child. She was preceded in death by her husband, C.M. "Jack" Mason. Survivors include a son, Kenneth Mason of San Antonio; two daughters, Mildred Kasner of Marlin and Dorothy Conoley of West; eight grandchildren; 15 great - grandchildren; and a great- great- grandchild. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association or to the American Cancer Society. James Paul Odom July 7, 1950 — Nov. 27, 2002 Graveside services for James Paul Odom, 52, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the College Station Cemetery. oft Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. Mr. Odom died Wednesday at his home. He was a lifelong resident of Bryan and was a dental technician and president of the Bryan Dental Lab, Inc. He was a member of the National Association of Dental Laboratories. He was a graduate of Stephen F. Austin High School in Bryan and attended Sam Houston State University and Texas A &M University. He was a Protestant. Survivors include his mother, Doris Odom of Bryan; and a brother, Pete Odom of Millican. Blanche Estelle Freeman Feb. 26, 1917 — Dec. 1, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for Blanche Estelle Freeman, 85, formerly of Bedias are set for 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Bedias Baptist Church. The Rev. Jerald Brown of the Bedias Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Concord Cemetery. http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /dec02 /120202obits.htm 12/3/2002 ;e Station Eagle April 30, 1927 — Nov. 26, 2002 Page 3 of 8 Services for Ruth V. Cumings, 75, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mrs. Cumings died Tuesday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. She was born in Baltimore, Md., and lived in College Station 20 years. She was a homemaker and volunteered with Hospice Brazos Valley and Meals on Wheels. She also lived in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria for many years. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Elizabeth Cumings. Survivors include her husband, Kenneth Cumings of College Station; a son and daughter -in -law, Matthew and Sue Cumings of Midland; a daughter, Lydia Cumings of Bryan; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Frank and Mary Alice Hansen of Tofte, Minn., and George and Judy Hansen of Baltimore; two grandchildren; two nieces; and three nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 East 29th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803. Jo Nell Prastik Hunt Oct. 7, 1929 — Nov. 27, 2002 BRENHAM — Services for Jo Nell Prastik Hunt, 73, of Brenham are set for 11 a.m. Wednesday at the First United Methodist Church in Brenham. The Revs. Wesley Wellborn and Fred Trevino will officiate. Burial will be in Prairie Lea Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Oaks Chapel in Brenham. Mrs. Hunt died Wednesday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. She was born in Sugar Land and lived in Brenham since 1991. She graduated from Rosenberg Lamar Consolidated High School and Wharton County Junior College. She lived in Houston 29 years prior to moving to Brenham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Russell Dale Hunt, and two step -sons, James Hunt and Gregory Hunt. • Survivors include three sons and a daughter -in -law, Michael Hunt of Simonton, Christopher and Karen Hunt of Kanehoe, Hawaii, and http:// www.theeagle.com/region/records /obituaries /dec02/ 120202obits.htm 12/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 8 Navasota. i The Rev. Paul G. Felix of Christ Our Light Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. A parish vigil service will be held at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the church. Arrangements are under the direction of Lindley- Robertson -Holt Funeral Home in Navasota. Mr. Snow died Saturday in Memorial- Hermann Hospital in Houston. He was born in Grimes County and lived in Navasota 22 years. He was retired as an electrician from Texas Instruments. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was a member of Christ Our Light Catholic Church. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 4054 of Anderson. Survivors include his wife, Clara Snow of Navasota; two daughters and a son -in -law, Janice and William Bergman and Vivian Jones, all of Sugar Land; a sister, Ruth Livingston of Magnolia; and two grandchildren. Inez Thelma Winfree • Sept. 17, 1908 — Nov. 29, 2002 Graveside services for Inez Thelma Winfree, 94, of College Station are set for 11 a.m. Monday at the College Station Cemetery. Dr. Fred J. Waddell will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mrs. Winfree died Friday in a Franklin nursing home. She was born in Beaver County, Okla., and lived in College Station since 1986. She received nurse's training at St. Joseph Hospital School of Nursing in Houston and worked at St. Joseph Hospital as a registered nurse for 20 years. She was a Catholic. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Edwin Winfree Jr., and a daughter, Joan C. Waddell. Survivors include a son -in -law, Franklin D. Waddell of College Station; three grandchildren; and three great - grandchildren. • Ruth V. Cumings http:// www .theeagle.com /region/records/ obituaries /dec02 /120202obits.htm 12/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 7 of 10 received a master's degree in Industrial Arts from Texas A &M • University and was a professor at Appalachian State College in Boone, N.C., for many years. He was preceded in death by his wife, Linda Short. Survivors include his parents, James Sr. and Nell Short of Dallas; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. William Maurice Snow May 8, 1925 — Nov. 30, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for William Maurice Snow, 77, of Navasota are set for 9:30 a.m. Monday at Christ Our Light Catholic Church in Navasota. The Rev. Paul G. Felix of Christ Our Light Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. A parish vigil service will be held at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the church. Arrangements are under the direction of Lindley- Robertson -Holt Funeral Home in Navasota. • Mr. Snow died Saturday in Memorial- Hermann Hospital in Houston. He was born in Grimes County and lived in Navasota 22 years. He was retired as an electrician from Texas Instruments. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was a member of Christ Our Light Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Clara Snow of Navasota; two daughters and a son -in -law, Janice and William Bergman and Vivian Jones, all of Sugar Land; a sister, Ruth Livingston of Magnolia; and two grandchildren. Lawrence Elmer Taylor April 24, 1916 — Nov. 28, 2002 Graveside services for Lawrence Elmer Taylor, 86, of Bryan will be held at Memorial Park Cemetery in Cape Giradeau, Mo., at a later date. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Taylor died Thursday at his home. O He was born in Calla, Ky., and lived in Bryan 14 years. He was a retired warehouseman and served in the U.S. Army during World http: / /www.theeagle.com/region /records /obituaries /decO2/ 120102obits.htm 12/3/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 6 of 10 • She was born in Marlin and lived in Stafford since 1999. Prior to her move to Stafford, she lived in Bryan since 1950. She was a homemaker and seamstress. She was a graduate of Marlin High School and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Bryan. She also delivered papers for The Bryan Daily Eagle for 21 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alton H. McCoy. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Milton and Norma McCoy of Cypress; two daughters and sons -in -law, Pat and L.G. Crum of College Station and Sallye and Jerry Tucker of Sugar Land; a half- brother, B.L. Davis of Houston; a brother -in -law, W.W. McCoy of Dallas; six grandchildren, three step - grandchildren, seven great - grandchildren, numerous cousins and two nephews. Memorials may be made to Still Creek Ranch. Elton Le Roy Shaner Sept. 3, 1925 — Nov. 29, 2002 SHEPHERD, Texas — Elton Le Roy Shaner, 77, formerly of Bryan, died Friday at Woodland Park Nursing Home in Shepherd. • Arrangements are under the direction of Cochran Funeral Home in Livingston. He was born in Toledo, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his wife. Survivors include two sons, Matthew William Shaner of Albuquerque, N.M., and Charles Sigman Shaner of Stewartville, Minn.; a daughter, Marthe Shaner of Shepherd; and four grandchildren. James H. Short Jr. March 15, 1939 — Nov. 28, 2002 Graveside services for James H. Short Jr., 63, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at the College Station Cemetery. The Rev. Craig Borchardt of Peace Lutheran Church will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. C Mr. Short died Thursday in Houston. He was born in Dallas and lived in College Station since 1995. He http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /120102obits.htm 12/3/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 6 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -24 Anderson Sidewalk Project The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 11, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves new sidewalks and sign relocation at Anderson Street, w alternates of streescape sign poles, irrigation at Anderson Park, and replacemc sidewalk at Lemon Tree Park. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, Colleg Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on December 5, 2002. This meeting is not mandator • attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Nov 27, 2002 & Dec 4, 2002 COLLEGE Station ISD Public Hearing Pursuant to Senate Bill 108 notice is hereby given that the College Station Independent School District intends to apply for a Texas Education Agency w allowing students to begin classes before the week of August 21, 2003. The p] hearing is scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2002 at 6:00 PM in the Colle Station Independent School District Board Room, 1812 Welsh, College Statio Texas 77840. The public is invited to address the CSISD School Board regard District's proposed first day of instruction for the 2003 -2004 school year. The 2004 proposed first day of instruction is August 13, 2003. 11- 20 -02, 11- 27 -02, 12 -4- 02,12 -11 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds A A Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -04 University Drive Sidewalk Project Page 1 of 6 The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 19, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the addition of a six foot sidewalk at the back of curb alc north side of FM 60 (University Drive) approximately between Tarrow Street Texas Avenue, a distance of ap[proximately 1,600 linear feet. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, Colleg Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on December 12, 2002. This meeting is not mandat, attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Dec 4, 2002 & Dec 10, 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/4/2002 • The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 �y:rca: Home. Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe % Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 4, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Nov. 23 Agriculture Announcements Tia Anderson, College Station, a girl Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Brandi Claver, Centerville, a boy Community The Eagle Nov. 28 Entertainment Faith & Values Nancy and Jimmy Stokley, Bryan, a boy Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Nov. 29 Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Amy Leal, Navasota, a boy Obituaries Opinions Gloria Arredondo, Navasota, a boy Politics Region /State Schools Anna and Alan Sevcik, Bryan, a boy Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region /records/births /dec02births/ 120402births.htm 12/4/2002 0 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State a z f Page 1 of 1 Horne Classifieds I Aggiesports.com j BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe Co Region / State December 4, 2002 Births Meetings Notebook Club M eeting Commissioners Court meets with city Club M College Town council members Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries The Brazos County Commissioners Court will meet with city council Town Talk members from Bryan and College Station on Wednesday evening Site Sections to discuss issues of concern for the upcoming legislative session. A &M News Agriculture Announcements On hand to hear their concerns will be state Rep. Fred Brown and Business & Technology state Sen. Steve Ogden. The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at Classifieds the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Dr. Columnists Community The Eagle Among the expected topics of discussion will be ways in which local Entertainment governments can work together to fight escalating healthcare costs. Faith & Values Food F h it & Health Fitness Access to affordable healthcare is reaching crisis proportions for Kids local governments, according to a report prepared by the city of Lifestyles Newspapers in Education College Station for the meeting. "We would encourage efforts in the Obituaries next legislative session to attempt to address this problem," the Opinions report states. Politics Region /State Other topics of discussion could include annexation law, e- Schools Sp orts commerce, library funding and further planning for the future of Subscriptions Texas' water supply. Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle .com/region /localregional/ 120402healthcare.htm 12/4/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 residential population within five minutes. • Plans call for the new station to be open by January 2004 and serve the southern parts of the city that are east of Earl Rudder Freeway South. "We feel the station on Greens Prairie is good because it gives us good east -west access and will get us into Pebble Creek, which is an established neighborhood, and also to serve the new growth areas," Humphreys said. The city has begun hiring firefighters to man the new station, which will require 12 men. College Station has implemented a plan to bring four firefighters per year on board over three years. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement r: • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /120402newfirestation.htm 12/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 F , APR • th • • .. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosS ports. com Subscribe', Co Region / State December 4, 2002 Births Meetings Notebook Club M eeting College Station may purchase land for Club M College Town new fire station Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The College Station City Council on Thursday will decide if it wants Site Sections to authorize the purchase of land along Greens Prairie Road to be A &M News the site of the city's next fire station. Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology The city has weighed 4.1 acres along the north side of Greens Classifieds Prairie Road, between Rock Prairie Road and Earl Rudder Freeway Columnists South, to be the home of Fire Station No. 5. Community The Eagle Entertainment Fire Department spokesman Bart Humphreys said the site would Faith & Values give the department better access to the southern part of College Food Health & Fitness Station, which has seen extensive growth over the past few years for and is targeted even more. Kids Korner Lifestyles in Education If approved, the city would purchase the land for more than Newspapers Obituaries $178,700. The station was approved by College Station voters in Opinions 1998. Politics Region /State "The bond issue was pretty specific that this was for areas in the southern part of town, east of state Highway 6," Humphreys said. Sportsls Subscriptions "Obviously, there has been a lot of growth in that area and we Weather should see some more growth because of some of the infrastructure that has been built out there." The proposed fire station site is also near a piece of city -owned property that has been designated for a high -tech business park. South College Station is currently served by Fire Station No. 3 on Earl Rudder Freeway South near the Shenandoah subdivision. The growing number of developments in the area, coupled with the Texas Department of Transportation's plans to eventually make the access roads along the highway one -way instead of two -way, would make it hard for that station to serve all of South College Station, Humphreys said. The department's goal is to be able to respond to 90 percent of the http: / /www.thecagle.com/ region / localregional /120402newfirestation.htm 12/4/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 6 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -24 Anderson Sidewalk Project The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 11, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves new sidewalks and sign relocation at Anderson Street, w alternates of streescape sign poles, irrigation at Anderson Park, and replacemc sidewalk at Lemon Tree Park. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, Colleg Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on December 5, 2002. This meeting is not mandator • attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.college- station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Nov 27, 2002 & Dec 4, 2002 COLLEGE Station ISD Public Hearing Pursuant to Senate Bill 108 notice is hereby given that the College Station Independent School District intends to apply for a Texas Education Agency w allowing students to begin classes before the week of August 21, 2003. The pi hearing is scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2002 at 6:00 PM in the Colle Station Independent School District Board Room, 1812 Welsh, College Statio Texas 77840. The public is invited to address the CSISD School Board regard District's proposed first day of instruction for the 2003 -2004 school year. The 2004 proposed first day of instruction is August 13, 2003. 11- 20 -02, 11- 27 -02, 12 -4- 02,12 -11 -02 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds c it Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -04 University Drive Sidewalk Project Page 1 of 6 The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 19, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the addition of a six foot sidewalk at the back of curb alc north side of FM 60 (University Drive) approximately between Tarrow Street Texas Avenue, a distance of ap[proximately 1,600 linear feet. A Prebid Meeting will be held at the City of College Station City Hall, Colleg Station, Texas at 2:00 pm on December 12, 2002. This meeting is not mandate attendance is highly recommended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.colle,ge- station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Dec 4, 2002 & Dec 10, 2002 http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 12/5/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle and enjoyed playing basketball. Page 7 of 9 Survivors include her parents, Susan Badeau Perez of College Station and Vincent Paul Perez of Bryan; her grandparents, Anita Badeau of Plantersville and Pete and Stephanie C. Lopez of Rockdale; and her great - grandparents, Clovis and Lillian Marcotte of Blackstone, Mass., and Teresa Lopez of Rockdale and Saimone P. Badeau of Bellingham, Mass. Memorials may be made to Samaritan's Purse, P.O. Box 3000, Boone, N.C., 28607. Joshua Aaron Perez Jan. 26, 1994 — Nov. 30, 2002 Services for Joshua Aaron Perez, 8, of College Station will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Central Baptist Church in Bryan. The Revs. Tim Skaggs and Mike Wilkinson with Central Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station City Cemetery. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday with the family present the last three hours at Lindley- Robertson Funeral Home in • Navasota. Joshua died Saturday in a car -train accident in Plantersville. He was born in College Station. He was a third - grader at South Knoll Elementary and enjoyed playing soccer and basketball. Survivors include his parents, Susan Badeau Perez of College Station and Vincent Paul Perez of Bryan; his grandparents, Anita Badeau of Plantersville and Pete and Stephanie C. Lopez of Rockdale; and his great - grandparents, Clovis and Lillian Marcotte of Blackstone, Mass., and Teresa Lopez of Rockdale and Saimone P. Badeau of Bellingham, Mass. Memorials may be made to Samaritan's Purse, P.O. Box 3000, Boone, N.C., 28607. Isabel Moore Smith Sept. 14, 1908 — Dec. 3, 2002 A memorial services for Isabel Moore, 94, of Bryan will be held later by the family. e l Hillier Funeral Home is handling arrangements. Mrs. Smith died Tuesday at Sherwood Healthcare Inc. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region /records /obituaries /dec02/ 120502obits.htm 12/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle nieces and nephews. Memorials made be made to the First Presbyterian Church of Somerville. Felix D. McLemore Jr. Aug. 14, 1933 — Dec. 3, 2002 Page 6 of 9 Services for Felix D. McLemore Jr., 69, of Deanville are set for 2 p.m. Friday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Deanville. The Rev. Terry Bage will officiate. Burial will be in Caldwell Masonic Cemetery. Visitation will be from 3 to 9 p.m. Thursday and from 7:30 a.m. until noon Friday at Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home. Mr. McLemore died Tuesday at Burleson -St. Joseph Health Center in Caldwell. He was a retired body shop supervisor for International Harvester of Houston. He was a U.S. Army veteran and a member of St. John's Lutheran Church. • Survivors include his wife, Mildred Faust McLemore; a son, Robert McLemore of Houston; three daughters and sons -in -law, Jeanette and Ronald Shaver of Springfield, Va., Brenda and Jim Stovall of Sugar Land, and Susan and Billy Devries of College Station; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Charles and Vangie McLemore of Cedar Park, and Ted and Donna McLemore of Hutto; eight grandchildren; and three great - grandchildren. Jennifer Danielle Perez Oct. 10, 1995 — Dec. 1, 2002 Services for Jennifer Danielle Perez, 7, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Friday at Central Baptist Church in Bryan. The Revs. Tim Skaggs and Mike Wilkinson with Central Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station City Cemetery. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday with the family present the last three hours at Lindley- Robertson Funeral Home. Jennifer died Sunday at Hermann Memorial Hospital in Houston after a car -train accident a day earlier. She was born in College Station. She was a first - grader at South Knoll Elementary School, was active in gymnastics at Power Sports http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /120502obits.htm 12/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 9 Copperas Cove, and Rick Landmann of College Station; by four grandchildren, Richard Robert Landmann of Austin, Morgen Rose ��- of Katy, Carrie Landmann of Copperas Cove, and Annie Landmann of San Marcos; and three great - grandchildren, Sasha Rene Landmann of Austin, Sam Rose IV of Katy and Nicholas Rose, also of Katy. Pallbearers will be her sons; a son -in -law, Sam Rose III; and her grandchildren. Jimmy Schooley will be an honorary pallbearer. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in Mrs. Landmann's name to either StageCenter, Inc. of Bryan, or the First Presbyterian Church of Bryan. Services are under the direction of Hillier Funeral Home. Margaret Beauchamp April 18, 1925 – November 29, 2002 Funeral services for Margaret Beauchamp, 77, of Bryan were held yesterday at Hillier Funeral Home with Rev. Randy Beeler officiating. Interment was in Smetana Cemetery. Mrs. Beauchamp was born in West, TX. She was a lifelong resident of Bryan and a retired registered nurse. She served as director of nursing at Sherwood Healthcare Center for many years. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, the Citizen's Police Academy as well as the Sheriff's Academy. She was a member of the Wesley United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband: James David Beauchamp, Sr. Survivors include a son & daughter -in -law: Jim & Diana Beauchamp of Huntsville, AL. a daughter & son -in -law: Lou Ann & Sgt. Timothy Willtrout of Ft. Hood, TX. Two granddaughters: Stephanie Ann Klintworth of Kurten & Michelle Beauchamp of Huntsville, AL.; former son -in -law: Gordon Klintworth and two special daughters: Patsy Hines of Harker Heights, TX and Donna LaBabera of College Station, TX. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Wesley United Methodist Church, 4201 N. TX Ave., Bryan, TX or the Bryan Citizen's Police Academy c/o the Bryan Police Dept., P.O. Box 1000, Bryan, TX 77806 or to the Order of the Eastern Star #222 P.O. Box 31 Bryan, TX 77806. If there is a slot machine in heaven —she's sticking a quarter in it. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /120502obits.htm 12/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle 'M"'i'iR • " i � o � �i J ire - c s le r Page 1 of 9 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com j BrazosS ports. com 1 Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 5, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Rebecca J. Landmann Datebook Government Links Links Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in the First Obituaries Presbyterian Church of Bryan for Rebecca J. Landmann, 83, of Town Talk College Station. Mrs. Landmann died early Tuesday morning in a Site Sections local nursing home. A &M News Agriculture The Rev. Dr. Philip McLarty of the First Presbyterian Church of Announcements Bryan will officiate with burial in College Station City Cemetery Business & Technology Classifieds under the direction of Hillier Funeral Home. Columnists Community Friends may call at Hillier Funeral Home, 2301 E. 29th St., The Eagle Thursday between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Entertainment A resident of College Station since 1964, Mrs. Landmann had been Faith & Values a librarian and school library supervisor with the Bryan Independent Food Health & Fitness School District. She, along with her late husband, Dr. Wendell A. Kids Korner Landmann, was among the founders of the Bryan - College Station Lifestyles area's StageCenter amateur theater company. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Born Rebecca Catharine Jones in Lexington, III., Mrs. Landmann Opinions Politics was the daughter of Richard Gomer and Harriett Gard Jones. She Region /State attended the University of Illinois, where she played violin in the U Schools of I orchestra, and was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa honor Sports society. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, Mrs. Landmann Subscriptions went on to take a Master degree in library science. Mrs. Weather Landmann's professional career began in River Forest, III., where she was a teaching librarian for 12 years. After moving with her family to College Station, Mrs. Landmann worked with the BISD until her retirement in 1984. Apart from her participation in many StageCenter productions, Mrs. Landmann was an active volunteer at BISD and A &M Consolidated ISD schools. She had been a member of the A &M Presbyterian Church, and was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Bryan. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband and by two brothers and a sister. Mrs. Landmann is survived by two sons, David Landmann of http: / /www.theeagle.com/region /records /obituaries /dec02/ 120502obits.htm 12/5/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 6 He was born in Washington County. He was retired from Maddox Furniture and Chappell Hill Construction. He attended Wesley Public School. He was a third degree member of the Knights of Columbus and member of St. Mary's. Suvivors include a brother and sister -in -law, Charles and Darlene Konieczny of Brenham; three sisters and two brothers -in -law, Annie and Albert Rybarski, Genevieve Rybarski and Louise and Albin Bolcerek, all of Brenham; and a sister -in -law, Dorothy Konieczny of Houston. Memorials may be made to St. Mary's. Rebecca Catharine Jones Landmann Aug. 4, 1919 — Dec. 3, 2002 Funeral services for Rebecca Catharine Jones Landmann, 83, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Friday at First Presbyterian Church of Bryan. The Rev. Philip McLarty will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Hillier Funeral Home is handling arrangements. Mrs. Landmann died Tuesday at St. Joseph Manor. She was born in Lexington, III. She received her master's degree from the University of Illinois. She moved to College Station in 1964. She was a retired school libriarian who had worked for the Bryan school district. She was a member of the A &M Women's Social Club and of the First Presbyterian Church of Bryan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Wendell Landmann. Survivors include two sons, David G. Landmann of Copperas Cove and Rick F. Landmann of Caldwell; four grandchildren; and three great - grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the First Presbyterian Church, 1100 Carter Creek, Bryan, 77802 or StageCenter Community Theatres, 701 Main St., Bryan, 77803. Hollis Duncan Lemons Aug. 24, 1908 — Dec. 3, 2002 Iftw ROCKDALE — Funeral services for Hollis Duncan Lemons, 94, of Niceville, Fla., and formerly of Rockdale are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. http:// www .theeagle.com /region/records/ obituaries /dec02 /120602obits.htm 12/6/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State J Page 1 of 2 I.97:i:i44 :1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe', Co Region / State December 6, 2002 Births Notebook Lick Creek Wastewater facility looks to Club M Club M College Town expand Datebook Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections Members of the College Station City Council on Thursday got a A &M News look at the $9.9 million expansion of the Lick Creek Wastewater Agriculture treatment facility, which officials said should handle the city's needs Announcements for the next 20 years. Business & Technology Classifieds The refurbished facility began operating in September, treating half Columnists Community a million gallons of sewage daily. The plant's has a capacity for 2 The Eagle million gallons per day. Entertainment Faith & Values The Lick Creek station was opened in 1997 and had a maximum Food �. capacity of 500,000 gallons per day. Health & Fitness Kids Komer Lifestyles "It's not too often that we get to show off a treatment plant," said Newspapers in Education Dale Schepers, division manager for the city's water /wastewater Obituaries division. "It's not too often that people want to see a treatment Opinions plant." Politics Region /State Schools The treatment process now takes about 12 hours, beginning with a Sports screening process to remove all solids from the water. Odor Subscriptions removing lines have been installed that eliminate the raw sewage Weather smell. The waste is then sent to an aeration tank where "activate sludge" enzymes eat away other impurities. The water is then disinfected by ultra - violet lights and goes through a water - quality sampling system. After the water has been cleaned it is deposited into Lick Creek. The whole process is supervised using a computer system that can alert workers if anything unusual happens within the plant, like too much vibration in a pump or a leak. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theea lg e.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /120602wastewater.htm 12/6/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 9, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Lois and Michael Beisert, Brenham, a girl; Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Amy Free and Ronald Hamilton, Gause, a boy; Community The Eagle Anne M. and Mark L. Minton, College Station, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Elisha Brewer, Madisonville, twins, a girl and boy; Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Jennifer and Phillip George, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education St. Joseph Regional Health Center Obituaries Opinions Politics Dec. 4, 2002: Region /State Schools Ericka Perez, Brenham, a girl. Sports Subscriptions 2002: Dec. 5,2002: Weather Virginia and Thomas Minhan, College Station, a boy; Sharon and Michael Greer, Bryan, a boy. Dec. 6, 2002: Vicki Reynolds, Navasota, a boy; Lorie and Nathan Mock, Plantersville, a girl. Dec. 7, 2002: Saira and Nizar Momin, College Station, a girl; Monique Wardrick McGinty, Navasota, a girl; http: / /www.theeagle. com/region/records /births /dec02births/ 121102births.htm 12/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Tejus and William Collins, Bryan, a girl; Dec. 4, 2002: Eva Perez and Juan Montiel, Bryan, a boy;❑ Shannon and Greg Allen, Bryan, a girl; Ruth Luna, Bryan, a girl. • Dec. 5, 2002: Virginia and Thomas Minhan, College Station, a boy; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /dec02births /121002births.htm 12/11/2002 • Accribe todav! 140.4.1rl1 Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 10, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 6, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Bethel and Thomas Putz, Iola, a girl; Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Rochelle Heslip, Bryan, a girl; Community The Eagle Leann Peters, Iola, a boy; Entertainment Faith &Values Ann Marie and Patrick Hazlett, Bryan, a girl; Food Health & Fitness Kids Komer Kathryn Wright and Matt Lindsey, College Station, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Andrea N. Krueger, Brenham, a boy. Obituaries Opinions St. Joseph Regional Health Center Politics Region /State Schools Dec. 3, 2002: Sports Subscriptions Jennifer and Brad Baker, Franklin, a girl; Weather Yvonne and Jeff Zimmerman, College Station, a girl; Tejus and William Collins, Bryan, a girl; Dec. 4, 2002: Eva Perez and Juan Montiel, Bryan, a boy;❑ Shannon and Greg Allen, Bryan, a girl; Ruth Luna, Bryan, a girl. • Dec. 5, 2002: Virginia and Thomas Minhan, College Station, a boy; http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /dec02births /121002births.htm 12/11/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 Stacy and Clint Eilers, Carmine, a girl. Mayra and David Herrera, College Station, a boy. Maria Diaz and Tomas Alvarado, Bryan, a girl. December 3, 2002 Dr. Felicia Macik and James Macik, Bryan, a boy. IL Oralia and Jose Lozano, Bryan, a girl. Christi and Jason Dodd, College Station, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /decO2births /120702births.htm 12/11/2002 • the&agle.com I __ <Cribe to y! 413"01: Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region /State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 7. 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Datebook Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News December 5, 2002 Agriculture Announcements Linda and Marcus Cupp, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Jennifer and Gregory Folkers, College Station, a boy. Community The Eagle Carol and David Smith, College Station, a girl. Entertainment Faith & Values Theresa and James Reeder, Magnolia, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner St. Joseph Regional Health Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Education December 1, 2002 Obituaries Opinions Vanessa Castillo, Navasota, a girl. Politics Region /State Schools December 2, 2002 Sports Subscriptions Dawn and Charles Luza, Tomball, a boy. Weather Gena and Roger Hanagritt, Huntsville, a boy. Stacy and Clint Eilers, Carmine, a girl. Mayra and David Herrera, College Station, a boy. Maria Diaz and Tomas Alvarado, Bryan, a girl. December 3, 2002 Dr. Felicia Macik and James Macik, Bryan, a boy. IL Oralia and Jose Lozano, Bryan, a girl. Christi and Jason Dodd, College Station, a boy. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /decO2births /120702births.htm 12/11/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 5 of 6 Robert Stevenson League, Abstract No. 54 from A -O, Agricultural Open to C General Commercial. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city se © office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of Chapter 1C Section 5, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ther shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) no than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall contin permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, bei penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by tl Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 12 -13- 02,12 -14 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2595 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON December BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue. notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. • Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tl is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 12, SE( 5, "NEWLY ANNEXED TERRITORY" AND AMENDING CHAPTER 12 "ZONING" SECTION 7, "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS" SUBSECTION 7. 1, "DISTRICT A -O AGRICULTURAL - OPEN ", SUBSEC A. "PURPOSE ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CO: STATION, TEXAS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILI'I CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTI' DATE. Chapter 12, Section 5, "Zoning ", "Newly Annexed Territory" of the Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed and Chapter 12, "Zoning" Section 7. "Schedule District Regulations ", Subsection 7. 1, "District A -O Agricultural Open ", Subs A. "Purpose" is hereby amended as set out below in Exhibit "A ". A complete the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of Chapter 1 C Section 5, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ther shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars($25.00) no i than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall contin permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, bei penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by tl • Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/13/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 6 ® ORDINANCE NO. 2593 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON December BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetinj regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue. notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code, Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tl is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, SEC 1, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CC STATION, TEXAS BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDAF AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLA A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provision for an Official Zc Map ", of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by rezoning 3.12 acres it Robert Stevenson League, Abstract No. 54 from A -O, Agricultural Open to A Existing Rural Residential. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the c secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of Chapter 1 C Section 5, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ther shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars($25.00) no i than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall contin permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, bei • penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by tl Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 12-13-02,12-14-02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2594 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON December BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetinj regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue. notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tl is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, SEC 1, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CC STATION, TEXAS BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDAF AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLA A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. • Chapter 12, Section 1, "Establishment of Districts, Provision for an Official Zc Map ", of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by rezoning 1.128 acres http:// classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/13/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 6 Classifieds Classifieds Announcements - Automotive Business Opportunities LEGAL NOTICE Employment Financial ORDINANCE NO. 2596 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON December Legal Notices BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetinj Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue. Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tl' Rentals is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, SEC Service 14, "ZONING ", "CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ", AND SECTION 8.12 Spanish Classifieds "CONDITIONAL USES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CIT' COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS A Clasificados en OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING, Espanol PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Anuncios Arrendamientos Chapter 12, Section 14, "Zoning"," Conditional Use Permits" and Section 8.12, Automo triz tri irectorio "Conditional Uses ", as set out in Exhibit "A ". A complete text of the ordinanc Bienes file in the city secretary's office. de Servicios Emple Emple os Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of Chapter 1 C as Section 5, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ther ales Fin ales shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars($25.00) no i Me Mecca ci a than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall contin ades de Negocios permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, bei penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by tl Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 12-13-02,12-14-02 ADVERTISEMENT AND INVITATION FOR BIDS • The COUNTY OF LEON will receive bids for 2002 TCDP Project No. 7224E 150,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank for Concord - Robbins Water Supply Corporation, and the CITY OF JEWETT, TEXAS will receive bids for 2002 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/13/2002 • • The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 �aat Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com C Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 12, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News peC. 1 0, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Carla Threadgill, Calvert, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle peC. 8, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Natasha Burleson, Jewett, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Maria Acevedo, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Devonna Morrison, Bryan, a boy; Obituaries Opinions Mary Rychetsky, Bryan, a boy. Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records/births /dec0 121202births.htm 12/13/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 6 of 8 • Mr. Esmail died Wednesday at his residence. He was born in Daressalaam, Tanzia, and was a resident of College Station since 1979. He owned and operated Nick's one - stop convenience store in Bryan.!!Ei Survivors include his wife, Zainab Esmail of College Station; a son, Alkham Esmail of College Station; a daughter, Narmin Esmail of College Staton; and two sisters, Anis Mithani of San Antonio and Mehrun Jadauji of New York, N.Y. Randolph Mooring June 25, 1917 — Dec. 7, 2002 DICKINSON — Services for Randolph Mooring, 85, of Dickinson are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Anderson. The Rev. Tommie Lewis will officiate. Burial will be in the Forrest Park East Cemetery in Houston on Monday. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mr. Mooring died Saturday at Regency Village Nursing Home in • Webster. He was born in Anderson. Survivors include his wife, Annie Price Mooring of Dickinson; three sons and a daughter -in -law, R.J. and LaShon Mooring, Chester Mooring and Raymond Mooring; a stepson, Glenn Calhoun; four stepdaughters, Jewel Brown and her husband George, Wanda McIntosh and her husband Reggie, Annette Walker and her husand Grayling, and Joyce Price; two brothers, Wendell Mooring of Anderson and Clint Mooring of California; seven grandchildren; and 10 great - grandchildren. Anthony "Tony" Urso Sept. 15, 1910 — Dec. 12, 2002 Services for Anthony "Tony" Urso, 92, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Anthony's Catholic Church. The Rev. Kirby Garner will officiate. Burial will be in the Mount Calvary Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday and from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Saturday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /121302obits.htm 12/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle O The Rev. W. Gantt of Truevine Missionary Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Neblett Cemetery in Navasota. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mrs. Johnson died Friday. Page 5 of 8 She was a lifelong resident of Navasota and Grimes County. She was a housewife and member of the True Vine Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ben Johnson. Survivors include three daughters, Bessie M. Johnson and Ben Annie Johnson, both of Navasota, and Helen R. Myles of Clovis, N.M., a sister, Emma Matthews of Navasota; 10 grandchildren, 17 great - grandchildren; and one great - great - grandchild. Irene Louise Blum Menk Dec. 30, 1907 — Dec. 12, 2002 HOUSTON — Graveside services for Irene Louise Blum Menk, 94, of Houston are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Prairie Lea Cemetery in Brenham. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Oaks Chapel in Brenham. Mrs. Menk died Thursday in Houston. ! She was born in Brenham and was a homemaker. She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church in Houston. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arnold Menk. Survivors include a daughter and son -in -law, Virginia and Donald L. Webb of Brenham; three grandchildren; and two great - grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 705 S. Austin St., Brenham, Texas 77833. Nizavali Esmail April 17, 1945 — Dec. 11, 2002 Services for Nizavali Esmail, 57, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. O Hassan Kassam will be officiating. Burial will be in the College Station City Cemetery. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /121302obits.htm 12/13/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 5 The family request donations be made to the American Cancer • Society, PO Box 560089, Dallas, TX 75356. Restland Funeral Home Located on Greenville Avenue 1/2 mile North of L.B.J. 972- 238 -7111 Lawrence C. `Unky' Nemec Jan. 18, 1948 — Dec. 9, 2002 A funeral mass for Lawrence C. "Unky" Nemec, 54, of College Station is set for 1 p.m. Tuesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in College Station. The Rev. Mike Sis will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday and 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday at Hillier Funeral Home. A vigil service will be at 7 p.m. Monday. Deacon Bill Scott will officiate. Mr. Nemec died Monday at his home. • He was a lifelong resident of Bryan and a 1966 graduate of A &M Consolidated High School. Mr. Nemec was disabled and worked many years for Payless Shoe Source. He was a volunteer for the MDA telethons for more than 25 years and was a member of the Heart of Texas CB Radio Club of Bryan. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. Survivors include a sister, Martha D. Jones of Palestine; and several nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Memorials may be made to the St. Mary's Catholic Church, 603 Church Ave., College Station, Texas 77840 or the local Muscular Dystrophy Association. Thomas Wayne Olin Feb. 7, 1973 — Dec. 10, 2002 HOUSTON — Services for Thomas Wayne Olin, 29, of Pearland are set for 10 a.m. Friday at Jeter Funeral Home in Friendswood. The Revs. Brad Ottosen, Joe Saffle and Keith Anderson will officiate. Burial will follow in Forest Park East Cemetery in Webster. Visitation will be Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / obituaries /dec02 /121202obits.htm 12/13/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 �I_r t . he&agle.com y�:�cl•to Horne Classifieds i Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe Co Region /State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 12, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The Datebook list not be complete because some parents choose not to Government Links may Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 10, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Carla Threadgill, Calvert, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Dec. 8, 2002: Entertainment Faith &Values Natasha Burleson, Jewett, a boy; Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Maria Acevedo, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Devonna Morrison, Bryan, a boy; Obituaries Opinions Mary Rychetsky, Bryan, a boy. Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /decO2births /121202births.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 6 of 8 Mr. Esmail died Wednesday at his residence. He was born in Daressalaam, Tanzia, and was a resident of College Station since 1979. He owned and operated Nick's one - stop convenience store in Bryan.❑ Survivors include his wife, Zainab Esmail of College Station; a son, Alkham Esmail of College Station; a daughter, Narmin Esmail of College Staton; and two sisters, Anis Mithani of San Antonio and Mehrun Jadauji of New York, N.Y. Randolph Mooring June 25, 1917 — Dec. 7, 2002 DICKINSON — Services for Randolph Mooring, 85, of Dickinson are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Anderson. The Rev. Tommie Lewis will officiate. Burial will be in the Forrest Park East Cemetery in Houston on Monday. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mr. Mooring died Saturday at Regency Village Nursing Home in • Webster. He was born in Anderson. Survivors include his wife, Annie Price Mooring of Dickinson; three sons and a daughter -in -law, R.J. and LaShon Mooring, Chester Mooring and Raymond Mooring; a stepson, Glenn Calhoun; four stepdaughters, Jewel Brown and her husband George, Wanda McIntosh and her husband Reggie, Annette Walker and her husand Grayling, and Joyce Price; two brothers, Wendell Mooring of Anderson and Clint Mooring of California; seven grandchildren; and 10 great - grandchildren. Anthony "Tony" Urso Sept. 15, 1910 — Dec. 12, 2002 Services for Anthony "Tony" Urso, 92, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Anthony's Catholic Church. The Rev. Kirby Garner will officiate. Burial will be in the Mount Calvary Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday and from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Saturday. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /121302obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle The Rev. W. Gantt of Truevine Missionary Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Neblett Cemetery in Navasota. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mrs. Johnson died Friday. Page 5 of 8 She was a lifelong resident of Navasota and Grimes County. She was a housewife and member of the True Vine Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ben Johnson. Survivors include three daughters, Bessie M. Johnson and Ben Annie Johnson, both of Navasota, and Helen R. Myles of Clovis, N.M., a sister, Emma Matthews of Navasota; 10 grandchildren, 17 great - grandchildren; and one great - great - grandchild. Irene Louise Blum Menk Dec. 30, 1907 — Dec. 12, 2002 HOUSTON — Graveside services for Irene Louise Blum Menk, 94, of Houston are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Prairie Lea Cemetery in • Brenham. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Oaks Chapel in Brenham. Mrs. Menk died Thursday in Houston. El She was born in Brenham and was a homemaker. She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church in Houston. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arnold Menk. Survivors include a daughter and son -in -law, Virginia and Donald L. Webb of Brenham; three grandchildren; and two great - grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 705 S. Austin St., Brenham, Texas 77833. Nizavali Esmail April 17, 1945 — Dec. 11, 2002 Services for Nizavali Esmail, 57, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. • Hassan Kassam will be officiating. Burial will be in the College Station City Cemetery. http: // www.theeagle.com /region/records /obituaries /dec02/ 121302obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 4 of 8 The Rev. U.L. Green of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Grandview Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday at Jones - Washington Mortuary. Mr. Parnell died Saturday at his home. He was born in Iola and was a lifelong resident of Bryan. He was a mechanic and a member of the Castle Heights Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Addie Lee Blue Parnell of Bryan; four sons, 011ie Parnell, Charles Blue, Lawrence Blue and Allan Blue, all of Bryan; three daughters, Gwendolyn Parnell, Cassandra Blue and Sharon Blue, all of Bryan; three brothers, Nelson Parnell Sr., Jimmy Parnell and Joe Pleasant, all of Bryan; three sisters, Lillian Workman and Vera Robertson of Bryan and Carrie Ware of Lubbock; 21 grandchildren; and 10 great - grandchildren. Terrell Warren June 11, 1949 — Dec. 7, 2002 Services for Terrell Warren, 53, of Bryan are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at Shiloh Baptist Church in Bryan. • The Rev. Larry T. Hall will officiate. Burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday at Jones - Washington Mortuary. Mr. Warren died Saturday at St. Joseph Regional Health Center. Mr. Warren was a lifelong resident of Bryan. He graduated from E.A. Kemp High School. He was a laborer and member of Shiloh Baptist Church. Survivors include two daughters, Mary Green of Dallas and Regina Renae Perry Msigwa of Houston; three brothers and a sister -in -law, Richard Warren Jr. of Virginia, Anthony Warren and Marylin of Bryan and Lyndon Warren of Bryan; four sisters and brothers -in- law, Sandra and MacArthur Rice of Houston, Janice and Kenneth Cavitt of Bryan, Linda and Keith Garner of Bryan and Annette Warren of Bryan; and five grandchildren. Abbie D. Johnson Dec. 23, 1906 — Dec. 6, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for Abbie D. Johnson, 95, of Navasota are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at Truevine Baptist Church in Navasota. http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /dec02 /121302obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 4 He was retired and served in the U.S. Navy. He was a member of • Mount Corinth Baptist Church, where he was president of the Usher Board. He was also a member of the Kiwanis Club, Teachers Association and the Masonic Lodge. Survivors include his wife, Bertha Howard Washington of Hempstead; a son, Travis Washington Jr. of Hempstead; two daughters, Evelyn Washington and Shirley Washington, both of Houston; two brothers and sisters -in -law, Johnny and Joan Washington of Bryan and James and Dorothy Washington of Willingboro, N.J.; four sisters and three brothers -in -law, Ada Ford of La Marque, Bertha and James Roberson of Altadina, Calif., and Betty and Clint Roberson and Dorothy and Clarence Thomas, all of Bryan; eight grandchildren; and 17 great - grandchildren. Phillips Douglas `Doug' White Oct. 29, 1948 — Dec. 12, 2002 NAVASOTA — Services for Phillips Douglas "Doug" White, 54, of Houston are set for 11 a.m. Tuesday at Nobles Funeral Chapel in Navasota. The Rev. J.W.L. Adams (retired) will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. • Visitation will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Mr. White died Thursday in Houston. He was born in Navasota and was a pipefitter for Local No. 211. He served in the Texas Army National Guard and was a member of Brazoria Masonic Lodge No. 327 AF & AM, the Shriners and United Association of Pipefitters Local No. 211 of Houston. He was a Baptist. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Jeff and Valerie White of Brazoria; a daughter, Stephanie White of Galveston; two brothers and sisters -in -law, David and Renee White of Angleton and Glenn and Barbara White of Waller County; his father, James A. White Sr. of Navasota; two grandchildren; and numerous nephews, nieces and other relatives. -Obituaries are printed in The Bryan - College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. Death Notices http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /121502obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 4 Survivors include his parents, Virginia Hutchinson of North Zulch and John "Hutch" Hutchinson of Cut and Shoot; his wife, Laura Ellis Hutchinson of North Zulch; a son and daughter -in -law, John and Marjorie Hutchinson of Montgomery; a brother, Charles Richard Hutchinson of Houston; a sister and brother -in -law, Janice and Robert Billeck of Houston; a grandson; and numerous nieces and nephews. Janet Lane Jahnsen Feb. 7, 1957 — Dec. 13, 2002 NEW BRAUNFELS — Services for Janet Lane Jahnsen, 45, of Bryan are set for 11 a.m. Monday at Cross Lutheran Church in New Braunfels. Burial will be at 3:30 p.m. Monday in Kneupper Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Zoeller Funeral Home in New Braunfels. Mrs. Jahnsen died Friday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. She was born in Johnson City and was a homemaker. O Survivors include her husband, David Jahnsen of Bryan; her parents, Olan and Dolly Kneupper of Kendalia; a brother and sister - in -law, Wray Olan and Diana Kneupper of New Braunfels; a sister, Nola Kneupper of Johnson City; a brother -in -law and sister -in -law, James and Mary Jane Jahnsen of Bulverde; her father -in -law, Earl Jahnsen and his wife, Zada, of Bulverde; two nephews; and three nieces. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Cross Lutheran Church in New Braunfels or Bethel Lutheran Church in Bryan. Travis J. Washington Sr. Sept. 7, 1926 — Dec. 11, 2002 Services for Travis J. Washington Sr., 76, of Hempstead are set for 11 a.m. Monday at Mount Corinth Baptist Church in Hempstead. The Rev. Clarence Tally of Mount Corinth Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday at Jones - Washington Mortuary in Bryan. 0 Mr. Washington died Wednesday at his home. He was born in Kaufman and lived in Hempstead most of his life. http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /dec02 /121502obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 2 of 4 Cemetery on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 502 W. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77802. Lawrence `Unky' C. Nemec 1948 — 2002 Lawrence "Unky" C. Nemec passed away on December 9, 2002 in College Station, Texas. Mr. Nemec was born on January 18, 1948 in Bryan, Texas. "Unky" was a lifelong resident of Bryan - College Station. For many years he worked for Payless Shoe Source. He was a volunteer for the M.D.A. Telethons for over 25 years, and was a member of the Heart of Texas CB Radio Club of Bryan. He was a graduate of A &M Consolidated High School in 1966, and attended McKenzie Baldwin Business College. Mr. Nemec was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. Survivors include his sister, Martha D. Jones of Palestine; nephews, Michael Jones and Steven Jones, both of Longview; niece, Ginny Jones, also of Longview. His Pallbearers will be Ginny Hildebrant, Steven Jones, Michael Jones, Leland Chvatal, William Nemec, Patrick Nemec, Charles Cahill, Willie Milberger and Jon Hildebrandt. A visitation will be held from 5 -8 p.m. Monday, and from 9 -11 a.m. Tuesday at Hillier Funeral Home. A prayer vigil will be at 7 p.m. Monday at the Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Father Mike Sis will officiate. Interment will follow at the College Station Cemetery. Memorials may be made to St. Mary's Catholic Church, 603 Church Ave., College Station, Texas 77840 or the local MDA. Tom Goodwin Stewart 1920 — 2002 Tom Goodwin Stewart was born June 1, 1920, followed quickly by an identical twin, Angus McAlester (Mac). They were named for maternal and paternal grandfathers. They were avid tennis players in high school and golfers afterward. They attended Texas A &M College. They worked at the old City National Bank. In the 1950's, Mac married and moved to Mississippi. Tom continued to lived in Bryan and worked at Kraft Furniture. He was well liked in the community and had many friends. He loved hunting and fishing until his health failed. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Bryan and the Business Men's Bible Class, as was his father http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituari es /dec02 /121602obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 4 t ht e 6, agi, 16 � Cf. 1 :1 MOOM Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com j BrazosSports.com i Subscribe' Co Region / State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 16 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Donna Sue Fifer Government Links Links On December 8th, 2002 Donnie Sue Fifer went home to be with Obituaries Jesus. She was a very loving mother who fiercely loved her family, Town Talk Aggie football and most of all, the Lord. She will be greatly missed. Site Sections Donnie graduated from Texas City High School and earned an A &M News Associate's degree in finance from Blinn Junior College. She was Agriculture preceded in death by son Kenneth Edward Fifer 4/3/64 and Announcements Business &Technology Margaret "Marnie" Lynn Fifer 12/16/66. Survivors include father Classifieds Kenneth Schultz of Texas City, TX, daughter Kimberly Kaye Columnists Schultz of Galveston, TX, son Kenneth James Fifer of Edmond, Community OK, granddaughter Megan Grace Fifer of Edmond, OK, daughter - The Eagle in -law Amy Fifer of Edmond, OK, special niece Wydell Dixon of Entertainment Texas City, TX, four other nieces and one nephew, special friends Faith &Values Anthony and Bea Arvello of League City, TX, and friends from First Food Health & Fitness Baptist Church College Station. A private memorial service will be Kids Korner held in Crockett, TX. Honorary pall bearers are Lynn Dixon, Roger Lifestyles Boland, Jason Nixon, Anthony Arvello, Alan Arvello and Adam Newspapers in Education Arvello. Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools J. Ray Bokemeyer Sports 1930 — 2002 Subscriptions Weather J. Ray Bokemeyer, 72, was born in Leesville, Louisiana, on February 26, 1930 and passed away on December 14, 2002 in College Station. He was preceded in death by his parents, Julius C. and Rhoda Wilkerson Bokemeyer; and a son, Douglass Bokemeyer. Ray was an electrician with IBEW L.U. No. 716 in Houston and lived in College Station for 20 years. Survivors include: his wife, Flora May Bokemeyer; a granddaughter, Diane Elizabeth; and a brother, Harry Bokemeyer of Houston. He also had several nieces and nephews. A Visitation will be held on Monday from 4 -7 p.m. at Hillier Funeral Home. A Graveside service will be held at the College Station http: / /www.theeagle.com/region/ records / obituaries /decO2 /121602obits.htm 12/16/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Classified Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol is Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios • Page 1 of 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR] The College Station Planning anyl consider a REZONING for 5301 AGRICULTURAL OPEN to R -1 The hearing will be held in the Co Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. ni 2, 2003. Commission will hold a public hear DREWS DRIVE from A -O FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. tom of the College Station City Hal !le Commission on Thursday, JAP Any request for sign interpretive !� !or the hearing impaired must be mt hours before the meeting. To mn1-. �ments call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 12 -17 -02 LEGAL Notice Request for Bid #050RD03 Sale of Property "City of Bryan, Block 255, Lot 5, ' Sealed bids for the property listed December 31, 2002 and publicly opening. Sealed bids must be de' i 1309 E. Martin Luther King St., i The submitted bids must be recei prior to the time and date specifie( be considered; the firm must insur t responses are not acceptable. Bid i I upon its arrival, list the Bid Numb.. not be opened and will be returnee! , me at (979) 764 -3570. — ounty, Texas" I I be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on T I read aloud immediately followin ty of Bryan, Purchasing Departn :as 77803, (979) 209 -5501. City of Bryan Purchasing Departr :: e fact that the bid was dispatched e bid is actually delivered. Faxed bi Baled, and to ensure proper recogn outside of your envelope. Late bid ,'Jer upon written request. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/18/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement 0 Page 1 of 1 S M - s p e r e w 3razosSports.com I Subscribe; Co - "is Tuesday. The list its choose not to -e Station, a boy. ^Ie http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records/births /dec02births /I ^ ' I �­hs.htm 12/18/2002 Home: Classifieds Aggiespc Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 18, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the folio Government Links may not be complete because s Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 16, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Business & Technology Pascuala Leyva, Bellville, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Cer:° Community The Eagle Dec. 13, 2002: Entertainment Faith & Values Food Wendy Walker, Caldwell, a girl; ® Health & Fitness Kids Komer Maricela Rodriguez and Ryan Galr Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College S' Privacy Statement 0 Page 1 of 1 S M - s p e r e w 3razosSports.com I Subscribe; Co - "is Tuesday. The list its choose not to -e Station, a boy. ^Ie http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records/births /dec02births /I ^ ' I �­hs.htm 12/18/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 Survivors include a son and daub"' -w, Colonel Louis and (W Margaret Horn of Virginia Beach, ughter and son -in -law, Toni and Ronald Barnes of Hous. th .r and sister -in -law, Kestner and Myrle Graham of Wir Ky.; and two grandchildren. James Burton `J.B.' Ross July 13, 1913 — Dec. 17, 2002 Services for James Burton "J.B." r 'I, of 'ormangee are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at the Madisc r -f the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. Church President Roy Ross will o urial will be in the Jozye Cemetery. Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. F nd from 12:30 p.m. until the time of services Saturday at ti �. Arrangements are under the direc ".1. I)ay Funeral Home in Madisonville. Mr. Ross died Tuesday at his hon • He was born in Scrapping Valley. ' a member of the Madisonville Branch of the Churc s Christ of Latter -day Saints and the Park Place Mason' of Houston. He was preceded in death by hir ? ynars, Nancy Janie Foster Ross. Survivors include three sons and ' Barbara Ross of Normangee, Jan. and Patrick Ross of Edna; a daug Joe Worley of Houston; a sister, C grandchildren; nine great - grand& and relatives. Donald Gene Douget Nov. 4, 1940 — Dec. 16, 2002 hters -in -law, Roy and Sue Ross of Deer Park son -in -law, Linda and Rig ) of Silsbee; 13 , id . nany other friends CENTERVILLE — Memorial serv' - "or- IJ Gene Douget, 62, of Centerville are set for 3 p.m. 7 t t c First Baptist Church in Centerville. The Revs. Larry Ashley, pastor cf P- r'.ist Church, and Michael Barone will officiate. A pr' - m , rt will follow at a later date. A rosary will be recited at 1:30 p.r - -!ay at Walters Funeral http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records /obituaries /decO2 /1 - �.1 - m 12/18/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle The Rev. Terry Bage will officiate. Graveside services will be at 3:30 Milam County. Visitation will be from 5 to 9 p.m. Home and from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m Mr. Sheffield died Monday at his r He was born in Normangee and h. Brown & Root in Houston. He way= He had served in the U.S. Army a was a member of St. John's Luthc Survivors include his wife, Jean S daughter -in -law, Larry and Mary / and sister -in -law, Vivian C. "Skip" Houston; two sisters and a broth of Bryan and Maurine West of Br Sheffield of Bryan; two grandchil: nephews. Bonita `Bonnie' G. Horn Sept. 11, 1920 — Dec. 16, 2002 Services for Bonita "Bonnie" G. I' p.m. Friday at the A &M United V Associate Pastor Lawrence Smi: will officiate. Burial will be in the C Page 2 of 5 ' icnelsang Cemetery in -1y at Hillier Funeral at the church. a carpenter foreman for , cam the MSC Bookstore. ( Mr. Sheffield c I. )f Bryan; a son and Meld of Austin; a brother Ile L. Sheffield of DIvnora and Pete Pachal a -law, Corena nerous nieces and f ^ryan are set for 2 U : � Methodist Church n Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. -, v and from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday at Hillier Funeral Home anc 'o 2 p.m. Friday at the church. Mrs. Horn died Monday at Collet n Med`cal Center. She was born in Sapulpa, Okla., in Pryan since 1948. She was a retired registered nur: Mrs. Horn served on several com ! ` "IM United Methodist Church. She was a past president c� legistered Nurses "R.N." Club and the Campus Stud , f nner docent for the Fine Arts Group and a member of 1 k ,'omen's Club and OPAS Guild. She was preceded in death by h^ d, L ^i,is John Horn. http://www.theeagle-com/region/records/obituaries/dec02," . ' S.1,till 12/18/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 said. "It hampers the redevelopment eff -+." Schephers said the most pressing need ; to ensure adequate fire protection for the area, which will not h oblem after the new lines are installed. He said there is more than enough watr - vailable to Northgate to meet its needs at this time. There is al; , connection point that can link College Station's and Bryan's v. 'nr supplies if either city experiences a problem. Assistant City Manager Glenn Bm­ i ' connection will remain in place in case of an erne • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cf- `,- theea le.com © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College tio Privacy Statement http:// www. theeagle .com/region/localregional/ 121802citycou nc i 1. htm 12/18/2002 • �J The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Region / State December 18, 2002 Births Notebodc Club M Club Meetings City Council to consider improvements to College Town Northgate water cape r" Datebook Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The College Station City Council on Thursday will consider Site Sections A&M News improvements that would increase water capacity in the Northgate Agriculture area. Announcements Business BTechnology Dale Schephers, the city's water and w—+-water division manager, Classifieds said Northgate will require more water , e area continues to Columnists develop. Community The Eagle Entertainment Northgate is presently served by one waterline that runs east to Faith & Values west along University Drive. Food Health & Fitness Council members will consider accepting a pair of easements from Kids Lifestyles yles Texas A &M University that would allow r - lines to be built through Newspapers in Education the campus, crossing A &M propert- - - ' -la Mitchell Parkway Obituaries South. Opinions Politics A &M is providing the easements at no cost to the city. Region /State Schools Sports College Station plans to spend more thr:� $11 million on the Subscriptions improvements. Weather The city proposes building a 36 -inch trarq mission line along Harvey Mitchell between Luther Street an-' `' ria Road. A second, 18- inch line would run from F &B Roac: ` orn Road, providing water to Northgate from the west. The two lines should satisfy the city's necc!s through 2030. Schephers noted that the Northgate area has seen the construction of several new buildings over the past f - yeas, including the 437 - room Traditions dormitory. There are plans for further developm­ - oming years, which will prove an even bigger strain on the e;:: capabilities. "The water system in Northgate has s -r "mitation," Schephers http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /121802citycounc1'. i 12/18/2002 44113114.11 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a REZONING for 5301 ST. ANDREWS DRIVE from A -O Merchandise AGRICULTURAL OPEN to R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. Place an Ad Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hal Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JAP Service 2, 2003. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Espanol (W Anuncios 800- 735 -2989. Arrendamientos Automo For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios JENNIFER REEVES Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas 12 -17 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios LEGAL Notice Request for Bid #050RD03 Sale of Property "City of Bryan, Block 255, Lot 5, Brazos County, Texas" Sealed bids for the property listed above will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on T December 31, 2002 and publicly opened and read aloud immediately followin opening. Sealed bids must be delivered to: City of Bryan, Purchasing Departn 1309 E. Martin Luther King St., Bryan, Texas 77803, (979) 209 -5501. The submitted bids must be received by the City of Bryan Purchasing Departr prior to the time and date specified. The mere fact that the bid was dispatched be considered; the firm must insure that the bid is actually delivered. Faxed bi (W responses are not acceptable. Bid must be sealed, and to ensure proper recogn upon its arrival, list the Bid Number on the outside of your envelope. Late bid not be opened and will be returned to the Bidder upon written request. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/17/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Shannon and Lance Giese, College Station, a boy; Jodi and Stephen Sterle, Navasota, a boy; Alexis and Larry Isbell, Anderson, a girl. Dec. 13, 2002: Sherry and Gordon Lehmann, Dime Box, a boy; Araceli Huerta and Mario Salmeron, Bryan, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /dec02births /121702births.htm 12/17/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 '' 979 776.234 Home Classifieds j Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 17, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 13, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Gennie and Guido Verbeck, College Station, a girl. Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Dec. 14, 2002: Community The Eagle Sheri and Andrew Hillis, Bryan, a girl; Entertainment Faith & Values Food Leigh and Michael Sanders, Bryan, a girl; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Donna M. and Blake A. Witt, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Dec. 15, 2002: Obituaries Opinions Politics Heather and Chris D'Arnelle, Richards, a boy; Region /State Schools Beverly and Roland Mower, College Station, a girl. Sports Subscriptions St. Joseph Regional Health Center Weather Dec. 10, 2002: Holly Williams, Bryan, a boy; Amanda and Christopher Miskell, Bryan, a girl. Dec. 11, 2002: Lucia and Cleosas Gomez, Bryan, a boy; Michelle Burns, Plantersville, a boy; C Lucrecia and Danny Griffith, Bryan, a girl. Dec. 12, 2002: http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /decO2births /121702births.htm 12/17/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 2 for Sales and Use Taxes Hotel and Motel Occupancy Taxes The City of Bryan and the City of College Station (PARTICIPATING ENTI I have joined together in soliciting proposals (RFP's) for Auditing and Collectii Services for Sales and Use Taxes and Hotel and Motel Occupancy Taxes fron qualified vendors. It is the intent of all PARTICIPATING ENTITIES to select a single vendor tc accomplish and/or supply all services and equipment outlined in the Request i Proposal. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on January 16, 2003. and sh addressed to: City of College Station Purchasing Department Cheryl K. Turney, C.P.M., Purchasing Manager 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 12/19/02 12/26/02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise F Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificados © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds ULMUMB Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities Employment Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate Rentals Service Spanish Classifieds Clasificados en Espanol Anuncios Arrendamientos Automotriz Bienes Raices Directorio de Servicios Empleos Finanzas Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios Page 1 of 2 BRYAN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Request for Proposal #3120 After - School and Summer Childcare The Bryan Independent School District is soliciting sealed proposals from ver provide after - school and summer childcare at elementary campuses within the district. Copies of the proposal documents may be obtained from the Business Services Office, 101 North Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 77803 or by calling 97� 5255. Sealed proposals are due by 2:00 p.m. on January 16, 2003, in the Bush Services Office. The proposals will be opened at 2:00 p.m. in Room 102 of th Educational Support Center, 101 North Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX on January 2003. Contact Suzanne Phelps, Purchasing Manager, with any questions at 97 5138. December 12, 2002 & December 19, 2002 NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Alcl Beverage Code that RAI Beverages, LLC, doing business under the trade "Blackeyed Pea" has filed application with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission seeking issuance of a Mixed Beverages Permit to be located E. University, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. The sole manager a Beverages, LLC is Cecil Rudy Brewster. 12- 19 -02, 12 -20 -02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 03 -37 Audit and Collection Services http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/19/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 • Approved a contract with Young Contractors, Inc. for more than $398,600 for the rehabilitation of Tarrow Street South. • Christopher Ferrell's e -mail address is cfe rrella, theeagle © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement r: I� U http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /122002csincreasecosts.htm 12/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle> Region & State cost to the city is $1,500. Page 2 of 3 • An increase from $300 to $600 for a conditional use permit. The average cost to the city is $1,868. The proposed increases are part of a three -year plan designed to help the city recover between 80 and 100 percent of its cost for development. A study conducted in 2000 showed College Station's development fees were below average when compared to other cities around the state and region. Templin said the council elected to implement the fee increases in phases rather than at once so developers wouldn't experience as much "sticker shock." The city raised many of the costs in 2001, but it has worked to keep developers abreast of the planned increases, Templin said. Councilman Dennis Maloney said the increases may not be popular, but when developers are paying $40,000 for a lot, a few hundred dollars in fees shouldn't prevent them from building in College Station. But several council members did say that though it is important to (W recover fees, the city will have to monitor the effect the charges will have on growth. Councilman James Massey said he would like to see the fee schedule come before the council annually. "It's more than just balancing the books," he said. "We've got to make sure we're not running people off." In other action, the Council: • Authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with Texas A &M University to allow water transmission lines to be laid through the campus along Harvey Mitchell Parkway South. A &M gave the easements to the city at no cost. College Station is planning a pair of water projects costing more than $11.2 million to increase capacity in the north and west parts of town. • Approved a conditional use permit that allows the city to build Fire Station No. 5 at 601 Greens Prairie Road. • Signed an agreement with the College Station school district to contribute $8,000 for the installation of rubber surface to the 1/5- mile concrete walking and jogging track at South Knoll Elementary School. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / localregional /122002csincreasecosts.htm 12/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 Region / State December 20, 2002 Births Notebook College Station may increase costs of Club M Club Meetings College Town building Datebook Government Links Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Town Talk Site Sections The cost of development in College Correction A &M News Station could be going up — again. Paragraph 5 should have Agriculture said that the College Announcements City staff on Thursday updated the Station City Council is to Business &Technology council on proposed increases in consider a plan that calls for Classifieds Columnists development costs that will be developers to pay 0.5 Community considered at the council's Jan. 9 percent of their The Eagle meeting. If approved, the new charges infrastructure costs, with a Entertainment would go into effect March 1. minimum charge of $250. Faith & Values Food Health &Fitness The new plan would call for taxpayers to subsidize less of the city's Kids Korner development by passing more of the cost on to developers, said Lifestyles Kelly Templin, the city's development services director. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Among the more notable changes would be a new fee structure for Opinions plan review and infrastructure inspection. At present, it costs all Politics Region /State developers who bring plans to the city $600 for review and Schools inspection, regardless of a project's size. Sports Subscriptions The new plan calls for developers to pay 5 percent of their Weather infrastructure cost, with a minimum charge of $250. Templin said the setup would be fairer to small- business owners who may require only two trips from a building inspector, compared to a subdivision development, which may require several months' worth of work from the city staff. "We're going to eat up $600 in the first couple of weeks, and we could be out there for several months," he said. Among the other increases slated for approval are: • An increase from $400 to $600 to submit a master plan. The average cost to the city is $2,408. • An increase from $200 to $400 to submit a site plan. The average http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /122002csincreasecosts.htm 12/26/2002 1:11:x:141: Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports. com I Subscribe Co The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Subscribe Co Region / State December 23, 2002 Births Notebook Northgate streets to get 4 -way stop Club M Club Meetings College Town Datebook Eagle staff report Government Links Links The intersection of Church Avenue and Boyett Street in Northgate Obituaries will be converted to a four -way stop beginning Dec. 30. Town Talk Site Sections Currently, stop signs are only posted on Boyett Street. Signs will be A &M News put up on Church Avenue and stop marks will be painted on the Agriculture Announcements pavement. Business & Technology Classifieds Recent traffic studies conducted by College Station have shown Columnists that an increasing number of bicyclists and pedestrians are using Community Boyett Street. The stops are to keep the area safe. The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values The speed limit on both streets will remain 25 mph, which is the Food posted limit for all streets in the Northgate area. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region/ localregional /122302newstop.htm 12/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 1 Births Notebook Club Meetings College Station to offer parking for free at Club M College Town garage Datebook Government Links Links Eagle staff report Obituaries People to Northgate will be able to for free in the Town Talk going park Site Sections College Main Parking Garage for the rest of the year. A &M News Agriculture Free parking in the city of College Station -owned garage, which is Announcements located at 309 College Main, began Sunday and will run until 6 a.m. Business &Technology on Jan. 2. Signs reminding patrons of the free parking are posted at Classifieds Columnists all entrances, exits and at the automated payment machines. Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith & Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region /State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http:// www. theeagle .com/region/localregional/ 122302freeparking.htm 12/26/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 MIA :(01: Hoene Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe: Co Region /State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 25, 2002 F ti b " s cri be MIA :(01: Hoene Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe: Co Region /State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 25, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Dec. 7, 2002: Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list might Government Links not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Links names printed. Obituaries Town Talk St. Joseph Regional Health Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 7, 2002: Agriculture Trachell and James Waggoner, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business & Technology Classifieds Dec. 18, 2002: Columnists Jennifer and Kevin Longoria, Madisonville, a boy; Community Jansi and David Campbell, Bryan, a boy. The Eagle Entertainment Dec. 19, 2002: Faith & Values Food Nena Garsia, Bryan, a girl; Health & Fitness Shirley and Paul Sandel, Bryan, a boy; Kids Korner Dana and Kenneth Bischoff, College Station, a boy; Lifestyles Alexandra Castillo and Juan Sanchez, Bryan, a boy; Newspapers in Education Janice and Christopher Green, Bryan, a girl; Obituaries Opinions Karina and Eriberto Trejo, Bryan, a girl. Politics Re /State Dec, 20, 2002; Schools Shamyra McGinty, Bryan, a boy; Sports Aniela and Gabriel Tanase, College Station, a boy; Subscriptions Stacy and Mickey Blalock, Bryan, a girl; Weather Gregoria Marquez and Juan Sifuentes, Bryan, a girl; Deanna Macik, College Station, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /decO2births /122502births.htm 12/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 � rllll s s�k� �Ifidll i V * Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 21, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list Government Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to Links have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A &M News Dec. 19, 2002: Agriculture Announcements Lisa Burks, Franklin, a boy; Business & Technology Classifieds Columnists Angela and Randy Roberts, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith & Values Food Dec. 16, 2002: Health & Fitness Kids Korner Olga Gomez and Andies Medina, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Kimberly and Charles Taylor, Rockdale, a boy. Obituaries Opinions Politics Dec. 17, 2002: Region /State Schools Jessica and Angus Arredondo, Brenham, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com j Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Privacy Statement (W http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region /records/births /dec02births/ 122102births.htm 12/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 2 The City of Bryan and the City of College Station (PARTICIPATING ENTI7 • have joined together in soliciting proposals (RFP's) for Auditing and Collectil Services for Sales and Use Taxes and Hotel and Motel Occupancy Taxes fron qualified vendors. It is the intent of all PARTICIPATING ENTITIES to select a single vendor tc accomplish and/or supply all services and equipment outlined in the Request i Proposal. Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on January 16, 2003. and sh addressed to: City of College Station Purchasing Department Cheryl K. Turney, C.P.M., Purchasing Manager 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 12/19/02 12/26/02 Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise F Real Estate I Service Directory • Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotriz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a la pagina principal de Clasificad © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College S tation Eagle Privacy Statement http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds A Classifieds Page 1 of 2 Classifieds Announcements Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -39 Legal Notices Merchandise PVC Pipe Fittings - Annual Bid Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 Automotriz Bienes Raices until 2:00 PM, January 9, 2003, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal Directorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Finanzas A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc Legales address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our Mercancia at ww stati . Oportunidades de Negocios The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Dec 26, 2002 & Jan 2, 2003 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 03 -37 Audit and Collection Services for Sales and Use Taxes Hotel and Motel Occupancy Taxes http: // classifieds .theeagle.comAineads /0699.html 12/26/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 6 tiempo de la entrevista y el nombre del examinador que conducira la entrevist ® Conforme a los requisitos del Joint Commission este anuncio sera expuesta y puede ser retirada antes de la encuesta este completa. El 27 de deciembre. 12- 27 -02, 12 -28 -02 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2599 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON December 1 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meetini regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue. notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of tr is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, SEC 7.21 C, "ZONING", "REVIEW PROCESS ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANC THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY REVISING THE COMPOSITION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AS SET OUT BELO PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; A PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. • Chapter 12, Section 7.21 C, "Zoning ", "Review Process ", by amending this sect would add a landscape architect to the present membership of the Design Rev Board and expand the membership accordingly, from eight members to nine.. complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of Chapter 10 Section 5, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction ther shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars($25.00) no i than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall contin permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ordinance, bei: penal ordinance, becomes effective ten days (10) after its date of passage by U Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Static Connie Hooks City Secretary 12- 27 -02, 12 -28 -02 NOTICE TO BIDDERS • Sealed proposals addressed to the City Council, City of Bryan, Texas for "Pai Street Sewer Line Improvements ", City Job No "411 -DS- 0205 " will be r http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/27/2002 (W The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 tp ������:i4 Lffi� �'. �tll'( �� �y�3� ' U �'u49''lI1Yl•1 1411 7 v Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 25, 2002 Club Meetings �yx =ccr:' Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list might Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 7, 2002: A &M News Trachell and James Waggoner, Bryan, a girl. Agriculture Announcements Dec. 18, 2002: Business & Technology Jennifer and Kevin Longoria, Madisonville, a boy; Classifieds Jansi and David Campbell, Bryan, a boy. Columnists Community Dec. 19, 2002: The Eagle Nena Garsia, Bryan, a girl; Entertainment Shirley and Paul Sandel, Bryan, a boy; Faith & Values Dana and Kenneth Bischoff, College Station, a boy; Food Alexandra Castillo and Juan Sanchez, Bryan, a boy; Health & Fitness Janice and Christopher Green, Bryan, a girl; Kids Korner Karina and Eriberto Trejo, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education peC. 20 2002: Obituaries Shamyra McGinty, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Aniela and Gabriel Tanase, College Station, a boy; Politics Stacy and Mickey Blalock, Bryan, a girl; Region /State Gregoria Marquez and Juan Sifuentes, Bryan, a girl; Schools Deanna Macik, College Station, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Weather © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c. http: / /www.theeagle. com/ region /records/births /dec02births/ 122502births.htm 12/27/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 4 The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, January 7, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This document is also available on our at www.ci.college- station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Dec 23, 2002 & Dec 30, 2002 • HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES (HUB'S) WANTED ACKLAM CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. is bidding the Biological Waster Management Facility for the Texas A &M University System in College Static Texas, and is soliciting bids from Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUE Bids needed January 29, 2003. Phone (979) 690 -8500; Fax (979) 690 -8510. 12 -28- 02;12- 29 -02; 12 -29 -02 LEGALNOTICE Sealed bids will be received by Bryan Texas Utilities at the Procurement Spec office until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 21, 2003-publicly opened and read 2:00 P.M, same date at the Procurement Office on the following commodit services % O 1. Bryan Lake Visitors Center http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 The E ile Cl Classifieds Announcements - Automotive Business Opportunities REQUEST FOR BIDS Employment Financial Bid # 03 -36 Legal Notices Merchandise Central Park Softball Park Improvements Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. B Rentals be received at: Service Spanish Classifieds City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Clasificados en City Hall Espanol Anuncios 1101 Texas Avenue, Arrendamientos College Station, Texas 77840 ri Automotriz A Bienes utom until 2:00 PM, January 7, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal oirectorio de Servicios bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Empleos Empleas Location and Scope of Work: Legales The project involves softball field improvements at Central Park which is locE Mercancia 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Oportunidades de Negocios A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abc address, Mon -Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on c website at www.ci.c - station.tx . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to v informalities and irregularities. Dec 23, 2002 & Dec 30, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 03 -38 Crushed Stone - Annual Bid http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/30/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Page 1 of 1 II �� " Z ., ,� � .3 e c. A1A"c«. Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe. Co Region / State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 28, 2002 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list might Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 26, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Dana Davis and Ronald Leasure, Somerville, a girl; Announcements Business & Technology Olga L. and Roque L. Pena, Bryan, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Atousa and George Slafko, Bryan, a boy; Community The Eagle Kaylene Deleon and Carlos Cardio, Bryan, a boy. Entertainment Faith & Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health & Fitness Dec. 20, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Kelli and Marcus Hutka, College Station, a bo g y' Newspapers in Education Obituaries Dec. 21, 2002: Opinions Politics Julia Roman and Lazuro Rendon, College Station, a girl; Region /State Schools Ana and Gabriel Torres, Bryan, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Dec. 22, 2002: Weather Latiffany Adams, Hearne, a girl; Judith Beverly, Bryan, a boy; Jessica and Felix Andrade, Brenham, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle L Privacy Statement http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /recordsibirths /decO2births/ 122802births.htm 12/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 3 of 6 Services for Clara Virginia Bell Anderson, 87, of College Station are set for 3 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. The Rev. Chris Snidow of Parkway Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 8:30 a.m. to the time of services Sunday at the funeral home. Mrs. Anderson died Friday at Colton Inn Health Care. She was born in Washington County, Ind., and lived in College Station for 22 years. She was a member of Parkway Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold Arvin Anderson. Survivors include a son and daughter -in -law, Swiki and Judy Anderson of College Station; a daughter and son -in -law, Leni and Michael Henke of Alexandria, Va.; a brother, Walter Bell of Salt Lake City; a sister, Emma Lou Oglethorp of Pasadena; five grandchildren; and two great - grandchildren. Marjorie G. Brush Dec. 10, 1920 — Dec. 26, 2002 Graveside services for Marjorie G. Brush, 82, of College Station will be Monday in Downs, Kan. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway -Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mrs. Brush died Thursday at her home. She was born in Phillipsburg, Kan., and lived in College Station since 1978. Before her retirement, she was employed by Keiser's Art Shop for many years. She was a member of the Art Club in Kansas. She was preceded in death by her husband, Merle Brush. Survivors include two sons and daughters -in -law, Douglas and Kay Brush of Downs and Garry and Jeanette Boston of Newton, Kan.; two daughters and a son -in -law, Dawn and Jerry Merker of College Station and Sherry Brush of North Tonawanda, N.Y.; 11 grandchildren; and 21 great - grandchildren. Earl `Will' Toliver Feb. 26, 1949 — Dec. 25, 2002 http:// www .theeagle.com/region/records/ obituaries /dec02 /122802obits.htm 12/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 2 of 6 She was born in Wilmington, Ohio, and lived in Bryan since 1978. She was employed at St. Joseph Regional Health Center as an LVN. She was a student at Blinn College working on a BS in nursing. She was a Baptist. Survivors include a son, Wesley Prado of Eureka Springs, Ark.; three daughters, Audra Ryan, Melody Ryan and Jaimie Prado, all of Caldwell; a brother and sister -in -law, Demmer Jr. and Terry Banks of St. Louis, Mo.; a sister and brother -in -law, Kim and Doug Hensarling of Bryan; her mother, Margaret B. Banks of Eureka Springs; and a grandchild. Elizabeth Ann Bonifazi Aug. 24, 1937 — Dec. 27, 2002 Services for Elizabeth Ann Bonifazi, 65, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Monday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. Monsignor John McCaffrey of St. Joseph Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday and from 8 a.m. to the time of services Monday a the funeral home. Mrs. Bonifazi died Friday at Colton Inn She was born in Brazos County and was a lifelong resident of Bryan. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and was a homemaker. Survivors include her husband, Anthony Bonifazi of Bryan; a son and daughter -in -law, Randy and Shirley Rice of Bryan; two daughters and sons -in -law, Katherine and James Henry of Carlos and Carolyn and David Stone of Bryan; a sister, Wanda Zersendaal of Harrisburg, Ark.; seven grandchildren; and a great - grandchild. Thomas Woodrow Johnson Jan. 3, 1952 — Dec. 16, 2002 WACO — Graveside services for Thomas Woodrow Johnson, 50, of Waco were at 10 a.m. Friday at Restland Cemetery in Waco. Arrangements were under the direction of Wilkirson, Hatch & Bailey Funeral Homes in Waco. Mr. Johnson died Dec. 16. Clara Virginia Bell Anderson r.• Sept. 24, 1915 — Dec. 27, 2002 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records /obituaries /dec02/ 122802obits.htm 12/30/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 4 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz ® hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please visit our website at htt p: / /devservices.ci.col station.tx.us or contact the Development Services Office at (979) 764 -3570. KELLY TEMPLIN DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i VA N I ROY) Place an Ad I Announcements I Automotive I Business Opportunities I Employment I Financial I Merchandise Real Estate I Service Directory Return to Classifieds Index Anuncios I Arrendamientos I Automotyz I Bienes Raices I Empleos I Finanzas I Legales I Mercancia I Oportunid� Negocios Regresar a_la pagina principal de Clasificados c © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan /College Station Eagle Privacy Statement 0 http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 12/31/2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 4 James L. Boone, Jr. ® Independent Executor 12 -31 -02 PUBLIC Hearings On Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 6:00 p.m., the Bryan City Council will hold public hearings. The first hearing will be to consider a text amendment to the Bryan Subdivision Regulations Ordinance, including provisions for gated subdivisions in the City of Bryan. The second hearing will be to consider a re: request (RZ 02 -21). The subject property currently has the following zoning designation of `I' Industrial District. The request is to change to `PD -I' Planne Development - Industrial District. The property is known as the Bryan Industri, located at North Earl Rudder Freeway and North Harvey Mitchell Parkway, B Brazos County, Texas. The third hearing will be to consider a rezoning reques 02 -22). The subject property currently has the following zoning designation o: Industrial District. The request is to change to `PD -I' Planned Development -Ii District. The property is known as the Brazos County Industrial Park, located Highway 21 and North Harvey Mitchell Parkway, Bryan, Brazos County, Tex fourth hearing is a request for the City Council to consider a rezoning (RZ 02- was recommended for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The si • property is located on Coulter Drive between 25th Street and William J. Bryni Parkway, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. The subject property currently has the following zoning designation of `A -O' Agricultural Open District. The reques change to 'PD-H' Planned Development- Housing District, for the developmei single family residential lots. The public hearings will be held in the City Council Chambers of the Bryan Municipal Building, located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and 29th Stre additional information please contact the Planning Services Department at (97 5010. 12 -31 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider the proposed Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO consolidates all development- related codes including the zoning and subdivisi regulations ordinances into one code. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall • Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JAN 16, 2003. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.htm1 12/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 4 • JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER 12 -31 -02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - USE ONLY for 700 Universit East, Suite #108 and #110 for a religious facility. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JAr 16, 2003. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. • JENNIFER FLANERY STAFF PLANNER 12 -31 -02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Lill Vorpahl Boone, Deceased, were issued on the 4th day of December, 2002, in Number 11,435 -PC pending in the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos Cow Texas, to James L. Boone, Jr., Independent Executor. The residence of James L. Boone, Jr., Independent Executor, is in Brazos Cou Texas, and his address is: James L. Boone, Jr. 1110 Woodhaven Circle College Station, TX 77840 All persons having claims against the Estate which is currently being adminisl required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law; addressed to the Independent Executor shown above as representative of the F • Dated this 30th day of December, 2002. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Classifieds R a ��Iiimn Page 1 of 4 Classifieds hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Announcements - - Automotive Business Opportunities NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Employment Financial The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear Legal Notices consider a REZONING for 1501 Associates Avenue from C -1 General Comr Merchandise to C -2 Commercial Industrial. Place an Ad 12 -31 -02 Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Rentals Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JAr Service 16, 2003. Spanish Classifieds Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mE Clasificados en hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI Espanol 800- 735 -2989. Anuncios Arrendamientos For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764 -3570. Automo Bienes Raices JENNIFER FLANERY Directorio de Servicios Empleos STAFF PLANNER Finanzas 12 -31 -02 Legales Mercancia Oportunidades de Negocios NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hear consider a REZONING for 5301 ST. ANDREWS DRIVE from A - AGRICULTURAL OPEN to R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, JAN 16, 2003. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mz hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 -3547 or (TDI 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, lease contact me at 979 p ( ) 764 -3570. http: // classifieds .theeagle.com /lineads /0699.html 12/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Dec. 21, 2002: Dilshad Bhaidani and Madad Merchant, College Station, a girl. Dec. 22, 2002: Tammy and Ronnie Taylor, Navasota, a boy. Dec. 23, 2002: Cassie Ogle, College Station, a boy. Dec. 26, 2002: Angela Patterson, Bryan, a boy. Dec. 27, 2002: Julia Rios, Caldwell, a girl; Stacey Armantrout, College Station, a boy; April Lee, Bedias, a girl. Dec. 28, 2002: Maria and Julio Acosta, Bryan, a girl. © 2000 - 2002 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement c Page 2 of 2 http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region / records / births /dec02births /123102births.htm 12/31/2002 The Bryan- College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 N G Wri�6w'�vt+�&F�i�*id.�'�. "Mo 0 * Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe Co Region / State Region > Births Births Dec. 20, 2002: Brazos Valley Notebook December 31, 2002 Club Meetings Tiffany E. Green and Jonathan C. Williams, Bryan, a boy. College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list might Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Kristyn Foreman, Bryan, a girl; Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Lisa and Mark Nimocks, College Station, a boy; Site Sections Dec. 20, 2002: A &M News Agriculture Tiffany E. Green and Jonathan C. Williams, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business & Technology Dec. 21 , 2002: Classifieds Columnists Kristyn Foreman, Bryan, a girl; Community The Eagle Lisa and Mark Nimocks, College Station, a boy; Entertainment Faith & Values Nelda and Jimmie Gilbert, College Station, a girl. Food Health & Fitness Dec. 22, 2002: Kids Korner Lifestyles Laura and Kenneth Perkinson, Bryan, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Dec. 27, 2002: Opinions Politics Jessica and Glenn Cleere, Hearne, a boy; Region /State Schools Kristina and Ryan Lee, College Station, a boy; Sports Subscriptions Saudah Sinaga and Realino Hidajat, Bryan, a girl; Weather Lacey Bourque, College Station, a girl; Stephanie and James Czajkowski, Bremond, a girl. Dec. 29, 2002: Cori and Brian Herzog, Bryan, a boy; Jamie and Christopher Suel, College Station, a girl. http: / /www.theeagle.com/ region /records /births /decO2births /123102births.htm 12/31/2002