HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublicity Vol. 67 (Jul. 24, 2001 - Jan 10, 2002) The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 6 The .Nl Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid#01-82 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Residential Street Lighting Construction Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 7, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM, July 31, 2001 at City Hall, 110 Avenue, College Station, TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but attend highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo' address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 76 Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colleae-station.b These documents may also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w; informalities and irregularities. July 24, 2001 & July 31, 2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 7/24/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 6 Bid# 01-50 Hallaran Pool Renovation Filtration & Plastering Project The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 2, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of$20.00 at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM of shipped upon request, (979) 764-3555 or by e-mail to: ifinkes4,ci.colleae-stati Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colle2e-station.t) These documents may also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, • informalities and irregularities. July 17, 2001 & July 24, 2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid #01-83 Workers Compensation Insurance for the City of College Station The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 24, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City H. bids received after that time will be returned unopened. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 7/24/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 6 A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo- address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Cheryl K. Turney, CYA Purchasing Manager. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w-, informalities and irregularities. Please visit our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us for further information and other bids,tabulations and plan holder lists. 7/24/01 & 7/31/01 A REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid #01-84 Metering Current Transformers The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi • be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 7, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo. address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 76 Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.t? These documents may also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. July 24, 2001 & July 31, 2001 NOTICE http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 7/24/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 th, comi Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Region/State Reg ion>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 25, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Links not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Obituaries names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture July 23 Announcements Mia and Brian Blackburn, Caldwell, a boy.St. Joseph Regional Business&Technology Health Center Classifieds Columnists July 20 Community Sondra and Melvin Taylor, Bryan, a boy. The Eagle Entertainment July 21 Faith &Values Atiye Okay and Ertan Durmosoglu, College Station, a boy. Food Christina and Stephan Richardson, Bryan, a boy. Health& Fitness Kids Korner July 22 Lifestyles Darla and Walter Glover, Bryan, a girl. Newspapers in Education Martha Garcia, Bryan, a boy. Obituaries Michele and Aaron Fry, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The B! ran/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement y �- http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/J*uly0lbirths/07250lbirths.htm 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 the da le m Ut Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Region/State Region > Record > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 25, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Mary `Katie' Adams Datebook Government Links Nov. 26, 1926 — July 23, 2001 Links Obituaries Services for Mary "Katie" Adams, 74, of College Station are set Town Talk for 11 a.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Site Sections Station. The Rev. Bob Richers of First United Methodist Church in A&M News Bryan will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station City Agriculture Cemetery. Announcements Business&Technology Visitation will be from 10 to 11 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Classifieds Columnists Mrs. Adams died Monday at St. Joseph Rehabilitation Center. Community The Eagle She was born in Marion, Ohio. She was a homemaker and 50- Entertainment year member of the Eastern Star in Ohio, a former president of Faith&Values the O.P.M.A., and member of the Board of Education in Illinois. Food Health & Fitness She was preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth Adams. Kids Korner Lifestyles Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Steve and Bennie Newspapers in Adams of College Station; her daughters and son-in-law, Terri Education Obituaries Bostwick of College Station, Lisa and Bruce Bakke of Humble; Opinions three grandchildren; and numerous other stepgrandchildren and Politics stepgreat-grandchildren. Region/State Schools Memorials may be made to the charity of choice. Sports Subscriptions Eudora Sweeney Weather March 24, 1919 — July 22, 2001 Services for Eudora Sweeney, 82, of Bryan are set for 11 a.m. Thursday at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Bryan. The Rev. Craig Anderson will officiate. Burial will be in the New Hope Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday and 8 to 9 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home. hArc q\A/PPnPx/ rtiari qi inrinv nt ghannrnnrf I-lanith Garin http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/july0l obits/072501 obits.htm 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 l" ALL,... the&aglexom! Home j Classifieds Agiesports.com Subscribe Contact Region/State July 25, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Vigil in College Station to mark 250th Club Meetings College Town execution Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries The Brazos Valley Chapter of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Town Talk Death Penalty will have a vigil Wednesday to mark the execution Site Sections of Richard Kutzner, who is scheduled to be the 250th Texas A&M News inmate executed since the resumption of the death penalty in Agriculture 1982. Announcements Business&Technology The vigil will be from 5:30 to 6 p.m. at the corner of Texas Avenue Classifieds and Walton Drive in College Station. Local chapter leader Rich Columnists Woodward and state board members and local residents Cecelia Community Hawkins and Carole Johnson will answer questions during the The Eagle event. Entertainment Faith &Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/072501 executionvigil.htm 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 6 i ne EA'gle Classifieds___ Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 01-81 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Rock Prairie Road Realignment Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, • College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,August 8, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM, August 1, 2001 at City Hall, 11 Avenue, College Station, TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory,but attend highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of$25.00 at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM or shipped upon request, (979) 764-3555. Additional information is available on i website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . These documents may also be shipper registered vendors from www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 7-25-01 & 8-1-01 NOTICE R. M. Dudley Construction would like to invite you to bid with us on the http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 6 Marlin TYC Orientation Unit Renovations 07/31/01 at 2:00 pm. All interested subcontractors, vendors ; HUB's may contact us at 979-776-2135 (0); 979-776-2235 (F). 7-25-01 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos No. 4319 Notice is hereby given with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholi Beverasge code that Roadhouse Enterprises, Inc. has filed for a Mixed Be, Permit and Food and Beverage Certificate. Said business to be conducted the trade name of Texas Roadhouse - College Station. Locate of said busir be 1601 University Drive East, College Station, Brazos County, Tx 77840-: The officers of the incorporated business are: Steven Lee Ortiz President/ Sec/Dir. Witness my hand this the 24th day of July, 2001. Karen McQueen, • County Clerk Brazos County, Texas By: Sylvia Polansky, Deputy Clerk 7-25-01, 7-26-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a REZ for 4121 STATE HIGHWAY 6 SOUTH from A-P Administrative-Professio 1, General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday,AUGUS 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. • For additional information,please contact me at(979) 764-3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.htm1 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 6 ATTORNEYS FOR THE ESTATE OF John R. Andrus, DECEASED 7-25-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider ORDI REVISIONS affecting the PDD, Planned Development District, and to adopt; validation statement. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday,AUGUS 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mai hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information,please contact me at(979) 764-3570. • SABINE KUENZEL Senior Staff Planner 7-25-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to a variance for 2431 Pintail Loop. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, August 7, 20 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information,please contact me at(979) 764-3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 7-25-01 http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 6 of 6 Coventry Glen Realty Office located at 1003 University Drive in College Stati, Texas 77840 until 2:00pm on Thursday, August 16, 2001 for the furnishing of necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence, and labor for the construction of"A New Fire Station"for Brazos County Precinct 3 Volunteer. Department to be located on Elmo Weedon Road. Sealed proposals received b: time will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids must contain percent(5%)bid bond or cashier's check equal to or in excess for five percent the greatest amount bid. A 100%performance and payment bond will be requi. the successful bidder. Drawing, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained from Mr. Jerry 1V his Coventry Glen Realty office located at 1003 University Drive in College St general contractor without charge upon deposit of twenty-file dollars ($25.00) guarantee for the safe return of the drawings and specifications within ten(10) after receipt of bids. Checks are to be made payable to Brazos County Precinct Volunteer Fire Department. No bidder my withdraw his bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of t opening. 7/22/01, 7/25/01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to a variance for 4714 St Andrews Drive. Applicant is Aggieland Builders. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, August 7, 20 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mai hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at(979) 764-3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 7-25-01 c0 2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle • Privacv Statement http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 7/25/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 theea, 4�' I Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 25, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday and Links Wednesday. The list may not be complete because some parents Obituaries choose not to have their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News July 24, 2001: Agriculture Announcements Precious J. Smith and Dyran Thomas, Navasota, a girl. Business&Technology Classifieds St. Joseph Regional Health Center Columnists July 20, 2001: Community j The Eagle Tatanisha and Bobby Campbell, Bryan, a boy. Entertainment Faith &Values July 21, 2001: Food Health& Fitness Maria Benavides, Navasota, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles July 22, 2001: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Angel Wasson and Randy Jones, Bremond, a boy; Opinions Politics Maria Torres and Secudino Ventura, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools July 23, 2001: Sports Subscriptions Melody Lopez, Bryan, a boy. Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eaqle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/july0Ibirths/072601births.htm 7/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Community Page 1 of 2 t h e 'i 4L c, cribe to Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ` Subscribe Contact Community Community AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide July 26, 2001 Brazos Valley Living Business Directory Cities&Counties Cops & Lobsters funds rank College Crimestoppers station 3rd Emergency Organizations Eagle Staff Report Pet of the Week Reach Out The College Station Red Lobster restaurant was ranked third Senior Resource Book Thank you, Neighbor nationally for the amount of money it raised in the Cops & Lobsters program. Youth Lines Site Sections A&M News Cops & Lobsters is an annual fund-raiser in which law Agriculture enforcement officers act as celebrity servers at Red Lobster Announcements restaurants, earning tips to donate to the Special Olympics. Business&Technology Classifieds The College Station location raised $14,240. A restaurant in Columnists Valencia, Calif., placed first with $17,913; a restaurant in Coeur Community D'Alene, Idaho, placed second with $16,141. The Eagle Entertainment Faith&Values Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eaqle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/community/072601 copsandlobsters.htm 7/26/2001 i The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 1 of 2 a '`,j : the, P91,ex-* A biscribe to Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com ' Subscribe Contact Region/State July 26, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Buried motorcycle leads to fraud charge Club Meetings College Town College By HOLLY HUFFMAN DatebEagle Staff Writer Government Links Links The way authorities describe it, a buried motorcycle in a pit was Obituaries worth more than a bike in hand. Town Talk Site Sections And that's why Brian Gary Rok, 25, of College Station was A&M News arrested Tuesday and charged with insurance fraud and filing a Agriculture false report. Sheriff's deputies said that Rok admitted that he Announcements dismantled his motorcycle and buried it in a gravel pit. He was Business&Technology released from the Brazos County Jail on $6,500 bail. Classifieds Columnists Police said an informant told authorities on July 19 that Rok had Community buried the motorcycle because he was having financial problems The Eagle and could no longer afford the payments. Entertainment Faith&Values Rok confessed on July 20, court documents state. He told Food sheriff's officials that he had dismantled his motorcycle — keeping Health&Fitness the motor, handle bars, radiator and exhaust system — and Kids Korner buried the rest. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Rok had told sheriff's deputies in June 2000 that his 1999 Suzuki Obituaries motorcycle had been stolen from 7624 Deer Crossing in Brazos Opinions County, court documents state. He filed a claim with his insurance Politics company two days later. Region/State Schools He received a $931.12 check from Allstate County Mutual Sports Insurance Company on Aug. 8, court documents state. The Subscriptions insurance company then paid off the balance that he owed to Weather Harley Davidson Credit — $7,721.88. •Holly Huffman's e-mail address is hhuffmanCcDtheeagle.com. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eaqle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/072601 insurancefraud.htm 712612001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Ithedaglexom, q h i e todayl Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe ( Contact Region/State July 26, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Police search for daring bicycle thief Club Meetings College Town Datebook By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links One man's big adventure has left College Station police searching Obituaries for their missing bicycle after it was removed from the back of a Town Talk patrol car in the wee hours on Wednesday morning. Site Sections A&M News The bike — a $900 Trek Y3 mountain bike — was removed from Agriculture a College Station police car sometime between 1:15 and 1:30 Announcements a.m. in the 300 block of Patricia Street in Northgate. The bike was Business&Technology taken while an officer stood a short distance away talking to a Classifieds group of individuals. Columnists Community College Station police spokesman Dan Jones said this was the The Eagle first time a department bike has been stolen. Entertainment Faith&Values The bike is blue and red with a black Nite Hawk dual beam Food lighting system and a black bag with the word "POLICE" imprinted Health& Fitness in white lettering. Kids Korner Lifestyles Jones said it is likely the person or persons who took the bike Newspapers in have bragged about the theft. An Education 99 one with information about the Y Obituaries missing bike can call 764-3600 or 775-TIPS. Opinions Politics The person who stole the bike could be charged with theft of Region/State $500-$2,000, a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up Schools to $4,000 and a year in jail. Sports Subscriptions • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(cDtheeacrle.com. Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/072601policebikestolen.htm 7/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 1 of 2 �." '%, t hj we . _ ,,e r, f Vi mv,i !j ,!W09 �,Q 9&scribe todav! Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State August 1, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station closes smoking ban Club Meetings College Town loophole Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries The College Station City Council on Tuesday closed a loophole in Town Talk its smoking ordinance that some businesses used to allow Site Sections patrons to light up. A&M News Agriculture In a unanimous vote, , ] Announcements the council deleted Business&Technology Classifieds from the ordinance an exemption that 4 . Columnists p r Community allowed people who The Eagle rented a private large Entertainment room or hall the option to smoke. , Faith&Values p � Food Health& Fitness The exemption became an issue Kids Korner Lifestyles when Wolf Pen Bowl Eagle Photo/Butch Ireland Newspapers in owners Earnest and Martha and Ernest Camp, owners of Wolf Pen Education Martha Camp leased Bowl in College Station, are unhappy about the Obituaries their facility to the city's smoking ban that includes their Opinions Sons of Hermann last business. Politics weekend. Those who attended were allowed to smoke. The Region/State Camps also planned to lease the center to the same group on Schools Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. throughout the Sports league season. Subscriptions Weather Earnest Camp said he allowed patrons to smoke at the alley's bar, but warned them that the city could step in at any time. Despite his warning, Camp said, he believed Wolf Pen Bowl was in compliance with the ordinance because the Sons of Hermann were hosting a private event. He said guests were checked to ensure that only those associated with the group entered the bowling alley. "We thought we were within the law," Camp said. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/080101 smokingbanchangefolo.htm 8/l/2001 Q4%lNe w s from The Ci ty Of College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. Join the •,lice Acade s"xem#a -- - gaad Sc"d' The City of College"-ofttn September 4- • - - I 2001 The City of College Station Sanitation Division would like is currently accepting Tuesdays, I I I I to say"Thanks for being a good sort!"to the management applications for the and residents of Sterling University and.Walden Pond Applications available - �' position of: Apartments for their participation in a multi-family/ Department,For more information call apartment recycling pilot program. FORESTRY/HORTICULTURE WORKER Officer Janice Kemp at 764-3579. For more information on College Station Recycling This position is responsible for maintaining all Programs call 764-3690. aspects of the City's trees and landscaped public areas and irrigation systems. Applicant Looking For A Job? — me to the College Main Parking Garage must be able to lift heavy objects (50+ Ibs.), QI s Grand Opening& Ribbon Cutting work with a variety of outdoor power and College Station Human Resources! Saturday, August 25, 2001 hand tools,and have some knowledge of basic Online- 11:00 a.m. plants and trees. Must possess Texas driver's license. Tree climbing experience preferred, www.lockon-com/iobline/cstx.htm Please use the College Main Entrance but not required. On Television-Cable Channel 19 After the Grand Opening,walk to the Historic Northgate Salary: $9.41-$11.77/hr DOQ On the,lob Line-764-3704 Area for the Northgate Orientation Party!Refreshments, Deadline to apply: August 15, 2001 Or Call- 764-3517 Giveaways,Live Bands&more! Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department • • . . Master COMposter Training Course 1101 S.Texas Avenue {2?gistration•is now open for the cpityof College Station,Texas 77840 c6ollege station(neighborhood ceonference! WHO:Anyone interested in learning more about backyard Saturday,September 16,2001 composting. Fax: 979-764-3800 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Internet: www.lockon.com/iobline/cstx.htm ceonference ceenter(1300 c@eorge tBush Drive) WHAT:An intensive backyard composting course including L • Equal Opportunity Employer cJ;or more information about this exciting event,call lectures, slides, videos, demonstrations and field trips. the 31eighborhood Services Office at 764-6262, WHEN: September 19-20, 6:00-9:00 p.m.; September 22, send email to shill((,ci-college-station.tx.us or 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. (all class dates must be attended) .•/ register online at www.ci.college-station.tx.us. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : WHERE: Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan Working on a Merit Badge?Taking a COST: $15.00(Includes compost bin, T-shirt, instructional Civics or Government Class? Come materials and Saturday lunch.) to A City Council Meeting! Contact BVSWMA at 764-3806 to register. City Council Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in the ' IS SOMETHING BUGGING YOU? College Station Council Chambers in City Hall. Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; Meeting 7:00 p.m. �� It is time once again for everyone to get involved in mosQuito abatementl Call 764-3541 for more information. As in any populated area,the cooperation of residents is essential in mosquito abatdment as they have the ability to Call the Energy Department at control the conditions of the largest amount of area within the 764-3724 for details on community. $ummer $avings $olutions Citizen education and involvement are the keys to a a list of energy Saving tips that community-wide abaten*nt effort. can saveyou from For a copy of the guidelines on how to reduce and Lpe nding a bundle this $ummerl eliminate mosquitoes on your property,contact the Public Works Department at 764-3690. rAs OU004 ours�i� TEER COURT If RECRUITIIIG YOWIITEERS PCM 9110 HG-cm! College Station Teen Court is recruiting teens grades 7-12, to serve as volunteers-jurors,bailiffs,clerks and attorneys. e enter the hottest time of the yeRbeawarrle-, Teen Court meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of heat injuries and how to protect yourself and evenings of the month and determines the sentence for teens • your family. Enjoy your summer safely! who have committed their first minor offense. For further information contact the For more information,please call 764-3499 or visit to the College Station Fire Department at 764-3705. web site at www.ei.college-station.tx.us. Department.News from The City of College Station is brought to you monthly by the College Station Public Communications& Marketing The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 But the city viewed the action as an attempt by the Camps, who notified the city of their plans to rent out the facility last Friday, to circumvent the ordinance and allow smoking for league play. "There seems to be an effort to get around the ordinance by selective interpretation," councilman James Massey said. Council members also expressed concerns that children would not be prohibited from entering the center during the league play when they — and other nonsmokers —would be exposed to secondhand smoke. "In my view, the role of local government is to maintain the health and well-being of this community," Massey said. The Camps, who contend their business has lost more than $100,000 since the smoking ban went into effect last March, said their goal was to regain customers who stayed away because of the ban. "We were trying to accommodate all of our customers," Martha Camp said. This is the second time in the last two months the council has ruled against smoking in the bowling alley—which shares a building with the Wolf Pen Skate roller-skating rink. On May 24, the council denied a request by the Camps to let them build a smoking room with a separate ventilation inside Wolf Pen Bowl. Shortly after the May ruling, the Camps announced they would move the bowling center to Bryan, which has an exemption in its smoking ordinance that allows smoking — under special conditions — in bowling alleys and bingo halls. The Camps also own Triangle Bowl in Bryan, which is being equipped with a specially ventilated smokers' room. The Camps said Tuesday those plans were put on hold because they thought they had found a solution to their problems by renting out the center. He said they would begin exploring other options for the bowling center. 2000_,_2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/080101 smokingbanchangefolo.htm 8/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 1 of 2 I ., w aeU , s, �. ! /1 CX r .. odayl Nome Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State August 1, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station couple charged in drug Club Meetings College Town possesion Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries A College Station couple was arrested Monday and charged with Town Talk possession of more than a pound of marijuana. Site Sections A&M News Investigators with the Brazos Valley Narcotics Task Force Agriculture arrested Mandy Rae Kyle, 24, and her husband, Timothy William Announcements Kyle, 29, after executing a search warrant on their home in the Business&Technology 100 block of Ridge Way in College Station, court documents Classifieds state. Columnists Community Mandy and Timothy Kyle were both charged with possession of The Eagle four ounces to three pounds of marijuana. Timothy was also (W Entertainment charged with possession of one to four grams of a controlled Faith&Values substance. Food Health& Fitness Mandy Kyle was released from the Brazos County Jail on $9,000 Kids Korner bail. Timothy Kyle was released on $60,000 bail. Lifestyles Newspapers in In the home, investigators found a plastic bag containing about Education 1.26 pounds of marijuana, five pills of suspected Ecstasy and Obituaries several burnt marijuana cigarettes, court documents state. A 15- Opinions gram bag of marijuana was also found inside couple's Ford Politics Explorer. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 _The�College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/080101cscoupledrugarrest.htm 8/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 3 of 5 5isLer5, rwUzene Lew15 Ur uanas, aviary j. junnson, muL green, Betty J. Smith all of Bryan; 20 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren. Jack `Jackie' S. Honea Sept. 5, 1939 — July 28, 2001 SAN ANTONIO — Services for Jack "Jackie" S. Honea, 61, are set for 3 p.m. Monday at Porter Lorin North Chapel in San Antonio. Visitation will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday at Porter Loring Mortuary in San Antonio and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at McCauley Funeral Home in Franklin. Mr. Honea died Saturday after a long battle with cancer. He was born in Easterly and worked for 34 years at South Western Bell. He was an avid golfer, hunter and fisherman. He is survived by his wife Marie Honea; two daughters, Daina Dupler of San Antonio, and Lavon Holt of Parker, Colo.; a son, Steve Honea of San Antonio; his mother, Dona Honea of Franklin; one sister, Dorothy Dagen of Dallas; three brothers, Roy, Howard and Rufus Honea of Franklin; and four grandchildren. Thomas Kellogg Nelson May 17, 1911 — July 24, 2001 Services from Thomas Kellogg Nelson, 90, of College Station are set for 12:15 p.m. Sunday at St. Pauls United Methodist Church in College Station. The Rev. Lawrence Smith and the Rev. Gary Nelson will officiate. Burial will be in College Station City Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mr. Nelson was born in Eagle, N.Y., and graduated from Houghton College in Houghton, N.Y. He was the manager of the city waste management in East Aurora, N.Y. where he retired in 1967. He later worked for Fisher Price Toy Co. He was a Mason and past master for the Masonic Lodge in East Aurora, N.Y. He is survived by his wife, Emma Nelson of College Station; a son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Deborah Nelson of College Station; a daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Rodger Nelson of East Aurora, N.Y.; a sister Iola Eddy of Mt. Morris N.Y.; three grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/july0I obits/072901 obits.htm 8/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 v:. �� ,. ► aova ?j&_c�rribe .todav ... s �_P;ve .. Home ( Classifieds j Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 27, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections St. Joseph Regional Health Center A&M News July 23, 2001: Agriculture Announcements Regina and Joel Villalpando, Bryan, a boy; Business&Technology Classifieds Debi and Reo Ehrhardt, Bryan, a boy; Columnists Community Sherry and Wally Coronado, College Station, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Veronica and Billy Hoyt, Bryan, a boy. Faith&Values Food July 24, 2001: Health& Fitness Kids Korner Stacey and Paul Vincent, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Kathryn and Casey Faircloth, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries Opinions Michelle Duron, Bryan, a girl. Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 20 00, 2001 The-Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/july0l births/072701 births.htm 8/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 z I M th, ee�l ��Iscribe today! Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook July 28, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Links not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Obituaries names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture July 26, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology April West, Rockdale, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Annalyn and Brian Hall, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle aw Entertainment Faith&Values Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/july0l births/072801 births.htm 8/l/2001 Veterans ar namesBy CHRIS aPproved TOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer vets intent was to honor all Maintain a veteran theme, Airman, Ranger, Minuteman are protected by the military. veterans. choose names inclusive of all and Medic—were chosen for The "College Station as a rule conflicts, keep the names sim- the seven fields on the park's will be called American Pavil- There will be no reason for does not have names on its ath park's two pavilions veterans to rise up in arms letic fields. But it's not unusu- afte wars, people r battles. name es northA five f eld softball complex n a er over the names chosen for al for communities to do that The park's 13 soccer fields, that v be aligned ion and Texas Pavilion. facilities at Veterans Park. soft of thing," said Rick which are divided into sec g said the committee The College Station City Ploeger, assistant director of tions of six and seven, are Old Glory wit individual ties sorted trough more than 100 Council on Thursday night the College Station Parks & park's east side will be named potential names for the facili- approved names generic to all Recreation department. "The The six fields near the Honor, Courage, Loyalty, before settling on the grouped into a pair of themes. fields carrying the names final list. American wars and conflicts Veterans Memorial is set u for sports complexes and indi for veterans of all conflicts." named for the six branches of utesDuty of those who served b- „Ass very a Ron Silvia said p name Texas 30 entrance are Duty and Service se attri n he was very appreciative. vidual soccer and softball The committee — com the military, in the order they the military. fields. prised of parks & recreation were established — Arm a veteran, k said, I The city's Facility Name board members, the Veterans Navy, Marine Corps, Coast adjacent to Old Glory will be really want to thank the com- Selection Committee chose Memorial committee and Guard, Merchant Marine and named mthel Eagle complex mittee for the job they did." names that would not date or parks&recreation staff mem- Air Force. Construction break crews are link the fields and pavilions bers—chose names with fourindividual Complex, expected to break ground on Historic names used in bat- named tDemocacy, Freedom, ■eChristopher errell this 'ss e-mail to any specific war. The coup- basic principles in mind: tle — Soldier, Sailor, Patriot, Liberty and Peace—ideas that address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 7 Eagle Classifie,ds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 01-81 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Rock Prairie Road Realignment Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 8, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hal bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM, August 1, 2001 at City Hall, 11 Avenue, College Station, TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but attend highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of$25.00 at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM or shipped upon request, (979) 764-3555. Additional information is available on website at www.ci.college—station.tx.us . These documents may also be shipper registered vendors from www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 7-25-01 & 8-1-01 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 01-87 http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 7 Crushed Stone The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 15, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City H. bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo. address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764 Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.ta These documents may also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 8-1-01, 8-8-01 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos No. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code that Little Skyneck, Inc. has filed for a Mixed Bi Permit and Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit. Said business to be condt under the trade name of Hurricane Harry's. Locate of said business to be College Ave, College Station, TX 77840, Brazos County, Texas. The officers of the incorporated business are: Gary Michael Seaback, President/Sec. Witness my hand this the 27th day of July, 2001. Karen McQueen, County Clerk Brazos County, Texas By/s/Flo Workman Deputy Clerk FLORA WORKMAN 8-1-01, 8-2-01 NOTICE http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 3 111ML Egg Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 01-86 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise 100 Ton Truck Scale Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic Rentals received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 16, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City H; bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo- address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764 Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.t) These documents may also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 8-2-01, 8-9-01 NOTICE State of Texas County of Brazos No. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code that Little Skyneck, Inc. has filed for a Mixed Bi http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/2/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 theaqj" ex Stscribe , Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 2, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Wednesday. The Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Obituaries have their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture July 31, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Wendy and Randall Peters, Navasota, a boy. Classifieds Columnists July 26, 2001: Community The Eagle April West, Rockdale, a girl; Entertainment Faith&Values Annalyn and Brian Hall, College Station, a girl. Food Health& Fitness St. Joseph Regional Health Center Kids Korner Lifestyles July 27, 2001: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Keith and Rosalind Burns, Bryan, a boy. Opinions Politics July 29, 2001: Region/State Schools Sabrina and Michael Tubbs, Bryan, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0l births/080201 births.htm 8/2/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 It - todmL Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 3, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Thursday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture August 1, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Jenni and Eric Kelley, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Jennifer and Darrell Marek, Lincoln, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith&Values July 28, 2001: Food Health& Fitness Shayla Few, Hearne, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles July 30, 2001: Newspapers in Education Obituaries Crystal and Winston Woolverton, Rockdale, a girl; Opinions Politics Norma and Johnny Jacques, College Station, a girl; Region/State Schools Lindsey and Steven Broussard, North Zulch, a boy; Sports Subscriptions Alisa and Mike Rose, Gause, a boy; Weather Christine and Mark Cervenka, Bryan, a boy; Jackie and Douglas Moore, Plantersville, a girl. July 31, 2001: Elvira Cadena, Bryan, a boy; Amy and Ricardo Hernandez, Navasota, a boy. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0I births/080301 births.htm 8/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 �ELCribe t ltheeaglexom, Home Classifieds E Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 4, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Friday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture August 2, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Susan and Kevin O'Neill, Bryan, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Kellie and Bo Zboril, Caldwell, a girl; Community The Eagle Pamela Strickland, College Sation, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health&Fitness July 31, 2001: Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Karrisa and Gary Davis, Bryan, a girl; Education Obituaries Meisha and Ray Lee Whitley Jr., Navasota, a girl. Opinions Politics July 29, 2001: Region/State Schools Amy and Jeff Plotts, Bryan, a boy. Sports Subscriptions July 30, 2001: Weather Celina and Jesse Carrasco, College Station, a boy. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagie.com/region/records/births/augustO I births/080401 births.htm 8/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ft the&aglewcom &scribe t i Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Reg ion>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 7, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture August 3 Announcements Business&Technology Diane and Johnny Moore, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists August 4 Community The Eagle Patricia and Dean Mushinski, Bryan, a boy. CW Entertainment Faith&Values Shenoa and William Flack, Bryan, a girl. Food Health&Fitness August 5 Kids Korner Lifestyles Melissa and J.R. Hurt, Cameron, a girl. Newspapers in Education Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Opinions Politics July 31 Region/State Schools Tomasa and Alejandro Reyes, Bryan, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Miroslava and Juan Ojeda, Bryan, twin girls. Weather August 1 Melisa Zavala, Bryan, a girl. Erica Luna and Deshawn Johnson, College Station, a boy. Rachel and Scott Goble, College Station, a girl. April Zgabay and Michael Barnes, Bryan, a boy. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/augustOI births/080701 births.htm 8/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 3 of 6 suns dIIU uauynReis-in-iaw, UdVIU v. anu Oneny LUiiy Ui aay Uny, Texas, Kenneth E. and Theresa Long of Dallas and Jerry W. and Donna Long of Flower Mound, Texas; a brother and sister-in-law, Clarence and Cleo Fischer of Houston; three sisters and a brother-in-law, Gertrude Witte of Mesquite, Texas, Mamie Evans of Austin and Mary Ann and Jimmie Hefner of Kingsland, Texas; a sister-in-law, Clara Fischer of Seguin, Texas; and seven grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 Rio Grande, College Station, Texas 77845, or Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 East 29th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803. Danny Lee Feldman July 14, 1944 —Aug. 4, 2001 Services for Danny Lee Feldman, 57, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in College Station. The Rev. Michael Hafer of Holy Cross Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. Mr. Feldman died Saturday at his home. He was born in Bryan and was a longtime resident of College Station. He was manager of the Brookshire Brothers store in Hearne and previously managed stores for Safeway and Apple Tree in the Bryan-College Station area. He played baseball and football at A&M Consolidated High School and received a bachelor's degree in Marketing from Texas A&M University in 1966. He was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Survivors include his wife, Sally Feldman of College Station; a son , David Feldman of Houston; a daughter and son-in-law, Dana and Scott Briers of Conroe; his mother, Lydia Feldman of College Station; a brother and sister-in-law, Edgar and Susie Feldman of College Station; five brothers-in-law and eight sisters- in-law, Buck and Jean Ross and Nell Summerlin, all of Victoria, Texas, Bob and Ann Ross of Navasota, J.D. and Lorraine Ross of East Bernard, Texas, Mickey and Doc Gandy of Brownswood, Texas, Patsy and D.P. Sargeant of Sherman, Texas, Helen Kennon of Houston and Sue Flato of Corpus Christi. Memorials may be made to the Holy Cross Lutheran Church Building Fund or to Hospice Brazos Valley. Twyla Cherree Ray http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/august01/080601 obits.htm 8/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 WaR 0 theeagf1exom, Nome ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com f Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State August 7, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station residents give input Club Meetings College Town about police Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries About a dozen people gathered Monday at the College Station Town Talk Conference Center to voice approval and concerns with the Site Sections College Station Police Department as it prepares for re- A&M News accreditation. Agriculture Announcements Police spokesman Lt. Dan Jones said the meeting was designed Business&Technology to draw comments about the agency's ability to comply with the Classifieds standards set by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Columnists Enforcement Agencies. Community • The Eagle A team of three assessors heard mainly positive comments about Entertainment the police officers and their interaction with the schools and Faith&Values community. Food Health&Fitness Negative comments included discontent with the city's municipal Kids Korner court system and city garbage trucks leaving debris on Rock Lifestyles Prairie Road. One man said he did not approve of where College Newspapers in Station motorcycle officers were pulling over drivers. The man Education Obituaries said the officers were making the traffic stops in front of schools. Opinions Politics The meeting was part of an assessment to determine if the Region/State department will be re-accredited. The process, which is repeated Schools every three years, is voluntary and requires the department Sports comply with 307 mandatory standards and 75 non-mandatory Subscriptions standards. The department was originally accredited in 1991. Weather ©2000 2001 The Brvan_/College Station_Eagle Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/080701 cspoliceinput.htm 8/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 1 of 2 „ 'PUB thee fle.collf, Home ( Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Schools August 7, 2001 Calendar Lunch Menus CS school board to discuss finances Links School Board Contacts Students of the Week By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Site Sections Eagle Staff Writer A&M News The College Station school board has called a special meeting for Agriculture Wednesday to decide how the district will comply with the state's Announcements Robin Hood school finance plan. Business&Technology Classifieds The meeting is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. at the Central Columnists Administration Building, 1812 Welsh Ave. Community The Eagle Entertainment District officials were notified earlier this summer that College Faith&Values Station would be classified as a "giver" this year under the state's Food school finance plan. The district's appraised wealth per-pupil Health& Fitness exceeds the state limit of $300,000. College Station's wealth per • Kids Korner student is $301,546. Lifestyles Newspapers in Trustees will have five options from which to choose to meet the Education state's recapture requirements: Consolidate with another district, Obituaries detach property, purchase attendance credits from the state, Opinions contract to send money to a partner district or consolidate tax Politics bases with another district. Region/State Schools The last three options would require voter approval. Sports Subscriptions To date, no district in the state has chosen an option other than Weather purchasing attendance credits or partnering with another district to comply with Robin Hood. School board members have strongly hinted that the district might decide to purchase attendance credits from the state, but would also leave the door open to partner with the Bryan school district in the future. Should the district opt to purchase attendance credits, College Station would send about $120,000 to the state. The district would need voter approval of that option and the board is • expected to set the date for Sept. 22. State law requires that the election be held before Oct. 6. District officials have talked with Bryan school trustees about f^rm;"r4 n r»r+r-.crchin +kn+ %u^111A 1111^%Ai ref r'^11oi4o C4�4inn'o http://www.theeagle.com/schools/080701 csrobinhood.htm 8/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 2 of 2 I VI I I III ly a Nai a ici ai nN a iaL vvvuiu auvvv wi i is vI vvncyc vnauvi 1 a excess wealth to go to Bryan. However, officials decided not to pursue the option this year because of the amount of work required and relatively small financial gain for Bryan. Early estimates show that Bryan would only receive about $3,000 next year. The two districts may re- evaluate the partnership next year, when the total could reach more than $40,000, depending on appraised tax values. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(cDtheeaole.com. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/schools/080701 csrobinhood.htm 8/7/2001 College Station City Council Meetings Thursday, August 9, 2001 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Workshop Meeting 1. Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 2. Presentation, discussion and possible action on a report and recommendations from Dean International, Inc. regarding airport/air transportation needs of College Station. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the City of College Station 2001-2002 Proposed Budget. 4. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the UDC project process and timeline. 5.Council Calendars 6. Hear Visitors (5:45 p.m.) 7. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. Cons:;Itation with Attorney, Real Estate,Economic Incentive Negotiations and Personnel. 8. Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. Regular Meeting 9. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider request for absence from meeting. Consent Agenda - discussion and possible action on the following items: 10.1 Minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting July 26, 2001 and special meeting July 31,2001. 10.2 Calling a public hearing on the City of College Station 2001-2002 Proposed Budget for August 23, 2001. 10.3 An ordinance amending Chapter 1, Section 29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, regarding rules and regulations for the municipal cemetery. 10.4 An ordinance amending Chapter 1, Section 23 of the College Station Code of Ordinance regarding Historic Preservation Committee and ratification of appointment of Chairman Bill Lancaster. 10.5 Change Order No. 5 to a construction contract with Elliott Construction, Inc. for the Northgate Sewer Project, Project No. SS- 9804, reducing the contract amount by$168,631.65. 10.6 A Right-of Way agreement making Wilshire Court a public street. 10.7 An ordinance amending the City of College Station Code of 11.7 An "ordinance providing for the issuance of$3,650,000 City of Ordinances to provide a process whereby a charitable non-profit College Station,Texas Certificates of Obligation, Series 2001;and corporation may request approval to establish a cemetery, crematory or ordaining other matters relating to the subject,including immediate mausoleum within the City of College Station. effectiveness." Regular Agenda discussion and possible action on the following 11.8 An "ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of College Station,Texas, General Obligation Improvements Bonds, Series 2001, in items: the aggregate principal amount of$4,140,000; prescribing the form of 11.1 Public hearing on an ordinance rezoning 2.497 acres out of the said bonds; providing for the security for an payment of said bonds; Robert Stevenson Survey League A-54 located at 4121 State Highway awardingthe sale thereof; approving pproving the official statement; enacting 6 South from C-3 Planned Commercial and A-P Administrative other provisions relating to the subject, including immediate Professional to C-1 General Commercial. effectiveness." 11.2 Public hearing on three ordinance amendments affecting the 11.9 An "ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of $23,500,000 Planned Development District(PDD)to reinstate PDD regulations,to City of College Station,Texas Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series validate PDD's that were approved this year and establishing a Planned 2001; awarding the sale of the bonds; approving the official statement; Development District policy. and all other matters related thereto, including immediate effectiveness." 11.3 Public Hearing on an ordinance amending the City of College 11.10 The first reading of a proposed five year franchise agreement Station 2000-2001 Budget by $8,519,760 in various funds. renewal with Mitchell Gas Services L.P. to gather, collect, receive, 11.4 The Community Development Division's proposed Fiscal Year transport for collection and store oil, gas, or other fluids used or 2001-02 Action Plan and related Annual Budget. Authorization for produced in connection with oil and gas operations in and around continued expenditure of estimated remaining balances and College Station. authorization for the City Manager to execute necessary documents for 11.11 Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. submission of the Action Plan and Budget to the U.S. Department of 12, The City Council may convene the executive session following the Housing and Urban Development. regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session 11.5 An ordinance amending Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", Section 4G", agenda for 08/9/2001. "Northgate City Facility Parking Fees",of the Code of Ordinances of the 13. Final action on executive session, if necessary. City of College Station,Texas by amending certain sections as set out 14. Adjourn. below; providing a severability clause; declaring a penalty; and providing an effective date. 11.6 A resolution establishing the sale prices of cemetery spaces in the College Station municipal cemetery. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 FIC/, it,hedimi,1116i,C ". vEj 770 �4 MM -- scribe today! Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 8, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Tuesday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture August 6, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Stacy and Tim Spreen, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Coty and Mark Prazak, Rockdale, a boy; Community The Eagle Abigail and Francisco Ruiz, Bryan, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health&Fitness August 3, 2001: Kids Korner Lifestyles Margaret Thurmon, Bryan, a girl;❑Evelyn and Travis McClellan, Newspapers in Education College Station, a boy. Obituaries Opinions August 4, 2001: Politics Region/State Maria and Jose Lopez, College Station, a girl;[]Rose Mary Schools Martinez, Caldwell, a boy. Sports Subscriptions August 5, 2001: Weather Lenora and Joe Henry, Cameron, a boy; Maria Guadalupe and Jose Lopez, Bryan, a girl; Gloria and Efrain Rodriguez, Anderson, a girl. 2000 2001 The_B an/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/recordsibirths/august0 l births/080801 births.htm 8/8/2001 The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the • position of. FORESTRY/H ORTICULTURE WORKER This position is responsible for maintaining all aspects of the City's trees and landscaped public areas and irrigation systems. q must be able to lift heavy + lb ant objects (50 Ib work with a varletoor s.), Power an hand tools,and havesome knowledge of basicd plants and trees. Must possess Texas driver's license. Tree climbing experience preferred, but not required. Salary: $9.41-$11.77/hr DOQ Deadline to apply: August 15, 2001 Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: wwwdockon.comobline/cstx.h m Equal Opportunity Employer The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 8 The Eagie Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 01-87 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Crushed Stone Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic Rentals received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, August 15, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City H; bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo- address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764 Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.t) These documents may also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.demandstar.com The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 8-1-01, 8-8-01 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTA H. ELDRED PRYOR,JR., DECEASED Pursuant to Texas Probate Code, §294, notice is hereby given that original Lets Testamentary for the Estate of H. Eldred Pryor, Jr., Deceased were issued on A http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 8/8/2001 The City of College Station The City of College Station's is currently accepting Public Utilities Department applications for the is currently accepting ® position of. applications for a: FORESTRY/HORTICULTURE WORKER UTILITY DISPATCH OPERATOR This position is responsible for maintaining all i ! This position would act as a centralized controlled � aspects of the City's trees and landscaped � contact point for field crews,whereby information public areas and irrigation systems. Applicant can be coordinated and appropriately addressed. Performs routine and or emergency tasks to insure trical energy must be able to lift heavy objects (50+ Ibs.), I continuous and reliable Supply work with a variety e outdoor water supply,and/or other Cirelated of cservices. The Power and Utility Dispatch center operates 24 hours/7 days a hand tools,and have some knowledge of basic week. This position requires personnel to work 8 plants and trees. Must possess Texas driver's hour shifts. Must have good communication skills license. Tree climbing experience preferred, and customer service skills. Computer skills are but not required. re uired. Knowled e of the utility q g Salary: dispatch centers preferred. industry and $9.41-$11.77/hr DOQ Deadline to apply: August 15, 2001 Salary: $12.41/hr Apply at: Deadline to apply: August 13,2001 City of College Station Apply at. City of College Station Human Resources Department Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 � Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: www.lockon.com/obline/cstx.htm ( Internet: www.lockon.com/'obline%s x.htm Equal Opportunity Employer Opportunity Employer Equal O y q C 4 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thua&i9le.com Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 9, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Wednesday. The Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Obituaries have their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture August 7, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Sally and Lee Fazzino, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle August 5, 2001: Entertainment Faith&Values Carrie and James Williams, College Station, a boy. Food Health&Fitness August 6, 2001: Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Zelene Vazquez, Bryan, a boy. Education Obituaries July 30, 2001: Opinions Politics Deanna Swoboda, College Station, a boy. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station-Eagle Privacy__Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/augustOI births/080901 births.htm 8/13/2001 CS to weigh Council cemetery bilIFthF7ercainy byA D!c. 1. The lawmakers' bill was Change needed to build specifically tailored to accom- modate Aggie Field of Honor Aggie Field of Honor Inc., but other nonprofit groups could also apply during By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL that time to build new ceme- Eagle Staff Writer teries. However, no other known group has expressed a desire to do so. The College Station City Council on Thurs- College Station Mayor Lynn day will consider a measure to pave the way McIlhaney said there are for construction of the Aggie Field of Honor many Aggies who may choose cemetery. to have their burial sites close For the cemetery to become a reality, the to the university. council must ratify a bill approved in the last legislative session that would allow the non— ,[Aggie Field of Honor Inc.] municipal cemetery. profit Aggie Field of Honor Inc. to develop a had contacted us and asked Standard spots currently cemetery for former students and faculty and whether or not we could work sell for $400, but that price their spouses in College Station. to get this here," McIlhaney could be raised to help offset The bill, authored by state Rep. Fred Brown, "Having rising costs. City staff has rec- R-College Station, and sponsored in the Senate ommended the price be by Steve Ogden,R-Bryan,amended a section of Texas A&M as part of our increased to $600, while the the state's Health and Safety Code that pre city's cemetery committee is community, vents the building of a cemetery within certain there are a lot suggesting a price of$500. distances of"a city with a population of at least of people that Both the city staff and ceme- � 60,000 in a county of no more than 155,000.„ would consid tery committee are recom If approved by the City Council, the legisla er coming mending the price for newly tion temporarily opens a window for cemeter back here." McIL HA NE Y established cremation spaces ies to be built in College Station. Would-be The ceme- Y be $250. tery would operators would have to submit applications to There are no plans to raise have no actual ties to Texas infant spaces from the current See COUNCIL, Page All A&M University. price of$100. REQUEST FOR BIDS The council will consider another proposal that could N Christopher Ferrell's e-mail Bid#01-85 lead to raised prices for burial spaces in the College Station address is cferrell@theeagle.com. Three Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: city of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall -- 1101 Texas Avenue, REQUEST FOR BIDS College Station,Texas 77840 Bid#01-86 until 2:00 PM,August 29, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time 100 Ton Truck Scale will be returned unopened. The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Location and Description of Project above referenced item.Bids will be received at: The project involves site clearing,paving,grading,dem- olition, removal of equipment and materials, construc- tion of a three million gallon composite elevated storage Purchasing Services Division tank and the demolition of an existing one million gallon City Hall steel tank. 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,August 16,2001 at the utility Service Center Meeting and Train- until 2:00 PM,August 16, 2001,at which time bids will ing Room, 1601 Graham Road,College Station,Texas. be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time This meeting is not mandatory,but attendance is highly will be returned unopened. encouraged. I A complete set of specifications and bidding documents A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - can be purchased by check,cash or money order in the I 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request,(979)764-3555. amount of $50.00 from the above address, Mon-Fri, Additional information is available on our website at 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM or can be shipped upon request, www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us .These documents may al- (979) 764-3555. The fee is non-refundable. Additional so be downloaded by registered vendors at www. e- information is available on our website at www.ci.col- mandstar.com lege-station.tx us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. ties. August 9,2001 &August 16,2001 8-2-01,8-9-01 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 .:, 0 L .. . 9Tb_ rribe. I Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ( Subscribe Contact t Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 10, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Thrusday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections College Station Medical Center A&M News Agriculture August 3, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Sandy Talamantes and Brandon Maynard, Chappell Hill, a girl. Classifieds Columnists August 8, 2001: Community The Eagle Diana and John Toliver, Bryan, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health& Fitness August 6, 2001: Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Brandie Watson, Navasota, a boy; Education Obituaries Joan and David Wolf, College Station, a boy; Opinions Politics Bertha Arguello, Caldwell, a boy. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 20 00, 2001 Theban/College Station Eagle Privac�Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0I births/0 8 100 1 births.htm 8/13/2001 P Council But Mariott said that is hav- a kin rates anger ing a show the garage is usi- ing a negative impact on busi- nesses, the prices could be re- From Al evaluated. Northgate vendors - "At some point in time if we $200 per semester and$500 per are charging too much and the yew' market doesn't pay for it,then The round-the-clock con we will come back and look at Council approves tract parking spots will be sold it," he said. GaraS ge rates for $640 per semester and fees for new garage $1,600 annually. There will be In other action Thursday The City Council approved rates 400 daytime lease spots and night the council: ■Reallocated$8.5 million in By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL for the Northgate Parking Garage. Writer The 150 24/7 reserved spots. 9 y parking Eagle Stafffunds for the 2000-01 fiscal contract a will have hour) Charles Cryan, College Sta and contract parking. budget. tion's director of fiscal servic The College Station City Hourly rates: es, said the city could also ■Raised the price of funeral Council on Thursday set rates 6 a.m.-7p.m. 50 cents/hour charge up to $25 per spot for spots in the College Station for the new Northgate Park- 7 p.m.-2 a.m. $1.50/hour special event parking. But in Municipal Cemetery from$400 ing Garage, angering a num- (Sunday 7 a.m.-2 p.m.is free) reality' he said, the sots to$600. The council also estab- ber of the area's merchants p lished prices for the newly Special events: would probably go for $8 to added cremation spots at$250. who stormed out of City Hall, Up to$25 per event,usually$8 to $10, depending on the event. Infant burial sights will stay complaining that the prices $10 per event All of the merchants in at$100. were too high. attendance said those rates Six would hurt business North ate business Contract parking: ■ Approved the community g . owners told the council that Daytime: $55/month development division's $4.82 (weekdays only) $200/semester "The city is proud to list all million budget for the 2001-02 the garages parking rates, $500/year the new restaurant openings, fiscal year. The budget had to coupled with the elimination but fails to mention those be completed by Aug. 16 so the of free parking in the area, 24-Hour: $640/semester which have closed down — i city could complete its appli- would hurt sales and possibly (with weekends) $1,600/year which is probably what will cation for federal funding. force some merchants out of happen to Texadelphia very ■ Approved an ordinance business once the garage Eagle graphic soon," said Willie Madden, the change allowing the nonprofit opens Aug. 25. Sundays from 7 a.m. until 2 restaurant's owner. "North- Aggie Field of Honor Inc. to Their main point of con- p.m. to accommodate North- gate was a whole lot better off apply to build a privately run tention was the evening park- gate's church-goers. before the city came in and cemetery. ingrate,which the council set The city will also sell day- spent a bunch of the taxpay- at $1.50 per hour. Evening time contract parking and ers' money than it is today." hours will run from 7 p.m. "24/7" reserved spots. Madden said his business is until 2 a.m. The daytime spots, which down more than 50 percent After 2 a.m., the rate will will be reserved on weekdays from this time last year and drop to 50 cents per hour, from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m., will the only change in the area where they will stay until 7 be leased for $55 per month, has been the elimination of p.m. the next evening. Park- most free parking spots. ing in the garage is free on See COUNCIL, Page A5 Robert Forrest, who owns Sarge's military surplus store, said he welcomes the parking garage, but complained that the rates are higher than what people pay for parking in major cities around the state, including Dallas, Houston and Austin. "We could stagnate North- gate," Forrest said. "North- gate is in stagnation right now because of construction. Soon — in just a few months — the construction will be over and hopefully we'll start to recov- er." But if parking prices are too high,he said,the area may not be able to rebound. Councilman Larry Mariott defended the parking rates, saying the city has studied the situation and believes the prices are not too high. "We have an expert who has told us what they think we • should charge for these park- ing spaces," Mariott said. "It's been our intent that we would try to pay for the parking garage through these revenue sources — on how much we would charge through these parking spots." CS projects7 could b tax increase ., By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer "If we are going to have College Station's proposed admirable services in budget for the upcoming fis- the future we have to cal year calls for a $17.5 mil raise taxes.We can't rely lion decrease in spending from the current year, but a so heavily on sales tax" few capital projects and addi- tional operating costs could LYNN MCILHANEY find their way into the final College Station mayor version, adding several mil- lion to the total. Budget manager Jeff Ker- would raise the tax bill on a sten briefed the City Council $100,000 home to $477.80. on Thursday on the proposed The projects were approved 2001-02 budget. It calls for Col- by residents through the 1998 lege Station's tax rate of 42.93 bond authorization. Kersten cents per$100 property valua- said he would expect some, tion to stay the same, mean- but not all, of the projects to ing the tax bill on a $100,000 be added. home would remain at "For less than a dollar a $429.30. week you get better trans- However, the council must portation and Veterans decide if it wants to spend an Park," said council member additional $9 million on four Dennis Maloney. "That's road expansion projects and cheaper than cable TV and increase maintenance and more fun." operation costs by adding Mayor Lynn McIlhaney employees and equipment for said that only 17 cents of the Veterans Park and Fire Sta- current tax rate goes toward tion No.5.Both are among the city services such as police capital projects proposed in and fire protection. She said the budget. that taxes are probably going If all additions are to have to increase for the city approved, the tax rate could to maintain its level of servic- rise to as much as 47.78 cents per $100 valuation. That See PROJECTS, Page AS Projects tax revenue due mainly to new also included in the 2001-02 value added to the tax base budget, includinggive input S Aug.'23. s and increased a $3.5 million College Station's charter appraisals. for the conference center that calls for the budget to be Property taxes are expected will be built in conjunction adopted by Sept. 27. L From Al to make up 14 percent of gen- with a hotel. An additional The council is expected to es. eral fund revenues. The gener- $1.1 million will be spent on approve al fund is used to pay for city infrastructure associated with 27State law r quiresit oebe "If we are going to have services such as police and the conference center project. approved by Sept. 30. admirable services in the fire protection. The city has also earmarked Citizens' budgets, which are future we have to raise taxes," Sales tax would make up 43 $1.3 million for the first phase a condensed version of the she said. "We can't rely so percent of the general fund of Veterans Park and $675,000 entire document, are available heavily on sales tax." and return investments from fora pedestr gatela ea.an walkwayin at City Hall for anyone inter Of the total budget, $119 mil- utilities would account for 21 the North lion would be earmarked for percent. ested. Copies of the proposed maintenance and operation The city expects to receive employees would be 1 hired at City Hall and budget are abthef College costs, a 12 percent increase $30.7 million in general fund under the proposed budget, Station library. The entire over 2000-01. More than $35 revenue, with expenditures bringing the total number of document will also be posted Million would be used for cap- totaling $31.9 million. The city employees to 795. _ Web site ital projects — a 46 percent extra money would come from The city will have three www ci.college-s at on tx.us decrease over the previous the existing general fund bal- workshop sessions before the —by next week. budget. ance. . College Station is expecting Funding for a number of Sept council13. There will al o udgon a ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail a 7.5 percent increase in total prominent capitol projects is public hearing for residents to address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 th e60 LW 4" Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 11, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Government Links Area hospitals reported the following births on Friday. The list Links may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Obituaries their names printed. Town Talk Site Sections St. Joseph Regional Health Center A&M News Agriculture August 6, 2001: Announcements Business&Technology Katie and Kade Thompson, Wheelock, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Stephanie and Mark Eslick, College Station, a boy. Community The Eagle August 8, 2001: Entertainment Faith&Values Hope and Titus Speikes, Bryan, a boy; Food Health&Fitness Nohemi and Arturo Hinojosa, Navasota, a girl; Kids Korner Lifestyles Melanie and Darny Scott, Caldwell, a boy. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0 I births/081101 births.htm 8/13/2001 • • Ratmg semces Rating raise CS bonds From A7 He said the enhancement will allow the city to provide more with bond money, Upgrade to lower interest rates because the amount it has to By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL minus sign after the letter reflects pay back will not be as high. Eagle Staff Writer the standing within the classifica- Over the life of a 20-year bond, even a few points in an tion. College Station's bond ratings are College Station's rating falls in interest rate can make a sig- being upgraded by a pair of rating the company's second highest cate- aid. t difference.,' Cryan s services, meaning the city will be gory. said. "Its like if you buy a car able to get lower interest rates on Moody's increased College Sta- or a house. If you can get a its debt issuance. tion's rating from Al to Aa3. The lower payment, you can buy a little bit better car or house." Standard & Poor's and Moody's Aa rating is Moody's second high- Rating agencies monitor all Investment Service both informed est and signifies that the city is a facets of a city that can affect the city last week that its rating had strong investment for bond hold- its long and short term finan- been elevated. ers. cial well-being, including Standard & Poor's improved Col- Charles Cryan, College Station's economy, debt, financial his- lege Station's rating from A+to AA-. director of fiscal services, said the tory and policies. The AA rating means the city has a improved bond rating is a testa- If a city makes a strong very strong capacity to meet its ment to the work the mayor, City showing in all indicators, its financial commitments.An A desig- Council and city staff have done. rating can be upgraded. nation means the city has a "strong" rating. The plus and See RATING, Page A9 Institute honors council members College Station City Council members Dennis Maloney and Ron Silvia have each been pre- sented with certificates of achievement by the Texas Municipal League Institute—an association of more than 1,000 cities from around the state. The two council members earned the honors by complet- ing 54 continuing education units within the past year. Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney and council member Ann Hazen were presented with certifi- cates of recognition by TMLI for completing 42 hours of contin- uing education units. Only 42 certificates of achievement and 28 certifi- cates of recognition were earned statewide. The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 "AR 2•-. f A lb • fed': Home Classifieds j Aggiesports.com E Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State August 11, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Northgate bar owner outraged by City Club Meetings College Town Council Datebook Government Links By HOLLY HUFFMAN Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The owner of several of Northgate's most popular bars said Site Sections Friday that the College Station City Council is trying to "slit my A&M News throat" by setting unduly high rates for the city's new parking Agriculture garage. Announcements Business&Technology "The city has a strange attitude about trying to make businesses Classifieds flourish," said Don Ganter, who operates the Dixie Chicken and Columnists other establishments. Community The Eagle Ganter's comments forcefully echoed the sentiment of a half- Entertainment dozen other Northgate business owners who walked out of Faith&Values Thursday's council meeting after the new rates were approved. Food Health& Fitness Council members defended the new rates as reasonable, saying Kids Korner they were recommended by an expert and are necessary to pay Lifestyles for the new garage. Newspapers in Education Ganter—who also owns the Dry Bean Saloon, Shadow Canyon Obituaries and the Hole in the Wall —speculated that the city government Opinions might be trying to rid Northgate of small merchants to attract more Politics Region/State upscale businesses. Schoolsports "The Northgate area has always been sort of a Wal-Mart for lower Subscriptions cost clothing items, jewelry, books, drinking establishments," Weather Ganter said. "It's kind of a low-end cheapy place to go and right now we're faced with the only paid parking lot in town. "You don't pay when you go to Post Oak Mall and you don't pay when you go to any other place in town. Maybe they're trying to run people out. I don't know what's going to happen — it's pretty scary." Other Northgate merchants say their businesses already have been hurt by the elimination of most free parking in the area, and they complained that the night rate at the new garage is too high. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/081101barownermadatcouncil.htm 8/13/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Under the fee schedule approved by council, a parking spot would cost $1.50 per hour from 7 p.m. until 2 a.m. From 2 a.m. to 7 p.m., the cost drops to 50 cents per hour. Parking will be free on Sundays from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. to accommodate those who attend Northgate churches. The city will also sell daytime contract parking and "24/7" reserved spots. The daytime spots, which will be reserved on weekdays from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m., will be leased for $55 per month, $200 per semester or $500 per year. The round-the-clock contract parking spots will be sold for $640 per semester and $1,600 annually. There will be 400 daytime lease spots and 150 24/7 reserved spots. Councilman Larry Mariott said during the meeting that the rates could be re-evaluated if they have a negative impact on Northgate businesses. Ganter said he saw no reason why prices had to be so high in order for the garage to be quickly paid off. He would have rather seen the city "test the waters" and set a standard rate ranging from 50 cents to $1. "It's all very crazy to me to start off with Neiman-Marcus rates, thinking that you can go down later if things are bad," he said. It will be much harder to attract new businesses once existing ones have been forced to close or move, he said. Ganter was not among the business owners at Thursday's council meeting. He said attending would have been futile. "They aren't going to listen," Ganter said. "We've been screaming about this for a long time — they just do what they want to do and don't listen to us." •Holly Huffman's e-mail address is hhuffman(cDtheeagle.com. 200.0, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/081101 barownermadatcouncil.htm 8/13/2001 Grimes Settlement offered From A 1"Basically, we want to be a in landfill dispute good neighbor and we want to continue to build upon our relationships with Grimes Grimes County to consider proposal County and all the counties in By COLLEEN KAVANAGH The College Station City the [Brazos Valley Council of Eagle Staff Writer Council reacted with an ordi- Governments]." nance that trumped the If commissioners approve the agreement Monday, it still A settlement has been pro Grimes commissioners' would need approval from the posed to resolve the dispute efforts. A portion of landown- Bryan and College Station about the location of a region- er Harold Trant's property councils, Smith said. al landfill on 390 acres off of was inside the city s extrater- The agreement would gener- Texas 30 in Grimes County. ritorial jurisdiction,which by ate an estimated $14 million The Grimes County Com- law is land that would proba- for Grimes County over 50 missioners Court is sched- bly become part of a city. The years, Smith said. uled on Monday to consider city had the right to annex Grimes County Judge Ira E. the proposed agreement with any land contiguous to that "Bud" Haynie could not be Bryan and College Station, jurisdiction upon the owner's reached for comment on the Which jointly run the Brazos request, and the council did proposal. Valley Solid Waste Manage- just that in April. Trant said last week that he ment Agency.Discussions are BVSMA director Jim Smith knew nothing about Monday's expected to be in closed ses- said the settlement has been meeting, and avowed that the sion. proposed to end the fight calls tentative settlement has noth- The county has been at for Grimes County to receive ing to do with a $10 million odds with the cities' plans to 37.5 cents per ton dumped in civil lawsuit he filed in April locate the next BVSMA land- the landfill if the county against the county. fill on land near Carlos. agrees to support the plans. Trant's suit seeks a court Grimes County officials "It's going to be discussed order to reinforce College Sta- tried to enact an ordinance Monday, but whether or not tion's ordinance that adds restricting future landfills to commissioners will approve Trant's property to its extra- a 300-acre site near Singleton, it, I don't know, Smith said. territorial jurisdiction. which would have impeded It claims that Grimes Coun- BVSMA's plans. See GRIMES, Page A8 ty wrongfully interfered with The City of College Station Trant's contractual rights to is current) sell his property to BVSMA. Y accepting P S Trant is seeking $3.5 million applications for the in actual damages and $7 mil- smangem� position of: lion in punitive damages. MOMMMMM FORESTRY/HORTICULTURE WORKER This position is responsible for maintaining all aspects of the City's trees and landscaped public areas and irrigation systems. Applicant must be able to lift heavy objects (50+ Ibs.), work with a variety of outdoor power and hand tools,and have some knowledge of basic plants and trees. Must possess Texas driver's license. Tree climbing experience preferred, but not required. Salary: $9.41-$11.77/hr DOQ Deadline to apply: August 15,2001 Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: www.lockon.com/'obline/cstx.htm Equal Opportunity Employer The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 t hv'0000*�Com­ Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 14, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births. The list may not be Government Links complete because some parents choose not to have their names Links printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A&M News August 11, 2001: Agriculture Carol Brewer and Donald Bishop, Madisonville, a girl; Announcements Tammy and Randall Harmon, College Station, a girl; Business&Technology Deborah and Craig Todd, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists August 12, 2001: Community Araceli and Victor Hernandez, College Station, a girl. The Eagle Entertainment St. Joseph Regional Health Center Faith&Values Food August 7, 2001: Health& Fitness Lillie Thomas, College Station, a boy. Kids Korner Lifestyles August 8, 2001: Newspapers in Education Jacy and Warren Niemeyer, Brenham, a boy; Obituaries Traci and Mykal Jones, College Station, a girl. Opinions Politics August 9, 2001: Region/State Veronica Espinoza, Jewett, a boy; Schools Julie and Clinton Seal, Bryan, a girl; Sports Presandra Kinney, Calvert, a girl; Subscriptions Tejus and William Collins, College Station, a girl; Weather Paula and David Anspach, Bryan, a girl; Paige and Mitchell Osburn, Bryan, a girl; Latonya Johnson, Bryan, a boy; Brandy Vacante, Bryan, a girl. August 10, 2001: Trina and Roy Shelton, Caldwell, a boy; Lina Romero, Washington, a boy; Maria Villalobos, Navasota, a boy; Lori Zweifel and Jacob 011inger, Bryan, a girl; Stephanie and Timothy Means, Bryan, a boy; http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0l births/081401 births.htm 8/17/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 rau wia ai iu vi CyUi y UUIU, DI CI II IGI 11, a Y111, Ana Arguelles and Gabriel Cosme, Bryan, a boy. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle �r Privacy Statement (W (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0l births/081401 births.htm 8/17/2001 CS says Y system UP again By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Eagle Staff Writer College Station's computer system was up and running again Tuesday after a hard disk crash and corrupted files crippled operations Monday. City employees were forced to keep manual records for utility billing, municipal court proceedings and payroll until the system could be repaired. Computers in Bryan city government—which use much of the same software as College Station — also were tapped to back up data. The cities have an agree- ment for shared use in the event either has a system fail- ure. Linda Piwonka, College Sta- tion's director of the office of PUBLfC fitegRfN� technology and information Public city council of the services, said there were no nual hearing on its c'tY Of Collegelingering problems with the August budget at its reprOpOsed fiscal station will hold a city's system after Monday's 23, 2001,regular°Ouncil Year 2001-2002 exas Chambers at the Cl at 7.00 p m Heeling on Tnursd n failure. Avenue fY°f in the city aY "Nothing has been adverse- propOsed budget 011ege station etation city HalCo yncil 01 ly affected," Piwonka said. 1egersta secretary the Oare f all a l a for ev ew kas opies of the "We've gotten the new drives make OO n Library. The ge Station and With the city in. We're back in business may be PreSeente ts on the p oAo ens invited ever coi- g full data." running hearing or maY be in writing Or in budget comet and The city was still able to cold to the Bud made in writin person at the ents 9 to be public provide services in a prompt Station eras 7 gity et and Strate mailed or de/iv- mariner Monday despite the Thursday,qu n c842, prio(101 TexaslgVeng Manager, computer problems She gust23,2001. to the end Of venue, college added. business on Because the entire system a 15 01 was not disabled, the city was able to print the majority of the forms it uses to handle work orders and billing. The utility office could view account information, but workers had to complete System automated system 17 years information by hand rather ago that the city has had a sys- than enter it into computers. tem failure of such magnitude. Piwonka said it also was the See SYSTEM, Page A10 From A7 first time either Bryan or Col- lege Station has had to rely on To fix the problems, crews the other to assist with com- had to go back through several puter work. days' worth of backup data to "We are very thankful for re-create files. Piwonka said the cooperation with the city that records have been updat- of Bryan," Piwonka said. ed. It was the first time since ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail College Station switched to an address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee aftsde.com Home ' Classifieds I Aggiesports.com 1 Subscribe ` Contact I Site Map Region/State Region>Records>Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook August 16, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Eagle Staff Report Datebook Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday and Government Links Wednesday. The list may not be complete because some parents Links choose not to have their names printed. Obituaries Town Talk College Station Medical Center Site Sections A&M News August 13, 2001: Agriculture Announcements Kristi Simon, Bryan, a girl. Business&Technology I Classifieds August 14, 2001: Columnists Community Sara and Beau Jennings, College Station, a boy; The Eagle I Entertainment Stephanie Alvarez, Caldwell, a boy. Faith &Values Food St. Joseph Regional Health Center Health & Fitness Kids Korner August 11, 2001: Lifestyles Newspapers in Crystal Hernandez and Matthew Hill, Bryan, a bo Education Y rY Y; Obituaries Opinions Kathleen and Brent Pfeiffer, Bryan, a girl; Politics Region/State Crystal Carter, College Station, a girl; Schools Sports Tamara and James Keese, Bryan, a boy; Subscriptions Weather Robbin Sedberry, Cypress, a boy; Amber and Nathan Granger, Richards, a girl; Lisa and Jason Abke, Navasota, a girl; I Maria and Jesus Almaraz, Madisonville, a girl. August 12, 2001: America and Daniel Herrera, Navasota, a boy; http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0l births/081601 births.htm 8/17/2001 I CS owes .� M ions utfli'oty says LAURA HIPP Electric Cooperative have Eagle Staff Writer filed motions to rehear the case. The Texas Municipal The disagreement between Power Agency has asked Col- Bryan and College Station lege Station to pay the utility began in 1995 when College more than $16 million for Station decided to purchase unpaid electricity transmis- electricity from Texas Utili- sion fees over three years, ties Electric, now TXU Elec- according to federal docu- tric, instead of TMPA. ments. Power from TXU was sup- Bryan is a partner in the plied to College Station over utility, which filed a motion power lines owned by Bryan. with the Federal Energy Reg- The debate centers around ulatory Commission in July the actual cost of wholesale • asking for more than $12.7 electric transmission service million in transmission fees rates between Jan. 1, 1997, for 1997 through 1999, in addi- and Aug. 31, 1999. tion to at least $3.8 million in But College Station denies interest and legal fees for its that it owes TMPA for trans- six-year battle with College mission rates. The city filed a Station. response to the utility's The motion came almost motion Aug. 3 and said the four months after Bryan and consortium should not have College Station stopped settle- filed its motion with FERC ment negotiations in the dis- until the Supreme Court's rul- pute over transmission rates. ing takes effect. It was filed to alert the FERC Harvey Cargill, College Sta- of a Texas Supreme Court tion's city attorney, said he opinion that the Texas Public did not know how much the Utility Commission did not city paid TMPA from 1997 to have the authority to set 1999. transmission rates for munic- "They paid what the Texas ipally owned utilities such as PUC said we owed," Cargill the Texas Municipal Power said. Agency in 1996. Bryan City Council mem- Bryan and the cities of Den- ber Russell Bradley said he ton, Garland and Greenville could not comment on pend- each owns a percentage of the ing litigation. But he said the TMPA. money owed by College Sta- The ruling will take effect tion probably would be used if the court chooses not to by TMPA for the utility's rehear the case by early next needs, not split among the year. The PUC, Tex-La Elec- member cities. tric Cooperative of Texas, Brazos Electric Power Coop- ■ Laura Hipp's e-mail address erative and South Texas Ihipp@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Jackellyne Escalante, Bryan, a boy; Adriana and Robert Trujillo, Bryan, a boy; Samantha Camarillo, Bryan, a boy; Maricela Lopez, Franklin, boy; Pamela and Mark Heyman, Plantersville, twins, a boy and girl. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#01-85 -- Three Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Bid REQUEST FOR gip, The City of College Station is accepting bids for the 01-92 above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College ation The 1+Long D�StanCe Service Purchasing Services t Division • above of College VrCe City Hall e refer Station i referenced item.Bids s a°ceptin 1101 Texas Avenue, will be r g bids for the College Station,Texas 77840 re at: City of Coliege Station 9 Purchasing Se until 2:00 PM,August 29, 2001,at which time bids will rvices Division be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time exCitY Hall 11p1 will be returned unopened. College StationSTvenue, until 2:00 exas 77840 Location and Description of Project Will be opened epternber 14 The project involves site clearing,paving,grading,dem- time will be r at City►{all 2001,at whi° olition, removal of equipment and materials, construc- eturned uno All bids receiv h time bids tion of a three million gallon composite elevated storage pened. received after that tank and the demolition of an existing one million gallon A complete set steel tank. s available at thesabovcaaddr and bidding docume 5'00PN1°f can be e A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,August Additional mailed u ess, Mon-Fri, nts 16,2001 at the Utility Service Center Meeting and Train- ww information i Pon fequest 8 OpAM _ ing Room, 1601 Graham Road,College Station,Texas. wcl.coll s available on Our e e-station.tx.us )764'3555. This meeting is not mandatory,but attendance is highly SO be downloaded b Th doc°ur website at encouraged. rnandstar.co Y registereeSe um d vendors ents may al- dors at ww- A complete set of specifications and bidding documents The City of Coll, can be purchased by check,cash or money order in the a y or all bids ande Station resew amount of $50.00 from the above address, Mon-Fri, ties. to waive inf es the right to 8:00AM - 5:OOPM or can be shipped upon request, ormalities and ' reject (979) 764-3555. The fee is non-refundable. Additional rregulari,- information is available on our website at www.ci.col- 8-17.01 lege-station.tx.us 8-24-01 The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. August 9,2001&August 16,2001 http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/august0lbirths/081601births.htm 8/17/2001 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2511 WAS PASSED AND AP- ORDINANCE NO. 2508 WAS PASSED AND AP- ORDINANCE NO. 2506 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg-1 OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly record- Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in ed in the official records of the city,is captioned as fol- the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: lows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, "SUBDIVI- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1,"GENERAL "TRAFFIC CODE",SECTION 4G,"NORTHGATE CITY SIONS", SECTION 1A, "FUNCTION OF THE PLAN- PROVISIONS", SECTION 29, "CEMETERY RULES & PARKING FACILITIES FEES",OF THE CODE OF OR- NING & ZONING COMMISSION", OF THE CODE OF REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES DINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET ADDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVED- CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 1,Section 29,"General Provisions","Cemetery Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", Section 4G, 'Northgate City Chapter 9, Section 1A, "Subdivisions", "Function of the Rules & Regulations" has been amended by adding Parking Facilities Fees" has been amended to incorpo- ,Planning&Zoning Commisssion"has been amended to subsection"O"to provide a process whereby a charita- rate rates for the Northgate Parking Garage. A com- require that subdivision plats comply with PDD plan de- ble non-profit corporation may request approval to es- plete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secreta- cisions. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the tablish a cemetery, crematory. A complete text of the ry's office. city secretary's office. ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance, becomes effective offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, be- Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Charter of the City of College Station. of College Station. Connie Hooks Connie Hooks City Secretary Connie Hooks City Secretary 8-17-01,8-18-01 City Secretary 8-17-01,8-18-01 LEGAL NOTICE 8-17-01,8-18-01 - REQUEST FOR BIDS ORDINANCE NO. 2509 WAS PASSED AND AP- LEGAL NOTICE Bid#01-92 PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2507 WAS PASSED AND AP- OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1+Long Distance Service ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, The City of College Station is accepting bids for the accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in above referenced item.Bids will be received at: Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in City of College Station AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "ZON- the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: Purchasing Services Division ING",CHAPTER 7,"SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGU- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "ZON- City Hall LATIONS",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE ING",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY 1101 Texas Avenue, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY AMENDING OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY ADDING CER- College Station,Texas 77840 CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVID- TAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW;PROVIDING A ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PEN- SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; until 2:00 PM,September 14, 2001,at which time bids ALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that Chapter 12, "Zoning", Chapter 7 "Schedule of District Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended to validate time will be returned unopened. Regulations"has been amended to address the applica- certain Planned Development Districts. A complete text tion of Planned Development Districts in College Sta- of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents tion. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request,(979)764-3555. visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- Additional information is available on our website at Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- www.ci.college-station.tx.us .These documents may al- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars so be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars mandstar.com able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,be- The City of College Station reserves the right to reject be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,be- by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the ties. comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage Charter of the City of College Station. by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. 8-17-01,8-24-01 Connie Hooks Connie Hooks 8-17-01,8-18-01 City Secretary City Secretary- 8-17-01,8-18-01 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2504 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in', accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1,"GENERAL PROVISIONS" SECTION 29, "CEMETERY RULES & REGULATION,", T OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES i OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BE- LOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DE- CLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Chapter 1,Section 29,"General Provisions","Cemetery Rules&Regulations"has been amended to address the future burials in the Shiloh and Salem portions of the College Station Cemetery and to address the purchase options,monuments,and headstones. A complete lbxt of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mi os- punis demeanor, upon conviction thereof Twe ty-fivve Dllars abe by a fine of not les ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 8-17-01,8-18-01 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2504 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON August 9, 2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2506 WAS PASSED AND AP OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL reg- ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1,"GENERAL the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: PROVISIONS", SECTION 29, "CEMETERY RULES & AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1,"GENERAL REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES PROVISIONS", SECTION 29, "CEMETERY RULES & OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BE- OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY LOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DE- ADDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; GLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARINGA PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. TIVE DATE. Chapter 1,Section 29,"General Provisions","Cemetery Chapter 1,Section 29,"General Provisions","Cemetery Rules&Regulations"has been amended to address the Rules & Regulations" has been amended by adding subsection"O"to provide a process whereby a charita- future burials in the Shiloh and Salem portions of the y q p royal to es- College Station Cemetery and to address the purchase ble non-profit corporation may re uest a p options, monuments, and headstones. A complete text tablish a cemetery, crematory. A complete text of the of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. of College Station. Connie Hooks Connie Hooks City Secretary City Secretary 8-17-01,8-18-01 8-17-01,8-18-01 Saturday, August 18, 2001 The Eagle s LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2508 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2507 WAS PASSED AND AP- OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9,"E PLAN- 0 signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in "FUNCTION OF THE PLAN- the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: SIONS", SECTION 1A, OF THE CODE OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "ZON- NING & ZONING COMMISSION", ING",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY ADDING CER- AS SET TEXAS,BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECS O ERABILITY TAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW, PROVIDING A OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; CLAUSE;DECLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .I Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended to validate Chapter 9, Section 1 A,"Subdivisions","Function of the certain Planned Development Districts. A complete text Planning&Zoning Commisssion"has been amended to of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. require that subdivision plats comply with PDD plan de- cisions. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- city secretary's office. visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis of the pro- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish Any person,firm or corporation,violating a of ha mis able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,be- �,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage be permitted to continue, shall be deemed seprbe by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the offense. Said Ordinance,being penal Charter of the City of College Station. comes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Connie Hooks Charter of the City of College Station. 8-17-01,8-18-01 City Secretary Connie Hooks City Secretary 8-17-01,8-18-01 J LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2509 WAS PASSED AND AP- ORDINANCE NO. 2511 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL PROVED ON August 9,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly record- the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: ed in the official records of the city,is captioned as fol- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "ZON- lows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, ING",CHAPTER 7,"SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGU- 'TRAFFIC CODE",SECTION 4G,"NORTHGATE CITY LATIONS",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE PARKING FACILITIES FEES",OF THE CODE OF OR- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY AMENDING DINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVED TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PEN- SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY ALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning", Chapter 7 "Schedule of District Regulations"has been amended to address the applica- Chapter 10,"Traffic Code", Section 4G, 'Northgate City tion of Planned Development Districts in College Sta- li Parking Facilities Fees"has been amended to incorpo- tion. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the I rate rates for the Northgate Parking Garage. A com- city secretary's office. plete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secreta � ry's office. guilty Any person,firm or corporation,violating any i ty the pro- I Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed l of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- i visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,be- to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said comes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- Charter of the City of College Station. cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks Connie Hooks City Secretary City Secretary 8-17-01,8-18-01 8-17-01,8-18-01 Saturday, August 18, 2001 The Eagle The City of College Station's is currently accepting The City of College Station's applications for a: ® public Utilities Department SIGNS & MARKINGS ® is currently recruiting for a: TECHNICIAN rriRr TTImE (SEASO 1Al) LINE LOCATOR r r��.� The Line Locator is responsible for the accurate and Public Works Department � timely location and marking of electrical,water,and Traffic Division wastewater lines for the Public utilities Department. Line locating helps prevent damage to underground Entry Level Position utility systems. This position typically works 8:00 a.m.until noon,Monday through Friday.High school Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or GED equivalent. Communicate verbally graduate or GED equivalent. Good physical and in written format. Class C driver's license condition,ability to operate manual & power Salary: $10.00/hr tools. Ability to operate desktop computer Deadline to apply:August 23,2001 using MS Windows programs. Also must have #,* a Good Driving Record with a Class"C"Texas _ • Must submit a completed •*** City of College Station application Drivers License. Salary: $9.54/hr Apply at: HumanCity of CResources Station Department Deadline 1101 S.Texas Avenue to apply: August 29, 2001 College Station,Texas 77840 Apply at: City of College Station 979-764-3800 Human Resources Department Fax: www.lockon.com/iobline/cstx.htm 1101 S.Texas Avenue Internet: College Station,Texas 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: www.lockon.com/iobline/cstx.htm Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, August 19, 2001 The Eagle Fabolve UEST FOR PROPOSAL #01-92 Long Distance Service ge Station is accepting proposals on ced item for the City of College Station Offices.Proposals will be received at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,TX 77842 until 4:00 pm, September 14, 2000. All proposals re- ceived after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or re- ject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the proposal considered most advantageous to the City. A complete set of docu- ments for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Divi- sion at (979) 764-3823 or jfinkes@ci.college- station.tx.us . 8-20-01,8-27-01 Monday, August 20, 2001 The Eagle REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#01-89 Gabbard Park Playground Replacement Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 4, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. . Location and description of job: Gabbard Park is located at the corner of Haines Drive and Dexter Drive in College Station,Texas. The project consists of installation of a hardscape. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- 3555.Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject Doris Bearden any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Aug. 25, 1916—Aug. 20, 2001 8-21-01,8-28-01 Graveside services for Doris Bearden, 84, of College Station REQUEST FOR BIDS are set for 2 p.m. Wednesday at 1,,� Bid#01-95 College Station City Cemetery. Trial set to begin The Rev. Bob Waters will offici- Road Sweeper ate. in CS fraud case The City of College Station is accepting bids for the (W Visitation will be from 10 a.m. Opening statements are above referenced item.Bids will be received at: to noon Wednesday at Memorial scheduled to begin at 9 Funeral Chapel in College Station. a.m. City of college station Mrs. Bearden died Monday in Tuesday in a trial where former Purchasing Services Division College Station city employee City Hall College Station Medical Center. Margaret Anel Bow is charged 1101 Texas Avenue, She was born in DeLeon, College Station,Texas 77840 Texas, and lived in College Sta- with stealing almost $11,000 from the city. until 2:00 PM. September 4, 2001,at which time bids tion 54 years. She was a home- Bow is the former program will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that maker and was a Baptist. She supervisor for the city's Parks & time will be returned unopened. was a member of the A&M Recreation department. She was A complete set of specifications and bidding documents Women's Social Club, the A&M arrested in May 2000 and was is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - Retirees Association and was a released the same day from the 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- member of several bridge clubs. 3555.Additional information is available on our website Brazos County Jail on a personal at www.ci.college-station.tx=us .These documents may She was preceded in death by recognizance bond. also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- her husband, H.D. Bearden. Court documents state that an mandstar.com Survivors include a daughter employee in the park depart-and son-in-law, June and Bill Mer s e p The City of College Station reserves the right to reject rell of Galveston; two grandchil- ment noticed unauthorized any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- charges on a department credit ties. dren; and agreat-grandchild. card, prompting the investi a- Memorials may be made to a g Aug 21,2001 &Aug. 28,2001 tion, which showed the purchas- es were not for city use and were not approved by a supervisor. Bow's attorney, Jim James, said he expects his client to Tuesday, August 21, 2001 plead not guilty to the charge. The Eagle Theft between $1,500 and $20,000 is a state jail felony, punishable by between six months and two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000. The nine-woman, three-man jury panel will hear the case in the 85th District Court on the second floor of the Brazos Coun- ty Courthouse, 300 E. 26th St. in Bryan. College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue F64-3i) ny of the following items may be picked up on request in the City Secretary's Office n the college station city Hall located at 1101 TexasAvenue. tion,discussion, and possible action on the following items: ent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. tergovernmental Work Plan. olution setting development fees. ort on the cost of services study for the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. 5. Recommendations by the Randal Travel Marketing,Inc.regarding the Convention and Visitors Bureau. 6. Council Calendars 7. Hear Visitors(5:45 p.m.) 8. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room.Consultation with Attorney, Real Estate. Economic Incentive Negotiations. 9. Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 10. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation Consider request for absence from meeting Consent Agenda - Discussion and possible action on the following items: 11.1 The minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting August 9, 2001 and special meeting,June 21,2001. 11.2 Bid#01-72-An annual bid for electric meters. Recommend award to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications by item as follows: Priester Mell&Nicholson$27,261.20;Temple(Utiliserve,Inc.)$3,391.60;and Wesco $38,250.00 for a total annual estimate of$68,902.80. 11.3 Bid#01-73-An annual bid for various concrete and steel light poles. Recommend award to lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications by group as follows: Dealers Electric Supply$33,635.00;Techline, Inc. $146,622.00;and Ward Electric Supply$15,534.00 for a total annual estimate of $195,791.00. 11.4 A resolution approving an agreement with The 121h Man Foundation for placement of banners on street light poles within City rights-of-way. 11.5 A resolution determining need for real property needed for the City Center Project. 11.6 A resolution setting development fees. 11.7 A resolution approving a construction contract for the Rock Prairie re-alignment project and a portion of the Rock Prairie waterline extension to Young Contractors Inc, in the amount of$1,087,767.30. 11.8 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation. 11.9 The second reading of a proposed five year franchise agreement renewal with Mitchell Gas Services L.P.to gather, collect, receive,transport for collection and store oil, gas,or other fluids used or production in connection with oil and gas operations in and around College Station. 11.10 A request for oversize participation in the amount of$36,625.00 for the extension of a 16-inch water line from its ending point on Luther Street West to near the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway, approximately 882 feet, and the oversizing of a 12" water line through the property, approximately 800 feet. 11.11 Change Order No.6 to the construction contract with Elliott Construction, Inc.for the Northgate Water Main Relocation Project,Project No.WT-9805, reducing the contract amount by$112,214.00. 11.12 A letter agreement with Ingram,Wallis&Company for Professional Auditing Services. Recommend approval of a letter agreement with Ingram, Wallis&Company for$72,500.00 for the audit services for the City of College Station for the fiscal year ending September 30,2001. 11.13 A Real Estate Contract between the City of College Station and Louise Marsh Reeves, individually and as Trustee of the Marsh-Reeves Trust,John Emory Marsh,Jr.,Robert Emory Reeves,and Marsha Reeves Duemke for property generally located near the corner of Greens Prairie Road and SH6. Regular Agenda—Discussion and possible action on the following items: 12.1 Public Hearing on the City of College Station 2001-2002 Proposed Budget. Tuesday, August 21, 2001 12.2 An Interlocal Agreement between the City of College Station and Brazos County.The Interlocal Agreement establishes guidelines whereby the College The Eagle Station Fire Department will provide Emergency Medical Services to Brazos County residents and sets a contract fee for which Brazos County will reimburse the city for emergency medical services provided. 12.3 An amendment to Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances to prohibit parking on certain streets in the Northgate area. This is one of the final steps in the implementation of the Northgate Parking Plan. 13. The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for 08/23. 14. Final action on executive session, if necessary. 15. Adjourn REGION BRIEFS month to provide that parking 20 streets in CS f for their customers. / All parking has costs and to be seal-coated there are only two options for Crews from College Station's who pays: the customers who Public Works department will use it or the merchants who be seal-coating more than 20 benefit from it. streets over the next two to Since the Northgate mer- three weeks. chants are the main benefici- The process typically is safe aries of the parking the city is and poses no hazard to vehi- providing, it seems reason- cles, officials said. However able that the Northgate mer- excessive speed or spinning chants should a for it. tires can throw rocks and pay cause damage. Motorists are However, the Northgate asked to use caution for about merchants are not paying for • eight hours after a street has it. They are asking the city to been seal-coated. pay for it. Crews will be working on the The city, having no reason following: Eastmark, Tree- to subsidize the Northgate house, Deacon, Bee Creek, merchants, is instead charg- Rhett Butler, Pinion, Bluestem ing the public. and Nueces drives, Birming- The merchants could have ham and Newton roads, Lon- gleaf and Angelina circles, Ray- bought the land and built the burn, Longmire and Augustine parking spaces, but instead let courts, Richards, Sterling and the city do it. Crest streets, Lassie and I understand why they want Laura lanes and Potomac free parking for their cus- Place. tomers. I do not like paying to park when I go to Northgate any Paying the rice more than anyone else. y g p The parking rates, being high as they are, could nega- 11) complained that the on Ganter (Eagle, Aug. tively impact all the North- College Station City gate merchants, so it is rea- Council was charging too sonable for them to be con- much for the parking it is pro- cerned. Wednesday, August 22, 2001 viding at Northgate. It is not reasonable for The Eagle them to ask someone else to He made the statement that pay their cost of doing busi- parking was free at Post Oak ness. Mall. If the Northgate merchants The city did not build the lot were willing to make up the at the mall and does not pay difference, the city probably to maintain it. would be willing to reduce the Parking is free only for the parking rates. customers at the mall. The THOMAS SPELLMAN mall merchants pay every Bryan • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 4121 STATE HIGHWAY 6 SOUTH,from A-P,Adminis- trative-Pressional and C-3 Planned Commercial to C-1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, Sep- tember 6,2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing • impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON Staff Planner 8-22-01 • • rial starts I Ptheft o (tVS44 f u ds Ex-employee charged with stealing $ 11 ,000 L y COLLEEN KAVANAGH Eagle Staff Writer "She didn't think she'd A former College Station get caught" employee used her superviso- MARGARET LALK ry position and violated her Brazos County 1st district attorney bosses' trust when she stole almost $11,000 in money and not approved, he said. equipment from the city, a Beachy said city employees prosecutor said Tuesday. are given training in city poli- It was the first day of testi- cies and are required to sign (W mony in the felony theft trial paperwork attesting that they of Margaret Anel Bow, who is are aware of them. known by her middle name. "It's pretty common knowl- Brazos County First Assis- edge that you cannot use city tant District Attorney Mar- funds for personal gain," he garet Lalk told the nine- said. woman, three-man jury that f o Bow was fired at the end the state has enough evidence March after the internal in to prove Bow stole thousands tigation showed unauthorized ves- of dollars from the city. purchases dating back to April We are not talking pens 1999,Beachy said.They includ- ed charges for items Bow used opening statements. "We're for her part-time drama teach- talking desks, chairs,printers, ing job at Allen Academy, offi- faxes, copiers and cameras. cials said. "She knew exactly what she James questioned why it was doing, and she didn't took so long for the depart- think she'd get caught," Lalk ment to notice the unautho- said. "The evidence will show rized charges and said much that Margaret Anel Bow delib- of the equipment Bow is erately stole from the city." accused of stealing was the Bow, 45, pleaded not guilty same equipment she had in to the charge. Her attorney, her office for special projects., Jim James, reserved his right Theft between $1,500 angl to give opening statements $20,000 is a state jail felony,r when he presents witnesses. punishable by between six"! Wednesday, August 22, 2001 Bow is the former special months and two years in jail events supervisor for the and a fine of up to $10,000. The Eagle city's Parks & Recreation Testimony will resume at 9 department. a.m. Wednesday in the 85th Department director Steve District Court on the second Beachy testified that Bow's floor of the Brazos County supervisor noticed unautho- Courthouse, 300 E. 26th St. in rized charges that Bow had Bryan. made in March 2000. That prompted an investigation, ■ Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail which showed the purchases address is ckavanagh@ were not for city use and were theeagle.com. FNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: TheCollege Station Planning and Zoning Commission a public hearing to consider a REZONING for PEBBLE CREEK, PHASE 9, APPROXIMATELY 133.04 in the Pebble Creek Subdivision from A-O Agri- cultural-Open to R-1 Single Family Residential to con- struct a single family residential subdivision. REQUEST FOR BIDS The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- Bid#01-96 lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, Sep- Security Locks for City Hall tember 6,2001. The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing above referenced item.Bids will be received at: impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1- City of College Station 800-735-2989. Purchasing Services Division City Hall For additional information, please contact me at (979) 1101 Texas Avenue, 764-3570. College Station,Texas 77840 JESSICAJIMMERSON until 2:00 PM,September 5, 2001,at which time bids Staff Planner will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that 8-22-01 time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, B:OOAM - 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request,(979)764-3558. The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Additional information is available on our website at will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us .These documents may al- 5301 ST. ANDREWS in the Pebble Creek Subdivision so be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- from A-O Agricultural-Open to R-1 Single Family Resi- mandstar.com dential to construct a single family residential subdivi- sion. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- ties. lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, Sep- Aug 22,2001 &Aug 29,2001 tember 6,2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON Staff Planner 8-22-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a CONDITIONAL' USE PERMIT FOR 2730-B LONGMIRE FOR A RELI- GIOUS FACILITY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- ion TEMBER 6,2001. The College Station Planning and Zoning Commiss will hold a,public hearing to consider an ORDINANCE Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing AMENDMENT for the WOLF PEN CREEK ZONING impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. DISTRICT. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- 800-735-2989. lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the SEP For additional information, please contact me at (979) p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, 764-3570. TEMBER 6,2001. MOLLY HITCHCOCK Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing Staff Planner impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. 8-22-01 To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a FINAL PLAT- JANE KEE REPLAT for 901 GRAHAM ROAD in the SUN MEAD- City Planner 8-22-01 OWS SUBDIVISION. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission TEMBER 6,2001. will hold a public hearing to consider a CONDITIONAL USE PER for 300 COLLEGE MAIN to imp Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing expand an existing parking lot. impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the C01- 800-735-2989. I Station Hall, Avenue e p.mmof the Commission onThursday, SEP- For additional information, please contact me at (979) TEMBER 6,2001. 764-3570.SPENCER THOMPSON Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. Graduate Civil Engineer 8 22-01 To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 764-3570. The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING R:�- JENNIFER REEVES QUEST FOR 1267 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY Staff Planner SOUTH FROM R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 8-22-01 TO R-4 APARTMENT/LOW DENSITY. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- Wednesday, August 22, 2001 lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- The Eagle TEMBER 6,2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. IL To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON Staff Planner 8-22-01 C H �Q H N N N O O CS residents can 2 cents in on budget'put Ea COLLEEN xAVANAGH public hearing to offer forum for opinions in." a by almost 5 cents,to Eagle Staff Writer g p 47.78 cents per $100 valua gate area. added. tion.The tax bill on a$100,000 College Station residents The proposed budget, The council will decide home would be$477.80. will have an opportunity to which must be adopted by whether it wants to spend an The budget hearing will be voice their opinions about Sept. 27, calls for the city's extra $9 million on four road during the regular council the city's proposed $154 mil- tax rate to remain at 42.93 expansion projects and meeting, which is scheduled lion budget during a public cents per $100 valuation. increase maintenance and to begin at 7 p.m. in the City hearing at Thursday's city That means the city tax bill operation costs by adding Hall Council Chambers, 1101 council meeting. on a $100,000 home would be employees and equipment for Texas Ave. It will follow the At the same meeting, the $429.30. Veterans Park and Fire Sta- council's workshop session, council will consider increas- City officials have pro- tion No. 5. All are on a list of which is set to begin at 3 p.m. ing fees for building permits posed a budget that is $17.5 capital projects that could be Under the new develop- and inspections and remov- million less than this year's, included in the budget. ment fee schedule, several of ing the remaining free on- but several projects and oper- If all additions are street parking in the North- ations costs still could be approved, the tax rate could Budget ���rom a7 the citys construction fees would increase by loo per- cent.They include the fees for site plans, minor site plan amendments, preliminary and final plats, rezoning and the review and inspection fee of public infrastructure. If the council approves the increased fees, the change would take effect Dec. 1. The council also will con- sider removing the remaining on-streiA parking in the Northgate area, an action that will coincide with the open- ing of the city's College Main Parking Garage. All on-street spaces that remain in the,area will be metered. In other action, the couricii will consider: ■A$1 million contract with low bidder Young Contractors to realign Rock Prairie Road Ad extEbd a water line to the area. ■A resolution to acquire 31 acres out of a 95-acre tract on Krenek Tap Road next to the city's Central Park for the future City Center,which will house city offices. The Eagle Pefense August 23, 2001 egms � $20,000 is punishable by between six months and two `. Bow years in jail and a fine of up to • _ $10,000. e tfig From A9 Closing arguments are scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday office after she had been ter- in the 85th District Court on Linda Her former boss, the second floor of the Brazos Witness justifies use Linda Waltman, one of several County Courthouse, 300 E. witnesses called by the state, 26th St. in Bryan. Of CS's equipment said Bow had written "book By COLLEEN KAVANAGH cases for warehouse"on one of Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail Eagle Staff Writer the receipts. Police found the address is ckavanagh bookcases at her home. Equipment that Margaret Anel Theft between $1,500 and @theeagle.com. Bow is accused of stealing from Col- lege Station actually was used by the fired special-events supervisor to perform her city job,an assistant to Bow testified Wednesday. Shawn Baggerly was the first of six witnesses called by defense attorney Jim James in the trial of Bow, who worked in the city's Parks & Recreation department. Bow, 45, who is known by her middle name, is accused of stealing between$1,500 and$20,000 from the city, which is a state jail felony. Bow, who pleaded not guilty to the charge, did not testify. Baggerly, who worked with Bow between November 1998 and December 1999, 'said Bow had two offices, one in the recreation department's Central Park office and a smaller one in a warehouse on Harvey Mitchell Parkway South behind Big Lots. Baggerly said Bow often trans- ferred equipment between the two offices, but much of the equipment she is accused of stealing was kept in the warehouse. She did much of her work on her personal comput- er,which she kept at home,because it had more sophisticated programs necessary for the brochures and other publications she designed, Baggerly said. Near the end of Baggerly's employment with the city, Bow moved some of the city's equipment to her home office to avoid having to transfer items and documents back and forth. "It was more efficient," Baggerly said, adding that all city supplies were used solely for city business. Brazos County Assistant District Attorney Laura Cass asked Bagger- ly about some of the city equipment police said they found at Bow's house, including a digital printer, television, computer desk, copier, scanner and three telephones. "She had all of these things to do her job," Baggerly said. Bow's supervisors testified that they found receipts for supplies that were unaccounted for in Bow's Police 30 days; notice to vacate the P O''�� building. . The eviction by the book- store was what one city coun- O o e From A l cil member then called a "temper tantrum" over the Fridays, Jones said. Officers city's decision to remove on- may be present at other times. street parking on College Jones said the department Main. o c was using existing patrol off"i- Loupot's notice —which cers to staff the office. said that the store needed the "This is designed for people space for storage —was sent to come in and talk to the offi- less than two weeks after the Northgate site cers," he said. "We're still council approved a plan that going to have the officers out called for the removal of 400 on patrol in peak periods." Northgate parking spaces. for substation The original office was By HOLLY HUFFMAN closed in April 2000 when ■Holly Huffman's e-mail address Eagle Staff Writer Loupot's gave the department is hhuffman@theeagle.com. College Station police will once again open a Northgate Community Policing Office on Saturday in hopes of strengthening ties with neigh- borhood residents and mer- chants. The opening of the substa- tion, which will be housed in the ground floor of the new College Main Parking Garage, comes more than 16 months after the department was forced to vacate the space it leased rent-free from Loupot's Bookstore in North- gate. Police spokesman Lt. Dan Jones said the office is at an advantageous location — the intersection of Church and Cross streets—because of the high volume of bicycle and foot traffic in the area. Community members can use the office to file police reports or receive free bicycle engraving and registration. They can also obtain informa- tion about local businesses, attractions and special events or visit with officers to dis- cuss their neighborhood con- cerns. "This is just another way for us to be more available, to better communicate with citi- zens in that area," Jones said. A grand opening ceremony has been scheduled for the garage from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jones said. Visitors are encouraged to come by and tour the garage and meet the officers who patrol North- gate. The office will be staffed by 1 police department personnel from noon to 2 p.m. on Mon- days and Wednesdays, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays and from noon to 7 p.m. on r C i ID w x0.m _ 0 M p* 0 IDw��o 'K 0 *'-3� sz� Vic) cTJ bd � (MCI p) �. '..•� ow O n� `C `C ..•b9'� y N K ''3' ('�D `Y V�i �-]'�'� °C cD cn O d m cn A c�Do � C"rt^ A� �,O .Y � pC. � � ¢ O � �¢ � � �0.0 (A p `Z p (p . 'C p O 9L -n W n ' r• ...O a ry 'O �� p. � � r (D .� WO 1. 0 (D p(]q �� (D O (D ca to n p i f) f*A 'ram v' C7 S� r `� H3 ¢� v O r_r .� A� p'n O C O Q. O O.'K M = �O ,,h rt (�D O ` � � C ¢� n..� ID p �nO � O O O CD f]. O cD .'3 o O [/� L7 O Q 1++ Orq rp A� ' (D v n C G9�,", (D �'! r-+ n ,rt .A� O i-y ¢, m (D �• O .� �' O g '� ��ry(Dq ¢ ,c`D (D 0- .7 (O O (D C n dD _ O O (D 'F" C O C p.0 1 (n (n (n O rr O 7(ten A� A07 �n ~O (�D CD �•~ -% T O ¢�7 ¢O ¢`� � O C O X 4 C O (�D n MS O O W (D O O O.(D ¢ •' (D (D C rr O 7 Y •C A) rt UQ W cn `"� '' O pi 3- C ".�A� Y c� (D Z 1r • ' O (n �•O c-+i 0 A� (D O ... .. .y p ¢� (D n �. ¢n (D r r n O Y O > O M (D5 � C3 � A� � ` � Sv rtC C -n� `.Y � ¢O � �(D t� � C �CcD � pA� M :Z (D '�O. � (D O .,.Y O.aQ 'L� (D rY W O O (D , S3.W (D 0 a ,��,„�� '+ O •n (D A� '� C M rt O Vpi p `V CD n•s (7 ..•c-c".`Y ((DD ¢'s 'C' (D x ��+ N m C] �6C m cue �'�� �c"n �A. (D �,M �. gy m '? �+� � m D� V o�.y. the Rock Prairie Landfill, she we didn't want to jeopardize If they do decide to appruve Taxes said. or delay the others to do these the increase,residents will see City officials hope that if mini capital projects. a total tax increase of almost 5 they complete the engineering "We do not want to put our- cents over the current rate. From Al and design work for Barron selves in a situation that we That means the tax bill on a Road, TxDOT will make the cannot react to growth pres- $100,000 home would rise from Texas Department of Trans- overpass a higher priority. sures and safety needs," McII- $429.30 to $477.70. portation is currently widen- The overpass will be designed haney added. A public hearing on the tax ing University Drive, but the to take pressure off the inter- The council will discuss the rate has been scheduled for cities hope to widen the road section of Rock Prairie and the operations and maintenance Sept. 13, and a rate must be all the way to F.M. 158, she Texas 6 frontage road. portion of the property tax adopted by Sept. 27, according said. The extension of Dartmouth rate at a budget workshop to the City Charter. That way, McIlhaney said, will provide another north- next week. Currently, the In other action Wednesday, there will be more than one south route through the city, operations and maintenance the council appointed Kyle lane each way to accommo- which will help alleviate traf- component is 16.62 cents per Hawthorne and Ron Kieser to date traffic from Park Hudson, fic on Texas Avenue, McIl- $100 valuation. the city's Planning and Zon- Veterans Park and College haney said. It will especially Council members will ing Commission. The group Station's hotel, conference be needed when construction decide whether to increase the named Rick Floyd as its center and performing arts to widen Texas begins. rate by 1.84 cents to 18.46 cents chair. center. "These are projects that the per $100 valuation to begin Greens Prairie needs to be council has identified that paying for a fifth fire station widened to accommodate a need to be funded," she said. and continue the development ■ Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail surge in subdivision develop- "We have other capital proj- of Veterans Park. address is ckavanagh@ ment as well as traffic from ects that need to be done, and If all additions are The Eagle Council approved, the tax rate would August 24, 2001 increase by almost 5 cents, to 47.78 cents per $100 valuation. From A7 The tax bill on a$100,000 home Anthony 'Tony' lic hearing on the city's pro- would be $477.80. Y Y posed $154 million budget for A public hearing on the tax Weeditz, Jr. the upcoming fiscal year. City rate has been scheduled for p g y y Sept. 13, and a rate must be March 22, 1947—Aug. 22, officials have proposed a budg- adopted by Sept. 27, according 2001 et that is $17.5 million less than this to the City Charter. Services for Anthony "Tony" year's, but several p Weeditz, Jr., 54, of College Sta- projects and operations costs In other action, the council: tion are set for 4 p.m. Saturday at ■ Postponed a decision on still could be added. Memorial The proposed budget, which increasing fees for building Funeral Chapel must be adopted by Sept. 27, permits and inspections. in College Sta- calls for the city's tax rate to Council members said they tion. The Rev. remain at 42.93 cents per $100 had some concerns with the Bill Holt will valuation.That means the city proposal. iM, officiate. Burial tax bill on a $100,000 home ■ Contracted with Young will be in the would be $429.30. Contractors to realign Rock College Station But the rate is expected to Prairie Road and extend a WEEDITZ Cemetery. increase by at least 3 cents,fol- water line to the area. The Visitation lowing a decision by the coun- contract is for$1 million. will be from 3 p.m. to the time of cil Wednesday to fund $9 mil- ■ Approved a resolution to service Saturday at the funeral lion in road projects to accom- acquire 31 acres of a 95-acre home. modate the city's fast-paced tract on Krenek Tap Road next Mr. Weeditz died Wednesday at growth. to the city's Central Park for home. The tax rate could rise even the future City Center, which He was born in Joliet, III., and higher if the council decides to will house city offices. was founder and owner of On increase the city's operations Alert Security Systems. He was and maintenance costs for the ■ Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail Veterans Park and Fire Sta- address is ckavanagh an active supporter of the Lady tion No. 5. Aggie Maroon Club. He was a @theeagle.com. Lutheran. Mr. Weeditz retired as a major REQUEST FOR BID after serving 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. Awards received during Bid#01-94 his time in the service include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Crushed stone Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, The City of College Station is accepting bids for the National Defense Service Medal, above referenced item.Bids will be received at: the Vietnam Service Medal and City of College Station the Small Arms Expert Marks- Purchasing Services Division manship Ribbon. City Hall Survivors include his wife, 1101 Texas Avenue, Nancy Weeditz of College Station; College station,Texas 77840 two daughters, Jill and Jenny until 2:00 PM,Aug 31, 2001,at which time bids will be Weeditz, both of Grapevine; his opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will mother, Helen Weeditz of Oak be returned unopened. Land, III.; a sister, Jackie Weeditz A complete set of specifications and bidding documents of Maywood, III.; six stepchildren, is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - Kristin and Cody Allen, both of 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- 3555.Additional information is available on our website College Station, and Keri and at www.ci.college-station.tx.us .These documents may Damon Leinart and Michael and also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- Susan Jones, all of Carrollton, mandstar.com Texas; and six grandchildren. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject) Memorials may be made to any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari-! Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 W. ties. 29th St., Bryan, 77803. 8-17-01,8-24-01 College Station Medical Center `.. August 22, 2001: Samantha and Cleve Sterwart, Iola, a girl; Jaime and David Kelley, Bryan, a boy; Rebecca and William Ogg, Caldwell, a girl. The Eagle August 25, 2001 College Station Medical Center August 23, 2001: Raven and George Eldred, Col- lege Station, a boy; Ila Linebaugh, Hearne, a girl; Debra and Tony Contreras, Caldwell, a boy. ti1w. `r. THE EAGLE, SUNDAY AUGUST 26, 2001 p g North ategaragebe ins o erations g By COLLEEN KAVANAGH n :. Northgate since 1995, when Eagle Staff Writer the council made it a top pri- ority. Overcoming opposition College Station officials on to the garage to see it open for Saturday celebrated the open- business has been well worth ing of the $6 million College r it, city officials said. Main Parking Garage and the In 1998, voters narrowly hard-fought journey they defeated a plan to kill the endured to see its completion. garage project. A hand The grand opening, on the recount confirmed a 52-vote roof of the four-story garage, 4 victory for garage supporters. came with much fanfare and Since then, city officials none of the controversy the have worked on design and facility and the city's North- construction plans, debating gate parking plans have gen- major and minor changes erated in recent years. The along the way.Residents have festivities coincided with spoken for and against the another celebration next project at countless council door:the grand opening of the meetings. private, $25 million Tradition Recently, the garage rates at Northgate dormitory. as well as fees for spaces in College Station officials the city's 116-space surface lot Eagle Schneider hope the additional 725 spaces y P and the planned addition of • in the garage will ease traffic Cars move in and out of the$6 million College Main Parking Garage. 120 metered on-street parking and parking congestion in the spaces have drawn fire from crowded area while enhanc- The garage celebrated its grand opening Saturday. several merchants and ing the city's efforts to revi- ed several Northgate busi- community, it begins to take church representatives. talize its oldest neighbor- ness owners and two former away from the rest of our Many fear the rates will dis- hood. City Council members, Hub- community." suade patrons and church- "Look at what Northgate bard Kennady and Dick Bird- The garage is part of a $17 goers from venturing into has become," Mayor Lynn well. "Take pride in what we million rehabilitation invest- Northgate. Mcllhaney said to the 150- have here. If we do not take ment the city has made to member crowd,which includ- care of the oldest part of our spark redevelopment in See GARAGE, Page A8 aarage From Al The City of College Station's perking will be 50 cents an is currently accepting hour between 6 a.m. and 7 applications for a: p.m. and$1.50 an hour from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Patrons can park for free between 7 a.m. SIGNS & MARK I N GS and 2 P.M. on Sundays.s ant TECHNICIAN Burger Boy owner George Sopasakis,who opposed the project, id Sak Public Works Department urday that he Traffic Division the initial projections for the Entry Level Position garage were "financially sound." to Minimum Qualifications: High school "But I hope it's all going physical turn out for the best for the graduate or GED equivalent. Good phy manual & power condition,ability to operate ma business community and the community overall," said tools. Ability to operate desktop computer Sopasakis,who did not attend using MS Windows programs. Also must have Saturday's festivities. "Let's a Good Driving Record with a Class"C"Texas move on." Drivers License. Several merchants helped celebrate the facility's open- Salary: $9.54/hr ing. Deadline Ann Loupot, of Loupot's to apply: August 29, 2001 Bookstores, one of which is Apply at: City of College Station located in Northgate, thanked pp y Human Resources Department the council for the "great" 1101 S.Texas Avenue facility. College Station,Texas 77840 "There are many independ ent businesses up here, but it's more than a business cen- Fax: 979-764-3800 ter," she told the crowd of Internet: www.lockon.com/'obline/cstx.htm about 150. "It's a living sYm- Equal opportunity Employer bol of Texas A&M and its tra dition and history." Mcllhaney said the garage will a;leviate the area's park ing shortage and encourage businesses to continue to locate at Northgate. "I think it's taking a very big step in correcting a prob- lem," Mcllhaney said. "As the area continues to be redevel- oped,oped, there is going o added pressure, but at least we'll have some breathing room." The Eagle August 27, 2001 Unnecessary news would benefit the community. Loupot's (along with other area Loupot's Bookstores has merchants) provided remodel- been a member of the ing for an office space and bath- local business community room facilities, supplied office for nearly 70 years. equipment and furniture id We are proud of our business rent, insurance, utilities and record, customer service and legal fees to set up the rent-free relationship with Texas A&M lease. University, Blinn and Bryan- Even with donations, this College Station. caused Loupot's expenses of We carry on the "Tradition of $15,000. Sharing" as established by our During the four yearly book beloved founder, J.E. "Old rushes, books were housed in Army" Loupot. our offices and leased ware- We assist students with aca- houses, causing great inconven- demic as well as cultural schol- ience. Simple math tells you arships. We assist Aggie Moth- that elimination of free parking ers' clubs and Aggie hometown spaces automatically reduces clubs to raise scholarships. customer numbers. Along with Merrill Lynch, we We could not afford to subsi- constructed a Habitat for dize a police station plus bear Humanity home. Also, dona- the revenue loss. The mer- tions are made to campus chants of Northgate have expe- organizations and Brazos Coun- rienced depressed sales of 15 ty groups. percent to 25 percent since Our student employees changes were made to parking. receive monetary incentives for This past month, Loupot's has academic excellence and worked with the city to promote .a„ improvement. We relish our the new garage— donating long-standing relationships time, goods and information. with these "graduate employ- We feel that negative press is ees." highly unwarranted and When we were approached by unhealthy for our community. the city of College Station to SUANNE PLEDGER house a police substation in our Loupot's Bookstore Northgate store, we believed it President of Northgate District REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #01-92 1+Long Distance Service The City of College Station is accepting proposals on the above referenced item for the City of College Station Offices.Proposals will be received at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,TX 77842 until 4:00 pm. September 14, 2000. All proposals re- ceived after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or re- ject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the proposal considered most advantageous to the City. A complete set of docu- ments for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Divi- sion at (979) 764-3823 or jfinkes@ci.college- station.tx.us . 8-20-01,8-27-01 The Eagle August 28, 2001 .r. CS Council planning REQUEST FOR BIDS budget workshop Bid#01-95 The College Station City Coun- Road Sweeper cil has scheduled a budget work The City of College Station is accepting bids for the shop meeting for 3 p.m. Tuesday above referenced item.Bids will be received at: at city hall to discuss parts of the proposed 2001-02 budget, a City of College Station Purchasing Services Division package that translates into a City Hall tax increase of almost 5 cents. 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station City Manager College Station,Texas 77840 Tom Brymer said the council will until 2:00 PM, September 4, 2001,at which time bids examine the city's enterprise will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that funds, which include services time will be returned unopened. such as sewer, electric, drainage, sanitation and parking. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents p g is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - The city has proposed a budg- 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- et of $154.8 million for the 3555.Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us .These documents may upcoming fiscal year with more also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- than $71 million Slated to be mandsta used for enterprise funds. The council also will look at The City of College Station reserves the right to reject the results of a rate Study for any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. water and wastewater. A public hearing is expected to Aug. 21,2001 &Aug. 28,2001 be called for Sept. 13 for input on the city's proposed tax rate of 47.77 cents per$100 valuation. That would be an increase of almost 5 cents over the current I REQUEST FOR BIDS rate. Bid#01-89 Gabbard Park Playground Replacement Construction The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, September 4, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and description of job: Gabbard Park is located at the corner of Haines Drive and Dexter Drive in College Station,Texas. The project consists of installation of a hardscape. 1f1 A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- 3555.Additional information is available on our website at www ci college-station tx us . �. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. 8-21-01,8-28-01 Reduce parking fees revenue of$1,500 per parking The Eagle space in the garage. The surface he Northgate parking lot at Northgate generates only August 29, 2001 garage is complete and it $900. There is a real danger that g is truly a quality facility. the $1.50 per hour fee for park- The designers and builders did ing at Northgate will drive away an excellent job and the citizens customers from Northgate busi- can be proud of that. I was nesses. allowed to take part in the rib- parking fees should be set at bon cutting in spite of the fact highly reduced rates for several that I did everything I could to months and then gradually stop or reduce the size of this raised over time to find a level financially unsound project. that will keep the garage uti- Those at the ribbon cutting lized. Otherwise there is a real ceremony only needed to look danger that the taxpayers will over the south parapet and pay a heavy subsidy for the new observe the half-full surface lot facility. to realize that the garage is at least twice the size needed. DICK BIRDWELL Next year's budget projects College Station CS may extend free Roadwork to block Northgate parking College Station is looking traffic on Lincoln into the possibility of extending A portion of Lincoln Avenue in free Sunday parking on four College Station will be closed to Northgate streets that sur- through traffic beginning at 6 round a pair of the neighbor- a.m. Wednesday so that utility hood churches. crews can install a new sewer The City Council decided last line. Thursday to do away with the The section of Lincoln Avenue remaining free on-street park- between Nunn Street and Tarrow ing and install 120 meters in Street is expected to be closed the area. The decision came in until mid-afternoon as new taps conjunction with Saturday's for the existing sewer line are opening of the Northgate Park- installed. ing Garage, where free parking Texas A&M University buses is available Sundays from 7 will be rerouted around the con- a.m. until 2 p.m. struction area, but residents of Parking on Nagle Street and apartment complexes in the Stasny Street, which border St. area will be able to enter and exit Mary's Catholic Church, and as normal. Tauber Street and Lodge Street, which surround A&M United Methodist Church, will also be free during the Sunday NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: time period. But complaints The College Station City Council will hold a public hear- about the policy have prompted ing to consider a REZONING for 4121 STATE HIGH- the city to study the possibility WAY 6 SOUTH from A-P Administrative-Professional of extending the hours for free and C-3 Planned Commercial to C-1,General Commer- cial. on-street parking. Free on-street parking will The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- still be available in Northgate's lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 residential areas. Eliminating p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, September 13,2001. free parking in the business and institutional area was the Any request for sign interpretive Services for the hearing final component of a parking impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- plan for the area that the coun- 600-735-2989. cil adopted in March 2000. �.- For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON Staff Planner 8-29-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will The College Station Zoning'Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a sign variance for 800 hold a public hearing to consider a variance for 3212 Earl Rudder Freeway. Applicant is Clayton Rhodes for Nueberg Court, lot 7, block 11, Edelweiss Estates Chicken Express. Phase 14. Applicant is Kerr Surveying for Stylecraft Builders. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- p.m.meeting of the Board on September 12,2001. lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m.meeting of the Board on September 12,2001, Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing To make arrangements call(409)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. 800-735-2989. To make arrangements call(409)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764-3570. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764-3570. Molly Hitchcock Staff Planner Jennifer Reeves 8-29-01 Staff Planner 8-29-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR BIDS The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a sign variance for Bid#01-96 3939 South Highway 6 South. Applicant is Chandler Signs for Courtyard by Marriott. Security Locks for City Hall The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- The City of College Station is accepting bids for the lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 above referenced item.Bids will be received at: p.m.meeting of the Board on September 12,2001. City of College Station Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing Purchasing Services Division impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. City Hall To make arrangements call(409)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 1101 Texas Avenue, 800-735-2989. College Station,Texas 77840 For additional information, please contact me at (409) until 2:00 PM, September 5, 2001,at which time bids 764-3570. will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Molly Hitchcock Staff Planner A complete set of specifications and bidding documents 8-29-01 is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00AM - 5:OOPM or can be mailed upon request,(979)764-3558. NOTICE Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.collecie-station.tx.us .These documents may al- so be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- The Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District, mandstar.com which encompasses Brazos and Robertson Counties, will hold its regularly scheduled board meeting at 5:30 The City of College Station reserves the right to reject p.m. on Thursday, September 6, 2001 at the Franklin Community Center. The public is invited to attend. Fol- any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- lies. I lowing the board meeting at 7:00 p.m.will be a public in- formational meeting about the groundwater conserva- Aug 22,2001 &Aug 29,2001 tion district. The meeting will begin with a presentation by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and pro- ceed with a presentation on groundwater hydrology, a general discussion of groundwater law and the legisla- tion that created the District, and the pros and cons of being included in the Brazos Valley Groundwater Con- servation District. All citizens are invited to attend and are encouraged to ask questions. If you would like addi- tional information,please contact Wendi Gibson at(979) 764-3491. 8-29-01,9-1-01,9-2-01,9-5-01 i THE EAGLE, SUNDAY AUGUST 30, 2001 B-CS, A&M officials "[The retreat] allows all the parties plan annual retreat involved to discuss the direction of the College Station Medical Center By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL strengthen the working rela- community ... and August 27, 2001: Eagle Staff Writer tionship between the two city Tracy Bogert, Bryan, a boy; governments. establish future Nicola Pitchford and Nathan The Bryan and College Sta- "It allows all the parties goals." Harris, Bryan, a girl; tion city councils and repre- involved to discuss the direc- Teresa and Orlando Perez, sentatives from Texas A&M tion of the community," HUGH WALKER Bryan, a girl; University and Brazos Coun- Walker said. "It allows them will meet in a two-day o' Bryan's acting city manager Lisa and Mark Proske, Ledbet- t3' y joint to talk about different issues ter, a boy. retreat beginning Thursday. and opportunities that have August 28, 2001: The retreat at the G. Rollie come up throughout the year A&M and the county on a lot Jandalea and Brad Noffsker, White Visitor Center marks and establish future goals." of them," Brown said. "The the second year that officials College Station Assistant goal is to work through College Station, a girl; from the four entities have City Manager Glenn Brown needs of each entity and seeShindana Hawkins, College gathered to discuss partner- said there are a number of how we can work together to Station, a boy; ships and issues common to joint projects and issues that achieve overall community Keri and Christopher Bruegger, the community. can be addressed. goals." Bryan, a boy. Hugh Walker, Bryan's act- "There is more in common ing city manager, said that between the two cities, but ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail last year's meeting helped there is overspill onto Texas address is cferrell@theeagle.com. REQUEST FOR BIDS REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#01-97 Bid#01-93 Right-of-Way Clearing Liquid Chlorine ,Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Texas will be received for the: above referenced item.Bids will be received at: Electrical System City of College Station Right-of-Way Clearing i Purchasing Services Division City Hall until 2:00 p.m., September 6, 2001 after which time all 1101 Texas Avenue, qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received College Station,Texas 77840 after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the office of: until 2:00 PM,September 6, 2001,at which time bids City of College Station will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Purchasing Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 A complete set of specifications and bidding documents s available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project involves the clearing or reclearing of electri- at w Additional information is available on our at ww ci college-station.tx.us .These documentsis may may cal distribution line right-of-way,including the furnishing also be downloaded by registered vendors at www.de- of all necessary labor and equipment for an initial term mandstar.com of one year. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- A complete set of Bidding Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Division/City Hall, City of College ties. Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 8-23-01 & 8-30-01 77840. Questions regarding this project should be di- rected to: Purchasing Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 O (979)from 823 8:30 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Five(5)percent bid security is required. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. 8/23/01, 8/30/01 r Benjamin Floyd Liles July 15, 1915—Aug. 29, 2001 Services for Benjamin Floyd THE EAGLE, SUNDAY AUGUST 31 2001 Liles, 86, College station are set for 100 a.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Col- LEGAL NOTICE Walter Pharms lege Station. ORDINANCE NO. 2515 WAS PASSED AND AP- March 4, 1925— Ql The Rev. PROVED ON August 23,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL Aug. 27, 2001 \ OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- David Rowland ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, Services for Walter Pharms, of First Baptist 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in 76, of College Station are set for t Church in COI- accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said 11 a.m. Saturday at College Hill lege Station Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in Baptist Church in College Station. the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: WIII Officiate. The Rev. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10,"TRAFFIC . G.A. Pharms Of Masonic rites CODE", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE Greater Grove Temple Church of `- will be at the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY AMENDING God in Christ LILES CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVID College Station ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PEN- WIII officiate. Cemetery. ALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. Burial WIII be In Visitation will be from 5 to 8 the College p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to Chapter 10, "Traffic Code has been amended by Station Ceme service time Saturday at Memori changing ` y g g parking regulations for certain described areas. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the tery. al Funeral Chapel in College Sta- city secretary's office. Visitation tl0n. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro will be from 10 Mr. Liles died Wednesday ata.m. to 7 .m. visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- PHARMS p College Station Medical Center. demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- Friday at He Was born in Palmer, Texas, able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars Jones-Washington Mortuary. and lived in College Station since ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Mr. Pharms died Monday at St. 1947. He worked at Texas A&M Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted Joseph Regional Health Center. in the bookkeeping department to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,becomes effective He Was born in Millican and until 1951 and was the owner ten If 0)days after its date of passage by the city Coun- served in the U.S. Army. and operator of Park Cleaners in cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City Survivors include his wife, College Station. He was a mem- of College Station. Connie Hooks g Willie B. Pharms of College Sta- ber of the Brazos Valley Shrine • City Secretary tion;two sons,Andre Pharms and Club, the Arabia Temple in Hous- 8-31-01,9-1-01 David Pharms, both of Grand ton and the York Rite Bodies and Rapids, Mich.; three stepsons, was affiliated with the Sul Ross Milton Wells and James Robin- son Sr., both of College Station, Masonic Lodge 1300 for 50 and Willie Robinson of Irving; a years. He also served as the daughter, Francine Pharms of president of the Brazos Valley Grand Rapids; a stepdaughter, Shrine Club in 1962. Barbara Day of College Station; a Mr. Liles was a member of the brother, the Rev. G.A. Pharms of First Baptist Church in College Waxahachie, Texas; sister, 011ie Station, where he served as a Banks of Houston; 17 grandchil- deacon for 40 years and chair- dren and two great-grandchildren. man of the ushers for 43 years. CS He also served on the Brazos County school board.during served Proposes ,.dWar in the U.S. Air Force during World li. Survivors include his wife, to ele Mary Louise Liles of College Sta- tion;sui tion; a son and daughter-in-law, Ben and Cathy Liles of College Bryan could tap Station; a daughter and son-in- On today's agenda: law, Linda and Mike Reagan of Officials from Bryan and College Wimberley, Texas; and five grand- into water lines Station will meet at 7 a.m. to dis- children. cuss the process for negotiating an Memorials may be made to the By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL end to Bryan's lawsuit against Col- Eagle Staff Writer lege Station over unpaid utility Shriners Burn Hospital, 815 Mar transmission fees. ket St., Galveston, Texas 77550. College Station officials on At the joint workshop, represen- Thursday presented a propos- tatives from Bryan,College Station, al aimed at resolving the tit Texas A&M University and Brazos scss Possible of Bryan's long-standing law- ne sh ps in County l such Uundertakings asra suit against its neighbor over regional airport and efforts to unpaid electricity transmis- attract tourism. sion fees. Members of the Bryan City lions by tapping into College Council were initially cool to Station's revamped water sys- College Station's offer, under which Bryan could save mil- See RFTRI:AT Dom, All sore point between the cities, going to happen because when million in deferred capital ago," Beal said. "I feel like and College Station Council you're suing your neighbor spending. y ou're saying, `You either Retreat member Dennis Maloney sug- there is bad blood." Even with an interconnect- agree with me on this utility gested it might be an impedi- Under College Station's pro- ing agreement, Bryan and Col- and give up this money,or you ment to the two finding com- posed agreement, Bryan lege Station would continue to can take your water and shove From Al mon ground. would be allowed to connect operate two separate water it — along with everything acknowledged But they eventually "We're all coming together its water system to the 48-inch systems. else."' acknowledged it should be and acting like we want to get water line that College Station The Texas Municipal Power But after more than 30 min- studied. married," Maloney said after recently installed along Har- Agency — which Bryan owns utes of conversation, Bryan The proposed settlement Participants spent the first vey Mitchell Parkway South along with the cities of Den- officials said they would be capped off the first day of a part of the day discussing var- from Sandy Point Road to the ton, Garland and Greenville n it willing to consider the deal if ious projects. "That's fine. I Dowling Road pump station. claims that College Station t would help brim down the be a means to end the lawsuit because consideration of the College Station City Manag- owes more than $16 million in biggest barrier to cooperation efforts and community health topic was not formally posted er Tom Brymer said that staffs transmission use fees. on joint projects. issues. on the meeting's agenda and from the cities met on The dispute dates to 1995, "This is the first I've heard But without an end to the lit- discussion on it would be a Wednesday to determine the when College Station began about that [interconnection igation, College Station offi- violation of the Texas Open possible savings that could be purchasing power from Texas deal]," said Bryan Mayor Jay cials said it will be difficult for Meetings Act. generated for each. Utilities Electric, now TXU Don Watson. "But I don't have any partnerships to work. Earlier in the day, represen- City engineers determined Electric, instead of TMPA. But any problems with a trade-out, "We are building a relation- tatives of the four entities dis- that over the next 15 years, College Station continued to or whatever if it will help put ship that is going to allow for cussed possible partnerships Bryan could save$12.6 million use TMPA's lines to receive its all this behind us." more chances in the future," in endeavors ranging from a on water production and electricity. Beal would not endorse the said College Station Mayor regional airport to tourism transmission and $400,000 for Bryan sued College Station a plan, but said it should be con- Lynn McIlhaney. "If I'm A&M water distribution. year later. sidered if it is the only way to and I'm the county, I'd be sit- Bryan could save an addi- Bryan Council member resolve the suit. ting here thinking that if we tional $5.1 million in deferred Mike Beal said the cities had "I'm not agreeing or dis- are going to do things together capital spending by postpon- previously talked about the agreeing with any proposal," and two entities are having ing its own planned water sys- possibility of a water intercon- Beal said. "I'm just saying that trouble, what are four entities tem upgrade. nection for the good of the if that is what has to be done to going to be like?" The merging of systems community — not as a means make it right, I'll go with it." could also save College Station to end litigation. The officials could not for- $4.7 million in transmission "I thought we were going to mally discuss whether the ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail and production costs and $3.4 agree to do this a long time water interconnection could address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Eagle September 1, 2001 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2515 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON August 23,2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in reg- ular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5,Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10,"TRAFFIC CODE", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVID- ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, DECLARING A PEN- ALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", has been amended by changing parking regulations for certain described areas. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said ,%W Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 8-31-01,9-1-01 College Station Medical Center August 30, 2001: Debra and Cullen Tittle, Cameron, a boy; Kristi Lee and Bryan Hayles, Bryan, a boy; Jessica and Casey Jones, Col- lege Station, a girl; Jonica Raymer, Rockdale, a boy. The Eagle September 2, 2001 r The City of College Station's Public Utilities Department is currently accepting applications for the following positions: CREW LEADER This position provides direct leadership,supervision and instructs(;„ in the operation, maintenance, installation and repair of the Water Distribution and Wastes^.rater Collection Systems. Thorough knowledge of the methods, materials, equipment and practices used in Water Distribution and tT/astewater Collection system maintenance and construction are necessary. Applicants should possess a Grade"C"Ground Water or a Grade"C' Distribution Certification and a Grade"C"Wastewater or a Class "II"Wastewater Collection Certification. Applications also must possess a valid Class"B"CDL Texas Drivers License with Tanker Endorsement. Salary: $12.41-$15.86/t-lour DOQ Deadline to apply: September 7, 2001 i Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: www.loc:kon.com/iobline/cstx.htrn Equal Opportunity Employer CW The Eagle Qflof News from The City of College Station. September 5, 2001 Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. ? - Need a Place to Park Close Looking For A Job? ! College Station to the A&M Campus? Try the NEW College Main Parking Garage Human Resources! at 309 College,Main in Northgate. Online- It's quick,easy,convenient and inexpensive! www.lockon.com/iobline/cstx.htm. Only$200 a semester for daytime parking only ONE block On Television- Cable Channel 19 from the Texas A&M campus... and you don't have to get your feet muddy!! On the Job tine-764-3704 For more information call 764-3565. Or Call- 764-3517 • College Station Environmental - Excellence Awards 2002 These awards emphasize Friday, the importance of environmental stewardship Robert and recognize pollution prevention and with Special Guest,Charlie Robison recycling projects that are innovative, ,..Call 764-3486 for more info. voluntary and effective. r Working on a Merit Badge?Taking a Civics or , Applications are available at City Hall,the Government Class'?Visit a City Council Meeting! Public Works Department and on the Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays Internet at www.ci.college-station.tx.us. I of each month in the College Station Council Chambers The deadline for applications is May 15,2002. I in City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue(next to Chili's). For more information call 764-3690. I Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; Meeting 7:00 p.m. Call 764-3541 for more information. tL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 Attention Teachers, 1 1 Parents! ContactDivision foreye-opening water and wastewater facility tours classroomexciting presentations.Contact • • • schedule a touror presentation TODAY! : . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " • • • • • • • • • • • *6• 4 "Bee"A Good Neiglibor be part of dour cPommunity! So You DoII't Get Stuug! cpome to the c6ity of `f ceollege station • %eighborhood Tonference! Don't park in the yard Saturday,September 15,2001 unless the surface is hard! • 8:00 a.m. -12:00 noon • cP,onference ceenter (1300 cPeorge Bush(Drive) Parking on the grass is not allowed! For more information call 764-6363! cF'or more information call 764-6262. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : "Bee"A Honey,Save Your Money! Looking for a Convenient Way Master Composter Training Course to Pay Your Utility Bill? An intensive backyard composting course including lectures,slides,videos,demonstrations and field trips. Sign up for Automatic WHEN:September 19-20,6:00-9:00 p.m.;September 22, Bank Drafting... 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.(all class dates must be attended). and spend your free time doing something WHERE:Brazos Center,3232 Briarcrest Drive,Bryan 14Jiy YI /, fun! COST:$15.00(Includes compost bin,T-shirt,instructional Contact College Station materials and Saturday lunch.) Utility Customer Services for details: Contact BVSWMA at 764-3806 to register. 764 3535 or 800/849 6623 News from The City of College Station is brought to you monthly by the College Station Public Communications&Marketing Department. Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase The City of College Station will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 15.1639 percent. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The public hearing will be held on September 13 at 7:OOp.m. at College Station City Hall, in the Council Chambers at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station. FOR the proposal: Lynn Mclhaney, James Massey, Ron Silvia, Winnie Garner, Larry Mariott, Dennis Maloney, and Anne Hazen. AGAINST the proposal: i PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: 1 'The following table compares taxes on an average home in this •/ taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average home this ,year. Again, your individual taxes may be higher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your property. Last Year This Year Average residence homestead value $1233148 $1291715 General exemptions available $0 $0 (amount available on the average homestead,not including senior citizen's or disabled person's exemptions) Average taxable value $1235148 $129,715 Tax rate (per $100) $0.4293 $0.4777 Tax $528.67 $619.65 Under this proposal, taxes on the average homestead would increase by $90.98 or 17.21 percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would increase by $0.0484 per $100 _J of taxable value or 11.27 percent compared to last year's tax rate. These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The Eagle The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission September 5, 2001 will hold a public hearing to consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for a SIGN ONLY at 4010 HARVEY ROAD,COVENANT FAMILY CHURCH. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- TEMBER 20,2001. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing ! The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. will hold a public: hearing to consider the adoption of To make arrangements call (979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- THE EASTGATE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN. 800-735-2989. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- For additional information, please contact me at (979) lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 764-3570. ! p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- TEMBER 20,2001. JENNIFER REEVES STAFF PLANNER Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. The Coll,=ge Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a CONDITIONAL For additional information, please contact me at (979) USE PE1RMIT and SITE PLAN for 1350 EARL RUDDER 764-3570. FREEWAY SOUTH. I LEE BATTLE The hearing will be held in the.Council Room of the Col- SENIOR STAFF PLANNER lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 01 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- TEMBER 20,2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaire(I must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To mak(a arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. College Station Medical Center For ado'itional information, please contact me at (979) August 31, 2001 764-3570. Terry and Christopher Harwell, M Anderson, a boy; MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER Lisa and Paul Coufal, Bren- 9-5-01 ham, a girl; Heather and Jeremy Barker, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Houston, a girl; Monique and Raul Ledezma, The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission College Station, a girl. will hold a public hearing to consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for 2501 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH, D- 101. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, SEP- TEMBER 20,2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. i For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 9-5-01 r answer to that right now." Study That amount is expected to be specified next month. Another approach would be From A7 to tell the federal agency that _ everyone in the community o b o o h o o Cr It �3' .4 beginning of a very lengthy favors just pursuing one alter- ¢ a ac � ¢ c ° h rt and arduous process," she , co (n 0 co � cD CD "' '* c � CD v, native route, said Chuck Sip- ao ° �, .� p 'D cn p p O oro cD C" O said. "If this is how our rela- '* Q' o o 0 m 5 ° �' r" pial, A&Mrs vice president for CD 00 ;D � � '" 6. � = td h h c '" ►� tionship is now, what's it p v c vo � m K ¢. c �z o � rp (n going to be like when we start administration and a member � �• the implementation phase?" of the policy committee. But a `�' rt o 0 ° CD y ° CD o Eric Caldwell,chairman of the ... x .!' O College Station, Bryan, Bra Rail Advisory Committee, r w ° K C En , � ` m ° o CD zos County, Texas A&M Uni said he wouldn't support that � o' CD �, o w c ° CD a O versity and Union Pacific Z K �* - a� `c suggestion. m o o co 5 Railroad are funding the rail- o CD f. a road location study. The citizens input commit c o �, w tee passed a resolution last ° ° " Michael Parks, director of month recommending the pol- ~� (n CD D 00 • the Metropolitan Planning icy committee continue study- Organization, said his organi- o �, `C ing all the alternatives with . ,� o C7 o cD CD zation will "rethink and �' ID o 0 " �'`" CD no regard to their adherence ~� o r N • retool" its strategy for dealing to the federal department's cD N cD o U, 4� ID m with the federal highway m X w Do Z ID ° w CD + ¢ N K r* guidelines for funding. The ¢ W � � °c o o o �D administration. cn CD cD c o o cD �t "I think the FHWA felt this maximum federal funding CD o- ° o CD -_ K CD w o a project would available is $25 million and prompt litiga- to ... x o m initial estimates indicate the � co O CD ¢ uo aq ¢ • tion, so they wanted a `back- c least it would cost to move the "' K '"' ¢ `� " CD up' in case the first option did- ' D � o 0 o c n ° K n't work out," he said. tracks is $82 million, Caldwell �* cD n o o CD r� w (D cD He said the Texas Depart- said. v (D �' c ¢ K O `The FHWA's interpreta- as �. �s o ° ment of become moreninvolved in the tion should not be taken into a CD CD CDc w can �I process, as the federal group consideration and should not `c m fD ¢ `D '* had recommended. stop the investigation into what is best for our communi- r, o rL p 0 P ►D r The cost of studying one ty" Caldwell said. o � O O O = — - � option "from start to finish" is The study also is taking $1.3 million, but Parks said it �, M q wont cost that much to add a �„ C more time than initially antic- _< O ipated. The policy committee p �• ��,, p C7 �� �' O Zr' 0 second alternative because „ p� voted Wednesday to extend to r" o' G. p p ►'t C �p much of the preliminary work June the contract with Carter x b A• '-* `� CD has been done on all The initial contract Burgess. 23 options. One option being considered is leaving the expires at the end of this tracks where they are and month. Next month, Parks plans to improving grade crossings. bring estimates of the addi- CD y "The question is really how tional costs to the policy com- much does it cost to do the mittee, as well as more field work on an additional M alternative — biologists and C W archaeologists and noise experts and all those people," I••+ CD he said. "We don't have the REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#01-100 Fluoride System Upgrade The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,September 20, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,Septem- ber 13,2001 at the Dowling Road Pump Station,107 N. Dowling Road,College Station,TX. This meeting is not mandatory,but attendance is highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- 3555.Additional information is available on our website at www.ci_college-station tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. 9-6-01,9-13-01 CSesee s to canc "I have found that most convention and visitor bureaus, once they reach a certain size and activity level, contract CVB are no longer under their By KELLI LEVEY sultant Randall Travel Marketing. The chambers of commerce. I Eagle Staff Writer firm advised completing the transition think it's time we look at within the next five years. doiri that, too" The College Station City Council is "For long-term success, it will be more g serving notice that it intends to cancel effective for the CVB to be a free-stand- its contract with the Bryan-College Sta- ing organization with its own board of LYNN MCILHANEY tion Convention and Visitors Bureau as directors and a continued focus on mar- College Station inayor a first step toward making the bureau keting and providing leadership in X M 1 independent from the Chamber of Com- future product development," according merce. N to a summary of the study released in from chamber activities, said College x Severing the convention bureau from April. Station Mayor Lynn McIlhaney. A letter _: the Bryan-College Station Chamber was College Station's contract requires a notifying the chamber of the city's o>o a recommended earlier this year by con- one-year notice of plans to withdraw See CVB, Page A3 I�al U -- y co C w P-1 s cD O r� V1 l"r N � O � O � �-+ CC CVB le with how we've been running it." Other recommendations by the consultant were for the [From Al CVB to offer weekend hours, which it began doing last plans, which has not been weekend, and to move its cen- .r01111' written, will be discussed at ter to a more prominent loca- the council's next meeting. tion. McIlhaney said the city The notice of the city's has applied for a grant to fund intent to cancel the contract the relocation. next year is a way to keep Col- Local hotel and motel taxes lege Station's options open, fund the bureau's $730,000 McIlhaney said. budget. Of that, $645,000 —88 "In looking at other mar- percent—comes from College kets, I have found that most Station and convention and visitor $85,000 comes bureaus, once they reach a from Bryan. certain size and activity level, Brazos are no longer under their h County chambers of commerce," she receives no said. "I think it's time we look hotel and at doing that, too.' " motel taxes, McIlhaney said separating but it plans to the bureau from the chamber MOLHANEY set aside would allow it to have a sepa- funds for rate board with members in marketing an exposition cen- the hospitality field, such as ter that it hopes to open with- operators of restaurants, in the next few years. hotels and tourist attractions. County Commissioner "The report showed the Randy Sims said he has heard chamber really doesn't have no talk of separating the con- the kind of direction the CVB vention bureau from the needs to be successful," she chamber and sees no reason said. "If the bureau had its for it. own board of people involved "It looks to me it's been a in that field,they would be up- good fit, like a glove on a to-date on what is going on hand," he said. "It looks more and could be more focused on like College Station is trying the coordinating effort." to set the direction for the Bryan Mayor Jay Don Wat- whole community. It looks son said that city's council like now that College Station has not discussed taking simi- has exceeded Bryan in popula- lar steps. But, he added, "I tion, they want to exert more think it is going to need to get control." on the agenda sometime soon. College Station's population "We need to do a lot more surpassed Bryan's last year investigation into whether for the first time, by 67,890 to this is the direction we want 65,660, according to the 2000 to go," he said. "I have mixed Census. emotions about whether it The $45,000 Randall study should be under the chamber was funded by the cities and or separate. I have just begun the chamber. Presentations to get into this issue, and I have been made to various have heard from citizens both community groups and the good and bad things about the College Station City Council, current setup." but not to the Bryan Council. Chamber president Robert The firm also recommended Davis said he is pleased with bringing the Brazos Valley the way the visitors bureau Sports Foundation under the has been operated by the Convention and Visitors chamber, which he described Bureau "to market sports as as an umbrella organization part of the overall marketing that has no allegiance to effort for the destination, thus either city. In addition, he creating overall efficiency." said, the chamber's numerous The slSorts foundation members in the hospitality began in early 1995 as a com- industry can help the cham- mittee of the chamber, then ber "stay attuned to that became a separate entity in industry." 1993. Its current budget of "The cities are the funding about $150,000 is funded by entities, so ultimately it is both cities' hotel and motel their decision, but I would be taxes in the same proportion disappointed if they moved as their subsidizing of the it," he said. "What I'm hoping Convention and Visitors is even if they send the letter, Bureau. within the time we'll have an opportunity to implement some of the other recommen- ■ Kelli Levey's e-mail address is dations and they will feel com- klevey@theeagle.com. The Eagle September 7, 2001 � CSPD"s Mason Newton holds the sole remaining title of major in the College Station depart- helrS ment, Patterson said. Previ- College Station Medical Center ously in charge of support Sept. 1, 2001: services, he will now focus on Marie and Daniel Merkel, grants and budget work. Bryan, a boy; apparent Feldman noted that the city Summer and Billy Bishop, has continued to grow and Madisonville, a girl; become increasingly complex. Suley Moore and Bradley Promotions groom The departmental reorganiza- Hilbers, Milano, a girl. tion will be used as a tool to Sept. 2, 2001: officers for chief job prepare the officers for his Holly Starr, Navasota, a boy. By HOLLY HUFFMAN succession. Sept. 3, 2001: Eagle Staff Writer "I chose these two people Martha and Noe Juarez, Col- based on their job perform- lege Station, a girl; Two College Station police ance, based on their job abili- Nina Davis and Jeffrey officers were promoted to the ties that I've seen over the last Markowski,College Station,a boy. newly created position of two years," Feldman said. Sept. 4, 2001: assistant chief Thursday as "This hasn't been something Dena Garcia and Derrick Green, part of a department reorgani that has been a knee-jerk reac- Bryan;twins, a boy and girl; zation designed to groom a tion." Shannon Koebelen-Pringle and _ successor to Police Chief Ed McCollum will focus on sup- Patrick Pringle, Hempstead, a Feldman. port services, including boy. Mike Patterson and Scott records, evidence and techni- McCollum were elevated to the cal services. Sept. 5, 2001: new posts during a reception Patterson said he and Maria and Bruce Jones,College at police headquarters. The McCollum and other members Station, a girl; promotions went into effect of the department will gain Caroline and Noel Padilla, W Sept. 1. more comprehensive experi- Bryan, a boy; Feldman said he created the ence under the reorganization. Stacy Allen Rockdale, a girl. jobs to give Patterson and He hopes to ensure the future McCollum the experience one of community policing and the of them would need to replace noise abatement task force. him when he retires in a few Patterson said his focus will years. be on the field operations Patterson has been with the bureau, which includes department for 23 years and patrols and criminal investi- was promoted from the rank of gations — the same divisions major. McCollum began his he managed as a major. career with the department Also promoted Thursday more than 16 years ago and were Mark Langwell and Rod- previously held the rank of ney Sigler to lieutenant and lieutenant. Jeff Capps and Lesley Hicks to sergeant. ■Holly Huffman's e-mail address is hhuffman@theeagle.com. The Eagle September 11, 2001 11.10 A letter agreement with Ingram,Wallis&Company for Professional Auditing Services. Staff recommends approval of letter agreement with Ingram, College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Wallis&Company for$72,500 and$76,000 for the audit services for the City o Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. College Station for the fiscal year ending September 30,2001 and 2002 City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue respectively. Details on any of the following items maybe picked upon request in the City Secretary's Office 11.11 (Third and final reading) A proposed five year franchise agreement (764-3541)in the College Station City Hall locatedat1101 Texas Avenue. renewal with Mitchell Gas Services L.P. to gather, collect, receive, transport for collection and store oil, gas, or other fluids used or produced in connection wit Presentation,discussion,and possible action on the following items: oil and gas operations in and around College Station. 1. Consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 11.12 Expanding the agreement between the City of College Station and 2. The FY 02 Strategic Plan and FY 02 Proposed Budget. Fulbright and Jaworski L.L.P. to expend up to$100,000 for legal services 3. An implementation plan for changes to the Convention and Visitor's Bureau i associated with the hotel/conference center project in the Highway 30/60 accordance with the Council's Draft Strategic Plan, Fiscal Year 2001-02. corridor. 4. Covenants and Restrictions for the new Business Center at College Station 11.13 The approval and execution of a conveyance agreement to accomplish generally located near the intersection of Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road. the donation of 4 single-family properties(316 Holleman,320 Holleman,411 5. A water cost of service study and rate analysis. Edward, 1109 Phoenix)to the local Habitat for Humanity affiliate. 6. Council Calendars 11.14 Adoption of a resolution increasing the budget authority currently allowe 7. Hear Visitors(5:45 p.m.) by the Optional Relocation Program Guidelines and approval of Optional 8. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Relocation Program Rehousing Agreements between the City of College Station Administrative Conference Room. Consultation with Attorney and Economic and three(3) eligible housing assistance applicants. As proposed,the budget Incentive Negotiations allowance includes a combined maximum of$183,500 in construction costs for 9. Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. these three (3) projects, plus the costs of demolition and necessary temporary Reguiar Meeting '1:00 p.m. relocation expenses. 10. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation 11.15 The approval and execution of an allocation of funding agreement Consider request for absence from meeting between the City of College Station and the Brazos Valley Community Action Presentations: National Constitution Week, Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Agency(BVCAA)for the use of$70,200 in federal HOME Program CHDO Set- Employee Award Aside funding. 11.16 The approval and execution of a conveyance agreement to accomplish Consent Agenda - Discussion and possible action on the following items: the donation of 2 single-family properties(1121 & 1123 Arizona)to the Brazos 11.1 The minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting,August 23, Valley Community Action Agency (BVCAA). 2001,special meeting June 20,2001,special meeting July 11,2001,special 11.17 A non-standard contract for educational services with THE POSITIVE meeting August 6, 2001, and August 30-31, 2001. AND TOTAL DIFFERENCE,of which obligates the city for$600 as our portion of 11.2 Renewal of annual agreement for Tires. Staff recommends contract the matching grant. renewal to Wingfoot CTS(Goodyear Commercial Tire)for annual estimated 11.18 An amendment to Chapter 10 of the code of ordinances to prohibit amount of$51,371.78. parking on the North side of Inlow Boulevard from Nagle Street to College 11.3 A renewal agreement and Contract Change Order with The Greenery for Avenue/F. M.308. landscape maintenance services at various municipal facilities. Recommend 11.19 A nomination to the Board of Managers of the Brazos County Emergency approval of the renewal agreement with The Greenery for an annual estimated Communications District. expenditure in the amount of$223,913.00. Regular Agenda- Discussion and possible action on the following items: 11.4 The renewal agreement for street materials. Recommend renewal to 12.1 Public hearing.A request to rezone 2.497 acres out of the Robert Texcon for$2,995.00, Young Contractors for$423,000.00 and Gulf States Stevenson Survey League A-54located at 4121 State Highway 6 South from C Asphalt for$49,240.00. 3 Planned Commercial and A-P Administrative Professional to C-1 General 11.5 A resolution approving a construction contractor for improvements to Commercial. Hallaran Pool located in Southwood Athletic Park. Staff recommends award to 12.2 Public hearing.To rezone 19.62 acres for Pebble Creek, Phase 9A locate the lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Texas Southwest south of Greens Prairie Rd.East. Aquatics, Inc., in the amount of$86,370. 12.3 Public hearing.The City of College Station 2001-2002 advertised ad 11.6 A resolution approving a construction contract for the Park Place 3 Million valorem tax rate of$0.4777 per$100 valuation. Also,discussion and possible Gallon Composite Elevated Storage Tank. Recommend award to the lowest, action on scheduling and announcing the meeting date,time and place to adopt responsible bidder meeting City of College Station Standard Bid Documents and the tax rate. Contract Requirements,CB&I Constructors, Inc.for the amount$2,967,000.00. 12.4 The City of College Station Proposed 2001-2002 Budget. 11.7 A resolution of the City of College Station,Texas,to increase the number 12.5 Adoption of the FY 02 Strategic Plan. of members on the Board of Directors of the Brazos County Appraisal District 13. The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular and to change the method for appointing the members according to Section meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda 9/13/2001. 6.03(b)of the Texas Property Tax Code. 14. Final action on executive session,if necessary. 11.8 A resolution approving the budget of the Brazos County Emergency 15. Adjourn. Communications District, Fiscal Year 2002. 11.9 An amendment to the attachments to the inter-local agreement between the Cities of College Station and Bryan and Brazos County establishing the Brazos Animal Shelter and providing for the extension of a lease with the City of Bryan. ♦r. REQUEST FOR BIDS _ REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#01-91 Bid#02-01 Luther Lift Station The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Dartmouth Street Extension above referenced item.Bids will be received at: The City of College Station is accepting bids for the City of College Station above referenced item.Bids will be received at: Purchasing Services Division City of College Station City Hall Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue, City Hall College Station,Texas 77840 1101 Texas Avenue, until 2:00 PM,September 25, 2001,at which time bids College Station,Texas 77840 will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that until 2:00 PM,October 4, 2001,at which time bids will time will be returned unopened. be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time A Prebid Meeting will be held at Pubic Works,2613 will be returned unopened. Texas Avenue,College Station,Texas at 2:00 pm on Location and Scope of Work: September 18, 2001. This meeting is not mandatory,I The project involves the extension of Dartmouth Street but attendance is highly recommended. from its current termination within a multi-family devel- opment south of Southwest Parkway to Krenek Tap A complete set of specifications and bidding documents Road. is available for a non-refundable fee of$50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,Septem- Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is ber 20, 2001 at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College available on our website at www.ci.colleQe-station.tx.us. Station,TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but The City of College Station reserves the right to reject attendanceds highly encouraged. any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- A complete set of specifications and bidding documents ties. is available for a non-refundable fee of$25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Sept 11,2001&Sept 1$ 2001 Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Sept 11,2001 &Sept 18,2001 College Station Medical Center September 8, 2001: Jennifer and James Vasquez, Iola, a girl. September 9, 2001: Thuthao Thi Nguyen and Lam QuoC Tran, College Station, a girl; Monica Amos, Navasota, a girl. •.I College Station Medical Center Sept. 7, 2001: Stacey Mansel and Josh Pick- ens, Bryan, a boy. • THE EAGLE, Wufnes�a�SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 Sept. 10, Jennifer and 2001: Navasota, a Adam Zaragoza, girl. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hear- William M. `Bill' ing to consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for a re- ligious and educational facility located at 2475 EARL Sargent Jr. RUDDER FREEWAY SOUTH. Dec. 25, 1930—Sept. 9, 2001 The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- Services for William M. "Bill" lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m.meeting of the Council on Thursday,SEPTEMBER Sargent Jr., 70, of College Station 27,2001. are set for 2 P.M. Thursday at Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing A&M United Methodist Church. impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting., Dr. Jerry Neff will officiate. Bur- To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- lal will be in the College Station 800-735-2989. City Cemetery. For additional information, please contact me at (979) Visitation will be from 5 to 7 764-3570. p.m. Wednesday at Callaway- Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. MOLLY HITCHCOCK Mr. Sargent died Sunday at Col- Staff Planner 9-12-01 lege Station Medical Center. NOTICE of PUBLIC HEARING: He was born in El Paso and had lived in College Station since The College Station City Council will hold a public hear- 1995. He graduated from Texas ing to consider an ORDINANCE AMENDMENT for the I A&M University In 1952 with a WOLF PEN CREEK ZONING DISTRICT. degree in petroleum engineering The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the COI-,, and worked for Cabot Oil in lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7,00 pampa,Texas,for many years. He College Station Officials have Canceled a 2p .7 2001eting of the Council on Thursday,SEPTEMBER retired in 1993 from Ryder Scott scheduled trip to Washington on Sunday to Petroleum Engineering, a consult- lobby for the area's transportation needs. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing ing firm in Houston. He was a College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney said impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. member of the Society of Petrole the time that city representatives were to To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- Y spend with members of Congress and federal 800-735-2989. um Engineers, the American transportation officials could be better used to For additional information, please contact me at (979) Petroleum Institute and was an deal with Tuesday's events. 764-3570. A&M Letterman. He served in the "We just felt like at this point in time ...[our] U.S. Air Force during the Korean country is priority,".Mcllhaney said. "At some- JANE KEE time we will make the trip because we believe City Planner conflict. Mr. Sargent was a mem- s-12-01 ber of the A&M United Methodist it is important for them to hear our message, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Church. but at this point in time,their time, energy and focus needs to be on this." The College Station City Council will hold a public hear Survivors include his wife, Pat ing to consider a REZONING FOR 1267 HARVEY Sargent of College Station; two MITCHELL PARKWAY SOUTH FROM R-1, SINGLE Sons and a daughter-in-law, Jim FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-4, APARTMENT/LOW Sargent of Kingwood and Bill and DENSITY. Penny Sargent of Bejing; a broth- The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- er and sister-in-law, Arthur Lloyd lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 and Johnnie Sargent of Taos, p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, SEPTEM- N.M.; and two grandchildren. BER 27,2001_ Memorials may be made to the Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing TAMU Foundation, 401 George impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. Bush Drive, College Station, TX, To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 77840. g 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON • Staff Planner 9-12-01 C C r CS to consl* der budget approval By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL would fun proposed tax increase woud tots have made it necessary Eagle Staff Writer roadwork to implement an increase, she said. The College Station City The council sat through they could be talked about cents. Basically, the tax increase Council on Thursday will three workshops dedicated to tomorrow night." The boost is necessary to is in response to the public's consider adoption of the city the budget, and Mayor Lynn Council will also conduct a fund several road projects, an request for additional servic- 2001-02 budget and take public McIlhaney said Wednesday public hearing during which increase in the first phase of es, as well as the need to comments on a proposed she anticipates the document residents can voice their development of Veterans address some streets that increase of almost a nickel in will be approved without opinions on the proposed tax Park and maintenance and need to be completed or the tax rate. alteration. rate for the upcoming fiscal operation costs associated moved up on a project so we The$154.8 million budget— "Council has asked specific year. It is anticipated that the with projects approved by can get them built," McIl- which calls for a$17.5 million questions, but there have not council will raise the rate to voters in past bond elections. haney said. drop in spending from the been any discussions in terms 47.77 cents per $100 property .McIlhaney said that voters A portion of the revenue current fiscal year—must be of changing the budget,"McIl- valuation, meaning the tax were told before the 1998 bond generated by the tax increase adopted by the council no haney said. "So I would antic- bill on a $100,000 home would election that there could be a would fund four road projects later than Sept. 27, according ipate that if there were any be $477.80. That would mark tax increase to fund mainte- totaling about $9 million, to the city's charter. The new discussions they would have an increase of almost 5 cents nance and operation costs. budget will be effective Oct. 1. been brought up before — or over the current rate of 42.93 Requests for additional proj- See BUDGET, Page All Budget Widen University Drive. Col- lege Station is developing a plan to split the costs with Bryan, with each city paying From A9 $247,000. The council meeting will including the $4.3 million begin at 7 p.m. in the council widening of Greens Prairie chambers at College Station Road and the $3.6 million City Hall. The public hearing extension of Dartmouth Drive. on the tax rate is one of the The additional funds also first items on the council's would pay for design of an agenda. overpass at Barron Road,at an CD cost of$675,000, and E Christopher Ferrell's e-mail CD for partial design costs to address is cferrell@theeagle.com. CD rfl y w � N � O � O � William M. `Bill' Sargent Jr. Dec. 25, 1930—Sept. 9, 2001 Services for William M. "Bill" Sargent Jr., 70, of College Station are set for 11 a.m. Friday at A&M REQUEST FOR BIDS United Methodist Church. Dr. Bid#01-100 Jerry Neff will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station City Fluoride System Upgrade Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 The City of College Station is accepting bids for the P.M. Thursday at Callaway Jones above referenced item. Bids will be received at: Funeral Home in Bryan. City of College Station Mr. Sargent died Sunday at Col- Purchasing Services Division lee Station Medical Center. city Hall g 1101 Texas Avenue, He was born in El Paso and College Station,Texas 77840 lived in College Station since 1995. He graduated from Texas until e o opened September 20, 2bids e which time bids A&M University in 1952 with a will be opened at City Hall. All bids received after that y time will be returned unopened. degree in petroleum engineering and worked for Cabot Oil In A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,Septem- Pampa for many years. He retired ber 13,2001 at the Dowling Road Pump Station, 107 N. Dowling Road,College Station,TX. This meeting is not in 1993 from Ryder Scott Petrole- mandatory,but attendance is highly encouraged. um Engineering, a consulting firm ../ in Houston. He was a member of is complete set of specifications and bidding documents the Society Of Petroleum En I- is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - Y g �15:00 PM or can be mailed upon request, (979) 764- neers, the American Petroleum 3555.Additional information is available on our website Institute and was an A&M Letter- at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . man. He served in the U.S. Air The City of College Station reserves the right to reject Force during the Korean Conflict. any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- Mr. Sargent was a member of the ties. A&M United Methodist Church. 9-6-01,9-13-01 Survivors include his wife, Pat - Sargent of College Station; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Jim Sargent of Kingwood and Bill and Penny Sargent of Beijing; a broth- er and sister-in-law; Arthur Lloyd and Johnnie Sargent of Taos, N.M.; and two grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the TAMU Foundation, 401 George Bush Drive, College Station, TX, I77840. ../ • THE EAGLE,'.:,-4-w-.tj SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 college Station Medical center Sept. 13, 2001: Carla and Eric Silber, College Station, a girl; Kellie and Jason McAden, Col- lege Station, a boy. • • • The Eagle, Sunday, September 16, 2001 The City of College Station's City Manager's Office is currently accepting 110 applications for: SECRETARY This position will report to the Staff Assistant in the City Manager's Office and will be responsible for telephone reception, customer contact, and maintenance of the reception area in this office. This position will also order office supplies, sort incoming mail, schedule appointment and conference/meeting rooms, maintain files and provide assistance to the administrative staff. Successful candidate must be able to pass basic Word and Excel computer tests by 50%. High school diploma or GED equivalent required. Salary: $9.09/Hour Deadline to apply: September 28,2001 Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: www.lockon.com/obline/cstx htm Ewd 4pwWty mayor • Geraldine `Gerry' Walker Jan. 2, 1925—Sept. 14, 2001 Services for Geraldine "Gerry" OP'` THE EAGLE, ';/�a� ,- ,�; SEPTEMBER 17, 2001 Walker, 76, of Bryan are set for r CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 3 p.m. Tuesday at Calvary Bap- tist Church in Bryan. REQUEST FOR BIDS The following order was issued as a result of the called The Rev. Ray Spradling, asso- Bid#01-99 I meeting of the City of College Station Building and Clate Standards Commission on September 10,2001. pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will officiate. Burial will Veterans Park and Athletic Complex-Phase I After considering the evidence presented the commis- be in College Station City Ceme- ion orders: 608 Banks Street, Lot 6 and the adjoining s The City of College Station is accepting bids for the southwest one-half of Lot 5, Block 3, Prairie View tery. above referenced item.Bids will be received at: Heights Subdivision be declared unsafe and the owner Visitation will be from 5 to 7 to demolish the structure and have that debris and the p.m. Monday at Callaway-Jones City of College Station outside storage buildings removed with-in 90 days. Funeral Home In Purchasing Services Division Bryan. City Hall A complete copy of the above order may be obtained Mrs. Walker died Friday In St. - 1101 Texas Avenue, from the City of College Station City Secretary's office Joseph Regional Health Center. - College Station,Texas 77840 located at 1101 Texas Avenue,City of College Station. She was born In Dallas and until 2:00 PM,September 27, 2001,at which time bids 9-17-01 i lived in Bryan since 1967. She will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that Was a member of Calvary Baptist time will be returned unopened. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Church. Location and Scope of Work: The following order was issued as a result of the called She was preceded in death by The project consists of the furnishing of materials and meeting of the City of College Station Building and her husband, Harvey J. Walker. construction of the first phase of the Veterans Memoria Standards Commission on September 10,2001. Survivors Include three sons Park located between Highway 30 and Highway 60 Walk- northeast of Carter Creek in the City of College Station. After considering the evidence presented the commis and a daughter-in-law, Ben W81k The work consists of construction of the facilities shown sion orders: 207 Sterling Street, Lot 14. Block 2, of an er of Bryan, Ronald and Shelly on the plans and specifications,including incidentals not unrecorded portion of Richards Subdivision be secured Walker of San Diego, Calif., and specifically shown on the plans or specifications which from entry and all debris removed from the building pe- James Walker of Houston; and are required for a complete and operational facility. rimeter within 30 days. It is further ordered that the owners or owner's representative appear before the five grandchildren. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,Septem- commission 90 days from the 10th of September, 2001 Memorials may be made to ber 19, 2001 at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College and every 90 days thereafter to present the commission Calvary Baptist Church or the Station,TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but with a progress report. Demolition of the structure shall Salvation Army. attendance is highly encouraged. occur with-in 180 days unless additional time is warrant- ed and granted by the commission. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non-refundable fee of$50.00 payable A complete copy of the above order may be obtained by cash, check, or money order at the above address, from the City of College Station City Secretary's office Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is located at 1101 Texas Avenue,City of College Station. available on our website at www.ci.colleQe-station.tx.us. 9-17-01 The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Sept 10,2001&Sept 17,2001 The Eagle REQUEST FOR BIDS September 18, 2001 Bid#01-91 Luther Lift Station REQUEST FOR BIDS t The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Bid#02-07 �r above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Water and Sewer Tapping Materials- Purchasing Services Division Annual Agreement City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, The City of College Station is accepting bids fort e College Station,Texas 77840 above referenced item.Bids will be received at: until 2:00 PM,September 25, 2001,at which time bids City of College Station Services Division will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that PurchasingCity Hall time will be returned unopened. 1101 Texas Avenue, A Prebid Meeting will be held at Public Works,2613 College Station,Texas 77840 Texas Avenue,College Station,Texas at 2:00 pm on September 18, 2001. This meeting is not mandatory, until 2:00 PM,October 2, 2001,at which time bids will Hall.ity at C but attendance is highly recommended. well be retdurned unopenedll bids received after that time A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non-refundable fee of$50.00 payable A complete set of specifications and bidding documents by cash, check, or money order at the above address, is available at the above address, Mon Fri, 8:OOAM - Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web available on our website at www.b.collecle-station.N.us. site at www ci colleae-station tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. ties. Sept 11,2001 &Sept 18,2001 Sept 18,2001 &Sept 25,2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-01 Bid#02-12 Annual Blanket Order Dartmouth Street Extension For Concrete The City of College Station is accepting bids for the The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Purchasing Services Division City Hall City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 4, 2001,at which time bids will I until 2:00 PM,October 3, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened, will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: A complete set of specifications and bidding documents The project involves the extension of Dartmouth Street is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - from its current termination within a multi-family devel- 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- opment south of Southwest Parkway to Krenek Tap site at www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us . Road. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,Septem- any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ber 20, 2001 at City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave"ue, College ties. Station,TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but Sept 18,2001 &Sept 25,2001 attendance is highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non-refundable fee of$25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www ci college-station tx us. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Sept 11,2001 &Sept 18,2001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hear- ing to consider an ordnance designating a tract of land which consists of a 16.681 acre tract described as Lots 2-A and 2-13, Block 1, Business Center at College Sta- tion, Phase I, as Reinvestment Zone Number 13 for commercial tax abatement as provided in the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The proposed ordinance will establish the number of years for the rein- vestment zone,authorize an agreement to exempt from taxation the increase in value of the property in order to encourage development and redevelopment and other matters relating thereto,and providing a savings clause. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 7:00 p.m.on Thursday,September 27,2001. Any requests for sign-interpretive services for the hear- ing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meet- ing. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or (TDD)1-800-735-2989, For additional information, Please contact Kim Foutz at (979)764-3753. 9-18-01 College Station Medical Center September 14, 2001: • Terrie and Mike Liner, Whee- lock, a boy; Denice and James Bailey, Col- lege Station, a girl. • J The Eagle September 19, 2001 • • Notice of Vote on Tax Rate The City g of College Station conducted a public hearing on a proposal to increase the total tax revenues of the City of College Station from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 15.1639 percent on September 13, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the tax rate that will result in that tax increase at a public meeting to be held on September 26, 2001 at 12:00 P.M. at College Station City Hall, in the Council Chambers at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station Richard Edwin College Station Medical Center Woodfill Sr. September 17, 2001: Kendra and Glenn Hudson, Jan. 31, 1940—Sept. 15, 2001 College Station, a boy. Services for Richard Edwin Woodfill Sr., 61, of College Sta- tion are set for 1 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. Mr. Gardner Ted Armstrong will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station Ceme- tery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to service time on Thursday at the funeral home. Mr. Woodfill died Saturday in Corsicana. He was born in Harlingen and wool lived in College Station since 1981 and was employed at Wal-Mart. He was a member of the Interconti- nental Church of God and attended Michigan State University. He was preceded in death by a son, Kriss Woodfill, and a daugh- ter, Becky Woodfill. Survivors include his wife,Juani- ta McDaniel Woodfill of Bryan;two sons and a daughter-in-law, Richard Edwin Woodfill Jr. of Wixon, Mich., and Danny and Sue Woodfill of Austin; three stepsons and daughters-in-law, Craig Moody, and Tom and Carrie Moody, all of Fenton, Mich., and Jason and Anna Moody of Bryan; two daugh- ters and sons-in-law, Lori and Mark Bailey of Houston and Barbie and Tony Piccolo of College Station; two stepdaughters and a son-in- law, Connie McDaniel Pettit of Bryan and Shelia McDaniel and Joel Ward of Caldwell; a brother, John Woodfill of College Station; a sister and brother-in-law, Barbara Jean and Ken Ingraham of Scottville, Mich.; three grandchil- dren and one great-grandchild. Memorials may be made to GTAEA Building Fund. • THE EAGLE, Th -u SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 College Station Medical Center September 18, 2001: Angelia Wells, Kosse, a boy; Sharona Jefferson, Navasota, • a girl; Allison and Paul Torres, Col- lege Station, a boy; Elizabeth and Mark Herring, Caldwell, a boy. • College Station Medical Center Deals Sept. 19, 2001 Rebecca and Fidel Rueda, Bryan, a girl; From AI TaJa and Louis Gorrycki, col S lege S The Eagle, Friday September 21, 2001 lY owned subsidiary of the Station, a girl. Adam Corp./Group. CS) AdaM That agreement outlines tohow the two entities will joint- announce deals ly operate the complex, with the conference center prov2 Agreements reached for infrastructure, operations of complex ing meeting space and the hotel functioning as a `full- By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL city's east side. service" hotel. Eagle Staff Writer which the city would extend Brymer said the contrac One deal is a three-party roads, water and sewer serv- represent a major milestone contract between College ice to the hotel/conference in the progress of the public- The city of College Station Station, the Adam center site. and the Adam Corp./Group Corp./Group and College Br and agreement between e other is a the city and th Adam on Friday will announce the Main Ltd. for the center's recip o alsoperating agree- Corp./Group, which is owned signing of the first two con- infrastructure. ment between College Sta- by Bryan businessman Don tracts for a joint hotel/con- College Station City Man- tion and TAC Reality,a whol ference center complex to be ager Tom Brymer said it Adam. located on 55 acres on the spells out the terms under College Station Mayor Lynn See DEALS, Page A8 cIlhaney said that a develop- ment deal will be the next step LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE in the agreement, but the first two contracts were the most ORDINANCE NO. 2517 WAS PASSED AND AP- ORDINANCE NO. 2518 WAS PASSED AND AP- important. PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY "I'm hoping that we can COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- move forward quickly—Or in cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- reasonable time frame—with ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- them so we can get the project ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and ment Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and started," she said. duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- The city and TAC Reality tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- tinned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- announced in July 2000 that TER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE",OF THE CODE OF ORD,- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT NANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, OF DISTRICT, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- they had entered into a ing to TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET ING MAP",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE randum of understanding to OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING, develop the land on University CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING Drive for the hotel, conference AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW;I center, The Adam DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- Corp./Group headquarters Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", has been amended by pro- FECTIVE DATE. hibiting parking on the North side of Inlow Blvd. From and a performing arts center. Nagle Street to College Avenue/F.M. 308. A complete Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended by rezoning College Station allocated text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's of- 2.497 acres out of the Robert Stevenson Survey League $3.5 million for the conference fice. A-54 located at 4121 State Highway 6 South from C-3 center in its recently adopted Planned Commercial and A-P Administrative Professio- budget for the 2001-02 fiscal Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- nal to C-B Commercial Business. A complete text of the visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Year. demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- McIlhaney said that while able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- the center will be within the ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- College Station city limits, it Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- Will benefit the entire area. to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars Ordinance,being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars "It will allow Us to bring ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or conferences and corporate cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate conferences to this communi- of College Station. offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,be- tY that we have not had the Connie Hooks comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage facilities to do in the past," City Secretary by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the McIlhaney said. 9-21-01,9-22-01 Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks 9-21-01,9-22-01 City Secretary O LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2519 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICT, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- ING MAP",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended by rezoning 19.62 acres for Pebble Creek, Phase 9A located south of Greens Prairie Rd. East from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,be- comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 9-21-01,9-22-01 CS, Adam to announce de 1 The Eagle a S September 21, 2001 Agreements reached for infrastructure, operations of complex L�CHRISTOPHER FERRELL city's east side. which the city would extend gle Staff Writer One deal is a three-party roads, water and sewer serv- contract between College ice to the hotel/conference The city of College Station Station, the Adam center site. and the Adam Corp./Group Corp./Group and College Brymer said the other is a on Friday will announce the Main Ltd. for the center's reciprocal operating agree- signing of the first two con- infrastructure. ment between College Sta- tracts for a joint hotel/con- College Station City Man- tion and TAC Reality,a whol- ference center complex to be ager Tom Brymer said it located on 55 acres on the spells out the terms under See DEALS, Page A8 ly owned subsidiary of the Adam Corp./Group. That agreement outlines how the two entities will joint- ly operate the complex, with LEGAL NOTICE the conference center provid- ORDINANCE NO. 2518 WAS PASSED AND AP- ing meeting space and the PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY hotel functioning as a "full- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SerV1Ce" hotel. meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- Brymer said the contracts cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meet- represent a major milestone ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and in the progress of the public- duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- private agreement between tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- the city and the Adam TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT Corp./Group, which is owned OF DISTRICT, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- by Bryan businessman Don ING MAP",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS, BY CHANGING Adam' THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING College Station Mayor Lynn CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; Mcllhaney said that a develop- DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EF- ment deal will be the next step FECTIVE DATE, the agreement, but the first o contracts were the most Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended by rezoning 2.497 acres out of the Robert Stevenson Survey League important. A-54 located at 4121 State Highway 6 South from C-3 "I'm hoping that we can Planned Commercial and A-P Administrative Professio- move forward quickly—or in nal to C-B Commercial Business. A complete text of the reasonable time frame—with ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. them so we can get the project Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- started," she said. visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- The city and TAC Reality demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- announced in July 2000 that able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars they had entered into a memo- ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars randum of understanding to ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or develop the land on University be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, be- Drive for the hotel, conference comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage center, The Adam by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Corp./Group headquarters Charter of the City of College Station. and a performing arts center. College Station allocated Connie Hooks $3.5 million for the conference 9-21-01,9-22-01 City Secretary center in its recently adopted budget for the 2001-02 fiscal year. McIlhaney said that while the center will be within the College Station city limits, it will benefit the entire area. "It will allow us to bring College Station Medical Center conferences and corporate Sept. 19, 2001 conferences to this communi- Rebecca and Fidel Rueda, ty that we have not had the Bryan, a girl; cilities to do in the past," Taia and Louis Gorzycki, Col- Ilhaney.said. lege Station, a girl. ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com. LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2517 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY 1110, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION' meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun-I cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE", OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW: PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", has been amended by pro- hibiting parking on the North side of Inlow Blvd. From Nagle Street to College Avenue/F.M. 308. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's of- fice. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 9-21-01,9-22-01 LEGAL NOTICE moo, ORDINANCE NO. 2519 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICT, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- ING MAP",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended by rezoning 1 19.62 acres for Rebble Creek, Phase 9A located south j of Greens Prairie Rd. East from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, be- comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. } Connie Hooks V City Secretary 9-21-01,9-22-01 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2518 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- The Eagle, Saturday, September 22, 2001 ment Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- LEGAL NOTICE tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT ORDINANCE NO. 2519 WAS PASSED AND AP- OF DISTRICT, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY ING MAP",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE COUNCIL N THE CITY 3, COLLEGE STATION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun-STATION THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING m Chambers,regular Texas Avenue,said notice of meet CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern FECTIVE DATE. ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended by rezoning tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- 2.497 acres out of the Robert Stevenson Survey League TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENT A-54 located at 4121 State Highway 6 South from C-3 OF DISTRICT, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- Planned Commercial and A-P Administrative Professio- ING MAP",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE nal to C-B Commercial Business. A complete text of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- DECLARING DATE. visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- Chapter 12, "Zoning", has been amended by rezoning able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars 19.62 acres for Pebble Creek, Phase 9A located south ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars of Greens Prairie Rd. East from A-O Agricultural Open be permitted Each day such violation shall continue or to R-1 Single Family Residential. A complete text of the be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance, be- ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- Connie Hooks able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars City Secretary ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars 9-21-01,9-22-01 ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate LEGAL NOTICE offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,be- comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage ORDINANCE NO. 2517 WAS PASSED AND AP. by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the PROVED ON September 13, 2001 BY THE CITY Charter of the City of College Station. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Connie Hooks meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- City Secretary cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- 9-21-01,9-22-01 ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 10, "TRAFFIC CODE",OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", has been amended by pro- hibiting parking on the North side of Inlow Blvd. From Nagle Street to College Avenue/F.M. 308. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's of- fice. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five Hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 9-21-01,9-22-01 THE EAGLE, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 2001 *.. The City of College Station's Municipal Court Division is currently accepting applications for a: STAFF ASSISTANT This position is responsible for support services and MC11hanjo.17.0• CS Wont operatipns of activities at municipal court. Will assist Municipal Court Administrator with training and daily supervision of Customer Service Representatives; audit, prepare and process warrants; maintain and prepare nee bond election court case dockets. High school diploma or GED equivalent, one year supervisory experience, and knowledge of court procedures and laws governing the By CBRISTOPHER FERRELL bonds can be issued by the court required. Must be able to pass computer tests Eagle Staff Writer city without voter approval. which include Microsoft Word and Excel. This position The city and TAC Realty on involves contact with both internal and external College Station Mayor Friday agreed on the first two customers,thus requiring good interpersonal skills. Lynn McIlhaney said Satur- contracts for the complex, day there will not be a bond which will include a 315-room Salary: $10.91/Hour election to help fund the full-service hotel, a city- Deadline to apply: October 5,2001 hotel/conference center owned conference center, a Apply at: City of College StaTon development the city is build- 300,000-square-foot headquar- Human Resources Department ing along with Bryan busi- ters building for Adam's 1101 S.Texas Avenue nessman-banker Don Adam's Adam Corp./Group and a per- College station,Texas 77840 TAC Realty. forming arts center. It will sit Internet: www.lockon.com/iobline/cstx htm An article in Saturday edi- on 55 acres along University Equal ppp�fy Employer tions of The Eagle reporting Drive across the street from that a bond election would be the Physicians Centre. necessary was inaccurate,the In a 1998 referendum, Col- mayor said. lege Station voters approved McIlhaney said an election the city's plan to build a con- will not be required for the ference center, McIlhaney city to issue debt to fund the said.At the time,the complex project. Revenue from a tax was slated for the Wolf Pen increment finance district Creek area. The referendum and a portion of the city's did not specify the location of hotel/motel taxes will be used the project. to repay certificates of obliga- tion College Station will issue ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail for the project, she said. address is cferrell@theeagle. Certificate of obligation com. err College Station Medltcad REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Center #02-13 September 21, 2001: Electronic Credit Card Payment Nicole and Scott Robinson, Merchant Account Services Waller, a girl; The City of College Station is accepting proposals on Carolina and Stephen Murphy, the above referenced item for the City of College Station College Station, a boy. The Eagle, Tuesday, September 25, 2001 Offices.Proposals will be received at: 1r September 23, 2001: Sharonda and Malcolm The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Williams, Bryan, a boy; 1101 Texas Avenue Irma and Jose Silva, Madis- College Station,TX 77842 onville, a girl. until 4:00 pm, October 23,2000.All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said re- College Station City Council Workshop Meeting quest and to accept the proposal considered most ad- Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. vantageous to the City. A complete set of documents City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Division at Details on anyofthefollowingitemsmaybepickeduponrequestintheCitySecretarysOffice (979)764-3823orjfinkes@ci.college-station.tx.us . (764.3541)in the College Station CityHalllocated at 1101 Texas Avenue. Presentation,discussion,and possible action on the following items: 9/25/01 10/2/01 1. Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. REQUEST FOR BIDS 2. Presentation and discussion regarding progress on a new local branch of Bid#02-12 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Texas,presented by Deborah Otiz, Annual Blanket Order President/CEO,for the purpose of making the community's elected officials For Concrete aware of the organization,its purpose,and its direction. 3. Presentation,discussion and possible action on Covenants and The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Restrictions for the new Business Center at College Station generally located above referenced item.Bids will be received at: near the intersection of Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road. City of College Station 4. Presentation,discussion and possible action concerning a resolution of the Purchasing Services Division City Council of the City of College Station,Texas,approving and setting fees City Hall for Parks and Recreation Activities. 1101 Texas Avenue, 5. Presentation,discussion and possible action on the status of the Brazos College Station,Texas 77840 Valley Groundwater Conservation District. 6. Council Calendars until 2:00 PM,October 3, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time 7. Hear Visitors(5:45 p.m.) will be returned unopened. • 8. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room.Consultation with Attorney and Economic is complete set the specifications and bidding documents Incentive Negotiations is available at the above address, Mon-Friti 8:OOAM - 9. Final action on Executive Session,if necessary. site at .Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- 10. Pledge of Allegiance,Invocation ties. Consider request for absence from meeting Presentations: Certificate of Appreciation—Mr.Ray Harris Sept 18,2001 &Sepi 25.2001 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence National Crime Prevention Month Employee Award Consent Agenda-Discussion and possible action on the following items: 11.1 The minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting, September 13,2001. 11.2 An annual agreement for crushed stone.Recommend award to the lowest,responsible bidder,Texcon for$55,000. 11.3 The purchase of excess workers compensation insurance,including claims handling,loss control,and program administration for the City of College Station's self-funded workers compensation program.Recommend award to the lowest,responsible bidder meeting specifications,Texas Municipal League in the amount of$63,996.32 11.4 Award of annual agreement for various Automotive and Truck parts. Recommend award to the lowest,responsible bidder meeting City of College Station Standard Bid Documents Requirements,NAPA Auto Parts Category (A)Automotive Parts for the amount$20,553.88.Bryar Truck&Trailer Category(B)Truck Parts for the amount$9,729.09. The select sampling of common parts for bid evaluation purposes were used to determine lowest bidder. 11.5 A resolution authorizing acceptance of credit card payments for utility services. 11.6 A Safe and Sober Selective Traffic Enforcement program(STEP)grant contract for fiscal year 2001. 11.7 Approving a revision to the Sanitation Rate Resolution. 11.8 A resolution to TML stating opposition to the Texas Fire Commission adoption of NFPA Standard 1710,Standard on Deployment for Career Fire Departments,or similar standard in the State of Texas. 11.9 A resolution of the City Council of the City of College Station,Texas, approving and setting fees for Parks and Recreation Activities. 11.10 An ordinance amending Chapter 11,"Utilities,"Section 2,"Water and Sewer Services,"of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas,by amending certain sections as set out below;providing a severability clause;declaring a penalty;and providing an effective date. 11.11 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Texas Highway Traffic Safety Program Grant agreement for the intersection traffic control grant- Texas Department of Transportation Selective Traffic Enforcement Program grant contract for fiscal year 2002. 11.12 An exemption from competitive bidding for professional legal services as allowed in LGC 252.022(a)(4)for expenses related to Cox Communica- tions cable television franchise renewal. Varnum,Riddering,Schmidt,and Howlett LPP for an estimated$100,000.00. 11.13 A recommendation to Brazos County Commissioners Court for the reappointment of the College Station representative on the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors. 11.14 Change Order Number 1 in the amount of$85,555.00 to Purchase Order 010113,to Bryan Utilities(BTU),in the amount of$660,000.00 by City Council September 28,2000. The total appropriation for the purchase of electric service from BTU will increase from$660,000.00 to$745,555.00. 11.15 To approve items exempt from competitive bidding as described more fully in the Texas Local Government Code,Chapter 252.022(a)(7). Regular Agenda—Discussion and possible action on the following items: 12.1 A petition to name the College Station Bike Loop in memory of cyclist Wayne Bryan. 12.2 Public hearing.A request to appeal the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision to grant a conditional use permit for A&M Church of Christ located at 2475 Earl Rudder Freeway South. 12.3 Public hearing.An ordinance amendment for a rezoning of approximately 6.07 acres located at 1267 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South from R-1,Single Family Residential to R-4,Low Density Apartments.(01-179) 12.4 Public hearing.An amendment to the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district pertaining to dedication and development of the minimum reservation area. 12.5 Public hearing.The creation of Reinvestment Zone#13;and,discussion and possible action on the adoption of an Ordinance creating Reinvestment Zone#13 for commercial tax abatement in the Business Center for Universal Computer Services,Inc. 12.6 An Economic Development Agreement between the City of College Station,Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corporation,and Universal Computer Services,Inc. 12.7 An Agreement for Development and Tax Abatement in Reinvestment Zone#13 in the Business Centerfor Universal Computer Services,Inc. 12.8 A Real Estate Contract between the City of College Station and the Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corporation for 16.681 acres of property in the business center for Universal Computer Services,Inc. 12.9 Two Resolutions providing grants for:(1)the purchase of 16.681 acres of land to the Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corporation for Universal Computer Services and(2)the reimbursement,not to exceed $215,000 for the construction of a buffer wall and the payment of$180,000 for Universal Computer Services for economic development. 13. The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for 9/27/01 14. Final action on executive session,if necessary. 15. Adjourn. J The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 3 th �r • • • � ' 4 f.: T&-4;rribe todnvi Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com j Subscribe Contact I Site Map Business& Business & Technology Technology Chambers of Commerce September 25, 2001 Columnists Strictly Business Technology UCS seeks aid for adding 400 jobs, Site Sections expansion A&M News Agriculture By KELLI LEVEY Announcements Eagle Staff Writer Business&Technology Classifieds Universal Computer Services Inc. is seeking 16 acres of land and Columnists economic incentives of$270,000 to help fund an expansion that Community the company says would add 400 jobs. The Eagle Entertainment The Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corp. p plans to Faith&Values take its proposal to the College Station City Council on Thursday. Food It will ask the city to donate the land and contribute $60,000 a Health & Fitness Kids Korner year for three years. Lifestyles Newspapers in If the city approves, the Brazos County Commissioners Court Education would be asked to contribute $30,000 a year for three years. Obituaries Opinions The company also is seeking tax abatements for 10 years that are Politics consistent with the company's current agreement: 95 percent for Region/State the first seven years and 85 percent for three years after that. Schools Sports The incentive package also includes a three-year extension on Subscriptions the company's Briarcrest Country Club membership and Weather additional sporting and special event tickets. In return, the company has agreed to add jobs that would generate a total gross payroll of $2.3 million in 2002 and increase to $9.2 million by the end of 2004. The full-time jobs are expected to reach an average annual salary of $28,000 by the end of the third year, and the part-time jobs are expected to pay $8 an hour. The computer company also plans to move from Houston a company that provides third-party accounting services. "It will effectively be a back-office accounting service," said Roland Mower, president/CEO of the Economic Development lftw- Corp. "UCS is basically the guarantor for the land and the jobs. They will build the building and lease it out to the other company." http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/09250lucsseekshelptoexpand.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 3 Mower would not release the name of the Houston company and no one from Universal Computer Systems was available to comment. The L-shaped tract the company is trying to buy in The Business Center at College Station was designed for commercial development, said Kim Foutz, College Station's economic development director. "It's an irregular tract and hasn't been the first choice for businesses, obviously, because nothing has been built there," she said. "But it is in unique proximity to the UCS building, so I think it will work out nicely for them." Mower called UCS "an ideal candidate for incentives." "This is exactly the kind of company we're trying to attract," he said. "There are entry-level and advanced career opportunities in white-collar jobs. And this company has outperformed everything they've promised as far as investments in the past." Last year's compliance report by the EDC showed Universal Computer Service's capital investment exceeded the $20 million requirement by $3.3 million. Its gross annual payroll was $18.85 • million — well above the $8.86 million required — and the number of employees was 323 full-time and 382 part-time, over the required 250 full-time and 375 part-time. An impact analysis conducted by an independent firm found that the community's interests were protected in the proposed agreement. The payback was calculated at 7.15 years for the city of College Station and less than seven years for Brazos County. Brazos County Judge Al Jones said he anticipates the county commissioners will approve the incentive plan if the city gives its approval. The item will be put on a meeting agenda soon after Thursday's council meeting, he said. "I'm very, very proud of UCS," Jones said. "They've done a lot for our community. All of our commissioners are already familiar with the proposal, and what they're asking is not out of the realm of possibility." The proposal already has been approved by the EDC's executive committee and board. •Kelli Levey's e-mail address is klevevng theea&e.com • ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/businesstectinology/092501ucsseekshelptoexpand.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 the&igl it00""MMU ff� 'Ci- Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State September 26, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station council to hold public Club Meetings College Town hearing on removal of church route Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Residents of Raintree subdivision will go before the College Site Sections Station City Council Thursday in hopes of keeping a driveway at a A&M News planned church from connecting to their neighborhood. Agriculture Announcements Homeowners in the east College Station subdivision are Business&Technology appealing an earlier decision by the city's Planning and Zoning Classifieds Commission that A&M Church of Christ can add a second Columnists driveway to its parking lot when it moves to land it has purchased Community on Earl Rudder Freeway South. The Eagle Entertainment The church, which has 2,178 members, is planning a 1,900 seat Faith&Values auditorium. In addition to Sunday services, A&M Church of Christ Food would offer activities throughout the week, including day care. Health & Fitness Kids Korner The public hearing is the second item of business on the agenda Lifestyles for the council's regular meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 7 Newspapers in p.m. at College Station City Hall. Education Obituaries Planning and zoning commissioners twice heard from Opinions representatives of the church and Raintree residents after the Politics church petitioned for a building permit from the city. The permit Region/State was granted in June, with an allowance giving A&M Church of Schools Christ the right to use Appomattox Drive as a second entry and Sports exit point but requiring it to build a buffer zone separating the Subscriptions Weather church from the neighborhood. The lot's main driveway will connect to the Earl Rudder Freeway South feeder road. Raintree's homeowners association appealed the ruling in a letter to the city, arguing that it violates College Station's Comprehensive Plan and East Bypass Small Area Plan. The residents were also worried that opening Appomattox would pose a safety hazard by allowing nonresidential traffic to come into the neighborhood. The subdivision's only access to and from http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092601raintreechurchroute.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region& State Page 2 of 2 the feeder road is Raintree Drive. Appomattox intersects Raintree to the north and dead ends near the church's property to the south. The letter was accompanied by the signatures of more than 175 residents. Appomattox was slated to be extended under the city's thoroughfare plan, but that idea was scrapped in 1997, just months before the deal between A&M Church of Christ and the land's previous owner was finalized. During the planning and zoning meeting, commissioners expressed concerns that by not granting the building permit or by rejecting plans for the second driveway, the city would be in violation of the Religious Freedom Act, which protects land used for religious exercises. By limiting the church to the entrance on the feeder road, the city would be denying the church use of its property, said planning Commissioner Rick Floyd. The city's legal staff advised that a decision allowing the second driveway could be upheld in court because of the Religious Freedom Act. • Christopher Ferrell's a-mail address is cferrell4gheeagle.com 92000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement L http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092601raintreechurchroute.htm 10/1/2001 Center THE EAGLE,1 h,,rsc_,r-1' SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 [ From Al ~" [hotel," council member Ron Silvia added. "I don't think we Crestfinechosen could go wrong with any of them that we met." s hotel o erator Patrick Campbell, vice - a � ident for business develop- ment in Crestline's Dallas office, said his company has a By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL trict of Columbia. strong reputation for handling Eagle Staff Writer It is among the 20 largest public/private developments. independent hotel manage- Crestline manages similar The College Station City ment companies in the coun- operations in Wichita Falls; Council formally selected try and operates Marriott, Port Smith, Va.; Norfolk, Va.; Crestline Hotels & Resorts on Hyatt,Hilton and Holiday Inn and Atlanta near the Emory Wednesday as the operator of franchises. Its assets total University campus, he said. the hotel/conference center more than $1 billion, and its The city and TAC Realty, a project the city is developing total debt is approximately wholly owned subsidiary of with The Adam Corp./Group. $320 million. Bryan businessman Don In doing so, the council "Those of us who had the Adam's The Adam authorized the city staff to opportunity to meet with Corp./Group, entered into a enter into contract negotia- Crestline people and tour pair of contracts last Friday tions with Crestline. some of the facilities were for infrastructure and opera- Crestline's parent company very impressed," said council tions of the public/private — Crestline Capital Corp. — member Dennis Maloney. development. spun off from Host Marriott "The managerial skills of Both the hotel and confer- Corp. in 1998. The company the individual managers were ence center would be jointly manages 35 hotels, resorts just outstanding at each managed by Crestline under and convention centers in 11 the terms of the operation different states and the Dis- See CENTER, Page A3 agreement The complex is planned to I include a 315-room full-service hotel, a city-owned conference center, a 300,000-square-foot headquarters building for The Adam Corp./Group and a per- forming arts center. It will sit on 55 acres along University Drive across the street from the Physicians Centre. College Main Apartments Ltd., owner of the 55-acre tract, is also a partner in the infrastructure agreement. Management and develop- ment agreements must be signed before the project is finalized. Also on Wednesday, the council adopted a tax rate of 47.77 cents per $100 valuation for the 2001-02 fiscal year, an increase of almost 5 cents over the current year's rate. Under the new rate, the owner of a home valued at $100,000 would pay $477.70 in city property taxes. On Sept. 13, the council approved a $164 million budg- et for the upcoming fiscal year that calls for an increase in the tax rate. The added rev- enue will offset costs of$9 mil- lion in capital improvements and additional operating costs associated with Veterans Park. CS gives Ian movey to UCS By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL ing wall that is required by a $28,000 per year and part-time Station because it can offer million, well •above the Eagle Staff Writer local ordinance. positions will pay$8 per hour. competitive p jobs to Texas required $8.86 million, and it The Bryan-College Station UCS also plans to move a A&M University graduates had 323 full-time and 382 part- The College Station City Economic Development Corp. third-party accounting com- who want to stay in town, time employees, surpassing Council on Thursday unani will also ask Brazos County pany from Houston to College College Station Mayor the 250 full-time and 375 part - Commissioners voted to give Univer Commissioners Court to con- Station, with UCS acting as Lynn McIlhaney said that time it was obligated to pro- sal Computer Services 16 tribute$30,000 a year over the guarantor for both the land UCS has exceeded all expecta- vide. acres of land and $60,000 a same period, bringing the and the jobs. tions from the city's previous The incentive package has oyear for three years as part of total amount of cash incen- The 16-acre tract the city is investments. already been approved by the an economic incentive plan tives in the package to providing UCS, which is val- "We expect them to do the EDC's executive committee N that will result in 400 new $270,000. ued at more than $500,000, is same with the second," she and board. Brazos County 00 jobs. In return, UCS plans to add adjacent to the company's said. Judge Al Jones has said he N UCS will also receive a par- jobs generating a payroll that current location in the Col- Last year the EDC reported expects county commission- p4 tial tax abatement over the will increase from $2.3 mil- lege Station Business Center. that UCS's capital investment ers to approve the plan. W next 10 years valued at more lion in 2002 to $9.2 million by Council member Dennis exceeded its $20 million obli-than $297,000 and a grant not the end of 2004. Full-time jobs Maloney said a company such gation by $3.3 million. The ■ Christopher Ferrell's email Wto exceed$215,000 for a buffer- are expected to average as UCS is a good fit for College company's payroll was $18.85 address is cferrell@theeagle.com. co a m � d � U T (� C)N m ca N V (0 o = U W N G d fl� 0 Co WV co -coo Tmw f6 C W T c c c co H � m m m The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 1 of 3 thee- �Iexom_ Ae -Pnibe todav! �. Home I Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Faith&Values September 28 2001 Local Churches Calendar Nun travels to College Station in Columnists Reviews statewide crusade against capital Site Sections punishment A&M News Agriculture Announcements By KELLI LEVEY Business&Technology Eagle Staff Writer Classifieds Columnists Sister Helen Prejean, Community author of Dead Man The Eagle Walking, said Thursday Entertainment that more media attention Faith&Values to the details of Food executions would sway Health&Fitness public opinion toward Kids Korner favoring a moratorium on Lifestyles the death penalty. €. Newspapers in Education "I'm all for making explicit Obituaries the details," Prejean said. Opinions "If people saw, on the Politics evening news, footage of Region/State the perpetrator saying his F Schools last words and heard Sports details of his final ' Subscriptions moments, that would d Weather certainly open some eyes. Right now it's such a quiet process that people don't have to deal with It." Eagle photo/Butch Ireland Sister Helen Prejean,author of Dead Man Walking speaks at a press conference Thursday afternoon at St.Marybs Prejean is doing her part Catholic Student Center in Bryan. to attract more attention to the death penalty by traveling the world in her crusade to abolish it. She spent Wednesday in Harris County, then spoke Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in College Station as part of a tour of Texas, which has the highest number of executions and death-row inmates in the nation. The 63-year-old nun from New Orleans was animated and articulate as she described her upcoming book, Innocence Betrayed: Unmasking the Death Penalty, and cautioned against _1 ____a: 1_ AL_ a____-:_A _au__1__ _r n__a AA http://www.theeagle.com/faithvalues/092801prej'eancrusade.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 an IrratlUnal reacuon iU ine terrOnst atiaUKS Ut Jept. I I. "Emotionally, the first instinct is 'Go get these people and execute them,' but we need to consider what is the proper jurisdiction for this before taking action," she said. "There is a part of us that says if there were 16 people willing to die for this mission, there are probably 16 more willing to die in a car bomb or in taking a plane up for biological warfare. We need to take care in moving forward." Federal authorities have said 19 hijackers died in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Prejean's book Dead Man Walking was nominated for the 1993 Pulitzer Prize. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998, 1999 and 2000. Prejean praised entertainers Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn and Tim Robbins for their work on the movie adaptation of her book, then giggled when she spoke of her Christmas gift from Penn, whom she called the "bad boy of Hollywood." "He sent me a 'Nunzilla' doll," she said. "You wind her up and she spits fire. That's just Sean." Prejean began her prison ministry in 1982, while living in a housing project. She has accompanied five men to their executions, including Patrick Sonnier, the subject of her book. She was Sonnier's pen pal and later became his spiritual adviser while he was in Louisiana's Angola State Prison. "That first one was just complete and utter trauma and the most surreal experience of my life," she said. "To see that whole buzz and hum as they were getting ready to execute him ... My whole [focus] was him, upholding him and giving him dignity." She said the experience differs vastly from ministering to someone who eventually dies from an illness. "Pat was very much alive, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette, then the next thing you know you're looking at a corpse who 15 minutes ago was alive," she said. "It is just very hard to wrap your mind around that." Prejean's Brazos County visit included a stop at St. Joseph Catholic School, where she spoke to students in the fifth through the 12th grades. "Children seem to get this so much more easily than adults," she said. "They are just a joy." http://www.theeagle.com/faithvalues/092801prejeancrusade.htm 10/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region& State Page 3 of 3 Nrelean said sne relies on prayer and meaitation to Keep the grim elements of her life's work from depleting her optimism. She also depends on her community of faith because, she said, "there's not much room for lone rangers in this work." She also makes time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. "I try to live a full life," she said. "I cook some good Cajun food and listen to music and plant nice flowers and pick up my clarinet every now and then. "And I enjoy the people. You meet some fantastic people traveling around this world, people who have wonderful stories. You learn to treasure every one of them." • Kelli Levey's e-mail address is klevey(cDtheeagle.com. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/faithvalues/092801prejeancrusade.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 Ax% the&agle. scribe t Home 1 Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! Subscribe , Contact ( Site Map Region/State September 28, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Governor Perry to dedicate College Club Meetings College Town Station Train Depot Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries Gov. Rick Perry will be in College Station on Saturday to dedicate Town Talk the new College Station Train Depot at 405 University Drive E. Site Sections A&M News The building will house the Benjamin Knox Art Gallery and display Agriculture special exhibits. It is a replica of the original College Station train Announcements depot, which served students and visitors to the Texas A&M Business&Technology University campus from 1883 until it was torn down in 1966. Classifieds Columnists The dedication ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith &Values Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092801 traindepotartscenter.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 2 �thee �Iexotn Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe . Contact ( Site Map Region/State September 28, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Church can build driveway Club Meetings College Town By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Datebook Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links The A&M Church of Christ will be allowed to proceed with plans Obituaries for a controversial second driveway at its new church, which will Town Talk allow parishioners access to the Raintree subdivision. Site Sections A&M News But as a symbol of good faith, the church will install a gate limiting Agriculture access from the driveway to Appomattox Drive to Sundays and Announcements Wednesday evenings, when it holds services. Business&Technology Classifieds The College Station City Council on Thursday refused a request Columnists by Raintree homeowners to overturn a decision by the city's Community Planning and Zoning Commission allowing the second driveway The Eagle to be built when the church relocates to its new home on Earl Entertainment Rudder Freeway South. Faith&Values Food The vote was 4-0, with council member Winnie Garner abstaining Health& Fitness because she lives in Raintree. Council member Ron Silvia was Kids Korner out of town. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Citing state and federal laws that guarantee freedom of religion Obituaries and encouraging Raintree residents and church members to be Opinions good neighbors, a somber council handed down its decision. Politics Region/State "This City Council has thought about you long and it has thought Schools about you hard," council member James Massey told residents Sports after the vote. "It's a matter of trying to make the best decision we Subscriptions can with the tools we have." Weather The A&M Church of Christ, now located on Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, plans to move to 29.35 acres on the freeway. The church has 1,500 members. It is planning a 1,900 seat auditorium that will host services on Sunday and another service Wednesday evenings. There would be other, limited activities throughout the week. • Raintree, built in the late 1970s, has only one entrypoint— Raintree Drive. Residents fear that an influx of outside traffic WrIl 11111 tlornmmn tho infonrifti of tho noinhhnrhnntA http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092801raintreechurchdrive.htm 9/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Y11VN1 \ "l IINy., 111V Il llVyl llr V Ul 1 lVlyl IVVI IIV V..,. A standing-room-only crowd of neighborhood residents and church members packed the College Station council chambers to voice their opinions. Carla Young, an officer of the Raintree Neighborhood Association, argued that allowing an entry point to the neighborhood was in violation of College Station's Comprehensive Plan and the East Bypass Small Area Plan. Following the meeting, she said the gate could be an acceptable alternative and the neighborhood association would consider the proposal. The church is offering to open the gate only for services, or if an emergency warranted evacuation of the neighborhood. Chuck Ellison, the church's attorney, said the gate would be open Wednesdays from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. and Sundays from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. "The church wants to be a good neighbor," Ellison said. "The church has absorbed many burdens." In other action Thursday, the council: • Authorized the city to accept credit-debit cards as a form of payment for utility customers. The city will pay the use fee. • Moved fraternity and sorority houses and privately owned student dorms into the commercial category for sanitation collection. All commercial sanitation rates will rise by approximately 8 percent. • Named the College Station Bike Loop in memory of cyclist Wayne Bryan. -Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(cD the eagle.com. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Pri v Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092801raintreechurchdrive.htm 9/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 s . thezIlto.1410exom ribe today! Home i ClassifiedsAggiesports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State September 28, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook City councils to discuss joint water Club Meetings College Town system Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries Representatives from the Bryan and College Station city councils Town Talk will sit together Friday to discuss plans for enlarging water Site Sections systems in both cities. A&M News Agriculture The intergovernmental affairs committee will convene at noon in Announcements room 305 of the Bryan Municipal Building. The committee, Business&Technology comprised of three members from each council, will continue Classifieds negotiations that began when both entities met at an August Columnists retreat. Community The Eagle At that meeting, College Station proposed that Bryan connect its Entertainment water system to a 48-inch line the city recently installed along Faith &Values Harvey Mitchell Parkway South. Food Health& Fitness College Station officials estimate the plan would save Bryan $13 Kids Korner million on water production, transmission and distribution and Lifestyles another $5 million by postponing an upgrade of its own water Newspapers in system. Education Obituaries College Station officials hope the plan will settle a $16 million Opinions lawsuit filed against the city by the Texas Municipal Power Politics Agency, of which Bryan is a member, over disputed electric Region/State transmission rates. Schools Sports Bryan and Texas A&M have discussed doubling the size of W athe Subscriptions Bryan's system to accommodate growth at the university and in both cities. Bryan wants to upgrade its daily capacity from 22 million gallons to 50 million gallons. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092801 jointwatersystem.htm 9/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Pagel of 2 m .. -r W - a th • a p r ir'coml = Home I Classifieds :; Aggiesports.com I Subscribe . Contact t Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 28, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 17, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Tracey and Cody Cavin, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Sept. 24, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Callene and Patrick Zapalac, College Station, a girl-,[] Jessica and Community Devon Barnard, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle Entertainment Ashley Gomez, Hearne, a girl. Faith&Values Food Sept. 25, 2001 Health& Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Doryaneh and O.J. Howell, College Station, a girl; Newspapers in Education Rosaria Herrera, Bryan, a boy; Obituaries Opinions Teresa Troquille, College Station, a boy. Politics Region/State College Station Medical Center Schools Sports Sept. 26, 2001 Subscriptions Weather Judy and Morgan Cassady, Bryan, a boy; Jenny and Henry Bryant, Bryan, a girl; Jennifer and Charles Weltens, Bryan, a boy. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/septemberOI births/092801births.htm 9/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 the&aglexom Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State September 29, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Bryan rejects offer to settle suit with Club Meetings College Town College Station Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The laws of basic physics say that water and electricity don't mix. Site Sections The same principle holds true for the cities of Bryan and College A&M News Station, at least when it comes to settling a long-standing lawsuit. Agriculture Announcements Members of the Bryan City Council informed their College Station Business&Technology counterparts Friday during a meeting of the cities' Classifieds Intergovernmental Affairs Committee that they would not accept Columnists an offer to resolve a lawsuit over unpaid electricity fees by Community creating a joint water system. The Eagle Entertainment Instead, Bryan Council members asked that College Station come Faith&Values up with another settlement proposal. Councilman Mike Beal said Food he will ask the Bryan Texas Utilities board of directors to Health & Fitness determine an appropriate settlement and present the proposal on Kids Korner behalf of the Bryan Council. Lifestyles Newspapers in Councilman Russell Bradley said Bryan is interested in forming a Education joint partnership similar to the one the cities have for sanitation Obituaries collection — but as a project not connected to the lawsuit. Opinions Politics We looked at the water project and thought it was great,„ Bradley Region/State said. "But these types of projects need to be decided on their own Schools merit." Sports Subscriptions Weather Bryan argued that numbers presented by College Station during a retreat attended by representatives of the two cities, Texas A&M University and Brazos County did not accurately show how much money could be saved by each city. College Station's figures — which were calculated with help from Bryan city staff— showed Bryan could save 12.6 million on water production and transmission and $5.1 million in deferred capital spending over a 15-year period. College Station, meanwhile, would save $4.7 million in transmission and production costs and $3.4 million in deferred capital spending during the period. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092901jointmeetingwater.htm 10/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 Bryan public works Director Rick Conner said the numbers presented were not the same ones the cities' staffs came up with the night before the retreat. College Station Council members stand by the numbers. On Sept. 13, Conner sent a memo to Bryan City Manager Hugh Walker saying that Bryan would save only about $2 million more than College Station in a water alliance. College Station officials responded that the same variables were not included when Bryan derived its numbers. They said that adding and subtracting certain components of a partnership could cause engineers to arrive at several different totals. But a possible water alliance is very much up in the air. Members of the College Station Council said joint projects are unrealistic until the lawsuit is settled. "You wouldn't enter into a deal in private business with someone who is suing you, would you?" asked College Station councilman James Massey. Bryan, however, contends that College Station is being sued by the Texas Municipal Power Agency — not Bryan. Bryan is a part owner of TMPA — along with the cities of Denton, Greenville and Garland — and would benefit from a settlement or favorable ruling. College Station disagrees. City Manager Tom Brymer said that by joining an existing lawsuit, Bryan was indeed suing College Station. The suit dates back to 1995, when College Station began purchasing power from Texas Utilities Electric, now TXU Electric, instead of TMPA. College Station continued to use TMPA power lines to receive its electricity. The dispute between the two cities is over how much College Station owes Bryan for wholesale electric transmission service from 1997 to 1999, Bryan city attorney Michael Cosentino said. In August, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that the Texas Public Utility Commission did not have the authority to set rates for municipally owned utilities such as TMPA. As a result, TMPA estimates that College Station could owe $16 million. • The only issue the two sides seem to agree upon is that the lawsuit must be settled so that the cities can cooperate on future protects. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092901 j ointmeetingwater.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 3 of 3 "We owe it to the community to work together," Beal said. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferreI14,,theeagle.com ©2000, 2001 The Bntan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/092901 jointmeetingwater.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee- s e.com Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook September 30, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections September 25, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Molly and Christopher Cooper, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology September 26, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Kirbi Hisaw, Bryan, a girl. Community The Eagle College Station Medical Center Entertainment Faith&Values Food September 27, 2001: Health&Fitness Kids Korner Rebecca Garcia and Cleto Sic, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/septemberOI births/093001births.htm 10/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 the6ll�aglexom 0 scribe- t Home ( Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! Subscribe i Contact i Site Map Region/State October 1, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station police investigate sexual Club Meetings College Town assault Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Reports Links Obituaries A College Station woman reported to police that she was sexually Town Talk assaulted early Sunday morning. Site Sections A&M News The woman, who chose to participate in the department's Agriculture pseudonym protection program, told police a man lured her away Announcements from a party and sexually assaulted her, Sgt. Bruce Sims said. Business&Technology Classifieds She said a man invited her to party that she believed her friends Columnists were at, Sims said. The man instead drove her to a secluded area Community and sexually assaulted her, Sims said. College Station police are The Eagle investigating. Entertainment Faith &Values Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/100101sexualassault.htm 10/1/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Page 1 of 11 THE WALL STREET JOURMSkMi the&agie. Every Sunday in I XWEVIC Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe I Contact I Site Map Business & Monday, October 1, 2001 ,_Today's Weather Technology Chambers of Commerce Business & Technology Brenda Sims: Columnists UCS seeks aid for Crisis situations Strictly Business aren't the place for Technology addinq 400 iobs„ pride, selfishness Site Sections expansion Great A&M News Tommve White: Meal Agriculture Manage your credit [deals 49 Universal Computer Services Inc. is :.:. Announcements seeking 16 acres of land and economic debt with.help from Business&Technology incentives of$270,000 to help fund an a counselingtruck giveaway Classifieds expansion that the company says agenC.) Columnists would add 400jobs. J34RO JVA Community John Price: Claims in caldwe" The Eagle The Bryan-College Station Economic SVStem In place for g Development Corp. plans to take its « ` Entertainment proposal to the College Station City attack victims Faith&Values Council on Thursday. It will ask the city Food to donate the land and contribute Health & Fitness $60,000 a year for three years. Kids Korner Scroll down for previous days' stories Lifestyles Newspapers in Buy Business Education September 23, 2001 Obituaries Opinions Brenda Sims: Crisis situations aren't the place for Politics pride, selfishness Region/State Schools Tommve White: Manaqe your credit debt with help Sports from a counseling agencv Subscriptions - Weather John Price: Claims system in place for attack victims Strictiv Business September 20, 2001 Stocks fall aqain but Dow stag_es partial recover( from 423-point plunqe New worm virus slows in United States. spreads in foreiqn nations September 19, 2001 Easterwood Airport, travel agencies suffer due to http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/index.htm 10/l/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 the6aglexom Home ! Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 2, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 25, 2001: A&M News Lillian and David Chovanez, Brenham, a boy; Agriculture Yael Sanchez and Romero Garcia, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Sept. 26, 2001: Classifieds Gloria and Senovio Aguilar, Bryan, a girl; Columnists Mayra Martinez and Fernando Cruz, Bryan, a boy; Community Laura Foley and Lupe Flores, Bryan, a boy; The Eagle Lindy Crenshaw, Bryan, a boy; Entertainment Michelle and James Flores, Bryan, a boy; Faith&Values Gretchen and John Opersteny, Bryan, a boy; Food & Fitness Lora and Greg Nolen, Bryan, a girl; Health Kids & Fit Mariam and Mackay Steffensen, Bryan, twin girls; er Lifestyles Lakeysha Allen, Normangee, a girl. Newspapers in Education Sept. 27, 2001: Obituaries Liza Caballero, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Sarah Bowhay, College Station, a boy; Politics Teresa Montes and Floyd Brown, Somerville, a boy; Region/State Anne Gharaibeh and Rasheed Jaradat, College Station, a boy; Schools Roxann Perski, Bryan, a girl; Sports Krissy Horton, Plantersville, a girl. Subscriptions Weather Sept. 28, 2001: Maria Zapata and Juan Avaeez, Caldwell, a girl; Koreen Garner, Shiro, a girl; Jessica Cordova, Caldwell, a boy. Sept. 29, 2001: Joaquina and Jose Esquivel, Bryan, a boy. College Station Medical Center Sept. 28, 2001: http://www.theeagle.con-/region/records/births/octoberO l births/100201 births.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Lacey Emert, College Station, a girl. Sept. 29, 2001: Adrianne Reed, Marlin, a girl. Sept. 30, 2001: Elizabeth and David Sullivan, College Station, a boy; Cecilia Browder and Cornelius Thompson, College Station, a boy. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/100201births.htm 10/8/2001 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #02-13 Electronic Credit Card Payment Merchant Account Services The City of College Station is accepting proposals on I the above referenced item for the City of College Station Offices.Proposals will be received at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,TX 77842 until 4:00 pm,October 23,2000.All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said re- quest and to accept the proposal considered most ad- vantageous to the City. A complete set of documents for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Division at (979)764-3823 or jfinkes@ci.college-station.tx.us . 9/25/01 10/2/01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City' Council will hold a public hearing to consider an or- dinance designating a tract of land which con- sists of all of a 6.00 acre tract described as Part of Block 5, Texas A&M Uni- versity Research Park, as Reinvestment Zone Num- ber 14 for commercial tax abatement as provided in the Property Redevelop- ment and Tax Abatement Act. The proposed ordi- nance will establish the . number of years for the re- investment zone, author- ize an agreement to ex- empt from taxation the in- crease in value of the property in order to en- courage development and, redevelopment and other matters relating thereto, and providing a savings clause. The hearing will be held in the City Council Cham- bers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 11,2001. Any requests for sign-in- terpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make ar- rangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD) 1-800- 735-2989. For additional information, (please contact Kim Foutz at(979)764-3753. 10-02-01 • The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 979.776.2345,xg : ... the&o*xom W ?9b.scribe today! Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com j Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 3, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Sept. 27, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Lisa Kelly, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Sept. 29, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Sarah Sarver, Bryan, a girl; Community The Eagle Dana Duvall and Ray Gilbert, Dime Box, a boy; Entertainment Faith&Values Jennifer and Raymond Orta, Bryan, a boy. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner College Station Medical Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Oct. 1, 2001: Education Obituaries Diane and Steven Johnson, Caldwell, a girl; Opinions Politics Jasma Newman, Bryan, a girl; Region/State Schools Chunzhen Ou and Cheng Zhang, Bryan, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eaqle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOIbirths/100301births.htm 10/8/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-14 Bid#01-74 One Automatic Truck Mounted Pothole Patcher Body Interior-Exterior Painting The City of College Station is accepting bids for thel The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Purchasing Services Division City Hall City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 17, 2001,at which time bids will until 2:00 PM,October 10, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents This bid covers the estimated requirements for is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - Interior/Exterior Painting Services for the City of College 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our Station. The purpose is to establish a requirements website at www.ci.colleciestation.tx.us contract with firm unit pricing and delivery under which the City may place orders as needed without having to The City of College Station reserves the right to bid out individually. reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents 10-03-01,10-10-01 is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.coIIegp-$tation.tx.us . The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission The City of College Station reserves the right to reject will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for 111.46 acres at 4490 CASTLEGATE DRIVE from A-O, any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- Agricultural-Open to PDD-H, Planned Development Dis- ties. 9-26-01&10-3-01 trict-Housing. NOTICE OF PUBLIC REQUEST FOR BIDS The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the HEARING College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the Bid#02-10 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, The College Station Plan- OCTOBER 18,2001. ning and Zoning Commis- Oaks Park Bridge sion will hold a public Rehabilitation Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing hearing to consider an impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To ORDINANCE AMEND- The City of College Sta- make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1-800- MENT for The Northgate tion is accepting bids for 735-2989. Districts,NG-1,NG-2,and the above referenced NG-3. item.Bids will be received For additional information, please contact me at (979) at: 764-3570. The hearing will be held in JESSICA JIMMERSON the Council Room of the City of College Station College Station City Hall, Purchasing Services STAFF PLANNER 1101 Texas Avenue at the Division-City Hall 10-03-01 7:00 p.m. meeting of the 1101 Texas Avenue, Commission on Thursday, College Station,Texas NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: October 18,2001. 77840 The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Any request for sign inter- until 2:00 PM, October will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for pretive services for the 17, 2001, at which time hearing impaired must be bids will be opened at 3500 UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST from M-1, Planned In- made 48 hours before the City Hall.All bids received dustrial,to C-B,Business Commercial,for a Conference meeting. To make ar- after that time will be re- Center/Hotel. ran ements call 979 g ( ) turned unopened. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the i764-3547 or(TDD) 1-800- College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the !735-2989. A complete set of specifi- 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday„ cations and bidding docu- i For additional information, ments is available for a OCTOBER 18,2001. please contact me at(979) deposit of$25.00 payable Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing 764-3570. by cash,check,or money impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To order at the above ad- make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1-800- dress, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 735-2989. SABINE KUENZEL 5:OOPM. This deposit is Senior Planner refundable upon return of For additional information, please contact me at (979) the plans in good condi- 764-3570. 10-03-01 tion within 10 days of the the bid opening date.Ad- ditional information is STAFF PLANNER available on our website 10-03-01 at: www.ci.colleae station.tx.us . The City of College Sta- tion reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. 10-03-01,10-10-01 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee- crixt1e.coms Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com i BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 4, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 1, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Jennifer and Anthony Medlock, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Jeri Alexander and Juan Carlos Tirado, bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Sept. 26, 2001: Community The Eagle Entertainment Laura and Nathaniel Foley, Bryan, a boy. Faith &Values Food Sept. 28, 2001: Health & Fitness Kids Korner Cara and Todd Benjamin, College Station, twins, a boy and girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Sept. 29, 2001: Education Obituaries Tammy and Bryan Steward, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Jonna and Randall See, Bryan, a boy. Region/State Schools Sept. 30, 2001: Sports Subscriptions Valerie Beard and Michael Herod, Hearne, a girl; Weather Jacqueline and Christopher Carter, Bryan, a boy; Christy and Justin Caldwell, Bryan, a girl; Mischelle and Randy Schwartz, Brenham, a boy; 4L Claudia Nicasio, Bryan, a boy. College Station Medical Center http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOIbirths/100401births.htm 10/8/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-05 Graham Road Rehabilitation Phase II-Phase I The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station, Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 23,2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the upgrade of Graham Road to a 47-foot roadway width with curb, gutter, sidewalks, and storm drain from west of the Schaffer Road intersection to Wellborn Road. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM, October 16,2001 at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Sta- tion,TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but at- tendance is highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www ci college-station tx us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct 4,2001 &Oct 11,2001 • The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 O.2;54b thee"ifele.co 5cribe today! Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com i Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State October 5, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station Police investigate Wal- Club Meetings College Town Mart robbery Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries College Station police are searching for a man who struggled with Town Talk a Wal-Mart employee Tuesday night after trying to shoplift $250 Site Sections worth of merchandise. A&M News Agriculture The man had filled and sealed a large box with a child booster Announcements chair, a computer hub and mouse, compact disc labels, a surge Business&Technology protector, a pack of compact discs and a wooden entertainment Classifieds center. He then tried to carry the items out through the store's Columnists garden center exit. Community 4L The Eagle A Wal-Mart loss prevention officer tried to stop the man as he was Entertainment leaving and the two struggled, police said. Faith &Values Food The employee's elbow was injured when he was knocked to the Health & Fitness ground. He was treated and released at the College Station Kids Korner Medical Center. Lifestyles Newspapers in During the struggle, the thief dropped the box and a few smaller Education g 99 pp Obituaries items and fled from the store on foot. He left his Pontiac Grand Opinions Am in the parking lot. Politics The merchandise was recovered, police said. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle I Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/105001 robberyinvestigation.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ee.. flexom ' i Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com j BrazosS ports.com j Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 5, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 1, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Susan and Jed Grisel, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Deshay and Harlann Baxley, Iola, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Latasha and Errol Lewis, Chappell ppell Hill, a boy; The Eagle Mary and Jedd McDougall, College Station, twin boys. Entertainment Faith&Values Food Oct. 2, 2001: Health& Fitness Kids Korner Rebekah and Cedric Sims, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in College Station Medical Center Education Obituaries Oct. 3, 2001: Opinions Politics Donella and Chad King, Houston, a boy. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/100501 births.htm 10/8/2001 LEGAL NOTICE LhUAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2524 WAS PASSED AND AP- ORDINANCE NO. 2522 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 27, 2001 BY THE CITY PROVED ON September 27, 2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 7.21.D, "REQUIRE- TER 11,"UTILITIES",SECTION 2,"WATER AND SEW- MENTS FOR DEDICATION/DEVELOPMENT OF ER SERVICES,"OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF DRAINAGE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS WAYS," OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COL- AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS DESCRIBED LEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; RE- SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW;PROVIDING A SEV- CLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- ERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND TIVE DATE. PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 11, "Utilities", has been amended by changing Chapter 12,"Zoning",Section 7.21.D,"Requirements for rates for sewerage services,effective for bills issued on Dedication/Development and Pedestrian Access Ways", or after October 1, 2001. A complete text of the ordi- has been amended by providing drainage capacity to nance is on file in the city secretary's office. convey the floodwaters of Wolf Pen Creek while accom- modating the increased runoff from development of Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- properties along the creek and to provide areas to ac- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- commodate pedestrian access from,to and between de- �meanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- velopments along the banks of Wolf Pen Creek to less- _.le by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars en congestion along adjacent roadways for patrons of ($25.00)nor more than Five hundred Dollars($500.00). businesses along the corridor. A complete text of the Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- of College Station. able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars Connie Hooks ($25.00)nor more than Five hundred Dollars($500.00). I City Secretary Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted 10 5-01,10 6-01 to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said 'I Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- LEGAL NOTICE cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City AP- of College Station. ORDINANCE NO. 2523 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 27, 2001 BY THE CITY Connie Hooks COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION City Secretary meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- 10-5-01,10-6-01 cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENTS OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- ING MAP,"OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. Chapter 12,"Zoning", Section 1,"Establishment of Dis- tricts, Provisions for an Official Zoning Map", has been amended by rezoning 5.953 acre tract out of the Craw- ford Burnett League from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-4 Apartment/Low Density. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,be- comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10-5-01,10-6-01 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 • th e 6.11.,,f. Home ' Classifieds i Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 6, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 1, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Jennifer and Kary Shaffer, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Mary and Jeff McDougal, College Station, twin boys. Classifieds Columnists Oct. 2, 2001 Community The Eagle Ashley and Todd Mayo, Bryan, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values Food Berneake Jeter, Brenham, a girl. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Christie and Billy Wilkerson, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in College Station Medical Center Education Obituaries Oct. 4, 2001 Opinions Politics Norma and Eric Robinson, College Station, a boy. Region/State Schools Julie and Michael Jackson, Bryan, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Rose Janett Cook, College Station, a girl. Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOIbirths/100601births.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 r / ' Y thee eloX IMF* � f_ bscribe today! s Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 6, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook CS offers clarity on development law Club Meetings College Town College By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL DatebEagle Staff Writer Government Links Links A group made up of the College Station City Council and the Obituaries Planning and Zoning Commission drew closer Friday to Town Talk completing a new development ordinance, a tedious process that Site Sections has not been undertaken since the late 1970s. A&M News Agriculture The city officials met with consultants to clarify issues ranging Announcements from the use of electronic signs by businesses to the combining of Business&Technology Zoning categories. Classifieds Columnists The city will release a draft of the ordinance for public review on Community Oct. 22. That will be followed by a review period of at least 50 The Eagle days, during which the city will have workshops and a public Entertainment hearing for residents to provide input. One of the council's major Faith &Values jobs will be educating the public on the changes the new Food development codes will bring. Health& Fitness Kids Korner Following the review period, the new Unified Development Lifestyles Newspapers in Ordinance will be adopted. Education Obituaries City officials said Friday that the 50-day review period could be Opinions extended if they need more time to work on the codes. Politics Region/State "If this takes twice as long, we need to do that to make sure the Schools final product is right," said councilman James Massey. "You don't Sports want to get something that looks great on paper but is not Subscriptions practical in the field." Weather The group paid special attention to the signs that stand outside of local businesses, and how the rules governing their use will change in the future. There was debate over whether the city would continue to allow businesses to use outside electronic signs that can be programed to display different messages. In the end, the group decided to retain current regulations that permit the signs but forbid them ' from flashing or having scrolling letters, which the officials said can distract drivers and add to "visual pollution." http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/100601unifieddevelopment.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Only two electronic signs currently are in use in College Station — at Post Oak Mall and Loupot's bookstore in Northgate — and both owners have been contacted about ordinance violations on numerous occasions. The city itself has allotted funds for an electronic sign to be placed at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater in the 2001-02 fiscal budget. Special attention was also given to non-electronic signs, both freestanding or attached to buildings, that violate height, size or location codes. An existing sign that is not in compliance with the codes will be allowed to remain until it must be replaced because of wear and tear or until the owner or use of the location changes. If either happens, a conforming sign will have to be put up. Also on Friday: • The group decided that the number of commercial zoning categories will be reduced from six to four. The new categories will be light commercial, heavy commercial, office commercial and a conditional use classification, which would have to be approved by the council. • City staff was directed to further examine uses for land in the city's 100-year floodplain. The officials want the staff to look at the practicality of adding provisions that would allow structures to be built in the floodplain, if an engineer-approved method is used. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell4,theeagle.com ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/100601 unifieddevelopment.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 3 • thedagle. Home I Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Business& Business & Technology Technology Chambers of Commerce October 6 , 2001 Columnists Strictly Business Technology A hidden workforce Site Sections Study finds area workers 'underemployed' A&M News Agriculture By KELLI LEVEY Announcements Eagle Staff Writer Business&Technology Classifieds Almost 13,000 of the Columnists Brazos Valley's Community roughly 100,200 ` The Eagle workers have jobs Entertainment that do not fully utilize ` Faith&Values their skills, education Food and experience. N Health&Fitness y Kids Korner The "underemployed" Lifestyles said they would Newspapers in consider a better job, ..• Education and another 2,900 Obituaries people are neither Jimmie Veron works at DecisionOne call center Opinions in College Station. DecisionOne is one of many Politics working nor seeking area businesses who could benefit from a Region/State work, but might re- study that found a significant number of Twin Schools enter the workforce if Cities workers feel underutilized in their Sports the right job came present jobs. Subscriptions along, according to a recent study. Weather The Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corp. commissioned the workforce study to determine the extent of underemployment in the area, as well as to document the cost, skills, experience and education of the "hidden" work force. The EDC plans to use the findings to help attract new businesses and to urge expansion of existing businesses. "This study quantifies something we've known intuitively, that there are people in jobs that are below their qualifications," said Roland Mower, president and CEO of the EDC. "It helps us identify what percentage of the workforce is not working at their full potential or skill level, and it lists what skills and training we have available in our community." http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/100601underemployedstudy.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 3 i ne sivay conaumea Dy i ne r-ainnnaers, a site-seiecuon consulting firm in Dallas, encompassed Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Madison and Robertson counties. The report said the consultant's corporate clients told them only about 10 percent of their new hires came from the ranks of the unemployed. Most of the positions are filled by people who are underemployed and are willing to change jobs. Telephone surveys were conducted, but the number of underemployed might actually be as many as 13,551 or as few as 12,225, officials at The Pathfinder said. The study, which cost $18,000 included telephone calls to 7,000 people to get 600 to 700 survey results. In addition, the firm's interviewers spoke with leaders of area businesses for anecdotal information. Almost 30 percent of those considered underemployed have some college experience and more than 25 percent have college degrees. Participants were not counted among the underemployed if they were within a few years of qualifying for retirement benefits, had been with an employer for 15 years or more or said they would require an unreasonable pay increase. "While the number of underemployed workers identified in the area, as well as their skills, experience, education, and costs, is accurate, all of those individuals would not be acceptable candidates for an employer," the study states. "Their previous work records, stability, integrity, intelligence, appearance, and other factors could not be considered in the report." The data generated by the study goes a long way in helping a community maintain or improve working conditions, Mower said. "Everybody wants a better quality of life, and that starts with a job," he said. "Everybody wants to be productive and they want to be able to use their skills and training. "Also, maximizing the human capacity is the first step to improving the local economy and setting the tone of the area's quality of life." The information also helps a community attract businesses, said Kim Foutz, College Station's economic development director. "This kind of information is used extensively by site locators to determine whether they can even go to the next step in considering a certain area," she said. "Employment is becoming the No.1 factor companies consider, so it was really important that we have adequate and accurate information." http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/100601underemployedstudy.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 3 of 3 The City of College Station plans to post the information on its Web site and the findings will be included within the next few weeks on the EDC's Web site, Mower said. In addition, dozens of copies of the report are being sent to various governing entities and business leaders. Businesses considering coming into the Brazos Valley often are put off by the consistently low unemployment rate — the area has had the lowest rate for many months — but employees are available, said David Brandon, a principal of The Pathfinders. "You've got a good quantity of mobile, potentially valuable employees who are competitively priced and possess skills in demand in the labor 500 or so markets we have studied. You can say you're prepared to provide a company with a good stable of workers." The skill and experience levels are particularly strong in the customer service, sales, data processing and word processing sectors, he said. Lee Cox, director of the DecisionOne call center in College Station, said he thinks the information is valuable for existing businesses that are hiring, as he is. "With the university being here and also with people in the community itself, we've got a great workforce here, and I think businesses need to know that," he said. "Here at our place, we don't require the people to be experts in the field. We look for people with a good, strong work ethic who can grasp what we're trying to teach them. We train them on what they need to know." • Kelli Levey's e-mail address is klevev(c)theeaple.com ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/100601 underemployedstudy.htm 10/8/2001 LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR BIDS ORDINANCE NO. 2522 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON September 27, 2001 BY THE CITY Bid#02-17 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- Employee Health,Rx,and Dental Insurance cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- The City of College Station is accepting bids for the ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and above referenced item.Bids will be received at: duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- City of College Station TER 11,"UTILITIES",SECTION 2,"WATER AND SEW- Purchasing Services Division ER SERVICES,"OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF City Hall THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY 1101 Texas Avenue, AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS DESCRIBED College Station,Texas 77840 BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DE- CLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- until 2:00 PM,October 22, 2001,at which time bids will TIVE DATE. be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Chapter 11, "Utilities", has been amended by changing rates for sewerage services,effective for bills issued on A complete set of specifications and bidding documents or after October 1, 2001. A complete text of the ordi- is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - nance is on file in the city secretary's office. 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.college-station.tx.us Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- The City of College Station reserves the right to reject demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ties. ($25.00)nor more than Five hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted Oct 6,2001 &Oct 13,2001 to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- LEGAL NOTICE cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City ORDINANCE NO. 2523 WAS PASSED AND AP- of College Station. Connie Hooks PROVED ON September 27, 2001 BY THE CITY City Secretary COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10-5-01,10-6-01 meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- LEGAL NOTICE ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and ORDINANCE NO. 2524 WAS PASSED AND AP- duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- PROVED ON September 27, 2001 BY THE CITY tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 1, "ESTABLISHMENTS meeting in regular session at the College Station Coun- OF DISTRICTS,PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZON- cil Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meet- ING MAP,"OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE ing posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Govern- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY CHANGING ment Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; tioned as follows:AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EF- TER 12, "ZONING", SECTION 7.21.1), "REQUIRE- FECTIVE DATE. MENTS FOR DEDICATION/DEVELOPMENT OF DRAINAGE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS WAYS," OF Chapter 12, "Zoning",Section 1, "Establishment of Dis- THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COL- tricts, Provisions for an Official Zoning Map", has been LEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN amended by rezoning 5.953 acre tract out of the Craw- SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW;PROVIDING A SEV- ford Burnett League from R-1 Single Family Residential ERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND to R-4 Apartment/Low Density. A complete text of the PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Chapter 12,"Zoning",Section 7.21.D,"Requirements for Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- Dedication/Development and Pedestrian Access Ways", visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- has been amended by providing drainage capacity to demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- convey the floodwaters of Wolf Pen Creek while accom- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars modating the increased runoff from development of ($25.00) nor more than Two thousand Dollars properties along the Creek and to provide areas to ac- ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or commodate pedestrian access from,to and between de- be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate velopments along the banks of Wolf Pen Creek to less- offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,be- en congestion along adjacent roadways for patrons of comes effective ten (10)days after its date of passage businesses along the corridor. A complete text of the by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Charter of the City of College Station. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- Connie Hooks visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- City Secretary demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- 10-5-01,10-6-01 able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Five hundred Dollars($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- • cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. Connie Hooks City Secretary 10-5-01,10-6-01 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 ot'2 979.776.235 • the&agle. abscribe today! Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com Subscribe z Contact Site Map Region/State October 7, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station utility payments will Club Meetings College Town soon go online Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk College Station utility customers will soon be able to give the city Site Sections credit — at least when they pay their monthly bills. A&M News Agriculture The city will begin accepting credit and debit cards as payment Announcements within the next few months, the first phase of an e-government Business&Technology program that eventually will allow residents to take care of traffic Classifieds citations and fees online and over the telephone. Columnists Community Of course, residents can continue to pay with cash and checks. The Eagle Entertainment Linda Piwonka, College Station's director of office technology and Faith &Values information services, said the city frequently receives inquiries Food from residents wanting to pay their bills with a credit or debit card. Health& Fitness But until recently, there were no specific laws to dictate whether Kids Korner the city or consumers had to pick up the fees associated with Lifestyles credit card use, which generally run from 1 percent to 3 percent of Newspapers in the purchase price. Education Obituaries "We actually had to ask the council to ask the Legislature to Opinions sponsor a law change," Piwonka said. "The visible code was not Politics clear that it gave cities the same authority as counties to accept Region/State credit cards and also make a decision on whether they want to Schools pay the fees associated with credit card service." Sports Subscriptions Weather As a result of the legislation, College Station will absorb the credit card use fees. The city allocated $100,000 in its 2001-02 budget to pay the expenses. The City Council approved the use of credit and debit cards for utility payments during its Sept. 27 meeting and will consider a proposal Thursday to purchase the hardware and software needed to accept such payments over the Internet. �— "That's the first thing we are putting online," Piwonka said. "The next thing will probably be to get citations online. That's based on high utilization. Those are the services people would like to pay http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/100701creditcards.htm 10/8/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region& State Page 2 of 2 ( [over the Internet] the most." ` Piwonka said the city is awaiting bids from credit card service providers and should have a company selected within 30 days. Beginning in about six weeks, customers will be able to use credit or debit cards to make payments at City Hall, she said. In about three months, the service should be available online and over the phone. "It is a convenience that I think everyone is looking for," Piwonka said. "It offers the government a way to provide services 24 hours a day without having to be there 24 hours a day." Piwonka said that once the system is fully automated, it should allow the city to provide better customer service because employees will not have to handle as many basic duties and can spend more time with customers who require assistance. If everything goes as planned, the city will allow people to pay police citations online next year. "There are all kinds of services that could go online, but those are the ones we will focus on," Piwonka said. "Each year will take a look at other needs and the budget and see if we want to put other things online." BTU in Bryan has been accepting credit card payments, both in person and online, for about a year and a half. Bryan's municipal court hopes to accept credit card payments over the Internet by next summer, city spokesman Jay Sokel said. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(q,theeagle.com ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/100701 creditcards.htm 10/8/2001 The City of College Statio 'n s Development Services Department for a: rrentlY accepting applications PART TIME MAPPINGTECHNICJAN This position will report to the Senior Planner andrassi en iral hese, r data inp general . graphics and map preparation. ort of department activities, drafting and research m supp and retrieval.Required: and map and aerial document filing and experience with High school diploma or GED s la techniques; Autocad, graphic presentations and ,and geometry as knowledge of algebra,trigonometry, and dimensions. relates to determining areas, sizes, eo raphic inform er enc stwith Preferred:Experience with 9 g e hits (GIS)-in particular Ae architecture o�rarchit P ob salary and engineering,landscap sneering or Planning. and/or Glasswork in enermanent position has full medical benefits:Half-time, p benefits and 1/i time vacation and sick leave accrual. $9.09 10.43 2 DOS Salary: October 19, 001 Deadline to apply' ***s Must submit a completed **** **** Ircation **** City of College Station app Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 979-764-3800 Fax: �H�,iockon.cod obline/cstx.htm Internet: Eq pportuni jEmPIOYer J The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 EML. ibe todnvI Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 10, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 8, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Melissa and Kenneth Tharp, Somerville, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Amy and Kenneth Keally, Navasota, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Oct. 6, 2001: Entertainment Faith&Values Liliana Meraz, College Station, a boy. Food Health&Fitness Oct. 7, 2001: Kids Komer Lifestyles Newspapers in Natasha and Chris Burleson, Franklin, a boy. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.con,/region/records/births/october0l births/101001 births.htm 10/11/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Bid#02-10 The College Station City Council will hold a public hear- ng to consider a REZONING for 3500 UNIVERSITY Oaks Park Bridge DRIVE EAST from M-1, Planned Industrial to C-B, Rehabilitation Business Commercial,for a Conference Center/Hotel. The City of College Sta- The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- tion is accepting bids for lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 the above referenced p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, NOVEMBER' item.Bids will be received 15,2001. at: Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing City of College Station impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To Purchasing Services make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1-800- Division-City Hall 735-2989. 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas For additional information, please contact me at (979) 77840 764-3570. until 2:00 PM, October MOLLY HITCHCOCK 17, 2001, at which time STAFF PLANNER bids will be opened a 10-10-01 _ City Hall.All bids receive REQUEST FOR BIDS after that time will be re- turned unopened. Bid#02-14 A complete set of specifi- One Automatic Truck Mounted Pothole Patcher Body cations and bidding docu- ments is available for a The City of College Station is accepting bids for the deposit of$25.00 payable above referenced item.Bids will be received at: by cash,check,or money order at the above ad- City of College Station dress, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM Purchasing Services Division 5:OOPM. This deposit is City Hall refundable upon return of 1101 Texas Avenue, the plans in good condi- College Station,Texas 77840 tion within 10 days of the the bid opening date.Ad- until 2:00 PM,October 17, 2001,at which time bids will ditional information is be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time available on our website will be returned unopened. at: www ci college station.tx.us A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - The City of College Sta- 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our tion reserves the right to website at www.ci.colleaestation.tx.us reject any or all bids and ..r+ to waive informalities and The City of College Station reserves the right to irregularities. reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and -10-03-01,10-10-01 irregularities. 10-03-01,10-10-01 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-16 Mobile Video Systems for Police Department The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 24, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalifies and irregulari- ties. Oct 10,2001 &Oct 17,2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region& State Page 1 of 2 m2n A; Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe ' Contact Site Map Region/State October 11, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook City Council to consider Northgate Club Meetings College Town parking proposal Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk With College Station's new parking garage not exactly packing Site Sections them in, the City Council on Thursday will consider a proposal A&M News that would give it more flexibility in setting parking rates for the Agriculture Northgate area. Announcements Business&Technology City staff is asking the council to approve a plan that could allow Classifieds College Station to provide parking for free or at reduced rates for Columnists either special events or as a means to stimulate activity within Community Northgate. The Eagle Entertainment Under the proposal, parking fees also could be set as high as $3 Faith&Values per hour, but they would generally stay in line with the current Food rates of 50 cents per hour during the day and $1.50 per hour at Health&Fitness night. Kids Korner Lifestyles The current rates apply to all city parking in Northgate, including Newspapers in the four-story garage that opened in late August, the surface Education parking lot and the on-street meters that will be installed within the Obituaries month. Opinions Politics A favorable council vote on the new plan wouldn't have an Region/State immediate impact on the parking fees, but it could provide the Schools vehicle for change if it is determined that the rates need to be Sports adjusted. Subscriptions Weather "I think we realized when we went into this process that it is going to take several months to work out both the operation issues and the pay-fee schedule," College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney said. "What we're looking at would give the staff some flexibility to operate the garage in the most efficient and effective manner." The 700-space parking garage brought in about $14,000 during its first month of operation , said Charles Cryan, College Station's director of fiscal services. By comparison, the city's 120-space parking lot in Northgate http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/101101 northgateparking.htm 10/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 2 of 2 grossed about $12,000. Cryan said that the city hopes to generate $1 million annually from the garage, the lot, the on-street parking and parking fines in Northgate. That means the four revenue sources would have to generate a combined $83,300 per month. Despite a slow start, the city still has high hopes for the garage. "It's not unusual for a new business not to generate as much as anticipated, because it's going to take some time for people to get used to it," Cryan said. "We're not doing real bad, but it's not where we think it's going to get." Cryan said that the city found itself in a similar position when it opened the pay parking lot behind the Northgate promenade in 1998. The idea of paying to park in Northgate was something new for visitors to the area, and it took some time to get used to. "When we first opened the parking lot, we had almost no one parking there," Cryan said. "Now it's full a lot of the time." College Station is dealing with a student population that has been able to park for free at Northgate in the past. The city is hoping ® that new students — used to paying for parking in Dallas, Houston and other cities —won't be as resistant to the idea of having to lay out money to park in Northgate. Cryan also predicted that patronage of the garage will increase once motorists become familiar with it. Now, he said, many people are unaware of the garage's location behind Northgate's prime shopping and entertainment area. The city has launched advertising campaigns and joined with Northgate merchants to draw attention to the parking structure. The city has no evidence that lowering the rates would fill more parking spots, Mcllhaney said. Lowering evening parking rates from $1.50 to $1 would reduce the revenue estimate by $300,000. If it is decided in the future that lower rates could attract more vehicles to the garage, the proposal to be considered Thursday will give the city staff the flexibility to make adjustments, Mcllhaney said. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(abtheeap-le.com ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eaqle Privacv Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/101 101 northgateparking.htm 10/11/2001 REOuesT FOR BIDS Bid#02-15 Pebble Creek Park Iron Fence The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 25, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and biddiJdes is available at the above address, Mon 5:OOPM.Additional information is availabl - site atwww ci college-station.tx.usThe City of College Station reserves thectany or all bids and to waive informalitiesi- ties. Oct.11,2001&Oct. 18,20 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-05 Graham Road Rehabilitation Phase II-Phase I The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 23,2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the upgrade of Graham Road to a 47-foot roadway width with curb,gutter,sidewalks, and storm drain from west of the Schaffer Road intersection to Wellborn Road. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM,October 16,2001 at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue,College Sta- tion,TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but at- tendance is highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 payable by cash, check,or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct 4,2001 &Oct 11,2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ibe to Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 11, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 9, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Kelly and Jerry Thomas, Bryan, a boy; Announcements Business&Technology Katherine and Karl Kakubik, Caldwell, a boy. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Oct. 7, 2001: Entertainment Faith&Values Latonya Murphy, Hearne, a boy; Food Health&Fitness Kids Korner Ellen Herrera, College Station, a boy; Lifestyles Newspapers in Oct. 8, 2001: Education Obituaries Shelbye Weise, Rockdale, a girl; Opinions Politics Karen and Theodore Gray, Gause, a boy. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Brian/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.corn'region/records/births/october0l births/101101 births.htm 10/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 5 The E'le �Vg Classia ieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02-05 Financial Legal Notices Graham Road Rehabilitation Phase I1 -Phase I Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 23, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City F bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the upgrade of Graham Road to a 47-foot roadway width curb, gutter, sidewalks, and storm drain from west of the Schaffer Road interse Wellborn Road. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM, October 16, 2001 at City Hall, Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of$30.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our websii www.cl.college-station.tx.us. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Oct 4, 2001 & Oct 11, 2001 http://classifieds.thecagle.com/lineads/0699.html 10/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 5 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02-15 Pebble Creek Park Iron Fence The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, October 25, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City F bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo. address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.colle2e-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Oct. 11, 2001 & Oct. 18, 2001 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SALE OF SCHOOL VEHICLES Caldwell Independent School District is accepting proposals for the sale of 4 d school buses and one 1/2 ton pick up. Bids will be received until 1:00 P.M. Tu November 6, 2001, in the Caldwell I.S.D. Administration Office, 203 North G. Caldwell, Texas 77836. A list and description of the vehicles can be obtained by contacting the Caldwc Transportation Department, 1700 West Sixth Street, Caldwell, Texas 77836,to 979/567-3414 or Fax 979/567-9943. Questions regarding this offing should be to either Henry Washington or Bill Broaddus. The owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities with regard to this offe (W 10-11-01, 10-18-01 http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 10/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 4 of 7 She was preceded in death by her husband, Clifton Clarence Perry. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Dorothy Ann and Bert Spence of Lexington; a brother, C.L. Angell Jr. of Georgetown; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Julia M. Shoemake Jan. 23, 1937 — Oct. 3, 2001 NEW BRAUNFELS — Services for Julia M. Shoemake, 64, of Garden Ridge, Texas, were held Saturday at the Doeppenschmidt Funeral Home in New Braunfels. The Rev. Jay Jackson officiated. Burial was in the College Station City Cemetery. Mrs. Shoemake died Wednesday at Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital in San Antonio. She was born in Yazoo City, Mo. Survivors include her husband, Ralph Shoemake of Garden Ridge; a daughter and son-in-law, Cynthia Dianne and Terry Barnett of College Station; a son, Richard Shoemake of Houston; three sisters, Libby Newsom, Barbara Dillion and Phyllis Tilghman; a brother, Ken Lovett; and two grandchildren. Albert Timmerman Sr. June 18, 1908 — Oct. 7, 2001 ROCKDALE — Services for Albert Timmerman Sr., 93, of Rockdale are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at Peace Lutheran Church in Rockdale. The Rev. Brian Bauer of Peace Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Rockdale I.O.O.F Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. Mr. Timmerman died Sunday in Richards Memorial Hospital in Rockdale. 1 He was a lifelong resident of Rockdale and was a member of i� Peace Lutheran Church. He farmed until 1946 and was a partner in the M&T Grocery until 1956. He then worked for Milam County Precinct 3 and was elected commissioner of Precinct 3. He was a http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/october0 l/100901 obits.htm 10/16/2001 CS rates parking gain flexibility By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL The city possesses no data Eagle Staff Writer suggesting that lowered rates would bring more patrons to The College Station City the Northgate parking Council on Thursday garage, which did not meet approved a plan that could revenue expectations during lead to lower rates in the its first month of operation Northgate parking garage, after opening its doors Aug. should the city decide that 25. cheaper fees would bring in Receipts for the 730-space customers for the garage and garage totaled ,more than nearby businesses. $19,000 for the first month. By The plan gives the City the comparison, the city's 120- flexibility to offer parking for space parking lot in North- free or at reduced costs, but gate grossed about $12,000. for the time being, the rates In all, College Station took are expected to remain at 50 in$40,100 in Northgate, about cents per hour during the day half of the $80,000 per month and$1.50 per hour at night. the city expected to gross The hourly rate also could be set as high as$3 per hour. See RATES, Page A8 lar position when it opened ■ Established a reinvest- automated customer service Rates the pay parking lot behind the ment zone within the Texas system. The system will allow Northgate Promenade in 1998. A&M University Research the city to begin accepting Today, the lot is often full. Park, which will be used by credit cards for utility pay- From Al Within the next month, the Caldwell Watson Real Estate ments. city will install meters for on- for the construction of a ■ Awarded a construction through parking fees and fines street parking throughout the 69,000-square-foot building. contract totaling $587,825 to in the area,said director of fis- Northgate area. The meters, The building's primary tenant Elliot Construction for the cal services Charles Cryan. parking lot and parking will be Compaq, whose local Luther Street Wastewater Lift The lower-than-anticipated garage will all charge the office currently is in Bryan. Station. traffic did not catch the city same rates. ■ Awarded an $83,500 con- completely off guard. College In other action Thursday, tract to Tele-works for the ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail Station found itself in a simi- the council: instillation of a utility billing address is cferrell@theeagle.com. v The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 5 of 9 A wake will be from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday at Evergreen Memorial Chapel in Dallas. Sgt. Gafford died Tuesday. He was born in Bryan and attended E.H. Kemp High School. He served with honors in the U.S. Army during the Korean and Vietnam wars. He was a member of Mount Tabor Baptist Church. Survivors include his mother, Hattie Robinson; his wife, Daisy Faye Gafford; three daughters and a son-in-law, Candace Gafford, Yvette and Ricco Williams and Gwen Meghee; a brother, John Lydell Robinson; four sisters, Jeanette Hodge, Willie Hickman, Novella Garrison and Virginia Harris; and two grandchildren. Kenneth R riott Sr. L0_rr_q fj�C'0i 04 5 J O-01 May 27, 1925 — Oct. 12, 2001 HEARNE — Services for Kenneth Reed Mariott Sr., 76, of Hearne are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Home in Hearne. The Rev. Larry Blackmon will officiate. Burial will be in Suggs Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Mr. Mariott died Friday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Coryell County and served in the military during World War II. Survivors include his wife, Jo Ann Mariott of Hearne; three sons and two daughters-in-law, Kenneth Jr. and Paula Mariott, Larry Dean and Glenda Mariott of College Station and Danny Mariott of Hearne; a daughter, Margaret Jones of Leander; and six grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial, P.O. Box 11055, College Station, Texas 77842. Ernestine Monroe April 2, 1946 — Oct. 7, 2001 ABILENE — Ernestine Monroe, 55, of Abilene died Sunday in an Abilene medical facility. C`romntinn nrrnnr,=mcn+c %niorc iinrlcr fhc Airnt-+inn of r'nmmisnif%i http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberO I/101301 obits.htm 10/16/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 7 of 9 iviiiuieu oNieen ui oieiniani, live yianuUmuien, six yieaL- grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Radio and TV Ministry at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 305 W. Third, Brenham, Texas 77833. Michael J. Muth Sr. March 31, 1922 — Oct. 11, 2001 Services for Michael J. Muth Sr., 79, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Saturday at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. The Rev. Johnny Sloan of Rock Prairie Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station City Cemetery. Mr. Muth died Thursday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was a lifelong resident of Bryan and was a member of Rock Prairie Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was retired as service manager for Allen Olds. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Sandra. Survivors include his wife, Naomi Muth of Bryan; two sons, Michael Muth Jr. of Franklin and Dennis Muth of Bryan; a daughter, Susan Greer; five grandchildren; and 14 great- grandchildren. Charles Ramirez June 14, 1943 — Oct. 10, 2001 Memorial services for Charles Ramirez, 58, of Bryan are set for 1 p.m. Sunday at the Family Worship Center in Bryan. The Rev. Joel E. Withem will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Ramirez died Wednesday at his home. He was born in Bryan and was a hairstylist for many years. Survivors include four brothers, Roy Ramirez of Sherman, Feliz Ramirez and Frank Ramirez, both of Vallejo, Calif., and Robert Ramirez of San Diego; three sisters, Sarah Sifuentez and Beatrice Horton, both of Bryan, and Josephine Lopez of http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberO l/101301 oblts.htm 10/16/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 • the6aglexom, t Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 13, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 10, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Jessica Peters, Caldwell, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Oct. 11, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Sarah and John Fountain, Huntsville, a girl. Community The Eagle Entertainment OCt. 9, 2001: Faith &Values Food Kelly and Jerry Thomas, Bryan, a boy; F&Health Fitness Kids Fit Katherine and Karl Jakubik, Caldwell, a boy. er Lifestyles Newspapers in St. Joseph Regional Health Center Education Obituaries Oct. 8, 2001: Opinions Politics Alicia Henderson, Navasota, a boy; Region/State Schools Melinda and Luke Fuchs, Burton, a boy; Sports Subscriptions Kimberly and Tommy Brock, Bryan, a boy; Weather Stephanie Spruill, Hearne, a boy; Crystle and Chris Gustavus, Franklin, a boy; Crystal and Peter England, Bryan, a boy; Michael Lomon, College Station, a boy; Oct. 9, 2001: http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberO I births/101301 births.htm 10/16/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-17 Employee Health,Rx,and Dental Insurance The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 22, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www ci college-station tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. L Oct 6,2001 &Oct 13,2001 The City of College Station is recruiting for the position of: BUDGET ANALYST Assistant to the City Manager,reporting to the Budget and Strategic Planning Director,City Manager,and Assistant City Manager The City of College Station is a progressive, university community. This position will work on a rotational basis in both the Office of Budget and Strategic Planning and the City Manager's Office.The position will start in the Office of Budget and Strategic Planning,with the opportunity to rotate to the City Manager's Office. Responsibilities include preparation and analysis of the City's budget,development and review of performance measures, assisting in the preparation,review,and update of the City Strategic Plan, and performing organization operational analysis and making recommendations for improvement. While in the City Manager's Office the position is a liaison and coordinates activities between citizens,the City Council and City Manager. This person will assist in Council agenda preparation and work on special projects as assigned. Requirements are excellent analytical skills and communication skills, two year's experience with management/administrative functions, familiarity with governmental finance,and proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel. A Bachelor's Degree in Business,Management, Government or a related field required.A Master's Degree or substantial coursework completed towards a Master's Degree in Public Administration,Business,or related field required. Excellent benefit package including paid vacation and holidays,medical,life insurance,and a retirement plan. Salary: $37,900-$46,50ONear (Salary as of January 1,2002 $41,000-$50,20ONear) Deadline to apply: November 2,2001 Apply at: City of College Station ® Human Resources Department P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 Fax: 979-764-3800 www.ci.college-station.tx.u's/iobline/cstx.htm Equal Opportunity Employer The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 t,hip,e-,d-1-ag,I 'VU Q'.Ow M, cribei 1 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribel Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 16, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 12, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Shannon Farr, Rockdale, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Oct. 13, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Shawna and Arthur Sandles, Jr., Madisonville, a girl. Community The Eagle Oct. 15, 2001: Entertainment Faith&Values Fallon and Jason Huff, Bryan, a boy. Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner St. Joseph Regional Health Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Oct. 9, 2001: Education Obituaries Norma Munoz, Bryan, a girl.❑ Oct. 10, 2001: Opinions Politics Amy and Keith Hahn, Madisonville, a girl; Region/State Schools Christina Ramirez and Robert Pardee, a boy; Sports Subscriptions Cynthia Jackson, College Station, a boy; Weather Angel and Ronnie Crittenton, Centerville, a girl; Oct. 11, 2001: Linda and Ed Santleben, Brenham, a girl; Amy Daugherty and Larry Hellner, Hearne, a girl; Rosa and Erasmo Reyna, College Station, a boy; http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/101601births.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Pagel of 2 ;. �? . m ,Ctt hrr-,e.6, 0o. :. w Ls r ;r i b e t Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ' Subscribe . Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 17, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections October 15, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Fallon and Jason Huff, Bryan, a boy; Announcements Business&Technology Hollie Matthews, Iola, a girl. Classifieds Columnists October 13, 2001: Community The Eagle Entertainment Ofelia Coleman, College Station, a girl. Faith&Values Food St. Joseph Regional Health Center Health& Fitness Kids Korner October 12, 2001: Lifestyles Newspapers in Kellie and Coy Fontenot, Brenham, a boy; Education Obituaries Katherine and Richard Russworn, Bryan, a boy. Opinions Politics October 13, 2001: Region/State Schools Tiana and Okay Faultry, College Station, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Petra Gonzales, Bryan, a girl. Weather October 14, 2001: Tara and Matthew Green, Flynn, a girl. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle (W Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/101701 births.htm 10/22/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-16 Mobile Video Systems for Police Department The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 24, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct 10,2001 &Oct 17,2001 699 Legal Notices 699 Legal Notices REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-19 Commercial Riding Mowers The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 31, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.colleQe-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct 17,2001 &Oct 24,2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 vwl :mY97$ 7 ., m0 =0 mfleXom/ �.y� a Ibbscribe tndnvI Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 18, 2001 Club Meetings College Town College Station Medical Center reported the following birth Datebook Wednesday. The list may not be complete because some parents Government Links choose not to have their names printed. Links Obituaries Oct. 16, 2001: Town Talk Site Sections Carrie and John Cheney, College Station, a girl. A&M News Agriculture Announcements Business&Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith&Values Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©_2000,2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/october0lbirths/101801births.htm 10/22/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-15 Pebble Creek Park Iron Fence The City of College Station is accepting bids for the • above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,October 25, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- site at www.ci.cclleqe-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct.11,2001 &Oct. 18,2001 Patricia Ann Supak Sept.3e, 1939 - Oct. 16,2001 Patricia Ann Supak,age 62,of Bryan born September 30, 1939 in Granger, Texas passed away Tuesday, October 16,2001 at St.Joseph Regional Health Center in Bryan. A Mass of Christian Burial will be at • 10:00 a.m. Friday, October 19, 2001 at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in College Station with Rev. Dean Wilhelm officiating. Visitation will be Thursday October 18t'1:00p.m.to 9:00 p.m. at the funeral home with a vigil service at 7:00 p.m. under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan.Burial will be at the College Station City Cemetery. Mrs. Supak lived in Bryan since 1992 where she had recently retired after 15 years as an elementary School Teacher in both Bryan, TX and Lubbock, TX School Districts.She spent the last 6 years of her career at Bowen Elementary School in Bryan.She was an active member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. She was also active in the RSVP. Pat was a graduate of Texas Tech University where she obtained both her Bachelors of Science and her Masters of Science Degrees. Pat is survived by her husband of 39 years of marriage James Supak of Bryan; one son and daughter-in-law, Wayne and Amy Supak of Washington, IL; three daughters and sons-in-law, Laura and Mark Morgan of Waxahachie, TX, Karen and Brian Walter of Dallas, TX, Janet and Randy. Koslovsky of Carrollton, TX; one brother, Jerry Pekar of Sulphur Springs, TX; one sister, Lois Latham of Houston, TX; eight grandchildren, Cassandra, Talon, Brandon, Ashlyn, Kimberly, Whitney, Benjamin and Luke. She was preceded in death by both her parents,William and Viola Pekar. Memorials may be made to the Gabriel Project or the Religious Education Department at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in College Station,TX. Arrangements under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan probation Bow Bow ets g h From Al for stealing from CS her from committing anotherg • crime and pointed out that she has the support of a host of Ex-employee can't work for government family and ,friends and is By COLLEEN KAVANAGH ears, because Bow was a financing her two sons' col Eagle staff writer public servant. lege educations. p ' Bow is now working three During Thursday's s sentenc- i jobs, James said. A former College Station ing hearing, District Judge James presented several employee convicted of steal- J.D. Langley also fined Bow witnesses, including Bow's ing from the city was placed $5,000.Her probation requires mother, father and two broth- on five years' probation her to pay $7,105 in restitu- ers, who said they did not Thursday and ordered not to tion to the city, complete 120 believe she was guilty of the Fork for any government hours of community service, crime. Her father, Bill agency during that time. receive counseling and pay Douphrate, described his Anel Bow, who worked as court costs. daughter as honest, hard the city's special events As another condition of her working and respected. supervisor, was found guilty probation, Langley banned "I hope there is some resolu- by a Brazos County jury in Bow from being appointed to tion where she can continue to August of felony theft of or employed by any govern- be a productive person and do between $1,500 and $20,000. ment entity. the things she is capable of Evidence and testimony "For at least the next five doing and take care of her showed that Bow, 46, used years or however long you're family," he testified. city money to purchase elec- on probation, I don't believe First Assistant District tronics and other supplies for you need to be handling any Attorney Margaret Lalk said her personal use:, public money," he told Bow. j Bow exploited her co-workers Typically, the conviction Jim James, Bow's attorney, and stole from College Station would be a state jail felony had asked that she be placed taxpayers for her own advan- punishable by up to two years on probation because she has tage. She used office supplies in prison and a $10,000 fine. no prior criminal record. He and equipment that were paid However, the charge was ele- argued that the consequences for with city funds to help vated to a third-degree felony, of her conviction will deter J with her private consulting punishable by a prison sen- business and her part-time job tence of between two and 10 See BOW, Page A6 as a drama teacher at Allen Academy. Lalk said that Bow has shown no contrition for her actions. "As a public servant, she betrayed the taxpayers as well as the people she was working for,"she said. "The facts of the case are based on this woman's behavior. The facts didn't evolve in a vacuum." Langley said he did not believe that a prison sentence was necessary, but he told Bow her crimes reflected an presumption that she "knows better" than the people for whom she worked. "That is the arrogance that must not occur from someone who is entrusted with the authority to spend public money," he said. ■ Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail address is ckavanagh@ theeagle.com. LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR BIDS ORDINANCE NO. 2526 WAS PASSED AND AP- Bid#02-11 PROVED ON October 11, 2001 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in Brison,Gabbard,and Merry Oaks Park regular session at the College Station Council Cham- Site Improvements bers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. The City of College Station is accepting bids for the Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded above referenced item.Bids will be received at: in the official records of the city,is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10,"TRAFFIC City College Station CODE", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE Purchasing Services Division CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS,BY AMENDING City Hall CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVID- 1101 Texas Avenue, ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PEN- College Station,Texas 77840 ALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. i until 2:00 PM, November 6, 2001, at which time bids Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", Section 4G, "Northgate will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that Promenade Parking Lot Fees", has been amended by time will be returned unopened. establishing fees for the parking garage and parking lot based on conditions as they exist in the area. A com- Location and Scope of Work: plete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secret.- The project involves site improvements for Brison,Gab - ry's office. bard,and Merry Oaks Parks. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- is available for a refundable fee of $50.00 payable by visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis-'I cash, check, or money order at the above address, demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This fee will be refunded able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars upon return of the plans in good condition within ten ($25.00)nor more than Five hundred Dollars($500.00). days of the bid opening.Additional information is availa- Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted ble on our website at www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us . to continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective The City of College Station reserves the right to reject, ten(10)days after Its date of passage by the City Coun- any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- cil,as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City ties. of College Station. Connie Hooka Oct 19,2001 &Oct 26,2001 City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE 10.19.01,10.20.01 ORDINANCE NO. 2526 WAS PASSED AND AP- • reg PROVED ON October 11, 2001 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in Development regular session at the College Station Council Cham- bers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meeting posted A in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. to leave CS on Nov J Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city,is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10,"TRAFFIC Callaway taking position in Sugar Land CODE", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES EN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVID- By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL offices, will serve as interim ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, DECLARING A PEN- Eagle Staff Writer director until Callaway's ALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. replacement is hired, said Chapter 10, "Traffic Code", Section 4G, °Northgate Jim Callaway, College Sta- City spokeswoman Kelley Promenade Parking Lot Fees", has been amended by tion's director of development Cole. establishing fees for the parking garage and parking lot services, has accepted a simi- a `Y Callaway's based on conditions as they exist in the area. A com- �. lar position with the City of Office is plete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secreta- Sugar Land and will leave they responsible ry'S office. Brazos Valley on Nov. 9. for the plan Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- He has worked for College ning and visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- Station S1riCe 1976 and has development demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- been director of development of commer- able by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars Cial and resi- ($25.00)nor more than Five hundred Dollars($500.00). services for five years. dential areas Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted Callaway pT@V10USly CALLAWAY 'o continue,shall be deemed a separate offense. Said worked for the City as assis- within the Drdinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective tant director of development city. It oversees land use and en(10)days after its date of passage by the City Coun- services from 1993-97 and- development regulations, provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City if College spent six years as a city plan- comprehensive planning and Connie Hooks ner. He held other positions neighborhood services. City Sec lo in the planning office. Julie O'Connell, College 10-19-01,10-20-01 re Assistant city manager Station's human resources Glenn Brown, who oversees director, said the city has not the development services and community development See DIRECTOR, Page A6 Director Er©Im Al -----� decided whether it will con- duct the search for Callaway's replacement or hire an out- side company for the job. ,,The sooner we can fill the position the better," said City Manager Tom Brymer. "We want to get the best qualified person we can. Searches of this nature — a director's position — typically take six to eight months." The city's budget allocates $72,612 for the director's salary. Brymer said that a transi- tion process has already been implemented to make sure nothing slips through the cracks after Callaway leaves. Callaway said he is excited about the new position but will miss many of the people he has worked with in College Station. Sugar Land is about the same size as College Sta- tion but has experienced more rapid growth over the past decade. Callaway said that as a suburb of Houston, Sugar Land is a very desirable loca- tion. You don't get to to tunity," Callaway saic-:;;"You. either take it or you don't."'"" "We have an excellent staff and I feel really good about what has occurred here.We've lost some good people over the years, but we've been able to bring in some really good to replace them— and that's the part 1'11 miss the most,the peo- ple." Brymer said Callaway will be hard to replace. "Jim has been an outstand- ing asset to our organization for the last 25 years and will be hard to replace," Brymer said. "It is sad to see him go, but we're excited for him. Sugar Land is a fast-growing and dynamic community." ■ Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 1 of 6 ,e ogta c 7--e 7_-0,- W, _2 - M11 j t,hj 6� I, ' crihe to Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 21, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Troy `Tom' Chandler Datebook Government Links March 19, 1925 — Oct. 18, 2001 Links Obituaries Services for Troy "Tom" Chandler, 76, of Bryan are set for 1 p.m. Town Talk Tuesday at A&M United Methodist Church in College Station. Site Sections A&M News The Revs. Milton Cunningham and Jerry Neff will officiate. Burial Agriculture will be in College Station Cemetery. Announcements Business&Technology Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Hillier Funeral Home Classifieds in Bryan and from noon to the time of the services Tuesday at the Columnists church. Community The Eagle Mr. Chandler died Thursday at his home. (W Entertainment Faith&Values He was born in Greenville and lived in Bryan many years. He was Food retired as the head baseball coach for Texas A&M University, Health& Fitness serving from 1959 to 1984. He was a member of the American Kids Korner Baseball Coaches Association and the Texas Sports, A&M Lifestyles Athletics and College Baseball halls of fame. p Newspapers in g Education Obituaries He was past general manager and head coach of the Alpine Opinions Cowboy baseball team and scout for the Detroit Tigers, Cleveland Politics Indians and the Los Angeles Dodgers. He served as a corporal in Region/State the U.S. Marine Corps and was a member of A&M United Schools Methodist Church. He was past worshipful master of Sul Ross Sports Lodge No. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Subscriptions Weather Survivors include his wife, Willowdean Chandler of Bryan; a son, Thomas Dean Chandler of Clear Lake, Texas; a daughter, Nancy Suzanne Chandler of Krum, Texas; a brother and sister-in-law, Lindy and Jackie Chandler of Grand Prairie, Texas;and a sister and brother-in-law, Grace Louise and Bob Fair of Conroe. Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 East 29th IL St., Bryan, Texas 77803. Donald Fred Johnson Sr. C_k 44 4 noo r%-4- I n 7nn.1 http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberO l/10210l obits.htm 10/22/2001 The City of College Station's Development Services Department is currently accepting applications for a: GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER This individual will be responsible for engineering research, j plan review, project design review and project •,r/ management. Must have knowledge of the principles and practices of engineering,particularly as applied to municipal design and construction.Specific education and experience in hydrology,hydraulics,and FEMA flood plan management preferred.Must hold Engineering in Training(EIT)certificate. Salary: $37,900-$46,500/Year DOQ 01/01/02 Salary: $41,000-$50,20ONear DOQ Deadline to apply: December 21,2001 Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue -- College Station,Texas 77840 - Fax: 979-764-3800 Internet: www.ci.college-station.tx.us/iobline/cstx.htm Equal Opportunity Employer The City of College Station is recruiting for the The College Station Fire Department 7MMMUMOM position of: is accepting applications for the position of BUDGET ANALYST Entry Level Firefighter Assistant to the City Manager,reporting to the Budget and Strategic Planning Director,City Minimum Requirements Manager,and Assistant City Manager Must possess a current Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP) Basic The City of College Station is a progressive, university Structural Certification and a current Texas Department of Health Emergency community. This position will work on a rotational basis in both the Office of Budget and Strategic Planning and the Medical Technician Certification-basic or higher. City Manager's Office.The position will start in the Office of Salary and Benefits Budget and Strategic Planning,with the opportunity to .� rotate to the City Manager's Office. Responsibilities include Effective January 1,2002,entry level salary will be 531,600/yr.Additional pay or preparation and analysis of the ice.Cit R budget,development associate or bachelors degrees or for TCFP certifications above Basic Structure and review of performance measures, assisting in the Fire Protection, paramedic certification (upon meeting department preparation,review,and update of the City Strategic Plan, requirements), Haz-Mat Tech, ARFF Certification,Bi-lingual Pay,and longevity. and performing organization operational analysis and Excellent benefits package. making recommendations for improvement. While in the City Manager's Office the position is a liaison and To obtain an application or for more information contact: coordinates activities between citizens,the City Council and g City of College Station, Human Resources City Manager. This person will assist in Council agenda preparation and work on special projects as assigned. 1101 S.Texas Avenue • College Station,Texas 77840 Requirements are excellent analytical skills and 979-764-3517 • 979-764-3800 (fax) communication skills, two year's experience with tX US�IObIIneICStX.htnl management/administrative functions, familiarity with Internet: A/\A/\n/ri rnlle e-StatlOn governmental finance,and proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel. A Bachelor's Degree in Business,Management, Application deadline: November 16, 2001 Government or a related field required.A Master's Degree or substantial coursework completed towards a Master's Entrance Exam: December 15, 2001 Degree in Public Administration,Business,or related field required. Excellent benefit package including paid vacation and holidays,medical,life insurance,and a retirement plan. Proof of certifications mUcl acC0I11gdnV application. EOE/M/FN/D Salary: $37,900-$46,50ONear (Salary as of January 1,2002 $41,000-$50,20ONear) Deadline to apply: November 2,2001 Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 Fax: 979-764-3800 www ci colle e-station.tx.us/iobline/cstx.htm Equal Opportunity Employer The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 t i b e.e-5-; - le xp-o °g DAYS Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com j Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 21, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Steam locomotive to make 4 stops in Club Meetings College Town College Station Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries Union Pacific Railroad's "Challenger" No. 3985, the world's Town Talk largest operating steam locomotive, will swing through College Site Sections Station four times as part of its six-state, 3,100-mile tour. A&M News Agriculture The train will stop each time on the tracks near Kyle Field at Announcements Texas A&M University. Business&Technology Classifieds The first stop, expected to last about 30 minutes, will be Monday Columnists at around 1:30 p.m. Community The Eagle On Saturday, the train will come through this area as part of an Entertainment excursion for a Houston Grand Opera fund-raiser. Expected times Faith &Values are 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Food Health & Fitness On Oct. 29, the train is expected in College Station from 11:30 Kids Korner a.m. until about noon. Lifestyles Newspapers in For more information about purchasing tickets to ride the train as Education Obituaries part of the opera fund-raiser, call 1-713-546-0242. Opinions Politics For more information about the tour, go to Union Pacific's Web Region/State site at uprr.com. Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102 10 1 steamengineincs.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Lifestyles>Faces Page 1 of 3 79,77& ;345 t,hi e...e- (law ., _.;�a go i ! Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Lifestyles Lifestyles > Faces Faces Features October 21, 2001 Club Scene Home&Garden Out&About Working mom finds time for Style Briefs volunteering and school Travel Site Sections A&M News Any working moms out there with a little free Agriculture time? Announcements Business&Technology Seems like a dumb question, and before I met Classifieds Bridgette George, I would have answered with Columnists a resounding "No!" Community The Eagle But when I found out she's not only a working Entertainment Helen Clancy Olin mom with three kids, but a studious college Faith &Values student and a volunteer with the Brazos County (W Faces Food Rape Crisis Center, I had to take a sheepish Health& Fitness look at what really constitutes "too busy." Kids Korner Lifestyles It's a mantra that tumbles from the lips of working women at Newspapers in every opportunity. "I have a full-time job. I'm a parent. I'm lucky Education to get out of the house in the morning with matching shoes." Obituaries And then the chorus line, "I'm too busy." Opinions Politics We say it to friends, co-workers and family. We say it to our Region/State children and our spouses. And, regrettably, we say it to Schools volunteer organizations when they plead for just a few hours of Sports our time. Subscriptions Weather But after hearing Bridgette's story, it might be a little harder for you to grumble "too busy" next time someone asks you. I know it has been for me. Getting involved "I felt so helpless," Bridgette says, recalling a conversation six years ago that inspired her to volunteer for the Brazos County Rape Crisis Center. In that conversation, a friend revealed that she had been sexually assaulted. The woman had never sought counseling or even reported the crime, and Bridgette just didn't know what to http://www.theeagle.com/brazossunday/faces/102101faces.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagl e>Lifestyles>F aces Page 2 of 3 say. That very night, a worker with the Rape Crisis Center appeared on TV asking for volunteers to answer the hotline and accompany victims to the hospital, police station and courts. The timing had to be a sign, Bridgette thought, so she decided to sign up for training. "It was important that I learned how to talk to somebody in case anybody ever approached me again," she says. With weeks of training under her belt, she began her first shift answering hotline calls, which would be forwarded to her home between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. It was Bridgette's job to know what to say. As minutes turned into hours, waiting for the inevitable became excruciating. "I did not want the phone to ring," she says. 1 had gone through all this, and I did not want the phone to ring." Taking a break from her job as assistant development review manager for the city of College Station, Bridgette tells me how each phone call bolstered her confidence and helped her discover an unknown strength from within. "I'm a real crybaby. And amazingly, I've never cried on the phone. I get a strength from somewhere — I guess it's because you have to be the strong person," she says. "[The Rape Crisis Center] puts you through a lot of good training. They can give you so much reassurance, and it gives you that confidence you need." Juggling act Bridgette's average work day starts around 4 or 5 in the morning when she squeezes in a little studying before heading to work. She's taking 10 hours at Texas A&M University, an experience she shares with her oldest son, 18-year-old Jeffrey. Because class times cut in to her work hours, Bridgette often makes up for it by working on Saturdays or coming in at 7 a.m. Volunteering on evenings and weekends isn't a burden for Bridgette because it simply requires her to be near her phone during certain hours — hours that can be spent studying, doing laundry, helping kids with homework or even sleeping. And once in a great while, a victim will request Bridgette's presence at the hospital to undergo a rape-kit examination, a http://www.theeagle.com/brazossunday/faces/102101 faces.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Lifestyles>Faces Page 3 of 3 brutal yet necessary step in prosecuting rapists. "It's not pleasant," she says of the rape kit. "Sometimes you're all they have, and they know that you're there to support them." The forensic exam takes place in a tiny room with specially trained nurses and hospital staff. Although Bridgette stands in the back of the room, she understands the comfort a volunteer's presence brings to the victim. "It's really hard. Many times, they're calm, and when they start doing the exam they'll start crying. And you're just sitting there helpless," she says, noting the process can take as long as two hours. "You're sitting in there, watching her cry. And all you want to do is go over there and hug her." Bridgette says giving back to the community in such an emotional capacity requires a little bit of time but a lot of compassion. "To be sexually assaulted ... I can't imagine anything worse," she says. "And you may be the only person they ever talk to." To become a volunteer with the Brazos County Rape Crisis Center, call 731-1000 or visit http://rapecrisis.txcyber.com. Helen Clancy Olin is the features editor for The Bryan-College Station Eagle. E-mail your"Faces" profile suggestions to hclanc_y_@theeagle_com ©20.00, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement C; http://www.theeagle.com/brazossunday/faces/102101faces.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 1 of 4 hj e ag. ,ee c. Home ' Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 22, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Tom Chandler Datebook Government Links Longtime Bryan resident and former Texas A&M University head Links baseball Coach Tom Chandler passed away on Thursday, Oct. Obituaries 18, 2001 at the age of 76 following a lengthy battle with Town Talk Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, a form of Parkinson's disease. Site Sections A&M News His life will be celebrated during a service on Tuesday, Oct. 23 at Agriculture 1 p.m. at A&M United Methodist Church in College Station. A Announcements visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday in the Hillier Business&Technology Funeral Home. Classifieds Columnists Coach Chandler retired from Texas A&M in 1984 after 26 years Community as baseball coach, bringing the Aggies' baseball program into The Eagle national prominence. Following his retirement, he served as a (W Entertainment professional baseball scout for a number of major league clubs. Faith &Values Food During his Texas A&M coaching career, Coach Chandler's Aggie Health& Fitness teams won five Southwest Conference championships, and he Kids Korner was named SWC "Coach of the Year" seven times, including his Lifestyles final season in 1984. During his tenure as head baseball coach, Newspapers in Education the Aggies posted a winning record in all but one season, making Obituaries Coach Chandler the winningest coach in Texas A&M history. Opinions Politics More than 50 of his players signed professional baseball Region/State contracts following their collegiate careers, but more important to Schools Coach Chandler himself, is that more than 75 percent of his Sports players completed their chosen course of study at Texas A&M Subscriptions and earned their college degrees. Weather Tom Chandler was born on March 19, 1925 in Greenville, Texas. He attended Dallas public schools and graduated from Adamson High School in 1943. he then attended Arkansas A&M for two years in the Marine V-12 program. In 1946, he graduated from the Marine Corps Officers School. He served as a member of the Marine Corps Honor Guard that presented the colors at the funeral of President Franklin D. (W Roosevelt in April of 1945. Following his service in the Marine Corps, Tom Chandler attended Baylor University where he earned All-Southwest ('nnfcrcnnc hnnnrc fiein Moore -MnA %A/Oc fonrn non+oin fnr +hc http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberOl/102201obits.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 2 of 4 V VIIIGI GIIVG 11VIILJIJ LVVLV yGQIJ QIIU VVQJ LGQ111 VCAVLQ111 IVI L111- ( Baylor baseball team. �r After playing two years of professional baseball in the Pittsburgh Pirates organization, Coach Chandler began his coaching career at his high school alma mater, Dallas Adamson High. During the summers of 1950-58, he was player, field manager and general manager of the Alpine Cowboys, a semi-pro baseball club. He received his master's degree in Education and Administration from Sul Ross College in Alpine, Texas. He became head baseball coach at Texas A&M in 1959, and during his 26-year career, presided over 999 Aggie baseball games, with a winning percentage that ranked him among the top college baseball coaches of all time. In 1978, Coach Chandler was selected to lead a team of United States college all-stars in the World Amateur Baseball Championship Tournament in Italy. He received the "Lefty Gomez Award" in 1982, an annual award presented by the American Association of College Baseball Coaches that recognizes exceptional contributions to amateur baseball at all levels. Coach Chandler earned a number of "Hall of Fame" inductions, including the American Association of College Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame in 1977, the Texas Baseball Hall of Fame in 1991, and the Texas A&M Athletic Hall of Fame in 1991. Most recently, he was selected to join the Sul Ross State University Hall of Honor. During his coaching career, Coach Chandler tutored many renowned players, including Hall of Fame pitcher Gaylord Perry, whom he coached at Alpine, as well as a number of major leaguers, including All-Star second baseman and veteran field manager Dave Johnson, who was All-SWC for the Aggies in 1964. Coach Chandler kept in close contact with many of his former players over the years following his retirement from coaching. On the occasion of his 50th wedding anniversary in 1998, he and his wife Willowdean were honored with a "Captain's Tribute," an event hosted by 30 of Coach Chandler's former Aggie team captains. More than 500 of his former players attended the tribute. Coach Chandler is survived by his wife of 53 years, Willowdean; son, Thomas Dean of Clear Lake, Texas; daughter, Nancy of Krum, Texas; brother, Lindy Chandler and sister-in-law, Jackie Chandler of Grand Prairie, Texas; sister, Grace Fair and brother- in-law, Bob Fair of Conroe, Texas; as well as numerous nephews and nieces. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberOl/102201 obits.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 3 of 4 MUUIl1U11dily, L11CIC dIC IIUIIUICUJ UI IUIIIICI PIdyCIJ, JIUUCIIIJ d11U associates nationwide who were touched by Coach Chandler's kindness, warmth and wisdom. Teaching baseball was his passion, and sharing his life with family and friends was his purpose. In both respects, he was a true success. In lieu of flowers, Coach Chandler's family has requested that donations be made to the "Tom Chandler Memorial Baseball Fund" c/o The 12th Man Foundation, P.O. Drawer L-1, College Station, Texas 77844-9101. Mary Louise Wood April 1, 1905 — Oct. 19, 2001 Services for Mary Louise Wood, 96, of Bryan are set for 3 p.m. Tuesday at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Bryan. The Rev. John Kelly of St. Anthony Catholic Church will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. Mrs. Wood died Friday at her home.She was born in Bridgeport, Conn., and lived in Bryan since 1986. She was a homemaker and was a member of St. Anthony Catholic Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Wood Jr. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, George H. III and Fran Wood of Bryan; a daughter and son-in-law, Betty Jean and Fred Van Doorninck of Thornton, Texas; a sister, Helen Ghersen of Santa Barbara, Calif.; four grandchildren; and three great- grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley. DEATH NOTICES Ernest Bosier, 66, of Bryan died Saturday at his home. Arrangements are pending with Daniel & Son Funeral Home in Bryan. Martha Eastep, 60, of Bryan died Sunday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. Arrangements are pending with Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan. Leopaldo Rivera Pena, 41, of Bryan died Sunday in Amarillo. Arrangements are pending with Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberOl/102201 obits.htm 10/22/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 outiaoo" od_'� + TM-0 !7v °_9 mi , DAY" Home I Classifieds ! Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 23, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Hotel/conference center deadline Club Meetings College Town extended Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The deadline for the city of College Station and Bryan Site Sections businessman Don Adam's TAC Reality to reach a development A&M News agreement on the joint hotel/conference center project was Agriculture extended Monday because the deal is "taking longer than Announcements expected to get on paper." Business&Technology Classifieds The College Station City Council voted 6-0 on Monday to push Columnists the deadline to Nov. 2. Councilwoman Winnie Garner, who Community normally abstains from votes on the hotel/conference center The Eagle because she is employed by Adam's First American Bank, was Entertainment not present. Faith&Values Food The development agreement is expected to be adopted at the Health &Fitness council's Nov. 1 regular meeting. It originally was to have been in Kids Korner place by Monday under a reciprocal operating agreement the two Lifestyles sides entered last month. Newspapers in Education "There are many details involved in the development agreement Obituaries and we weren't able to get them done on time," College Station Opinions economic development director Kim Foutz said. "Because there Politics are shared facilities involved, [the agreement] goes into great Region/State detail about how those facilities will be constructed and paid for." Schools Sports The agreement will define how the project moves forward and Subscriptions Weather specifies deadlines and criteria for each phase of development. It also spells out any type of contract termination that will be allowed under the agreement, Foutz said. Until the agreement is completed, neither the city nor TAC Reality is locked into the contract. The hotel/conference center calls for a 315-room full service hotel, a city-owned conference center, a 300,000-square-foot (W headquarters building for Adam's Adam Corp./Group and a performing arts center. It would cover 55 acres along University Drive across the street from the Physician's Centre. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/10230thotelagreement.htm 10/23/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 College Station and TAC Reality has agreed on an operating agreement and an infrastructure contract for the project. Maryland-based Crestline Hotels and Resorts was selected to operate the hotel/conference center. 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.comYregion/localregional/102301 hotelagreement.htm 10/23/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-09 Holleman Drive Roadway Medians The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 6, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non-refundable fee of$25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. 10-23-2001 &10-30-2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 "I Awwou's IN h�, m e5.Ag, , yl , -,M11 J, !$ =##V �� =0 t3AY5 Horne Classifieds Ag iesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 23, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station Council lowers Club Meetings College Town Northgate garage night rates Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Night parking fees at College Station's Northgate garage have Site Sections been reduced after the 720-space facility reported revenues lower A&M News than expected in its first month of operation. Agriculture Announcements The new rate, which took effect last Friday, is $1 between 7 p.m. Business&Technology and 2 a.m. The previous rate was $1.50 per hour. Classifieds Columnists The daytime rate of 50 cents per hour remains unchanged; Community parking in the garage is still free on Sundays from 6 a.m. until 2 The Eagle p.m. (W Entertainment Faith&Values In addition to the lower hourly rate, the city also has lowered the Food cost for reserved daytime spots during the spring semester to Health& Fitness $175 and extended daytime lease hours from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. Kids Korner The daytime lease previously ended at 7 p.m. Lifestyles Newspapers in A daytime lease is normally $55 per month, $200 per semester Education and $550 per year. A "24/7" spot can be leased for $640 per Obituaries semester or $1,600 per year. Opinions Politics Fire Marshall John Mies said the city tried promotional and free Region/State parking programs with Northgate merchants, but received little or Schools no response. Therefore, the city implemented the lower rate to Sports stimulate business for the facility and the Northgate area. Subscriptions Weather Mies added that by lowering the rate, customer parking will have to increase 50 percent to meet revenue projections. During the garage's first month of operation, receipts totaled about $19,000. By comparison, the city's 120-space parking lot that sits adjacent to the garage grossed about $12,000. Overall, the city brought in $40,100 in fines and parking fees within Northgate during September, less than half the $83,000 per month the city hoped to generate. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102301 cslowersgaragerates.htm 10/23/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 College Station anticipated collecting about $1 million per year through parking fines and fees in the garage, parking lot and street meters within Northgate. Earlier this month, the City Council approved a new rate scale that authorized the lower rates. Rates for the Northgate Promenade Parking Lot will remain at 50 cents during the day and $1.50 per night. The same rates will apply for the newly installed meters. "Realistically, people are going to pay for convenience and the parking lot is right outside the businesses," Mies said. Once the meters are operational, he said, the city will give people a 10-day grace period before enforcing violations. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell=,theea lg e.com 2000,_200.1 The Bryan/College_Station Eagle Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102301cslowersgaragerates.htm 10/23/2001 i The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 4 of 6 Funeral Home in Rockdale. ,%W A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Mr. Ruiz died Saturday at his home. He was born in Bartlett, Texas, and lived in Rockdale for 70 years. He worked for 30 years as a lube technician at Miller- Chevrolet in Rockdale until his retirement. He was preceded in death by his wife, Pauline Ruiz. Survivors include a step-son and daughter-in-law, Rudy and Becky Castanda of Elgin, Texas; a brother, John Ruiz Sr. of Rockdale; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Ronald E. Talbert Dec. 9, 1941 — Oct. 17, 2001 Graveside services for Ronald E. Talbert, 59, formerly of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday at the College Station Cemetery. The Rev. Ron Zimmer of Kent Nazarene in Seattle, Wash., will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Talbert died Wednesday in Temple. He was born in Oklahoma City and received a master's degree from Pasadena Nazarene College in 1966. He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and was owner and operator of the Ron Talbert Screen Printing Company in Los Angeles. Survivors include his mother, Treela Leona Wright of College Station; a sister and brother-in-law, Reta and Richard Zimmer of College Station; a niece; and a nephew. Robert Browning Upton May 29, 1930 — Oct. 22, 2001 NORMANGEE — Graveside services for Robert Browning Upton, 71, of Flynn are set for 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Upton Cemetery in Leon County. Bro. Jeff Gantz will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Cozart Funeral Home in Normangee. Mr. Upton died Monday at his home. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberO l/102301 oblts.htm 10/23/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 t hi,e.e_; pee c,- Z Q.,MI, �9b.�;cribe todja)d Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 23, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Monday. The list Datebook may notbe completed because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 20, 2001: A&M News Shannon and Shane McWhorter, Huntsville, a boy; Agriculture Holly and Edward Cargill, College Station, a boy; Announcements Emmanuelle Kar and J.C. Johnson, Somerville, a girl. Business&Technology Classifieds St. Joseph Regional Health Center Columnists Community Oct. 15, 2001: The Eagle Hermila Aleman, Madisonville, a boy;❑Elizabeth Gray, Bryan, a (W Entertainment Faith&Values girl. Food Health&Fitness Oct. 16, 2001: Kids Korner Maria Murillo, Navasota, a boy; Lifestyles Cidnee Smith, Caldwell, a girl; Newspapers in Myong-Ji and Yoo-Sin Kang, College Station, a girl. Education Obituaries Oct. 17, 2001: Opinions Natasha Noey, Marquez, a girl;❑Veronica and Martin Gonzales, Politics Brenham, a girl; Region/State Michele and Jeffery Harris, Bryan, a girl; Schools Maria Sanchez, Bryan, a boy; Sports Nurca Lott, Hempstead, a boy; Subscriptions Jennifer and Kevin Longoria, Madisonville, a boy; Weather Cassandra Walker and Truman Sweed, Washington, a boy. Oct. 18, 2001: Robin and Johnny Cornelius, Midway, a boy; Lorena and Juan Alvarado, a boy; Tristie and Brian Fisher, College Station, a boy. Oct. 19, 2001: Kathy Martinez, Bryan, a boy; Wendy and Justin Flynn, College Station, a girl; Sanjuana and Guillermo Davila, Bryan, a girl; http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOIbirths/102301births.htm 10/23/2001 Agenda College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday,October 25,2001 at 3:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas l. Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting, 2. Presentation,discussion and possible action on the final,draft of Agenda the Strategic Plan for Electric Deregulation for the City of College College Station City Council Station. John Moore and Nelson Hyde of Navigant Consulting,Inc.'' Regular Meeting will be making the presentation to Council. Thursday,October 25,2001 at 7:00 p.m. 3. Council Calendars City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Brunch with the Mayor, 10/19,Council Chambers, 11:30 a.m. College Station,Texas Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet,10/23,Hilton,7:00 p.m. 7. Pledge of Allegiance Employee Banquet, 10/26,Brazos Center,6:00 p.m. Invocation Ground Breaking Ceremony-Veterans Park, 11/12, 11:00 a.m. Consider request for absence from meeting TML Annual Conference, 11/28-12/1,Houston Presentations: TAAF Male from of the Year 4. Hear Visitors(5:45 p.m.) TAAF Female Athlete of the Year (A citizen may address the City Council for three minutes on Consent Agenda city related issues not scheduled on the posted agenda. An 8.1 Discussion and possible action on the minutes for City Council information form is provided at the register table and should be workshop and regular meeting,October 11,2001. completed prior to 5:45 p.m.and given to the City Secretary. The 8.2 Discussion and possible action on an Interlocal Agreement between City Council will receive the information,ask city staff to look into the City of College Station and Burleson County for the sale of two the matter,or place the issue on a future agenda for discussion). police car prison partition(Progard 3133104)in the amount of$100.00. 5. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in 8.3 Discussion and possible action on a payment to the Bryan-College the Administrative Conference Room. Station Economic Development Corporation in the amount of Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071};possible action $50,000.00 for the City's annual contribution of matching funds to The City Council may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and the Development Fund for economic incentives. Funds available contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged and budgeted in the Economic Development Fund. information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a 8.4 Discussion and possible action on a change order to the contract litigation tactic or settlement offer,which needs to be discussed with the City with the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley in the amount of Council. Upon occasion the City Council may need information from its attor- $150,000. $100,000 for the representational art proposed at Wolf ney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settle- Pen Creek,and$50,000 for the representational art proposed at the ment offer or attomey-client privileged information. Police Station. Funds available and budgeted in the General Fund. 8.5 Discussion and possible action on Change Order#10 for the College After executive session discussion,any final action or vote taken will be in Main Parking Garage in the amount of$56,813 making the revised public. The following subject(s)may be discussed: construction contract$5,176,749. 1.Cause No.43,098-85,Brazos County-Bryan v.College Station 8.6 Discussion and possible action on a resolution approving an amend 2.Cause No.96-03168,Travis County-Bryan,et al.v.PUC(intervention) ment extending the completion date of Interlocal Agreement No.01- 3.Cause No.97-M87,Travis County-Bryan,et al.v.PUC(intervention) 044 between the City of College Station and the College Station 4.Cause No.98-13391,Travis County-Bryan,et al.v.PUC(intervention) Independent School District for the installation of light fixtures on 5.Cause No.96-06940,Travis County-Bryan,et al.v.PUC(intervention) tennis courts at the A&M Consolidated High School campus. The 6.Cause No.97-07000,Travis County-TMPA v.PUC(intervention) amendment will extend the completion date from December 1, 7.Cause No.98-11817,Travis County-TMPA v.PUC(intervention) 2001,to April 1,2002. 8.Cause No.GN002343,Travis County-San Antonio v.PUC(intervention) 8.7 Discussion and possible action on a resolution authorizing the plans 9.Cause No.GN002513,Travis County-San Antonio v.PUC(intervention) and specifications for the improvement of Longmire Drive,from its 10.Cause No.49,367-CCL2,Brazos County-Wilkerson v.College Station current termination at Birmingham Road to Graham Road. Also, 11. Action No.0 1-98-011056-CV,Court ofAppeals Gold v.College Station discussion and possible action on a resolution providing for assess 12. Docket Nos.TX96-2-000 and TX96-2-001,FERC-College Station,applicant ment of a portion of the cost of improvements thereof against abut 13. Cause No.52,434-361,Brazos County-College Station v.Wolf ting property owners and approving the plans and specifications for Pen Creek,Ltd.,et al, said improvements. 14. Cause No.28,765,Grimes County,Harold&Rosealice Trant vs 8.8 Discussion and possible action on a resolution supporting the pas Grimes County,City of College Station and City of Bryan sage of Texas State Constitutional Amendment Proposition 2 and 15. Lone Star Gas rate increase filed May 31,2001. Texas State Constitutional Amendment Proposition 15. Economic Incentive Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.087}; Regular Agenda possible action The City Council may deliberate on commercial or financial information that 9.1 Public hearing,discussion and possible action on a proposed ordi the City Council has received from a business prospect that the City Council nance that would grant TXU Gas Distribution a rate increase which seeks to have locate,stay or expand in or near the city with which the City includes a 18.95%increase to residential and commercial College Council in conducting economic development negotiations may deliberate on Station customers to be phased over the next two years. an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect. After execu- 9.2 Presentation,discussion and possible action on a resolution approv (tive session discussion,any final action or vote taken will be in public. The ing a construction contract for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, following subject(s)may be discussed: Phase I construction. Recommend award to the lowest,responsible bidder meeting City of College Station bid documents and contract 1. Hotel/Conference Center requirements,Acklam Construction Company,Inc.in the amount of Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.0721;possible action $2,643,500. Funds available and budgeted for in the Parks Capital The City Council may deliberate the purchase,exchange,lease or value of real Improvements Fund. 9.3 Presentation,discussion and possible action on a resolution award property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on ing the construction contract for the extension of Dartmouth Street the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. After executive to Young Contractors,Inc.in the amount of$292,263.90 and calling session discussion,any final action or vote taken will be in public. The fol- for a public hearing to consider an ordinance providing for the lowing subject(s)may be discussed: assessment against the abutting property owners,approving an 1. BVSWMA Landfill Negotiations Engineer's Roll with the estimated amounts per front foot proposed 2. Cemetery Site Location to be assessed against the abutting property owners,and approving Personnel {Gov't Code section 551.074};possible action an Engineer's Estimate of the total cost of the improvements for The City Council may deliberate the appointment,evaluation,reassignment, Dartmouth Drive,from its current termination south of Southwest duties,discipline,or dismissal of public officer. After executive session dis- Parkway to Krenek Tap Road. cussion,any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following public 10. The City Council may convene the executive session following the officers may be discussed: regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for10/25/2001. 1. City Attorney's Evaluation 11. Final action on executive session,if necessary. 2. City Manager's Evaluation 12. Adjourn 6. Final action on Executive Session,if necessary. This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735- 2989. Internet website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us,Cable Access Channel 19 and The Eagle. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 I1 Eels I Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02-09 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Holleman Drive Roadway Medians Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 6, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a non- refundable fee of$25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our websii www.ci.college-station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 10-23- 2001 & 10-30- 2001 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of property by Brazos Valley Development Coun Revolving Loan Fund("Secured Creditor") against Freewing Aerial Robotics Corporation ("Debtor"). Sale will occur at the General Avaition Terminal at Easterwood Airport (located off George Bush Drive West in College Station, 7 One McKenzie Terminal, College Station, TX77845), on October 25, 2001, at http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 10/23/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Pagel of 3 t1be .. 0 71 0 m!] 71___0 7714g U"<; DAYS , Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 24, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Mayor wants county seat Club Meetings College Town Mcllhaney announces bid for Brazos County judge Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney said Site Sections Tuesday that she will run for Brazos county A&M News judge in next year's Republican primary. Agriculture Announcements Mcllhaney, who has been mayor of College Business&Technology Station since 1996 and was first elected to the .. Classifieds City Council in 1982, said she will make a Columnists formal announcement later. Community x The Eagle The filling period to be on the ballot for the Lynn Mcllhaney (W Entertainment March 12 party primary elections runs from Faith&Values Dec. 3 until Jan. 2. The general election is Nov. 5, 2002. Food Health&Fitness "My interest over the past three years has been to the entire Kids Korner community," Mcllhaney said. "A lot of what we are doing in Lifestyles College Station is community oriented. Serving in the county Newspapers in judge position, I think, would give me a broader opportunity to Education reach people in the entire county. I really think that the entire Obituaries region needs to work together and cooperate to promote Opinions regionalism." Politics Region/State County Judge Al Jones has said he will not seek re-election. Schools Sports Mcllhaney's term as mayor runs through May, and she will be Subscriptions able to remain in office while she runs for county judge. City Weather Secretary Connie Hooks said the Texas Constitution allows mayors who serve two-year terms, as is the case in College Station, to stay in office while seeking another elected position. Mcllhaney said she could not say if any current College Station council members are considering running to succeed her as mayor. Mcllhaney serves on the Bryan-College Station Metropolitan Animal Shelter Board and on the regional planning committee of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102401 mayorcountyseat.htm 10/26/2001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission hold a public hearing to consider a sign variance for 450 will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for will hold a public hearing to consider a FINAL PLAT for Southwest Parkway East,lot,1,block 1, Dartmouth Ad- 3101 LONGMIRE DRIVE. 303 LINCOLN AVENUE. dition. Applicant is Ray Hansen. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the C01- The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:30 lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:30 lee Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m.meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOVEM p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NO- p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, November 6, 1.01110 BER 8,2001. VEMBER 8,2001. 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing An request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1- To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1 T make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD) 1- 800-735-2989. 800-735-2989. 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) For additional information, please contact me at (979) For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. 764-3570. 764-3570. JENNIFER REEVES SPENCER THOMPSON Molly Hitchcock Staff Planner Graduate Engineer Staff Planner 10-24-01 10-24-01 10-24-01 NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: RFO#02-18 The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission' will hold a p Agricultural-Open to PDD-H,Planned Development Dis- AMENDMENT for the WOLF PEN CREEK ZONING Texas Avenue South Water&Sewer Relocation 111.46 acres at 4490 CASTLEGATE DRIVE from A-O, public hearing to consider an ORDINANCE DISTRICT to provide for public improvements or struc- tions that are reasonably necessary for pedestrian ac The City Of College Station is requesting qualification trict-Housing. cess in the minimum reservation area of Wolf Pen statements for the above referenced item. Qualification in the statements will be received until 2:00 pm,November 11 lege StatiThe on City Hall will be , 1101 Texas Avenue atfthe 6:30 Creek. 2001 at: p.m.meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOVEM- BER 8,2001. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- The City of College Station lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:30 Purchasing Services Division g p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NO- 1101 Texas Ave Any request for sign interpretive services for the heari VEMBER in 2001 College Station,TX 77840 impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing All qualification statements received after that time will 800-735-2989. impaired must be made 48 hour76b4fore the (TDD)9 meetu be returned unopened.The City of College Station re lease contact me at (979) To make arrangements call(979) serves the right to waive or reject any and all qualifica For additional information, p 800-735-2989. tion statements or any and all irregularities in said re- 764-3570. lease contact me at (979) quest and to accept the offer considered most advanta- ON For additional information, p geous to the City. RFQ documents may be obtained at JESSICA JIMMERS 764-3570. the above address,Monday-Friday,8:00am-5:00pm. STAFF PLANNER 10-24-01 JANE KEE Questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: CITY PLANNER the Purchasing Services Division,(979)764-3823. 10 24 01 d Zoning Commission The College Station Planning an ---I{SOUEST FOR BIDS 10/24/2001&10/31/2001 will hold a public hearing to consider an ORDINANCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT for The Northgate Districts,NG 1,NG , Bid#02-19 and NG-3. The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission Commercial Riding Mowers will hold a public hearing to consider a REZONING for The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- The City of College Station is accepting bids for the 1000 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY EAST from A P, Ad Ipegle Station ng 'of the ty ll Commission on, 1101 Texas eThursday, NO above referenced item.Bids will be received at: ministrative Professional to C-1,General Commercial. VEMBER i 2001. City of College Station The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Coi- lAny request for sign interpretive services for the hearing Purchasing Services Division lege StationgCity Hall, 101 Texas Avenue at the 6:30 NOVEM p City Hall p.m.meetin of the Commission on Thursday, Topmake arrangements call(979)764 before the or(TDD)meeting. 1101 Texas Avenue, BER 8,2001. 800-735-2989. College Station,Texas 77840 Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing For additional information, please contact me at (979) impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. until 2:00 PM,October 31, 2001,at which time bids will (TDD) 764-3570. be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or TDD 1- will be returned unopened. 800-735-2989. ,SABINE KUENZEL For additional information, please contact me at (979) i Senior Planner 10-24-01 A complete set of specifications and bidding documents 764-3570. is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web- MOLLY HITCHCOCK site at www ci colle0e station tx.us . (Staff Planner 10-24-01 ------- The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct 17,2001 &Oct 24,2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 She said her work has allowed her to form strong relationships with the county judges in the area and officials in Bryan. Jones said Mcllhaney is the only potential candidate so far to discuss a bid for the post with him. She also has approached David Kent, chairman of the Republican Party of Brazos County, to discuss her candidacy for Jones' job. "I think Lynn's pretty pumped up about it," Kent said. Commissioners Bill Thornton and Randy Sims, both of whom were rumored to be potential candidates for county judge, said Tuesday that they do not intend to seek the post. "I have given it some serious consideration and as of right now, I am not considering a run for county judge," Sims said. The Brazos County judge makes $62,256 a year. The mayor of College Station receives no salary. Another potential county judge candidate is Dan Bates, who has told commissioners and others that he will seek the GOP nomination. Bates says he will make the court's decision to condemn land for an exposition center an issue in the upcoming election. Other positions that will be up for election next year, the current office-holders and the salaries they carry are: • 361st District Judge, Steve Smith, $109,480. • 85th District Judge, J.D. Langley, $109,480. • County Court-at-Law No. 1 Judge, Randy Michel, $110,296. • County Court-at-Law No. 2 Judge, Jim Locke, $110,296. • County Clerk, Karen McQueen, $51,194. • District Clerk, Marc Hamlin, $54,106. • County Commissioner Precinct 2, Bill Thornton, $53,144. • County Commissioner Precinct 4, Carey Cauley, $53,144. (W • County Treasurer, Kay Hamilton, $50,154. • Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Charles Ellis, $43,082. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102401 mayorcountyseat.htm 10/26/2001 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a sign variance for 200 Brentwood Drive,lot 2R-2, block 2, Brentwood Section IV. Applicant is Wakefield Signs.. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, November 6, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1- 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. Jennifer Reeves Staff Planner 10-24-01 V The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 • Justice of the Peace Precinct 3, Ray Truelove, $43,082. • Justice of the Peace Precinct 4, Patrick Meece, $43,082. • Justice of the Peace Precinct 5, Ramiro Quintero, $43,082. • Justice of the Peace Precinct 6, George Boyett, $43,082. The salary figures do not include longevity pay for those who have been employed by the county for more than five years. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com ©200.0, 2001_The_Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102401 mayorcountyseat.htm 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 4 of 5 Ue�rmn Cros,,s April 27, 1915 — Oct. 23, 2001 Graveside services for Vernon Cross, 86, of College Station is set for 4 p.m. Wednesday at College Station Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home. Mr. Cross died Tuesday. He was born in Red Level, Ala., and was a retired electrician and electrical inspector. He moved to College Station from Bushnell, Fla. He was a former member of the Bushnell Kiwanis Club. Survivors include his wife, Cecelia LaPrade Cross of College Station; a son and daughter-in-law, Russell and Elaine Cross of College Station; a brother and sister-in-law, Durwood and Edna Cross of Mount Enterprise, Ala., a sister, Verda Gregg of Fylva, N.C.; and two grandchildren. DEATH NOTICES none (, Obituaries are printed in The Bryan-College Station Eagle as a free public service. The information is provided by the funeral home. More detailed obituaries may be printed for a fee through the advertising department. SERVICES TODAY A.R. "Booby" Raska, 10 a.m., Nobles Funeral Chapel in Navasota, Oakland Cemetery. Ronald E. Talbert, 10 a.m., graveside, College Station Cemetery. Misty Anita White, noon, Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale, I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Ernest Bosier, 11 a.m., New Magnolia Baptist Church in Calvert, Beauty Rest Cemetery. Esther Marie House, 1 p.m., Madisonville Funeral Home, West End Cemetery. Robert Browning Upton, 1 p.m., graveside, Upton Cemetery in Leon County. Gene Ruiz, 4 p.m., graveside, Oak Lawn Cemetery in Rockdale. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/octoberO l/10240l obits.htm 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 t,b,e e �' �' fo Ae"' r'_"'r' ibetndm Home 1 Classifieds ! Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 24, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 22, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Deborah Gutierrez, Caldwell, a boy; Announcements Business&Technology Rebecca and Steven Telg, Caldwell, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Entertainment OCt. 20, 2001 Faith&Values Food Cassie Ogle, Bryan, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Maria Gallegos, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Patricia and Tim Ohmann, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries Oct. 21, 2001: Opinions Politics Daisy and Jory Keith, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000,_2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/102401births.htm 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 t hi,e. t �ag%e ribe odv! Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact C Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 25, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 23, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Shelby and Christian Pope, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Monica and Christopher Edwards, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Entertainment Oct. 20, 2001: Faith&Values Food Tammy and Douglas Marvin, Bryan, a girl; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Maria Lemus, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Oct. 21, 2001: Education Obituaries Evenee Kelley, Bryan, a girl; Opinions Politics Leslie Lindeman, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000 2001_The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/102501 births.htm 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 OKI- 1 hju O Xt � q �Y �%�cribe 1 Home j Classifieds Aggiesports.com j Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 26, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections October 24, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Carey Lambert, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Margaret and Davis Young, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Korey and Ross Brewer, College Station, a boy. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith &Values Food October 21, 2001: Health & Fitness Kids Korner Michelle and John Keyser, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Anetra and Demuntz Bowie, Bryan, a girl; Education Obituaries Griselda and Alfredo Lopez, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Carolyn Henderson, Navasota, a boy. Region/State Schools October 23, 2001: Sports Subscriptions Keyna Rios, College Station, a boy. Weather ©_2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station_Eagle Privacy Statement (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberO lbirths/102601births.htm 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 2 i n E N'gl � =a Classifie.d s Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid# 02-11 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Brison, Gabbard, and Merry Oaks Park Place an Ad Site Improvements Real Estate Rentals The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Service be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division • City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,November 6, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves site improvements for Brison, Gabbard, and Merry Oaks A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a refur fee of$50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mc 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This fee will be refunded upon return of the plans in good within ten days of the bid opening. Additional information is available on our, at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Oct 19, 2001 & Oct 26, 2001 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code that Rockfish Beverage Corporation, Inc., has fr http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 1,lee c-,ou,,mut .� DAYS t1bl, Home Classifieds Agiesports.com ; Subscribe ; Contact ( Site Map Region/State October 26, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station reaches settlement with Club Meetings College Town TXU Electric and Gas Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk A settlement has been reached between College Station and TXU Site Sections Electric and Gas that essentially sets natural gas rates for all but A&M News 14 communities in the Dallas-based gas company's 89-city south Agriculture region. Announcements Business&Technology The rates could be lowered, however, if another bargaining group Classifieds —which includes Bryan and Temple — is able to get a better Columnists settlement. Community The Eagle The College Station City Council approved a deal with TXU on Entertainment Thursday night that calls for a 14.5-percent increase in gas costs Faith&Values for residential customers and a 24-percent increase for Food commercial users. Health & Fitness Kids Korner The agreement sets the cap for local industrial and transportation Lifestyles customers at a 708-percent increase. In reality, those customers Newspapers in — Texas A&M University, the College Station Medical Center and Education Scott & White Health Clinic — could see actual increases lower Obituaries than residential and commercial customers, said attorney Opinions Geoffrey Gay, who was hired by College Station, Waco and a few Politics other cities within the region to handle the settlement. Region/State Schools Gay told the council that the settlement was much lower than Sports what the region probably would have gotten had it appealed Subscriptions TXU's rate-hike request to the Texas Railroad Commission. If the Weather appeal had gone to the Railroad Commission, Gay said, rates would have been even higher because TXU would have had to pass the cost of legal fees onto its customers. TXU is attempting to bring gas costs in line for the 89 cities in its south region, as almost all of the cities have paid different rates dating back to when Lone Star Gas was the area's provider. Gay said College Station's increase seems so large because its gas 1(W rates had been the second lowest of all cities in the region. "College Station will pay the same as any other customer in the http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102601 counciltxusettlement.htm 10/26/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 region, but the impact will be greater," Gay said. The new rate for residential customers will be $1.7840 per 1,000 cubic feet of gas, or Mcf— which is the industry's standard unit. That will be on top of a $7 customer charge. Commercial rates will be $1.7913 per Mcf for the first 20 units, $1.4913 for the next 30 units and $1.3413 per Mcf if use is over 50 units. There is also a $12 customer charge. TXU's Bryan manager Don Fazzino said the price increases are necessary because the demand has grown over the past several years. "Bryan and College Station have had a lot of growth in both the residential and commercial areas," Fazzino said. "And we have to cover the cost of pipe replacement. It is for safety purposes, and to maintain and improve the quality of our system." The Bryan council will vote on a settlement proposal at its Nov. 15 meeting. If Bryan's group is able to negotiate a more favorable settlement, state law allows all cities within the region to implement the lower rates without challenge from TXU. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeag/e.com (law ©2000 2001 The Br roman/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102601 counciltxusettlement.htm 10/26/2001 J REQUEST FORBIDS Bid#02-11 Brison,Gabbard,and Merry Oaks Park Site Improvements The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, November 6, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves site improvements for Brison,Gab- bard,and Merry Oaks Parks. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents loop is available for a refundable fee of $50.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. This fee will be refunded upon return of the plans in good condition within ten days of the bid opening.Additional information is availa- ble on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Oct 19,2001 &Oct 26,2001 J The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 `,f,,hv,e e FOX� M, 095 Home ! Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe ' Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 27, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 25, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Deon Sharp, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Lorie Green and Eric Hamilton, Bellville, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Ariana Olay and Javier Gomez, College Station, a boy; Community The Eagle Michelle and Kurtis George, Madisonville, a boy. Entertainment Faith&Values Food St. Joseph Regional Health Center Health& Fitness Kids Korner Oct. 23, 2001 Lifestyles Newspapers in Yolanda and Larry Brinkman, Caldwell, a boy. Education Obituaries Oct. 24, 2001 Opinions Politics Carrie and Drew Dearmond, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©_2000,2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberO lbirths/102701births.htm 10/30/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 t hi ,e,,e vx wom q s., Home ( Classifieds j Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 27, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Landfill contract in works Club Meetings College Town College By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL DatebEagle Staff Writer Government Links Links ANDERSON — Attorneys will begin drafting contracts next week Obituaries for a regional landfill off Texas 30 near Carlos after officials from Town Talk Bryan and College Station and Grimes County reached a Site Sections compromise on issues that have snarled the project. A&M News Agriculture "The deal is very close," said Grimes County Judge Ira E. "Bud" Announcements Haynie. "We had just gotten to a situation where we needed to Business&Technology talk." Classifieds Columnists The contract will include provisions for both a 609-acre landfill, the Community size the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency used for The Eagle its application to the state, and for a 1,200-acre landfill, which has Entertainment been mentioned as the limit for future expansion. The expansion Faith&Values would be up to the two cities, but any additional land would have Food to be acquired to the east, away from the Navasota River. Health & Fitness Kids Korner For the 609-acre site, dumping costs would be 40 cents per ton. Lifestyles The cost would rise to 50 cents er ton for a 1,200-acre Newspapers in p Education development. Grimes County residents will be able to use the Obituaries landfill at the same rates as their Brazos County neighbors. Opinions Politics Other stipulations added to the contract were: Region/State Schools n Grimes County will have a nonvoting member on the landfill's Sports board of directors who will have access to all information. Subscriptions Weather n The landfill will be completely screened from Texas 30 and any other roads that pass it. Provisions will also be made to ensure cleanliness around the site. n BVSWMA will not seek an industrial waste permit for the landfill, nor can it give control of the landfill to a third party that would seek an industrial permit. BVSWMA does not have an industrial waste permit for its landfill on Rock Prairie Road. Commissioners are hoping the completion of the deal will prompt Harold Trant, who owns much of the property that will be used for }ham. 1-n 4f;11 }- i4,-- n T I tl million Irnic i} nn zinc.} Sri mein �ni n}v http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/1027011andfillcontract.htm 10/29/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 u IV IQI IU1111, LV w VP Q .p 1 V 11 IIIIIVI I IQWJUII CA C111 IJl VI 111 IUO \/VUI Ily. Trant's suit claims that Grimes County has wrongfully interfered with his right to sell the land, which is within College Station's extraterritorial jurisdiction. College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney said she was pleased by Friday's developments. I believe all of us had a goal which was to come together and reach an understanding and to move forward," Mcllhaney said. "And we are at the point now where we can reach an end." • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrel!5theeagle.com ©2000 2001 The BryaniCotlege Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/1027011andfillcontract.htm 10/29/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Community>Reach Out Page 1 of 2 X the,ei-l"-a fe� C 9- 01 ,M� To-w =07 , , Home ` Classifieds . Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Community Community > Reach Out AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide October 28, 2001 Brazos Valley Living Business Directory Cities&Counties City of College Station seeks help in Crimestoppers print shop Emergency Organizations Eagle Staff Report Pet of the Week Reach Out The City of College Station has a volunteer opportunity for Senior Resource Book people to assist in the print shop. Duties will include folding Thank you, Neighbor newsletters, collating documents and running mail through a Youth Lines postage machine. Volunteers can also assist on the computer, Site Sections entering data and updating Web pages and graphic designs. A&M News Agriculture Announcements ■ Business&Technology Classifieds Columnists A volunteer community-enhancement receptionist is needed for Community the fire administration office. The volunteer will be responsible The Eagle for answering phones and assisting concerned callers, as well Entertainment as directing some residents to the appropriate department. Faith&Values Those interested in this volunteer job should have good verbal Food and communication skills and the ability to use a computer with Health&Fitness Microsoft Word and Excel. The volunteer will receive on-the-job Kids Korner training. Lifestyles Newspapers in ■ Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Habitat for Humanity needs construction follow-up crews. Duties Region/State include making minor repairs and final corrections to Habitat Schools homes. The follow-up crew develops a plan to make the Sports corrections and repairs, and whenever possible, completes the Subscriptions work. Interested people must have working knowledge of home- Weather construction repairs and a willingness to work with Habitat homeowners and complete training in safety orientation. Habitat for Humanity also needs family nurturers. A family nurturer is someone who assists and supports a Habitat family through the process of earning sweat equity and becoming responsible homeowners. http://www.theeagle.com/community/reachout/102801reachout.htm 1/11/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Community>Reach Out Page 2 of 2 ■ The African-American Heritage Museum is in search of people who can furnish copies of their diploma from Bryan High School between the years of 1920 to 1971. If you are of African- American heritage and have a diploma from that time period, the committee will appreciate seeing those diplomas to verify wording. Volunteers are needed to help with fund-raisers, and collect, catalog and prepare for display artifacts and information of interest to the museum. If you have display cabinets you are trying to find a new home for or African Artifacts you would like to donate, please contact Mell Pruitt at 822-0469. ■ For information on how you can help, call the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of the Brazos Valley at 779-3743, ext. 217. Check out the Web site at www.volu_nteer_match.org. ■ ©2000 2001 The Br roman/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/community/reachout/102801reachout.htm 1/11/2002 • I The College Station Fire Department g p is accepting applications for the position of Entry Level Firefighter Minimum Requirements Must possess a current Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP) Basic Structural Certification and a current Texas Department of Health Emergency Medical Technician Certification-basic or higher. Salary and Benefits Effective January 1,2002,entry level salary will be$31,600/yr.Additional pay for associate or bachelors degrees or for TCFP certifications above Basic Structure The Cityof College Station Fire Protection, paramedic certification (upon meeting department g requirements),Haz-Mat Tech,ARFF Certification, Bi-lingual Pay,and longevity. is currently accepting Excellent benefits package. , applications for a: To obtain an application or for more information contact: City of College Station, Human Resources FIRE TRAINING COORDINATOR 1101 S.Texas Avenue • College Station,Texas 77840 Oversees and directs training programs to insure accurate 979-764-3517 • 979-764-3800 (fax) and effective emergency response to the citizens of College Internet: www.ci.college-station.tx.us/.Oobline/cstx,htm Station. Assures the safe performance of department personnel in responding to incidents involving fire Application deadline: November 16, 2001 suppression, hazardous materials, and various rescue activities necessary for initial certification and recertification Entrance Exam: December 15, 2001 for basic, intermediate, advanced, and master level Proof of certifications must accompany application. certifications in the following disciplines: structural firefighting, aircraft rescue & firefighting, hazardous EOE/M/FN/D materials operational & technician, peace officer, arson investigator,fire inspector,and various levels of fire service instructor certifications. May be required to coordinate activities with EMS Coordinator,Public Education Officer,and Emergency Management personnel. Additional pay given for paramedic certification. Additional pay given for intermediate(or higher)Firefighter certification or college degree. Salary: $44,000/yr (effective January 1,2002) IDeadline to apply: November 30,2001 *** Must submit a completed *** *** City of College Station application *** Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 nwww.ci.college-station.tx.us/.iohline/cstx.htm l� Equal Opportunity Employer The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 **asp" ,he d ' ' Home j Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State October 28, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station employee's funeral Club Meetings College Town services pending Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries Funeral arrangements are pending for a College Station building Town Talk inspector who was fatally shot Saturday at a family campsite near Site Sections Austin. A&M News Agriculture David Opiela died from a gunshot wound while camping with his Announcements brothers on the family's land, said Lance Simms, an official with Business&Technology the Building Inspection Division of College Station Development Classifieds Services. Columnists Community Investigators could not be reached for comment. Further details The Eagle were not available late Sunday. (W Entertainment Faith &Values Opiela was in his late 30s and worked as a city building inspector Food for four years, Simms said. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer, Health& Fitness and two school-age daughters, Elizabeth and Katherine Kids Korner Lifestyles "He was a very good guy, very involved at the church," Simms Newspapers in said. "He'll be missed." Education Obituaries Opinions Opiela attended Grace Bible Church in College Station. Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000.2001 The_Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/102901 opielafatalshooting.htm 10/29/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ,eT ag com Home 1 Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook October 30, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 26, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Stacy and Sam Wigington, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Oct. 28, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Karen and Johnny Hausman, College Station, a girl. Community The Eagle Entertainment St. Joseph Regional Health Center Faith&Values Food Oct. 23, 2001: Health& Fitness Kids Korner Karen and Stanley Johnson, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Dana and Russell Spacek, Dimebox, a girl. Education Obituaries Oct. 24, 2001: Opinions Politics Linda Knox, Caldwell, a girl; Region/State Schools Irene Padilla, Hearne, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Crystal Baker, Normangee, a boy; Weather Jennifer Attaway, Navasota, a girl; Tonya Jenkins, Hearne, a boy; Young Soon Han and Jeong Woo, College Station, a girl. (W Oct. 25, 2001: Lisa and Toby Sledge, Bryan, a boy; http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOI births/103001births.htm 10/30/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-09 College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, November 1, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. Holleman Drive Roadway Medians City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: Details on any ofthe following items maybe picked upon request in the City Secretary's Office (764-3541)in the College Station City Hall located at 1101 Texas Avenue. City of College Station Purchasing Services Division Presentation,discussion,and possible action on the following items: City Hall 1.Consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 1101 Texas Avenue, 2.An update to City Council regarding the rail relocation study being College Station,Texas 77840 administered by the MPO office. until 2:00 PM, November 6, 2001, at which time bids 3.Code enforcement enhancements and property standards policy will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that alternatives(Vision Statement 3, Strategy 1,implementation plan b,Vision time will be returned unopened. Statement 8.Strategy 1,implementation plan c). 4.The General Fund Outside Agencies included in the FY 02 approved A complete set of specifications and bidding documents budget. is available for a non-refundable fee of$25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, 5.Council Calendars Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is 6. Hear Visitors(5:45 p.m.) available on our website at www ci college-station.tx.us 7.Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. Items that may be discussed:Consultation The City of College Station reserves the right to reject with Attorney, Economic Incentive Negotiations,Real Estate and Personnel. any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- 8.Final action on Executive Session, if necessary. ties. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 10-23-2001 &10-30-2001 9.Pledge of Allegiance,Invocation REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Consider request for absence from meeting #02-23 Presentations: Bob Wiatt Day Coordination of Administrative and Health/Human Services Consent Agenda-Discussion and possible action on the following Items: 10.1 Minutes for City Council workshop&regular meeting,October 25.2001. The City of College Station is accepting proposals on 10.2 Renewal of annual agreement for Pre-stressed Spun Cast Concrete the above referenced item for the City of College Station Electrical Distribution Poles.Estimated annual expenditure to Stresscrete, Inc. Offices.Proposals will be received at: is$90,701.00. The City of College Station 10.3 The purchase of an automatic truck mounted pothole patcher body. Purchasing Services Division Recommend award to the lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, 1101 Texas Avenue Cooper Equipment Co.in the amount of$83,250. College Station,TX 77842 10.4 Change Order#3 in the amount of$100,000 for a Legal Services Contract with Paul G.Gosselink of Lloyd,Gosselink,Blevins, Rochelle, until 4:00 pm, November 13, 2001. All proposals re- Baldwin&Townsend, P.C.for the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management ceived after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or re- Agency (BVSWMA). ject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in 10.5 Change Order#4 in the amount of$100,000 for a Legal Services said request and to accept the proposal considered Contract with Robert D. Fowler for the Brazos Valley Solid Waste most advantageous to the City. A complete set of docu- Management Agency (BVSWMA). ments for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Divi- sion at (979) 764-3823 or jfinkes@ci.college- Regular Agenda—Discussion and possible action on the following items: station.tx.us 11.1 A resolution approving a construction contract for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase I construction. Recommend award to the lowest, 10/30/2001 &11/6/2001 responsible bidder meeting City of College Station bid documents and contract requirements,Acklam Construction Company,Inc.in the amount of $2,643,500. 11.2 An ordinance amending Chapter 6,Section 1 of the Code of Ordinances adopting the 2000 International Fire Code including 28 local amendments and the 2000 Life Safety Code also known as NFPA 101 as published by the National Fire Protection Association. 11.3 An ordinance amending Chapter 3"Building Regulations",of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station,Texas by amending certain sections as set out,adopting the 2000 International Building,Plumbing,Mechanical,Fuel Gas, Residential, Property Maintenance and Energy Codes with related amendments. 11.4 Consider adoption of the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. 11.5 A development agreement between the City of College Station and TAC Realty Inc.for the Highway 30/60 corridor hotel and conference center project. 12. The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for 11/1/2001. 13. Final action on executive session, if necessary. 14. Adjourn The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 Mahogany Johnson, Bryan, a girl; Sarah and Jeromy Forman, Bryan, a girl; Laura and Tim Cass, College Station, a boy. Oct. 26, 2001: Cynthia and Bradley Mack, Somerville, a boy. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy_Statement Cw http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/octoberOIbirths/103001births.htm 10/30/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 thrweOg,i e, C0 M"', In DAYS Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 31, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station Council to weigh Club Meetings College Town Veterans Park bid Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The last remaining hurdle for Veterans Park could be cleared Site Sections Thursday night when the College Station City Council considers a A&M News bid for the first phase of construction for the regional athletic Agriculture complex. Announcements Business&Technology Groundbreaking on the land east of Earl Rudder Freeway South Classifieds between F.M. 60 and Texas 30 is scheduled for Nov. 12. The Columnists park will also be the site of a permanent memorial statue honoring Community veterans. The Eagle Entertainment The first phase is slated to include two lighted softball fields, four Faith&Values soccer fields — two with lights — and parking. Other features to Food be funded include utilities, entry access roadways, basic Health & Fitness landscaping, a restroom building near the soccer fields and a Kids Korner maintenance building. Lifestyles Newspapers in The council is considering a bid of more than $2.6 million from Education Acklam Construction Co., the lowest base bid the city received. Obituaries Opinions Three alternatives that would add features to the first phase are Politics also being considered. Region/State Schools In 1998, College Station voters approved a general obligation Sports bond that included $2.12 million for design and development of Subscriptions Weather the park's first phase. In May, the council approved an additional $865,000 in certificate of obligation bonds for the project. "This is a signature project," City Manager Tom Brymer said. "These types of things don't go up everyday." City staff is recommending an option that adds more landscaping, a large entry sign, 190 trees, berms, irrigation, walkways, bike racks, lighting, drinking fountains and flower beds to the first (W phase of construction. That alternative would raise the project's price tag by $170,600. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/103101veteransparkbid.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 Another alternative would include two more soccer fields and additional parking at an additional cost of$293,300. A third option would actually lower the cost of the project by $940 through use of a less-expensive metal on the roof of the restrooms and maintenance building. Staff is not recommending those two alternatives be adopted. In a memo to the council, Brymer said the lowest bid for the project came in about 8 percent higher than the city anticipated. He said that if the council chooses to add both the soccer fields and additional landscaping, money would have to be taken away from other funds, including $109,000 from the Spring Loop Park development funds. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell theea Ic, e com 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College-Station Eagle Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/103 101 veteransparkbid.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 t h e!, wi =60 =0 U, rV MO U _NWLA0<_\r -, jj t7 AY5 Home i Classifieds i Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State October 31, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station names employee of the Club Meetings College Town year Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Debbie Eller, a budget analyst for College Station's community Site Sections development department, has been named the city's employee of A&M News the year for 2001. Agriculture Announcements Eller, who went to work for College Station in March 1999, was Business&Technology nominated by five members of the city staff, three of whom who Classifieds work in departments other than hers. Columnists Community One of the nominations praised Eller for projecting "a very positive The Eagle spirit" and being able "to share and transfer that attitude to her Entertainment colleagues and associates." Faith&Values Food Still, with only a couple of years under her belt with the city, Eller Health&Fitness said she gave herself no shot at winning the award. Kids Korner Lifestyles "I knew I had been nominated, but there a lot of other cool people Newspapers in who work for the city that I felt were more deserving," Eller said. Education "The whole thing just shocked me. I'm so happy working for the Obituaries city and enjoy what I do." Opinions Politics Eller worked on both local and federal budgeting and reporting Region/State systems for the city and served as College Station's loaned Schools executive for the United Way, helping to increase the number of Sports contributors from the city and the amount they donated. Subscriptions Weather Her efforts for the United Way earned her its volunteer of the year award. "The United Way is something I feel very strongly about," Eller said. "When I was a new employee I was asked to participate in the loaned executive program, and I think it has really helped me learn a lot." fir► Eller also has been creating databases for her department that will assist in the city's creation of its e-government system. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/103101 csemployeeofyear.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 2 of 2 Eller received a trophy and $500 for being named employee of the year. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com ©2000,_2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement �r http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/103101csemployeeofyear.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 outrageoll a e RgIf 0 C aAvs Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State November 1, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station council to vote on hotel Club Meetings College Town contract Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk An agreement outlining the relationship between the city of Site Sections College Station and Bryan businessman Don Adam's TAC Realty A&M News for development of their joint hotel and conference center project Agriculture could be approved by the City Council on Thursday. Announcements Business&Technology The deadline to complete the development agreement is Friday. Classifieds Last month, the council voted to extend the contract deadline Columnists because the deal was taking longer than expected to put together. Community The original contract deadline was Oct. 22. The Eagle Entertainment "Of all the agreements, this is probably the most detailed and Faith&Values largest that we have to get negotiated," College Station City Food Manager Tom Brymer said. "So it is a major milestone in the Health& Fitness project." Kids Korner Lifestyles Under the proposed contract, construction costs for the city- Newspapers in funded conference center would be set at $16 million, and the city Education could get out of the deal if costs exceed $18 million. The facility Obituaries must have a minimum of 27,000 square feet of conference space. Opinions Politics The deal's timetable calls for construction of the conference Region/State center to begin in August 2003 and be completed by Nov. 15, Schools 2004. Sports Subscriptions The deal sets the construction budget for the planned 300-room, Weather conference-oriented hotel at $36 million. It includes a provision that would allow TAC Realty to get out of the project if the construction budget exceeds $38 million. TAC Realty is also responsible for parking around the hotel and other amenities, including a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Hotel construction is scheduled to begin in March 2003 and be completed by Nov. 15, 2004. The complex would have a 6,000-square-foot kitchen facility that http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/110101cscouncilhotelcontr.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 would be shared by the hotel and conference center. The city would pay all costs associated with construction and TAC Realty would be responsible for furnishings, fixtures, equipment and materials used in its operation. Hotel and conference center users will be able to play at Adam's Miramount Golf Course, which is under construction on F.M. 158, or at another championship golf course that could be built on TAC Realty property. A new headquarters for The Adam Corp./Group will also be part of the complex, and the proposed contract outlines standards for its construction. The 250,000-square-foot building, which Adam will pay for, must be completed by July 1, 2005. Adam's building must be constructed even if the hotel and conference center complex does not materialize. The only exception would be if banking authorities prohibit the relocation of Adam's First American Bank headquarters. Madison Construction, a subsidiary of TAC Holdings, will serve as developer for the hotel and office building. The company is interested in obtaining the contract for the conference center, but Brymer said Madison would have to go through the same competitive process as other bidders. College Station and TAC Realty already have struck an operating agreement and an infrastructure contract. They have chosen Maryland-based Crestline Hotels and Resorts to operate the facility. • Chris Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeggle.com ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/110101 cscouncilhotelcontr.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 1 of 6 �- scribe tI Home Classifieds f Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ; Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 1, 2001 Club Meetings College Town David Opiela Datebook Government Links Dec. 18, 1963 — Oct. 27, 2001 Links Obituaries Services for David Opiela, 37, of Bryan are set Town Talk for 10 a.m. Saturday at Grace Bible Church. Site Sections Patrick Coyle, pastor of Grace Bible Church, A&M News will officiate. m Agriculture Announcements Burial will be in the College Station Cemetery. � Business&Technology Classifieds ks x Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at Columnists Hiller Funeral Home and 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday Community at the church. The Eagle Entertainment Mr. Opiela died Saturday at the Opiela Ranch Faith&Values Food in Karnes County. Opiela Health&Fitness He was born in Austin and was a building inspector for the city of Kids Korner g p y Lifestyles College Station. He was a member of Grace Bible Church. Newspapers in Education Survivors include his wife, Jennifer Opiela, and two daughters, Obituaries Elizabeth Ann and Katherine Marie Opiela, all of Bryan; three Opinions brothers and two sisters-in-law, Peter and Nichole Opiela of Politics Farmers Branch, John Opiela of Houston and Matthew and Amy Region/State Opiela of Round Rock; his parents, Shelley and Alexander Opiela Schools Jr. of Austin; his sister and brother-in-law, Anne Marie and Sports Thomas Austenfeld of Dahlonega, Ga.; a sister-in-law, Kristen Subscriptions Rogers and her husband Matt of Sparta, Mich.; and his father-in- Weather law and mother-in-law, Marvin and Marjorie Leedom of Troy, Mich. Memorials may be made to the Aggieland Credit Union, David Opiela Children's Account, 201 Southwest Parkway, C.S., 77840. Lawrence Fry June 3, 1919 — Oct. 29, 2001 Services for Lawrence Fry, 82, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. TL....-...J.... ..a E)..............d E....... 1 r�L...—-,I :.. LJ......4.1.. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/novemberOI/110101obits.htm 11/2/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-20 Collection System Improvements-Phase II The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,November 29, 2001,at which time bids'. will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: , The project involves the construction of i 17,314 linear feet of 48-inch transmission line and its .r/) appurtenant facilities including valving and cathodic pro- tection provisions. Transmission line will run along the', north side of FM 1687 from Sandy Point Pump Station' to FM 2818. Transmission line will then run along the west side of FM 2818 to Highway 21. A prebid meeting will be held at the Public Utilities De partment, 1601 Graham Rd., College Station, TX at� 2:OOpm on Wednesday, November 14, 2001. This! rpeeting is not mandatory, but attendance is recom- mended. isa ail f specifications bidding able for anon--refundable fee of$50.00 payable t)y cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri;8:OOAM-5:OOPM.Five(5)percent bid security 1; required. Additional information is available on our website at www ci college-station.tx_us . She City of College Station reserves the right to reject 4ny or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Nov 1,2001&Nov 8,2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 L t he.0 a, W Lcribe t dayl Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com j Subscribe Contact { Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 1, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Oct. 29, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Lacy Steckner and Wesley Lowell, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Margaret and Thomas Vennochi, Bryan, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Stephanie and Michael Gaiser, College Station, a boy; Community CW The Eagle Fritzie and Leland Freeman, Bryan, a boy. Entertainment Faith&Values Oct. 30, 2001 Food i&Health Ftness Kids & Fr Samantha Thompson and Simon Ramos, Madisonville, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Sheri and Paul Martin, Somerville, a girl; Education Obituaries Shannon and Tiandre Sanders, College Station, a girl. Opinions Politics St. Joseph Regional Health Center Region/State Schools Oct. 26, 2001 Sports Subscriptions Donna and Edward Miller, Burton, a boy. Weather Oct. 27, 2001 Jennifer Reynolds and William Davis, Navasota, a boy; Mary and Edward Woodfin, College Station, a boy; Cr Amanda and Damian Bryand, Bryan, a boy; Emily and Christopher Parkerson, College Station, a boy. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/110101births.htm 11/2/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 veag M-A J aAY5 Home I Classifieds f Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State November 2, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station, Adam finalize deal for Club Meetings College Town complex Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Promising one of the "most magnificent park developments ever Site Sections seen," the city of College Station and Bryan businessman Don A&M News Adam entered in to a development contract Thursday night for a Agriculture joint hotel and conference center on the city's east side. Announcements Business&Technology The 55-acre complex will include a city-funded conference center Classifieds costing between $16 million and $18 million; a $36 million, 300- Columnists room hotel owned by Adam's TAC Realty; and a 250,000-square- Community foot headquarters for The Adam Corp./Group. The Eagle Entertainment The land is also the planned home for a future performing arts Faith&Values center, although talks for the facility are preliminary, city manager Food Tom Brymer said. Health&Fitness Kids Korner "When this opens up, it isn't just going to be a College Station Lifestyles project," said Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney. "This is a community project Newspapers in that will assist the whole Brazos Valley, the university and all of Education the clubs and organizations that have asked for this." Obituaries Opinions Councilman Dennis Maloney added that while the complex will be Politics in College Station, the land sits within the boundaries of the Bryan Region/State school district, meaning property taxes generated would go to Schools Bryan schools. Sports Subscriptions The project's timetable calls for construction of the hotel to begin Weather in March 2003 and construction of the conference center to begin in August 2003. Both facilities — which will be joined and share a 6,000-square-foot kitchen — are scheduled to be completed by Nov. 15, 2004. aid when completed, the hotel and conference center MaloneyY P will be able to compete for conventions with Dallas, Houston and E Austin. (W College Station will fund its portion of the project using $5.5 million from previously issued certificate of obligation bonds, http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/110201cscouncildonadam.htm 11/2/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 $11.4 million in future certificate of obligations and $1.1 million in cash. To repay the project's cost, the city plans to use a portion of its hotel/motel tax and to have the development designated as a tax increment finance district to recapture generated sales tax. Adam did not seek a tax abatement from the city. Brazos County needs to agree to the TIF district, and College Station can back out of the agreement if the county does not agree to participate by April 16. The deal also could be terminated if construction costs exceed $18 million for the conference center or $36 million for the hotel. Jim Plummer, an outside attorney who helped negotiate the deal for College Station, said that the city has budgeted $18 million for the conference center but could get a lower price once the full design process is complete. The development deal was the most detailed and longest contract to complete, Brymer said. The city and Adam first entered into a memorandum of understanding for the project in July 2000. t The city and TAC Realty recently entered into an operating `rr agreement and infrastructure contract. Maryland-based Crestline Hotels and Resorts has been chosen to operate the facility. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferree theeac�le.com ©2000, 2001_The Baran/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/110201cscouncildonadam.htm 11/2/2001 1.1 Vets Par The master plan for Veterans park's calls for 13 s ccer area nine softball fields, a pavilion and a playground. roved changes College Station voters app g a general obligation bond in r the 1998 that included d developmentl on fo design jests initial stage. a of he pro a �� FP roved In May, the council issued an f additional obligat on bonds for n certificate o for the prof Project now looks ect. But the low bid received by the more like original city came in at s percent more than initial cost projections. By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL To cover he higher cost,the bcity Eagle Staff Writer will use $251,000 previously geted for other parks projects, The first phase of College Sta- including $109>000 for a facility on tion's Veterans Park will more Spring Loop. College Station's closely resemble the project that Steve Beachy> • was promised to voters in 1998 parks and recreationpark director,no sched- after the city council voted Thurs- the Spring Loop p day to add two additional soccer uled for construction until at least fields and landscaping to the com- 2003. plex. A budget amendment would Under the plan approved by have to go before the council for council, the park will include two those funds to be redirected to Vet- lighted softball fields, six soccer erans Park. for the park, fields — twn with._lights — and Groundbreakingthe parking. which will be located ea between Other features will include land- Earl Rudder Freeway scaping, a restroom building, a F.M. 60 and Texas 30, is scheduled maintenance building, irrigation, for Nov. 12. The park will statue home walkways,bike racks,lighting and to a permanent memorial drinking fountains. honoring veterans. The initial construction will cost more than$2.9 million. Councilman James Massey said the council has always intended to give residents as much of the total Veterans Park package as possi- ble. • Sri. Prosperity 'starts with better highwaysexas is growing at a rate that is twice the national average. Proposition 15 provides ing problem? Yes! Proposition 15 a Not only has the population proposed constitutional amendment doubled since 1960, but in less than a Wonderful opportunity on the ballot next Tuesday, will sup- 20 years we will top 30 million in for Texas to accelerate its plement the "pay as you go" method Population. Of course, this unprece by allowing two additional funding dented funding of transportation mechanisms, The Texas Mobility growth in a sound fiscal way. Fund and Toll Equity, to leverage brings existing funds. The Texas Mobility with it a when Dell Computers announced Fund will supplement the "pay as lot of that it was going to ship 10,000 jobs You go" method by allowing the trans Texas Transportation Commission portation feel that Texas was committed ommited not to issue bonds that go to a special problems. providing the needed infrastruc- account that will allow us to have LYNN MCILHANEY we Today, ture. At that time, I joined TEX 21 the roads built that we need today. and now serve on its executive coin And the best thing is that we can Special to The Eagle the largest mittee. TEX 21 is a have these roads now without rais- state grassroots ing taxes. main- statewide coalition made up of local Toll Equity supplements the "pay tained highway system in America, officials at the cityand count level who have come to as You go" method by allowing yet we rank 47th in per-capita high- gether to brin way spending. Every city and coup portation system it state to help an area b the Texas the trans Y giving it the startup money for a toll project and ty in the state of Texas has desper- needs and deserves. . In the One of the major concerns of TEX allowing the toll revenue to fund the Bryan-College Station area, we are 21 is how transportation is funded rest of the project. ate transportation needs starting to see congestion like we throughout the state. Currently, Together, Proposition 15 provides never imagined. If you think that Texas funds its highway system a Wonderful opportunity for Texas we have congestion today,just wait. using only the " to accelerate its funding of trans- More people will continue to move method. In 1960,pwe spent 30cents portation v a sound fiscal way. If into our area and we need to be pre- out of every state dollar on trans- tYouraffic, have ever complained about pared for that growth. portation; today we spend only 8 traffic' rt. You have a chance to o We need to get ready for our cer- cents. With this low percentage allo- Your part. On Nov. 6, vote for Propo tain growth, but we also need to cation and using only the " tag as sition 15 And help us to get the need- solve some of our immediate needs, "pay ed funds for our region and our which become clear during rush oofund my 36 percent the aof is nte can eeded state. hour. A wake-up call came to me transportation projects. 0 Lynn and the City Council two years ago So, is there a solution to this fund- College S at onaney is the mayor of i ` The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 a a ' tadc& • + m I Home Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 4, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Friday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 1, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Alicia and Arnaldo Jimenez, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Anduin and Brandon Jaster, Snook, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Charlene and Kevin Sumlin, College Station, a boy. Community The Eagle Entertainment St. Joseph Regional Health Center Faith&Values Food Oct. 29, 2001: Health& Fitness Kids Korner Diana and Dirk Duran, Bryan, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Oct. 30, 2001: Education Obituaries Bertha Garcia and Jose Cruz Perez, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Victoria Keller and James Chavez, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools Oct. 31, 2001: Sports Subscriptions Audrau and Lane Winkelmann, New Ulm, a girl. Weather 2000, 2001 The_Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/110401births.htm 11/5/2001 The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for a: FIRE TRAINING COORDINATOR oversees and directs training programs to insure accurate and effective emergency response to the citizens of College station. Assures the safe performance of department personnel in responding to incidents involving fire suppression, hazardous materials, and various rescue activities necessary for initial certification andand recertification cmaster level for basic, intermediate, advanced, certifications in the following disciplines: structural firefighting, aircraft rescue & firefighting, hazardous materials operational & technician, peace officer, arson investigator,fire inspector,and various levels of fire service S. May be required to coordinate instructor certification rdinator,PublicEducationo acer,and activities with EMS COO rven Emergency Manage ment personnel. Additional given for for paramedic certification. Additional pay 9 intermediate(or higher)Firefighter certification or college degree. Salary: $44,000/yr (effective January 1,2002) Deadline to apply: November 30,2001 r** .:. Must submit a completed *** s.s City of College Station application Apply at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S.Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-3800 www,ci.c Ile e-station MS/ blin /cstx.htm Equal opportunity Employer The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region& State Page 1 of 2 th,e, d ""' DAYS Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State November 4, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Ordinance copies available Club Meetings College Town Datebook Eagle Staff Report Government Links Copies of College Station's Unified Development Ordinance will Links be available for review beginning Monday. The UDO is a rewriting Obituaries of all zoning, subdivision and related land development codes in Town Talk the city. Site Sections A&M News The document can be viewed on the city's Web site, Agriculture www.ci.college-station.tx.us, and can be received by e-mail. To Announcements receive an electronic copy, residents can send a request to Business&Technology tmacicl.college-statio_n.tx.u_s. Classifieds Columnists Two hard copies of the UDO will be available for in-house review Community in the city's development services department at City Hall. The Eagle Entertainment Faith&Values Hard copies can be purchased for $15. Food Health&Fitness During November, December and January, city staff will receive Kids Korner input and speak to the city's boards and committees. Written Lifestyles comments can be sent to Sabine Kuenzel, P.O. Box 9960, Newspapers in College Station, Texas 77842. Suggestions can be e-mailed to Education skuenzel@ci_college-station.tx.us. Obituaries Opinions Beginning Dec. 15, members of the City Council, Planning and Politics Zoning Commission and development services staff will be Region/State available to make presentations to groups and associations. To Schools arrange a presentation, call 764-3570. Sports Subscriptions The council and Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public Weather hearings on the UDO in February, March and April. Dates for those meetings have not been set. O 2000, 2001 The Blr ran/College Station Eagle Privacy-Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/110401 ordinacecopies.htm 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 4 Annual Blanket Order for Dry Polymer `r The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,December 5, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City 1 bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo' address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - S:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. 11-5-01, 11-12-01 ©2000,2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/5/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 3 of 7 Etta Viola Leisy May 27, 1904 — Nov. 1 , 2001 Services for Etta Viola Leisy, 97, of Bryan are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in College Station. The Rev. Erich Schaefer of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mrs. Leisy died Thursday in Bryan. She was born in Jicarilla, N.M., and lived in Bryan since 1986. She was a retired teacher and was a member of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Mended Hearts Club. She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry T. Leisy. Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Ralph and Rita Leisy of College Station, Henry and Lutie Leisy of Millbrook, Ala., and Robert and Delores Leisy of Key West, Fla.; three sisters, Arlene Mensing and Dorothy Dye, both of Roswell, N.M., and Florence Reynolds of Albuquerque, N.M.; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Lonnie Charles Leach Sr. July 23, 1925 — Nov. 5, 2001 MADISONVILLE — Services for Lonnie Charles Leach Sr., 76, of Madisonville are set for 1 p.m. Wednesday at Rock Prairie Baptist Church in North Zulch. The Rev. Dean Ferguson will officiate. Burial will be in Rock Prairie Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the J.M. Day Funeral Home in Madisonville. Mr. Leach died Monday in Centerville. He was born in Lewisville and served in the U.S. Army. He was a machinist. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Jo Ann Stafford Leach; and a daughter, Caressa Leach. Survivors include his wife, Lucille Leach of Palestine; a son and daughter-in-law, Lonnie C. and Emmie Leach of Brownsville; two http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/novemberO1/110601 obits.htm 11/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 t hr.�' ew �. �Mb5crbetodnvl Home Classifieds j Aggiesports.com Subscribe t Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 6, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 2, 2001: A&M News Laura and Robert Woods, Hearne, a girl. Agriculture Announcements Nov. 4, 2001: Business&Technology Hillary and Phillip Guillen, College Station, a boy. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Oct. 30, 2001: Entertainment Faith&Values Lisa Sweed, Brenham, a boy. Food Health&Fitness Oct. 31, 2001' Kids Korner Traci Hammack and Frank Zaragoza, College Station, a girl; Lifestyles Rebecca and Christopher Morrow, Bryan, a boy; Newspapers in Marisela and Rogue Garcia, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries Nov. 1, 2001: Opinions Lashondra Wade, Franklin, a girl; Politics Jennifer and David Makuta, College Station, a boy; Region/State Blanca and Vincent Pruneda, Bryan, a boy; Schools Olivia and Richard Gomez, Bryan, a boy; Sports Faith and Joshua Davis, Navasota, a boy; Subscriptions Sabrina Evans, Bryan, a boy; Weather April Griffin, Washington, a boy; Allison Marshall, Navasota, a boy; Patricia and Ryan Berthelson, College Station, a boy; Corina and Allen, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 2, 2001: Carrie and Michael Melson, Bryan, a boy; Heather Zaleski, Bryan, a girl; Jeanne and Thomas Wagner, College Station, a girl. Nov. 3, 2001: http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/110601births.htm 11/7/2001 • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #02-23 Coordination of Administrative and Health/Human Services The City of College Station is accepting proposals on the above referenced item for the City of College Station Offices.Proposals will be received at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division / 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,TX 77842 until 4:00 pm, November 13, 2001. All proposals re- ceived after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or re- ject any and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the proposal considered most advantageous to the City. A complete set of docu- ments for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Divi- Istsion at (979) 764-3823 or jfinkes@ci.college_' ation.tx.us . 10/30/2001&11/6/20of �l The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Th e E 5-- i; I e #"a Classifoieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive NOTICE Business Opportunities RFQ #02-21 Employment Financial Legal Notices Urban Forest Management Plan Merchandise Place an Ad The City Of College Station is requesting qualification statements for an Urbai Real Estate Management Plan. Qualification statements will be received until 4:00 pm, De Rentals 5, 2001 at: Service The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 r1M. All qualification statements received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all qualific statements or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer cc most advantageous to the City. RFQ documents may be obtained at the above Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm or may be downloaded at our website: www.ci.college-station.tx.us Questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to the Purchasing Services 1 (979) 764-3823. 10-31-01 & 11-7-01 CITATION BY PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JOHN A. THOMAS,DECEASED ® ON the 17th day of October, 2001, DANICE E. THOMAS filed an Applicatioi requesting that a determination be made of the heirs and the only heirs of John Thomas, and their respective shares and interest in his Estate, and that an Orde entered appointing her as Independent Administratrix of his Estate, in a procee http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 45 c e o,theo 09 � to Home i Classifieds I Aggiesports.com j Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 7, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 5, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Kelly Roberts and Kenneth Wilson, Bryan, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology April and Jason Dyke, College Station, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Jessica and Kevin Stuart, Bryan, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith&Values Food Nov. 2, 2001: Health&Fitness Kids Korner Imelda and Jose Graciano, College Station, a boy; Lifestyles Newspapers in Jalisha Gooden, College Station, a boy. Education Obituaries Nov. 3, 2001: Opinions Politics Rosa and Margarito Garcia, Bryan, a boy; Region/State Schools Sarah Mitchell, Montgomery, a boy; Sports Subscriptions Dayana Sawaf and Rami Dabbouri, Bryan, a girl; Weather Jeanie and John Norrid, College Station, a girl. 2000, 2001_The_Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/110701births.htm 11/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 the - ,i ,cM MI , 9&.srribe today! Home j Classifieds j Aggiesports.com j Subscribe . Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 8, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 6, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Madeline and Joseph Dillard, College Station, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Teri and Mike Taylor, College Station, a boy; Classifieds Columnists Tavia Laffere and Joe Melendez, College Station, a boy; Community (W The Eagle Kara and Michael Holmgreen, College Station, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Nov. 3, 2001: Lifestyles Newspapers in Velma Randle, Bellville, a girl. Education Obituaries Nov. 4, 2001: Opinions Politics Christina and Josh Blair, Humble, a boy; Region/State Schools Kristen and Gary Swingle, College Station, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Nov. 5, 2001: Weather Kathleen and Danny Kwasnica, Bryan, a girl. 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station-Eagle Privacy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/november0lbirths/110801births.htm 11/9/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-20 Collection System Improvements-Phase II The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,November 29, 2001,at which time bids will be opened at City Hall.All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: The project involves the construction of approximately 17,314 linear feet of 48-inch transmission line and its appurtenant facilities including valving and cathodic pro- tection provisions. Transmission line will run along the north side of FM 1687 from Sandy Point Pump Station to FM 2818. Transmission line will then run along the west side of FM 2818 to Highway 21. A prebid meeting will be held at the Public Utilities De- partment, 1601 Graham Rd., College Station, TX at 2:OOpm on Wednesday, November 14, 2001. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is recom- mended. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for,a non-refundable fee of$50.00 payable by cash, check,or money order at the above address, Mon-Fri,8:OOAM-5:OOPM.Five(5)percent bid security is required. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.colleae-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. Nov 1,2001 &No\,8,2001 • The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 z • • fle. rlthlqrribe today! Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact i Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 9, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 7, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Michelle Barry, Bryan, a boy; Announcements Business&Technology Traci and Bill Thomas, College Station, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Rong Wang and Kai Feng, Bryan, a girl; Community The Eagle Cheryl and Jonathan Buckley, Bryan, a boy. Entertainment Faith&Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Nov. 5, 2001: Lifestyles Newspapers in Pamela Evans, Bryan, a girl; Education Obituaries Jennifer and Jim Petrick, Bryan, a girl; Opinions Politics Pamela and Christopher Simpson, Madisonville, a boy; Region/State Schools Desiree Johnson and William Keith, Bedias, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Stacy and Roy Rhodes, College Station, a girl; Weather Elisha and David Betchan, Rockdale, a girl. Nov. 6, 2001: Sandra Hallmark, College Station, a girl. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Ea le (W Privacy_Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/110901births.htm 11/9/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 2 of 7 He was born in Pearsall, Texas, and was a fire-prevention pipefitter. Survivors include his wife, Cheryl Moore Rose of Caldwell; a son, Elias Gipson Rose of Caldwell; a daughter, Shelby Lynn Carroll Rose of Caldwell; two brothers and a sister-in-law, Bill and Danny Rose of Corpus Christi and Louis Rose of Bryan; four sisters and three brothers-in-law, Beth and Bill Cannon of Stockdale, Texas, Mary and David Smithey of Sutherland Springs, Texas, Pam Hardin of Stockdale and Gail and Edward Uhlig of Sutherland Springs; his mother, Annie Nell Rose of Stockdale; his mother-in- law and father-in-law, Clyde and Fannie Moore of Caldwell; two brothers-in-law and four sisters-in-law, Nelson and Carmen Moore of Goulson, Texas, and Becky and David Graham, Sarah Moore and Mary Moore, all of Caldwell; and numerous nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the "Rose Children Scholarship Fund," First American Bank, 114 South Echols St., Caldwell, 77836. Verda Sanders White Feb. 2, 1911 — Nov. 7, 2001 MADISONVILLE — Services for Verda Sanders White, 90, of Madisonville are set for 2 p.m. Friday at the Willowhole Chapel in North Zulch. The Rev. Robert Shipp will officiate. Burial will be in the Willowhole Cemetery. Visitation will be from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday at Madisonville Funeral Home. Mrs. White died Wednesday. She was born in North Zulch and worked in a healthcare facility for many years. She was a member of the Second Baptist Church in Madisonville. Survivors include two brothers, Morris Sanders of North Zulch and Al Sanders of Madisonville; her sister, Bobbie Goodrum of Madisonville; and numerous nieces and nephews. Eula Mae Thomas Aug. 28, 1918 — Nov. 6, 2001 Graveside services for Eula Mae Thomas, 83, of College Station http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/november01/110901 obits.htm 11/9/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 3 of 7 are set Tor 11 a.m. Saturday at college Station Uty cemetery. Dr. Jerry Neff of A&M United Methodist Church will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday at Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mrs. Thomas died Tuesday at her home. She was born in Atascosa County and lived in College Station since 1969. She was a retired interior decorator and worked for Stacy's Furniture for many years. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Katheryn and Raymond Dietrich of College Station, and one grandson. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association. Johnny Otis Bay July 23, 1955 — Nov. 7, 2001 RICHARDS — Services for Johnny Otis Bay, 46, of Richards are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Richards. The Rev. Milton Perry Bay will officiate. Burial will be in the Long Street Cemetery in Richards. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday at Jones Funeral Home Chapel in Navasota. Mr. Bay died Wednesday at Hermann Hospital in Houston. He was born in Grimes County and had been in the construction business. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Richards. Survivors include three brothers, Williams Bay and Joseph Bay, both of Houston, and Kenneth Bay of Richards; three sisters, Barbara Murchison of Albuquerque, N.M., and Linda Bay and Brenda White, both of Anderson; and his mother, Novella Bay of Richards. Jannie Lee Pittman Oct. 15, 1914 — Nov. 5, 2001 Services for Jannie Lee Pittman, 87, of College Station are set for �•- 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Clayton Baptist Church in the Brushy Community. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/novemberO1/110901 obits.htm 11/9/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 Thri-6, Erie #046 Classifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive LEGAL NOTICE Business Opportunities Employment ORDINANCE NO. 2530 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON November 1 Financial BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting Legal Notices Merchandise regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, Place an Ad notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Real Estate Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of thf Rentals captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, 'BUILD Service REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CI STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT 1 PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; Al PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 3, 'Building Regulations", has been amended by adopting the 2000 International Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Residential, Property Maintenance & Energy Codes with related amendments. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punisha fine of not less than Twenty five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousan ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continuf be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance becomes effective January 1, 20 Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-9-01, 11-10-01 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code that P.O.E.T.S. BILLIARDS INC., has filed app for a Mixed Beverage Permit and Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit, sai, business to be conducted under the trade name of P.O.E.T.S. Billiards, loc said business to be, 1637 S Texas Avenue, College Station, Brazos County, Officers of this incorporated business are: Charlyne Bearnice Cookston, I Sandra Martinez, Sec./Treas. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/9/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 4 11-9-01, 11-10-01 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2529 WAS PASSED AND APPROVED ON November 1 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting regular session at the College Station Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of thf captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, "FIRE PROTECTION", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CO] STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT] PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AI PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Chapter 6, "Fire Protection", has been amended by adopting the 2000 Internatil Code including 28 local amendments & the 2000 Life Safety Code also known NFPA 101. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's of Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this chapter deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punisha fine of not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such viola continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance becomes effective January 1, 2002. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-9-01, 11-10-01 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Brazos County Purchasing Office in the Br; County Courthouse, Suite 117, Bryan, Texas, until 1:30 P.M. Friday,Novembf 2001, and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. Friday, November 30, the Brazos County Purchasing Department on the following: 2002-021 - COLD MIX LIMESTONE/CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2002-022 - FENCING SUPPLIES ANNUAL BID 2002-023 - FENCE BUILDING -ANNUAL BID 2002-024 - MOTORGRADER BLADES -ANNUAL BID Payments will be processed by the Brazos County Auditor by invoice after not of satisfactory receipt of items. Bids in excess of$50,000.00 may require a fivf Bid Bond. Brazos County hereby reserves the right to award by unit cost or lur discounted and to accept or reject any or all bids and waive all formalities and http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/9/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Community Page 1 of 2 979.776,2345 • thedo'bg!lexom, L .Obscribe todoy! Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com 1 BrazosSports.com I Subscribe ' Contact I Site Map Community November 10, 2001 AggieLand Primer Apartment Guide Fund-raisers set for Veterans Park Brazos Valley Living Business Directory Cities&Counties By LAURA HENSLEY Crimestoppers Eagle Staff Writer Emergency The organization helping raise money for a sculpture project in Organizations College Station's Veterans Park and Athletic Complex is making Pet of the Week another fund-raising push before ground is broken for the park Reach Out Monday. Senior Resource Book Thank you, Neighbor The Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial committee, which is trying Youth Lines to raise $500,000 for a sculpture monument and plaza to honor Site Sections more than 20,000 area war veterans, will host two events A&M News Sunday in conjunction with Veterans Day. Agriculture Announcements At one, the Singing Cadets of Texas A&M University will perform f Business&Technology Classifieds at 3 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Bryan. Tickets cost $15. Columnists Community The other is a dance and concert beginning at 4 p.m. at the The Eagle Texas Hall of Fame in Bryan. The event will feature a variety of Entertainment local bands. Tickets cost $5. Faith &Values Food Attendees at either event will have an opportunity to dedicate Health & Fitness names of veterans that will be engraved on the memorial's "Wall Kids Korner of Honor." To cover costs, the memorial committee will accept a Lifestyles payment of $100 to have a name etched into the granite. Newspapers in Education Craig Carter, president of the committee, said the nonprofit Obituaries organization has raised $300,000 within the past four years. Opinions Politics "It's wonderful how people have come out to help make this Region/State happen," Carter said. "There have been so many people willing Schools to help create this monument for those who served our country." Sports Subscriptions A groundbreaking ceremony at 11 a.m. Monday at the park's Weather site on F.M. 60 near North Earl Rudder Freeway will move the memorial committee one step closer to realization of the project. "Everyone should want to be at the groundbreaking," said P. David Romei, chairman of the Veterans Memorial Design Committee and executive director of Arts Council of the Brazos http://www.theeagle.com/community/I I 1001 fundraiserveterans.htm 11/12/2001 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2529 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON November 1,2001 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Cham- bers, 1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city,is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, "FIRE PROTECTION",OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BE- LOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DE- CLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Chapter 6, "Fire Protection", has been amended by adopting the 2000 International Fire Code including 28 local amendments & the 2000 Life Safety Code also known as NFPA 101. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secretary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance becomes effective January 1, .2002, Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-9-01,11-10-01 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2530 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON November 1,2001 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station Council Cham- bers,1101 Texas Avenue,said notice of meeting posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance,signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city,is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3,"BUILDING', REGULATIONS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES' OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BE- LOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DE- CLARING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Chapter 3, "Building Regulations", has been amended by adopting the 2000 International Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Residential, Property Mainte- nance & Energy Codes with related amendments. A complete text of the ordinance is on file in the city secre- tary's office. Any person,firm or corporation,violating any of the pro- visions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than Twenty five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance becomes effective January 1, 2002. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-9-01,11-10-01 • The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Community Page 2 of 2 vauey. a s an exciting nisioncai event inai everyone snouia want to be a part of. " The park and athletic complex, planned to include 13 soccer fields, nine softball fields and a pavilion area, is set to be completed next fall. The memorial will sit on five acres and serve as the park's focal point. "We are all pinching ourselves," Carter said. "We can't believe this is finally happening." The memorial sculpture, "The Medic" by New York artist Robert Eccleston, will be dedicated on Veterans Day next year. • Laura Hensley's e-mail address is 1hensley@theeagle.co ©2000, 2001 The BryaNCollege Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/community/111001 fundraiserveterans.htm 11/12/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 groundwater management for all Texans. All citizens are invited to attend and encouraged to ask questions. For additional information, please contact Wendi at 979-764-3491. 11-7-01, 11-10-01, 11-11-01, 11-12-01 PUBLIC HEARING On Tuesday,November 27, 2001 at 6:00 p.m., the Bryan City Council will hol public hearing. The item will be to consider a rezoning request(Case RZ 01-1, `AO' Agricultural Open District to `SF-5' Single Family Residential District f( approximately 13.261 acres located on the west side of Austin's Colony ParkAA situated in the John Austin League, Abstract 2 (proposed Austin Colony, Phasf & C), Brazos County, Texas. The public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers of the Bryan Mu Building located at the intersection of Texas Avenue and 29th Street. For addit information please contact the Planning Services Division at (979) 209-5030. November 12, 2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02-22 Annual Blanket Order for Dry Polymer The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 5, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City 1 bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo- address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w: informalities and irregularities. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/12/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 4 of 7 F►'e-Ja- Czzx-- e-r �Lj_Ck2 X Jan. 21, 1UlU — Nov. 1U, 2UU1 Services for Freda Carter Rucker, 85, of The Woodlands and formerly of Bryan, are set for 10 a.m. Monday at Hillier Funeral Home. The Rev. Charles Downey will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to the time of the services Monday at the funeral home. Mrs. Rucker died Saturday in Regents Care Center. She was born in Franklin and was retired from Texas A&M University. She was a Baptist and received a B.A. from Baylor University and a master's from the University of Oklahoma. Survivors include her husband, Robert H. Rucker of The Woodlands; two sons, Robert W. Rucker of Houston and O. Stuart Rucker of Oakland, Calif.; a daughter, Mary Virginia Stocker of The Woodlands; five grandchildren; and a great- grandchild. Clarence William Schoppe Oct. 28, 1925 — Nov. 10, 2001 SOMERVILLE — Services for Clarence William Schoppe, 76, of Somerville are set for 10 a.m. Monday at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Somerville. The Rev. Pedro Garcia will officiate. Burial will be in Oaklawn Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Strickland Funeral Home in Somerville. Mr. Schoppe died Saturday at the Central Texas Veterans Health Care Center in Temple. He was born in Lyons and attended the Lyons school. He was a lifelong resident of Somerville and served in the U.S. Navy during World War ll. He was a member of the American Legion Post No. 455 in Somerville and St. Ann's Catholic Church. He was preceded in death by a son, Timothy Schoppe. '�•- Survivors include his wife, Valeria M. Schoppe of Somerville; four daughters and two sons-in-law, Delores and Bill Stoneberg of Katy, Karen Robinson of San Antonio, Jane and Kevin Robinson http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/november0l/111201 obits.htm 11/12/2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid#02-22 Annual Blanket Order for Dry Polymer The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bids will be received at: City of College Station Mow Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas College Station,Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 5, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City Hall-All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the above address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM 5:OOPM.Additional information is available on our web site at www.ci.c)llecie-station tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject' any or all bids and to waive informalities and irregulari- ties. 11-5-01,11-12-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hear- ing to consider an ordinance levying paving assess- ments against properties abutting the following named streets, or portions thereof, in the City of College Sta- tion, Texas, which improvements will consist of asphalt paving with a limestone base, to-wit: Dartmouth Drive from its' current termination south of Southwest Park- way to Krenek Tap Road. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, December 6, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3547 or(TDD)1- 800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact Bob Mosley, RE.,City Engineer at(979)764-3690. Bob Mosley,P.E. City Engineer 11-13-01,11-20-01,11-27-01,12-4-01 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #02-04 First&Maple Street Rehabilitation The City of College Station is accepting proposals on the above referenced item for the City of College Station Offices.Proposals will be received at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,TX 77842 until 4:OOpm, December 2,2001.All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any, and all Proposals or any and all irregularities in said re quest and to accept the proposal considered most ad- vantageous to the City. A complete set of documents' for this proposal may be obtained at the above address or by contacting the Purchasing Services Division at (979) 764-3823 or jfinkesOci.college-station.tx.us. For, additional information please visit our website at: hftp://www.ci-college-station.tx.us 11/13&11/20 C /3/ �o College Station City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue Details on any of the following items may be picked up on request in the City Secretary's Office (764-3541)in the College Station City Hall located at 1101 Texas Avenue. 1. Consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. 2. The extension of contract for an additional year between Dean International and the City of College Station,and expansion of scope of services for same contract. 3. The Employee Health Benefits Plan.This is Vision Statement#1,Strategy #4,"pursue competitive,cost effective,high quality health insurance benefits." 4.A change in the funding policies for the purpose of acquiring public art for future public buildings and parks. 5.The establishment of criteria for evaluation of City-owned property. Staff has outlined a systematic method for determining which parcels should be considered surplus to the needs of the City. 6.Council Calendars 7.Hear Visitors(5:45 p.m.) 8.Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room.Consultation with Attorney Real Estate, Personnel, 9. Final action on Executive Session,if necessary. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. 10. Pledge of Allegiance,Invocation Consider request for absence from meeting. Consent Agenda-Discussion and possible action on the following items: 11.1 The minutes for City Council Special Meeting,September 21,2001, September 26,2001,October 5,2001 and October 22,2001. Also,workshop and regular meeting,October 25,2001 and November 1,2001. 11.2 Renewal of the annual agreement for diesel and gasoline fuel for city vehicles and equipment. Recommend approval of renewal agreement with Brenco Marketing for an estimated annual expenditure of$386,305.00. 11.3 A resolution approving a construction contract for the Graham Road Rehabilitation Project Phase II,ST-0001.Recommend award to the lowest, responsible bidder meeting City of College Station Standard Bid Documents and Contract Requirements,TexCon,Inc.in the amount of$1,387,073.00. 11.4 The purchase of an easement interest in real property needed for the installation of a water transmission pipeline and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Real Estate Contract to effect the conveyance.Parallel Water Transmission Pipeline Project,Phase II(WT-0005). 11.5 A resolution granting specific City staff the authority to administer City Ordinance No.2058-TCA Franchise Agreement. 11.6 Expanding the agreement between the City of College Station and Fulbright and Jaworski L.L.P.to expend an additional$150,000 for legal services associated with the hotel/conference center project in the Highway 30/60 corridor. 11.7 Change Order No.2 to the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Phase 2 construction contract with Young Contractors for a total contract reduction of $52,795.25 11.8 A request for oversize participation and construction costs in the amount of$70,623.91 for the extension of Victoria Avenue and a 12-inch water line from the point of intersection at Graham Road to just beyond where Victoria will cross the North Fork of Lick Creek,approximately 1,150 feet. Regular Agenda-Discussion and possible action on the following items: 12.1 Public hearing.Obtain citizen customer feedback relating to the renewal of the Cox Communication's franchise agreement. 12.2 Public hearing.An ordinance rezoning a 55.5014 tract of land located at 3500 University Drive East from M-1 Planned Industrial to C-B Business Commercial. 12.3 An ordinance amending Chapter 10 Section 4 of the College Station Code of Ordinances decriminalizing parking offenses,setting fees/fines and providing for parking violations to become civil offenses.The ordinance also contains provisions for immobilizing and impounding vehicles with three or more unpaid parking citations. 13. The City Council may convene the executive session following the regular meeting to discuss matters posted on the executive session agenda for 11/15/2001. 14. Final action on executive session,if necessary. 15. Adjourn. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 9 4w e Elkle GROWN C I ■assifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Business Opportunities Employment The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari Financial consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT and SITE PLAN for 1350 EARL,R Legal Notices FREEWAY SOUTH. Merchandise Place an Ad Real Estate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Rentals Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOV Service 29, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 11-14-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT and SITE PLAN for 1604 ROCK F ROAD for a Medical Office Building. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOV 29, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( • hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/14/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 9 [ JENNIFER REEVES �r STAFF PLANNER 11-14-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING of 75.651 acres for 2668 BARRON ROAD from A-O, Agricultural-Open to PDD-H, Planned Development District for Housing. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOV 29, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON STAFF PLANNER 11-14-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a FINAL PLAT for 303 LINCOLN AVENUE. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, NOVEMBER 29, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. SPENCER THOMPSON Graduate Engineer http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/14/2001 Residents can air woes about cable The public will have a chance to sound off on the city of College Station's renewal agreement with Cox Communi- cations cable television serv- ice during a hearing at 7 p.m. Thursday in the City Hall coun- cil chambers. Comments are also being accepted by the city via e-mail and will be read and entered into the public record. Letters can be sent to Linda Piwonka, the city's director of office of technology and information services, at Lpiwonka@ci. college-station.tx.us or by regu- lar mail at Utility Customer Ser- vice, 310 Krenek Tap Road, College Station,Texas 77840. All comments must be received by Nov. 15 to be part of the public record. Cox Communications' fran- chise agreements with both College Station and Bryan do not expire until May 2004, but negotiations over their renewals already are under way. A franchise agreement gives the cable company the right to use existing lines without hav- ing to acquire its own land and install new lines. The cable company pays the city a fee in exchange for the usage. Only two residents com- plained about Cox's service at the Bryan City Council meeting Tuesday. Bryan plans to hold other public hearings and accept comments through let- ters and calls. Staff reports The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 9 11-14-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING OF 5.953 ACRES for 1267 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY SOUTH from R-4, APARTMENT/LOW DENSITY TO PDD-H, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-HOUSING. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOV 29, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. JESSICA JIMMERSON STAFF PLANNER 11-14-01 CITATION BY PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS To David Eric Dryden and to all whom it may concern, Respondent, You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do r written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Mo next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and a default judgment may be taken against you. The petition of Stacy Lauer and Brendon Lauer, Petitioner, was filed in the 361st Court of Brazos County, Tf May 2, 2001, against David Eric Dryden, Respondent, numbered 53,129-361 entitled "In the interest of Nathan Michael Gongea, a Child."This suit reque: termination of the parental rights of David Eric Dryton. The date and place of the child who is the subject of this suit August 17, 1992 in Kern County, Califi The Court has authority in this suit to enter judgment or decree in the child's it which will be binding upon you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity and the appointment of a conservat authority to consent to the child adoption. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/14/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 9 Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Bryan, Texas, this th of November, 2001. Marc Hamlin Clerk of the District Court of Brazos County, Texas 300 E. 26th St. Suite 216 Bryan, TX 77806 By: Jennifer Enloe, Deputy 11-14-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public heari consider a REZONING from C-3, Planned Commercial to C-2, Commercial-Ir for Lot 2, Block 1 of the Edelweiss Business Center Subdivision. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday,NOV 29, 2001. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be mac hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact me at (979) 764-3570. MOLLY HITCHCOCK STAFF PLANNER 11-14-01 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of GERALDINE WALKER, Deceased, were issued on November 8, 2001, in Do 11,146PC, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2 of Brazos County, Texas ELIHU WALKER. The place of business of BEN ELIHU WALKER is in Bryan, Brazos County, ' the post office address is: ESTATE OF GERALDINE WALKER , DECEASED c/o Christopher W. Chapman, http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/14/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 k_.aiisina kiaiiuiu, oiyaii, a yni, • Alethia Green and Tommy Cross, Normangee, a girl; Michelle and Howard Tipton, Bryan, a boy. Nov. 10, 2001: Amy Dodson, Somerville, a girl; Maria Mendez, Bryan, a girl; Yesenia Garza, Somerville, a girl; Lana and Jason John Vykukal, Caldwell, a girl; Brandy Jo and Kenneth Petereit, Hempstead, a boy; Juana Guerrero, Bryan, a boy; Donna Henderson, Navasota, a girl. Nov. 11, 2001: April and W. Rodney Cunningham, Somerville, a boy; Claudia Orozco, Brenham, a girl; Magdalena Martinez, Bryan, a girl. College Station Medical Center Nov. 12, 2001: Brandy and Jerry Lloyd, College Statiuon, a boy; Stephanie and Brian Linder, College Station, a boy; Kelly Stewart and Jeff Cazel, Bryan, a girl; Alicia and Javier Saucedo, Madisonville, a girl. 2000, 2001_The Bryan/Collec a Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/111401births.htm 11/14/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ( 't h:.,e. 079. �t " :t4 rC 0 M todnvI Home J Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 15, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 11, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Luz Tello, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Nov. 12, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Maria Collazo and Efrain Gonzalez, Bryan, a girl. Community The Eagle College Station Medical Center Entertainment Faith&Values Food Nov. 13, 2001: Health&Fitness Kids Korner Tonya and Robert Chandler, Bryan, a boy; Lifestyles Newspapers in Ginger and Matthew Miller, College Station, a boy; Education Obituaries Rebecca and James Norwood, College Station, a boy. Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/111501births.htm 11/19/2001 CS to flush section 0 h of watery system CS wet s - The city of College Station's Council water and wastewater division .n/will flush the third section of its c anges From Al water distribution system beginning at 10 p.m. Thursday would forfeit their rights to an and ending at 6 a.m. Friday. appeal, or any arguments alto- The main section to be gether. If a ticket is not flushed is the area bordered by to par kii answered after 10 days, the Earl Rudder Freeway South, ticketed person is automati- University Drive, Texas Avenue cally deemed liable. That and Southwest Parkway. Resi- would be a change from the dents within the affected area current system, in which a should not notice a difference violati* ons case remains open until the in service. accused appears before a Flushing the water distribu judge, even if he appearance tion system is necessary to By CIiRISTOPHER FERRELL is on a warrant. And it will be harder to remove sediments that can Eagle Staff Writer ignore parking tickets under build up within the water lines. Residents who experience Under a change the College Sacking vito- the Collegeproposed Station police have trouble during the flushing peri- Council will consider Thursday, p equipped with automatic od can contact College Station munic pal courttors Will no nsystemer Veaso go through the been they would for ticket writers that allow them Public Utilities at 7643638. to check a car's record by speeding or running a red light. That's the good news for drivers who repeat- entering a license plate num- (�dly park in handicapped spots, fire lanes or ber. If the car — or more in yards. ore importantly, its owner — has The bad news is that the "decriminalizing" three or m outstanding of parking offenses the council is contemplat- parking tickets, a boot can be ing means those who contest tickets would no placed on the wheel or the car longer have to be found guilty beyond a rea- he t and d ay be until towed to a cis arty e set sonable doubt. Instead, only a preponderance of evidence tleAd�ies said that if a check J would be needed for a guilty finding. State law allows cities the size of College Sa- turns up more than three out- tion to enforce parking violations in either a standing would make on a own, criminal or civil manner. , police By making parking offenses a civil matter, ership of he vehicle had not the city hopes to enhance the revenue it col- changed or the tickets had not lects from parking fines. Proponents also say already been paid off before the system would speed disposition of tickets they "boot or tow." and allow he municipal court to devote more Under the present system, time to hearing misdemeanor cases involving there must be four outstand- minors in possession of alcohol, public intoxi- i judgelations on a vehicle and must issue an order for cation or assault charges. "When it is decriminalized, if you go in [to it to be towed. take care of the ticket], it's less formal," Fire The biggest change for the Marshall Jon Mies said. "It would streamline city the revenue illmost received from likely come in it and make it a little faster to do." A hearing officer would be appointed to con- parking tickets: Mies said the sider he cases. That person would probably city's collection rate on park- be someone from the municipal court, Mies Cing tickets ities such s as l Austiny 47 r that said. Guilt would become matter of the accused have gone to a civil system being "liable" —that is, if the majority of the have a collection rate of about evidence points to yes — or not liable if he 75 percent. e c nt.The uld generate about majority of the evidence points to no. "When it's decriminalized, it's the prepon- $50,000 per year for the city. derance of any evidence because it's a civil "What other cities who have case," Mies said. ,You only have to be 51 per dminalized this have seen s tht the collection ate goes cent." Those who are found liable and want to up because you can actually appeal the finding would go to trial in he get more people through," municipal court system, Mies said. An appeal Mies said. "But then it also fee would be added to prevent defendants from streamlines t ee[who]procedures t appealing and not showing up. People who do not show up in the first place pay their citations." See COUNCIL, Page A8 0 Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 ffie6�agle.,,com, Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribel Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 16, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 11, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Krisha Banks and Andrew Johnson, Bryan, twin boys. Announcements Business&Technology Nov. 12, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Patricia and Aguila Riggins, Brenham, a girl; Community The Eagle Alicia and Gregory Lamkin, College Station, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values Food Nov. 13, 2001: Health& Fitness Kids Korner Tiffany Pepper, Navasota, a boy; Lifestyles Newspapers in Jill and Jason King, Burton, a girl; Education Obituaries Lisa and Ronald Binford, Navasota, a boy. Opinions Politics College Station Medical Center Region/State Schools Nov. 14, 2001: Sports Subscriptions Tina and Tracy Vasquez, Bryan, a boy; Weather Carlota Ceasar, Roans Prairie, a girl; Lisa and Clinton Smith, Marlin, a boy; Taffie Pruett and Chris Watkins, Bryan, a boy. 2000 2001 The Bryan/College_Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/111601births.htm 11/19/2001 WD�0. U N N O O m Z U ccn c ° d—O 2 o J o �c mN EEa co a a y a v m ° o y >o r L O > O E O o d 0 '6 °O r'�:..J a) CD U MM Co A mZN C7 -o=� co o ?oa 6.6 o d o `o.? pC7 0¢ m�Utj a c m 3 EZ Z c 3 U > o r m m 3 cyi(n U)m o-� W Z Q Z m.o L r % ,°.� p d.'o rn ai o W� W iA c c �¢� v o- (0 a °ooc a'� o� UOLLyW c m °U= o-mo m a)I c d a'rnC� U N ur o m 'o r H 1- ° Co >.c ° ._ c E r r ZOW � o Lm aN VcNr .0N r OUO�'W ° rna� c ='= Oo °>> m�com m 1=Q¢� c nE dxdE rc J y oo .. .- 5-o r �GZ� �- a> > U2O ca) mxm co ° 00 m N air �co °a2 3 °>02 �_ °� y m Z¢¢�y 2 ac EUZ - cN ��y d am wmb O U_��O cEom ap �o o �cw3 °m �Y 4 _1NOHQ � E; > '-o Lo oc° oa� api c2 m� !-t/l U «-Lr i. y.p ° ~ .°° ° c y' cmi m¢ m =Om>a U�3 c_�a d p 76 o�¢ o dD rw r fA m m'�r o m d u, m t d p E? co (A o a U D a Q `� `N° °E a y Y c y c¢ din U !-mEU2CJ0CD a °p ?m�° oa >-o a -mp �� u°_y QQ Hona�Ha-�c°i ac° Ea° aEoo Parking V11olation sys tem o c ange CS citations will go before hearing officer instead of municipal court By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL dence to find the person have seen their collection do not pay their tickets. night, the council: Eagle Staff Writer liable. That is because park- rates rise to about 75 percent, Parking enforcers are ■ Awarded a $1.3 million ing tickets will now be treated said Fire Marshall Jon Mies. equipped with electronic tick- contract for phase 11 of the Parking citations will no as a civil matter. The process would also et writers that will recognize Graham Road Rehabilitation longer be treated as criminal If a person does not answer lighten the load on College license plate numbers. If a Project to TexCon, Inc. The offenses in College Station, the charge within 10 days, he Station's Municipal Court, vehicle shows more than project will extend Graham which could mean more viola- will automatically be found because contested traffic three unpaid tickets, it can,be Road from Texas 6 to Well- tors will have to pay the piper. liable. fines would not appear on the towed or equipped with a born Road. Under a plan passed Thurs- The city hopes that by docket.The only parking tick- wheel boot. ■Rezoned the 55-acre tract day night by the College Sta- changing the process it will et cases that would go before Presently, a vehicle must that will be the site of the pro- tion City Council, people who realize a higher collection the judge would be cases that have four outstanding tickets posed hotel and conference receive parking tickets will rate on parking tickets. are being appealed by drivers and a judge must issue an center, making the property not go through the municipal College Station collects on found liable by the hearing order to have a car towed or eligible for development. court system. Instead, they about 47 percent of its parking officer. booted. will go before a hearing offi- tickets. Other cities in Texas The new designation will The change will take effect Christopher Ferrell's email cer who would only need to that have "decriminalized" also make it easier to crack Jan. 1. see a preponderance of evi- their parking infractions down on repeat offenders who In other action Thursday address is cferrell@theeagle.com. The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 th, e6agle.,co mt Home % Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact site Map Region/State November 16, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Parking violation system to change Club Meetings College Town College By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL DatebEagle Staff Writer Government Links Links Parking citations will no longer be treated as criminal offenses in Obituaries College Station, which could mean more violators will have to pay Town Talk the piper. Site Sections A&M News Under a plan passed Thursday night by the College Station City Agriculture Council, people who receive parking tickets will not go through the Announcements municipal court system. Instead, they will go before a hearing Business &Technology officer who would only need to see a preponderance of evidence Classifieds to find the person liable. That is because parking tickets will now Columnists be treated as a civil matter. Community The Eagle If a person does not answer the charge within 10 days, he will Entertainment automatically be found liable. Faith &Values Food The city hopes that by changing the process it will realize a higher F&Health Fitness Kids & Fit collection rate on parking tickets, er Lifestyles Newspapers in College Station collects on about 47 percent of its parking tickets. Education Other cities in Texas that have "decriminalized" their parking Obituaries infractions have seen their collection rates rise to about 75 Opinions percent, said Fire Marshall Jon Mies. Politics Region/State The process would also lighten the load on College Station's Schools Municipal Court, because contested traffic fines would not appear Sports on the docket. The only parking ticket cases that would go before Subscriptions the judge would be cases that are being appealed by drivers Weather found liable by the hearing officer. The new designation will also make it easier to crack down on repeat offenders who do not pay their tickets. Parking enforcers are equipped with electronic ticket writers that will recognize license plate numbers. If a vehicle shows more than three unpaid tickets, it can be towed or equipped with a wheel boot. Presently, a vehicle must have four outstanding tickets and a ii iA-! mi io+ iooi— — nrAl r+n hnxio n --A +^%AIoA ^r hnn+oA http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/111601parkingviolationsyste.htm 11/16/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 JUUUV 111UOL IOOUV aii viuci w 11avv a %,Ulu wvvcu vi vvv«u. The change will take effect Jan. 1. In other action Thursday night, the council: • Awarded a $1.3 million contract for phase II of the Graham Road Rehabilitation Project to TexCon, Inc. The project will extend Graham Road from Texas 6 to Wellborn Road. • Rezoned the 55-acre tract that will be the site of the proposed hotel and conference center, making the property eligible for development. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell(cDtheeacile.com ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/111601 parkingviolationsyste.htm 11/16/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 lowft Mr the r► R � s ' �Vllbfj5cribetoday! Home Classifieds j Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 17, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections November 12 A&M News Agriculture Sheretta Brisby, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Jamie and Gregory Lamkin, College Station, a boy. Classifieds Columnists November 13 Community The Eagle Amy and Marshall Shaw, Bryan, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values Food Solfina and Ramon Meza, Bryan, a boy. Health& Fitness Kids Korner Susan and Kevin Carnes, College Station, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Ofelia and David Contreras, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries November 14 Opinions Politics Miranda Mack, Hearne, a boy. Region/State Schools College Station Medical Center Sports Subscriptions November 15 Weather Alisha Lay and Shannon Minor, College Station, a boy. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/november0lbirths/111701births.htm 11/19/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 2 w Th le EN0.I foea � "OWN C I ass-if-i-eds Classifieds Announcements - Automotive LEGALNOTICE Business Opportunities Employment Sealed bids will be received by the City of Bryan at the Purchasing Agent's ofi Financial Legal Notices 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 27, 2001 publicly opened and read aloud at 2: Merchandise same date at the Purchasing Depot on the following commodities or service: Place an Ad Real Estate ONE (1) CAB & CHASSIS WITH TRUCK MOUNTED POT HOLE PAI Rentals Service Bid forms and specifications may be secured at the Purchasing Agent's office a West 26th Street#91, Bryan, Texas 77803. The City of Bryan reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and technicalities, to accept the offer considered most advantage( to award the bid to the lowest, most responsible bidder. Additionally all bidder hereby notified that the City of Bryan shall consider all factors it believes to be in the selection of the lowest responsible bidder including, but not limited to tl proximity of the bidder as it relates to his ability to perform the contract for the Bryan. City of Bryan Roger D. Dempsey Purchasing Manager 11-12-01, 11-19-01 PUBLIC NOTICE BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION MEETING The Building and Standards Commission will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave.; City of College Station, Monday, De 10, 2001. Progress report on ordered demolition of structures located at 608 Banks Stree- http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/19/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 2 and the adjoining southwest one-half of Lot 5, Block 3, Prairie View Heights (W Subdivision. Progress report on ordered demolition of structure located at 207 Sterling Stree 14, Block 2, of an unrecorded portion of Richards Subdivision. 11-16-01, 11-19-01 PUBLIC NOTICE CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MEETING The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals will meet at 6:45 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave.; City of College Station, Mo December 10, 2001. Public hearing and discussion of the use of nonmetallic—sheathed cable (AKP Romex) in education occupancies with possible action recommending an amer Article 336, 1999 National Electrical Code. 11-16-01, 11-19-01 (W 02000, 2001-The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement L http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/19/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee flexom; ',nh_4�rribe today! Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 21, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections November 19 A&M News Agriculture Hortencia and Miguel Zacarias, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business &Technology Donna and Cleophus, Bryan, a boy. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Entertainment November 16 Faith &Values Food Cynthia Martin and Billy Wood, Bryan, a girl. Health & Fitness Kids Korner Soyeon and Changsu Ryu, College Station, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Leslie Sandle, Bryan, a boy. Education Obituaries November 17 Opinions Politics Joungae Pu and Bongsug Chae, College Station, a boy. Region/State Schools Jeanette Thornhill, Anderson, a boy. Sports Subscriptions November 18 Weather Angela and Dean McCorkle, Bryan, a girl. Lillie Lewis, College Station, a girl. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/112101births.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 979.776.2345 • thedaglexom � Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com ! Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 22, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections November 20 A&M News Agriculture Kim and Louis Chavarria, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Chrissy and James Ginnis, Bryan, a girl. Classifieds Columnists St. Joseph Regional Health Center Community The Eagle Entertainment November 15 Faith &Values Food Ylonda Wiggins, Bryan, a girl. Health & Fitness Kids Korner November 18 Lifestyles Newspapers in Joann and Richard Buck, Somerville, a boy. Jennifer Smith, Education Hearne, a boy. Obituaries Opinions November 19 Politics Region/State Wenda and Roger Blackman, Bryan, a girl. Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/112201births.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 3 ihe6aglexom Home 1 Classifieds ! Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State November 25, 2001 Births Valley Notebook Club Meetings College Station aims to simplify city Club M College Town codes Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk Understanding city codes can be about as confusing as trying to Site Sections differentiate between your C-B's and your C-1's or knowing A&M News whether you have to go before the ZBA, P&Z or DRB. Agriculture Announcements The ingredients that go into making up the alphabet soup of city Business &Technology planning can get overwhelming even for the most experienced Classifieds developers and businessowners, not to mention residents who Columnists don't speak the code language. Community The Eagle For example, platting a subdivision or erecting a building can Entertainment require multiple sets of ordinances, which can sometimes slightly Faith &Values conflict or require different wording for the same scenario, so the Food issue may bounce back and forth between different boards. Health & Fitness Kids Korner College Station is hoping to clear up some of the confusion by Lifestyles streamlining all of its building codes into a single document, called Newspapers in the Unified Development Ordinance. It will mark the first time in Education p Obituaries more than two decades that the codes have received an overhaul. Opinions Politics "The idea is to make it more user-friendly and to address Region/State inconsistencies that exist within our current codes," said Sabine Schools Kuenzel, senior planner for the city. Sports Subscriptions The review period is tentatively slated to run through the end of Weather January. However, the council has stated that the review process could take longer, if needed, to ensure that all questions have been addressed. Beginning Dec. 15, the city will set up a speaker's bureau that will be available to discuss changes with groups throughout the community. College Station plans to adopt the new development ordinance in April, officials said. Copies of the 300-plus page draft can be downloaded from the city's Web site — www.ci.college-station.tx.us — or purchased from the city fir S1.5_ http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/112501csaimstosimplifycodes.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 3 The document, which is currently available for review until at least Jan. 30, puts building permit guidelines, zoning categories, development standards, legal requirements and enforcement policies in one place. It does not deal with operational issues such as rental regulations or behavioral issues such as loud parties, Kuenzel said. Even if the language is still hard to understand, the effects the new codes could have on the community probably will not be, officials said. Along with outlining the stipulations and procedures for future developments, the document sets standards to help protect College Station's older neighborhoods, such as Eastgate and Southside. Members of the College Station City Council, as well as the Planning and Zoning Commission, have repeatedly voiced concerns over the changing face of the city's older neighborhoods, which have become home to an increasing number of rental properties for students. The trend has homeowners worried about a decrease in property values, as well as losing their one-time family-oriented neighborhoods. The development ordinance will set standards for the maximum area a building can cover on a property. It will also ensure similar lot sizes and prevent new structures from being closer to the front or back of the property lines than homes that already exist on its street, Kuenzel said. She said the unified development ordinance will set guidelines for new construction, including height restrictions, maximum building coverage and open space requirements for subdivisions. Another major change will be the combination of commercial zoning categories. Under the old system, some businesses often fit into multiple categories, making them confusing to developers and often allowing a gray area for businesses. Under the new development ordinance, there will be four commercial zones: light commercial, heavy commercial, office commercial and a conditional use classification. Conditional use permits would need approval from the City Council. The idea of a unified code was first kicked around by the College Station Council in the late 1990s because of inconsistencies i` within the current ordinances, many of which dated back to the 1970s. Eventually, money and time were allocated by the city so that ctnff ninnn Xniith rnnci dtnntc rni drl hanin raMritinn tha rnrJac http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/112501 csaimstosimplifycodes.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 3 of 3 1I 1-1 VLV , NlVlly YY 1U1 VVIIV MILuIIIV, VV41M VVylll IVYYI I�IIIy ♦IIV VVIAVV for the first time in almost 25 years. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell theea le.com ©2000,_2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement L http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/112501csaimstosimplifycodes.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 the6aglexom i P ' Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I Subscribe ` Contact I Site Map Region/State November 26, 2001 Births BrazClub M etingalley Notebook Judge may resolve local utility dispute Club Meetings College Town Datebook By LAURA HIPP Government Links Eagle Staff Writer Links Representatives from College Station will meet a federal Obituaries settlement judge in December to resolve a six-year dispute over Town Talk electric rates with Bryan Texas Utilities and the Texas Municipal Site Sections Power Agency. A&M News Agriculture The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered College Announcements Station, Bryan Texas Utilities and the Texas Municipal Power Business&Technology Agency to settle the dispute over electricity transmission rates by Classifieds early next year. Columnists Community The Eagle City Manager Tom Brymer and City Attorney Harvey Cargill will Entertainment travel to Washington, D.C., Dec. 3 through Dec. 6 to meet with Faith &Values federal authorities. Also attending the meeting from College Food Station are Roxanne Nemcik, assistant city attorney; John Health & Fitness Woody, public utilities director; and David Massey, public utilities Kids Korner division manager. Lifestyles Newspapers in BTU will select representatives at an advisory board meeting Education Monday, and the Texas Municipal Power Agency will choose Obituaries representatives Wednesday. Opinions Politics Cargill said the Texas Public Utilities Commission also was asked Region/State to attend. Schools Sports The disagreement began in 1995 when College Station chose to Subscriptions purchase electricity from Texas Utilities Electric, now TXU Weather Electric, instead of the Texas Municipal Power Agency, of which Bryan is a partner. Power from TXU was transmitted to College Station over BTU lines. The cities and TMPA are debating the cost of wholesale electric transmission rates between Jan. 1, 1997, and Aug. 31, 1999. TMPA states that College Station owes the consortium more than $12.7 million in transmission fees and $3.8 million in interest and legal fees, according to documents filed with FERC in July. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/11260lutilitieslawsuit.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 b I u is soli evaivatmg ine amount it Deneves uoiiege atavon owes, said Dan Wilkerson, utility director. Cargill said College Station has paid what the Texas PUC said it owed. FERC will decide how much could be paid in the case. College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney said she hopes the judge will help all parties settle the argument. "We're going to Washington with the understanding that this is going to be resolved, and we hope that Bryan and TMPA are going with the same resolution that this will be resolved in a fair and equitable manner," Mcllhaney said. If a settlement is not reached, the regulatory commission will assign another judge to rule in the case, Cargill said. •Laura Hipp's e-mail address is lhippgtheeagle.com ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/11260lutilitieslawsuit.htm 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Pagel of 2 ,thee ! xom, 4��.srribe todnvl Home 1 Classifieds ! Aggiesports.com I. Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook November 27, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 23, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Angela and Warren Deluca, College Station, a boy; Announcements Jaime and Gregory Boyd, Wellborn, a boy. Business&Technology Classifieds Nov. 24, 2001: Columnists Community Pamela Chastain, Calvert, a girl; The Eagle Anna and Edwards Duran, Brenham, a girl; Entertainment Patti and Robert Rickard, Bryan, a girl; Faith &Values Elva and Daniel Perez, Franklin, a girl. Food Health & Fitness Kids Korner St. Joseph Regional Health Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Nov. 19, 2001: Education Obituaries Jennifer and Steve Hirsch, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Mindy and Quint Foster, Bryan, a boy; Politics Landra and Bradford Camper, Bryan, a boy; Region/State Joy and Joseph Kozlowski, Navasota, a girl; Schools Erika Cardenas, College Station, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Nov. 20, 2001: Weather Christine and Johnnie Jones, College Station, a boy; Viana Fajardo, Bryan, a girl; Cynthia Lira, Bryan, a girl; Juana and Adrian Rodriguez, Bryan, a girl; Dusty Wagner, Iola, a girl; Elizabeth and Johnny Needham, Madisonville, a girl; Lori Owens, Caldwell, a boy; Michelle and Stacy Jeter, College Station, a boy. Nov. 21, 2001: http://www.thecagle.com/region/records/births/novemberOI births/112701births.htm 12/6/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 6 EwgieCl-assig ■ ieds- Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02-25 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Re-roofing College Station Central Fire Station and Lincoln Center Buildings Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi Rentals be received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 11, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A prebid conference is scheduled for 2:00 PM, November 28, 2001 at City Hal Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840. This meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is highly encouraged. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo- address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.colle2e-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w: informalities and irregularities. Nov. 20, 2001 & Nov. 27, 2001 REQUEST FOR BIDS (W Bid # 02-27 Georgie K. Fitch Park Playground Equipment Replacement http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 6 The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item. Bi be received at: City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 11, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Location and Scope of Work: Georgie K. Fitch Park is located at 1100 Balcones Street in College Station, Tf project involves the demolition and removal of the existing playground equipn installation of new playground equipment, swing set, gravel, benches and som( concrete curbing. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available for a refer fee of$25.00 payable by cash, check, or money order at the above address, Mc 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on our website at www.ci.college-station.tx.us The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Nov 27, 2001 & Dec 4, 2001 ATTENTION: COX COMMUNICATIONS SUBSCRIBERS IN BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION Effective December 27, 2001, Showtime 2 on channel 77 will no longer be av on analog cable. C-SPAN will be moving from channel 36 to channel 77 on th, Expanded Basic line-up. Galavision will be added as channel 36 on the Expanc line-up. Inquiries concerning these changes or any other cable-related issue car made at the Cox Communications office located at 4114 East 29th Street or by 846-2229. 11-25-01, 11-26-01, 11-27-01 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code that University Bar Inc., has filed application fo Mixed Beverage Permit, said business to be conducted under the trade na. http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 4 of 6 Deputy Clerk 11-26-01, 11-27-01 NOTICE OF INTENTION The Bryan-Heritage Limited Partnership and the Bryan Family Management T Bryan, Texas intend to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to ac and to continue to hold a controlling interest in The First National Bank of Bry Bryan, Texas. The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding N to approve the application including the record of performance of banks we ova helping to meet local credit needs. You are invited to submit comments in writing on the application to the Feder, Reserve Bank of Dallas, Banking Supervision, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, Texa 5906. The comment period will not end before December 27, 2001 and may be somewhat longer. The Board's procedures for processing applications may be 12 C.F.R. part 262 (as revised, 49 Federal Register 5603 (February 14, 1984)). Procedures for processing protested applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. 26 (1984). To obtain a copy of the Board's procedures or if you need more inform about how to submit your comments on the application, contact the Communit Office at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Ms. Nancy Vickery, at (214) 92: The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for public n or formal hearing on the application, if they are received by the Federal Resery on or before the last date of the comment period. 11-27-01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ord levying paving assessments against properties abutting the following named sti portions thereof, in the City of College Station, Texas, which improvements w consist of asphalt paving with a limestone base, to-wit: Dartmouth Drive from current termination south of Southwest Parkway to Krenek Tap Road. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall. Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, Decembei Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be ma( hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3547 or(TDD 735-2989. For additional information, please contact Bob Mosley, P.E., City Engineer at http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 11/27/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 -the6agle.com Home 1 Classifieds Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 2, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births. The list may not be Datebook complete because some parents choose not to have their names Government Links printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Nov. 26, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Melody and Michael Muth, Navasota, a girl; Announcements Business&Technology Bobbie Jo and Keith Baldwin, Hearne, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Nov. 27, 2001: Community The Eagle Krystal Downey, Navasota, a boy; Entertainment Faith &Values Food Beatrice and Jose Hernandez, Caldwell, a boy; Health & Fitness Kids Korner Leticia Delgado and Rolando Gante, Navasota, a girl. Lifestyles Newspapers in Nov. 28, 2001: Education Obituaries Rebecca and Michael Kramr, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Kizzie Garrett, Madisonville, a boy; Region/State Schools Olga and John Kesee, Brenham, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Nov. 29, 2001: Weather Alicia and John Stratta, Bryan, a girl. St. Joseph Regional Health Center Nov. 23, 2001: Teneka Toney, Hearne, a boy. Nov. 24, 2001: http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/120201births.htm 12/6/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Pagel of 3 PR`­ 979.776.2345,J), �hv,e ag-%ee ..,at�o mv 48cribe todnvl Home i Classifieds A giesports.com 1 BrazosS ports.corn Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Business & December 4, 2001 Technology Chambers of Commerce Columnists College Station developers seek code Strictly Business plan accord Technology Site Sections By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL A&M News Eagle Staff Writer Agriculture Announcements Many developers in College Station said they are hoping Business&Technology increased communication between city officials and builders will Classifieds lead to a compromise on a newly proposed building and Columnists development code plan. Community The Eagle Some developers are concerned the proposed changes will give Entertainment builders less control over future developments while handing Faith &Values more authority over to the city. Food Health & Fitness "This is a big job and it's going to take a lot of work on Kids Korner everybody's part to do a good job," said Chuck Ellison, a lawyer Lifestyles who is working with local developers. "I think the city staff, the City Newspapers in 9 Education Council and the Planningand Zoning Commission want to do a Obituaries good job and want to be thorough." Opinions Politics The current 300-plus page draft of the Unified Development Region/State Ordinance was written by consultants following workshops with Schools city officials Sports Subscriptions over the past six months. The document is in the public review Weather phase and is scheduled to be adopted in April. College Station officials have had meetings over the past week with the developers and homeowners associations to clarify some of the changes that could be in store if the development ordinance is approved. About 15 local developers met with the city staff last Friday to discuss areas they say could have a negative impact on future development. Although the city originally set aside 50 days for public review, the (W council has said it will take more time, if needed, to make certain all information is gathered. The review deadline would be up at the end of December. http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/120401 developerscode.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Page 2 of 3 Glenn Brown, assistant city manager for the city of College Station and acting development services director, said that after (W last Friday's meeting the city will probably have to push back that deadline. That was good news for the developers who said they are pleased the city is giving them a chance to participate in the process. "This job cannot be fit into a time line," Ellison said. Developers hope the extension can be used to find middle ground on some areas they see as sticking points. Developer Steve Arden described the proposal as a "completely different philosophy." "In the past, the development ordinance has been minimum standards that a developer must meet," he said. "By meeting those standards, the developer was pretty well-assured of moving forward with a project. "The new ordinances proposed would give the city a great deal more discretion over projects," he said. One area of concern is the formation of a seven-member Design Review Board, which would consist of a registered architect, a businessperson, an expert in aesthetics, a local landowner or developer and three residents at large. The board will be able to deny building designs and materials, decide driveway appeals and decide appeals of site plan requirements. "It has the potential to be all-encompassing," Arden said. He cited as another concern a requirement that would limit the amount of land on which developers could build within a subdivision. The city is proposing more open space be set aside within developments. Arden said that would reduce the number of homes that could be built in a community. "Presently, we're required to give land for park dedication, storm water detention and so much for green belt," he said. "This, as proposed, would essentially double those requirements in one fail swoop. It's major." LDevelopers also expressed concerns over a plan that would combine commercial zoning districts into four categories: light commercial, heavy commercial, office commercial and a conditional use classification, which would have to be approved http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/120401 developerscode.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Page 3 of 3 by the City Council. Combining the districts could lead to the "down zoning" of property, making it harder to develop in the future, a few developers said. Despite being on opposite sides of some key issues, some developers said they are pleased with the city's decision to not rush the project, making sure all information is considered. "Communications have been very good," Arden said. "The city is going to take our comments, as well as written comments they have received, and review them. And there will be further communications." • Chris Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement (W (W http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/120401 developerscode.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 3 of 5 three months, of Caldwell are set for 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Strickland Funeral Home Chapel in Caldwell. Burial will be in Wellborn Community Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Corra died Friday at her home. Survivors include her parents, Chancy and Courtney Kibodeaux of Bryan; a sister, Kalysto Husted of Millican; two brothers, Ethan Kibodeaux and Drew Kibodeaux, both of Bryan; grandparents, Frank and Rosaland Gerlach of Caldwell, Alan and Lisa Stallings of Bryan and Eldridge Kibodeaux of Iola; a stepgrandfather, Wayne Gill of Bryan; great-grandparents, Harry and Maggie Pfeffer of Caldwell, Mary Anne Hancock of Bryan; two great- great-grandmothers, Edna Warren of Bryan and Fannie Hancock of Beaumont; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Ed Kerlick Jan. 22, 1914 — Dec. 3, 2001 Services for Ed Kerlick, 87, of College Station are set for 1 a.m. Wednesday at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in College Station. The Rev. Erich Schaefer of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mr. Kerlick died Monday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center. He was born in Ecleto, Texas, and lived in College Station since 1958. He was the job safety training director at the Texas Engineering Extension Service for many years before his retirement in 1980. He was a member of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Selma Kerlick. Survivors include a son, Robert Kerlick of Gilmer, Texas; two daughters, Carol Cyphers of Austin and Cyndi Shaw of College Station; eight grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 315 Tauber, College Station, Texas 77840. Albert Wheelus http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOl/120401 obits.htm 12/6/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Page 1 of 3 979,776.E the&aj!;1e.c0MJ Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Business & December 4, 2001 Technology Chambers of Commerce College Station developers seek code Columnists Strictly Business plan accord Technology Site Sections By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL A&M News Eagle Staff Writer Agriculture Announcements Many developers in College Station said they are hoping Business&Technology increased communication between city officials and builders will Classifieds lead to a compromise on a newly proposed building and Columnists development code plan. Community The Eagle Some developers are concerned the proposed changes will give Entertainment builders less control over future developments while handing Faith&Values more authority over to the city. Food Health & Fitness "This is a big job and it's going to take a lot of work on Kids Korner everybody's part to do a good job," said Chuck Ellison, a lawyer Lifestyles who is working with local developers. "I think the city staff, the City Newspapers in Education Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission want to do a Obituaries good job and want to be thorough." Opinions Politics The current 300-plus page draft of the Unified Development Region/State Ordinance was written by consultants following workshops with Schools city officials Sports Subscriptions over the past six months. The document is in the public review Weather phase and is scheduled to be adopted in April. College Station officials have had meetings over the past week with the developers and homeowners associations to clarify some of the changes that could be in store if the development ordinance is approved. About 15 local developers met with the city staff last Friday to discuss areas they say could have a negative impact on future development. Although the city originally set aside 50 days for public review, the council has said it will take more time, if needed, to make certain all information is gathered. The review deadline would be up at the end of December. http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/120401 developerscode.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Page 2 of 3 Glenn Brown, assistant city manager for the city of College Station and acting development services director, said that after ,.. last Friday's meeting the city will probably have to push back that deadline. That was good news for the developers who said they are pleased the city is giving them a chance to participate in the process. "This job cannot be fit into a time line," Ellison said. Developers hope the extension can be used to find middle ground on some areas they see as sticking points. Developer Steve Arden described the proposal as a "completely different philosophy." "In the past, the development ordinance has been minimum standards that a developer must meet," he said. "By meeting those standards, the developer was pretty well-assured of moving forward with a project. "The new ordinances proposed would give the city a great deal more discretion over projects," he said. One area of concern is the formation of a seven-member Design Review Board, which would consist of a registered architect, a businessperson, an expert in aesthetics, a local landowner or developer and three residents at large. The board will be able to deny building designs and materials, decide driveway appeals and decide appeals of site plan requirements. "It has the potential to be all-encompassing," Arden said. He cited as another concern a requirement that would limit the amount of land on which developers could build within a subdivision. The city is proposing more open space be set aside within developments. Arden said that would reduce the number of homes that could be built in a community. "Presently, we're required to give land for park dedication, storm water detention and so much for green belt," he said. "This, as proposed, would essentially double those requirements in one fail swoop. It's major." Developers also expressed concerns over a plan that would combine commercial zoning districts into four categories: light commercial, heavy commercial, office commercial and a conditional use classification, which would have to be approved http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/120401developerscode.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Business & Technology Page 3 of 3 by the City Council. Combining the districts could lead to the "down zoning" of property, making it harder to develop in the future, a few developers said. Despite being on opposite sides of some key issues, some developers said they are pleased with the city's decision to not rush the project, making sure all information is considered. "Communications have been very good," Arden said. "The city is going to take our comments, as well as written comments they have received, and review them. And there will be further communications." • Chris Ferrell's e-mail address is c errell(g�theea-ale.com 2000. 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/businesstechnology/12040 I developerscode.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 • theeagle. 'ket-itibe todavi Home ':. Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com BrazosS ports.com 1 Subscribe Contact 1 Site Map Politics December 4, 2001 Local/Regional Register to Vote g Republicans file for county primary State/National Your Representatives Site Sections By COLLEEN KAVANAGH A&M News Eagle Staff Writer Agriculture Announcements Nine Brazos County residents signed up with the Republican Business &Technology Party on Monday to officially put their names on the ballot for the March primary. Classifieds Columnists Community No applications were filed Monday with the Democratic Party. The Eagle Entertainment College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney, 52, and Millican resident Faith &Values and pastor Dan Bates, 56, filed to run for county judge. Each is Food vying to replace Judge Al Jones, a GOP member who will not Health & Fitness seek re-election after serving in the post for two four-year terms. Kids Korner The job pays $62,256 annually. Lifestyles Newspapers in Fifteen positions within county government will be on the ballot in Education the primary election, which is scheduled for March 12. The Obituaries general election is slated for Nov. 5. Opinions Politics Political newcomer Jason Bienski, 31 , of Bryan filed to run for Region/State county commissioner over Precinct 2. Bill Thornton announced in Schools October that he intends to step down from the post. County Sports commissioners receive $53,144 annually. Subscriptions Weather District Judge J.D. Langley, who presides over the 85th District Court, is seeking his fourth term on the bench. Before that, Langley, 49, served as the judge over county court-at-law No. 2. District Clerk Marc Hamlin and County Clerk Karen McQueen also said they intend on running for re-election. Hamlin, 43, is seeking his third term to the post, which pays $54,105 annually. McQueen, 35, was appointed to the post by county commissioners earlier this year to replace her mother, Mary Ann Ward, who retired in February. She had worked in the county clerk's office for two decades. The county clerk is paid $51,194 a year. County Treasurer Kay Hamilton, 59, is vying for a third term. Before she was elected, she was a math teacher and served on http://www.theeagle.com/campaign2000/localregional/120401electionfiIingsstart.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 ine bryan scnooi ooara. her annual saiary is -oou,,io4. Two of the county's five justices of the peace filed for re-election. George Boyett, 66, is seeking his fourth term over Precinct 6, and Charles Ellis, 67, is running for his second term. He was first appointed to the post to fill an unexpired term. The posts pay $43,082 annually. Candidates may file with their political parties until Jan. 2. The fees vary depending on the position. • Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail address is ckavanagh(aDtheeagle.com ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/campaign2000/localregional/120401electionfilingsstart.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>A&M News Page 1 of 2 McDonald`s Restaurants ( t hi,e 6 0 :010M in Bryan, College Station, �* fe� Hearne, and Caldwell IN Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map A&M News December 5, 2001 Bonfire Tragedy Links College Station to consider sidewalk Site Sections A&M News project Agriculture Deal would pave way around A&M Announcements Business&Technology By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Classifieds Eagle Staff Writer Columnists Community Getting around Texas A&M University could soon be easier, The Eagle thanks to a planned joint project to build sidewalks along the Entertainment perimeter of the campus. Faith &Values Food The College Station City Council on Thursday will consider Health&Fitness approval of an agreement with the Texas Department of Kids Korner Transportation to fund construction of the sidewalks along George Lifestyles Bush Drive, Wellborn Road and University Drive. Newspapers in (W Education Obituaries Mark Smith, public works director for the city, said that College Opinions Station, A&M and TxDOT would each contribute $200,000 to fund Politics the $600,000 project. Each entity owns at least part of the land Region/State where the sidewalks would be built. Schools Sports "It was one of those things where we all said, `Gee, this should Subscriptions have already been done,"' Smith said. "No one had to twist Weather anyone's arm. It was real obvious that we needed this." The funding agreement would outline each party's responsibilities. The proposal before the council would call for College Station to pay TxDOT $400,000. A&M would reimburse the city for its third, a stipulation that was approved in July. Smith said that once the funding is approved, the project will be taken over by TxDOT. It is in charge of the design, bids and overseeing construction. A&M will be responsible for maintenance of the finished sidewalks. He said that preliminary designs have been drawn up, but a detailed plan has not been completed. Construction may not begin for several months. TxDOT has not given any indication of when the sidewalks could http://www.theeagle.com/aandmnews/120501sidewalkproject.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>A&M News Page 2 of 2 UU UUIIIPIULUU, 011 IM I ZidlU. The three-party agreement is unique, but joint projects between the city and TxDOT have become common. Smith said the city is contributing funds for additional landscaping to TxDOT for the University Drive widening project. College Station also paid for medians and landscaping when Texas Avenue was widened. The project was a TxDOT venture. "That's now become routine," Smith said. "Now when TxDOT comes through, they are prepared to see what we want to do." • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell@theeagle.com ©2000,_2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement i s http://www.theeagle.com/aandmnews/120501sidewalkproject.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 4 The Classifieds Classifieds Announcements -" Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid # 02-31 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise Annual contract for Janitorial Supplies Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic Rentals received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall (W 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, December 20, 2001, at which time bids will be opened at City All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo, address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Additional information is available on o website at www.ci.colleRe-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Dec 6, 2001 & Dec 13, 2001 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF PROPOSED TEXAS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS Sealed proposals for highway improvement contracts will be received by the T Department of Transportation (TxDOT) until the date(s) shown below, and the ( publicly read. fir• CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (S) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 12/6/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 th e ev&a jigle.c o i n Home I Classifieds j Aggiesports.com i Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State December 5, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Electric rates deal is sought Club Meetings College Town By LAURA HIPP Datebook Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links City officials from Bryan and College Station met for eight hours Obituaries Tuesday with a federal administrative judge in Washington, D.C., Town Talk to try to resolve a six-year dispute over electricity-transmission Site Sections rates. A&M News Agriculture Staff from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission suggested Announcements several options to structure payments between the two cities, but Business &Technology no agreement has been reached, said Dan Wilkerson, director of Classifieds Bryan Texas Utilities. BTU contends College Station owes about Columnists $6 million for transmission service. Community The Eagle In November, the energy regulatory commission ordered College Entertainment Station and BTU to meet with Judge Herbert Grossman this week. Faith&Values The Texas Municipal Power Agency, a consortium of which Bryan Food is a partner, also was ordered to conduct settlement talks with Health & Fitness College Station. Kids Korner Lifestyles Wilkerson said he could not gauge the progress of settlement Newspapers in Education discussions. Obituaries Opinions "You just really can't tell at this point," Wilkerson said. "It's real Politics early [in the process]. We thought it would be highly unusual to Region/State come to a complete agreement [Tuesday]." Schools Sports Five representatives from College Station, including City Manager Subscriptions Tom Brymer and City Attorney Harvey Cargill, are at the meeting. Weather From Bryan, Wilkerson and Lonnie Stabler, chairman of the governing BTU Board, are in the nation's capital. Three TMPA representatives also are present. Brymer could not comment on negotiations, but said several proposals were discussed. The dispute between the cities began in 1995 when College Station chose to purchase electricity from Texas Utilities Electric, now TXU Electric, instead of TMPA. The electricity from TXU was transmitted to College Station over BTU and TMPA lines. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/120501 electricrates.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 2 of 2 The cities and TMPA are debating the cost of wholesale electric transmission rates between Jan. 1, 1997, and Aug. 31, 1999. TMPA says College Station owes more than $12.7 million in transmission fees and $3.8 million in interest and legal fees, according to documents filed with the energy regulatory commission in July. • Laura Hipp's e-mail address is Ithipp@t4eeactl-p.com ©2000 2001 The Baran/Collee ee Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/120501 electricrates.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 the&agle.com) WY ldaaww Home I Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State December 7, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station moves to end talks with Club Meetings College Town Bryan Datebook Government Links By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk The College Station City Council declared Thursday that it will no Site Sections longer pursue a settlement of the long-standing lawsuit against A&M News the city by Bryan and other affiliates of the Texas Municipal Power Agriculture Agency. Announcements Business&Technology In a letter addressed to College Station residents, the council said Classifieds it has tried repeatedly to reach an agreement with Bryan to Columnists resolve the lawsuit over College Station's use of transmission Community lines owned by TMPA. The Eagle Entertainment "Unfortunately, our neighbors have not been receptive to this Faith &Values sense of community or development of a common future," the Food council said. Health & Fitness Kids Korner The letter was distributed after the council emerged from a private Lifestyles session at which the dispute with Bryan was discussed. Newspapers in Education Explaining the council's action, City Manager Tom Brymer said Obituaries Bryan has not been willing to compromise. Opinions Politics "What this letter says is that there are significant problems with Region/State the position that the city of Bryan and the TMPA cities have taken Schools over the course of this litigation," Brymer said. Sports Subscriptions Lonnie Stabler, chairman of the governing board of Bryan Texas Weather Utilities, a TMPA affiliate, said he was disappointed by College Station's decision. "What they're saying is we just don't want to settle with them, and that is farthest from the truth in Bryan," Stabler said. "That's too bad that you should let a court decide something that you should be able to decide on [your] own." �. Any decision on action by BTU would need to be discussed by the board, Stabler added. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/120701 csendstalksbryan.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 1 he suit centers on College Station's use of I MPA transmission • lines from 1997-99, when it was purchasing its electricity from Texas Utilities Electric, now TXU Electric. College Station contends that it fully paid the rates set by the Texas Public Utility Commission, as did the rest of the state. However, those rates were challenged by a group of utilities that included TMPA, who claimed that the PUC exceeded its authority by setting the rates. The Texas Supreme Court agreed with the utilities. As a result of the court decision, TMPA claimed that College Station owes more than $16 million in unpaid transmission fees. Representatives from College Station and BTU met in Washington, D.C., this week with a federal settlement judge in an attempt to resolve the dispute, but they made no progress. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has ordered the two sides to settle the disagreement by early next year. College Station City Attorney Harvey Cargill Jr. said he did not know what action FERC would take. "They might have hearings on it," he said. "They might make a decision. We don't know." In other action Thursday, the council: • Levied assessments totaling more than $246,000 on a pair of property owners for the extension of Dartmouth Drive from its current termination point at Southwest Parkway to Krenek Tap Road. An expert testified that the road would greatly enhance the properties' values. • Approved a funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the construction of sidewalks around Texas A&M University's main campus. • Voted to spend $51,000 to buy 14 mobile video systems for police patrol cars. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrelle.theeagle.com • Staff writer Laura Hipp contributed to this report. ©2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/120701 csendstalksbryan.htm 12/7/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 w' a �' N s • 11. theec-451fe.comr, Aer-ribe todnyl Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com i BrazosSports.com I Subscribe Contact I Site Map Politics politics > Local/Regional Local/Regional Register to Vote December 8, 2001 State/National Your Representatives Site Sections College Station mayor files for A&M News Republican primary Agriculture Announcements By COLLEEN KAVANAGH Business&Technology Eagle Staff Writer Classifieds Columnists College Station Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney points to her Community efforts to bring officials from the Brazos Valley The Eagle together to begin addressing regional issues as one of Entertainment Faith&Values the main reasons she decided to run for county judge. Food Mcllhaney hopes those efforts, combined with her Health&Fitness strong ties to Bryan and College Station, will persuade Mcllhaney • Kids Korner Brazos County voters to give her the chance to succeed outgoing Lifestyles County JudgeAl Jones. g Newspapers in Education Obituaries Mcllhaney filed Monday to run in the March Republican primary Opinions for county judge, a post that pays $62,250 annually. If she wins Politics the November general election, Mcllhaney would be the first Region/State woman to hold the position. Schools Sports "My love is for this community, and this position gives me an Subscriptions opportunity to serve the entire area that I have deep connections Weather with," she said. "Yes, I have been elected mayor of College Station, but College Station is not an island, and what benefits one community benefits both communities. When both communities benefit, the county benefits, and vice versa." Mcllhaney, 52, has served on the College Station City Council since 1982. She was elected the city's first woman mayor in 1996. Her current term ends in May. So far, only one other candidate, Dan Bates, a pastor and Millican resident, has filed to run for the Republican nomination for county judge. County Commissioner Randy Sims said Friday he also CW intends to seek the job as a Republican. Mcllhaney said planning will be a priority if she becomes county judge. http://www.theeagle.com/campaign2000/localregional/120801 mcilhaneyfiles.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 2 of 2 "The best way to make sure citizens are getting the best value for their tax dollars is to spend it wisely, and to spend it wisely, you need to know what it is you're trying to accomplish for the community," she said. "So, planning to me is an important part of that." Mcllhaney serves or has served on many local boards of directors, including those of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments, the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Brazos Animal Shelter. She also co-created a seven-county committee to address issues such as transportation, water districts and economic development and served as president of the Association of Mayors, Council members and Commissioners. "I believe that I have been given many opportunities over the years to learn certain skills and to build relationships, and my focus over the last three years has really been on regionalism," she said. "I realized that if I was going to use those skills to serve my community in a broader sense that this would be the time to do that." • Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail address is ckavanagh theea le.com ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/campaign2000/localregional/120801mcilhaneyfiles.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 thee- ­%,rfle.com i 111111IF-111111% Home ( Classifieds I Aggiesports.com B razosS ports.com ; Subscribe Contact { Site Map Region/State December 8, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook Employees benefit from 'gainsharing' Club Meetings College Town By CHRISTOPHER FERRELL Datebook Eagle Staff Writer Government Links Links Santa came early again this year for College Station city Obituaries employees, who will be receiving a little extra money just in time Town Talk for the holidays. Site Sections A&M News Each of the city's 625 eligible full-time and part-time employees Agriculture will get a $285 pre-tax bonus as part of College Station's Announcements "Gainsharing" program. Gainsharing encourages employees to Business &Technology find innovative ways to save money without jeopardizing project Classifieds quality. Columnists Community To be eligible, employees had to have been hired before April 1. The Eagle Entertainment Jeff Kersten, budget and strategic planning director for the city, Faith &Values said that College Station saved $652,021 that had been budgeted Food for the past fiscal year. Health& Fitness Kids Korner A third of that — about $217,000 — will be distributed to workers Lifestyles as bonuses. The remainder— more than $434,000 — will be left Newspapers in in the funds for which the originallyallocated. Education y were Obituaries Opinions This is the sixth year the city has offered the program. Last year, Politics employees received $334 each. The largest payout came in 1998, Region/State when workers were paid $767 each. Schools Sports Kersten said the city's savings were less this year than in previous Subscriptions years because many of the methods workers used to achieve Weather past savings have been incorporated into College Station's budget process. • Christopher Ferrell's e-mail address is cferrell6d)-theeagle.com ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/12080lemployeesgainsharing.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 • thee- o s ,com Home ! Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com I B razosS ports.com I Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State December 8, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station crime analyst maps out a Club Meetings College Town winner Datebook Government Links Eagle Staff Report Links Obituaries College Station crime analyst Cabrina Scott was awarded first Town Talk place at the fifth annual Crime Mapping Research Convention for Site Sections her work creating a map that identifies the residences of sex A&M News offenders. Agriculture Announcements Scott has worked as the crime analyst for the College Station Business &Technology Police Department since March 1999. Lt. Rodney Sigler, Classifieds spokesman for the department, said Scott's map includes Columnists photographs of each offender and pinpoints their residence. Community The Eagle Sigler said Scott had been instrumental in mapping and analyzing Entertainment crimes and crime trends for College Station. Faith &Values Food Scott was honored Sunday at the Dallas convention for most Health & Fitness innovative use of mapping. She created the map using the Kids Korner ArcView Mapping program, Sigler said. It was the first time she Lifestyles submitted her work to a competition. Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/120801 crimeanalystmap.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee flexom • Home j Classifieds J Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribel Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 8, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births this week. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 3, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Lillian and Craig Smith, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Dec. 4, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Aimee Calderon, Bryan, a girl. Community The Eagle Angela and Keith Schlieker, Herne, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values Food Monica and John Malkey, Bryan, a girl. Health& Fitness Kids Korner College Station Medical Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Dec. 6, 2001: Education Obituaries Karen and Michael Desilva, Bryan, a girl. Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000,_2001 The Bryan/College_Station_Eaglle Privac)t Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOlbirths/12080lbirths.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 1 of 3 It es t­vs �. -1 ftv,e.0,0 Home I Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 10, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Datebook Government Links v/Harlie Darrell Ballenger Sr. Links Obituaries Nov. 18, 1937 — Dec. 7, 2001 Town Talk Site Sections Services for Harlie Darrell Ballenger Sr., 64, of College Station A&M News are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at Hillier Funeral Home. Agriculture Announcements Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Business&Technology Classifieds Mr. Ballenger died Friday at his home. Columnists Community He was born in Harrison, Ark., and lived in College Station for 24 The Eagle years. He served in the U.S. Navy and was employed by 911 of Entertainment Brazos County. Faith&Values Food Survivors include his wife, Peggy Ballenger of College Station; a Health&Fitness son, Harlie Darrell Ballenger Jr. of Millican; a daughter and son-in- Kids Korner law, Kim and Douglas Bradley of Bastrop; a brother, Steve Lifestyles Ballenger of Harrisburg, S.D.; two sisters, Shelly Kojetin of Great Newspapers in Falls, Mont., and Sandy Pohlman of Harrisburg, S.D.; his mother, Education Lela McCaleb Budwine of Lake Jackson, Texas; and a grandchild. Obituaries Opinions Memorials may be made to Hospice Brazos Valley, 205 East 29th Politics Street, Bryan, Texas 77803-6906. Region/State Schools Reba F. Blake Sports Subscriptions Jan. 1, 1918 — Nov. 9, 2001 Weather HEARNE — Services for Reba F. Blake, 83, of Hearne are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church of Hearne. The Revs. Bill Agee and Larry Blackman will officiate. Burial will be in Norwood Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday at Memorial Funeral Home in Hearne. Mrs. Blake died Sunday in Shady Oaks Nursing Home in Bryan. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberO l/121001 obits.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 /Ijec. 1, Luu-i: Robyn and John Foraker, Rockdale, a girl. ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • • http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/121101births.htm 12/11/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 979.776.2345 thedaglexom, v r ,' Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 12, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Tuesday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 7, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Vianey Minchaca and Javier Villafuerte, College Station, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Dec. 8, 2001: Classifieds Columnists Shanetta Richardson, Bryan, a boy; Community The Eagle Entertainment Julie Hicks, College Station, a girl. Faith&Values Food College Station Medical Center Health & Fitness Kids Korner Dec• 10, 2001: Lifestyles Newspapers in Amanda Jones, twins, a boy and girl; Education Obituaries Tanya Moreno, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Jennifer Krob and Edward Reyna, Bryan, a girl; Region/State Schools Michelle and John Andrew Owen, Bryan, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOlbirths/12120lbirths.htm 12/17/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 � % .. ;345 • thee • +r :e Y_ Home I Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com j BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 13, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries St. Joseph Regional Health Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 7, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Candace Cabler, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology Dec. 9, 2001 Classifieds Columnists Mary and Don Ward, Jr., Madisonville, a girl. Community The Eagle Dec. 10, 2001 Entertainment Faith &Values Food Ruth and Antonio Sanchez, Bryan, a girl. Health& Fitness Kids Korner College Station Medical Center Lifestyles Newspapers in Dec.11, 2001 Education Obituaries Debrah and Gregory Cummings, North Zulch, a boy. Opinions Politics Margarita and Russell Jones, Bryan, a boy. Region/State Schools Dec. 10, 2001 Sports Subscriptions Amanda Jones and Nat Gonzales, Bryan, twin boys. Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOlbirths/121301births.htm 12/17/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee !Ie. es I Home ! Classifieds I Aggiesports.com I BrazosSports.com ( Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 14, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 12, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Tammy and Billy Herrington, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology St. Joseph Regional Health Center Classifieds Columnists Dec. 8, 2001 Community The Eagle Entertainment Callie and Keven Haas, Bryan, twins, a boy and girl. Faith&Values Food Dec. 10, 2001 Health & Fitness Kids Korner Natalie and Bobby Green, Bryan, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Crystal Castillo, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries Dec. 11, 2001 Opinions Politics Maria and John Hernandez, Bryan, a boy. Region/State Schools Nessie Edwards and Walter Johnson Jr., Bryan, a girl. Sports Subscriptions Maria and Jorge Avalos, Caldwell, a girl. Weather ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOIbirths/121401births.htm 12/17/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 . thee fie. h-scribe, today! L m Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact ( Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 15, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Friday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 13, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Kimberly and Ronald Tjalkens, Bryan, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology St. Joseph Regional Health Center Classifieds Columnists Dec. 10, 2001 Community The Eagle Entertainment Christella Saenz, Bryan, a girl. Faith &Values Food Dec. 11, 2001 Health & Fitness Kids Korner Chanda and Michael Kuhn, College Station, a boy. Lifestyles Newspapers in Madeline Tobar, Bryan, a boy. Education Obituaries Christy and Michael McCollum, Bryan, a boy. Opinions Politics Dec. 12, 2001 Region/State Schools Lauren and Cory Stoddart, College Station, a boy. Sports Subscriptions Weather 2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/121501births.htm 12/17/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 1 of 7 979.`776. 345 s 'It'hee-, • I Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com B razosS ports.com : Subscribe ` Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 15, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Edwin Lee `Ed' Gramberg Datebook Government Links Aug. 18, 1952 — Dec. 12, 2001 Links Obituaries Graveside services for Edwin Lee "Ed" Gramberg, 49, of College Town Talk Station are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at the College Station Site Sections Cemetery. A&M News Agriculture The Rev. Michael Sis of St. Mary's Catholic Church will officiate. Announcements Business&Technology Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Classifieds Home in Bryan. Columnists Community Mr. Gramberg died Wednesday at his home. The Eagle Entertainment He was born in Bryan and was a lifelong resident of the Bryan- Faith&Values College Station area. He was a computer equipment supervisor at Food Texas A&M University and was a 1971 graduate of Stephen F. Health &Fitness Austin High School. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Kids Korner Vietnam War and held an associate degree in Digital Electronics. Lifestyles Newspapers in He was preceded in death by his wife, Joan Gorizycki Gramberg. Education Obituaries Survivors include his mother, Eva Maria Gramberg of Rockdale; Opinions two sisters and a brother-in-law, Eva Maddox of Bryan and Elaine Politics Region/State and Robert Barr of Fairfax, Va.; four nephews; a niece; four great- schools nephews; and one great-niece. Sports Subscriptions Memorials may be made to the American Liver Foundation, South Weather Texas Chapter, 2425 W. Loop South No. 660, Houston, Texas 77027. Grace Marguerite Guyett Beamer Feb. 2, 1913 — Dec. 11, 2001 Services for Grace Marguerite Guyett Beamer, 88, of Houston are set for 11 a.m. Monday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station. The Rev. Bob Waters will officiate. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOl/121501obits.htm 12/17/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Local Politics Page 1 of 2 �. 0� Home Classifieds Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Politics December 15, 2001 Local/Regional Register to Vote College Station councilman makes State/National Your Representatives precinct 3 run official Site Sections Marriot joins Mallard in commissioner's race A&M News Agriculture By COLLEEN KAVANAGH Announcements Eagle Staff Writer Business&Technology Classifieds College Station City Councilman Larry Mariott filed Columnists Friday to run for Brazos County Precinct 3 Community Commissioner, saying he has 25 years of business ,,,` The Eagle experience that would prove invaluable in the position. Entertainment 3 Faith&Values Mariott, 49, has been on the City Council since 1994 Mariott Food and is serving as mayor pro tem. Health&Fitness Kids Korner "Hopefully, voters will look at my business experience and know Lifestyles that I know how to operate a business and that I would be good Newspapers in for the county on budget and business matters," he said. "I've got Education good experience I'm bringing to the table in trying to work in a Obituaries team atmosphere." Opinions Politics Region/State Mariott is expected to live in Precinct 3 once the county's Schools redistricting plan takes effect in January. Sports Subscriptions He is the second candidate who has filed for the two-year Weather unexpired term recently added to the ballot after Randy Sims resigned to run for county judge, and the second from the College Station council to run for county office — Sims will face Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney in that race. Mariott will face at least one Republican opponent in the March primary: Former Bryan City Councilman Kenny Mallard, who filed Thursday for the $53,144-a-year post. He said he is not concerned that voters will see this race as Bryan versus College Station. If elected, he said, he would make decisions based on what is best for Brazos County. [ "I've lived in Bryan and College Station, and I've built homes in �r Bryan and homes in College Station," he said. "Even though as a College Station city councilman, I've had to look at the best interests of the citizens of College Station, I'm going to do what's http://www.theeagle.com/campaign2000/localregional/121501marriotjoinsrace.htm 12/18/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Local Politics Page 2 of 2 right for the entire Brazos County. �,. "To me, it's all one big community." Filing runs through Jan. 2. Mariott, the president and owner of Mariott Homes, also has served two years on the city's Planning and Zoning Commission and is in his seventh year on the board of the Bryan-College Station Economic Development Corp. He is a member of the Homebuilder Association of Bryan-College Station and a graduate of Brazos Leadership. "I don't really have a platform, but I have some definite interests in which I will try to make a difference," he said. "I'd like to try to be a little more aggressive on the infrastructure out in the county as far as roads." Another goal, Mariott said, is to introduce the council's planning process to county government. City Council members spend time determining what areas of the city need the most attention and ways to address those issues. • Colleen Kavanagh's e-mail address is 0460 cka vana gh(cD th eeagle.com ©2000 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/campaign2000/localregional/121501marriotjoinsrace.htm 12/18/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Region & State Page 1 of 2 ,ea e-A ,,gli 4,jee ,,xiom SHOWN Home i Classifieds i Aggiesports.com i BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State December 18, 2001 Births Brazos Valley Notebook College Station unveils Wolf Pen Creek Club Meetings College Town sculpture Datebook Government Links By LAURA HENSLEY Links Eagle Staff Writer Obituaries Town Talk A bronze sculpture depicting a family of wolves was dedicated Site Sections Monday at Wolf Pen Creek in College Station. The piece, titled A&M News Wilderness Awakened, serves as a link to the area's natural Agriculture history and the future of the city, said Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney. Announcements Business &Technology "[Wolf Pen Creek] is part of our past and it's a part of our future," Classifieds she said. "The sculpture represents family and it reminds us of Columnists the quality of life we have here." Community The Eagle The outdoor art sits near the creek where wolves once roamed Entertainment and is the centerpiece of the developing Wolf Pen Creek parks, Faith &Values arts and commerce district. Food Health &Fitness The College Station City Council's idea to include a central focus Kids Korner in the district originated more than a year ago. The Arts Council Lifestyles Brazos Valley stepped in to help with the project. Newspapers in Education "This goes to show that the Arts Council does its homework and Obituaries responds to the needs of the community," said P. David Romei, Opinions executive director of the Arts Council. Politics Region/State The $100,000 project, which included landscaping, was Schools commissioned by the city of College Station and it is the 11th Sports piece of public art on display in the community through the Art in Subscriptions Public Places project. Weather The sculpture is near the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater on Holleman Drive and is set among a waterfall and landscaping. A male stands guard over four frolicking pups while a female relaxes on a rock. Wilderness Awakened was created by Navasota artist Payne Lara. Lara spent time observing a family of wolves at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas, to get the details, down to the fur and piercing eyes. http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/121801 wolfpensculptureunvei.htm 12/18/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle>Region & State Page 2 of 2 From that experience, Lara made the sculpture at his studio in about three months. Meanwhile, local landscape architect Larry Schueckler began creating the wolves' surroundings with slabs of limestone and small rocks and pebbles he gathered from Wolf Pen Creek and the Rio Grande. "I put a lot of myself into this project," Schueckler said. "To have this out for everyone to view and enjoy is exciting." Romei said he is satisfied with the collaborative effort between the artists and hopes the public will appreciate another piece of outdoor art in the community. "We felt since Wolf Pen Creek represents nature that it would be nice to interweave [the art] in a natural setting," Romei said. "Together the artists have created a universe of beauty." • Laura Hipp's e-mail address is !hp theeagle.corn 2000, 2001 The Brvan/College Station Eagle • Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/localregional/121801 wolfpensculptureunvei.htm 12/18/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 thee • • .com Home I Classifieds j Aggiesports.co ! BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 18, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Tuesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 14, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Ingrid Clarida, Bryan, a boy; Announcements Business&Technology Deana Landry, Madisonville, a girl. Classifieds Columnists Dec. 15, 2001: Community The Eagle Monica Ontiveros and Antonio Luna, Bryan, twin girls. Entertainment Faith &Values Dec. 16, 2001: Food F&Health Fitness Kids & Fit Nikka Bigley and Joseph Ruiz, Bryan, a girl. er Lifestyles Newspapers in DeC. 17, 2001: Education Obituaries Amy and Chris McGuffy, Grapevine, a boy; Opinions Politics Heather and Gregory Henderson, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools St. Joseph Regional Health Center Sports Subscriptions DeC. 3, 2001: Weather Johnna and Jeffrey Jones, College Station, a girl. Dec. 12, 2001: Delecia Branch, Navasota, a boy; Marisa and Robin J. Arant, College Station, a boy; Latarsha Henderson, Bryan, a girl; 1/.--' I n..-I--- I I-.--_-_- - -1 - -.*.-1. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/121801births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 4 of 6 a daughter and son-in-law, Bettye and Leroy Jackson of Cedar Hills, Texas; three brothers, A.J. Norwood of Louisiana, Oliver Norwood of Cedar Hills and Tony Norwood of Miami, Fla.; three sisters, Velma Belch Norwood of Maypearl, Texas, Annie B. Williams of Waco and Mildred Lee of Rockdale; 19 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. William Paul Brumlow Sept. 24, 1916 — Dec. 19, 2001 CALDWELL — Services for William Paul Brumlow, 85, of Caldwell are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Strickland Funeral Home Chapel in Caldwell. The Rev. Joe Dan Franklin will officiate and burial will be in the Oaklawn Cemetery in Somerville. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to the time of service Saturday at the funeral home. Mr. Brumlow died Wednesday. He was born in Madisonville and lived in Caldwell the past 20 years. He was a retired teacher for the Aldine Independent School District and served as a Baptist minister for more than 60 years. He attended Baylor University and graduated from the University of Houston. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and received the Purple Heart for his service in the Battle of the Bulge. Survivors include his wife, Minnie Jeane Brumlow of Caldwell; two sons and daughters-in-law, Randy E. and Bette Brumlow of Caldwell and William Paul and Patty Brumlow of Houston; a daughter and son-in-law, Sandra and Jerry Hutton of Commerce, Texas; a brother, Alva Lee Brumlow of Houston; 11 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Kathleen G. Masters Feb. 25, 1909 — Dec. 19, 2001 Graveside services for Kathleen G. Masters, 92, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Friday at College Station Cemetery. Mike Lightsey will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan. Mrs. Masters died Wednesday at Colton Inn. Qk— jinn I--n ;— AI-—A- AA— ­4 1; -A ;— D—,— . 4 1`-11--- hq://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOl/122101 obits.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 5 of 6 JIIG VVQJ UVIII III IVGVQUQ, IVIV., QIIU IIVC;U III L)IYCII1 QIIU %�VIIGI,.G Station since 1951. She attended First Baptist Church for many years. She was preceded in death by her husband, M.G. Masters. Survivors include her brother-in-law, James C. Masters. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Brazos Valley Festival 2002, with Franklin Graham, P.O. Drawer 3665, Bryan, 77805. Dennis W. Prosper Oct. 15, 1956 — Dec. 20, 2001 NAVASOTA— Services for Dennis W. Prosper, 45, of Navasota are set for 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Navasota. Burial will be in the Rest Haven Cemetery in Navasota. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mr. Prosper died Thursday at his home. He was a longtime resident of Navasota. He was a heavy equipment operator. Survivors include his wife, Estella Prosper of Navasota; a son, Marcellas Creeks of San Marcos; a daughter, Thamasa Renee Richardson of Navasota; five sisters, Esther Mae Prosper of Dallas and Doris Bullard, Thelma Fielder, Ada Louise Boggess, Emma Chatman, all of Houston; four brothers, Marcellas Prosper of Houston, Robert Earl Prosper of Huntsville, Tommy Jame Prosper of Navasota and Richard Charles Prosper of Houston; and one grandchild. Ruby Earle June 4, 1910 — Dec. 20, 2001 ROCKDALE — Services for Ruby Earle, 91 , of Rockdale are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. Burial will be in the I.O.O.F Cemetery in Rockdale. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. The Rev. Charles Cox will officiate. Mrs. Earle died Thursday at Manor Oaks Nursing Home in Rockdale. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOl/1221 O lobits.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 theecaagdexom 9ts' cribe prn aAI, !I f Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com f Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 20, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births on Wednesday. The Date book Government Links list may not be complete because some parents choose not to Go have their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 18, 2001 A&M News Agriculture Jill and Jason Handy, College Station, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Amanda Fontenot and Howard Sowders, Brenham, a boy. Classifieds Columnists Sherrie and John Walpole, Iola, a boy. Community (W The Eagle Dana Davis and Ronald Leasure, Somerville, a boy. Entertainment Faith&Values St. Joseph Regional Health Center Food Health&Fitness Dec. 16, 2001 Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Staci Gayle Price, Bryan, a girl. Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/Colleqe Station Ewe PrivacyStatement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/122001births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 979.776.2345 thwo%&aglexom Nome I Classifieds ( Aggiesports.com ( BrazosSports.com Subscribe Contact Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 25, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Monday. The list may Datebook not be complete because some parents choose not to have their Government Links names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 21, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Amanda and Luis Perez, Bryan, a girl. Announcements Business&Technology Classifieds Columnists Community The Eagle Entertainment Faith&Values Food Health&Fitness Kids Korner Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries Opinions Politics Region/State Schools Sports Subscriptions Weather ©2000, 2001 The Bryan/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/122501births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 1 of 3 th e% &agi e c,ol 1;&8YAM cr able t'od y Home Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com I Subscribe ' Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 25, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Lora Frances Brown McAlpin Datebook Government Links Aug. 31, 1911 — Dec. 23, 2001 Links Obituaries Graveside services for Lora Frances Brown McAlpin, 90, of Town Talk Millican are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at the College Station City Site Sections Cemetery. A&M News Agriculture The Rev. Tom Hauser will officiate. Announcements Business &Technology A memorial service will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Covenant Classifieds Presbyterian Church in College Station. Columnists Community Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to The Eagle 1 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. Entertainment Faith&Values Mrs. McAlpin died Sunday at her home. Food Health&Fitness She was born in Sagerton, Texas, and lived in the Bryan-College Kids Korner Station area since 1977. She was a homemaker and was retired Lifestyles as the director of The Cumberland Rest Presbyterian Retirement Newspapers in Home for Ladies in Fort Worth, where she served as director from Education Obituaries 1966 to 1977. She was the second woman and the youngest Opinions county clerk elected in Texas in Gaines County. She was a Politics member of the First Presbyterian Church in Fort Worth and the Region/State A&M Presbyterian Church in College Station and was a lifetime Schools Woman's Leader in both churches and received numerous Sports awards for her accomplishments. She was also a member of the Subscriptions Bryan Woman's Club and Covenant Presbyterian Church in Weather College Station. Survivors include a son, Robert McAlpin of Navasota; two daughters and a son-in-law, Nancy and Benny Gallaway of Millican and Anna Scott of Waco; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Clayton and Wynell Brown of Denver, Colo., and Glen and Bonnie Brown of Seminole, Texas; two sisters, Mildred Miller of Seagraves, Texas, and Billie Cagle of Fredericksburg; four + grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Ri iilrlinn Fi inri Hncnirp Rra7nc \1a11pv nr the Ampriran Hpnrt http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/december01/122501 obits.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 rN! • & xom a scribe today! Home I Classifieds I Aggiesports.com 1 BrazosSports.com Subscribe ' Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 27, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Wednesday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 24, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Sherry and Richard Crawford, Gause, a boy. Announcements Business&Technology St. Joseph Regional Health Center Classifieds Columnists Dec. 19, 2001: Community The Eagle Stacy and Tim Schnettler, College Station, a girl. Entertainment Faith&Values Dec. 20, 2001: Food F&Health Fitness Kids &Fit Erica Pineda and Quincy Norman, Bryan, a boy; er Lifestyles Newspapers in Kimberly and James Blakley, Gause, a boy; Education Obituaries Jessica and Miguel Vasquez, Bryan, a boy; Opinions Politics Tynitris Benford and Gary Lynch, Bryan, a girl; Region/State Schools Maria and Guillermo Gaucin, Caldwell, a girl; Sports Subscriptions Yestial Paul, Bryan, a boy. Weather Dec. 21, 2001: Veronica Tirado and Jose Espinoza, Bryan, a girl,- Diana Hutchson, Bryan, a boy; Catherine Hawkins, Bryan, a girl; Irene Ramirez, Bryan, a girl; nn_i__:. _...-d n__.. n_..,.._a n_n___ ra_a:__ _ i.._... http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/122701births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 ivieia1 iie ai iu muss ai yai n, k-,uiieye OLauur 1, a uuy, Paula Trejo, Rockdale, a girl; Jamie Ramos, Midway, a boy; Michelle and Christopher Ivy, Bryan, a girl; Christina West, Bryan, a girl. ©2000, 2001 The Brun/College Station Eagle Privacy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/122701births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 1 of 2 • thee--ft4,-fleff com Home j Classifieds I Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe ':: Contact f Site Map Region/State Region > Births Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 28, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Area hospitals reported the following births Thursday. The list Datebook may not be complete because some parents choose not to have Government Links their names printed. Links Obituaries College Station Medical Center Town Talk Site Sections Dec. 26, 2001: A&M News Agriculture Stephanee and Zach Potts, College Station, a boy; Announcements Business &Technology Rhonda and Gregory Cupit, Brenham, a girl; Classifieds Columnists Yutta Kluge and Daniel Vess, Lyons, a girl. Community The Eagle St. Joseph Regional Health Center Entertainment Faith&Values Dec. 16, 2001: Food Health& Fitness Kids Korner Staci Price, Bryan, a girl; Lifestyles Newspapers in Nadina and Perry Robinson, College Station, a girl. Education Obituaries Dec. 17, 2001: Opinions Politics Alexandria Boutte, Bryan, a girl. Region/State Schools Dec. 18, 2001: Sports Subscriptions Maria and Severiano Amaya, Caldwell, a girl; Weather Leslie Budaus, Brenham, a girl; Tiffany Johnson, Bryan, a girl; Esmeralda and Everardo Alonso, Bryan, a boy; Lilia Alanis, Bryan, a boy; Anna and Rafael Balandran, a girl. r%__ AA A^AA. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOI births/122801births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Page 2 of 2 uec. -IV, 1.w-i Jennifer and Dan Kovasovic, Somerville, a girl; Andrea and Jessie Enrique, Caldwell, a girl; 2000 2001 The than/College Station Eagle Privy Statement • http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/births/decemberOIbirths/122801births.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 1 of 3 Ulu EIge S C I lassifieds Classifieds Announcements Automotive REQUEST FOR BIDS Business Opportunities Employment Bid #02-38 Financial Legal Notices Merchandise High Pressure Self-contained Breathing Apparatus for Fire Dept Place an Ad Real Estate The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic Rentals received at: Service City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall • 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM, January 15, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City IE bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo. address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Specifications are also available on our, at www.ci.college-station.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Dec 28 , 2001 & Jan. 4, 2002 REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid # 02-37 Low Pressure Self-contained Breathing Apparatus ( for Fire Dept �✓ The City of College Station is accepting bids for the above referenced item.Bic received at: http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 2 of 3 City of College Station Purchasing Services Division City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 until 2:00 PM,January 15, 2002, at which time bids will be opened at City F bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A complete set of specifications and bidding documents is available at the abo- address, Mon-Fri, 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM. Specifications are also available on our, at www.ci.colle2ee-station_.tx.us . The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to w, informalities and irregularities. Dec 28 , 2001 & Jan. 4, 2002 NOTICE Caldwell ISD will be requesting proposals for Band Uniforms for the 2001-201 year. Specifications may be obtained by contacting Marilyn Young, Director o: Business, 203 N. Gray, Caldwell, Texas 77836, 979-567-9559. The bid openin follow at 1:00 pm at the Caldwell ISD Administration Office and presented to Board of Trustees for approval on January 21, 2002. 12-20-01, 12-21-01 12-27-01, 12-28-01 NOTICE JHW General Contractors, Inc. is accepting bids on the TAES Spatial Science Out. Bid Deadline is January 8, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. We encourage HUB subcontractors/vendors to participate. For more information, Contact our officc 979/693-1617 - 979/846-9133 fax. 12-28-01, 1-2-02 NOTICE The Caldwell Independent School District is accepting bids for the sale of two which were formerly the Elementary and Intermediate School campuses. Bids http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle Classifieds Page 3 of 3 sale of these properties will be accepted until 12:00 noon on Thursday, Februai 2002 at CISD Administration Office, 203 N. Gray, Caldwell, Tx 77836. For tw information regarding these properties contact Bill Broaddus at ph-979-567-34 979-567-9876, e-mail-bbro4ddus@qaLd)yell.kl2.tx.us. 12-28-01, 1-4-02, 1-11-02, 1-18-02,1-25-02 RFQ #02-35 Greens Prairie Widening Project The City Of College Station is requesting qualification statements for the abov referenced item. Qualification statements will be received until 2:00 pm, Januo 2002 at: The City of College Station Purchasing Services Division 1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 All qualification statements received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all qualific statements or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer cc most advantageous to the City. RFQ documents may be obtained at the above Monday - Friday, 8:OOam -5:OOpm. Questions concerning this RFQ should be to the Purchasing Services Division, Mr. James Polasek, (979) 764-3558, Dec. 28, 2001 & Jan 4, 2002 2000, 2001 The BrXan/Colleize Station Eap-le Privac Statement http://classifieds.theeagle.com/lineads/0699.html 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 4 of 8 Baptist Church in San Antonio. He was preceded in death by his wife, Barbara F. Hollins. Survivors include a son, B. Leon Hollins of San Antonio; two daughters and a son-in-law, Jacqueline and Edward Sommers III and Gale Y. Thomas, all of San Antonio; a brother and sister-in- law, Charlie and Doris Hollins of Houston; a sister, Dorothy Kelly of Hearne; five grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Nancy B. James Sept. 23, 1898 — Dec. 22, 2001 NAVASOTA — Services for Nancy B. James, 103, of Stoneham are set for 11 a.m. Saturday at Friendship Baptist Church in Navasota. The Rev. Wilbert H. Sargent of High Point Baptist Church in Stoneham will officiate. Burial will be in High Point Cemetery. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday at Jones Funeral Home in Navasota. Mrs. James died Saturday in Grimes St. Joseph Health Center. She was born in Grimes County and was a retired teacher. She was a member of High Point Baptist Church and held a bachelor of science degree from Prairie View A&M University and a masters degree from Huston-Tillotson University. She was a member of the Christian Home Workers. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Annie Mae Brown, three nieces and a great-niece. Elsie Johanson May 20, 1916 — Dec. 27, 2001 Services for Elsie Johanson, 85, of College Station are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. The Rev. Neil Bockelmann of Bethel Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. to the time of the services Saturday at the funeral home. CMrs. Johanson died Thursday in Bluebonnet House. She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., and was a retired bookkeeper http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/december01/122801 obits.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 5 of 8 from the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A&M • University. She was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur Johanson. Survivors include two daughters and sons-in-law, Lynn and George Mcllhaney of College Station and Cyndi and John Scruggs of Johnstown, Colo.; 10 grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Roy Allen Johnson Aug. 20, 1944 — Dec. 25, 2001 Graveside services for Roy Allen Johnson, 57, of College Station are set for 11 a.m. Friday at the College Station City Cemetery. The Rev. Chick Harring will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. Mr. Johnson died Tuesday in the College Station Medical Center. He was born in Merced, Calif., and lived in College Station for 20 years. He was employed in the oil industry. Survivors include his wife, Otilia Johnson of College Station; three sons and two daughters-in-law, Donny and Amy Parker and Roy Johnson Jr., all of College Station, and Terry and Natalie Johnson of Bryan; a daughter, Pam Parker of College Station; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Elton and Adrian Johnson of Odessa and Merlin and Loretta Johnson of Bay City, Texas; two sisters, Lois Johnson and Brenda Johnson; and three grandchildren. Rose M. Restivo May 20, 1903 — Dec. 26, 2001 Services for Rose M. Restivo, 98, of Bryan are set for 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Bryan. The Rev. John Kelley of St. Anthony's Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Monsignor Gleissner Mausoleum at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Visitation will be from 3 to 9 p.m. Friday and from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Chapel in Bryan. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/december0l/122801obits.htm 12/28/2001 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 1 of 7 14 the&a ... X-M.M, Vb8cribe- toclo ! Horne j Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com BrazosSports.com ! Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 29, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Bryan McPhail Clarke Datebook Government Links Sept. 3, 1954 — Dec. 27, 2001 Links Obituaries Services for Bryan McPhail Clarke, 47, of College Station are set Town Talk for 2:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in College Site Sections Station. A&M News Agriculture The Rev. Ben Aurand of St. Thomas Episcopal Church will Announcements officiate. Burial will be in College Station Cemetery. Business&Technology Classifieds Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to Columnists 12:30 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. Community The Eagle Mr. Clarke died Thursday in the College Station Medical Center. Entertainment Faith&Values He was born in Corpus Christi and graduated from Tulosa-Midway Food High School in 1972. In 1978, he graduated from Southwest Health&Fitness Texas State University with a degree in education. He was a Kids Korner member and past president of both the Kappa Sigma fraternity Lifestyles and the SWT Alumni Association and received the Key of Newspapers in Excellence Award as Distinguished SWT Alumnus in 1993. He Education Obituaries was president of Bryan M. Clarke, Inc., an independent oil and Opinions gas company. He was a member of the American Association of Politics Professional Landmen and St. Thomas Episcopal Church. He Region/State served as assistant coach for his sons' soccer teams and was Schools treasurer of the Brazos Magic soccer club. Sports Subscriptions Survivors include his wife, Brenda Font Clarke of College Station; Weather two sons, Brandon Clarke and Travis Clarke, both of College Station; his mother, Pauline Clarke of Corpus Christi; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Robert and Stephanie Clarke of Ingleside and Gary and Ann Clarke of Corpus Christi; his in-laws, Jules and Milady Font of College Station; a niece and a nephew. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the College Scholarship Fund for Brandon and Travis Clarke at First American Bank, 2717 Texas Ave. South, College Station, Texas 77840, attention Neal Briers. Hallan I cho Fvanc r1iv http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOI/122901 obits.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 2 of 5 Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Ross Poteet of the First United Methodist Church officiating. Visitation will be Sunday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. with family present from 5 to 7 p.m. at Nobles Funeral Chapel. Mr. Harris was born on November 5, 1923 in Navasota. He was a retired rancher and funeral director, a lifelong resident of Navasota and a member of the First Baptist Church in Navasota. Mr. Harris was President of the First F.F.A. Chapter of Navasota High School, Chairman of the Grimes County Chapter of the American Red Cross for many years, organized the Grey Ladies to do volunteer work at the Navasota Hospital, served as President of the Navasota Retail Merchants Association and served as Chairman of the Grimes County A.S.C.S. Committee. He served on the Navasota Independent School District Tax Equalization Board, the Grimes County Child Welfare Program Board of Directors, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bryan Production Credit Association for a number of years, on the advisory Board of the Credit Banks of Texas in Austin, and as Quartermaster of Post 4006 VFW before, during and after the building of our Post Home in Navasota. Mr. Harris was an Honorary Lifetime Director of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, where he served in many different committees beginning in 1958 and continued for many years. He served in the Texas Funeral Directors Association, he belonged to Navasota Lodge 299 AF & AM Jerusalem Chapter No. 3, RAN Jerusalem Council No. 7, R. & S. Navasota Commandry No. 80 Knights Templar, 32 KCCH Scottish Rite Freemasonry, member of Arabia Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Houston and Sons of Hermann Lodge of Washington No. 178-2. Mr. Harris graduated from Armored Command School in Fort Knox, Kentucky and was a 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Army in Europe and Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II. Mr. Harris' most proud accomplishment was graduating from Texas A&M University, Class of 1945. William Donald Harris May 12, 1907 — Dec. 28, 2001 Memorial services for William Donald Harris, 94, of College Station are set for 11 a.m. Monday at Covenant Presbyterian Church in College Station. The Rev. Tom Hauser of Covenant Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in the College Station City Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station. KAr U. ;, .Jin.J Cr;Ad in C4 Ir.n�vh Oi rrinr+.�l LJ�`+I�h ('rr+F�r http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberO l/123001 obits.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 3 of 5 IVI1. 1101110 U11UU 1 1IUCIY II1 %JL. 0001U.l1I I\UIJJUI IQI I IGQIUI VGIIml- He was born in Des Moines, Iowa, and lived in College Station since 1935. He retired as a professor emeritus of the Chemical Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. He received his degree from Iowa State University and also spent two years at the University of Santa Clara, Cuba, and three years with the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Bernice Latimer Harris, and a son, William Donald Harris Jr. Survivors include his wife, Virginia Dobson Harris of College Station; a daughter, Diane Harris Paules of Rockdale, Md.; a daughter-in-law, Margie Fox of Friendswood, Texas; a brother, Harry Harris of Pacific Palisades, Calif.; four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; a niece and a nephew. Myrtle Maybell Lang Sirmon Oct. 19, 1912 — Dec. 29, 2001 MADISONVILLE — Services for Myrtle Maybell Lang Sirmon, 89, of North Zulch are set for 2 p.m. Monday at the Willowhole Cemetery Chapel in North Zulch. Fred Keefer will officiate. Burial will be in Willowhole Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the J.M. Day Funeral Home in Madisonville. Mrs. Sirmon died Saturday in Iola. She was born in North Zulch. She was preceded in death by her husbands, John Lang and George Sirmon. Survivors include three daughters, Ramona Fae Johnston of North Zulch and Ruth Annett Thomas and Gloria Emily Bennett, both of Iola; a brother, Johnny Hicks of Houston; seven grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren; and seven great-great- grandchildren. Victoria Lynn Uilkie July 27, 1973 — Dec. 27, 2001 �,.. NAVASOTA — Services for Victoria Lynn Uilkie, 28, of Navasota are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Lindley-Robertson-Holt Funeral Home in Navasota. http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/december0l/123001 obits.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle > Obituaries Page 1 of 6 979".77 . 345 t,hin etO �" CO M g t rcnr" Iri ,ri Home ` Classifieds 1 Aggiesports.com ; BrazosSports,com Subscribe Contact I Site Map Region/State Region > Obituaries Births Brazos Valley Notebook December 31, 2001 Club Meetings College Town Dr. William Donald Harris Datebook Government Links Dr. William Donald Harris, age 94, of College Station, died at 11 Links p.m. Friday, December 28, 2001, in St. Joseph Regional Health Obituaries Center. He was preceded in death by his first wife of more than Town Talk 50 years, Ruth Bernice Latimer Harris, and their son, William Site Sections Donald Harris Jr. A&M News Agriculture Survivors include his wife, Virginia Dobson Harris of College Announcements Station; a daughter, Diane Harris Paules and husband, Granville, Business&Technology of Rockville, MD; a daughter-in-law, Margie Harris Fox of Classifieds Friendswood, TX; a brother, Harry Evans Harris of Pacific Columnists Palisades, CA; four grandchildren, William Donald (Donnie) Harris Community III of Dallas, TX, Kenneth Alan Harris of Friendswood, TX, The Eagle Granville E. Paules IV, of Sudbury, MA, Allison Ruth Paules Entertainment Nelson of El Cerrito, CA; and two great grandchildren, James and Faith&Values Elaine Paules of Sudbury, MA; a niece and nephew and many Food friends. Health&Fitness Kids Korner Visitation was Sunday evening from 4 to 7 p.m. at Memorial Lifestyles Funeral Chapel of College Station. A private burial service will be Newspapers in Education Y rY•9 in the College Station City Cemetery. A memorial service will be Obituaries at 11 a.m. Monday at Covenant Presbyterian Church on Rock Opinions Prairie in College Station with the Rev. Tom Huser officiating. Politics Region/State Dr. Harris was born in Des Moines, Iowa. He received his BS, MS Schools and Ph.D. from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. He, his wife Sports Bernice, and son Don Jr. moved to College Station in 1935, when Subscriptions he joined the staff of Texas A&M University. During his more than Weather 40 year educational career at TAMU he took two different leaves of absence sponsored by the U.S. Point Four Developmental Program. The first was a two-year assignment to Santa Clara, Cuba. His project there was to develop a Chemical Engineering Department at the Universidad de Santa Clara. His second assignment was a three-year assignment to Guayaquil, Ecuador, where he again was asked to develop the Chemical Engineering C Department and a laboratory to support the processes at the Universidad de Guayaquil. The results were quite successful and many life-long international friendships were established. He retired as Professor Emeritus of the Chemical Engineering nPnartmPnt in 1 A7d after 17 vpnrc of ripvntprl cPrniirP http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOl/123101 obits.htm 1/10/2002 The Bryan-College Station Eagle> Obituaries Page 2 of 6 Throughout his life Don enjoyed a wide range of hobbies and interests. These included swimming and diving, piloting a private plane, golfing some of the world's toughest courses, ballroom dancing, travel (anywhere - anytime), amateur radio operation and personal computing. One special interest was his participation in C.R.E.E.P.S. (Chemical, Radio, Electronics, Engineering Professional Society), an informal group that meets weekdays for coffee, discussion and problem solving for any subject of mutual interest. His pursuits created a broad and lasting network of friends throughout the world. Bertha B. Gill Aug. 28, 1917 — Dec. 29, 2001 CAMERON — Graveside services for Bertha B. Gill, 84, of Kempner, Texas, and formerly of Milano are set for 2 p.m. Monday at Liberty Cemetery near Cameron. The Rev. Bruce Barrett will officiate. Visitation will be from 10:30 a.m. to noon Monday at the Green- Patterson Funeral Home in Cameron. Mrs. Gill died Saturday in a Copperas Cove nursing center. She was born in Cameron and was a member of the United Methodist Church in Kempner. She was a beauty operator and bookkeeper. Survivors include her husband, Alvin H. Gill of Kempner; a daughter, Jo Ann Butaud of Shawnee, Kan.; two brothers, George Hartley of Kempner and Gene Hartley of Marshall; a sister, Eulala Bussa of Bastrop; two grandchildren; and seven great- grandchildren. Jessye Louise Mason Oct. 30, 1919 — Dec. 29, 2001 ROCKDALE — Services for Jessye Louise Mason, 82, of Kilgore and formerly of Rockdale are set for 1 p.m. Monday at the Phillips & Luckey Funeral Home in Rockdale. Arnold Mason and Joey Mason will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Mason died Saturday in Longview. She was born in Bexar County and was a homemaker. She was a member of the Chandler Street Church of Christ in Kilgore. ^I-- ...-- .--_--J-J :_ _I-_LI_ L.. 1--- 1_..-L-.--1 A.-.--I_I AA AA ---- ^- - http://www.theeagle.com/region/records/obituaries/decemberOl/123101 obits.htm 1/10/2002 Wilderness Awnkened �'h ARTS COUNCIL of BRAZOS VALLEY Non-Profit Please jOlri Lis for the Organization Coll Installation and Dedication of 2501 Texas Ave.South-Suite 105-C US Postage Paid College Station,TX 77840 Permit#1 77 979.696.2787 Bryan,TX www.acbv.org Wilderness Awakened Payne Lara, Sculptor Larry Schueckler, Landscape Artist 12 Noon Monday, 17 December 2001 Wolf Pen Creek (Holleman Entrance) College Station,Texas Made possible by: Lynn Mcllhaney,Mayor Members of the City Council Tom Brymer,City Manager City of College Station ARTS COUNCIL of BRAZOS VALLEY DR.P.DAVID ROMEI•EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIMMY LOUP•PRESIDENT C O