HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublicity Vol. 47 (Mar. 1, 1993 - Jan. 31 1994)Junction 505 trains able workers By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Many of the city of College Station's employees have special abilities. Two of the newest are sup- posed to have disabilities, but their bosses say the employees have proved themselves very able. Kimberly May and Gary Robertson come to the city through Junction 505. Junction 505 is a non- profit agency that trains people with disabilities so that they can lead normal lives. Robertson is the city's FLAME officer. The Fire Lane Access Maintenance Enforcement officer is charged with making sure the city's fire lanes re- main open for emergency vehicles, said Bland Ellen, the city's fire marshal. "Gary has had no problems," Ellen said. "Of course, he's had to take the normal amount of abuse." Part of Robertson's job is to write citations for people who block fire lanes with their vehicles. El- len said he expects Robertson to write about 1,500 tickets this year. With a $35 fine per ticket, Robert- son will more than pay for himself, Ellen said. Robertson has some physical difficulties, but El- ,; len said he knew that Robertson can do the job. "He's doing a valuable service for the citizens of College Station and our visitors," Ellen said. May works as a printer's aide in the city's print - mail division. Tomi Fry, print coordinator for the city, said that May is a good worker for the city. "We're very happy with her," Fry said. "She's catching on to everything." May has done almost everything in the print de- partment, Fry said, from running the copying machine to putting covers on reports. The only thing she doesn't do is run the printing press, but they may train May on that soon. May says she likes her job with the city, but want a job that will allow her to sit. "I'm on my feet more in the print shop," she said. "I'd like to be a secretary." May isn't limiting herself to the print shop. She's already done work in the city secretary's office and in the personnel department. Karen Pavlinski, College Station's personnel di- rector, said that the city is making a conscious effort to hire Junction 505's clients. Please see WORK, page A4 Kimberly May, who works as a printer's aide in College Station's print -mail division, does about everything from running the copVinp machine to outtino covers on rennrts IYOXA ( � Lag 3 Eagle photo/ Lave McDermand work From Al "This is basically a job- creation Program," she said. "We encour- aged city staff to find jobs where some of Junction 505ts clients would fit in." Funds were set aside so that city departments could have a new position, with the idea that the new employee would be from Junction 505, Pavlinski said. Pavlinski said the plan is to have five Junction 505 clients on the city's payroll in the 1993 -94 budget. Monday, March 1, 1993 Uhe Eagle 125 Legal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: UTILITY SERVICE CENTER FIRE ALARMS SYSTEMS BID OPENING: 03/10/93,.2 P.M., BID, #93- 32,The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive 'oK reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02.22- 93,03 -01.93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOW- ING: TWO (2) CAB AND CHASSIS TRUCKS. BID NO. 93 -28 BID OPENING: 03/15/93 - 2:00 P.M. The Request for Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time. and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened, The City of College Station re. serve# the righ4 to waive or reject any and all, bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 03- 01- 93,03 -08 -93 , Legal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1) BEVERAGE VENDOR, 2) SELF CONTAINED FQQD VENDOR . FOR WOLFPEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER BID OPENING: 03/12/96,- 4 P.M. The Request for proposals will be- received in the office of Central Park at 1000 Krenek Tap Rd., College Station, Texas 77840, until th6 time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing agent. All propo- sals received after that time will be returned unopend. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said proposal and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03 -01- 93,03 -08 -93 a In Town &Texas CS to hold meeting to discuss FM 2818 Although only about 6- months -old, the FM 2818 land -use plan is already experiencing growing pains. To deal with those pains, the College Station City Council and the College Station Planning and Zoning Commis- sion, have scheduled a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at College Sta- tion City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. The plan was created to deal with the expected growth of the "Golden Triangle," bordered by Texas Avenue, FM 2818 and the East Bypass. The ex- tension FM 2818, gom Texas to the East Bypass, is expected to stimulate growth in the area. The plan calls for a mixture of retail, office and residential zoning in the area. Wal -Mart, the Arkansas -based retail giant, has requested a rezoning for about 40 -acres near the intersection of FM 2818 and the East Bypass. The plan calls for office and apartment zoning in that location. Some people, mainly residents on Mile Drive and in the Emerald Forest subdivision, have expressed concerns about commercial development en- croaching on their neighborhoods. Tuesday, March 42-, 1993 The Eagle HIE CITY OF CO O` STATION I REOUE ING \ BJDS FOR THE FOLLOW- ING: ANNUAL SL wATE "NA ME DE- - ! --------- P�1- _1'MER- BID 125 Legal Notices NO. 93 -33. BID OPENING: 05/11 /93 - 2:OO P. M. The Letters of Intent will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent on March 16, 1993 by 2:00 p.rn, All Let- ters of Intent received after this time and date will be re- turned unopened. Only bid- ders that have provided let. ters of intent will be eligible to bid on this project. The Request for Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until May 11, 1993 at 2:00 p.m. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan. tageous to the City. 03- 02- 93,03 -09 -93 • • Sunday, March 2, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT #ST -1016 REHABILITATION OF STREETS, SEWERS AND WATER LINES IN THE CARTERS GROVE SUBDIVISION IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS until 2:00 P.M., Friday, March 12, 1993 Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Service 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, Tx 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIOIN OF PROJECT: This project primarily consists of: Reconstructing the 1100 blocks of Merry Oaks Street, Neal Pickett Street, Berkeley Street and all of Westover Street and Carol Street in the Carters Grove Subdivision in College Station. The replacement of lining of sanitary sewer lines in the same area. The replacement of water lines and services and the installation of fire hydrants in the same area. All as described in the plans and specifications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have practical knowledge of the par- ticular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to complete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the work, and d) Has approporiate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder Who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED: bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, or a proposal bonds in the same amount from a Surety Company hold- ing permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Treasury Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bond will not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or Specifications must make request for such information to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety -six (96) hours be- fore the bid opening. Answers to All such requests will be given to all Bidders in written ad- dendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a bidder find descrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfull Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be mailed or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the Project Manager during the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Proposal Form and in the executed contract. Such addenda shall be- come a part of the executed contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings ac- cordingly. To properly quality his proposal, each bidder, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowlede such receipt on the Proposal Form and on the outer enve- lope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lowest bid received from a quali- fied bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive informalities in any bid. Bids received after the specified time of closing will be returned unopened. The award of the contract for this work is scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 1993. A pre- construction meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 29, 1993 PRICE INTERPRETATION: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the Owner re- serves the right to accept the prices written in words. PROPOSALS: The OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal. CONTRACT: Plans, quantity estimates and contract documents may be obtained at no charge at the of- fice of: Mark Smith, P.E. Asst. Director of Public Services College Station Public Services Center 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 02-26-93,03-06-93 03-07-93,03-11-93 125 Legal Notices '- 125 L Notices LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 2001 WAS PASSED AND AP- WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY PROVED ON FEBRUARY 25, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 25, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- COLLEGE STATION meet - ing in regular session at the ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with said meeting having been Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- posted in accordance with Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor Art. 6252 -17. by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- ance, signed and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- cial records of the city, is cap - tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE REZONING AN tioned as follows: AN OR- 11.43 ACRES SITUATED IN DINANCE REZONING FOUR TRACTS TOTALLING THE CRAWFORD BUR- 13.51 ACRES SITUATED IN NETT LEAGUE, BRAZOS THE ROBERTSON STE- COUNTY, COLLEGE VENSON LEAGUE, IN STATION, TEXAS AND BE- BRAZOS COUNTY, COL. ING A PART OF THAT CERTAIN 20.99 ACRE LEGE STATION, TEXAS TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH AND A DEED FROM W.D. FITCH SOUTH SIDES OF GRA- TO PATRICIA CREEK- r HAM ROAD AT THE WELL. MORE SPEARMAN, EL AL r BORN ROAD INTERSEC OF RECORD IN VOLUME - TION FROM A -O AGRICUL- 1479. PAGE 179, OFFICIAL TURAL OPEN TO M -1 RECORDS OF BRAZOS PLANNED INDUSTRIAL COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM AND M -2 PLANNED IN- R -5 MEDIUM DENSITY DUSTRIALAND M -2 HEAVY APARTMENTS TO R -1 INDUSTRIAL. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDEN- I Any person who violates or TIAL. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- fails to comply with the re- t quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not quirements of this ordinance, _ more than one thousand dol shall be subject to a fine not 1 lars ($1,00o.00). Each dad more than one thousand dol- such violation shall be per lars ($1,000.00). Each day f mitted to exist shall constitut( such violation shall be per- a separate offense. mitted to exist shall constitute Ordinance No. 2001 shat a separate offense. become effective and be it Ordinance No. 2000 shall full force from and after it: become effective and be in passage and approval by thi full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Chartei dance with the City Charter. i The complete text of th The complete text of the above named ordinance ma above named ordinance may l be seen at the office of th be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 Sout City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Colleg Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 03 -06- 93,03 -07 -93 Station, Texas. 03 -06- 93,03.07 -93 MW Builriare -ill — ­.,,_- a Wednesday, March 3, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by the Begonia Corporation for approximately 269.67 acres of land generally located north of Wellborn Road, west of Graham Road and south of Welsh Street and Schaffer Road from interim A -O Agri- cultural Open to R -1 Single Family Residential, A -P Ad- ministrative Professional, C -1 General Commercial, C -2 Industrial Commercial, C -3 Planned Commercial and R -5 Medium Density Apartments. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, March 18, 1993, Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 03 -03 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Chartier Newton, FAIA, Architect of the following property: Lot 6 &7 Block 4 in the Skri- vanek Addition Section 2 Subdivision, zoned Single Family Residential with a Conditional Use The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 —J Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, March 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 03 -03 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Husfield Homes, Inc. of the following property: Lot 1 Block 1 in the Ponder- osa Place Subdivision, zoned Commercial Industrial The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, March 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 03 -03 -93 �4 FM 2818 Land Use Plan discussion draws crowd By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer If members of the College Station City Council want to guarantee large crowds, it seems it should keep the FM 2818 Land Use Plan on the agenda. Council members and members of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission met Wednesday in packed council chamber to discuss the plan ap- proved by the council in August 1992. The council is scheduled to vote on proposed rezoning and possible changes in the land -use plan March 25. The plan was developed by members of the planning and zoning commission, council members and residents of the FM 2818 area. Wal -Mart has requested a rezoning that will drastically change the land -use plan. The company wants to build a Wal -Mart IM with a full-sized grocery attached. The company wants to build the store near the corner of FM 2818 and the East Bypass, but needs commercial zoning for the 30 -acre complex. The land -use plan calls for office and apartment zoning in that area. City Planner Jane Kee said that the FM 2818 plan was drawn to meet four objec- tives: Maintaining an attractive entrance into the city, protecting existing resi- dential areas, maintaining areas of resi- dential development and avoiding strip commercial development along FM 2818. Councilman Hubbard Kennady asked if the objectives of the city had changed since August. Councilwoman Nancy Crouch said the objectives had changed and that there are economic considerations that need to be reviewed. Crouch said she recently learned that residential and apartment development ended up losing money for the city, while industrial and commercial development made money for the city. The city must consider how city services will be fun- ded, she said. The council also should consider the pressure more residential growth will put on the College Station school district, Crouch said. "If we choose a land -use plan that in- tensifies that pressure, is that good ?" she asked. Kyle Hawthorne of the planning and zoning commission, said the bottom line is: "What does the community want ?" "Does College Station want to attract business for the sake of attracting busi- ness?" he asked. "Does the city want un- fettered economic growth ?" The city would set a precedent if they changed the land -use plan to take advan- tage of an economic opportunity, Hawth- orne said, possibly leading to other changes to take advantage of other oppor tunities. "Everything I've seen in this commu- nity indicates that they like the plan like it is," he said. Thursday, March 4, 1993 The Eagle i v THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) INDUSTRIAL BACKHOE /LOADER BID NO. 93 -36 BID OPENING: 03 -18-93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03 -05 93,03 -1 2 -93 Friday, March 5, 1993 The Eagle L Saturday, March 6, 1993 125 Legal Notices BRAZOS County, Texas. By /s /ADRIENNE BAILEY, Deputy. PO BOX 2208 BRYAN, TEXAS, 77806 NOTICE You have been sued for di- vorce. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attor- ney do not file a written an- swer with the clerk who is- sued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next fol- lowing the expiration of twenty days after you were served this citation, a default judgment may be taken against you. 02 -20. 93,02 -27 -93 03 -06- 93,03 -13 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2001 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 25, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE REZONING FOUR TRACTS TOTALLING 13.51 ACRES SITUATED IN THE ROBERTSON STE- VENSON LEAGUE, IN BRAZOS COUNTY, COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF GRA- HAM ROAD AT THE WELL- BORN ROAD INTERSEC- TION FROM A -O AGRICUL- TURAL OPEN TO M -1 PLANNED INDUSTRIAL AND M -2 PLANNED IN- DUSTRIAL AND M -2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not more than one thousand dol- lars ($1,000.00). Each day such violation shall be per- 125 Legal Notices mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2001 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 03 -06- 93,03 -07 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2000 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 25, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE REZONING AN 11.43 ACRES SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BUR - NETT LEAGUE, BRAZOS COUNTY, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AND BE- ING A PART OF THAT CERTAIN 20.99 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM W.D. FITCH TO PATRICIA CREEK - MORE SPEARMAN, EL AL OF RECORD IN VOLUME 1479, PAGE 179, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM R -5 MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMENTS TO R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDEN- TIAL. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not more than one thousand dol- lars ($1,000.00). Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitutr a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2000 shal Saturday, March 6, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 03 -06- 93,03 -07 -93 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT #ST -1016 REHABILITATION OF STREETS, SEWERS AND WATER LINES IN THE CARTERS GROVE SUBDIVISION IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS until 2:00 P.M., Friday, March 12, 1993 Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Service 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, Tx 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIOIN OF PROJECT: This project primarily consists of: Reconstructing the 1100 blocks of Merry Oaks Street, Neal Pickett Street, Berkeley Street and all of Westover Street and Carol Street in the Carters Grove Subdivision in College Station. The replacement of lining of sanitary sewer lines in the same area. The replacement of water lines and services and the installation of fire hydrants in the same area. All as described in the plans and specifications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have practical knowledge of the par- ticular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to complete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the work, and d) Has approporiate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED: bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, or a proposal bonds in the same amount from a Surety Company hold- ing permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Treasury Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bond will not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or Specifications must make request for such information to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety-six (96) hours be- fore the bid opening. Answers to All such requests will be given to all Bidders in written ad- dendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a bidder find descrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfull Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be mailed or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the Project Manager during the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Proposal Form and in the executed contract. Such addenda shall be- come a part of the executed contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings ac- cordingly. To properly quallty his proposal, each bidder, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowlede such receipt on the Proposal Form and on the outer enve- lope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lov, est bid received from a quali- fied bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive informalities in any bid. Bids received after the specified time of closing will be returned unopened. The award of the contract for this work is scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 1993. A pre- construction meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 29, 1993. PRICE INTERPRETATION: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the Owner re- serves the right to accept the prices written in words. PROPOSALS: The OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal. CONTRACT: Plans, quantity estimates and contract documents may be obtained at no charge at the of- fice of: Mark Smith, P.E. Asst. Director of Public Services College Station Public Services Center 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 02- 26- 93,03 -06 -93 03-07-93,03-11-93 6 • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS New Shade Structures for ADAMSON POOL City of College Station, Texas Sealed proposals addressed to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, will be received in the Central Park Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas, until 2:00 pm, Tuesday, 15 March 1993, for furnishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superinten- dance and labor for the "New Shade Structures for ADAM - SON POOL" and will be publicly opened and read aloud. Drawings, Specifications and Bidding Documents may be ob- tained from the College Station Parks and Recreation De- partment at the Central Park Office. Two (2) sets of Drawings and Specifications will be furnished each bidding General Contractor without charge upon deposit of twenty -five dollars ($25.00) each as guarantee as to the safe return of the Draw- ings and Specifications within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Drawings and Specifications will be placed in various plan rooms throughout the State. Drawings requested by subcontractors and material dealers, or auditional Drawings and Specifications requested by bidding contractors may be obtained from the Owner upon payment of twenty -five dollars (525.00) per set, which is refundable, as above. Partial sets of Drawings and Specifications will not be available. Make checks payable to the City of College Station. Proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a state or national bank in Texas for the amount of not less than five percent (5 %) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of College Station, Owner, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable Surety Company as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance bond within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. The successful Bidder must furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract price from and approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as Surety, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. The project is exempt from all State and Local taxes the City of College Station is tax exempt. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the ac- tual date of the bid opening thereof. The right is reserved, by the Owner, to reject any or all bids and waive informalities and irregularities. 02 -28- 93,03 -08-93 Monday, March 8, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1) BEVERAGE VENDOR, 2) SELF CONTAINED FOODVENDOR FOR WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER BID OPENING: 03/12/93, -4 P.M. The Request for proposals will be received in the office of Central Park at 1000 Krenek Tap Rd., College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing agent. All propo- sals received after that time will be returned unopend. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said proposal and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03.01- 93,03 -08 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOW- ING: TWO (2) CAB AND CHASSIS TRUCKS. BID NO. 93 -28 BID OPENING: 03/15/93 - 2:00 P.M. The Request for Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 03 -01. 93,03 -08 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: THOROUGHFARE STREET LIGHTING (MATERIAL ONLY) BID NO. 93 -38 BID OPENING: 03 -24 -93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue,' College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03 -08- 93,03 -15 -93 NOTICETO BIDDERS Bid #93.12 Sealed proposals, addres- sed to the City of College Station will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, P.O. Box 9960, Col- lege Station, Texas, 77842 until 2:00 p.m. on the 23rd day of March, 1993 for the clearing or reclearing of elec- tric distribution line right -of- way, including the furnishing of all necessary labor and equipment. The scope of the project is: Electric System Right -of- Way Clearing for Two -Year Contract Period. Includes MJnlmum Right -of -Way Clearing for Eleven (11) Electric System Feeder Circuit In City Totaling Ap- proximately. 103 Total Cir- cuit Mlles During the Sub- ject Two (2) Year Contract Period. This information is fully de- tailed in the Specifications. Specifications are obtainable at the Office of the Engineer, McCord Engineering, Inc., 7607 Eastmark Drive, Suite 102, P.O. Box 10047, Col- lege Station, Texas 77842 (Phone: 409/764- 8356), upon payment of $25.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund. Bids will be evaluated by the City based on the qualifica- tions and experience of the Bidder, as well as the price offered. The City reserves the right to accept the propo- sal that best suits its needs whether or not the price is lowest and also reserves the right to reject all bids or waive informalities. City of College Station, Texas By Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 03 -08- 93,03.15 -93 Tuesday, March 9, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOW- ING: ANNUAL SLUDGE DE- WATERING POLYMER. BID NO. 93-33. BID OPENING: 05/11/93 -2:00 P.M. The Letters of Intent will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent on March 18, 1993 by 2:00 p.m. All Let- ters of Intent received after this time and date will be re- turned unopened. Only bid- ders that have provided let- ters of Intent will be eligible to bid on this project. The Request for Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until May 11, 1993 at 2:00 p.m. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 03 -02- 93,03 -09 -93 • i dw � � The City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department is accepting applications for: VARIOUS POSITIONS WITH THE WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER Positions include: Ticket Sales and Ushers, Crossing Guards, Maintenance, and Security. Amphitheater Staff will work special events spon- sored by the Cityof College Station. Mostevents will be in the evening or on weekends. Events will vary from 4 hours to as many as 12 hours per event. O Salaries range from: $5.35 - 6.00 /hour Deadline for applications: March 23, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resource Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 (3 �� EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Wednesday, March 10, 1993 The Eagle I� Thursday, March 11, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be construction of: PROJECT #ST -1016 REHABILITATION OF STREETS, SEWERS AND IN THE CARTERS GROVE SUBDIVISION IN COLLEGE STATION until 2:00 P.M., Friday, March 12, 1993 Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Service 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, Tx 77842 received for the WATER LINES , TEXAS LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIOIN OF PROJECT: This project primarily consists of: Reconstructing the 1100 blocks of Merry Oaks Street, Neal Pickett Street, Be'r'keley Street and all of Westover Street and Carol Street in the Carters Grove Subdiv(sion in Collie Station. The replacement of lining of sanitary sewer lines in the same area. The replacement of water lines and services and the installation of fire hydrants in the same area. All as described in the plans and specifications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have practical knowledge of the par- ticular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to complete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the work, and d) Has approporiate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED: bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, or a proposal bonds in the same amount from a Surety Company hold- ing permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Treasury Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bond will not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or Specifications must make request for such information to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety-six (96) hours be- fore the bid opening. Answers to All such requests will be given to all Bidders in written ad- dendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a bidder find descrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfull Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be mailed or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the Project Manager during the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Proposal Form and in the executed contract. Such addenda shall be- come a part of the executed contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings ac- cordingly. To properly quality his proposal, each bidder, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowlede such receipt on the Proposal Form and on the outer enve- lope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lowest bid received from a quali- fied bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive informalities in any bid. Bids received after the specified time of closing will be returned unopened. The award of the contract for this work is scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 1993. A pre- construction meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 29, 1993. PRICE INTERPRETATION: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the Owner re- serves the right to accept the prices written in words. PROPOSALS: The OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal. CONTRACT: Plans, quantity estimates and contract documents may be obtained at no charge at the of- fice of: Mark Smith, P.E. Asst. Director of Public Services College Station Public Services Center 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 02 -26- 93,03.06 -93 03- 07- 93,03 -11 -93 • CS residents, Wal -Mart in midst of petition war By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer In the ongoing soap opera of the Wal -Mart rezoning, Col- lege Station is turning into petition place. College Station's Wal -Mart started a petition drive Sat- urday to let members of the College Station City Council know that many residents want a SuperCenter — a Wal - Mart with a grocery store attached — at FM 2818 and the East Bypass. People opposed to the rezoning — which would allow the company to build near houses — started their petition drive in February. Wal -Mart needs commercial zoning for the land, which is now zoned residential. The city's FM 2818 land -use plan calls for a mixture of office and apartment zoning. "We don't normally do this [petition drives]," said John Clark, Wal- Mart's real estate manager for Texas. "The store requested authorization to do it." The petition circulated by people opposed to the zoning site said that the FM 2818 plan was worked out by city offi- Please see PETITION, page A5 Friday, March 12, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) INDUSTRIAL BACKHOE /LOADER a BID NO. 93-36 BID OPENING: 03 -18-93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent ai City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03 -05- 9 3,03 -12 -93 Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks College Station resident Marianne Gigliotto signs a peti- tion recently in favor of a Wal -Mart SuperCenter. Petition From Al cials and area residents. Nothing has changed since the plan was approved in August ex- cept that now there is an imme- diate opportunity to make money, said Gail Griffin, who is one of the leaders of the opposition to the re- zoning. Griffin lives on Mile Drive, which is the nearest resi- dential area to the proposed store. Griffin said that she has noth- ing against Wal -Mart, only the commercialization of the FM 2818 corridor. But she warns if the area is rezoned, no resident with open space next to their house mould be safe in College Station if i large business wanted to build :here. "Zoning is supposed to be our protection," she said. The petition in favor of the re- zoning was started by store em- ployees who thought College Sta- .ion was getting bad publicity, lark said, and who wanted to make sure that those opposing the rezoning were not the only ones being heard. A table is set up near the en- trance to the store, allowing shoppers to sign the petition as they enter. There is also a draw- ing of what the store would look like when completed and a dia- gram showing where the store would be. The FM 2818 location is the only place in College Station that the company will consider building a store, Clark said. If it was built any farther north, it would be too close to the Super - Center being built in Bryan on Briarcrest Drive. If it was built any farther south, the store would be out of city's "trade area," Clark said. "We would not go through this almost vicious rezoning battle [if there was another possible site]," Clark said. "We've had Wal- Mart's name dragged through the mud by some people. This is the only place." Keith Storm, manager of the College Station Wal -Mart , said he asked for permission for the peti- tion because the public needed to hear the company's side. "We think this is right for our customers and all the people of College Station," Storm said. The company would have en- larged the store at its present site if it had enough room, Storm said. The main advantage to the new 199,000 - square -foot store would be one -stop shopping, Storm said. The College Station store doesn't have enough shelf space for all the products it sells, he said. The new store would have wider aisles, a 200 -seat deli- catessen, a full-line bakery and a meat market, Storm said. About 200 people work at the College Station Wal -Mart, Storm said, and the new store would have almost double the number of employees. 6 9 Wolf Pen construction will cause temporary closings Construction of the Wolf Pen Creek project will cause officials to close por- tions of Holleman Drive and Dart- mouth Street this week. Holleman Drive between Lassie Street and the entrance to Post Oak Mail, and Dartmouth Street between Colgate Street and the southern en- trance to Huntington Apartments will be closed Monday through Friday. c A c The City of College Station 0 Parks & Recreation Department � is accepting applications for: VARIOUS POSITIONS WITH THE WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER Positions include: Ticket Sales and Ushers, Crossing Guards, Maintenance, and Security. Amphitheater Staff will work special events spon- sored by the City of College Station. Mostevents will be in the evening or on weekends. Events will vary from 4 hours to as many as 12 hours per event. Salaries range from: $5.35 - 6.00 /hour Deadline for applications: March 23, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resource Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY Sunday, March 14, 1993 The Eagle • • C THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) SEWER PIPE - LINGE TELEVISION IN- SPECTION SYSTEM BID NO. 93-30 BID OPENING: 03 -30 -93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03 -15- 93,03 -22 -93 Monday, March 15, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: THOROUIPHFARE STREET LIGHTING (MATERIAL ONLY) BID NO. 93-38• BID OPENING: 03 -24 -93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03 - 08- 93,03 -15 -93 • • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of College Station will hold a public hearing to amend its fiscal year 1992 -93 Annual Budget at its regular council meeting on Thursday March 25, 1993, 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at the City of College Station City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue, C011ege Station, Texas. The public is invited to review and make comments on the for the repair budget amendment which is to add $240,000 from Electric Funds to bn vesting or n person and renovation of a substation transformer. Comments may be made at the public hearing or may be made In writing to be received by the City Secretary prior to the end of business on March 25, 1993 at the above address. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BUDGETAMENDMENT ANNUAL BUDGET 1992 -1993 AMENDED REVENUES AMENDED BUDGET FY 92 -93 AMENDMENT BUDGET $31,442,181 ELECTRIC FUND $31,202,181 $240,000 AMENDED EXPENDITURES AMENDED BUDGET FY 92 -93 AMENDMENT BUDGET $29,846,789 ELECTRIC FUND $29,606,789 $240.000 03.17 -93 125 L egal Notices Pebble Creek Parkway near the Pebble Creek Country Club; from A -O Agricultural Open to R -1 and R -1A Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, April 1, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 03.17 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the conditions of appro- val of a conditional use per- mit granted to the Christ Holy Missionary Baptist Church located at 1120 Phoenix Street. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, April 1, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 03.17.93 125 Legal Notices Sabine Kuenzel Dlanning Assistant The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap Park- ing Spaces are available. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 46 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay - TX. 03 -17 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the .question of granting a Condi- tional Use Permit for a veter- inary clinic at 123 Miller Lane. Applicant is Maxine Stiles, D.V.M. Owner of property is Dr. B.W. Solomon. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis sion on Thursday, April 1, 1993. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by the Pebble Creek De- velopment Corporation for approximately 85.25 acres of land generally located along the east and west sides of Wednesday, March 17, 1993 The Eagle • 3 enter races for councils, school board • Last -day filers added their names Wednesday as candidates for seats on the Bryan and College Station city councils and school boards. Three people filed Wednesday for the May 1 election: one each for the Bryan and College Station city councils and one for the Bryan school board. Paul Madison, a metal recycling com- pany employee, filed for District 4 on the Bryan school board. Under the school district's new single - member election plan, District 4 is open only' to residents of the area that sur- rounds the Milam, Kemp, Carver and Navarro elementary campuses on the west end of town. Madison, 45, has six children ages 13, 15, 18, 21, 23 and 25. He faces Tommy Ra- mirez Jr. and L.E. Ross for the position. Dan Galvin, assistant director for operational services at the Texas A &M computing services center, became the fourth person to file for Place 5 on the Bryan City Council. He joins Councilman Lonnie Stabler and two other challengers, C. Patrick Meece and Richard T. Stewart, in the race. Vidal Jones, an insurance agent, filed Wednesday for Place 3 on the College Sta- tion City Council. He will try to unseat Councilwoman Lynn Mcllhaney. Thursday, March 18, 1993 The Eagle 40 Friday, March 19, 1993 The Eagle 0 Surely we can plan for a better College Station The debate over rezoning land to allow Wal -Mart to put in a super store just a stone's throw from where it now operates a very successful regular Wal -Mart store rages on. Is there anyone in this town who feels that we need a larger supply of plastic laundry baskets or plastic Easter eggs or any one of the hundreds of other items Wal -Mart could carry in greater abundance in a super store? We believe in competition and "free" enterprise, but we also be- lieve in managed growth. Isn't this just capitalism run amuck? We need to be realistic and recog- nize that it takes an expanded tax base to provide the services re- quired in a growing city, but Col- lege Station did not become a de- sirable place to live by offering more square feet of plastic laun- dry baskets than the surrounding towns. Rezoning the land in question is really not the question. It proba- bly is never going to be useful as residential property. The real question is what kind of growth do we want to support? Can't we afford to be more selective? Can't we ask ourselves if bigger and more of the same is really the kind of growth we want to see in this community? We should be looking at small communities within larger communities like Highland Park in Dallas or Alamo Heights in San Antonio to de- termine how we can preserve the. better characteristics of our city. - +,without surrendering to mindl$s growth as the only solution to $ur `economic base. These are com- munities that have continued to provide outstanding public schools and desirable communi- ties to live in rather than merely offering more stores and parking lots. Surely with all the urban plan- ning expertise that resides in this university community, we can come up with a more creative so- lution to growth than what we have heard thus far in this debate. Surely if we have learned nothing else from watching our large cit- ies decay, we should have learned that growth, in and of itself, is not the answer. Blanche Brick College Station NOTICE OF Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- PUBLIC HEARING tive services for the hearing be made 48 The College Station Zoning Adjustment will impaired must hours before the meeting. To Board of consider a variance request' make arrangements call (TDD) . by Ray Mart, Inc. to the park- (409) 764.3547 or ing and parking lot setback at 3800 Texas 1.800- 735 -2989. For additional information, requirements Avenue South. be con- please contact the Planning at (409) 7643570. I This request will by the Zoning Board Office Sabine Kuenzel sidered of Adjustment on Tuesday, Staff Planner April 6, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in 03 -19 -93 the City Hall Council Room 1 101 Texas NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING located at The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Thomas Properties to the side street setback require- 3301 Mildonhall; lot ments at 9, block 10 of Brandon Heights Phase I Subdivision. This request will be con- by the Zoning Board sidered of Adjustment on Tuesday, April 6, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hatll Council located Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing must be made 48 impaired hours before the meeti To make arrang ement (TDD) '409) 764.3547 or 1- 800 - 735 -2 For additional information please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 03 -19 -93 Friday, March 19, 1993 The Eagle 0 Surely we can plan for a better College Station The debate over rezoning land to allow Wal -Mart to put in a super store just a stone's throw from where it now operates a very successful regular Wal -Mart store rages on. Is there anyone in this town who feels that we need a larger supply of plastic laundry baskets or plastic Easter eggs or any one of the hundreds of other items Wal -Mart could carry in greater abundance in a super store? We believe in competition and "free" enterprise, but we also be- lieve in managed growth. Isn't this just capitalism run amuck? We need to be realistic and recog- nize that it takes an expanded tax base to provide the services re- quired in a growing city, but Col- lege Station did not become a de- sirable place to live by offering more square feet of plastic laun- dry baskets than the surrounding towns. Rezoning the land in question is really not the question. It proba- bly is never going to be useful as residential property. The real question is what kind of growth do we want to support? Can't we afford to be more selective? Can't we ask ourselves if bigger and more of the same is really the kind of growth we want to see in this community? We should be looking at small communities within larger communities like Highland Park in Dallas or Alamo Heights in San Antonio to de- termine how we can preserve the. better characteristics of our city. - +,without surrendering to mindl$s growth as the only solution to $ur `economic base. These are com- munities that have continued to provide outstanding public schools and desirable communi- ties to live in rather than merely offering more stores and parking lots. Surely with all the urban plan- ning expertise that resides in this university community, we can come up with a more creative so- lution to growth than what we have heard thus far in this debate. Surely if we have learned nothing else from watching our large cit- ies decay, we should have learned that growth, in and of itself, is not the answer. Blanche Brick College Station THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING 125 Legal Notices College Station, Texas BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 77840, until the time and date ONE (1) SEWER PIPE- specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the LINGE TELEVISION IN- office of the Purchasing SPECTION SYSTEM Agent. All bids received after BID NO. 93 -30 that time will be returned BID OPENING: 03 -30 -93 unopened. The City of Col - 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be lege Station reserves the right waive or reject any received in the office of the and alll l bids or any and all Purchasing Agent at City to regularities i said bid and to Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, accept the offer considered o most advantageous to the City. 03 -15- 93,03 -22 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TWO (2) CAB AND CHAS- SIS TRUCKS BID NO. 93 -39 BID OPENING: 03 -30 -93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the Cit 03 -22- 93,03 -29 -93 Monday, March 22, The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TWO (2) CAB AND CHAS- SIS TRUCKS BID NO. 93 -39 BID OPENING: 03 -30-93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be • eceived in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered 1993 most advantageous to the City. 03 -22- 93,03 -29 - 9 3 The City of Parks Station `!000 Parks & Recreation Department * is accepting applications for: VARIOUS POSITIONS WITH THE WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER Positions include:TicketSales and Ushers, Crossing Guards, Maintenance, and Security. Amphitheater Staff will work special events spon- sored by the city of Col lege Station. Most events w i l l be in the evening or on weekends. Events will vary from 4 hours to as many as 12 hours per event. Salaries range from: $5.35 - 6.00 /hour Deadline for applications: March 23, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resource Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL O EMPLOYER The City of College Station � � is currently accepting applications A for the following positions: Sr. Public Service Worker Mechanic I The College Station Public Services Center is currently accepting applications for two me chanically- oriented individuals to work in the Fleet Services Division. Sr. Public Service Worker. Qualified candidate will have heavy truck tire repair and general service work experience. Salary - $6.44/hour Mechanic I. This position requires 2 years heavy truck repair experience and 2 ASE me- dium & heavy truck certifications. Class A CDL Driver's License is also required. Salary - $7.91/hour Both positions offer excellent benefits. We sup- ply uniforms and tools. Deadline to apply: 5p.m., Friday, March 26,1993. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER is LJ CS Council faces rezoning issue Members of the College Station City Council are scheduled to decide Thurs- day whether to rezone land for a proposed Wal -Mart SuperCenter and prohibit left turns at the intersection of Dominik Drive and Texas Avenue. The two issues are on the agenda for the council's regular meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday. The public will be allowed to speak on both issues at the meeting. Ed Hard, the city's traffic planner, has told the council that prohibiting left turns at Dominik and Texas is necessary for safety reasons. But business owners in the area have objected, saying that prohibiting left turns onto Dominik would deprive them of much of their business. The council was scheduled to vote on the issue at a Jan. 14 meeting, but put off the decision until the Feb. 11 meeting. At that meeting, action was again postponed to allow the business owners time to complete their own engineering study. If the prohibition is approved, the necessary construction could be done as Tuesday, March 23, 1993 The Eagle part of the widening of Texas Avenue by the Texas Department of Transportation. The widening project should start late this year; the state would pay to add a median that would block left turns. The rezoning, which has sparked strong public interest and at least two pe- titions, would affect the council's plan for land use along FM 2818. The current plan calls for a mixture of office, medium - density residential and low- density residential. Wal -Mart wants about 40 acres at FM 2818 and the East Bypass zoned commercial to build a SuperCenter, which is a Wal -Mart with a grocery store attached. People opposed to the rezoning say they are concerned about the encroachment of commercial property on residential areas. Council members will also discuss the rezoning in a workshop meeting sched- uled for Wednesday at 4 p.m. Thursday's regular meeting and Wed- nesday's workshop will both be in Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. n U • CS council should not cave into demands from Wal -Mart Here's hoping that our elected repre. sentatives in College Station have the guts and foresight to stick by the estab- lished land use plans and zoning and deny the changes requested by Wal -Mart to enable it to build a "super center ". There is no real need for it. There are already three large discount chain stores within blocks of each other. Supermar- kets abound and none of them are ever too crowded for comfort. What's more, Wal -Mart is already tearing down a per- fectly good woods to make way for one of these beauties just a few scant miles to the north. The real issue here, however, is not the merits of the proposed venture itself. The issue is whether the city government should adopt land use plans and zoning crdinances and stick to them for the benefit of residents or should it change them whenever they don't fit into someone's plans. That someone usually represents big money and political clout. The bottom line is, the council should uphold what is already in place regarding the FM 2818 extension and "just say no" to Wal -Mart. If the council says OK, then it may as well just rescind the zoning laws and abolish the Planning and Zon- ing Commission and let anyone build anything anywhere they want to. GEORGE C. WEBER College Station Council should abolish p &Z if it won't follow master plan Why does the city of College Station have a Planning and Zoning Commis- sion? The College Station City Council ac- cepted the land between Texas Avenue and the East Bypass on FM 2818 as pro- posed by the Planning and Zoning Com- mission as residential and a mixture of offices and apartments. Now along comes Wal -Mart, trying to imidate the council. If the council '.'es in to Wal- Mart's wishes, then it should just do away with the Planning and Zoning Commission and get Wal- &lart's real estate agent for Texas to tell the council how to plan and zone our city. Tuesday, March 23, 1993 The Eagle Should the council accede to Wal- Mart's wishes, then no neighborhood in the city of College Station is safe, regard- less of how it is presently zoned. If anyone has any misconceptions Wal-Mart or what ci tra el 5 miles orth Hearne and ask our good neighbors there how Wal. Mart treated them. JIM GORDON College Station • Zoning decision delayed "` by CS council until April A decision on rezoning for a College Station Wal -Mart SuperCenter was placed back in layaway Wednesday by the College Station City Council. Councilmembers were scheduled to decide today whether to rezone almost 40 acres of land near _the northeast corner of the intersection of the East Bypass and FM 2818. But the council unanimously voted to delay the de- cison until its April 8 meeting. The company needs a commercial zone to build a SuperCenter, which combines a full-sized Wal-Mart with a full-sized grocery store. The area is zoned residential and the city's master plan calls for a mixture of office and high and medium - density residential development at that location. Wal -Mart officials asked city offi- cials Tuesday if the decision could be delayed, saying that they were work- ing on additional information to pre- sent to the council. The company also said that John Clark, Wal Mart's prop erty manager for Texas, could not at- tend. City officials said Tuesday that Mayor Larry Ringer had conferred with Mayor Pro Tem Fred Brown and decided to keep the zoning decision on tonight's agenda. But Brown suggested at Wednes- day's council workshop that the delay be granted because two councilmem- bers would probably miss the meeting. Councilwoman Nancy Crouch will be out of town today on business. Mayor Larry Ringer, who did not at- tend Wednesday's meeting, might not be there because of a fire at his house. The council first considered the re- zoning on Feb. 11, but decided to delay consideration until March so the council could reconsider the city's land -use plan. Thursday, March 25, 1993 The Eagle NOTICETO BIDDERS BID #93 -10 Sealed Proposals addres- sed to the City of College Station, Texas, for the Con- struction, including the sup- ply of necessary labor, mate- rials, and equipment, of elec tric substation facilities will be received at the office of the Purchsing Agent, City of COI - lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960, Col- lege Station, Texas, 77842 until 2:00 p.m. on the 6th day of April, 1993. Bids received by that time will be publicly opened and read in the office of the Purch Agent, College Station, Texas. Bids received after 2:00 p.m., April 6, 1993, will be returned unopened to the sender. Plans and Specifications for this project may be ob- tained from the Engineer, McCord Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 10047, 7607 ECoI- 125 Legal Notices a.m. on March 26, 1993 at the City of College Station Utility Service Center, 1601 Graham Rd., Station, Texas. Said meeting shall be held f the as of addres q well as on -site viewing of the proposed construction. Award of the Contract to the successful Bidder will be made at subsequent meet- ings of the City Council of College Station. CITY O STATION TEXAS By Virginia Ket Purchasing Agent 03.25- 93,0 -01 -93 mark Drive, Suite 102, ( (Phone: 409/764 -6356) upon I payment of $50.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund. Bids will be evaluated by I the City based on the quality of materials to be furnished_ . the qualfications and exp ence of the Bidder, the Bid der's ability to meet the speci- fied construction schedule, as well as the price The City reserves the right to accept the Proposal tehaebest suits its needs, not the price is lowest, and also reserves the right to re- ject all bids or waive informa lities. An on -site pre -bid meeting of prospective Bidders will be held for this project at 10:00 i • Thursday, March 25, The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by the Begonia 19933 125 Legal Notices - orporation for approxi- mately 269.67 acres of land generally located north of Wellborn Road, west of Gra- ham Road and south of Welsh Street and Schaffer Road from interim A -O Agri- cultural Open to R -1 Single Family Residential, A -P Ad- ministrative Professional, C -1 General Commercial, C -2 Industrial Commercial, C -3 Planned Commercial and R -5 Medium Density Apartments. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, April 8, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 03 -24 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ap- peal of a decision by the Planning and Zoning Com- mission to deny a conditional use permit request by KSK Entertainment to operate a nightclub in the former Schulman Theater located at 226 Southwest Parkway. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, April 8, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 03 -24 -93 • College Station should reject Wal- Mart's rezoning request E I wish we all had the guts to boycott Wal-Mart. I am so angry at the way it is jerking the strings of our community. There already three stores here, counting Sam's. When Wal -Mart puts the indepen- dent shop owners out of business, it might be content, but I doubt it. Bryan has already sold its "soul to the company store." I hope College Station council members have enough faith and confi- dence in their city to know it will con- tinue to prosper without another mega - monster discount store. PAT DILLON Bryan - U�S Tuesday, March 30, 1993 The Eagle 0 0 0 Wednesd� The Eag: • Getting out the vote I �_3 :V�. �r (D N (D W U) (D k< �i Cl w N w 35 cents Klan planning April rally in Oaks Park By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is planning to bring its "message of hope and deliverance" to the white residents of College Station next month. The organization, which plans to hold three -hour rally here April 24, was invited t o the city, Grand Dragon Michael Lowe sai d Tuesday in a telephone interview from h Waco home. "Our membership at Texas A &M asked u to," Lowe said of the rally. "We feel like it's fertile ground," he said noting one of the goals of the gathering is t recruit new members. The Klan will hold its "White Christian re- vival" from 1-4 p.m. at Oaks Park on Harvey Road. In a promotional flyer, the KKK alluded to a third reason for gathering here: "You've heard [state representative] Ron Wilson talk about how bad Whites are at Texas A &M. Now a hear what we have to say.... It's high time that you heard the truth. The dreams of our i forefathers are being washed away by a liberal s agenda which intends to brainwash America and destroy your heritage and racial pride, s among other things. The time to act is now!" Lowe said his group's message takes a pro- , white stance as opposed to what he referred to o as the "anti- white" position taken earlier by Wilson. Wilson, a Houston Democrat, said Tuesday he was not concerned by the KKK rally. "It's a free country and they're entitled to express their views ... but I doubt that any of them could qualify to enter the university," Wilson said. "I may just throw on a white sheet and show up myself . bring some barbecue and watermelon," he said with a laugh. College Station Police Chief Edgar Feldman said his department is taking the rally seri- ously. He met Tuesday morning with Lowe to ar- range security for the event. "We happen to be the city they picked and Please see KLAN, page Al Klan From Al we're taking a ll the steps neces- sary to ensure it's it peaceful as- sembly," Feldman said. He said he area resident will have to such a presence. Feldman said he plans to work with Bryan police and the Brazos County Sheriff's Department to provide adequate security for the event. The three agencies met last week to discuss c word" they w the KKK coming. In addition, he said his depart ment has been in touch with other cities in which similar KKK gath- erings have taken place. rally will said the be the fifth for g his group so far this year. one of the "I think this will b best rallies we've ad Lowe said. Leaders of his g roup hope to have 25 rallies before the end of the year, including a return trip to the Brazos Valley. While he said he wasn't sure how many Klansmen would come to town for the event, Feldman's estimate was 25 to 100. Lowe said his members already have been contacting area busi- nesses at random with id id he sages about the rally has received mixed responses, but most recipients voiced surprise at the group's continued presence and modern capabilities. The KKK also plans to promote the local event through telephone solicitations. "The Democrats do it, the Re- publicans do it, businesses do it. It's a good way to reach the pub- lic," Lowe said. • • 125 Leg No tices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING .BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PADMOUNT DISTRIBU- TION TRANSFORMERS BID NO. 93 -41 BID OPENING: 04 -13.93 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the officelof the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The 'City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 04 - 01- 93,04 -08 -93 INVITATION TO BID ON LAND TO BE LEASED BY CI TY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR OIL AND GAS PURPOSES BID #93-42 BID OPENING 4/12/93.2:00 P.M. Sealed bids will be received by the College Station Purchasing Agent on behalf of the City of College Station at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842 until Monday, April 12, 1993 at 2:00 p.m., and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on the same date in the Council Chambers at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Sealed bids are to be made on the lease form avai- lable at the Purchasing Agent's office, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas. A minimum bonus of $410.00 per acre is re- quired. Bidder may be required to demonstrate that he can form a pool. The City of College Station reserves the right to refuse all bids or to accept any bid on Thursday, April 1, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices the property listed for a period of thirty (30) days fol- lowing bid opening date. Bids and checks that are rejected shall be shown on the lease. A memorandum of the oil and gas lease shall ba recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the bonus money deposited to the general funds of the City of College Station. Cathy Locke 04 -01 93,0 City Attorney 4 -08 -93 NOTICETO BIDDERS BID #93 -10 Sealed Proposals addres- sed to the City of College Station, Texas, for the Con- struction, including the sup - ply of necessary labor, mate- rials, and equipment, of elec- tric substation facilities will be received at the office of the Purchsing Agent, City of Col- lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960, Col - lege Station, Texas, 77842 until 2:00 p.m. on the 6th day of April, 1993. Bids received by that time will be publicly opened and read in the office of the Purchasing Agent, Colle9e Station, Texas. Bids received after 2:00 p.m., April 6, 1993, will be returned unopened to the sender. Plans and Specifications for this project may be ob- tained from the Engineer, McCord Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 10047, 7607 East - mark Drive, Suite 102, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840 (Phone: 409/764 -8356) upon payment of $50.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund. Bids will be evaluated by the City based on the quality of materials to be furnished, the qualfications and experi- ence of the Bidder, the Bid- der's ability to meet the speci- fied construction schedule, as well as the price offered. The City reserves the right to i accept the Proposal that best suits its needs, whether or not the price is lowest, and also reserves the right to re- ject all bids or waive informa- lities. An on -site pre -bid meeting of prospective Bidders will be held for this project at 10:00 a.m. on March 26, 1993 at the City of College Station Utility Service Center, 1601 Graham Rd., College Station, Texas. Said meeting shall be held for the purpose of addressing questions as well as on -site viewing of the proposed construction. Award of the Contract to the successful Bidder will be made at subsequent meet- ings of the City Council of College Station. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 03 -25- 93,04 -01 -93 L! i s Those opposed to the rezoning said they did not oppose Wal -Mart in particular but were concerned about commercial development encroaching on residential areas. They also said the city's land -use plan needed to have more integ- rity and not be disregarded so eas- ily. Mayor Larry Ringer said Fri- day that at some point, council members will re- examine the land -use plan for the entire city, instead of just the FM 2818 area. John Walter, a leader in the fac- tion opposing the rezoning for Wal -Mart, said he was dis- appointed at the delay. "The discussion about land use needs to continue," Walter said. "There needs to be a consensus about what will be there. "Sure, there was a lot of 'not in my back yard,' " he said, "but that's what a land -use plan is for — so [commercial development] won't be in anyone's back yard." Gail Griffin, a leader in the neighborhood along Mile Drive, which would have been the closest residential area to the new Wal -Mart, said she was "de- lighted" the controversy is over —at least for now. "We hope that Wal -Mart chooses to expand, but in a desig- nated commercial site, so that there won't be any controversy," she said. Griffin doesn't believe that this the last time she will have to con- tend with the encroachment of commercial development. "We've been here for 20 years," she said. "For the last 15, there has been constant pressure for a land -use change. It happens every six months to a year." Saturday, April 3, 1993 The Eagle Wal -Mart considers its options By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Wal -Mart officials withdrew the company's rezoning request be- cause the company is re- evaluating its plans for College Station, a company representa- tive said Friday. "We've temporarily pulled our request, said a spokeswoman in Wal -Mart's home office in Ben- tonville, Ark. "We're re- evaluating what is in the best in- terest of Wal -Mart and the com- munity. College Station officials learned of Wal -Mart's decision Thursday afternoon in a fax from Doucet & Associates, the company's consul- tant on the proposed store. The company had wanted about 40 acres at FM 2818 and the East By- pass rezoned so the company could build a SuperCenter. "Due to local concerns of their proposed SuperCenter, Wal -Mart Stores Inc. is presently re- evaluating their position in Col- lege Station and has put the project on hold," the message said. "Therefore at Wal-Mart 's request, and on behalf of the ap- plicants, I respectfully request that our application for rezoning and preliminary and final plats of the property on FM 2818 be with- drawn. We will promptly notify you as further information is provided by Wal- Mart." The letter was signed by John D. Doucet, who was unavailable for comment Friday. Commercial zoning is needed for Wal -Mart to build a SuperCen- ter, which is a full-sized Wal-Mart with a full-sized grocery store. The area at FM 2818 and the East Bypass is now zoned residential and the city's land -use plan calls for a mixture of office and apart- ment 7nnino • r 0 The City of College Station 611V has an immediate opening for a: CIVIL ENGINEER Starting salary mid to upper $30's, depending on quali- fications. Applicant must possess a bachelors degree in civil engineering and have at least 4 years of increasing design or project management responsibilities. Requires Professional Engineer registration in the State of Texas or ability to acquire within six months of appointment. The successful candidate should be knowledgeable in the areas of streets and drainage design and construction. Excellent communications skills, and an ability to work with the public and co- workers is a must. Knowledge in capital improvement programs and project management a plus. Deadline for application is May 3, 1993. Send resume to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -0960 Equal Opportunity Employer PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council has adopted the Comprehensive Annual Fi- nancial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30,1992. Copies are aviala- ble for inspection by the pu- blic at the College Station City Hall, Fiscal Administra- tion Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Glenn Schroeder Executive Director Fiscal and Human Resource i Group 04-04-93 Sunday, April 4, 1993 The Eagle • 0 Monday, April 5, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO BIDDERS 125 Legal gal Notices sad to the Cit sals addres- Station, Texas, Station, Texas hoof College 2 :00 on the 27th day 642 until struction, including the con- on received b ofAprll. PlY of necessary labor, wUl be y that time vials, and mate read Publicly opened and undergro equipme Of an in the 12 5 kV Chambers of the Cif Council bution feeder and distri- Colle y Hall in encased concrete 0 College Station, Texas at manholes duct bank with p the will be r Bids re ceiv same date. the office of the r eceived at will be returned uno2 Purchasing P.M. A g e nt , City of College the sender. Paned p' to Station, 1101 Texas Avenu lans P.O. B ox 9960, e, for this pro S p e cifications be College tai ned from he En9 peer, P.O, B Engineering, Inc., mark ox 1 0047, 7607 East - le Drive, Suite 102, Col - 9e Station, Texas 77840 (Phone: 409/764 -8356) upon Payment of $40,00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund, An on -site pre..bid meeting Of prospective Bidders will be held for this project on Aprll 13, 1993 at 10:00 a,rry, at the City Utility S,M � Center at 1601 Graham Road, College Station, Texas. meeting Said shall be held for the purpo Of addressing questions as well as on -site viewing of the Proposed construction. Award of the Contract to the successful Bidder will be made at a subsequent g of the city Co unc meet - i legs Station l of Col. ' . CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 04 -05.93 04 -12 -93 C a 0 CS Councii to hear request KSK Entertainment is asking the College Station City Council for a con- ditional- use permit for the Plaza 3 Theater, which was once leased by the Schulman family, on Southwest Parkway. Company officials said that they hope to put a nightclub in the former movie - house. No movies have shown there since June 1990. The city's planning and zoning commission has already denied the company's request for a permit. The council will consider the com- pany's request at Thursday's 7 p.m., regular meeting. The council will also discuss the request at a 4 p.m. Wed- nesday workshop. Both meetings will be in College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. Tuesday, April 6, 1993 The Eagle LJ 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Bill Wetterman Jr. to the sign regulations for the prop- erty located at 1705 Valley View Dr. - Putt Putt Golf & Games. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, April 20, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 04 -07 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by the Pebble Creek Development Corpor- ation for approximatley 85.25 acres of land generally lo- cated along the east and west sides of Pebble Creek Parkway near the Pebble Creek Country Club; from A -O Agriculture Open to R -1 and R -1A Single Family Re- Wednesday, April 7, The Eagle 1993 sidential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M, meeting of the Council on Thursday, April 22, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call ( -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 04 -07 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Prouduction of Oil, Gas, and Assoiciated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Union Paci- tic Resources Co., Ft. Worth, Texas. The proposed Drilling Site is located approximatley 600 feet south of the City limits and the 200 acre Economic Development Foundation Business Park, and approxi- mately 1000 feet east of SH -6. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, April 22, 1993, The Building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangement call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 -Relay -Tex or (TDD) 1 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Ave. or call 4 09 -764 -3570. 0 4 -07 -93 125 Legal No tices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Ben Aguirre to the rear setback requirements at 1204 Goode. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, April 20, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To 'Hake arrangements call ( -3547 or (TDD) 1- 8 00 - 735 -2989. =or additional information, )lease contact the Planning )ffice at (409) 764 -3570. ,abine Kuenzel itaff Planner 04 -07.93 • 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Kolkhorst Exxon to the setback requirements at 425 South Texas Avenue. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board , of Adjustment on Tuesday, April 20, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 04 -07 -93 NOTICE OF - PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Vaughn & Clark Joint Ven- ture to section five of the drainage ordinance for the Windwood Phase 7 subdiv- ision, This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, April 20, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To , make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Engineer- ing Office at (409) 764 -3570. Veronica Morgan Assistant to the City Engi- neer 04 -07 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Prouduction of Oil, Gas, and Assoiciated Hydrocar- bons within the City of Col- lege Station Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources Co., Ft. Worth, Texas. The proposed Drilling Site Is located generally outside and south of College Station City Limits, easterly about 1.0 mile from SH -6 and nor- thwest of the Texas World Speedway in the S.W. Robertson Survey on land i owned by Brazos Coal Ltd. 1 The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 ! p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, April 22, 1993. The Building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangement call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is aval- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at . -.. T...,...- A— __u 0 Wal -Mart pulls zoning request 41 Wal -mart has withdrawn its request for the College Station City Council to re- zone almost 40 acres near FM 2818 and the East Bypass so the company can build a SuperCenter. College Station City Plan- ner Jim Callaway said his department received a fax Thursday afternoon saying Wal -Mart was withdrawing its application for the rezon- ing. The company cited con- cerns from the community as the reason for its de- cision. Callaway said the letter did not say anything about other possible Wal -Mart lo- cations in College Station. Friday, April 2, 1993 The Eagle (4r Thursday, April 8, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLeac STATION IS REQUESTANG BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION _ OF COMMERCIAL WALL. COVERING FOR CONFER- ENCE CENTER - BID NO. 93 -44. BID OPENING: 04/19/93,- 2 P.M. The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the city. 04 -08- 93,04 -15 -93 • Panel OKs permit for nightclub By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The College Station City Council ap- proved a permit on Thursday to turn what was the Plaza 3 Theater into the city's newest nightclub. The council approved the permit on a 5-2 vote, but only after putting re- strictions on the permit. Councilman Hubbard Kennady moved that the city grant the permit if the club owners met the following rees � restrictions: park ■Provide security gu m ing lot. ■ Pick up litter in the parking lot every night. ■Provide a fence between the parking lot and a mobile home park. ■Provide screening between the park- ing lot and a child -care center. The permit is good for one year. The owners, KSK Entertainment, will have to apply again next year. The city can close the club if it finds the club is not in compliance with the permit's restrictions. The building is lo- cated on Southwest Parkway. Councilmen Jim Gardner and Vernon Schneider voted against granting the permit. Gardner said if so many re- strictions were called for, maybe this wasn't the place for a nightclub. Several residents of the Oak Forest Mobile Home Park asked the council to deny the permit, citing problems with The Edge — a previous nightclub which was located near the former movie theater. Patrick Seigert, representing the club's owners, said that everything possible was being done to alleviate the concerns of the park's residents. He said that the owners will provide a Friday, A] bus to act as a designated driver for cus- The Eagle tomers that have had too much to drink, Seigert said. Parking lot rowdiness will be kept to a minimum by providing valet parking, he said. We can oppose KKK rally As a tax- paying citizen of the Brazos Valley, I would like to think that I can voice my opinions on several facts you covered in your article on the K.K.K. ral- ly on April 24 (By the way, what time is it going to start?). Please let the public know when you find out. I would like to think that there are peo- ple who don't condone what the K.K.K. stands for: hatred, bigotry and all kinds of racial separation, injustice based on the color of a person's skin; not the con- tent of one's character. The death of Billy Charles Williams Jr. shook Brazos Valley. It was a wake up call. It's time that we stand up for who and what we believe in. I don't think we are doing as bad as some other places and we should let the K.K.K. know by show- ing support in "Hands Around the Brazos Valley" by coming to the rally to help for a circle of love around the K.K.K. I know that we have come a long way and that we can only continue to work together as sisters and brothers in Christ. So I would like to invite you to come out in the name of Jesus, to show the Devil that he is a liar if he thinks the people of the Brazos Valley will not stand up for the Lord. Come, let's join hands together for the community as a whole. We have come too far to let someone who doesn't live or pay taxes here to start confusion and then leave. Come and let us reason together with the Lord. CLIFTON BIGMAN STEWART College Station :7 • • • Sunday, April 11, 1993 The Eagle Polls open Monday for voting early • By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Early voting for the May 1 election starts Monday. The election will decide races for city councils, school board, a new U.S. Sena- tor for Texas and the fate of three pro- posed amendments to the state constitu- tion. Early voting ends April 27. Because there was not enough time to have combined polling places approved by the U.S. Justice Department, voting for city and school elections will be held in a separate location from other voting. Early voting in Bryan city and school races will be held between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the lobby of the Bryan Municipal Building, 300 S. Texas Ave. Early voting for College Station city and school elections will be held between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the training room on the first floor of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Early voting in all other races can be done in five places: ■Memorial Student Center at Texas A &M, Room 138. ■ College Station School Administra- tion office, 1812 Welsh Ave. ■Brazos County Courthouse, at Texas Avenue and William J. Bryan Parkway.; ■Brazos County Arena Hall, on Tabor Road. ■Galilee Baptist Church, 804 N. Logan St. in Bryan. Voting will be held between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at all lo- cations. For more information call Bryan City Secretary Mary Lynne Galloway, 361 -3609, College Station City Secretary Connie Hooks, 764 -3512, or Brazos County Clerk Mary Ann Ward, 361 -4128. 0 NOTICE The City of College Station currently has for sale and is accepting sealed bids on the following items: Bid #93.46, 1976 Ford /Plerce Custom Pumper - Minimum bid $20,000. Bid #93 -47 IBM Rack Enclosure, Quarter. deck 2.2 Gigabyte tape drive. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on the above listed equipment until 2:00 p.m, on NOTICE TO BIDDERS April 26, 1993, at which time BID #93 -13 bids will be publicly opened Sealed Proposals addres. Bid forms are available in the sled to the City of College office of the Purchasin Station, Texas for the con. Agent at City Hall, 110 structlon, including the sup. Texas Ave., College Statioi ply of necessary labor, mate. Texas 77840, rials, and equipment, of an Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 0 -12- 93,04 -19 -93 Monday, April 12, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notic underground 12.5 kV distri. bution feeder and concrete encased duct bank with manholes, will be received at the office of the Purchasing ' Agent, City of College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas, 77842 until 2:00 on the 27th day of April. Bids received by that time will be publicly opened and read in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall in College Station, Texas at 2:OOp.m.on the same date. Bids received after 2:OOp.m. will be returned unopened to the sender. Plans and Specifications for this project may be ob. tained from the Engineer, McCord Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 10047, 7607 East - mark Drive, Suite 102, Col. loge Station, Texas 77840 (Phone: 4 09/764.8356) upon payment of $40.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund. An on -stte pre -bid meeting of prospective Bidders will be held for this project on April 13, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. at the City Utility Service Center at 1601 Graham Road, College Station, Texas. Said meeting shall be held for the purpose of addressing questions as well as on -site viewing of the proposed construction. Award of the Contract to the successful Bidder will be made at a subsequent meet. ing of the city Council of Col- lege Station. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEY.AS i By Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 04 -05- 93,04 -12 -93 L' Wednesday, April 14, 1993 Local /State Page A4 Race pits veteran against newcomer McIlhaney, Jones in campaign for Place 3 on College Station Council By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Lynn McIlhaney calls it commitment. Vidal Jones calls it being an old- timer. The race for Place 3 on the College Sta- tion City Council features McIlhaney, a homemaker who has served the city as a council member for 10 of the last 11 years, and Jones, a 24- year -old insurance agent who says it is time for some new blood. Jones, who has lived in College Station since 1986, admits that he originally in- tended to serve on one of the city's ad- visory committees, until he noticed that McIlhaney was unopposed. "She's been there a decade," Jones said. "I think it's time for new blood and new ideas. The council has gotten a little complacent." The two newest members on the coun- cil, N nady, electio city to have uncontested races, he said. McIlhaney was on the council from 1982 -86. She sat out a year after losing the mayor's race to Larry Ringer, and has been on the council since 1987. McIlhaney is one of the main council proponents of a "vision" for the city. She would like to involve both cities, both school districts, the county and Texas A &M in developing a vision process for the community. The process of developing a vision, with the participation of many people from all areas of the community, is as important as the final project, she said. McIlhaney's vision is of a family - oriented city that is planned for beauty. It should be a place where business, neigh- borhoods and nature are in harmony, she said. said she was the leader in establishing an application process for city committees, instead of just having council members appoint friends and neighbors. McIlhaney has become active in state and national organizations, including the Texas Municipal League, and is one of the first members of the Texas Leader- ship Institute, which helps teach leader- ship skills to municipal officials throughout Texas. Jones said that he doesn't want to see another property tax increase in College Station. The city council approved a 1A -cent tax increase in September 1992, raising the rate from 40 cents per $100 of evaluation to 41Y4 cents. Jones said that the city needs to stop making it so hard on businesses that want to locate in College Station. Jones over Wal- for co McILHANEY JONES mercial growth, right now," Jones said. "If Wal -Mart doesn't go there, that area will be underdeveloped for some time." Jones said that while the wishes of nearby property owners were important, the council should do what is best for the city. "I don't mind stepping on some toes," he said. McIlhaney and Councilman Jim Gard- ner have done great service to the coun cil, he said, and have been a stabilizing factor. But the pair seem to want to have things "stay as they are," he said. ancy Crouch and Hubbard Ken- She wrote the outline for the city's eth- mentioned the recent squabble won their seats in uncontested ics policy, she said, which is being used Mart. ins, Jones said. It doesn't serve the as a m odel for other cities. McIlhaney "That area is the best p Because the COIYlIYIUril is everyone's business .. . Almost everyone agrees that economic development is crucial to the strength of our community. David Hickson knows the importance of attracting new business and promoting the expansion of existing ones. By reviewing the existing vision for growth, Hickson believes the city can develop a solid founda- tion for the future and improve on the high quality of life associated with College Station. And so is the future. D a v i d HICKSON College Station Councilmember Place #5 • President and Co- Founder, C1C Agency, Inc. • Former Market- ing Director, Union Carbide Corporation • Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1987 • Member, B /CS Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, 1991 • Vice- President of Membership, A Chamber of Commerce, 1992 • Member, Diplomatic Corps, Texas A&M University-B /CS Council • Obtained B.S., M.S., Ph.D. from Texas A&M University • Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist, 1992 • Lifelong resident, College Station Wednesday, April 14, 1993 The Eagle � 11 Thursda Aril 15 1993 I/State Page A7 ielcson all business in council race Gardner's vote against waterline extension spurred Hickson to run By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer One vote prompted David Hickson to run against Jim Gardner for Place 5 on the College Station City Council. In May 1992, Hickson's company, CIC Agency Inc., was looking to expand. They had picked out a warehouse in south Col- lege Station, but there was one problem: The building needed a larger waterline to install a fire hydrant. The College Station City Council voted to extend the line in an effort to help the local business expand. "There was one opponent," Hickson said. "Jim Gardner." Gardner has represented Place 5 since 1987. A former city planner and a profes- sor emeritus of planning at Texas A &M, he first served on the council from 1974 -78. Hickson said he is the pro-business candidate, while Gardner favors no growth. Gardner said calling him anti- business is unfair and not accurate. But he said he disagrees with spending tax dollars to in- duce growth. "College Station can continue without an industrial tax base," he said. "But then, education is an industry. It brings in dollars from outside the city." As a councilman, Hickson said, he would work to create the infrastructure GARDNER HICKSON to bring businesses to College Station. New businesses are important, he said, because of the condition of the state's budget and the possible effects on Texas A &M. "If A&M takes a hit, businesses will have to be in place to take some of those employees," Hickson said. The local economy doesn't warrant spending tax dollars to draw business, Gardner said. The city will continue to grow naturally without inducements. The orientation of recent councils has been pro - growth, Gardner said. Too much emphasis has been put on growth and the costs have too high, he said. The council should work to make Col- lege Station a city with the amenities and the quality of life that will make people want to come here. Hickson said. The Wolf Pen Creek project is a prime exam- ple of that, he said. Gardner and Hickson do agree on Wolf Pen Creek Park. Gardner has been one of the project's strongest proponents of the project on the council. He said he sees the park as a fine -arts area, with a city library in addi- tion to the amphitheater. • 125 Legal Notices tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 -08- 93,04 -15 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE al Notices FOLLOWING: PURCHASE125 Leg AND INSTALLATION OF COMMERCIAL WALL-well an -sit8 ie i g . ofthe COVERING FOR CONFER -p P se ENCE CENTER - BID NO. Award the B id i No. 9 - 2 2 to 93-44. 2made at a subsequent meet - P.M. BID OPENING: 04/19/93, ' ,ng of the City Council of Col - le a Station. The Request for bids will be 9 CITY OF received in the office of the COLLEGE STATION Purchasing Agent at City B VirglniaA. Kettler Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue,, Purchasing Agent College Station, n4 -15- 93,04- 22 -93__ 77840, until the time and date specifie above. Specifica Thursday, April 15, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, P.O. Box 9960, 1101 Texas Avenue, City of COI - lege Station, Texas, 77842 until 2:00 P. on the 29th day of April, 1993 for the fur- nishing of the following Water/Wastewater System materials: Water/Wastewater Superv- isory Control and Data Acqu- is Lion (SCADA) System End - Use Device all as more fully described in the Specifications. Bids received by 2:00 p.m., April 29, 1993, will be publicly opened and read in the Finance Conference Room of City Hall in College Station, Texas at 2:00 P.M. on the same date. Bids received after that time will be returned to the sender unopened. One copy of the bidding forms and specifications are obtainable free of charge from McCord Engineering, Inc. 7607 Eastmark Drive, Suite 102, P.O. Box 10047, College Station, Texas 77842 (telephone: 409 -764- 8356). Additional copies may be purchased from the Engineer for a fee of $10.00. Award of the Bid No. 93 -40 to the succesful Bidder will be made at a subsequent meet- ing of the City Council of Col- lege Station. CITY OF COSTATION By: Virginia A. Kettler Purchasing Agent 04 -15- 93,04 - 2 2 -93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas for the supply of necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the instal- lation of ten (10) stainless steel terminal cabinets with trenching to install various sizes of schedule 40 PVC conduits and the installation of various sizes of control and communications cables will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, P.O. Box 9960, 1101 Texas Avenue, City of College Station, Texas, 77842 until 2 : 00 P.M. on the 29th day of April, 1993. This will be fully described in the Specifications. Bids received by 2:00 p.m., April 29, 1993, will be publicly opened and read in the Finance Conference Room of City Hall in College Station, Texas at 2:00 p.m• on the same date. Bids received after that time will be returned to the sender unopened. Plans and Specifications for this project may be obtained from the Engineer, McCord Enginfsering, Inc. 7607 Eastmark Drive, Suite 102, P.O. Box 10047, College Station, Texas 77842 (tele- phone: 409 - 764 -835 upon payment of $25.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund. An on -site pre -bid meeting of prospective Bidders will be held for this propject on Aprl I 20, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. at the City Utility Service Center at 1601 Graham Road, College Station, Texas. Said meeting shall be held for the purpose M oririrassino questions as E • THE CITY OF COLLEGt STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FORTH E FOLLOWING: CARPTING OF CITY HALL BID NO. 93-48 BID OPENING: 04/29/93 - 2:00 P.M. The Request for Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all irregulari- ties in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 -16- 93,04 -23 -93 Friday, April 16, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MANAGEMENT OF DE- LINQUENT RECEIVABLES RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00 P.M. 05/06/93, RFP # 93 -29. The Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, at the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent, Al RFP's received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04- 16- 93,04 -23 -93 CS Council will tour Central Fire Station The College Station City Council will get a look at the future of the city's fire department during Wed- nesday's workshop meeting. The council will tour the Central Fire Station, next to College Station City Hall, during the workshop. Also, fire officials will unveil the new uniforms and give a presen- tation of the fire station location master plan. The council will meet Wednesday at 4 P.M. The council's regular meeting will be Thursday at 7 p.m. Both meetings are in College Sta- tion City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that the polling place listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, 1993, for voting in the city /school general election to elect City Councilman Place 1, City Councilman, Place 3, and City Councilman Place 5. LOW iON OF POLLING PLACES Polling Place No. 8. (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 8) at South Knoll Elemen- tary School. Polling Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 9) at College Station Con- ference Center on George Bush Drive; Polling Place No. 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 10) at College Station Mun- icipal Court Complex; Polling Place No. 24 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 24) at College Hills Ele- mentary School; Po1Nng Place No. 31 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 31) at A &M Consolidated High School; Polling Place No. 32 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 32) at First Baptist Church of College Station; Polling Place No. 33 & 35 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 33 & 35) at Lincoln Center on Eleanor Street; Polling Place No. 34 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 34) at College Station City Hall Training Room; Polling Place No. 20, 21 & 61 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 20, 21, & 61) at Memorial Student Center; Polling Place No. 39 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 39) at Rock Prairie Elemen- tary School; Polling Place 40, 58, 71 & 73 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 40, 58, 71 & 73) at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 6501 East Highway 6 Bypass; Polling Place No. 28 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No, 28, 59, 83) at Holy Cross Luthern Church; Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, between• the hour of 8:00 a.m. beginning on Monday, April 12, 1993 and ending Tuesday, April 27, 1993 Applications for baliot by mail shall be maild to: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Application for ballots by mail must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. April 23, 1993. ISSUED THIS THE 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1993. /s /Larry J. Ringer, Mayor AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL LJ Tuesday, April 17, 1993 The Eagle A los votantes registrados de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas: Notifiquese por las presents, quo las casillas electorates sitados abajo se abriran desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el 1 de mayo de 1993 pare. voter an la Election General para elegir a tres Concejales para Lugar 1; un Concejal para Lugar 3; y un Concejal pars. Lugar 5. DIRECCIONES DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES: Precincto No. 8 - South Knoll Elementary School; Precincto No. 9 - College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr.; Precincto No. 10 - College Station Municipal Court Complex; Precincto No. 24 - College Hills Elementary School; Precincto No. 31 -A &M Consolidated High School; Precincto No. 32 - First Baptist Church - College Station; Precincto No. 33 & 35 - Lincoln Center, 1100 Eleanor Street; Precincto No. 34 - College Station City Hall Training Room; Precincto No. 20, 21 & 61 - Memorial Student Center; Precincto No. 39 - Rock Prairie Elementary School; Precincto No. 40 - Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass. Precincto No. 28 - Holy Cross Luthern Church La votacion an ausencia an persona se Ilevara a cabo de lunes a viernes an la Placio Muni- cipal de Is Ciudad de College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas entre las ocho de Is manana y las cinco de la larde empezando of 12 de abril 1993 y terminando of 27 de abril de 1993. Las solicitudes para boletos qua se votaran an ausencia por correo deberan enviarse a: Connie Hooks, Secretaria de las Votacion En Ausencia P.O Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Las solicitudes para bo!etas qua se votaran an ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para of fin de las horas de negocio of 26 de April, 1993. Emitada este dia 25 de febrero, 1993. ATTEST: /s /Connie Hooks Secretaria de Is Ciudad 04 -17. 93,04 -19 -93 APPROVED: /s /Larry J. Ringer, of Alcalde de la Cuidad de College Station, Texas. 125 Legal Notices bids on the above listed equipment April until ril 26, 1993at Whc bids will be publicly opened. Bid forms are available in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave., College Station, Texas 77840. Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 04 -12- 93,04-_ 19-93 -- NOTICE The City of College Station currently has for sale and is accepting sealed bids on the following items: Bid M93 -46, 1976 Ford/Pierce Custom Pumper - Minimum bid $20,000. Bid #93-47 IBM Rack Enclosure, Quarter- deck 2.2 Gigabyte tape drive. The City of College Station will receive seal NOTICE OF TRUSTEE ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION DE REGENTES) COLLEGE STATION ISD TRUSTEE ELECTION ( ELECCION DE REGENTES DEL DISTRITO INDEPENDIENTE DE COLLEGE STATION) Tothe Registeres Voters of the County Of Brazos, Texas: {A los votentes registrados del Condado ds Brazos, Texas): Notice is herebygiven that the polling places listed below will beopen from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on May 1, 1993, for voting in a general election to elect two (2) trustees for a full term. (Notitiquese, por to presents, qua las casillas electorales cdadas abajo se abrran desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p:m. el 1 de mayo de 1993 para votar an Is Election General :Vera elegir dos (2) regentes pars a un termino completo.) Absentee voting by personal appearance will begin on Mon - day, April 12, 1993 and continue through Tuesday, April 27, '1993, from 8:00 to 5:00 p.m., on each day which is not a - Saturday, Sunday, or official State holiday. (Votacion por ausencia en ppeersona oomencera el lunes,12 de abril de 1493 y continuara hasta el marten 27 de abril de 1993 de desde las 8:00 a.m. hasta las 5:00 p.m. en todos los dias que no sean sabado, domingo, o dia vacaciones estatales.) - AbseeMee voting by personal appearance will be conducted 8achweekday at College Station City Hall 1101 South Texas .Avvnue, College Station, Texas. Applications for absentee 'fiailots should be mailed to College Station City Hall, P.O. Box 9960, College Station Texas 77840. (Votando por ausencia ppeersonal va ser conducida acerca de College Station City Hall,1 t 01 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Solicitudes pars una boleta de ausencia por correo deben dar vuelta por correo al College Station City Hall, P.O. Bok 9960, College Station, Texas 77840.) LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES (DIRECCIONES DE LOS SITOS DE VOTACION) PRECINCT LATION (PREGINTO NO.) NUMBER (DIRECCION) 2,62,64,0 Wellborn Community Center 8 South Knoll Elementary, 1220 Boswell 9 College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive 10 College Station Municipal Court Complex, 2611 South Texas Avenue 20,21,61 Memorial Student Center, Room 136 24 College Hills Elementary, 1101 Williams 28,59,83 Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1200 Foxflre Drive 31 A &M Consolidated High School, 701 West Loop South 32 College Station First Baptist Church, 2300 Welsh Street 35,35 College Station Lincoln Center, 1300 Eleanor 34 College Station City Hall Training Room, 1101 Texas Avenue 39 Rock Prairie Elementary, 3400 Welsh 40,58,71,73 Aldersgate Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass 4 -19 -93 NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Notice is hereby given that the polling place listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, 1993, for voting in the city /school general election to elect City Councilman Place 1, City Councilman, Place 3, and City Councilman Place 5. LOCATION OF POLLING PLACES Polling Place No. S. (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 8) at South Knoll Elemen- tary School. Polling Place No. 9 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 9) at College Station Con- ference Center on George Bush Drive; Polling Place No. 10 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 10) at College Station Mun- icipal Court Complex; Polling Place No. 24 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 24) at College Hills Ele- mentary School; Polling Place No. 31 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 31) at A &M Consolidated High School; Polling Place No. 32 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 32) at First Baptist Church of College Station; Polling Place No. 33 & 35 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 33 & 35) at Lincoln Center on Eleanor Street; Polling Place No. 34 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 34) at College Station City Hall Training Room; Polling Place No. 20, 21 & 61 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 20, 21, & 61) at Memorial Student Center; Polling Place No. 39 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 39) at Rock Prairie Elemen- tary School; Polling Place 40, 58, 71 & 73 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 40, 58, 71 & 73) at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 6501 East Highway 6 Bypass; Polling Place No. 28 (consisting of County Voting Precinct No. 28, 59, 83) at Holy Cross Luthern Church; Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the College Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, between the hour of 8:00 a.m. beginning on Monday, April 12, 1993 and ending Tuesday, April 27, 1993 Applications for ballot by mail shall be.maild to: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Application for ballots by mail must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. April 23, 1993. ISSUED THIS THE 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1993. /s /Larry J. Ringer, Mayor AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL A los votantes registrados de la Ciudad de College Station, Texas: Notifiquese por las presents, qua las casillas electorales sitados abajo se abriran desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el 1 de mayo de 1993 para votar an Is Election General para elegir a tres Concejales para Lugar 1; un Concejal para Lugar 3; y un Concejal para Lugar 5. DIRECCIONES DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES: Precincto No. 8 - South Knoll Elementary School; Precincto No. 9 - College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr.; Precincto No. 10 - College Station Municipal Court Complex; Precincto No. 24 - College Hills Elementary School; Precincto No. 31 -A &M Consolidated High School; Precincto No. 32 - First Baptist Church - College Station; Precincto No. 33 & 35 - Lincoln Center, 1100 Eleanor Street; Precincto No. 34 - College Station City Hall Training Room; Precincto No. 20, 21 & 61 - Memorial Student Center; Precincto No. 39 - Rock Prairie Elementary School; Precincto No. 40 - Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 6501 East Bypass. Precincto No. 28 - Holy Cross Luthern Church La votacion en ausencia en persona se llevara a cabo de lunes a viernes an Is Placio Muni- cipal de Is Ciudad de College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas entre las ocho de Is manana y las cinco de la tarde empezando el 12 de abril 1993 y terminando el 27 de abril de 1993. Las solicitudes para boletos qua se votaran an ausencia por correo deberan enviarse a: Connie Hooks, Secretaria de las Votacion En Ausencia P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse pars at fin de las horas de negocio at 26 de April, 1993. Emitada este dia 25 de febrero, 1993. APPROVED: /s /Larry J. Ringer, el Alcalde de Is Cuidad de College Station, Texas. ATTEST: /s /Connie Hooks Secretaria de la Ciudad 04 -17- 93,04 -19 -93 A &M, CS officials meet to discuss power plant r 0 0 Wednesday, April 21, 1993 The Eagle By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Two representatives of Texas A &M spent 90 minutes Tuesday night trying to explain to skepti- cal College Station officials the necessity of a bill that the uni- versity wants the Texas Legisla- ture to pass. The purpose of the legislation, said Eddie Joe Davis, deputy chancellor of the A &M System, is to provide a new power plant at Power From Al Seven College Station city offi- cials met Tuesday at the universi- ty system headquarters building with Davis and Rick Porter of McCall, Parkhurst and Horton, the A &M System's bond counsel. Other officials at the meeting include two representatives from - the city of Bryan, three rep - resentatives from the city's bond `bounsel, three representatives `from TMPA, two representatives from Tenneco, one from CSW Energy, a lawyer that helped the `city draft its proposal and James B. Bond, the systems general counsel and his assistant. The 9o- minute meeting was openly contentious, with partici- pants interrupting each other and an occasional raised voice. Davis arranged the meeting Monday to explain the rationale for the bill, introduced at the uni- versity's request by Sen. Jim Turner, D- Crockett. The bill would allow A &M re- gents to form a non - profit corpor- ation that could issue tax- exempt bonds so a private company could the greatest savings to Texas A &M and to the citizens of Texas. College Station City Manager Ron Ragland has complained that the effect of the legislation would be to undercut the competitive advantage of College Station, Bryan and the Texas Municipal Power Agency, which together compose one of three groups mak- ing proposals to A &M to build the plant. build a new power plant for A &M. The College Sta - tion/Bryan/TMPA group, with College Station acting as the lead agency, already has tax- exempt status. Turner, who has said he was surprised by Ragland's comments on the bill, said Monday that he will not move the legislation for- ward until the dispute between the city and the university has been cleared up. Davis said the bill does two things: ■Allows A &M regents to create a non - profit corporation that could pay off bonds before the bonds come due. ■Allows the university to enter into a long -term contract with that corporation. Both parts are designed to get a better bond rating in the market place and thus save the state money, Davis said. Regents can already form a non- profit organization, Davis said, but the legislation is needed in case that corporation decides to pay off the debt early. Davis said the system's finan- cial advisors had estimated that the bill could save taxpayers be- tween $8 million and $10 million. 6 U • SCOTT CASKEY College Station Community should ignore the Ku Klux Klan's rally The Ku Klux Klan has a legal right to rally here. I hope this community will give them the treatment they so richly deserve Wednesday, April 21, 1993 The Eagle — shun them entirely. Ignoring is the most effective put -down. If you are absolutely compelled to demonstrate, rally at your church, go to Miracle Farm's "Day in the Country," help Habi- tat, or show support for agencies which promote healthy, whole- some development, such as Boys' and Girls' Club or North Bryan Community Center. I hope Clifton Stewart (Eagle, April 9) refrains from surround- ing KKK participants with a "circle of love." Since love is the strongest force in the world, that would bring pleasure upon them which would create resentment and more hostility. Hatred dies of starvation. I urge protestors not to feed it. SHIRLIREED WALKER _Bryan NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Marriott Homes, Inc. of the rear setback requirements at 3512 Regal Row. This request will be con- I sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Twesday, May 4, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign Interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrange- ment call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1.800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner ` 04 -21 -93 I • Early voters can cast ballots at courthouse this weekend By JIM NINEY Bryan City Secretary Mary Lynne Eagle staff writer Galloway and College Station City Secretary Connie Hooks. The county's early voting loca- Under state law, weekend vot- tion in the courthouse will be ing must either be approved by open Saturday and Sunday be- the U.S. Justice Department or cause voters submitted a petition petitioned by voters. Notice of asking for weekend voting, weekend voting must be posted at County Clerk Mary Ann Ward least 72 hours before the weekend said. voting begins. The box, in the first floor foyer Early voting for the May 1 elec- in front of the county commis- tion ends Tuesday. The court- sioners' office, will be open from 8 house box will be open extended a.m. to noon Saturday and noon to hours Monday and Tuesday, 4 p.m. Sunday, Ward said. Ward said. The joint city - school early vot- The courthouse box will be ing boxes for Bryan and College open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. both Station won't be open this week- days, she said. end because voters did not submit petitions to those entities, sa • Friday, April 23, 1993 The Eagle The county's other four early voting boxes will be open normal hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., today, Monday and Tuesday, Ward said. Those locations are: ■Texas A &M Memorial Stu- dent Center, Room 138. ■College Station School Ad- ministration office, 1812 Welsh Ave. ■Brazos County Arena Hall, 2904 Tabor Road, near the inter- section of Texas 6. ■Galilee Baptist Church, 804 N. Logan St. in Bryan. Early voting in the Bryan and College Station city and school elections will continue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tues- day. Bryan's early voting box is in the lobby of the Bryan Municipal Building. College Station's early voting box is located in the first floor training room at College Sta- tion City Hall. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MANAGEMENT OF DE- LING UENTRECEIVABLES RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00 P.M. 05/06/93, RFP # 93 -29. The Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the Office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, at the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All RFP's received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all ir'egularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04.16- 93,04.23 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CARPTING OF CITY HALL BID NO. 93-48 BID OPENING: 04/29/93 - 2:00 P.M. The Request for Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until ' the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all irregulari- ties in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04.16. 93,04 -23 -93 �J • Sunday, April 25, The Eagle PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST OFAUTOMATED TABULATING EQUIPMENT THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AND THE COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AUTOMATIC TABULATING EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE USED IN THE COLLEGE STATION MUNICIPAL /COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEC- TION WILL BE TESTED ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1993 AT 3:00 P.M. AT THE CITY HALL, 1101 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TO AS- CERTAIN THAT IT WILL ACCURATELY COUNT THE VOTES CAST FOR ALL OF- FICES AND ON ALL MEASURES. DR. E.E. BURNS PRESIDING JUDGE CENTRAL COUNTING STATION AVISO PUBLICO DE PRO - BAR EL EQUIPO PARA TABULAR AUTOMATICA- MENTE POR LO PRESENTE SE DA AVISO QUE EL EQUIPO PARA TABULAR AUTOMA- TICAMENTE QUE SE USARA EN LA ELECION DE LA MUNICIPALIDAD DE COLLEGE STATION Y EL DISTRICTO DE LAS ES- CUELAS EN COLLEGE STATION QUE SE LLE- VARA A CABO EL 28 DE ABRIL, 1993, A LAS 3:00 P.M. AT THE CITY HALL (CASA AYUNTAMIENTO), 1101 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PARA DETERMINAR SI EL EQUIPO CONTARA CON EXACITUTD LOS VOTES PARA TODOS LOS PUES- TOS OFICIALES Y SOBRE TODOS LOS PROYECTOS DE LEY. DR. E.E. BURNS FIRMA DE JUEZ PRESIDENTE 04 -25 -93 1993 125 Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST OF AUTOMATIC TABULAT- ING EQUIPMENT Notice is hereby given that the automatic tabulating equipment that will be used in the City of Bryan/Bryan Inde- pendent School District joint election to be held on May 1, 1993, will be tested on Wed- nesday, April 28, 1993, at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Bryan Mun- icipal Building, 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas, to ascertain that it will accurately count the votes cast for all offices. Darlene Nichols Presiding Judge AVISO PUBLICO DE LA PRUEBA DE AUTOMAnCO EQUIPO CONTANDO Se da por estas el aviso que el automatico equipo con - tando qua sera el use en la Ciudad de Bryan /Bryan Eleccion Independiente de la Junta del Distrito de la Es- cuela ser la presa an mayo 1, 1993, sera prober en el Mier - coles, at 28 de abril de 1993, a las 11:00 de la manana en las Cameras del Consejo del Edificio Municipal de Bryan, 300 Sur Texas la Avenida, Bryan, Texas, averiguar qua exactamente contara el re- parto de papeles de los votos pare todas oficinas. Darlene Nichols Presidir el Juez 04 -25 -93 Paid for by: Jim Gardner, 1216 N. Ridgefield, College Station, Texas 77840 Tuesday, April 27, 1993 The Eagle I have worked for the past 25 years to help make College Station the fine community it is, 4 years as a planning commissioner and 10 years on City Council. With this experience and my I feel I F. background as a city planner, F y have a unique understanding of what M shapes urban living quality, especially in College Station, my adopted home- town. If you feel there is a need to continue to have someone like this on our Council, vote May 1 st to re elect: JIM GARDNER s Wish to discuss concerns and issues? Please call 693 -8389. Paid for by: Jim Gardner, 1216 N. Ridgefield, College Station, Texas 77840 Tuesday, April 27, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLICE HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Renewal of a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocarbons within the City of College Station Extra Ter- ritorial Jurisdiction. The applicant is Chesapeake Operating Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and the name of the proposed well is Swoboda No. 1 -H. Application is for a horizontal well with surface location ap- proximately 2500' North- easterly (commonly called east) of SH -6; 600' south of Raintree Subdivision and 150' North of the developing Emerald Forest Subdivision phases 8,9, 10 & 11. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, May 13, 1993. The Building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpreNe services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1 -800. 735 -2989. Additional information is available in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Ave. or call (409)764 -3570. 04 -28 -93 Wednesday, April 28, 1993 The Eagle 11 L. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a side street set- back variance request at 8412 Wildewood for the con- struction of a garage. Owner of the Property is Allen Swo. boda Contractor is C.D. Don" Sprague. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, May 4, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 04 -29 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CUSTOMER INFORMA- TION SYSTEM RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00 P.M. 05/21/93, RFP # 93-49. The Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent at .City Hall, at the time and date Specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All RFP's received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or 125 Legal Notices any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 -29- 93.05 -nF -93 Thursday, April 29, 1993 The Eagle Few of the county's voters decide to go to polls early By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Mary Lynne Galloway and Connie Hooks were happy, but Mary Ann Ward was a little dis- appointed after counting the number of returns from early voting for the May 1 elections. Early voting began April 12 and ended Tuesday. Galloway, Bryan's city secre- tary, said 727 people voted in per- son at the Bryan Municipal Building in the races for four Bryan City Council seats and two spots on the Bryan school board. That equates to 2.2 percent of the 32,464 registered voters, she said. That figure includes voters in the Bryan city limits and voters in rural Brazos County that vote in Bryan school elections, she said. There is also six ballots out that may come in the mail, Gal- loway said. Last year's early voting period only brought out 293 voters, she said. Hooks said 472 of the 30,429 re- gistered voters — 1.5 percent — cast ballots at College Station City Hall for early voting. That figure includes expected mail -in ballots, she said. Those 30,000 voters include cit- izens of College Station and those in rural Brazos County that vote in College Station school elec- tions. Three seats on the College Sta- tion City Council and two seats on the College Station school board are on the ballot. Last year the College Station city - school elections brought out 285 people for early voting, Hooks said. Brazos County Clerk Mary Ann Ward said more voters turned out for the U.S. Senate - Texas Constitutional Amend- ment elections than were report- ed in both cities. But she said the number pales in comparison to the numbers who voted for the November presidential election. Ward recorded 1,208 at the Bra- zos County Courthouse, 50 voters at the Brazos County Arena, 78 voters at Galilee Baptist Church, 463 voters at the Memorial Stu- dent Center at Texas A &M and 447 voters at the College Station school districts administrative offices, for a total of 2,246 voters. With 63,247 registered voters in Brazos County, Ward said there was a turnout of 3.5 percent for early voting. November's election had about 13,000 turn out for the early vot- ing period, Ward said. Voters will be able to go to one place Saturday to vote for city -s- chool and Senate - amendment elections. Voters will have to go through the voting process twice — once for city - schools and once for Sen- ate- amendments. Officials said that there was not enough time between Gov. Ann Richards calling the special election and election day for local voting officials to clear combined polling places for early voting with the Justice Department in Washington D.C. • College Station needs ndw council members College Station needs a change in' he make up of its city council. It is becoming more important for College Station to attract and re- tain businesses to expand the tax ba$e. Failure to keep up with this trend will increase property taxes. Landlords pass tax in- creases onto tenants in the form of tent increases. While this is go- ing on, Jim Gardner has contin- ue� to put obstacles in the way of existing businesses. The city government has continued to fu4d projects rejected by the voters in bond elections, such as Wolf Pen Creek and the cemetery upgrade. Fees increase, and ser- vile decreases, as in the case of traish collection. 1 ow turnout not withstanding, than city council is still accounta- bld to the voters. Gardner has be$n in office too long and has lost toqch with the electorate. Lynn Mclihaney has been slipping too. Another term in office might fully wipe out the good she may have dofle over the years. 'heir challengers, David Hick - so4 and Vidal Jones, are the kind of leaders that can foster growth in College Station without forfeit- ing our quality of life. Both have promised more openness. Let's claim College Station back for the pe ®ple. Let's show up at the polls and vote for Hickson and Jones. MARK LUPO College Station Friday, April 30, 1993 The Eagle 0 CS city /school polling places Pct. Place *2'62'64!$2 Weiitortu,t,� s S:Knoll School 9 CS Cfe�en ..... 10 'Y',unicipal Court Comp 20f2i;E1 TAM.Yuden�r 24 College Hills Elem School 28159, 83 Hotji Cross t. t .... tan 31 Consol High School 32 ' 1st Baptist;of CS 33/35 Lincoln Center, CS 34 tatty hfia Training >Rm 39 Rock Prairie Elem. 401581 AEderega lildist *not voting in College Station city election Saturday, May 1, 1993 The Eagle ' Council seat CS Mcilhaney wins I I : By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer CS Council [Lynn] Mcllhaney is a Experience counted to College Sta COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL proponent of a "vision" *1k V, ^ for Place n State Treasurer, is elected U.S. Senator, Richards will name her replacement. Some strong anti - abortion candidates may sit out the runoff, Lewis said, because Hutchison favors abortion rights. He said most local Re- publicans are anti - abortion, but that only about 25 percent believe it is the main issue in choosing a candidate. last 11 years, defeated Vidal Jones, a 24- year -old insurance agent, by tion voters in a race the College Station City Council. Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney, a homemaker who has served on the council for 10 of the a count of 3,325 to WILHANEY 1,006. Jones said Saturday night that he was disappointed in the outcome, but said he knew it would be difficult to beat an incumbent. "David won," Jones said, referring to David Hickson, who defeated in- cumbent Jim Gardner for Place 5, "but he spent a lot of money." Jones said during the campaign that he thought it was time for new blood on the council. He wouldn't make a commitment on future races for council, but said that' he would apply to serve on some of th6l city's committees, particularly the zoning board of adjustment or the. planning and zoning board. McIlhaney is a proponent of a "vision" for the city. She stressed dur Place 3 (I)Lynn McIlhaney .....................3,3 Vidal Jones . ..........................1, ing the campaign — and again on election night — that she would like to involve both cities, both school dis. tricts, the county and Texas A &M in developing a vision process for the community. The process of developing a vision, with the participation of many people from all areas of the community, is as important as the final project, she said. Her vision is of a family- oriented city that is planned for beauty. It should be a place where business, neighborhoods and nature are not in conflict, but in harmony, she has said. McIlhaney has become active in state and national organizations, in- cluding the Texas Municipal League and is one of the first members of the Texas Leadership Institute, which helps teach leadership skills to muni- cipal leaders throughout Texas. McIlhaney said Saturday that she wasn't able to campaign door -to -door this year because she was busy plan- for the city. She stressed during the campaign and again on election night — that she would like to involve both cities, both school districts, the county and Texas A &M in developing a vision process for the communi- ty. ning a regional TML meeting in Col- lege Station and finishing her leader- ship institute training. Jones had said that he didn't want to see another property tax increase in College Station. The city council approved a 1 1 /4 -cent tax increase in Sbptember 1992, raising the rate from 40 cents per ,$100 of evaluation to 41Y4-cents per $100. El (Do 0 5i ? tn"o� ° n om m� N� �. m o c� p m 0 n�° m !^ m m v° m� o � 7 3 m m Z C w cn m0m3- i � °��mm 0CD 0 oZw�B �o�w f.o� (D 0 m � --AC W0aD'�m_Ma��m ago u)m9 m 0D 03 -a 0a°co-- 3 ;0 o 0-0 mmo�, V Gamy - m m ��° mm� �m NN°5 0 DD- Mm0 _0 9105; >r- mm0C ° ( m�°oro^�QCyA — N y 3 m o m m 1 D m Q ro m o m m m z A "^ m m m- 2 f. < n m Z Nam - -c7 a� -z � O o_ �w maOw =. �� p Nroc� 2 '(D3 m m�ooN .z Do `D0)CD�j(��Q °M6°NCm - {C r O cAD <m���o'� 3o D ° O� m o- ',y�3M,_ m o :F,i 3 Dy N 0 � N a, 7 m T m Y N�� 5 7 ". m a m 7 1° 1 Hickson defeats Gardner in CS Place 5 race By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer A self-proclaimed pro - business candidate is the newest member of the College Station City Coun- cil. Newcomer David Hickson beat incumbent Place 5 Coun- cilman Jim Gardner on Satur- day by a vote of 2,386 to 1,968. Hickson spent a lot of his own money and it paid off. "We did a lot of telephone soli- citation and media," Hickson said, "and walked a lot of neigh- borhoods and put up a lot of -- - - ing to HICKSON CityCouncil - Place 5 (i)Jim Gardner ................. ..........................1,968 David Hickson ...................... ..........................2,386 make sure that it wasn't because I didn't do every- thing I could." Hickson defeated Gardner, a former city planner and professor emeritus of planning at Texas A &M who first served on the council from 1974 -78. He has represented Place since 1987. Hickson said during the campaign that he was the pro - business candidate, while Gardner is in favor of no growth, or the status quo. Hickson said he would work to create the infra- structure to bring businesses to College Station. New businesses are important, he said, because of the condition of the state's budget and the possible effects of budget cuts on Texas A &M. Gardner said Saturday that he has been defeated three times in elections and that it is never an en- joyable experience. "I'm a retiree and a widower," Gardner said when asked if he would stay active in city affairs. "I don't want to just stay home and wash dishes for the rest of my life." Gardner had said during the campaign that call- ing him anti - business was unfair and not accurate. He said that he disagreed with spending tax dol- lars to induce growth. No waiting to vote )r the polling area at the College Station Conference Center on Saturday afternoon. Election officials reported that voter turnout was low at the center throughout the day. C7 0 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Urban Design Group for lot 2, block 2 of Westchester Park Phase II from R -5 Medium Density Apartments to R -1 Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday. May 20, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. Wednesday, May 5, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 05.05 -93 . `� The City of College Station l is accepting applications for: TRUCK DRIVER /SANITATION in ,e Public Services Departrvant. This position is responsible for operating and maintaining a sanita- tion coliection vehicle while handling the solid waste stream on an assigned route. Applicants must possess at least the written portion of the Texas Commercial Driver's License. Applicant must com- plete the driving portion within the first 30 days of employment. City vehicle will be provided. pay:$6.44 /hour Deadline to Apply: 5/14/93 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal opportunity Employer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Bullwinkles Grill & Bar to expand their existing facilities at 1601 Texas Avenue. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.rn. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, May 20, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -29 For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764.3570. i Sabine Kuenzel I Staff Planner 05 -05 -93 urnrv^c e— • Hickson, Brown, Mcllhaney sworn in for new terms The College Station City Council's Class of 1993 was sworn in Wednesday at a special meeting. Councilman Place 1 Fred Brown and Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney were sworn for two more years of service, after being re- elected Saturday. Place 5 on the council has a new occu- pant, with David Hickson taking the oath for his first term. Brown ran unopposed for re- election. McIlhaney defeated Ehallenges' Vidal Jones,' and Hick "soh beat incumbent Jinl Gardner. Thursday, May 6, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLC W I NG: CUSTOMER INFORMA- TION SYSTEM RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00 P.M. 05/21/93, RFP M 93-19. The Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, at the time and date specified above. 125 L egal No tices Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All RFP's received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City- 04-29-93,05-06-93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PURCHASE & INSTALLA- TION OF WALLCOVERING FOR THE CONFERENCE CENTER BID NO. 93-44 BID OPENING: 05/13/93 - 2:00 P.M. The Request for Bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all irregulari- ties in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 05 -06- 93,05.11 - 9 3 • • • Friday, May 7, 1993 The Eagle Violf Pen Creek Park an asset to College Station The College Station City Coun- cil is to be commended for its vision in the creation of Wolf Pen Creek Park and the amp iteater What could have been perceived as nothing more than a drainage ditch that would forever impede progress in the city's de- velopment has become a cro jewel as the first phase in what` can become an arts and parks _ center = an entertainment dis- trict — in the heart of the city. Dick Haddox was the visionary who helped us to see the potential. The city council, city staff and particularly the Parks and Recre- ation Department have worked to make the idea a reality. It is up to the rest of us to encourage and support future phases. g4A"u4javan't driven into the 4 R— CS in the middle of moving water lines By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The city of College Station is digging in to make ready for the widening of Texas Avenue. The digging is necessary to move city water lines and eventually place the overhead electric lines underground. "We're about half-way through," said Robert Gadbois, energy services manager for the public utilities department. "Right now, we're just doing the water lines." The city has to move water and electric lines to the the east to allow the Texas Department of Transportation to con- struct two extra lanes for traffic on Texas, between University Drive and Harvey Road. With cooperation from the weather, Gadbois said, the water line project will be finished by the end of June. Burying the electric lines is a totally separate project, he said. The contract for burying the electric lines has not been finalized.. Exactly when the state will begin widening the street is not clear. The transportation department originally planned to begin construction this sum- mer, but the latest word is that the con- tracts won't be finalized until late this year. The final cost for the water line reloca- tion project is about $130,000, Gadbois said. Monday, May 10, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TWO (2) FULL SIZE PICK -UP TRUCKS BID NO. 93 -52 BID OPENING: 05/18/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bide will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities In said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 05- 10- 93,05 -17 -93 0 Homeless Ag sells crosses to help others By KARA BOUNDS Eagle staff writer So who IS that guy with the big funny car and all the crosses parked on Texas Avenue across from the main entrance to Texas A &M? He is Francis Euel Savage II, 48, whose whereabouts are listed in A&M's Directory of Former Students as "un- known." But Texas Avenue drivers know where the member of the Class of '67 is all right. Savage spends most days sitting be- side his "Elijah" car right outside the university, selling his custom -made wooden crosses. Many College Station residents write him off as a nut. While his methods are a bit unortho- dox, Savage has dreams of solving America's homeless problem, spread- ing the love of God, strengthening fami- lies, supporting the economy of Texas and improving relations between Christians and Jews. His dreams, however, don't stop pas- sersby from cursing him, mocking him and even throwing things at him. But Savage said such behavior doesn't anger him. "When you take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the street in any form, you au- tomatically have a polarizing effect on anyone coming down the street," he said. Savage majored in psychology at A &M and was a member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band. He also holds a mas- ter of business administration degree from the University of Dallas. Ten years ago, Savage was the owner of two restaurants in Lubbock, where he lived with his wife and five children. Walking in a field one day, he said he experienced a "spiritual communica- tion' with God, although it wasn't by way of an audible voice. "He asked me, `What have you done to bless the Jewish people in the land of Israel?' " Savage said. When he had to answer that he'd done nothing to help, he said God told Driving home a point him that he should have a different an- swer the next time he was asked. Savage began answering God's call by Purchasing wheat with a friend and shipping it to Israel. In 1983, he went to Jerusalem to help distribute the wheat. Since that time, he's dedicated his life to God. Along the way, he lost his Please see HOMELESS, page A3 - Uf LIM Luawin -niaae w0000en crosses he sells by the side of the road in College Station. Savage said he had a calling from God to help the homeless. Bryan - College Station Eagle S July 25, 1 993 Page A3 From page one thanks in more than 20 billboards around town. While they appreciate the pub- lic display, city officials say they are in no way trying to profit from the tragedy that has mesmerized thousands of summer travelers who have come to view the charred rubble of the compound. Copies of a hand - sketched map of how to get to the location are available at a visitors and tourist center "because of the over- whelming interest," Sheehy said. "But we are not about to put up billboards, saying, 'Come see the site of the fire, "' he said. "That's not the attention we want." The road to the compound was recently closed for repairs. Offi- cials deny the move was an at- tempt to stifle tourists' efforts. The mayor acknowledges the city's uninvited relationship with the disaster is far from over. In- vestigations into the siege by fed- eral and independent committees continue and trials for several surviving cult members are ex- pected to begin soon. "Until the criminal trials and investigations are over, our city will probably be tied to the inci- dent," Sheehy said. 'But if Waco is going to linger in the minds of people, we just want to make sure it's a true image." Homeless From Al wife and five children, who he said he's been unable to contact for seven years. He's also sold all that he owned — except his car — to help the poor, citing the bibli- cal command of Jesus. Savage then made a vow to God. To communicate with the homeless, he himself became homeless. He decided to spend every night sleeping in the trunk of his car until he devises a way to solve the homeless problem. His incentive for this idea was that he would be the last homeless person to receive a shelter. "My primary objective now is to promote the idea of re- homing homeless people through the Christians and the Jews working together," he said. "As we learn to work better together — humbly work together — I think God will help us both," he said. The project God has called him to do, Savage said, is to build the "Millenium Eagle" — a homeless shelter complete with a three -year supply of food. Each shelter would be 10 feet long, 6 feet high and 6 feet wide, he saV. It would depend on solar panels and batteries for power, he said, with the "workings" on the inside coming from Israeli companies. The model for the shelter is in the design of the Ark of the Co- venant, carried by the Jews dur. ing their 40 -year journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, Sav- age says. The crosses and staves he now creates are the starting point in making this vision a reality, he says. Savage says he sells one or two a day at $12 each. He hopes to sell enough to buy a ticket to Jeru- salem on Oct. 6. Once there, he intends to talk to companies about donating their Products to help cause of home- less Americans. Savage said he will leave Col- lege Station in August to take his "biblical art tour" on the road. This includes not only the crosses and staves, but his car, painted to resemble the Chariot of Fire of Elijah, the Jewish prophet. Savage says his crosses are for "children of all ages who love God." The oldest child to buy one, he said, was 74. • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING In Town &Texas BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PURCHASE & INSTALLA- TION TH E CONF CONF ERENCE VE FOR THE NCGE Cs to hold workshop CENTER BID NO. 9 BID OPENIN in police department 05/13/93 - 2:00 P.M. The Request for Bids will be Members of the College Station City received in the Office of the Purchasing Agent 1101 Council will take a road trip down Texas Avenue, C ollege C Station, Texas 77840, until y Texas Avenue on Wednesday to hold their workshop at the College Station the time and date specified Police Department. above. Specifications may be obtained at the o ffice of the The council will get the grand tour f�urchasing Agen . All bids of the facility and hear a presentation received after that time will from police officials concerning work - be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- load and personnel estimates and a serves the right to waive or consolidate police -fire dispatch. reject any and a ll irreauiarl- The workshop will be at 4 p.m. at 2621 -A Texas Ave. S. 125 Legal Notic Council members Thursday will hear a presentation on possible traffic ties In said bid and to accept the offer considered improvements in the Tarrow Drive - most advantageous to the City. University Drive area. 05 - 06- 93,05 -11 -93 The city's consultant for the project, Joseph Blaschke, recommends that: • ■ Tarrow and East Tarrow drives beeome one -way streets. NTraffic signals be installed at the intersection of East Tarrow and Uni- versity drives and at the intersection of Spring Loop /Lincoln Avenue and University. N The city of College Station, in the near future, consider a new road, con- necting Lincoln with University. The npw street would be an extension of East Tarrow. VIn the more distant future, the city s consider realigning Lincoln, so that it connects to Walton Drive and the main entrance to Texas A &M. Thursday's meeting will be at 7 p.m. in College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Tuesday, May 11, 1993 The Eagle • 0 • ��� The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Qualified applicants should have a degree in Computer Science or other computer Science related field, or a minimum of 3 years System Analyst experience. Knowl- edge and experience of COBOL and RPG is required. Working knowledge of DOS operating system, Novell operating system, and personal computer applications and hardware is preferred; Must have working knowledge of AS400. Applicants should have excellent communica- tiogs skills required to work with all levels of personnel within the organization. Salary: $2042 /Month Iline to apply: May 25, 1993 Apply to: �y City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. 'A. College Station, TX 77842 Equal Oppomnity Employer Sunday, May 16, 1993 The Eagle The C1ty of College Station is accepting ■ \� applications for the position of: ECONOMIC ANALYST Develops and maintains economic information for city. Provides analysis of economic information for fiscal impacts, revenues, forecasting And rates. Bachelors de- gree with working knowledge of statistical methods, econ , 3mics, and familiarity with governmental finance a plus. Applicants should have experience with spread- sheets and word processing computer applications. Ex- cellent written and oral communication skills required. Ska SfV6 lle#dfi6e pply: 21, 1993 I# Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Lqual opportunity Emplover CS to add 2 traffic lights on University By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Members of the College Station City Council on Thursday approved two new traffic lights and the change of two streets to one -way. Traffic lights will be installed at the in- tersection of East Tarrow and University drives and at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue with University and Spring Loop. Tarrow, which intersects University at the Randall's Shopping Center, will be- come a one -way road traveling north to south, from the road's intersection with East Tarrow to University. East Tarrow, which runs between the Bryan- College Station Visitors and Convention Bureau and the College Station Hilton, will be- come a south -to -north one -way, from University Drive to where the road inter- sects with Tarrow. East Tarrow becomes 29th Street at the city limits. The plan, designed by Joe Blaschke of Transportation Engineering Analysts, calls for East Tarrow to eventually be ex- tended to Lincoln Drive from where it ends at University. The new portion of East Tarrow would be northbound one - way, with Tarrow becoming a south- bound one way. Residents of the Chimney Hill subdiv- ision requested a third traffic signal for the intersection of Tarrow with Spring Loop and Hearthstone Streei. Hearth- stone is the main entrance to the subdiv- ision and residents said they have had trouble getting out of the subdivision and Please see LIGHTS, page A6 Lights From Al onto Tarrow. City officials said they would approve the third traffic signal if money could be found in the budget. Blaschke will receive $13,000 for drawing up the plans. The contract for construction of the signals should be completed by late summer. Construction is expected to cost about $130,000. • Monday, May 17, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 125 Legal Notices TWO (2) FULL SIZE PICK -UP TRUCKS BID NO. 93-52 BID OPENING: 05/18/93, -2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. ' 05 -10- 93,05 -17 - • 125 Legal Notices • E. OMPA \ The City of College Station is accepting �� applications for the following position: SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK Provides Administrative Clerical Support for Maintenance/Review of financial records and processing Payables/Documents involving Fi- nancial Transactions. Requires'! O key bytouch, CRT, and 3 years Bookkeeping/Accounting experience. . Deadline to Apply: o 5 p.m., Friday, May 28, 1993, Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer Wednesday, May 19, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Lonnie Stabler to the sign regulations for the property located at 317 College Avenue. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, June 1, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764.3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 05 -19 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will - onsider a variance request by Lonnie Stabler to the sign regulations for the property located at 209 University Drive East. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, June 1, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764.3547 or (TDD) 1.800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764.3570. - Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 05 -19 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a city initiated rezoning of lot 1, block 2 of Westches- ter Park Phase II from C -N Neighborhood Commercial to R -1 Single Family Resi- dential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. of the Commission on Thursday, June 3, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 05 -19 -93 125 Legal Notices • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids address to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO ELEANOR STREET EX- TENSION, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. ST -1024, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. until 12:00 Noon, May. 28th, 1993, after which time all qualified bids will be publicly opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned to the submitter unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: Brett A. McCully, De- velopment Services Depart- ment, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Tha Project Is located ap- proximately two blocks north of the Holleman Drive /Eleanor Street inter- section. The Project consists of the construction of approx- imately 500 lineal feet of 28' back to back street to be constructed in accordance with City of College Station standard details and specifi- cations. Same street im- provements includes but Is not limited to subgrade prep- aration and compaction, Placement and compaction of crushed limestone base ^al, installation of rein- I - -te curb and gut - Thursday, May 28, The Eagle ter, construction of reinforced concrete inlet boxes and headwalls, . installation of storm sewer lines, water lines, lighting' and -electrical improvements.„ COPIES OF 'BIbDING DOCUME14T$ A complete set of Bidding Document's can be pur- chased by check, "cash or money order from: The Receptiortjst located in the DevelopMent Services Department, ..1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, for Thirty -Five Dollars ($35.00) per Bid Set. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Brett A. McCully, De- velopment Services, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, 77842, Tele- phone (409)764 -3570. Mon- day thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. A Five percent (5 %) bid se- curity is required. 05- 13- 93,05 -16 -93 05 -20- 9 3,05 -26 -93 1993 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: REMOVING AND REPAIR- ING PUMP FOR WATER WELL #4 BtD NO. 93-51 BID OPENING: 05/20/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions maybe obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time ` will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offdr con idered most advantageous to the City. 05 -13- 93,0 -18 -93 C C y y (D G ri t7J U) 0) �1 LR W ' N 0 W CS councilwoman completes courses first level of institute's courses College Station councilwoman Lynn Mcllhaney is one of the first three elected officials in Texas to complete the first level of continuing education courses offered through the Texas Municipal League Institute. Mcllhaney and the two other people, each of whom has com- pleted 42 hours of courses, will be recog- nized on July 24 at the Association of Mayors, Council and Commissioners In- stitute in Plano. They will also be men- tioned in a forthcoming issue of the Texas Municipal League's magazine. The institute allows one credit for each 50- minute course on community issues it sponsors. ■ Local Men's Book Published: "Quantita- tive Cancer Modeling and Risk Assess- ment," a book by Charles D. Holland and Robert L. Slelken Jr., was published April 16 by Prentice Hall. Holland is a professor emeritus at Texas A &M University and president of the Texas Institute for Advancement of Chemical Technology. A biostatistician, Sielken is president of Slelken Inc. of It's Like This , Margaret Ann Zipp Bryan, a statistical research and consult- ing firm involved primarily in the area of quantitative health risk assessment. Holland says the book grew out of the need for better risk assessment by the scientific community to allow the public to focus cancer prevention resources on the largest carcinogenic risks. ■ Society Taps McConathy: Shannon Rene McConathy of College Station was inducted into the Texas A &M Chapter of Phi Ka- ppa Phi national hopor society on April 19. McConathy, the daughter of Connie and Charles McConathy, has a 3.5 grade - point average. She is in the top 10 percent of her class at Texas A &M University. ■ Backe Completes School: Marine Pfc. Ryan J. Backe has completed the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton, Calif. A 1992 graduate of Snook High School, Becka is the son of Carol A. Backe of Bryan. He joined the Marine Corps in August 1992. ■ Nichols Reports In Okinawa: Lance Cpl. Rudy M. Nichols has reported for duty with Marine Wing Support Group 17 of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in Okinawa, Japan. The son of Nelda Hunn of Bryan, Ni- chols is a 1991 graduate of Bryan High School. He joined the Marine Corps in October 1991. ■ Grady Wins Award: The United States Achievement Academy has named Sharon Elizabeth Grady of Mullin a United States National Award winner in foreign lan- guage. A student at Mullin High School, McILHANEY GRADY Grady was nominated for the award by her Spanish teacher, Angela Webster. A biography of Grady, the daughter of Sandy and Tom Grady of Mullin and the granddaughter of Zelma Grady of Bryan, will appear in the United States Achievement Academy Official Year- book, published annually. ■ If you have an item for this column, send it to Margaret Ann Zipp, The Eagle, .P.O._ OoX..3000, Bryan, 77805. C The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Qualified applicants should have a degree in Computer Science or other computer Science related field, or a minimum of 3 years System Analyst experience. Knowl- edge and experience of COBOL and RPG is required. Working knowledge of DOS operating system, Novell operating system, and personal computer apPplications and hardware is preferred; Must have working knowledge of AS400. Applicants should have excellent communica- tions skills required to work with all levels of personnel within the organization. Salary: 52042 /Month Deadline to apply: May 25, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity Employer C The City of College Station is accepting applications for: TRAFFIC SYSTEMS MANAGER This position will be responsible for maintaining the current traffic signal software and computer system. Provides assistance for future traffic planning, signal timing changes, and field related problems. This position is responsible for supervision of three techni- cians and budget preparation. Requirements include a back round in coordination and operation of closed loop signal systems; knowl- edge in operation of PASSER II -90 and PASSER III -90 to optimize current signal timing. Applicants must be able to obtain P.E. classification within allotted time. Salary: $11.78 Deadline to apply: Sp.m. Friday, June 11, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Opportunity Employer Sunday, May 23, 1993 The Eagle to • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by Urban Design Group for lot 2, block 2 of Westchester Park Phase II from R -5' Medium* D@nsity Apartments °to R-1 ",Single Family Ftesldentlal * ,. The hearing •willle .held In the Council Rodm of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Wednesday, May 26, The Eagle 1993 125 Legal Notices Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Coucil on Thursday, June 10, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 05 -26 -93 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids address to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO ELEANOR STREET EX- TENSION, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. ST -1024, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. until 12:00 Noon, May. 28th, 1993, after which time all qualified bids will be publicly opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned to the submitter unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: 125 Legal Notices Brett A. McCully, De- velopment Services Depart- ment, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Project is located ap- proximately two blocks north o f t h e H o l l e m a n Drive /Eleanor Street inter- section. The Project consists of the construction of approx- imately 500 lineal feet of 28' back to back street to be constructed in accordance with City of College Station standard details and specifi- cations. Same street im- provements includes but is not limited to subgrade prep- aration and compaction, placement and compaction of crushed limestone base material, installation of rein- forced concrete curb and gut- ter, construction of reinforced concrete inlet boxes and headwalls, installation of storm sewer lines, water lines, lighting and electrical Improvements. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from: 125 Legal Notices The Receptionist located in the Development Services Department, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, for Thirty -Five Dollars ($35.00) per Bid Set. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Brett A. McCully, De. velopment Services, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, 77842, Tele- phone (409)764.3570. Mon. day thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A Five percent (5 %) bid se. curity is required. 05 -13- 93,05 -16 -93 05 -20- 93,05.26 -93 Qominik debate continues The seemingly never - ending debate over banning left turns to and from pominik Drive continues Thursday .when the College Station City Council •meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. • Council members first considered 4he question in January and again at meetings in February and March, .each time postponing a decision to al- -low affected business owners along pominik Drive time to further research the issue. t: The intersection of Dominik Drive pd Texas Avenue just west of Cul- ;` pepper Plaza is one of the five most !dangerous intersections in College Station, according to city staff reports. City staff members recommend in- stalling a median to prevent left turns from and to Dominik Drive. If the work is included in a widening of Texas Avenue from George Bush 4 Drive to University Drive the state will pay for the median. If it is done i later,lhe city will have to pay the cost. t Severdl business` *owners on Do. minik Drive have protested the ban on t left turns, saying business will suffer. Council members also will consider ' $50,000 in city funds to a Revolving Loan Fund being estab- 'Nished by the B -CS Economic De- ,-velopment Corp. to assist small local businesses that want to expand. 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Roberta Hadley, last known property owner of 1211 Phoenix, McCulloch addition Block 4, Lot 6. This property will be moved on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of COI - lege Station. 05 -26- 93,05 -27 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Hattie Hill, address unknown, last known property owner of 413 -A Thompson, Hrdlicka addition Block 1, Lot 19. This 125 Lega No tices property will be moved on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of COI - lege Station. 05 -26- 93,05 -27 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for A.L. Summons, address unknown, last known prop- erty owner of 1113 Arizona, McCulloch addition Block 9, Lot 8. This property will be moved on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said prop- erty for expenses incurred by the City of College Station. 05 -26- 93,05 -27 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Lula Banks, address unk- nown, last known property owner of 805 Paster, Paster addition Block 1, Lot 21. This property will be moved on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of Col- lege Station. 05 -26- 93,05 -27 -93 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the City Council (the "City Coun- cil") of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City") to adopt an Ordinance provid- ing for the issuance of inter- est- bearing revenue bonds of the City presently contem- plated to be designated and known as the "CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM 125 Legal Notices REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1993" (the Bonds ") for the purpose of providing approx- imately $3,800,000 for the extensions and improve- ments to the City's sewer system and approximately $1,900,000 for extensions and improvements to the City's electric light and power system and the payment of contractual obligations for professional services in con- nection therewith (including, but no limited to, financial ad- visory, legal, and engineer- ing). The City Council pre- sently intends to issue the Bonds in the same series as refunding bonds. The City Council tentatively proposes to authorize the issuance of the Bonds at its regular meet- ing place in the City Hall, Col- lege Station, Texas, at a Re- gular Meeting of the Council to be commenced at 7:00 p.m. on the 10th day of June, 1993, in an amount expected not to exceed $5,700,000 for new money purposes. The City Council proposes to pro- vide for payment of the Bonds from a pledge of the net revenues of the City's water system, sewer system, and electric light and power system. /s /Larry J. Ringer Mayor, City of College Station, Texas 05 -27 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Leon W. Hattie, address unk- nown, last property owner of 1206 Arizona, McCulloch addition Block 1, Lot 16. This 125 Legal Notices property will be moved on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of COI - lege Station. 05 -26- 93,05 -27 -93 _ Thursday, May 27, 1993 The Eagle 28, 1993 125 Legal Notices form to C.W. Henry, Assis- tant Superintendent for Busi- ness Services, 101 North Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77803, on or before 2:00 P.M. June 21 , 1993. 05-28-93,06-03-93,06-10-93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Roberta Hadley, last known property owner of 1211 Phoenix, McCulloch addition Block 4, Lot 6. This property will be mowed on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of Col- lege Station. 05 -28 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Lula Banks, address unk- nown, last known property owner of 805 Pasler, Pasler addition Block 1, Lot 21. This property will be mowed on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of Col- lege Station. 05 -28 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for A.L. Summons, address unknown, last known prop- erty owner of 1113 Arizona, McCulloch addition Block 9, Lot 8. This property will be mowed on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said prop- erty for expenses incurred by the City of College Station. 05 -28 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Hattie Hill, address unknown, last known property owner of 413 -A Thompson, Hrdlicka addition Block 1, Lot 19. This property will be mowed on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses incurred by the City of Col- lege Station. 05 -28 -93 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given for Leon W. Hallie, address unk- nown, last property owner of 1206 Arizona, McCulloch addition Block 1, Lot 16. This property will be mowed on or after June 4, 1993. A lien will be placed against the above said property for expenses 125 Legal Notices incurred by the City of Col- lege Station. 05 -28 -93 No left turns Panel votes to extend median at intersection of Texas and Dominik By ROBERT C. BORDEN Eagle staff writer Left turns to and from Dominik Drive at its intersection with Texas Avenue will be prohibited by extension of a traf- fic median, following a 4-1 vote of the Col- lege Station City Council Thursday night. The median will be part of a state project, scheduled to begin in December, that will widen Texas Avenue to six lanes. Because the city approved the median now, the state will pick up the en- tire cost of the project. Councilman Fred Brown voted against the motion, saying the city had not listened to business owners along Do- minik nor to home owners on Kyle Avenue, which is expected to have 2,000 more cars a day added to the 8,100 a day it now has. "The only ones who have asked us to prohibit left turns are the consul- tants," Brown said. "We may save accidents on Texas Avenue but we will add accidents on Kyle Avenue." Voting to add the median were Mayor Larry Ringer and councilmen Hub Ken - nady, Lynn Mcllhaney and David Hick- son. Council members Vernon Schneider and Nancy Crouch were absent. Thursday's decision came after the matter was postponed in January, Feb- ruary and March to allow further study by city staff members and by Traffic En- gineers and Design Group of Houston, an engineering firm hired by affected busi- ness owners along Dominik. Rep- resentatives of the firm on Thursday suggested a traffic light along with some engineering modifications to existing left -turn lanes on Texas Avenue would solve the problem of traffic crossing the northbound lanes of Texas Avenue to get to and from Dominik. City staff members said a traffic signal won't work because it would further complicate overcrowding at the intersec- tion of Texas and George Bush Drive immediately to the north of Dominik. The median to be built will allow the left turn lanes from Texas onto George Bush to be extended further south, thus easing some of the traffic jams, staffers said. -Turn from Al The controversy over the - median may not be over, 'however. Charles Spear, an asso- Iciate of Jerry J. Moore of Hous- 'ton, owner of Culpepper Plaza, said Moore will "consider any alternatives he has," including, - Spear said, legal action. Without the continuation of left turns, Spear said, the businesses .along Dominik will be forced to close. "The city didn't even con- sider any remuneration to the business owners for the business they are going to lose," Spear said. City figures show that, while the businesses along Dominik will sutler, they will retain most of their customers. "They will find a way to get there and it will be a safer way," Ringer said. "We've got to be con- cerned about the safety of the public as a whole." The Dominik -Texas intersec- tion is one of the five most dan- gerous locations in the city, ac- cording to traffic accident stud- ies. Spear challenged that as- sumption, saying 80 percent of the accidents there didn't require ambulances or fire trucks on the scene. Kennady, who is a lawyer, said he worried about the city's liabili- ty in failing to prohibit left turns at the intersection after studies showed it to be dangerous. "We've inherited a problem of the city growing and we can't change that. If it wasn't growing we could wait 10 more years to solve this but we don't have the time." After the vote to ban left turns, the council agreed to ask city staff members to make a comprehen- sive study of traffic concerns in the area, including the possibility of connecting Dominik to George Bush at Texas Avenue. City Man- ager Ron Ragland said such a plan would work, but would cost mil- lions of dollars. "It's going to be expensive, but we may have to bite the bullet," Ringer said. Fridoy, Moy 28, 1993 In 1987, the College Station City Council first began to discuss the concept of developing the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor, which runs from Texas Avenue to the East Bypass. It was born out of the need to have a comprehensive plan that would acknowledge and coordinate the interrelationships of drainage, erosion, and recreation within this corridor, while creating a community focal point through public and private development. In October 1988, the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan was approved by the City Council and in December a Tax Increment Finance District was approved for the area. This tax district requires the tax that is collected on the improvements in this area be set aside and used to further develop the area for a period of ten years. This taxing agreement for Wolf Pen Creek was also adopted by the College Station Independent School District and Brazos County. In 1989 the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan was included in the city's comprehensive plan and the City Council adopted a special zoning ordinance to establish land uses and building standards compatible with the master plan. Also in 1989, the city accepted a $100,000 donation from the Astin Trust for the Amphitheater and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department approved a $500,000 grant for the project. This, along with money already designated for parkland development and improvements to drainage ways, was allotted for the construction of PHASE I only, which includes the amphitheater, restrooms, lake, sidewalks, and a small adjacent parking/loading area. This phase of development was not involved in the bond election of 1990. The design for PHASE I was completed in June 1990 and authorization for construction came in November 1990. The project was planned for completion in February 1993, however several delays in construction due to weather caused the rescheduling of the Wolf Pen Creek Gala to May 28, 1993. Further purchases of land (as indicated on the map included in this brochure) in and around the project have been approved and made by the City Council in order to provide for parking and other necessities for the completion of PHASE I, and for the eventual relocation of Central Fire Station. Future development of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan allows for nature trails and a study center, a historical museum, library, community center, floral and botanical gardens, picnic shelters, and additional lakes and sidewalks to just mention a few items. Future phases of this project will need the support of College Station's citizenry to become a reality. As with all projects of this magnitude, there are some risks that must be taken. The College Station City Council has tried to be good stewards while taking the calculated risks they felt necessary to make the vision become a reality. It is the desire of this City Council that one day the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor will represent the best in public - private partnerships and development. Their ultimate desire is that the City of College Station and its residents will be proud of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor and can benefit culturally, recreationally, and economically. Mayor's Reception ......... ............................... 5:30 pm -6:15 pm entertainment by Karan Chavis Gates open to the general public .. ............................... 6:00 pm Dedication Ceremony ....................... ...........................6:30 pm Joe Orsak and the, Special F/X Band' Tim McGraw E a Master of Ceremonies ...................... Ben Downs, KTSRMITAW Presentation of the Colors .............. 4th Battalion, 112th Armor Texas Army National Guard National Anthem ..................... ............................... Karan Chavis . Invocation ... ............................... David Kipp, Minister of Music Wolf Pen Creek The Past and the Future ........................ Mayor Larry Ringer Wolf Pen Creek, The Vision .............................. ............................... Dick Haddox, City Council Member 1986 -1990 Special Appreciation and Acknowledgments ........ ............................... Mayor Larry Ringer Benediction ....... ............................... Craig Borchardt, Pastor Peace Lutheran Church, College Station City Council Larry J. Ringer, Mayor Fred Brown E. Hubbard Kennady Lynn Mcllhaney Vernon E. Schneider Jim Gardner Nancy Crouch Dick Haddox Dick Birdwell Ron Ragland, City Manager Parks & Recreation Board Marci Rodgers Gayle Schmidt Deborah Webb William Lancaster Andrea Derng George Dresser Mike Winner Patricia Boughton Steve Beachy, Director Sharon Colson Mike Walterscheidt Will Worley Judith Arnold Doug Venud David Cooper Shannon Bray Gary Beers Ron Hobbs - Architect J.T Dunkin & Associates Inc. - Landscape Architect Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers Inc. - Civil Engineer Elrey B. Ash - Development Services Director Eric Ploeger - Project Manager, City of College Station David Dobbs - Quality Control, City of College Station Construction Resource Group, Inc. - General Contractor Jose M. Ouiros - Construction Project Manager WOLF PEN CREEK PARK 1993 A TEXAS LOCAL PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE FUND PROJECT PROJECT NO. 20-00328 SPONSORED BY: THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT 1993 IN GRATEFUL APPRECIATION TO NINA HEARD ASTIN 8l NINA BESS ASTIN CHARITABLE TRUSTS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF WOLF PEN CREEK PARK Special thanks to Brazos Beautiful Commerce National Bank for making the 100 Trees in 100 Days Program a reality STEERING COMMITTEE Dick Haddox, Chairman Judith Arnold Anne Bell Fred Brown Bicker Cain Jim Gardner Jim Jett Ron Kaiser Walter Wendler IN LOVING MEMORY OF... BERT & ELSIE ADKINS I EARL & MARIE W.BENNETTIMANLEY W. JONES STEPHEN EARL BOATRIGHT JOHN L. BEARRIE KATE PARKER BERNATH LYDIA BORISKIE EDNA REED CARRUTH BRUCE CHANDLER SAMUEL PAUL COATES JAMES ROBERT CRAIG SUSANNE H. FREUND MAX C. GARNER TERESE GARDNER JOHN GONZALES KEVIN M. GRAY C.E.'SMOKEY' GREEN EU GUERRERO FREDERICK C. HALL EDWIN E. JENKINS THEODORE CHILTON KELLY MY FATHER -HUB KENNADY MAJOR JOHN KENNEDY CSPD MAJOR JOHN KENNEDY CSPD MATTHEW W. KNOBEL LOVING PARENTS DR. C.M. PATTERSON & MIKE MIKE M. PERRONE CHRISTINA OUIRAM MAHMUD H. RAJAB MAHMUD H. RAIAB MARY RITCHEY OUR SON, GREG SMITH ELIZABETH ELLEN 'BETSY' SCHNEIDER BEN TRAIL RUDY WIESE IN HONOR OF: BAHA'I HOLY YEAR CUENTS & FRIENDS THE BIRTH OF OUR SON, ADAM LANDON BRISKE JOE COURTNEY LEONA WIESE DOWUNG JOHN GARDNER PAULA GARDNER JEFFREY, AUBREY, & ASHUE GEORGE RICK, AUSA, & BRANT HICKERSON DICK HADDOX DICK HADDOX MR. & MRS. RICHARD B. HICKERSON/MR. & MRS. BOSWELL PORTER RAYMOND CALLAWAY JONES RICHARD & RITA LOMAX ELAINE, MARCI, TODD & JEFF MLILHANEY HART AUGUSTUS NOLTE-ROTH OUR GRANDCHILDREN CINDY J. PARSONS DAVID L PUGH JUSTIN D. PUGH JOHN, SHANA, & LUKE SKINNER DR. & MRS. MICHAEL SZABUNIEWICZ SHARON D. WIU40IT BY: MICHAEL & LORENE JONES PAULA. BOAT RIGHT JOHN & MARGARET ROGERS BRAZOS VALLEY ALUMNAE CLUB OF PI BETA PHI BURT & VIRGINIA HERMANN/ MICHAEL & CHERYL THILTGEN VAUGHN & MARLA CALVIN GERRY CHANDLER CITY OF CS EMPLOYEES STATISTICS DEPARTMENT - TAMU GAITHER FAMILY JIM GARDNER CITY OF CS TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION CHARLIE, BECKY, BRAD, & RYAN GRAY CITY OF CS ELECTRICAL DIVISION GUERRERO FAMILY GENE & MARY ELIZABETH CLARK STATISTICS DEPARTMENT - TAMU JEFF & LISA TINGLE E.H. KENNADY, III CITY OF CS EMPLOYEES CS POLICE DEPT. BRAZOS MAGIC'79 SOCCER TEAM LESTER L BOYER DORIS P. PATTERSON MARILYN & LYN BOWEN STATISTICS DEPARTMENT - TAMU HIS FRIENDS W.H. RITCHEY & FAMILY DR. & MRS. VERNON E. SCHNEIDER DAVID & CHARLOTTE DANZEISER BY: BAHA'I FAITH, BRYAN -CS PAUL J. CLARKE, INC. DAVE & BARBARA BRISKE APARTMENTS PLUS ROBERT DOWUNG FAMILY JIM GARDNER JIM GARDNER JAY & BRIDGETTE GEORGE ALICE & DICK HICKERSON ANCO INSURANCE MANAGERS M.B. & SUSAN FLIPPEN AUCE & DICK HICKERSON HIS FAMILY MR. & MRS. GEORGE McILHANEY VIRGIE NOLTE & JAMES ROTH BOB & LOLA PAGE GARY D. PARSONS DAVE & CINDY SKINNER CHARLES SZABUNIEWICZ DR. RANDOLPH & MARTHA WILHOIT WOLF PEN CREEK PARK "100 TREES IN 100 DAYS" THE SUPPORT OF CITIZENS AND ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN THIS PROJECT FOR THE BEAUTIFICATION OF WOLF PEN CREEK PARK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. 1993 DONATION BY: MEREDITH & PHILIP ADAMS ANCO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES JIM & BOBBIE BAKER BEACHY FAMILY BILL & PHYLLIS BENNATT DICK & JOYCE BIRDWELL JAMES B. & MARY BETH BOND ROYCE & BARBARA BORDMAN FRED & JANE BROWN BUDDY HANEYS APPLIANCE, INC. CAFE ECCELL M.L. 'RED" CASHION CITY OF CS PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPT. GENE & MARY EUZABETH CLARK CLARKE & WYNDHAM, INC. CS COMMUNITY APPEARANCE COMMITTEE CS KIWANIS CLUB COMMERCE NATIONAL BANK FRED DAHM FAMILY GREG & ANDREA DERRIG JOE & MARTHA DIXON JOE G. & LURA FAGAN FIRST AMERICAN BANK NELDA & HARRY J. GREEN, JR. ROY & STACY GUNNELS DICK & NUALA HADDOX CRAIG, JEAN & CARTER HALL KIMBROUGH & BETSY JETER JEANNIE & CHARLES McCANDLESS McCORD ENGINEERING, INC JIMMY D. McCORD JACK & DOROTHY MILLER M. NUNLEY FAMILY 0.1. CORPORATION HANK & DOROTHY PLOEGER RICHARD & SUZY POLLARD RON & WENDY RAGLAND DEBBY REARICK BRITT, KAY, JASON, & JUSTIN RICE LAUREL, SUZY & GLENN RICHARDS HOY & MARY LYNN RICHARDS JEAN & LARRY RINGER DAVID RUESINK FAMILY RUNTIN & GRUNTIN 4-H CLUB RON & VICKIE SCHMIDT R.C. TONGCO FAMILY TE7(AS COINPHONE THE MATTHEWS GROUP THUMPERS & JUMPERS 4 -H RABBIT CLUB NORM & ELAINE WAGGONER RICHARD & MARY VOLZ 9293 C.S. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD • Diffie e es wet crowd happy but that didn't slow down the au- dience. McGraw is cut from the same honky-tonk mold as Diffie and is a natural opening act for the hot country singer. Local favorites Joe Orsack and Special F/X opened the show with a long, rollicking mood f estab- lished the party evening. And a party it was, complete with fireworks to kick off the am- phitheater's first season. After lengthy opening remarks by Mayor Ringer and former Councilman Dick Haddox — the prime mover in getting the Wolf Pen Creek project started — things moved at a pretty fast pace. Changeover time between bands was kept to a minimum — hardly enough time for the women in the audience to wait in the long line at the restrooms. If Friday's opening concert was any indication, the people of Col- lege Station and Bryan are in for many seasons of flue at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. By ROBERT C. BORDEN Eagle staff writer The devil may still be dancing at the new Wolf Pen Creek Am- phitheater in College Station, but if he is, it isn't in country singer Joe Diffie's pockets because there's no longer any room. To put it mildly, Diffie has hit it big in country music with such songs as "If You Want Me - New Way to Light Up an Old Flame" and "If the Devil Danced in Empty Pockets (He'd Have a Ball in Mine),` all best - sellers from his debut album. The crowd expected to hear them Friday disappointed. and In little w eren't more than two years, he has be- come one of the top acts in the Bob Wills -Ernest Tubb - George Jones tradition of nasal twang country. Diffie is from the "hard drin- kin' and fast women who love you and leave you" school of country. He was introduced Friday night as the nation's top honky- tonker and he lived up to the moniker. Saturday, May 29, 1993 The Eagle eoncertreview In fact, the name of his current road trip is the Honky Tonk Atti tude tour, taken from the new album and single of the same name. Diffie's music at times is a little bit raunchy, a little bit rock 'n' roll, but he remains through and through country. Although his strong suit is faster songs that he sings at a fever pitch, Diffie cooled it down several times Fri- day night with slower numbers like "Is It Cold In Here or Is It Just You ?" and "That Was the Easy Part." Backed D his e bp band, Highway, of of music into an hour or so. All in all, it was worth the wait for the 2,000 or more people who waited for three hours in the hu- midity that finally turned to rain partway into Tim McGraw's warm -up act. Heavie ra ins ear - lier Friday afternoon of the amphitheater lawn turned o mud • ♦�� The City of College Station is accepting applications for the following WASTEWATE slUon: % ENT PLANT OPERATOR #2 R TREATM This position Is responsible for operation and mainte- na ceCe l ift , t stations to assure the effePt ve processsing and collectio 'system lift stotions to assure the effective pro cessing of w44ey''OWI; Applicants must bb 44'high school graduate or have GED "D" equivalent; possession of a Class W astewate r Texas Water ment Operators Certificate issued by Commission and a Class "B" Texas Drivers License; and the ability to secure a Class "C" Wastewater Treatment r - i Certificate. • ary: $7.77 /Hour 1993 adline to Apply: lone 4, Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources D Avert College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportun Employer Sunday, May 30, 1993 The Eagle �I U • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATI B DS FOR FOLLOWING: ALL - TERRAIN WALKING BACKHOE BID NO. 93-45 BID OPENING: 06/14/93, - 2 :00 P.M. The Request Iheroffice oflthe received opera Water Department, p lions Manager, 1601 Man- age,, 1601 Graham Rd., Col- lege Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date speci- fied above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unop d The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 05 -31- 93,06.0 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) RUBBER TIRED EXCAVATOR BID NO. 93-50 BID OPENING: o6/14/93,.2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Water Department, opera- tions Manager, 1601 Man- ager, 1601 Graham Rd., Col- lege Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date speci- fied above. SpecificMons may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing'Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopen The City of College Station reserves the right to waive of reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in saic bid and to accept the offe considered most advan tageous to the City. 0 5-31- 93,06 -07 - CITY OF CO ELL GE THE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PRIMARY 15KV URD CONDUCTOR BID NO. 93-57 BID OPENING: 06/11/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Water Department, tions Manager, 1601 Man- ager, 1601 Graham Rd., Col- lege Station, Texas 77640, until the time and 'f c speci- I fied above. Sp ec may be obtained at the Office of the Purchasin g Agent. 125 'Legal Notices bids received after that ti d w ill be retfrCollegeoStation The City o reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities In said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 05 -31- 93,06 Monday, May 31, 1993 The Eagle College Station police figuring program's success By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer College Station police late Sunday were still calculating the success of Saturday's "Alcohol Task Force" directed at youths with alcohol. The task force, which followed an afternoon graduation ceremony at A &M Consolidated High School, hit the streets, about 9 P.M. Saturday and worked into, the early morning hours Sunday. The• plain - clothed officers cited at least three teens for possession of alcohol and two adults for furnishing minors with alco- hol, said Sgt. Dan Jones. A final tally and further details sur- rounding the task force activities will be available when all of the related reports are completed, he added. The officers focused their efforts on areas known for teen traffic and reports, of loud parties, Jones said. Outside Wolf Pen Bowling Center, 7500, E. Bypass, at about 11 p.m. the officers found beer in a pickup truck there and cited an 18- year -old occupant for posses- sion of alcohol, Jones said. Less than an hour later, task force offi- cers outside Arbor Square Apartments, 1700 Southwest Parkway, found an apartment full of alcohol and minors. The youth were spilling onto the balcony of the apartment and inside the officers found "too many empty (beer) cans to count, „ an assortment of bottled liquor and a bathtub full of ice and beer, he said. One teen who tried to hide an open can of beer in a sink there was issued was cited for possession of alcohol, Jones said. Just after midnight and a few blocks away at another apartment complex on Southwest Parkway, police located a sec- ond party — a high school graduation party. One 19- year -old guest there was cited for minor in possession of alcohol and two residents of the apartment were is- sued citations for furnishing alcohol to a minor, Jones said. Bryan police did not report any significant graduation- related criminal activity. • CS police checkpoint welcomes travelers • By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer College Station police planned a special Memorial Day welcome for travelers heading north through the city on Texas 6 — a traffic safety checkpoint. Eight uniformed officers working from noon until 5 p.m. wrote a total of 188 cita- tions and arrested four individuals at the checkpoint at Rock Prairie Road, said Sgt. Greg Lewis. "We were out there looking for any traffic violations... emphasizing seat belt violations," Lewis said of the five -hour operation. He said the citations ranged from minor in possession of alcohol to expired inspection stickers, but the majority were for seat belt violations. The four arrests were two for outstanding war- rants and two for drug possession. Traffic was funneled down to one lane on the northbound side of the highway. As the vehicles passed the checkpoint, those suspected of violations were stopped, Lewis said. "It worked out quite well," he said. "We were able to monitor the traffic without interfering with the traffic." The department has performed similar seat belt checks in the past within the city, but Monday marked the first time it was attempted on the Bypass because of the traffic speed. The increased traffic expected for the Memorial Day holiday prompted them to take the program to the highway, Lewis said. "For the most part, it was received re- latively well," Lewis said, noting most of the drivers, even those cited, were pleased to see the police presence. Tuesday, June 1, 1993 The Eagle 0 Wednesday, June 2, The Eagle PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & - Zopin� .Commission, will hold a�pub;cheafing to pon- S�der a rezoning of lots 4 -7, block 1 of the Cooner Addi- tion from R -5 Medium Den- sity Apartments and A -P Administrative Professional to C -1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, June 17, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- 1993 125 Legal Notices tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -02 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Plannin & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Grace Bible Church to expand their exist- ing facilities at 701 Anderson Street to a 4.484 acre tract (tract 59 of the Crawford Bur- nett League) located directly across Anderson Street from their current location. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, June 17, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be. made 48 hours before'the meeting. To make arrangements. call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOO) 1- 800 - 735- 2989N For additional ir?fc�rmation, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. - t, •� Sabine Kuenzet Staff Planner 06 -02 -93 0 • FA Thursday, June 3, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning L'oard of Adjustment will •� nsider a variance request Cornerstone Construction to the rear setback require- ments at 621 Columbus lot 1, 4lock 2 of the Prairie View - Heights Subdivision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday ;.June 15, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the 'meeting. To make arrange- ments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 - 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning -Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -03-9 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the City Council (the "City Coun- cil") of the City of College 'Station, Texas (the "City ") to "adopt an Ordinance provid- ing for the issuance of inter - est- bearing revenue bonds of the City presently contem- %plated to be designated and known as the "CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1993" (the Bonds'l for the - purpose of providing approx- f imately $3,800,000 for the extensions and improve- ments to the City's sewer system and approximately '$1,900,000 for extensions and improvements to the Ci- ty's electric light and power system and the payment of i'contractual obligations for professional services in con- nection therewith (including, but no limited to, financial ad- visory, legal, and engineer- ing). The City Council pre- sently Intends to issue the Bonds in the same series as refunding bonds. The City Council tentatively proposes to authorize the issuance of the Bonds at its regular meet - ing place in the City Hall, Col - lege Station, Texas, at a Re- gular Meeting of the Council to be commenced at 7:00 p.m. on the 10th day of June, 1993, in an amount expected not to exceed $5,700,000 for new money purposes. The ,City Council proposes to pro - vide for payment of the Bonds from a pledge of the not revenues of the Citys 'avatar system, sewer system, and electric light and power system. /s /Larry J. Ringer Mayor, City of College Station, Texas 0 6 -03-93 40 CORRECTION TIHE -CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 15: KV URD PRIMARY CONDUCTOR SID NO-93-57 125 Lega Notices BID OPENING: 06/11 /93, - 2:00 P. M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned. unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 06 -04 -93 CORRECTION THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) RUBBER TIRED Friday, June 4, 1993 125 Legal Notices EXCAVATOR BID NO. 93 -50 BID OPENING: 06/14/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returnp4 unopened. The City, of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids Or ry and all Irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 06 -0 - 93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTIN(V BIDS FOR THE =' FOLLOWING: AUTOMATED MAPPING RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00' P.M. 06/22/93, RFP #93-54 -- The Request for Proposal'' (RFP's) bids will be opened - in the office of the Purchasing' Agent at City Hall at the time" and date specified above. ` Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Ali RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all Irregularities in said request and to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous to the City. 05.28. 93,06.04 -93 CORRECTION THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ALL- TERRAIN WALKING BACKHOE BID NO. 93-45 BID OPENING: 06/14/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. The Eagle L A 014,000 The City of College Station is recruiting for a: SYSTEMS ANALYST Qualified applicants should have a degree in Computer Science or another computer science related field or a minimum of 3 years System Analyst experience. This individual must have knowledge of the AS400 and expe- rience in COBOL and RPG. Working knowledge of DOS and Novell operating systems, personal computer appli- cations, and hardware are preferred. We are looking for a person with outstanding communication skills to work with all levels of personnel within the organization. Excellent benefit package included. Salary range: $2,042- $2,246 /monthly, depending on qualifications. Deadline to apply: June 14, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity Employer LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2010 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON MAY 27, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, FIRE PROTECTION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINAN- i 125 Legal Notices CES OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, BY AMENDING SECTION 1.B (4) RELATING TO AUTO- MATIC SPRINKLER SY MSTES. This ordinance requires any and all businesses to have their water flow alarms con- nected and monitored by a private alarm monitoring company. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars Sunday, June 6, 1993 The Eagle 125 Lega Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2010 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON MAY 27, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the: College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, FIRE PROTECTION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINAN- 1 CES OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, BY AMENDING SECTION 13 (4) RELATING TO AUTO- MATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. This ordinance requires any and all businesses to Have their water flow alarms con- nected and monitored by a private alarm monitorifg company. v Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000). Each day such vio- lation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2010 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter, The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 06 -05- 93,06 -06 -93 C, • I THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CITY -WIDE IMPACT FEES RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00 P.M. 06/30/93, RFP #9355 The Request for Proposal (RFP's) bids will be opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall at the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent, All RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer con. sidered most advantageous to the City. 06 -01- 93,06 -08.93 Board to discuss master plan The College Station Parks and Rec- reation Board will discuss the possi- bility of adopting a Parks Master Plan during tonight's meeting. The Parks Master Plan, if adopted, will outline long-term goals for the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. The plan would be de- veloped by the Parks and Recreation Board and staff members and would take about a year and a half to com- plete. A propo sed limit of 65 decibels for the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater will also be discussehand phitheater offi meeting. during - the cially opened oil May 28. The Wolf Pen Grand Opening Gala report will also be presented during the meeting, at 7 tonight in the Central Park Conference Room, 1000 -Krenek Tap Road. Tuesday, June 8, 1993 The Eagle Amphitheater needs to rethink public policies Well, the new Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater has now had it's Grand Opening Gala. On May 28, the first concert with Joe Diffie was put on in the not quite com- plete amphitheater. My wife and I attended the opening ceremonies and concert. I must confess I was impressed by the general layout and landscap- ing of the whole area. It is indeed going to be a beautiful park. As we walked into the theater we realized that we would have to do some climbing to get up the hill. As we got up to the chair ren- tals, we saw that the chairs are the type with short legs. My wife cannot use on of those because of a medical prob m. But fortunate- ly there were a ew full-size chairs for people who eeded them, so we rented those. We knew that the concert would probably be rather loud, so we were sitting near the back, far be- hind the audio consoles in the center. That gave us perhaps 50 to 100 feet of open space in front of US. Then we were told by a couple of the security personnel that we would have to move back to the concrete walk. They rationalized that we were blocking the view of people behind us. As a matter of fact, there were not enough people at the concert to completely fill the area, and it was obvious that there would be a wide open area of green grass up to the walk for the whole concert. We were told rather rudely we must move, and move we did with everyone else who had a full-size chair. The concert started and it was very good from what we could hear. However, we, of course, couldn't see anything. The open green grass area in front of us be- came the traffic area for everyone walking across for food and drinks. There was a constant flow of people parading in front of us, and so we couldn't see. We left early. I think that College Station has a good idea with the WPC con- cept. Put it's pretty obvious that only the young and able need at- tend under the current manage- ment. I wonder if anyone is going to file complaints under the fed- eral disabilities act about how people with problems are treated at WPC. I sure hope that the man- agement takes a hard look at its policies for future events. It would be a shame for such a beau- tiful facility as WPC to start off with a negative reputation. GREGORY R. JONES Bryan • 930 TATION 756 9306" S Box 9960 77E COLLEGE STATION TX Tucker (left), Christacia Haswell Park in Brvan. 'he Ear BmCS is rich with ci By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer No matter where you live in Bryan or College Sta- tion, it's a safe bet you're no more than a minute or two from a city park. Fifty -five parks dot the two cities. Some, such as Heritage Park in Bryan's historic district, occupy little more than a city block. A few, like College Sta- tion's Lick Creek Park, encompass hundreds of College Station's 29 parks cover about 900 acres of land. Bryan has 26 parks covering about 1,524 acres, including the 764 acres of water that make up Lake Bryan. City officials spend tens of thousands of dollars keeping the parks in tip -top shape for the thousands who visit them each year. The College Station parks department's fiscal 1992 budget was just over $2.4 million; of that, about parks $139,500 was spent on maintenance. Bryan's budget was about $1.4 million, about $353,000 of which was spent on maintenance and utilities for the facilities, said Joe Brown, city spokesman. Two dozen full-time employees maintain Bryan facilities; 22 people maintain College Station parks. The crews are augmented each summer by as many as a dozen part-time employees. Part- timers play a large role in the maintenance program, especially in College Station, where just 54 of the as many as 271 employees work full -time. Each city divide their maintenance crews into three teams, each responsible for one district in each city. Ensuring that the parks are safe and clean is their biggest responsibility, said Tony Cisneros, director of parks and recreation in Bryan. Routine maintenance includes mowing every sev- en to 10 days, clearing litter and emptying trash re- Parks From Al ceptacles, repairing vandalism, and cleaning restrooms and pavi- lions at least every other day. Pest control is high on the list of prior- ities as well. "We have a very aggressive fire ant control program," Cisneros said. "We are constantly putting out control chemicals." Local officials find it much eas- ier to maintain the parks year - round than to try to catch up each spring, but preparing for winter requires a few special tasks. Water supplies to restrooms, pa- vilions and pools must be drained and the pipes filled with anti - freeze. Winter is also when parks of l- cials plan their major repairs at each park, Beachy said. Crews also sow grass seeds on athletic fields and plant flowers. Each city has three pools, staf- fed mostly by part -time em- ployees. The pools are among the cities' busiest attractions each year, drawing as many as 73,000 bathers annually. Two parks seem to be most popular. In Bryan, Sue Haswell Park on William J. Bryan Park- way draws the most visitors, Cis- neros said. The long, narrow park features basketball and tennis courts, soc- cer fields, softball diamonds and a swimming pool, many trees and a huge patch of wildflowers. Haswell Park is another popu- lar one and is the area's oldest park, dating to 1925. Tyler Haswell donated 9.5 acres to the city for a park in memory of his mother, Sue Haswell. Tyler Haswell, a Bryan busi- nessman and civic leader, was mayor of Bryan from 1921 until 1923 and again from 1925 until 1927. Dexter Park, at Dexter Street and George Bush Drive, is College Station's oldest park. Council members founded the park, now known as Brison Park, in 1947 after purchasing land from F.B. Clark and Hershel Burgess. College Station's Central Park, East Bypass at Krenek Tap Road, is that city's most popular park, said Steve Beachy, director of parks and recreation. The 47 -acre park, opened in 1978, includes a nature trail through dense woods, four soft- ball diamonds and other athletic fields and a pond teeming with fish and ducks. Although parks crews will take sick and injured animals to A &M's vet school or the Brazos Animal Shelter for treatment, the animals are, for the most part, left to fend for themselves. "Our wildlife is just that — wild life," Cisneros said. C CS police to ask council for additional officers The College Station Police Depart- ment on Thursday will ask the City Council for permission to hire addi- tional officers to compensate for ex- pected resignations. The request will be discussed and possibly voted on during Thursday's College Station City Council meeting at 7 P.M. in the council chambers of City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. If approved, the program will allow the department to hire three officers over the council's self-imposed 70 -of- ficer limit. Police officials estimate that they have a turnover rate of nine officers per year. Because it takes nine to 12 months to train an officer, they esti- mate needing three extra officers to keep them at the allotted level. The department currently employs 69 officers and is in the process of hir- �ng one more. Also on the agen E discus of the already app ,Extension project. The project calls for - street and drainage improvements to '. made on Eleanor and Montclair !streets. These renovations will allow easier access to Lincoln Park. The awarding of a construction con tract to Young Brothers Inc. of Bryan will allow construction to begin on r July 1. The project is expected to be completed 90 days later at an esti mated cost of about $108,000. v' In closed session, the TCA Cable Franchise negotiation report will be discussed. This report comes from the College Station City Council manage. ment director and explains the pro gress that is being made with the ne gotiations. 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider alcity ini- tiated rezoning of lot 2 of Westchester Park Phase II from C -N Neighborhood Commercial to R -1 Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the COI - lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 700 p.m. of the Commission on Thursday, June 24, 1993. Any request for sign interpre tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764-3547 or(TOD) 1 -800- 735 -2989 For additional information, Please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -09 -9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- Wednesday, June 9, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices struction o rd of Adjust- ust- ments and App ho eals will a public hearing to consider asco variance request by Corporation for the following property: Lots 2 31ock 1 in the Post Oak Square Subdivision, zoned General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m, meeting of the Board on Thursday, June 17, 1 Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made I 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -29 For additional information please contact me at (409)764 -37 I Susan Cole Building Technician 06 -09 -93 The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Producion of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources Company, Ft. Worth, Texas. The proposed Drilling Site is located approximately 2000 feet east of S.H. 6 (south), southeast of the Desert Hills Hospital, in the Extra Territor- ial Jurisdiction of the City of College Station. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, June 24, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arragements call 125 Legal Notices (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- 1 lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409)764 -3570. 06 -09 -93 • oq • College Station police shouldn't harass drivers On Memorial Day, for the sec- ond time in recent weeks, the Col- lege Station Police Department arranged a "traffic safety check- point" on Texas 6 at Rock Prairie Road. Cars were funneled to one lane and those "suspected of viola- tions" were pulled over. I find this a particularly offensive and in- trusive activity. Surely, there are enough real crimes being com- mitted that our police force could investigate rather than manufac- Thursday, June 10, 1993 The Eagle ture crimes while harassing and inconveniencing innocent people. The police department should be ashamed of itself for conducting this sort of unjustifiable violation of citizens' rights. Perhaps they are planning house by house searches next. This is a free coun- try — not a police state. Let's not treat people like criminals until they've done something wrong. I was amused to read Sgt. Greg Lewis's statement that "most drivers, even those cited, were pleased to see the police present." Yeah, right. JOE ANDERSON Bryan LOIJ CS police get OK to hire more officers By TANYA SASSER Eagle staff wr iter L-1 Friday, June 11, 1993 The Eagle The College Station City Council on Thursday approved a program which will allow the police department to hire additional officers to compensate for ex- pected annual resignations. Under the approved plan, the depart- ment will be able to hire three officers over the city's 70- officer limit. Police officials estimate they have a turnover rate of nine officers per year. Since it takes nine to 12 months to train an officer, the department needs about three extra officers each year to keep them at the allotted level. The department now has 69 officers and is in the process of hiring one more. The cquncil awarded a contract to Young Brothers Inc. of Bryan for comple- tion of the Eleanor Street Extension project. This project calls for street and drain- age improvements to be made on Eleanor and Montclair streets. The renovations are designed to allow easier access to Lincoln Park. Construction, estimated by Young Brothers Inc. to cost about $108,000, will begin July 1 and should be completed within 90 days. Council members approved a request from Myrad Real Estate to rezone Lot 2, Block 2, Westchester Park II from me- dium- density apartments to single fami- ly. Some College Station residents voiced their approval of the change, saying that the proposal would make the land, near Rock Prairie Elementary School, more consistent with the adjacent land, which is primarily occupied by single - family homes. The council went into executive ses- sion, according to the agenda, to discuss the TCA Cable Franchise negotiation re- port. The report from the council's man- agement director charted the progress of negotiations between the city and TCA Cable for a new franchise agreement. No action was taken concerning the franchise. • r� I t CS sets 96 decibels as level for Wolf Pen A decibel level of 96 was decided upon for the Wolf Pen Creek Amphith- eater recently by the College Station Parks and Recreation Board. During the amphitheater's opening concert on May 28, several different decibel readings were taken from var- ious locations around the amphith- eater, located at 1015 Colgate St. in Col- lege Station. The decibel reading of 96 was taken from the top of a concrete path on a hill, which is about 250 feet from the stage. This number was decided upon after discussion during the council meeting Tuesday. If a band exceeds the decibel level while performing in the amphitheater, it will be requested to reduce the noise level. If the band doesn't comply, it will be asked to leave the amphith- eater,,according to Parks and. Recrea- tion officials. • . i - Decibel level readings will be taken at every concert throughout the sum- mer. The board will meet at the end of the summer to review and possibly re- vise the present decibel level. Sunday, June 13, 1993 The Eagle The City of College Station is currently recruiting for a 60 Utility Technician In the Electrical Department,. Daily tasks include the maintenance of electrical power lines while providing assistance to the lineman. Sala starting at $6.17 an hour Deadline to apply. June 23, 1993 Apply to: HumanCRelsou Station Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL O PPORTUNITY EMP LOYER C gr The City of College Station � is currently accepting applications for the position of Pure Station Operator for the Water Division. This position is responsible for operating and maintainingthe water production facilities. Must possess a valid TWC water certification and Texas drivers license. � Beginning Salary range: $6.17 to $7.77 depending on qualifications Deadline to apply: June 25, 1993 Apply to. Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 11 o1 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORT E MPLOYER 0 CS gas line rupture shuts down Harvey Road By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer Several blocks of Harvey Road were shut down and about two dozen nearby residents evacuated Monday afternoon after construction workers damaged a natural gas pipeline. Palasota Construction was installing a city sewer line along Harvey Road when a backhoe damaged a 6 -inch gas line buried about six feet underground, said Gary Thigpen, district manager for Lone Star Gas, owner of the pipeline. College Station Fire Department Lt. Steven Hisaw said 911 dispatchers received the call about 3 p.m. Within minutes, firefighters arrived at the scene and, using a combustible gas detector, established a "hot zone" of about 50 feet surrounding the leak — the approximate distance the gas had extended, Hisaw said. In the meantime, firefighters and police blocked off traffic on Harvey Road from Dartmouth Street to Stall- ings Drive and evacuated 20 to 25 people from three buildings at nearby Woodstock Condominiums, he said. "The odds are if someone were to light a match in that hot zone, it would ignite. That's why we evacuate the area," Hisaw said of the precautionary measure. He said a shift in the brisk wind would have meant a larger evacuation. As it was, the wind was carrying the escaping gas down Harvey Road and away from nearby Please see GAS, page A8 Eagle photo/ Michael Mulvey College Station emergency equipment blocks Harvey Road while CS paramedic Darryl Smith detours traffic onto Stallings Drive after a gas line ruptured between Harvey Road and the Woodstock Condominiums. Several of the condominiums were evacuated while the line was repaired. W s).& - _&.L,� \ �O % *c 3 M Gas From Al apartment complexes. Thigpen agreed the winds helped the situation. However, he said the situation never posed a threat to the public because natu- ral gas is lighter than air and dis- sipates into the atmosphere. Regardless, the crew worked quickly to repair the damage. The crew began by digging out around the pipe to expose the damage, then used two large Wednesday, June 16, 1993 metal clamps to cover the crack. The Eagle "It's a permanent repair," Thigpen said of the clamps. "It's just as safe or safer than the pipe itself." NOTICE OF PUBLICS a ion Planning The College and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Ernest and Mar- tha Camp to expand the Wolf Pen Recreation Center at 7500 East Bypass to Include a skating rink, gymnastics center, batting cages and bumper boats. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, July 1, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -16 -93 • • Saturday, June 19, 1993 The Eagle 125 Lega Notices 125 L Notices LEGAL NOTICE ing having been posted in ORDINANCE NO. 2011 accordance with Art. WAS PASSED AND AP- 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, PROVED ON JUNE 10, 1993 signed by the Mayor and duly BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF recorded in the official re- THE CITY OF COLLEGE cords of the city, is captioned STATION meeting in regular as follows: AN ORDINANCE session at the College AMENDING CHAPTER 10, Station City Hall, said meet- SECTION 2D OF THE Ing having been posted in CODE ORDINANCES OF accordance with Art. THE CITY OF COLLEGE 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, STATION RELATING TO signed by the Mayor and duly SPECIAL HAZARD INTER - recorded in the official re- SECTIONS CONTROLLED cords of the city, is captioned BY STOP SIGNS, AND DE- as follows: AN ORDINANCE CLARING THAT ATTEN- AMENDING CHAPTER 7, DANT FACTS NECESSI• SECTION 5 -F AND 5 -G(1), TATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. REGULATING FOOD MAN- The College Station City AGER CERTIFICATION IN Council , determined e THE CITY; PROVIDING A necessity for the removal o' PENALTY; AND PROVID- stop signs at the following ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. intersections: Frost Drive A food service estab- eastbound at Foxfire Drive lishement shall have an on- and Frost Drive westbound a site supervisory employee Foxfire Drive. who is certified in food ser- Violations of any provision c vice management; and such this ordinance shall be sub food service management jest to a fine of not exceeding certification shall be attained two hundred dollars. by completion of a food man- Ordinance No. 2012 she ager certification course. The become effective and be i ordinance provides for the full force and effect from an requirements for a food after is passage and apprc manager certification which val by the City Council, and i is taught by the Health De- accordance with the Cif partment. A resolution estab- Charter. The complete text c lishing a fee of $10.00 was the above named ordinanc also approved for the is- may be seen at the office i suance and renewal of the the City Secretary, at 11C good manager certificate of South Texas Avenue, Cc registration. loge Station, Texas. Violations of any provision of 06 -19- 93,06 -20 -93 this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000). Each day such vio- lation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2011 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col - lege Station, Texas. 06 -19- 93,06 -20 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2012 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 10, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- r� L C � The City of College Station is currently seeking: TCLEOSE Licensed Peace Officers and Non - Licensed Peace Officers Duties include regular patrol duties in a community of 55,000 residents. Shift work required. The employee will be responsible for the enforcement of civil, criminal and traffic laws. Requirements: High school d i ploma or GED, ability to relate well to the public, good written and verbal communication skills, and the abil- ity to complete physical, psychological, and polygraph examinations. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and possess a valid Texas Driver's License. Entry level test will be held on Saturday, July 31, 1993. Applications must be received before Wednesday, July 14, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Dept. 1101 Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 Equal opportunity Employer Sunday, June 20, 1993 The Eagle 0 The City of College Station ig is currently accepting applications for the position of Pump Station Operator for the Water Division. This position is responsible for operating and maintaining the water production facilities. Must possess a valid TWC water certification and Texas drivers license. Beginning Salary range: $6.17 to $7.77 depending on qualifications Deadline to apply: June 25, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTU E AV The City of College Station is accepting applications for: HORTICULTURE CREW LEADER Parks & Recreation Department The position is responsible for maintaining all aspects of , the City's trees and landscaped public areas. Applicants must be knowledgeable of basic plant and tree require- ments. Deadline to apply: June 25, 1993 Salary: $7.91/hour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 0 �J Sunday, June 20, The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2011 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 10, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly 1993 125 Lega Notices recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, SECTION 5 -F AND 5 -G(1�, REGULATING FOOD MAN- AGER CERTIFICATION IN THE CITY; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A food service estab- lishement shall have an on- site supervisory employee who is certified in food ser- vice management; and such food service management certification shall be attained by completion of a food man- ager certification course. The ordinance provides for the requirements for a food manager certification which is taught by the Health De- partment. A resolution estab- lishing a fee of $10.00 was also approved for the is- suance and renewal of the good manager certificate of registration. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars (51,000). Each day such vio- lation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2011 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 06- 19- 93,06 -20 -93 LEGAL N0710E ORDINANCE NO. 201; WAS PASSED AND AP PROVED ON JUNE 10, 199; BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regula session at the Collegf Station City Hall, said meet ing having been posted it accordance with Art 6252 -17. Said Ordinance signed by the Mayor and dull recorded in the official re cords of the city, is captionec as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 SECTION 2D OF THE CODE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TC SPECIAL HAZARD INTER. SECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DE. CLARING THAT ATTEN- DANT FACTS NECESSI- TATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. The College Station City Council determined a necessity for the removal of stop signs at the following intersections: Frost Drive eastbound at Foxfire Drive, and Frost Drive westbound at Foxfire Drive. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars. Ordinance No. 2012 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- legs Station, Texas. 06 -19- 93,06 -20 -93 The Texas Department of Transportation will be using consulting engineering and commercial laboratory ser- vices for testing and in- spection during the next three years in the following counties: Brazos, Burelson, Freestone, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Milam, Robertson, Walker, and Washington. In- terested firms are invited to submit a notice of interest in performing testing and in- spection services. Only no- tices postmarked prior to July 1, 1993 will be considered. Notices should be sent to the following address: Texas Department of Transporta- tion, 1300 N. Texas Ave., Bryan, Tx. 77805. Attn: Dis- trict Construction Office. 06-19-93,06-20-93 • A time to celebrate Juneteenth celebrations draw hundreds By JIM HINEY Eagle staff writer Intermittent drizzle didn't dampen Saturday's annual Juneteenth celebra- tion for several hundred members of Bryan's black community. Some kids played basketball at Sadie Thomas Park while others tried to out- do the rain by soaking one another with squirt guns. There were a parade, pic- nic lunches and long conversations among friends. College Station's black community celebrated at the Lincoln Center Satur- day night and was scheduled to hear College Station native Andrew White, director of quality control for Johnson & Johnson in Arlington, talk about "The Generation that Has Forgotten." In Bryan about 100 people joined together under the Sadie Thomas Park pavilion and heard from a local educa- tor the reasons they had to celebrate. Kemp Elementary School Principal Greg Travillion said President Abra- ham Lincoln's Emancipation Procla- mation fheed all slaves Jan. 1, 1863, but word didn't reach Texas until June 19, 1865. Since then, black Texans have cele- brated the date, known as Juneteenth, as their independence day. Black Texans endured 29 more months of slavery than blacks in other states. Economics could have played a part in the poor communication net- work that kept news of emancipation out of Texas. Texas had been a rich state, but the North stripped the state of its wealth, and Texas faced the loss of its labor force shortly before the cotton harvest. Travillion said he lived in Alabama and Mississippi before moving to Texas six years ago, and it wasn't until six years ago he understood the signifi- cance of Juneteenth. "You have a right to have a great time today," he told the audience. "I look at myself, coming from Mississip- pi, and see I just have the privilege of having a good time." Travillion urged the audience always to remember the significance of Juneteenth, but not to dwell en the problems that existed then and now. Instead, he said, black Texans must do what they can to improve their futures and ensure peace in their communities. "We have to take it upon ourselves to do what's best in our little corner of the world," he said. "We all have to live and work here, people of all colors and all races. Let us remember communica- tion is a big part of our existence." Mari Rucker sings "Lift Every Voice and Sing" as Cheletia Johnson accompanies on the flute during Juneteenth ceremonies in College Station on Saturday. 0 O Tuesday, June 22, The Eagle Lone Star Gas asking cities for increase By KELLI LEVEY Eagle staff writer The Bryan and College Station city councils will consider a request by Lone Star Gas for an $800,000 rate increase. The Bryan City Council will consider the rate increase at a 6 p.m. meeting today. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. in the council chambers of the Bryan Municipal Building, 300 S. Texas Ave. The College Station City Coun- cil will consider the increase request Thursday at 7 p.m. at 1101 Texas Ave. Lone Star initially requested an increase in January for both Bryan and College Station resi- dents and businesses that would total about $1.2 million annually. The cities hired Reed -Stowe & Co. to review and to analyze the request; based on the review and negotiations with Lone Star, the request was reduced to $800,000. Of the $800,000, $58,768 would come from service charge in- creases and $741,232 from rate in. creases. About $340,000 of that $800,000 would come from College Station, the rest from Bryan. - If approved, College Station res- idential rates would increase from a flat rate of $6.50 a month during the winter and $4.50 a month during the summer to $8 a month. Commercial rates would increase from $10.50 a month dur- ing the winter and $6.50 a month during the summer to $14 a month. Rates for Bryan were not im- mediately available. College Station and Bryan city staff members have recom- mended approval of the increase. Please see INCREASE, page A7 1993 Increase From Al Any new rates would be effective with gas bills issued 30 days later. Items planned for the College Station council's Wednesday workshop meeting include con- sideration of $5.85 million utility system revenue and refunding bonds and a tour of the Manage- ment Service Group work area. The workshop will begin at 4 p.m. Other items on College Sta- tion's Thursday meeting agenda include utility and development agreements with Toys "R" Us, Nytex Inc. and Post Oak Square Ltd., a request by College Station Noon Lions Club for July 4 cele- bration at Wolfpen Creek Am- phitheater and consideration of three housing subdivision plats. U 1 , i� c! Wednesday, June 23, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by W-1 mart Stores, Inc. to the Parking lot setback require- ments at 1815 Brothers. This request will be consi- dred by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 6, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room lo- cated at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 - For additional information, please contact the Planning office at (409)764 -3 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -23 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public nearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct operations for the Discovery and Production of oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons within the City of C01- lege Station Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. The applicant Is Edco Energy, Inc.. 8 Suite opaC Expressway, Austin, Texas 78759. The proposed Drilling Site is on a 41.39 acre tract of land in the Morgan Rector Survey A -46, The drill site is north and east of SH -6 East By- pass between the Raintree Subdivision and the Emerald Forest Subdivision. owner of 125 Legal Notices the property is the City of C01- lege Station. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, July 8, 1993. The Building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrange- ments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD 1 -800- 735 - 2989.) Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Ave. or call (409)764 - 3570. i 06 -23 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing of lots 4 -7, block 1 of the Cooner Addition from R -5 Medium Density Apartments and A -P Administrative Professional to C -1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, July 8, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenze! Staff Planner 06 -23 -93 0 • CS council approves bond sale The College Station City Council unanimously approved the sale of $5.85 million in city bonds Wednesday to fund sewer and electric projects. Of the $5.85 million, $3.7 million is being issued to extend and improve the city's existing sanitary sewer system and $1 million is to extend and improve the electric light and power system. The amount for electric projects was increased from the $600,000 originally proposed. The remaining $1.15 million is for advance refunding of outstanding bonds and for the costs of issuing the bonds. The council also approved the ad- vance refunding of a little more than $1 million in 1985 bonds, which is es- timated to save the city about $178,000 over the next seven years or about $25,000 a year. The council's regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. today at 1101 Texas Ave. Thursday, Juun 24, 1993 The Eagle 1� • Bryan - College Station Ea gle F June 25, 1993 Page B3 Post Oak Square to be renovated Post Oak Square, Ltd., a part- nership headed by Andrew A. Bernstein, has purchased the Post Oak Square Shopping Center in College Station, Texas, from the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration. The 118,220 square foot shop- ping center, located adjacent to Post Oak Mall at Harvey Road and State Highway 6 Bypass, is being completely renovated and re- tenanted with a 31,958 square foot national anchor Toys R Us and 32,040 square foot Hobby Lobby arts and crafts store. Daniel Jay Holland and Ken Delery of Grubb & Ellis Company negotiated the transaction be- tween Amresco Management, Inc. and Bernstein Investments. The closing was held at Common- wealth Land Title Company with Marvin Zindler Jr. Built in 1982 as a grocery an- chored neighborhood center, Post Oak Square's occupancy had dwindled to 30 percent when fore- closed by NCNB Texas National Bank in 1991. Cavender's Boot City remained the center's lone anchor. Recognizing that national and regional retailers are looking more to secondary markets, such as the Bryan- College Station area for expansion, Post Oak Square's size and proximity to the area's regional mall made it an attrac- tive re- leasing opportunity, ac- cording to Bernstein. Bernstein's renovation of the property will include demolition of nearly a third of the property to make way for development of the Paramus, N.J., based Toys R Us building. Hobby Lobby, a regional arts and crafts retailer based in Oklahoma City, Okla., will oc- cupy the former grocery space. Both retailers are new to the Bryan- College Station market. A vacant fast food building in front of the center has been demo- lished to provide more visibility, and a central entrance to the center has been cut to provide better traffic flow and create iden- tity. The facade of the building is being changed to give the prop- erty a more contemporary look. Once renovated, the new Post Oak Square will total 140,000 square feet. Adam Soffar of Bern=• stein Investments will handle the leasing. Bernstein Investments is a Houston -based shopping center developer and investor specializ- ing in renovating and re- leasing older shopping centers. Friday, June 25, 1993 The Eagle 0 F J • Friday, June 25, The Eagle 1993 From Al ded by Rock Prairie Road and Victoria Avenue, is adjacent to Rock Prairie Elementary and its park. Judy Cook, an area resident, said she feared a convenience store would open on the location and would possibly sell alcoholic beverages. That would be inap- propriate, she said, because the property is close to the elemen- tary and to College Station Junior High School. Besides, she said, properties on Wellborn Road and on Rio Grande that are zoned commercial are within a half-mile of the area in question. The council also approved utili- ty and development agreements with Toys "R" Us — Nytex, Inc. and Post Oak Square Ltd. and a request by College Station Noon Lions Club to waive fees and police and fire costs for a July 4 community celebration at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. College Station's average com- mercial bill before the increase, $217.04, was the lowest of the group and the residential bill, $26.10, was higher only than Waco's $26.03. College Station's new average commercial bill, $234.11, was still the lowest of the group and the residential bill, $26.65, was higher only than the city's former rate, Waco's and Abilene's $26.58. Gary Thigpen, district manager for Lone Star Gas, said College Station is still in the lower end of the more than 500 communities the company serves statewide. In Thursday's 20- minute meet- ing, the council also rezoned a 2 -acre lot in Westchester Park from commercial to single - family residential. The property, boun- Please see GAS, page A7 CS Council grants gas rate increase By KELLI LEVEY Eagle staff write For the first time in eight years, College Station residents will see higher rates on their Lone Star Gas bills. The College Station City Coun- cil unanimously granted a rate increase Thursday that will cost the city's residents an additional $340,000 a year. The increases will go into effect Feb. 24, 1994. Residential rates will increase from seasonal rates of $6.50 a month during the winter and $4.50 a month during the summer to a flat $8 a month. Commercial rates will increase from $10.50 a month during the winter and $6.50 a month during the summer to $14 a month. The Bryan City Council ap- proved a similar request Tuesday night. Lone Star expects a revenue in- crease of more than $803,105 — or 11.79 percent — from the cities' rate hikes. About $340,000 will come from College Station, the rest from Bryan. Service charges from both cit- ies will generate about $59,000, and rate increases will generate about $741,000. In January, Lone Star re- quested a combined increase for Bryan and College Station resi- dents and businesses that would total about $1.2 million annually. The cities hired Reed -Stowe & Co. to review and analyze the request and based on the review and ne- gotiations with Lone Star, trim- med the increase to $800,000 a year. During Wednesday's council workshop, Councilman Hub Ken - nady requested a comparison of average residential and commer- cial bills in surrounding simi- larly -sized communities. The chart included College Station's previous and proposed rates, Abilene, Arlington, Georgetown, Killeen, San Angelo, Temple and Tarn • • 6111900V The City of College Station is accepting applications for the position of. CREW LEADER Water/Wastewater Division Public Utilities Department This position provides direct leadership and assis- tance to field personnel involved in the maintenance and construction of the water distribution and waste- water collection system. Applicant should possess a valid Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certification as required. Starting salary $9.48/hour. Deadline to apply: 5 p.m., Friday, July 2, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, June 27, 1993 The Eagle The City of College Station is accepting �j applications for the following: SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK Provides Administrative Clerical Support for Maintenance /Review of financial records and processing Payables /Documents involving Fi- nancial Transactions. Requires l Okeybytouch, CRT, and 3 years Bookkeeping/Accounting experience. Deadline to apply: 5 p.m., Friday July 2, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer NOTICE V t- t.. v- PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of College Station Community Development Of- fice will be conducting public hearings involving discussion citizen input regarding the Ci- ty's Proposed Final State- ment on the use of Commun- ity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. CDBG funds must be used for one of three National Objectives: 1. Benefit low /moderate in- come citizens. 2. Eliminate slum or blight. 3. Meet an urgent community need. Citizen input is also solicited for the City's proposed 5 -year Comprehensive Hous- ing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). The CHAS is a document addressing affcr- dable housing issues and outlining the City's plan to meet low- income housing needs. Citizens are invited to com- ment at the public hearings to be held: 1. 6:00 P.M. Thursday, July 8, 1993, College Hills Baptist Church, 712 Churchill, Col- lege Station, TX. 2.6:30 p.m. Monday, July 12, 1993, Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor, College Station, Tx. For more information, con- tact Jo. Carroll at 4 0 9- 7 6 4 - 3 7 7 8 06-27- 93,07-02-93,07-11-93 • C] C] Tuesday, June 29, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received forth construction of: PROJECT MBV -9301. ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL LINER AND BARRIEI WALLS. until 3:00 o'clock, P.M., Monday, July 12, 1993. Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project primarily consists of excavation, site preparation and Installation of clay liners barrier walls and sumps as described in the plans and specifications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have a practical knowledge of ft particular work bid upon and that they have the finanical resource to complete the propose( work. In deterining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) maintains a permanent place of business, b) has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the work, and d) has appropriate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work anc that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount o1 five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, or a proposal bond in the same amount from a Surety Company hold- ing permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the lates revision of Treasury Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bidder will enter Into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids withou checks, as stated above, or proposal bond will not be considered. In accordance with Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, the successful Bidder will be required to furnish not only a performance bond in the amount of the contract, but also a payment bond for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and materials as defined in said law. The bonds must be executed by an approved Surety Company holding permit from the State of Texas to act as Surety and acceptable according to the lates list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Trea- sury of the United States, or other Surety acceptable to the Owner. ADDENDA Bidders desiring further information, or Interpretation of the Plans or Specifications must make request for such Information to the Engineer, prior to ninety -six (96) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be given to all Bidder In written addendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contract Documents. No other explanation or Interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies In, or omissions from, the Plans Specifications, or other Contract Docu- ments, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Enginee at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum Issued prior to seventy -two (72) hours of the opening of bid will be mailed or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will in include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda Issued in writing by the Engineer during the period of bidding shall be ac- knowledged on the Proposal Form and in the executed contract. Such addenda shall be- come a part of the excecuted contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings accordingly. To properly qualify his proposal, each bidder shall, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowledge such receipt on the Propsal Form and on the outer anvlope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT the owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lowest bid received from a quali- 9ed bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive informalities in any bid. Bids received after tie specified time of closing will be returned unopened. DRICE INTERPRETATION n case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the Owner re- ;erves the right to accept the prices written In words. 3 ROPOSALS - he OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal. :ONTRACT :ontract documents may be obtained at no charge at the office of: Aark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Services :ollege Station Public Services Center 613 Texas Ave. ,ollege Station, Texas 06-29- 93,07 -06 -93 • 0 • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a site plan for the fire station to be located in block A of the Shenandoah Phase One Subdivision. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, July 15, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -30 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Board of Adjustment will consider a variancce request by Lucile Young to the setback re- quirements at 605 Preston. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 6, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -30 -93 Wednesday, June 30, 1993 The Eagle The City of College Station is c currently seeking: TCLEOSE Licensed Peace Officers and Non - Licensed Peace Officers Duties include regular patrol duties in a community of 55,000 residents. Shift work required. The employee will be responsible for the enforcement of civil, criminal and traffic laws. Requirements: High school diploma orGED, ability to relate well to the public, good written and verbal communication skills, and the abil- ity to complete physical, psychological, and polygraph examinations. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and possess a valid Texas Driver's License. Entry level test will be held on Saturday, July 31, 1993. Applications must be received before Wednesday, July 14, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Dept. 1101 Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to change the dedication requirements in the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district. This request will be con- sidered by the Commission on Thursday, July 15, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 06 -30 -93 • • Toys 'R Us coming to soon -to -be renovated center CS officials seeking better access to mall By KELLI LEVEY Eagle staff writer A Toys 'R Us store is slated to open on Harvey Road west of Post Oak Mall — maybe in time for Christmas — and College Station city officials are trying to im- prove access between the shop- ping center and the mall. The national toy store will be one of two new features of the renovated Post Oak Square Shop- ping Center adjacent to the mall at Harvey Road and Texas 6. Houston -based Bernstein In- vestments, which recently bought Post Oak Square, plans to reno- vate the shopping center and expand it from 118,220 to 140,000 square feet. Almost a third of the property will be demolished and renovated to house the 31,958- square-foot Toys 'R Us store. A 32,040- square -foot Hobby Lobby arts and crafts store will open in the site of a former grocery store. Post Oak Square officials have already signed an agreement for access between their center and the mall. Though no specific plans have been drawn for a driveway, it most likely would be built behind the existing Caven- der's Boot City location. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the final plat for the project in mid - April. The city council approved it a month later on the condition that Toys 'R Us enter into a de- velopment agreement with the city to obtain cross access be- tween Post Oak Square and Post Oak Mall. City council members dis- cussed the possibility of a drive- way between the new store and the mall last Wednesday, while discussing proposed development and utility agreements between the toy store and the Post Oak Square. "The only way the city could force that [joint access agree- ment] would be to condemn that portion and make it a public joint access rather than a private joint access," said Roxanne Nemcik, assistant city attorney. "Post Oak Square already dedicated their portion, it's just the mall that's not agreeing to it." Nemcik said in doing so, the city would be forced to bear the cost of condemning the property and buying the land. Mall General Manager Ann Kyle said any agreement would have to be reached with manage- ment of the mall and of each de- partment store within the mall. She said the decision to reject the agreement was made by rep- resentatives of CBL & Associates, Inc. in Chatanooga, Tenn., which owns, developed and manages the mall. "I guess if they were seriously going to do it, they'd have to pre- sent some kind of drawings and information about how it would affect the existing traffic pat- terns," Kyle said. "And we'd have to answer questions like — would we need additional parking — that sort of thing. "[The city] asked them about a year ago and they asked them as recently as three months ago and they said no, so I doubt they're go- ing to change their minds." City Manager Ron Ragland ad- vised the council to wait before taking any action. "They might decide to open that up so the Toys 'R Us traffic can go over to the mall," Ragland said. Councilman Hub Kennady said any further discussion of the project should occur in closed session. Wednesday, June 30, 1993 The Eagle • • G CS firefighters promoted Several College Station firefighters received promotions last week. An official with the fire department said the promotions included posi- tions that opened up over the past three years. She said some of the delay was due to recent reorganization efforts within the department. Lt. Thomas Goehl, 33, was promoted to battalion chief. He has been with the department for almost 15 years. Firefighter Rodney O'Connor, 44, was promoted to lieutenant from ap- paratus operator. He has been with the department for 21 years. Firefighter Tom Reed, 40, was pro- moted to apparatus operator. He re- cently celebrated his 10th year with the department. College Station welcomed a new firefighter on June 21. Robert Mum- ford, 22, came to the department from Weslaco. Thursday, July 1, 1993 The Eagle • r Friday, July 2, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF CDBG PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of College Station Community Development Of- fice will be conducting public hearings involving discussion citizen input regarding the Ci- ty's Proposed Final State- ment on the use of Commun- ity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. CDBG funds must be used for one of three National Objectives: 1. Benefit low /moderate in- come citizens. 2. Eliminate slum or blight. 3. Meet an urgent community need. Citizen input is also solicited for the City's proposed 5 -year Comprehensive Hous- ing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). The CHAS is a document addressing affor- dable housing issues and outlining the City's plan to meet low- income housing needs. Citizens are invited to com- ment at the public hearings to be held: 1. 6:00 P.M. Thursday, July 8, 1993, College Hills Baptist Church, 712 Churchill, Col- lege Station, TX. 2. 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 12, 1993, Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor, College Station, Tx. For more information, con- tact Jo. Carroll at 4 0 9- 7 6 4 - 3 7 7 8. 06- 27- 93,07 -02- 93,07 -11 -93 • • Saturday, July 3, 1993 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2017 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 24, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING 2.00 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF VICTORIA AVENUE AND ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD, LOT 1, BLOCK 2 OF THE WEST - CHESTER PARK PHASE II SUBDIVISION, SITUATE D IN THE CRAWFORD BUR - NETT AND ROBERT STE- VENSON LEAGUES OF BRAZOS COUNTY, RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 1138, PAGE 675 OF THE OFFI- CIAL BRAZOS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS FORM C -N NEIGHBOR- HOOD COMMERCIAL TO R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000). Each day such vio- lation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2017 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 07 -03- 93,07 -04 -93 L • 0 Sunday, July 4, 1993 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO, 2017 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 24, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session, at the College " tetion City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING 2.00 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF VICTORIA AVENUE AND ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD, LOT 1, BLOCK 2 OF THE WEST - CHESTER PARK PHASE II SUBDIVISION, SITUATE D IN THE CRAWFORD BUR - NETT AND ROBERT STE- VENSON LEAGUES OF BRAZOS COUNTY, RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 1138, PAGE 675 OF THE OFFI- CIAL BRAZOS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS FORM C -N NEIGHBOR- HOOD COMMERCIAL TO R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENT AL, Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000). Each day such vio- lation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2017 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 0 7-03-93,07 - 04-93 it • Tuesday, July 6, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT SBV -9301. ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL LINER AND BARRIER WALLS. until 3:00 o'clock, P.M., Monday, July 12, 1993. Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project primarily consists of excavation, site preparation and installation of clay liners, barrier walls and sumps as described In the plans and specifications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have a practical knowledge of the particular work bid upon and that they have the finanical resource to complete the proposed work. In deterining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) maintains a permanent place of business, b) has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the work, and d) has appropriate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged In any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, or a proposal bond in the same amount from a Surety Company hold- ing permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the lates revision of Treasury Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids withou checks, as stated above, or prcposal bond will not be considered. In accordance with Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, the successful Bidder will be required to furnish not only a performance bond in the amount of the contract, but also a payment bond for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and materials as defined in said law. The bonds must be executed by an approved Surety Company holding permit from the State of Texas to act as Surety and acceptable according to the lates list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Trea- sury of the United States, or other Surety acceptable to the Owner. ADDENDA Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or Specifications must make request for such information to the Engineer, prior to ninety -six (96) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be given to all Bidder in written addendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contract Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans Specifications, or other Contract Docu- ments, or should he be In doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Enginee at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum Issued prior to seventy -two (72) hours of the opening of bid will be mailed or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will in include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the Engineer during the period of bidding shall be ac- knowledged on the Proposal Form and in the executed contract. Such addenda shall be- come a part of the excecuted contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings accordingly. To properly qualify his proposal, each bidder shall, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowledge such receipt on the Propsal Form and on the outer envlope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lowest bid received from a quali- fied bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive informalities In any bid. Bids received after the specified time of closing will be returned unopened. PRICE INTERPRETATION In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness In stating prices in the proposal, the Owner re- serves the right to accept the prices written in words. PROPOSALS The OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal. CONTRACT Contract documents may be obtained at no charge at the office of: Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Services College Station Public Services Center 2613 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 06 -29- 93,07 -06 -93 • n CS may ask A &M for help College Station City Council mem- bers may ask Texas A&M University to help pay for a fire station at Easter - wood Airport when they meet in workshop session at 4 p.m. today at city hall. Recent guidelines of the Federal Aviation Administration require Easterwood to have on -site emergency and fire equipment. College Station provides fire service to the A &M cam- pus, including the airport, but is not remunerated by the university. Cur- rently, Easterwood is served primarily by the Central Fire Station located on Texas and Gilcrest avenues on the east 'side of the A&M campus. A &M owns the airport, but receives financial assistance from the cities of )3ryan and College Station and Brazos County. A &M officials are asking Col- lege Station to build a fire station at the airport to meet the FAA require- ments. A fire station there also could ,'serve the western parts of the city. ` A third fire station is in the design stages for the Shenandoah subdivision jo service the developing area south of town. Some consideration has been .given to moving the Central Fire Sta- xion to the area of the Wolf Pen Creek ;corridor to provide faster response "times to many parts of the city. Coun- : it members may look at the possi- tility of relocating Fire Station No. 2, .now on Rio Grande Street near FM X818, to Easterwood. Relocating the @two existing fire stations and adding ;the third south of town would give fire trucks approximately equal response :time to every part of the city. Wednesday, July 7, 1993 The Eagle 0 CS to seek A &M's help in fire rescue service at airport By ROBERT C. BORDEN Eagle staff writer Texas A &M officials will be asked to give the city of College Station a proposal concerning crash and fire rescue service to university -owned Easterwood Airport. College Station City Council members listened Wednesday to various proposals for such service, most of which center around relocating the city's present Fire Station No. 2 from Rio Grande Drive to the airport. They will make a formal request for an A &M proposal when they meet at 7 p.m. today at city hall. Under new Federal Aviation Adminis- tration regulations, the airport must have emergency service and certified emergency personnel available to reach the middle of any active runway within 3 minutes. Although the airport does have an old emergency fire vehicle on site, it is operated by student workers and part- time employees, many of whom are off - duty College Station firefighters. College Station Fire Chief William Kennedy said it would be difficult to re- quire students to take the almost 100 hours of specialized training needed to be certified. Fourteen city firefighters already are certified. Officials said that locating a city fire station at the airport in a joint venture would allow the university to meet the federal requirements and would help in the city's relocation of fire stations to bet- Cost of a new station and necessary equipment at Easterwood is estimated at some $1.34 million. Various proposals by A &M and city staff were presented at Wednesday's council workshop on how to fund a new station: ■ College Station would pick up the entire cost, which would require a tax in- crease of about 3.5 cents per $100 assessed valuation. This is the least desirable op- tion according to Mayor Larry Ringer. ■ A &M would pay for the cost of build- ing and equipping the crash/fire rescue portion of a new station and College Sta- tion would pay for the remaining portion of the cost, which would necessitate about a 0.5 cent tax hike. ■ A &M would construct and operate a joint crash/fire rescue -basic fire service station at no cost to the city, thus saving College Station the $810,000 in annual operating costs for Station 2, which would be closed. Although this option is unlikely, it could save city taxpayers some 6.75 cents per $100 valuation on their tax rate. ■ A &M would privatize fire service, leaving College Station to cover only the city and none of the A &M campus. ■ Since Easterwood serves the entire area, other governmental entities, such as Bryan, Brazos County and surround- ing communities and counties would be asked to contribute to the cost of the emergency service at Easterwood. In- creased emergency protection would al- low larger aircraft to land at Easterwood on a regular basis, creating an economic boost for the entire area, Kennedy said. ter serve the entire community. Since 1971, College Station has pro- vided fire and ambulance service to A &M at no charge to the university. One of the areas council members want the uni- versity to look at is possible compensa- tion for this service. City officials esti- mate cost of the service to A &M is $2.2 million annually, or 11 percent of the city's general operating fund budget. Cost of a new station and necessary equipment at Easterwood is estimated at some $1.34 million. About $825,000 of that would be for the crash/fire rescue opera- tions needed for the airport and the re- maining $510,000 for basic city emer- gency service. An FAA grant could pay 90 percent of the crash /fire rescue construc- tion and equipment cost. Annual operat- ing costs are estimated at $393,000 for crash /fire rescue for the airport and $810,000 for the basic city service. The city would transfer the $810,000 cost from a closed Station 2 if it is relocated to the airport. Thursday, July 8, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Walmart Stores, Inc. to the parking lot setback require- ments at 1815 Brothers. This request will be consi- dred by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 20, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hail Council Room lo- cated at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOD) 1 -BCO- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 -08 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Lucile Young to the set- back requirements at 605 Preston. This request will be consi- dred by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 20, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room lo- cated at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre five services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 -08 -93 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Lloyd Kory Brown to the setback, parking and parking island requirements at 701 University Drive. This request will be consi- dred by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 20, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room lo- cated at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 -08 -93 Friday, July 9, 1993 Local /State Page Ag Council talks new fees, higher fees By ROBERT C. BORDEN Eagle staff writer College Station City Council members have started looking at the cost of provid- ing various city services with an eye toward implementing some new fees and raising others as a way to help fund oper- ations in the future. Under the cost of service concept, peo- ple who use city facilities or personnel are expected to pay for that service. Some fees already exist, but may need to be raised to cover the actual cost of service, and there are other fees to be considered, council members agreed. Council members instructed the city staff Thursday to work on a proposed fee structure to help pay for three new em- ployees for the development services de- partment, which handles such areas as zoning requests, land plats, building in- spections. At Wednesday's council workshop, City Manager Ron Ragland said, "If we don't look at impact fees and assessments we will have to look at raising taxes." Such a measure is something council members are reluctant to do. The city basically has several ways to raise money to pay for services, includ- ing sales taxes, outside income such as federal monies, property taxes and fees and assessments. The city has little con- trol over income from the 1 percent city sales tax other than to encourage busi- ness development and Ragland said the prospect for increased federal assistance doesn't look good. Although College Station has one of the lowest property taxes of comparable cit- ies in the state at slightly more than 41 cents per $100 assessed valuation, com- bined taxes for city residents are high be- cause of high school taxes. Any signifi- cant increase in the city's property tax would not be popular, council members agreed. "That means we need to take a hard look at fees and assessments," Ragland said. Council members discussed cost of providing service such as performed by the development staff, which often spends hours on projects for which the city receives little or no remuneration. According to staff projections, an in- crease in existing fees and addition of some new fees would pay almost $24,000 of the $81,000 to be spent to hire the three new employees. New charges could in- clude site plan review fees and building code appeal fees, while the cost for re- questing rezoning, preliminary and final plats and conditional use permits could be raised, according to a draft report pre- sented to the council on Wednesday. Another $56,500 could come from rais- ing and adding fees charged to the Com- munity Development Block Grant pro- gram. City officials say the three additional workers are needed to maintain the level of customer service residents have come to expect. Although the development staff Is handling a work load equal to what it did in 1983 at the height of the growth spurt, it is four workers under the staff size at that time. The vote to hire the three employees now passed 5.1, with Councilman Hub Kennady dissenting because he wanted a new fee structure in place before they were hired and felt the decision should be made during the regular budget process later this summer. Councilman Vernon Schneider was absent. "I applaud the cost of service concept. That's the big picture," Kennady said. On Wednesday, council member Nancy Crouch also said she supports the cost of service idea to a point, noting that her mother who lives in Duncanville is ex- pected to pay $15 every time she takes part in a group activity in a facility built by the city of Dallas. "I wouldn't want to see us start charg- ing to use our parks," Crouch said. In other business, council members conducted two public hearings, including one to rezone four tracts of land owned by Crouch and her husband on Cooner Street at Jane Street to commercial use. Some of the parcels may be sold to add to a commercial tract at Texas Avenue and Cooner Street that will be the site of a new Super 8 Motel. Crouch did not take part in the hearing or the vote. The re- zoning passed 5-0. ]Local/State Page A9 CS major crime rate climbs 16.5 percent. By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer Sharp increases in burglaries, vehicle thefts and aggravated assaults helped push major crime in College Station up more than 16 percent in the first six months of this year. Major crimes rose 16.5 percent from 1,121 in the first half of 1992 to 1,306 as of June 30, according to police statistics. Major crimes include homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, theft, vehi- cle theft and burglary. If the trend continues — and police think it will — 1993 will be the first year since 1988 that College Station has posted an increase in crime. In 1988, 3,730 major crimes were reported. Police spokesman Lt. Wayne Onstott said crime is cyclical and that it was in- evitable that it would increase. "We figured eventually they would go up because they'd been going down so long — four, five years," Onstott said. Onstott also said larger numbers of students and citizens living in the city helped push crime up. Although police expect the trend to continue rising, they also expect it to taper off toward the end of the year be- cause crime tends to slow as the weather cools. "It might not be as high as it is here, but it will be higher than last year," he said. College Station citizens reported 2,445 major crimes in 1992, down 7 percent from the 2,627 reported in 1991. As a whole, property crimes showed the largest increases. Burglaries rose 44.78 percent from 335 in the first half of 1992 to 485 so far this year. Those figures include 147 habitation burglaries, 79 building burglaries and 258 vehicle burg- laries — all up significantly from last year. Only burglaries of coin operated machines fell, down from 23 in the first six months of last year to just one so far this year. Vehicle thefts rose 30.16 percent, with 82 cars stolen as of June 30. That's up from 63 in the same period last year. On- stott said most are the work of joyriding teens. "We're finding a lot of these cars on the side of the road in Bryan and College Sta- tion," he said. In most cases, thieves found the vehi- cles unlocked or thieves broke a window and shattered the steering column to start the car, he said. General Motors cars and all varieties of pickups are most popular, he said. Aggravated assaults rose 54.17 percent from 24 last year to 37 so far this year. Most are the result of domestic quarrels and fights among intoxicated bar patrons, Onstott said. College Station crime statistics Major Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Offenses 1992 1993 Murder 0 0 Rape 12 9 Robbery 5 7 Agg. Assault 24 37 Theft 682 686 Vehicle Theft 63 82 Burg. Habitation 117 147 Burg. Building 52 79 Burg, Vehicle 143 258 Burg. Cain -Op Machines 23 1 Total Burglaries 335 485 Overall Total 1,121 1,306 Source: CS Police Department • / 1 U NOTICE OF CDBG PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of College Station Community Development Of- fice will be conducting public hearings involving discussion citizen input regarding the Ci- ty's Proposed Final State- ment on the use of Commun- ity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. CDBG funds must be used for one of three National Objectives: 1. Benefit low /moderate in- come citizens. 2. Eliminate slum or blight. 3. Meet an urgent community I need. Citizen input is also solicited for the City's proposed 5 -year Comprehensive Hous- ing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). The CHAS is a document addressing affor- dable housing issues and out he Cit lining the plan to meet low- income housing needs. Citizens are invited to com- ment at the public hearings to be held: 1. 6:00 P.M. Thursday, July 8, 1993, College Hills Baptist Church, 712 Churchill, Col- lege Station, TX. 2. 6:30 P.M. Monday, July 12, 125 Legel Notices 1993, Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor, College Station, Tx. For more information, con- tact Jo. Carroll at 409.764 -3 Sundayy, July 11, 1993 The Eagle The City of College Station is seeking qualified applicants within the water and wastewater operations for the positions of WATER PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT SUPERVISOR Each will manage and coordinate all aspects of the respective operations and maintenance activities. The water production operations include a 17 MGD groundwater system, cooling towers, 2 pumping stations, 15 miles of transmission line, with 3 MG elevated storage and 8 MG ground storage. Wastewater treatment operations involve facilities with 9.4 MGD capacity, collection system lift stations, and responsibilities for the com- bined water and wastewater laboratory. Successful candidates should possess a Bachelors degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering, or equivalent combination of education and experience, with a minimum of 5 years increasingly responsible experience within water and/or wastewater. Each position requires a Grade "B" operators certification as issued by TWC, with the ability to obtain an "A ". Salaries DOQ. Send resume to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Positions close August 30, 1993. • • • Thursday, July 15, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) RUBBER TIRED FRONT END LOADER BID NO. 93 -59 BID OPENING: 07/27/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agenct at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned 125 Legal Notices unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 07 - 15- 93,07 -22 -93 Ir • t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendement to the Subdivision Regulations per- taining to platting require- ments. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, August 5, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735.2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee City Planner 07 -21 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the rezoning of tracts 17.1 and 17.2 in the Robert- son Stevenson League, Ab- stract 54, from R -1 Single Family Residential to C -1 Wednesday, July 21, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, August 5, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing Impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07.21 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendment to Zon- ing Ordinance #1638 to the parking requirments, defini- tions and Project Review Committe discretionary criteria. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, August 5, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735.2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee City Planner 07 -21.93 0 • 0 Monday, July 19, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REOUEStING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ' ONE (1) FULL SIZIE, PICK -UP TRUCIJ BID NO. 93 -62 BID OPENING." 08/03/93, - 2:00 PA,'. The Request for bids,.will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agenct at" City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City Of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 07- 19- 93,07 -26 -93 Hickson's • 1 L In Town &Texas CS residents have a chance to air views College Station residents will have one last chance to make suggestions concerning the direction of the city's $1.11 million 1993 -94 Community De- velopment Block Grant during a city council meeting Wednesday. The public hearing will be part of the regular city council meeting at 4 p.m. During the hearing, the council will listen to citizen's comments on the proposed final statement that de- tails the proposed spending of the grant funds. Wednesday's hearing will be the third and final public hearing on the matter. It tops a lengthy agenda, in- cluding: ■Council members will discuss amending an ordinance regarding special hazard intersections con- trolled by stop signs, and specifically adding a stop sign on Patricia Street at College Main Street. ■Council members will consider awarding a contract to Southern States Equipment Corp. for construc- tion of clay walls and liners at the Rocks Prairie Landfill. They came in with the low bid of $378,811.50. The funds were for the construction were budgeted in the fiscal year 1993 landfill operations budget. The regularly scheduled Thursday city council meeting was canceled for lack of a quorum. Wednesday's meeting will be at City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Thusday, July 20, 1993 The Eagle CS campaign most costly By TANYA SASSER I Eagle staff writer College Station Councilman David Hickson dished out almost $8,300 for re- cent campaign expenditures, making him the biggest spender for the latest re- porting period. City council candidates in Bryan and College Station filed financial reports on Thursday for the period April 22 through June 30, which included payments and contributions for the May i general elec- tion and the June 5 runoff. The bulk of Hickson's money, $5,624.93, was spent on advertising with The Mat- thews Group. Hickson reported receiving $824 from nine different contributors. Bryan Mayor Marvin Tate was the top fund - raiser, accumulating $1,555 in dona- tions. He was the third biggest spender, reporting $1,975 in expenditures. The only candidate coming close to Hickson in expenditures was Bryan City Councilman William Thornton, who spent $2,775 and received $700 in contri- butions. Thornton spent almost $2,000 of that with The Matthews Group. He beat out Darrell Grear for Place 3. Tate's opponent, Rudy Schultz, wasn't far behind Tate, spending about $1,850 and receiving $1,314 in Contributions. Daniel Galvin, former Bryan city council candidate, received $1,450 in con- tributions. Galvin loaned his campaign $1,200 and reported expenditures of $1,634. Galvin lost to Lonnie Stabler in a runoff for Place 5. C. Patrick Meese, who competed with Galvin and Stabler for Place 5 in the gen- eral election, spent $1,062 and racked up about $1,600 in contributions. Bryan City Councilman Kenny Mal- lard, who ran unopposed, spent about $850 and raised $225 in contributions. Bryan City Councilman Lonnie Stabler spent $714 and received about $14 in con- tributions during the period. Jim Gardner, former College Station city councilman, reported expenditures of $44 and contributions of $175. He lost to Hickson. College Station City Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney, who beat Vidal Jones, was the low- spender of the group, report- ing about $9 in expenditures and contri- butions of $170. THE CITY OF CutLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) RUBBER TIRED FRONT END LOADER BID NO. 93-59 BID OPENING: 07/27/93, -2:00 P.M. The Request for bids wiil be received in the office of the Purchasing Agenct at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, Thursday, July 22, 1993 The Eagle 125 Le gal Notices College Station, . Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing A9ent. All bid ;red0ved after that tiny 6 will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 07-15-93,07-22-93 C s 0 61041 The City of College Station is seeking qualified applcants within the water and wastewater operations for the positions of WATER PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT SUPERVISOR Each will manage and coordinate all aspects of the respective operations and maintenance activities. The water production operations include a 17 MGD groundwater system, cooling towers, 2 pumping stations, 15 miles of transmission line, with 3 MG elevated storage and 8 MG ground storage. Wastewater treatment operations involve facilities with 9.4 MGD capacity, collection system lift stations, and responsibilities for the com- bined water and wastewater laboratory. Successful candidates should possess a Bachelors degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering, or equivalent combination of education and experience, with amimmumof5 years increasingly responsible expetience within water and/or wastewater. Each position requires a G B" operators cgnifi 601n'a5 issued by TWC, with the ability to obtain an 'W'. Salaries DOQ. Send resume to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Positions close August 30, 1993. Sunday, July 25, 1993 The Eagle n • 0 Monday, July 26, 1993 The Eagle i rit CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) FULL SIZE PICK -UP TRUCK BID NO. 93 -62 BID OPENING: 06/03/93, - 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in thee office eat of City Purchasing Ag Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and ' datte specified above. Sp tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer` cpnsidered rdgit advantageous to'.,the City. 07- 19- 93,07 -26.93 Wednesday, July 28, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal,No ICE Of: PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to change the de- dication requirements in the Wolf Pen Creek zoning dis- trict. This request will be con - sidered by the Council on Thursday, August 12, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be maide hours before the meetipg.OTo make arrangements call 1-800-735-2989- ° . (TDD) For additional information, please contact * Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 - 28 -93 n U C Friday, July 30, 1993 The Eagle 25 Legal Notices - HE CITY OF COLLEGE ;TATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: DIL, GAS AND MINERAL LEASE FOR WATER WELL #3. BID NO: 93 -63 BID OPENING: 08/10/93, 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be receivbd in the office aof C e Purch Ag Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, . Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received, after that time will be returned unopened. The City Of Col- lege Station reserves` the right to waive or resjectalalnr L r any said bid and to de ed ffer• s to the Go ageou 3,08 06 93 • C_j 125 Legal Notices • Sunday, August 1, The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2024 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JULY 21, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN .ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D OF THE CODE, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO 1993 SPECIAL HAZARD INTER- SECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DE- CLARING THAT ATTEN- DANT FACTS NECESSI- TATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. The City Council hereby de- signates that the intersection of Patricia Street eastbound at College Main be controlled by a stop sign. A copy of the Traffic Control Device Inven- tory Schedule III is on file in the office of the City Secre- tary. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars (S200.00). Each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a se- parate offense. Ordinance No. 2024 shall become effective and be in ful) force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 07.31- 93,0 -01 -93 0 J Robberies plague Twin Cities • By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer Men armed with guns or shielded by masks robbed several area residents in Bryan- College Station over the weekend. In both cities, a group of white men and a woman were reported to have ap- proached and robbed men as they sat in their vehicles. Police were investigating any possible connection between the robberies. A man leaving the LULAC Ballroom, 3600 Sandy Point Road in Bryan, was robbed just after 11 p.m. Saturday after answering a tap on his car window, police said. The victim told police a man pointed a gun through the open window and de- manded the victim's wallet. The gunman, a white man, fled with the victim's wal- let. The simple description of the gunman and his companions, one white man and a white woman, matched a similar inci- dent hours later in College Station, police said. A College Station man waiting in his truck at the stoplight at Wellborn Road and University Drive at about 1:30 a.m. Sunday was startled by a white man with a gun, said police. The gunman opened the door to the truck, aimed his handgun at the driver's neck and demanded the driver's wallet. The driver obliged and the gunman got away with about $300 in cash, police re- ported. Several other white men and a white woman stood near the victim's truck dur- Monday, August 2, 1993 The Eagle ing the robbery, police said. In an apparently unrelated incident at about 6 a.m. Saturday in College Station, a man was robbed as he locked his car, parked outside his residence in the 2500 block of Longmire Drive. The victim told police he noticed a man's reflection in the window of his car. The man he saw in the reflection then grabbed the victim and pointed a gun at him. The robber demanded the victim's wallet then ran away on foot, police said. `That robber was described as a black man about 5 feet 7 inches and 200 pounds. He was clean shaven and had short hair. He. was last seen wearing a dark T -shirt and long jeans. College Station police were investigat- ing an unrelated robbery that took place at about 9:30 p.m. Saturday night outside a convenience store in the 300 block of George Bush Drive. A 25- year -old woman was walking away from the store with her 5- year -old daughter when they were confronted by a masked teenager. When the woman re- fused to give up her wallet, the teen grabbed for it and the two struggled. The robber managed to get the woman's keys, then ran away on foot, police reported. He was described as a Hispanic youth, about 5 feet tall with a slim build. His face was partially covered by a green bandana. He was last seen wearing a baseball cap, white T -shirt and dark shorts, police said. Bryan police also reported another ag- gravated robbery that occurred just after 6 a.m. Sunday. Details surrounding the incident were not available late Sunday. • College Statimo SORT ims not limA TV counterpa By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer Television and movies tend to glam- orize SWAT teams, showing officers in body armor kicking down doors and rushing headlong, guns blazing, into harm's way to arrest the bad guys. In reality, police tactical teams such as College Station's Special Operations Re- sponse Team are much more sedate than their counterparts on Miami Vice or Ro- boCop. Since SORT's inception Jan. 1, 1988, no one — including officers, suspects or by- standers — has ever been injured and SORT officer has ever fired his weapon. "Everybody thinks of SWAT teams as gung -ho, go in and bust heads," said Dan Severn, 37, leader of the College Station police Special Operations Response Team. "That's the last thing we want to do. "We consider a successful operation one where no one gets hurt — good guy, bad guy or otherwise." Police organized SORT after seeing a need for a specialized unit trained to handle large emergencies. That point was driven home on Oct. 22, 1986, when three men took three people hostage during an armed robbery at a convenience store on Southwest Park- way. Police injured two robbers and killed the third. "I knew that, with the town growing, so too would crime and we wouldn't want to get caught without a response team that could respond to any emergency," said Det. John Orozco, 37, a team member who in November 1986 wrote a proposal for the unit. The six team members train together at least eight hours monthly and can handle most any emergency — hostages, snipers, riots and the like. "It is a high -risk job," Severn, a 14 -year veteran, said. "We're expected to take a few more chances. "The most common thing we've done are high -risk arrests and search war- rants." Just 10 officers have served with the unit; such stability has allowed the offi- cers to refine their skills, Severn said. Each man knows his task and knows he can depend upon his teammates to do n 9 theirs, he said. "It's a tight unit," Orozco, a 15 -year veteran said. Each team member knows what the others will do in any given situation; a nod or a wink can speak volumes. "Sometimes we can just look at each other and know what to do," he said. "There's less verbal communication be- cause we know what the other guy is go- ing to do. It's like running a play in bas- ketball or football." Team members are hesitant to discuss specific operations and do not talk much about their training. SORT works closely with local narcotics agents, sheriffs de- puties and Bryan police, whom they helped to arrest several drug suspects in March. The team was on hand but not needed in May 1992 when a Navasota man killed his wife and mother -in -law and kept his sons hostage while holding authorities at bay for four hours. They also helped provide security at a recent Ku Klux Klan rally. The six men are trained in such di- verse fields as rappelling, surveillance and counterintelligence work and explo- sive entries — using exploding charges to open doors or clear obstructions. Most officers also have specialties; Orozco, for example is a weaponless combat expert, skilled in self-defense and martial arts. Applicants must have two years expe- rience with the department and must pass several physical tests, a psychologi- cal examination and a background check before being interviewed by a board of their peers, Severn said. The chief de- cides which applicants join the team. The six team members, all "family men," have an average of 9.25 years expe- rience in policework and are an average of 32 years old, Severn said. Each team member also holds other jobs within the department; Severn, for example, is in charge of research and planning, Orozco is a detective. Each volunteers for SORT and receives no ad- ditional pay or other rewards, but the officers don't mind the extra work. "Someone's got to do it," Orozco said. "I feel that, by being part of the team, I'm giving my best to the city and the de- partment." !001� The City of College Station is accepting applications for the C following position: Recycling Coordinator in the Public Services Department Duties include administering current curbside recycling collection program, and developing recycling collections for multi - family and large commercial locations. Qualified applicants should have experience with Volunteer/ Service Organizations and Public Speaking ability. A Bachelor's degree with business, public administration management emphasis is preferred and applicants should have the ability to obtain Class B Certification in Solid Waste Technical Program. Salaryry: $1960 -$2999 /month pea line to apply: 5p.m. Friday, August 13, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Wednesday, August 4, 1993 The Eagle • Friday, August 6, The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Buster Pruitt to the rear setback requirements at 900 Park Place and a variance request by James Griffin to the sign restrictions at 700 University Drive, the Village Shopping Center. Both requests will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, August 17, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOO) 1 -800. 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 8 -6 -93 1993 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: OIL, GAS AND MINERAL LEASE FOR WATER WELL #3. BID NO. 93-63 BID OPENING: 08/10/93,- 2:00 P.M. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agenct at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 07 -30. 93,08 -06 -93 L [7 61014 _1000� The City of College Station is accepting applications for the following position: Recycling Coordinator in the Public Services Department Duties incIdde administering current curbside recycling collection program, and developing recycling collections for multi - family and large commercial locations. Qualified applicants should have experience with Volunteer/ Service Organizations and Public Speaking ability. A Bachelor's degree with business, public administration management .mphasis is preferred and applicants should have the ability 0 obtain Class B Certification in Solid Waste Technical 'rogram. Salary: $1960 -$2999 /month Deadline to apply: 5p.m. Friday, August 13, 1993- Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Sunday, August 8, 1993 The Eagle C� The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the following position: Public Services Department Customer Service Clerk The College Station Public Services Depart- ment is currently accepting applications for an enthusiastic person to work in this dynamic, customer service oriented department as a "Cus- tomer Service Clerk ". This position will be responsible for taking initial customer work requests, data entry or work orders and retrieval of detailed computer reports from data entered. Previous customer service experience and computer experience preferred. High School diploma or GED re- quired. Salary-$1161 /month Deadline to apply: August 18, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX Equal opportunity Employer U The City of College Station is accepting applications for Staff Planner - Development Services • This position is involved with all aspects of the planning for a City.with a strong customer service orientation. Administers, interprets, and periodi- cally reviews the land use and development codes and policies, Involves extensive contact with pub- lic. Responsible for assisting in the analysis and preparation of planning studies including matters of land use, population, economic analysis, trans- portation, and site design analysis. Must have strong oral and written communication and inter- personal skills. Familiarity with zoning and subdi- vision principles as well as physical planning required. Requires a Master's Degree in Planning or related field and one year experience or a completed planning internship. A Bachelor's de- gree and 3 years ex may be substituted. Some course work in design preferred. Salary range: $1946- 3006 /month Submit applications to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, August 8, 1993 The Eagle Stabbing suspect shot after threatening CS police officer By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer A crime suspect survived being shot as many as five times by a College Station police officer Sat- urday after he threatened to kill officers and refused to drop his knife, police and witnesses said. The 22- year -old man was in sta- ble condition Saturday night at Brazos Valley Medical Center. Police suspect he stabbed a 19- year -old man several times ear- lier Saturday morning. Doctors released the stabbing victim Saturday; the officer was not injured. Police Lt. Mike Mathews refused to identify anyone involved, including the officer. No arrests had been made Sat- urday night. Police are preparing to file attempted capital murder and aggravated assault charges against the man. The shooting occurred just be- fore 4 a.m. outside trailer No. 89 at Oak Forest Mobile Home Park, 301 Krenek Tap Road — just one block north of the College Station Police Department. Many park residents said they slept through the gunfire; others had not heard the news at all. Res- idents of trailer No. 89 declined to comment. Mathews said investigators had few details about what led up to the stabbing. "There are several different stories, but there was an argu- ment and the victim was stab. bed," he said. The victim escaped to a friend's trailer and called 911 at about 3:39 a.m. Police found the suspect in No. 89 armed with a knife. Officers told him to come out; he respon- ded with obscenities and threats, Mathews said. Moments later, the armed man left his trailer and approached an officer, threatening several times to kill him, Mathews said. The officer ordered him to stop and drop his knife; when he re- fused, an officer fired his depart- ment -issue Glock .40- caliber se- miautomatic pistol, Mathews said. A .40- caliber bullet is about four - tenths of an inch in diameter. Three park residents said the suspect landed face up under a large pine tree in the front yard of the trailer. Mathews refused to say how many shots were fired or where the suspect was hit. Three park residents reported hearing multi- Please see SUSPECT, page A4 Sunday, August 8, 1993 The Eagle • Suspect From Al ple shots. "That's all I heard — pow, pow, pow, pow, pow," said a 20- year -old A &M student. "At least five." The officer who fired the shots will remain on administrative leave with pay pending the re suits of criminal and administra tive investigations into the shoot ing, Mathews said. It is the first time since 1986 a College Station officer has fired a weapon in the line of duty. Two officers shot and killed one suspect and injured two others 4tirifig a robbery at a convenience store on Southwest Parkway on Oct. 22,1986. Police say CS Of ficer acted in selfodefense By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer A College Station police officer was acting in self- defense when he fired five shots at a crime sus- pect earlier this week, police said Tuesday. Officer Mike Denham, with the city for less than nine months, was one of several officers re- sponding to a report of a stabbing in the Oak Forest Mobile Home Park, 301 Krenek Tap Road, just after 3:30 a.m. Saturday. The sus- pect, armed with a knife, charged the officer, police said. "The guy (crime suspect) was running at him (Denham) with a knife trying to kill him," College Station police Lt. Wayne Onstott said. "What else could he do ?" Denham fired five times in rapid succession as the suspect, ignoring the officer's order to stop and drop the knife, continued toward him. Despite several gunshot wounds to his right arm and back, it took several officers to restrain the 5- foot -6, 240 -pound suspect. The suspect continued threaten- ing the officers during the strug- gle, police reported. Although the preliminary in- vestigation into the shooting in- dicated Denham shot the suspect in self- defense, the officer was placed on administrative leave with pay until the internal in- vestigation is complete, Onstott said. The shift is department policy, he said. The shooting victim, a 22 -year- old resident of the mobile home park, was taken to Brazos Valley Medical Center, were he under- went surgery. He remained in stable condition in the hospital Tuesday. Spokeswoman Kathy Jinkins said he will probably stay in the hospital for several more days be- fore being handed over to police. Police on Monday obtained warrants charging him with ag- gravated assault and attempted capital murder of a police officer, Onstott said. Wednesday, August 11, 1993 The Eagle 125 Lega N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an amendment to Zoning Ordin- ance #1638 to the parking requirments, definitions and Project Review Committe discretionary criteria. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m, meeting of the Council on Thursday, August 26, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee City Planner 08 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the re- zoning of tracts 17.1 and 17.2 in the Robertson Stevenson League, Abstract 54, from R -1 Single Family Residen- tial to C -1 General Commer- cial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m, meeting of the Council on Thursday, August 26, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 08-11-93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an amendement to the Subdiv- ision Regulations pertaining to platting requirements. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col - lege Station City Hall, 1101 125 Legal Notices Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, August 26, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee City Planner 08 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by College Station Independent School District for the following property: 106 Holik The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Fri- day, August 13, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3741 Susan Cole Building Technician 8 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Dr. Max- ine Stiles, DVM for the follow- ing property: Lot A In the Lakeview Acres Subdivision, zoned R -1 Single Family Residential The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Fri- day, August 13, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, 125 L Notices please contact me at (409) 764-3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 8 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ordin- ance amendement pertaining to sexually oriented enter- prises. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, August 26, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee City Planner 08 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider an appeal of the Zoning Official's interpreta- tion of the Zoning Ordinance and a possible variance to the sign regulations at 2401 South Texas Avenue. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, August 17, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 08-11-93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding and application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas 125 Legal Notices and Assoicated Hydrocar- bons within the City of Col- lege Station Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. The applicant is Chesapeake Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 54525, Oklahoma City, OK 73154 -0525. The proposed Drilling Site is located approximately 400 feet of southeast of Sebesta Road, approximatley 600 feet southwest of Foxfire Drive and approximatley 2600 feet northeast of SH -6 (East By- Pass). The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, August 26, 1993. The Building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing im- paired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Ave. or call (409) 764 -3570. 08-11-93 Wednesday, August 11, 1993 The Eagle C , qro COLLEGE STATION (pop. 52,226) lb Assistant City Attorney. This person will assist the City Attorney in providing legal services to all City depart- ments, as well as various city boards and commissions; will be involved in various as- pects of municipal law, including contracts, real estate, zoning and land use, city ordi- nances, and other general civil practice matters as at on The successful l candidate must be inlitg a graduate of an accredited law school and licensed to practice law in Texas. Excellent writing and oral communication skills are required. Excellent fringe benefits, includin opportunities for legal training in muniCR law through participation in submit their courses. Interested p Y resume, writing sample and law school tran- script to: Human Resources Department Attention: Julie O'Connell P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Position open until filled. Salary D.O. Q Equal Opportunity Employer � •� The City of College Station is currently seeking: TRAFFIC SYSTEMS MANAGER This position will be responsible for main- taining the current traffic signal software and computer system. Provides assistance for fu- ture traffic planning, signal timing changes, and field related problems. This position is responsible for supervision of three techni- cians and budget preparation. Requirements include a background in co- ordination and operation of closed loop signal systems; knowledge in operation of PASSER II -90 and PASSER III -90 to optimize current signal timing Applicants must be able to obtain P.E. classification within allotted time. Salary: D.O.Q. Deadline apply: 5 p.m. Tuesday, August .31, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer The City of College Station is recruiting for a: SYSTEMS ANALYST Qualified applicants should have a degree in Computer Science or another compute) science related field or must have a minimurr of 3 years System Analyst experience. Thi! individual should have knowledge of the AS400 and experience in COBOL and RPG Working knowledge of DOS and Novell op erating systems, personal computer applica tions, and hardware a plus. We are lookingfo a person with outstanding communicatior ,skills to work with all levels of personne within the organization. Excellent benefit pack age included. Starting Salary: $2042 /month, depending or qualifications. Deadline to apply: August 31, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal opportunity Employer The City of College Station is seeking ified a qual pplicants within the water and wastewater operations for the positions of WATER PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT SUPERVISOR Each will manage and coordinate all aspects of the respective operations and maintenance activities. The water production operations include a 17 MGD groundwater system, cooling towers, 2 pumping stations, 15 miles of transmission line, with 3 MG elevated storage and 8 MG ground storage. Wastewater treatment operations Involve facilities with 9.4 MGD capacity, collection system lift stations, and responsibilities for the com- bined water and wastewater laboratory. Successful candidates should possess a Bachelors degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering, or equivalent combination of education and experience, with a minimumof 5 years increasingly responsible experience within water and/or wastewater. Each position requires a Grade "B" operators certification as issued by TWC, with the ability to obtain an "A ". Salaries DOQ. Send resume to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Positions close August 30, 1993. Sunday, August 15, 1993 The Eagle C101 The City of College Station is accepting applications for the following position: Water/Wastewater Systems Operator #2 This position will assist with the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution System. Starting Salary: $7.04/hour Deadline to apply: 5p.m. Friday, August 20,1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 The City of College Station is accepting applications for the following position: Crew Leader This position provides direct leadership and assistance to field personnel involved in the maintenance and con- struction of the Wastewater Collection System. Appl icant should possess a valid Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certificate as required. Starting Salary: $9.48/hour Deadline to apply: 5p.m. Friday, August 20, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Amphith- eater concrete stairways and sidewalks and Brison Park sidewalks, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including concrete sidewalks, concrete stairways, .metal handrails, and site work: The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., August 31, 1993, at the 1 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, Station, Texas 77840, (409) 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- 764 -3412. Copies may be lege Station, Texas. Bids obtained at the same ad- received after this time will dress. not be accepted. All inter- Bid security in the amount of ested parties are invited to at- 5% of the bid must accom- tend. Bids will be opened and pany each bid in accord with publicly read aloud imme- the Instruction to Bidders. diately after specified closing The >City of'.College Station time. reserves the right to waive ir- Drawings and Specifications regularities and to reject any may be examanied at the o r, a" I I b i d s Parks and Recreation De- 08 -15- 93.08 -22 -93 partment Office, 1000 - Krenek Tap Road, College 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Dr. Tom Walton and Mary Lu Walton Epps for the following prop, erty: Lot 4, Block 1 in the College Hills Subdivision, zoned C -2 Commercial Industrial The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 4:13Or. p.m, meeting of the Board ort Thursday, August 19, 1993. Any request for sign interprq, tive services must be mad6' 48 hours before the meeting" To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD� 1 -800- 735 -2889. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 08 -17 -93 Sunday, August 15, 1993 The Eagle • Friday, August 20, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE ENVIR- ONMENMT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST A RELEASE OF FUNDS City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 TO: ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS: On or about September 7, 1993, The City of College Station, Texas will request the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to release Federal funds under the HOME Investment Partnership Act of 1990, to be used for the following projects: Project Name: Optional Relocation Program Housing Rehabilitation Administration HOME Program Contract Number: 532098 Description: Rehabilitation of substandard owner - occupied units; relocation assistance; adminstration of the HOME Program. Location: City -wide Estimated Cost: $500,000 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT It has been determined that such a request of release of funds will not constitute an action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment and accordingly the City of College Station has decided not to prepare an En- vironmental Impact Statement under the National Envir- onmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91 -190). The reason for such a decision not to prepare such a Statement based upon the fact that all environmental concerns could either be minimized or mitigated and proposed projects will have a beneficial impact on service delivery factors, such as community appearance and living conditions. An Environmental Review Record respecting the pro- posed projects has been made by the City of College' Station which documents the environmental review of the projects and more fully sets forth the reasons why such a Statement is not required. This Environmental Review Record is on file at the Community Development Office, 1101 Texas Avenue and is available for public examina- tion and copying upon request between the hours of 8:00 AM -12:00 and 1:00 PM -5:00 PM, Monday through Fri- day. No further environmental review of such projects is proposed to be conducted prior to the request for release of Federal funds. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON FUNDING All interested agencies, groups, and persons disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments for consideration by the City of College Station to the above mentioned address. All comments should be received on or before September 4, 1993. All such com- ments received will be considered and the City will not request the release of Federal funds or take any adminis- trative action on the proposed project prior to September 4, 1993. RELEASE OF FUNDS The City of College Station will undertake the projects described above with HOME program funds from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs under the HOME Investment Partnership Act of 1990. OBJECTIONS TO HUD RELEASE OF FUNDS The Texas Department of Housing and Community Af- fairs will accept an objection to its apporval only if it is on one of the following basis: (1) that the certification was not in fact executed by the certifying officer or other offi- cer of applicant approved by HUD; or (2) that the appli- cant's Environmental Review Record for the project indi- cated omission of a required decision funding or step ap- plicable to the project in the review process; (3) other specific grounds in HUD regulations 24 CFR Part 58.75. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accor- dance with the required procedure (24 CFR Part 58) and may be addressed to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, P.O. Box 13941, Austin, Tx. 78711. Objections to the release of funds on basis other than those stated above will not be considered. No objec- tion received after September 23, 1993 will be considered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Af- fairs. Chief Executive Officer Honorable Larry J. Ringer Mayor, City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 8.20 -93 `Eli'ah' one g Texas Avenue landmark heading for Jerusalem By KARA BOUNDS Eagle staff writer A living landmark on Texas Avenue will vanish today. Francis Euel Savage II — popularly known as "Elijah" — is packing up his crosses and heading to Jerusalem. But College Station is only loaning one of its most visible and talked -about resi- dents to Israel. Savage said he hopes to return soon after Christmas, bringing with him at least one Israeli who's will- ing to work with him on a project to "re- home" the homeless. "Hopefully, the idea will be well - received there," he said. For almost three months, Savage has been selling custom -made wooden cros- ses to pay for a round -trip airline ticket to Jerusalem. Savage — who sold every- thing except his car to help the poor — said God finally told him to spend 80 days selling the crosses in College Station, then to move on to other towns. Thursday marked day number 80, and Savage was preparing to leave town the next morning. But when he went to his post office box, he found what he says was a blessing from God: a belated Christmas check from his mother, which gave him the remaining funds he needed to buy the $1,500 ticket. While his mother's check and some other funds were received through out- side donations, Savage said that most of the cost of the ticket was paid for through the sale of about 100 crosses, which sold for around $12 each. Savage, a member of the Texas A &M Class of '67, also holds a master's of busi- ness administration degree from the University of Dallas. Ten years ago, he experienced a "spiritual communica- tion" with God, although it wasn't by way of an audible voice, he said. Savage left his family and restaurant business and moved to Israel for 10 "Hopefully, the idea will be well - received there." FRANCIS EUEL SAVAGE II College Station resident months, where he studied scriptures and helped distribute wheat that he collected along with a friend. Along the way, he also sold everything he owned to help the homeless. When he returned, he moved to College Station and supported himself primarily by painting addresses on curbs. After visiting a few more Texas towns, Savage hopes to leave for Jerusalem on Oct. 5, arriving 10 years to the day after his first trip there. He will stay with a friend he met on his first trip, and will concentrate on seeking God's guidance. "First and foremost, I need to learn more precisely from God what's next for me — what he wants me to do next — through the study of Scripture on the Mount of Olives," he said. Once God tells him that, the rest will fall into place, he said. What Savage envisions doing in Israel is inviting corporations to come to Texas and help with his project of building por- table homeless shelters. This project would not only benefit the homeless, he said, but would bring Jews and Chris- tians together. The shelter would be created out of re- cycled materials, and would include a three -year supply of food from Israeli and Texas companies. The "workings" inside would also be made in Israel. And for those wondering ... His car, an "artistic rendition of the Chariot of Fire of Elijah," a Jewish pro- phet, will await his return in his former hometown of Lubbock. Friday, August 20, 1993 The Eagle Friday, August 20, 1993 Local /State Company moving its headquarters to College Station By JOE TOLAND Eagle staff writer GSC Holding Co. will relocate its cor- porate office from Houston to College Sta- tion, officials said Thursday. The transfer will be complete by the first of September, said Ford Taylor, who operates C.C. Creations, a division of GSC Holding. "In this particular case, the actual number of people who are coming here is two," Taylor said. "The corporate office will have more than that, but we will be promoting others from within." GSC Holding is a production company that manufactures, screens and distrib- utes T- shirts. The company's printing division is C.C. Creations /Red Oak Sportswear in College Station. A blank T -shirt division has operations in Houston, Dallas and At- lanta. A cut - and -sew division is in Ennis. The decision to move corporate head- quarters to College Station created some controversy within the company, Taylor said, but the plan was to bring the print- ing and T -shirt distribution divisions together, Taylor said. "We've had some changes in philoso- phy in the last 12 months in just where our corporation is headed and how we want to do business," Taylor said. The decision to move headquarters to College Station rather than staying in Houston was a relatively easy one to make, Taylor said. "C.C. Creations has experienced much growth in the last 11 years and a lot of it is because of the community we're in," Taylor said. "A lot of it is also because of what the community has done for us." C.C. Creations has grown rapidly in re- cent months. It targeted a work force of 70 p' employees by the end of this year and 140 employees by 1997. However, by P.:ay, 150 employees were working at C.C. Creations, 112 Holleman Dr., with the projected 1993 sales to top $20 million. Ford and his wife Sandra Taylor pur- chased C.C. Creations in downtown Bryan in 1982. "It was basically a bankrupt business when I and my wife started; it," Taylor said. "And that first year, they had done $60,000 in sales. This year the operation will do between $22 and $25 million and with our projections, we would like to double that in the next 24 months. So we are getting aggressive." C.C. Creations was incorporated in; 1990 and merged with GSC Holding a year; later. C.C. Creations was presented the 1993; Small Business Achievement Award in April from the National Federation of In. dependent Business. The annual award is given to a small business that best dem- onstrates its commitment to job creation in Bryan- College Station and the state of Texas. 125 Legal N ADVEgTISEMENT FOR BIDS Renovation to an Existing Facility, Thom ea o PoC o Fle9e Co ver, Y Station, Texas Sealed proposals addressed to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, will Parke received Off ce Central 1000 Kren k Tap Road, College Station, Texas, until 2'.00 pm, Thurs day, 26, August 19993, for furnishing all necessary ma- terials, machinery, equip- ment, superintendence and labor for the j1R n atio o f the Thomas Pool Cover" and will be publicly opened and read aloud. Drawings, Specifications and Bidding Documents may be obtained from the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at the Central Park Office. Drawings and Specifications will be furni- shed each bidding General Contractor without charge. Proposals shall be accom- panied by a cashier's or certi- fied check upon a state or the national bank in amount of not less Texas r hannfive percent (5 96) of the total max- imum bid price payable i without recourse o the City o College Station, er , a bid bond in the same amount from Surety Company as a reliable guar- antee that the Bidder will en- ter into and cute performance bond within ten (10) days after no- tice of award of contract t him. Saturday, August 21, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices The successful Bidder must furnish a Performance and payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the rved contract rice from an app S uret y ice Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as Surety, or other Surety and Sureties acceptable to the Owner. The project is exempt from all State and Local taxes. The City of College Station is tax exempt. withdraw his No bidder may bid within 30 days after the actual date of the bid opening therof. The right is reserved by the Owner, to reject any or all bids and waive informali ties and irregulaities. 08 -14- 93,08 -21-93 E • �J Building code group honors College Station's Coy Perry City of College Station building offi- cial Coy Perry was honored by the Southern Building Code Congress International at an Aug. 11 barbecue for his more than 20 years of service in the field of building codes. Perry will retire from the city in January. The barbecue was part of the Muni- cipal Inspectors Training School, con- ducted annually by the Texas Engi- neering Extension Service. About 175 building officials, building inspectors, code enforcement personnel, real es- tate inspectors, architect, engineers and contractors from Texas and other states participated in the school. Monday, August 23, 1993 The Eagle C �_3 ::Ei (D ¢1 Ll (D W D) QQ �1 F_j A) (D k< In (t N U1 W CS council will study budget in workshop session By JIM HINEY Eagle staff writer College Station city council members will go through the city's proposed $66.4 million budget during a workshop ses- sion today and try to complete a spending plan before Thursday's scheduled public hearing. The workshop will begin at 4 p.m. in the city council chamber at College Sta- tion City Hall. The public hearing will be part of the council's regular meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, also in the council cham- ber. The proposed budget is about $1.99 mil- lion, or 3.1 percent, larger than the cur- rent $64.43 million budget, said Charles Cryan, the city's assistant finance direc- tor. "Most of the increase is going to be in salaries, merit -based increases," Cryan said. The city budgeted $19.31 million for sa- laries and benefits this year and city staf- fers propose budgeting $20.4 million for the next fiscal year. To fund the budget, city staffers are proposing that the property tax rate re- main at 41.25 cents per $100 property va- luation, Cryan said. That rate is 1.9 per- cent above the effective tax rate of 40.49 cents per $100 valuation, Cryan said. The effective tax rate is the rate that, using current property values, will gen- erate the same tax revenue as the pre- vious tax rate. The effective rate in Col- lege Station dropped in part because property values in the city increased by about $100 million, to $1.27 billion this year, according to the Brazos County Ap- praisal District's certified tax roles. • • 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ordin- ance amendment pertaining to sexually oriented enter- prises. The hearing will be held in the Counicl Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, September 9, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. 125 Legal Notices For additional information, I please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee City Planner 08 -25 -93 'Firefighters raise $3,000 Ll Wednesday, August 25, 1993 The Eagle College Station firefighters raised $3,000 for charity during the recent ' Olympics and will hand .out checks today. Firefighters sold T- shirts and other promotional items during the July m18 -23 games, in which firefighters ;from across the state competed in :different events. Additional funds carne from adver- tising in event programs and other promotional materials. • College Station fire department Lt. .Terry Thigpin, who spearheaded the ;games, will give checks to rep - :resentatives of Phoebe's Home, Shel- tering Arms, Stillcreek Boys Ranch, Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center :and Brazos Valley React. u The presentation will be at 10:30 a.m. , today at the Bryan- College Station Chamber of Commerce, 4001 E. 29th St. .in Bryan. • • S em loyees graduate from C • p em Blinn s Supervisory Acad y Twenty -seven employees of the City of College Station will gradu -, ate from the Blinn Supervisory Academy on Thursday, August 26, at 3 p.m. at the CS Utilities Ser- vice Center, which is located at 1601 Graham Road. Speakers for the occasion will be College Station City Manager Ron Ragland and Dr. Donald Voelter, Executive Vice - President of Blinn College in Brenham. For the past three months super- visors and managers at the city have spent 56 hours in training coursework such as Employment Law, Public Presentation, viewing Techniques, employe Motivation, Risk Management, Purchasing and Accounting Proce- Thursday, August 26, 1993 The Press dures, Policies, Performance Ap- praisal Techniques and Team Build- ing. According to Julie O'Connell, Assistant Director of College Sta- tion's Human Resources Depart- ment, "The training has been broader based, more city specific, of higher quality, and approximately one -third the cost of other comparable training sessions the city has implemented." "One way the cost has been kept at a minimum has been to form a partnership with Blinn whereby the city provided some of the experts, such as from their legal, risk man- agement budget and purchasing de- partments, and Blinn provided the curriculum and the other experts." Local /State Page A7 College Station council picks over proposed budget, By JIM HINEY Eagle staff writer "current services" budget, meaning city staffers estimate the city must spend $66.4 million to maintain its current level of services to residents. That's a 3.1 per- cent increase over the current $64.4 mil- lion budget. The majority of the increase, about $1.1 million, is for increased salaries and benefits, said Charles Cryan, the city's assistant finance director. per month per residence next year. Utility revenues account for about 55 percent of the city's total revenues. City staffers also gave council mem- bers "decision packages" in addition to the proposed budget. Those packages listed about $2.37 million in additional manpower, equipment or services that the city would like to have to expand cur- rent services. to call another public hearing within weeks. City staffers are recommending the city's property tax rate remain same as the current rate, 41.25 cents $100 property valuation. That rate i s percent above the effective tax rat( two College Station City Council members spent 4 hours during a workshop ses- sion Wednesday night picking through a proposed $66.4 million operating budget and another $2.37 million in "wish list" items from city departments. A public hearing on the budget is scheduled during the council's regular meeting at 7 p.m. today in the city council room, located in College Station City Hall. Council members won't vote on adopt- ing a budget until their Sept. 9 meeting. The proposed operating budget is a that the per 1.9 of 40.49 cents per $100 valuation, Cryan said. The effective tax rate is the rate that, using current property values, will gen- The budget also proposes increases in City spokeswoman Peggy Calliham erate the same tax revenue as the pre - water, sewer and sanitation fees this said the council is "not even about to go vious tax rate. The effective rate in Col - year, and a five -year forecast predicts fee 10 hikes in most city utilities. City staffers recommend that water fees rise by 5 percent, sewer rates rise by 7 percent and sanitation rates rise by $1 for all of the wish list items. She said the council is "still shuffling the deck" as far as what the new tax rate will be. The council could decide as early as tomorrow, and they would the have lege Station dropped in part because property values in the city increased by about $100 million, to $1.27 billion this year, according to the Brazos County Ap- praisal District's certified tax roles. NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THOROUGHFARE STREET LIGHTING (MATERIAL ONLY), RFP NO. 93.63. Bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, C011090 Station, Taxes 77840, until 2 :00 P.M. on September 7, 1993. All bids received after that time will be retur- ned unopened. City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Irregularities In said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specl- flcations may be obtained at the office of the Purchas- Ing Agent. 08 -27- 93,09 - 03.93_ NOTICETO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR AUTO- MATED ELECTRIC MAP- PING SYSTEM (SOFT- WARE), RFP NO. 93-64. Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened In the office of the Purchas- ing Agent at City Hall at 5 :00 p.m. on September 10, 1993. All RFP'a received after the time will be retur- ned unopened. City of C01- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all Irregularities In said request and to accept the offer considered most ad- vantageous to the City. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 08-27-93,09-03-93 Friday, August 27, 1993 The Eagle Bryan - College Station Eagle Sunday, August 29, 1993 Page A3 NOTICE TO BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION RESIDENTS This past year the Cable Act of 1992 which is a new federal law, was passed by Congress. This law grants broadcasters, such as KBTX, the right to negotiate a re- transmission con- sent contract with the cable operators, such as TCA. There are two methods , provided for in this law, by which the broadcasters (KBTX) can choose to have their signals re- transmit- ted by the cable system( MUST CARRY OPTION This method allows the broadcaster (hereafter referred to as KBTX) the right to require the cable operator (hereafter referred to as TCA) to continue to carry their signal on the cable channel of their choice. or RE- TRANSMISSION CONSENT OPTION Sun The This method allows KBTX and TCA to negotiate the contractual arrangements for re- trans- mission of KBTX's signal. The cities of Bryan and College Station have been notified by both parties that the second option has been selected by KBTX. The federal law requires TCA to receive a written consent or contract from KBTX prior to October 6, 1993. Without this signed agreement, federal law does not allow TCA to carry KBTX's signal over the cable system. THE CITIES HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN THIS MATTER This notice is issued by the cities of Bryan and College Station in an effort to inform the residents of the community that local government control is pre - empted, in this situation, by the federal law (FCC). The cities have met with both parties to encourage them to settle t his matter with the best interest of the whole community in mind. Once again, we would like to state that the cities have no authority in this matter due to changes in federal law. I T H E [ I T Y O F BRYAN City of College Station • • • The City of College Station is accepting applications for: ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Responsible forthe maintenance, repair, servicingg and calibration of electrical and electronic equipment within theVYater and Wastewa- ter Divisions. Must be experienced in the utilization of numerous types d electrical and electronic testing devices, calibration equip- ment, hard/power tools, and chemical solutions. High School D%nee or equivalent, two years of Technical Training or equivalent expenence. Considerable knowledge of safety and occupational hazards involved with low and medium voltage equipment, expen- ence in industrial electrical equipment and electronic theory and calibration techniques. Class '0 TDL with the ability to obtain a CDL Class'B' and the ability toobtain a Class'C' Water and Wastewater Operator's Certification as issued by the Texas Water Commission. Deadline to apply: September 13,1993 Salary Range: $25,734539,354 Apply to City of College Station Hunan Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Awe College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, August 29, 1993 The Eagle • A The College Station Police Department is cur- ail renty expt anPtin in g its p qc ?t � h/l for he ffo�llowing Will be acc a newly created positions. i y1s u September applications for these pos 20,'1993 . PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER (tel oc e responsibilities of this position will be to receive, ontor ocess an t and i other l agencieg alkkeeport�overr the ephone or in person% and 1O press non emer8enc e phone calls. Minimu 20 wpm. TCHE is position receives, processes and documents all cal Is r s ervice for po lice,fireandmedica lasststance ropriate ublic and relays the information to the app P. for assistance. Works w ith CAD (Computer mentd. Dispatch), p telephone w ill be�s to take a� tng test Chosen ap and Dispatch Skills test. Minimu �erPin Ow p m. Previous dispatch exper P ref _ Both positions requi is &�vsCootating iftworktDo en . Chosen equivalt These P° maintain 2y ur operation. aPP invest s i m ust successful) ass an extensive b ackg bunnm�oem�s of the and oral interview board conducted y Police and/or Fire Department• Salary: $1459 /month Apply to: City of Human Resources Colleg Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. 77840 College Station, TX EQUAL OPP ORTUNITY EM PLOYE R WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 B /CS EAGLE 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the rezoning of lots 17 and 18 of block D in the C01- lege Heights Subdivision from A -P Administrative Professional to C -1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, Septem- ber 16,1993. ' Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner nq -01 -93 0 17 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1993 B /CS EAGLE 125 Legal Notices NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THOROUGH- FARE STREET LIGHTING (MATERIAL ONLY), BID NO. 93 -65. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on September 7, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 08 -27- 93,09 -03 -93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR AUTO - AATED ELECTRIC MAP- PING SYSTEM (SOFT- WARE), RFP NO. 93 -64. Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on September 10, 1993. All RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP'sAr any and all irregu- larities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 08- 27- 93,09 -03 -93 0 I t LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2027 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 26, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 3, DEFIN- ITIONS, TO INCLUDE A DEFINITION FOR THE TERM PLAT, BY AMEND- ING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 4 -A, SPECIAL PROV- ISIONS, TO INCLUDE SPE- CIFIC 4QURCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH SUBDIV- ISION PLATS ARE RE- QUIRED; AND BY AMEND- ING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 15 -A, PENAL PROVISIONS, TO INCREASE THE FINE AMOUJJT. Violations of any provision of this ordinance within the cor- porate limits of the City of College Station, shall be gui- lty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined an amount pursuant to Chapter, 1, Section 5, of the Code of Ordinances not ex- ceeding Two Hundred Dol- lars ($200.00). Provided, however that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty providedf for the same or similar offense under the laws of the state. Each day such violation shall continue to exist shall consti- tute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2027 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and upon the consolidation of the two lots through replatting, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, 09- 04- 93,09 -05 -93 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1993 B /CS EAGLE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2028 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 26, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- 125 Legal Notices lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING TWO TRACTS TOTALLING 1.00 ACRES LOCATED APPROxI- MATELY 200 FEET WEST OF THE BARRON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 6 INTER- SECTION, THE ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 54, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND BE- ING A PORTION OF AN 11.772 ACRE TRACT CON- VEYED TO RAY DYER, INC. BY JOHN A. SAGE, TRUSTEE BY DEED RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 513, PAGE 522, DEED RE- CORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIALF TO C -1 GEN- ERAL COMMERCIAL. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars. Each day such violation shall con- tinue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2018 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and upon the consolidation of the two lots through replatting, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above na(ned or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09 -04- 93,09 -05 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2028 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 26, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING TWO TRACTS TOTALLING 1.00 ACRES LOCATED APPROXI- MATELY 200 FEET WEST OF THE BARRON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 6 INTER- SECTION, THE ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 54, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND BE- ING A PORTION OF AN 11.772 ACRE TRACT CON- VEYED TO RAY DYER, INC. BY 'JOHN A. SAGE, TRUSTEE BY DEED RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 513, PAGE 522, DEED RE- CORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENT(ALF TO C -1 GEN- ERAL COMMERCIAL. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars. Each day such violation shall con - tinu6 to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance 'No. 2028 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and upon the consolidation of the two lots through replatting, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09- 04- 93,09 -05 -93 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1993 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2027 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 26, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252.17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded, in the official re- :ords oftoe city, is captioned as follows: AN QRDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 3, DEFIN- ITIONS, TO INCLUDE A DEFINITION FOR THE TERM PLAT, BY AMEND- ING CHAPTEFk9, SECTION 4 -A, SPECIAL PROV- ISIONS, TO INCLUDE SPE- CIFIC CURCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH SUBDIV- ISION PLATS, ARE RE- QUIRED; AND BY AMEND- ING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 15 -A, PENAL PROVISIONS, TO INCREASE THE FINE AMOUNT. Violations of any provision of this ordinance within the cor- porate limits of the City of College Station, shall be gui- lty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined an amount pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 5, of the Code of Ordinances not ex- ceeding Two Hundred Dol- lars ($200.00). Provided, however that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty providedf for the same or similar offense under the laws of the state. Each day such violation shall continue to exist shall consti- tute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 2027 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and upon the consolidation of the two lots through replatting, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09- 04- 93.0 -05 - 9 3 B /CS EAGLE 1A_ 0 10492 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Responsible forthe maintenance, repair, servicin andalibrationof electrical and electronic equipment within the later and Wastewa- ter Divisions Must be experienced in the utilization of numerous types of electrial and electronic testing devices, calhati on equip ment, hand/power tools, and chemical soluti, 'High School Degree or equivaleM two years of Technical Training or equivalent expe Considerable knowiedRe of safety and occupational hazards invdved with low and medium voltage equipment, experi- ence in industrial electrical eeqquippmment and electronic theory and calibration techniyues, Class 'CTDLwkh the abilitytoobtainaCDL Class'B' and the abilkytoobtain a Oass'C Water apd Wastewater Operator's Certification as issued by the Texas Water Commission. Deadline to apply: September 13,1993 Salary Range: $25,730 - $39,354 Apply t« City of College station Hunan Resources Departnent. PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 0 REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLE( STATION IS REQWESTII` PROPOSALS FOR DESI( SERVICES FOR CARTE CREEK WASTEWATE TREATMENT PLANT E HANCES, RFP, NO, 93 -E Request of Proposal (RFP will be opened in the office the Water /Wastewat Superintendent at the Util Service Center, 1601 Gi ham Rd. at 2:00 p.m. on SE tember 17, 1993, All RFF received after the time will returned unopened. City College Station reserves t right to waive or reject a and all RFP's or any and irregularities in said requE and to accept the offer cc sidered most advantageo to the City. Request for Pr posals may be obtained the office of t Water/Wastewater Superi tendent. 09 -06- 93,09 -13 -93 ` MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1993 B /CS EAGLE • Attitude impresses CS electric division manager College Station's new electric divi- sion manager Bob Pohl says he's im- pressed with the city's attitude toward customer service. His new position, created recently by the College Station's Public Utilities De- partment, consoli- dates the electrical and technical divi- sions of the utility operation. POHL Pohl, former di rector of electrical engineering for Gulf States in Beaumont, recalled an incident last week where a College Station dispatcher went out of his way to assist a customer. "One of the dispatchers was work- ing with a man in Oklahoma, whose daughter was here in College Station and having problems getting her elec- tricity on," said. Pohl.who started his work with the city Aug: 19. The 1970 Texas_ A &M graduate said the young woman called from a pay phone, still without any electricity, to find out what was going on. He said the dispatcher, sensing her frustra- tion, offered to come fix the problem immediately, despite the fact that his shift was over. "College Station is very into provid- ing customer service," said Pohl, who has been in the utility business for 23 years. "I'm looking forward to work- ing in such an environment." TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 B /CS EAGLE k Members of the council intensely de- bated the need for some of the items on the proposed 1993 -94 budget plan, includ- ing a mowing crew and equipment, a new systems analyst position and a study on expanding City Hall. Only Hub Kennedy voted against the tax proposal; a final vote will be taken to- night. Early in the evening, the council con- sidered a 4 -cent increase. Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney said the council needed to be more responsible to the taxpayer. "I would rather not push a 4 -cent in- crease," McIlhaney said, "but rather keep a 3 -cent increase and get solid sup- port from the taxpayers." The ad valorem tax goes into the city's general fund. City manager Ron Ragland said the budget needs some cushion for unanticipated requests. "If you put some flexibility in there, it doesn't mean you have to spend the money," Ragland said. The city manager's job and other city staff positions are outlined in a new governance policy for College Station also up for approval tonight. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1993 B /CS EAGLE CS Council gives p reliminary OK to tax increase By YVONNE SAL•CE Eagle staff writer A car dealer generally marks the price of a car up, knowing a buyer's intention of haggling the price down, The same concept prevailed Wednes- day night at the College Station City Council's workshop meeting, where the council gave preliminary approval to a 3 property tax rate increase that would bring the ad valorem tax rate to 44.50 cents per $100 property value. The council is expected to pass the pro- posal and the city's next budget at to- ".. Re have to ask our- selves if the voters are willing to go for a tax increase." LARRY RINGER College Station mayor night's council meeting at 7 p.m. in the council room chambers at City Hall, 1101 S. Texas Ave. The new rate would cost the owner of a $50,000 home an extra $16.50 a year in taxes. The city must advertise the proposed rate and hold a public hearing. On an as- yet- undetermined date later this month, College Station residents will get that op- portunity. Mayor Larry Ringer said the final rate won't be higher than 44.50 cents, though it could be brought down. Ringer said the city needs the increase to fund a new fire station as well as pro- vide protection for what is becoming a rapidly growing area. "We're adding more personnel to the police, more dispatchers and equip- ment," said Ringer. "But we're aware we have to ask ourselves if the voters are willing to go for a tax increase." Compared to other cities, Ringer said, College Station has one of the lowest tax rates in the state. But it's growing rapidly — about 200 new households made Col- lege Station home last year. • 125 Legal Notices REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR GROUNDWATER MONI- TORING AT ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL, RFP NO. 93 -66. Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Ave. S at 5:00 p.m. on September 24, 1993. All RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. City of College 125 L Notices Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregu- larities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be obtained at the office of the Assistant Director of Public Services. 09 -10- 93,09 -17 -93 REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR A SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR FIRE ALARM MONITOR, RFP NO. 0 -69. Proposal will be received_ it the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 11Q1 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on September 21, 1993. All Proposals received after that time will be fbturned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or' reject any and all irregularties in said proposal and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Ageht. 09-10-93,09-17-93 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 B /CS EAGLE �r VIRGINIA GRONEMAN College Station The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Qualified appliacnts should have a degree in Computer Science or another computerscience related fief or must have minimum of 3 years System Analyst experience. This individual should have expe- Fr&. using UNI X and ORAQE. Working knowledge of DOS and l operating systems, personal computer applications, and re a Plus We are looking for a person with outstanding communication skills to work with all levels of personnel within the organization. Excellent benefit package included. College Station has a truly beautiful cemetery One who has a loved one resting in beautifully -kept artistically landscaped College Station Cemetery appreciates the attention and detail of the lovely area. Residents, as well as visitors driving by, should glance into the beauty of the cemetery and mentally thank those who administrate the details, as well as those who work to make this a beautiful and reassuring resting place for all. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1993 B /CS EAGLE Deadline to apply: September 21,1993 Salary Range: $2,042/month Apply t« tray of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9%0 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 71842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPL 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request in said bid and to accept the to the side setback require- offer considered most advan- ments at 1110 Neal Pickett to tageous to the City. Specifi- allow the addition of a car- cations may be obtained at port. the office of the Purchasing This request will be con- Agent. sideredf by the Zoning Board 09 - 13- 93.09- 20 -93_ of Adjustment on Tuesday, September 21, 1993 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 09 -13 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by James Griffin to the sign requirements at 700 Uhi- versity Drive, The Village Shopping Center. This request will be con - sideredf by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, September 21, 1993 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearin impaired must be made hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call, (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information. please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 09 -13 -93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR A THOROUGH- FARE STREET LIGHTING (MATERIALS ONLY), BID NO, 93 -70. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on September 23, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all irregularties REOUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR CARTER CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EN- HANCES, RFP, NO. 93 -67. Request of Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Water /Wastewater Superintendent at the Utility Service Center, 1601 Gra- ham Rd. at 2:00 p.m. on Sep- tember 17, 1993. All RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer con- sidered most e for P o to the City, q posals may be obtained at the office of the Water/Wastewater Superin- tendent. 09 -06- 93,09 -1 3 -93 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 B /CS EAGLE Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas will hold a public hearing on a propos to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in 1992 by 9.9 percent. Yo individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on tl change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of other property. The public hearing will be held on September 23 1993 at . 700 p m ., at the City of Colleg St ation City Hall in the City Council Chambe at 1101 Texac n"o„„o .�� FOR the proposal: Larry J. Ringer, Fred Brown, David Hickson, Nancy Crouch, Lynn Mcllhaney, Vernon Schneider AGAINST the proposal: Hub Kennady PRESENT and not voting: None ABSENT: None The statement above shows the percentage increase the proposed rate represents over the 1992 tax rate that the unit published on August 29, 1993. The following table compares taxes on an average home in this taxing unit last year to taxes on the average home this year. Again, your individual taxes may be higher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your property. T T1 3. Under this proposal taxes on the average home would increase by $52.31 or 16.2 percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would increase b value or 7.9 percent compared to last year's tax rate. These o tax a figures gur s f ar xable adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. al Jr e III Last Year This Year Average Home Value $78,476 $84,499 General exemptions available (amount available on the average home, not including senior citizen's or disabled person's exemptions) $ 0 $ 0 Average taxable value $78,476 $84,499 Tax rate $0.4125/ $100 $0.4450/$100 (proposed) Tax $323.71 $376.02 (proposed) T T1 3. Under this proposal taxes on the average home would increase by $52.31 or 16.2 percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would increase b value or 7.9 percent compared to last year's tax rate. These o tax a figures gur s f ar xable adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. al Jr e III 0 Tuesday, September 14, 1993 The Press 125 Le Notices The City of College Station 'I has negotiated an agreed or- 125 Legal Notices der with the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, (Formerly the Texas Water Commission), due to violations within the City's wastewater collection system. The violations stem from the release of raw se- wage into Burton Creek last year when unusually heavy rainfall caused severe ero- sion of the creek bank and subsequent collapse of an 18 inch main sewer line. Under the terms of the agreement the City will pay administra- tive penalties of $16,200. The City shall pay $9,500 within 30 days of issuance of the agreement with the re- minaing $6,700 being defer- red. The City will also abide by Commission requirements for improving the collection system to ensure continued comoliance with permit and State requirements. 09 -14 -93 ` J City of College Station Sanitation Division Route Manager - Commercial (Truck Driver) • Health and Life Insurance • Retirement • Paid Vacation and Side heave • Incentive Pay oXy nenced with good work record and driving remrd Deadline iD apply: September 24,1993 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Qualified appliaalts should have a_ degree in Computer Science or another compu wr science r6awd field or must have minimum of 3 years System Anal ecpenence. This individual should have expe rwrice using UNIX and t7RACLE. Worldng knowledge of DOS and Novell operating sysoans person f�TrW�' mandin with hardware a P a are looking sof ptssonrlel within the communication skills to work with all organization.G.LS.equie+ vmuklbebef a 1. Excellerltba4t package included. 4 Deadline to apply September 21,1993 Salary Range: $2,04ZAmcnth Apply to City of Cotkge Station Huron Resources DeparYnent PO Box 9%0 1101 S. Tom Ave College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E MPLOYER Apply to Gty of College station Human Resources Depar4sr . PO Box 9960 ' 1101 S. Texas Ave College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPOR TUNITY EMPLOYER A WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1993 B /CS EAGLE d — The City of College Station is accepting applications for the positions of: WATER/WASTEWATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR #2 This position will assist in the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Waste- water Collection systems. Salary: $7.04/hour CREWLEADER This position provides direct leadership and assis- tance to field personnel involved in the mainte- nance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems. Applicant should possess a valid Class •B• Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certification as required. Salary: $9.48/hour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUA OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER r 1 0 Friday, September 17, 1993 The Press REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR GROUNDWATER MONI- TORING AT ROCK 125 Lega Notices PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL, RFP NO. 93 -66. Request for Proposal (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Ave. S at 5:00 p.m. on September 24, 1993. All RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregu- larities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be obtained at the office of the Assistant Director of Public Services. 09-10-93,09-17-93 125 Legal Notices REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR A SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR FIRE ALARM MONITOR, RFP NO. 93-69. Proposal will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on September 21, 1993. All Proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all irregularties in said proposal and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 09- 10- 93,09 -17 -93 0 • 0 610 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: BUYER PURCHASING DEPARTMENT This position is responsible for the timely procurement of goods and services at the appropriate quality level with favorable prices for the city's operations. Qualifications include a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration or other closely related field or 3 years experience as a buyer or purchasing agent may be substituted. Salary: $1848 /month Deadline to apply: October 1, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (`J The City of College Station is accepting applications for the positions of: WATERIWASTEWATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR #2 This position will assist in the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Waste- water Collection systems. Salary: $7.04/hour CREWLEADER This position provides direct leadership and assis- tance to field personnel involved in the mainte- nance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems. Applicant should possess a valid Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certification as required. Salary: $9.48 /hour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL O E MPLOYER Sunday, September 19, 1993 The Press k%J City of College Station Sanitation Division Route Manager - Commercial (Truck Driver) • Health and Life Insurance • Retirement • Paid Vacation and Sick Leave • Incentive Pay �y nenced with good work record and driving record Deadline to apply: September 24,1993 Apply to City of College Station Hunan Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2031 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 9, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed oy the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE, OR- DINANCE NO. 1638, SEC- TION 18.1 OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AMENDING THE PENALTY SECTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, or who builds or alters any building or structure in viola- tion of any plan or statement submitted and approved hereunder, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and be liable to a fine of not less than Twenty five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two - thousand dollars ($2,000). Ordinance No. 2031 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09 -18- 93,09 -19 - 9 3 e • NOTICETOBIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR A THOROUGH- FARE STREET LIGHTING (MATERIALS ONLY), BID NO. 93 -70. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on September 23, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all irregularties in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 09-1 3-93,09-20-93 Monday, September 20, 1993 The Press Ir t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a condi- tional use permit request by Joyce Thorn to allow an in- home day care facility at 1108 Hawk Tree. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, October 7, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 09 -22 -93 NOTICW OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request-to the park- ing requirements At 106 Wal- ton Drive, lot 10pf block 313 in the College Hills Subdivision. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of-the Board on Tuesday, October 5, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 09 -22 -93 ` The City of College Station is accepting applications for the positions of- WATER/WASTEWATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR #12 This position will assist in the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Waste- water Collection systems. Salary: $7.04/hour CREWLEADER %jJ City of College Station Sanitation Division Route Manager- Commercial (Truck Driver) • Health and Life Insurance • Retirement • Paid Vacation and Sick Lejve • Incentive Pay Y. rienced with good work record'and driving record LMIF Deadline to apply: September 24,1993 Apply to: City of College station Human Resources Depirknent PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 B /CS EAGLE This position provides direct leadership and assis- tance to field personnel involved in the mainte- nance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems. Applicant should possess a valid, Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate Certification as required. r Salary: $9.48/hour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY CS planners outline expansion • By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff wri College Station's city planners took a detailed, well- thought -out plan to the City Council Monday night outlining the ex- pansion of Texas Avenue and College Sta- tion. For almost two hours, Jim Callaway, assistant director of economic and de- velopment services, and his staff presen- ted slides and drafts depicting the city's plan to annex certain areas around Col- lege Station and widen its main drag. Ed Hard, transportation planner, said widening Texas Avenue would make ac- cess to businesses there easier. The Texas Avenue Widening Plan in- cludes extending a sidewalk from Live Oak Street to University Drive, con- structing a median along Texas Avenue and removing right turn lanes on Walton Drive. "After a public hearing, we'll submit th information to the Texas Department of Transportation," Callaway said. He said the Texas Department of Transpor- tation plans to help with the cost. Some members T the. council were concerned whether Texas A &M would consider cost shexing. City Maliagd Rots Ragland intervened with: "City, §taffers have discussed the possibility of ' c t sharing with A4M. The responses eemed favorable, Put nothing was put in writing." A public hearing for the Texas Avenue project is scheduled for Oct. 5 at 7 p.m.�.in the College Station Conference Cente City planners also proposed to council that the city begin annexation proceedings on seven different areas. Callaway said the addition of these areas would make for neat, clean boun- daries and would eliminate confusion for the police and fire personnel. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1993 B /CS EAGLE CS residents address proposed tax hike By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer Lt. Col. Oliver North took the words right out of some College Station resi- dents' mouths when he said, "Let's cut spending, let's cut taxes, let's cut spend- ing again." North was talking about the federal government when he made his statement Wednesday night at Texas A &M. At a public hearing Thursday night, some College Station residents expressed the same sentiment to the City Council. They were talking about the council's plans to raise the ad valorem tax to 44.5 cents per $100 property value. That's an increase of 3V4 cents, or 7.9 percent, from last year. Resident Helen Pugh quoted from North's speech. She told the council there seemed to be no attempt to cut waste from the $66.4 million budget. "We can get the things our city needs by better management," Pugh said. The proposed rate, up for council dis- cussion again Tuesday, would cost the owner of an $80,000 home an extra $26 a year in city property taxes. Phil Kelby supported the increase, say- ing he and his family settled in College Station because of the quality of living. Nice parks, low crime rate and few drug problems attracted him to the city. "I want to see the quality of life main- tained in College Station," Kelby said, "even if that means an increase in taxes." Of the six residents who addressed the council, three said the tax hike was reasonable because of the high quality of service the city provides. City Manager Ron Ragland said even with the increase, College Station will have one of the lowest tax rates in Texas, with a high level of service. If the new tax rate passes on Tuesday, it will go in effect Oct. 1. In other business, the council ap- proved: ■Raising the disposal fee at the Rock Prairie Road Landfill from $17.50 per ton to $21.50. ■Paying Gentry Systems 541,250 for a software package for the public utilities and electrical division.. - ■Purchasing a map system board at 519,94 also for public utility use. The council also discussed an ordi- nance that would crack down on tobacco sales to minors. 0 11 c w ♦ The City of College Station is accepting (\ applications for the positions of: GRANTS ANALYST This position assists in the administration of the City's Community Development programs through coordination and monitoring to access funds and meet related reporting and record keeping require- ments. Minimum requirements include a Bachelor's De- gree with a major in public administration, urban planning or studies, sociology, finance or related field; or a minimum of 3 years related work experi- ences. Experience in the management of federal, state or locally funded grant programs is preferred. Salary: $1652/month Deadline to apply: 5 p.m. Friday, October 8, 1993 Apply to: . City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 I EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I The City of College Station is accepting 60 o 4 —fapplications for the positions of: PROJECT SPECIALIST. This position assists in the implementation bf the City's Community Development and Neighbor- hood Revitalization Programs as primary agent for completion of planned activities. Applicants should have knowledge of Ng follow- ing: - light construction materials and methods - stages of rehabilitation construction stages - municipal building, housing and related ordi- nances - federal housing regulations regarding housing rehabi l itation/construction Salary: $1924 /month Deadline to apply: 5 p.m. Friday, October 8, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQ UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, September 26, 1993 The Eagle c The City of College Station is accepting � applications for the positions of: WATER/WASTEWATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR #2 This position will assist in the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Waste- water Collection systems. Salary: $7.04/hour CREWLEADER This position provides direct leadership and assis- tance to field_ personnel involved in -the mainte- nance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems. Applicant should possess a valid Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certification as required. Salary: $9.48 /dour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY �•� The City of College Station is accepting applications for: BUYER PURCHASING DEPARTMENT This position is responsible for the timely procurement of goods and services at the appropriate quality level with favorable prices for the city's operations. Qualifications include a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration or other closely related field or 3 years experience as a buyer or purchasing agent may be substituted. Salary: $1848 /month Deadline to apply: October 1, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER C7 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: PUBLIC RELATIONS/ MARKETING ASSISTANT 0 Full -time communicator with at least one year experi- ence in desktop publishing, writing, editing, layout, advertising, marketing and/or public information. Must demonstrate proficiency on Mac computer, public pre- sentation skills, and information management. Excellent human relations ski Its with reference required. Degree in Marketing, Communication, or related field is preferred. Salary: $1702 /month Deadline to apply: 5 pm, Tuesday, October 12, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Hurnan Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUA O PPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Wednesday, September 29, 1993 The Eagle ,7 • 34 CS jorkshop is Wednesday Thl College Station City Council's workshop meeting will be Wednesday at 4 j.m. in the council's chambers at City V[all,1101 S. Texas Avenue. Some of the items to be discussed incl c! the city's annexation plans, imprrgqvements on Texas Avenue and futurk park developments. A public hearing on the ad valorem tax rate of 44.50 cents per $100 property value is' scheduled for the council's regu4 r meeting on Thursday at 7 p.m., also at City Hall. r — Compiled from staff reports s , Thursday, September 30, 1993 The Eagle The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application or a Permft to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Producion of Oil. Gas and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Bexco Operating, Inc., 1001 Uni- versity Drive, East, College Station, Tx. 77840. The proposed Drilling Site is located approximately 1000 feet south of Rock Prairie Road,_ and approximately 26004eet east of the S.H. 6 Frontage Road on land ow- ned,.,by -W.S. Ritchey. The HeWft will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City HAIL, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting, of the Council on Thursday, October 14, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arragements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 866-13$ -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in ` the Development Services Office in City Hall at 11 of 4 xas Avenue or call (409)764-3570. 09 -30 -93 The ' Conege Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application' for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Producion of Oil, Gas and ,Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Sage Energy Company, 10101 Reunion Place, Sulte 800, San An- tonio, Texas 78216. The proposed Drilling Site Is 'located approximately 2000 .feet south of Rock Prairie Road, and approximately 700 feet east of the S.H. 6 Frontage Road on land ow- ned by Bert Wheeler Inc. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, October 14, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make ... arragements call (409)764 -35 or (TDD) 1 - 80g =Rer �y;Tx or (TDD) 1 - 80Q- 736. 9. AddoMatinformation is avai- lable•, *.-the Development Servicea,d ffice in City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409)764 -8570. 9 -30 -9 • Remember CS council raised your taxes The College Station City Council voted Sept. 28 to raise our property tax 7.9 per- cent. Dick Birdwell, former councilman, presented the council (in writing on Sept. 23) specific ways to lower our taxes. This was not reported by the media. Why? The council, some (are) state and federal government, believe it is easier to spend and waste and raise taxes to pay for it. Please remember and thank the two councilmen who voted against raising our taxes. They are Mayor Pro -Tem Fled Brown and Hub Kennedy. HELEN PUGH College Station Saturday, October 2, 1993 The Eagle • • 60441 The City of College Station is accepting applications for the positions of: PROJECT SPECIALIST This position assists in the implementation of the City's Community Development and Neighbor - hood Revitalization Programs as primary agent for completion of planned activities. Applicants should have knowledge of the follow- ing: - light construction materials and methods - stages of rehabilitation construction stages - municipal building, housing and related ordi- nances - federal housing regulations regarding housing rehabilitation/construction Salary: $1924 /month Deadline to apply: 5 p.m. Friday, October 8, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL O EMPLOYER `e♦ The City of College Station is accepting (\ applications for the positions of: GRANTS ANALYST This position assists in the administration of the City's Community Development programs through coordination and monitoring to access funds and meet related reporting and record keeping require- ments. Minimum requirements include a Bachelor's De- gree with a major in public administration, urban planning or studies, sociology, finance or related field; or a minimum of 3 years related work experi- ences. Experience in the management of federal, state or locally funded grant programs is preferred. Salary: $1652/month Deadline to apply: 5 p.m. Friday, October 8, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNI EMPLO 6104 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: PUBLIC RELATIONS/ MARKETING ASSISTANT Full -time communicator with at least one year experi- ence in desktop publishing, writing, editing, layout, advertising, marketing and/or public information. Must demonstrate proficiency on Mac computer, public pre- sentation skills, and information management. Excellent human relations skillswith reference required. Degree in Marketing, Communication, or related field is preferred. Salar%: $1702 /month Deadline to apply: 5 pm, Tuesday, October 12, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, October 3, 1993 The Eagle Hearing on widening Texas Avenue planned Cq Transportation department officials will discuss their plans to widen Texas Avenue between University and Do- minik drives during a public hearing Tuesday night. Work is scheduled to begin next summer. Citizens can view prelimin- ary plans between 1 -5 p.m. Tuesday at the College Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. The hearing begins at 7 p.m. Plans call for widening the road to six lanes with a raised median in place of the continuous left -turn lane. De- partment of Transportation engineers and planners are working closely with College Station officials on the design, which calls for pedestrian and bicycle pathways, a jogging trail and land- scaped medians to make the street as attractive as possible. The $2.5 million project is expected to take two years. Monday, October 4, 1993 The Eagle t • Parks department wants advice The College Station Parks and Rec- reation Board wants to hear residents' opinion4 on the future of the city's parks. , Resients are invited to attend a public hearing Thursday at 7 p.m. in the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. The board is developing a master plan for the park's system, which will affect programs until the year 2010. TheRboard wants input on future athletic and fine arts programs as well as neighborhood and community parks. Committee members also want to es- tablish goals and criteria to evaluate College Station's parks. Wednesday, October 6, 1993 The Eagle 6041—of The City of College Station is accepting applications for the positions of: ADMINISTRATION MANAGER PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT This position is responsible for the administra- tive and internal service functions of the Public Utilities Department which includes ware- house and stores, and the management sup- port services for the Department's Manage- ment Team. Assists the Director in setting and achieving long term strategic goals for the Department. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from college with a public administration or management related degree. Deadline to apply: October 15, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77845 EQUAL OPPORT EMPLOY 0 10-0i The City of College Station is accepting applications for: PUBLIC RELATIONS/ MARKETING ASSISTANT Full -time communicator with at least one year ence in desktop publishing, writing, editing, layout, advertising, marketing and/or public information. Must demonstrate proficiency on Mac computer, public pre- sentation skills, and information management. Excellent human relations skil Is with reference required. Degree in Marketing, Communication, or related field is preferred. Salary: $1702 /month Deadline to apply: 5 pm, Tuesday, October 12, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 771340 EQ UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER A a..l Local /State Owners contest Texas Avenue plan By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer Only a handful of the dozens of busi- ness owners affected by a $2.5 million plan to widen Texas Avenue showed up Tuesday night to discuss the project. The Texas Department of Transporta, tion unveiled plans for the project, which will widen from four to six lanes a 1.3 mile- stretch of Texas Avenue between Cooner Street near University Tower and Dominik Drive. The plan call for replacing the four 11 -foot -wide lanes and 16 -foot center turn lane with six 12 -foot lanes divided by a 14 -foot landscaped median. "Without this project, congestion is destined to get even worse," said Denise Fischer, DOT spokeswoman. Many peo- ple would say it's intolerable now. It's an effort to ease congestion and increase safety." DOT traffic studies show that, during peak traffic times, about 7,900 vehicles use the intersection at Texas Avenue and University Drive each hour. Another 6,200 or so pass through the intersection at George Bush Drive. Those figures are expected to rise to about 9,900 and 8,300, respectively, by the year 2013. Owners of Innovations Contemporary Furniture and B -CS Bicycles, both at Lincoln Street and Texas Avenue, and the Chevron service station at University Drive and Texas Avenue said changes in the curbs along the thoroughfare will limit access to their businesses. The plan eliminates two of the four entrances to the service station — one along Texas Avenue and another along University Drive. Jack Grant, who owns the land on which the station sits, and K.D. Tim- mons, who owns the building, said the move would inhibit traffic flow, creating a hazard. Larry Piper, who operates the station, said the University Drive en- trance to be eliminated is his busiest. They are willing to sacrifice one en- trance along Texas Avenue and urged engineers to revise the plan accordingly. The plan also would consolidate three entrances to the furniture and bike shops into one 40 -foot -wide driveway. But Chris Rhett, who owns Innova- tions, and Richard Barnes, owner of B -CS Bicycles, said the change will limit de- livery truck access and create congestion as customers enter and exit the parking area. Both urged engineers to save a sec- ond entrance on Lincoln Street and in- crease the "common area" they share with a gas station next door. Other features of the plan include a jogging path and bike path, wheelchair - accessible sidewalks and a bus stop in front of city hall. Other additions include a two -way, 25 -foot -wide frontage road connecting businesses and restaurants between Chili's Grill & Bar and Walton Drive and replacing the curving "ramps" at Walton Drive with landscaped spaces. Northbound traffic will be allowed to make left turns at intersections and into businesses, but the design limits left- hand turns by southbound traffic. Southbound motorists would be unable to turn left onto Poplar or Moss streets, Dominik Drive and some businesses. While the road is designed to allow U- turns, city officials have not decided whether to permit such maneuvers. Federal fluids will finance 80 percent of the project; state funds will cover the rest. The city will chip in 10 percent of the cost of any right of way purchases, utility relocations or landscaping. The Department of Transportation owns all but 0.4 acres of the right of way needed for the project. Remaining pieces are mostly small strips near intersec- tions at University and George Bush drives. 09 Friday, October 8, 1993 The Eagle Russians coming to visit BmCS By YVONNE SALCE . Eagle staff writer Russian delegates will get their first taste of Texas hamburgers and hospita- lity next week. Ambassadors from Bryan- College Sta. tion's sister city of Kazan, Russia, arriVE Sunday at Houston Intercontinental Air port. On Monday, the six men will mee their host families in Bryan- College Sta tion, where they'll stay until Oct. 20. Linda Parrish, secretary of the Bryan College Station Sister Cities Associatior has planned dinner for the delegate Monday evening. "It's between hamburgers or lasagna, said Parrish, also vice. president of th College Station school board. "It will be fairly traditional meal." On hand to translate will be Tex, A &M students and professors. Parris has arranged for the delegates to atter Friday night's high school football gan between A &M Consolidated High Scho and Tomball High. Parrish, who has never been to Kaza said these exchange trips give people better understanding of the Russian It style and attitudes. "With each delegation," Parrish sat "we get a better perspective about the' culture." This trip marks the third time a Ru- sian delegation has visited Bryan- Colle;e ,Station. The two cities, Kazan and Bryai- College Station „alternate yearly. Kandy Rose, 'former president of the association, said the delegates have a full social calendar ahead of them. Their agenda includes visiting a quay. ter horse ranch, the Renaissance Festival and Texas A &M. But, Rose said, one thing they love to do is shop. She recalls their last visit to a Bryan- College Station grocery store and their amazement over the shelves of food. "The men stood in the local grocery store with tears streaming down their face,” Rose said. With chaos in Russia right now, Par- rish said, it will be interesting to get their feelings on the future of Russia. The official delegation from Kazan,Ae- public of Tatarstan, Russia includes the city's mayor, Rafik Gumerov, and other Kazan city administrators. "It's incredible timing to have these visitors here," Parrish said, "and get their perspective on the situation going on in their country." Bryan - College ttation Eagle Local &from page one CS residents offer suggestions for parks' future • By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer College Station swimming enthusiasts and soft- ball and soccer players gave their opinions Thurs- day night on where they hope to see the city's sports facilities in the year 2010. The College Station parks and recreation board listened to the citizens' wish lists at the first of many planned public hearings. Steve C. Beachy, emergency management coor- dinator for the parks department, said College Sta- tion wants to develop a solid master plan with citi- zen input. Beachy said these public hearings help the board to think in terms of long -range capital improve- ments and additions. "Often- times, we get requests from citizens," Bea - chy said, "but the current budget doesn't allow us to meet them." Representatives spoke on behalf of all the young adults who play softball, baseball and soccer. Alicia Meza with College 'Station Little League said more fields are needed, and the teams are grow- ing every year. Friday, October 8, 1993 The Eagle "We're busting at the seams," Meza said. "We're here because we don't have enough fields as it is." About 1,000 kids participate in Little League each year. She said 50 more kids are expected to join every year. Avid swimmer Judy Wagner told the board that pools need to be easily accessible to disabled indi- viduals. She would like to see some type of device capable of lowering and raising disabled people into the pool. Wagner also said city pool hours were too restrict- ing. "We need extended hours in the summer for fami- lies," Wagner said. "We have beautiful pools here. I'd like to see us extend the hours and keep the pools open in the spring." This first public hearing dealt with athletics. The board plans to hold additional hearings on neigh- borhood parks and other recreational programs. Members of the College Station City Council were given a questionnaire on their visions for the parks and recreation system at the last council meeting. Beachy said the board will consider the opinions of the residents and council members when drafting the master plan. 40 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Lincoln Center Land Clear- ing, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station evill receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including land clearing and hauling off debris. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2'.00 P.M. , October 29, 1993, at the office of the Director of' Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cified closing time Specifications may be exa- manied at the Parks and Re- creation Department Office, 1 000 Krenek Tap lege Station, Texas 77840, (409) 764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5/, of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. Bidders must meet Davis -Bacon Federal wage Standards and rates. 10 -09- 93,10 -15 -93 Saturday, October 9, 1993 The Eagle • 0 C The City of College Station � is accepting applications � for the positions of: iADMINISTRATION MANAGER PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT This position is responsible for the administra- tive and internal service functionsofthe Public Utilities Department which includes ware- house and stores, and the management sup- port services for the Department's Manage- ment Team. Assists the Director in setting and achieving long term strategic goals for the Department. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from college with a public administration or management related degree. Deadline to apply: October 15, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77845 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, October 10, 1993 The Eagle 40 C r Tuesday, October 12, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR CONSTRUC- TION OF DISPATCH CON- SOLE, BID NO. 94 -02. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on October 26, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 10 -12- 93,10 -19 -93 r 1 U �w Wednesday The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider an appeal of the Zoning Official's decision and a possible height variance request to the existing sign located at 2102 South Texas Avenue, the Outback Steak- house. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, October t9, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. it the City Hall Council Room located at 110 1 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 10 -13 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by The College Station Inde- pendent School District to the parking lot setback require- ments at 105 Holik, Oakwood Intermediate School. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, October 19, 1993 at 7:00pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 10 -13 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the re- zoning of lots 17 and 18 of block D in the College Heights Subdivision from A -P Administrative Professional to C -1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis - ison on Thursday, October 28, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 ; hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, 125 Legal Notices please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 10 -13 -93 PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an appliction for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Showdown Energy Corporation, 12900 Preston Road, Suite 1130, Dallas, Texas 75230. The proposed Drilling Site is located on the westerly side of Wellborn Road, approxi- mately 1250 feet north of Graham Road, and approxi- mately 350 feet west of Well- born Road (FM 2154) on land owned by Bernard O. Elling- ton. The surface location is within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of College Station. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, October 28, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 10 -13 -93 PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an appliction for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. 125 Legal Notices The applicant is Sage Energy Company, 10101 Reunion Place, Suite 800, San An- tonio, Texas 78216. The proposed Drilling Site is located approximately 2000 feet south of Rock Prairie Road, and approximately 700 feet east of the SH 6 Frontage Road on land ow- ned by Bert Wheeler, Inc. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7.00 P.M. meeting of 4,e Council on Thursday, October 28, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 10 -13 -93 PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an appliction for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Bexco Operating, Inc, 1001 Uni- versity Drive, East, College Station, Texas 77840. The proposed Drilling Site is located approximately 1000 feet south of Rock Prairie Road, and approximately 2600 feet east of the S.H. 6 Frontage Road on land ow- ned by W.S. Ritchey. The surface location is within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of College Station. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council 125 Legal Notices on Thursday, October 28, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 10 -13 -93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS - HE CITY OF COLLEGE ;TATON IS REQUESTING 3IDS FOR DISTRIBUTION )F TRANSFORMERS, BID JO. 94 - 05. Bids will be eceived in the office of the 'urchasing Agent at City -iall, 1101 Texas Avenue, college Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on Oc- :ober 27, 1993. All bids , eceived after that time will oe returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 10 -13- 93, 10 -27 -93 Eagle photo/ Dave McDermand As part of College Station's Public Power Week, Joyce Duda (right) and Patsy Brannon's house while Brannon watches. City employees visited 20 homes to Wiley, city utility employees, put insulation around the water heater in Peggy install the thermal jackets, which should save people a few dollars a month. CS gives highop City utility employees show N " , ��..�� .. ,. „ Q. .:�_ .... _.L__:..------ ,-- ___.�- - �_ - people how to save money By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer Wrapping water heaters might perplex Tim "The Toolman" Taylor on the popu- lar sitcom "Home Improvement," but it didn't stop a crew of city volunteers. College Station utility employees visited 20 homes to install thermal jack- ets on water heaters as part of Public Power Week. The week recognizes com- munity -owned utilities — those in which profits go back into operations and not to n on - stockhol is ae ­ — o ege a ion utility maintenance, said the extra insu- lation of aluminum helps reduce heating and cooling costs. "If you put your hand on the water heater, and it's warm, you know you're losing heat," Young said. Idella Manthei, 80, said her husband died four years ago, and she now depends on her children to perform house repairs. Most of the homes chosen by the city for repairs are homes with elderly or disa- bled residents. The new blanket on her gas heater will save Manthei a few dollars a month, said Cindy Mixon, head of College Station's meter services. Typically, 10 to 20 percent of a monthly utility bill is spent on hot water. Costs vary wi the heater's age, whether U s gas or electric and how often it's used. When city officials told College Station resident Peggy Brannon that they were coming out to save her money, she asked, "What's the catch ?" But she soon found out there wasn't one. Brannon's water heater was crammed in a corner and difficult to maneuver around. But the home - improvement team, Joyce Duda and Patsy Wiley, had every- thing under control, although one of them muttered, "It's easier to wrap Christmas presents." Once complete, Duda stood back and said, "We didn't do too bad for the first one. I o ught to g o hom a do my own." $1k .F s 7 Eagle photo/ Dave McDermand As part of College Station's Public Power Week, Joyce Duda (right) and Patsy Brannon's house while Brannon watches. City employees visited 20 homes to Wiley, city utility employees, put insulation around the water heater in Peggy install the thermal jackets, which should save people a few dollars a month. CS gives highop City utility employees show N " , ��..�� .. ,. „ Q. .:�_ .... _.L__:..------ ,-- ___.�- - �_ - people how to save money By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer Wrapping water heaters might perplex Tim "The Toolman" Taylor on the popu- lar sitcom "Home Improvement," but it didn't stop a crew of city volunteers. College Station utility employees visited 20 homes to install thermal jack- ets on water heaters as part of Public Power Week. The week recognizes com- munity -owned utilities — those in which profits go back into operations and not to n on - stockhol is ae ­ — o ege a ion utility maintenance, said the extra insu- lation of aluminum helps reduce heating and cooling costs. "If you put your hand on the water heater, and it's warm, you know you're losing heat," Young said. Idella Manthei, 80, said her husband died four years ago, and she now depends on her children to perform house repairs. Most of the homes chosen by the city for repairs are homes with elderly or disa- bled residents. The new blanket on her gas heater will save Manthei a few dollars a month, said Cindy Mixon, head of College Station's meter services. Typically, 10 to 20 percent of a monthly utility bill is spent on hot water. Costs vary wi the heater's age, whether U s gas or electric and how often it's used. When city officials told College Station resident Peggy Brannon that they were coming out to save her money, she asked, "What's the catch ?" But she soon found out there wasn't one. Brannon's water heater was crammed in a corner and difficult to maneuver around. But the home - improvement team, Joyce Duda and Patsy Wiley, had every- thing under control, although one of them muttered, "It's easier to wrap Christmas presents." Once complete, Duda stood back and said, "We didn't do too bad for the first one. I o ught to g o hom a do my own." $1k Eagle photo/ Dave McDermand As part of College Station's Public Power Week, Joyce Duda (right) and Patsy Brannon's house while Brannon watches. City employees visited 20 homes to Wiley, city utility employees, put insulation around the water heater in Peggy install the thermal jackets, which should save people a few dollars a month. CS gives highop City utility employees show N " , ��..�� .. ,. „ Q. .:�_ .... _.L__:..------ ,-- ___.�- - �_ - people how to save money By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer Wrapping water heaters might perplex Tim "The Toolman" Taylor on the popu- lar sitcom "Home Improvement," but it didn't stop a crew of city volunteers. College Station utility employees visited 20 homes to install thermal jack- ets on water heaters as part of Public Power Week. The week recognizes com- munity -owned utilities — those in which profits go back into operations and not to n on - stockhol is ae ­ — o ege a ion utility maintenance, said the extra insu- lation of aluminum helps reduce heating and cooling costs. "If you put your hand on the water heater, and it's warm, you know you're losing heat," Young said. Idella Manthei, 80, said her husband died four years ago, and she now depends on her children to perform house repairs. Most of the homes chosen by the city for repairs are homes with elderly or disa- bled residents. The new blanket on her gas heater will save Manthei a few dollars a month, said Cindy Mixon, head of College Station's meter services. Typically, 10 to 20 percent of a monthly utility bill is spent on hot water. Costs vary wi the heater's age, whether U s gas or electric and how often it's used. When city officials told College Station resident Peggy Brannon that they were coming out to save her money, she asked, "What's the catch ?" But she soon found out there wasn't one. Brannon's water heater was crammed in a corner and difficult to maneuver around. But the home - improvement team, Joyce Duda and Patsy Wiley, had every- thing under control, although one of them muttered, "It's easier to wrap Christmas presents." Once complete, Duda stood back and said, "We didn't do too bad for the first one. I o ught to g o hom a do my own." Friday, October 15, 1993 The Eagle Halloween carnival today at Lincoln Recreation Center 'A Halloween carnival will be held for youngsters aged 10 years and younger from 6:30 -8:30 p.m. today at Lincoln Recreation Center, 1000 Eleanor. The carnival will feature games and prizes. Tickets are five for $1. For in- formation, call 764 -3779. C0140 1_ 00 f o The City of College Station is accepting applications for Crew Leader Public Utilities This poistion provides direct leadership and assistance to field personnel involved in the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Sys- tems. Applicant should possess a val id Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certification as required. Salary- $9.6 Deadline to apply: Monday, November 1, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity ErnploY*r Sunday, October 17, 1993 The Eagle � The City of College Station is \ ( accepting applications for GIS TECHNICIAN Responsible for development and mainte- nance of geo-base (including map and data- bases). Assists in quality assurance of data acquisition and updates. Requires in -depth knowledge of Autocad and ARC/INFO GIS software. Familiarity with mapping, surveying, and engineering principles and practices as applied to municipal systems. Salary $11.27/hour Deadline to apply: 5 pm, Friday, October 29,1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity Employer rM L GS's power outage blamed on small pin The 1,130 College Station residents who lost power for about 30 minutes Monday afternoon can blame a little pin for their trouble. The "northgate feeder," a wire car- rying power to the area around Texas Avenue, University Drive and Well- born Road, fell at about 4:55 p.m., caus- ing the blackout, said Bob Pohl, divi- sion manager for the city electrical department. Repair crews believe a pin holding the bracket connecting the wire to a utility pole near Harvey Road and the East Bypass broke or fell out, causing the bracket to fall, Pohl said. The uninsulated wire burned through the bracket and fell to the ground, he said. Crews repaired the line and restored power at 5:25 p.m. The outage shut down traffic signals along Texas Avenue, backing up rush hour traffic but causing no accidents, police re- ported. Tuesday, October 19, 1993 The Eagle College Station in market for director of public works By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer Joe LaBeau, College Station's director of public works, resigned this week to accept a position as tl}e assistant city manager in Har- lingen. ;A search by city officials is un- derway to replace him. With public works' experience in Longview and Denton, LaBeau, 38, said this career change is in line with his goals. "I've been on a city manager career track, and this is another step toward that goal," LaBeau said. "I feel very fortunate to have had this experience in Bryan - College Station. It's a very pro- "I've been on a city manager career track, and this is another step toward that goal." JOE LABEAU College Station director of public works gressive and extremely profes- sional area of government to work in." For the past five years, LaBeau's responsibilities in- cluded the street and drainage departments, sanitation collet tion and landfills, and the city's recycling program. As assistant city manager, he'll now oversee the internal operations of Har- lingen. LaBeau's last day in the office is Nov. 5. Tom Brymer, assistant city manager, said finding a replace- ment for LaBeau will take about 90 days. Brymer said the city will start the process immediately, evaluat- ing internal and external candi- dates. Mark Smith, assistant director of public services will serve in the interim. Bike • From Al the plan. Owners advertised in the Texas A &M student news- paper to inform students on the benefits of bicycling and the Bikeway Master Plan. Burrito shop Pierre Dube, co -owner and gen- eral manager of Freebird's, leads wa y for agreed to hang a bike from the ceiling and allow an informa- tional table in the restaurant be- cause he's giving the plan full CS bike trail support. "Businesses should set a good example by being responsible," said Dube. By YVONNE SALCE The Freebird chain started at Eagle staff writer the University of Santa Barbara in Isla Vista, Calif., where Dube Freebird's World Burrito isn't just attended school. pushing bean and beef burritos — it's in "Eight out of 10 students in the business of biking, too. Santa Barbara cycle," he said. The Northgate restaurant and the "They have a bike path. With all Texas Bicycle Coalition teamed up two the parking problems here, I was weeks ago to promote community sup- surprised College Station didn't." port for College Station's proposed Bike- Local bike shops have joined way Master Plan. the cause as well. If the College Station City Council ap- The Bikeway Master Plan proves the plan Oct. 28, the city would would provide a safe loop around apply for more than $1 million in federal College Station connecting resi- funding for the enhancement project. dential areas, Post Oak Mall and Ed Hard, transportation planner for eight city parks. It also includes College Station, said community support three additional bike routes. is a vital factor in securing the Bikeway Hard said the City of Bryan Master Plan. may integrate itself with the plan "We need community support in order eventually. Dallas and Austin to get the master plan adopted," Hard already have bike paths. If ap- said. "If the council sees that, they will proved by the College Station City more than likely approve it." Council, the application to the Freebird's started a bikeway campaign Texas Department of Transporta- Oct. 8. The restaurant, famous for its tion could take six months before Super Monster Burrito, has attained a check is cut. more than 3,000 signatures in support of Danise Hauser, local spokes - woman for the Texas Bicycle Co- Please see BIKE, page A6 alition — an organization advo- cating better bicycling access, safety and education, said public response to the proposed bike path has been phenomenal. "It's an issue that a lot of people support," said Hauser. "We've Thursday, October 21, 1993 been overjoyed with the success of this project." The Eagle Freebird's and the bicycle co- alition exceeded their goal of 2,000 signatures within the first week. Mike Moses, a spokesman for Freebird's and graduate student at A &M, said the bike path would . create a . more amiable atmos- phere between drivers and cy- clists. • `-o The City of College Station is accepting applications for: GIS TECHNICIAN Responsible for development and mainte- nance of geo-base (including map and data- bases). Assists in quality assurance of data acquisition and updates. Requires in -depth knowledge of Autocad and ARCINFO GIS software. Familiarity with mapping, surveying, and engineering principles and practices as applied to municipal systems. Salary-$11.27/hour Deadline to apply: 5 pm, Friday, October 29,1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opp —nity Employer Sunday, October 24, 1993 The Eagle ` moo The City of Colee ton is J accepting 'applications Cio Crew leader Public Utilities This poistion provides direct leadership and assistance to field personnel involved in the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Sys - I B" Texas CDL and must maintain appropriate certification as required. Salary-$9. MondaY, November 1, Deadline to apply: 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9960 TX 77842 College Station, Equal Opp -twity &-Ploy- • Explosive situation at area convenience store r 26, agle By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer A tense afternoon ended in a puff of black smoke at a Bryan airfield Monday as College Station firefighters detonated a bomb found outside a local convenience store. No one was injured in the incident. The three -hour ordeal began just before 1 p.m. when a customer at the Circle K store in Bryan on Texas 21 at the East Bypass saw a pipe with wires hanging out of it on the ground just yards away "Great, if it blows, I'm gone, too." JENNIFER RUEDA Circle K assistant manager from the gas pumps, said Jennifer Rueda, assistant manager. "He was out there pumping gas, and he had noticed it (the bomb) laying out in the drive," she said. Rueda said it looked like about six in- ches of metal pipe with electrical tape wrapped around one end and a red wire hanging out the other end like a fuse. She went back inside the store to call police and her husband. Her husband, who is familiar with the oil industry, told her it sounded like a type of explosive de- vice used in the oil field. He also warned her that such a device could be set off by a radio frequency, like a CB, or simple movement. Regardless, Rueda stood over the de- vice, motioning motorists away, until police and fire officials arrived. As she stood there, Rueda said she kept thinking: "Great, if it blows, I'm gone, too." When Bryan Fire Department Deputy Chief Robert Tucker showed up with police, he agreed with Rueda's husband. He said it appeared to be an initiator charge — which is used by the oil in- Eagle photo/ Michael Mulvey Wearing a anti -bomb suit, Lt. Brad Clark of the C. S. Fire Department climbs into a dump truck used Please see EXPLOSIVE, page A2 to transport a bomb found at the Circle K on Texas 21. The bomb was detonated at Coulter Field. Bikers support CS bikeway master plan By T Mark SALCE Eagle staff writer Texas A &M students Chris Lingan and Orlando DeLeon said they've wrecked their bikes one too many times on Uni- versity Drive. The two avid cyclists said it's easy to get caught between the curb and the road on University Drive and the bikers get cut off because drivers have the right of way. Both Lingan and DeLeon agree the lim- ited space allowed for their two -wheel ride is not enough; they support the pro- posed College Station Bikeway Master Plan up for city council approval on Thursday. "I'm all for it, " said Lingan, a 21 -year- old zoology major. "It would be more convenient and safer for cyclists and drivers." "I'm all for it." CHRIS LINGAN A&M student The Bikeway Master Plan concept in- cludes a number of bike path projects that could be implemented now and in the future. One project provides a safe loop around city. If the College Station City Council approves the plan, the city could apply for more than $1 million in federal funding for the first enhancement project. Freebirds World Burrito, a Northgate restaurant, and the Texas Bicycle Coali- tion, an Austin -based bicycle advocacy group, have collected more than 3,000 signatures in favor of the plan. The two groups have been soliciting support for the plan from Texas A &M students and local businesses as well. Pe- titions can be found at any of the bike shops in College Station, Richard Hubbard, a manager at Valley Cyclery, said that "it's about time," Col- lege Station accommodate cyclists. The problem, Hubbard said, is not just safety, but education as well. "There has got to be education out there about the laws," he said. " When You don't act like a responsible bike rider, you cause problems and annihilate other cyclists." College Station City Council meets to- day at 3 p.m. for a workshop. The public hearing for the Bikeway Master Plan will be during the council's regular meeting on Thursday at 7 p.m. in city hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue. Shots felt around the Valley Photo&/ Michael Mulvey t Marvin Tate of Bryan (left) and Larry Ringer of College Station get their flu shots Tuesday during the kickoff for the 'Shots Across the Brazos Valley' campaign. The mayors, members of theHealth Smart Coalition and others gather in the Student Services Building at Texas A &M to participate in the event to remind folks it's time to get a flu shot. 125 Legal Notices 526-4416J441 7. The City of Jewett reserves the right to award the bids to the bidder offering the best value. Right is reserved by the City of Jewett to acc orals reject any or all bid prof and to waive all formalities in bidding. 10 -2 1 1.03-94,11 9 6 - 093 Thursday October 28, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NO TI- BID THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATON IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHOTOGR RMP E9407C. SERVICES Proposals will be ceived in l-e ng I the office of the e� at Utility es Manager 1601 Gra- Service Center, JS bikeway plan to get longer look By YVONNE SALCE Eagl staff writer I Opponents of the College Station Bike- way Master Plan convinced the city council to take a longer look at the $1 mil- lion project before giving it the OK. Phone calls from homeowners oppos- ing the bike plan have plagued city coun- cilmembers for the past week. And during Wednesday's workshop meeting, five people living on the pro- posed bike route spoke out, and out of turn, against the enhancement project. The residents are concerned that bike lanes in their neighborhood would elim- inate parking along the curb and lower property values. Mayor Larry Ringer sided with resi- dents and encouraged the city's transpor- tation planner, Ed Hard, to consider bike routes and not bike lanes. "To put in a bike lane as opposed to a bike route is a very major change for that street (Glade Street)," Ringer said. The proposed Bikeway Master Plan in- cludes a number of bike path projects. One project provides a 7 -mile loop around the city. Once constructed, the annual road maintenance cost on the bike loop would be $125,000. Federal funds will help build the bike path, but not maintain it — another ar- gument made by opponents. Maintenance would result in a tax rate increase of about 1 cent. Councilmem- bers agreed the bike plan was a good idea but not at the expense of a tax increase. College Station residents have already seen a property tax increase this year. Hard said results from a survey say 70 percent of the population supported the Bikeway Master Plan. The plan is up for a vote by the council tonight at its regular 7 p.m. meeting in city hall. Council OKs Bikeway Master Plan By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer Some sat in seats, others on the floor. But the folks with "We Like Bikes" stick- ers on their lapels kept coming and com- ing until it was standing room only. Glade Street and the Bikeway Master Plan were the hot topics at Thursday night's College Station City Council meeting. More than 50 people, including cyclists and Glade Street residents, showed up for the public hearing. But the issue for Glade residents was not to eliminate the Bikeway Master Plan — just revise it Half the people present stood up to air views for the plan and for changes in the plan. No one spoke against it. And after three hours, both parties ap- plauded — literally — when the council unanimously adopted the Bikeway Mas- ter Plan. The council revised the plan so that Glade Street remains a bike route and doesn't become a bike lane. Glade Street residents were concerned with the original proposal of the plan — changing their street from a bike route to a bike lane, where parking along the curbside would be eliminated. The council also said that under the master plan, any bike lanes proposed for a residential street would have to come before council again. The plan includes a number of bike paths, routes and lanes that could be im- plemented now and in the future. In or- der for the city to be eligible to compete for federal funding, the plan had to be adopted by Nov. 4. With that, the council also approved a $1.3 million College Station Bike Loop Project, a small portion of the master plan. The loop makes it possible for cy- clists to travel safely around the city. Col- lege Station will also join Bryan in apply- ing for funding for a joint city bike map. With the bike map, Bryan and College Station would provide 20 percent of the funding — about $2,600 from each city. At the start of the meeting, the atmos- phere was tense. At one point, Mayor Larry Ringer jokingly suggested adjourn- ing the meeting before the public hear- ing. And Mayor Pro Tem Fred Brown, not- ing this was the biggest turnout at a council meeting in a long time, asked Danise Hauser, local spokeswoman for the Texas Bicycle Coalition, if she could rally up the same amount of people for a bond election. Hauser presented 3,000 signatures of people in favor of the plan. She com- mended the council on their long -range goal to make College Station a "biker - friendly" city. College Station resident Jonathan Coo - persmith agreed. "Overall the plan is very good and would further advance the quality of life in College Station," he said. Glade Street homeowner Jacqueline Gramann said she found herself in a strange position, because her family bikes but she didn't want parking elim- inated along her street. "I'm all 100 per- cent behind biking," she said. Residents can view the master plan at city hall. After approval of all the bike projects, Ringer ended the meeting by inviting cy- clists to stay for the oil and gas public hearing, and asked, "Is there anyone home on Glade Street tonight ?" In other business, the council approved an increase in sewer rates. The resi- dential flat rate of $16.80 per household will increase to $17.70. The monthly service charge on water will increase as well — depending on the size of a household's meter. Bill Riley, division manager for water and wastewater, said 90 percent of cus- tomers will see no change in their water bill. "That's because the residential cus- tomer has a standard meter size of three - quarters of an inch," Riley said. "Your service charge is based on your meter size because -there is more demand on the system." Larger water meter users will see a change in their service charge, he said, rather than the 5 percent increase orig- inally proposed on usage. Riley said unfunded federal environ- mental mandates were part of the reason for the increase in water and wastewater rates. Also, he said, the council has been working toward a cost-of-service system, in which the three entities — water, sewer and electric — become self - sufficient. The changed rate structure works toward that goal. Friday, October 29, The Eagle 1993 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATON IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR FIREFIGHTER WINTER JACKETS RFP. 94 -08. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchas- ing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on November 9, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the Fight "10' waive br, reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 10-29-93,11-05-93 0 • Cj*4!0f The City of College Station is ac- cepting applications for: FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST The Fire protection Specialist will review devel- opment plans and construction documents, per- form function test of Fire Protection systems, con- duct safety inspections, and enforce fire protection codes. Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree in en$k neenng, construction science, or related field with an emphasis on fire protection or acceptable equiva- lent. Extensive knowledge of modern fire revention principals and practices, fire safety codes and re- a laws, and fire inspection procedures is re- uired. Certification in plans review and code en- cement are preferred. f Salary: $2019 - 2554 /month D.O.Q. Deadline to apply: November 17, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer c Th e City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department is accepting applications for: Night Park Attendant This position will be responsible for security for "Christmas in the Park." Hours: 9:00pm to 4:00am 5:00pm to 6:00pm on certain days Pay: $5.50/hour Deadline to apply: Monday, November 8,1993 Apply ID: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Sunday, October 31, 1993 The Eagle 4. The City of College Station Public VA applic Utilities Department is accepting ations for: UTILITY TECHNICIAN This poistion performs daily tasks of con- struction and mai ntai n i ng electrical power I Ines and provide lineman with assistance. Salary: $6.29/hour LINE TECHNICIAN Responsible for supervising the activities of a crew engaged in the installation and mainte- nance of service lines and distribution lines. Must be skilled in working with energized high and low voltage lines. Salary: D.O.Q. Deadline to apply for both position will be 5 p.m. Thursday, November 4, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer The City of College Station is ac- (l cepting applications for: ` CONTAINER COORDINATOR This position will have the responsibility to organize, maintain and repair the sanitation division's refuse container inventory. Qualifications include a valid Texas Class B Drivers license. Applicants must have the abil- ity to maintain inventory and knowledge of inventory control and knowledge of inventory control and purchasing procedures. Salary: $8.15/hour Deadline to apply : Friday, November 12, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal opportunity Employer • e • NOTICE TO BIDDERS 'HE CITY OF COLLEGE 3TATON IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR TELE- PHONE SYSTEM (PBX) IN- CLUDING ALL HARD- WARE, SOFTWARE, AND INSTRUMENTS, RFP. 93 -61. Proposals will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 1993. All pro- posals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of C01- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said proposal and to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 11-01-93,11-0 ;Monday, November 1, 1993 The Eagle • C7 The City of College Station / Parks & Recreation Department is accepting applications for: Night Park Attendant This position will be responsible for security for "Christmas in the Park" Hours: 9:OOpm to 4:OOam 5:00pm to 6 :00pm on certain days Pay: $5.50our Deadline to apply. Monday, November 8,1993 Apply m: City of College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Wednesday, November 3, 1993 The Eagle • � 01 • The City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department is C1441f accepting applications for: Night Park Attendant This position will be wsp"sible for security for "Christmas in the Park" Hours: 9 :00pm to 4:OOam 5:00prn m 6:OOpm on ceitain days Pay: $5.50our . Deadline m apply: Mondjay, November 8,1993 Apply m: City 4 College Station Human Resources Department PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal oPp°'a'nity Emp Thursday, November 4, 1993 The Eagle • • • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2039 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17 V.T.C.S. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of ttde city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS RELATING TO 125 Legal Notices SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. The rates shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or after November 1, 1993. Ordinance No. 2039 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary,. at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11 -05- 93,11 -06 -93 Friday, November 5, 1993 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2038 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252.17 V.T.C.S. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, RE- LATING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. The rates shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or after November 1, 1993. Ordinance No. 2038 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-05-93,11-06-93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2037 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17 V.T.C.S. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6 -D.2, 6 -D.3, AND 9 -I, OF CHAPTER 9 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SUBDIVISION REGULA- TIONS PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FEES BY RESOLUTION AND CLARIFYING SUB- MISSION REQUIRMENTS. Any person who violating any 125 Legal Notices provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2037 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-05-93,11-06 NOTICE TO ALL PERSON HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF JAMES C. MILLER, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JAMES C. MILLER, Deceased, were is- sued on October 28, 1993, in Cause No. 9028 pending in the County Court at Law No. 2 of Brazos County, Texas, to DOROTHY S. MILLER, Independent Executrix. The residence of such Inde- pendent Executrix is College Station, Texas. The post of- fice address is: Dorothy S. Miller c/o William S. Thornton Thornton, Payne, Watson 8 Kling P.C., Attorneys at Law P.O. Drawer E Bryan, Texas 77805 All persons having claims_ against this Estate, which is currently being administered are required to present therr within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 299th day of Oc tober, 1993. THORNTON, PAYNE WATSON & KLING, P.0 BY: /s/Wiliiam S. Thorntor Attorneys for the Estat< 11 -05 -93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATON IS REQUESTINC BIDS FOR FIREFIGHTEF WINTER JACKETS RFP 94 -08. Bids will be receive in the office of the Purchas ing Agent at City Hall, 110 Texas Avenue, Colleg Station, Texas 77845, unt 2:00 p.m. on November c 1993. All bids received aftE that time will be returne unopened. The City of Cc legs Station reserves th right to waive or reject an and all bids or any and all ii regularities in said bid and t accept the offer considers most advantageous to th City. Specifications may b obtained at the office of th Purchasing Agent. 10- 29- 93,11 -05 -93 C] • • L EGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO, 2037 WAS PASSED AND AP PROVED ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL - L( aE STATION meeting in re,uiar session at the Co lege Station City said meeting having been Art. in accordance with 6252 -17 V.T. ay C.S. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city , is cap tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6-D.2,6-D.3, AND 9 -I, OF CHAPTER 9 OF THE Saturday, November 6, The Eagle 125 Leg Notices CODE OF ORDINANCES, SUBDIVISION REGULA- TIONS PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FEES BY RESOLUTION AND CLARIFYING SUB- MISSION REQUIRMENTS. Any person who violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2037 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City charter. The complete text of :he above named ordinance nay be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11-05-93.11-06-93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2038 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting In regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17 V.T.C.S. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city is cap - tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, RE- LATING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set ouf in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. The rates shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or after November 1993 1 1, 1993. Ordinance No. 2038 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11 -05- 93,11 -06 -93 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2039 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 28, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17 V.T.C.S. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. The rates shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or after November 1, 1993. Ordinance No. 2039 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 11 -05- 93,11 -06 -93 j t34 M11 u. 4r ,� � `• The City of College Station is ac- If cepting applications for: CONTAINER COORDINATOR This position will have the responsibility to organize, maintain and repair the sanitation division's refuse container inventory. Qualifications include a valid Texas Class D Drivers license. Applicants must have the abil- ity to maintain inventory and knowledge of inventory control and knowledge of inventory control and purchasing procedures. Salary: $8.15/hour Deadline to apply : Friday, November 12, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opp —nky Employer Sunday, November 7, 1993 The Eagle (knof Th e City of College Station is ac- cepting applications for: FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST The Fire protection Specialist will review devel- opment plans and construction documents, per- form function test of Fire Protection systems, con- duct safety inspections, and enforce fire protection codes. Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree in enf neering, construction science, or related field with an emphasis on fire protection or acceptable equiva- lent. Extensive knowledge of modern fire prevention principals and practices, fire safety codes and re- lated laws, and fire inspection procedures is re- quired. Certification in Plans review and code en forcement are preferred. Salary: $2019- 2554 /month- D.O.Q. Deadline to apply : November 17, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal opportunity 6 i pioyw 0 0 a NOTICE Ut- PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing to consider a rear setback variance request by Gunnar and Mona Finne at 2608 Cumberland Court . The hearing will be held at the College Station City Hall Council Room, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. NOVEMBER 10, 1993 WEDNESDAY B /CS EAGLE cel The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Exciting new position for System Analyst. This analyst will be responsible for G66CADAUility Mapping S To quali ke fZ, applicant must ha a computer science related degree or a mini, mum of 3 years experience as a system analyst. Applicant must have expeience using UNIX and a RDI MS. Woriong knowledge d DOS and Novell operating systems, personal oomputerappIdons, and hartl vm a prix The candidate should have wtstarding comrnuni- cation skills to work with all levels of personnel within the organiza- tion. Excellent benefit package included. Salary $2,083 /month Deadline to apply: November 30, 1993 Apply to City of College Station - Human Resources Deparkne t PO Box 9%0 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER C.S. City Council will hold workshop today at 4 p.m. College Station City Council might make some changes in the 1993-94 an- pttm u arent''s t enforcement of the ce seat belt law. With the amount of overtime needed to enforce the law, a to appr t ame �e ment is being prop additional funds. Council members will have a work- shop meeting today at 4 P.M. in city hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue. Presentations on changing the name of the public utilities department and Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant will be discussed. The council meets for its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday in city hall. • CS wants to change people's view of public utilities The City of College Station plans to change the perception of public utili- ties to community -owned utilities over the next decade. Linda Piwonka, executive director for management services, told a city council workshop Wednesday that the city plans to increase public aware- ness of how locally -owned utilities benefit citizens. Community -owned utilities keep profits circulating within the city; profits are not distributed to non -local stockholders. There are 74 communi- ty-owned systems in the state of Texas. Other presentations at the meeting Included a list of proposed enhance- ments to the Carter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bill Riley, division manager of water and wastewater, asked the council to authorize $5.9 mil- lion in mandated improvements for the plant and $3 million in non - mandated enhancements. The federal 'mandated requirements must be met Jy October 1995. Riley asked the council to grant the job to Camp, Dresser & McKee, an en- gineering design firm that is already camiliar with the project. The item is on the councils agenda :onight; it meets at 7 p.m. in the Col - ege Station Municipal Building, 11o1 South Texas Avenue. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 B /CS EAGLE • CS council OKs annexation plans The College Station City Council agreed to start annexation proce- dures on outlying areas of the city Thursday night. Three residents of the Foxfire area, one of the four areas being annexed, spoke out against their property southeast of town becom- ing part of College Station; Mayor Pro Tem Fred Brown sided with the residents. "I don't think we ought to force ourselves on anyone who doesn't want us," Brown said. But one councilman disagreed. Councilman Hub Kennady said it's city policy that anyone who receives city services should be an- nexed. Some of the Foxf1re resi- dents receive College Station water. The council gave city planners approval to start annexation proce- dures on all properties except on the portion of land owned by resi- dents who spoke out. Hubbard was the only vote opposing exempting the residents. In other action, the council amended the 1993 -94 annual budget to accommodate funding for more stringent seat belt enforcement. A presentation by the Conventton & Visitors Bureau reported to the council that $93 million in tourism was generated in the Brazos Valley last year. Tourism is the No. 3 money - making industry in Texas. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION, EAGLE r] The City of College Station is accepting applications for: RECORDS TECHNICIAN POLICE DEPARTMENT C? The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Exciting new position for System Analyst. This analyst will be responsible for GIS/SCADWtility Mapping System o qualify, applicant must have a computer science related degree or a mini- mum of 3 years experience as a system analyst Applicant must have experience using UNIX and a RD �Wedat on D06 and Novell orating systems pe I orkng P� g �awl applic hardware a pus The candidate should have ounst In communi- cation skills to work with all levels of personnel within the organiza- tion. Excellent benefit package included. Salary: $2,083 /month Deadline to apply November 30,1993 Apply to Cdy of College Station Hunan Resources Departrnent PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYE This position deals with the general public on a daily basis. Must have the ability to accurately and efficiently maintain complex clerical records and prepare detailed reports. This position requires shift work, includingweek- ends and holidays. Must have working knowledge of the Texas Penal Code, Open Records Act and NCIC/TCIC entry procedrures. Salary: $1293 /month Deadline to apply: November 24, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE The City of College Station is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Exciting new position for System Analyst This analyst will be rmsponsible for GIS/SC/ DAUtility.Mapping Sys�an To qualify, applicant most have a computer saence related dee or a mini- mum o(3 years experience as a system analy4 ge o( � experience sang UNIX and a RD Ica<IOns and and Novell ooppeerating systems, per rsonal oom hardwareaplus . The candidate should have ingRoommuni- cation skil Is to work with al I levels of personnel withi n the organiza- tion. Excellent benefit package included. Salary: $2,083/month Deadline to apply: November 30,1993 ,repl to: City of colkW Station Hunun,Resoura* Deparhr>ent PQ Box 9960 4 1101 S. Texas Ave. Colkgle Stafim, TX 77842 EQUAL O PPORTUNIT Y EMPLOYER 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the rezoning of a 2.37' acre tract located adjacent and to the east of the Cedar Creek Condominiums of One Lincoln Place from R -1A Single Family Residential to R -2 Duplexes. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, December 2, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11 -17 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the rezoning of 13.65 acres generally located along the west side of Dartmouth Drive approximately 150' north of the intersection of Colgate Clrcle and Dart- mouth Drive. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, December 2, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11 -17 -93 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATON IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR FIVE (5) SE- DANS, 4 -DOOR, BID NO. 94-12. Bids will be received in'the.office of the Purchas- ing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on November 29, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI - lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 11-12-93,11-19-93 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE • Now Bryan needs a bike plan like College Station College Station Council members are to be commended for the passage of the Bikeway Master Plan at the meeting on Oct. 28. Especially appreciated is the bike loop project. It is important to the area to provide a safe environment for those who choose to use bicycles, either for physical exercise or as an alternative means of transportation. When additional bike lanes are pro- posed in the future we would urge the cit- izens of College Station to remember that the safety of the riders is of paramount importance. We would also strongly en- courage the city to implement a bicycle safety plan that includes the education of non - bikers in the rules and preferred eti- quette of mixed bicycle - automobile traf- fic in the streets. Hopefully in the near future Bryan also will develop plans for bikeways, which will integrate with the College Station plan. NAOMI FACKLER College Station SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAG ` �j The City of College Station /J is accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Exciting new position for System Analyst. This analyst will be responsible for GLYSCADMItility Mapping S To quaff ' ve applicant must ha a computer science related degree or a mini- mum of 3 years experience as a system analyst Applicant must have e rieno using UNIX and a RDBMS. Worlang edge of DOS and Novell rating systems, personal rnmputer app�icaticn and hardware aplus. The candidate shculd have oubiaridin communi- cation sld I Is to work with all levels of persmnd within the organiza- tion. Excellent benefit package included. Salary: $2,083 /month Deadline to apply: November 30,1993 Apply t- City of Collier station Human Resources Deparhnent PO Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Stamm, TX 77842 EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Christmas in the Park set for bright lighting ceremony More than 100,000 bulbs will brighten when the lighting ceremony for College Station's Christmas in the Park takes place at 6:30 tonight. Central Park on Krenek Tap Road will turn into a holiday wonderland with lighted displays of Santa's sleigh and reindeer, stars, messages of good will and a nativity scene through Dec. 31. The ceremony will feature music by local choirs, refreshments, a hayr- ide and a mini - bonfire. Due to severely limited parking, spectators are encouraged to utilize shuttle bus service running every 15 minutes to and from the K -Mart park- ing on Texas Avenue. Krenek Tap Road is closed due to construction, and the East Bypass feeder road is now one -way south on the east side of Cen- tral Park. The annual display is sponsored by College Station Parks & Recreation Department and Waltman & Associ- ates. CS officer shoots himself in foot A College Station police officer was shot in the foot when the 12 -gauge shotgun he was carrying to a distur- bance accidentally went off. Officer Michael Denham was taken by ambulance to Brazos Valley Medi- cal Center where he underwent sur- gery to remove shotgun pellets from his left foot. He was listed in satisfac- tory condition late Monday, a spokes- man said. The shooting is under investigation. Six weeks ago officers finished an internal investigation into a early - morning shooting involving Denham, 27. Denham shot a knife - wielding stab- bing suspect who charged toward him while threatening to kill him Aug. 7. The shooting was ruled justifiable with the investigation finding that the officer acted appropriately when he shot Robert Moore five times. In Sunday's incident, Denham was backing up another officer at a distur- bance in the 100 block of Luther Street at about 8 p.m. when the accident hap- pened. He was carrying the shotgun from his car toward the residence when the gun accidentally discharged; the bul- let hit the top of the officer's foot, police said. It is uncertain when the officer will return to duty, said Chief Ed Feldman. The patrol cars are equipped with a shotgun. It is standard procedure for an officer to take the shotgun along on certain calls, Feldman said. Denham has been with the depart- ment for a year. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STAITON EAGLE 125 L egal Notices put regarding an appliction for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources Company, P.O. Box 7, Fort Worth, Texas 76101 -0007. The proposed Drilling Site is located outside the City Li- mits approximately 724 feet south of Rock Prairie Road and approximately 5002 feet northwest of Greens Prairie Raod on land owned by James and Ruby Freeman, Jerry Windham, Frank Thur- mond, Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, Marion W. Creagor Individual and Executor of James C. Creagor, George Creagor, Nancy Creagor, Michael Creagor, and Susan Helm. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, December 9, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1 -800 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 11 -24 -93 PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an appliction for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Clayton Wil- liams Energy, Inc., Six Desta Drive Suite 3000, Midland, Texas 79705. The proposed Drilling Site is located outside the City Li- mits approximately 600 feet east of Bird Pond Road and approximately 1880 feet north of Rock Prairie Road on land owned by Edward M. Kelley. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council 125 Legal Notices on Thursday, December 9, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1 -800 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 11 -24 -93 PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in put regarding an applictior for a Permit to Conduc Operations for the Discover} and Production of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydroca bons. The applicant is Clayton Wil- liams Energy, Inc., Six Desta Drive Suite 3000, Midland, Texas 79705. The proposed Drilling Site is located outside the City Li- mits approximately 830 feet southeast of Bradley Road and approximately 2580 feet north of Rock Prairie Road on land owned by Rex T. Carrol. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col - lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, December 9, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 1 1 -24 -93 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 Legal No tices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the re- zoning of a 2.37 acre tract lo- cated adjacent and to the east of the Cedar Creek Condominiums of One L ln- coln Place from R -1A Singie Family Residential to R -2 Duplexes. The hearing will be held In the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m, meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, December 9, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -29891 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11.24 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the re- zoning of 13.65 acres gen- erally located along the west side of Dartmouth Drive ap- proximately 150' north of the Intersection of Colgate Circle and Dartmouth Drive. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, December 9, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 4E hours before the meeting. Tc 125 Legal Notices nake arrangements call ;409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. =or additional Information, Tease contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11 -24 -93 a �� ��- a, X453 125 Lega Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request to the parking requirements at 600 Dominik for the Polo Club II Apartments. The hearing will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjusment on Tuesday December 7, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 'I 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, i please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel I Staff Planner 11 -26 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider special exception request to allow an addition to the building located at 209 Dominik. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjusment on Tuesday December 7, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue.N0?C1% Any regB6.9t6br sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired riwit be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrAffgements call (409) 764-3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -289. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11.26 -93 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE Lighting up Brazos Valley Seven- year -old Emily Noel Polander admires the Christmas scenes in College Station's Ceniral Park during Tuesday night's light^a ceremony. More than 100,000 lights glitter throughout he rk. The Kinney family — 2- year -ofd Lori (right), mom Kelli, dad Mike and 4- year -old Aaron — enjoys the lighting ceremony at Central Park. In addition to the lights, hay rides ran thoughout the evening. • Time to deck the halls for `Parade of Lights' contest 'Tis the season to deck the halls for t 1993 "Parade of Lights" contest. The annual exterior Christmas dec- orating contest is for homes, busi- nesses and neighborhoods within the City limits of Bryan or College Station. C Awards will be presented in several ategories including home, street, neighborhood and business. Entries will be judged on drive by appeal, theme, creativity, use of color, overall appearance, use of lights and design quality. The entry deadline is 5 p.m. on Dec. 7. Winners will be announced on Dec. 13. The "Winners and Participation Map" featuring the decorated areas LN111 be available free on Dec. 14 at Randall's. Trolley tours will be offered Dec. 16-18. For more information call Bryan arks & Recreation at 361 -3656, or Col - ege Station Parks & Recreation at 64 -3486. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGL • Public Notice ;Ity of College Station Community Development The City of College Station Community Development Of- fice is issuing public notice that the office building lo- cated at 1200 Foster, Col- lege Station, currently occu- pied by Community De- velopment Program staff, no longer provides adequate space. A determination re- garding the use of 1200 Fos- ter has not been made at this 12 Legal Notices time but it is anticipated that the building will be used for an activity that meets a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Objective. For more informa- tion or to comment on the use of 1200 Foster, contact Jo Carroll, Community De- velopment Administrator, at (409) 764 -3778. No public comments received after December 31, 1993 will be considered. 11 -28 -93 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE S`T'ATION EAGLE t 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will consider a conditional use permit request to allow a res- taurant/bar to be located in suites 307 and 309 in the 505 University Shopping Center. This request will be con- sidered by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, December 16, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -01 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the rezoning of a 2.37 acre tract located adjacent and to the east of the Cedar Creek Condominiums of One Lincoln Place from R -1A Single Family Residential to R -2 Duplexes. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, December 16,1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -01 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider the rezoning of 13.65 acres generally located along DECEMBER 1, 1993 BRYAN, COLLEGE STA'T'ION EA LE 125 Legal Notices the west side of Dartmouth Drive approximately 150' north of the intersection of Colgate Circle and Dart- mouth Drive. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, December 16, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -01 -93 CS City Council articulates vision to parks and rec board City leaders would like to see a broader range of activities in College Station to meet all ages. The officials envision periodic customer surveys, more passive activities designed and a fee structure established to cover capi- tal improvements for sporting fields. The suggestions were from the city council to the College Station Parks and Recreation Board during contin- ued talks Tuesday evening over a pro- posed parks master plan. Parks and recreation board member Gayle Schmidt led an informal work- shop where council members ranked the importance of proposed changes. The volunteer board has met with res- idents and community leaders in the past few months. Steve Beachy, emergency manage- ment coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department, said the mas- ter plan should be complete by late spring. — Compiled from staff and wire reports • Thursday, December 2, Bryan /College Station Winicipal Judge Steve Smith tO leek court -at -law seat College Station lawyer and munici- I,al judge Steve Smith will become the first Republican and third announced candidate for County Court -at -Law No. 1 on Friday. Smith, 41, will make his formal an- nouncement at 12:15 p.m. Friday in the College Station Municipal Courtroom, located in the municipal court build- ing behind the College Station Police Department, 2611 -A Texas Ave. S. Two -term incumbent Judge Claude Davis announced in early November that he'll step down when his term ex- pires at the end of 1994. Assistant County Attorney Jack Pharriss and Assistant District Attorney Jim Locke have both announced they'll run as Democrats for Davis' seat. Candidate filing for next year's races begins Friday. Smith, a partner in the law firm of Hoelscher, Lipsey, Elmore and Smith, has practiced law in Brazos County for almost 17 years. He has been a muni- cipal judge for six years — four years as an associate judge and the last two years as presiding judge. He lost his last bid for a county court -at -law bench in 1990 when he was defeated by Democrat Sarah Ryan for the County Court -at -Law No. 2 seat. 1993 Eagle • I L;s fire department rolls out new pumper fire truck today The city of College Station will un- veil the latest addition to its fire de- partment today. In a short ceremony at 2:30 p.m. in front of Central Fire Station, Fire Chief Bill Kennedy will officially enter anew fire engine, or pumper, into ser- vice, said Bob Yancy, a spokesman for the city. Yancy said the purchase of the "unique" fire engine saved the city about $88,000. Unlike other pumpers in the department's fleet which are built on custom chassis, the new $135,000 engine was built on a commercial chassis with no compromise of per- formance or capability, city officials said. The last pumper on a custom chassis was purchased in 1991 for $223,000, he said. (W Friday, December 3, 1993 Bryan /College Station Eagle CS Judge Steve Smith running � - t -I for court a aw By JIM HINEY Eagle staff writer t C Saturday, December 4, 1993 Bryan /College Station Eagle dispensed fairly and College Station lawyer and municipal judge Steve Smith said Friday that his six years on the bench and 16 years in pri- vate practice make him the best candidate . to replace Judge Claude Davis in County Court -at -Law No. 1. "My major goal will be to see that justice is expeditiously," he said when he formally an- nounced his candidacy press conference in the municipal courtroom. SMITH during a short College Station Smith, 41, is the only Republican can- didate in the race so far. Filing for county offices began Friday. Two Democratic prosecutors, Assistant District Attorney Jim Locke and Assistant County Attor- ney Jack Pharriss, have also said they'll run for Davis' bench. Davis, a two-term incumbent Demo- crat, said he'll step down when his term expires at the end of next year. Smith said he wants to be County Court-at -Law No. 1 judge "to serve the people of Brazos County." He lost his last bid for a county court - at -law bench in 1990 when he was defeated by Democrat Sarah Ryan for the County Court-at -Law No. 2 seat. Smith, a partner in the law firm of Hoelscher, Lipsey, Elmore and Smith, has been a College Station municipal judge for the past six years and he said he's presided over 7,500 cases. He noted that he is the only candidate who has served as a judge. Smith said he has been on the faculty of the agency that teaches municipal judges since 1989. Smith said he's also actively involved in the church and community, including being a founding director and the first secretary of Brazos County CrimeStop- pers; serving as an officer or board mem- ber of the March of Dimes, Noon Opti- mist Club, MSC OPAS and Arts Council of the Brazos Valley; deacon at A &M Church of Christ; and current treasurer of the South Knoll Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization. Smith and his wife, Becky, have a 9- year -old son and a 6- year -old daughter, both students at South Knoll. The family lives in College Station. Make A Smile Happen Sunday, December 5, 1993 Bryan /College Station Eagle Eagle photo/ Dave McDermai College Station firefighter Raymond Olsen places a bag of gifts among oth- gifts was gathered from children attending the department's annual Chri; ers donated by the College Station Fire Department in the Make A Smile mas party. M *A *S *H will continue taking gifts at the tent site until Monde Happen tent in the Post Oak Mail parking lot on Saturday. The truck -load of For more information, call KORA at 776 -1240. CS Council considers money for local road improvements College Station City Council will have its regular meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in city hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue. Council members will consider au- thorizing $95,000 for road improve- ments to George Bush Drive and Well- born Road. The venture would include Bryan- College Station, Texas A &M and Brazos County. Road improve- ments would make access to the George Bush Presidential Library eas- ier. Residents opposed to rezoning the land south of Cedar Creek Condos and Lincoln from single - family housing to duplex property are expected to attend tonight's public hearing. • 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment wile consider a variance request, to the sign requirements at 1801 Rock Prairie Road, the Victoria Bank & Trust site. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board 125 Legal Notices of Adjusment on Tuesday December 7, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements r.all 125 Legal Notices (409) 764 -3547 or (l uD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -02 -93 Thursday, December 9, 1993 Bryan /College Station Eagle 0 r 'A NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR SUBSTATION BATTERIES AND ACCES- SORIES, BID NO 94 -16. Bids will be received in the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on December 28, 1993, All r Friday, December 10, 1993 Bryan /College Station Eagle 1 125 Legal Notices bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 12- 10- 93,12 -24 -93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE TURN -OUT) CLOTHING, BID NO. 94 -15. Bids will be received in the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on December 28, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 12 -03- 93,12 -10 -93 By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer George Bush may find himself driving down a newly constructed boulevard when he appears for the grand opening of his presidential li- brary in 1997. The College Station City Council approved entering a joint venture with Brazos County, Texas A &M and possibly the city of Bryan to fund de- sign for the widening of George Bush Drive. The Bryan City Council tabled the item at its last meeting and is ex- pected to vote next week. Each entity will contribute an es- timated $95,000 for improvements be- tween George Bush Drive and Well- born Road and FM 2818. The Texas Department of Transportation is ex- pected to help fund the construction as well. Council members also approved the first reading of allowing an addi- tional solid waste removal company to compete with the city and Texas Commercial Waste for business. Barry Mayfield, owner of Mayfield Trucking, came to the council to request a franchise from the city. His company would compete for the col- tion debris. Mayfield, who recently moved his business from Humble to the Bryan - College Station area, had been war- ned by the city for doing business without a franchise permit. It wasn't until recently that waste companies were required to have a franchise. Ron Schmidt, general manager of Texas Commercial Waste, asked the council not to grant the franchise on the basis that the current situation is working and has been for 14 years. The city of College Station charges $75 per haul of waste and TCW char- ges $85 per haul. The four council members in favor of the allowing a second franchise said it encourages free enterprise. Two more readings of the ordinance are scheduled for early next year. In January, BFI, another waste collec- tion company, is expected to come to council asking for a franchise as well. The council also approved the re- zoning of an eight -acre tract on Do- minik Drive near the Polo Club Apartments. The action will allow 208 apartment units — 20 more units than normally allowed in an R -6 dis- trict. Friday, December 10, 1993 Bryan /College Station Eagle Each entity will contribute an estimated $95,000 for improvements between George Bush Drive and Wellborn Road and FM 2818. The Texas Depart- ment of Transportation is expected to help fund the construction as well, Resident Jennie David of 410 Uni- versity Oaks Blvd. opposed the de- cision because of the existing parking problems in that area. "We're looking at a very dangerous parking problem with parking along the street," said David. Developers said they will provide 564 parking spaces and are willing to eliminate landscape if more are needed. CS approves joint Bush Drive venture '-^+in" of construction and demoli- S aturday,, December 11, 1993 Local /State City off icials have reservations over A &M hotel Campus convention center could be direct competitor to College Station Hilton By KARA BOUNDS and YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writers A Texas A &M official said Friday that the school's proposed conference center and hotel has brought nothing but posi- tive feedback from Bryan- College Station residents. "I have yet to find anyone in this com- munity who's not anything but en- thusiastic about the center," Robert Smith, vice president for finance and administration, told the Texas A &M Uni- versity System Board of Regents. On Thursday, however, Maher Hath- out, general manager of the College Sta- tion Hilton, told the Eagle that no one had contacted him about the proposal. The Hilton was cited in a Coopers & Lybrand analysis of the project as the hotel that would be most affected by an A &M center. College Station City Manager Ron Rag- land said Friday that Smith and Rick Floyd, associate vice president for finance and administration, briefed him about the center a couple of months ago. The meeting, however, was "very low key, low profile," Ragland said. "I think their concern was they wanted community leaders to know, ... but not the public, until it had gone to the re- gents," he said. Ragland said Smith and Floyd told him that the city of College Station wouldn't have to put up any money for the project. The university would donate the land, Ragland said he was told, and the center would be funded completely with private funds. Bryan City Manager Mike Conduf£ was unavailable for comment. But Larry Cat- lin, Bryan city councilman, said that al- though he was aware of the study, he didn't remember it coming up in any meetings. Like Ragland, Catlin said that until he sees the analysis, he can't say how the center would affect his city. The analysis was completed in March. "I would need a lot more information on what they intend to do and its full im- pact on the city of Bryan before I can say whether I'm for it or not," Catlin said. Floyd told the regents that A &M has been talking about building a campus conference center since at least the mid- 1980s. In the spring of 1992, he said, requests for proposals for a 200 -bed hotel and center were drafted. A &M officials stopped drafting these proposals, however, long enough to conduct a pri- vate analysis of how the center would af- fect the community, Floyd said. Friday's meeting at A &M marked the first time that the regents have been briefed about the center in open session. Smith's office will now wait for direc- tions from the board to proceed with the project, Floyd said. In other business, the regents unani- mously voted to name the State Head- quarters Building in honor of late Texas Gov. John B. Connally. "There is no one more fitting to name our state headquarters building after than John Connally," Margraves said. "He was the first Texas governor to step out and make higher education a real agenda item for our state." Dedication of the building is planned for early 1994. The regents also named C. Roland Ha- den director of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station. Haden is the new system vice chancel- lor for engineering and A &M dean of en- gineering. He will replace Kenneth L. Peddicord, who has served as TEES di- rector, interim dean of engineering and interim vice chancellor of engineering since 1991. Peddicord will now become deputy vice chancellor for engineering, executive as- sociate dean of engineering and deputy director of TEES. t The City of College station �� is accepting applications for: LINE TECHNICIAN ELECTRICAL DIVISION Applicants should have thorough knowledge of methods used in the line construction and maintenance field. Ability to work at moderate heights on high voltage conductors. Requirements: equivalent High School Diploma or GED Ability to obtain a Class A CDL Salary: $8.82 -10.60 -11.27 /hour Deadline to apply: 5 p.m Friday, Decernber 17,1493 Apply to: City of College station Hwnan Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity 6n pbyK Sunday, December 12, 19 Bryan /College Station Eagle 125 Lega Not ices A DVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS hith- Wolf Pen Creek o mpents, eater Site Imp City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bid tiding General Contract, in concrete sidewalks, concrete driveways addition, conc and I dance floor additions with concrete sound stag railing. The City of College Station will receive Bids until t the p.m., January 4, 1994, a office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after s time n sill n ot be accepted. ested parties are invited to at- i tend. Bids will be opened and t read aloud imrne diate ly afterr specified closing diately time. be exa Specifications may manied at the Parks and Re- creation Department office, 100o Krenek Tap Road, COI lege Station, Texas 77840, (409) 764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of Pay each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all meet Datl s -BB on Federal Wage Standards and rates. 12 -12- 93.12- 14 -c1'A 17J • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request to the parking requirementss at 600 Dominik for the Polo Club II Apartments. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, December 21, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -15 -93 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE • • L SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STA'T'ION EAGLE 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT rtequest for Qualifications FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Amphith- for the design of a roadway eater Site Improvements, known as George Bush City of College Station, Blvd. from Wellborn Rd. to Texas, Farm to Market 2818 In The City of College Station College Station, Texas. will receive sealed bids on a The City of College Station in General Contract, including cooperation with Texas A concrete sidewalks, concrete M University and Brazos driveways addition, concrete County has established the dance floor addition, and need to build a curbed and concrete sound stage with guttered boulevard roadway known at George Bush Blvd. railing. The City of College Station (F.M. 2347) from the inter - will receive Bids until 2:00 section at Wellborn Rd. westerly to the intersection p.m., January 4, 1994 , at the with F.M. 2818. The firm office of the Director of Parks submitting a qualification and Recreation Department, packet should have experi- 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- ence dealing with project in a lege Station, Texas. Bids multi - jurisdictional situation. received after this time will The above listed entities will not be accepted. All inter- have input into the project ested parties are invited to at- and the project will be built as tend. Bids will be opened and a state owned and mainted publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing facility. The design of this time. project will be to TxDOT Specifications may be exa- standards and specifications manied at the Parks and Re- and will be submitted to the creation Department Office, state for approval. 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- Firms interested is submitting lege Station, Texas 77840, qualifications letters with as- (409) 764 -3412. Copies may sociated information should be obtained at the same ad- have these packets in the of- dress. fice of the Director of Econ- Bid security in the amount of omic and Development Ser- 5% of the bid must accom- vice no later than December pany each bid in accord with 21, 1993 at 5:00 pm at the the Instruction to Bidders. College Station Municipal The City of College Station Bldg, 1101 S. Texas Avenue, reserves the right to waive ir- College Station, Texas regularities and to reject any 77842 12 -19 -93 or all bids. Bidders must meet Davis -Bacon Federal Wage Standards and rates. 12.12- 93,12 -19.93 • 0 0 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices � NOTICE OF NOTICEC�RFNG PUBgis HEARING a on Pla ning PUBLIC HEA T is ion will Commiss and Zone g The College Station Planning hold a public hearing to con and Zoning Commission will of 13.65 hold a public hearing to con- ,Sider the rezoning the rezoning of a 2.37 acre generally located along of Dartmouth Sider I acre with frontage along Lin- t h e west side Street, adjacent and be Drive approximately of coin hind lot 1, block 1i of One Lin- Creek north of the intersection Colgate Circle and a DD coin Place (Coder Condominiums) 'from R Residential tO mouth Drive, from u- plexes to R -5 Medium Den - Single Family R -2 Duplexes. held in hearin g will be sity Apartments. Roo will of the Col - The the Council Room of the 1 C001- Station City the ,ounrc I m legs Sttion City Hall, 1101 the 7:00 lege Texas Avenue at the 7:00 meeting of the Commis- Texas Avenue at p m , meeting of th January 6, p.m . Sion on Thursday, January 6, ursda Sion on Thy. 1994. Any request for sign interpre 1 ig n interpre A request for S for ther hearing tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 tive services impaired must be meeting. ao hours before the meeting. T° arrangements call hours before the make arrangements (TDD) make (409) 764-3547 or (TDD) (409) 764 -3547 or 735 -2989. 1 -500- 735 -2989. For additional information 1 -800- For additional information, office at (409)764 3570nning please contact the Planning please at (409)76 -3570. Office Sabine Kuenzel Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner Staff Plan WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2042 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 12- 17- 93,12 -24.93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REOUESTING BIDS FOR SUBSTATION BATTERIES AND ACCES- SORIES, BID NO 94 -16. Bids will be received in the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on December 28, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1993 125 Legal No tices tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 12-1 0-93,12-24-93 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 Legal Notices • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2042 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON DECEMBER 9, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, s4id meeting having been posted in accordance with Ti- tle 5, Texas Government Cbde, Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10, SECTION 2D OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, RELATING TO SPECIAL HAZARD INTER- SECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DE- CLARING THAT ATTEN- DANT FACTS NECESSI- TATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. This ordinance will allow the addition to stop signs at the following Intersections: Louise Street westbound at Second Street, and Cherry Street eastbound at Second Street. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty, set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2042 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 12- 17- 93,12 -24.93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REOUESTING BIDS FOR SUBSTATION BATTERIES AND ACCES- SORIES, BID NO 94 -16. Bids will be received in the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on December 28, 1993. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1993 125 Legal No tices tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 12-1 0-93,12-24-93 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE • • 000 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: BUILDING OFFICIAL Applicants must have two years supervi- soryexperience, and fiveyears related Build- ing experience, with the ability to direct all aspects of a Building Inspection/Enforce- ment Office. Duties include coordinating the activities of building, plumbing, electri- cal inspectors, plans check and administra- tive staff. Applicants must meet minimum qualifications established by S.B.C.C.I. Deadline to apply: January 31, 1994. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9 %0 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Ern*yer SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1993 BRYAN ?COLLEGE STATION EAGLE • Up BLIC NOTICE City The Colleg e City publ Council will hold in- in- hearing to receive public put regarding an applicati for a Permit to Conduct operations for the Discovery and Production of oil, Gas - and Associated I ons. a Energy The applicant is Sag Company, 10101 Reunion Place, SuRe 800, San An- tonio, Texas 78216. She is The proposed Dolling 800 approximately feet east of Roc northrie Road, and 800 of Bird Pond Road on the land of M.H. Carrol. It is on an existing oil well surface loca- tion. The Hearing will be held in the CRY of Coll1ge1 Station Council Room, m meet Avenue at the 7:00 p ing of the council on Thurs- day, January 13, 1994 The City Hall Building is wheelchair accesible. Handi- cap Parking Spaces area available to those in need of them. Any request for sign in- terpretive service must be made 49 hours befor the meeting. To ma ke ar a or ments, call (409) (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1 -800 -2989. For additional info rmat$ n. contact Development vices a409 764e3as venue or call ( 12 2g -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the re- zoning of 13.65 acre general ly located along the west side of Dartmouth Drive approxl- ma tely 150' north of the in- tersection of Colgate Circle and Dartmouth Drive, from R -2 Duplexes to R -5 Medium Density Apartments. 125 Legal Notices The hearing will be held in the Council Room loo of the loge Station City Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.m. meeting of the Comm's -ion on Thursday, January 13, 1994. Any request for sign interpre tive sery ices for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before thmeeting. t calol make arrang eme (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2 For additional information, please contact the Planning office at (409)764 -3570 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -29 -93 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1993 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE C]j • NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTIN( BIDS FOR FIREFIGHTEF PROTECTIVE (TURN -OUT CLOTHING, (MODEL 1840 RE -BID NO. 94 -15. Bids wi be received in the office o the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texa; 77845, until 2:00 p.m. or January 18, 1994. All bid: received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Irregularities In said bid and to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01- 03- 94,01 -10 -94 MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1994 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION EAGLE In Town Wexa s Zoning public hearings on tap in B -CS tonight Both Bryan and College Station will hold public hearings at separate plan- ning and zoning commission meetings tonight. Commissioners in Bryan are ex- pected to vote on whether a multiple - family residential development should be built on the southeast corner of the intersection of Jaguar Drive and Villa Maria Road. The proposed de- velopment would consist of seven de- tached four - plexes. The Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. in the Bryan Municipal Building, 300 South Texas Avenue. In College Station, commissioners will discuss two rezoning requests: re- zoning 13 acres along Dartmouth Street from duplex property to me- dium density apartments and rezon- ing 3 acres along Lincoln Street from single - family living to duplex prop- erty. The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission meets at 7 p.m. in city hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue. Both meetings are open to the public. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE �♦•d The City of College Station lq /J is currently seeking: TC Licensed Peace Officers and Non - Licensed Peace Officers Duties include regular patrol duties in a com- munity of 55,000 residents. Shift work required. The employee will be responsible for the en- forcement of civil, criminal and traffic laws. Requirements: High school diploma or GED, ability to relate well to the public, good written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to complete physical, psychological, and poly- graph examinations. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and possess ava lid Texas Drivers License. Entry level test will be held on Saturday, Febru- ary 12, 1994. Applications must be received before Friday, January 28, 1994. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Ave. P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE ei , The City of College Station I is accepting applications for: WATER SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC UUTILITIES DEPT. under the direction of the Division Manager, the Water Superintendent has responsibility for man- aging and coordinating the operations, mainte- nance and construction of the Water Production and Distribution systems. The successful candidate must possess a valid grade B water certification with experience level to obtain a grade "A" within one Year. Candidates should possess strong com- munication and management skills with a mini- mum of five years progressive supervisory and management experience in the water industry. Bachelor's Degree In Civil or Environmental Engi- neering preferred. Deadline to apply: February 15, 1994 Salary: Depending on Qualifications Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9%0 College Station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity Employer The City of College Station Ond is seeking a RISK ANALYST in the Risk Management Division. This posi- tion provides both clerical and technical sup- port to the Risk Manager. Qualifications in- clude a Bachelor's Degree in a related field or equivalent work experience, experience with Worker's Compensation insurance claimsand working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The successful candidate must be customer service oriented and a Certified Defensive Driving Instructor or havethe abi I ity to obtai n this status within one year of employ- ment. Salary: $1814 - 2284 /month Depending on Qualifications. Deadline to apply : January 31, 1994. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9%0 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal opportunity Employer • NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT BID NO. 94 -21. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchas- ing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on January 25, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregulari- ties in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -10- 94,01.17 -94 NU I Il.c i U twuuERs THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE (TURN -OUT) CLOTHING, (MODEL 1840) RE -BID NO. 94 -15. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on January 18, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer con - sidered most advantageous to the City. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -03- 94,01 -10 -9 MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 Legal Notices uary 18, 1994 and publicly opene 2:00 P.M. . Same Date at the Purchasing Depot on the following commodities or services. 1) Annual Contrect for landscape maintenance at Bryan Business Park Bid forms and specifications may be secured at the Pur- chasing oun Agent's office at 2200 Ftain Ave., Bryan, Texas 77801. For informa- tion call 409/361 -36 The City of Bryan reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities and technicali- ties, to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous and to award the bid to the lowest, most responsible bidder. Additionally all bid- ders are hereby notified coat the City of Bryan shall sider all factors it believes to be relevant in the selection o1 the lowest responsible bidder including, but not limited tc the proximity of the bidder as it relates to his ability to per form the contract for the Cit1 M Rrvan. 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices u s to th City- College Station, Texas adv 9for Proposaes may 77842 (telephone: Request 4091776-8356). Additional be obtained r a office o copies may be purchased the from the Engineer for a fee of Superintendent. 01 -17-94 $10.00. Bids will be evaluated by the Purchaser based on the quality, economy of opera- tion, warranty, delivery dates, and the experience of the manufacturer availability of service for repair and main- tenance, and the adaptability t of the particular equipment the specific use intended. The purchaser reserves the right to select the material or equipment which best suits its needs whether or not the price is lowest or not, and also reserves the right to re- ject all bids and waive infor- malities. Bidders are urged to offer the earliest practical delivery dates, which dates shall be considered by the Purchaser when choosing the success- ful Bidder. Award of the Bid No. 94 -13 to the successful Bidder will be made at a subsequent meeting of the City of Council of College Station. CITY OF COLLEGE TATON By: Virginia A. Kettler _ Purchasing Agent 01 -10- 94,0 -17-94 REQUEST FOR n, PROPOSALS a THE CITY OF COLLEGE n9 STATION IS REQUESTING 01 PROPOSALS FOR SER- Co VICES FOR PERMIT MODI- 42 FICATION & CONSTRUC th TION OF THE ROCK he PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL, u RFP NO. 94 -20. Proposals ng will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at id the City Hall of College rs Station, City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S., College Ps Station, Texas 5:00 P.M. on January 28, 1994. All propo- in sals received after that time will be returned unopened. ing City of College Station re- are serves the right to waive or rge reject any and all proposals ng, or any and all Irregularities In ive, said request and to accept 047, the offer considered most City of Bryan Tom Wilson Purchasing Agen t 01 -03- 94,01 -10 -94 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals address to the City of College Static Texas will be received at th Office of the Purchasi Agent, P.O. Box 9960, 11 Texas Avenue, CRY of C lege Station, Texas 778 until 2:00 p.m. on the 25 day of January 1994 for f furnishing of electric distrib tion materials of the followi general categories: Group "A' Undergrou Distribution Conduct o and Accessories Group "B" - 15 kV P Mounted Switchgear all as more fully described the Specifications. One copy of the bidd forms and specifications obtainable free of cha from McCord Engineer! Inc., 7606 Eastmark Dr Suite 102, P.O. Box 10 r1 • NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR INDUSTRIAL BACKHOE /LOADER, BID NO. 94 -27. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at Cit Hall, 1101 Texas Aven College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on Fe- bruary 3, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01- 20- 94,01 -27 -94 • THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE L 125 Legal Notices • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1994 BRYAN— COLLEGE S`T'ATION EAGLE 6111 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: PART-TIME SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Performs basic telephone support of organiza- tion wide computer users. Successful appli- cant wi I I have experience using word process- ing and spreadsheet programs. Deadline to apply: January 18,1994 Salary: $6.00 /hour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Z C.S. City Council to hold budget hearing Thursday NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the re- zoning of a 2.37 acre with frontage along Lincoln Street, adjacent and behind lot 1, block 1 of One Lincoln Place (Cedar Creek Condo- miniums) from R -1A Single Family Residential to R -2 Duplexes. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, January 27, 1994. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenel Staff Planner 01 -12 -93 NOTICE OF PI IRI Ir• College Station council members Will vote on raising park and recrea- tion fees during its regular 7 p.m. meeting Thursday in College Station City Hall, 1101 S. Texas Ave. A public hearing on amending the 1993 -94 annual budget is scheduled for Thursday. City officials would like to add a DARE officer at the junior high level. The council meets today for a work- shop at 4 p.m. in city hall. Today's pre- sentations deal with considering a pol- icy that would prohibit the sale of tobacco items to minors and policy is- sues dealing with franchising solid waste haulers. A College Station City Council re- treat will be on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Utility Service Center training room, 1601 Graham Road. Council members will evaluate each other's performance and set goals for the coming months. L 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by North - gate Athletic Club for the fol- lowing property: Lot 21 Block 1 in the Post Oak Square Subdivision, zoned C -NG, Commercial Northgate The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 3:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, January 20, 1994. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1-800- 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact me at (409) 7643743. Susan Macdonald Building Technician 1.13 -94 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by City of College Station Fire Depart- ment for the following prop - Tract A in the Shenandoah Phase One Subdivision, zoned C -3, Planned Com- merical The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 3:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, January 20, 1994. Any request for sign Interpre- tive services must be made THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1994 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 Legal Notices 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1-800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 7643743. Susan Macdonald Building Technician 1 -13 -94 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Bern- stein Investments for the fol- lowing property: Lot 2R-4R Block 1 in the Post Oak Square Subdivision, zoned C -1, General Com- mercial The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 3:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, January 20,1994. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764.3743. Susan Macdonald Building Technician 1 -13 -94 W �A �0x F< ci >� z cn � e o� r � r t� C-4 c� > t1iz z Cn > H F' Ow z � M H >� rX1. M College Station city council ponders the elimination of smoking in public By YVONNE SALCE Eagle staff writer If your New Year's Resolution was to kick the smoking habit, you're just in time. College Station City Council members are considering an ordinance that would prohibit smoking in public places. The council unanimously agreed 'to pursue the plan to ban smoking in public places, such as restaurants and possibly bars. No official action has been taken on the issue. Mayor Larry Ringer said some busi- nesses may be exempt, but the ordinance would prohibit smoking, for all ages, in places accessible to the public. City staf- fers plan to start drawing up the ordi- nance. The council also plans to follow Bryan's ordinance regulating the place- ment of cigarette vending machines. Bryan passed the first reading of the or- dinance Tuesday night. At Wednesday's workshop meeting, Councilman Hub Kennady said the coun- cil ought to hit this issue with as much vigor as possible. "If you can convince people that it's a socially unacceptable practice, health costs would be a lot less," Kennady said. State law prohibits the sale of tobacco products to minors, but College Station city officials want to take it one step fur- ther by fining minors for possessing tobacco products. College Station Police Chief Ed Feld- man said enforcing such an ordinance could be done d}iring the regular course of a police officer's duties. The council also suggested paying businesses unannounced visits through the year, but Feldman said that would take additional time and money. In other business, city staffers advised the council to maintain its franchise agreement with Texas Commercial Waste, a local company granted the fran- CS is disappointed that Bryan nixed funds for Bush drive College Station Mayor Larry Ringer said he was disappointed that Bryan City Council members voted against helping design improvements for George Bush Drive, but he said that won't stop the city of College Station from taking an active role. Ringer said the City of College Sta- tion will act as manager of the project. College Station, Brazos County and Texas A &M University have commit- ted up to $95,000 to help fund planning and engineering costs for the widen- ing of George Bush Drive connection to the George Bush Presidential Li- brary. "I did not expect the full $95,000," Ringer said. "But I thought they would contribute something. I was dis appointed when they voted not con - tribut© anything." Ringer said the joint venture was designed to show the Texas Depart- ment of Transportation of the area's commitment to the project. George Bush Drive is a state highway, which is one of the reasons the Bryan City Council's denied the proposal Tuesday night. Also, scores of Bryan residents voiced opposition to the plan. Ringer said Bryan's decision will not jeopardize the project, and he hopes it won't jeopardize future re- lations between the two cities. chise for hauling construction debris. proached the council seexing a irancnis© At the council's Dec. 9 meeting, Barry with the city. The city now charges $75 Mayfield of Mayfield Trucking ap- per haul and TCW charges $85 per haul. 125 Legal Notices kmo NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR SUBSTATION BATTERIES AND ACCES- SORIES, RE -BID NO 94 -16. Bids will be received in the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on January 24, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -07- 94,01 -14 -94 is FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1994 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION EAGLE Friday, January 14, 1994 Local /State CS to ask A &M, Brazos County for more money in Bush project Eaole staff writer I Brazos County and Texas A &M can ex- pect a call from College Station staffers soliciting more money to help fund de- sign plans for George Bush Drive. College Station City Council members approved a motion Thursday night allow- ing the city to spend up to $125,000 on planning and engineering costs for the widening of George Bush Drive. College Station will act as manager of the project. City staffers will ask Brazos County and Texas A &M to commit up to $125,000 rather than the previously agreed $95,000. The new motion comes as result of a Bryan City Council vote not to help fund design plans for George Bush Drive. El- rey Ash, director of economic and de- velopment services for College Station, said a commitment of $125,000 from the three entities guarantees coverage of unexpected costs. "We'd like to go into the project with the fees covered and some contingency," Ash said. He said the city is considering three engineering firms, with WSBC Inc. of Houston ranking top on the list. Construction costs for expanding George Bush Drive into a boulevard are estimated at $4.5 million. It is a state highway, and the Texas Department of Transportation is expected to fund con- "I'm very disappointed in the city of Bryan for viewing this as a road issue and not an economic development program." HUB KENNADY College Station councilman struction costs. College Station City Council members were disappointed at Bryan's decision. Some suggested a joint commitment from all four entities would have persuaded the department to push the project up, making it a high priority. As Councilman Hub Kennady put it: "I am very disappointed in the city of Bryan for viewing this as a road issue and not an economic development program." Bryan City Council members received scores of calls from citizens asking the council to repair Bryan roads and not cut College Station a check. In other business, the council passed a rate increase for parks and recreation fees. Some of the changes include an in- crease from $2 to $2.50 for admission to Adamson pool, and an increase in dis- counts passes from $40 to $50 for Adam- son and $25 to $30 for Southwood and Thomas pools. Steve Beachy, emergency management coordinator for the parks and recreation department, said the new rates will fund additional lifeguards. The council also approved a budget amendment to fund the addition of a DARE officer at the junior high level and a high school liaison officer. Council members denied Mayfield Trucking, a debris hauling company, a request for a franchise. Both Bryan and College Station use Texas Commercial Waste for hauling construction and de- molition debris. Owner Barry Mayfield said he will con- tinue to seek a franchise with the city of College Station. College Station has a two -year contract with TC W. And council members will consider an application for an oil and gas well permit at the intersection of Bird Pond Road and Rock Prairie Road despite disapproval from citizens. Two citizens expressed concerns over the noise, the risk of explosions with horizontal drilling and whether Rock Prairie Road could accommodate oil well traffic. As one resident said, "I certainly wouldn't want to be evacuated from my house." FRIDAY, JANUARY 14. 799a • A The City of College Station is accepting applications for: PART-TIME SE CRETARY /RECEPTIONIST Performs bas'c telephone support of organiza- tion wide computer users. Successful appli- cant will hav experience using word process- ing and spre dsheet programs. Deadline to apply: January 18, 1994 Salary: $6.00 /hour Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 11 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1 C Sunday, January 16, 1994 Bryan /College Station Eagle 0l �• ( The City of College Station - is currently seeking: TCLEOSE Licensed Peace Officers and Non - Licensed Peace Officers Duties include regular patrol duties in a com- munity of 55,000 residents. Shift work required. The employee will be responsible for the en- forcement of civil, criminal and traffic laws. Requirements: High school diploma or CED, ability to relate well to the public, good written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to complete physical, psychological, and poly- graph examinations. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and possess a valid Texas Driver's License. Entry level test will be held on Saturday, Febru- ary 12, 1994. Applications must be received before Friday, January 28, 1994. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Ave. P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer • O The City of College Station is accepting applications for: WATER SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC UUTILITIES DEPT. Under the direction of the Division Manager, the Water Superintendent has responsibility for man- aging and coordinating the operations, mainte- nance and construction of the Water Production and Distribution systems. The successful candidate must possess a valid grade "B" water certification with experience level to obtain a grade "A" within one year. Candidates should possess strong com- munication and management skills with a mini- mum of five years progressive supervisory and managgement experience in the water industry. Sacheloj's Degree In Civil or Environmental Engi- neering preferred. Deadlin: to apply: February 15, 1994 Salary: depending on Qualifications Apply o: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. P.O. Box 9%0 College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STA'T'ION EAGLE • • 125 Legal Notices CORRECTION REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR SER- VICES FOR PERMIT MODI- FICATION & CONSTRUC- TION OF THE ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL, RFP NO. 9420. Proposals will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at the City of College Station Purchasing Dept., City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S., College Station, Texas 5:00 p.m. on January 28, 1994. All propo- sals received after that time will be returned unopened. City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be Obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -1 0. 94,01 -17 -94 MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR, BID NO. 94 -24. Bids will be received in the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 P.M. on February 2, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01-1 9-94,01-24-94 NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTINC BIDS FOR SKID- STEEF LOADER, BID NO. 94 -25 Bids will be received in the of. fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on February 1, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in Bald bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- �, tageous to the City. Specifl. cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent, 01 -1 9- 94,01 -24 -94 L WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1994 _ not be reach - BRYAN— COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 1 125 Legal Notices 1 125 � and construction Legal Notic document s necessary to widen Ander- son Street between ed, the second best firm or George Bush Drive and Park individual will be contacted NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Place, and to add a northbound right turn lane for negotiations, and so on. 01 -16- 94,01 -19 -94 on Tim The Colle ber Street at College Station Planning the intersection with and Zoning Commission Bush Drive. and j hold _ 01 -23- 94,01 -26 -94 a public hearin well Sider the 9 to con- rezoning During 9 the first phase of the of 8.86 acres generally located at the southeast Project, the selected I toot will be con t - corner of F 2818 and F.M. Welsh d determine the ex ti co to s lions 9 ndi- of the Tract Avenue, A of Southwood Valle Y projects sites, evaluate the 'listing widen ing - concepts developed by city Staff, Section 30, from boyhood C - N Neigh- prepare drainage Impact and design Commercial and C•3 Planned Commercial to re evaluating the Ports flows and eXPecan- methods C-1 General Commercial, The hearing will be dli^ of hn- g them within City held in the Council Room of the Col- legs Station City I policies, prepare both preli- urinary and fianl construction Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 drawings and cost estimates, as well as construction P•m. meeting of the Commis- fications. speci- Sion on Thursday, February 3, 1994. During the the r second phase of p oject, the I pre• Any request for sign intertive services must be made 48 hours before selected con - assts t will be expected to assist the City the meeting, To make arrangements call e preparing and releasing the construc- lion bid package, (409) 764 -3547 (TDD 1 Of ) - 800 - 735.2989. evaluating bids received, evaluatin approvin 9 and For additional information, Please contact and g shop drawings submittals, and the me at (409) 764 -3570. Preparation of record (as- built) drawings, Sabine Kuenzel The first phase Staff Planner I funded is currently and is 1 -19 - 94 intended to heceed immediately upon selciion of consultant. The second phase is expec- ted to be funded beginning October 1994. in The selected consultant shall be expected to enter into a Professional agreement with the City, and meet the re- quirements of the contract = during the course of the 1 work. I The proposal should include a description a description of the firm or individual, related qual fications of the indivi- duals who would be involved With the project, recent re- lated experience and a brief statement of how the firm o individual will approach the evaluation and design Process as described above. Sealed statements will be received until 4:00 P.M, on January 28, 1994, and shall be addressed and deli or mailed to: vered Brett McCully, Project Man - ager Office of Development Ser- vices City of College Station 1 1001 Texas Avenue PROP REESTFOR L Box 9960 DESIGN ANDERSON AND TIMBER College Station, TX 7784 Statements received STREET WIDENINGS will be evaluated on CIT YOFCOLLEGE STATION DEPARTMEN of response, completeness related experience, O0DEVELOP MENT Perience, and su s u - 9ested approach g he Chy SERVICES °f College to thew The firm or Individual In g eyues ^ Station is 9 proposals from the proposal judged to be to in the best interest lualdied firms and Indivl- ivals to assist the of the City will be invited into ne li got ons for Ci �reparing the design re po r ts rts the Provision of tia- described he I services. Should an agreement , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1994 _ not be reach - BRYAN— COLLEGE STATION EAGLE in mavnr named vice chair of legislative policy committee College Station Mayor Larry Ringer has been named 1994 vice chairman of the Texas Municipal League's legislative pol- icy committee on community and eco- nomic development. The committee comprises some 70 elected and appointed municipal officials. It is one of five TML legislative policy committees that will formulate league policy for the 1995 Texas Legislature. ■ Habitat Elects Pry: Guy Pry has been elected president of Bryan /College Sta- tion Habitat for Humanity. Serving as 1994 officers with Pry are Gene Charlton, vice president; Roger Lord, secretary; and Michael C. Lane, treasurer. New members of the board of directors are Carol Pope, who was elected to a three -year term, and Mack Moore, who will serve a two -year term. Immediate past president Rusleen Maurice is an ex- officio member of the board. Habitat for Humanity is a non - profit, interdenominational organization that provides housing for low- income fami- lies. Habitat volunteers build simple, de- cent houses in partnership with needy Margaret Ann Zipp people, using donated funds and mate- rials. The houses are sold for no profit, and mortgage payments are recycled to build more houses. For information about Habitat for Hu- manity, call 846 -5232. ■ Anderson Receives Award: Carl G. Ander- son of Bryan received a Hoechst - Roussel Cotton Extension Education Award on Dec. 27 at the 1994 Beltwide Cotton Pro- duction Conference, held in San Diego, Calif. A cotton specialist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Ander- son also is a professor of agrticultural economics at Texas A& mve Underwritten by a grant to the Cotton Foundation from Hoechst - Roussel Agri - Vet Co, the Cotton Extension Education Award carries a $10,000 prize for Ander- son. In addition, $5,000 will go to Texas A &M to support his extension work. Anderson holds a bachelor's degree and a doctorate from Texas A &M and a master's degree from Louisiana State University. He has worked for the Texas Agricultural Extension Service for 14 years. ■ DAR Members Attend Council: Four local members of Daughters of the American Revolution attended the Dogwood bAR Regents Council, held Jan. 5 in Hunts- ville. Representing the Bryan - College Station chapters were Mary Kathryn Briggs, council president and regent of La Villita Chapter; Frances Henry, vice regent of La Villita Chapter; Nita Smith, registrar of William Scott Chapter; and Nancy Tiner, chairman of the national DAR Magazine and a member of La Villita Chapter. Henry presented a program, entitled r RINGER PRY ` Community Outreach — How Do You Tell the DAR Story" at the Huntsville meeting. ■ Saladiner Completes Training: Army Pvt. Jason E. Saladiner has completed basic training at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C. Saladiner is the son of Kenneth G. Sa- ladiner of Bryan. ■ If you have an item for this column, send it to Margaret Ann Zipp, The Eagle, P.O. Box 3000, Bryan, 77805. M U rsity FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1994 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION EAGLE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO, 2044 125 Leg al Notices WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JANUARY 13, 1994 BY THE CITY COON- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Title 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE SETTING A MINIMUM SURCHARGE FEE OF $5.00 PER LOAD FOR UNSECURED LOADS ENTERING THE ROCK PRAIRIE RAOD LANDFILL' AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for In the General Penalty set out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2044 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and In accordance with the City Charter. The complete text Of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 01- 21- 94,01 -22 -94 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2043 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON DECEMBER 9, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Ti- tle 5, Texas Government Code. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. In accordance with this or- dinance the City of College Station extended the boun- daries of the City and an- nexed area adjacent to the City lying with the extraterltor- ial jurisdication of the City described by the metes and bound in Exhibit A attached to the Ordinance. Public hearings and notices were published in accor- dance with Sec. 43.056 of the Local Government Code. Ordinance No. 2043 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 01 -21- 94,01 -22 -94 SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE cS police arrest Gilmer law officer wanted in murder he investigated From staff and wire reports College Station police on Friday arrested a Gilmer police officer in connection with the death of a woman whose disappearance the officer investigated in 1991. Officers arrested Sgt. James Brown, 40, at about 8:45 p.m. at Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Ave. S. He was among eight people indicted Friday on capital murder charges in the case by an Upshur County grandjury. "He was in town attending the law enforcement management in- stitute at Texas AM" said Lt. Keith Smith. "He surrendered him- self without any problem." The indictments by an Upshur County grand jury also include charges of aggravated sexual as- sault and kidnapping, special pros- ecutor Scott Lyford of Galveston said at a news conference in Mar- shall. Upshur County officials told Col- lege Station police Brown was stay- ing at the hotel, Smith said. Brown remained in the police de- partment jail late Friday night. Smith said police would transfer him to the Brazos County jail if Up- shur County authorities did not pick him up Friday night. Seventeen - year -old Kelly Wilson, who worked at a video store, dis- appeared while making a night de- posit after closing the store, offi- cials said. Her car was found and she is presumed dead, although her body was never found. Brown headed the investigation of Wilson's disappearance. Lyford said the grand jury un- covered information leading to the indictments while investigating al- leged molestation of children in Gilmer, an investigation that pro- duced 10 indictments last year. Most of those who were indicted Friday were already in custody, officials said. Also indicted were Eugene W. Kerr, 67; his wife, Geneva Kerr, 62; their son, Danny Oscar Kerr, 41; Danny Kerr's wife, Connie Martin Kerr, 27; Wendell Eugene Kerr, 45; Roger Don Holman, 44; and Tammy Jo Smith, 25. All are residents of Gilmer, located 109 miles east of Dallas. The grand jury returned the same three counts against each of the eight defendants, for a total of 24 counts. I ■ Eagle reporter Chuck Squatriglia and the Associated Press contributed to this report. 125 Legal Notices who violates any 77 7777777777 provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, as provided for in the General Penalty set LEGAL NOTICE out in Chapter 1, Section 5 of ORDINANCE NO. 2044 the Code of Ordinances. No. 2044 shall WAS PASSED AND AP- Ordinance become effective and be in PROVED ON JANUARY 13, full force and effect from and 1994 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- after its passage and appro- the City Council, and in LEGE STATION meeting in val by with the City regular session at the Col- accordance Charter. The complete text of lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted the above named ordinance be seen at the office of in accordance with Title 5, Texas - Government Code. may the City Secretary, at 1101 Said Ordinance, signed by South Texas Avenue, Col - the Mayor and duly recorded lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks in the official records of the city, is captioned as follows: City Secretary AN ORDINANCE SETTING 01 -21- 94,01 -2 2-94 A MINIMUM SURCHARGE FEE OF $5.00 PER LOAD LEGAL NOTICE I ORDINANCE NO. 2043 �n Town &Texas FOR UNSECURED LOADS WAS PASSED AND AP- ON DECEMBER ENTERING THE ROCK PRAIRIE RAOD LANDFILL PROVED 1993 BY THE CITY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 19, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- c� firefighters in thick Ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, contest with threads said meeting having been of in accordance with Ti- posted tle 5, Texas Government College Station firefighters adopted g Code. Said Ordinance by the Mayor and duly a new look last spring, and local resi- signed recorded in the official re- dents aren't the only people who have cords of the city, is captioned noticed. as follows: AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN The department's new black uni- TERRITORY ADJOINING forms, unveiled last March, have made THE CITY LIMITS OF THE the department a finalist in the CITY OF COLLEGE National Association of Uniform STATION, TEXAS. this or- Manufacturers & Distributors annual In accordance with dinance the City of College "Image of the Year competition. Station extended the boon- Career Apparel, a local uniform daries of the City and an the entered the uniform on the nexed area adjacent to vendor, Cit lying with the e xtrateritor- department's behalf. If it wins, it ial iurisdication of the City would mark the first time a fire de- described by the metes and has won the competition. bound in Exhibit A attached partment The winner will be announced to the Ordinance. Public hearings and notices March 1 in Bal Harbor, Fla. were published in accor- dance with Sec. 43.056 of the Local Government Code. Ordinance No. 2043 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. Connie Hooks City Secretary 01 -21- 94,01 -22 -94 SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE cS police arrest Gilmer law officer wanted in murder he investigated From staff and wire reports College Station police on Friday arrested a Gilmer police officer in connection with the death of a woman whose disappearance the officer investigated in 1991. Officers arrested Sgt. James Brown, 40, at about 8:45 p.m. at Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Ave. S. He was among eight people indicted Friday on capital murder charges in the case by an Upshur County grandjury. "He was in town attending the law enforcement management in- stitute at Texas AM" said Lt. Keith Smith. "He surrendered him- self without any problem." The indictments by an Upshur County grand jury also include charges of aggravated sexual as- sault and kidnapping, special pros- ecutor Scott Lyford of Galveston said at a news conference in Mar- shall. Upshur County officials told Col- lege Station police Brown was stay- ing at the hotel, Smith said. Brown remained in the police de- partment jail late Friday night. Smith said police would transfer him to the Brazos County jail if Up- shur County authorities did not pick him up Friday night. Seventeen - year -old Kelly Wilson, who worked at a video store, dis- appeared while making a night de- posit after closing the store, offi- cials said. Her car was found and she is presumed dead, although her body was never found. Brown headed the investigation of Wilson's disappearance. Lyford said the grand jury un- covered information leading to the indictments while investigating al- leged molestation of children in Gilmer, an investigation that pro- duced 10 indictments last year. Most of those who were indicted Friday were already in custody, officials said. Also indicted were Eugene W. Kerr, 67; his wife, Geneva Kerr, 62; their son, Danny Oscar Kerr, 41; Danny Kerr's wife, Connie Martin Kerr, 27; Wendell Eugene Kerr, 45; Roger Don Holman, 44; and Tammy Jo Smith, 25. All are residents of Gilmer, located 109 miles east of Dallas. The grand jury returned the same three counts against each of the eight defendants, for a total of 24 counts. I ■ Eagle reporter Chuck Squatriglia and the Associated Press contributed to this report. • 6 In Town Wexa s CS Police Department is taking applications If you enjoyed playing cops and rob- bers as a kid and would love a career doing the real thing, here's your chance. -The College Station Police Depart- ment is seeking new recruits. An en- try -level exam will be given Feb. 12. Applications must be completed be- fore Jan. 28. Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, be at least 21 years old and have a valid Texas driver's li- cense. They must also be able to work well with others, have good communi- cation skills and complete physical, psychological and polygraph examina- tions. For more information call 764 -3517. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 Legal No tices REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DESIGN OF ANDERSON AND TIMBER STREET WIDENINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES The City of College Station is requesting proposals from qualified firms and indivi- duals to assist the City in Preparing the design reports and construction documents necessary to widen Ander- son Street between George Bush Drive and Park Place, and to add a northbound right turn lane on Timber Street at the intersection with George Bush Drive, During the first phase of the project, the selected consul- tant will be expected to determine the existing condi- tions of the projects sites, evaluate the existing widen- ing concepts developed by city Staff, prepare drainage impact and design reports evaluating the expected flows and methods of han- dling them within City Policies, prepare both preli- minary and fianl construction drawings and cost estimates, as well as construction speci- fications. During the second phase of the project, the selected con- sultant will be expected to assist the City in preparing and releasing the construc- tion bid package, evaluating bids received, evaluating and approving shop drawings and submittals, and the preparation of record (as- built) drawings. The first phase is currently funded and is intended to proceed immediately upon the selction of consultant. The second phase is expec- ted to be funded beginning in October 1994. The selected consultant shall be expected to enter into a professional agreement with the City, and meet the re- quirements of the contract during the course of the work. The proposal should include a description a description of the firm or individual, related qualifications of the indivi- duals who would be involved with the project, recent re- lated experience and a brief statement of how the firm or individual will approach the evaluation and design process as described above. Sealed statements will be received until 4:00 P.M. on January 28, 1994, and shall be addressed and delivered or mailed to: Brett McCully, Project Man- ager Office of Development Ser- vices City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue 1 0 .0. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Statements received will be evaluated on completeness of response, qualifications, related experience, and sug- gested approach to the work. The firm or individual provid- ing the proposal judged to be in the best interest of the City will be invited into negotia- tions for the provision of the described services. Should an agreement not be reach- ed, the second best firm or individual will be contacted for negotiat ions, and so on. 01- 1 6- 94,01.19 -94 2 1 2 -94 1 -26 -94 C The City of College Station Is seeking a RISK ANALYST in the Risk Management Division. This posi- tion provides both clerical and technical sup- port to the Risk Manager. Qualifications in- clude a Bachelor's Degree in a related field or equivalent work experience, experience with Worker's Compensation, insurance claims and working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The successful candidate must be customer service oriented and a Certified Defensive Driving Instructoror havethe ability to obtain this status within one yearof employ- ment. Salary: $1814 - 2284 /month Depending on Qualifications. Deadline to apply: January 31, 1994. Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 I ( Equal Opportunity Employer 41, NOTICETO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR ARCHI- TECTURAL & ENGINEER- ING SERVICES FOR WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITH- EATER RESTROOM BUILD- ING, RFQ NO, 94 -22. Propo- sals will be received in the of- fice of the Assist. Dir. of Parks and Recreation Dept. at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Tx until 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 1994. All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said bid 125 Legal Notices and to accept the offer con- sidered most advantageous to the City. Request for Pro- posals may be obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -24- 94,01 -3 -94 NOTICE To BIDDERS DDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR, BID NO. 94 -24• Bids will be received In the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 P.M. on February 2, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any in said and all irregularities he offer bid and to accept considered most advan tageous to the City' ained - cations may be the office of the Purchasi at ng Agent. 01 -19- 94,01 -24 -94 NOTICETO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR SKID- STEER LOADER, BID NO. 94 -25. Bids will be received in the of- fice of thePurc'asii;g Texas at City Hall, Avenue, College Station, Texas 77645, until 2:00 P.M. on February 1, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The city of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most a - cations may dvan tageous to the be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -19- 94,0 -24 -94 MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request to the parking requirements at 1702 Kyle South, Suite 100, Sweet Eugene's House of Java. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, February 1, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -24 -94 125 Legal Notice Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request to the parking requirements at 1200 Harvey Road, the Post Oak Square shopping center. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday. February 1, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (fDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -24 -94 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request to the parking requirements at 700 University Drive, The Village Shopping Center. This request will be co- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, February 1, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (fDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -24 -94 i t I 125 Legal Notices REOUESTFOR PROPOSALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REOUESTING PROPOSALS FOR ARCHI- TECTURAL & ENGINEER- ING SERVICES FOR WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITH- EATER RESTROOM BUILD- ING, RFQ NO. 94-22. Propo- sals will be received In the of- fice of the Assist. Dir. of Parks and Recreation Dept. at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Tx until 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 1994. All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be ob- tained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -25 -94 TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1994 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION EAGLE CS council members take up plans for park at workshop (91 REOUESTFOR PROPOSALS DESIGN OF ANDERSON AND TIMBER STREET WIDENINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES The City of College Station is requesting proposals from qualified firms and indivi- duals to assist the City in preparing the design reports and construction documents necessary to widen Ander- son Street between George Bush Drive and Park Place, and to add a northbound right turn lane on Timber Street at the intersection with George Bush Drive. During the first phase of the prolect, the selected consul- tant will be expected to determine the existing condl- tions of the projects sites, evaluate the existing widen - Ing concepts developed by city Staff, prepare drainage Impact and design reports evaluating the expected flows and methods of han- dling them +vithin City policies, prepare both preli- minary and fianl construction drawings and cost estimates, as well as construction speci- fications. phase of During the second p the project, the selected cor, sultant will be expected to assist the City in preparing and releasing the con n tion bid package, g bids received, evaluating approving shop 9 s and submittals, and the preparation of record (as- built) drawings. The first phase is currently funded and is intended to proceed immediately upon the selction of consultant. The second phase is expec- ted to be funded beginning in October 1994. The selected consultant shall be expected to enter Into a professional agreement with the City, and meet the re- quirements of the contract during the course of the work. The proposal should include a description a description of the firm or individual, related qualifications of the indivi- duals who would be involved with the project, recent re- lated experience and a brief statement of how t firm or r individual will approach evaluation and design process as described above. Sealed statements will be uncil mem- or the city's s workshop look at the The council 1 S. Texas Avenue. -- Complied from staff reports 60f The City of College Station is accepting applications for: Apply to: City of College Station 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, Texas Deadline for applications: February 1, 1994 EQUAL OPPOR EMPLOYER 125 Legal Notices received until 4:00 P.M. on January 28, 1994, and shall be addressed and delivered or mailed to: Brett McCully, Project Man- ager Office of Development Ser- vices City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Statements received will be evaluated on completeness of response, qualifications, related experience, and sug- gested approach to the work. The firm or individual provid- ing the proposal judged to be in the best interest of the City will be invited into negotia- tions for the provision of the described services. Should an agreement not be reach- ed, the second best firm or individual will be contacted for negotiations, and so on. 01 -16- 94,01 -19 - 9 4 01 -23- 94,01 -26 -94 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE College Station City Co bers will discuss plans f business park at today' meeting at 4 p.m. The council will also city's annexation policies. meets in city hall, 11C MAPPING SPECIALIST and GIS TECHNICIAN Applicants must have experience with mapping, surveyingand engineering principles and have Autocad and GIS experience. Complete job descriptions may be reviewed in the Hu- man Resources Department. • THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 L egal Notices NOTICE TO BIDDERS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR INDUSTRIAL BACKHOE /LOADER, BID NO. 94 -27. Bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77845, until 2:00 p.m. on Fe- bruary 3, 1994. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Specifi- cations may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -20- 94,01 -27 -94 0 CS officials urged to join Bryan, A&M, By YVONNE SALCE Eaole staff writer Worley said the three parks differ be- cause College Station's Business Park would attract a particular niche. "When you're dealing with a high - quality park like this, you're going to eliminate prospects," he said. But a few people at the workshop meet- ing remained unconvinced. ' Dick Birdwell, a College Station resi- dent and former councilman, said he favored the idea, but encouraged the council to proceed slowly. "You're taking too big of a hunk at one time," Birdwell said of the $2.3 million project. "You take this project to any bank in the world and they won't lend you a dime." THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EAGLE e as one. The city of Bry_.n has one. And it won't be long before tote city of College Station gets one. City leaders urged College Station City Council members Wednesday night to give their approval to a business park development off Texas 6. Elrey B. Ash, director of economic and development services, presented the plan for Phase One of the College Station Business Park. The cost of the first phase is estimated at $2.3 million. Ash said financing for the park's infra- structure would come from the city. Itss estimated the business park would crease more than 1,500 jobs, bringing in com- mercial, private business and small manufacturing companies. i Robert Worley, executive director f the Bryan - College Station Economic De- velopment Corp., told council membeh Phase One of the park could be full in Z2 months. "If you don't build it, they won't come," said Worley, adding that 46 companies have expressed intergst in moving to the area. "It (the economy) is not sluggish here. We lead the nation in low numbers of unemployment." The College Station Business Park, at the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Texas 6, includes two phases totaling about 190 acres. Design plans include a jogging path, trails and extensive lands- caping. Worley said prospective businesses looking for a high - quality area. With council approval, he predicts new busi- nesses in the area within three months. The development's fate will be decided at tonight's city council meeting at 7 p.m. in College Station's City Hall. Councilman Hub Kennady questioned whether an additional business park would be overkill with Bryan's Business Park and A &M's Research Park compet- ing for business prospects. • 'City council candidate filing deadline nears If you're 18 years old or older, a U.S. citizen and mentally competent, you qualify to run for a seat on city coun- cil. City council filing packets are ready at both Bryan and College Station city halls. Applicants for the Bryan City Coun- cil must also be a registered voter, a Texas resident for at least one year, a Bryan resident for at least six months, and free of any felony charges. For more information, call 361 -3600. Residents seeking a seat on the Col- lege Station City Council must also be a registered voter in Texas and a resi- dent of College Station for at least one year. Applicants can not be delinquent on taxes or other dues to the city for a ,• -eriod of 90 days. For more informa- ::on, call 7.64 -3512. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE A&W C C r op The City of College Station A is accepting applications for the position of: SYSTEMS ANALYST r�rt In the Management Inlomiatlon Services Depart merit An excellent opportunity for a creative, erff getic individual, who en r'� Working with all levels of personnel. To q�al working m have a �>,put r science degree or a minimum of 3 y ears expenenoe as a systerm analyst Applicant must have expertenioe using UNIX and "Nis, prefera DOS and Cations, and hardware a rus. h e candidate S hou l d have outsti�nding Communication skills to work with all levels of personnel with organization. Excellent benefit package l Salary: $201531mor>rh Deadline to apply: February 17, 1994 Apply to: city of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTU EMPLOYE The City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department is now accepting applications for POOL PERSONNEL The positions available are for lifeguards and pod cashiers. For more information please contact the Pak & Recreations office at (409) 764 -3773. Applications may be obtained at: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The City of College Station is accepting applications for the position of WATER/WASTEWATER OPERATOR #2 in the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection divi- sions. This position wi I I assist in the maintenance and conAruc- tion of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection systems. Starting Salary: $7.1$4tour Deadline to apply: February 11, 1994 Apply b: City of College Station Hunan Resources Deparhnent 1101 S. Texas Ave College Station, TX 77842 SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE C � The City of College Station is accepting � app!ICations for the position of SCADA TECHNICIAN This position will be responsible for the Wacer/Wastewater and Electrical DivisiWsSupervlsoryCordrol and DataAcquisitionSystem s hardware and operating system software. Performs progen'p�ag and assists in maintaining of personal oomp Aers for th Utilities Department. Salary. $12.02ft —r Deadline to apply. February 11, 1994 Apply to: City of College Station Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 The City of College Station is accepting applications for: PROGRAM TECHNICIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This position provides dice management and sup - port for the Cor munity Development Office. Must be productive in adiverse work environment and be an active beam participant in achieving t goals. A Cor initmerlt to a high level of customer service is essential. Ability to handle confidential information and be a self - starter. Good communica- tions and telephone skills are required. Must be wel I organized and willing to work under pressure of deadlines. Excellent computer skills required (expe- rience in Windows and Excel for Windows pre - ferTed). CPS preferred. Salary $1416/n - ab Deadline to apply: February 15, 1994 Apply to City of C011ege Station Hunw Resources Deparbnent 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 125 Legal Notices • REQUEST FOR PROPO- SALS THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR ARCHI- TECTURAL & ENGINEER- ING SERVICES FOR WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITH- EATER RESTROOM BUILD- ING, RFQ NO. 94 -22. Propo- sals will be received in the of- fice of the Assist. Dir. of Parks and Recreation Dept. at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Tx until 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 1994. All proposals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. Request for Proposals may be ob- tained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. 01 -24- 94,01 -31 -94 MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE L Area women rewarded for vision with Leadership Texas inclusion By KATY HALL Eagle staff writer Jeanette Phariss wants to do her part to help the citizens of Texas move for- ward into the 21st century. An assistant pro- vost at Texas A &M, Phariss is one of five Bryan - College sta- tion women selected AGEE - LETTON to participate in 1994 Leadership Texas — a program for professional women consisting of five sessions on various topics throughout the year. "One p erson can Tracy Anderson, a spokesman for the CROUCH program, said more than 200 women ■ Peggy Calliham, spokeswoman for the city of College Station. ■ Nancy Crouch, Celerity Inc. ■Ginger Leni- han, financial con- sultant. make a difference by accepting leader ship roles," Phariss said. Other Bryan- College Station par - ticipants: EKassandra Agee - Letton, direc- LENIHAN for of computing services for the Texas Engineering Experiment Station with Texas A &M. applied; only 105 were chosen. The program, offered through the national Foundation for Women's Re- sources, promotes the achievements and advancement of women. "During the yearlong series of sem- inars, these top women leaders explore a wide range of topics, including busi- ness and technology, border issues, government, tech - --- �-- ---- --�- nology, and the en- vironment," said Candace O'Keefe, executive director of i ", Leadership Texas. ` Agee -Lefton hopes �e to get a glimpse into the future and a feel for what is going on CALLIHAM in the state. As a working mother of three young chil- dren who works actively with the youth in the community, she said she is particularly interested in those pro- grams directed toward minority youth. Leadership Texas also affords her an opportunity to interact with women from across the state, learn from their experiences and share her own, she said. "This gives me the opportunity to visit with other professional women in business, government and PHARISS volunteer work," said Lenihan. Along the way, they are establishing valuable personal contacts across the state, Calliham said. MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994 BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION EAGLE r 125 L Noti ces 1 125 Legal Notices Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Paul Leventis Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 7- 20 -94, 7 -23 -94 e NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to the e City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: CC Creations Drainage Channel Improvements until 2:00 o'clock P.M., Fri- day, July 29, 1994, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: Paul Leventis Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project is located approx- imately one block northeast of Wellborn Road on the southeast side of Holleman Drive along the northeast boundary of the CC Crea- tions project tract. The Project consists of the con- struction of a 10 foot wide concrete pilot channel, rock rubble rip -rap and slope sta- bilization to the City of Col- lege Station standard details and specifications. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from the Office Of Development Ser- vices /City Hall, City of Col- lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842 for$75.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Paul Leventls Office q Development ServicS , NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to th City of College Station, Texas will be received for th construction of: Sebesta Road Improve- ments Street Improvements CIP ST -1020 Waterline Improvements CIP WT -1001 until 2:00 o'clock P.M., Thursday, July 28, 1994, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: Paui Leventls Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project consists of street construction of Sebesta Road from the East Frontage Road of State Highway 6, to Sandstone Drive including pavement widening, curb and gutter, drainage im- provements, and sidewalks for approximately 4300 feet of roadway. Also included are waterline improvements consisting of approximately 4260 feet of 12" PVC water- line including ties to several existing lines, valves and ap- purtenances. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from the Office of Development Ser- vices /City Hall, City of Col- lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842 for$75.00. 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 7- 16- 94.7 -23 -94 SORDAY JULY 23,1994 BRYAN COLLEGE STA'T'ION EAGLE r� L_J A 125 Legal Notices i INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: WCTORIAAVENUE IMPROVEMENTS until 4:00 P.M., August 12 1994, after which time al qualified bids will be opener and read. Bids received afte that time will be returnec unopened. Bids will be received at the of fice of: Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Tx. 77842 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project consists of the construction of a 47' wide curbed street, storm drain- age system and 12 -inch water line between Rock Prairie Road and South Gra- ham Road in College Station, Texas. Included in the work are the following: 2875 L.F. Street Construc- tion 3359 L.F. of 15" to 48" Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer 1549 L.F. of 12" PVC Water Line Curb inlets, junction boxes, box culvert and gate valves COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from the Office of Development Ser- vices /City Hall, City of Col- lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842, for 575.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Brett McCully Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a, m. to 5:00 p.m. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 7- 20.94, 7- 24 -94, 7 -27 -94 7.31, 8-3-94.8-7-94 SUNDAY JULY 24,1994 BRYAN — COLLEGE STATION EALGE NOT CE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: CC Creations Drainage Channel at until 2:00 o'clock P.M., Fri- day, July 29, 1994, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of. fice of: Paul Leventle Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project is located approx- imately one block northeast of Wellborn Road on the southeast side of Holleman Drive along the northeast boundary of the CC Crea. tions project tract. The project consists of the con- struction of a 10 foot wide concrete pilot channel, rock rubble rip -rap and slope sta- bilization to the City of Col - le,fe Station standard details find specifications. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur. chased by check, cash or money order from the Office of Development Ser. vices /City Hall, City of Col- lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842 for$75.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: PaulLeventis Office of Development Samoa* 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five (5) percent bid security s required. 7. 10.94, 7 -17 -94 7 - 24 -94 125 Legal Notices Building. 1. Custodial Supplies, Monday, August 8, 1994, at 2:00 PM 2. Extermination Services, Tuesday, August 9, 1994, at 2:00 PM 3. Fire Extinguishers, Tuesday, August 9, 1994, at 3:00 PM 4. Light Bulbs and Ballasts, Wednesday, August 10, 1994, at 2:00 PM The Owner reserves the right to waive all formalities and ir- regularities, to reject any /all bids, and to award the con- tract to other than low bid if such be in the best interest of the Owner. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. 7.23.94, 7.24 -94, 7.25 -94 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: WINDING ROAD WATERLINE RELO- CATION BID NO. 94 -51, un- til 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, August 3, 1994, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will I- MONDAY JULY 25,1993 NOTICETO BIDDERS The City of College Station will receive sealed bids at the City of College Station Pur- chasing Department, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. on September 2, 1994 for the follow - Inginsurance coverage: general liability, auto liabi- lity, law enforcement liabi- lity, property damage, elec- tronic data processing, contractors /mobil equip- ment physical damage, boiler & machinery, blan- ket public employees bond, umbrella liability, workers compensation, and excess workers com- pensation. Bid No. 94 -57. Request for interpretation of the specifications or addi- tional information, written or otherwise, should be directed to Michael R. Willey, Risk Manager, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, 77840, at (409) 764 -3597. All such respon- ses will be made in writing. Oral explanations will not be binding. Copies of all corre- spondence material to this assignment will be distri- buted to all interested partici- pants. Appointments for any inspections should be made by telephoning Michael R. Willey. The City of College Station reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids or to waive technicalities or to ac- cept any item of any propo- BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION EAGLE 125 Legal Notices College Station, Tx. 77842 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SSppsled bids addressed to the Ct'ty of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: VICTORIAAVENUE IMPROVEMENTS uftil 4:00 P.M., August 12, 1094, after which time all gt;alified bids will be opened aM read. Bids received after 4t time will be returned u������000000p�ned. t will be received at the of- Office of , i� Development Services r . 1101 Texas Avenue LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project consists of the construction of a 47' wide curbed street, storm drain- age system and 12 -inch water line between Rock Prairie Road and South Gra- ham Road in College Station, Texas. Included in the work are the following: 2875 L.F. Street Construc- tion 3359 L.F. of 15" to 48" Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer 1549 L.F. of 12" PVC Water Line Curb inlets, junction boxes, box culvert and gate valves COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from the Office of Development Ser- vices /City Hall, City of Col- lege Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842, for $75.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Brett McCully Office of Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 7.20 -94, 7- 24 -94, 7 -27 -94 7.31, 8 -3 -94, 8 -7 -94 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendment to Zon- ing Ordinance #1638 pertain. ing to Subdivision sign regu- lations. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, August 11, 1994. 125 Legal Notices Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764.3547 or (TOD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 7 -27 -94 NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF DERWOOD L. BLACK - WELL, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of DERWOOD L BLACKWELL were is- sued on the 20th day of July, 1994, in Cause No. 9241, pending in the County Court at Law of Brazos County, Texas, to:KATHRYN R. BLACKWELL The residence of such Executor is in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. The post of- fice address is: ESTATE OF DERWOOD L BLACKWELL c/o Sam Sharp, Inc. P.O. Box 4305 Bryan, Texas 77805 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within and in the manner pre- scribed by law. DATED this the 20th day of July, 1994. /s /SAM SHARP, INC. Attorney for the Estate SBOT #18119000 7 -27 -94 BRYAN- COLLEGE STATI6N EAGLE