HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublicity Vol. 46 (Jan. 1992 - Feb. 1993)125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING' A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1992, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS LO- CATED AT 1101 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL ON THE QUESTION OF LEVYING ASSESSMENT TOWARD THE CON- STRUCTION OF A POR- TION OF WELSH STREET AND THAT THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER, FOS- SIL MOUND CORPORA- TION, BE ASSESS A SHARE OF THE EXPENSE. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STREET AND WALKS S ESTIMATED COST ATOTAL OF $97,500. THE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST FOSSIL MOIJND IS $34,900• ANY QUESTION CON- CERNING THIS MATTER SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE COLLEGE STOATION, T E X A S 7 7 8 4 2 (409 - 794- 3 509 ). 01_02- 92,0 -09 -92 Thursday, January 2, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLE (dl STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: LARGE TESTER BID DEADLINE .M. BID 192-29 The Request for bids wIII be received In the o ent at the Purchasing A9 City Hall, 1101 Avenue, College Station, Texas 77940. until the time and data speelfled above. SC I is may be ob- talned at the office of the Purchasing Agent. of the be r received turn unopened - The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bid or any and all Irregularities in sold bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the city. 1 12 -29-91 01 -02 -92 THE CrTy OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR IN E FOLLOW - TRENC QUIPMENT RING 125 Legal Notices BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/16/92, BID 1g2-27 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77940, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Irregularities In said bid and to accept the offer considered most ad- vantageous to the City. 1 01- 02- 92,01409.92 a THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: OVERHEAD DISTRIBU- TION TRANSFORMERS BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01 /17/92,131D F92 -30 The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City Of COIIege Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Irregularities In said bid and to accept the offer considered most ad- vantageous to the City. 01 - 0 3.92,01 -10-92 Friday, January 3, 1992 The Eagle c (DZ The Post - Christmas Spirit Eleven - year -old Brandon Lewis of Bryan carries a Christmas tree to a pile for mulching at a parking lot In College Station's Central Park on Sunday afternoon. The Christmas trees were being collected at the park and at Manor East Mali In Bryan by College Station and Bryan's parks and recreation departments and members of local 4 -H Clubs. Eagle photo/ Peter Rocha The Christmas tree mulch will be composted and then used at parks In Bryan and College Station. Officials said approximately 15,000 trees were expected to be dropped off Saturday and Sunday for recy- cling at the two locations. People bringing in Christmas trees for re- cycling were given a sapling they could take home and plant. Traffic to be slowed in CS Traffic hassles are expected in College Station early this week as improve- ments are being made to traffic signals. The intersections of FM 2818 at Longmire, Southwood, Rio Grande and Welsh; Southwest Parkway from Ander- son to Wellborn Road; and University at Texas, all will receive new controllers, timing programs and phasing patterns as a part of a traffic signal grant received in early 1991. The signals will be worked on today, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mark Schoenemann, traffic systems supervisor for College Station, said work will be coordinated to minimize traffic interruptions and police will be at each intersection. The improvements will help to reduce fuel consumption and traffic delays as well as offer new features such as a protected left turn signal. For information, call Schoenemann at 764 -3450. Monday, January 6, 1992 gyp. The Eagle tow • • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/16/92, BID #92.29 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the city. - - 7 /s 51 01- 07 -S2,t -1d -02 Tuesday, January 7, 1992 The Eagle • Council faces light schedule The College Station City Council will start off 1992 with a light schedule dur- ing short meetings today and Thursday. Today's meeting will consist mainly of an executive session in which the coun- cil will discuss negotiations with TCA CAble and appointing an alternate mun- icipal court judge. The cities of Bryan and College Sta- tion are reviewing the cable contract with TCA, which expires in 1994. The agenda states that the council will consider litigation against TCA, but city officials said legal action isn't likely. Thursday's council agenda includes approving a proclamation honoring the A &M Consolidated High School state champion football team. Thursday's consent agenda includes a tax abatement agreement for C.C. Crea- tions. If approved, the company will receive a 100 percent abatement from city property taxes on a planned expan- sion on Holleman Drive. If the company fails to hire 40 addi- tional people the first year, the city will tax the full amount. The council meets today at 4 p.m and Thursday at 7 p.m. in College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Wednesday, January 8, 1992 The Eagle 6 NOTICE OF 5 y A PUBLIC HEARING A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1992, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS LO- CAD AT 1101 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL ON THE QUESTION OF LEVYING ASSESSMENT TOWARD THE CON- STRUCTION OF A POR. TION OF WELSH STREET AND THAT THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER, FOS. SIL MOUND CORPORA- TION, BE ASSESS A SHARE OF THE EXPENSE. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STREET AND SIDE. WALKS IS ESTIMATED TO COSTA TOTAL OF $97,800. THE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST FOSSIL MOUND IS $34,900. ANY QUESTION CON. CERNING THIS MATTER SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE (P.O. BOX 9960, COLLEGE STATION, T E X A S 7 7 8 4 2 (409 -764- 3509). 0 -02- 92,01 -09 -9 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOW- ING: TRENCH SHORING EQUIPMENT BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/15/92, BID #92 -27 The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most ad- vantageous to the City. 01 -02- 92,01-09 -92 Thursday, January 9, 1992 The Eagle e CS council r*wlfzes Consol football champs A big crowd attended Thursday's meeting of the College Station City Council. Really big. Say an average of 6 -feet 3- inches and about 220 muscular pounds. About 40 members of the Class 4 -A state football champion A&M Consoli- dated Tigers showed up with Coach Ross Rogers to receive a resolution from Mayor Larry Ringer honoring the team for its 1991 season. Ringer and the council thanked the team "for the excitement and recogni- tion" they brought the community, and honored "their tremendous spirit and achievements." Rogers thanked the council and said the team was proud to be from College Station. With that, he showed that he is as good a judge of situations off the field as on. He herded his troops out the door and missed deliberations on plats and overlay districts. Friday, January 10, 1992 The Eagle L: By KARA BOUNDS Eagle staff writer Hoping to put the brakes on au- tomobile fatalities, other states are hitching a ride on a traffic ac- cident management system de- veloped locally by the Texas Transportation Institute. The Traffic Services Micro- computer System — TRASER — is already available in certain areas of New York and will soon be implemented statewide in Mi- chigan, said Sandra Parsons, a research associate in TTI's safety division. She said TTI will begin converting the program in Febru- ary from a Texas format to a Mi- chigan format. TRASER is a computer pro- gram that provides such informa- tion as the number and kinds of traffic accidents, citations and arrests at a specific location. It consists of five computer disk- ettes that can be loaded into most standard IBM - compatible com- puters. The Bryan and College Station police departments were among the first to begin using the pro- gram when it was offered in 1987. The information provided by TRASER is directly responsible for the decrease in major acci- dents in College Station from 1990 to 1991, said Sgt. Greg Lewis, traf- fic division supervisor for the College Station Police Depart- ment. The department set up seat -belt checks at sites that TRASER deemed high- accident locations. 'Although the number of minor accidents from January to November of 1990 as compared with January to November of 1991 rose 21.29 percent, the number of major accidents dropped 13.95 percent, he said. The number of traffic accidents in Bryan rose 23 percent from 1990 to 1991, said Jaynes Barnett, sergeant of auxiliary services for the Bryan Police Department, but the number in locations de- termined by TRASER to be high - prone to accidents declined. He credited TRASER for pointing out specific sites, which enabled his department to patrol more effi- ciently. To use TRASER, clerks at each police department enter informa- tion into the computer from police report forms, Parsons said. The data is immediately available. to the departments, enabling them to determine quickly the specific locations of frequent ac- cidents and traffic violations. Among the information TRASER can provide police de- partments is: ■A list of intersections at which the most accidents have occurred; ■A description of the type of collisions at a certain intersec- tion; ■A list of all the accidents on a particular street; and ■The number of citations at a precise location. The TRASER program origin- ated five years ago from a con- tract between TTI and the Texas Department of Transportation, Parsons said. At that time, small police departments depended on large cities and on state agencies for local accident information. Police departments needed to get local traffic information more quickly in order to do a more effective job of traffic enforce- ment, she said. Parsons said that in many cases, the information obtained through TRASER simply verifies what the officers already susp ( - ed. "They have information they've never had before, and in many cases, it supports their ex- perience," she said. In College Station, TRASER has supported the theory that many of the city's traffic accidents are caused more by road engineering problems than by traffic viola- tions, Lewis said. Barnett said the same is true in Bryan and that the program has helped identify and subsequently correct these engi- neering prohlems. Most traffic accidents Locations in Bryan - Collage Parsons said police depart- ments can use TRASER to get specific types of information for Please see TRASER,page A8 Sources: Bryan and College Station Police Departments TRASER From Al local needs. Departments in Cor- pus Christi and Galveston, for ex- ample, use the program to aid in handling accidents on their bea- ches, she said. And the number of arrests for driving while intoxi- cated in San Antonio increased by more than 500 from 1989 to 1990 through use of the program. Fort Worth, on the other hand, has used the program to de- termine the most frequent loca- tions and causes of its high num- ber of pedestrian fatalities, she said, as well as to initiate a public awareness program to combat the problem. Before the College Station Police Department acquired TRASER, employees were re- quired to calculate information by hand, Lewis said. The program helps the department effectively use its limited workforce, he said. "TRASER tells us where acci- dents are happening, the time they are happening and causation factors," Lewis said. Parsons said that from 1989 to 1990, the number of traffic fatali- ties in Texas decreased by 118, with cities using TRASER ac- counting for 100 of those. State- wide statistics for 1991 are not yet available. 4 o ? ?D x�mo ~ p� r': O� tA-1 ao S 3 0- o a c8� -IS CD o ca nA __ �m c Dm m-ocnij, 3m 0 , ( , D - m p v <yCDWW �v - msmo �N�tl)rNy y y j mmw m v <O Z a_M7oT m-, -. < m- W@ vm m - Hu a > mm (D (D a '3a70Zq0<<imv �7N��CL G) h7 ^' oa�+ °0Q- rnmpn�m�of g D m( n M r Al A� J o �o�m x� s� m x c n- 6� ZG) � mram00(D m� mm 3N 0m N� (D C-4 - - - - - -- - ■ N vote to a oun commi�io ners �.o p un ch car ballots for next e lec tion N By JIM HINEY retary of State's Office. Holmgreen said R.J. "Dick" Holmgreen, a considerable Eagle staff writer he has been told that approval could saving over the minimum $70,000 the come as soon as this week. county would have spent on optical After all the votes were counted Mon - County Democratic Party chairman scanning equipment. day, punch cards defeated optically -s- Bill McGuire said his party is planning "I really think we're dealing with an canned paper ballots as the means by on using the county's punch -card system. antiquated system," said Pct. 3 Commis - which Brazos County voters will cast Rodger Lewis, county Republican Party sioner Randy Sims. their votes during county -run elections. chairman, said he doubts the punch -card The commissioners' vote Monday re- But both systems may be used during system will be certified before mailing of flected the recommendation of an elec- the party -run primaries scheduled for absentee ballots begins Jan. 25. tion committee that studied possible re- March 10. He said the Republican Party will most placements for the punch card system. County commissioners voted during likely contract with a Dallas -based com- The punch card system modification their weekly meeting to use a modified pany to use a n optical scan system dur- includes a new counting system that pro - form of the punch card that the Texas ing its primary- duces an audit trail. An audit trail is a de- Secretary of State's Off d e certi fied last An o ptima scan system uses infrared tailed account of what transpires while year. The county Teas used Punch beams to scan pap et - MUMS, much like ballots are being count - s the ballots for about 20 years. scanners in grocery stores scan bar codes Lack of an audit trail was one reasons the Secretary of State's office Commissioners made adoption of the on products. punch -card system conditional on the Modifications to the punch card system decertified Brazos County's system, system receiving approval from the Sec- will cost about $18,000, said County Judge Holmgreen said. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BID FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) EIGHTYARD DUMP TRUCK 1992 MODEL BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/28/92, BID #92-31 The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date Specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office Of the Purchasing Agent. Ail bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 01 -16- 92,01 -23 -92 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BID FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) INDUSTRIAL BACKHOE/LOADER BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/27/92, BID #92 -32 The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Ir- regularities In said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 0 1-1 6-92,01-23-92 Thursday, January 16, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices o n NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING There will be a Structural Standards Board meeting on Thursday, January 23, 1992 at 3:00 p.m. in Council Chambers to determine compliance for Ordinance 1792. The public hearing will be for 3900 Texas Avenue Suite 101 & 102, 3.3 acres, Tract E In the Ponderosa Place Section II Subdivision. For more Information contact the Building Department or S u s a n C o l e a t (409)764.3741. 01.17 -92 Friday, January 17, 1992 The Eagle PUBLIC NOTICE Notice by the Department yy of Public Texas Safety that an administrative hea;ing will be held to show cause for the suspension Of drivers license (not to exceed one year) upon the findin g that the below listed per Friday, January 17, The Eagle INV MON TO BID ON LAND TO BE LEASED BY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR OIL AND GASPURPOSES BID #92 -35 - BRENTWOOD Park BID #92 -26 - HIGHWAY 30 SUBSTATION BID #92 -37 - LOT ON MIL- LER'S LANE /s /Sealed bids will be received by the College Station Purchasing Agent on behalf of the City of College Station at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842 until Friday, Jan. 31, 1992 2:00 P.M., and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on the same date In the Council Chambers at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Sealed bids are to be made on the lease form avai- lable at the Purchasing Agent's office, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas. 1992 125 Legal No tices A minimum bonus $205.00 per acre IB quired Bidder may be required demonstrate that he can form a pool. The City of College Station reserves the right to refuse all bids or to accept any bid on the property listed for a period of thirty (30) days fol- lowing bid opening date. Bids and checks that are rejected shall be shown on the lease. A memorandum of the oil and gas lease shall be recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the bonus money deposited to the general fund of the City of College Station. Cathy Locke City Attorney 01 -17- 92,01 -24 -92 T E C 1 7 1 a r • Important Public Hearing g RYA g Re g ardin the Cities' Cable Franchise Agreement The franchise agreements between TCA Cable Company and the cities of Bryan and College Station will expire in 1994. The cities have entered a re- franchising process which began in September 1991. A cable consultant, Municon, has been hired to assist the cities in this process. The public's needs and concerns are very important to both cities regarding this new franchise agreement. Two public hearings have been set for: January 21, 1992 at the Brazos Center at 7:00 p.m. and February 6, 1992 at the College Station Conference Center at 7:00 p.m. These meetings are for the purpose of seeking information from the citizens and organizations in this community who will be impacted by any agreements made in the final franchise document. You are invited to attend either or both of these meetings to express your concerns and needs regarding future cable communications in this community. For more information call 764 -3485 or 361 -3601. Saturday, January 18, 1992 The Eagle • INVITATION TO BID ON LAND TO BE LEASED BY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR OIL AND GAS PURPOSES BID #92 -35 - BRENTWOOD Park BID #92 -36 - HIGHWAY 30 SUBSTATION BID #92 -37 - LOT ON MILLER'S LANE /s /Sealed bids will be received by the College Station Purchasing Agent on behalf of the City of College Station at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842 until Friday, Jan. 31, 1992 2:00 p.m., and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on the same date in the Council Chambers at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Sealed bids are to be made on the lease form avai- lable at the Purchasing Agent's office, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas. A minimum bonus of $205.00 per acre is re- quired Bidder may be required to demonstrate that he can form a pool. The City of College Station reserves the right to refuse all bids or to accept any bid on the property listed for a period of thirty (30) days fol- lowing bid opening date. Bids and checks that are rejected shall be shown on the lease. A memorandum of the oil and gas lease shall be recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the bonus money deposited to the general fund of the City of College Station. Cathy Locke City Attorney 01 -18 -92 Saturday, January 18, 1992 The Eagle • 125 Legal Notic NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning Station Planning missioh * 8 Zoning hold a public hearing to con sider a rezoning request ey Co the Anco zone the following property Lot 14, Block T of the Uni- versity Park Subdivision from A -p Adminstriati� sional to C -B Business. The C I RoolmOf ho In the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue the ef Comm0 s i tu 0 p. m. meeting sion on ThadeY, February 6, 1992. For pleasedrt forrr contact at (409)76 -3570 Jane Kee Senior Plan r 92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING College The Station Planning 8, Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to CO" request a c ond iti onal by Georrge S Opasa- request by a tutoring 101 - kls to ope tution at 301•B Patricia in the Northgate zonInng district, d in The hearing will the Council Room I o i ft l he1Col - lege Station City a Texas Avenue at the Y!00 P .M. meeting of the Coritflis sion on Thursday, ebr 6, 1992. For additional Inf * please cont8ct t ning office at (40 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -22 - Wednesday, January 22, 1992 The Eagle • C THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TIME OF USE METERES WITH RECORDERS BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 125 Legal Notic 01/31/92, BID #92-34 The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hail, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date speotfled above. Specifi tIons may be obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Ir- regularities in said and to ac- cept the otter considered most advantageous to the City. 01 - 21.92,01.28 -92 Tuesday, January 21, 1992 The Eagle Utility rate drop tops agenda at council meeting By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Tuesday, January 21, 1992 The Eagle Rate reduction, land annexa. tion and cable regulation top the agendas for this week's College Station City Council meetings. At Wednesday's workshop, council members will discuss an ordinance that would lower elec- trical rates by 4.6 percent, reflect- ing 60 percent of the savings the city is receiving from a recent switch in power suppliers. The other 40 percent would go toward keeping future rate increases down. The rate reduction would save College Station customers about $2.2 million and would take effect Feb. 1. Thursday's meeting features a public hearing on the possible annexation of 350 acres along Graham Road. The original plan called for the city to annex only the properties of owners who want to join the city. City staff members now rec- ommend that the council annex all the businesses along Graham Road. Not only would it be more cost effective to provide utilities for everyone, it also would cut down on confusion for police and fire units, which respond only to calls within the city limits, said Assis- tant City Attorney Roxanne Nem. cik. Council members also will con- tinue considering local cable operations on Thursday, when they discuss an ordinance that would set standards for all multi- channel service providers. The council will hold a joint meeting with the Bryan City Council at 7 p.m. today in the Bra- zos Center to hear citizen con- cerns relating to cable service. The council meets Wednesday at 4 p.m. and Thursday at 7 p.m. in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Thursday, January 23, 1992 The Eagle Secretary of State OKs punch -card voting system The Texas Secretary of State's Office has approved Brazos County's modi- fied punch -card voting system, County Judge R.J. "Dick" Holmgreen said Wednesday. County Republican Party Chairman Rodger Lewis said the approval doesn't change his plans to use optica- lly scanned paper ballots during the March 10 Republican primary. Bill McGuire, county Democratic Party chairman, said he had planned all along to use the county's ,voting equipment during the Democratic primary. Holmgreen said he received word of the voting system's approval by phone from the Secretary of State's Election Division. The Secretary of State's Office decertified the county's old punch - card system last year. 125 Legal Notice THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BID FOR THE FOLLOWING: In Town & Texas ONE (1) INDUSTRIAL B DEA D LINE BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 00 01/27/92, BID #92-M The Request for bids will be received In the office of the CS council to delay Purchasing agent at City utility rate decrease Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date ' specified above. Specifica- Utility customers in College Station tions may be obtained at the want to wait before rushing to may g office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after turn up their thermostats. that time will be returned The College Station City Council de- unopened. The City of Col- cided Wednesday to delay a decrease lege station reserves the in electricity rates until some modifi- right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all Ir. cations can be made in the rate sched- regularities in said bid and to ule. accept the offer considered The city expects to save $2.2 million most advantageous to the an in energy charges in the 1991 -92 budget 01 -16. 92,01 -23 -92 year due to a switch in power sup- The City of College Station pliers from Gulf State Utilities to the fie CITY OF COLLEGE Parks and Recreation Texas Municipal Power Agency. STATION ON IS REQUESTING partment is soliciting ing requests for proposals to se- The city will pay a lower cost per ki- BID FOR THE FOLLOWING: cure surveying services for lowatt hour, but TMPA has a higher ONE (1) EIGHTYARD the Lincoln C Vayne demand charge than Gulf States. The DUMPTRUCK- Smith Park rpr der, Requests for proposals may opo demand charge is the amount the util 1992 MODEL BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. be examined at the Parks ity provider charges to ensure that it 01/28/92,BID#92 -31 and Recreation office at can provide enough power for peak The Request for bids will be lege Krenek Tap Road, Col - loge Station, Texas. periods. received In the office of the Purchasing agent One (1) copy of the proposal The demand charge affects the city's at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, should be submitted to Mr. Eric Ploeger, Assistant • medium and large commercial and in- college station, Texas Direc- for of Parks and Recreation, dustrial customers and must be fig- 77840, until the time and date P.O. Box 9980, College ured into the rate schedule. specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the Station, Texas 77842. Residential and small commercial office of the Purchasing Proposals can also be de. livered directly to the PARD rates still will probably go down by 4.6 Agent. All bids received after Office at 1000 Krenek Tap percent, as originally planned, saving that time will be returned Road, Proposals are due by the average home owner an average of unopened. The City of Col- loge Station reserves 4:00pm Friday, February 7, about $3.50 a month. the right to waive or reject any 1992, Telephone Inquiries may be addressed to Eric Jim McCord, the city's engineer for and all bids or any and all Ir. Ploeger or Peter Vanecek at rate design, is a gn expected to bring the regularities In said bid and to (409)764-3773. new rate schedule to the councils Feb. i accept the offer considered most advanta sous g to the 01-23-92,01-24-92 I 12 meeting. The rate decrease sched City 0 01- 30.92,01 -31 -92 uled for Feb.1 will probably be pushed 01 -18- 92,01 -23 -92 i back to March. Thursday, January 23, 1992 The Eagle Secretary of State OKs punch -card voting system The Texas Secretary of State's Office has approved Brazos County's modi- fied punch -card voting system, County Judge R.J. "Dick" Holmgreen said Wednesday. County Republican Party Chairman Rodger Lewis said the approval doesn't change his plans to use optica- lly scanned paper ballots during the March 10 Republican primary. Bill McGuire, county Democratic Party chairman, said he had planned all along to use the county's ,voting equipment during the Democratic primary. Holmgreen said he received word of the voting system's approval by phone from the Secretary of State's Election Division. The Secretary of State's Office decertified the county's old punch - card system last year. y � � n � N• �C� k< N N CS road annexation decision may reveal city's business intentions By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The property owners along South Gra- ham Road appeared Thursday to be split what appears to be an eternal question: Do we want to work in the country or move to the big city? South Graham Road lies only a few hundred yards outside of the College Sta- tion city limits, but it might as well be a few hundred miles. The mostly high -tech companies along the road are on the Wellborn water system and use Bryan's Rural Electric service and septic tanks. The College Station City Council on Thursday held its first public hearing on the proposed annexation of the road. The council will hold another hearing Feb. 7, with a vote scheduled for March. The road df-vsn't meet county road standards, much less the higher stand- ards of College Station. The county is planning to start reconstruction of the street sometime this year, but as the companies grow, the road will de- teriorate faster if it isn't brought up to city standards. Six of the 22 landowners along the de- veloped part of the road have asked to join the city. Since the six lots aren't ad- jacent, the city staff is proposing that all 22 properties be annexed. The advantages to the city of adding the properties are obvious. The land sits in the city's growth path and the com- panies are examples of the kind of high - tech industries that the Economic De- velopment Corporation has been trying to recruit to the area. Plus, the annexa- tion would add substantially to the city's tax base. But what remains unclear is what an- nexation would cost, and who would pay for it. The city's plan includes annexing 1,000 feet of South Graham Road and leaving the rest under the county's juris- diction. The city would not have to foot the bill of future maintenance. The city would have to provide sewer, water and electric service to the area if it is annexed. College Station can buy power lines now being used by Bryan Uti- lities, but adding water and sewer lines could be expensive. Sewer lines alone can cost $30 a foot. Bringing the road up to city standards would be more expensive than the rural road construction the county uses. In some cases, the city implements im- pact fees, with which new customers pay all the expense of new additions. There is no impact fee in place for sewer lines, and the city would have to add one to the city's list of codes before it could assess the new additions for construction of the lines. All College Station's taxpayers would foot the bill for the improvements if no impact fee is implemented. Page Heller, president of Micon Engi- neering, said he favors annexation as a sign that the city is serious about eco- nomic development. "The city should not just grab the as- sets and leave the liabilities behind," Heller said. Will Botts, president of 01 Analytical, was the first person to ask the city about annexation. He wants to expand his business, but needs better services first. He asked the council to send a message. "Say that College Station takes care of growing businesses," he said. Kirk Brown, president of KW Brown and Associates, opposes annexation, say- ing the companies on t he _ road had achieved` success without the city's help. He says the city staff hasn't provided enough information to prove the annexa- tion will benefit his business. "How much will it cost ?" he asked. "We're businessmen. How can we make decisions without figures." City planner Jim Callaway told the council that he would provide a financial summary of the annexation within 10 days. 0 u INVITATION TO BID ON LAND TO BE LEASED BY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR OIL AND GASPURPOSES Y BID #92 35 - 125 Legal Notices BRENTWOOD Park BID #92.36 - HIGHWAY 30 SUBSTATION BID #92 -37 - LOT ON MILLER'S LANE /s /Sealed bids will be received by the College Station Purchasing Agent on behalf of the City of College Statlon at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 771342 until Friday, Jan. 31, 1992 2:00 p.m., and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on the same date In the Council Chsmbers at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Sealed bids are to be made on the lease form avai- lable at the Purchasing Agent's office, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas. A minimum bonus of $205.00 per acre Is required Bidder may be required to demonstrate that he can form a pool. The City of College Station reserves the right to refuse all bids or to accept any bid on the property listed for a 'period of thirty (30) days fol- ' lowing bid opening date. Bids and checks that are rejected shall be shown on the lease. A memorandum of the oil and gas lease shall be recorded in the Official Records of 125 Lega Notices Brazos County, Texas, and the bonus money deposited to the general fund of the City of College Station. Cathy Locke City Attorney 01 -17- 92,01 -24 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE January 24, 1992 Granada Biosciences, Inc. Marquez, Tx at 10:00AM Will offer with no warranties 19 Limousin Bull calves (6 -12 mo), 11 Limousin Heifer cal- ves (6 -12 mo), 9 Adult Lim- ousin cows, 7 Gray Brahman calves with recipients. For more Information call (903) 529 -2461 01 -22- 92,01.23- 92 ,01 -24 -92 Friday, January 24, 1992 The Eagle i no City of College Station Parks and Recreation De- partment Is soliciting requests for proposals to se- cure surveying services for the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Corrider. Requests for proposals may be examined at the Parks 125 Legal Notices and Recreation Office at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. One (1) copy of the proposal should be submitted to Mr. Eric Ploeger, Assistant Direc. tor of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 9960, Coiiege Station, Texas 77842. Proposals can also be de- livered directly to the PARD Office at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Proposals are due by 4:OOpm Friday, February 7, 1992, Telephone inquiries may be addressed to Eric Ploeger or Peter Vanecek at (409)764 -3773. 01 -23 -92,01 -24 -92 01-30-92,01-31-92 r_1 L-A • rJ00 The City of College Station is current recruiting for an: The CONTROL OFFICER This person must be able to observe situations and report quickly verbally and in writing; must have adequate day and night vision; must pcssess a valid Texas drivers license; must be a high school graduate or possess GED; and must have the ability to lift 100 lbs. Salary - $1331/ month. Deadline to apply is 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Febru- ary 4, 1992. City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, January 26, 1992 The Eagle 6 • The City of College Station Parke and Recreation De- partment is sollcltinp 125 Legal Notices requests for proposals to se cure surveying services fo the Lincoln Center/Wayn( Smith Park Corrider. Requests for proposals mad be examined at the Park: and Recreation Office at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. One 0) copy of the proposal should be submitted to Mr, Eric Ploeger, Assistant Direc- tor of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842. Proposals can also be de- livered directly to the PARD Office at 1000 Krenek Ta Road, Proposals p are due by 4:OOpm Friday, February 7 1992, Telephone Inquiries may be addressed to Eric Ploeger or Peter Vanecvk at ( -3773, 01-23-92 ,01-24-92 01- 30 -92, 01 -31 -92 Thursday, January 30, 1992 The Eagle • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1936 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JANUARY 23, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting In regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted In accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded In the offi- cial records of the city, Is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4 BUSINESS REGULATIONS, BY AMENDING THE TITLE THEREOF AS WELL AS SECTION A,B,C,F,(1) AND F(3), OF THE CODE OF ORDIANANCES OF THE CTIY OF COLLEGE STATION, BY PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF SPECIAL EVENTS, AND PROVIDING AND EFFEC- TIVE DATE. " A special event shall mean a for profit or non profit event 125 Legal Notices to which the public is Invited, held on public or private property at which over one hundred Individuals attend, and held outside the confines of a building or permanent structure. The term Includes but is not limited to any meet- ing, entertainment, perfor- mance, show exhibition, or amusement. The term does not include gatherings for athletic events. A license Is required to conduct a special event and shall be operated under a license authorized herein for more than ten (10) days during a calendar year. Prior to the approval of the application, an Inspection shall be made by the Fire Marshal and the Police Chief or their delegate." A complete text of the above named ordinance can be Friday, January 31, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices seen a the Office of the City Secretary at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordiance shall become effective from and after its passage and approval In ac- cordance with the City Char- ter of the City of College Station. 01 -31- 92,02 -01.92 The City of College Station Parks and Recreation De- partment is soliciting requests for proposals to se- cure surveying services for the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Corrider. Requests for proposals may be examined at the Parks and Recreation Office at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. One (1) copy of the proposal 125 Legal Notices should be submitted to Mr. Eric Ploeger, Assistant Direc- tor of Parks and Recreatlon, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842. Proposals can also be de- livered directly to the PARD Office at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Proposals are due by 4:00pm Friday, February 7, 1992, Telephone Inquiries may be addressed to Eric Ploeger or Peter Vanecek at (409)764.3773. 01.23- 92,01 -24 -92 01 -30- 92,01 -31 -92 LEGAL NOTICE AND AF- *ROVED CON No. JANUARY 23, 1992. BY PASSED THE CITY :;OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, rEXAS meeting In regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance; signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, Is captioned as follows: AN ORDIANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE PROPERTY OWNER, FOSSIL MOUND COR- PORATION, ABUTTING UPON WELSH STREET IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROP- ERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXTEN- SION OF SAID STREETS AND AS TO ANY ERRORS IN VALIDITIES OR IRREGULARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH PARCEL OF PROP- ERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREET, WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, WILL BE SPECIALLY BENEFITED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED TO BE, AND ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTY, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER THEREOF, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE COST OF IM- POVING SAID STREET, WITHIN SAID LIMITS DEFINED, FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER THEREOF; ADOPTING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SAID ASSESS- MENT. The construction of the street and sidewalks and sidwalks is estimated to cost a total of $97,800. The assessemer.t against Fossil Mound is $34,900 to be paid over a three year period with repayment of principal and interest in equal quarterly Installments and interest at the rate of eight percent (8 %) annually. The complete text of the above -named ordinate may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordiance shall become effective from and after M passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City o College Station. 01-31- 92,02 -01 -92 125 L egal Not ices 1 125 Leg al Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1939 WAS PASSED AND AF- PROVED ON JANUARY 23, 1992, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been Posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17, Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDNANCE CLOSING THE is GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE PROPERTY OWNER, FOSSIL MOUND COR- PORATION, ABUTTING UPON WELSH STREET IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROP- ERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXTEN- SION OF SAID STREETS AND AS TO ANY ERRORS IN VALIDITIES OR IRREGULARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH PARCEL OF PROP- ERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREET, WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, WILL BE SPECIALLY BENEFITED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED TO BE, AND ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTY, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNErl THEREOF, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE COST OF IM- POVING SAID STREET, WITHIN SAID LIMITS DEFINED, FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY, AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER THEREOF; ADOPTING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SAID ASSESS- MENT. The construction of the street and sidewalks and sidwalks is estimated to cost a total of $97,800. The assessemer.t against Fossil Mound is $34,900 to be paid over a three year period with repayment of principal and interest in equal quarterly installments and interest at the rate of eight percent (8 %) annually. The complete text of the above -named ordinate may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordiance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. 01 -31 -92,02 -01.92 LEGAL NOTICE BUSINESS REGULATIONS, ORDINANCE NO. 1936 BY AMENDING THE TITLE WAS PASSED AND AP- THE AS WELL AS PROVED ON JANUARY 23, SECTION AND 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- TA CODE F(3), OF THE CODE OF CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- ORDIANANCES OF THE LIEGE STATION, TEXAS C T I Y O F COLLEGE meeting in regular session at By STATION, BY PROVIDING the College Station City Hall, FOR THE OF said meeting having been SPECIAL EVENTS, AND posted in accordance with PROVIDING AND EFFEC- Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- TIVE DATE. ance, signed by the Mayor " A special event shall mean and duly recorded in the offi- a for profit or non profit event vial records of the city, is cap- to which the public is invited, :ioned as follows: AN OR- held on public or private FINANCE AMENDING property at which over one 3HAPTER 4, SECTION 4 hundred individuals attend, and held outside the confines of a building or permanent structure. The term includes but is not limited to any meet- ing, entertainment, perfor- mance, show exhibition, or amusement. The term does not include gatherings for athletic events. A licent:e is required to conduct a special event and shall be operated under a license authorized Saturday, February 1 1992 r days during a calendar year. ' days uringacalend r ear. The Eagle Prior to the approval of the application, an inspection shall be made by the Fire Marshal and the Police Chief or their delegate." A complete text of the above named ordinance can be seen a the Office of the City Secretary at 1101 Louth 125 Legal Notices Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordiance shall become effective from and after its passage and approval it ac- cordance with the City Char- ter of the City of Col;ege Station. 01 -3 92 ,02.01 -92 Eagle photo/ Peter Rocha Members of the Boys and Girls Club of Brazos County line the rail to fish during a youth clinic Saturday at Cy Miller Pond adjacent to the College Station Police Department. Clinic gives youth something to `trout' about By JIM BUTLER Eagle staff writer A day spent fishing, the saying goes, is not deducted from one's lifespan. If so, some 100 kids and adults are going to live a little longer. The youths and their tutors took advan- tage of a spring -like Saturday to experience the fun of fishing as part of a youth clinic sponsored by the Urban Fishing Program sponsored by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and the College Station Parks & Recreation Department. Most of the kids came from the Boys and Girls Club of Brazos County with members of the Texas A &M courtesy of the TPWD. The fish were pur- University student chapter of the American chased from a private hatchery in Arkansas Fisheries Society as instructors and cheer- and paid for from proceeds of the $7 Trout leaders. Bradley Gerling, 7, of College Station, caught the first rainbow trout of the clinic with three pieces of whole kernel corn as bait. "This is the first trout I ever caught," said the noticeably excited youngster. "But I caught a catfish once at my grandpa's farm." The clinic was held at Cy Miller Pond, ad- jacent to the College Station Police Station on South Texas Avenue. Some 2,000 rainbow trout were stocked in the pond Wednesday, Stamp fishermen between 17 and 64 years of age must buy to catch trout. Urban fishing programs have become a high priority with government agencies and fishing tackle manufacturers as fewer and fewer youngsters are being exposed to fish- ing and the outdoors, said Mike Reed, TPWD fisheries biologist in the Bryan distridct. "This district has been the leader," Reed said. "It's something Mark (Webb, district Please see TROUT,page A2 Trout fishing in College Station Trout From Al biologist) and I have wanted to do for a long time. Mark and I both have a strong interest in getting kids involved in fishing. Recent changes in the department have allowed us to conduct more pro- grams for the public." The first clinic was in Hearne of June of 1992. Outings were held in Fort Parker State Park near Mexia and in Pasadena in Jan- uary. "It has taken us awhile to learn where to get the tackle and to en- list support groups," Reed said. "I think we have it pretty well or- ganized anow." When youngsters arrived at the pond, fishing tackle, bait and in- structors were waiting for them. The tackle was provided by Ze- bco, Inc. At the end of the two - hour session, the youngsters were treated to pizza courtesy of Do- mino's. "The program is for all youths," Reed said, "but specially for city kids who haven't been exposed to fishing and the outdoors. Studies have shown that people who have never been exposed to fishing when they are young never be- come fishermen. These days there are so many single- parent homes or homes where both parents work that no one has time to take kids fishing anymore. We call it an urban fishsing program, but even in Hearne, which is pretty rural, we had a lot of kids who had never held a fishing rod." The City of College Station, which has been a leader in urban fishing programs and has won a national award for its Pool Trout Fish -Out, will hold another one Feb. 21 -23 at Adamson Pool in Bee Creek Park, said David Gerling, special facilities superintendent. Some 2,000 rainbow trout will be dumped into the pool. Admission fee will be $2.50. "By working with the parks and wildlife department, cities can save a lot of money on the purchase of fish," Reed said. "Be- cause we order such a large vol- ume, cities can get the fish for • ■ T H E C T r a ■ • Important ' � � RYA Public Hearing �� Regarding the Cities' i E x n s ■ Cable Franchise Agreement : The franchise agreements between TCA Cable Company and the cities of Bryan and College Station will expire in 1994. ■ The cities have entered a re- franchising process which : began in September 1991. A cable consultant, Municon, has been hired to assist the cities in this process. The public's needs and concerns are very important to both cities regarding this new franchise agreement. The last of ■ two public hearings has been set for: February 6, 1992 : at the College Station Conference Center at 7:00 p.m. This meeting is for the purpose of seeking information from ' the citizens and organizations in this community who will : be impacted by any agreements made in the final franchise ' document. � e : You are invited to attend either or both of these meetings to express your concerns and needs regarding future cable ■ communications in this community. e ' For more information call 764 -3485 or 361 -3601. ■ ■ ■ Sunday, February 2, 1992 The Eagle Hill tells blacks to utilize their strengths Recognition of qualities key to history program By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer All black Americans possess inner characteristics that unite them and give them strength to overcome their obsta- cles, a local minister said Saturday night. Those characteristics are endurance, caring, pride, strength, vision and wis- dom, said the Rev. Samuel Hill, associate pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in College Station, in an address at the Black History program at the Lincoln Center. "When you think about being black, think about all these things," Hill said. "This month, we need to reaffirm all these things in ourselves and in our chil- dren." Hill was the featured speaker of the evening, which was sponsored by the Lincoln Center to celebrate Black History Month. The program, which drew an au dience of about 100 people, featured spiri- tuals, prayers, poetry and speeches by local black leaders. Far too many black Americans have lost sight of the fact that they possess those qualities and with them can over- come any obstacle, Hill said. "If you realize that all of these things are in you, you're going to stand tall," he said to thunderous applause. "If you take these things away, you won't be feeling very good. That's what's wrong with so many of our children. They've had these things stripped away." Hill also said that black Americans need to stop just seeing their problems and begin solving them. "They'll always be something wrong," he said. "But we need to find a solution, a way around it. "Take what you have and make the best of it." Hill said black Americans have the strength to overcome their problems be- cause they are descendants of the strongest blacks in Africa, he said. Traders selected the strongest African natives to sell into slavery and many died during the journey to America, leaving only the best on arrival, he said. "Only the strongest of the strong sur- vived the trip," he said. "We are descen- ded from the strongest of the strong." Earnest Dempsey, director of the Lin- coln Center Boys' Club and a Sam Hous- ton Elementary School physical edu- cation instructor, said children don't know enough about black history. "All the way through black history, all we can remember is Martin Luther King Jr., which is good and not so good," he said. "Where are we going, black America ?" Dempsey said. "Everyone's going some- where. But before you can go anywhere, you have to come from somewhere." Blacks must take pride in their heri- tage and themselves in order to overcome the problems of today — teen pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, drugs and school drop- outs, he said. Master of ceremonies Blossie Payton said the purpose of Black History Month is to remember the contributions blacks have made to all of society and to pass that knowledge on to children. "It is the responsibility of one genera- tion to pass it on to the next," she said. "If it is not, it will be forgotten." couie puum rnui nucna Carolyn Nobles of Bryan leads a gathering in song at the Lincoln Recreation Center during a Saturday evening ceremony marking the start of Black History Month. Speakers exhorted the audience to make use of their strengths, and urged people to pass on black history to children. • C•♦, he City of College Station is currently recruiting for the position of. MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST II The person will be responsible for PC hardware and software installation, configuration, and repair for new and exisiting PCs and peripherals. Must present excellent communication skills and be knowledgeable of PC LAN's, Novell, and Microsoft products. A minimum of two years experience is required. Salary $1916/month. Deadline to apply is 5:00 pm. Friday, February 14, 1992. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX Equal Oppwt ky Emo(w •� The City of College Station is `4 currently recruiting for the position of-. SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK (accounts receivables) Responsible for the monitoring of accounts receivables and maintenance of account files Issues city licenses and permits. H.S. degree or equivalent and 2 -3 years of office experience required. Knowledge of cash receiving, 10 -key, computer accounting systems, workd processors, and spreadsheets prefered. Salary $1193 /month. Apply before 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1992 at City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. Sunday, February 2, 1992 The Eagle • i CSPD offering another Citizens' Police Academy For anyone who ever enjoyed play- ing cops and robbers as a child, the College Station Police Department is offering a chance to see how it's really done. The department is accepting appli- cations for its Citizens' Police Acad- emy, a free 30 -hour, 10 -week class that details all aspects of police work. Applications will be accepted until Feb. 28. The class starts March 3 and meets for three hours each Tuesday night at 7 p.m. The class is designed to increase citizens' understanding of how the department operates. Police officers and other law - enforcement officials teach each class. Topics include criminal in- vestigations, patrol, internal affairs and the use of force. Students partici- pate in a mock building search and also get to ride along with a police offi- cer during an eight -hour shift. Monday, February 3, 1992 41 The Eagle • Michael Strope receives commendation ■ College Station Police Chief Michael Strope received the Sons of the American Revolution Law Enforcement Commen- dation Medal at a ceremony held on Jan. 27. Strope was cited for his professional development activities in the College Sta- tion Police Department during the past five years and for preparing the depart- ment for accreditation by the Commis- sion on Accreditation for Law Enforce- ment Agencies. 0 YANCEY STROPE Tuesday, February 4, 1992 40 The Eagle It's Like This Margaret Ann Zi.pp • r E C i T p i ■ N' P Important ■ �� ■ Public Heating B RYA Regarding the Cities T E x n s ■ Cable Franchise Agreement : The franchise agreements between TCA Cable Company and : ■ the cities of Bryan and College Station will expire in 1994. The cities have entered a re- franchising process which ■ • began in September 1991. A cable consultant. Municon, : : has been hired to assist the cities in this process. ■ The public's needs and concerns are very important to both : : cities regarding this new franchise agreement. The last of • two public hearings has been set for: ■ February 6, 1992 ■ at the College Station Conference Center at 7:00 p.m. : ■ ■ This meeting is for the purpose of seeking information from : the citizens and organizations in this community who will be impacted by any agreements made in the final franchise : document. ■ You are invited to attend either or both of these meetings : to express your concerns and needs regarding future cable ' communications in this community. For more information call 764 -3485 or 361 -3601. ■ ■ ■ ■ Tuesday, February 4, 1992 The Eagle 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The College Station Com- munity Appearance Commit- tee will hold a public meeting and workshop to receive comments from interested Parties about the City's Weed Ordinance. The meeting will be held In Room #127 of the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush, at 7:00 P.m. on Monday, February 125 L e g al Notic 10, 1992. For additional Information, Please contact me at ( Jim Callaway City Planner Any request for sign Imerpre- five services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call the above number or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -TX. 02 -05 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Johnny E. Oates dba 'The Cue" to allow a 125 Legal Not ices 1 125 Le gal Notices too be l 03 Boyett �n 02 -05 -92 the Northgate zoning district. The hearing will be held In PUBLIC HEARING HEARI R NG the Council Room of the Col- loge Station City Hall, 1101 The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will Texas Avenue at the 7;00 P.m meeting hold a public hearing to con - rider a conditional use of the Commis- sion on Thursday February 20 permit request by Kanon Church, Inc. to conduct Bible 1992 Any request for sign P n Inter re- classes at 1806 D Welsh, a shopping tive services must be made 48 hours before the meetin center located at the sou - thwest corner of Southwest To make arrangments call ( -3547 The heariing we be held In or (TDD) 1-800- 735 -2989, the Council Room of the Col - For additional Information, Please contact the Planning lege Station City Hall, '101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 Office at (409)764 -3570. P.M. meeting of the Commis - Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner sion on Thursday February 20, 1992. • C _900f� The City of College Station is accepting applications for a SYSTEM ANALYST to support the Public Safety and Municipal Court computers. The individual must have a minimum of is s one year experience working with the ADDS MENTOR 7000 Series computers (NCR TOWERS) with the PICK Operating system and should be knowledgeable of DATA BASIC, TERMINAL CONTROL LANGUAGE, ENGLISH /RECALLSAND ACCESS. Experience working with P01ice, Fire and Municipal personnel is highly desirable. Cour department adDe li ne $ 204 2 / Mo nth a pply i /nshFriday, February 14, 1992 5:00 Dea Send Resumes to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Ewal opponud,y trploy_ Wednesday, February 5, 1992 40 The Eagle Any request for sign interpre- five services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call ( -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional Information, Please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -05 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning $ Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the question of granting a Condl- tional Use Permit for a Res- taurant & Bar to be located in an existing lease space at the northernmost end of the Cul- pepper Plaza shopping center at 1601 Texas Avenue. Owner of the prop - er trris Jerry J• Moore In- ve Miller, Inc. Applicant is Ricky The hearing will be held In the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday February 20, 1992. For additional Information, Please contact me at ( -3570. Sabine Kuenzei Planning Assistant Any request for sign Interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call number above or (TDD) 1- 800- Relay -Tx. 02 -05 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Fountainhead Development Corp. Inc., a subsidiary of Myrad Real Estate, of the fol- lowing property; Approximately 20,484 acres generally located at the sou- thwest corner of the intersection of Highway 6 and Barron Rao4 from C -1 General Commercial and R -lA Single Family Resi. dential to R -1 Single Family Re- sidential. J The hearing will be held in 125 Legal Notices the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday February 20, 1992. Any request for sign Interpre- five services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call ( -3547 or (TDD) 1 -8 00- 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact me at ( -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 02 -05 -92 �J Wenesday, February 6, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by Fountainhead Development Corp. Inc., a subsidiary of Myrad Real Es- tate, of the following prop- erty: Approximatley 20.484 acres generally located at the sou- thwest corner of the intersec- tion of Highway 6 and Barron Road, from C -1 Generl Commercial, A -O Agricultural Open, and R -1A Single Fa- mily Residential to R -1 Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, March 12, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at 125 Legal N (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 02 -26 -92 DATE: 2 -24 -92 I, Jerry Jones, AS OF THIS DATE WILL NO LONGER BE RESPON- SIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS OTHER THAN THOSE INCURRED BY MYSELF. SIGNED, /s /Jerry Jones NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an appli- cation for a permit to conduct operations for the discovery and production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons within the City of College Station. The applicant is the Petro - Hunt Corporation and the name of the proposed will is OI'Sarge k1. The proposed drilling site is 1.5 miles south - southwest of Colleg Station Texas on Texas A &M University prop- erty; approximately 1.8 miles southwest of FM 2818 and 1.2 miles southwest of FM 60. The City Council will consider this application at a public hearing scheduled for Thurs- day, March 12, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive service must be made 46 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Engineer- ing Office at (409)764 -3570. David Pullen City Engineer 02 -26 -92 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS The Cities of College Station and Bryan have received no- tice to expect award of 1992 Community Development Block Grant funds. The grant for the City of College Station is expected to amount to $731,000.00. The grant for the City of Bryan is expected to amount to $796,000.00. By statue, Community De- velopement Block Grant funds must be used to ac- complish one of three National Objectives: 1. Benefit low- moderate in- come persons. 2. Eliminate slum and blight. 3. Meet an urgent community need (disaster relief, etc.) A portion of these funds, not to exceed 15% of the respec- tive grant to each city, may be used to fund eligible Pu- blic Services provided by var- ious oganizations. Rep- 125 Legal Notices resentatives of such organi- zations are invited to apply for such funding at the Com- munity Development office of either the City of College Station or the City of Bryan. Applications will be available `rom either Community De- velopment office beginning Monday, March 9, 1992. The Jeadline for submission of -ompleted applications is 2:00 p.m. April 10, 1992. - The Cities of College Station and Bryan coordinate the re- view of requests for and allo- ;ation of Community De- velopment Block Grant fund - ng for public services agen- :ies providing services to area residents. The rep - esentative City Councils lave adopted a Policy Statement by which all equests will be evaluated and prioritized. Copies of the 'olicy Statement are availa- )le at the Community De- velopment offices of either 'ity. -or more information, please ;all 764 -3778 or 361 -3610. 'hief Executive Officer lonorable Larry J. Ringer ✓ layor, City of College Station -Ionorable Marvin Tate Mayor, City of Bryan 02- 23- 92,02 -26 -92 • CS city staff will present road annexation proposals College Station City Council mem- bers on Friday will hear three propo- sals on the possible annexation of property along South Graham Road. City staff members are recommend- ing that the city annex the businesses clustered at the west end of the road, giving the city additional revenues from utility sales and property taxes. They also recommend that the city take only the 1,000 feet of right -of -way along the road that is required by state law. The council will have a public hear- ing on the annexation at 4 p.m. in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. If the council decides to add only those properties asking for annexa- tion, the project would be a money - loser, and the city would create a prob- lem for emergency service crews, who would have to figure out what's in the city and what isn't. If the council takes the entire road, located between Texas 6 and Wellborn Road, it would mean a net gain of $21,000 a year in revenues. But the city would face opposition from property owners who do not want to be part of the city. All the proposals assume that the city will not improve the street to city standards. Road improvements would add about $900,000 to the project. Thursday, February 6, 1992 The Eagle • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request from the Zoning Ordinance, Setback Regulations, at 8704 Driftwood, Block 4, Lot 3 of Emerald Forest Phase 1, to allow a building addition to be less than 25' from the rear property line. Applicant is David R. and Betty K. Wright This request will be con. sidered by the Zoning Board 125 Legal Notices 1 145 Legal Notices of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- i day February 18, 1992 at 1:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)784 -3547 or (TDD) 1. 800.735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)784 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -07.92 7.00 pm in the City Hell Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)784.3547 or (TDD) 1.800- 735.2989. For additional information, please contact the Plarming Office at (409)784.3570. Sabine Kusnzel Staff Planner 02 -07 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will cin- older a special exception from at the Zoning Ordlance, to allow dormitory-type hous- ing at the building located at 303 College Main, Lot 28, Block 8-7 of the Boyett Addi- tion in the Northgats zoning district Applicants are Phillip M. Gibson and Jesse N. Bur - ditt, Jr. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- day, February 18, 1992 at Friday, February 7, 1992 The Eagle �-3 M I 0) rt t7i (D �7 (D A� n a N N CS takes first step on road to annexation By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Members of the College Station City Council on Friday directed the city staff to prepare an ordinance to annex all the businesses along the west end of South Graham Road. The council also directed the staff to begin the annexation process for the en- tire length of the road, which stretches from Texas 6 to Wellborn Road. The council appears ready to take on the task of bringing the road up to city standards, which would cost an esti- mated $1.2 million. Will Botts, the owner of O.I. Industries, located at the northwest corner of the Wellborn and Graham Roads, was the first to petition the city for annexation. Botts said he needs city water and sewer service before he can expand. But not everyone on the road shares Botts' enthusiasm to be part of College Station. Lynn Elliott, owner of Lometa Petroleum, told the council on Friday he didn't want to be in the city. "I don't need city services and I don't need the additional costs of being in the city," said Elliott, whose business is on South Graham Road. If the city really wanted development, it would leave the road outside the city, Elliott said. "Increased costs reduces de- velopment," he said. But Councilman Fred Brown said the investment will be good for the city. Staff figures on the cost of providing service to the area did not include the possibility of additional residential de- velopment. A large area of open field se- parates the city limits from South Gra- ham Road. Because there is a junior high and an elementary school in the area, residential development is expected. "We were going to be in the city sooner or later," Elliott said after the meeting. "If it's done this way, it's acceptable. Provided the council directs staff to use discretion because we are an industrial area and not treat us like a residential development. "We don't want to be invited to the party and end up paying for it," he said. The staff will also have to find a way to fund the project. Brazos County has pledged about $200,000 for the road im- provement, but that still leaves the city over $1 million short. City Finance Director Glenn Schroeder said the city has about $1 million in un- sold bonds available for road projects. 0 F The Ci of College Station is curre y accepting applications for: ould have a dAIV e omp ST Science or other elated fields. With a minimum of 1 year of programming development and/or program maintenance experience. lus. Working with NCR IRX/ITX, operating system using NCR COBAL 74 or 8S. Municipal Government experience a p Deadline to apply: 5:00 P.M. Friday, February 21, 1992 Salary:.$2042 /month Apply to: City of College Station I 1101 S. Texas Avenue ' College Station, TX The City of College Station is A currently recruitin.R for the nrm;,;— —r. T per MICROeCOMPUTER SPECIALIST II insta II ation, configurations d Iepai r for new and exisiti g PCsa nd E j : pherals.Must present excellent communication skills and be 'Iedgeable of PC LAN's, Novell, and Microsoh m um of two y . Sala ry$19116/ onth. Deadline to apply is 5:00 pm. Friday, February 14 1992 Cif of Col APPIY to: Y College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Tx (00902f The City of College Station is accepting applications for a SYSTEM ANALYST to support the Public Safety and Municipal Court computers. The individual must have a minimum of one year experience working with the ADDS MENTOR 7000 Series computers (NCR TOWERS) with the PICK Operating system and should be knowledgeable of DATA BASIC, TERMINAL CONTROL LANGUAGE, ENGLISH /RECALLSANDACCESS. Experienceworking with Police, Fire and Municipal Court department Personnel is highly desirable. Salary: $2042 /Month Deadline to apply is Friday, February 14, 1992 5 :0o P.m. Send Resumes to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, February 9, 1992 The Eagle N College Station holds hearing on weed ordinance College Station's Community Appear- ance Committee on Monday took the first step down the garden path that some res- idents hope will result in a new weed or- dinance. About 75 people came to the commit- tee's public hearing on the weed ordi- nance, and most said the ordinance needs revision to allow native plants and wild- flowers to flourish. "We need to encourage native plants, Preserving our natural heritage and nat- ural species," said Gary Varner. "We need to make sure we preserve an envi- ronment for those species." Others called for the ordinance to be more specific. "What is a weed ?" asked Dick Startzan. "Some people's weeds are another per- son's orchid." Jim Baker said the present weed ordi- nance was tantamount to an infringe- ment of freedom of expression. "I should be free to express my tastes [in landscaping]," Baker said, "just as I'm free to choose what car to drive." Susan Causey, chairwoman of the committee, said she hopes to recommend an ordinance to the College Station City Council that will last more that three years. The present ordinance was amen- ded in 1989 after wild flower growers and those who have more traditional lawns appeared to have reached a compromise. But Monday's audience was filled with people who were cited under the ordi- nance, even though they felt their only crime was a yard of beautiful wild flowers. The committee had hoped to have something to recommend to the council within two months, Causey said, so that it could be settled before the wild flower growing season was over. "But I don't think that it's possible, with all the interest we've had," Causey said. Tuesday, February 11, 1992 The Eagle 0 • Wednesday, February 12, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider several City initiated rezonings along the University Drive Corridor from the East -By- Pass to Tarrow. The following properties are currently zoned C -1, General Commercial and the proposed zoning C -B, Business Commercial: Approximately4.13 awes,part of a 19.489 acre tract, (Block 17, Glenhaven Phase M located at the south- west corner of the intersection of University and the East -By -Pass. - A 1.8912 acre tract on the south side of University Drive located along the east side of the entrance drive to Cedar Creek Condominiums and approximately 800 feet southwest of the Lincoln and University inter- section. - A 2.5832 acre tract on the south side of University Drive located along the west side of the entrance drive to Cedar Creek Condominiums and approximately 1000 feet southwest of the Lincoln and University intersection. - A 3.923 acre tract located on the south side of University Drive approximately 1400 feet southwest of the Lincoln and University intersection. - A 4.00 acre tract located on the south side of Univer- sity Drive approximately 1700 feet southwest of the Lincoln and University intersection. - A 6.47acre tract located on the south side of Univer- sity Drive approximately 900 feet northeast of the Tarrow and University intersection. - A 4.51 acre tract on the south side of University Drive located adjacent and to the east of The Village shopping center and approximately 600 feet northeast of the Tarrow and University intersection. - A 1.01 acre tract located in The Village shopping center; Block A of University Park Fast. - A 1.46 acre tract located at the southeast corner of the intersection of University and Tarrow in The Vil- lage shopping center, Block B of University Park Fast; Golden Corral. - A 6.56 acre tract located at the southeast corner of the intersection of University and Tarrow; Block C of the University Park East; The Village shopping center. A 7.939 acre tract bound by Tarrow, University, an d Fast Tarrow; Lots 1-4, Block 1, Chimney Hill Retail Plaza. - Approximately 19 acres located on the northeast corner of the intersection of East Tarrow and Univer- sity, Lots 1, 2,4 , 5 and part of Lot 6, Block V, University Park II; The Hilton, TAMU System Headquarters, Creekside Retail Center, and the Inn at Chimney Hill. - A4.96 acre tract located on the north side ofUniver- sity Drive; Lot 3B, Block V, University Park II. - A 132 acre tract located on the north side of Univer- sity Drive, Lot 3A, Block V of University Park 11; State Farm Insurance building. The following Property is currently zoned C -N, Neigh- borhood Commercial and the proposed zoning is A -P, Administrative Professional: - A.5740 acre tract located on the northwest comer of the intersection of Spring Loop and University Drive; Lot 12, Block T of University Park II. The public hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 pm. meeting of the Council on Thursday, Febru- ary 27,1992. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meetin To make arrange- ments call (409) 764.3547 or WD) 1-800-735-2989. For additional information, please contact the Plan- ning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 02 -12 -92 The City of College Station is currently recruiting for the position of SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK (accounts receivables) Responsible for the monitoring of accounts receivables and maintenance of account files Issues city licenses and permits. H.S. ree or equivalent and 2 -3 years of office experience require Knowledge of cash receiving, 10 -key, computer accounting systems, workd processors, and spreadsheets prefered. Salary $1293 /month. Apply before S p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, 1992 at City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. 111" Om)*M Y Fmda+r , 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by the Anco Cor- Poration to rezone the follow- ing property: Lot 14, Block T of the Uni- versity Park Subdivision from A-P Adminsitrative Profes- sional to C -B Business. Commercial The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 125 Legal Notices Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m, meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 27, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764.3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 02 -12 -92 Wednesday, February 12, 1992 The Eagle Filing starts Monday in municipal elections By Phil Sulak and Kalil Levey Eagle staff writers Monday is the first day of filing for four seats on the College Station City Council and three seats each on the Bryan City Council and the Bryan and College Sta- tion school boards. Bryan City Council Councilman Ed Aycox, Place 2, has an- nounced that he will not run for re- election, but former councilwoman Kandy Rose said Friday that she will file for the spot. Councilman Larry Catlin, Place 4, and Councilman Marc Hamlin, Place 6, have said that they will run for re- election. Catlin will be running for his fourth term, and Hamlin will be seeking his sec- ond term. College Station City Council Mayor Larry Ringer has said he will seek his fourth term. College Station City Councilman Dick Birdwell, Place 2, said Friday he will not run. Councilman Ver- non Schneider, Place 4, indicated he plans to seek a third term and Council- woman Nancy Crouch, Place 6, said she will run for a second term. School boards Dr. Howard Cargill has said he will leave the Bryan board after seven years in Position 3. Jim Bradford, Position 2, said he will be a candidate for a second term, and Robert Odstrcil, Position 1, said he is undecided. In College Station, Place 3 incumbent Deanna Wormuth said she will leave the school board when her third term ends. Neither Donald Carter, Place 5, nor Larry Linder, Place 4, could be reached for comment. Candidates in city races must register with the city secretary. The Bryan Muni- cipal Building is at 300 S. Texas Ave., and College Station City Hall is at 1101 Texas Ave. S. School board candidates must register at the appropriate superintendent's of- fice. Bryan's administration building is at 101 N. Texas Ave., and College Sta- tion's is at 1812 Welsh Ave. `•� The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for: SYSTEMS ANALYST Applicant should have a degree in Computer Science or other computer related fields. With a minimum of 1 year of programming development and/or program maintenance experience. Working with NCR IRX/ITX, operating system using NCR COBAL 74 or 8S. Municipal Government experience a plus. Deadline to apply: 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 21, 1992 Salary: $2042/month Apply to: City of College Station 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, TX R cyc r may p lant in CS Thursday, February 20, 1_ Tha FAr a Firm handles medical waste By TERI WALLEY Eagle staff writer A company that treats and re- cycles medical waste is consider- ing building a plant in the College Station business park. An announcement may be made later today. Stericycle, based in Illinois, treats all medical waste, except for body parts, and recycles it into usable products. The College Station plant would serve a 300 -mile radius, bringing in medical waste from as far away as San Angelo to the west and Shreveport, La., to the east. Stericycle representatives will meet this morning with the Eco- nomic Development Corp. board, the Bryan City Council, the Col- lege Station City Council, the Brazos County Commissioners Court, members of the medical community and others to explain the process. Stericycle has plans to build six plants by the end of this year and eight to 12 more in 1993. The company uses a process it calls "electro- thermal deactiva- tion," which exposes the waste to a high - strength oscillating elec- tric field generated by low - frequency radiowaves. The wastes absorb the electric energy and heat rapidly. The materials reach 95 -100 degrees Celsius and are held in insulated containers for two hours. At that point, vir- uses, fungi, bacteria and parasites are eliminated, according to Ster- icycle literature. The used medical material, which is shredded during the process, is sorted into "sharps" (plastics) and "softs" (drapes, gowns and linens). The sharps are turned into the Steritub, a reusa- ble medical waste container. The softs are turned into Steri- fuel, which is used by some con- crete manufacturers as fuel, the company says. The factory would initially em. ploy 30 workers and eventually � increase to 60, according to EDC executive director Robert Worley. A tentative incentive package the city of College Station may I offer includes land and tax abatements valued at $335,080. The incentives include: ■6 -8 acres of land in the busi- ness park, valued at $961000; ' ■Infrastructure developments, valued at $80,000; ' ■And tax abatements, valued at $174,080. i i Ck C!( ,�_ 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE RDINANCE NO, 1941 AS PASSED AND AP- ROVED ON FEBRUARY 1, 1992 BY THE CITY DUNCIL OF THE CITY OF E STATION 125 Legal Notices tested by the Mayor. and the City Secretary, and In accor- dance with the City Charter. 02 -21- 92, 02.22-92 O L L E G =xAS meeting in regular �ssion in the Council Room ' the College Station City all, said meeting having aen posted in accordance ith Art. 6252 -17. Said Or- Inance, signed by the Mayor nd duly recorded in the offi- ial records of the city, is cap - oned as follows: AN OR- HNANCE AMENDING ;HAPTER 10, SECTION 2F, )F THE CODE OF ORDIN- ,NCES OF THE CITY OF 'OLLEGE STATION RE- .ATING TO SCHOOL 'ONES, AND DECLARING ,riAT ATTENDANT FACT JECESSITATE IMMEDIATE >CTION. Drdinance No. 1941 revises he Traffic Control Devices nventory Schedule V - School Zones, to include the following location: Welsh Street north from Rock Prairie Road right -of -way line 920 feet of the elementary school property line, between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. and between 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. The complete text for the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly at- LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1942 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 13, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252.17. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RE- LATING TO SPECIAL HA- ZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Ordinance No. 1942 desig- nates certian intersections to be controlled by stop signs, and establishes said desig- nations by describing same in a TRAFFIC CONTROL Friday, February 21, 1992 The Eagle DEVICE INVENTORY - SCHEDULE III. 1. Westchester Avenue westbound at Welsh; 2. Willow Loop westbound at Welsh 1450 feet north of Rock Prairie Road; 3. Willow Loop westbound at Welsh 1140 feet north of Rock Prairie Road; and 4. Honeysuckle Lane west- bound at Welsh. Ordinance No. 1942 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and ap- proved by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text for the above -named or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 02-21-92,02-22-92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1940 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 13, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 3 -E(2) (n) (24), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPEED ZONES, SPECIFI- CALLY DESIGNATING AD- DITIONAL AREAS IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IN WHICH RATES OF SPEED OF THIRTY (30) MILES PER HOUR OR MORE ARE AUTHORIZED; RESCINDING ALL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING THAT AT- TENDANT FACT NECESSI- TATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Ordinance No. 1940 estab- lishes speed zones on Welsh Avenue to read as follows: The traffic moving north and south shall be thirty -five (35) miles per hour from the inter- section of Welsh Avenue and Holleman Drive to the inter- section of Welsh Avenue and Rock Prairie Road. The complete text fot the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly at- tested by the Mayor and City Secretary. 02-21-92,02-22-92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1943 WAS PASSED AND AP PROVED ON FEBRUARY 13, 1992 BY THE CITV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING NEW COMPREHENSIVE REGULATORY PRACTICES FOR MULTI - CHANNEL SERVICE PROVIDERS INCLUDING THOSE PROVIDERS KNOW AS CABLE OPERATORS, AND INCLUDING PROVISIONS FOR INSURANCE, REPORTS AND RECORDS, CONSUMER PRACTICES, CONSUMER PROTECTION MEASURES, CON- STRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION - RELATED PRAC- TICES, FRANCHISE FEES AND ALTERNATIVE USER CHARGES, OPERATION PROCEDURES, AND HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE MEASURES; PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 1943 determines that the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of College Station, Texas re- quires that a comprehensive ordinance be adopted which establishes a regulatory framework applicable to the provision of all multi - channel service providers within its territorial jurisdiction. Prior to consideration and approval of this Ordinance, the City Council of the City of College Station held a public hearing, notice of which first having been duly given to the general public. This ordinance includes provision for criminal and civil penalties. A criminal penalty is any violation or failure to abide by, and comply with, any provision or requirement of this ordinance is a Class C misdemeanor, subject to a fine up to $500.00 per occurence, unless otherwise pro- vided by State law. Each day upon which there exists a violation of this ordinance, or a failure to abide by, or comply with, any provision or requirement of this ordin- ance, shall constitute a separate occurence, and may subject the MCS provider to separate criminal penalties. A civil penalty may be imposed for the violation of any provision of this ordinance. The penalty for this violation is up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each violation, and each day of a continuing violation may be con- sidered, a new violation. The above -named ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the College Station City Council, and in ac- cordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 02-21-92,02-22-92 H 'TJ G' �i (D F' tQ N �S G W �i -Firm says CS in running `for waste recycling plant By TERI WALLEY Eagle staff writer A medical waste processing company announced Thursday that College Station is a definite maybe as a site for a process- ing plant. Stericycle, based in Illinois, had said it would announce a final site decision Thursday. Instead, College Station is still compet- ing with Temple and Waco for the plant, which will process infectious medical waste using radio waves. Stericycle recycles most of the proces- sed waste into hard plastic containers for the medical industry and into a high - energy fuel. Glass, which makes up 1 -2 percent of the waste, will be placed in a landfill. The plant would service hospitals and other medical facilities within a 300 -mile radius, but wouldn't serve anyone out- side Texas. Instead of choosing a single site now, Stericycle will begin obtaining state and local permits in all three cities, according to Bill Cebak, manager of facility siting and permitting for Stericycle, because the permits are site - specific. If one site falls through for some reason, Stericycle won't have to start the permitting process over. Jack Stewart, president of the Waco Chamber of Commerce, said he didn't be- lieve Stericycle to be playing one com- munity against the other. "In this case, there is some rationale for that approach," Stewart said. "It's certainly not our intention to get into any bidding war." Cebak and vice chairman Dr. James W. Sharp refused to rank the three cities in order of preference, saying that all had advantages. Cebak expects to make a final decision within 30 days. Both Stewart and Brodie Allen, presi- dent of the Temple Economic De- velopment Corp., said their cities have not offered any sort of incentive package. "Our meetings so far have been an ed- ucational process," Allen said. "We have not gotten to the point where we're dis- cussing incentives." Although the College Station City Council hasn't voted on it, a proposal from the city to Stericycle offered to give Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks Stericycle's Bill Cebak, manager of facility siting and permitting, and Vice Chairman Or. James W. Sharp discuss with B -CS officials the prospect of locating a recycling plant here. the company about six acres of land, im- provements to the land and tax abate- ments, all of which total about $335,000. The processing plant, which will cost $2 million to $3 million to build, should be operating within nine months, Cebak said. The plant will employ 30 -60 people. The plant here would be built in the College Station business park. Stericycle only processes solid infec- tious medical waste, which makes up about 15 percent of all hospital waste. Solid infectious waste includes such items as syringes, needles, saws, scalpels, gowns, drapes, linens, blood and blood products, live cultures and culture di- shes. It does not include body parts. The plastics are shipped to California to be recycled into "Steritubs," a medical waste container, and the fibers and metals become "Sterifuel." Stericycle already sells Sterifuel to Oregon concrete plants as a supplemental fuel. The glass, and any other waste that can't be recycled, is reduced in volume by 85 percent and sent to the landfill. Cebak and Sharp say the plant won't emit anything into the air or water. .J • 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1941 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 13, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meetino havinn 125 L ega l Notice been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2F, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RE- LATING TO SCHOOL ZONES, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACT NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Ordinance No. 1941 revises the Traffic Control Devices Inventory Schedule V - School Zones, to include the following location: Welsh Street north from Rock Prairie Road right -of -way line 920 feet of the elementary school property line, between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. and between 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 125 Legal Notices WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 13, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 3 -E(2) (n) (24), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SPEED ZONES, SPECIFI- CALLY DESIGNATING AD- DITIONAL AREAS IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IN WHICH RATES OF SPEED OF THIRTY (30) MILES PER HOUR OR MORE ARE AUTHORIZED; RESCINDING ALL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING THAT AT- TENDANT FACT NECESSI- TATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Ordinance No. 1940 estab- lishes speed zones on Welsh Avenue to read as follows: The traffic moving north and south shall be thirty -five (35) miles per hour from the inter- section of Welsh Avenue and Holleman Drive to the inter- section of Welsh Avenue and Rock Prairie Road. p.m. The complete text for the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly at- ;asted by tho Mayor and the City Secretary, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. 02.21. 92,02.22 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1940 Saturday, February 22, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notice The complete text fot the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 110 1 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly at- tested by the Mayor and City Secretary. 02 -21. 92,02 -22 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1942 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 13, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Or- dinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RE- LATING TO SPECIAL HA- ZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOP SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. Ordinance No. 1942 desig- nates certian intersections to be controlled by stop signs, and establishes said desig- nations by describing same in a TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INVENTORY - SCHEDULE III. 1. Westchester Avenue westbound at Welsh; 2. Willow Loop westbound at Welsh 1450 feet north of Rock Prairie Road; 3. Willow Loop westbound at Welsh 1140 feet north of Rock Prairie Road; and 4. Honeysuckle Lane west- bound at Welsh. Ordinance No. 1942 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and ap- proved by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete ext for the above -named or- iinance may be seen at the )ffice of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, ,ollege Station, Texas. 02-21-92 ,02-22-92 • LEGAL NOTICE I )RDINANCE NO. 1943 AND AP- DROVED ON FEBRUARY WA 3S 1992 BY PASSED THE CITY 1 DOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session in the College Station amity Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance Mth Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING NEW COMPREHENSIVE REGULATORY PRACTICES FOR MULTI - CHANNEL SERVICE PROVIDERS INCLUDING THOSE PROVIDERS KNOW AS CABLE OPERATORS, AND INCLUDING PROVISIONS FOR INSURANCE, REPORTS AND RECORDS, CONSUMER PRACTICES, CONSUMER PROTECTION MEASURES, CON- STRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION - RELATED PRAC- TICES, FRANCHISE FEES AND ALTERNATIVE USER CHARGES, HEALTH, SA ETY OPERATION PROCEDURES, WELFARE MEASURES; PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 1943 determines that the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of College Station, Texas re- quires that a comprehensive ordinance be adopted which establishes a regulatory framework applicable to the provision of all multi - channel service providers within its territorial jurisdiction. Priorto consideration and approval of this Ordinance, the City Council of the City of College Station held a public hearing, notice of which first having been duly given to the general public. This ordinance includes provision for criminal and civil penalties. A criminal penalty is any violation or failure to abide by and comply with, any provision or requirement of this ordinance is a Class C misdemeanor, subject to a fine up to $500.00 per occurence, unless otherwise pro- vided by State law. Each day upon which there exists a violation of this ordinance, or a failure to abide by, or comply with, any provision or requirement of this ordin- ance, shall constitute a separate occurence, and may subject the MCS provider to separate criminal penalties. A civil penalty may be imposed for the violation of any provision of this ordinance. The penalty for this violatior is up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each violation and each day of a continuing violation may be con sidered, a new violation. The above -named ordinance shall become effective anc be in full force and effect from and after its passage an( approval by the College Station City Council, and in ac cordance with the City Charter. The complete text of thi above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Colleg Station, Texas. 02 -21- 92,02 -22 -92 Saturday, February 22, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices • Sunday, February 23, 1992 The Eagle PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS The Cities of College Station and Bryan have received no- tice to expect award of 1992 Community Development Block Grant funds. The grant for the City of College Station is expected to amount to $731,000.00. The grant for the City of Bryan is expected to amount to $796,000.00. By statue, Community De- velopement Block Grant funds must be used to ac- complish one of three National Objectives: 1. Benefit low- moderate in- come persons. 2. Eliminate slum and blight. 3. Meet an urgent community need (disaster relief, etc.) A portion of these funds, nol to exceed 15% of the respec live grant to each city, may be used to fund eligible Pu blic Services provided by var ious oganizations. Rep resentatives of such organi zations are invited to apply for such funding at the Com munity Development office o either the City of Collegf Station or the City of Bryan. Applications will be available from either Community De velopment office beginning Monday, March 9, 1992. Thl deadline for submission c completed applications i 2:00 p.m. April 10, 1992. The Cities of College Statio and Bryan coordinate the rE view of requests for and allc cation of Community DE velopment Block Grant funs ing for public services ager cies providing services t area residents. The ret resentative City Council have adopted a Polic Statement by which a requests will be evaluate and prioritized. Copies of th Policy Statement are avail ble at the Community Di velopment offices of eith, City. For more information, pleas call 764 -3778 or 361 -3610. Chief Executive Officer Honorable Larry J. Ringer Mayor, City of Collec Station Honorable Marvin Tate Mayor, City of Bryan 02 -23- 92.02 -26 -92 On • e ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Additions and Renovations to Existing Facilities Central Park Workshop Expansion City of College Station, Texas Sealed proposals addressed to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, will be received in the Cen- tral Park Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas, until 2:00 pm, Tuesday, 17 March 1992, for fur- nishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence and labor for the "Additions and Reno- vations to the Central Park Workshop ", will be publicly opened and read aloud. Drawings and Specifications and Bidding Documents may be obtained from the College Station Parks and Re- creation Department at the Central Park Office. Two (2) sets of Drawings and Specifications will be furnished each bidding General Contractor without charge upon deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) each as guarantee as to the safe return of the Drawings and Specifications within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Drawings and Specifi- cations will be placed in various plan rooms throughout the State. Drawings requested by subcontractors and material dealers, or additional Drawings and Specifica- tions requested by bidding contractors may be obtained from the Owner upon payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) per set, which is refundable, as above. Partial sets of Draw- ings and Specifications will not be available. Make checks payable to the City of College Station. Proposals shall be accompanied by a casNer's or certi- fied check upon a state or national bank in Texas for the amount of not less thatn five percent (5 %) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recowse to the City of College Station, Owner, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable Surety Company as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute per- formance bond within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. The successful Bidder must furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract price from and apOoved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of'Texas, to act as Surety, or other Surety or Sureties ac4ptable to the Owner. The project is exempt from all State and Local taxes. The City of College Station is tax exempt. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the bid opening thereof. The right is re- served, by the Owner, to reject any or all bids and waive informalities and irregularities. 02- 24- 92,02 -25- 92,03 -01- 92,03 -02 -92 Monday, February 24, 1992 The Eagle ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Additions and Renovations to Existing Facilities Central Park Workshop Expansion City of College Station, Texas Sealed proposals addressed to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, will be received in the Cen- tral Park Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas, until 2:00 pm, Tuesday, 17 March 1992, for fur- nishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence and labor for the "Additions and Reno- vations to the Central Park Workshop ", will be publicly opened and read aloud. Drawings and Specifications and Bidding Documents may be obtained from the College Station Parks and Re- creation Department at the Central Park Office. Two (2) sets of Drawings and Specifications will be furnished each bidding General Contractor without charge upon deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) each as guarantee as to the safe return of the Drawings and Specifications within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Drawings and Specifi- cations will be placed in various plan rooms throughout the State. Drawings requested by subcontractors and material dealers, or additional Drawings and Specifica- tions requested by bidding contractors may be obtained from the Owner upon payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) per set, which is refundable, as above. Partial sets of Draw- ings and Specifications will not be available. Make checks payable to the City of College Station. Proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certi- fied check upon a state or national bank in Texas for the amount of not less thatn five percent (5 %) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of College Station, Owner, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable Surety Company as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute per- formance bond within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. The successful Bidder must furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract price from and approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as Surety, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. The project is exempt from all State and Local taxes. The City of College Station is tax exempt. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the bid opening thereof. The right is re- served, by the Owner, to reject any or all bids and waive informalities and irregularities. 02- 24- 92,02 -25- 92,03 -01- 92,03 -02 -92 Tuesday, February 25, 1992 The Eagle Panel's selection makes Feldman's dream come true By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer When an arm injury dashed Edgar Feldman's chances at a professional baseball career, he became a College Station police officer. Since his first day as a rookie officer in 1965, Feldman dreamed of being chief of police. That dream came true Thursday night. The City Council on Thursday announced that Maj. Feldman, 50, will replace Chief Michael Strope on March 1. Strope announced his resignation in December. He will remain with the department in an advisory role until July 31 to help ease the tran- sition and aid in the selection of an officer to fill Feldman's position. "When I came here in 1965 and decided I wanted to [be a police officer], I dreamed," Feldman said. "I The College Station City Council picked Maj. Edgar Please see DREAM, page A3 Feldman as the new chief of police. Friday, February 28, 1992 The Eagle Dream From Al had visions of what this city and what this department would be- come. And I dreamt of being for- tunate enough to be the chief one day." Feldman, who was raised in College Station, was a pitcher in the San Francisco Giants organi- zation from 1960 to 1965. An arm injury sidelined him during spring training of his last season, sending him to El Paso of the Texas League. The problem wor- sened, and Feldman quit baseball in April 1965. He returned home and learned that the department was hiring. "I thought 'Why not ? "' he said. "I had nothing else to do, so I took it. I liked it, and I stayed." Feldman spent the next 27 years climbing the ranks. After two years as a patrol officer, he was promoted to patrol sergeant in 1967. Six years later he became a patrol lieutenant, followed by a promotion to captain and assis- tant chief in 1975. In 1980, he was promoted to major. Feldman said he has no plans for major changes within the de- partment, but does intend to re- fine existing programs. "I think what's set in place and what we're doing is working, and it's working very well," he said. "I'm comfortable with that and I think everyone in the department is, as well. "Just adding programs for the sake of adding programs is des- tructive. We have excellent pro- grams in place and we just want to make those better." Feldman said he wants to con- tinue the work Strope did as chief and will strive to make the de- partment a model for other law enforcement agencies in Texas. • CS program promotes home safety with reduced insurance payments By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer Securing your house against burglars will do more than make you feel safer, it will save you money under a new program developed by College Station police. In the "Safe Home" program, contractors work with police to build houses that meet state and local safety requirements. Homeowners who buy those houses qualify for discounts of 5 to 15 percent on their homeowner's insurance, said officer Byron Tilton, who developed the idea. Existing houses can be modified to meet the re- quirements, affording those homeowners reduced rates as well, he said. Among the requirements: ■Exterior doors must be solid wood or metal at least 1-N inches thick and have a deadbolt lock with at least a 1 inch throw. ■ Deadbolt strike plates must be secured to the door frame with 3- inch -long screws. 125 Legal Notices is Saturday, February 29, 1992 The Eagle ■ Windows must be fitted with two locks. ■ Shrubs and other plants cannot conceal doors or windows. ■ For advanced certification and greater insur- ance discounts, an alarm system must be installed. When construction of the home is finished or modifications are made to an existing house, police inspect the building. Tilton said the primary goal of the program is to make homes more secure and to raise public aware- ness of crime prevention. Meeting the requirements adds a "minimal" amount to the price of the house, often less than $100, Tilton said. W.S. Phillips Construction Co. has built the first "safe home" in College Station at 3406 Regal Row. Police will be performing a final inspection on the house today, Tilton said. Two other contractors have contacted the depart- ment about the program, he said. For more informa- tion, call the department at 764 -3611. FOLLOWING: MUNICIPAL FISCAL IMPACT MODEL PROPOSAL DEADLINE 5:OOP.M. 04/10/92, RFP #92 -39 The Request for proposals will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Sation, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All propo- sals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said proposal and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02-28-92,03-06-92 • • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PAINTING CITY HALL AND CENTRAL FIRE STATION BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 03/11/92, BID #92 -40 The Request for bids will be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Spec ifica- tior)s ]nay be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after *4W__ r 125 Legal Notices that time will be returned unopened. The City of C01- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02- 27- 92,03 -0 -92 Thursday, February 27, 1992 The Eagle CS electric rate. drop sparks talk By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Electric rates in College Station will probably go down on March 1. But the question the College Station City Council will answer today is when a higher de- mand charge will take effect, and what that charge will be. Council members discussed the city's rate structure Wednesday at their work- shop session. The council has been planning to lower rates by 4.6 percent since September, when council members discussed the 1991 -92 budget. The council decided in October to pass on to customers 60 percent of the $2.2 mil- lion it will save this year by switching its power supplier from Gulf States Utilities to the four cities that make up the Texas Municipal Power Association. The other $880,000 will go to establish programs to help keep the city's electrical rates com- petitive in the future. But the council has never decided ex- actly how to pass on the higher demand cost that resulted from switching to TMPA. College Station has to pay a demand charge to TMPA for a guarantee that there will be enough power to supply Col- lege Station during the city's peak periods. The charge is higher under TMPA, and the city eventually will pass on that cost to the customers. City staff members are recommending that the increase be passed along slowly, with an education period built to teach load management to customers who would be affected by the increase in the load charge. But Councilman Dick Birdwell said that increasing the load charge now is the only way to get customers to practice load management. The council is scheduled to vote on the electrical rate scale today during the reg- ular council session at 7 p.m. in the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Additions and Renovations to Existing Facilities Central Park Workshop Expansion City of College Station, Texas Sealed proposals addressed to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, will be received in the Cen- tral Park Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas, until 2:00 pm, Tuesday, 17 March 1992, for fur- nishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence and labor for the "Additions and Reno- vations to the Central Park Workshop ", will be publicly opened and read aloud. Drawings and Specifications and Bidding Documents may be obtained from the College Station Parks and Re- creation Department at the Central Park Office. Two (2) sets of Drawings and Specifications will be furnished each bidding General Contractor without charge upon deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) each as guarantee as to the safe return of the Drawings and Specifications within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Drawings and Specifi- cations will be placed in various plan rooms throughout the State. Drawings requested by subcontractors and material dealers, or additional Drawings and Specifica- tions requested by bidding contractors may be obtained from the Owner upon payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) per set, which is refundable, as above. Partial sets of Draw- ings and Specifications will not be available. Make checks payable to the City of College Station. Proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certi- fied check upon a state or national bank in Texas for the amount of not less thatn five percent (5 %) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of College Station, Owner, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable Surety Company as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute per- formance bond within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. The successful Bidder must furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100 %) of the contract price from and approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as Surety, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. The project is exempt from all State and Local taxes. The City of College Station is tax exempt. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the bid opening thereof. The right is re- served, by the Owner, to reject any or all bids and waive informalities and irregularities. 02- 24- 92,02 -25- 92,03 -01- 92,03 -02 -92 Monday, March 3, 1992 The Eagle H . �� The City of College Station is curME * �C� accepting applications for the positibA of ENERGY AUDITOR Applicants must have knowledge of energy conservation, construction, HVACsystem& and electrical demand. Ability to deal with the public is a must. Salary: $1916 /month Deadline to apply: Wednesday, March 11, 1992 City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer 1] CS Fire Department responded quickly I want to express a well deserved pat on the back to the College Station Fire Department. Recently, my husband and I awoke to the smell of burning rubber and discovered smoke pouring out of our attic fan. I called 911 and was connected to the College Station Fire Depart- ment immediately while my hus- band gathered up our dogs. The fire fighters' response time was outstanding — they were on the scene before we could even awa- ken and evacuate the residents of the other five apartment units! Wednesday March 4, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an ordinance amending section 12 Sign Regulations, of Ordinance number 1638, th3 Zoning Ordinance for the 125 Legal Notices I City of College Station, speci- fically to make a distinction between commercial and noncommercial signs, and to allow off - premise signs on City property through acts of City Council when certain criteria have been met. The hearing will be held In the Council Room of the Col- ` lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Commission on Thursday March 19, 1992. Any request for sign Interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 -735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Planning Assistant 03 -04-92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by CGlle- giate Clubs Corp. of the fol- lowing property: 913 B Harvey in the blood- stone Strip Center, Lot Part Res PR -C 6 acres, Block 4 of the University Oaks Subdiv- ision, C -1 General Commer- cial. The Board will also hear a variance request by Joseph Alessandra of the following property: 202 Holleman, Lot 5, Block 1, of the Poch's Park Subdiv- ision, C -1 General Commer- cial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 P.M. meeting of the Board on Thursday, March 19, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 03 -04 -92 r� • CJ THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PAINTING CITY HALL AND CENTRAL FIRE STATION BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 03/11 /92, BID #92 -40 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the tlme and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned 1 unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02 -27- 92,03 -05 -92 Thursday, March 5, 1992 The Eagle Nancy Crouch seeks re- election to council CJ Councilwoman Nancy Crouch has announced that she will seek a second term on the College Station City Coun- cil. Crouch, repre- senting Place 6, was first elected in 1990, when she replaced Dick Haddox. Crouch ran unop- posed. Crouch serves on the council's per- CROUCH sonnel and adminis- tration and development policy com- mittees. She is an alternate on the capital improvements and council re- lations committees. Crouch serves as the council liaison to the city's community appearance and historic preservation committees. Crouch owns Home Care Services, a business and home cleaning service. She formed the company in 1977 with a $15 investment. Before entering busi- ness, Crouch taught English at Texas A &M University and Blinn College in Bryan. The City Secretary's office will be accepting filings for places 2, 4, and 6 on the council and for mayor until March 18. Monday March 6, 1992 The Eagle �J 1 1 �3 �_i (D H- iZ � sy N �i n Al N N C CS police substation receives high marks By KELLY BROWN Eagle staff writer Willie Jackson doesn't live in fear anymore. Gone are the days when he hesitated to let his children play outdoors. No longer does Jackson look outside his window every hour to see if his car is still there or if drug dealers are gathering. "Southgate Village [Apartments] has changed 100 percent," Jackson said. "There are no more fights, no more drug - gies around. There's a trust here now. It's safe, just like a normal residence." That's exactly the atmosphere College Station police wanted to create when they opened a substation at the apartment complex one year ago Thursday. More than 1,200 people have visited the substation in the past year, and about 100 incidents were handled as a direct result of an officer being on duty in the office, 143 Luther St. No. 253. Scott Simpson, coordinator of the community policing program, said the The College Station police department's Southgate Village substation celebrated Its first anniversary with an open house. substation allows police to become dir- ectly involved with residents. Southgate Village Apartments, home for many low- income families, sits in the middle of an area bounded by George Bush Drive, Wellborn Road, Southland Street, Welsh Avenue and Dexter Drive — one of the highest crime areas in Col- lege Station. "This office lets people who ordinarily wouldn't go down to the police station come to us in their own neighborhood and talk to us," Simpson said. "At first, we had to break down the barriers, espe- cially with the kids, because they've been raised [to believe] that cops are bad. We had that image to overcome and we have." Police have seen an increase in crimi- nal activity being reported while watch- ing the number of disturbances decrease. Every patrol officer has a key to the apartment and an officer can be found in the office at least six hours a week. The complex turned the office over to the police department free of charge. Jackson said thought oth- ers might resent the police coming to their complex to change things. "But the majority of us welcomed them," he said. "People appreciate what they've done for us. I know they don't hear it a lot but I love good cops and be- lieve in what they're doing — it's making a difference in our lives." Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks, 0 0 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1946 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 27, 1992, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, meeting In regular session in the Council room of the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Or- diance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE REZONING TWENTY ONE TRACTS ALONG THE UNIVERSITY DRIVE CORRIDOR, FROM Friday, March 6, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices TARROW TO THE EAST BY PASS, FROM C -1 GEN- ERAL COMMERCIAL TO C -B BUSINESS COMMER- CIAL. Prior to consideration and approval of this ordinance, the City Council of the City of College Station held a public hearing, notice of which first having been duly given to the general public. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1945 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 27, 1992, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 4, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS RELAT- ING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The ordinance represents new rate design which incor- porates cost of service ad- justments. The complete copy of the above named ordinance can be seen at the Office of the City Secretary at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. This ordinance shall become i effective March 1, 1992. 03- 06- 92,03 -07 -92 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MUNICIPAL FISCAL IMPACT MODEL PROPOSAL DEADLINE S:OOP.M. 04/10/92, R FP #92 -39 The Request for proposals will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Sation, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All propo- sals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities in said proposal and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02-28-92,03-06-92 125 Legal Notices the City Charter of the City of College Station. 03-06-92,03-07-92 • Saturday March 7, 1992 The Eagle 125 Leg al Notices College Station. 03 -06- 92,03 -07 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1945 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 27, 1992, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 4, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS RELAT- ING TO SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The ordinance represents new rate design which incor- porates cost of service ad- justments. The complete copy of the above named ordinance can be seen at the Office of the City Secretary at 1101 South Texas Avenue, CollegE Station, Texas. This ordinance shall becomE effective March 1, 1992. 03 -06- 92,03 -07 -92 • The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of ENERGY AUDITOR C� Sunday March 8, 1992 The Eagle Applicants must have knowledge of energy conservation, construction, HVAC systems and electrical demand. Ability to deal with the public is a must. Salary: $1916 /month Deadline to apply: Wednesday, March 11, 1992 City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equ Opp ortunity Employer 0 • 0 THE CITY OF COLLLUL STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: FIREFIGHTERS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING BID DEADLINE 2:00 P-M. 03/13/92, BID #92 -41 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Sation, Texas 77840, until the time and date Tuesday March 10, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 03.03- 93,03 -10 -92 it • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a special exception to Zoning Ordinance #1638 , to allow the operation of a wholesale /retail of preowned automobile at 3206 Long - ` mire. Applicant is James W. Gray of Sport & Classic Motor Cars, Inc. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board 'of Adjustment at their regular „meeting scheduled for Tues- day, March 17, 1992 at 7:00 Pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or Wednesday March 11, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ;TDD)1- 800.735 -2989. -or additional information, Tease contact the Planning Office at (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 03-11-92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an appli- cation for a permit to conduct operations for the discovery and production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons within the City of College Station. The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources Co., of Fort Worth, Texas and the name of the proposed well is McCullough - McCullough Number 1. The proposed drilling site is approximately one mile east along Rock Prairie from the intersection of Green's Prairie Road; then approxi- mately 1200 feet northerly of Rock Prairie Road, on the land of Jean McCullough Stephen, etal, within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of College Station; all within the 360 acre McCul- lough- McCullough Unit. The City Council will consider this application at a public hearing scheduled for Thurs- day, March 26, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Halt Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -354 or (TDD)1 -800. 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Engineer- ing Office at (409)764 -3570. David Pullen City Engineer 03 -11 -92 Tn�owin &Texas CS could have extended calendar for 1993 -94 College Station school trustees voted Monday night to leave next year's school calendar intact, but they told administrators to explore adopting an extended school calendar for the 1993 -94 school year. Superintendent Ray Chancellor said the board asked administrators last summer to prepare options for a year - round school calendar. The board asked Chancellor to pro- duce a list of pros, cons, cost projec- tions and other factors of changing the calendar. Trustee Sherman Click also told the board that the facility committee has met with administrators about options for rectifying overcrowding at Oak- wood Middle School and for other building plans. Click said the committee will meet with city officials sometime after spring break, which is March 16-22, and he expects the committee to make a final recommendation sometime in April. CS council to review plan for city's business park Master Plan 2000 isn't the new science - fiction classic at your local theaters, it's what the College Station City Council will review today at its 4 p.m. workshop. The plan is designed to help the council members plan growth in the College Station Business Park, located in the southern part of the city along Texas 6. The park was originally controlled by the College Station Economic Foundation, which was dissolved when the Bryan- College Station Eco- nomic Development Corp. was formed. City staff members think the park needs rezoning, platting, and and ex- tension of streets and utilities because of interest from new industries. The council also meets on Thursday in its regular session at 7 p.m. Both meetings will be in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. L� (D r_ n t7J N (D A� n n N N N CS council votes to develon inlifflQtriski ark By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The College Station City Council voted Wednesday to begin developing the city's 200 -acre industrial park on the southern edge of town. Glenn Schroeder, the city's chief fi- nancial officer, gave the council an out- line showing that the first phase of de- velopment in the empty park could cost as much as $4 million. The council acted quickly, directing city staff' members begin gathering pro- posals from architectural and engineer- ing firms. The council members reached their decision after City Manager Ron Ragland and Economic Development Corp. direc for Robert Worley told them that two "se rious" prospects, other than medical waste recycler Stericycle, are intereste d in locating in the park. "There is a sense of urgency," Worley said. Representatives of a California com- pany with about 300 employees will be in the city next week to talk with local offi- cials, Worley said. "And if they come, they want to be operating in six months," he said. Worley said that a total of 35 prospects were looking at the Bryan- College Station area. David Dillard, with Three Architecture of Dallas, told council members that en- vironmental impact statements, zoning, - landscaping requirements, traffic no studies and soil analysis needed to be done before the city could begin full-scale development of the park. All that and construction of the first Phase — 90 acres — would take about 13 months. The city paid $2.37 million for 1,200 acres in 1981. The plan was for a munici- pal- private development that would re- sult in facilities ranging from a new city cemetery to a golf course, a landfill and a hotel - resort -spa. The city had planned to work a deal with developer Bill Spearman to give up land along Greens Prairie Road in return for property fronting Texas 6, on which the city planned to develop a "high -tech business park." In 1982, Spearman sold the Texas 6 property to Jose Arguello and JAC De- velopers, Inc. Arquello sold it to Bill Fitch in 1985. Finally, in 1988, the city traded land along Greens Prairie Road for 200 acres Fitch owned along Texas 6. By then, Lick Creek Park had been formed on part of the original purchase, and a sewage plant had been planned to handle expected res- idential development in the area. At the same time, Fitch announced plans for the Pebble Creek development. Fitch sold out his share of the course and residential area to Young Brothers Con- struction Company in 1991. 125 Le Notices INVITATION TO BID ON LAND TO BE LEASED BY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR OIL AND GAS PURPOSES BID #92 -42 - COLLEGE STATION CEMETARY Sealed bids will be re- cieved by the College Station Purchasing Agent on behalf of the City of College Station at 1101 Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77842 until Tuesday, March 31, 1992 2:00 p.m., and publicly opened and read aloud at 125 L egal Notice 2:00 P.M. on the same date in the Council Chambers at Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Sealed bids are to be made on alease form availa- ble at the Purchasing Agent's office, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. A minimum bonus of $205.00 per acre is re- quired. Bidder may be required to demonstrate that he can form a pool. 125 L Notices The City of College Station reserves the right to refuse all bids or to accept any bid on the property listed for a period of thirty (30) days fol- lowing bid opening date. Bids and checks that are rejected shall be shown on the lease. A memorandum of oil and gas lease shall be recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the bonus money deposited to the general fund of the City of College Station. The City of College station property 125 Legal Notices for which the bids are re- quested is as follows: SEE METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION ATTACHED Cathy Locke City Attorney 13 -12- 92,03 -19 -92 Thursday March 12, 1992 The Eagle n Friday March 1 1992 The Eagle Federal grant applications will be taken until April 10 The cities of Bryan and College Sta. tion are accepting applications until April 10 from public service agencies that want a part of 1992 federal Com- munity Development Block Grant funds. The grants must eet three national objectives: ■Benefit low. to moderate - income people. ■Eliminate slum areas. ■Meet an urgent mmuni College Station's Co mmunity need. velopment department expects o $731, get 000, while Bryan's C ommunity Development department expect $796,000. Public service agencies are involved in such activities as job training, crime prevention and substance abuse counseling. For more information, call the Col- lege Station Community Development office at 7643778, or the Bryan office at 361 -3610. r CS Mayor Larry Ringer files for fourth term College Station Mayor Larry Ringer has filed for a a fourth term as the city's top elected official. Ringer was elect- ed mayor in 1986 and re- elected in 1988 and 1990. He ran unopposed in 1990. Before becoming ,mayor, Ringer was a councilman from '1976 -83. RINGER Ringer is a profes- sor of statistics at Texas A &M Uni- versity. He has lived in College Station since the early 1960s, when he came to A &M to attend graduate school. He is originally from Iowa. No one had filed to run against Ringer as of Friday. If he completes a fourth term, he will have served longer than any other Col- lege Station mayor except Ernest K. Langford, the city's mayor from 1942 -66. Saturday March 14, 1992 The Eagle Wednesday, March 18, 1992 ]Local/State Page A4 � Today is filing deadline for city elections By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Potential city council candidates have until 5 p.m. today to file for the May mun- icipal elections in College Station and Bryan. Four people have flied for three posi- tions in Bryan and four people have filed for four positions in College Station. Elections in both cities are on Satur. day, May 2. Melvin Cooper, manager of Aggieland Awards, is making his first try at poli- tics, running for Place 2 on the Bryan City Council. He is opposed by former councilwoman Kandy Rose, who was defeated for re- election in 1991. Incumbent Place 2 Councilman Ed Ay- cox has already announced he will not seek re- election. So far, the two incumbents running for re- election are unopposed in Bryan. Marc Hamlin, a Brazos County deputy sheriff, is seeking his second term in Place 6. Place 4 representative Larry Catlin, a Bryan attorney, is trying for his fourth term. He was first elected in 1986. As it now stands, College Station voters won't have a choice in May. Incumbent Mayor Larry Ringer, a Texas A &M statistics professor, seeks his fourth term at College Station's helm. In- cumbent Nancy Crouch, owner of Home Care Services, seeks a second term in Place 6. Incumbent Vernon Schneider, professor of agricultural economics, is seeking his third term in Place 4. Bryan has one contested school race; CS has three & Co., are competing for Place 3. Board President Deanna Wormuth has held the position for three terms. Kent Moore, owner of Kent Moore cabinets, and J. David Louder, president of Rock Prairie Elementary School's Parent Teacher Organiza- tion, are seeking election to Place 4. Larry Linder is va- cating the position after three terms. By KELLI LEVEY Eagle staff writer Potential candidates for the May 2 school board elec- tions have until 5 p.m. today to file for a place on the bal- lot. Applications may be picked up and filed at the superintendent's office for each school district. In Bryan, the office is at 101 N. Texas Ave.; in College Station, at 1812 Welsh Ave. Early voting is April 13 -28. Voters may cast their ballots from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. week- days. Bryan school district residents may vote at the Bryan municipal building, 300 S. Texas Ave., and Col- may tation 1101 Texas Ave. S. Applications for ballots by mail must be received at the respective city secretaries' offices by April 24. Only one Bryan school board race is contested so far. In Position 1, education consultant Susan McKneely is challenging incumbent Robert Odstrcil, who is an engineer with the Texas De- partment of Transportation. McKneely is a former public - and private - school teacher. Odstrcil is the school board secretary and building committee chairman. Board vice president James Bradford, a history professor at Texas A &M University, is seeking re- election to Position 2. Carol McFaddin, co -owner of First Security Building Maintenance, has filed for Position 3. Board president Dr. Howard Cargill is not seeking re- election. Two candidates have filed for each of the three College Station school board posi- tions. All three incumbents have said they will not seek re- election. Lincoln Center supervisor Lillian Robinson and David J. Skinner, an investment broker for Edward D. Jones In Place 5, CC Creations President Ford Taylor and real estate investor and manager James H. "Jim" Hughes are seeking election. Don Carter will not seek re- election to the position after two terms. All are unopposed. Incumbent Dick Birdwell has said he will not seek another term in Place 2, but Ted Lezynski, president of Golden Eagle Aircraft Charter Inc., is unopposed so far for that position. Candidates must file with the city sec- retary. Bryan's city charter only requires a signature, but College Station's charter says that candidates must have the signa- tures of 25 registered College Station voters. Bryan's city secretary's office is on the first floor of the Bryan Municipal Build- ing, 300 S. Texas Ave. College Station's city secretary's office is on the first floor of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Early voting will be held April 3-28 both city secretary offices. Absentee ballots can be obtained Er the city secretaries. The offices will applications until April 24, but the ballots must be in by May 2. College Station's city secretary can reached at 764 -3512, and Bryan's city retary can be reached at 361 -3837. at om take the be sec- lege Station residents vote at the College S municipal building, Lezynskl files for Place 2 on College Station board A local pilot has the College Station Ci ed for Place Z on ty Council. Eagle Aircraft c C president of Golden ter inc., Char - for running held b e spot now Dick B Counciin� Birdwell ird ell. will not seek re- election. Lezynski is a member of the Bryan - College Sta. tion Chamber of LEZYNSKI Commerce, serving on the trans tion co Post O ttee. He is a member of the B Chh of Colle b and the F'i'st zynski has been a pilot for 1 Y Le, He said he is interested in ' of economic develo pects zos Valley, particularly I t in the Bra ce - efforts betty particularly cooperative tion, greater utryan Bryan and College Sta- alrports to i}�h tiOn of community retention of existing S ��e growth and increasing recycling efforts. Wednesday March 18, 1992 The Eagle 0 125 L egal Notices INVITATION TO BID ON LAND TO BE LEASED BY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR OIL AND GAS PURPOSES BID #92 -42 - COLLEGE STATION CEMETARY Sealed bids will be re- cieved by the College Station Purchasing Agent on behalf of the City of College Station at 1101 Texas Avenue, C01- Iege Station, Texas 77842 until Tuesday, March 31, 1992 2:00 p.m., and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on the same date in the Council Chambers at Col- lege Station Clty Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Sealed bids are to be made on alease form availa- Thursday, March 19, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ble at the Purchasing Agent's office, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. A minimum bonus of $205.00 per acre Is re- qulred. Bidder may be required to demonstrate that he can form a pool. The City of College Station reserves the right to refuse all bids or to accept any bid on the property listed for a period of thirty (30) days fol- lowing bid opening date. Bids and checks that are rejected shall be shown on the lease. A memorandum of oil and gas lease shall be recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the bonus money deposited to the general fund of the City of College Station. The City of College station property for which the bids are re- quested is as follows: SEE METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION ATTACHED Cathy Locke City Attorney 03- 12- 92,03 -19 -92 FH eat t em orari joins C By KELLI Lrvcf _ Eagle staff writer Two men tiled as school board candi- dates on Wednesday, the final filing date before the May 2 election, but one has already removed his name from the ballot. James Michael Heath, a 28- year -old research associate, was a candidate for College Station's Place 5 for less than 24 hours. He said Thursday afternoon that he changed his mind about running be- cause he does not feel qualified to rep- resent the school district. Dr. Gary R. Newsom's addition to the Bryan ballot doubled the number of contested school board races. Five can- didates have filed for the three three- year terms. Newsom, a doctor at The Wellness Center in College Station, is challenging Carol McFaddin, co -owner of First Se- curity Building Maintenance, for Posi- tion 3. Board president Dr. Howard Car. gill is not seeking re- election. In Position 1, education consultant Susan McKneely is challenging incum. bent Robert Odstrcil, an engineer with the Texas Department of Transporta- tion. McKneely is a former public. and private - school teacher. Odstrcil is the school board secretary and building committee chairman. Position 2 ford, the board vice president, is seek. ing re- election unopposed. He is a his. tory professor at Texas A &M Universi. Newsom weiQhs in ty. the three College Station school board Positions. All three incumbents have said they will not seek re- election. Lincoln Center supervisor Lillian Robinson and David J. Skinner, an in. vestment broker for Edward D. Jones & Co., are competing for Place 3. Board President Deanna Wormuth has held the position for three terms. Kent Moore, owner of Kent Moore Cabinets, and J. David Louder, presi- dent of Rock Prairie Elementary School's Parent Teacher Organization, are seeking election to Place 4. Larry Linder is vacating the position after three terms. In Place 5, CC Creations President Ford Taylor and real estate investor and seeking election. Don Carter, who has held the seat for two terms, will not seek re- election. Early voting by personal appearance is April 13 -28. Voters may cast ballots for their respective school board elec- tions from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Bryan school district residents may vote at the Bryan municipal building, 300 S. Texas Ave., and College Station residents may cast their votes at the College Station municipal building 1101 Texas Ave. S. ' Applications for ballots by mail must be received at the appropriate city sec. retary's office by April 24. • In Town &Texas Schneider seeks third term on CS city council L J Vernon Schneider has filed for a third term on the College Station City Council. Schneider, a professor of agricul- tural economics at Texas A &M Uni- versity, was first g elected in 1988 and was re- elected in 1990, when he ran unopposed. Schneider serves SCHNEIDER on the council's city affairs, development policies, council relations and personnel and adminis- tration committees. Before coming to Texas A&M, he worked in Washington D.C., as presi- dent of the American Institute of Co- operation, which linked agricultural cooperatives throughout the country. The city secretary's office will ac- cept applications for candidates until April 18. The mayor's seat and places 4. and 6 are up for election in May. Saturday March 21, 1992 The Eagle 1] LJ 11 Sunday March 22, 1992 The Eagle The City of College Station accepting proposals fc professional services for th development of a municipal) owned 200 acre busines Park. Services will includ but not be limited to the fo lowing. The preparation of master plan, future subdiv ision plans, any applicably platting of the property, all in frastructure plans associate( with the platted acres and , comprehensive marketinc package. Proposals are due NC LATER than 5:00 pm on Fri day, April 3, 1992. The scope of work for this project will be guided by the numerous goals and objec- tives developed for the area. At this time the city has three prospective tenants looking at the site for possible loca- tion of new industries within the next 12 to 14 months, therefore time is of the es. sence. The repondents to the R.F.P. should be very cogni- zant of this time constraint in their proposal. All interested parties should contact Elrey Ash, Director of Development Services at 764 -3570 to obtain a written copy of all project goals and objectives required for inclu- sion in proposals. 0 - 24- 92,03 -25 -92 03 -27- 92,03 -29 -92 11M Town &Texas Financial planner Buell seeks CS council place Gregory Buell has filed for Place 4 on the College Station City Council. Buell, a financial planner with Jef- ferson- Pilot, has lived in College Sta- tion for about five years. He moved from Riverside, Ca- lif., to attend Texas A &M University, from which he graduated in 1991 with a degree in finance. BUELL Buell has served on the College Sta- tion Community Appearance Commit- tee for the past year. He said he first became interested in community ser- vice when he lost a contract with the Arm because of budget cuts. Buell said he believed he should serve his co unity since he could not serve his country. Buell was a member of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets and the Aggie Band. Some will try to make his age an is- sue, said Buell, 23, but he knew that when he decided to run. "There are two sides to that coin," he said. "Some people think experi- ence comes with age, but I believe ex- perience comes with maturity." Buell is running against Vernon Schneider, a two -term incumbent. Schneider is 66 years old. "I have a lot of respect for Mr. Schneider," he said. "He brings a sense of professionalism to the council and he always gives full consideration to both sides of any issue. "I just felt he was the best person to run against. This is not a reflection on him. I think I can bring a iYesh pros- pective." W • Tuesday March 24, 1992 The Eagle In Town &Texas CS council to receive report of annexation The College Station City Council on Wednesday will receive a report on the proposed annexation of a portion of S. Graham Road. The council had scheduled con- sideration, of the annexation for the March 12 meeting, but postponed it to clarify who would pay to extend utili- ties and for improvements to the road. The annexation discussed at Wed- nesday's workshop involves the area at the intersection of Graham and Wellborn roads. City staff members have not com- pleted the steps that state law requires for the council to vote on the annexa- tion of the entire road. The item was tabled on March 12 be- cause representatives of OI Corp., which had originally requested the annexation, would not sign the annex- ation agreement. Will Botts, the company's chief operating officer, would not sign on when it appeared his neighbors would be added to the city without paying the same impact fees that his company would have to pay to join the city, staff members said. The council will hear the staffs re- port at the 4 p.m. workshop. The council is scheduled to vote on the annexation at Thursday's 7 p.m. regular meeting. Both meetings will be held in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Cable consultant's report claims TCA in violation of franchise agreement By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer TCA Cable has violated requirements in its franchise agreement for picture quality, safety, financial reporting and possibly payment of franchise fees, ac- cording to a cable consultant's report to the cities of Bryan and College Station. The report also labeled some of the cable company's actions as "obstructio- nist." The report was written by Larry Mon- roe, president of Municon, the consultant hired by Bryan and College Station to help review TCA's performance and write a new set of franchise agreements. Randy Rogers, general manager of TCA Cable's Bryan - College Station office, sent a letter to both cities saying TCA has met or exceeded its commitments. Rogers said he has "serious dis- agreement" with some of Monroe's con- clusions. "To get a truer feeling, you need to read the full technical report," Rogers said. Rogers said the report is Monroe's analysis of the situation and that Monroe was directed to find negative information about TCA's operations. City staff members, TCA rep- resentatives and Monroe have a meeting scheduled for Wednesday to work out the differences. The report brings Bryan and College Station one step closer to beginning ac- tual franchise renegotiations with TCA. The cable franchise for the two cities ex- pires in 1994. Monroe's report says TCA has violated the franchise by not providing service that is "of maximum efficiency and qual- ity in all respects." He faults TCA for not producing an undistorted picture as re- quired in the franchise. Monroe called the company's refusal to provide detailed financial information on its operations in Bryan- College Station "obstructionist." The report said the company appears to have intentionally prevented the cities from verifying that TCA's franchise fee payments have been correct. Rogers says the company has "to the best of our knowledge provided sufficient information to verify the accuracy and completeness of TCA's franchise pay- ments." "In no way, however, should TCA's legitimate refusal to open up all of its re- cords to the consultant be deemed ob- structionist..." Rogers said in his letter. Rick Hollowell, manager of broadband engineering for Lawrence Behr Associ- ates Inc. of Greenville, N.C., did the tech- nical inspection of TCA's plant and pro- vided Municon with the technical report. While Rogers said the technical report is a more accurate picture of the situa- tion, it also lists a number of problems with TCA's system, including: ■ The need for a monitoring system for the lights on TCA's tower. ■ Ground wires damaged by cows at TCA's tower site on FM 158. ■Lack of a fire extinguisher system at the system's head -end, where TCA receives and distributes signals. The technical report said even a small fire could result in the loss of cable service for a few days or even weeks. The technical report's most serious charge had to do with the safety of TCA employees. The report states that during the technical inspection, a worker had to remove a live wire to test one of the cable system's power supply - points. "If the technician were to accidentally come in contact with this live conductor while working on the power supply, he could be severely injured or killed from the electrical shock or by falling from the pole as a result of the electrical shock," the report states. The report said that Hollowell was "as- tonished to see such an unsafe practice performed and depicted as a regular procedure." The College Station City Council will receive Monroe's report on Wednesday at its 4 p.m. workshop session. Kennady files for CS council Attorney Hubbard Kennady has filed for Place 2 on the College Station City Council. Kennady will face Ted Lezynski, president of Golden Eagle Aircraft Char- ters, in the May 2 election. Incumbent Dick Birdwell is not seek- ing re- election. Kennady is a for - KENNADY mer Brazos County assistant district attorney and serves on the board of directors for the Brazos Valley Arts Council and the United Way of Brazos County. "My record of volunteerism and service to the community qualifies me to be on the city council," Kennady said. Kennady has served on the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce Convention and Tourism Bureau Ad- visory Board, on the chamber's com- mittees on governmental affairs and the Business Trade Fair, and as chairman of the aub- committee for finance. He has also served as a substitute city prosecutor and as vice- chairman of the 1991 capital improvements committee. He is a partner in the College Station law firm of Kennady and Talbert. Wednesday, March 25, 1992 The Eagle 0 :7 • E Wednesday, March 25, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustments will consider a variance request to the rear setback require- ments of Zoning Ordinance #1638, Table A, to allow for the addition of a double car garage at 1204 Goode, Ap- plicant is Robert Mills for the owner, Ben Aguirre. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- day, April 7, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1. 800.735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner. 03 -25 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ordin- ance amending section 12 Sign Regulations, of Ordin- ance number 1638, the Zon- ing Ordinance for the City of College Station, specifically to make a distinction be- tween commercial and non- commercial signs, and to al- low off- premise signs on City property through acts of City Council when certain criteria have been met. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, April 9, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Planning Assitant. 03.25 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a City ini- tiated rezoning of an 0.5740 acre tract located on the nor- thwest corner of the intersec- tion of Spring Loop and Uni- versity Drive; Lot 12, Block T of University Park II from C -N Neighborhood Commercial to A -P Administrative Profes- sional. The public hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the The City of College Station is accepting proposals for professional services for the development of a municipally owned 200 acre business park. Services will include but not be limited to the fol- lowing. The preparation of a master plan, future subdiv- ision plans, any applicable platting of the property, all in- frastructure plans associated with the platted acres and a comprehensive marketing package. Proposals are due NO 125 Legal Notices LATER than 5:00 pm on Fri- day, April 3, 1992. The scope of work for this project will be guided by the numerous goals and objec- tives developed for the area. At this time the city has three prospective tenants looking at the site for possible loca- tion of new industries within the next 12 to 14 months, therefore time is of the es- sence. The repondents to the R.F.P. should be very cogni- zant of this time constraint in their proposal. All interested parties should contact Elrey Ash, Director of Development Services at 764 -3570 to obtain a written copy of all project goals and objectives required for inclu- sion in proposals. 03- 24- 92,03 -25 -92 03- 27- 92,03 -29 -92 125 Legal Notices 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, April 9, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -354 or (TDD) 1- 800.735 -298 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -357 Jane Kee Senior Planner 03 -25 -92 fT L J • Friday, February 14, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ces 1 125 Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE C 4 One of the proposed activities designed to meet ap- proved Community Development objectives is Clear- ance (Demolition) as follows: CDBG funds will be used to assist in the demolition of severely deteriorated structure(s) that pose a current threat to the health and safety of the community as determined by the City's Structural Standards Code, Ordinance No. 1128. The following structure(s) are determined to be eligible for demolition assistance. (See map above) Location .5j= '411 A Edwards 2 bedroom '620 Pasler 3 bedroom 109 Holleman 2 bedroom 1632 Park Place 2 bedroom 503 Old Jersey garage "1203 Phoenix 2 bedroom These properties are currently owner-occupied and qualify for participation in the City of College Station's Community Development Block Grant, Optional Relo- cation Program. This program provides for the clear- ance of structures that are beyond feasible rehab and recommended for condemnation. The program then provides for construction of a replacement unit or purchase of an alternate dwelling. This structure was destroyed by fire and has been determined to be infeasible to rehab. The replacement dwelling was provided through the Rental Rehab pro- gram with the property being located at 811 Montclair. The remaining structures have been vacant for over one year and are uninhabitable due to their substan- dard condition. As a result, the removal of these structures will not reduce the number of affordable units available to low or moderate income persons, and will not create a need for replacement structures. The commencement and completion of demolition of the above structure(s) will be accomplished prior to December 31, 1992. Public comments should be addressed Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., within 10 days from date of this notice. City of College Station Attention: Jo Carroll Community Development Administrator 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, TX., 77842 (409) 764-3778 02 -14 -92 W wu.e<E sr T- Graham annexation' gets CS panel's OK n U By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The city of College Station has some new businesses. The College Station City Council on Thursday approved the annexation of the businesses at the west end of Graham Road. The council took the cheapest route for the annexation: The companies along the road will pay for a sewer extension, the county will rebuild the road and the city will maintain it. In February, most of the council mem- bers suggested that the city would foot the entire bill for improving the road and extending utility lines. "I commend the council for the vision it had in February, when the decision was made to take all of Graham Road." Firday, March 27, The Eagle 1992 said Will Botts, president of O.I. Corp, which was one of the first companies to ask for annexation. "You seem to have lost track of what was done in February." Botts distributed the minutes from the Feb. 13 meeting in which council mem- bers instructed city staffers to find a way to annex all of Graham Road without as- sessing the property owners. "I ask you to return to that vision of February," Botts said. But Mayor Larry Ringer proposed a less expensive method of annexation. "I'm not convinced that spending $1.5 million [to bring Graham up to city standards] will be a benefit to us," Ringer said. Improvements made to the city's in- dustrial park on Texas 6 are different, he Please see GRAHAM, page A3 0 Graham � From Al said, because the city has a re- sponsibility to develop property owned by the taxpayers. "Property taxes are for main- taining roads and sewer lines, not to develop them," Ringer said. Ringer said spending the $1.5 million would knock other prom- ised road projects out of the budget. "If the council wants to build Graham Road, I think we should put it on a [bond election] for the citizens to approve," he said. Councilman Fred Brown made the first motion, asking that the city pay for the sewer line exten- sion at an estimated cost of $200,000. "The potential for growth in that area is great," he said. Coun- cilwoman Nancy Crouch sec- onded. Councilman Dick Birdwell made a substitute motion, basica- lly mirroring Ringer's proposal. Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney seconded. The council accepted the sub- stitute 6-1, with Brown voting no. The council then unanimously approved the annexation as City Ordinance 1949. City staff members will con- tinue to develop a service plan for annexing the rest of the road. Firday, March 27, The Eagle The City of College Station is accepting proposals for professional services for the development of a municipally owned 200 acre business park. Services will include but not be limited to the fol- lowing. The preparation of a master plan, future subdiv- is'on plans, any applicable platting of the property, all in- frastructure plans associated with the platted acres and a comprehensive marketing 1992 package. Proposals are due NO LATER than 5:00 pm on Fri- day, April 3, 1992. The scope of work for this project will be guided by the numerous goals and objec- tives developed for the area. At this time the city has three prospective tenants looking at the site for possible loca- tion of new industries within the next 12 to 14 months, therefore time is of the es- sence. The repondents to the R.F.P. should be very cogni- zant of this time constraint in. their proposal. All interested parties should contact Elrey Ash, Director of, Development Services at 764 -3570 to obtain a written copy of all project goals and objectives required for inclu- sion in proposals. 03-24-92,03-25-92 03- 27- 92,03 -29 -92 CS to begin automated trash collection C By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Residents of College Station's east side got a spe- cial delivery last week. Just in time for Easter, a dark green, monogrammed ... 70 -gallon trash can. Residents will begin using the new cans as early as Tuesday, when College Station's solid waste divi- sion begins automated garbage collection. "We're staying with the Tuesday - Friday collec- tion," said Jim Smith, the city's sanitation superin- tendent. "One day will be collection of recyclables, and the other day will be collection of the rest of your garbage." College Station residents living east of Texas Avenue and having Tuesday recycling collection will have trash picked up on Fridays. Those with Tuesday garbage pickup will have their recyclables collected Fridays. "Residents have been notified at least three times about what we are doing so hopefully no one will be surprised on Tuesday," Smith said. The automated system features a truck with a me- chanical arm that uses pinchers to lift specially de- signed trash cans. Because of the new system, gar- bage collection crews will now consist of only one person, saving the city money. "We're using the same type of can that's been in use in Phoenix since the early '70s," Smith said. "Some of the first cans they put out are still being used. Smith estimated that the new system will pay for itself — enough cans for every business and resi- dence in the city and seven trucks — within seven years. "That's when we'll start realizing savings," he said. The containers are considered animal -proof and should cut down on litter, Smith said. Smith's drivers — and drivers in Bryan's solid waste department — have been preparing for action by staging trial runs. "We set up a course of 150 cans," Smith said. "We added penalty time for tipping cans over, for leaving the lid up and for dropping cans in the hopper of the truck. Only the top scorers will actually get to drive the trucks." College Station residents west of Texas Avenue will begin getting their cans in early April, Smith said. Collection is scheduled to begin on April 20 in Please see CS, page A3 CS From Al that part of the city. By then, the entire city, with the exception of Northgate, will be on a recycling program. Bryan will start delivering its 90 -gallon cans on April 6, said Roger Drews, Bryan's solid waste supervisor. Bryan's cans are slightly larger because the city will not have a citywide recycling program. The cities are also working on a Sunday, March 30, 1992 The Eagle Joint composting operation that will turn lawn clippings and branches into an agricultural ad- ditive. The composting program is scheduled to begin in July. "We hope to have dirt by early fall," Smith said. Both city officials are excited about the new program, but they're also worried about some- thing: cars. "Right now we are notifying customers that they shouldn't park their cars on the street on trash days," Smith said. "If that doesn't work, we may have to come back with an ordinance." Bryan citizens with questions can call 361 -3632. College Station residents can call 764 -3535. 10 0 125 L Notices 125 Legal Notices or all bids. ADVERTISEMENT 03 -28 -92 03 -29 -92 FOR BIDS Brothers, Fitch, and Central Parks, City of College Station, Texas, The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including tennis court and basketball court resurfacing. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 pm, April 9, 1992 a the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediat- ley after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any 04-02-92,04-03 125 Legal Notices The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 03- 28- 92,03 -29 -92 04- 02- 92,04 -03 -92 Sunday, March 30, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Brothers, Fitch, and Central Parks, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including tennis court and basketball court resurfacing. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 pm, April 9, 1992 a the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediat- ley after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to BirlrlArc Nbo • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CURRENTLY HAS FOR SALE AND IS ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS ON THE FOLLOWING ITEM(S): • Approximately 300 metal fence posts used with con. crate footing, 7 -9' lengths BID OPENING 2:00 P.M. 4/8/92, BID #92 -46 The City of College Station j will open sealed bids on the above lot unit at the time and date specified above. Sealed bids should be mailed or delivered to: Purchasing Agent City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 Payment by successful bidder will be In the form of cash or cashier's check. Questions on this bid may be directed to: Purchasing Dept. 409/7643555 Refer to Bid #92-46 3 -31- 92,47 -92 Tuesday, March 31, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS ACCEPTING BIDS(S) FOR: STREET LIGHT POLE` AND FOUNDATIONS BID OPENING 2:00 P, I 125 Legal Notices 4/8/92, BID #92 -45 The bids) will be opened In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. at the time and date specified above. Specl- tiications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids recevied after the time above will be retur. ned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities In said bid and to accept the otter condsidered most advantageous to the City. 03.24 -82 03.31 -92 • • • e CS sending out info brochures When College Station citizens will go to the polls on May 2 to elect a mayor and three city councilman, they also can choose whether to amend the city's charter. City staffers will mail 25,000 bro- chures this week, informing citizens about the nine proposed charter changes. The changes mainly would clean up language in the charter that conflicts with state laws. Other proposed changes would: ■Eliminate the need for 25 signa- tures to run for a city office. ■Make it illegal for a city employee to run for city office. ■Lower the number of signatures needed for a recall election. ■Make it easier to amend the city budget. Wednesday, April 1, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to require Conditional Use Permits for restaurants. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday. April 16, 1992. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements, call number above or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx. 04 -01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a Conditional Use Per- mit to allow a nightclub to lo- cate in The Village Shopping Center, 700 University. Ap- plication is in the name of KSK Entertainment. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday; April 16, 1992. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements, call number above or (TDD) 1-800-Relay-Tx. 04 -01.92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Paul J. Clarke of Lot 15, Block T of University Park II Subdivision from R -4 low density apartments to C -B Business Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday. April 16, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 04 -01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the question of granting a Condi- tional Use Permit for a Res- taurant & Bar to be located in an existing lease space at the northernmost end of the Cul- pepper Plaza shopping center at 1601 Texas Avenue. Owner of the prop- erty is Jerry J. Moore In- vestments. Applicant is Ricky Miller, Inc. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, April 16, 1992. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764-3570. Sabine Kuenzel Planning Assistant Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements, call number above or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx. 04 -01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con - Sider a rezoning request by Paul J. Clarke of Lot 4 -9, Block U of University Park II Subdivision from R -4 low density apartments and R -5 medium density apartments to C -B Business Commer- cial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, April 16, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements, call (409)764 -3547 n or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, Please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Seniore Planner 04.0 1 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals will hold a Public hearing to consider a variance requested by Ga- lindo Engineers and Plan- ners of the following prop- erty: 2702 Texas Avenue South, Lot 2, Block 13, of the Southwood Section 26 Sub- 125 Leg al Notices division, C -1 General Com mercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, April 16, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements, call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 04 -02 -92 ADVERTISEMENT % FOR BIDS Brothers, Fitch, and Central Parks, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including tennis court and basketball court resurfacing. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 pm, April 9, 1992 a the office of the Director of Parks Recreation Department, 1 000 Krenek Tap Road, Col - lege Station, Texas. Bids received after t time in inter- be accepted. ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read e ed closing ley after specified time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 125 Legal Notices Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840 (409)764 -3412. Copies mad be obtained at the same ad. dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 03 -28- 92,03 -29 -92 04- 02- 92,04 -03 -92 Thursday, April 2, 1992 The Eagle [J LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1948 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON MARCH 26, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- 125 L egal Notices CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 SECTION 5 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, RE- LATING TO GARBAGE SERVICE REGULATIONS. This ordinance updates the sanitation regulations to meet the automation and re- cycling activities. Any violation of the rules and regulations as set out herein shall be punishable as such for health, safety and public welfare violations pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 5, Gen- eral Penalty for Violation of the Code of Ordinances. This ordinance shall become effective April 26, 1992. A complete copy of the above named ordinance can be seen at the office of the City Secretary at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 04-03-92.04-04-92 Friday, April 3, 1992 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Kovac and Company of the follow- ing property: 7610 Eastmark, Lot 10, Block 8, of the Eastmark Sudiv- ision, C -1 Geneal Commer- cial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, April 16, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD)1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 04 -03 -92 E C7 r: Saturday, April 4, 1992 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1948 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON MARCH 26, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252.17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 SECTION 5 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, RE- LATING TO GARBAGE SERVICE REGULATIONS. This ordinance updates the sanitation regulations to meet the automation and re- cycling activities. Any violation of the rules and regulations as set out herein shall be punishable as such for health, safety and public welfare violations pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 5, Gen- eral Penalty for Violation of the Code of Ordinances. This ordinance shall become effective April 26, 1992. A complete copy of the above named ordinance can be seen at the office of the City Secretary at 1101 South .Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 04- 03- 92,04 -04 -92 U In Town &Texas Welsh Avenue remains closed to construction • College Station police are issuing tickets to motorists caught driving on Welsh Avenue Street between Deacon Street and Rock Prairie Elementary School. The street has been closed to through traffic for several months and Is in the final stages of reconstruction, project engineer Debbie Keating said. Welsh Avenue will reopen as soon as sidewalk construction and roadway striping is complete, but officials do not know exactly when that will be, Keating said. The fine for driving on the street is $65. Sunday, April 5, 1992 The Eagle • 0 Monday, April 6, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADV ERTISEM ENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of. Wolf Pen Creek interceptor - Phase I Project No. SS -1002 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Fri- day, April 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids i received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 A pre -bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, April 15, 1992 at 1101 Texas Avenue. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project begins near the northeast corner of Carters Creek wastewater treatment plant, goes along the north- east side of Raintree Subdiv- ison, turns and continues north of Raintree Subdiv- ision, crosses under Highway 6 Bypass, follows Wolf Pen Creek to the southwest cor- ner of Sears Service Center, turns north, turns west be- hind Huntington Apartments, continues on Dartmouth Street to Harvey Road, then continues in the south R.O.W. of Harvey Road to Taco Bell. The work consists of installing approximately 3100' of 36" pipe 10,400' of 30" pipe, 2600' of 18" pipe and various lengths of 16 ", 12 ", 10" and 6" pipes. Ap- proximately 1100' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and disposed, and approximately 1200' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and re- placed with 18" pipe. In- cluded in this contract are several concrete junction boxes and manholes. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $75.00. Questions regarding this projectshould be directed to: Sallie Mullins, P.E., Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 409 -764 -3570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Five (5) percent bid security is required. 04 -06- 92,04- 09 -92, 04-14-92,04-16 C7 0 Tuesday, April 7, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CURRENTLY HAS FOR SALE AND IS ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS ON THE FOLLOWING ITEM(S): Approximately 300 metal fence posts used with con- crete footing, 7.9' lengths BID OPENING 2 :00 p M 4/8/92, BID #92 -46 The City of College Station will open sealed bids on the above lot unit at the time and date specified above. Sealed bids should be mailed or delivered to: Purchasing Agent City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 Payment by successful bidder will be In the form of cash or cashier's check. Questions on this bid may be directed to: Purchasing Dept. 40 9!764 -3555 Refer to Bid #92 -46 3 - 31- 92,4 -7 -92 0 �1' 0M 125 aeL gg I Notices of the proposed well is Wheeler #1. The proposed drilling site is approximately 300 feet between of State Highway Carter Creek and the Texas Instruments plant site on the land of Bert Wheeler. The City Council will cons' e this application at a public hearing scheduled for Thurs- pm in th City Ha l ll Council 00 Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre tive services for the hearing mpaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. ll l make arrang ement TDD) (409)764 -3547 or 1- 800 - 735 -2989 For additional information please contact the Engineer ing Office at (409)764 -3570 David Pullen City Engineer 04 -08 -92 Wednesday, April 8, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF ` PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request to the side setback require ments of Zoning Ordinance #1638, Table A. to allow for the construction of a new home at 801/803 Pasler, Lots 23 and 24, Block 1 of the Lloyd Smith Subdivision. Ap plicants are Terry L. and Alma Smith. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for 2 7 00 day, April 21, pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the g. To make arrang ements (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2 For additional information, please contact the 3570nning Office at ( ) Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 04 -08 -92 NOTICE OF I PUBLIC HEARING The College Station ublic C ouncil will hold a p hearing to consider an appli- cation for a permit to conduct operations for the discovery and production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons within the City of College Station. The applicant is UnioofPFort fic Resources Co., Worth, Texas and the name • 0 • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: wolf Pen Creek Interceptor - Phase 1 Project No. SS -1002 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., day, April 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 A pre -bid conference will be ,held at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, April 15, 1992 at 1101 Texas Avenue. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project begins near the northeast corner of Carters Creek wastewater treatment plant, goes along the north- east side of Raintree Subdiv- ison, turns and continues north of Raintree Subdiv- ision, crosses under Highway 6 Bypass, follows Wolf Pen Creek to the southwest cor- ner of Sears Service Center, turns north, turns west be- hind Huntington Apartments, continues on Dartmouth' Street to Harvey Road, then continues in the south R.O.W. of Harvey Road to Taco Bell. The work consists of installing approximately 3100' of 36" pipe 10,400' of 30" pipe, 2600' of 18" pipe and various lengths of 16 ", 12'% 10" and 8' pipes. Ap- proximately 1100' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and disposed, and approximately 1200' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and re- placed with 18" pipe. In- cluded in this contract are Thursday, April 9, 1992 The Eagle 125 Le No tices several concrete junction boxes and manholes. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $75.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Sallie Mullins, P.E., Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 409 - 7643570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Five (5) percent bid security is required. 04 -06- 92,04.09 - 04 -14- 92,04 -16. 92,0 -21 -92 • 0 • NOTICE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE PUBLIC HEARING STATION IS REQUESTING The City of College Statlor BIDS FOR THE has received and appllc1lor FOLLOWING: requesting a variance, tc Drainage Ordinance No. TWO (2) TRASH TRUCK DUMP BODIES 1728 In the Redmond Yer. BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. race Subdivision, Lots 1 fil, 19 and 20 of Block 4, located 04/23/92, BID #92-48 be at 316 Redmond Drive, Me. The Request for bids will receeved in the office of the ridian Apartments. Applicant Purchasing Agent at City and owner is Wolf Creek Partners, Ltd. The applicant Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas Is requesting to renovate buildings within the floodplain 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- without flood protection to the buildings. This request will be con- 125 Legal Notices sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular lions may be obtained at the meeting scheduled for Tues- day, April 21, 1992 at 7:00 office of the Purchasing All bids received after Pm in the City Hall Council all Room located at 11.01 Texas Agent. that time will be returned A i unopened. The City of COI- legs Station reserves the 125 Legal Notices right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to All property owners within accept the offer considered 200' of the subject property most advantageous to the have received notification of City. the variance request. 04- 10- 92,04 -17 Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)76,4 -3547 or (TDD) 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, Please contact the City Engi- n e a r O f f i c e a t ( -3570. t David Pullen f City Engineer 04 -10.92 f Friday, April 10, 1992 The Eagle 0 C INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Wolf Pen Creek Interceptor - Phase I Project No. SS -1002 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Fri- day, April 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of. David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 A pre -bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, April 15, 1992 at 1101 Texas Avenue. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project begins near the northeast corner of Carters Creek wastewater treatment plant, goes along the north- east side of Raintree Subdiv- ison, turns and continues north of Raintree Subdiv- ision, crosses under Highway 6 Bypass, follows Wolf Pen Creek to the southwest cor- ner of Sears Service Center, turns north, turns west be- hind Huntington Apartments, continues on Dartmouth Street to Harvey Road, then continues in the south R.O.W. of Harvey Road to Taco Bell. The work consists of installing approximately 3100' of 36" pipe 10,400' of 30" pipe, 2600' of 18" pipe and various lengths of 16 ", 12 ", 10" and 8' pipes. Ap- proximately 1100' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and disposed, and approximately 1200' of Tuesday, April The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: POOL RECREATION EQUIPMENT BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 04/29/92, BID #92 -49 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to 14, 1992 12-a1 Notices 125 Legal Notices sewer o r considered existing 15" sanitary a pipe will be removed and re placed with 18" pipe. In- cluded in this contract r several concrete j boxes and manholes. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Docum chased ents check, cash or by money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208. College Station, Texas 77840 for $75.00. this Questions regarding project should be directed to: Sallie Mullins, P.E., Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texes778 409_764 -357 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Five (5) percent bid security is required. 04 -06- 92,0 09 -92, i 04- 14- 92,04-1 92 -21 -92 ccept the o e most advantageous to the City. 04 -14- 92,0 -21 -92 12 5 Legal N otices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PREPARATION OF A LONG FACILITY UTILIZATION PLAN RFP� I 5:00 P.M. #92 -47 The Re will be o in (RFP's) p office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall at the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Ail RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 04 -14- 92,04 -21 -92 �J �J • PUBLIC NOTICE The College Station City Council has adopted the Comprehensive Annual Fi- nancial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991. Copies are available for inspection by the public at the College Station City Hall, Fiscal Administration office, Monday through Friday be- tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Glenn Schroeder Executive Director Fiscal and Human Resources Group 04- 12- 92,04 -15 -92 Wednesday, April 15, 1992 The Eagle r 125 Legal Notices 1 125 Legal Notices NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS OF THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TO LET A CONTRACT FOR 1992 WASTE WATER SYSTEM CLARIFIER PAINTING & REHABILITATION wednesday, April 15, The Eagle 1992 Sealed bids from qualified Contractors addressed or delivered to the office of the Water & Waste Water Superintendent, Utilities Service Center, 1601 Graham Road, College Station, Texas until 2:00 p.m., Wednes- day, May 6,1992, for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the work required for construction of certain improvements as listed in the specifications for the 1992 Waste Water System Clarifier Painting Project, prepared by Donald C. Graesser, P.E.(Engineer). Pro- posals will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Utilities Service Center Conference Room, 1601 Gra- ham Road at 2:00 p.m., the same date. Any bid received after the above closing time will be returned unopened. The work consists of repainting the steel works mechanism of one or two clarifiers, depending on the total cost. Only a given amount of money is available to accomplish this project. The City will accomplish the maximum work possible. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes in duplicate upon the blank form of proposal furnished and a duplicate provided by the contractor. Sealed enve- lopes shaft be marked in the upper left hand comer as follows: "DO NOT OPEN IN MAIL ROOM" BID FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 1992 WASTE WATER SYSTEM CLARIFIER PAINTING PROJECT TO BE OPENED: 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY. MAY 8. 1992 All proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a national or state bank in the amount of 5 %of the total bid amount, payable to the City of College Station, Texas, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance and payment bonds within fifteen (15) days after notice of award. Bids without check or bid bond will not be considered. The Contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder who, in the opinion of the Owner and Engineer, is best capable of performing the work. The evaluation shall be based on the Contractor's previous work expe- rience, available resources, knowledge of the work and bid price. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any and all informalities in bidding. Plans and specifications are on file at the plan rooms of Dodge Reports, AGC, Associated Builders & Contractors in Houston and The Builders Exchange in San Antonio. Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained from Donald C. Graesser, P.E., Consulting Engineer, 2107 Vinewood Drive, Bryan, Texas, 77802, Phone (409) 779 -6591 upon the deposit of $50.00 per set. Thirty -five ($35) dollars of the deposit will be refunded to each bidder who returns the document in good condition within ten days after opening bids or any contractor who returns the documents in good condition before bids are opened. Deposits of sugolfers and subcontractors will not be refunded. Contractors who do not return nlans before bid date or who do not bid forfeit all of the bid deposit Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves of local conditions, and care- fully examine the specifications and other documents. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the specifications or documents, or have a ques- tion regarding their meaning, bidder should at once notify Donald C. Graesser, P.E., and obtain clarification prior to submitting any bid. A Prebid Conference will be held at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 21, 1992, at the College Station Waste Water Treatment Plant on By -pass 6. Bidder's failure to attend the Prebid Conference may jeopardize Bidder's opportunity for award of contract by OWNER. I 4- 15 -92, 4 -22 -92 1 Z71 • Schools, offices to close Friday Here is a list of local offices that will be dosed for Good Friday: ■All county offices. ■City of College Station of- fices. However, garbage will be collected as scheduled, Erne Brazos valley Solid Waste Management landfill on Rock Prairie Road will close after the last trucks from Bryan and College Station have dumped their loads. ■Bryan and College Station school districts. Thursday, April 16, The Eagle 1992 125 Legal N until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Fri- day, April 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engglnser 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 A pre -bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, April 15, 1992 at 1101 Texas Avenue. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project begins near the northeast corner of Carters Creek wastewater treatment plant, goes along the north- east side of Raintree Subdiv- ison, turns and continues north of Raintree Subdiv- ision, crosses under Highway 6 Bypass, follows Wolf Pen Creek to the southwest cor- ner of Sears Service Center, turns north, turns west be- hind Huntington Apartments, continues on Dartmouth Street to Harvey Road, then continues in the south R.O.W. of Harvey Road to Taco Bell. The work consists of installing approximately 3100' of 36" pipe 10,400' of 30" pipe, 2600' of 18" pipe and various lengths of 16 ", 12 ", 10" and 8" pipes. Ap- proximately 1100' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and disposed, and approximately 1200' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and re- placed with 18" pipe. In- cluded in this contract are 125 Legal Notices several concrete junction boxes and manholes. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $75.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Sallie Mullins, P.E., Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 409 -764 -3570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Five (5) percent bid security is required. 04 -06- 92,04- 09 -92, 04- 14- 92 ,04 - 16- 92,04 -21 - 92 • • • Friday, April 17, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TWO (2) TRASH TRUCK DUMP BODIES BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 04/23/92, BID #92 -48 The Request for bids will be recieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date 145 Legal N specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 -10- 92,04 -17 -92 • • CS council to hear report College Station city staffers on Wed- nesday will present a report to mem- bers of the city council on the future of the area near the extension of FM 2818. Staffers in the city's planning de- partment have been studying the area, bounded by the East Bypass, Texas Ave and Southwest Parkway, so that changes in the land -use and zoning maps can be planned. The report recommends that the land -use plan for the area be changed from low-density residential to a mix of higher - density residential and of- fice -retail commercial. The College Station City Council will meet Wednesday at 4 p.m. for a workshop and on Thursday at 7 p.m. for its regular meeting. Both meetings will be in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Tuesday, April 21, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Project No. SS -1002 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Fri- day, April 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 A pre -bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. Wednes- day, April 15, 1992 at 1101 Texas Avenue. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project begins near the northeast corner of Carters Creek wastewater treatment plant, goes along the north- east side of Raintree Subdiv- ison, turns and continues north of Raintree Subdiv. ision, crosses under Highway 6 Bypass, follows Wolf Pen Creek to the southwest cor- ner of Sears Service Center, turns north, turns west be. hind Huntington Apartments, continues on Dartmouth Street to Harvey Road, then continues in the south R.O.W. of Harvey Road to Taco Bell. The work consists of installing approximately 3100' of 36" pipe 10,400' of 30" pipe, 2600' of 18" pipe and various lengths of 16 ", 12 ", 10" and 8" pipes. Ap- proximately 1100' of existing 15" sanitary sewer pipe will be removed and disposed, and approximately 1200' of existing 15" sanitary sewer Pipe will be removed and re- placed with 18" pipe. In- cluded in this contract are several concrete junction boxes and manholes. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $75.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Sallie Mullins, P.E., Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 409- 764 -3570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Five (5) percent bid security is required. 04 -06. 92,04- 09 -92, 04 -14- 92,04 -16- 92,04 -21 -92 125 Legal N otices reg.ilarities in said bid and to ac,.;ept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 -14- 92,04 -21 -92 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS V 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Wolf Pen Creek Interceptor - Phase I THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PREPARATION OF A LONG -RANGE FACILITY UTILIZATION PLAN RFP DEADLINE IS 5:00 P.M. 4/24/92, RFP #92.47 The Request for PropoW (RFP's) will be opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall at the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All RFP's received after the time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's or any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 04 -14- 92,04 -21 -92 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: POOL RECREATION, EQUIPMENT BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 04/29/92, BID #92-49 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Ha![, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 17840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- ' lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- • Candidates to participate in public forum r� L KAMU -TV will introduce city and School board aspirants to the voters in a "Meet the Candidates" forum on Channel 15 from 7 -9 tonight. The show will feature candidates for all contested places in the May 2 election. In College Station, incumbent Larry J. Ringer and Doug Glasgow are seeking the mayor's seat. City council candidates in- clude Ted Lezynski and Hubbard Ken - nady for Place 2 and Vernon Schneider and Gregory Buell for Place 4. College Station school board candi- dates include David J. Skinner and Lil- lian Robinson for Place 3, Kent Moore and J. David Louder for Place 4 and Ford Taylor and Jim Hughes for Place 5. Bryan City Council candidates include Sparkey M. Hardee, Kandy Rose and Melvin 0. Cooper for Place 2 and David Martin and Marc Hamlin for Place 6. Susan McNeely and Robert R. Odstrcil are making Position 1 on the Bryan school board, while Gary R. Newsome and Carol MCFaddin are competing for Position 3. The Program will on channel 31 from B-10 p.m re peat . pril 23, ca and 30. Tuesday, April 21, 1992 The Eagle 4W • CSC -;- candidates trade, on issues at Lea gue By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer What is usually a placid of fair got a little heated on Toes day night when the two candi- dates for mayor of College Sta- tion traded barbs at the League Of Women Voters candidate forum. Candidates for two races for the College Station City Coun- Wednesday, April 22, 1992 The Eagle views debate c>1 nd three races for the Col- lege Station school board also discussed their positions for the May 2 election. Mayor Larry Ringer be by saying that his six gn Provided hirla leading College Station have e r nce to get things d ne for the city. Please see DEBATE, page A4 ME Page A4 Bryan - College Station Eagle Wed nesday, April 22, 1992 00 rrorm Debate From Al Challenger Doug Glasgow, a Texas A &M management profes- sor, said that the council has be- come so insulated, it doesn't know what the people of the city want. Glasgow criticized a proposal to offer a $900,000 benefits package to Stericycle, a medical recycling company. If we can spend millions on projects like that, we can spend a couple of thousand to inform the people of College Station," he said. An audience member asked Glasgow if he thought it was diffi- cult to get involved in city government. "Unless you get the Eagle or go to all the council meetings, it's hard to keep up," he said. "The people found out about a lot of things after the decisions were made." Ringer said there were plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved. "We have a city newsletter, the agendas are run on cable and posted at the city hall as required by law," Ringer said. "All someone has to do is ask." In closing, Glasgow said that the city has been dragging its feet in planning for the George Bush "That area needs to be zoned be- fore some speculators come in and buy all the property," Glas- gow said. Ringer pointed out that the land around the Bush Library is owned by Texas A &M and can't be zoned. "You talk about never being aware, but how many council meetings have you been to before you decided it was your turn to be mayor ?" Ringer asked, referring to a Glasgow comment in the Eagle on why he was running. "I think there are quite a few people ahead of you." The rest of the forum, held in the College Station Conference Center, was quiet. Place 2 City Councilman Ver- non Schneider said that the coun- cil has laid a foundation for planned growth in the city. "I've spent a lot of time listen- ing to the citizens," he said. Challenger Greg Buell stressed his fiscal responsibility and the cooperation between the city and businesses. Both favored tax abatements if it would prove cost beneficial. Hubbard Kennady was the only candidate to show up for Place 4. In his statement he stressed his community involvement as a former assistant district attorney and as a vice chairman of the city's capital improvement project committee. David Skinner, a candidate for Place 3 on the school board, said that he is stressing academic ex- cellence, communication and de- cision- making in his campaign. His opponent, Lillian Robinson, said she wanted to work on the district's rising dropout rate. Robinson said that the district should not go to an expanded school year unless mandated by the state. She said the time out of school allows teachers and stu- dents to have summer jobs and is valuable for teachers who want to further their education. I Skinner said he doubted the state would ever mandate an ex• tended school year and said that there were more pressing issues that the district needed to focus on. Both David Louder and Kent Moore, the candidates for Place 4, said that site -based decision mak. ing is proving to be a benefit to the district's students. "The way to improve the schools is from the bottom up," Louder said. "We need the leader- ship to encourage the teachers to have input." Moore agreed that site -based schools would have a dramatic effect on education. "We need to set aside more staff' days to allow the teachers to for- mulate their policies," Moore said. Ford Taylor and Greg Hughes, vying for Place 5, got the toughest question of the night — taxes. Both said that they thought the community would support higher school taxes. "We are fortunate to live in a community that places a high value on education," Hughes said. "If we need a higher tax rate to fund a good education, people wW be supportive." Taylor also said he didn't mind taking money out of his pocket for the students of College Station. "If that's what it takes, that's what we'll do," he said. These candidates and the can- didates in Bryan's city and school elections will be featured on KA- MU-TV at 7 tonb0it NOTICE TO BIDDERS L-1 Is NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will consider a final replat of Lots 6 and 7, Block A of College Park Subdivision; 300, 302 and 304 Ayrshire Street. Ap- plicants and onwers are Jean Upe and Andrew B. Adams. This request will be con- sidered by the Commission at their regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. All property owners within 500' of the subject property have received notification of this request. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Engineer- ing Office at (409) 764 -3570. Veronica Morgan Assistant to the City Engineer 04 -22 -92 Wednesday April 22, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE TO BIDDERS OF THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TO LET A CONTRACT FOR 1992 WASTE WATER SYSTEM CLARIFIER PAINTING & REHABILITATION Sealed bids from qualified Contractors addressed or delivered to the office of the Water & Waste Water Superintendent, Utilities Service Center, 1601 Graham Road, College Station, Texas until 2:00 p.m., Wednes- day, May 6, 1992, for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the work required for construction of certain improvements as listed in the specifications for the 1992 Waste Water System Clarifier Painting Project, prepared by Donald C. Graesser, P.E.(Engineer). Pro- posals will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Utilities Service Center Conference Room, 1601 Gra- ham Road at 2:00 p.m., the same date. Any bid received after the above closing time will be returned unopened. The work consists of repainting the steel works mechanism of one or two clarifiers, depending on the total cost. Only a given amount of money is available to accomplish this project. The City will accomplish the maximum work possible. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes in duplicate upon the blank form of proposal furnished and a duplicate provided by the contractor. Sealed enve- lopes shall be marked in the upper left hand corner as follows: "DO NOT OPEN IN MAIL ROOM" BID FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 1992 WASTE WATER SYSTEM CLARIFIER PAINTING PROJECT TO BE OPENED: 2:00 n.m.- WEDNESDAY. MAY 6. 1992 All proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a national or state bank in the amountof 5 %of the total bid amount, payable to the City of College Station, Texas, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance and payment bonds within fifteen (15) days after notice of award. Bids without check or bid bond will not be considered. The Contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder who, in the opinion of the Owner and Engineer, is best capable of performing the work. The evaluation shall be based on the Contractor's previous work expe- rience, available resources, knowledge of the work and bid price. The City of College Station reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any and all informalities in bidding. Plans and specifications are on file at the plan rooms of Dodge Reports, AGC, Associated Builders & Contractors in Houston and The Builders Exchange in San Antonio. Proposal forms and specifications maybe obtained from Donald C. Graesser, P.E., Consulting Engineer, 2107 Vinewood Drive, Bryan, Texas, 77802, Phone (409) 779 -6591 upon the deposit of $50.00 per set. Thirty-five ($35) dollars of the deposit will be refunded to each bidder who returns the document in good condition within ten days after opening bids orany contractor who returns the documents in good condition before bids are opened. Deposit of urmflers and subcontractors will not be refunded. Contractors who do not return plans before bid date or who do not bid forfeit all of the bid de sit. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves of local conditions, and care- fully examine the specifications and other documents. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the specifications or documents, or have a ques- tion regarding their meaning, bidder should at once notify Donald C. Graesser, P.E., and obtain clarification prior to submitting any bid. A Prebid Conference will be held at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 21, 1992, at the College Station Waste Water Treatment Plant on By -pass 6. Bidder's failure to attend the Prebid Conference may jeopardize Bidder's opportunity for award of contract by OWNER. 1 4- 15 -92, 4 -22 -92 I 9 S Council takes no action n FM 2818 extension study • I T he College Station City Council de- ed on Thursday to not make a de- ion about the FM 2818 study. he council directed the de- opment policy subcommittee — Gardner, Vernon Schneider and Nancy Crouch — to work with city staffers, the planning and zoning commission and property owners to review the document and possibly recommend changes. The recently completed study makes suggestions on how to use the land in the area of the new extension of FM •2818. That area, bordered by South - west Parkway, Texas Avenue and the East Bypass, is largely undeveloped. The study calls for a mixture of com- mercial and high and medium density residential development. Friday, April 24, 1992 The Eagle I THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: OIL AND GAS MINERAL LEASE BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 05/05/92, BID 1192.50 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04- 23-92,04-30-92 NU I il;t Vt PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the City Coun- cil Chambers Room at the Bryan Municipal Utilities Building on May 7, 1992 re- garding the Replatting of Lot 72 of Garden Acres Addition - Property address 726 Edge - wood Drive. Purpose of re- platting is a division of lot in half. 04-2 2-92,04-23-92 Thursday, April 24, 1992 The Eagle • 125 Legal Notic ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Oaks Park, Park Project No. 9203, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, installation of re- taining walls, basketball court resurfacing, brick pavers, and repairs to light poles. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 pm, Monday, May 14, 1992 at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Sautrday April 25, 1992 The Eagle 125 L Notices All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularites and to reject any or all bids. 04- 25- 92,04 -26 -92 05- 02- 92.05 -03 -92 P__� 125 Legal Notices 0 C'1@041 • The Ciry of College Station is currently hiring for the position of WATER DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR. under the direction of the Operations Manager, this position will be responsible for supervising and coordinating the daily operations, maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution System. The successful candidate should possess strong communication and management skills, and possess a valid Grade "C" Water and Wastewater certification (or equivalent). Candidates must possess extensive knowledge of engineering and construction practices as applied to the water industry and will supervise approximately 15-20 employees involved in the maintenance activities. Previous Supervisory experience required. Salary: Depending on Qualifications: $13.03 /hour Deadline to apply is Monday, May 4, 1992 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday April 26, 1992 The Eagle ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Oaks Park, Park Project No. 9203, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including 125 Legal Notices site work, installation of re- taining walls, basketball court resurfacing, brick pavers, and repairs to light poles. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 pm, Monday, May 14, 1992 at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularites and to reject any or all bids. 04- 25- 92,04 -26 -92 05 -02- 92.05 -03 -92 .,11111111114k Eagle photo/ lave McDermand Jazz guitarist Ed Fila of the Dallas Jazz Orchestra strums accompaniment to Park in College Station on Saturday. Numerous jazz acts from across the trumpeter Gaylon Jeter's horn solo during their performance of the pop state and the local community performed through the cool spring afternoon standard "MacArthur Park" at the College Station Jazz Fest held at Central for a large crowd of appreciative jazz fans at the free concert. Jazz man ►J PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST F AUTOMATED TABU- LATING EQUIPMENT THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, Monday April 27, The Eagle 1992 125 Lega Notices TEXAS AND THE COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AUTOMATIC TABULATION EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE USED IN THE COLLEGE STATION MUNICIPAL /COLLEGE STATION INDPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEC- TION WILL BE TESTED ON APRIL 30, 1992 AT 11:30 A.M., AT THE BRAZOS COUNTY DATA PROCESS- ING CENTER, BRYAN, TEXAS TO ASCERTAIN THAT IF WILL ACURATELY COUNT THE VOTES CAST FOR ALL OFFICES AND ON ALL MEASURES. DR. E.E. BURNS PRESIDING JUDGE CEN- TRAL COUNTING STATION AVISO PUBLICO DE PROBAR EL EQUIPO PARA TABULAR AUTOMATICAMENTE POR LO PRESENTE SE DA AVISO QUE EL EQUIPO PARA TABULAR AUTOMA- TICAMENTE QUE SE USARA EN LA ELECION DE LA MUNICIPALIDAD DE COLLEGE STATION Y EL 125 Legal Notices DISTRICTO DE LAS ES- CUELAS EN COLLEGE STATION QUE SE LLE- VARA A CABO EL 30 DE ABRIL, 1992, AL LAS 11:30 A.M., EN LA BRAZOS COUNTY DATA PROCESS- ING CENTER, BRYAN, TEXAS, PARA DE- TERMINAR SI EL EQUIPO CONTARA CON EXACITUD LOS VOTES PARA TODO LOS PUESTOS OFICIALES Y SOBRE TODOS LOS PROYECTOS DE LEY. DR. E.E. BURNS FIRMA DE JUEZ PRESIDENTE 04 -27 -92 • i Tuesday, April 28, 1992 The Eagle 125 L Notices CORRECTION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the City Coun- cil Chambers Room at the Bryan Municipal Building on May 7, 1992 regarding the Replatting of Lot 72 of Gar- den Acres Addition - Property address 726 Edgewood Drive. Purpose of replatting is a division of lot in half. 04-27-92,04-28-92 is : fin Town &Texas Early voting ends today in Bryan, CS 0 Today is the last day of early voting for Saturday's city and school elec- tions and officials are hoping for a last - minute turnout of voters. Bryan City Secretary Mary Lynne Galloway said on Monday that 126 people had voted early, down from the 847 that voted last year. College Station City Secretary Con- nie Hooks said 112 people had come to City Hall to vote early. Last year 228 people voted early, she said. Early voting ends today at S p.m. Voting for the Bryan City Council and the Bryan school board is being held in the lobby of the Bryan Munici- pal Building, 300 S. Texas Ave. Voting for College Station City Council and the College Station school board is being held in the training room next to the city secretary's office in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Thursday April 28, 1992 The Eagle • Bryan - Colleg Station Eagle Wedn6sday, April 29, 1992 Page A3 rage one CS may change way it votes By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer College Station voters will do more than elect city council members Saturday — they'll also decide whether to change the way elections are run. Voters will decide on nine amendments to the city's charter, with the most important ones making changes to the city's elec- tion process. Proposition No. 7 on the ballot would make it easier to run for of- flee in College Station. If ap- proved, candidates for mayor and city council will no longer have to get the signatures of 25 voters to get their name on the ballot. "It will make it easier to run for council," said Connie Hooks, Col- lege Station's city secretary and chief election official. "It was also a lot of work for me to check to see if all the people who signed were registered to vote in College Sta- tion." Proposition No. 8 would lower the percentage of voters needed to force a recall election for a coun- cil member. The rules now re , quire signatures from a number of registered voters equal to 51 percent of the number of people who voted in the previous elec- tion. The proposition would lower the requirement to 40 percent, th e same as the number needed to force a recall election for the mayor. "The charter review committee felt that 51 percent was an unrea- listic number," Hooks said. "And this will make it uniform." Proposition No. 9 would require a city employee to resign if he or she became a candidate for city Wednesday April 29, 1992 The Eagle co cil or mayor. `It just didn't make sense," Hooks said. "It would be in con- flict with the city's personnel pol- icy." The six other propositions would bring the city's charter into compliance with state laws: ■Proposition 1 would allow the city manager to designate a tem- porary replacement. ■Propositions 2 and 3 would make it easier to amend the city's 7 ual budget. ■Proposition 4 would relieve e city's finance director of his responsibility for appraising property for taxing purposes. By state law, a tax appraisal authori- ty must perform this duty. ■ Propositions 5 and 6 would change the charter's language on purchases to comply with state purchasing laws. • 0 0 r J Wednesday April 29 1992 The Eagle hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 04 -29 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an appli- cation for a permit to conduct operations for the discovery and production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons within the City of College Station. The applicant is Chesapeake Operating Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and the name of the proposed oil is Swoboda No. I -H. NOTICE OF The proposed drilling sit is PUBLIC HEARING approximately 2500 feet east The College Sation City of State Highway 6, generally Council will hold a public along the line of College hearing to consider a rezon- Station access road to the ing request by Paul J. Clarke Carter Creek Waste Water of Lot 15, Block T of Universi- Treatment Plant, adjacent to ty Park II Subdivision from an extensin of Appomattox R -4 low density apartments Drive and north of the de- to C -B Business Commer- veloping Emerald Forest cial. Subdivsion Phase Eight. The hearing will be held in The City Council will consider the Council Roo of the Col- this application at a public lege Station City I Hall, 1101 hearing scheduled for Thurs- Texas Avenue at the 7:00 day, May 14, 1992 at 7:00 pm p.m. meeting of the Council in the City Hall Council Room on Thursday, May 14, 1992. located at 1 101 Texas Any request for sign interpre- Avenue. tive services for the hearing Any request for sign interpre- impaired must be made 48 tive services for the hearing hours before the meeting. To impaired must be made 48 make arrangements call hours before the meeting. To (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) make arrangements call 1- 800 - 735 -2989. (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) For additional information, 1 -800- 735 -2989. please contact me at For additional information, (409)764 -3570. please contact the Engineer - Jane Kee ing Office at (409)764 -3570. Senior Planner David Pullen 04-29-42 City Engineer 04 -29 -99 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Sation City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by Paul J. Clarke of Lots 4 -9, Block U of Uni- versity Park 11 Subdivision from R -4 low density apart- ments and R -5 medium den- sity apartments to C -B Busi- ness Commercial, The hearing will be held in the Council Roo rt� of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue Qt the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, May 14, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 125 Legal Notices • k A; accepting applications for TECHNICIAN II in the Public Utilities Department. This position involves repair,' installation and maintenance of electrical substation power equipment and associated components. Tasks require a knowl- edge of blueprint and schematic reading. A working knowledge of mechanics and electrical /electronic circuitry is required. Applicant must have previous electrical /electronic training and minimum of one year experience in a related area. Salary - $7.04/hour Deadline to apply Monday, May 4, 1992 at 5:00 p.m. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. Colleee Station. TX 77642 Thursday, April 30, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: OIL AND GAS MINERAL LEASE BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 05/05/92, BID #92 -50 The Request for bids will be 125 Legal Notices received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 -23- 92,04 -30 -92 tS mayor challenger blasts Ringer's record By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The cry of "throw the rascals out" is ringing through the land. Usually it applies to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Rep- resentatives. But the challenger for the mayor's office in College Station is hop- ing it will apply here. "If you mean by 'rascals' that I think the council is not informing people, then yes, that's what I mean, said Doug Glas- gow, a Texas A &M management profes- sor. "And yes, I think they're out of touch." Glasgow iRing Texa mayor Larry s A &M statis- tics professor. Ringer has also served on the College Station City Council for seven years and has worked on many commu- nity committees. Ringer stresses his experience as the reason to re turn him as mayor. "I'm offering myself as the candidate with experience and a record," Ringer said." The basic difference is that ' been r working in the community, the said. "There's no evidence [Glasgow] has ever been involved," he said. But Glasgow responded that lack of community service should not be con- sidered a negative. "If the mayor is always just someone who is on the council, then you'll never get new ideas," he said. "The city man- ager, the police chief ... a lot of people are hired from outside the system." By not being part of the current coun- cil, he does not have any debts or favors that he owes to anyone, Glasgow said. "I've been studying government my whole life," he said. "I've been teaching decision - making for a long time." Ringer said he doesn't sense that citi- zens are displeased by the present coun- cil. "There may be some 'throw the rascals out' sentiment in regard to Washington D.C.," he said, "but I don't think we're seeing it here. "I don't sense a problem," he said. � CS council hopefuls aren't philosophical adversaries A­ By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer If you read position papers for the two candidates for Place 4 on the College Sta- tion City Council, you may not be able to tell who said what. There appear to be no major philo- sophical differences between the two. Incumbent Vernon Schneider is a professor of agricultural economics at Texas A &M. His challenger is Greg Buell, a finan- cial planner at Jefferson -Pilot who grad- Thursday, April su, 195:x, The Eagle uated from A&M in 1991 with a ce degree. At the League of Women Voters candi- date forum, both said they were in favor of planned growth and for using tax abatements to draw clean, high -tech businesses to the city. Both said the abatements should be given only after careful analysis of the benefits to the city. Buell has said he has respect for all the current council members, but hat the would bring a fresh perspective C Toy UP-7un cki hones media blackout will win--election By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Ted Lezynski is running for Place 2 on the College Station City Council. He's just keeping a low profile while doing it. Lezynski, owner of Golden Eagle Air- craft Charter, faces attorney Hub Ken - nady for the spot being vacated by Coun- cilman Dick Birdwell. This is Lezynski's first attempt at pub- lic office, and most political h obsserr observers would say that his app is quite novel. Lezynski did not show up at the League of Women Voters candidate forum. He did not answer the questionnaire the League provided, so he didn't appear in that organization's voters guide. Nor did he appear at the forum held by KA- MU -TV. Lezynski did take part in the Eagle's voters guide. "I'm not planning said on Monday. talking to the media," Lezynski "My opponent has set out to be adversar ial — he's already had my marriage can celed — I'm not going to allow him to dis- credit me any more. ,, I , m not playing his game," he said. Lezynski was to have married Nancy Bryan on the air Sunday during KA- MU -TV's Auction `92. He said that Kennady intervened and got the station management to change their mind about the idea. He and Bryan now plan to marry in July. Kennady and Penny Zent, the station's development director, admit that Ken - nady called to find out whether Lezynski was getting married on the air. But both say that was t h e extent of any protest. He didn't even make a protest, Zent said. "He just simply called and said he heard there was going to be a wedding during the auction and that Mr. Lezynski and his fiancee were going to be married on the air and that he wanted to know what the situation was." Station management decided not to air the wedding live to avoid any d appearance of favoritism for any said. "We are not the Eagle editorial board," she said. "We have never — nor do we in- tend to — take a stand on any political candidates. That is not what we are about. Zent said she offered up the option of airing the wedding later, but the couple decided against it. Kennady stresses his community in- volvement, having served as an assistant district attorney, vice -chair of the city's capital improvements committee and on the Chamber of Commerce's government affairs committee. He is also on the boards of the Arts Council and the United Way. "He's claiming Ke T tried to K asked. "Well, wedding he ? tried to withdraw from the race. "There is a tie -in. He bouncing all over the place. He told Dick Birdwell he was withdrawing." Lezynski said Kennady's response is expected. "If he said so, then it must be true," Le- zynski said. "What's that got to do with anyone's qualifications for office? This is the thing I'm trying to avoid." • • Friday, May 1, 1992 The Eagle 0111011 The City o C01 ege Station is currently accepting applications for TECHNICIAN II in the Public Utilities Department. This position involves repair, installation and maintenance of electrical substation power equipment and associated components. Tasks require a knowl- edge of blueprint and schematic reading. A working knowledge of mechanics and electrical /electronic circuitry is required. Applicant must have previous electrical /electronic training and minimum of one year experience in a related area. Salary - $7.04 /hour Deadline to apply: Monday, May 4, 1992 at 5:00 p.m. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 — - -tea Opportunity Em&b THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CARPETING OF CONFER- ENCE CENTER BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 05/08/92, BID #9251 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- leg. Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 04 - 24- 92,05 -01 -92 r� L 7 rrtna Iry 1 tRPRETATION: prices In case of ambiguity or lack oeserves the rr stating ightto accept clearness in the proposal, the Ow 1 the prices written in words. PROPOSALS: The OyyNER reserves the right to accept the most advan- tageous proposal. CONTRACT: at no charge at the Contract documents may be obtained O ffice of: Mark Smith, S Station Public ServicesbCCenter rnces 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 05 -01- 92,05 - 10- 92,05 -1 4 92 Friday, May 1, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT #BV -9201 CLAY LINERS AND BARRIER WALLS AT THE ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS until 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 15, 1992. Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project primarily consists of excavating the landfill floor to grade, installing a compacted clay liner, installing clay barrier walls and installing a protective soil cover as described in the plans and speficications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have a practical knowledge of the particular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to com- plete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations inci- dent to the work, and d) Has appropriate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of College Station, Texas, or a proposal bond in the same amount from a Surety Company holding permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and accepta- ble according to the latest list of companies holding certi- ficates fo authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Trea- surey Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bid- der will enter into a contract and execute bond and guar- antee forms wl m five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bodn 11 not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or specifications must make request for such in- formation to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety -six (96) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be given to all Bidders in written addendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfill Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be amiled or delivered to each Bidding Contractor, The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the landfill Manager dur- ing the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Propsal Form and in the executed contract. Such ad- denda shall become a part of the executed contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings accord- ingly. To properly qualify his proposal, each bidder shall, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowledge such receipt on the Proposal Form and on the outer envelope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lowest bid received from a qualified bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive formalities in any bid. Bids received after the specified time of closing will be retur- ned unopened. The award of the contract for this work is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 1992. A pre - construction meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 29, 1992. Construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 1, 1992. 1 r1 `J CS utilities department 125 Legal Notices hosts water awareness week ADVEOR The city of College Station today will Oaks Paik, Park Proect No. 9203, Citf of College l Station, try to make citizens blue. Texas. T ' it thumbs, anyway. The City of College Station s Public Utilities De The ci ty� Pte' will receive sealed bids di a General IContract, including ment is hostin,^ a Blue Thumb Water site work, installation of re- Awareness Fair as part of National taining walls, basketball court Drinking Water Week. The fair will be resurfacing, brick pavers, and repairs to light poles. today at Cy Miller Park from 9 a.m. to The Cit of College Station 8 p.m. The park is next to the College will receive Bids until 2:00 Station Police Department. Monday, May 1992 at the office of the Direire ctor of t a t The fair features games, prizes, re- Parks and Recreation De- freshments and demonstrations to partmen , 1000 Krenek Tap show people the efforts made to pro- Road, College Station, vide safe drinking water. Admission is Texas. ids received after this time will not be accepted. All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenekap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)76$ -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularites and to reject any or all bids. 04 -25- 92,04 -26 -92 05 -02- 92,05 -03 -92 Saturday, May 2, 1992 The Eagle 40 • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Oaks Park, Park Project No. 9203, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, installation of re- taining walls, basketball court resurfacing, brick pavers, and repairs to light poles. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 pm, Monday. May 14, 1992 at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Sunday, May 3, The Eagle I Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station 1992 � •♦� ( he City of College Station is 7 cu rently hiring for the position of WATER DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR. Under the direction of the Operations Manager, this position will be 'responsible for supervising and coordinating the daily operations, maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution System. The successful candidate should possess strong communication an management skills, and possess a valid Grade "C" W�ter and Wastewater certification (or equivalent). Can Pates must possess extensive knowledge of engineering and construction practices as applied to the water industry and will supervise approximately 15 -20 employees involved in the maintenance activities. Previous Supervisory experience required. Salary: Depending on Qualifications: $13.03/hour Deadline to apply is Monday, May 4, 1992 Equal Opportunity Employer 0 1 incumbent falls N n BMCS elections The few voters who turned out Satur- day for city and school elections in Bryan and College Station didn't seem to be af- fected by the anti - incumbent mood sweeping the nation. Only one of seven incumbents was defeated — Bryan trustee Robert Odstrcil lost to Susan McKneely in one of the closest races of the night. In another notable race, Kandy Rose was returned to the Bryan City Council Inside ■School board results/ A14 ■ More on B -CS elections/ A14 ■Brazos Valley results/ A14 after a one -year hiatus. College Station voters passed eight of nine proposed charter amendments, re- jecting only a proposal that would have required city employees to resign their Jobs to run for city council. Voter turnout was 11.66 percent in Bryan and 8.12 percent in College Station. Sunday, May 3, 1992 The Eagle CouncilResults Here are the results from area city council elections: BRYAN: Place 2: Sparkey M. Hardee ......................... 89 Kandy Rose ....... ..........................1,367 Melvin 0. Cooper .......................1,071 Place 4: (i)Larry A. Catlin .......................1,813 Place 6: David Martin .... ............................405 (i)Marc Hamlin ..........................1,786 COLLEGE STATION: Mayor: (i)Larry J. Ringer..... ............1,374 Doug Glasgow .. ............................520 Place 2 Ted Lezynski ..... ............................553 Hub Kennady . ..... .................1,174 Place 4: (i)Vernon E. Schneider ................993 Gregory Buell ... ............................629 Place 6: (i)Nancy Crouch ........................1,396 • U C� �T he City of College Station is currently ac- cepting applications for the position of: COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR - Public Utilities Department This position is responsible for the supervision of the maintenance, repair, installation, and procurement of all telecommunications and radio communication equip- ment utilized by the City of College Station. A minimum of two years formal electronic training and five years progressive experience in telecommunication and radio communication is required. Copies of Federal Commu- nication Commission and/or NABOR certification to be submitted with applications. Salary: $2143 /month Deadline to apply is May 21, 1992 Apply to: city of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX Eq ppP -Wnily TP Monday, May 18, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) 4-6 TON TANDEM ROLLER ID DEADLINE 2 P.M. 05/27/92, BID #92-52 he Request for bids will be eceived in the office of the urchasing Agent at City Hall, 11C1 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 05-18- 92,05 - 26 -92 0 01119 The City of College Station is currently ac- cepting applications for the position of: COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR - Public Utilities Department This position is responsible for the supervision of the maintenance, repair, installation, and procurement of all telecommunications and radio communication equip- ment utilized by the City of College Station. A minimum of two years formal electronic training and five years progressive experience in telecommunication and radio communication is required. Copies of Federal Commu- nication Commission and /or NABOR certification to be submitted with applications. Salary: $2143 /month Deadline to apply is May 21, 1992 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX Equal OPP-Wn"Y Empbyer Tuesday, May 19, 1992 The Eagle 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a rezoning request from A -O Agriculture Open to R -1 Single Family, by the Begonia Corporation for a rectangular, 10.18 acre tract located along the east side of Arnold Road extending the length between Schaffer Road and Victoria Avenue; having approximately 1400 feet of frontage on Arnold Road and approximately 305 feet of depth; and more specifically described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being si- tuated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract Number 54, in Brazos County, Texas, and being a portion of the 159.567 acre tract conveyed by Wellborn Road, Ltd..to Lieven J. Van Riet at al by Trustee's Deed dated April 7, 1987 and recorded in Volume 963, Page 29 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. COMMENCING: at an iron road found marking the most easterly corner of the said 159.657 acre tract, said iron road also being in teh southwest right -of -way line of Schaffer Road; THENCE: N 48 30'39" W for a distance of 1143.52 feet along the fenced southwest line of said Schaffer Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE: S 41 45'11" W into the interior of sad 159.657 acre tract for a distance of 1457.39 feet for cor- ner; THENCE: N 47 0 43'26" W for a distance of 305.01 feet to an angle point in the north line of the said 159.657 acre tract for corner, said corner also being in the southeast line of a county road called Arnold Road; THENCE: along the said line of Arnold Road, as fenced for the following three calls: N 41 0 4511 " E for a distance of 141.16 feet, N 54 0 46'27" E for a distance of 28.17 feet and N 76 54'01" E for a distance of 30.23 feet to the inter- section of said Arnold Road line and the southwest line of the beforesaid Schaffer Road line; THENCE: S 48 30'39" E for a distance of 281.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10.18 acres of land, more or less. The hearing will be held in the Coucil Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, June 4, 1992. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 05-20 -92 Wednesday, May 20, 1992 The Eagle C ! O a rvv i iCE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by St. Thomas Epis- copal Church to expand their existing church and edu- cational facilities at 906 George Bush Drive. The hearing will be held in the Coucil Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, June 4, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764.3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 05 -20 -92 The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of: WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR in the Public Utilities Department This position manages and operates a complete warehousing facility including shipping, receivin stocking, and inventory for the entire city organization. Wowing knowledge of freight regulations and requirements, a minimum of 2 years experi- ence operating a warehouse facility , and computer ex rience is required. Experience in barcodingg procedures is desirable. Starting Salary: $1752 /montlt Deadline to apply: Wednesday, May 27, 1992 City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX Equal Opportunity Employer `•♦ The City of College Station is currently seeking a qualified individual for DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECRETARY This position is responsible for performing secretarial functions for the Engineering and Planning staffs. Quali- fied individual should have excellent secretarial skills. Abilityto workwith Microsoft Word and Excel essential. Should be able to type 45 wpm minimum. Ability to take dictation and shorthand a plus. Starting Salary: $1293 /month Deadline to apply: Friday, May 29, 1992 City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX. t • Friday, May 22, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing on a budget amen - dement to the BVSWMA Budget. The amount of the _. 125 Lega Notices amendement is $375,000. The funds will be used to consturct 12 months of capa- city during the summer months and construction of clay barrier walls and liners. The public hearing and con- sideration of this amendment will be held on Thursday, May 28, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Cham- bers. For further information, please call Mark Smith, As- sistant Public Services Djrec- tor,764 -369 05 -22 -92 L_ EDC elects Cornelison, other officers for 1992 -93 By TERI WALLEY ticipated in. The EDC elected Steve Arden as Eagle staff writer president -elect and John Ander- er • The Bryan- College Station Eco- nomic Development Corp. elected Pat Cornelison as president for 1992 -93. Cornelison, administrator of Humana Hospital-Brazos as ales replaces Ed Wagg oner son as treasur . The city of College Station re- cently reappointed Cornelison to another three -year term on the board. The Brazos County In- dustrial Foundation reappointed Bill Thornton, as well. The Bryan City Council C will consider reappointing Larry Cat- lin at its next regular meeting. Because Cornelison wasn't sure of her reappointment until Wed- nesday, she says she hasn't ac time to formulate any Pe plans for her tenure. "I could probably respond much better to that in a couple of weeks when I've had time to think about it," she said. dent. "I think she's a live wire and a dynamo," said Robert Worley, executive director. "I think she'll do a great job." "I've been pleased with said cohesiveness of the group, Cornelison. "It's a good group. I believe it has Bryan-College zos County, an- College Sta- tion, A &M and the whole [com- munity at heart]. it's been one Of he more effective boards I've par- Sunday, May 24, 1992 The Eagle H �-3 �-3 ;7' r_ (D (D LQ 1 .< N N M I-' N Automated trash collection gets off the ground with little trouble By ANTON RIECHER Eagle staff writer Southwood Valley resident Tamarah Smith said she didn't understand what trash went into which can the first week that au- tomated trash collection came to her College Station neighborhood. "I guess I wasn't paying atten- tion," Smith said. One of the city's new automated trucks picked up the routine trash on schedule with no prob- lems, she said. The truck, equipped with mechanical pin- chers, hoists the 70 -gallon green trash containers, empties them and gently lowers them to the street. The snag was with the smaller container for recyclable products — aluminum cans, glass and newspapers — placed at the curb several days later. Smith said the city collected the newspapers, but the glass and plastic were left be- hind. Southwood Valley was the last neighborhood in College Station to receive its new trash con- tainers from the city. Nearly 9,000 residential containers are in place across College Station, said city sanitation superintendent Jim Smith. Despite the confusion over re- cycling, Smith said she likes the big green containers a lot better than the messy plastic bags. "It's just a lot neater than having plastic bags around that the cat or dog can get into," Smith said. The Runge family lives about a block away from Smith on Deacon Drive. Edward Runge said he has let his wife take charge of organ- izing the trash. "My wife tells me I'm always putting the wrong stuff in with the right stuff," Runge said. "I let her take care of it." Other than training her hus. band, Pat Runge said her com- plaints are few. One is that the 7o -gallon container is so large that ,t will not fit through a normal doorway, forcing the Runges to leave it outside. Another is that many College Station residents are permanent- ly leaving the containers out by the curb instead of wheeling them out only on the new once -a -week pickup day, Runge said. "I think they're very un- sightly," Runge said. "People need to put them away." An elderly Southwood Valley couple away since April returned this week to find their new con. Please see TRASH, page A2 Steve Sauseda, a city of College Station worker, is making a trash pickup on Southwood Drive on Monday morning, using one of the city's new automated trucks. Trash From Al tainers waiting for them. The wife, who asked of to be n amed, said getting the out to the curb worried her. She planned to call the city and request a special service in which a city employee thecontainer care a the wheeling it to the curb and returning house. Smith said the city has tried to be thorough in informing the pub- lic about how the new automated service works. In February, a newsletter in the Bryan- College Station Eagle explained the new service. Another 15,000 copies reached city utility customers through the mail. Distributed with the containers were 19,000 brochures farther ex- plaining automated trash collec- tion. Each home received a copy of the newsletter and brochure stapled to a door hanger, Smith said. Requests for added information about the new system have been few, Smith said. Most of those have been to request an extra 70 -gallon container at a cost of $4.75 a month. on Smith said educating people separating waste between the two separate pickups each week has not been a widespread problem. with some people, when you change anything, it doesn't sit well," Smith said. College Station's automated col- lection system will be complete when the final 150 of 50o commer- cial -size containers are in place, he said. In Bryan, 8,500 of 17,000 90 -gal- lon residential containers are in place. The rest will be delivered by July 20. Bryan containers are slightly larger because the city will not have a recycling pro- gram. Roger Drews, the solid waste division manager known as the H Automated Guru" around City all, said some families switch- ing over to a single weekly trash pickup find that a 90 -gallon can isn't enough. "Some families with five mem- bers have no problem," Drews said. "Other families with only three members can't make do with one can." An extra can in Bryan is a one- time cost of $60, Drews said. But families who learn to optimize use of a single container simply by crushing cardboard boxes flat have no problem. The city is urg- ing people with a one -time gar- bage overrun to talk to neighbors about sharing their containers. Separating yard waste from routine trash is the big lesson Bryan homeowners will have to learn in the coming months, Drews said. A separate vehicle collects yard waste on the same day as the au- tomated trash run, Drews said. Because of a vehicle shortage dur- ing the switchover to the auto- mated system, yard waste pickup is running a day late on average, he said. A joint composting project by Bryan and College Station is ex- pected to be operating by October, Drews said. Until then, home- owners are receiving warning no- tices when yard waste is found mixed with household garbage. Once the composting project begins, homeowners failing to se- parate their garbage will face an extra charge to cover the added work for city crews, Drews said. In both Bryan and College Sta- tion, the city will replace stolen containers free of charge. Drews said Bryan will be wary of people who make a habit of losing their containers. "If you've got eight or nine con- tainers up at the fishing lodge catching rainwater, you're going to start paying for them," Drews said. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) 4-6 TON TANDEM ROLLER BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 05/27/92, BID #92 -52 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City 125 Legal Notices • Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77640, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after k that time will be returned nopened. The City of Col - ge Station reserves the g�ht to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 05 -18- 92,05 -26 -92 Tuesday, May 26, 1992 The Eagle • • c NOTICE The City of College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an appli- cation for s Perm to Con- duct Operation for the Dis- covery and Production of OII, Gas, and Associated Hydro- carbons within the City of Col- lege Station. The applicant is Edco Energy, Inc, 8140 N. Mopac Expressway, Suite 3 -140, Austin, Texas 78759. The proposed Drilling Site is on a 41.39 acre tract of land In the Morgan Rector Survey A-48. The drill site is north and east of the City's waste- water treatement plant, which Is located north and salt of S.H. 6 East Bypass between the Ralntree subdiv- Islon and the Emerald Forest subdivision. Owner of the property Is the City of College Station. The Hearing will be held In the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, June 11, 1992. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park - Ing Spaces are available. Any request for sign Interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1-800- 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the City Engi- neer's office at (409)764 -3570. 05 -27 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The College Station Planning &r Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a rezoning request of the College Station Business Park from A -O Agriculture Open to M -1 Planned Industrial. The Business Park is a rectangu- lar, 200 acre tract located on the east side of State Highway 6 bounded on the north by Spearman Drive, approximately 2400 feet south of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and State Highway 6; having approximately 3200 feet of frontage on State Highway 6 and approximately 2600 feetof depth; more specifically described as follows: All that certain tractor parcel of land lying and being situated in the S.W. Robertson Survey in the Brazos County, Texas, being a part of that 956.1 acre tract conveyed to W.D. Fitch by J.A.C. Developers, Inc., by deed dated 13 July, 1984, and recorded in Volume 703, Page 8 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas and being more particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of the said W.D. Fitch 956.1 acre tract and theproposed northeast right - of -way line of State Highway No. 6, N 49 E - 129.43 feet from an iron rod found in the present right -of -way line of State Highway No. 6 at the southwest comer of the said W.D. Fitch tract. Thence along the proposed northeast right -of -way line of State Highway No. 6 as follows: N 40 10'24" W - 720.85 feet; N 45 53'03" W - 201.00 feet; N 40 10'24" W - 1554.45 feet; N 33 10'32" W - 148.81 feet; N 39 35'36" W - 320.75 feet;N 49 24 W - 223.20 feet to the most westerly corner of this tract; Thence through the said W.D. Fitch 956.1 acre tract as follows: N 42 09' 31" E - 359.21 feet to an iron rod; N 47 47 50" E - 401.13 feet to an iron rod; N 43 30' 30" E - 400.00 feet to an iron rod; N 41 13'04" E - 1000.80 feet to an iron rod; N 48 E - 416.69 feet to the most northerly corner of this tract; S 43 57' 04" E - 2453.38 feet to an angle point; S 36 E- 986.14 feet to the most easterly corner of this property; S 49 W - 2631.83 feet, at 942.24 feet past an inside comer of this said W.D. Fitch tract and continue along a southeast line of the said W.D. Fitch tract, to the Point of Beginning and containing 200.00 acres of land more or less. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, June 11, 1992. Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764- 3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 05 -27 -92 Wednesday, May 27, 1992 The Eagle A • CS council to discuss landfill • The College Station City Council will discuss building clay walls and liners at the Rock Prairie Road landfill during a workshop meeting today at 4 p.m. at College Station City Hall, 1101 S. Texas Ave. According to a memo to the council by Mark Smith, assistant director of public services, the new walls and liners are needed because the landfill is filling up faster than expected. The council will also discuss the Council Development Policies Sub- committee's recommendation on an FM 2818 extension study, and will con- sider bids for a $361,000 computer system for the water production and wastewater treatment facilities. Wednesday, May 27, 1992 The Eagle • CS council to discuss Foxf ire annexation A public hearing will be held tonight on the possibility of annexing the Foxfire subdivision into the city of College Sta- tion. The hearing will be held during the College Station City Council meeting, 7 p.m., in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Residents of the subdivision petitioned the city in March to join the city. A service plan prepared by city staffers showed annexation of the subdivision, located between the Emerald Forest and Wood Creek subdivisions, would eventu- ally net the city about $150,000 a year. Any improvements to water and sewer system will be paid by the property owners, the plan said. About $450,000 in road improvements is needed and the council will need to decide who would pay if they approve the annexation. In Town &Texas CS landfill filling up fast, city staffer says • A city staffer told the College Station City Council on Wednesday that the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Manage- ment Landfill is filling faster than an- ticipated. "We used 15 months worth of space in 12 months," said Mark Smith, assis- tant director of public services, refer- ring to the original projections. "We need to add 12 months of space this summer." Smith made the presentation to the council at Wednesday's workshop. Smith said that the original projec- tions were based on the amount of garbage produced by College Station, Bryan and Texas A &M, but that the policy is to allow anyone willing to pay $15-a -ton to use the landfill, causing the shortage of space. The new projections have taken the open gate policy into consideration, Smith said. College Station's recycling program is showing some success, he said, but he didn't want to have to de- pend on the program and then end up with not enough space. Thursday, May 28, 1992 The Eagle • IN Town &Texas FM 2818 extension opens this morning It may not be a yellow brick road, but it does lead to the Emerald Forest. The extension of FM 2818, connect- ing Texas Avenue with Emerald Parkway and Texas 6, will open this morning. Opening ceremonies, featuring Col- lege Station Mayor Larry Ringer and Delton Kittrell , district engineer for the Texas Department of Transporta- tion, will take place at the east end of the extension at 9 a.m. Traffic will be allowed on the road soon after the ceremonies. The city and the Texas DOT spent a combined $950,000 on the project, which is expected to handle 2,000 vehi- cles a day, improving east -west travel in College Station. Friday, May 29, 1992 The Eagle L • Community leader says Foxfire wants to be is part of CS By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Most of the residents in the Foxfire subdivision want to be part of the city of College Station. That's the message Foxf1re Homeown- ers Association president Bill Fox brought to the College Station City Coun- cil on Thursday. Only 11 people have said that they don't want to be part of the city under any circum- stances, said Bill Fox, presi- dent of the Foxfire Home- owners Association. Friday, May 29, 1992 The Eagle The council held the first of the two re- quired public hearings on the possible annexation of the area during the coun- cil's regular meeting. A second hearing is scheduled for June 5. "Of the 178 lot owners, 122 indicate that they prefer to be annexed," Fox told council members, "and even more im- portant, of the 104 homeowners, 78 — about 75 percent — want to be annexed." Only 11 people have said that they don't want to be part of the city under any cir- cumstances, Fox said. Foxfire is east of Texas 6 between the Emerald Forest and Wood Creek subdiv- isions. Jim Callaway, the city's planner, said some improvements are needed to the area's water, sewer and street systems. The city would reserve the right to assess the property owners for those improve- ments. The citv nrnhnhly emila maim the im- routine 1i (A,,, , vauu.ruy JAIu, without assessing anyone. 40 • Officials who tabulated Saturday's election results failed to include ab- sentee votes in the College Station school board and city election totals, but the error did not change the out- come of any race. Here are the revised totals. Incum- bents are designated by (i). SCHOOL BOARD Place 3 David J. Skinner .... .........................1,306 Lillian Robinson ... ............................957 Place 4 Kent Moore ........... ..........................1,231 J. David Louder .... ..........................1,024 Place 5 FordTaylor ........... ..........................1,094 JimHughes ........... ..........................1,126 CITY ELECTIONS Mayor (i)Larry J. Ringer . ..........................1,571 Doug Glasgow ........ ............................564 Place 2 Ted Lezynski ......... ............................612 Hub Kennedy ........ ..........................1,347 Place 4 (i)Vernon E. Schneider ..................1,122 GregoryBuell ........ ............................711 Place 6 (i)Nancy Crouch ... ..........................1,581 City Charter Amendments Tuesday, May 5, 1992 The Eagle Proposition 1: 1,786 for, 293 against Proposition 2: 1,333 for, 523 against Proposition 3: 1,376 for, 472 against Proposition 4: 1,356 for, 445 against Proposition 5: 1,694 for, 204 against Proposition 6: 1,689 for, 210 against Proposition 7: 1,346 for, 594 against Proposition 8: 1,208 for, 636 against Proposition 9: 886 for, 1,017 against C7 0 Firday, May 8, 1992 The Eagle In Town &Texas Broken sewer line spills waste into Burton Creek A College Station sewer line near the Bryan Wastewater Treatment Plant broke on Thursday, sending se- wage into Burton Creek, College Sta- tion officials reported. Recent rains corroded a portion of the creek embankment, causing the break, College Station spokeswoman Peggy Calliham said in a news release Thursday night. Bryan city officials notified College Station officials of the leak, which oc- curred in a remote, wooded area that is dif 1cult to monitor, she said. The af- fected portion lies between the plant — on Autumn Circle near the line be- tween Bryan and College Station — and the East Bypass. College Station crews spent Thurs- day containing the leak and had it con- trolled by nightfall, Calliham said. Texas Water Commission officials are expected to examine the damage today and determine what cleanup steps should be taken. i L NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT #BV -9201 CLAY LINERS AND BARRIER WALLS AT THE COLLEGE PRAIRIE S TATION, II E LA NDFILL IN TEXAS until 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 15, 1992. Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This floor to grad primarily sallig a compacted clay excavating the clay barrier walls and installing a protective soil cover as described in the plans and speficications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have a practical knowledge of the particular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to corn plete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations inci- dent to the work, and d) Has appropriate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from work that would impair h s y tofully execute, engaged ute, perfo m or finance his wok. BONDS REQUIRED Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of College Station, Texas, or a proposal bond in the same amount from a Surety Company holding permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and accepta- ble according to the latest list of companies holding certi- ficates to authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Trea- surey Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bid- der will enter into a contract and execute bond and guar- antee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bodn will not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or specifications must make request for such in- formation to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety -six (96) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be given to all Bidders in written addendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfill Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be amiled or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior tc the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the landfill Manager dur ing the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Propsal Form and in the executed contract. Such ad denda shall become a part of the executed contract an( modify the specifications and /or the drawings accord ingly. Sunday, May 10, 1992 to g his tiida h c his of all p ric osal, each bidder The Eagle and acknowledge such receipt on the Proposal Form an on the outer envelope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which the lowest bid received from a qualified bidder; to reje any or received l bids; and to err the specified time formalities in will be re ned unopened. The award of the contract for this work scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 1992. A pr 1992 construction onstructi 1 on is scheduled scheduled Friday, o begin on Monde June 1, 1992. PRICE INTERPRETATION: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating pric in the proposal, the Owner reserves the right to acc( the prices written in words. PROPOSALS: The OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advi tageous proposal. CONTRACT: Contract documents may be obtained at no charge at office of: Mark Com� 9 Station Public D c Sery Services Center 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 05 -01- 92,05 -10. 9 -1 4 -92 uta r7 /�•� The City of College Station is currently (` accepting applications for the position of TECHNICIAN II in the Public Utilities Department. This position involves repair, installation and maintenance of electrical substation power uipment and associated components. Tasks require a knowledge of lueprint and schematic reading. A worldng knowledge of mechanics and electrical /electronic circuitry is required. Applicant must have prev6 ous electrical/electronic training and minimum of one year experience in a related area. Salary: $7.04/hour Deadline to apply: Tuesday, May 19, 1992 at 5.00 pm. Chy of College Station Personnel office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Wednesday, May 13, 1992 The Eagle 0 • CS's brown water traced to malfunctioning pump (W By KELLY BROWN Eagle staff writer Utility crews were working late Tuesday night to flush out dirt pouring from faucets in homes throughout south Col- lege Station. A city official said dirt is al. ways in the water, but that a Water From Al out what caused the pumps to speed up late Tuesday. He expect- ed the problem to be cleared up by this morning or early afternoon. Sharp said the dirty water is safe to drink or shower in, but he recommended that residents drain the silt from the pipes. Residents in the Southwood area and those east of the Texas A &M campus began calling the city's water department about 7 p.m. with complaints of brown Pump malfunction didn't let the dirt settle, sweeping it through the pipes and into sinks and bathtubs around town. Dean Sharp, operations manager for College Station, said he was still trying to find Please see WATER, page A2 water coming from their pipes. Hayes Glover, a College Station resident who lives in the 300 block of Suffolk Avenue, said he turned on the water about 9:15 p.m. and was alarmed to see brown water flow from his faucet. "I picked up the phone and called the night number for the city," Glover said. "The guy said things were being taken care of — it was obvious that I was about the 50th caller. I was concerned because I didn't know if it was safe or what." Sharp said that by 10 p.m. the dirty water was confined to the area around Texas Avenue be- tween Holleman Avenue and Southwest Parkway. Wednesday, May 13, 1992 The Eagle • Ll INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: OAKWOOD ADDITION SANITARY SEWER AND WATERLINE IMPROVE- MENTS PROJECT NUM BERS SS -1005 & WT -1022 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Tues- day, May 26, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. A prebid conference will be held at 2:00 pm on the 15th day of May at 1101 Texas Ave., College Station, Tx 77840. Bids will be recieved at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is in an area bounded on the north by George Bush Drive, on the east by Timber Street, on the south by Park Place and on the west by Dexter Drive. The project consists of removing and replacing existing sani- tary sewerlines with approx- imately 6200' of 6" and ap- proximately 1100' of 8" sani- tary sewerlines, and con- struction of approximately 5100' of 6" waterline in the streets. The existing 2" waterlines in the easements will be abandoned in place. COPIES OF BIDDING DO- CUMETNS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from: McClure Engineering, Inc. 1722 Broadmoore, STE 210 Bryan, Texas 77802 For $60.00 Questions regarding this project should be directed to: SALLIE MULLINS, P.E., PROJECT ENGINEER 1101 TEXAS AVNEUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 409 - 764.3570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 05.10- 92,05.13 -92 05 -19- 92,05 -21 -92 Wednesday, May 13, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will consider a final replat of Lots 6 and 7, Block A of College Park Subivision; 300, 302 and 304 Ayrshire Street. Applicants and owners are Jean Lipe and Andrew B. Adams. The City Council will consider the final replat of College Park at their regular meeting sheduled for May 28, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. All property owners within 500' of the subject property have recieved notification of this request. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800. 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Engineer- ing Office (409)764 -3570. Veronica Morgan Assistant to the City Engineer 05 -13 -92 is 3 Linda Waitman of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department signs a giant post card Wednesday as Robert Forman and Bernice Schiller i look on in the College Station Post Office. The card will be sent to the U.S. Thursday, May 14, 1992 The Eagle cayto pnuwi ratoi nvt,,,a Olympic team. Waitman was a member of the 1980 Olympic team that boy- cotted the 1980 Olympics. Schiller's daughter, Bonnie, is going to Barce- lona to compete in skeet- shooting during Olympic Spirit Week, May 11 -17. is Olympic -size post card hursday, May 14, 1992 ,ae Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT NBV -9201 CLAY LINERS AND BARRIER WALLS AT THE ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS until 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 15, 1992. Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E Assistant Director of Public Services 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This project primarily consists of excavating the landfill floor to grade, installing a compacted clay liner, installing clay barrier walls and installing a protective soil cover as described in the plans and speffications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have a practical knowledge of the particular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to com- plete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations inci- dent to the work, and d) Has appropriate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of College Station, Texas, or a proposal bond in the same amount from a Surety Company holding permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and accepta- le according to the latest list of companies holding certi- cates to authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Trea- surey Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bid- der will enter into a contract and execute bond and guar- antee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bodn will not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or specifications must make request for such in- formation to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety -six (96) hours before the bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be given to all Bidders in written addendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from. the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfill Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be amiled or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the landfill Manager dur- ing the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Propsal Form and in the executed contract. Such ad- denda shall become a part of the executed contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings accord- ingly. To properly quality his proposal, each bidder shall, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowledge such receipt on the Proposal Form and on the outer envelope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: 1 - he owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is he lowest bid received from a qualified bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive formalities in any bid. Bids eceived after the specified time of closing will be retur- ied unopened. The award of the contract for this work is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 1992. A pre - :onstruction meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 29, 992. Construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, tune 1, 1992. PRICE INTERPRETATION: n case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices the proposal, the Owner reserves the right to accept prices written in words. 'ROPOSALS: . r9 OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advan- igeous proposal. :ON rRACT: :ontract documents may be obtained at no charge at the ffice of: Mark Smith, P.E. Asst. Director of Public Services College Station Public Services Center 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 05 -01- 92,05 -10- 92,05 -14 -92 • Thursday,May 14, 1992 The Eagle CS to negotiate ' with Arlington firm By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer College Station city staffers will nego- ti with an Arlington firm on a price for the development plans for the College Station Business Park. The College Station City Council voted 5-1 to instruct the staff to begin the nego- tiations with Schrickel Rollins and Asso- ciates. The other finalists were: ■Second: Lichliter /Jameson & Asso- ciates of Houston. ■Third: Richardson- Verdoorn of Aii- tin. ■ Fourth: Esmond Engineering of 1- lege Station. Under state law, if the city can't rea h ,an agreement with Schrickel Rollins it must negotiate next with the seco d- ranked firm. Council members said the Arlington firm's experience in developing other business developments, including a por- tion of Las Colinas in the Dallas -Forth Worth area, was important in their de- cision. Schrickel Rollins has an agreement with McClure Engineering of College Station and the Matthews Group in Bryan on the project. McClure will do en- gineering design work, and Matthews will be responsible for a brochure to help market the park to interested companies. Robert Worley, executive director of the Bryan - College Economic De velopment Corporation, said that at least three companies are seriously consider- ing the park, located in south College Sta- tion, near the Pebble Creek development. 125 Legal N otices 1 125 Legal Notices is • 0 Friday, May 15, 1992 The Eagle — 4 2 ( One of the proposed activities designed to meet approved Community Development objectives is Q learance (demolition) as fol- lows: CDBG funds will be used to assist in the demolition of severely deteriorated structure(s) that pose a current threat to the health and safety of the community as deter- mined by the City's Structural Standards Code, Ordnance No. 1128. The following structure(s) are determined to be eligible for demolition assistance. (See map.) Location *537 P sler 2 bedroom *603 P;ston 2 bedroom * These properties are currently owner -oc- cupied and qualify for participation in the City of College Station's Community Develop- ment Block �rarOptional t, Relocation Pro- gram. This ogram provides for the clear- ance of structures that are beyond feasible rehab and recommended for condemnation. The program then provides for construction of a replacement unit on the existing or an alternate site. The commencement and completion of demolition f the above structure(s) will be accomplished prior to December 31, 1992. Public comments should be addressed Mon- day- Friday, :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., within 10 ' days from date of this notice. City of College Station Attention: Jo Carroll Community Development Administrator 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 (409) 764 -3778 054 &92 • In Town &Texas CS council approves fire plug water line The College Station City Council put in a little overtime Thursday deciding whether to build a water line. The council approved a 300 -foot water line for a fire plug that will al- low CIC Agency Inc. to improve a site just south of the Shenandoah subdiv- ision. CIC, a medical service company, will use the site to expand its present operation. Council members did not finish their executive session until 1 a.m., said Peggy Calliham, the city's infor- mation officer. Saturday, May 16, 1992 The Eagle • •� The City of College Station is currently seeking a q ualified individual for DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECRETARY This Position is responsible for performing secretarial functions for the Engineering and Planning staffs. Quali- fied individual should have excellent secretarial skills. Ability to work with Microsoft Word and Excel essential. Should be able to type 45 wpm minimum. Ability to take dictation and shorthand a plus. Starting Salary: $1293 /month Deadline to apply: F iday, May 29, 1992 Citylof College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX. en The City of College Station is currently d accepting applications for the position of: CERTIFIED /CERTIFIABLE FIR FIGHTER -EMT Deadline for applying: June 5, 1992 Apply: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer • Sunday, May 17, 1992 The Eagle C •� The City of College Station is currently � accepting applications for the position of TECHNICIAN II in the Public Utilities Department. This position involves repair, installation and maintenance of electrical substation power equipment and associated components. Tasks require a knowledge of blueprint and schematic reading. A working knowledge of mechanics and electrical /electronic circuitry is required. Applicant must have previ- ous electrical /electronic training and minimum of one year experience in a related area. Salary: $7.04/hour Deadline to apply: Tuesday, May 19, 1992 at 5:00 p.m. City of College Station Personnel Office 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer • u Saturday, May 30, 1992 The Eagle Open for business Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks Officials cut ribbon at 9 a.m. Friday for the opening of the FM 2818 exten- the Emerald Parkway Interchange at the East Bypass. The FM 2818 exten- sion, known as Miller's lane, which runs from FM 2818 at Texas Avenue to sion, which is expected to carry 2,000 vehicles a day, cost $958,644.94. 6 10 4412 i ne airy or �otuege �taoon is currenny accepting applications for the position of: CERTIFIED /CERTIFIABLE FIREFIGHTER -EMT Deadline for applying: June 3, 1992 Apply: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer i s Sunday, May 31, 1992 The Eagle 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMBINED NOTICE The Zoning Board of Adjust- Notice to the Public of No significant ment for the City of College Impact on the Environment, and Station will hold a public hear - Notice to the Public of Request ing to consider a request for a for Release of Funds variance in the name of: Urban Architecture R -87020 On or about July 1, 1992 the above named City will 7001 Preston Road, request the Texas Department of Housing and Commun- Suite 210 ity Affairs to release Federal funds under Section 301 of Dallas, Texas 74205 the Housing and Urban -Rural Recovery Act of 1983, to The case will be heard by the be use for the following project: Project Name: RENTAL REHABILITATION Board at the regular meeting in the College Station City TRRP Contract No.: R -87020 Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at Description: Rehabilitation of substandard rental dwell - 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday June rags Location: City -Wide 16 1992 The nature of the case is as Estimated Cost: $150,000 An Environmental Review Record respecting the within follows: Applicant is request- ing a variance to required project has been made by the above named City which parking spaces for theater documents the environmentall review of the project. This seating on a 9.51 acre tract of Environmental Review Recored is on file at the above land on the East Frontage address and is available for public examination and copy - Road of S.H. 6, just north of ing, upon request, at the Community Development Office and adjacent to the Sam's between the hours of 8 -12 and 1 -5 Mon -Fri. The City of College Station will undertake the project de- Club property. Additional information is avai- scribed above with Texas Rental Rehabilitation Program lable at the office of the Zon- funds from the Texas Department of Housing And Com- ing Official of the City of Col- munity Affairs under Section 301 of the Housing and Ur- lege Station (409)764 -3570. ban -Rural Recovery Act of 1983. The City of College Station is certifying to the Texas De- Sabine Kuenzel Planning Assistant partment of Housing and Community Affairs that the City 06.03 -92 of College Station and the Honorable Larry J. Ringer, in his official capacity as Mayor, consent to accept the juris- NOTICE OF diction of the Federal courts if an action is brought to en- PUBLIC HEARING force responsibilites in relation to environmental assess - The Zoning Board of Adjust- ments, decision - making, and action; and that these re- ment for the City of College sponsibilities have been satisfied. The legal effect of the Station will hold a public hear- certification is that upon its approval, the City of College ing to consider a request for a Station may use the Texas Rental Rehabilitation Program variance in the name of: funds, and the Texas Department of Housing and Com- Mike Streetman munity Affairs will have satisfied its responsibiities under 900 Aspen the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and 24 Gainsville, Texas 76240 CFR Part 58. The case will be heard by the The Texas Department of Housing and Community Af- Board at the regular meeting fairs will accept an objection to its approval of the release In the College Station City of funds and acceptance of the certification only if it is on Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at one of the following basis: (a) that the certification was not 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday June in fact executed by the chief executive officer and other 16, 1992. certifying officer of the Contractor approved by the Texas The nature of the case is as Department of Housing and Community Affairs, or (b) follows Applicant is request - that the Contractor's environmental review record for the ing a v ariance to required project indicates omission of a required decision, finding, - or step applicable to the project in the environmental re- 125 Legal Notices view process. Objections must be prepared and submit- ted in accordance with the required procedure (24 CFR 58), and may be addressed to the Texas Department of parking spaces at the vacant Housing and Community Affairs Division, P.O. Box restaurant located at 1704 13166, Austin, Texas 78711.3166. Kyle South in College Objections to the release of funds on basis other than Station. those stated above will not be considered by the Texas Additional information is avai- Department of Housing and Community Affairs. No objec- lable at the office of the Zon- tion received after July 1, 1992, will be considered by the ing Official of the City of Col- Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. lege Station (409)764 -3570. Chief Executive Officer Sabine Kuenzel Honorable Larry J. Ringer Planning Assistant Mayor, City of College Station 06 -03 -92 1 P.O. Box 9960 _ College Station, TX 77842 06.03 -92 Tuesday, June 2, 1992 The Eagle n U CS gas' smell -tied to garbage LN By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The mystery gas seeping from the ground in south College Sta- tion is a mystery no more, say city officials. The phantom smell has been unearthed. And re- earthed. officials said the smell, which was near the city's old landfill, was just rotting garbage. State officials were concerned that a gas line was leaking. City workers using shovels Friday to get to the source of the smell found the garbage just a few feet below the surface, said Mark Smith, assistant director of public services in College Station. "We did as prescribed by Health Department rules and Tuesday, June 2, The Eagle Smell From Al added dirt to bury it deeper," Smith said. Texas Air Quality Board and Texas Water Commission offi- cials were called when employees at the Sandstone Center, just south of the old landfill, com- plained about the smell. Jeff Reddell, an inspector with the Waco office of the Air Quality Board, led a search Thursday and Friday for the source of the fumes. When searchers found where the smell was coming from of the ground, Reddell, concerned that a pipeline could be leaking gas, began checking with com- panies known to have lines in the area. The five companies he called said they had none in that location, and city maps also showed no pipelines there. It wasn't until city crews broke out the shovels that officials could rule out leaking pipelines. 1992 Signal changes make driving in CS easier I wanted to publicly congratu- late the city for the signal opera- tion changes made recently at many of the intersections in Col- lege Station. These changes have facilitated smoother and quicker traffic flow, with less irritation on the part of motorists waiting to make left -hand turns, especially during the hours when traffic is moderate to light. LOUISE BARKER College Station 40 • Foxfire annexation will get public hearing on Friday The College Station City Council will meet in a special session on Fri- day for a public hearing on the possi- ble annexation of the Foxfire subdiv- ision. The meeting will be at 5 p.m. at the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. The hearing is required by state law. The council is scheduled to consider the annexation June 25. Foxfire is located east of the East Bypass, between the Emerald Forest and Wood Creek subdivisions. Thursday, June 4, 1992 The Eagle 6 Foxfire annexation still draws little ordered resistance By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The Foxfire subdivision got a little closer to the College Station city limits on Friday after a College Station City Coun- cil public hearing on the proposed an- nexation of the subdivision. 'We opted for the freedom of rural life, the freedom to have l ivestock, stock ponds and wild flowers in the yard.' JIMMIE VERNON Foxfire annexation opponent C� Saturday, June 6, 1992 The Eagle Most of the residents in the subdivision have signed a petition asking for annexa- tion. Foxfire's water supply is privately owned, and the owner has said he wants to discontinue service. Only three people showed for the hear. ing — the se fond on the issue — with two for and one a,;ainst the annexation. Bill Fox, president of the Foxfire Home Owners Association, said that the resi- dents are still in favor of annexation and that no new opposition had been voiced. Jimmie Vernon said she and her hus- band opposed the annexation because they purposefully chose not to build in ". side the city limit-.t. "We opted for the freedom of rural life," she said. "The freedom to have live- stock, stock ponds and wild flowers in the yard." Mayor Larry Ringer said city ordi- nances allow livestock, as long as the animals aren't too close to homes. City staffers are looking at changes in the city's weed ordinance that would recog- nize a difference between large and small lots. Most of the lots in Foxfire are larger than an acre. Foxfire is located east of Texas 6 be- tween the Emerald Forest and Wood Creek subdivisions. • • Sunday, June 7, The Eagle 611 � The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of WASTEWATER COLLECTION SUPERVISOR Under the direction of the Operations Manager, this position will be responsible for supervising and coordi- nating the daily operations, maintenance and construc- tion of the Wastewater Collection System. The successful candidate should possess strong communication and management skills, and possess a valid Grade "C" Water and Wastewater certification (or equivalent) . Candidates must possess extensive knowledge of engineering and construction practices as applied to the water industry and will supervise approximately 15 -20 employees in- volved in the maintenance activities. Starting salary: Depending on Qualifications Deadline to apply cty C 2 ollege Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 -0960 (409) 764 -3517 EQUAL OPPORTUNI EMPL OYER C p The City of College Station is currently 0 accepting applications for the position of WATER/WASTEWATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR #2 nd This o sition const l a l ruction oftheWaterDistr Distribution and Waste- water Collection Systems. Starting salary: $7.04/hour Deadline to apply: Friday, June 12, 1992 City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 -0960 (409) 764 -3517 EOUAL OPPORTUN EMPLOYER 1992 L] U National Garden Week begins today. Gov. Ann Richards has issued an official memorandum designating the week in Texas, and College Station Mayor Larry Ringer and Bryan Mayor Marvin Tate have followed suit in the two cities. Bryan - College Station garden club members Nell Zeigler, Marie Branch and Judy Schafer received copies of Richards' proc- lamation at a convention of Texas Gar- den Clubs Inc., held in April. When they returned home, the women brought the special week to the attention of the two mayors. There are five local garden clubs. The A &M Garden Club, Oaks Garden Club, Men's Garden Club, Evening Garden Club and I Have a Dream Garden Club meet regularly and carry out community projects. In addition, the Native Plant So- ciety, African Violet Club and Orchid So- ciety cater to more specialized gardening interests. Sunday, June 7, 1992 The Eagle 0 0 Tuesday, June 9, 1992 The Eagle In Town &Texas CS Council to discuss impact fee ordinance The College Station City Council will discuss a draft ordinance on Wed- nesday that could allow the city to re- coup some of the costs of capital im- provements. Council members will hear a pre- sentation of an impact fee ordinance at Wednesday's 4 p.m. workshop. The new ordinance is necessary so the city can recover some of the costs of extending the sanitary sewer to the recently annexed area along Graham Road. The ordinance would specify the amount the city would charge for sewer, water and road improvements and how an impact fee would be de- termined and assessed. Thursday's council meeting will fea- ture a public hearing on a permit for the drilling of a second horizontal well between the Emerald Forest and Rain - tree subdivisions. The May 28 hearing on the first well in the area drew a standing- room -only crowd and three hours of testimony. Residents in the two subdivisions said they feared a well, located so near their homes, would intrude on the quality of life in the neighborhood. The council unanimously approved the permit. Construction on the first well has been delayed by bad weather. The council meets at 7 P.M. on Thursday. Both meetings will be in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. • f NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN : The College Station City Coll will Agr up public o R' 1 consider a rezoning request from A O Agriculture Single Family, by the Begonia Corporation for a rectang ular, side of 10.18 acre tract located along the east Victoria Av- ex the length between Schaffer Road and a on Arnold enue; having approximately 1400 feet of from mOfe specifi- Road and approximately 305 feet of depth; ,ally described as follows: situated in All that certain tractor parcel of land lying" being the Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstra of the 159657 i acre tract County, Tezas, and being a portion conveyed by � .Ilborn Road, Ltd. o Lieven J. V an Riet a al by Trustees Deed dated Apri17,1987 and recorded in V er 9 Page 29 of the Official Records of Brazos County, COMMENCING: at an iron rod found marking the most east- erly comer of the said 159.657 acretract, said ironrod also being in the southwest right -of -way line of Schaffer 43 ad feet along THENCE: N 48 30'39" W for a distance Of the fenced southwest line of said Schaffer Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; W into the interior of said 159.65 acre THENCE: S 4 45' 11' tract for a distance of 1457.39 feet for corner; THENCE: N 47 43'26" W for a distance of 305.01 feet to an angle point in the oath line of the said 159.657 acre tract for caner, said corner also being in the southeast line of a county road called Arnold Road; line of Arnold Road, as fenced for the THENCE: along the said following three calls' N 41 45' 11" E for a distance of 141.16 feet, N 54 46 27" E for a distance of 28.17 feet and N 76P 54'01" E for a distance of 30.2 in to the of the befor of said Arnold Road line and the w CS Schaffer Road line; the THENCE: S 48 30' 39" E for a distance 281 26 feet land, POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1 more or less. The hearing will be hel Texas Avenue C the 7:00 p.m. meeting Station City Hall, June 25, 1992. of the Council on Thursday, Any request for sign interpretive services for the hearing un- aired must be made 48 hours before the 'meeting 35 make p rT angements call (409) 764-3547 or (TDD) 409 764 - For additional information, please contact me at ( ) 3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 06.10 -92 Wednesday, June 10, 1992 The Eagle Al • C C-104–of The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of WASTEWATER COLLECTION SUPERVISOR Under the direction of the Operations Manager, this position will be responsible for supervising and coordi- nating the daily operations, maintenance and construc- tion of the Wastewater Collection System. The successful candidate should possess strong communication and management skills, and possess a valid Grade "C" Water and Wastewater certification (or equivalent). Candidates must possess extensive knowledge of engineering and construction practices as applied to the water in and will supervise approximately 15 -20 employees in- volved in the maintenance activities. Starting salary: Depending on Qualifications Deadline to apply: Friday, June 12, 1992 City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 -0960 (409) 764 -3517 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Wednesday, June 10, 1992 The Eagle CSPO reassigns officers in wake of chief hiring By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer When Edgar Feldman became chief of College Station police in March, his pro- motion touched off a series of promotions and reassignments within the depart- ment. Feldman was a major when he became chief, leaving a vacancy within the de- partment. Four officers — all lieutenants — applied for the position, said Major John Kennedy. Following a lengthy written test and skills assessment, Mason Newton was named the new major, Kennedy said. Newton will head the Operations Bureau, which includes the traffic, patrol and criminal investigation divisions. Newton, who had commanded the criminal investigation division since 1988, joined the force in 1971 after nine months at the University Police Depart- ment. He has worked in the patrol and traffic divisions and commanded the technical services division. Technical :services includes the records depart- %ment, jail and crime prevention unit. Kennedy said the four applicants were -highly qualified. Feldman transferred Lt. Mike Patter - son from patrol supervisor to fill New- ; ton's vacancy in the criminal in vestigation division. The department reassigns its lieuten- :ants every two or three years so each gains experience in various areas of law enforcement, Kennedy said. "It's a built -in incentive within the de- partment for its commanders to learn , 'more," he said. Patterson joined the force in 1978 after :two years with University police and :eight months at the Brazoria County Sheriff's Department. He worked in both %the patrol and special services divisions. Eight officers vied for the patrol super- : visor's position vacated when Patterson :moved to CID. After another lengthy test- ing and assessment process, Feldman promoted Master Officer Corkey Sandel to lieutenant. Sandel, who joined the department : 10 years ago, has been the depart- ment's research and planning coor- dinator since 1987. He also worked as a patrol officer and detective. As head of research and planning, Sandel was the driving force behind the department's accreditation last year. Sandel will spend about a month train- ing the new officer, Kennedy said. C (D r- n t�J N s2 � CA (D N N N CS Council to consider new fees for developers By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The College Station City Council will consider a resolution at today's meeting that could result in new fees being charged to land developers. The resolution, which is on the coun- cil's consent agenda, would have the Planning and Zoning Commission serve as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. The committee is necessary to develop land use assumptions "and capital im- provements plans. Those are necessary, under state annexation laws, to imple- ment impact fees. The council must jump through all these hoops before: ■The sewer line extension is made to the newly annexed area along Graham Road. ■ A final plat for the area is filed. If the council does not meet these re- quirements, it can't assess impact fees in the Graham Road area. Appointing the committee does not mean the council will assess an impact fee, said City Attorney Cathy Locke, but it reserves the council's right to access a fee. At its budget retreat, the council will receive a detailed analysis of how impact fees — such as the city assessing de- velopers for sewer improvements — would affect economic growth. The retreat is scheduled for June 30 and July 1. �41 Friday, June 12, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of College Station Community Development Of- fice will be conducted public hearings involving discussion and soliciting citizen input re- garding the City's Proposed Final Statement on the use of Community Development Block Grant funds. These funds must be used for one of three National Objectives: 1. Benefit low to moderate in- come citizens. 2. Eliminate slum or blight. 3. Meet an urgent community need. These hearings are sche- duled as follows: Monday, June 22, 1992 Lincoln Community Center 1000 Eleanor - College Station 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 23,1992 City Council Chambers - City Hall College Station 6:30 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend and participate. For more information, contact Jo Carrol at 409 - 764 -3778. 06-12-92,06-19-92 k. 11 111111p� THE CITY OF COLLEGE iTATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBU- TION OF SUBSTATION FACILITIES BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 06/30/92, BID #92-44 The Request for bids will be recieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 06 -1 B-92.06-25-92 Thursday, June 18, 1992 The Eagle Station Eagle Thursday, Ju 18, 1992 Page B3 Local sports The Bryan- College Station area is blessed with a number of people who work diligently to provide the best recreation activities. One such person is Cindy Sza- buniewicz, who is the instruction supervisor for the College Station Parks & Recreation Department. Szabuniewicz, who earned a phy- sical education degree from Texas A &M in 1979, has worked full time for the parks' department for the past 12 years, beginning as pool manager in 1980. "During the summer after my freshman year at A &M (1976), I worked for Roberta Inglis as a swimming instructor," Szabun- iewicz said. "She had started the recreational swim program in 1974. I also taught a water safety course." Szbuniewicz, who graduated from Bryan High School in 1975, taught her classes at the Wofford Cain Pool outdoor pool on the A &M campus. At that time, it was the only pool of its kind in Bryan - College Station. In 1987 Szabuniewicz trans- ferred to the parks' department, responsible for about 65 people, including instructors in tennis and swimming. "We keep getting more and more people involved in our pro- grams," Szabuniewicz said. "We are running out of pool space and city budgets everywhere are get- ting tight. But our programs are in place. "Without my assistant program coordinator, Jenny Hartsfield, I wouldn't be able to get things done. She has been very helpful to me in the three years she's been here. Everyone else has helped, too." Szabuniewicz usually begins her busy day at the Thomas Park Pool shortly after 8 a.m. There she checks on the recreation swim team, which is ably coached by Kevin Halligan and Bruce Lester. "I talk to the coaches, but also to the parents," Szabuniewicz said. "This will be Kevin's last year because he will graduate from A &M in the spring. We hope Bruce will become the head coach in 1993." From there, she visits the Southwood Valley athletic com- Splash camp is held at the Southwood pool, and for the first time, swimming lessons are taught at this location. Also, for the fourth straight summer, the local National Junior Tennis League program is in full swing on the Southwood Courts. Around noon, Szabuniewicz gets to her office on Krenek Tap Road and spends the rest of the afternoon answering calls. However, often her working days turn into nights, as she is also involved with the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation and the Red Cross water safety pro- grams. "I have to teach at least one, 40 -hour class for water safety training," said Szabuniewicz. "There were more people in the class this year, and we had more enrolled in the life guarding class." As a member of the Brazos County Red Cross Board and its water safety chairman, Szabun- iewicz oversees all swim related classes in the county and pro- vides everyone with any new rules and /or regulations. Since 1985, Szabuniewicz has she helps organize the Games of been the T.A.A.F. swimming Texas state meet with members of commissioner. In that capacity, the host city. Colle � floats Stat on Parks Frith By TIM STANFIELD where she has worked for super- plex, where Ben Cornish teaches Eagle Staff writer intendent Linda Waltman. She is tennis for the third straight year. Eagle photo/ Tim Stanfield Cindy Szabuniewicz has been pool manager for the College Station Parks & Recreation Department for the last 12 years. 0 In Town &Texas C CS council to discuss acquisition of land in closed session The College Station City Council will have an emergency session at 4:30 p.m. today to discuss land acquisition. City Secretary Connie Hooks said that the acquisition concerns park land. The meeting will be held in the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Council members are to convene the meeting and then go into closed ses- sion. The council may take action on the agenda item after the closed ses- sion. Friday, June 19, 1992 The Eagle • 6104-of The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of TECHNICIAN II in Public Utilities Department. This position involves repair, installation and maintenance of electrical substation power equipment and associated components. Tasks require a knowl- edge of blueprint and schematic reading. Aworking knowledge of mechanics and electrical /electronic circuitry is required. Applicant must have previous electrical /electronic training and minimum of one year experience in a related area. Starting salary: $7.04/hour Deadline to apply: Friday, June 26, 1992 at 5:00 p.m. City of College Station Personnel Office • 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, June 21, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF MEETING The College Station City Council will hold workshop meetings to discuss the up- coming fiscal year 1992 -93 annual budget. The meetings will be open to the public and comments from the public are Invited. Or, interested persons may respond by writing to the City Council, P.O. Box 9950, Col- lege Station, Texas 77842. The meetings will be held on Tuesday, June 30, 1992 at 1:00 p.m. In Room 127 of the Conference Center and Wednesday, July 1, 1992 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 105 of the Conference Center. For additional information on these meetings, please call the Budget Office, 764 -3575. rW-29 -92 Monday, June 29, 1992 The Eagle CS Councli to hold meetings The College Station City Council will hold special sessions today and Wednesday as council members begin working on the city's budget. The budget sessions are open to the public and will run from 1 -5 p.m. on both days in the College Station Con- ference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. — Compiled from staff and wire reports Tuesday, June 30, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendment to Or- dinance No. 1638, the Zon- ing Ordinance of the City of College Station, to reduce the number of parking spaces required for medical clinics. The hearing will be held In • 125 Legal Notices the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, July 16, 1992. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call number above or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx. 07 -01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Ricky Miller, Inc. to utilize the recently ap- proved banq•jet room as a WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1992 THE EAGLE game room (to include pool table) and a banquet room combined for the lease space located at 1601 Texas Avenue South in the Culpep- per Plaza Shopping Center. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, July 16, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735.2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07.01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Jimmy W. Riddle to the rear setback requirements of Zoning Ordinance #1638, Table A, to allow for the con- struction of a storage / work- shop to be located within ten feet of the rear property line at 2805 Manassas, lot 21, block 3 in Raintree Subdiv- ision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- day, July 21, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council. Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 -01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Todd & Company to the sign regulations of Zoning Ordinance #1638, Table One, to allow for the existing freestanding sign located at 2300 Texas Avenue, lot 3R of Parkway Plaza Phase Six Subdivision, to be raised six feet in height. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- 125 Legal Notices day, July 21, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800. 735.2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 -01 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON `W, ADOPTION OF LAND USE `� ASSUMPTIONS AND IMPACT FEES \ When: 7:00 pm, August 27, 1992 Where: College Station City Hall City Council Room 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas The purpose of the hearing is to receive public input concerning the adoption of Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan, and imposition of a Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee for Service Area 92 -01 as shown on the map, being about 530 acres in the vicinity of Rock Prairie Road, Wellborn Road and Graham Road. Proposed maximum impact fee per Living Unit Equivalent is $152.18. A Living Unit Equivalent is established as one single family residential structure. Any member of the public has the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and proposed maximum Impact Fee. The City intends to adopt Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee at the hearing and does not intend to hold separate public hearings to adopt the Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. If a person makes a written request for separate hearings prior to August 27, aseparate hearing will be scheduled to adopt the Capital Improvements Plan and impact fees. Requests for separate public hearings must be delivered to: Ms. Connie Hooks, City Secretary P.O Box 9960 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 In the event separate public hearings are held, a public hearing on the Land Use Assumptions will be held August 27 and a second hearing will be scheduled to address the Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. A copy of the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvement Plan is on file in the City Secretary's office for review. Copies will be provided on request. a .... ... .. RrCi : .Ser ., .. e .. :: . t'e -2Q ... ... W T .............................. ' ....... ............ 4� � ::.:.:.:.:...:.:.: .. . .. a N. T. S. CS staffers discuss progress College Station city staffers spent the first day of a two -day pre - budget workshop talking up their accom- plishments of the last year. Staffers spent Tuesday afternoon showing the College Station City Council that the 1991 -92 budget year was a very productive one. The city's accomplishments included instituting a new recycling program and auto- mated garbage pickup; annexing land along Graham Road and in the Foxtlre subdivision; completing land -use studies for the University Drive area and the area opened up by the exten- sion of FM 2818; and beginning con- struction on Wolf Pen Creek Park. The council will spend the second day of the workshop mulling over what direction the city will take in the short-term and long -term futures. Is- sues for discussion will include pros- perity and managed growth; environ- ment and culture; health, safety and welfare; and enjoyment and tourism. The meeting will run from 1 -5 p.m. at the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. WEDNESDAY, JULY I 1992 THE EAGLE �J F-3 G' G' (D G �i LTJ N � a ic2 A� (D G N N C iS Cty Council plan revives LoTrak City leaders may resurrect rejected railroad package By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Just when you thought it was safe to go back down Wellborn Road, another plan may be in the works to deal with the railroad tracks that parallel the highway. In December 1990, College Station voters turned down a $3 million bond package to pay the city's share of what was called LoTrak, which would have lowered the road and the tracks and left a series of overpasses connect - ins the east and west sides of the Texas A&M campus. The project, expected to cost about $40 mil- lion, appeared to be dead. But at the College Station City Council's pre- budget workshop Wednesday, staff mem- bers, shying away from the term "LoTrak," began discussing the "Wellborn Corridor Transportation Plan." Staff members said the transportation committee of the Bryan- College Station Chamber of Commerce would present a plan to the Metropolitan Planning Organization to hire a consultant to study the Wellborn Corri- dor. The MPO is made up of representatives of Texas A &M, Brazos County, the Texas De- partment of Transportation and the cities of Bryan and College Station. City Manager Ron Ragland said there are signs from the Department of Transportation that the state may pick up the bill for the project Councilman Jim Gardner wondered if the council might incur the wrath of the citizenry by joining in the project, but Ragland said the city wouldn't spend any money, but would be protecting its interests by participating. Gene Joyce, chairman of the chamber's transportation committee, said it's too early to get excited about a Wellborn Road project. "The only thing we're hoping for right now is for the two cities to work together and that the staffs be ready to work on the project, if it does get started," Joyce said. Joyce did say that the chamber would ask the MPO to fund a study and that he would talk to Delton Kittrell, the acting district en- gineer for the Bryan office of the transporta- tion department, about available funding. ® LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1965 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 25, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 125 L Notices 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly LEGAL NOTICE recorded in the official re- ORDINANCE NO. 1963 cords of the city, is captioned WAS PASSED AND AP- as follows: AN ORDINANCE PROVED ON JUNE 25, 1992 REZONING A 10.18 ACRE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRACT OF LAND SI- THE CITY OF COLLEGE TUATED IN THE ROBERT STATION, TEXAS meeting STEVENESON SURVEY, in regular session at the Col- ABSTRACT NUMBER 54, IN lege Station City Hall, said BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS meeting having been posted AND BEING A PORTION OF in accordance with Art. THE 159.657 ACRE TRACT 6252.17. Said Ordinance, CONVEYED BY WELL - signed by the Mayor and duly BORN ROAD, LTD. TO LIE - recorded in the official re- VEN J. VAN RIET ET AL BY cords of the city, is captioned A TRUSTEES DEED DATED as follows: AN ORDINANCE APRIL 7, 1987 AND RE AMENDING THE ADOPT- CORDED IN VOLUME A -SPOT PROGRAM AND NUMBER 963, PAGE 29 OF SETTING GUIDLINES FOR THE OFFICAL RECORDS THE MAINTENANCE OF OF BRAZOS COUNTY, THE "SPOTS" IN THE CITY TEXAS; FROM A -O AGRI- OF COLLEGE STATION, CULTURAL OPEN TO R -1 TEXAS. SINGLE FAMILY DWELL. The City Council adopted an ING. "Adopt -A- Spot" program in THE 10.18 ACRE TRACT October 1986, by way of Or- WAS REZONED FROM A -O dinance No. 1672 to enable AGRICULTURAL OPEN TO citizen to adopt a City of Col- RE- SINGLE FAMILY RESI- • lege Station public area for DENTIAL. PROPERTY IS maintenance and /or im- LOCATED ON THE SOUTH provement. SIDE OF ARNOLD ROAD Ordinance No. 1963 shall es- AND RUNS EAST TO WEST tablish guidelines for resi- FROM SCHAFFER TO dents to follow when submit- WHAT WILL BE THE EX- ting application for an "A- TENSION OF VICTORIA. dopt -A- Spot." Ordinance No. 1964 shall Ordinance No. 1963 shall become effective and be in become effective and be in full force from and after its full force from and after its passage and approval by the passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- city Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter, dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the The complete text of the above named ordinance may above -named ordinance may be seen at the Office of the be seen at the office of the City Secretary at 1101 South City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Ave, College Station, Texas Avenue, College Texas. Station, Texas. 07 -03. 92,07 -04 -92 07.03- 92,07 -0 -92 Friday, July 3, 1992 The Eagle 40 • 9 Saturday, July 4, 1992 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1963 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 25, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned 125 Legal Notices as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ADOPT - A -SPOT PROGRAM AND SETTING GUIDLINES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE "SPOTS" IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. The City Council adopted an "Adopt -A -Spot" program in October 1986, by way of Or- dinance No. 1672 to enable citizen to adopt a City of Col- lege Station public area for maintenance and /or im- provement. Ordinance No. 1963 shall es- tablish guidelines for resi- dents to follow when submit- ting application for an "A- dopt-A- Spot." Ordinance No. 1963 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the city Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 07 -03- 92,07 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1964 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 25, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, Ordinance No. 1964 exten- ded the College Station city limits by the annexation of Foxfire Subdivision recorded in Volume 351 Page 435 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Ordinance No. 1964 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City Hall, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas, 77840. 07-03- 92,07 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1965 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JUNE 25, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 125 Legal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 10.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SI- TUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENESON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 54, IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PORTION OF THE 159.657 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED BY WELL- BORN ROAD, LTD. TO LIE - VEN J. VAN RIET ET AL BY A TRUSTEES DEED DATED APRIL 7, 1987 AND RE- CORDED IN VOLUME NUMBER 963, PAGE 29 OF THE OFFICAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; FROM A -O AGRI- CULTURAL OPEN TO R -1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELL- ING. THE 10.18 ACRE TRACT WAS REZONED FROM A -O AGRICULTURAL OPEN TO RE- SINGLE FAMILY RESI- DENTIAL. PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ARNOLD ROAD AND RUNS EAST TO WEST FROM SCHAFFER TO WHAT WILL BE THE EX- TENSION OF VICTORIA. Ordinance No. 1964 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its j passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the Office of the City Secretary at 1101 South Texas Ave, College Station, Texas. 07 -03- 92,07 -04 -92 • • The City of College Station is currently d "P 1 ,9000 accepting applications for the position of POLICE SECRETARY Responsible for maintaining calendar of bureau commander, tran- scribing dictation, composing correspondence, Preparation of a vari- ety of reports and materials, maintenance of office files, receptionist duties, and other related duties as assigned. Excellent clerical and phone communication skills desired. Applicant must be able to operate word processor or computer. Typing 45 wpm, background check and oral interview of applicants required. Salary: $1293 /month Deadline to apply, 5 pm Tuesday, July 14, 1992 Chy of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, July 5, 1992 The Eagle • • New CS trash collection system works just fine I would like to comment on the trash collection system that has been implemented in College Sta- tion. Apparently it has annoyed some people, but I am quite happy Monday, July 6, 1992 The Eagle with it. The trash containers are more than adequate for normal use. Those who find it inadequate need to re- evaluate their life- styles. One of the positive fea- tures of the system is that now the heaviest users are charged extra and no longer get a free ride at the expense of everyone else. That brings the cost down for normal users. Another objection was the health hazard caused by rotting cereal boxes and paper towels. Give me a break! Seriously, the only thing that could possibly cause a hazard would be rotting meat, and who in their right mind makes a habit of throwing away half -eaten steaks? Rotting vegeta- ble trimmings are the same as compost piles, which cause no health hazard. It does not take a college degree to figure out that food containers and paper, far and away the bulk of trash, cause no danger, so what is the real objec- tion? While any system can always be improved, the new one is cer- tainly an improvement on what we used to have, and I congratu- late the people responsible for in- stituting it. DANIEL K. MILLER College Station • L • Tuesc The E NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ,�� ADOPTION OF LAND USE 00 ASSUMPTIONS AND IMPACT FEES When: 7:00 pm, August 27, 1992 Where: College Station City Hall City Council Room 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas The purpose of the hearing is to receive pubic input concerning the adoption of Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan, and imposition of a Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee for Service Area 92 -01 as shown on the map, being about 530 acres in the vicinity of Rock Prairie Road, Wellborn Road and Graham Road. Proposed maximum impact fee per Living Unit Equivalent is $152.18. A Living Unit Equivalent is established as one single family residential structure. Any he Land Assumptions, s, Capi improvements Plan and proposed ' or against maximum t the Impact Fee. The City intends to adopt Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee at the hearing and does not intend to hold separate public hearings to adopt the Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. If a person makes a written request for separate hearings prior to August 27, aseparate hearing will be scheduled to adopt the Capital Improvements Plan and impact fees. Requests for separate public hearings must be delivered to: Ms. Connie Hooks, City Secretary P.O Box 9960 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 In the event separate- -public- hearings are held, a public hearing on the Land Use Assumptions will be held August 27 and a second hearing will be scheduled to address the Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. A copy of the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvement Plan is on file in the City Secretary's office for review. Copies will be provided on request. • CS Council to look at services, land acquisition • By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Utility services and land acquisi- tion are on the agenda for this week's College Station City Council meet- ings. Wednesday's workshop includes a report from James Dyer, who runs Texas A &M's Public Policy Resources Laboratory. Dyer also runs the Texas Poll, which recently conducted a sur- vey on the city utilities. The survey includes interviews with 300 residential and 200 commer- cial customers who were asked about overall performance, billing proce- dures and repairs and service. Most of the respondents — 77 per- cent — gave the utilities an overall grade of "B" or higher. But 61 percent said their electric bills were higher than in other cities and 42 percent said sewer service was too high. The workshop begins at at 4 p.m. At Thursday's regular meeting, the council will consider authorizing Mayor Larry Ringer, City Manager Ron Ragland and City Attorney Cathy Locke to acquire 3.7 acres to be used as part of the Wayne Smith Park Cor- ridor. The regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday. Both meetings will be in the city hall. Tuesday, July 7, 1992 The Eagle C CS Fire Department teaches students dos don'ts of fire prevention, safety By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff w riter dren knew the correct answer. "The kids are pretty sharp," Clark said, adding that children often are more conscientious about fire prevention than adults. "Adults usually have so many things on their minds that fire safety is at the back of their minds," he said. "I often see people filling gas cans while smoking or cleaning things with gasoline. Kids are more likely to point things out when it comes to fire prevention." Among the safety tips the children learned: ■If their clothes catch fire, stop mov- ing, drop the the ground, cover their faces and roll to smother the flames. ■Do not overload electrical outlets with cords. Inspect extension cords for wear and do not cover them with rugs. ■ Keep space heaters are away from curtains, furniture and other combusti- bles. Forty -five local children on Tuesday learned how to stop, drop and roll. The children, students at Kinder Care No. 843 in College Station, spent about an hour at the College Station Fire Depart- ment learning fire prevention and safety. The class was part of Kinder Care's "Klub Mates" program. The children, all between 5 and 11 years old, earn activity badges for learning about first aid, space exploration, music, arts and crafts and other activities, said Kinder Care direc- tor Pat Ramos. Among the activities children must complete are planning an escape route from their home, testing their smoke detectors and being sure flammable items in their homes are stored properly. The children seemed to have a firm grasp of fire safety. Each time Clark would ask a question, most of the chil- n Town &Texa s CS city, school officials to discuss joint projects College Station city and school oTi- cials will meet this afternoon to dis- cuss their progress in common projects and separate activities that might affect both the city and the school district. The school district /city liaison committee meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the city's administrative of- fices, 1101 Texas Ave. Call 764 -5400 or 764 -3500 for information. School board President Dan Mac - Gilvray said the committee has met twice since it was created about a year ago. The committee members take no action during the meetings. Wednesday, July 8, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Twin City Properties of the follow- ing property: Lot 9, Block 2, of the Eastmark Subdivision, zoned R -2 Duplex. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Fri- day, July 10, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD)1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 07 -08 -9P `•A The City of Coll e Station is currently recruitinglor a part -time ASSOCIATE JUDGE in Municipal Court. Responsibilities include conducting Bench and Jury trials; conducting Administrative hear- ings; issuing warrants and summonses; and arraigning defendantsand setting Bonds. The Associate Judge should be licensed to practice law in the State of Texas or have priorludicial experience. Please submit a resume no later than August 5, 1992, to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUN EMPLOYER • The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of WATER /WASTEWATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR #2 This position will assist with the maintenance and con- struction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Col- lection Systems. Starting salary: S7.04/hour Deadline to apply: Wednesday, July 22, 1992 City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue Coll a station, TX 77840 7409) 764 -3517 EQUAL OPPORT UNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, July 9, 1992 The Eagle I F-3 �-3 �)' �3" ri t U) L4 N 9 N ld a Major crimes' numbers down in College Station By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer Major crime fell 7.7 percent in College Station in the first six months of this year, but a rising number of sexual as- saults has sparked concern within the police department. College Station police responded to 16,750 calls in the first six months of 1992, down from 17,445 in the same period last year. Overall, 1,121 major crimes oc- curred in the first half of the year, com- pared with 1,215 in the same period of 1991. Major crimes include murder, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft and vehicle theft. Sexual assaults doubled in the first half of the year, up from six in 1991 to 12 so far this year. Police plan to combat the in- crease with education. "We're planning more sexual assault awareness seminars for the women," said Lt. Wayne Onstott. "We're con- cerned about that." The seminars will teach basic safety measures, sexual assault prevention and self defense, Onstott said. Police will offer the class to all incoming Texas A &M freshmen during fall orientation sem- inars and again to all local residents "I think it has a lot to do with people using designated drivers. We haven't cut back on our enforcement. I think people are getting the mes- sage." Wayne Onstott Police lieutenant sometime next fall, he said. The increase in sexual assaults can also be attributed to an increase in the number of women reporting the crime, Onstott said. "It's especially true with date rapes," Onstott said. "In the past, we'd hardly get any reports." Vehicle theft was the only other crime to rise. Thieves stole 63 cars in the first half of the year, up from 50 in the first six months of 1991. However, Onstott said authorities expect the theft rate to taper off because police recently arrested several people in a motorcycle and car theft ring operating in Houston. All other major crimes decreased in the first half of 1992 compared to the same period last year: ■ Robberies fell 66 percent from 15 to five: ■ Aggravated assault fell from 37 to 24. ■ Burglaries decreased 15.6 percent from 397 to 335. ■ Theft fell from 710 to 682. ■ There has not been a homicide in College Station since 1989. Driving while intoxicated arrests also fell. Police arrested 130 drunk drivers so far this year, compared with 157 in the same period last year. "I think it has a lot to do with people using designated drivers," Onstott said. "We haven't cut back on our enforce- ment. I think people are getting the mes- sage." Onstott attributed the overall decrease in crime to increased vigilance by citi- zens. "People are paying more attention and not giving the criminals an opportunity," he said. Bryan crime statistics fnr the first six months of this year are expected Friday. • Friday, July 10, 1992 The Eagle in Town Vexa s CS City Council taps Arlington company for industrial park plans By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The College Station City Council took another step toward the dream of a city -owned industrial park on Thursday, approving a $58,500 con- tract wit Schrickel- Rollins & Associ- ates of Arlington for plans for the 200 -acre park. Once the preliminary work is done, the company will get a percentage of the total construction costs. The com- pany will give the council options on what kinds of park the city can build and the costs involved. "It will be up to us to decide if we want just a sign that says 'Will divide to suit — BR -549' or if we want a Las Colinas, with waterfalls and marble gutters, said Elrey Ash, the city's di- rector of development services. City officials are trying to get the park, located on Texas 6 south of Greens Prairie Road, onto the drawing board as quickly as possible. They've said several industrial recruits are in- terested in the park. 0 6 Thursday, July 14, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT S"M bid addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Brentwood Waterline, Project No. WTI 004 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Fri- day, July 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time Y411 be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 Questions regarding this projart should be directed to: Sallie Mullins, Project Manager i 11o1Texas Avenue College Station, Texas' 77840 40P764 -3570 Monday thru Friday from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm. A prebld conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. July 17th at 1101 Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project Is for the con- struction of approximately 5300' of 8" waterline in the' south right -of -way along Krenek Tap Road from Texas Avenue to the West Frontage Road at Central Park with tie -ins to existing waterlines: replacement of approximately 225' of exist- ing a" PVC waterline with 12" ductile Iron waterline at the Intersection of Texas Avenue and Krenek Tap Road; and approximately 375' of 12" waterline in the east right -of- way along Texas Avenue at the box culvert in front of the College Station Police Station with tie -in to existing waterlines. All necessary service taps, fittings, valves, fire hydrants and other ap- purtenances are included in this project. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $40.00. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 07 -09- 92,07.14- 92,07 -21 -9 6 Co `-� The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of UTILITIES INSPECTOR Public Utilities Department. This position provides field supervision, quality assurance and ojed field supervision, quality assurance and project coordination fo the construction of Water and Wastewater projects. Applicants should possess a valid Class 1 0 Texas Vehicle Operators License. Possession of a Class 'C' Water Operators of Distribution Certification and, a Class 'C' Wastewater Operators of Class II Wastewater Collection Certification. Entry Level Salary - $10.11/hour Deadline to apply: 5 pm. Wednesday, July 22, 1991 city of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Avenue college Station, TX 77840 AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CS Council to set priorities The College Station City Council will spend Thursday afternoon setting priorities for the 1992 -93 city budget. Council members have already had three pre- budget meetings, where city staffers brought them up to date on ongoing projects and possible new projects. Among the items the council mem- bers will consider are: ■High -speed rail. ■The Wellborn Road Corridor. ■ Relations with College Station schools, Texas A &M and Brazos County. ■Economic Development. ■A greenbelt plan. The council will meet at College Sta- tion City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S., at 4 p.m. in the training room next to the city secretary's office. Wednesday, July 15, 1992 The Eagle 0 H 17 J �y �1 (D F� LTJ P� �4 (D C G N J N N A m ake wis �s m em b ers ounce f o r c m i ty expendmit By PHILLIP SULAK members to their way of thinking. Councilman Hubbard Kennady said Eagle staff writer Councilman Fred Brown, chairman of that the city needs to concentrate its the Brazos County Health Board, told the efforts on Northgate, saying the area Members of the College Station City council that the city needed to increase could become the "southern part of Council spent more than four hours in a its input to the board. He asked the others heaven," using a nickname for Chapel training room in city hall on Thursday, to -give -the item -"6", the highest po _ Hill— N.G of the Universit of _ moving another step closer toward the ble score. North Carolina. city's 1992 -93 budget. Each member was allowed one 6 and Councilwoman Nancy Crouch presen- Council members spent the time dis- one 5 for every 10 items of discussion. ted a list of five new items for the council cussing 58 items, then ranking their im- Councilman Jim Gardner made a pitch to rank, including adding 500 acres to portance. City staffers will tabulate the for his longtime pet project, Wolf Pen Lick Creek Park and putting public art scores over the weekend and report them Creek Park, asking that the council be along George Bush and University to council members on Wednesday. willing to commit money for expanding drives. City staffers will use the information the project from its present scope. when allocating funds for projects for the Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney said Mayor Larry Ringer gave his highest coming fiscal year. that the city should begin studying the marks to working with Texas A &M to Council members made pitches for feasibility of building a new city hall and find ways to share costs of some services their pet projects, trying to sway other a new conference center. that the two entities provide to the area. • CS council meets Wednesday The College Station City Council faces a short agenda on Wednesday. Several items will be approved by consent unless a member of the coun- cil chooses to pull an item off the con- sent agenda for a separate vote. After that, the council will discuss the closing of an alley behind the Col- lege Hills Estates Shopping Village, hear a report on the Employee Energy Conservation Partnership program (more than $110,000 was saved since October), and hears visitors. The meeting will be at 4 p.m. Wed- nesday, in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. The council usually meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, but council members will be in El Paso on Thursday for a Texas Municipal League meeting. Tuesday, July 21, 1992 The Eagle • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by KSK Entertain- ment to operate a night club at 701 University Drive East in the Chimney Hill Shopping center. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, August 6, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 07 - 22 -92 Wednesday, July 22, 1992 The Eagle c 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Seald bid addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Brentwood Waterline, Project No. WT1004 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Fri- day, July 24, 1992, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77940 Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Sallie Mullins, Project Manager 1101Texas Avenue Colleg :69.7r>4.3570 Station, Texas 77940 Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. A prebid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. July 17th at 1101 Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the con- struction of approximately 5300' of 8" waterline in the south right -of -way along Krenek Tap Road from Texas Avenue to the West Frontage Road at Central 125 Legal Notices Park with tie -ins to existing waterilnes: replacement of approximately 225' of exist- ing 8" PVC waterline with 12" ductile iron waterline at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Krenek Tap Road; and approximately 375' of 12" waterkne in the east right -of- way along Texas Avenue at the box culvert in front of the College Station Police Station with tie -in to existing waterlines. All necessary service taps, fittings, fire hydrants and other ap- purtenances are included in this project. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents be rash u or chased by check, money order from Associates, Sou thwest Parkway, #208, C011090 Station, Texas 77840 for $40.00. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 07-09-92,07-1 Tuesday, July 21, 1992 The Eagle �J The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of ENERGY AUDITOR Applicants must have knowledge of energy conservation construction, HVAC systems and electrical demand. Ability to deal with the public is a must. Salary - $1916/month Deadline to apply: August 5, 1992 Apply at: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ♦�� The City of College Station is currently ! \/J recruiting for a part time ASSOCIATE JUDGE in Municipal Court. Responsibilities include conducting Bench and jury trials; conducting Administrative hear- ings; issuing warrants and summonses; and arraigning defendants and setting Bonds. The Associate judge should be licensed to practice law in the State of Texas or have priorjudicial experience. Pleasesubmit a resume no later than August 5, 1992, to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box College Station, , TX TX 7782 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER - Sunday, July 26, 1992 The Eagle • • Wednesday, July 29, The Eagle NOTICE The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons within the City of Col- lege Station. The applicant is Omni Pet- roleum Corporation, 110 Wild Basin Road, Suite 250, Aus- tin, Texas 77846. The proposed Drilling Site is approximately 4000 feet northeast of Sebesta Road, generally south of the city's Wastewater Treatment Plant on the east side of S.H. 6 By- pass, near the intersection of Carter Creek and Bee Creek on property owned by Fred- die Wolters at ux. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, August 13, 1992. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive 1992 125 Legal Notices services must be made 48 hours before toe meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 76413547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TOD) 1- 800 - 735 -2 ,989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 07 -2 9 -92 to • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1967 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JULY 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMEDNING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2C OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO FOUR -WAY STOP INTER- SECTIONS, AND DECLAR- ING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IM- MEDIATE ACTION. The City Council determined that it would be in the best in- terest and safety of the citi- zens to amend Chapter 10, Section 2C of the Code of Ordinances by adding four way stop signs at the follow- ing intersections. Rio Grande Drive northbound at Deacon Drive and Rio Grande Drive southbound at Deacon Drive. Ordinance No. 1967 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City of Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 08 -01- 92,08 -03 - 9 2 Saturday, august 1, 1992 The Eagle 0 The City of College Station is currently Cc-Of recruiting for a part-time ASSOCIATE JUDGE in Municipal Court. Responsibilities include conducting Bench and Jury trials; conducting Administrative hear- ings; issuing warrants and summonses; and arraigning defendants and setting Bonds. The Assoc iatejudge should be licensed to practice law in the State of Texas or have priorjudicial experience. Please submitaresume no later than August 5, 1992, to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • CW The City of College Station is currently recruiting the following positions: FULL - TIME /REGULAR Job Deadline Salary Customer Service Representative Utility Billing Deadline 8/5 $1293/Mo. Dispatcher /jailer Police Deadline 8/7 $8.42/Hr. Certified Police Officer Deadline 8/28 $1838/Mo. Energy Auditor Energy Mgmt. Deadline 8/5 $1916 /Mo. The City of Colle &e Station is an Equal Opportunity Employer. NOTICE The City of College Station Community Development of- fice is interested in receiving proposals from both for profit and non - profit organiza- tions /individuals who wish to seek state funding to provide affordable housing opportuni- ties for low income citizens. Eligible activities include housing rehabilitation, acqu- isition, and new construction. For more information, con- tact Jo Carroll at 409 - 764 -3778. 08 -02 -92 Sunday, August 2, 1992 The Eagle Ud Wh v 1 25 Legal Notices session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the Ocap cial re- I cords of the city, as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMEDNING 10, SECT ON 2C R THE CODE OF ORDINANCE OF DF THE 'IW STATION RELATING COLL TO FOUR -WAY STOP INTER- SECTIONS, AND DECLAR ING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IM- MEDIATE ACTION. Monday, August 3, 1992 The Eagle The City Council determined that it would be in the oi terest and safety of the zens to amend Chap ter 10. Section 2C of the n four Ordinances way stop sig n s at the follow - ing Intersections. Rio Grande Drive northbound at Deacon Rio Grande Drive Drive and southbound at Deacon Drive, Ordinance No. 1967 shall effective and be in become full force from and after passage and app the City Council, and Charter. dance with I to City h the The comp LEGAL NOTICE 1967 O Ap- above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the 1101 ORDINANCE PASSED AND 1992 WAS JULY 22, O N OF City of Secretary, at South Texas Avenue, Col - pROVED C OUNCIL H COLLEGE OF loge 08 01-- 92,08-03-92 THE C� ul I STATION meeting in fegar Monday, August 3, 1992 The Eagle (D r_ rj LTJ N W �1 N� (D G N N Committee tries to find compromise in manicured vs. natural debate By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer One person's allergy- causing weed is another person's wild flower. And the the College Station Commu- nity Appearance Committee continues to struggle to find a way to keep both the native -plant lovers and the mani- cured -lawn -set happy. The committee held a public hearing Monday to take comments on the city's current weed ordinance. City planner Jim Callaway presented the crowd of about 60 with three possible options for improving the ordinance. The ordinance is a cause of concern because many property owners in Col- lege Station say they like their lawn to have a natural look, preserving native plants and cutting down on watering. But others say that many of the yards with the natural look are a health ha- zard because of fire ants, mosquitoes, rats and other pests. Many at the hear- ing on Monday complained of allergies caused by the wild flowers. Alternative No. 1 would keep the or- dinance much like it is, Callaway said. There would be a 12 -inch height limit on grass, and no wild flowers could be grown within 100 feet of a property line or 5o feet of a building. All concentra- tions of wild flowers would have to be cut by June 15. Alternative No. 2 would allow natural landscaping with few restrictions. Nat- ural areas would have to managed, with a list of indicator species being developed. If any of the plants on the list showed up, it would be an indica- tion that the area was being neglected. A review panel would be set up to handle appeals. Alternative No. 3 would be a hybrid of the Nos. 1 and 2, with natural lands- caping allowed, but not allowing the natural landscape to mix with the lawn. A limit on lawn height would remain. Ann Hunter, who says she lives next to someone who grows wild flowers in the yard, said that when things you want to do affect those around you, you don't have the right to do it. "The seeds blow into other yards," she complained. "My yard is a mess now. I tried pulling [the wild flowers] out, but I couldn't keep up." Jim Murphrey said that the trend was going to be toward native plants, which require less care and need no chemicals. "If you don't believe me go down University Drive," he said, talking about the trees planted in the median of University, between Texas Avenue and Texas A &M. "Instead of planting native plants which would last a lifetime, they planted something that will last tw years." The committee will use the informa- tion gathered at the hearing to make a recommendation to the College Station City Council. y ::81 (D� t7J(D w to (D 1< G to rt a N Local crime fighters turn J out for National Night Out By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer About 200 local residents turned out at Tuesday night's National Night Out party at Col- lege Station Central Park to help police fight crime. "Most people think this is just a police job," said Bryan resident Robert Espinoza as he and his wife watched their children com- pete in a coloring contest. "But everyone has to be a part of secur- ity in their city." That's the point local police hoped to make at the party. National Night Out is an annual nationwide event aimed at getting people to meet their neighbors and learn how to prevent crime. "We try to get people to get to know their neighbors," said Col- lege Station Lt. Bernie Kapella. "It's been proven that that's one of the best ways to fight crime. We also want to show people that they can make a difference." The party offered something for everyone. Children played with McGruff, the crime dog, competed in a coloring contest and watched a drug - sniffing dog find narcotics hidden in cars. Their parents learned about such crime preven- tion programs as Operation ID and the importance of dead -bolt locks and other security devices. Police also were promoting the Neighborhood Watch program, in which neighbors work together to prevent and report crime. There Please see NIGHT, page A3 Eagle photo/ Peter Rocha College Station police Lt. Keith Smith (front) and Major Mason Newton, members of "One Night Band," perform during Tuesday's National Night Out. Night From Al are more than 150 Neighborhood Watch neighborhoods in Brazos County, and police said the num- ber increases annually. Many partygoers said Neigh- borhood Watch works. "It seems like it makes a differ- ence," Espinoza said. He said people are more likely to watch out for each other and report sus- picious activity if they know who their neighbors are. Besides the large party at Cen- tral Park, several Neighborhood Watch neighborhoods held small- er block parties throughout the county. This is the second year Police have held a large party in addition to the smaller block par- ties. Wednesday, August 5, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal NotiCes sider a conditional use permit request by Vanessa Mancill to operate an 808home l Verde care facility at Court. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis - sion on Thursday, August 20, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800-735 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 08 -05 -92 NOTICE OF • PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Guy E. and Elizabeth R. Pry to the rear setback re- quirements of Zoning Ordin- ance #1638 for the residence located at 802 Hawthorn Street, to allow for an addi- tion to the house to be lo- cated 20' from the rear prop- erty line. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- day, August 18, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign Interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 -735 -2989. For additional Information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 08 -05 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING College Station Planning I The and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con - Wednesday, August 5, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal NotiCes sider a conditional use permit request by Vanessa Mancill to operate an 808home l Verde care facility at Court. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis - sion on Thursday, August 20, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800-735 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 08 -05 -92 • • Sunday, August 9, 1992 The Eagle Combined Notice Notice to the Public of No Significant Impact on the Environment, and Notice to the Public of Request for Release of Funds B- 92 -MC -48 -00 City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas (409) 764 -3778 TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS, AND PERSONS: On or about August 26, 1992 the above named City will request the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to release federal funds under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Develop- ment Act of 1974 (P.L. 93 -383) in connection with the City's 1992 -93 Community Development Block Grant Program's approve activities as detailed in the City's 1992 -93 Final Statement. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT It has been determined that such request for release of funds will not constitute an action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment and accordingly the above -named Qty has decided not to prepare and Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91 -190). The reasons for such dec ;sion not to prepare such Statement are based on the fact that all environmental concerns will either be minimized or mitigated, and proposed projects will have a beneficial impact service delivery factors, such as community appearance, community pride and living conditions. An Environmental Review Record respecting the proposed projects has been made by the above -named City which documents the environ- mental review of the projects and more fully sets forth the reasons why such Statement is not required. This Environmental Review Record is on file atthe above address and is available for public examination and copying upon request at the Community Development Office between the hours of 8 -12 and 1 -5 Monday - Friday. No further environmental review of such projects is proposed to be conducted prior to the request for release of Federal funds. PUBLIC COMMENT .N FUNDING All interested agencies, groups, and persons disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments for consideration by the City to to Carroll community Development Administrator. Such written comments should be received at the above address on or before August 24, 1992. All such comments received will be considered and the City will not request the release of Federal funds or take any administrative action on the roposedproect prior to August 25 ,1992. RFL SE OF FUNDS The city of College Station will undertake the projects described in the Final Statement with Community Development Block Grant fund from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Ascot of 1974. The City of College Station is certifying to HUD that College Station and Mayor Larry J. Ringer, in his official capacity as Mayor consent to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal courts if an action is brought to enforce the responsibilities in relation the environmental review, decision - making, and action; and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The legal effect of the certification is that upon its approval the City of College Station may use Block Grant funds and HUD will have satisfied its responsibilities under the National Envirorunenul Policy Act of 1969. OBJECTIONS TO HUD RELEASE OF FUNDS ccep HUD will at an objection to its approval only if it is on one of the following basis: (1) that the certification was not in fact executed by the certifying officer or other officer of appI icant approved by I IUD; or (2) that the applicant's Environmental Review Record for the project indicated omission of a required decision finding or step applicable to the project in the environmental review process. Objects must he preppared and submitted in accordance with the required procedure (24 C FR Part 58) and may be addressed to HUD at the Regional Office, Community Planning and Development, 1600 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Texas 76113-2905. Objections to the release of funds on basis other than those stated above will not be considered. No objection received after September 10, 1992 will be considered by HUD. EXTENT OF FEDERAL FUNDING In conformance with Section 8136 of the Steven Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 1989 the City is required to disclose the extent of Federal funding involved in the projects described in the 1992 -93 Final Statement. 1. 100% of the costs of projects described in the 1992 -93 Final Statement are to be Federal funded. 2. The dollar amount of Federal funds for the projects described in the 1992 -93 Financial Statement is cited respectively as the cost for each project. Chief Executive Officer Honorable Larry J. Ringer Mayor, City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 08 -09 -92 • • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: SALE OF (1) ONE IBM AS /400 9402 SYSTEM UNIT PROCESSOR BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. Monday, August 10, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices 08/17/92, BID #92 -55 The Request for bids will be recieved In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- larities In said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 08 -10- 92,08 -17 -92 MORE LEGALS ON B6 � G (D (D N trJ � A� W (D G N 0 N N , College Station Council to hold meeting, workshop It will be two-for -one night on Thursday for the College Station City Council. Visitors will to see get the work- shop, usually held on Wednesday, tacked on to the front of Thursday's agenda. Members of the city staff will pre- sent council members with a pro- posed budget for 1992 -93. The city's budget office, led by Charles Cryan, was still crunching numbers on Monday. A complete document probably won't -ready until Wednesday, Cryan said. In earlier budget hearings, staff members recommended to council members that the city's rates for gar- bage collection, sewer treatment and water go up in the next budget year. Members of the staff also said that electricity rates are expected to go down. No mention of the city's property tax rate has been made in earlier budget talks. Council members have scheduled a Sept. 1 budget workshop to change the budget as they see necessary. The council will meet at 6 p.m. in the College Station City Hall, 110' Texas Ave. S. . CS staff recommends property tax increase By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer College Station city staff members have recommended that the City Council raise property tax rates by three cents. The increases in property taxes and other city fees and rates are necessary for several reasons, said City Manager Ron Ragland in a budget cover letter. The city needs more money to: ■Meet federal and state regulations for landfill operations. ■ Support the increased demand for services due to growth in the city. ■ Pay for increases in operational costs resulting from capital improvements ap- proved by College Station voters in 1990. Voters approved $3 million for road improvements and $1 million for park improvements. City officials said at the time that for every $1 million in bond projects approved, a one -cent increase in property taxes would be necessary. Ragland's letter also expressed the staff's concern about the source of reven- ues for the general fund. Only 8.3 percent of the 1991 -92 general fund budget comes from property taxes, Ragland said, with the majority, 40 percent, coming from sales taxes. "A 10 percent reduction in sales tax would require a 7.5 cent increase in the Friday, August 14, 1992 The Eagle ad valorem rate," he said. When all budget categories are put together, the proposed budget calls for an 8 percent increase — $4.8 million — in total expenditures. The landfill fund will get a large chunk of that, going from a 1199192 level of about $700,000 to a 1992.93 level of $1.8 million. The general fund expenditures would increase by $1.5 million, with the addi- tion of a warrant officer, a cost accoun- tant, a traffic control officer for the Police Department, a grant coordinator in the community development office, an irri- gation specialist, an energy auditor and a facility maintenance technician. Capital improvements would come in the form of a waterslide for the Adamson Pool, five new radar detectors and $30,000 worth of beepers for the College Station Fire Department. The staff presented the proposed budget to College Station City Council members at 6 p.m. Thursday. Charles Cryan, the city's chief budget officer, dis- tributed copies of the document literally hot off the pf esses. The budget books are printed at City Hall and the pages were still warm. Council members will discuss any changes in the proposed budget when they meet on Sept. 1. A time and place for the workshop has not been set. 11 0 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: INFRARED THERMOGRA- PHIC SCAN AND IN- SPECTION OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 08/28/92, BID #92 -57 The Request for bids will be recieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Tuesday, August 18, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. Ail bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI - lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- larities in said bid and to ao- I cept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 08 -18- 92,08 -25 -92 • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAIRING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Mark S. Mucasey for a special exception to Zoning Ordinance #1638, for the Redstone Apartments lo- cated at 1301 Barthelow Drive, to expand a nonform- Ing use, of the original apart- men' complex with a parking deficiency, by adding a new leasing office. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- day, September 1, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800. 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning 125 Legal Notices Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 08 -19 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAIRING The City Council of the City of College Station will hold a public hearing on its fiscal year 1992 -1993 Proposed Budget on Thursday, August 27, 1992 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the College Station City Hall at 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, Texas. The Pro- posed Budget is available for public review in the College Station City Secretary's Office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM weekdays. The public is invited to re- view and make comments on the budget either in person or in writing at the public hearing or in writing and addres- sed to the College Station City Secretary at the above address. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -1993 TOTAL REVENUES AND CARRY FORWARD Wednesday, August 19, 1992 The Eagle GENERAL FUND $18,376,196 UTILITY FUNDS 41, 775,437 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FUND 2,600,600 LANDFILL FUND 1,878,868 INSURANCE FUND 2,733,363 DEBT SERVICE FUND 4,471,249 HOTEL MOTEL TAX FUND 1,683,280 FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND 1,528,988 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES $75,047,981 GENERAL FUND $18,69,931 UTILITY FUNDS 40,656,429 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FUND 2,636,624 LANDFILL OPERATIONS FUND 1,878,868 INSURANCE FUND 2,128,517 DEBT SERVICE FUND 3,898,653 HOTEL MOTEL TAX FUND 1,440,949 FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND 904,750 $72,238,721 08 -19 -92 O F] ::E� �r (D N (D W U) LQ �1 QQ G U) (t N N Wednesday, August 19,1998 Im Couple sues CS, former police officers By KELLY BROWN Eagle staff w riter Two former College Station police officers assaulted and illegally arrested a couple dur- ing a domestic dispute in September, accord- ing to a $600,000 lawsuit against the officers and the city. The College Station couple who filed the federal lawsuit — Anthony Renfroe and Joni Harrison— said the officers used excessive force during the Sept. 25 arrests. Both officers resigned without explanation within seven months of the incident. The law- suit claims the city didn't adequately train its officers on the use of force and how to respond to family violence situations. Harrison — a Texas A &M journalism stu- dent at the time — said that being in jail caused her to miss an exam and delayed her graduation. Renfroe said the excessive force caused permanent damage to his hand from being handcuffed roughly and that he now has sinus problems because the officers repeated- ly sprayed mace in his face. Officers Milton Parker and Jerry Gribble Jr. answered a 911 call at 10:22 p.m. for a dom- estic dispute at the couple's residence. Parker and Gribble are named in the suit filed Aug. 12 by Bryan attorney Jack Dillard in the U.S. District Court for the Southern Dis- Please see SUIT, page A5 Suit From Al trict in Houston. Parker, 31, turned in his resig- nation letter on April l — his first anniversary with the department — and quit the same day. He now lives in Humble. Gribble, 26, gave a two week no- tice before resigning Jan. 1. He had been with the department for three years and three months be- fore moving to Hopewell, Penn. Parker and Gribble did not give reasons for their departure, ac- cording to personnel records. Neither could be reached for comment. Lt. Wayne Onstott said an internal investigation was com- pleted regarding the incident, but that he couldn't comment on the outcome of the inquiry. According to the nine -page law- suit, Gribble and Parker arrived at the couple's home and were told that everything was fine. Renfroe said in the suit that he was trying to peacefully resolve the situation when Parker asked him for identification. He said he was told he would go to jail unless he gave the officers his license. Renfroe said he repeated his li- cense number several times be- fore being ordered to go to his car and get the identification card. Renfroe was afraid to leave the house and told the officer to Phone in the license number and check it out, according to the law - suit. The lawsuit said Parker told Renfroe he was going to jail, then sprayed mace in his face. Harr- ison, who married Renfroe in November, said she screamed at Police to stop because they were hurting her boyfriend, but was handcuffed as Renfroe ran to the kitchen sink to splash water in his face. Parker pulled him back from the sink, handcuffed him and con - ` tinued to spray mace in Renfroe's face as Gribble pushed Harrison to the floor, handcuffed her left wrist, "looked into her eyes" and sprayed mace in her face, accord- ing to the lawsuit. Harrison said Gribble dragged her outside, threw her down on the car and shoved her into the back seat, bashing her ear on the car door. The lawsuit said Ren- froe was dragged to the car as officers continued to spray mace u 11 Friday, August 21, 1992 The Eagle the ciir ut- COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PURCHASE, INSTALLA- TION AND MAINTENANCE OF VARIOUS PLANTS AND MATERIALS BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 09/04/92, BID #92-56 The Request for bids will be recieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of C01- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- larities in said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 08 -21- 92,08 -28 -92 �01 • • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1968 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 13, 125 Legal Notices 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9.3 NUMBER OF- STREET PARKING SPACES RE- QUIRED, OR ORDINANCE NO. 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, SPECIFICALLY TO REVISE THE PARKING REQUIREMETNS FOR ME- DICAL/DENTAL CLINICS, Any violation of this ordinace shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200 00). Each day such violation shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a se- parate offense. The owner of any building or premises or part thereof, where anything in violation of this ordinance shall be placed or exist, shall be guilty of a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as herein provided. Ordinance No. 1968 shall NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of College Station will hold a public hearing on its fiscal year 1992 -1993 Proposed Budget on Thursday, August 27, 1992 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the College Station City Hall at 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, Texas. The Pro- posed Budget is available for public review in the College Station City Secretary's Office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM weekdays. The public is invited to re- view and make comments on the budget either in person or in writing at the public hearing or in writing and addres- sed to the College Station City Secretary at the above address. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY PROPOSED BUDGET 1992 -1993 TOTAL REVENUES AND CARRY FORWARD GENERAL FUND $16,376,196 UTILITY FUNDS 41,775,437 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FUND 2,600,600 LANDFILL FUND 1,878,868 INSURANCE FUND 2,733,363 DEBT SERVICE FUND 4,471,249 HOTEL MOTEL TAX FUND 1,683,280 FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND 1,528,988 $75,047,981 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES 125 Legal Notices become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1 101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 08- 22- 92,08 -24 -92 GENERAL FUND $18,693,931 Saturday, August 22, 1992 UTILITY FUNDS 40,656,429 The Eagle SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FUND g 2,636,624 1,878,868 LANDFILL OPERATIONS FUND INSURANCE FUND 2,128,517 DEBT SERVICE FUND 3,898,653 HOTEL MOTEL TAX FUND 1,440,949 FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND 904,750 $72,238,721 08 -22 -92 C •� The City of College Station, Texas is -sa , seeking an • ENGINEERING SERVICES MANAGER in the Water/Wastewater Division of the Public Utilities Department. Under direction of the Water/Wastewater Superintendent, the Engineering Services Manager has responsibility for the management of the Public Utilities Department Engineering Services which includes draft- ing, mapping, planning, and project construction inspec- tion. Position will also e responsible for project manage- ment and budget development of the Public Utilities system Capital Improvement Programs. The successful candidate must possess a Bachelor's Degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering, or a combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to such. Candidates should possess strong communication and management skills with a minimum of two years experience involving effective and responsible management duties. Salary D.O.Q. Deadline to apply Friday, September 25, 1992. Apply at: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, August 23, 1992 The Eagle I ] • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: INFRARED THERMOGRA- PHIC SCAN AND IN- SPECTION OF ELECTRIC SYSTEM BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 08/28/92, B0#92_57 The Request for bids will be repieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. `Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- larities in said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 08 -1 8. 92,08 -25.92 Tuesday, August 25, 1992 The Eagle • n INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Emerald Parkway Streets - cape until 2:00 o'clock (p•m•), Sept. 15, 1992 after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: Peter B. Vanecek, Senior Park Planner Parks and Recreation Office 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction for this project is located at the following sites: Emerald Parkway/Highway 6 Bypass General Description Work at this location in- cludes, but is not necessarily limited to, Installation of brick pavers, installation of limes- tone walls, site grading, landscaping. Irrigation, and electrical work. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be obtained at the Parks Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Peter B. Vanecek 1000 Krenek Tap Road (409)764 -3412 Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 08 -26- 92,08 -30 -92 09 -02. 92,09 -09 -92 Agencies to seek help from CS By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Sixteen agencies are scheduled to make their bids today for a slice of College Sta- tion's budget pie. The requests — ranging from Texas A &M's petition for funding for Easter - wood Airport to the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic — will present their case to the College Station City Council at today's workshop. The meeting begins at 4 p.m., in College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Some agencies, such as the Brazos Health Department, already receive city funding. Others, like the Bryan De- velopment Foundation, are seeking fund- ing from College Station for the first time. The BDF is asking for funds for the Business Technology Center, located in the old Bryan City Hall. Six small research companies are being forced out because of the old building's condition. The BDF proposes that the companies move to a site on E. 29th Street, where it will be managed by the Bryan- College Station Small Business Development Council. Other agencies seeking funds are: ■Brazos Beautiful. • The Arts Council of Brazos Valley. ■The College Station Noon Lions Club, for its annual July 4th fireworks show. ■The Brazos Valley Council on Alco- hol and Substance Abuse. The council will also hold a public hearing on the 1992.93 city budget. Thursday's meeting begins at 7 p.m. 125 Legal Notices The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources Company, P.O. Box 7 - MS 3407, Fort Worth, Texas 76101 -0007. The proposed Drilling Site is about 1.6 miles east of Rock Prairie Road and 1.7 miles north of the Rock Prairie and Green's Prairie Road inter- section on land of Dolly C. Olden outside College Station city limits. Proposed access is from SH -6 via Greens Prairie Road and j Rock Prairie Road to an exist- ing oil well access road. The hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting to the Council on Thursday, Sep- tember 10, 1992. For additional Information, please contact the City Engi- n e a r' s o f f I c e a t (409)764.3570. 08 -26.92 Wednesday, August 26, 1992 The Eagle • Robocop 0 South Knoll student Justin Gray meets Fred- die, a talking CSPD robot, at school Wed- nesday, accompanied by officer Craig An- derson. Freddie taught the kids safety tips. Thursday, August 27, 1992 The Eagle 6 Eagle photo/ Dave McDermand C7 �1_ Ferrets now legit pets in CS By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer It was a zoo. At their Thursday meeting, the College Station City Council decided to allow fer- rets to be kept as pets inside the city lim- its, and approved residence permits for a pygmy goat, a baby calf and some chick- ens and rabbits. The goat's name reportedly is Shhxer Bock. The names of the other animals were not available. The council also increased permit fees on animals other than dogs and cats from $25 to $30. City staff members recommended that ferrets not be allowed in households with children weighing fewer than 40 pounds, because there have cases of ferrets biting and even killing children. Roseanne Bishop, a third -year veter- inary student at Texas A &M, said she was concerned with the "welfare of the ferrets," and pointed out several ferret fallacies. "Ferret bites are low in comparison to dogs' and cats'," she said. "There is no biting issue, there is no rabies issue. What is the issue ?" Ferrets deserve the same rights as other animals, she argued. Councilwoman Nancy Crouch made the motion to approve the amendment, but delete the 40- pound -child require- ment. Councilwoman Lynn McIlhaney seconded and the motion passed, 4 -1. CS council OKs impact fees for newly annexed property By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer To put it roughly, it will cost $152.18 per family to add sewer service to the newly annexed portion of College Station, along Graham Road. The College Station City Council on Thursday approved an impact fee for the extension of sewer service to the area along Graham Road. The fee is based on what it will cost to extend service to the new area. A single family dwelling has a living unit equiva- lent of one, but a duplex would use twice as much sewer capacity and has an LUE of two. The fee was determined by figuring what the land uses for the area will be and what it will cost to bring service to the area. Steve Arden of Brazosland Realty praised the approach as a good way to spread out the cost of sewer line exten- sions. In the past, a developer would pay for extending the service, then have someone tap into the end of the line with- out paying any of the cost of the original extension. Local homebuilder Sherman Click said that it wasn't such a good deal for home - builders, because most likely the builder would end up absorbing the fee. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PURCHASE, INSTALLA- TION AND MAINTENANCE OF VARIOUS PLANTS AND Friday, August 28, 1992 The Eagle MATERIALS BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 09/04/92, BID #92 -58 The Request for bids will be recieved In the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- larities in said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 08 -21- 92,08 -28 -92 1 � u Sunday, August 30, 1992 The Eagle 125 Lega INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Emerald Parkway Streets - cape until 2:00 o'clock (p.m,) Sept. 15, 1992 after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: Peter B. Vanecek, Senior Park Planner Parks and Recreation Office 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction for this project is located at the following sites: Emerald Parkway /Highway 6 Bypass i General Description Work at this location in- cludes, but is not necessarily limited to, installation of brick pavers, installation of limes- tone walls, site grading, landscaping, irrigation, and electrical work. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be obtained at the Parks Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Peter B. Vanecek 1000 Krenek Tap Road (409)764 -3412 Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 08 - 26- 92,08 -30 -92 0 9 - 02- 92,09 -09 -92 L Q7 ¢! (D (t CS' H F-' N m` 7m boa v(�S�m W MO d)-4 o w m 3 Do m m a c m ' 8TZaU,p f 5 a m - K .7. 0 7 C C m.o g vm - -m 7 m �OayCrN- <7�fn.CDCr mNrn - I r to o� m -N m rCD =Xn m O COZO>600 �mnmm - U m.' 3 C -10 C 7 m - n 0 0=ram��<mmaNg -ZM "m NO ^c m m am .m 00D - 0) tea :3 o T Z� BCD CC) m° � a 0m 93 -& '70 (D a m m m - D � v r CL p) m N 7 o m.m �m a� n� n Z Co O N Om m m a- 0 O a ^ N m O m m a n C CS Council will begin battle of budget Wednesday By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Members of the College Station City Council on Wednesday will take a sharp pencil to the city's 1992 -93 budget. The meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. in the city's Utility Service Center, 1601 S. Gra- ham Road. It is not known when the meeting will end; the council has not set a time for wrapping up budget deliberations. Council members have some idea of what they will be looking at Members of the city staff have given them a proposed budget that calls for a 3 -cent property tax increase. The proposed increase would pay for the projects approved by College Station voters in the December 1990 bond elec- tion, when voters approved selling bonds for street and park improvements. The budget also calls for an increase in the city's wastewater and garbage collec- tion rates. The rate increases are associ- ated with new federal and state rules covering landfill operation and waste water treatment. Electricity rates are expected to remain the same. A 3-cent tax increase would take the city's property tax rate from 40 cents to 43 cents per $100 of evaluation. The increase would mean the owners of a $75,000 house would pay $22.50 more in city taxes per year. It's possible that the council will find programs or capital improvements that the staff members have not recom- mended. The council would then have the option of deleting some of the staff's rec- ommendations or adding to the tax rate. • • 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Emerald Parkway Streets - cape until 2:00 o'clock (p.m.), Sept. 15, 1992 after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: Peter B. Vanecek, Senior Park Planner Parks and Recreation Office 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction for this project is located at the following sites: Emerald Parkway/Highway 6 Bypass General Description Work at this location in- cludes, but is not necessarily limited to, installation of brick pavers, installation of limes- tone walls, site grading, landscaping, irrigation, and electrical work. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be obtained at the Parks Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Wednesday, September 2, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Peter B. Vanecek 1000 Krenek Tap Road (409)764 -3412 Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 08- 26- 92,08 -30 -92 09.02- 92,09 -09 -92 • CS council OKs 1992 -93 budget r- -1 LJ By JIM HINEY Eagle staff writer The College Station City Coun- cil on Thursday adopted a $65.9 million budget for fiscal year 1992 -93, and in doing so turned down last- minute pleas to help fund the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic. The council also held a public hearing on the proposed property tax rate of 41.25 cents per $100 property valuation. Council members are scheduled to con- sider adopting the tax rate at their Sept. 24 meeting. The new budget is $4.8 million larger than the current budget of $61.1 million. Before councilmembers voted to adopt the new budget, 10 people spoke in support of the clinic and asked the panel to reconsider its decision not to fund the clinic. The clinic provides prenatal and postpartum care for low - income women and children. Members of the clinic's board of directors had asked the council Friday, September 11, 1992 The Eagle Inside ■ Council views business park plans./ A9 for $31,000 from federal Commu- nity Development Block Grant funds that the city disburses to social service groups in the area. College Station has given the clinic $396,000 over the past seven years. The council made a de- cision during a budget retreat last week not to fund the clinic this year. Thursday night, the clinic's di- rector said she doubted the city of Bryan would fund a similar $31,000 request for the clinic if College Station turned down the request. Mary Ellen Pate also said the state may stop funding the clinic if the cities don't show support for the program. That could cause the clinic to close, she said. Please see BUDGET, page A4 k Budget From Al Councilmembers were unani- mous in their praise for the clinic and its programs, saying the clinic is needed in Brazos County. But the council has a policy of not funding social service organiza- tions with block grant funds for more than three years, several councilmembers said. The funds are meant as "seed money" to help the organizations get started, concilmembers said. The panel has already funded the clinic for two three -year periods under different programs and then extended funding for another year. "It's not fair to the other agen- cies — who requested about $300,000 worth of very worthwhile social service funding — to single out the prenatal clinic as the only recipient because of political pressure from their supporters," councilwoman Nancy Crouch said. One resident spoke during the hearing on the proposed tax rate, which is 1 V4 cents per $100 valua- tion higher than the current 40 -cent tax rate. Dick Startsman said he hasn't seen any justification for a tax in- crease. Crouch said the city hasn't passed a tax increase in five or six years and part of the increase is due to programs mandated by the state and federal governments but are funded by the city. The increase would mean the owner of a $75,000 house would pay about $309.38 in taxes, or about $9.38 more than under the current rate. H '=J �r n (D I� a L N (D U) (D 'O rt (D (D ri N N Council views consultant's business park plans By JIM HINEY Eagle staff writer Construction crews could break ground on the first phase of College Sta- tion's business park by the first part of next year, the city's project consultant said Thursday. During a two -hour workshop session, Hershel Lindly showed councilmem- bers four conceptual drawings of the park's layout.. All the drawings were based on a 250 -acre park, 50 acres more than the park comprises now. Lindly, vice president of Arlington -based Schrickel, Rollins and Associate, recommended that councilmembers obtain an addi- tional 50 -acre tract on the south end of the current park. The layout of the larger park will al- low better traffic flow and will give the city more marketable space, Lindly said. He also presented a landscaping plan that would use 36 acres for ponds, walk- ing trails, and recreational areas such as volleyball and tennis courts. Councilmembers indicated that they wanted Lindly to proceed with the plans he recommended. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT RENEWAL • CS set to approve tax rate The College Station City Council on Thursday is scheduled to give final approval to the city's 1992 -93 property - tax rate. • The council held a public hearing on the proposed rate, 41.25 cents per $100 -of valuation, on Sept. 16. The rate is how 40 cents per $100. Council members have already ap- proved the budget for the coming year. The city's general fund budget is fun- ded by property and sales taxes and •transfers from the city's utility "Systems. The increase would mean a $9.38 in- crease in city property taxes for the bwner of $75,000 home. The council meets Thursday at 7 -p:m. The council will also have a 'iWorkshop on Wednesday at 4 p.m. ' 13oth meetings will be in the College Station Municipal Building, 1101 Texas Ave. S. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PROPOSAL FOR CON- TRACT FOR MISCEL- LANEOUS MICRO COM- PUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE RFP DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 10/02/92, RFP #93 -01 The Request for Proposals (RFP's) will be recieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All RFP's received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all RFP's any and all irregularities in said request and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 09- 22- 92,09 -29 -92 Tuesday, September 22, 1992 The Eagle CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, Public Utilities De- partment, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842 has applied to the Texas Water Commission for renewal of Permit No. 10024 -01 which authorizes a discharge of treated domestic wastewater effluent at a volume not to exceed an average flow of 4,900,000 gallons per day. The Carters Creek WWTP -1 Wastewater Treatment Facilities are adja- cent to the west side of Carters Creek approximately 0.75 miles east of the State Highway 6 Bypass, and approximately 4000 feet north and 1800 feet east of the intersection of State Highway No. 6 East Bypass and Texas Avenue in Brazos County, Texas. The effluent Is discharged into Carters Creek; thence to the Navasota River in Segment No. 1209 of the Bra- zos River Basin. In accordance with the Texas Surface Water Qua- Illy Standards, the Commission staff must determine the existing uses for the receiving water in the area of the proposed discharge and wether the proposed discharge will cause significant degradation to any high quality waters in the area. The unclassified re- ceiving waters of Carters Creek have limited aquatic life uses. The designated uses for Segment No. 1209 are contact recreation, high quality aquatic life uses and public water supply. The effluent limitations in the draft permit will maintain and protect the existing in- stream uses. Al determinations are preliminary and subject to additional review and /or revision. The Executive Director of the Texas Water Commis- sion has prepared a draft permit which, if approved by the Commission, will enforce more strngent effluent limitations and requirements in order to meet existing applicable rules and regulations. It is proposed that the expiration date of the renewed permit be specified as midnight, five years after date of Commission ap- proval. Legal Authority: Section 26.028 of the Texas Water Code and 31 TAC Chapter 305 of the Rules of the Texas Water Commission. No public hearing will be held on this application un- less an effective person who has received notice of the application specifically requests a public hearing. Any such request for a public hearing shall be In writ- ing and contain (1) the name, mailing address and daytime phone number of the person making the request; (2) the statement "...request a public hear- ing"; and (3) a brief description of how the requester, or person represented by the requester, would be ad- versely affected by the granting of the application. If the Commission determines that the request sets out an Issue which is relevant to the application, or that a public hearing, would serve the public interest, the Commission shall conduct a public hearing, after the Issuance of proper and timely notice of the hearing. If no sufficient request for hearing Is received within 30 days of the date of publication of the notice concern- ing the application, the permit will be submitted to the Commission for final decision on the application. Requests for a public hearing on this application should be submitted in writing to Kerry D. Sullivan, Assistant Chief Hearings Examiner, Texas Water Commissions, P.O. Box 13087, Capitol Station, Aus- tin, Texas 78711, Telephone (512) 463 -7908. Infor- mation concerning any technical aspect of this appli- cation can be obtained by writing Phillip Bryan Ur- bany, Wastewater Permits Section, Texas Water Commission, P.O. Box 13087, Capitol Station, Aus- tin, Texas 78711, Telephone (512) 463 -8201. Issued this 5th day of August, 1992. (Seal) Gloria A. Vasquez, Chief Clerk Texas Water Commission 09 -22 -92 • CS City Council agrees on lower tax increase to By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Taxpayers in College Station got a de- crease in their increase on Wednesday. The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing on Sept. 10 on the city's 1992 -93 tax rate. While early indica- tions were that the council would raise taxes by at least 3 cents per $100 valua- tion, council members agreed Monday that the public hearing will be for a I Y4 -cent tax increase. The lower increase could cost electric- ity customers in the future. To get under the staff proposed 3 -cent figure, council members agreed to nullify their policy of capping transfers from utility funds at 9.5 percent of the general fund budget. The consensus on Wednesday was for transfers from utilities to make up 10 percent of the general fund budget. The one -half percent increase will transfer about $200,000 more from the electric fund than originally planned. The 1 t14 -cent tax increase would make up the rest of the revenues needed to meet the staff proposed 1992 -93 budget. With the decision to publicize the pub- lic hearing, the council can't pass a tax rate higher than 1 V4 cents. Council mem- bers can approve a lower rate. Tuesday, September, 1992 The Eagle A 1'14 -cent tax increase would mean a $9.38 annual increase in city property taxes on a $75,000 home. The decision to hold the line at 1t/4 cents came after nine hours of presen- tations, discussions, debate and arguing. Council member Lynn McIlhaney made the motion to revoke the council's policy on utility transfers just after 9 p.m. The utility transfer is supposed to rep- resent what a private utility company would pay in taxes on the value of the electric system. Before 9 p.m., the argument had been what to include in the budget, and where to set the tax rate. Council members McIlhaney and Nancy Crouch, and Mayor Larry Ringer, tried to add items to the budget that would have raised the rate higher than the proposed 3 cents. But council mem- bers Hubbard Kennady, Fred Brown and Vernon Schneider kept negating any consideration of the extra personnel and projects that would have made the in- crease necessary. A few votes ended up in 3 -3 ties because Councilman Jim Gardner left the budget discussions at about 7:30 p.m. "Life is too short," Gardner said, grab- bing his budget notebook and heading for the door. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an appli- cation for a Permit to Con- duct Operation for the Dis- covery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydro- carbons within the Extra Ter- ritorial Jurisdiction (E.T.J.) of the City of C011 -Me Station. n f�J • The City of College Station Is requesting bids for the follow- ing: Stop -loss Insurance for Self. Insured Health Plan Third Party Administration Employee Life, Accidential Death & Dismemberment Long Term Disability Insurance Bid deadline 2:00 p.m. Ocot- bar 14, 1992, Bid #93 -02. The request for Bids will be received in the Personal Of- fice at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840, until the time and date speci- fied. Specifications may be obtained at the Personnel Of- fice. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col. lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids on any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 09-23-92,09-30-92 Wednesday, September 23, 1992 The Eagle L ! • CS City Council sets tax rate for 1992 -93 By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer College Station city property taxes will go up 1 Ya cents per $100 valuation during the 1992 -93 budget year. The City Council voted unanimously on Thursday to set the tax rate for the 1992 -93 budget year at 41 Y4 cents per $100 valuation. That will mean a $9.38 increase in city property taxes for the owner of a $75,000 house. The increase is the first for College Station since 1987 when the rate went from 38 to 40 cents. City officials estimate that property taxes will generate $4.7 million. A little more than $3 million of that will go to fund the city's debt service. The rest of property tax revenues go toward the city's general fund budget. Property taxes make up only about 9 percent of the city's revenues for the general fund. Almost 40 per- cent of the general fund budget comes from sales tax revenues, with about 20 percent coming from trans- fers from the utility fund. The original staff recommendation was for a tax rate of 43 cents per $100. But the staff left the council with other options, including changing the council's The [property tax] increase is the first for College Station since 1987. policy on transfers from the electric fund. During the city's budget summit, council mem- bers overturned a policy that no more than 9.5 per- cent of any utility fund could be moved to the gen- eral fund. At the Sept. 2 budget retreat, the council decided that taking an additional one half of 1 percent of the electric fund, which added about $200,000 to the city budget, was better than adding 1% cents to the tax rate. That decision affects College Station citizens two ways: ■ Property taxes didn't climb as much as they might have. ■The city's trend toward lower electricity rates will slow. Friday, September 25, 1992 The Eagle 0 r, Wednesday, September 30, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by the Resolution Trust Corpor- ation for a 1.73 acre tract lo- 125 Legal Notices cated adjacent and to the northwest of the Cedar Creek Condominiums being a part of lots 2 and 3 of block 1 in the One Lincoln Place Sub- division from A -P Administra- tive Professional to C -B Business Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, October 15, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 09 -30 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Audio Video for lot 12, block T of the University Park II Subdivision located on the northwest corner of Spring Loop and University Drive from A -P Administrative Professional to C -B Business Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, October 15, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764.3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 09 -30 -92 • CS public hearing on tax increase postponed x$21.3 million operating budget slated for discussion By ANTON RIECHER Eagle staff writer Any taxpayers in the College Station school district anxious to speak out about a proposed 12.39 percent tax increase will have to wait until mid - September for an officially sanctioned forum. The College Station school board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday to consider appro- val of a $21.3 million general Hind operat- ing budget. The meeting will be hel4 at the district's administration building, 1812 Welsh St. However, a public hearing on the pro- posed tax increase originally scheduled to precede the special session has been postponed until Sept. 16. A press release by the district cites a conflict with the Labor Day holiday. State tax law requires a public hearing because the proposed tax rate of 83 cents per $100 of property valuation exceeds the 73 -cent effective tax rate by more than 3 percent. An effective tax rate is the amount calculated to raise the same tax revenue for the district as did the preced- ing year's tax rate. The calculation compensates for changes in property valuation. Combined with the proposed 87 -cent county education district tax, College Station's total education bite would be $1.70 per $100 valuation. The current tax rate is $1.54 per $100 valuation. Other agenda items for Monday in- cludes approval of a contract with James C. Lancaster and Associates of Grapevine �o oversee the district's middle school construction projects. Plans call for renovation of Oakwood Middle School and construction of an adjacent fifth- and sixth -grade campus. In closed session, the board will meet with its attorney and representatives of the architectural group HA/RWS, based in College Station and Houston, to dis- cuss contracts for architectural services for the Oakwood renovation project. The law firm of West Adams Webb & Allbrit- ton represents the district. Addition of a bus route to serve Oak- wood Middle School students living east of Texas Avenue is also on the Monday agenda. The board will consider a plan to dis- mantle a bicycle safety program, called Safety City, that was a joint project of the school district and the College Station Police Department. Cj� The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the following positions: Water/Wastewater Systems Operator #2 This position will assist with the maintenance and construction of the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems. Starting Salary: $7.04/hour Utility Crew Leader This position will provide direct leadership and assistance in the maintenance and construction of the water d isribution and wastewater collec- tion system. Applicant should possess a valid Class "B" Texas CDL and must maintain appro- priate certifications as required. Starting Salary: $9.48/hour Deadline to apply for these positions will be: 5 pm Wednesday, September 16, 1992. Apply at: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI EMPLOYER Sunday, September 6, 1992 The Eagle LtIaAL NU 1 K.0 ORDINANCE NO. 19 WAS PASSED AND A PROVED ON AUGUST 2 1992 BY THE CITY COU CIL OF THE CITY OF CO LEGE STATION, TEX meeting in regular session the College Station City H said meeting having be posted in accordance w Art. 6252 -17. Said Ord ance, signed by the May and duly recorded in the o cial records of the city, is c tioned as follows: AN DINANCE CREATI N CHAPTER 15 OF T CODE OF ORDINANC E OF THE CITY OF COLL STATION, TEXAS, E TLED " IMPACE FEE 125 L Notices I 1 PROVIDING THIS ORDIN• da ANCE BE CUMULATIVE; T h PROVIDING FOR SEVER- a ABILTIY; PROVIDING FOR o n GOVERNMENTAL IMMU- S NITY; PROVIDING FOR to INUNCTION; AND PROVED- S ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE le DATE. The purpose of this chapter is to assure the provision of O adequate public facilities to serve new development in P the city by requiring each de- 1 velopment to pay its pro rata C share of the costs of such L improvements necessitated r by and attributable to such I new development. Any violation of this ordinace i can be enjoined by a suit filed 6 in the name of the City of Col- s lege Station in a court of r competent jurisdiction, and this remedey shall be in addi- tion to any penal provision in this ordinance or in the Code I of the City of College Station. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force i from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09.06- 92,09 -07 - 9 2 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1971 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 27, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3 DEVELOPMENT OF STREETS, AND BY AMENDING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 8, GENERAL I REQUIREMENTS AND MIN- IMUM STANDARDS OF 72 DESIGN, RELATING TO P- THE DEVELOPMENT OF 7, SIDEWALKS AND BIKE - N- WAYS WITHIN THE CITY; L- AND PROVIDING AN AS EFFECTIVE DATE. at Any person who violates or Ha fails to comply with the re- en quirements of this section ith shall be guilty of a mis- in- demeanor and shall be liable yor to a fine of not more than Two ffi- Hundred Dollars ($200.00). ap- Each day such violation shall OR- be permitted to exist shall G consitute a separate offense. HE Ordinance No. 1971 shall ES become effective and be in GE full force from and after its NTI- passage and approval by the S City Council and in accor- 75 L Notices I 1 nce with the City Charter. e complete text of the bove -named ordinance is file at the office of the City I ecretary and may be ob ined at the City Hall, 1101 outh Texas Avenue, Col - ge Station, Texas 77840. t 09- 06- 92,09 -07.92 I L NOTICE RDINANCE NO. 1973 WAS PASSED AND AP- ROVED ON AUGUST 27, 992 BY THE CITY COUN- IL OF THE CITY OF COL - EGE STATION, meeting in egular session at the Col - le Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted n accordance with Art. 252 -17. Said Ordinance, igned by the Mayor and duly ecorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE MAXIMUM MPACT FEE AS THE AC- TUAL IMPACT FEE. The City Council determined t appropriate policy to en- courage infill development and economic development consistent with the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use Ob- jective and the Comprehen- sive Plan Economic De- velopment Objective. The Council adopted impact fees imposed to pay for capital improvements and facility expansions necessary to serve growth in the Sanitary Sewer Area 92 -01. The max- imum impact fee for sanitary sewer facilities is $152.18. Any violation of this ordinace can be enjoined by a suit filed in the name of the City of Col- lege Station in a court of competent jurisdiction, and this remedy shall be in addi- tion to any penal provision in this ordinance or in the Code of the City of College Station. Ordinance No. 1973 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09- 06- 92,09 -07 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1970 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 27, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayo1 and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap tioned as follows: AN OR DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, SECTION; 1,2,3,4 OF THE CODE OF 25 Legal Notices ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELAT- NG TO ANIMAL CONTROL, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 1970 provides hat no person shall keep ivestock or poultry within the imits of the City of College Station without first obtaining and thereafter keeping in force a permit permitting him to do so. This ordinance re- vised the permit process, in- cludes a variance procedure, and adding the definition of ferret, cat, dog, and potbel- lied pig. Any violation of this ordinace shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 for any act declared to be unlawful, provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty pro- vided for the same or similiar offense under the laws of the state. Each day such viola- tion shall continue shall con- stitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above - named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 09.06- 92.09 -07 -92 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Neighborhood Parks Jogging Trails and Site Improvements Project No.s PK0026, PK0027, PK0028, PK0029, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, redwood sign, brick pavers, concrete side- walks, jogging trails, lands- cape, irrigation and wood bridge. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., September 24, 1992 at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All Interested parties are In- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- 125 Legal Notices c Pied closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. j Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station Monday, September 7, 1992 The Eagle September 7, 1992 125 Legal Notices reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 09 -07- 92,09-0 09 -12- 92,09 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1971 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON AUGUST 27, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, 1 said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap tioined as AN OR- DINANCE IIAMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3 DEVEPENT OF STREETOS,MAND BY AMENDING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 8, GENERA REQUIREMENTS AND M NL 125 Lega No tices 125 Legal Notices Station in a court of UM STANDARDS OF lege competent jurisdiction, and :SIGN, RELATING TO this remedy shall be in addi- IE DEVELOPMENT OF thin to any penal provision in DEWALKS AND BIKE this ordinance or In the Code AYS WITHIN THE CITY; of the City of College Station. 4D PROVIDING AN -FECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 1973 shall effective and be in , person who violates or become full force from and after its ils to comply with the re- passage and approval by the iirements of this section City Council and in accor- iall be guilty of a mis- danCe with the City Charter. ameanor and shall be liable The complete text of the a fine of not more than Two Dollars ($200.00)• above -named ordinance may at the office of the undred ach day such violation shall be seen City Secretary, at 1101 South e permitted to exist shall Texas Avenue, College onsitute a separate offense. )rdinance No. 1971 shall Station, Texas. o9-06.9 tive and be in ecome effec and after Its ull force antlapproval e y the O ,ity Council and in actor- lance with the City Charter. P the complete text of the 1 above -named ordinance is C Dn file at the office of the City L Secretary and may be ob tained at the City Hall, 1101 t South Texas Avenue, Col- s lege Station, Texas 77840. 09-06-92,09 LEGAL NOTICE WAS I PASSED NO. AND 1 AP PROVED ON AUGUST 27, t 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION, meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, Is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE MAXIMUM IMPACT FEE AS THE AC- TUAL IMPACT FEE. The City Council determined en- It appropriate policy courage infill development and economic development consistent with the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use On_ jective and the Comp e sive Plan Ec onomic De- velopment Objective. The Council adopted impact c fees imposed top a y for Improvements and facility expansions necessary to serve growth in the unitary Sewer Area fee sa itary imum imp sewer facilities is $1 Any violation of this ordinace can be enjoined by a suit Col- in the name of the City i5 Legal Notices 1. ective and b e in m ,m and after its p assage d approval by the City wncil and in accordance th the City Charter. The ,mplete text of the above - imed ordinance may be aen at the office of the City scretary, at 1101 South exas Avenue, College tation, Texas. 09 -06- 92,09 - 0 7 -92 of fr( ar C w c( n. S, S T S 125 Legal Notices named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secre- tary and may be obtained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77640. 09 -06. 92,0 -0 -9 2 LEGAL NOTICE )RDINANCE NO. 1972 VAS PASSED AND AP- )ROVED ON AUGUST 27, 992 BY THE CITY COUN- ,IL OF THE CITY OF CO LS _EGE STATION, neeting In regular session at he College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR 7 DINANCE CREATING t, CHAPTER 15 OF THE 1 CODE OF ORDINANCES t OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE E STATION, TEXAS, ENTI. I TLED "IMPACT FEES "; i PROVIDING THIS ORDIN- ANCE BE CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING FOR SEVER - GOVERNMENTAL IMMU- NITY; PROVIDING FOR JUNCTION; ID- INGFOR A AN EFFECTIVE f DATE. The purpose of thischaperof to assure the provision adequate public facilities to serve new uiringpeachtde- the city velopmen pro rata q t to pay Its share of the costs of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Any violation of this ordin- f ance can be enjoined by a City flied Coll College Station f in h a a court of competent jurisd c- s tion, and this remedey shall y be in addition to any penal provision in this ordinance or I o in the Code of the City of COI - lege Station. >r This ordinance shall become )- effective and be In full force ar from and after its passage 1e _ and approval by the City a Council and in accordance n with the City Charter. The ne complete text of the above- LEGAL NOTICE RDINANCE NO. 1970 WAS PASSED AND AP- ROVED ON AUGUST 27, 992 BY THE CITY COUN- IL OF THE CITY OF COL - EGE STATION, meeting in regular session at he College Station City Hall, aid meeting having been P in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap - ioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS CHAPTER 11,22 3 4 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY O COLLEGE TEXAS,RELAT STATION, ING TO ANIMAL CONTROL, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 1970 provides that no person shall keep livestock or poultry within the limits of the City of College Station without first obtaining and thereafter keeping it force a permit permitting hirr to do so. This ordinance re vised the permit process, in cludes a variance procedure and adding the and tio C ferret, cat, dog, lied pig. Any violation of this ordinac fi shall be punishable by a not to exceed $1,000 or r act declared to be unlawfL provided, however, e tt r r penalty shall be g f less than the penalty pr vided for the same or simili offense under the laws of ti state. Each day such viol tion shall continue shall cc stitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall becor 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 09 -07- 92,09 -08 -92 09 -12- 92,09 -13 -92 NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC HEARING FOR BIDS The College Station Con - Neighborhood Parks Jogging struction Board of Adjust - Trails and Site Improvements ments and Appeals will hold Project No.s PK0026, a public hearing to consider a PK0027, PK0028, PK0029, variance request by Moha- City of College Station, mad Moot! of the following Texas. property: The City of College Station Lot 1 B & 2B, Block 1 in the will receive sealed bids on a Boyett Subdivision, zoned General Contract, Including C -NG Commercial North - site work, redwood sign, gate. brick pavers, concrete side- The hearing will be held in walks, jogging trails, lands- the Council Room of the Col - cape, irrigation and wood lege Station City Hall, 1101 bridge. Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. The City of College Station meeting of the Board on will receive Bids until 2:00 Thursday, September 17, p.m., September 24, 1992 at 1992 the office of the Director of Any request for sign interpre- Parks and Recreation De- tive services must be made partment, 1000 Krenek Tap 48 hours before the meeting. Road, College Station, To make arrangements call Texas. Bids received after (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) this time will not be accepted, 1.800 -735 -2989. All interested parties are In- For additional information, vited to attend. Bids will be please contact me at opened and publicly read (409)764 -3741. aloud Immediately after spe- Susan Cole cifled closing time. Building Technician Drawings and Specifications 09 -08 -92 may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 125 Legal Notices following property: Tract A, Crawford Burnett League, zoned A -O Agricul- tural Open and developed under the terms of a Condi- tional Use Permit. The hearing will be held in the Council Room Of the 1 Co 0 1 lege Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at 4:00 P.M. meeting of the Board on Thursday. September 17, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764-374 Susan Cole Building Technician 09 -08 -92 sident Engineer, Brenham, Texas, and at the Texas De- partment of Transportation, Austin, Texas. Bidding pro- posals are to be requested from the Division of Con- struction and Contract Ad- ministration, D.C. Greer State Highway Building, 11th and Brazos Streets, Austin, Texas 78701. Plans are avai- lable through commercial printers in Austin, Texas, at the expense of the bidder. The Texas Department of Transportation hereby noti- fies all bidders that It will in- sure that bidders will not be discriminated against on the ground of race, color, sex or national origin, in having full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, and in consideration for an award. Usual rights reserved. REQUEST FOR BIDS ON 09 -01- 92,09 -08 -92 TEXAS HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION THE CITY OF COLLEGE Sealed proposals for 9.915 STATION IS REQUESTING miles of treating base and BIDS FOR THE one course surface treatment FOLLOWING: on FM 390 from SH 36 to co DISTRIBUTION TRANS - Road 62 on FM 362 from SH FORMERS AND UNDER - 105 to FM 2988 and on FM GROUND CONDUCTORS 2562 from FM 149 to FM BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 2819 (in sections) covered by 09/16/92, BID #92-58 Mc 338 -9 -16, MC 3033 -2 -7 & The Request for bids will be MC 3302 -1 -9 in Washington receeved In the office of the & Grimes County, will be Purchasing Agent at City received at the Texas De- Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, partment of Transportation, College Station, Texas Austin, until 1:00 P.M., Sep- 77840, until the time and date tember 15, 1992, and then specified above. Specifica- publicly opened and read. tions may be obtained at the Plans and specifications, In- office of the Purchasing cluding minimum wage rates Agent. All bids received after as provided by Law, are avai- that time will be returned fice of David McCannon lege e Station h e ese es C the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by St. Fran- cis Episcopal Church of the 125 Legal NOtices 125 Legal Notices right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- arities in said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 09 - 01- 92,09 -08-9 Tuesday, September 8, 1992 The Eagle I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF 125 Legal Noti es The City of College Station PUBLIC HEARING City Council will hold a public The College Station City hearing to consider an appli- Gently annexed Foxfir Sub - Council will hold a public cation for a Permit to Con- division: hearing to consider a City in!' duct Operations for the Dis- All phases and sections of tiated rezoning of several covery and Production of Oil, Hydro- the Foxfire Subdivision, a areas in and around the re- 1,14 acre tract abutting Gas, and Associated carbons within the City of Col- the right of way of Frost Drive, lege Station. two 1.0 acre tracts located at The Applicant Is Union Paci- 2701 Faulkner Drive which fic Resources Company, Fort Worth, are more commonly referred to as the Chylinski tracts, and P.O. Box 7, Texas 76101-0007. a 1.0 acre tract of land lo- The proposed Drilling site is cated at 2606 Faulkner Drive about 1.3 miles east (com- monly called south) of the which is more commonly re- ferred to as the Pearce Tract intersection of Greens Prairie are being considered be Road and Rock Prairie Road rezoned from interim 7 A_O Agricultural and 330 feet south com- monly called west of Rock Open to R -1 Single Family Residential. Prairie Road. The City of COI- A 5.87 acre tract located lege Station is the surface south of and adjacent to owner. The location is near Frost Drive which Is more the entrance to Lick Creek I commonly referred to as the Park. Henry tract and a 9.38 acre The Hearing will be held in tract located to the north and the Council of the College west of the Foxfire Subdiv- Station City Hall, 1101 Texas ision at the end of Freneau Ave. at the 7:00 P.M. meeting Drive, which is more com - of the Council on Thursday, monly known as the Waltman September 24, 1992. tract are being considered to The building is wheelchair be rezoned from interim A -O accessible. Handicap park- Agricuitral Open to perman- ing spaces available. Any for sign interpretive entA OAgriculturalOpen ' The hearing will be held in request services must be made 48 the Council Room of the Col - hours before the meeting. To lege Station City Hall, 1101 make arrangements call Texas Avenue at the 7:00 764 -3547. (TDD) 1- 800 -Re- T ( T D D) P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, September 24, I a y- x. 1 -800- 735 -2989. 1992. For additional Information, Any request for sign interpre- please contact the City Engi- tive services for the hearing s n e e r' s o f f I c e a t (409)764 -3570. impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To 09 -09-92 make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at ( Jane Kee Senior Planner 09 -09 -92 W r Tuesday, September 9, 1992 The Eagle L By JADE BOYD Eagle staff writer Brazos Beautiful is sponsoring a fund- raiser to provide at least 100 trees for College Station's Wolf Pen Creek Park, which is scheduled to be com- pleted in December. The program, 1 100 Trees in 100 Days," aims to raise $10,000 in dona- tions, which would be used to purchase large trees for a January planting. "We're looking at $10,000, although I think that's probably a high -end fig- ure, said Steve Beachy, director of Col- lege Station's Parks and Recreation Department. "We'll put that whole package out for bids, and hopefully we'll be able to [save some money]." Diane Craig is executive coordinator of Brazos Beautiful, a non - profit organ- ization that sponsors beautification projects in the area. Craig said that if enough donations come in, more trees could be planted at the new park. On Tuesday, workers were preparing the slab of the 2,100- square-foot stage at the amphitheater that will be the centerpiece of the 14.3 -acre park. The amphitheater, which will seat about 5,000 on grassy slopes, is at the south- ern end of a 2.6 -acre lake. The trees will be planted around the entire lake and amphitheater area. Beachy said more trees will probably be added later. Twenty -two crepe myrtles lead the list for the initial planting, which Craig said is appropriate because Bryan- College Station has bee recognized by the Legislature as the crepe myrtle capital of Texas. Other trees to be planted are 21 live oaks, 12 cedar elms, 14 Shumard oaks, 11 redbuds, 10 Bradford pears, seven bald cypresses, two pecans and one wil- low oak. Planting is scheduled to start Jan. 15, and will use primarily unteer labor. If you would like to make a contribu- tion for the trees or volunteer your time for planting, call Brazos Beautiful at 776 -6227. The park is scheduled to open March 26. It will have a covered picnic shelter and tables along the walk surrounding the lake. Those interested in using the park can get information or reserve it for specific dates on Sept. 16 at 6 p.m. in Room 127 of the College Station Confer- ence Center, Beachy said. lot� C' I, 125 Legal Notices The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, redwood sign, brick pavers, concrete side- walks, jogging trails, lands- cape, irrigation and wood bridge. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., September 24, 1992 at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cHied closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 09 -07- 92,09 -08 -92 09 -12- 92,09 -13 - Saturday, September 12, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Neighborhood Parks Jogging Trails and Site Improvements Project No-s PK0026, PK0027, PK0028, PK0029, City of College Station, Texas, The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, redwood sign, brick pavers, concrete side- walks, jogging trails, lands- cape, irrigation and wood bridge. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 P.M. , September 24, 1992 at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation De- partment, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All interested parties are in- vited to attend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud immediately after spe- cified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 09-07-92,09-08 09- 12 -92, 09 -13 - 9 Sunday, September 13, 1992 The Eagle • 12 Legal Noti LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1975 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been ^ nct?ri in accordance _with Saturday, September 19, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Art. 6252 -17. Slaid Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly records in the offi- cial records of the city is cap- tioned as follow: AN OR- DINANCE AD PTING A BUDGET FORT iE 1992 -93 FISCAL YEAR AND AU- THORIZING EXPENDI TURES AS THE 1EIN PRO- VIDED. Prior to considi ration and approval of this ordinance, the City Council held a public hearing, notice of which first having been duly given to the general public. Ordinance No. 1975 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the College Station City Council, and in accor- dance with the city Charter. The complete xt of the above -named Drdinance, and a copy of thi 1 budget for fiscal year October 1, 1992 to September 30, 993, is on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be seen at the City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenu�, College Station, Texas. 09 -19- 92,09 -20 -92 L LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1975 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE 1992 -93 FISCAL YEAR AND AU- THORIZING EXPENDI- TURES AS THEREIN PRO- VIDED. Prior to consideration and approval of this ordinance, the City Council held a public hearing, notice of which first having been duly given to the general public. Ordinance No. 1975 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the College Station City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance, and a copy of the budget for fiscal year October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993, is on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be seen at the City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, College lzfation, Texas. 'Q -1 9- 92,09 -20 -92 Sunday, September 20, 1992 The Eagle V L] Wolf Pen park work progressing well, CS council hears By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Phase I of the Wolf Pen Creek Park is 45 percent finished. Steve Beachy, director of the College Station Parks and Recreation Depart- ment, told the members of the College Station City Council Wednesday that the project was well on its way toward the planned April 2,1993, grand opening. Beachy said that 45 percent of the project's $1.55 million budget has been spent. Among the completed construc- tion: 095 percent of the retaining wall for the lake. ■ 75 percent of the parking lot. ■ 40 percent of the irrigation system. ■The slab for the amphitheater floor. The biggest jobs still in the works are the amphitheater roof and planting grass on the slope that will provide seating for the amphitheater, Beachy said. Council members at today's meeting will consider spending $30,000 of the project's contingency funds. The im- provements would: ■Add 2 feet of width to the project's sidewalks. ■ Build steps from the rest rooms to the playground. ■Build a sidewalk connecting the project to the additional parking at Post Oak Mall. The council meets at 7 p.m. in the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Thursday, September 24, 1992 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: SOLO ENFORCEMENT MOTORCYCLES BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 10/02/92, BID #93 -03 The Request for Bids will be recieved in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- larities In said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered most advantageous to the city. 09- 24- 92,09 -28 -92 I C E 0 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: SOLO ENFORCEMENT MOTORCYCLES BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 10/02/92, BID #93-03 The Request for Bids will be receeved in the office of the Monday, September 28, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Pufchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas "Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above, specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids any and all irregu- laritles In said bid and to ac- cept the offer considered i most advantageous to the City. 09 -24- 92,09 -28 -92 C. 106 Child Care • ADS STATING Reg, Home (Reg Home) a gistered with the Dept of Human Ser but are not licensed spected. AGES 0.5, Reg home care. CPR /Firt Aid. L plans, lots TLC, expo r can ge area 77q BUNDLES OF BLESSI Has immediate opening 3's, 4's & 5 yr olds. 775-2100, or come by 308 Sulphur Sprin s DAY & NIGHT CARE, home, CPR, 1st reasonable rates! 778 -3 IN HOME Childcare. E weekend care avail. B area. Best rates. 823_ eg all ages, hot meals, ti school pick -up, big Memorial Forest, 776 -14 8 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO 1 WAS PASSED AND PROVED ON SEPTEMB 24, 1992 BY THE Cl COUNCIL OF THE CITY COLLEGE STATION me ng in regular session at t College Station City H said meeting having be Posted in accordance wi Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordi • ance, signed by the May and duly recorded in the o cial records of the City, captioned as follows: A ORDINANCE AMENDIN LEVYING THE AD VA OREM TAXES FOR TH USE AND SUPPORT O THE M U N I C I PA GOVERNMENT OF TH CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND PROVIDING FOR THE GENERAL DEB SERVICE FUND FOR TH YEAR 1992 -93 AND AP- PORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PUR- POSES. Ordinance No. 1981 estab- lishes a tax rate of forty one an one quarter cents on each one hundred dollar valuation of property. This ordinance shall become effective and be in fuul force and effect from and after its passage and approved by the City Council, and in accordance With the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secre- tary, and may be obtained at City Hall 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1980 WAS PASSED AND AP- ® 'RAVED ON SEPTEMBER 125 Legal Notices stered 24, 19§2 BY THE CITY re re- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Texas COLLEGE STATION meet - vices, ng in regular sess Orin- College Stat on at the ion i said meeting having Hall, Child- posted in accordance been esson Art. 6252 -17, Said Ordin- Rid , Pe- ance, signed by the Mayor 4204 and duly recorded in the offi- NGS cial records of the City, is s for captioned as follows: AN Call ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 1908 Rd WHICH WILL AMEND THE reg BUDGET FOR THE 1991 -92 Aide, FISCAL YEAR AND AU- 904. THORIZING AMENDED ve & EXPENDITURES AS ryan THEREIN PROVIDED. 2977 The City Council called for a any- Public hearing to amend the y d FY 1991 -92 budget on Sep- tember 10, 1992. The hear- ing was held on September 24. 1992 and notice of such hearing was published in the newspaper in compliance with the Charter of the City of 981 College Station. The City AP- Council has determined that ER the 1991 -92 budget be c TY amended. OF Ordinance No. 1980 shall c et- become effective and be in he fuul force and effect from and all, after its passage and ap- A en proved by the City Council, C th and in accordance with the T n- City Charter. The complete S or text of the above named or- W off dinance may be seen at the VI is office of the City Secretary, at F N 1101 South Texas Avenue, O G College Station, Texas. lis L- 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 E LEGAL NOTICE co F ORDINANCE NO. 1978 vic L WAS PASSED AND AP- se E PROVED ON SEPTEMBER clu 24 , 1992 BY THE CITY ch G COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF usa T COLLEGE STATION meet- the E ing in regular session at the city. College Station City Hall, Thi s said meeting having been effe Posted in accordance with and Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- after ance, signed by the Mayor val and duly recorded in the offi- acc cial records of the City, is Cha captioned as follows: AN the ORDINANCE REZONING is on SEVERAL AREAS WITHIN fice AND SURROUNDING THE be o RECENTLY ANNEXED Sout h FOXFIRE SUBDIVISION, lege SITUATED IN THE THO- MAS CARUTHER LEAGUE, FROM INTERIM A -O AGRI- ORD CULTURE OPEN TO R -1 WAS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDEN- PRO TIAL AND PERMANENT 24, 1 A -O AGRICULTURE OPEN. COU N The City of College Station COLL annexed Foxfire Subdivision and in the interim A -O zoning g in was placed on all properties Colleg until a permanent zoning aid classification is requested Posted The city initiated the process ance 6 s 125 Legal Notic 125 Legal Notices in this case to alleviate indivi- dual owners from having to and duly recorded in the offi- apply for and go through the cial records of the the City, is rezoning process. Ordinance No. 1978 captioned as AN ORDINANCE SETT THE become effective and hall a in PER TON L A N D F I L L full force from and after a CHARGE FOR DISPOSAL sage and approval by the OF SOLID WASTE THE THE City Council, and in a dance with the City Cha Charter. cor- ROCK PRAIRIE R R LANDFILL AND The complete text of the FOR AN EFFECTIVE DA EFFECTIVE DATE TE. above named ordinance may Ordinance No. 1977 shall be seen at the office of the become effective October 1, City Secretary, at 1101 South 7992 from and after its pas - Texas Avenue, Coll Station, Texas. g a sage and approval b the by City Council, 10-03- 92.10 - o4_a5) and in dance with the City Chart ORDINANCE NO.� 11 WAS PASSED AND PROVED ON SEPTEMB 24, 1992 BY THE C COUNCIL OF THE CITY COLLEGE STATION me ing in regular session at College Station City H said meeting having be Posted in accordance w Art. 6252 -17. Said Ord ance, signed by the May and du recorded in the 01 ial records of the City, aptioned as follows: A ORDINANCE AMENDIN HAPTER 11, SECTION OF THE CODE OF ORDII NCES OF THE CITY O OLLEGE STATION EXAS RELATING Tf CHEDULE ON RATE FOI ATER AND SEWER SER CES; AND PROVIDINC OR AN EFFETIVE DATE. dinance No. 1978 estab hes a revised schedule a onthly rates to be chargec nsumers for utility ser- es, namely water and Overage connections, fin- ding a monthly service arge and a unit charge for ge by consumers within corporate limits of the ordinance shall become ctive on October 1, 1992 be in full force from and its passage and appro- by the City Council, and in ordance with the City rter. The complete text of above named ordinance file at the office at the of- of the City Secretary, and btained at City Hall, 1 101 Texas Avenue, Col - Station, Texas 77840. 10 -03- 9 2,10 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE INANCE NO. 1977 PASSED AND AP- VED ON SEPTEMBER 992 BY THE CITY CIL OF THE CITY OF EGE STATION meet - regular session at the e Station City Hall, meeting having been in accordance with 252-17. Said Ordin- signed by the Mayor -- The complete text of the 78 above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City �P- Secretary, and ma "R tained at Cit H y be ob rY all, 1101 rF South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. Bt- 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 1e LEGAL NOTICE ll, ORDINANCE NO. 1976 rn WAS PASSED AND AP- th PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 24; 1992 BY THE CITY x COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF I- COLLEGE STATION meet- s ing in regular session at the College � 9 Station City Hall, said meeting having been Posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17, Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REVOKING SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, PERTAINING TO SOFT SERVE ESTAB- LISHMENTS. The inspection of Soft Serve Establishments in College Station will continue pursuant to existing City Code sec- tions providing for in- spections of potentially ha- zardous food and retail food establishments. Ordinance No. 1976 is hereby revoked and repealed effective September 30, 1992 in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 10 -03- 9 2,10 -04 -9 -N • •♦, f The City of College Station is currently accepting applications for IV - the position of: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER Successful candidate must be able to manage a technically complex family of mini and micro com- puter systems and possess excellent managerial and communication skills. Requires a degree in Com- puter Science or related field plus a minimum of two years supervisory experience, or five years supervi- sory experience In the MIS /IS /DP environment. Starting salary: $2,687 month Deadline for applications: 10/14/92 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, October 4, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1981 WAS PASSED AND AP PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LEVYING THE AD VAL- OREM TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE M U N I C I PAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND PROVDING FOR THE GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND FOR THE YEAR 1992 -93 AND AP- PORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PUR- POSES. Ordinance No. 1981 estab- lishes a tax rate of forty one an one quarter cents on each one hundred dollar valuation of property. This ordinance shall become effective and be in fuul force and effect from and after its passage and approved by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secre- tary, and may be obtained at City Hall 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1980 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1908 WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 1991 -92 FISCAL YEAR AND AU- THORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. The City Council called for a public hearing to amend the FY 1991 -92 budget on Sep- tember 10, 1992. The hear- ing was held on Sep.ember 24, 1992 and notice of such j hearing was puhlic in was in the ' 125 Legal Notices newspaper in cu npliance with the Charter of the City of College Station. The City Council has determined that the 1991 -92 budget be amended. Ordinance No. 1980 shall become effective and be in fuul force and effect from and after its passage and ap- proved ty the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named or- dinance ay be seen at the office of a City Secretary, at 1101 So th Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 10- 0 11l 3 - � - 92,10 -04 -92 LEtL NOTICE ORDINA CE NO. 1978 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE, STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252-17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial recor s of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINA CE AMENDING CHAPTE 11, SECTION 2, OF THE ODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS RELATING TO SCHEDULE ON RATE FOR WATER A D SEWER SER- VICES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFETIVE DATE, Ordinance No. 1978 estab- lishes a revised schedule of monthly rates to be charged consumers for utility ser- vices, narnely water and sewerage connections, in- cluding a monthly service charge anc a unit charge for usage by consumers within the corporate limits of the city. This ordinance shall become effective on October 1, 1992 and be in fill force from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. Thp complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office at the of- fice of the City Secretary, and be obtained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col - ege Station, Texas 77840. 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE DRDINANCE NO. 1977 ✓VAS PAS ED AND AP- DROVED N SEPTEMBER 24, 1992 BY THE CITY 'OUNCIL F THE CITY OF -OLLEGE STATION meet - ng in regul r session at the ollege St tion City Hall, 125 Legal Notices said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE PER TON LANDFILL CHARGE FOR DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AT THE ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD LANDFILL AND PROVIDNG FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 1977 shall become effective October 1, 1992 from and after its pas- sage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secretary, and may be ob- tained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1976 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REVOKING SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, PERTAINING TO SOFT SERVE ESTAB- LISHMENTS. The inspection of Soft Serve Establishments in College Station will continue pursuant to existing City Code sec- tions providing for in- spections of potentially ha- zardous food and retail food establishments. Ordinance No. 1976 is hereby revoked and repealed effective September 30, 1992 in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named or- dinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 10 -03- 92,10 -04 -92 is • • THE CITY OF COLLEG9 STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: Sealed Proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, City of College Station, Texas until 2:00 p.m. on October 13, 1992 for the furnishing of the following service: Load, transport, and un- load three (3) 25/33/42 MVA, 134/13.2 kV electrical power transformers, radiators, and miscellaneous parts for the transformers. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 10 -05- 92,10 -12.92 Monday, October 5, 1992 The Eagle L • Folk Fest celebration will begin tonight CI The e Brazos Valley's major cultural nfluences are the inspiration for 10th annual Folk Fest. Gospel, country - western, polka and Hispanic music will be the main at- traction. Other highlights will be per- formances by local entertainers and activities for children. Foods from all four cultures will be available. Thursday, October 8, 1992 The Eagle n Send resume to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -0960 Equal Opportunity Employer Cq '��A%4'004 T he City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the position of: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER Successful candidate must be able to manage a technically complex family of mini and microcom- puter systems and possess excellent managerial and communication skills. Requires a degree in Com- puter Science or related field plus minimum of two years supervisory experience, or five years supervi- sory experience in the MIS /IS /DP environment. • Starting salary: $2,687 month Deadline for applications: 10/14/92 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, October 11, 1992 The Eagle C V The City of College Station has an immediate opening for GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER Salary range $27,096 - $41,844. Appointment to $29,805, depending on qualifica- tions. Applicant must possess a bachelors deggree in civil orsanitaryengineeringorcommensurate knowl- edge. The successful candidate should be knowl- edgeable in the areas of water and wastewater design and construction. Excellent communica- tions skills, and an ability to work with the public and co- workers is a must. Knowledge in structural engineering, capital improvement programs and project a pits. Deadline for application is November 25, 1992. f.� 125 Legal Notices 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a height var- iance request by Spaw -G- lass, Inc. to allow a construc- tion crane, 562' in height, to operate on Texas A&M Uni- versity property. The con- struction site begins at Agronomy Street and ex- tends 1000' west and 800' north to Highway 60 and ad- joins the Biochemistry Build- ing to the south. The exact location of the crane is 30 degrees 36' 44" latitude and 96 degrees 21' 02" longti- tude. This request will be con- sidered by the Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 20, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 10 -12 -92 Monday, October 12, 1992 The Eagle • • Wednesday The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID #93 -04 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. On Oc- tober 29, 1992 for the follow- ing: Materials for the addition of the new College Station Greens Prairie Substation and for replacement at the Post Oak/Southwood Valley October 14, 125 Lega N Substations: Group ''A" - Steel Structures and Supports Group "B" - Station 138 kV Circuit Switches Group "C" - Station Vacuum Circuit Breakers, 15.5 kV, 20,000 Ampre Interrupting Rating Group "D" - Air -Break Swit- ches & Accessories Group "E" - Bus Support In- sulators, Bus Work, & Bus Fittings Group "F" - Station 15 kV Surge Arresters, Potential Devices, & Meters Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 10 -14- 92,10 -21 -92 1992 • • The City of College Station is currently 610420f accepting applications for the position of: HOUSING PROGRAMS COORDINATOR This position develops and implements policies and procedures and manages the day to day activities related to federally funded affordable housing programs. Appli- cants must possess a Bachelor's degree in finance, busi- ness, public administration, urban planning or studies, or related field and have a minimum of 2 to 3 years related work experience. Experience in the management of fed- eral, state or local ly fu nded housing programs is preferred. Salary: D.O.Q. Deadline for applications: November 6, 1992 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, October 18, 1992 The Eagle L7 171 11 Tuesday, October 20, 1992 The Eagle - , 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, `Texas will be received for the Construction of: -B R A N D O N 'HEIGHTS /SOUTHWOOD VALLEY DRAINAGE W- PROVEMENTS SD -9201 until 10:00 o'clock a.m., Tuesday. November 3, 1992 after which time all qualified -bMs will be opened and read. JBids received after that time " i5ill be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of. fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E., City Engineer City of College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximat- ley 2500 linear feet of drain- age channel between Bran - don Heights and Southwood yalley Subdivisions. :.COPIES OF BIDDING QOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash, or money order from the secre- - fary, Development Services "Department, City Hall, 1101 -Texas Ave. for $10.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Deborah L. Keating, P.E., Project Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77845 409 - 764 -3570 `tARnday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is re- quired. 10 -20- 92,10 -22- 92,10 -25 -92 - n ^ 10 -29- 92.1 - -49 C. r� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider variance requests by W.E. Crenshaw to the side setback requirements for four corner lots to allow for con- struction of single family re- sidences. The subjects lots are block 2, lot 7; block 4, lots 11 and 14; and block 5, lot 11 of the Prairie View Heights Subdivision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting scheduled for Tues- day, November 3, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Coun- icl Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 1 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TOO) 1.800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel NOTICE OF Staff Planner PUBLIC HEARING 10-21-92 The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Moe to expand the existing restau- rant and bar located at 329 University Drive in the North - gate zoning district. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, November 5, 1992. THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID #93-04 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until 2:00 p.m. On Oc- tober 29, 1992 for the follow- ing: Materials for the addition of the new College Station Wednesday, October 21, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Noti0s Any request for sign I tive services for the impaired must be n hours before the mei make arrangments c 764 -3547 or 1 -890- 735 -2989 For additional Inf< please contact the Office at (409) 764 -3 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 10 -21 -92 NOTICE OI PUBLIC HEAF The College Static Board of Adjustr consider two � requests by Robert the single circulal width and to the 8' setback for a park the property at 701 Drive. This request will sidered by the Zor of Adjustment at th meeting schedulec day, November 3 7:00 pm in the City icl Room locatec Texas Avenue. Any request for sic tive services for t impaired must bE hours before the r make arrangment 764 -3547 01 1- 800 - 735 -29 For additional i please contact tl• Office at (409) 76 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 10 -21.6 hearing ade 48 tin0. To IN ning 125 Le gal N Greens Prairie Substation and for replacement at the Post Oak /Southwood Valley Substations: Group "A" - Steel Structures and Supports Group "B" - Station 138 kV Circuit Switches Group "C" - Station Vacuum Circuit Breakers, 15.5 kV, 20,000 Ampre Interrupting Rating Group "D" - Air -Break Swit- ches & Accessories Group "E" - Bus Support In- sula t or s, Bus Work, & Bus Fittings Group "F" Station 15 kV Surge Arresters, Potential Devices, &Meters Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 10 -14- 92.10 -21 - 9 2 + interpre- hearing made 48 aeting. To call (409) (TDD) 1 Zoning ient will ariance Pyeatt to on drive Curb line no lot for be con ng Board tir regular for Tues- 1992 at jail Coun- at 1101 Planning NOTICE PUBLIC HE The College Statl & Zoning Coml hold a public he+ sider a rezoning W.D. Fitch for E triangular strip cated adjacent east of lot 7 01 Forest Phase I tage along F Boulevard, fron Family Residei Low Density Api The hearing wi I the Council Roc lege Station Ci Texas Avenue p.m. meeting of sion on Thursdi 5, 1992. Any request for five services f, impaired must hours before it make arrangm 764 -3547 1- 800 - 735 -29 For additiona 1 please contac 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planne m Planning fission will ring to con - request by 1 0.43 acre of land lo- and to the Southwood / with fron- io Grande R -1 Single tim to R - 4 I be held in n of the Col- - Hall, 1101 at the 7:00 the Commis - y , November sign interpre- r the hearing be made 48 3 meeting. To rots call (409) or (TOO) information, me at (409) 10 -21 -92 0 • 125 Leg Not ices 1 125 Leg Not ices I INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 1 P.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, TdIxas will be received for the construction of: &� R A N D O N HEIGHTS /SOUTHWOOD VALLEY DRAINAGE IM- PROVEMENTS SD -9201 until 10:00 o'clock a.m., Tuesday, November 3, 1992 after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P, E., City Engineer City of College Station Thursday, October 22, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notic City Hall 110 1 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximat- ley 2500 linear feet of drain- age channel between Bran- don Heights and Southwood Valley Subdivisions. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Biddin Documents can be pur chased by check, cash, o money order frorn. 'he secre 125 Legal Notice tary, Development Services Department, City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. for $10.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Deborah L. Keating, P.E., Project Engineer 110 1 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77845 409 - 764 -3570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is re- quired. 1 0 -20- 92,10 -22- 92,10 -25 -92 1 0-29-92,11-01-92 P ! • Council explains decision on Prenatal Clinic funds Many citizens of College Sta- tion and Brazos County are con- cerned about the issue of funding the Prenatal Clinic. Recent news articles and letters to the editor have not clearly stated the facts in this situation. All of our community's elected officials must address the social needs of the community. How are we going to provide the services, and which taxing entity will be responsible for which service? The College Station City Council would like to respond to the con- cerns expressed by citizens inter- ested in this issue. Saturday, October The Eagle First, let us address the issue of the funding requests and the funds used. The letters and the news article stated that the clinic was not funded; however, the Arts Council, the Chamber of Com- merce, Easterwood Airport and Economic Development did receive funding. The implication that the council gave the arts and the chamber funding while deny- ing other worthy causes, such as the Prenatal Clinic, does not tell the whole story. The city has a number of fund- ing sources that provide revenue for the operations of the city. One source is the hotel/motel tax, which is required by the state to be used for promoting tourism and convention business in the community. A percentage of this tax may be used for the arts. The funding for the Arts Council and the Convention and Visitors Bu- The Prenatal Clinic received reau (not the chamber) came from Bock Grant funding for five this fund. The Economic De velopment and Easterwood Air- i a with the understanding that port funding came from another it would not be eligible in the fu. a funding source, again indepen- e. Over the course ce the years, of a Prenatal Clinic rece dent of the general revenue fund. ived The Prenatal Clinic was request. $396,000, more than $270,000 above ing money from the general re- any other agencies to date. There venue fund, a fund used to pro - were 19 agencies requesting fund - vide the basic municipal services mg from CDBG funds this year, to our citizens. Street repair, with requests totaling $564,827. Police, fire protection, code en- The two cities had a total of $229, forcement, drainage and parks 050 in CDBG funding available, are just some of the services the and only 10 agencies received municipality provides from this funding. general fund. We also had 11 agencies, includ- In the case of the Prenatal ing the Prenatal Clinic, request - Clinic, this council has always ing funding totaling $327,585 from been supportive. It is a well-run, the general revenue fund. The greatly needed, cost - efficient and re uests far exceeded the money viable service in our community, available. The question is not whether it e College should receive funding but how. cil s committed t to providing the In the years past, the two cities bes possible services in an effect - have used a joint committee to re- ive nd efficient manner. We do view requests from the different not feel that the general revenue social agencies in our community fun can provide all the munici- and make recommendations to pal ervices plus support social both Bryan and College Station pro ams and continue to provide city councils as to which agencies qua ity service to our citizens. All should receive funding from the city residents pay county taxes, federal Community Development and both cities and the county are Block Grant program. Federal being asked to provide funding guidelines say the funds must go for it number of agencies. There- to a "new program" designed to fore this council feels that city meet certain criteria for service residents are paying twice to pro. for low- to moderate - income resi. vide a service that would be more dents. City policy says agencies equitably provided through are only eligible for a period of county support. three years. After that, the pro- Government officials must look grams should be self supporting. To thk for ways to share resources, ad- dress issues of equity in funding and provide services in an effect- ive and efficient manner. The ouncil has taken steps to initiate task force to determine a more fI'ective means of financing health and social services. MAYOR LARRY RINGER and the College Station City Council Notices 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal 1 PROVEMENTS until 10:00 o'clock a ' r 92 Contractors 2 sets, Maio Clty Hall 1101 Texas Ave. Suppliers and Subcontroslt set; plan dep College Station, Texas 77840 tors 1 $200.00 per set. Checks to to "The LOCATION AND DE- OF PRO ma be made payable Texas A &M University ". returned if SCRIPTION o t Con 2500 t 1� drain - System Deposit returned in documetns are ithin three w earffeetpof leye channel between Bran - a9 Southwood good condition weeks of bid date. Bid be furnished I don Heights and Valley Subdivisions. BIDDING Documents will to established plan rooms. COPIES OF DOCUMENTS 10.18- 92, -25 -92 INSTRUCTION A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- TO BIDDERS chased by check, cash, or from h Sery 11.0ADVERTISEMENT Seated bids aadder e s c order eDe Development City of 9 Sta�ion Texas will be received for the tary, Department, tforC$t10 OOI 11 construct D O N Questions regarding this be directed to'. HEIGHTS /SOUK GOOD project should IM- Deborah L. Keating, P. E., • VALLEY DRAT SD -9201 PROVEMENTS until 10:00 o'clock a ' r 92 pro ect Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. Tuesday, November qualified which time all q College Station, 4 7785 Texas s 776 5 after bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that e 409-76 thru Friday from will be returned unopened, will be received at the of- Monday pm. m. Five (5) to Pe p ent bid sec is re- Bids fits of: P E, David J. Pullen, uired. 4 92,10 -22- 92,10.25 92 City Engineer 0.20- 10-2 11 -01-9 City of College Station Sunday, October 25, 1992 The Eagle C • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by the Resolution Trust Corporation for a 1.73 acre tract located adjacent and to the northwest of the Cedar Creek Condominiums being a part of lots 2 and 3 of block 1 in the One Lincoln Place Subdivision from A -P Administrative Professional to C -B Business commer- cial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- ,age Station City Hall, 1101 I Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the COMMIS sion on Thursday, November 12, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2 For additional information, please contact me al (409)764 - Jane Kee Senior Planner 10 -28 -9 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Wednesday, The Eagle October 28, 1992 125 Legal Notices Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by Audio Video for lot 12, block T of the Uni- i versity Park 11 Subdivision lo- cated on the northwest cor- ner of Spring Loop and Uni- versity Drive from A -P Admin- istrative Professional to C -B Business Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col - lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, November 12, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements Cell (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -298 For additional information, please contact me al (409)764 -35 Jane Kee Senior Planner 10 -28 -92 IL Police officers, drug agent receive praise for outstanding work By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer Bryan police officer David Greenlee said he was only doing his job when he helped save a two- month-old baby's life and he never expected to be honored for his * orts. enlee was one of five local police officers honored Friday for outstanding work in their profession. Greenlee, a three -year veteran of the Bryan force, administered car- diopulmonary resuscitation to an infant who stopped breathing Sept. 8. The Bryan Police Department awarded him the Life Saving Citation. Greenlee, 30, was on his way to work shortly before 2 p.m. when his police radio picked up a report of an infant on Elliott Street not breathing. Greenlee ar- rived at the house within three minutes. "I heard screaming in the house when I arrived," Greenlee said. He said he used his pocketknife to pry open the door HANEL CROSS when no one answered and found the mother inside, screaming. "She just pointed to the bedroom," Greenlee said. "I knelt down on the floor and checked the baby. I couldn't feel a heartbeat or any breathing." Greenlee started CPR. Paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later and continued CPR as they raced the girl to the hospital. Greenlee said a doctor later told him he probably saved BOARD CAPPS the girl's life. "It felt real good," Greenlee said. "It's nice to do something positive to help save a life." The Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse gave local drug en- forcement agent Stephen Hanel the Enri- que Camarena Award in recognition of his work with the Brazos Valley Narcot- ics Trafficking Task Force. "It makes you feel pretty good to know people appreciate you," Hanel said. "We're human too. We like an occasional pat on the back." Hanel has commanded the task force for four years. He said narcotics work, like all police work, is often a thankless Job. "Most of the time in police work, no one thanks you until they need you," he said. "And in narcotics work, most peo- ple you work with don't want to see you." Enrique Camarena, a Drug Enforce- ment Agency officer, was killed by drug traffickers in Mexico in 1985. Also on Friday, Mothers Against Drunk Driving honored Bryan officer William Cross, College Station officer John Board and University police officer Jeffrey Capps for their "outstanding efforts to save lives by removing intoxi. cated drivers from our roads." MADD gave each officer a plaque and made $50 contributions to each depart- ment's Drug Abuse Resistance Education or alcohol abuse prevention programs. • • Saturday, October 31, The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1984 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABAN- DONING A 20 FT. UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON 1992LOTS 4 AND 6, BLOCK 4, EMER FOREST PHASE 125 Legal Notices 6, MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2109 AND 2111 CHIPPENDALE. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after Its passages and approval by the City Council, and In ac- cordance with the City Char- ter. The complete text of the above named ordinance Is on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. 10 -31- 92,11 -01 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1982 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ADMINISTRA- TIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, SECTION 1 -C(9) RELATING TO THE FITNESS FOR DUTY POLICY STATE- MENT ON DRUGS AND ALCOHOL. The City of College Station desires to conform with the drug free work place act of 1988 and; therefore, peroidi- cally updates its administra- tive policies and procedures manual. This ordinance con- tains changes in the pre- employment, Post- employment, and procedure sections. Ordinance No. 1982 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 10 -31- 92,11 -01 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1983 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 125 Legal Not 6252.17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO PARADES AND MOTOR- CADES. Minor changes were made to Section 3 of Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances to reflect recent rulings by the Su- preme Court which de- termined a city cannot charge an application fee for applicants conducting lawful expressions of opinion protected under their First Amendment Rights. Voilations of any provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty dol- lars ($20.00) nor more than two- hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during which any violation occurs or continues. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passages and approval by the City Council, and in ac- cordance with the City Char- ter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. i n -n 1 -42.1 1 -01 -92 17� A 611P1 City of College Station is currently accepting applications for the following 001 position: Public Services Department Customer Service Clerk The College Station Public Services Depart- Ttent is currently accepting applications for an enthusiastic person to work in this dynamic, -ustomer service oriented department as a "Cus- omer Service Clerk ". This position will be responsible for taking nitial customer work requests, data entry or ,vork orders and retrieval of detailed computer - eports from data entered. Previous customer ;ervice experience and computer experience )referred. High School diploma or GED re- luired. Wary - $1161 /month Deadline to apply: Nov. 6, 1992 Apply to: City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, November 1, 1992 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1984 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABAN- DONING A 20 FT. UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOTS 4 AND 6, BLOCK 4, EMERALD FOREST PHASE 6, MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2109 AND 2111 CHIPPENDALE. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passages and approval by the City Council, and in ac- cordance with the City Char- ter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City HaH, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. 10 -31- 92,11 -01 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1982 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ADMINISTRA- TIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, SECTION 1 -C(9) RELATING TO THE FITNESS FOR DUTY POLICY STATE- MENT ON DRUGS AND ALCOHOL. The City of College Station desires to conform with the drug free work place act of 1988 and; therefore, peroidi- cally updates its administra- tive policies and procedures manual. This ordinance con- tains changes in the pre- employment, post - employment, and procedure sections. Ordinance No. 1982 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 10 -31- 92,11 -01 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1983 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON OCTOBER 22, 1992 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in i regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 125 Le Notices 6252- 7. Said Ordinance, sign, by the Mayor and duly recor ad in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO PARADES AND MOTOR- CADES. Minor changes were made to Section 3 of Chapter 4 of the Code f Ordinances to reflect recen rulings by the Su- preme Court which de- terml ied a city cannot charge an application fee for applicants conducting lawful expressions of opinion protected under their First Amendment Rights. Voilatons of any provisions of this ordinance shall be fined h less than twenty dol- lars ( 20.00) nor more than two hundred dollars (S20d.00) for each offense, and s eparate offense shall be deemed committed on each' day during which any violation occurs or continues. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passages and approval by the City Council, and in ac- cordance with the City Char- ter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the Office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. 10 -31- 92,11 -01.92 0 Wednesday, November 4, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by W.D. Fitch for an 0.43 acre triangular strip of land lo- cated adjacent to the east of lot 7 of Southwood Forest Phase IV with frontage along Rio Grande Boulevard, from !, R -1 Single Family Residen- tial to R -4 low Density Apart- ments. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the commis- sion on Thursday, November 19, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional informamtion, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 11 -04 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by C. Eugene Brown Architects to allow the opera- tion of a nursing home facility to be located on a 4.91 acre tract abutting Southwood Forest Phase Four to the north, Southwood Valley 26 Phase II to the east and St. Francis Episcopal Church to the west. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the commis- sion on Thursday, November 19, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional informamtion, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11 -04 -92 ril 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will I consider variance requests by W.E. Crenshaw to the side setback requirements for four corner lots to allow for con - struction of single family re- sidences. The t lots are block 2, lot 7; block 11 and 14; and block 5, lot 11 of the Paine View Heights Subdivision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, November 10, 1992 at 10:00 am in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before thetang cal make arrangements 14og) 764 .3547 2989 or (TDD) For additional information, please contact a he3Planning Office at ( ) Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 11 -06 -92 Friday, November 6, 1992 The Eagle 0 0 @4i! �� The City of College Station ', is currently seeking: T.C.L.E.O.S.E. Licensed Peace Officers and Non - Licensed Peace Officers Duties include regular patrol duties in a community 55,000 residents. Shift work re- quired. The employee will be responsible for the enforcement of civil, criminal and traffic laws. Requirements: High school diploma or GED, ability to relate well to the public, good written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to complete physical, psychological, and polygraph examinations. Applicants must beat least 21 years of age and possess a valid Texas Driver's License. Entry level test will be held on Saturday, January 9, 1993. Applications must be received before Friday, December 11, 1992. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Dept. 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, November 8, 1992 The Eagle 125 Leg Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Krenek Tap Road Improvements Project number ST -1023 until 9:00 o'clock a.m., Wed- nesday, November 25, 1992 after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of; David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue Colleg Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of Krenek Tap Road from Texas Avenue to State Highway 6, pavement and drainage im- provements for approximat- e ley 5250 L.F. of roadway. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McClure Engineering, Inc. 1722 Broadmorr, Suite 210, Bryan, Texas 77802 for $75.00 Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Deborah L. Keating, P.E. Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 409 - 764 -3570 0 In Town &Texas Officer in good condition after accident in CS A College Station motorcycle officer was in good condition at Humana Hospital- Brazos Valley on Sunday, one day after he crashed his motorcycle to avoid a collision with a car that changed lanes in front of him. The driver of the car was issued a traffic violation for unsafe lane change and Officer Gary Vick was rushed to the hospital where surgery was per- formed to correct a broken wrist. Sgt. Gregory R. Lewis, with the traf fic division, said in a statement that Vick was on duty traveling in the 1700 block of George Bush Drive at about 12:10 p.m. Saturday when a woman swerved into Vick's lane, narrowly missing him. Lewis said Vick took evasive action to avoid slamming into the car, and in doing so, he lost control of his motor- cycle and crashed. Monday, November 9, 1992 The Eagle • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of College Station will hold a public hearing to amend its fiscal year 1992 -93 Annual Budget at its regular council meeting on Thursday, November 12, 1992,7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at the College Station City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The public is invited to review and make comments on the budget amend- ments which are to add $36,000 from a State of Texas grant to be used for increased enforcement of the state's requirement that certain operators and passengers in certain vehicles on public rights -of -way use seat belts. Comments may be made in writing on in person at the public hearing or may be made in writing to be received by the City Secretary prior to the end of business on November 12, 1992 at the above address. • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BUDGET AMENDMENT ANNUAL BUDGET 1992 -93 AMENDED REVENUES BUDGET AMENDED FY 92.93 AMENDMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND $15,979,516 $36,000 $16,015,516 AMENDED EXPENDITURES BUDGET AMENDED FY 92.93 AMENDMENT BUDGET GENERAL FUND $15,755,079 $36,000 $15,791,079 11 -07 -92 Saturday, November 7, 1992 The Eagle 40 In Town &Texas Council to consider 'authorizing purchase Members of the College Station City Council will consider Thursday whether to bland that would add to tY purchase Wol Pen 'Creek Park Corridor. A resolution on the meeting's agenda would authorize Mayor Larry Ringer, City Manager Ron Ragland land City Attorney Cathy Locke to be- ',gin negotiations for the 10.41 - acre tract + 'on Dartmouth Street. The lot is on the :west side of Wolf Pen Creek Park. The council meets in a workshop, Wednesday at 4 p.m., with the regular �tneeting held at 7 p.m., Thursday. Both meetings will be in College Sta- 'tion City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Tuesday, November 10, 1992 The Eagle B /CS lands softball tourneys By TERI WALLET( Eagle staff writer Three national softball tournaments will be played in Bryan- College Station in August 1994. The cities won the right to host the tournaments after competing against other communities nationwide during a recent Palm Springs, Calif., conference. The three tournaments are Women's Class C Fastpitch, Women's Major Church Slowpitch and Women's Class A Church Slowpitch. The combined tournaments will bring an estimated 1,400 visitors to the area for an average three -day stay. Each visitor will spend an average of $100 per day, said Susan Gandy, sales representative for the Bryan - College Sta- tion Chamber of Commerce's Convention and Visitor Bureau. The award was a longtime dream of Larry Parker, a driving force in the de- velopment of local softball, said Tony Scazzero, Amateur Softball Association District 30 Commissioner. Parker, who drowned in 1991, served as ASA district commissioner and was in- strumental in forming the Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Association. Local softball officials and the CVB have worked for four years to win the tournaments, said James West, president of the umpires association. "I feel we will be able to hold a national tournament here every year from now on," West said. "I feel we could almost name what we wanted from now on. "Four years ago, the No.1 question was 'Where's Bryan- College Station ?' " said Alfred Macias, of the umpires associa- tion. "They don't ask that anymore." Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks Toney Scaaero (left), Marc Hamlin (center) and Steve Pursley teamed up to an- the panel announced that Bryan and College Station had been awarded three swer questions Monday at a news conference called by the Bryan - College Sta- national women's softball tournaments to be held in August and September of tion Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitor Bureau. At the conference, 1994. Each of the tournaments will have a three -day run. i �The City of College Station has an immediate opening for GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER Salary range $27,096 - $41,844. Appointment to $29,805, depending on qualifica- t ions. Applicant must possess a bachelors deggree in civil orsanitaryengineeringorcommensurate knowl- edge. The successful candidate should be knowl- edgeable in the areas of water and wastewater design and construction. Excellent communica- tions skills, and an ability to work with the public and co-workers is a must. Knowledge in structural engineerin , capital improvement programs and protect a p�US. Deadline for application is November 25, 1992. Send resume to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -0960 Equal Opportunity Employer Wolf Pen sewer work closes Dartmouth Street for two days Dartmouth Street between Harvey Road and Holleman Drive will be closed to through traffic Monday and Tuesday. Construction crews will install por- �� tions of a sewer system as part of the Wolf Pen Creek project, city officials said. Access to apartment complexes in the area will be permitted and Texas A &M shuttle bus routes will not be affected. -- Compiled from staff and wire reports 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.o ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Krenek Tap Road Improvements Project number ST -1023 until 9:00 o'clock a.m., Wed- nesday, November 25, 1992 after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of; David J. Pullen, P.E. City Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue Colleg Station, Texas 77840 I LOCATION AND DE -I SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of Krenek Tap Road from Texas Avenue to State Highway 6, pavement and drainage im- prove ments for approximat- ley 5250 L. F. of roadway. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McClure Engineering, Inc. 1722 Broadmorr, Suite 210, Bryan, Texas 77802 for $75.00 Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Deborah L. Keating, P.E. Project Engineer 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 409 - 764 -3570 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 11 -08-92,11-15-92,11-22-92 Sunday, November 16, 1992 The Eagle - - 0 LEGE 9TAtIlON Is I�EGIUEsTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID #93 -09 The Request for bids will be r6ceiyed in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City d811, 1101 texas Avenue, A61t0>1e Station, Texas ' ti840. urttll 2.W. p rh. on - ;up "A" Underground I istribution Conductors and Acceasories Qroup "'g" - 15kV Pad - ouMeS Switchgear all as more fully desoribed in the Speoications. , Copy of the bidding 7ORns 'and "cificalions are 0WIn6&* free of charge Enginlbering, � Drive, i02, P.O. Box 10047, 6 Station, Texas lepilone: 125 Le Notices 409 - 764 - 8356). Additional copies may be purchased from the Engineer for a fee of $10.00. Purchaser deserves the right to select the material or equipment which best suits its needs whether or not the price is lowest or not, and also reserves the right to re- ject all bids and waive infor- matities. Award of the Bid No. 93 -09 to the successful Bidder will be made at a subsequent meeting of the City Counicl of College Station. 11 -09- 92,11 -16 -92 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALSFORTHE FOLLOWING: MAGNETIC MEDIA UP- GRADE RFP DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12/01/92, RFP #93 -14 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hail, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned 125 Legal Notices unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11-17-92 THE CIT - y OF COLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: POOL WATER SLIDE BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12/01/92, BID #93 -11 The Request for bids will be received in the office t fCity Purchasing Ag Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI - lege Station reserves the right to waive or r eject any and all bids or any and a ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11 -17- 92, -24 -92 Monday, November 17, 1992 The Eagle Local events usher in holidays with contest, lighting ceremony Christmas, Christmas time is near, full of love and full of cheer. — From "The Chipmunk Song." By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Local officials have announced plans for the 1992 Parade of Lights Contest and the ninth annual Christmas in the Park. The parks and recreation departments of Bryan and College Station are sponsoring the the Parade of Lights, the annual Christmas decorating contest for homes, businesses and neighborhoods. Christmas in the Park, featuring more than 45,000 lights on display in College Sta- tion's Central Park, begins Dec. 1 with a 6:30 p.m. lighting ceremony. The lighting cere- mony will include a chorale presentation of Christmas music and will be followed by free hayrides, refreshments, a bonfire and enter- tainment. The lights in Central Park will be on dis- play from 6-11 p.m. throughout December. The display is sponsored by College Station and Waltman and Associates. For the Parade of Lights contest, prizes will be awarded in seven categories: ■ First, second and third prizes for Bryan homes. ■First, second and third prizes for College Station homes. ■One Bryan street (four or more adjacent homes decorated). • One College Station street. ■One neighborhood (four or more connec- ted streets with decorated homes. ■ One business with 25 or more employees. ■ One business with fewer than 25 em- ployees. Entries will be judged on drive -by appeal Eagle file photo I _ ' This train was part of last year's Christmas in the Park display at College Station's Central Park. This year Please see EVENTS, page A3 the more than 45,000 lights may been seen from 6 -11 p.m. nightly throughout December beginning Dec.1. Events From Al theme, creativity, use of color, overall appearance, use of lights and design quality. Deadline for entry is 5 p.m. Dec. 7. Entry forms are available at both parks and recreation de- partments, the Bryan- College Sta- tion Eagle, Hardy Gardens, Con- temporary Landscapes, Cashion - Cain, KTAM -KORA and KBTX -TV. Winners will be announced Dec. 11 at the College Station Con- ference Center. Tickets for tours of decorated areas will be available on a first - come basis at Randall's Food Market beginning at noon on Dec. 13. Tickets will cost one can of food, which will be donated to the Brazos Valley Food Bank and the Church Pantry. Tours will be given December 17, 18 and 19. College Station tours will be given by the Texas A &M department of parking, transit and traffic services. Bryan tours will be given by the Interurban Trolley System. All tours will leave from Randall's parking lot at University Drive and Tarrow Street. Randall's will also furnish maps of winners and participants in the contest. For more information, call the Bryan parks and recreation de- partment at 361 -3656 or the Col- lege Station parks and recreation department at 764 -3486. 0 • THE CITY O E STATION IS REOUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL EQUIPMENT BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 11124/92, BID #93 -08 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City I Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, Te as College Station, 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11 -12- 92,11 -19 -92 Thursday, November 19, 1992 The Eagle • • 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS wolf Pen Creek Park Side- walks, Crosswalks, Light Pole Foundations and Con- duit, City of College Station, I Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, concrete side walks, handicap ramps, crosswalks, light pole foun dation, conduit, barricades & traffic control. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., January 5, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and Publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Sunday, December 20, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive Ir regularities and to reject an or all bids. 12 -17- 92,12 -18 -92 12 -20- 92,12 -21 -92 • AW 11 • LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1985 WAS AND AP PROVED ONDNOVEMBER 12 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Mayor ance, signed by the and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of o l ty, AN is captioned as follows: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, SECTIONS 8 AND 9. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO MENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN BY AMENDING SUBSEC- TION B -T AND 9 -G PER - STREET TAI ING T LIGHTS; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. It shall be the policy of the City of College Station that adequate street lighting for the protection of the public and property be installed in all new subdivisions. Installa- tion procedures and accep- table standards for street lights shall be governed by the utility standares of the Public Utilities Deaprtment in effect at the time of subdiv- ision construction or addition thereto. Ordinance No. 1985 shalt become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with [of Charter. The complete text the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 11-20-92, Friday, November 20, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1987 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON NOVEMBER 12, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the ofAficial re- cords of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2F, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SCHOOL ZONES, AND DELCARING THAT A T - T E N D A N T FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. The City Counicl determined that it is in the best interest and safety of the citizens to extend the existing school zone on Rock Prairie Road to the east to include the Rock Prairie Road intersection, with, a mazimum speed limit of 25 mph from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 and 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. Violations of any provisions of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not more than two- hundred dollars ($200.00). This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 11-20-92,1 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1986 WAS PASSED AND AP- 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices )ROVEO ON NOVEMBER shall be subject to a fine not 2, 1992 BY THE CITY more than two hundred dol- I ;OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF lars ($200.00). Each day DOLLEGE STATION meet- such violation shall be per - ng in regular session at the mitted to exist shall constitute 'ollege Station City Hall, a separate offense. ;aid meeting having been Ordinance No. 1990. shall )osted in accordance with become effective and be in Oat. 6252117. Said Ordin- full force from and after its ance, signed by the Mayor passage an approval by the and duly recorded in the offi- City Council and in accor- cial records of the City, is dance with the City Charter. captioned as follows: AN The complete text of the ORDINANCE AMENDING above -named ordinance may CHAPTE 10, SECTION 2F, be seen at the office of the OF THE ODE OF ORDIN- City Secretary, at 1101 South ANCES F THE CITY OF Texas Avenue, College COLLEG STATION RE- Station, Texas. LATING' TO SCHOOL 11.20- 92,11 -21 -92 ZONES, AND DELCARING LEGAL NOTICE THAT ATTENDANT FACTS ORDINANCE NO. 1988 NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE WAS PASSED AND AP- ACTION. The City determined PROVED ON NOVEMBER 12 1992 BY THE CITY Council that it is r the best interest COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF and safety of the citizens to extend the existing school COLLEGE STATION, in regular zone on Francis Drive to the TEXAS meeting at the College west to include the Wal- session Station City Hall, said meet - ton /Francis intersection and ing having been posted in by adding a school zone on Walton Drive in the vicinity of accordance with Art. this intersection, with a max- 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly imum speed limit from 20 recorded in the official re- mph fro 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 cords of the City, is captioned a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 as follows: AN ORDINANCE p.m. Mon ay through Friday. AMENDING CHAPTER 6, Violation of any provisions this ordinance shall be SECTION 3, OF THE CODE of OF ORDINANCES OF THE fined not less than twenty dol- CITY OF COLLEGE lars ($20.00) nor more than STATION, TEXAS BY AD- two- hundred dollars DING SUBSECTIONS DE- ($200.00) for each offense, CLARING UNWHOLE- and a separate offense shall SOME, INPURE OR STAG - be deemed committed on N I N G POOLS O R each day during which any PONDS WATER AND violation occurs or continues. KS A NUISANCE; FIREWOR K This ordinance shall become INCREASING THE PENTA- effective and be in full force LTY PROVISION; PROVID- and effect from and after its ING FOR THE EXPANSION passage and approval by the OF THE PROHIBITIONS OF City COL ncil, and in actor- ANY NUISANCE TO WITHIN dance wth the City Charter. FIVE THOUSAND FEET The co plete text of the OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF above no med ordinance may THE MUNICIPALITY; PRO - be seen at the office of the VIDING FOR A SEVERABI- City Secietary, at 1101 South LITY CLAUSE; AUTHORZ- Texas Avenue, College ING THE CITY ATTORNEY Station, Texas 77840. TO FILE SUIT TO ABATE 11 -20- 92,11 -21 -92 SUCH NUISANCES; AND LEGALNOTICE DETERMINING THAT THE ORDINANCE NO. 1990 MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON NOVEMBER OPEND TO THE PUBLIC AS 12, 1992 BY THE CITY REQUIRED BY LAW. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Any person who shall know - COLLEGE STATION meet- ingly cause or create any pu- ing in regualr session at the blic nuisance, or permit any College Station City Hall, public nuisance to be created said meeting having been or to be place upon or to re- posted in accordance with main upon any premises or Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- occupied by him or them shall, upon convicion thereof ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the off[- un $y a fin f c ial records of the city, is cap- AN OR- s hed ex g h day such violation shall con - tioned as follows: DINACE REZONING A tinue sahll constitute a se- 1.729 ACRE TRACT OF LAND BEING SITUATED IN parate offense. Ordinance No. 1988 shall RICHARD CARTER become effective and be in full force from and after its LEAGUE IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BEING A pasage and approval by the PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND City Council, and in accor- 3, BLOCK 1, , OF THE ONE dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the LINCOLN PLACE AS SHOWN BY A PLAT RE- above -named ordinate may CORDED IN VOLUME 690, be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South PAGE 175 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS Texas Avenue, Co!lege COUNTY, TEXAS FROM Station, Texas. 11 -20- 92,11.21 -92 A -P ADMINSTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL TO C -B BUSINESS COMMERCIAL. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Park Side- 125 Legal Notices walks, Crosswalks, Light Pole Foundations and Con- duit, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, concrete side- walks, handicap ramps, crosswalks, light pole foun- dation, conduit, barricades & I traffic control. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., January 5, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and 125 Legal Notices publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -34 Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 12 -17- 92,12 -18 -92 12 -20- 92,12 -2 -92 Monday, December 21, 1992 The Eagle I 125 Legal Niptices INVITATION tO BID The Bryan In ependent School District i accepting sealed bids for the following items used for Bryan ISD buses and maint nance ve- hicles: 1. Filters (Air, Fue , Oil, Etc.) 2. Brake Drurr s, Shoes, Bearings 3. Electrical Components 4. Rebuilt Engine & Trans- missions 5. Batteries 6. Belts & HoseS.� Bid forms may a obtained from the office of W. Henry. Bids should be Submitted to the office of C. W. Henry, Di- rector of Finan a and Ac- counting, 101 North Texas Avenue, Bry n, Texas 77803. Bids will a accepted 125 Legal Notices until 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993, at which time they will be opened and IIII tabulated. The Bryan Inde- pendent School District re- serves the right to accept or reject any /all bids, or accpet the bid deemed most advan- tageous to the school district. The Bryan ISD reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities and award bid by items. 12-19-92,12-20 n U 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices the service or the product. 11 -18.92 through 12 - 01 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 198 WAS PASSED AND A PROVED ON NOVEMBE 12, 1992 BY THE CIT COUNCIL OF THE CITY COLLEGE STATION me ing in regular session at t College Station City H said meeting having be posted in accordance wi Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordi ance, signed by the May and duly recorded in the o cial records of the City^ 1 Le Notices mum speed limit from 20 ph from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 m. Monday through Friday. iolations of any provisions f this ordinance shall be ned not less than twenty dol- la ($20.00) nor more than wo- hundred dollars $200.00) for each offense, nd a separate offense shall e deemed committed on ach day during which any iolation occurs or continues. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 11 -20- 92,11.21 -9 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 198; WAS PASSED AND AP captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING m CHAPTER 9, SECTIONS 8 a. AND 9, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE V CITY OF COLLEGE o STATION RELATING TO fi GENERAL REQUIRE- I MENTS AND MINIMUM t STANDARDS OF DESIGN ( BY AMENDING SUBSEC- a TIONS 8 -T AND 9 -G PER- b TAINING TO STREET e LIGHTS; AND PROVIDING v AND EFFECTIVE DATE. It shall be the policy of the City of College Station that adequate street lighting for the protection of the public and property be installed in all new subdivisions. Installa- tion procedures and accep- table standards for street lights shall be governed by the utility standares of the Public Utilities Deaprtment in effect at the time of subdiv- ision construction or addition thereto. Ordinance No. 1985 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas. 11.20- 92,11 -21 -92 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1986 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON NOVEMBER 12, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252.17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2F, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RE- LATING TO SCHOOL 5 ZONES, AND DELCARING P- THAT ATTENDANT FACTS R NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE Y ACTION. OF The City Council determined et- that it is in the best interest he and safety of the citizens to H e extend the existing school en zone on Francis Drive to the th west to include the Wal- t- ton /Francis intersection and or by adding a school zone on ffi- Walton Drive in the vicinity of is this intersection, wit a max- 125 Legal Notices 125 Legal Notices PROVED ON NOVEMBER 12, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meet- ing having been posted in accord nce with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed b the Mayor and duly recorclec in the cfAficial re- cords of he City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2F, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RELATING TO SCHOOL ZONES, AND DELCARING THAT AT- TENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. The City Counicl determined that it is in the best interest and safety of the citizens to extend the existing school zone on Rock Prairie Road to the east to include the Rock TEXAS meeting in regular session at the College Static- "ity Hall, said meet- ing g been posted in acco—ance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the City, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SECTION 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY AD- DING SUBSECTIONS DE- CLARING UNWHOLE- SOME, INPURE OR STAG- NATING POOLS OR PONDS OF WATER AND FIREWORKS A NUISANCE; INCREASING THE PENTA- LTY PROVISION; PROVID- ING FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE PROHIBITIONS OF ANY NUISANCE TO WITHIN FIVE THOUSAND FEET OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE MUNICIPALITY; PRO- VIDING FOR A SEVERABI- 125 Legal Notices Prairie Road intersection, with, a mazimum speed limit of 25 mph from 7:30 a.m ' 8:15 and 3:00 p.m to p.m. Monday through 176dd71 Violations of any provisions of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not more than two- hundred dollars ($200.00). This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 11- 20- 92,11 -21 -9 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1988 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON NOVEMBER 12, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, 12$ Legal Notices _ITY CLAUSE; AUTHORZ- NG THE CITY ATTORNEY rO FILE SUIT TO ABATE SUCH NUISANCES; AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEND TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. Any person who shall know- ingly cause or create any pu- blic nuisance, or permit any public nuisance to be created or to be place upon or to re- main upon any premises or occupied by him or them shall, upon convicion thereof be punished by a fine of not exceeding ($1,000). Each day such violation shall con- tinue sahll constitute a se- parate offense. Ordinance No. 1988 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its pasage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the ahnve -named ordinate may 125 Legal Not ; )e seen at the office of tAe Dity Secretary, at 1 101 South rexas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 11 -20. 92,11 -21 -92 LEGAL NOTIC DRDINANCE NO. 1990 VNAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON NOVEMBER 12, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet. ing in regualr session at the College Station City Hall said meeting having beer posted in accordance witt Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin ance, signed by the Mayo and duly recorded in the offi cial records of the city, is cap tioned as follows: AN OR DINACE REZONING 1.729 ACRE TRACT OI LAND BEING SITUATED It RICHARD CART�F LEAGUE IN COLLEGI STATION, TEXAS BEING', PORTION OF LOTS 1 All 3, BLOCK 1, OF THE O LINCOLN PLACE 125 Legal Notices ,ao- maf SHOWN BY A PLAT RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 690, PAGE 175 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM A -P ADMINSTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL TO C -B BUSINESS COMMERCIAL. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not more than two hundred dol- lars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 1990. shall become effective and be in full force from and a after its o passage an app Y the City Council and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above -named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 11 -21-92 Saturday, November 21, 1992 The Eagle ]Finance Section (Five companies moving to BmCS Imn 9 93 By TERI WALLEY Eagle staff writer At least five companies will announce their relocation to Bryan- College Station during fiscal 1993, said an official with the Economic Development Corp. The first company will probably make an announcement before Christmas, said Robert Worley, executive director of the EDC. Those companies include: Stericycle, a medical waste recycler; Skip Shaving Products, which produces shaving pro- ducts for men; a tire recycler; an oilfield transportation company and a builder of pre- engineered builings. Stericycle is based in Chicago and is constructing a number of waste recycling plants nationwide. The company had o- riginally considered Waco and Temple, as well as College Station, for sites. Worley said Waco and Temple are now off the site list. Skip Shaving Products, also based in Chicago, is owned by James Parhms, who is a native of Bryan- College Station. He plans to move his entire plant to the area and will employ about 40 people initially. Mexican investors are the source of funding for two of those companies, the tire recycler and the building manufac- turer. Sam Harwell, acting director of the Bryan- College Station Small Business Development Center, said the Mexico in- vestors contacted the SBDC. Both companies have local owners. The building company, called Simpli- fied Structures, is a "homegrown" busi- ness, owned by Rob Riccitelli and Gerald Townsend. The metal buildings will be manufac- tured in Saltillo and distributed from Wellborn, said Harwell. The owners hope to announce their opening by the end of the year, he said. The tire recycling company is also lo- cally owned, but the owners aren't ready to announce their plans. • Wolf Pen Creek could may some other problems 11 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of College Station and the City of Bryan Com- munity Development Offices will hold a Public Hearing re- garding the Annual Update for the Comprehensive Hous- ing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). A Public Hearing is being held on Monday, November 23, 1992 at 7:00 PM at the Brazos Center, As- sembly Room 1. The Public is invited to attend this hear- ing and provide input regard- ing housing issues in the Bryan /College Station area. For further information, please contact Jo Carroll at 764 -3778 or Gail MacMillian at 361 -3610. 11-13-92,11-22-92 I'm sure that everyone is famil- iar with the doodlebug. For those who may not be, the real name is ant lion. Webster explains it as "any of various neuropterous in- sects having long -jawed larva that digs a conical pit in which it lies in wait to catch insects (ants) on which it feeds." If you would like to see a people - size version of this, you are in luck. The city of College Station is in the process of building a huge child trap at the corner of Dart- mouth and Holleman: Wolf Pen Creek. It has great sloping walls all around, waiting for one slip of a young foot to plummet some un- suspecting child deep into the cold dark water. I suggest they either change the name to Doodlebug Park, with an "Enter at your own risk" sign, or maybe they could terrace the walls to take danger away from the children possibly falling non- stop all the way down into the water. Another thing that they could do is install some handrails at the water's edge that would stop someone from rolling into the water. Someone had better stop and look at the ultimate stupidity of what they are constructing. Pos- sibly there is a liability aspect that could get their attention. DWAYNE BLACK College Station Sunday, November 22, The Eagle 1992 • 11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjust- ment for the City of College Station will hold a public hear- ing to consider an appeal of a decision regarding wild ani- mals in the name of: Nonday, November 23, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Mary Haislet I 104 Redmond Drive College Station, Tx 77840. i The case will be heard by the Board at the regular meeting in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 7:00 P.M- on 1992, Tuesday December 1, Building is wheelchair ac k n s sible. Handicap Space are available. An request for sign interpretiv services must be made 4 hours before the meeti g .. III make arrang ement (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -298 (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -TX. r (409) 764 -3547. Additional information is av i- lable at the office of the D - velopment Coordinator of the City of College Station (409)764 -35 11-23-92 • tatorship. 0 • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: POOL WATER SLIDE BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12/01/92, BID #93 -11 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date tspecified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing ,Agent. All bids received after :that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI - lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11-17-92,11-24 CS council shouldn't ignore wishes of voters You are to be commended n your editorial in the Nov. 15 Eagle concerning the College Station mayor and city council spending our tax dollars on a land purchase in the Wolf Pen Creek Park Phase II that was defeated in the 1990 bond election. It was refreshing to see that we had at least two think- ing councilmen, Hub Kennady and Fred Brown, who voted against the purchase of the land. My question: Why do we have bond issues if Mayor Ringer is go- ing to spend any amount of our money for any project that ap- peals to him? I thought College Station had a democratic form of government, not an arrogant dic- 125 Legal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MAGNETIC MEDIA UP- GRADE RFP DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12/01 /92, RFP #93 -14 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir. regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11-17-92,11-24-92 Politicians are politicians. On Oct. 21, the city of College Station held their annual awards banquet at the Texas Hall of Fame. Ap- proximately 1,000 people attended — employees and families. I am sure everyone had a good time. It is ironic that the event was catered by a firm out of Taylor. With as many barbecue restau- rants as we have in College Sta- tion, why Taylor? Do they pay taxes in College Station? Assum- ing that the cost was $5 per head, and using the Bryan- College Sta- tion Chamber of Commerce fig ures that a dollar spent here turns over seven times in a community, then Mayor Ringer contributed $35,000 to the city of Taylor. Yes, politicians are politicians. We voters and taxpayers will not forget what the mayor does with our tax dollars. JIM G ON Colleg ion College Station should have funded clinic I'm writing this letter with re- gard to the sad decision of the Col- lege Station City Council not to fund the prenatal clinic. I feel the need to express the ut- ter chagrin, shame and dis- appointment I have felt toward my elected officials in this matter. This is a rare feeling for me (after 30 years of working with and observing our councils in ac- tion), and the sadness and dis- appointment is even greater when such a viable, successful, largely volunteer, money- saving service was not given the financial sup- port it so truly needs and deserves from College Station, of all places. MARGE ZWOLINSKI College Station Tuesday, November 24, 1992 The Eagle 0 r - Wednesday, November 25, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by W.D. Fitch for an 0.43 triangular strip of land located adjacent and to the east of lot 7 of Southwood Forest Phase IV with fron- tage along Rio Grande Boulevard, from R -1 Single Family Residential to R -4 Low Density Apartments. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, December 10, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -298 For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 11 -25 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by Audio Video for lot 12, block T of the Uni- versity Park III Subdivision located on the northwest corner of Spring Loop and University Drive from A -P Administrative Professional to C -B Business Commer- cial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, December 10, 1992. Any request for sign irtere- pretive services for the hear- ing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. 125 Legal Notices To make 64 -3547 coIr (409) i (TDD)1 -800 735 -2989. For additional information, I please contact me at (409)76 -3570 Jane Kee Senior Planner 11 -25 -92 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that taoriginal for the rs m ESTATE OF JACK LEE BROWN, SR., DECEASED, were issued on November 11, 1992, in Cause No 8785, pending in the County Court at Law No. 1, Brazos County, Texas, to STELLA M. BROWN, Execu- trix of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, where the residence of the Adminstrator is in Bra- zos County, Texas, and the post office address is: III c/o Mr. Travis B. Bryan, YDUNGKIN, CATLIN, BRYAN & STACY P.O. Box 4629 Bryan, Texas 77805 Any persons having claims against the Estate which is currently being administered, are requested to present them within the time and by the manner prescribed law. DATED the 20th day of Noverr, lber, 1992- YOUNGKIN, CATLIN, BRYAN & STACY B /s/Travis B. Bryan, III ATTORNEYS FOR TH BROWN, SR, DECEASED 11 -25 -92 The College Station public Council will hold a hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons within the City of COI' h legs Station. The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources Co., Ft. Worth, Texas. The proposed Drilling Site is located generally outside and south of College Station City limits, easterly about 1.5 miles from S.H. 6, east of the Texas World Speedway; and, north of Peach Creek Cutoff Road, about 1.2 miles in the S.D. Survey on land owned by Brazos Coal, Ltd. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, December 10, 1992. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -29 Additional information is avai. labe in the Developmen Services Office in City Hall a 1101 Texas Avenue or cal (409)764 -3570. 11 -25.92 • In Town &Texas Offices, schools closed for Thanksgiving holiday • City offices in Bryan and College Station will be closed today and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. Bryan city workers will run the usual Friday garbage collection route Friday. College Station workers will run today's route on Saturday. Bryan and College Station schools and school district offices will be closed today and Friday. All local banks will be closed today, but will be reopen Friday. All county offices will be closed to- day and Friday. Thursday, November 26, 1992 The Eagle Street crews ready for no slip -ups in cold weather By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer r A certain song speaks of the splendor of walking in a winter wonderland, but there are no songs describing the pleasures of driving in winter. Hence, the people with the job; €, � Nn of making sure roads are passable are getting ready for inclement v weather. College Station city crews spent 3 x part of Wednesday afternoon put-I t :i ting a spreader on one of the city's dump trucks, said Billy Watson, the city's street foreman. The truck was loaded with "ice x chips," which are BB -sized pellets of limestone, Watson said. Once spread, the limestone helps give friction on ice. The city has about 350 tons of chips on hand. The city will also buy UPM an Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks College Station Public Service Dept. employees, from left, Miguel pare signs to warn travelers and fit a sand truck with a spreader to Please see WINTER, page A3 Puente, Mike Maddox and Edmond Sikorski on Wednesday pre- sand bridges in College Station. Bryan - College Station Eagle Thursday, Novem 26, 1992 Page A3 From page one Winter From Al asphalt -like substance, when the asphalt plants begin producing some for the winter, Watson said. Companies don't produce the substance until the cold weather starts, Watson explained. The cold -mix — as opposed to hot -mix, which is used to fix potholes — is spread by shovel. The mix easily sticks to ice and water, Watson said. College Station workers will know exactly where to go when the word is given to treat the roads. "We treat the area around Hu- mana Hospital first," Watson Winter weather precautions Local residents should take proper precautions to deal with the cold weather expected over the next few days. Temperatures in the area are expected to be below freezing to- night, Friday and Saturday nights. Shelter should be provided for livestock and outside pets. Ex- posed outdoor water pipes should be wrapped and plants should be moved indoors. said. "Then we do the area in front of the Police Department and then the areas in front of the fire stations. If it's a work day, we'll do the parking lot at City Hall and the lot at the municipal service center." Along the way, major intersec- tions are also treated, he said. In comparison, Bryan takes a decidedly "low- tech" approach. "If there's ice, we'll spread sand from the back of trucks," said Howard Huggins, Bryan's direc- tor of transportation. Huggins said the small amount of ice and snow doesn't warrant spending a lot of money on special equipment. "I'm more concerned with the damage the rain has done to the streets, not what ice might do," he said. The city does have three pieces of machinery that could move snow in a pinch, Huggins said. "And we've bought chains for all the trucks, so that they can get around," he said. The weekend forecast calls for cold — but dry — weather. - - o I - - - -- The City of Coffede Station cordia.CCy invites you to its Annual en House & Christmas Fudvaf 1 A toffection of Memories Thursday, December 3, 1992 College Station Conference Center 3 -7 p.m. Come and Go 1300 George Bush Drive exhibits, hors d'oeuvres, entertainment ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE COME ENJOY THE COMPANY OF FRIENDS _ AND A COLLECTION OF MEMORIES Emcee ...................... ............................... Jeff Braun, KBTX -TV 3 3 ............... ...........................Kyle Hulton, Singer /Songwriter 4:00 ............ ............................... Violin Students of Diana Burke 4:40 ........... ...................... Southwood Valley Elementary Choir 5:40 ...... ............................... .....................Cornerstone Singers, First Baptist Church, College Station 6 .............. ............................... South Knoll Elementary Choir 6:40 ................... ........................College Hills Elementary Choir Piano music will be provided between each performance by Linda Miller, Music Teacher at Oakwood Middle School. Displays by individuals of all ages sharing a variety of personal collectibles and memorabilia. *Bonnie Stark of Stark Photography will create a special Christmas setting and take family photos. *Children's books will be sponsored by the Brazos Valley Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. �# Face painting by Carolyn Marsh. *Display of artwork provided by students in the College Station Independent School District. For your parking convenience, from 3-7 p.m. a city van will Santa Claus will be taking special requests. shuttle every 20 minutes between the City Hall parking lot at *Open to the public at no charge 1101 S. Texas Avenue and the Conference center. i c The City of College Station has an immediate opening for IRRIGATION SPECIALIST Salary range $16,452- 24,564. Parks and Recreation Department. Job Duties will include the repair, improvement, and monitoring of the city's systems for proper coverage and operation. Individual must possess good knowledge of both hydraulic and electric system operation and repair, as well as a good knowledge of major manufacturer's products. This position requires either a Licensed Installer or Irrigator designation from the Texas Board of Irrigators. At least two years experience in system troubleshooting and repair are desired. Some knowledge of general water requirements of turf and plant material will be beneficial. Deadline for application is Wednesday December 18, 1992 at 5:00 P.M. Send resume to: City of College Station Personnel office 1101 S. Texas Ave., College Station, TX Equal Opportunity E Sunday, November 29, 1992 The Eagle 4 • Monday, November 30, 1992 The Eagle The Cities of Bryan and Col- lege Station, Texas, have prepared for public notifica- tion the Proposed 1993 An- nual Review of the Bryan - College Station Consolidated Comprehensive Housing At- fordabiltiy Strategy (CHAS) as required by federal regula- tion. Copies of the CHAS are available at the City of Bryan Municipal Building, and the City of College Station Muni- cipal Building Monday through Friday during normal working hours. proposed The purpose of the p ro p CHAS is to identify housing needs of low income resi- dents, assess market condi- tions, and to determine priori- ties and strategies that will be utilized within the B -CS community to address affor- 1 2 5 Legal Notices dable housing needs. The II proposed strategies to be implemented during the 1993 fiscal year include: 1. Preserve and maintain the existing housing stock. 2. Continue to provide rental assistance. 3. Expand homeownership programs. 4. Provide educational and supportive services to ren- ters, homeowners, and homebuyers. 5. Increase Public /Private Partnerships to better pro- vide affordable housing. The CHAS address the hous- ing needs of low- income ren- ters, homeowners, and homebuyers, and proposes the following activities that would be available on a city- wide basis; rehabilitation, new construction, rental as- sistance, and supportive housing services. The Cities have also pre- pared the FY 1992 Annual Performance Report (APR) which details the accom- plishments achieved in the area of Affordable Housing within the jurisdiction during the period of 10 -1 -91 through 9- 30 -92. Copies of the APR are available at the City of Bryan Municipal Building and the City of College Station Municipal Building Monday through Friday during normal working hours. 11 -30 -92 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) MINIMUM 1250 GPM COMMERCIAL PUMPER BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12/22/92 BID #93-15 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI - lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11-30-92,12- is A crowd gathers around a bonfire at College Station's Central Park after the Christmas lights were turned on Tuesday night. is 0 Wednesday, December 2, 1992 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 'he College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Charles K. Piper, J 5 & r. of the following property: Lot 6 Block 4 it the Ander- son Ridge Phase IV Subdiv- sion, zoned General Com- mercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, December 17, 1992. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD)1.800- 735 -29 For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 12 -02 -92 erty: I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the questing of rezoning the fol- lowing property: Lots 14C and 14D Block 18B Treehouse Place Addition i subdivision, located along the south side of Sara Drive between Longmire and Texas Avenue, from A -P Administrative Professional to R -5 Apartment/Medium Density. Owner of the prop- erty is First American Bank. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, December 17, 1992. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764.3570. Jane R. Kee Senior Planner The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap Park- ing Spaces are available. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TD D)1 -800- Relay -Tx. 12 -02 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust - ment and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Pebble Creek Development Com- pany of the following prop- Christmas in the Park Recent Eagle editorials warrant commendation Two recent editorials by the Eagle staff warrant commenda- tion. The first was the editorial concerning the purchase of prop- erty for the Wolf Pen Creek project. The defeat of the bond election for Phase II should have sent a clear message to the city council that the voters of College Station do not want any more funds spent on this project. If the council members voting for this new purchase are so stu- pid that they do not understand the desires of the people, they should not be in office. On the other hand, if they are so arrogant that the desires of the people mean nothing to them, then they should not be in office. The voters should remember this at the next election. The other editorial concerned the cries of "foul" by Rep. Ron Wilson. Insofar as it went, the edi- torial was well thought out. It did, however, overlook the climate in which we now live. That climate is much like the McCarthy era wherein accusation is conviction, be it sexism, racism or dealing with homosexual issues. I submit that Rep. Wilson was Wednesday, December 2, 1992 The Eagle due no apology by President Mo- bley, and that he started this whole chain of events simply for his own exposure in the media. If he is to continue in politics, he had better become accustomed to being lampooned. The old cliche applies: If it is too hot in the kitchen, get out. 125 Legal Notices hold a public hearing in the question of granting a Condi- tional Use Permit for a Night- club to be located in an exist- ing building at 1912 Texas Avenue (former car dealer- ship at Texas & Holleman). Owner of the property is Jim Hughes/T.A.C. Realty. Appli- cant is Charles K. Piper, Jr. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, December 17, 1992. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Planning Assistant The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap Park- ing Spaces are available. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 7 6 4 - 3 5 4 7 o r (TDD)1- 800 - Relay -Tx. 12 -02 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the question of granting a Condi- tional Use Permit for an ex- pansion to the existing First Baptist Church of College Station which is located at 2300 Welsh. Applicant is Jef- frey T. Milburn for the owner, First Baptist Church. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, December 17, 1992. For additional information, Please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. I Sabine Kuenzel Planning Assistant The building is wheelchairs accessible. Handicap Park- ing Spaces are available. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 7 6 4 - 3 5 4 7 o r (TDD)1- 800 - Relay -Tx. 12 -02 -92 JACK ROSE College Station NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will II • • 125 L egal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: EIGHT (8) POLICE RADAR UNITS BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12,22,92 BID #93 -16 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77,840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of COI - lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 12- 04- 92,12 -11 -92 College Station Mayor Larry Ringer asked that the federal government not make new rules unless the federal government intends to fund them. "It's for folks in Washington and Aus- tin to make rules when we have to take the heat," he said. "We just raised our so- lid waste rates by over 50 percent, and almost all of it was to meet new federal guidelines." Fields said that he would hold town meetings in Brazos County as soon as possible, maybe in late January. Fields' name has surfaced in published reports as a possible candidate for U.S. Senate should U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen be appointed to a Cabinet position by Presi- dent -elect Bill Clinton. Fields said that, for now, he is happy where he is. "I'm enjoying Brazos County," Fields said. "The people have made me feel like a native. I'm looking forward to repre. senting the area." Friday, December 4, 1992 The Eagle Fields says he's learning on the job Local leaders ask for more funding and less meddling By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer U.S. Rep. Jack Fields said he is still learning and asked local leaders to help him focus on his job and be effective. Fields, R- Humble, begins representing Washington County and most of Brazos County in January. He met with Brazos County leaders Thursday at the Brazos Center. "There is no manual on how to be a good congressman," Fields said. "I try to meet people and learn. Fields said that the committees he serves on should provide a good fit for the interests of the community. Fields serves on the energy and commerce committee and is the ranking Re- publican on the tele- communications sub- committee. Telecom- munications is impor- tant whenever you talk about technology, he said, and technology is always important to FIELDS Texas A &M. Fields also serves on the health and ha- zardous waste and the energy and power - subcommittees of the energy and com- merce committee. He is the top Republi- can on the merchant marine and fish- , eries committee, which deals with en- dangered species. Brazos County Judge R.J. "Dick" ' - f. Holmgreen wanted to know what Fields could do to improve the highways in the area. , "A lot of times we lose an economic de velopment opportunity because of our poor highway system," Holmgreen said. Fields asked for a copy of whatever plans had been devised for the area and said he would see what he could do. One person in the audience asked that the federal government simply leave the people of Brazos County alone, thus keep- ing taxes down. Fields said he votes against most ap- propriations bills, but once the bills pass, he thinks it's his job to get some of the money for the people of Texas. "You'd be a fool not to try to bring some of the money back home," he said. • (114 � The City of College Station is currently seeking: T.C.L.E.O.S.E. Licensed Peace Officers and Non - Licensed Peace offi cers Duties include regular patrol duties in a community 55,000 residents. Shift work re- quired. The employee will be responsible for the enforcement of civil, criminal and traffic laws. Requirements: Nigh school diploma or GED, ability to relate well to the public, good written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to polygraph complete physical, psychological, and examinations. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and possess a valid Driver's License. Entry level test will be held on Saturday, January 9, 1993. Applications must be received before Friday, December 11, 1992. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Dept. 1101 Texas Avenue 77840 College Station, TX EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The City of College Station C of has an immediate opening for IRRIGATION SPECIALIST Salary range $16,452- 24,5 Parks and Recreation Department. Job Duties will include the repair, improvement, and monitoring of the city's systems for proper coverage and operation. Individual must possess good knowledge of both hydraulic and electric system operation and repair, as well as a good knowledge of major manufacturer's products. This position requires either a Licensed Installer or Irrigator designation from the Texas Board of Irrigators. At least two years experience in system troubleshooting and repair are desired. Some knowledge of general water requirements of turf and plant material will be beneficial. Deadline for application is Wednesday December 18, 1992 at 5.00 P.M. Send resume to: City of College Station Personnel office 11 o1 S. Texas Ave., College Station, TX Sunday, December 6, 1992 The Eagle C The City of College Station , is accepting applications for RECYCLING COORDINATOR in the Public Services Department. Duties include ad- ministering current curbside recycling collection pro - gram, and developing recycling collections for multi- family and large commercial locations. Qualified appli- cants should have 2 years experience, a Bachelors degree with business, public administration or mana &e - ment emphasis, and the ability to obtain Class B Certifi- cation in Solid Waste Technical Program. Salary:$1960-$29 Deadline to apply: S p.m. Monday, January 25, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Ave. S. College Station, TX 77842 -0960 Equal oppor NM� The City of College Station is accepting applications for 6044 Sanitation Inspector In the Public Services Department Duties include enforcing codes and ordinances pertaining to proper handling of municipal solid waste. Qualified applicants should possess an Asso- ciate degree in relatingfield or combined of equiva- lent training and experience and ability to obtain Class C Certification In the Solid WasteTechnician Program. Deadline for application is Friday December 18, 1992 at 5:00 p.m. Salary $1,752 - $2,650 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department P.O. Box 9960 1101 S. Texas Ave., College Station, TX 77842 Equal Opportunity Employer • CS growth has space tight College Station's growth over the past few years is putting a crimp on space at the city's facilities, so College Station City Council members will develop consider hiring a company a long -range plan for city facilities. City staffers are recommending that the city hire HKS Inc. to develop the plan. The plan would analyze the im- mediate, five -year, and 10 -year space requirements for the services housed in the College Station City Hall. If hired, the company would make a r ecommendation on whether the city should: ■Move the city hall complex to an- other part of the city. ■Move some of the city's services. ■ Or keep the complex as it is. The estimated cost of the study is $38,000. The council will discuss hiring the company at Wednesday's workshop meeting, which will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday's regular council meeting begins at 7 P.M. Both meetings will be held in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Parks and Recreation Board will hold a public hearing to con- sider site development of Oaks Park. This park is lo- cated at the corner of Stall- ings Drive and Harvey Road (Highway 30). The proposed project will be located in a floodplain area and will have certain enviromental impacts on that area Features proposed for de- velopment include a pond, fishing pier, volleyball court, playground with handicap accessibility /usability, walk- ing trails, lighting, picnic units, signage and landscap- ing. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday. December 8, 1992 during the regular meeting of the College Station Parks and Recreation Board. The meeting will con- vene at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue. The meeting is open to the public, and comments from the public are invited. Or in- terested persons may re- spond to the Oaks Park project proposal by writing to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842.0960. For additional information on the meeting, call the office of the Staff Assistant at 409 - 764.3414. For more in- formation on the enviromen. tal assessment or to review related maps and plans please contact Peter B. Vanecek, College Station Parks and Recreation De- partment at 409 - 764 -3412. 12 -06 -92 Sunday, December 6, 1992 The Eagle • 0 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) MINIMUM 1250 GPM COMMERCIAL PUMPER BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 12/22/92 BID #93-15 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 11- 30-92, 12 -07 -92 Monday, December 7, 1992 The Eagle CS City Council meni to consider hiring adviser By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer College Station City Council members will consider hiring a consultant to ad- vise them on the city's facility needs, in- cluding whether to move City Hall. The consultant would advise the city on the immediate, short -range and long - range future of City Hall. Staff members are recommending that HKS Inc. of Dal- las be hired to evaluate the city's choices. Linda Piwonka, the city's executive di- rector of management services, told the council at Wednesday's workshop that the current City Hall complex, including the Central Fire Station and the Commu- nity Development Department, has 130 employees. The complex has 130 parking spaces, causing a squeeze for the city's customers. City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S., is no longer in a central part of the city, Piw- onka said, and the planned widening of Texas Avenue will affect the utility de- partment's drive -in window. A 1989 study indicated that some city A 1989 study indicated that some city services would need to be moved from City Hall by 1993. services would need to be moved from City Hall by 1993, she said. The question is whether the city would better spend its money expanding the current site, mov- ing completely or move some depart- ments. The north end of the main City Hall complex is designed to have two more floors stacked on top, for a total of four floors. Piwonka said the expansion — just the outside walls — would cost about $1.2 million, and there would still be a parking problem. The council's meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. at City Hall. An executive session of the council will be held at 6:30 p.m. - thursday, December 10, 1992 The Eagle CS city council decides to do without consultant Staff will make recommendations after initiative's failure By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer The College Station City Council on Thursday rejected a proposal to hire a Dallas consultant to assess the city's space needs for the City Hall complex. At Wednesday's council workshop, the consensus seemed to be for hiring HKS Inc. of Dallas to evaluate the city's choices. But Thursday, on a 4 -3 vote, the council decided not to spend the $38,000. "I couldn't believe it," said College Sta- tion Mayor Larry Ringer Friday. "I knew [Councilman] Hubbard [ Kennady] op- posed it, but the surprise was when Jim [Gardner] and Vernon [Schneider] voted no." Neither Gardner nor Schneider could be reached for comment Friday. Kennady was not at Wednesday's workshop, but sent a letter saying the study should be done by the city staff. Councilman Fred Brown joined Ken - nady, Schneider and Gardner in voting against hiring a consultant. Ringer and Councilwomen Nancy Crouch and Lynn McIlhaney voted for the consultant. The city's staff is certainly talented enough to do the study, Ringer said, but they don't have the time. "I don't think they can be objective," I don t think [city staff] can be objective. They'll have built -in biases." LARRY RINGER College Station mayor he said. "They'll have built -in biases." Ringer said he is planning a council re- treat to discuss the staff s workload. Traffic in areas of City Hall with a lot of customers, like the utility billing de- partment, is getting to the point where city employees are getting in each other's way, Ringer said. The parking at the complex, 1101 Texas Ave. S., is barely suf- ficient for city employees, much less cus- tomers, he said. City staffers will now make a recom- mendation on the future of the City Hall complex. The city has three choices: move City Hall, add on to the present complex or move some of the city's de- partments to another location. Kennady could not be reached for comment on Friday. Saturday, December 12, 1992 The Eagle • Friday, December 18, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Park Side- walks, Crosswalks, Light Pole Foundations and Con- duit, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, including site work, concrete side- walks, handicap ramps, crosswalks, light pole foun- dation, conduit, barricades & traffic control. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., January 5, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud imme- diately after specifed closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the InstrucV6n.to Bidders. The City 'bf College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and td reject any or all bids. ! 12 -17- 92,12 48 - 9 9 + 12 -20- 92,12 -2 -9 125 Lega Notices LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1992 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON DECEMBER 10, 1992 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in reguglar session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art 6252 -17. Said Ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING AN 0.43 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A PART OF THAT TRACT CONVEYED TO W.D. FITCH BY DEED RECORDED IN 125 Legal Notices VOLUME 1040, PAGE 240 OF THE OFFICAL RE- CORDS OF, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM R -1 SINGLF�FAMILY RESI- DENTAL Q4 _R -4 LOW DENSLTY APARTFAENTS. Any person who vio ates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not more than two hundred dol- lars (5200.00)'. Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall consitute a separate offense. Ordinance. No. 1992 shall become effective and be in full fdree from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 12 -18- 92,12.19 -92 is C� • Wednesday, December 23, The Eagle New study to study studies of LoTrak By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer A combination of state and fed- eral money may be used for a study of all the previous studies done on the Wellborn Road trans- portation corridor. "Four or five studies have been done over the years," said Delton Kitrell, assistant district engineer for the Bryan district of the Texas DOT, "but they've never been tied together. It will probably be done by an independent consultant that has not been involved in the project before." The Federal Highway Adminis- tration has said that it will pick up part of the cost of the new study, Kittrell said, with the state paying for the remainder. It will be relatively easy to up- date the old studies, Kittrell said, by plugging in the latest traffic and growth figures. The effect the Bush Presidential Library, on George Bush Drive between Wellborn and FM 2818, will also have to be measured, he said. In 1990, a $40 million project, commonly referred to as LoTrak, was on the verge of being built, but College Station voters re- jected a bond proposal that would have put the city on the hook for $3 million in right-of-way pur- chases. The highway department is already considering ways to build a grade separation at Bush and Wellborn without building the entire project, Kittrell said. But the state obviously would like to 1992 avoid building something that may have to be destroyed later for another project, he said. The Bush grade- separation project is not funded, Kittrell said. Kittrell said the consultant will probably be hired after Jan. 1. But doing a study and getting a plan is not the same as getting it built, Kittrell warned. "Austin has said that it is a via- ble project, after we get all our ducks in a row," he said. "Then LoTrak From Al they'll fund it." But some questions remain. What the new study recommend? Will it favor relocating the tracks out of the corridor? Will it favor lowering the tracks in their pre- sent location? And who will pay for how much of the project? The city of Bryan has $2.9 mil- lion, approved by the voters in 1984, for a grade separation at Villa Maria and Wellborn roads. Texas A &M pledged $6.6 million to the project in 1990. The Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, the forer- unner of the Texas Department of Transportation, was ready with about $25 million. When College Station voters said that they wouldn't pay the $3 million, the cities, Texas A &M, the Bryan- College Station Cham- ber of Commerce and the Metro- politan Planning Organization began looking for a different way to get around the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks that divide A &M's West Campus from the main campus. • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Clarke & Wyndham Realty to the drainage ordinance al- lowing certain encroach ments into the floodway on part of lot 1 , block 1 of Sutton Place Subdivision; generally located on the southwest corner of Holleman and the East By Pass in the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, January 5, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 12 -23 -92 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by Charles K. Piper, Jr. to operate a nightclub on Wednesday, December 23, 1992 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices the northwest corner of Hol- leman and Texas Avenue. thee Council hearing held in Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, January 7, 1993. Any request for sign interpre tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409) 764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel I Staff Planner 12 -23 -9 • Cops' wish list for 1 More officers, less overcrowding By CHUCK SQUATRIGLIA Eagle staff writer The problems facing police stay the same from year to year; only the battle plan changes. Drugs, prison overcrowding and man- power shortages remain law enforce- ment's biggest problems, and local de- partments have several goals they hope to accomplish in 1993. "Our problems have not gone away and they have not changed," said Charles Phelps, Bryan police chief. "We have made some progress in drug enforce- ment. Our plans are to keep the pressure on. We can do very little in the way of prison overcrowding. But if we can get some help with that, some of our crime problems will go away." Maintaining the department's accredi- tation remains the top goal for Edgar Feldman, College Station police chief. The department was accredited in 1991 and must be reaccredited in 1994. To be sure that happens, the department must stay in compliance with 944 standards set by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies. The stand- ards cover everything from officer ap- pearance to training and procedural polices to budgetary and financial mat- ters. Accreditation requires the department to keep up with the latest developments in all areas of law enforcement and in- fluences other gods in the department, Feldman said. "Working toward reaccreditation real- ly effects everything we do," Feldman said. "It makes you strive to reach those other goals. The bottom line is it helps us strive for professionalism." Although major crime continues to de- PHELPS cline, police grow busier each year. Calls have increased about 10 percent per year for the past three or four years, police re- port. "We've got to have some additional help," Phelps said. "Our calls for service are going up. We need to put more offi- cers on the street to prevent crime." Phelps plans to add five patrol officers in the next few months. Overall, he'd like to add 20 new officers in the next few years. "We're working toward that long -term goal," he said. "You've got to take a few at a time and work toward that goal." Bryan has about 1.5 officers for every FELDMAN 1,000 citizens. Ideally, a city like Bryan should have about two officers for every 1,000 citizens, Phelps said. College Station police hope to have seven more of Icers by the end of 1994. They added two in 1992 and will add more in 1993, Feldman said. Feldman said he wants to implement an "overhire" program where the de- partment always has three more officers than needed. Overhiring would soften the blow of attrition, through which the de- partment loses between seven and nine officers annually. A new computer system, the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System, will make it easier for local police to fight crime. The Texas Department of Public Safety has chosen Bryan as one of a hand- ful of cities to receive one of the com- puters, Phelps said. It should be installed by Aug. 30. The system, which will be available to local law enforcement agencies, stores thousands of fingerprints in its memory. Police can enter a print into the system, which will match them to a list of possi- ble suspects. In the past, detectives had to examine scores of suspect cards to match prints to a suspect. The computer will save time and money and should increase the number of cases that are solved. Both departments will continue to wage their war on drugs. Bryan's Street Crime Apprehension Team has elim- inated 12 of the city's 21 "hardcore" drug dealing areas and will continue working on the remaining nine. They also have a list of 15 suspected crack houses they want to see razed. "We know we'll never completely elim- inate drugs, but it's not nearly so blatant as it used to be," Phelps said. Phelps said the department has drafted a "solicitation ordinance" that would make it illegal for a person to ask another person to buy drugs for him. The de- partment has submitted the proposal to the city attorney and hopes to see it passed in 1993. College Station police hope to expand their Drug Abuse Resistance Education program into the city's junior high schools, Feldman said. He also said he'd like to have an officer teach criminal jus- tice at A &M Consolidated High School. "That's been a personal goal of mine for several years and we're getting closer," he said. The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydrocar- bons within the City of Col- lege Station. The applicant is Sage Energy Company, San Antonio, Texas. The proposed Drilling Site is located inside the City limits of College Station, approxi- mately 1000 feet south of Krenek Tap Road and ap- proximately 1750 feet west of S.H.6 (East Bypass), west of Central Park. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, January 14, 1992. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Service Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 12 -30 -92 Wednesday, December 30, 1992 The Eagle 40 • r� �J • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTIN BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MODULAR WORKST� TIONS WITH PANELS TWO (2) EACH BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/05/93 BID #93-18 The Request for bids will b received in the office of th Purchasing Agent at Cit Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texa 77840, until the time and dat specified above. SpecificE tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received afte that time will be returner unopened. The City of Col lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject an and all bids or any and all it regularities in said bid and tr accept the offer considere most advantageous to thg City. 12 -24- 92,12 -31 -92 January, 1993 The Eagle THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TRENCHER WITH BACK - HOEATTACHMENT BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/12/93 BID #93 -07 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 12-31-92,01-08-93 NOTICE TO BIDDERS to Sealed Proposals addressed the City of College Station, Texas, for the construction and maintenance, including the supply of necessary labor and equipment of 12.5 kV electric distribution line facili- ties, will be received at the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent, City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960, College Station Texas, 77842 until 2:00 p.m. , on the 12th day of January, 1993 for the following project: Electric Distribution System Line Extension & Maintenance Contract (Labor Only) for 1993. - Bid 93 -02 all as more fully described in the Specifications. Bids received by 2:00 p.m. on January 12, 1993 will be pu- blicly opened and read in the Council Chambers of City Hall, College Station, Texas, at 2:00 p.m. on the same date. Bids received after 2:00 p.m. on January 12, 1993, will be returned unopened to the sender. Each proposal must be in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder and the YELLOW label provided with this bid package. Plans and Specifications for this project may be obtained from the Engineer, McCord Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 10047, 7607 Eastmark Drive, Suite 102, College Station, Texas 77840 (Phone: 409/764 -8356) upon pay- ment of S25.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to refund. Bids will be evaluated by the City based on the qualifica- tions and experience of the Bidder, as well as the price offered. The City reserves the right to accept the propo. sal that best suits its needs whether or not the price is lowest and also reserves the right to reject all bids or waive informalities. Award of the Contract to the successul bidder will be made at a subsequent meet. ing of the City Council of Col - ege Station. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 01-04-93.01-11-93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: RADIO PAGING SYSTEM BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/05/93 BID #93 -19 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 12 -28- 92,01 -04 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CONSULTANT TO DE- VELOP AND COMPLETE AN INDIRECT COST AL- LOCATION STUDY 01/29/93 RFP, #93 -20 The Request for proposals will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1 101 T Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 12 -31- 92,01 -08 -93 THt GI r Y OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: MODULAR WORKSTA- TIONS WITH PANELS - TWO (2) EACH BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/05/93 BID #93 -18 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 12 -24- 92,12 -31 -92 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Fhe College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will sold a public hearing to con - 5ider a conditional use permit , equest by Maxine L. Stiles, DVM to operate a veterinary iospital at 123 Millers Lane; ots 4A and 4D of the Lake- view Acres subdivision. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, January 21, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive service for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call D (TDD) 764 -3547 or 1- 800 - 735 -298 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -35 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner n� -ne -A3 Wednesday, January 6, 1993 The Eagle PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by George Sop a kis to operate a tutoring insti- tution at 301 -D Patricia in the Northgate zoning district. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, January 21, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive service for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -29 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -06 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by the Aggie Sigma Chi House Corporation to operate a fraternity house on lot 2 of block 70 in the Frater- nity Row Addition. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, January 21, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive service for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -29 For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3 Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -06 -93 1 25 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Doug Stovall to the front setback requirements to al- low an addition of the existing house at 1105 Taurus Circle. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, January 19, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive service for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call D D ) 76 -3547 or 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01.06 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ments and Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider a variance request by Brazos Valley Lumber for the follow- ing property: Lot 8, Block 22 in the South- wood Valley Section 4B Subdivision, zoned C -1 Commercial The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Thursday, January 21, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764.3547 or (TDD) 1.800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -37 Susan Cole Building Technician 01.06 -93 • 0 thursday, January 7, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Doucet & Associates, Inc. for nine tracts totalling 38.23 acres located on the sou- thwest corner of the FM 2818 extension and the East By Pass, from R -1 Single Family Residential to C -1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday. January 21, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive service for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1 -800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at 125 Legal Notices CITATION THE STATE OFTEXAS NOTICE TO THE DEFEW DANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or you at- torney do not file a written answer with the clerk who Issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expire - tlon of twenty days after u were served this cite - C yyo n and petition, a default judgment may be taken ,against you." To Unknown Heirs of Sylves- ter Steen, Whose Residen- ces Are Unknown, Or If They Be Deceased, Their Heirs and Legal Representatives, Whose Names and Places Or Residence Are Unknown Defendant, Greeting: You are hereby comman- ded to appear by filing a writ- ten answer to the Plaintiff's Citation By Publication Peti- tion at or before ten o'clock A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of twenty days after the date of service of this citation before the Hon. orable County Court of Bra- zos County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Bryan, Texas. Said Petition was filed on the 18th day of November A.D. 1992, in this case, numbered 319CC on the docket of said court, and styled, The City of College Station Plaintiff. VS. Billie Jean Smedley, Bertha Steen and The Other Unknown Heirs of Sylvester Steen De- fendant, The nature of ' Plaintiff's demand is fully shown by a true and correct copy of Plaintiff's Citation By Publica- tion Petititon accompanying this citation and made a part thereof. . The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same acco rding to require - 125 Le Notices ments of law, and the man- dates thereof, and make due return as the law directs. Issued and given under my h hand and seal of said Court and this the 11th day of December, 1992. MARY ANN WARD County Cler County, Texas By /s/Debbie Swick Deputy 12 -17- 92,12 -24 -92 12- 31-92,01 _07_93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: TRENCHER WITH BACK - HOEATTACHMENT BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/12/93 BIB 1193 -07 125 Lfe T Mt r 6s t`t� The Request for bid will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 12-31-92.01-08-93 Friday, January 8, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS OF FIRST CITY, TEXAS BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION, N.A. BRYAN,TEXAS On October 30, 1992, Firs City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A., Bryan, Texas was declared insolvent anc closed by the office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit In- surance Corporation was appointed Receiver. All deposit accounts of First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. were transferred to and will be serviced by New First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. At 3000 Briar - crest Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802. The New First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. will begin mak- ing payments on these de- posit accounts at the closed bank's office on November 2, 1992. Checks and drafts on First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. 'forms will be honored to the amount of your deposits in accordance with banking practices and you may con- tinue to use these forms to access your account. You may continue your deposit account with New First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. by routine transactions in- volving your account includ- ing, but not limited to, accep- ance of interest paid or cor- respondence and account in- formation from new First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. pertaining to your deposit account. If you do not ratify, claim or arrange to continue your deposit within eighteen (18) months after the date of closing i may become a creditor of the Receiver rather than insured depositor. In connection with the clos- ing, the Receiver has elected to disaffirm all deposit ag- greements. The New First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. has agreed to affirm all deposit agreements and to pay interest on inter- est- bearing deposit accounts 'from the closing date, at the interest specified in each de- posit agreement. All trans- ferred deposits are insured - by the FDIC up to S100,000.00. Withdrawals may be made by depositors without payment of a contrac- tual early withdrawal penalty, If you have any questions about your account, please contact the New First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. at the following address. New First City, Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A. 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802 12 -04-92 12-11-92,12-1 8- 92,12 -25 -92 01-01-93,01-08-93.01-15-93 01 - 22. 93,01 -29- 93,02.05 -93 02- 12- 93,02.19- 93,02 -26.93 1 0 c:>: y 14,n A/4 co ;3 THE OITY OF STATION IS REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CONSULTANT TO DE- VELOP AND COMPLETE AN INDIRECT COST AL- LOCATION STUDY 01 /29/93 RFP, #93 -20 The Request for proposals will be received in the office I of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All propo- sals received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 01 -04- 93,01 -11 -93 Monday, January 11, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals addressec to the City of College Station, Texas, for the construction and maintenance, including the supply of necessary labor and equipment of 12.5 kV electric distribution line facili- ties, will be received at the of- fice of the Purchasing Agent, City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas, 77842 until 2:00 p.m . on the 12th day of January, 1993 for the following project: Electric Distribution System Line Extension & Maintenance Contract (Labor Only) for 1993. - Bid 93 -02 all as more fully described in the Specifications. Bids received by 2:00 p.m. on January 12, 1993 will be pu- blicly opened and read in the Council Chambers of City Hall, College Station, Texas, at 2:00 p.m. on the same date. Bids received after 2:00 p.m. on January 12, 1993, will be returned unopened to the sender. Each proposal must be in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder and the YELLOW label provided with this bid package. Plans and Specifications for this project may be obtained from the Engineer, McCord Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 10047, 7607 Eastmark Drive, Suite 102, College Station, Texas 77840 (Phone: 409/764 -8356) upon pay- ment of $25.00 per set, which payment will not be subject to I refund. Bids will be evaluated by the City based on the qualifica- tions and experience of the Bidder, as well as the price offered. The City reserves the right to accept the propo- sal that best suits its needs whether or not the price is lowest and also reserves the right to reject all bids or waive informalities. Award of the Contract to the successul bidder will be made at a subsequent meet- ing of the City Council of Col- lege Station. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Virginia Kettler Purchasing Agent 01- 04- 93,01 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust - ment and Appeals has res- cheduled the public hearing to consider a variance request by Kovak and Com- pany for the following prop- erty: Lot 10, Block B in the East - mark Subdivision, zoned C -1 Commercial The hearing will be held in the Conference Room B in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, January 12, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764-3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 01 -11 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Con- struction Board of Adjust- ment and Appeals has res- cheduled the public hearing to consider a variance request by Brazos Valley Lumber for the following property: Lot 8, Block 22 in the South- wood Valley Section 46 Subdivision, zoned C -1 Commercial The hearing will be held in the Conference Room B in the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 4:00 P.m. meeting of the Board on Tuesday, January 12, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, Please contact me at (409) 764 -3741. Susan Cole Building Technician 01 -11 -93 91 'City c ls C to'ho"fd joint meeting Wednesday The Bryan and College Station city councils will meet in joint session Wed- nesday to discuss the future of the Brazos Valley Solid Waste management Agency. The councils will meet separately after the joint meeting. The schedule for the three meetings is as follows: ■ 4 p.m. Members of the Bryan and Col- lege Station city councils will discuss the future of the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency. The agency and the agency's landfill on Rock Prairie Road are co -owned by the cities of College Station and Bryan. Camp Dresser and McKee, the agency's consultant on the landfill, will present a long -range plan for the landfill's opera- tion. The plan will make recom- mendations in the areas of recycling, composting, site development and op- tions for garbage -to -fuel technology. The joint meeting will be at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave.S. ■ 5:30 p.m. Members of the College Sta- tion City Council will hear a presentation on a recommendation that the city out- law left turns at the intersection of Do- minik Street and Texas Avenue. Development council to hold public hearing The Brazos Valley Development Council will conduct a public hearing on the Regional Solid Waste Manage- ment Plan at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Brazos Center. The plan provides an overview of so- lid waste management activities. It was developed with the assistance of the council, the Regional Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee and the consulting firm of Camp Dresser & McKee. A copy of the plan is available for review at the BVDC offices, 3006 E. 29th St. in Bryan, between 8 a.m. and noon and 1 -5 p.m. An overview of the plan will be pro- vided at the hearing, which will also include a question and answer session and public testimony. Upon approval by the BVDC Board of Directors, the plan will be submit- ted to the Texas Water Commission for adoption. Council members will consider the recommendation at Thursday's 7 p.m. regular meeting. Left turns from Dominik onto Texas and from Texas on to Dominik must cross three lanes of traffic. Dominik is lo- cated about 240 feet south of one of the city's busiest intersections — George Bush Drive and Texas Avenue — with traffic often geueing up and blocking Dominik. Police reports show that between April 1991 and October 1992, about 35 traffic ac- cidents occurred on Texas within 150 feet of the intersection. In a letter sent to merchants on Do- minik, Edwin Hard, College Station's transportation planner, said that Texas Avenue carries 50,000 cars every day at Dominik. One percent of those cars turns on to Dominik, he said. "Prohibiting lefts on to Dominik from Texas Ave. will have an impact to the businesses along Dominik," the letter states. "Traffic from left turns off Texas accounts for from 20 to 50 percent of a business' total patronage, depending on the business." Hard expects the Texas -Bush intersec- tion to pick up the majority of the re- routed traffic, with Kyle Street traffic in- creasing 10 percent. The College Station City Council will meet Wednesday at College Station City Hall. ■ 6.30 p.m. Members of the Bryan City Council will hear appeals of two de- cisions of the city's building standards committee. The owners of houses at 225 Lynn Dr. and 1904 Beck St. are appealing the de- cision of the committee to have the build- ings torn down. A staff report to the committee said the properties were unsanitary and not fit for human habitation, could cause sickness and disease and were dangerous. The Bryan City Council will meet in the Bryan Municipal Building, 300 S. Texas Ave. • ROP0 SAL DESIGN OF A TWO BAY ALL SERVICE FIRE STATION, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS The City of College Station has established the need to build a two bay, approx. 3500 square foot Fire Station with fourteen (14) parking spaces and required landscaping. To insure the City selects the firm best qualified for the design project, firms submit- ting proposals should be prepared to answer a list of questions which are availa- ble in the office of the Direc- tor of Development Services. The answers to these ques- tions should be provided in the submitted proposals. The proposals should also con- tain a statement of the firms qualifications and a history of the projects completed that are of the same scope and nature as the proposed project. Enclosed is a notice that requests proposals be sub- mitted no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. This notice is being placed in a local newspaper so that all qualified design firms, wishing to do so, will have the opportunity to participate in the proposal process. A selection committee will re- view the proposal and rec- ommend that a contract be negotiated with the firm best qualified to perform this project. The City Council will receive this recommendation at their regular meeting on March 11, 1993. It is requested that your firm consider submitting a proposal for this project. Proposals shall be addres- sed to: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Development Services, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77840 no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. 01- 13- 93,01 -16 -93 01 -17- 93,01 -23- 93,01 -24 -93 Wednesday, January 13, 1993 The Eagle • • Thursday, January 14, 1993 The Eagle STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: UNIFORM MINIMUM RE- QUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES 02/02/93 V" RFP, #93 -21 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City 125 Legal Notices Hall,' 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 01-14- 93,01-21-93 • 11 F_ - I LJ "CS will get $300,000 loan ;,for affordable housing AUSTIN — Gov. Ann Richards has announced Thursday that College Sta- tion will receive a $300,000 loan to be used for affordable housing. The funds are part of $6.4 million awarded throughout the state for low - income citizens' housing. The Housing Trust Fund was estab- lished by the 72nd Legislature; fund- ing come from state appropriations and transfers from the mortgage re- venue bond program of the Depart- ment of Housing and Community Af- fairs. Friday, January 15, 1993 The Eagle • L J Saturday, January 16, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Park, Project No. PK9304, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, for installa- tion of iron fences. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m. February 1, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 01.16. 93,12 -1 - 9 3 01 -23- 93,01.2 — 1 u, iiqY 125 Legal Notices :he submitted proposals. The proposals should also con- tain a statement of the firms qualifications and a history of the projects completed that are of the same scope and nature as the proposed project. Enclosed is a notice that requests proposals be sub- mitted no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. This notice is being placed in a local newspaper so that all qualified design firms, wishing to do so, will have the opportunity to participate in the proposal process. A selection committee will re- view the proposal and rec- ommend that a contract be negotiated with the firm best qualified to perform this project. The City Council will receive this recommendation at their regular meeting on March 11, 1993. It is requested that your firm consider submitting a proposal for this project. Proposals shall be addres- sed to: Eirey B. Ash, Director of Development Services, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77840 no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. 01 -13- 93,01 -16 -93 01 -17- 93, 23 -93 01 -24 -93 • • REOUEST FOR PROPO- SAL DESIGN OF A TWO BAY ALL SERVICE FIRE STATION, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS The City of College Station has established the need to build a two bay, approx. 3500 square foot Fire Station with fourteen (14) parking spaces and required landscaping. To insure the City selects the firm best qualified for the design project, firms submit- ting proposals should be prepared to answer a list of questions which are availa- ble in the office of the Direc- tor of Development Services. The answers to these ques- tion sh uId be provided in Scz z, 5 01 t \ ,atnugN Us I`t`r3 Saturday, January 16, 1993 The Eagle L r • Sunday, January 17, 1993 The Eagle REQUEST FOR PROPO- SAL DESIGN OF A TWO BAY ALL SERVICE FIRE STATION, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS The City of College Station has established the need to build a two bay, approx. 3500 square foot Fire Station with fourteen (14) parking spaces and required landscaping. To insure the City selects the firm best qualified for the design project, firms submit- ting proposals should be prepared to answer a list of questions which are availa- ble in the office of the Direc- tor of Development Services. The answers to these ques- tions should be provided in the submitted proposals. The proposals should also can- iii nlcr jzHnu4�V t 0 • • Monday, January 18, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Taxes Avenue Waterline Relocation P►ojact #WT -1012 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Tues- day, February 2, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E., City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the con- struction of a 12" waterline (LINE 1) along Texas Avenue from the south ROW of the intersection of Walton Drive and Texas Avenue to point south of Dominik Street. There is approximat- ley 3020 LF of 12" PVC waterline including bores without encasement and with encasement, resilient seated gate valves fire hydrants, re- strained joint PVC waterline, and other appurtenances; and an 8" waterline (LINE 2) along the north ROW of Wal- ton Drive from Foster Street to Texas Avenue. There is approximately 225 LF of 8" PVC waterline including resi- lient seated gate valves, fire hydrant and other appurten- ances. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow was Associates, Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $40.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Mike Hester, Project Man- ager 7607 Eastmark, STE 250 College Station, Texas 77840 409- 693 -1100 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 01- 18.93,01 -20- 93,0 -24 -93 01.27- 93,01 -31 - 93 • J • 125 Leg al Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Texas Avenue Waterline Relocation Project #WT -1012 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Tues- day, February 2, after which time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E., City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the con- struction of a 12" waterline (LINE 1) along Texas Avenue from the south ROW of the intersection of Walton Drive and Texas Avenue to point south of Dominik Street. There is approximat- ley 3020 LF of 12" PVC waterline including bores without encasement and with encasement, resilient seated gate valves fire hydrants, re- strained joint PVC waterline, and other appurtenances; and an 8" waterline (LINE 2) along the north ROW of Wal- ton Drive from Foster Street to Texas Avenue. There is approximately 225 LF of 8" PVC waterline including resi- lient seated gate valves, fire hydrant and other appurten- ances. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- 125 Legal Notices chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest College Station, Texas Parkway, #208, College 77840 Station, Texas 77840 for 409.693 -1100 $40.00. Monday thru Friday from Questions regarding this 8;30 am to 5:00 pm. project should be directed to: Five (5) percent bid security Mike Hester, Project Man- is required. ager 101 -18. 93,01 -20- 93,0 -24 -93 7607 Eastmark, STE 250 01 -27- 93,01 -31 -93 Wednesday,January 20, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Kathleen S. Naylor for lot 7 and part of lot 6 of block 7 in the West Park Addition lo• cated on the southwest cor. ner of Wellborn Road and Grove Street, from R -1I Single Family Residential to A -P Administrative Profes- sional. 125 Legal N otices The hearing will be held it the Council Room of the Col. lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:OC p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre. tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 01 -20 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a rezoning request by Triple J. Properties Inc. for approximatley 11.48 acres of land located along the north side of Deacon Drive approx- imately 450' east of Wellborn Road, from R -5 Medium Density Apartments to R -1 Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 4,1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 01 -20 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance request by Floyd and Jo Manning to the rear setback require- ments at 307 Suffolk; lot 33 of block 5 in the South Oak- wood Subdivision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, February 2, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 110 1 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1.800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -20 -93 125 Le gal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider an amendment to Zon- ing Ordinance #1638 to change the parking require- ments for Veterinary Clinics. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800- 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01 -20 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider applying permanent zoning to approximately 20 tracts of land totalling 46.3 acres generally located along both sides of Graham Road, within the College Station city limits, from Schaffer Road west to Wellborn Road known as the University In- dustrial Park. The proposed zoning districts are M -1 I Planned Industrial and M -2 Heavy Industrial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 01 -20 -93 • • • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: UNIFORM MINIMUM RE- QUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES 02/02/93 R FP, #93 -21 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 01 -14- 93,01 -21 -93 Thursday, January 21, 1993 The Eagle • N LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1994 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JANUARY 14, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES BY ADDING A SECTION 30 PROHIBITING OFF- PREMISE COMMER- CIAL SIGNS AND PORTA- BLE SIGNS IN THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JUR- ISDICTION. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not more than two hundred dol- lars ($200.00). Each days such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 1994 shall become effective and be it full force and effect from anc after is passage and appro val by the City Council, and it accordance with the City Charter. The complete text o the above named ordinanc( is on file at the office of thi City Secretary and may bi obtained at City Hall, 110 South Texas Avenue, Col lege Station, Texas 77840. 01 -22- 93,01 -23 - LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1995 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JANUARY 14, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE REZONING TWO LOTS TOTALLING 0.49 ACRES SITUATED IN THE TREE - HOUSE PLACE SUBDIV- ISION, LOTS 14C AND 14D Friday, January 22, The Eagle 125 Legal Notices OF BLOCK 18B IN COL- LEGE STATION, CON- VEYED BY DEED AND RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 911, PAGE 543 OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY DEED RECORDS. FROM A -P ADMINISTRA- TIVE PROFESSIONAL TO R -5 MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMENTS. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not less than Twenty -five ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dol- lars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col - lege Station, Texas 77840. 01 -22- 93,01 -23 -93 1993 op • • Friday The Ea. Pound preps potbelly dig for adoption By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Particularly picky when it comes to pets? Perhaps a perky pig [potbelly, pardners!] will be pleasing. A stray potbelly pig will be put up for adoption today at the Bra- zos Animal Shelter. The pig, cap- tured in College Station by ani- mal control officers, has been at the shelter since Jan. 7. Kathy Bice, the shelter's direc- tor, said this is the third potbelly pig to visit the shelter in three years. Of those three, only one, Lucy, who visited last year, has been a licensed pet. The city of College Station al- lows potbelly pigs to be kept in the city limits if they have been licensed and vaccinated. The city of Bryan does not allow potbelly pigs in the city limits. Prowling porkers can be a small — and sometimes a large — prob- lem for the shelter and animal control officers. The animal shelter does not normally carry pig food, so Bice must arrange for the extra food when a pig comes to visit. Handling the animals can also be a problem, she said. The pigs have a tendency to throw their backs out when handled roughly, so the animal control officers must be careful, Bice said. Although the present penned pig seems to be a baby, the ani- mals can get to be over 100 pounds, making them tough to handle, she said. The animals tend to get rather loud when handled. "When we picked her up this morning, she oinked and went 'WEEEE WEEEE' so loud you could hear her all the way down the block," she said. When the pig arrived, it was M.B. "Rocky" Smith, College Station Animal control officer, shows off the potbelly pig found wandering in College Station on Jan. 7. The pig will be up for adoption today at the Brazos Animal Shelter. rather surly, Bice said, but daily talking and petting has made the pig more "social." "She likes to burrow under her blanket," Bice said, "and when the fan is on, she gets goose - bumps." The adoptive family can't live inside Bryan's city limits, Bice said, and they must be prepared for the problems of pig poop and have a large enough yard. The pig's price had not been set as of Wednesday. The price of all exotic animals, such as boa con- strictors or cockatoos or potbelly pigs, is set by an expert's opinion of the wholesale market price. "Our pig person hasn't come by yet," Bice said. C Eagle photo/ Bill Meeks • • REQUEST FOR PROPO- SAL DESIGN OF A TWO BAY ALL SERVICE FIRE STATION, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS The City of College Station has established the need to build a two bay, approx. 3500 square foot Fire Station with fourteen (14) parking spaces and required landscaping. To insure the City selects the firm best qualified for the design project, firms submit- ting proposals should be prepared to answer a list of questions which are availa- ble in the office of the Direc- tor of Development Services. The answers to these ques- tions should be provided in the submitted proposals. The proposals should also con- tain a statement of the firms qualifications and a history of the projects completed that are of the same scope and nature as the proposed project. Enclosed is a notice that requests proposals be sub- mitted no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. This notice is being placed in a local newspaper so that all qualified design firms, wishing to do so, will have the opportunity to participate in the proposal process. A selection committee will re- view the proposal and rec- ommend that a contract be negotiated with the firm best qualified to perform this project. The City Council will receive this recommendation at their regular meeting on March 11, 1993. It is requested that your firm consider submitting a proposal for this project. Proposals shall be addres- sed to: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Development Services, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77840 no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. 01 -13- 93,01 -16 -93 01 - 17- 93,01.23- 93 ,01.24 -93 Saturday, January 23, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Park, Project No. PK9304, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, for installa- tion of iron fences. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m. February 1, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all hids. 01 -16- 93,12 -17 -93 01 -23- 93,01 -24 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1995 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JANUARY 14, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE i REZONING TWO LOTS TOTALLING 0.49 ACRES SITUATED IN THE TREE - HOUSE PLACE SUBDIV- ISION, LOTS 14C AND 14D OF BLOCK 18B IN COL- LEGE STATION, CON- VEYED BY DEED AND RE- CORDED IN VOLUME 911, PAGE 543 OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, FROM A -P ADMINISTRA- TIVE PROFESSIONAL TO R -5 MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMENTS. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not less than Twenty -five ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dol- lars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council, and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secretary and may be ob- tained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. 01- 22- 93,01 -23 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1994 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON JANUARY 14, 1993 BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF COL- LEGE STATION meeting in regular session at the Col- lege Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said ordinance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the official re- cords of the city, is captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES BY ADDING A SECTION 30 PROHIBITING OFF - PREMISE COMMER- CIAL SIGNS AND PORTA- BLE SIGNS IN THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JUR- ISDICTION. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not more than two hundred dol- lars ($200.00). Each days such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 1994 shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after is passage and appro- val by the City Council, and in accordance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secretary and may be obtained at City Hall, 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. — --- 11 — b • Sunday, January 24, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Park, Project No. PK9304, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, for installa- tion of iron fences. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m. February 1, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 01 -16- 93,12 -17 -93 01-23-93,01-24-93 IL The City of College Station Al is accepting applications for: UTILITIES ANALYST (Public Utilities Department) This position is responsible for analyzing costs associ ated with Technical, Electrical, and Water/Wastewatc Services provided by the Public Utilities Departmen' assisting in the development of property records for th Utilities; and developing and analyzing statistical dat to make long term strategic decisions and performanc assessments for each utility. This job requires proficiency in cost accounting prir ciples as well as havingthe knowledge and understanc i ngof preferred accounting procedures forpublic utilil systems including the FERC Accounting System. Qualifications include College Education equivalent 1 Masters Degree in Business Administration, Accoun ing, or related field and two years relevant experienc or relevant Bachelors Degree and five years releva experience. Applicants must have ability to use mail frame computers, computer spreadsheets and posse sufficient word procession skills. Salary: Depends on Qualifications Deadline to apply is Friday, February 12, 1993. Apply to: city of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, January 24, The Eagle 1993 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Wolf Pen Creek Park, Project No. PK9304, City of College Station, Texas. The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, for installa- tion of iron fences. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m. February 1, 1993, at the office of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the Parks and Recreation De- partment Office, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, College Station, Texas 77840, (409)764 -3412. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 01 -16- 93,12 -17 -93 01- 23- 93,01 -24 -93 REQUEST FOR PROPO- SAL DESIGN OF A TWO BAY ALL SERVICE FIRE STATION, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS The City of College Station has established the need to build a two bay, approx. 3500 square foot Fire Station with fc- 1.4 Al ,....­— --- --- 125 Legal Notices and required landscaping. To insure the City selects the firm best qualified for the design project, firms submit- ting proposals should be prepared to answer a list of questions which are availa- ble in the office of the Direc- tor of Development Services. The answers to these ques- tions should be provided in the submitted proposals. The proposals should also con- tain a statement of the firms qualifications and a history of the projects completed that are of the same scope and nature as the proposed project. Enclosed is a notice that requests proposals be sub- mitted no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. This notice is being placed in a local newspaper so that all qualified design firms, wishing to do so, will have the opportunity to participate in the proposal process. A selection committee will re- view the proposal and rec- ommend that a contract be negotiated with the firm best qualified to perform this project. The City Council will receive this recommendation at their regular meeting on March 11, 1993. It is requested that your firm consider submitting a proposal for this project. Proposals shall be addres- sed to: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Development Services, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77840 no later than 2:00 p.m. February 15, 1993. 01- 13- 93,01 -16 -93 01 -17- 93,01 -23- 93.01 -P6 — • Krene�c�` apioafcfosing to through traffic for repairs Krenek Tap Road, one of College Sta- tion's most pothole - riddled streets, is about to get a facelift. On Monday, Young Brothers crews will begin rebuilding the road. Plans include widening the road, adding curbs and sewers and installing side- walks, a jogging path and improved lighting. Officials expect the project, funded through a general obligation bond passed in 1991, to take from 10 to 12 months. The road will be closed to through traffic during construction; officials urge motorists to use South- west Parkway or FM 2818 instead. One lane of Krenek Tap will remain open for those living in the area or traveling to Central Park. Officials warn motorists to expect increased noise, dust and traffic delays during construction. Tuesday January 26, 1993 The Eagle • r1 �J NOTICE OF y PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a request by Doucet & Associates, Inc. for nine tracts totalling 38.23 acres located on the sou- thwest corner of the FM 2818 extension and the East By Pass, from R -1 Single Family Residential to C -1 General Commercial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 11, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive service for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangments call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -298 For additional in please contact me (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 01 -27 -93 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City o f College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: Texas Avenue Waterline Relocation Project #WT -1012 until 2:00 o'clo 2, fter which day, February time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of- fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E., City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas77840 LOCATION AND DE- SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the con- struction of a 12" we (LINE 1) along Texas Avenue from the south ROW of the intersection of Walton Drive and Texas Avenue to point south of Dominik Street. There is approximat- ley 3020 LF of 12" PVC waterline including bores without encasement and with encasement, resilient seated gate valves fire hydrants, re- strained joint PVC waterline, and other appurtenances; and an 8" waterline (LINE 2) along the north ROW of Wal- ton Drive from Foster Street to Texas Avenue. There is 0 approximately 225 LF of 8" PVC waterline including resi- lient seated gate valves, fire - hydrant and other app ances. COPIES 8I DOCUMENTSF BIDDING To A complete set of Bidding I Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & , Associates, 17 08 S Col e g Parkway, St ation, Texas 77840 for $40.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Mike Hester NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ap- pear of the Planning and Zon- ing Commission's decision to grant a conditional use per- mit to Charles K. Piper, Jr. to operate a nightclub at 1912 Texas Avenue. The hearing will be held in the Council Room ofthe Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:0 p.m. meeting of the Commis sion on Thursday, February 11, 1993. Any request for sign interpre tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 4 hours before the meeting. T make arrangements cal (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information please contact the Plannin Office at (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 01.27 -93 Wednesday January 27, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Project Manager 7607 Eastmark, Ste. 250 College Station, Texas 77840 409- 693 -1100 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 01 -18- 93,01 -20- 93,01 -24 -93 01 -27- 93,01 -31 -93 The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The bottom of the well is within the City of College Station. The applicant is BEXCO Operating, Inc., College Station TX. The proposed Drilling Site is located in the City of Bryan approximately 140 feet west of S.H. 6 and approximately 2800 feet north of University Drive. The bottom of the well is located in the City of Col- lege Station near the inter- section of University Drive and Brazoswood Drive. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 P.M. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 11, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call j (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409) 764 -3570. 01 -27 -93 is • • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: POLYURETHANE FOAM ROOF INSTALLATION 02/10/93, BID, #93 -25 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 01- 28- 93,02 -04 -93 Thursday January 28, 1993 The Eagle C � J • • THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CARPETING FOR CITY HALL 02/11/93, BID, #93 -27 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 01 -29- 93,02 -11 -93 Friday, January 29, 1993 The Eagle 40 • • Sunday January 31, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 11.0 ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of Texas Avenue Waterline Relocation Project #WT -1012 until 2:00 o'clock p.m., Tues- day, February 2, after which 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE: On 2 -2.93 between 10:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m., realty located at 3020 Texas Avenue South, Being Lots 25 through 31 of Block 16, Southwood Valley No. 3 Subdivision, City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas be sold at the Brazos County Courthouse, Bryan, Texas to the highest bidder for cash. For further informa- tion contact Laura Sanders, Small Business Administra- tion, 9301 Southwest Free- way, Ste 550, Houston, Texas. (713)773 -6516. 01 -31 -93 time all qualified bids will be opened and read. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the of fice of: David J. Pullen, P.E., City Engineer 1101 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 77840 LOCATION AND DE -' SCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the con- struction of a 12" waterline (LINE 1) along Texas Avenue from the south ROW of the intersection of Walton Drive and Texas Avenue to point south of Dominik Street. There is approximat- ley 3020 LF of 12" PVC waterline including bores without encasement and with encasement, resilient seated gate valves fire hydrants, re- strained joint PVC waterline, and other appurtenances; and an 8" waterline (LINE 2) along the north ROW of Wal- ton Drive from Foster Street to Texas Avenue. There is approximately 225 LF of 8" PVC waterline including resi- lient seated gate valves, fire hydrant and other appurten- ances. COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A complete set of Bidding Documents can be pur- chased by check, cash or money order from McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, #208, College Station, Texas 77840 for $40.00. Questions regarding this project should be directed to: Mike Hester Project Manager 7607 Eastmark, Ste. 250 College Station, Texas77840 409 - 693 -1100 Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Five (5) percent bid security is required. 01 -18- 93,01 -20- 93,01.24 -93 01 -27- 93,01 -31 -93 40 n LJ Monday February 1, The Eagle 1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED BANK MERGER Notice is hereby given that Victoria Bank & Trust Com- pany, Victoria, Texas has made application to the Fed - oral Deposit Insurance Cor- poration, Washington, D.C. 20429, for its written consent to merge with New First City Texas - Bryan /College Station, N.A., Bryan, Texas. This notice is published pursuant to Section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insur- ance Act. It is contemplated that all of the offices of the above. named institutions will con - tinue to be operated. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his/her comments in writing with the Regional Di- i rector of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its Regional Office at 1910 Paci- fic Avenue, Suite 1900, Dal- las, Texas 7520. If any per- son desires to protest the granting of this application, such person has a right to do so if the protest is filed with the Regional Director by Fe- bruary 8, 1993. The noncon- fidential portions of the appli- cation are on file in the Re- gional Office as part of the public file maintained by the 125 L Noti and to award the bid to the lowest, most responsible bidder. Additionally all bid- ders are hereby notified that the City of Bryan shall con- sider all factors it believes to be relevant in the selection of the lowest responsible bidder including, but not limited to the proximity of the bidder as it relates to his ability to per- C 1993 form the contract for the City of Bryan. City of Bryan Tom Wilson Purchasing Agent 0 25- 93,02 -01 -93 T � 125 Legal Notices Schools -N and Commer- cial Contract Public School Rate and to implement a new schedule of rates for natural gas service to be charged to the residential and commer- cial customers in the City of Bryan, Texas effective Fe- bruary 24, 1993. The rate schedule is expec- ted to furnish a 7.95 percent i increase in the Company's I revenues from residential and commercial customers in the City of College Station. A Statement of Intent has ' filed with the City of College Station and is available for inspection at the Company's business office located at 4200 Hwy. 6 South, College Station, TX. 01 -25- 93,02.01 -93 02- 07- 93.02 -15 -93 is • • Strictly Business Jim Hiney Small business _ THECITY R COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING center to sponsor FOLLOWING: RADIO PAGING SYSTEM OPA PAGING outlook meeting ig BID DEADLINE 2:00 P.M. 01/05/93 BID #93-19 he Bryan - College Station Chamber of The Request for bids will be Commerce Small Business De- Tvelopment received in the office of the Center will host the 1993 Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, Economic Outlook Conference Wednesday College Station, Texas at the College Station Hilton. 77840, until the time and date The half-day conference will focus specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the on issues and influences that will im- office of the Purchasing pact the local economy In the future. Agent. All bids received after Among the topics and speakers that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- i Station the scheduled are: "1993: Where is the Economic Re- lege reserves right to waive or reject any ■ covery ?" — Jared Hazleton, director of and all bids or any and all t Texas A &M's Center for Business and regularities in said bid and to o accept the offer considered Economic Research. most advantageous to the ■ "The State Role in Local Econom- city . is Development" — Kathy Bonner, 12- 28.92,01 -04 -92 Texas State Department of Commerce executive director. ■ "Outlook for the Future" — Gary Wood, Texas Research League presi- dent. 0 " Texas A &M Systems: Prospects and the Impact on Bryan- College Sta- tion" — Herbert Richardson, Texas A &M University System chancellor. A $30 ticket ($20 if you buy five or more) also gets you lunch, where for- mer Fort Worth Mayor Robert Bolen will talk about stimulating economic growth locally. Tickets are available from any Leadership Brazos member, the Small February, 1993 Business Development Center, the The Eagle Convention and Visitor Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce. For more information call 260 -5222. Strictly Business 1--l! L Wednesday February 3, 1993 The Eagle 125 L eg a l Notices i 125 Legal Notices i DING DOCUMENTS: Direct bidding process questions and requests for bidding documents to Contract Ad- ministration Division, Phys- cial Plant Department, room 2 0 6, t e l e p h o n e (409)845 -5318. Two sets of documents may be obtained upon receipt of a $50.00 de- posit. Refunds will be made if both sets are returned in good condition within ten days of the bid date; other- wise no refund will be made. Additional copies may be ob- tained for a non - refundable cost of $25.00 /each. Make check payable to: "Texas A &M University ". Upon request, established plan rooms will receive copies at no charge. CONTACT PER. SON:Direct technical ques- tions to Mr. Joe Philips, Physcial Plant Department, Texas A &M University, (409)845 -5317. 02 -02- 93,02 -03.93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by the College Station Independent School District to expand the existing Oakwood Middle School lo- cated on the southwest cor- ner of George Bush Drive and Holik. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 18, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1.800- 735.2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -03.93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by the City of College Station fire Department to operate a fire station on part of a reserve tract in block A of the Shenandoah Subdiv- ision. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 18, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning Office at (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -03.93 Cookie time Bryan Mayor Marvin Tate (left) and College Station Mayor Larry Ringer have declared February Girl Scout Month. Some 41 Bryan troops and 31 College Station troops will Eagle photo / Michael Mulvey sell Girl Scout cookies through the month. The Scouts' goal is to sell 10,000 boxes, with about 7,111 boxes already sold. Booth sales begin Feb. 15 at various locations. • L The City of College Station 0040JO is accepting applications for: UTILITIES ANALYST (Public Utilities Department) This position is responsible for analyzing costs assoc ated with Technical, Electrical, and Water/Wastewatc Services provided by the Public Utilities Departmen assisting In the development of property records for th Utilities; and developing and analyzing statistical dat to make longterm strategic decisions and performanc assessments for each utility. This job requires proficiency in cost accounting prin ciples as well as having the knowledge and understand ingof preferred accounting Procedures for public uti lit systems including the FEW Accounting System. Qualifications include College Education equivalent ti Masters Degree in Business Administration, Account ing, or related field and two years relevant experience or relevant Bachelors Degree and five years relevan experience. Applicants must have ability to use main frame computers, computer spreadsheets and posses! sufficient word procession skills. Salary: Depends on Qualifications Deadline to apply is Friday, February 12, 1993. Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Department 1101 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Equal Opportunity Employer Sunday, February 7, 1993 The Eagle ol- E • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will consider a variance requests by W. E, Crenshaw to the side and rear setback require- ments for four lots to allow for construction of single family residences. The subject lots are block 2, lot 7; block 4; lots Monday, February 8, 1993 The Eagle 1 LJ __1_. 11 and 14; and block 5, lot 11 of the Prairie View Heights Subdivision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, February 16, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning office (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner • Council From Al ;pease residents on Mile Drive. , The lower density of residential development was approved to ;provide a buffer for homeowners in the area. . The staff recommends that if ;the council decides to rezone the Area to allow the new store, it ;should state that the council is scrapping the land -use plan ;adopted as part of the FM 2818 Re- port. The new Bryan Wal -Mart is ;coupled with the closing of the ;Bryan Wal -Mart on Texas ;Avenue. A College Station store official said Monday that the Col- lege Station store management ;has not been told whether a new ;College Station Wal -Mart would ;mean shutting the existing store. The new College Station Wal- Mart would be about a mile from ;the College Station Wal -Mart on ;Texas Avenue, which opened in March 1988. Merchants along Dominik Drive will get their chance to re- but a city staff report at Wednes- ;day's workshop. The city's traffic planner, Ed Hard, recommended to the council on Jan. 13 that the ;city take advantage of the widen- ing of Texas Avenue to block left turns to and from Dominik where 4t intersects Texas. . If the work is done as part of the ,widening, the Texas Department 'of Transportation will pay for it. Hard recommended prohibiting the left turns because of traffic congestion and accidents. The council delayed making a decision until the first meeting of February, to allow the Dominik merchants to find a better solu- tion. The council will have two workshops on Wednesday. The Dominik issue will be discussed at the second workshop, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was moved for the convenience of the business owners. Both meetings will be in Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. CS Council take up rezoning issue for new Wal -Mart By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Retail giant Wal -Mart has its eye on a new location in College Station. But before construction can begin, the members of the College Station City Council must overturn the opinion of the city's planning and zoning commission. The commission voted 5 -2 on Jan. 21 to deny rezoning 38 acres of land near the southwest corner of the FM 2818 extension and the East Bypass. The council will consider the rezoning Thursday at its regular 7 p.m. meeting. The Arkansas -based company already has a sign on the site, an- nouncing a Supercenter. The company also has plans for a similar store in Bryan on Briar - crest Drive. Supercenters have the usual retail outlet plus a grocery store. The land is zoned residential, but the FM 2818 Report — written by city staff, members of the planning and zoning commission and the council — calls for that corridor to be commercial prop- erty, with the Wal -Mart site listed as office and medium - density res- idential. The original draft of the report called for high- density resi- dential, but was changed to ap- Please see COUNCIL, page A2 Tuesday, February 9, 1993 The Eagle 1 U.G:XkA�l. A_- G i q h%3 In Town &Texas CS Council may suspend rate hike The College Station City Council Thursday will consider suspending a rate hike by Lone Star Gas until the city gets expert advice on the appro- priateness of the hike. Lone Star filed with the city Jan. 20 for a rate increase that would bring $437,000 in additional revenue to the gas company. The city can suspend the increase for 90 days if it hires a consul- tant to study the new rate. Lone Star would pay for the rate ex- pert, at an estimated cost of $20,000. A letter from Lone Star District Manager Gary Thigpen to Mayor Larry Ringer, notifying him of the in- crease, said that the company had not had a rate hike in College Station since 1985. Since that time, revenues have become inadequate to cover operating expenses and allow a reasonable return on investment, the letter said. The council is scheduled to consider hiring a consultant at its 7 p.m. meet- ing in College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. 0 C NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a rezon- ing request by Triple J. Prop- erties Inc. for approximatley 11.48 acres of land located along the north side of Dea- con Drive approximately 450' east of Wellborn Road, from R -5 Medium Density Apart- ments to R -1 Single Family Residential. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 25, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 02 -10 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold ' a public hearing to consider applying permanent zoning to approx- imately 20 tracts of land totall- ing 46.3 acres generally lo- cated along both sides of Graham Road, within the Col- lege Station city limits, from Schaffer Road west to Well- born Road known as the Uni- versity Industrial Park. The proposed zoning districts are M -1 Planned Industrial and M -2 Heavy Industrial. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:OC p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 25, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact me at (409)764 -3570. Jane Kee Senior Planner 02 -10 -93 NOTICE OF I PUBLIC HEARING I The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Union Paci- fic Resources, Ft. Worth, Texas. The proposed Drilling Site is located outside the City limits of College Station, east of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Rock Prairie Road approximately 1300 feet north of Rock Prairie Road in the N. Clampitt Survey. The bottom of the well is outside the City Limits of College Station, in the Thomas Car- uthers Survey, north of Rock Prairie Road. The Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 25, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - Relay -Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Offices in City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue or call 409 -764 -3570. 02 -10 -93 125 Legal Notices The College Station City Council will hold a public I hearing to receive public in- put regarding an application for a Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas, and Associated Hydrocar- bons. The applicant is Sage Energy Company, San Antonio, Tx. The Proposed Drilling Site is located in the City of College ` Station approximately 150 feet west of the S.H. 6 south- bound service road in a loca- tion approximately 600 feet south of the southern boun- dary of College Station Cen- tral Park. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col - legs Station City Hall, 1101 i Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 25, 1993. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap park- ing spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 1-800-Relay-Tx or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. Additional information is avai- lable in the Development Services Office in City Hall at + 1101 Texas Avenue or call (409)764 -3570. 02 -10 -93 Wednesday, February 10, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an amendment to Zoning Ordin- ance #1638 to change the parking requirements for Veterinary Clinics. 'The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, February 25, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To 'make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) , 1 -800- 735.2989. For additional information, please contact me at '(409)764-3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -10 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station City Council will hold a public to bonsider a rezoning request b Kathleen S. Naylor for lot 7 and part of lot 6 of block 7 in the West Park Addition lo- cated on the southwest cor- ner of Wellborn Road and Grove Street, from R -1 Single Family Residential to A -P Administrative Profes- ional. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col - lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 25, A 993. )4ny request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing Impaired must be made 48 (ours before the meeting. To make arrangements call [409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) �1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, alease contact me at (409) 764 -3570. Jane Kee Penior Planner 02 -10 -93 X Merchants ask CS panel to delay decision on prohibiting left turns at intersection By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Dominik Drive merchants asked the College Station City Council on Wednesday to again delay a decision on prohibiting left turns to and from that street at Texas Avenue. But only two council members, Fred Brown and Nancy Crouch, said at Wednesday's workshop that they wanted to delay the de- cision. The council first discussed the idea of prohibiting the left turns Jan. 13, but tabled the matter un- til Wednesday to allow the mer- chants to present a rebuttal to the city staffs suggestion. Charles Speer, representing Jerry J. Moore, who owns Cul- pepper Plaza, said that a Houston traffic consultant had been hired to study the traffic on Texas .venue between College Station City Hall and Harvey Road. The consultant will need four to five weeks to finish their report. Paul Clarke, owner of Bentley House, a motel and apartment complex on Dominik, said that a Texas Department of Transporta- tion official had told him the city wouldn't need to give the depart- ment information until mid. April. The state will pay for the changes, including adding a median to prevent the turns, if the city makes the project part of the widening of Texas Avenue. Brown said the council needed to consider what prohibiting the left turns would do to businesses on Dominik and to the revenue the city got in sales taxes and util- ity revenues. "It's hard to collect property taxes when a business doesn't exist," he said. One man, who did not give his name but who is known locally as the driver of a colorful car with "Elijah" painted on it, con - demned the chi's plan to prohibit left turns because it would add traffic to Kyle Street. He expressed his concern for children crossing Texas at George Bush Drive, and predicted news- paper headlines saying, "George Bush kills children." tie called for the city to reject the "satanic traffic plan" and build a pedestrian walkway at Bush that would span Texas Avenue. Thursday, February 11, 1993 The Eagle THE ­ CITY COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: CARPETING FOR CITY HALL 02/11/93, BID, #93-27 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col. lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 01 -29- 93,02 -11 -93 • 6 _ 0 00fo The City of College Station is accepting applications for: MECHANIC Public Services Department This position maintains and repairs all types of motorized and mechancial equipment used in support of City operations. Qualifications include 2 years experience as Mechanic with a full repair facility, and posses- LU) sion of a valid Texas Class A Commercial drivers license. Applicants must have passed 2 ASE Certifications for repair of automotive and C. mechanical equipment. . Sala $7.91/hour Deadline to apply: February 26, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station Personnel Dept. 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMpLOyER �J �J to (D It n G �i w Filing for school board, council elections opens Monday By KELLI LEVEY and PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writers Filing for the May 1 city and school board elections begins Monday and con- tinues through March 17. Two positions are open on both school boards: Places 4 and 6 in Bryan and Posi- tions 6 and 7 in College Station. All are three -year terms. Candidates should file in the superinten- dents' offices at 1812 Welsh Ave. in College Station and at 101 N. Texas Ave. in Bryan. Filing hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in Bryan and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday in College Station. Both offices will be open until 5 p.m. on March 17. The two Bryan incumbents will face one arother in the district's first election using a 5 -2 single- member district system in which five trustees are elected from speci- fic geographic areas of the city and two are elected at- large. One of this year's open districts is at- large, or open to anyone in the school dis- trict. The other is District 4, which sur- rounds the Milam, Kemp, Carver and Na- varro elementary campuses on the west end of town. District 4 has the second - highest percentage of minorities of the five districts. John Sykes, the board's current vice president, and David Stasny, current board secretary, have each served one term. Be- cause neither lives in District 4, both will run for the at -large position. In College Station, incumbents Dan MacGilvray, current board president, and Linda Parrish, vice president, said they plan to run again. MacGilvray has served two three -year terms and Parrish has served one three -year term. The mayor's office and Places 1, 3 and 5 are up for election in Bryan. Place 3 Coun- cilman Rudy Schultz has announced he will run for mayor, meaning that there will not be an incumbent for that position. Schultz is in his first term. Mayor Marvin Tate said Friday he has not reached a decision on whether or not to run for re- election. He has been the city's mayor since 1985. Councilman Place 5 Lonnie Stabler said he intends to run for re- election. Place 1 Councilman Hank McQuaide said Friday he had not decided whether he would seek his fifth term. Candidates for Bryan City Council need to file with City Secretary Mary Lynne Gal- loway, on the first floor of the Bryan Muni- cipal Building, 300 S. Texas Ave, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Three positions on the College Station City Council are open and all three incum- bents — Councilman Place 1 Fred Brown, Councilwoman Place 3 Lynn McIlhaney and Councilman Place 5 Jim Gardner — said Friday that they will seek re- election. Brown has been on the council since 1985; Mcllhaney since 1987; and Gardner since 1987. McIlhaney also served on the council from 1983.86 and Gardner was on the coun- cil from 1974 -78. Candidates need to file with City Secre- tary Connie Hooks on the first floor of Col- lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. t ity elect By JASON LOU GHMAN PW The Battalion ions draw few voters to low voter turnout. City elections are held on the first Saturday in May, of which Halter said, '.I think the Saturday date is bad — people aren't on campus. On Saturdays you do other things, including staying in bed." Halter said uncontested races and issues which fail to arouse voter interest are other reasons for low voter participation. Connie Hooks, city secretary and election administrator, said a lack of competition in council and mayoral races also contributes to low turnout. "In our city elections, we've never had strong opposition," she said, adding that sometimes it's almost a given that an incumbent will win. Halter said the limited media attention given to city elections is also responsible for low voter turnout. However, Hooks said the city would encourage voter participa- tion more this year through televi- sion coverage and newspaper ad- vertisements. A special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Trea- sury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen also may entice more voters to the polls this May, Hooks said. Despite the small number of students who follow city politics, Few College Station residents, and even fewer Texas A &M Uni- versity students will cast a vote in the May 1 city council elections if low voting trends continue. Of the roughly 25,000 regis- tered voters in College Station, less than 2,500 voted in the city election last year, and in the three voting precincts that include the Texas A &M University campus, , only 33 people voted for a may - oral candidate. Dr. Gary Halter, a professor of political science and mayor of College Station from 1980 to 1986, said city election dates contribute Monday, February 15, 1993 The Eagle See Voter /Page 3 0 Monday, February 15,1993 The Battalion Page 3 Voter Continued from page I there are many areas in which city council decisions can affect them. Halter said council decisions can affect voters in matters such as housing availability, which is influenced by planning and zon- ing decisions; utility rates; police enforcement and traffic laws. "Probably 95 percent of the people in municipal court are stu- dents," he said. City council members, whose terms expire this year, had differ- ent ideas as to why voter turnout is so low in city elections. Councilwoman Lynn McIl- haney described College Station as a transient community, a view shared by Councilman Fred Brown who said, "most students think of College Station as just a stopping -off place." Councilman Jim Gardner said he has wondered why students not against industries, he feels tax are not more involved, and that he would like to see more dollars do not have to be spent to attract more of them to the city. student participation. As That stance has caused him to lose council elections before, of Tuesday, only McIlhaney had decided to run for re- election, he said, and he once lost by just 18 and none of the three said an un- contested race was likely votes. Gardner said he doesn't think this y ear. he would benefit from a larger McIlhaney said she wants to student turnout on election day. "I'm continue working in areas she _ far from being a conserva- tive," he considers important, such as clos- er said and characterized the Texas A &M student body cooperation with other agen- cies and the school district. as a conservative one. ' Right now we've got an op- Brown said he is not sure if he portunity to have an impact on what will happen here," will run for re- election. If he does, he said, one thing he will she said. However, she had no specific emphasize is increased industrial agenda for another term in office. Jim Gardner, recruitment. Brown said he has spoken 'to a retired profes- sor of urban planning, had not de- Texas A &M students in the past, and he thinks it would be benefi- cided whether to run as of Tues- day, but said he is "leaning cial to educate students on local to- ward running" for another term. He said he wants to "keep our issues. a March fiscal condition as it is, which is until 17 t file applications to place their names on the ballot pretty good," and though he is for the May I election. 1J • • 125 Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to re- consider a conditional use permit request by Don Can- ter to operate a nightclub in the former Campus Theater located at 307 University Drive West. The hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Col- !age Station City Hall, 1101 Wednesday, February 17, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices Texas Avenue at 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Commission on Thursday, March 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To J make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) s 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning office (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -17 -93 i 1 Legal Notices I George Bush Drive. When ; this conditional use permit " was previously considered on June 4, 1992, one of the surrounding property owners was not notified of the public hearing; therefore, the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission will hold another public hear- ing to discuss the proposed expansion. The public hearing will be held on Thursday, March 4, 1993 in the Council Room of } the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at 7:00 P.M. All property owners within 200' of the subject property have received notification of this request. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1. 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the City Plan- ning office (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -17 -93 I L p NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to con- sider a conditional use permit request by KSK Entertain- i ment to operate a nightclub in the former Schulman Theater I located at 226 Southwest Parkway. The hearing will be held In the Council Room of the Col• I lege Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue at the 7:00 I p.m, meeting of the Commis- sion on Thursday, March 4, 1993. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735.2989 I For additional information, please contact the Planning I office (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -17 -93 NOTICE OF I PUBLIC HEARING This is to notify you that the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to recon- sider a conditional use permit request by the Saint Thomas Episcopal Church to expand their existing facilities at 906 ur ^ t%FP- ov�sr, C • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FT1he y of Co llege Station proposes to amend the 1991 -1992 Final Statement of Com- Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds. The 1991 -1992 Final State- ment is amended in order to provide funding for the following new activity: Acquisition. The projected use of 1991.1992 funds is changed as follows: Activity Current Budget Change New Budget Infrastructure Improvements $100,000 $25,000 $100,000 Acquisition -0- $25,000 $25,000 The Local Objective to be met in the category of Acquisition is: Provide support for Public Service Activities to enhance the health, public safety, and quality of life for persons of low - moderate income. The National Objective to be met through the use of Community Development funds in this budgeted catergory will be: Benefit low to moderate income persons. A Public Hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, February 25, 1993, at 7:00 PM in the City of College Station City Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, to discuss this pro- posed change. Interested citizens are invited to attend the Public Hearing to voice their comments. Additional information regarding this proposed change may be obtained by contacting Jo Carroll, Community Development Administrator, City of College Station at (409) 764 -3778 between 8 -12 and 1 -5, Monday through Friday. Chief Executive Officer Larry J. Ringer, Mayor 02 -18 -93 Thursday, February 18, 1993 The Eagle i 0 C Friday, February 19, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) LANDFILL COM PACTOR 02/25/93, BID, #93 -24 The Request for bids will b received in the office of th Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02 -12- 93,02.19 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: LANDS- CAPE MAINTENANCE FOR WOLF PEN CREEK AND PUBLIC UTILITIES BID, #93 -34, BID OPENING: 03/09/93, -2 P.M. A pre -bid conference will be held at the College Station Central Park Office on Wed- nesday, February 24, 1993 at 2:00 p.m. Sites to be main- tained will be viewed at that time. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 02- 19- 93,02 -26 -93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLO FOLLOWING: ONE (1) UTI- WING TRACTOR WITH SHREDDER AND' SWEEPER BID OPENING: 03/04/93, -2 P.M. BID, #93 -31 The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned , unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- I regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered I most advantageous to the City. 02 -19- 93,02 -26 -93 i 1 h of ., -- — 125 Legal Notices requests it within 180 days after the publication of this notice. The principal man- ager is B.T. Yager. 02 -19 -93 NOTICE OF e PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning e Board of Adjustment will consider a request by Noble Handy to the side setback requirements on lot 16, block A of Brandon Heights Phase II Subdivision. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, March 2, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -354 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, Please contact the Planning office (409)764 -3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -19 -93 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment will i consider a variance request - by College Station Indepen- dent School District to the parking lot setback require- ments at 106 Holik, Oakwood Intermediate School. This request will be con- sidered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, . March 2, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Room located at 1101 Texas Avenue. Any request for sign interpre- tive services for the hearing - impaired must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764 -3547 or (TDD) 1- 800 - 735 -2989. For additional information, please contact the Planning I office (409)764.3570. Sabine Kuenzel Staff Planner 02 -19 -93 • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Thomas Park Swimming Pool, Project No. PK9301, City of College Station, Texas. A Pre -bid Conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 23, 1993 at Tho- mas Park Swimming Pool, The City of College Station will receive sealed bids on a General Contract, for two projects: (1) the restoration of the pool; (2) the installation of a new filtration system. The City of College Station will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m. March 2, 1993, at the of- fice of the Director of Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Col- lege Station, Texas. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. All inter- ested parties are invited to at- Saturday, February 20, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices tend. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud imme- diately after specified closing time. Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the of- fice of McDow & Associates, 1701 Southwest Parkway, Suite 208, College Station, T e x a s 7 7 8 4 0, (409)696 -8630. Copies may be obtained at the same ad- dress. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid must accom- pany each bid in accord with the Instruction to Bidders. The City of College Station reserves the right to waive ir- regularities and to reject any or all bids. 02 -13- 93,02 -14 -93 02 -2 0- 93,02 -21 -93 • • Saturday, February 20, 1993 The Eagle LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1996 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 11, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, SECTION 2, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, PER- TAINING TO THE REGULA- TION OF NOISE. This ordinance provides amendements to the current noise ordinance adopted in 1949. Loud noise is prohi- bited which by its volume, duration, or character an- noys, disturbs, injures or en- dangers the comfort, health, peace, or safety of resonable persons of ordinary sensibili- ties. The ordinance sets cer- tain noise limits day and evening hours. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the re- quirements of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine not more than one thousand dol- lars (51,000.00). Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Ordinance No. 1996 shall become effective and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance may be seen at the office of the City Secretary, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. 02- 20- 93,02 -21 -93 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1997 WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED ON FEBRUARY 11, 1993 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION meet- ing in regular session at the College Station City Hall, said meeting having been posted in accordance with Art. 6252 -17. Said Ordin- ance, signed by the Mayor and duly recorded in the offi- cial records of the city, is cap- tioned as follows: AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 2D, OF THE CODE OF ORDIN- ANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, RE- LATING TO SPECIAL HA- ZARD INTERSECTIONS CONTROLLED BY STOPE SIGNS, AND DECLARING THAT ATTENDANT FACTS NECESSITATE IMMEDIATE ACTION. The City Council determined that it would be in the best in- terest and safety of the citi- 125 Legal Notices zens to add a stop sign on Lee Avenue southbound at Timm Street. Violations of any provision of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not less than Twenty -five ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dol- lars ($200.00). Each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and in accor- dance with the City Charter. The complete text of the above named ordinance is on file at the office of the City Secretary, and may be ob- tained at City Hall, at 1101 South Texas Avenue, Col- lege Station, Texas 77840. 02 -20- 93,02 -21 -93 Monday, February 22, 1993 The Eagle 125 Legal Notices THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: UTILITY SERVICE CENTER FIRE ALARMS SYSTEMS BID OPENING: 03/10/93,- 2 P.M., BID, M93- 32,The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02.22- 93,03 -01-9 4 � College Station to try to fit Wal -Mart into FM 2818 plan Ll By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Members of the College Station City Council on Wednesday will begin their review of the FM 2818 plan, try- ing to find out how a Wal -Mart Super - center fits into that plan. Wal -Mart has plans to buy land on FM 2818, near Texas 6, and build what amounts to a regular-sized Wal -Mart with a full-sized grocery store at- tached. The council would have to rezone the area from residential to commer- cial before the store could be built. The FM 2818 plan calls for that area to be a mixture of commercial and me- dium- to high- density residential. A commercial development the size of the supercenter does not fit into that plan. The plan adopted by the council is different than the one originally de- veloped by city planners and the Col- lege Station Planning and Zoning Board. The original plan called for more commercial and high - density residential, but was changed after res- idents on Mile Drive complained of the encroachment of commercial property on their residential street. Mile Drive residents showed up at the council's Feb. 10 meeting to again voice their concerns about the en- croachment of commercial property. City staff members recommended that if the council allows the Wal - Mart, it should also redo the FM 2818 plan, since the council would be allow- ing a development that contradicts the existing plan. The council will discuss the plan at its workshop at 4 p.m. Wednesday. The council's regular meeting will be Thursday at 7 p.m. Both meetings will be in College Sta. tion City Hall, 1101 Texas Ave. S. Two more file for races Two new names ieret adde oot the ballots for the May tions. resident of CIC David Hickson, p Inc., a College Station insurance com- p has filed for Place 5 on the Col- lege Station City Council . He will J� pose incumbent Councilman Gardner. L.E. Ross, a retired custodial work - er has school board. d.He Will oppose Ton-,MY Ramierez Jr. Tuesday, February 23, 1993 The Eagle C. • E - The City of College Station is accepting applications for: 1146—of Public Services Department Secretary The Public Services Department is presently accepting appli- cations for the position of Secretary in this fast - paced, customer service oriented department. Enthusiastic, exceptionally orga- nized, and creative persons should apply. This position will be responsible for typing, filing, record keeping, and arranging travel. Previous secretarial /clerical .experience and computer experience desired. High school or GED required. Typing re- quired at SO W.P.M. Salary: $1293/hour Deadline to apply: March S, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station P.O. Box 9%0 College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Wednesday, February 24, 1993 The Eagle CS discussion focuses on rezoning By PHILLIP SULAK Eagle staff writer Facing a crowd of people wearing green buttons reading "Support your planners. Just say NO to the rezoning," members of the College Station City Council on Wed- nesday discussed the fixture of the FM 2818 corridor. The discussion focused on a rezoning request by Wal -Mart to allow the com- pany to build a SuperCenter near the in- tersection of the East Bypass and FM 2818. No action was taken at Wednesday's workshop meeting. The council will con- sider the rezoning request at its March 25 meeting. The rezoning was first discussed Feb. 11, but the council decided then that the FM 2818 Plan, adopted in August 1992, should be studied before a decision was made. The 2818 plan's land -use map called for a mixture of zones, including office, me- dium- density residential and low- density residential. Wal -Mart would need 40 acres of C-1, commercial zoning, to build at the FM 2818 location. City Planner Jane Kee told the council that the FM 2818 plan had four main ob- jectives: maintain areas for residential growth, avoid development of strip com- mercial centers, maintain an attractive entryway into the city and protect exist- ing residential development. Members of the city's planning and zoning commission, members of the city council and property owners helped de- velop the plan. "From a planning viewpoint, C-1 is ac- ceptable," Kee said, "but the rezoning will change the land use plan.' The rezon- ing could possibly make the entire area between the two branches of Bee Creek a commercial area, Kee said. The main branch of Bee Creek runs just south of the College Station Police Department; the "A" branch runs just south of the Col- lege Station Wal -Mart If the entire area goes commercial, the question, Kee said, is how to protect the residential area on Mile Drive. The FM 2818 plan called for a "step- down" ap- proach, she said, meaning that the the zoning starts at residential and then gradually increases in intensity until it gets to commercial, thus providing a bar- rier between commercial and residential zones. The plan called for medium - density residential to be next to Mile Drive, then progress to FM 2818, until it reached of- fice zoning. The SuperCenter would wipe out this approach, leaving another protective barrier, the "A" branch of Bee Creek, Kee said. But the city can't make any guar- antees that the creek area would remain a wooded area, providing protection for the homes on Mile Drive, unless the city bought the area, Kee said. Kee also said that Wal -Mart's current SuperCenter plan would kill the exten- sion of Dartmouth Street, as it is current- ly on the drawing board. The city might have to redraw the street, costing the city more engineering cost and making some of the purchased right of way useless. It might also be possible to come up with a compromise with Wal -Mart on Dartmouth, Kee said. Councilwoman Nancy Crouch, who on Feb. 11 moved that the council grant Wal- Mart's request, said that there are "logical reasons" the original FM 2818 plan should be amended. The original plan assumed that there were multiple landowners and that the small lots could lead to strip commercia- lization, she said. No one knew there would be a consolidation of land on FM 2818, she said. "No one knew that so many people who were opposed to the commercial de- velopment would change sides because someone bought their land," she said. A fiscal indicators report also shows that the city should be concerned about the ratio of commercial to residential property, she said. "A $100,000 house works to a net loss of $100 [to the city]" Crouch said, "and more residential development is coming." Taxes and utility fees paid by resi- dential housing do not cover what the city must pay to service those homes. College Station depends on sales tax, property tax and utility revenues from commercial customers to make up the difference. Councilwoman Lynn Mcllhaney point- ed out that the council's decision would dictate development along FM 2818. "We have the opportunity to make this entryway to our liking," she said. "We should think about it seriously." � 4 L� 1 { �� s ` p pfi Qr ti Jti i t 4 0 • City OKs funds for food bank The Brazos Food Bank is $25,000 closer to a new home. The College Station City Council approved the money out of the city's allotment of federal community de- velopment block grant funds. Josie Peacher, executive director of the food bank, said the group is look- ing for a new home to help feed the hungry of the area. The food bank has outgrown its cur- rent headquarters on FM 2818 and needs to expand, she said. Peacher said they would like to add freezers, a loading dock and more storage space to their program, which they can't do at their present location. The food bank will be asking the city of Bryan for a contribution and begin a fund- raising campaign to help pay for a bigger facility. Friday, February 26, 1993 The Eagle NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of College Station, Texas will be received for the construction of: PROJECT #ST -1016 REHABILITATION OF STREETS, SEWERS AND WATER LINES IN THE CARTERS GROVE SUBDIVISION IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS until 2:00 P.M., Friday, March 12, 1993 Proposals will be received at the office of; Mark Smith, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Service 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, Tx 77842 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIOIN OF PROJECT: This project primarily consists of: Reconstructing the 1100 blocks of Merry Oaks Street, Neal Pickett Street, Berkeley Street and all of Westover Street and Carol Street in the Carters Grove Subdivision in College Station. The replacement of lining of sanitary sewer lines in the same area. The replacement of water lines and services and the installation of fire hydrants in the same area. All as described in the plans and specifications. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be required to submit evidence that they have practical knowledge of the par- ticular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to complete the proposed work. In determining the bidders qualifications, the following factors will be considered: Work previously completed by the bidder and whether the bidder a) Maintains a permanent place of business, b) Has adequate plant and equipment to do work properly and expeditiously, c) Has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the work, and d) Has approporiate technical experience. Each bidder may be required to show that he has properly completed similar type work and that no claims are now pending against such work. No bid will be accepted from any bidder who is engaged in any work that would impair his ability to fully execute, perform or finance this work. BONDS REQUIRED: bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check or a Certified Check in the amount of five (5%) percent of the maximum amount of bid payable without recourse to the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, or a proposal bonds in the same amount from a Surety Company hold- ing permit from the State of Texas to act as a Surety, and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as listed in the latest revision of Treasury Department Circular 570, as a guarantee that Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms within five (5) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without checks, as stated above, or proposal bond will not be considered. ADDENDA: Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation of the Plans or Specifications must make request for such information to the Landfill Manager, prior to ninety-six (96) hours be- fore the bid opening. Answers to All such requests will be given to all Bidders in written ad- dendum form, and all addendum will be bound with, and made part of, these Contracts Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a bidder find descrepancies in, or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications, or other Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify the Landfull Manager at once in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders. Any addendum of bid will be mailed or delivered to each Bidding Contractor. The Proposal as submitted by the Contractor will include all addenda issued up to seventy -two (72) hours prior to the opening of bids. Any addenda issued in writing by the Project Manager during the period of bidding shall be acknowledge on the Proposal Form and in the executed contract. Such addenda shall be- come a part of the executed contract and modify the specifications and /or the drawings ac- cordingly. To properly qualify his proposal, each bidder, prior to filing his bid, check his receipt of all addenda issued and acknowlede such receipt on the Proposal Form and on the outer enve- lope of his proposal. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The owner reserves the right to accept the bid which is the lowest bid received from a quali- fied bidder; to reject any or all bids; and to waive informalities in any bid. Bids received after the specified time of closing will be returned unopened. The award of the contract for this work is scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 1993. A pre- construction meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 29, 1993. PRICE INTERPRETATION: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the Owner re- serves the right to accept the prices written in words. PROPOSALS: The OWNER reserves the right to accept the most advantageous proposal. CONTRACT: Plans, quantity estimates and contract documents may be obtained at no charge at the of- fice of: Mark Smith, P.E. Asst. Director of Public Services College Station Public Services Center 2613 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 02.26- 93,03 -06 -93 03.07- 93,03 -11 -93 r L_J THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE °OLLOWING: LANDS- ,APE MAINTENANCE FOR NOLF PEN CREEK AND PUBLIC UTILITIES BID, #93 -34, BID OPENING: D3/09/93,- 2 P.M. A pre -bid conference will be held at the College Station Central Park Office on Wed- nesday, February 24, 1993 at , 2:00 p.m. Sites to be main- tained will be viewed at that time. The Request for bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date specified above. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of College Station re- serves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all irregularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advan- tageous to the City. 02-19-93,02-26-93 THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IS REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: ONE (1) UTI- LITY TRACTOR WITH SHREDDER AND, SWEEPER BID OPENING: 03/04/93,-2 P.M. BID, #93.31 The Request for bids will be j received in the office of the I Purchasing Agent at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840, until the time and date 125 Legal Notices specified above. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent. All bids received after that time will be returned unopened. The City of Col- lege Station reserves the right to waive or reject any and all bids or any and all ir- regularities in said bid and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City. 02-19-93,02-26-93 0 Residents of Mile Drive happy with status quo We have been residents of Mile Drive for many years now. It is one of the most peaceful streets that we know of in Bryan- College Station. We want to keep it this way. We have watched this town grow all around us. If the FM 2818 extension is re- zoned commercial it will hurt what the people have worked so long and hard to build. The home- town feeling you have as you en- ter College Station will start to diminish. I myself like the peace- ful feeling and serenity. We moved from Houston 22 years ago because of this feeling of belong- ing, which had long been re- moved from Houston. We urge the city to hear the Col- lege Station residents' plea in maintaining this quality of life. We are asking the city not to re- zone this land. This city has worked too long and hard for or- ganized growth and had a de- veloped plan for the future of Col- lege Station. We want to encour- age the city to stay with this plan and keep this property resi- dential. c T he City of College Station � is accepting applications for Public Services Department Secretary The Public Services Department is presently accepting appli- cations for the position of Secretary in this fast- paced, customer service oriented department. Enthusiastic, exceptionally or ga- nized, and creative persons should apply. This position will be responsible for typing, filinj, record keeping, and arranging travel. Previbus secretarial /c erica) experience and computer experience desired. High school or GED required. Typing re- quired at 50 w.p.m. Salary: $1293 /month Deadfine to apply: March 5, 1993 Apply to: City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sunday, February 28, 1993 The Eagle City should follow Its own land use plan on FM 2818 In August 1992, the College Sta- tion City Council approved a land use plan put forward by the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission that balanced concerns of homeown- ers with those of the business community. It provides ample room for growth inside the so- called golden triangle (bounded by Southwest Parkway, Texas Avenue and the East Bypass) and allows room for moderate -sized office- oriented businesses to lo- cate. This plan made and contin- ues to make sense, since it per- mits smaller non - retail business frontage on a busy city thorough- fare, while still allowing large re- tail businesses to locate along the more- traveled East Bypass. To that end, access roads to the East Bypass have been undergoing improvement, allowing better ac- cess to the highway. Recently, Wal -Mart, America's largest retailer, has proposed re- zoning 40 acres of land on the south side of the FM 2818 exten- sion from residential and office to commercial. It has also been pro- posed that the acreage on the north side of 2818 extension be re- zoned commercial, though that request has not yet been formally presented to the city council. The P &Z Commission rejected the re- zoning request 5 -2, forcing Wal- Mart to appeal to the council. Planners and council members have stated that such a large mod- ification to existing zoning will drive the entire region commer- cial with the tiny exception of Mile Drive, whose residents would be commercially land- locked. Wal -Mart has prepared figures that optimistically forecast huge increases in property and sales tax revenue to the city, neglecting to consider the impact that its super center will have on prop- erty and sales taxes from stores of their competitors. Wal -Mart has attempted to pit the twin cities against each other, shamelessly touting the disadvantage to Col- lege Station, in terms of tax re- venue, if a Wal -Mart Super Center Streets to close for Straight Shot 1 The 11th Annual Texas Straight Shot begins today at 8 a.m., and traffic on Texas Avenue, Holleman Drive and intersecting `streets will be affected. The race begins in Bryan on -Texas Avenue at 30th Street. Run- ners will head south on Texas, turn - east on Holleman and end up near post Oak Mall in College Station. Northbound and southbound traf- fic will be stopped at 7:45 a.m. along the Texas Avenue race route. Traf fic will be allowed to resume at Texas Avenue intersections on the following schedule: Saturday, February 27, 1993 The Eagle East/West Street Street Window Reopens Coulter 8:00 -8:03 8 :20 Carson 8:00 -8:05 8 :25 V. Maria 8:00 -8:07 8:35 North 8:00 -8:11 8:45 University 8:07 -8:17 8:55 G. Bush 8:00 -8:05 9:15 Holleman 8:00 -8:08 9 :20 Saturday, February 27, 1993 The Eagle