HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-3150 - Ordinance - 12/11/2008ORDINANCE NO. 3150 AN ORDINANCE (BUDGET AMENDMENT 1) AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 3114 WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 2008 -2009 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, approved its Budget Ordinance for the 2008 -2009 Fiscal Year on September 25, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, desires to amend the approved Budget Ordinance; and WHEREAS, this amendment was prepared and presented to the City Council and a public hearing held thereon as prescribed by law and the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, after notice of said hearing having been first duly given; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Part 1: That Part 1 of the Budget Ordinance for the 2008 -2009 Fiscal Year is amended to read as follows: "PART 1: That the proposed budget as amended by the City Council of the City of College Station, which is made a part hereof to the same extent as if set forth at length herein, is hereby adopted and approved, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Secretary in College Station Texas. Amended appropriations for fiscal year 2008 -2009 for the General Fund are $61,585,202; for the Economic Development Fund are $996,625; for the Memorial Cemetery Fund are $802,355; for the Hotel Tax Fund are $9,279,826; for the Convention Center Fund are $9,880,671, for the General Government Capital Improvements Fund are $7,419,404; for the Parks Capital Improvements Fund are $2,478,311; for the Streets Capital Improvements Fund are $2,342,564; for the Northgate Parking Fund are $895,160; for the Water Fund are $15,490,901; and for the Equipment Replacement Fund are $4,207,593. Amended regular full and part-time positions is 858.5. All other appropriations as originally adopted and amended by the City Council remain in full force and effect." Part 2: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately after passage and approval. PASSED and APPROVED this 11th day of December Rm TTEST: n 7, / I a City Secretary APPROVED: Mayor APPROVED: it Attorne Y Ordinance No. 3150 Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Budget Amendment #1 The proposed budget amendment is to increase the appropriations for the items listed below by $13,711,589. 1. 2008 GOB Projects: $9,723,000 On November 4, 2008, City of College Station voters approved a General Obligation Bond package in the amount of $76,950,000. The projects included in the bond package are projected to be completed over a period of seven years. This item will appropriate the funds that are anticipated to be needed in year one (FY09). General Obligation Bond funds are projected to be issued for each of these projects later this fiscal year. Below is a summary the appropriations needed for the projects that are anticipated to begin in FY09: Fire Station #6: $6,990,000 The total budget for this project is $6,990,000. It is anticipated that $720,000 will be expended on design in FY09 and the balance will be expended in FYI on construction. As it is likely this project will be delivered as a Construction Manager at Risk project, meaning design and construction will be brought forth to Council at one time, the total budget for the project is being appropriated as part of this budget amendment. This item will appropriate the budget for this project in the General Government Facilities and Technology Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Skate Park: $920,000 The total budget for this project is $920,000. It is anticipated that $105,000 of these funds will be expended on design in FY09 and the balance will be expended in FYI on construction. As it is likely this project will be delivered as a Construction Manager at Risk project, meaning design and construction will be brought forth to Council at one time, the total budget for the project is being appropriated as part of this budget amendment. This item will appropriate this portion of the budget for this project in the Parks Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Creekview Neighborhood Park: $515,000 The total budget for this project is $515,000. It is anticipated that these funds will be expended in FY09. This item will appropriate the budget for this project in the Parks Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Neighborhood Parks Revolving Fund: $500,000 The total budget for this project is $1,000,000. It is anticipated that $500,000 of these funds will be expended in FY09 and the balance will be expended in FYI 0. This item will appropriate this portion of the budget for this project in the Parks Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Neighborhood Park Improvements: $290,000 The total budget for this project is $900,000. It is anticipated that $290,000 of these funds will be expended in FY09 on the first phase of park improvements. This item will appropriate this portion of the budget for this project in the Parks Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Hike and Bike Trail Completion: $333,000 The total budget for this project is $1,000,000. It is anticipated that $333,000 of these funds will be expended in FY09 and the balance will be expended in FYI and FYI 1. This item will appropriate this portion of the budget for this project in the Streets Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Ordinance No. 3150 Victoria Avenue: $175,000 The total budget for this project is $2,455,000. It is anticipated that $175,000 of these funds will be expended on design in FY09 and the balance will be expended in FY10 and FY11 on construction. This item will appropriate this portion of the budget for this project in the Streets Capital Improvement Projects Fund. 2. Convention Center Land Purchase: $2,600,000 On October 23, 2008, Council approved a real estate contract in the amount of $9,600,000 for the purchase of the Chimney Hills shopping center. The site is proposed for a future Convention Center. $7,000,000 for the acquisition is being funded from the FY09 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. The additional $2,600,000 will be funded from Certificates of Obligation scheduled to be issued later this fiscal year. $7,000,000 has been appropriated in FY09 in the Convention Center Fund. This item will appropriate the remaining $2,600,000 in the Convention Center Fund. 3. Proposed Convention Center Site - Operations and Maintenance: $150,000 On October 23, 2008, Council approved a real estate contract in the amount of $9,600,000 for the purchase of the Chimney Hills shopping center. The site is proposed for a future Convention Center. This budget amendment item is for operations and maintenance (O &M) costs for the facilities that currently exist on the property. There are several businesses on the property with outstanding leases. The O &M costs may include utility costs, property management costs and the cost of the addition of a new roof on the portion of the facility that will remain once the Convention Center is completed. Estimates of the O &M costs are preliminary and an additional FY09 budget amendment item may be brought forth to Council in the future for additional anticipated expenses. It is expected that the cost of the O &M for the site will be recovered through lease revenue generated from current tenants. This item will appropriate funds in the Convention Center Fund for the O &M costs related to the facility. 4. Equipment Replacement Purchase (Fire pumper & wWTP slinger truck); $561,000 The Fire Suppression division requests $525,000 be re- appropriated to purchase a fire pumper truck that was originally scheduled for replacement in FY07. The funds were encumbered at the end of FY07, but were unable to be spent because American LaFrance Pumper filed for bankruptcy in 2008. The funds were not able to be encumbered or spent in FY08. Funds are available for this item in the Equipment Replacement Fund balance. In addition, the regular replacement cost of the WWTP slinger truck is expected to exceed budget estimates by $75,000; this purchase is partially offset by savings from the replacement cost of a Sanitation brush truck, which should be under budget by $39,000. The net funds necessary for this purchase is $36,000, which is available in the Equipment Replacement Fund balance. 5. Economic Development Comprehensive Plan (DS0603): $100,000 FY08 funds appropriated in the Economic Development fund for the Economic Development portion of the Comprehensive Plan, administered by Planning and Development Services, were not transferred because the work was not completed in FY08. Funds will be transferred from the Economic Development Fund to the General Fund for expenditure. This item will appropriate funds in both the Economic Development Fund and the Development Services department in the General Fund to complete the project ($50,000 will be appropriated in each fund). 6. First Street Maintenance Funds $104,498 Economic Development has acquired the maintenance portion of City -owned property on First Street. Funds are requested in the Economic Development Fund for asbestos abatement and demolition ($48,588), site work ($43,910), and mowing maintenance Ordinance No. 3150 ($12,000) on the property. This item will appropriate funds in the Economic Development fund for the maintenance of the property. Funds are available in the Economic Development Fund. In addition, capital improvement funds from the Northgate Improvements Fund will be used to provide a fence around this property; this portion of the project is estimated at $25,000. 7. Trade Show Display: $6,500 The trade show display is a tool to promote the City of College Station and the Department of Economic and Community Development. Additionally, the display will be used in support of local retailers and retail development. Funds will be used for the development and printing of promotional material ($3,000) and for the purchase of the graphic design ($3,500) for the professional booth /display that was bought during FY08. This budget amendment is requested to allow for the purchase of these services and materials in FY 09. Funds are available for this item in the General Fund. 8. Fiscal Impact Modeling training: $5,000 Fiscal Impact Modeling software allows the City to evaluate the fiscal impact of development, incentive proposals, land / development regulations, and tax / fee impacts on the local development of the community. The original proposal submitted for the Impact Modeling Software project included training ($5,000) following the development of the local retail database. Once the local retail database is in place, representatives from the vendor can train our staff on the full capabilities of the software package. These training expenses will allow the vendor to develop training tailored specifically to COCS projects. This budget amendment is requested to allow for the purchase of this training in FY09. Funds are available in the General Fund for this purchase. 9. Water Pressure Reducing Device: $50,000 In FY08, an SLA in the amount of $50,000 was approved in the Water Services Department. The SLA was for a Pressure Reducing Device that is intended to reduce the water pressure on the 18" water line along Greens Prairie Road. The water distribution system pressures in the Greens Prairie area far exceed normal operating system pressures which results in higher customer consumption, more wear and tear on the infrastructure and difficulty in equalizing distribution supply during times of high demand. The funds for the device were not expended in FY08 and this item will appropriate the funds to the Water Services Department's budget for expenditure in FY09. 10. Construction Inspector Position: $43,578 This item is for the addition of one Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Construction Inspector position in the Public Works Department. The incumbent in this position will be primarily responsible for providing inspection services on Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement projects and will initially spend a significant portion of his /her time providing inspection services on the Water Well #7 Collection Line. This position will be budgeted in Public Works Engineering, but funding will ultimately come from the Water and Wastewater CIP when the Inspector's time is charged to the Utility work orders. 11. Northgate Parking Garage Security Camera System Upgrade: $48,848 The Parking division requests that $48,848 in approved FY08 SLA funds be carried forward into FY09. These funds are allocated for enhancement and upgrade of the existing security camera system in the Northgate Parking Garage. The contract was delayed past FY2008 and is currently processed and awaiting budget appropriations to complete this project. Funds are available for the purchase of this item in the Northgate Parking Fund. 12. Aggie Field of Honor: $39,689 rhese funds were budgeted in the Memorial Cemetery Fund in FY08 and were dedicated to market the sale of lots in the Aggie Field Of Honor project. The balance of funds exists Odinance No. 3150 as not all advertising was placed due to delays with TAMU licensing agreement and approval processes over the summer. Funds for this item are available in the Memorial Cemetery Fund. 13. Deputy Fire Marshal Vehicle appropriations: $30,000 Funds in the amount of $30,000 need to be appropriated in the Equipment Replacement Fund for the truck expense incurred by the addition of a FY09 approved SLA for a Deputy Fire Marshal position in the Fire Prevention division. Funds were budgeted to be spent, but were missed on the fund summary portion of the budget document. Funds for this item are available in the Equipment Replacement Fund. 14. Veterans Memorial payment: $50,000 An additional $50,000 for Outside Agency payment to Veterans Memorial is proposed to be appropriated in the Hotel Tax fund. These funds were budgeted in the FY08 Hotel Tax fund contingency line item, but not expended. These funds remain in the fund balance and are available for FY09. The addition of these funds will increase the FY09 Veterans Memorial funding to a total of $100,000. The FY09 approved budget already included $50,000 for the original FY09 request. Funds for this item are available I the Hotel Tax Fund. 15. Channel 19 Improvements: $13,664 Public Communications requests $13,664 in TV19 EG fee funds be appropriated to complete the rewiring the upgraded operations of the TV19 control room. This project will include an automation playback system ($6,929), USB 50OGB media drive ($738), deck control for vcr / dvd ($250), a dvd / mini dv player recorder ($979), and the lot delivery, set -up, install and rewiring of the current system ($3,500). These funds are available in the General Fund. 16. Police Department Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Grant (GT0505): $19,145 This item appropriates the resources for the City's portion of the 100% 2007 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (CFDA# 16.579 — grant # 2007 -DJ- BX -1002) award through their inter -local agreement application with the City of Bryan and Brazos County, which were not expended in FY08. Funds in the amount of $13,880 will be appropriated to the Quartermaster division for the purchase of crowd control equipment and $5,265 will be appropriated to the Administrative division for the purchase of a computer and multimedia equipment to facilitate Com -Stat presentations. In addition, this item increases the police federal grant revenue budget by the same amount. The grant funds are available in the General Fund balance. 17. Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) FY08 Homeland Security Grant: $166,667: This item is for the appropriation of resources for the grant the City of College Station has been awarded through the GDEM. The funds will be used by city departments to purchase equipment that will enhance the City's response capabilities to terrorist threats or incidents. The City will be reimbursed 100% of expenses. The grant funds will be available in the General Fund balance.