HomeMy WebLinkAboutAggie Hurricane PreparednessUrban Legends Reference Pages: Hurricane Katrina (Aggie Hurricane Preparedness) Page 1 of 3 • Home ) Rumor Has It E -mail this WHICH GUY HAS RACHEL NEVER DATED? tbs • Ross • Gunther • Paolo very funn • Search • Send Comments • What's New • Hottest 25 Legends • Odd News • Glossary • FAQ • Donations • Autos • Business • Cokelore • College • Computers • Crime • Critter Country • Disney Em barrassments • Food • Glurge Gallery • History • Holidays • Horrors • Humor • Inboxer Rebellion • Language • Legal • Lost Legends • Love • Luck Print this SUBSCRIBE SNOPES COMIUNITY CONTACT US RANDOM SITE INFO Advanced search Home - -> Hurricane Katrina - -> Photo Gallery - -> Aggie Hurricane Preparedness Aggie Hurricane Preparedness Claim: Photograph shows Texas A>:tM bookstore windows boarded up from the wrong side in advance of Hurricane Rita. Status: Real photo; inaccurate description. Examples: [Collected on the Internet, 2005] was wondering if this photo is real, or if the people at Texas A &M deserve their reputations as idiots... Oh my goodness! This is hilarious! Damn Aggies..always good for a laugh! http://www.snopes.com/katrina/photos/aggie.asp 1 e Mr E h 12/13/2005 Urban Legends Reference Pages: Hurricane Katrina (Aggie Hurricane Preparedness) Page 2 of 3 • Old Wives' Tales • Media Matters • Medical • Military • Movies • Music • Photo Gallery • Politics • Pregnancy • Quotes • Racial Rumors • Radio & TV • Religion • Risque Business • Science • September 11 • Sports • Titanic • Toxin du jour • Travel • Weddings Plywo to tarot c Su pplies to h ang the pl ywood U our►9i edution to flan wrong side oC the windows... ood ICELES $200 Plywood to protect your store from Hurricane Rita . . . $200 Supplies to hang the plywood ... $50 Using your Aggie education to hang the plywood on the wrong side of the windows ... PRICELESS! Origins: Students and others associated with Texas AEtM University (known as "Aggies ") in College Station, Texas, are often the butt of regional humor portraying them as dumb hicks. (University of Texas and Texas AFtM students trade jokes casting each other as buffoons, just as here in southern California the same jokes circulate with versions featuring either USC or UCLA students.) The image displayed above (taken from a student web site on which several other pictures of the same scene are displayed) is in that vein, a spoof of the familiar MasterCard "Priceless" commercials supposedly showing an AEtM- associated store (Loupot's Bookstore) whose owner presumably boarded up the "wrong" side of the shop's windows (i.e., the interior rather than the exterior) to prevent them from breaking when Hurricane Rita hit the Gulf Coast in September 2005. Without more contextual information, however, we could also assume that the proprietors were resigned to window breakage and were most concerned about keeping shattered glass out of the store, and therefore they deliberately boarded it up from the inside. Our assumption proved to be correct (i.e., the store's windows could not support exterior - mounted plywood, so the boards were placed inside to protect the shop floor from glass shards), as the project director at Loupot's informed us: Our windows will not support the weight of plywood screwed into their frames — neither is there sufficient masonry wall surrounding them for an attachment — therefore our contractor a "good Ag" suggested saving the store from a major cleanup and letting the glass go — it wasn't a difficult decision to make! Additional information: http: / /www.snopes.com/katrina/photos /aggie.asp 12/13/2005 Urban Legends Reference Pages: Hurricane Katrina (Aggie Hurricane Preparedness) Page 3 of 3 A Picture Worth a Thousand E -Mails (The Bryan - College Station Eagle) Last updated: 1 October 2005 The URL for this page is http: / /www.snopes.com /ktrina /photos / aggie.asp Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995 -2005 by Barbara and David P. Mikkelson This material may not be reproduced without permission. Sources: Hensley, Laura. "A Picture Worth a Thousand E- Mails." The Bryan- College Station Eagle. 1 October 2005. http: / /www.snopes.com/katrina/photos /aggie.asp 12/13/2005