HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 - 72 Tiger BandIIry ,IV v •r Y ly AO v n r Y1! 4 .d t r `: Jw ti f ! ! ! ! ! r ! ! ! ! ; ! v -.1 Ab t r7' - 1 • . � F n�N �t �` � �� Nyr 11!!x! l�1 Y� t � ��Y I'�"/' .'�." � - School Officials, Left, Sit during Exercises Tuesday Night at New School 145 Graduate at Consol Schatte, Williams Top Honor Students The 1972 graduating class of A &M Consolidated High School, led by valedictorian Marc Schatte and salutatorian Gary Williams left the auditorium of the new Consolidated High School building with diplomas in hand making way for next year's incoming class of freshmen. Schatte, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Schatte of 1300 Laura Lane, College Station, and Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Williams of 1011 Eleanor St., College Station, were named valedictorian and salutatiorian, respectively, of the graduating class during commencement exercises Tuesday night. WEARING THE GOLD stoles of honor, the two headed a list of outstanding outgoing Con- solidated scholars which in- cluded Richard Henry - Ballinger III, Shelley Jean Cashion, Kathy Jenice Goode, Catherine Janise McNeal and Howard E. Tewell III. The Consolidated com- mencement exercises began with the traditional entry music, "Pomp and Circumstance," played by Sally Hoover followed by the invocation, delivered by Dr. Malcolm Bane, pastor of the First Baptist Church of College Station. After the Consolidated concert choir sang an arrangement of "You'll Never Walk Alone," Dr. A.A. Price, dean of the Texas A &M University College of veterinary Medicine, delivered the commencement address. "The thing I remember most about the several com- TOP DUO PICTURED See Page 4A mencement exercises in which I played a part is that I can't remember one word the speakers ever said. Because of this, I will begin with the sum- mary and after that, I will deliver the rest of my remarks." "THEN," HE CONTINUED, "you have my permission to sit back, close your eyes and sleep if you want to and I will promise to wake you up when it is time for the diplomas to be presen- ted." Beginning as promised with the summary of his remarks, Price admonished the soon -to- be- graduated seniors to continue their growth — academically, spiritually and physically. He challenged the students to right the wrongs in society today and added that they should strive to affect change within the framework of "the establish- ment." "If the establishment is destroyed," he stated, "then there is nothing left to rehabilitate." FOLLOWING PRICE'S speech, high school principal Fred A. Hopson presented scholarships and honors to graduating seniors and Dr. O.C. Cooper, Consolidated school board chairman, presented diplomas to the 145 graduates. f� Tops in Graduating Class Marc Schatte and Gary Williams were named valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of the 1972 graduating class of A &M Consolidated High School Tuesday night. Schatte, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Schatte of 1300 Laura Lane, College Station. Williams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Williams of 1011 Eleanor St., College Station. For more information, see story and picture, page 1A. —nL Jl INITE GARY WILLIAMS Valedictorian Salutatorian