HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-4564 - Ordinance - 11/25/2024ORDINANCE NO. 2024-4564 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATIVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING A 0.005 ACRE PORTION OF THE 20-FOOT-WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT, SAID PORTION LYING OVER, ACROSS, AND UPON LOT 1, BLOCK 25 OF THE SOUTHERN POINTE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 200, ACCORDING TO THE EASEMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 14600, PAGE 73 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of a 0.005 acre portion of the 20-Foot-Wide Public Utility Easement, said portion lying over, across, and upon Lot 1, Block 25, of the Southern Pointe Subdivision, Section 200, according to the easement recorded in Volume 14600, Page 73, of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto (such portion hereinafter referred to as the "Public Utility Easement"); and WHEREAS, in order for the Public Utility Easement to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, the City Council must make certain affirmative findings; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That after opening and closing a public hearing, the City Council finds the following pertaining to the vacating and abandoning of the Public Utility Easement described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. 1. Abandonment of the Public Utility Easement will not result in property that does not have access to public roadways or utilities. 2. There is no public need or use for the Public Utility Easement. 3. There is no anticipated future public need or use for the Public Utility Easement. 4. Abandonment of the Public Utility Easement will not impact access for all public utilities to serve current and future customers. PART 2: That the Public Utility Easement as described in Exhibit "A" be abandoned and vacated by the City. ORDINANCE NO. 2024-4564 Page 2 of 6 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 25th day of November, 2024. ATTEST: 40,alk City Secretary APPROVED: p waAAIL City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 2024-4564 Page 3 of 6 Exhibit "A" 5CALE:1" = 217 d 24' LOT BLOCK 25 LOT DLOCK 25 501.171/M11,12WIE LOT] BLOCK 25 LEGEND! OREKT - DEED RECOR45 CIF E1RA245 COUNTY, TEXl4S ORM - OFFIStAL RECDPLIS OP BRAZOS COUNTY, TEEAS I:MT.OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZO5 COIRITY,TEKAS 1231455 = VOLUME ANfl PAGE FROM PUBLIC COUNTY PERMS NIF • now t«R FpRI,E EECY [ ] . RECURU INF0HMAr WN EE _ ELECTRICAL EASEMENT PUF = P J LIE CTIL1fY EASEMENT k ! I ICHAEL HBNETSKI REGISTERED ?ROFESSIDNAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. E.S31 1301Nr OF BEGINNING 112 INCH IRON ROD FOUND (CM WITH RED PLASTIC CAP STAMPED '1DNE5AND CARTER' SURVEY EXHIBIT OF A PORTION OF A.20' 44IUE PUBIIC UTILITY E45011ENT VOLUME 14I?DD, PAGE 73, OPRBCT OVER, A4C RDSS, AND UPLI N ICIT 1r SLIM 25 SOUTHERN POINTE SECTION 200 V LLINIE T7135, PAGE. 11,OPi2EIET STERRETT D. SMITH LEAGUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT Na 2I0 RRA20 S COUNTY. TEXAS ' Merl one person slant's to gain over another, the 'farts tr1u5.t he untavered' S[ALt:1 INCH = All FEET SURVEY RATE, 21)215 21924 i FLAT BATE; OB.30-21124 1[IB J: MAME 1 EU RAMP 24-1065-5llelease 20' PIl tat 1 MINT IILE:SOUTHERNPOINTESI%IFACEIo i 21.656fjo61 BRAYIII B1':TIT [HEfl ftEY:1Alf PREPAIEEI13Y: HERRSURUEYINE,LLE TBPELS FIRMN100105EIO 1718 R17IMCAEST R11I4E, Ern N, TEXAS 77E02 PKNE:1979J 26a•3185 SLN14EYS:0I1{EIIASLIGUEYINfi1ET I KERRLANDSUR.EYING.00!R CiTy mumEAIts94. JS4 4 troy ` &I'34'�T4S�+1J?S E 5,U70.C14' 20' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT [14600173 0PR13C1) GEHERJUL ?KITES REARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREON IS BASED DN THE TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH AS ESTABLISHED FROM GP5 DBSERWATION. ▪ DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE SURFACE INSTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE \ NOTED, TO OBTAIN GRID DISTANCES NOT AREAS) MULTIPLY BY A CEMBI NEB SCALE FACTOR OF 0.999.91359410912 ICI4LCULATED USI NG GEOI D12B1. (CM) INDICATES CONTROLLING MONUMENT FOUND AND USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES_ THIS SURVEY EXHIBIT WAS PREPAREI]'WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT. EASEMENTS ILN0 OTHER MATTERS MAY APPLY. THIS SURVEY REFLECTS THE EASEMENT PORTION ONLY. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENT'S MAY EXIST AND WERE NOT LOCATED AT THE TIME OF THIS SURVEY. THIS PLAT WA5 PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH flELU MUTES OESCAIPTHINS IMETES AND BOUNDS). THE PLAT AND FIELD NOTES ARE INTENDED TO CIE DILE INSTRUMENT TOGETHER. REL'156u16- -2a 4TUA DNPn' 112 INCH RF5 IRON ROD FOUND 0C341j *TAR4LS ac6�1R, rQNU fT WITH RED PLASTIC CAP STAMPED F ' 1CIN ES AND CARTER' N. fr) \ LDT 4 BLOCK 25 \ LOTS BLOCK25 lip a g (KERR LSURVEVING PORTION OF A 20' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT CROSSING LOT1, BLOCK 25, SOUTHERN PI}INTESUBDIVISION SECTION 200 STERRETT 0. SMITH LEAGUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 210 BRA205 COUNTY, TEXAS FIELD NOTES DESCRIPTION OF A A FIELD NOTES DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF A 20' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE STERRETT D. SMITH LEAGUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 210, IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID EASEMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1461}0, PAGE 73 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC REC0IROS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS (OPRBCT), BEING OVER, ACROSS, AND UPON LOT 1, BLOCK 25, SDUTIIERN POINTE SUBOIVISI0N SECTION 200 FILED IN VOLUME 17135, PAGE 211 (DPRBCT); SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found with red plastic cap stamped "ZONES AND CARTER" an the southwest right-of-way of Darlington Avenue {50' wide right-nf-w417135(211 OPRBCT) marking the east corner of said Lot 1, Block 25 and the north corner of Lot 2, Block 25, from which another 1/2 inch iron rod found with red plastic cap stamped "TONES ANU CARTER' bears 5 35° 44' 50" E a distance of 50.00 feet; for reference the City of College Station rnonument C594-154 bears 5 Br 34' 04" E a distance of 6.070,04 feet; THENCE, with the common Fine of said Lots 1 and 2, Block 25, 5 53' 15' ID* W a distance of 20.86 feet; THENCE, over, across, and upon said Lat 1, with the west line of said 20' wide public utility easement, N 12' 32" E a distance of 29.52 feet to a point on said southwest right-of-way; Wage 24-1006 M PUE Lotl.docx (tile name) THENCE, with said right -of -wag and the northeast lire of said Loll, Block 25, 536° 44' 50" Ea distance of 20.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING hereof and Containing 0.005 of an acre (2o13 sq, ft.) more or less. Surveyed on the ground in 2021 and 2024 under mg supervision. See exhibit prepared August 21124, for other information, The bearing basis for this survey is based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System of 1983 (NADB3), Central Zone, Grid North as established from GPS observation. Distances described herein are surface distances. To obtain grid distances (not grid areas) multiply by a combined scale factor of 0.9999059410912 (calculated using 1 E0I0l2B). Reference drawing; 24-1006-5 Release 20' PlcE Lotl.dwg Michael Konetski Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5531 Rw rked 10-2g-LO?4 10 reference easement: 1400173 OPRBCT and addreferenre ID 1ot1/rne did 11-6-2024 to correct tot reference. KERR SURVEYING Herr 5uraeying, LLC 11718 Briarcrest Dr. Bryan, TX 77002 office; (979) 268-31951 W± www_kerrlandsunveying.com Surveys alkerisurveging_net TBPELS Firm No. 10018S00 3pPage 24-1006 MbrBsPUE Lot1.doex Itile name)