HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/2007 - Regular Agenda Packet - Design Review Board1 AGENDA Carts„ c:A„ s ;u]`" W~rwuurp c` 1.krr1 prmewr.4rn.r, I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Friday, October 12, 2007, 11:00 a.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Call to Order 2. Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • September 14, 2007 3. Presentation and discussion on the City of College Station's Gateway Grant Policy. (MH) 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Gateway Grant Funding application for Amberlake Homeowner's Association along Woodcreek Drive. Case #07-00500115 (JS) Possible action and discussion on future agenda items - A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 6. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney (Gov't Code Section 551.071; possible action. The Design Review Board may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Design Review Board meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Board of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on the Friday, October 12, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. at the City Hall Administrative Conference Room, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda Posted this the day of , 2007 at p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Connie Hooks, City Secretary By I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Design Review Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.aov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on , 2007 and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2007. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of 12007. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.ciov. CITY O~ CnLr.EG S'IMION Planning 6' Development Services Minutes Design Review Board Friday, September 14, 2007 Administrative Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue 11:00 AM Board Members Present: Chairman John Nichols, Ward Wells, Hunter Goodwin, Nancy Sawtelle, and Alan King Board Members Absent: None Staff Present: Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner Crissy Hard, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, and Staff Assistants Brittany Korthaiuer and Nicole Menchaca Others Present: Larry Haskins, Joe Schultz, Andy Vela, Parviz Vessali, and Michael Davis AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order. Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 None AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: for August 24, 2007. Consider absence request Possible action and discussion to approve meeting minutes Ward Wells motioned to approve the meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Hunter Goodwin and passed (4-0-1). Nancy Sawtelle abstained from voting since she was not present at the meeting. 3 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Presentation, possible action and discussion on a Concept Plan for Summit Crossing Subdivision, consisting of 105.84 acres, located at 4001 Harvey Road, and more generally located along the north side of Harvey Road, west of FM 158 and east of the Crescent Pointe Subdivision. Case #07-00500197 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the item stating it was a Concept Plan for a 106-acre residential subdivision zoned PDD, Planned Development District. Alan King motioned to approve the item as submitted with the requirement that Phase IV and VI be redesigned to take into consideration the preservation and enhancement of the current vegetation and topographic features of the site to achieve the stated purpose of the PDD, enhanced quality of life. Nancy Sawtelle seconded the motion; which passed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Presentation, possible action and discussion on waivers to sidewalk improvements and streetscaping requirements according to Section 5.6 Northgate Building Design Standards of the Unified Development Ordinance for Fitzwilly's, located at 303 University Drive in Northgate. Case #07-00500207 (CH) Crissy Hard, Senior Planner, presented the item stating the applicant was requesting a waiver to the sidewalk improvements and streetscaping requirements according to Section 5.6 Northgate Building Design Standards of the Unified Development Ordinance. Nancy Sawtelle motioned to approve the item as submitted. Alan King seconded the motion; which passed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Adjourn Alan King motioned for adjournment. Hunter Goodwin seconded the motion; which passed (5-0). Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. APPROVED: John Nichols, Chairman ATTEST: Nicole Menchaca, Staff Assistant 4 INTRODUCTION College Station is committed to aiding registered neighborhood associations in developing attractive entrances into their neighborhoods, in order to promote the City and utilize citizen participation in malting College Station a better place to live. The improvement of these entrances or gateways should only serve to better enhance the aesthetic value of our community and strengthen its natural character. DEFINITIONS 1. Subdivision or Neighborhood Gateway - a point of entrance or means of access into either a subdivision or neighborhood marked by plantings, signage and other decorative accents. 2. Subdivision - as defined in Chapter 9, Section 3, of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. The division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots or sites for the purpose of sale, division of ownership or building development. Neighborhood - an area of a community with characteristics that distinguish it from other areas and that may include distinct ethnic or economic characteristics, housing types, schools, or boundaries defined by physical barriers, such as major highways and railroads or natural features, such as rivers. 4. Association- Homeowners' Association or Neighborhood Association as defined below. 5. Homeowners' Association (HOA)- a homeowners' association is an organization comprised of all owners of units, other than a condominium association, in a development in which individual owners share common interests and responsibilities for costs and upkeep of common open space or facilities. 6. Neighborhood Association (NA) - an organization made up of residents and property owners within a self-defined boundary, having elected officers and operating under by-laws to fulfill a civic function. 7. Private Improvement in the Public Right-of-way Permit (PIP) - A PIP permit is required under Chapter 3, Section 2 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances for any improvements, as defined by code, that are placed and maintained in the City's right-of-way by a private entity. 8. Right-of-Way - As set out by the City of College Station Code of Ordinances Chapter 3, Section 2-D a Right-of-Way means the surface of, and the space above and below a public street, road, highway, freeway, land, path, public way or place, alley, court, boulevard, parkway, drive, or other easement on or hereafter held by the City (including any street, as defined, which is acquired by eminent domain) for the purpose of public travel and shall include other easements or rights-of-way now or hereafter held by the City or in which the City has an interest (including any easements or rights-of-way acquired by eminent domain) which shall, with their proper use and meaning, entitle the City and a utility to use thereof for the purpose of installing facilities, and other property as may ordinarily be necessary and pertinent to a utility system. SECTION L POLICIES A. GATEWAY POLICY The City of College Station is committed to developing attractive gateways, as funding allows, into the community as a whole and will work diligently with Homeowners' Associations and Neighborhood Associations interested in developing and maintaining gateways into their neighborhood and/or subdivision. B. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Purpose The following policies are principles to be followed by City of College Station staff in executing the Gateway Grant program. These policies are intended to establish consistency and coherence in the implementation of gateway development. 2. No Contract Created a. Neither this policy nor any application for City funds shall constitute a contract that prohibits or restricts the City's right to withhold funds for any gateway development. b. The policies and procedures contained within this document shall be available for review and inspection upon request. 3. Gateway Records a. Neighborhood and Community Relations staff will maintain all records relating to Gateway Grant administration. b. Information contained in the files for the Gateway program is a matter of public record. 4. Amendment of Policies The Policies contained within this document may be changed by the City Council. Changes to this document will be made available to the general public. C. ELIGIBILITY 1. Eligibility Policy Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) staff will be responsible for determining Gateway Grant eligibility. 2. Homeowners' Associations and Neighborhood Associations Any association within the incorporated City Limits of College Station, Texas, which is registered in the City's Neighborhood Partnership Program, is eligible for gateway fielding. Sixty percent (60%) of the members of the Association must sign the application form. 3. Developers Developers are not eligible for fielding. D. FUNDING City Council will determine the amount budgeted for the Gateway Grant program for each budget year. Once budgeted finds are depleted, applications not awarded will be held until the next fiscal year and will be given priority for fielding consideration over new applicants. 2. The City of College Station will provide a 50% match, monetary only, of up to $7,500 per application for use by the applicant in the development of their gateway or corridor. Applicants may apply no more than once in a five-year period. This is contingent upon availability of fields. The Neighborhood and Community Relations staff will be responsible for prioritization of applications for grant fields. Prioritization will take into consideration, but not be limited to the following: a. Date of application, b. Completeness of application, and c. Amount of fields requested. E. LOCATION Private Property Gateway development will be allowed on Private Property. The development shall be clearly depicted on a layout plan which will be reviewed by City staff prior to approval of grant fields. In order for grant approval, the fee simple owner of said property must grant an indemnity agreement. 2. City Right-of-Way Gateway development will be allowed in the City Right-Of-Way subject to the requirements of Building Regulations Chapter 3, Section 2, of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. If any portion of the proposed project is planned in the right-of-way, a Private Improvement in the Public Right-of-Way Permit must be issued before work begins and before the first dispersal of grant funds will be released. F. MAINTENANCE 1. The Association shall have the responsibility to provide for the operation, repair and maintenance of the project funded by the grant whether the grant funds are expended on improvements on common property, private property, public right-of-way or easement. 2. The City will be given written permission for practical access at any time without liability when on official business, as well as permission to remove visual and easement obstructions, failed landscaping, objects in disrepair upon non-compliance by the Association of any terms of this agreement. In the event that the City must remove the material funded by the grant, the Association will be assessed all costs of removal. G. GATEWAY MATERIAL All materials used for gateway improvements must comply with the City of College Station's Code of Ordinances. SECTION II: PROCEDURES A. THE APPLICATION For consideration of a Gateway Grant, an association must submit to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator, all specific instruments cited below: 1. Application form with 60% of the associations' signatures; 2. Preliminary layout and design for the project; and 3. Estimated cost of the entire project. B. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Any registered Association interested in applying for a Gateway Grant will attend a pre-application conference with Planning and Development Services staff. This meeting will be coordinated through the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator. The purpose of preliminary discussion is to: a. Define the scope and responsibilities of the project; b. Clarify the application, review, and award process; and c. Clarify the field dispersal procedures upon approval. 2. Upon completion of the Pre-Application Conference, required development applications with supporting materials must be submitted to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator. C. REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION 1. Staff City Staff will review applications for completeness and against all applicable City of College Station codes and regulations. 2. Design Review Board a. The Design Review Board will determine each proposed gateway projects' compliance with the City of College Station's landscape, streetscape, signage, and private improvement in the public right-of-way regulations as set forth by the Unified Development Ordinance, and evaluate proposals based on the following criteria: 1. Gateway developments shall have good scale and be in harmonious conformance with the neighborhood. 2. Materials shall be selected for harmony of the neighborhood. 3. Materials shall be selected for suitability to the gateway developments and the design in which they are used and shall be architecturally harmonious with the neighborhood. 4. Materials shall be of durable quality. 5. Gateway developments shall have good proportions and relationships to their surroundings. 6. Colors shall be harmonious with the neighborhood and shall use only compatible accents. 7. Plant material shall be selected for interest in its structure, texture, and color, and for its ultimate growth. Plants that are indigenous to the area and others that will be hardy, harmonious to the design, and of good appearance shall be used. 8. Gateway developments shall not impede traffic, including pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The Design Review Board will be responsible for evaluating proposals based upon stated criteria and will forward their decision for funding to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator. After City staff and Design Review Board reviews have been completed and any necessary changes to the proposal approved, contractors may apply for necessary permits for construction. D. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS At the completion of construction and final staff review of the completed project, paid invoices must be submitted to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator in order for a disbursement of Gateway funds to be released to the Association. E. APPEALS 1. All appeals of staff denial of funding will be to the Design Review Board. 2. All appeals of the application process and/or the Design Review Board's decisions shall be made to City Council. EXHIBIT A FLOW CHART FOR GATEWAY GRANT PROGRAM Must be a neighborhood or homeowners' association registered with the City of College Station's Neighborhood Partnership Program. Contact Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator (764-6262) for application materials. 2. Complete the Gateway Grant Application. Gather the printed names, addresses, and signatures of a minimum of 60% of the association's members. 4. Develop a preliminary design plan for the project with an estimated cost. Submit application, signatures, preliminary plans and estimated costs to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator, who will then set up a Pre- Application Conference with the Planning and Development Services staff for the purpose of: ■ Defining the scope and responsibilities of the project; ■ Clarifying the application, review, and award process; and ■ Clarifying the field dispersal procedure upon approval. 6. Attend the Pre-Application Conference (PAC) meeting and get direction from City staff regarding continuing the process. 7. Submit to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator all required development applications (fees will apply) and materials for technical review and Design Review Board consideration: ■ A Design Review Board Gateway Application and, if applicable, ■ A Private Improvement in the Public Right-of-Way Permit (PIP) application (only if the project is in the City's right-of-way). 8. City staff will perform a technical review of the application(s) and present the proposal to the Design Review Board when all standards have been met. Applicant attendance at this meeting is highly encouraged. 9. Upon approval by the Design Review Board, the required development and/or building permits (e.g. development permit, sign, electrical, irrigation) may be applied for by the appropriate contractors to begin construction (fees will apply). 10. When construction/landscaping has been completed, City staff will make an inspection. The Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator will be notified when all work for a project has been accomplished according to approved plans and successfully completed a final inspection. 11. Grant fund dispersal may be made when a project has completed a successful final inspection and a copy of the paid invoice(s) is submitted to the Neighborhood and Community Relations Coordinator. 10 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD GATEWAY GRANT PROGRAM STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jason Schubert E-mail: jchubert@cstx.gov Report Date: October 4, 2007 Meeting Date: October 12, 2007 For AMBERLAKE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION - GATEWAY GRANT FUNDING Location: Amberlake Homeowner's Association common areas on Woodcreek Drive Applicant: Amberlake Homeowner's Association; Clare Beltrand, President Item Summary: The item is for consideration of a Gateway Grant Funding application for the Amberlake Homeowner's Association along Woodcreek Drive. The City Council approved an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in September 2007, providing the DRB the authority to determine if the applications meet the intent of the City's Gateway Grant Program and thereby recommend approval of the expenditure of the associated funds. The Amberlake HOA maintains two common areas along Woodcreek Drive, the gateway into the neighborhood. The common area to the north of Woodcreek Drive is approximately 4.1 acres and consists of a small lake, walking trail, and landscaping. The common area to the south of Woodcreek Drive is approximately 2.6 acres and consists of a small lake, a waterfall feature, and landscaping. The applicant is proposing two items for consideration: 1) The small lake in each common area has been experiencing erosion along the perimeter as the banks are being undercut (see picture). The applicant is proposing to install interlocking bulkheads, backfilled with topsoil, around the north lake. The estimate for the bulkhead concept is $16,778.75. This proposal will help limit erosion and preserve the lake's aesthetic and functional purpose. If approved, a development permit would be required in order to perform the work. 2) Landscaping is proposed along the north side of Woodcreek Drive from just east of the common areas to Stonebridge Drive. The landscaping consists of 75 Knock-out Rosebushes planted in 8 different beds, each bed about 40 feet in length. The beds are built between the existing crape myrtles along the street with sprinkler heads moved to serve the beds. The estimate for this work is $6,495.00. The proposed work is in the right-of-way (ROW) of Woodcreek Drive and thereby requires a Private Improvement in Public ROW Permit (PIP) to be approved. The PIP application was submitted and approved in May 2007 and the landscaping has since been installed (see picture). Items to be reviewed based on the following criteria: 1. Gateway developments shall have good scale and be in harmonious conformance with the neighborhood. 2. Materials shall be selected for harmony of the neighborhood. 3. Materials shall be selected for suitability to the gateway developments and the design in which they are used and shall be architecturally harmonious with the neighborhood. 4. Materials shall be of durable quality. 5. Gateway developments shall have good proportions and relationships to their surroundings. 11 6. Colors shall be harmonious with the neighborhood and shall use only compatible accents. 7. Plant material shall be selected for interest in its structure, texture, and color, and for its ultimate growth. Plants that are indigenous to the area and others that will be hardy, harmonious to the design, and of good appearance shall be used. 8. Gateway developments shall not impede traffic, including pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Attachments: 1. Application & Signatures 2. Location Maps 3. Pictures 4. Cost Estimates 12 Application for Gateway Grant Funding Applicant: Amberlake Homeowner's Association- Clare Beltrand, President pplicant is defined as the partm, responsible for completion and maintenance of all %vork assoctsted with the prefect) The, Applicant's Address: 9203 suniake Ct Applicant's Phone 693-2534 Description/definition of neighborhood and/or Home Owner's Association: Amberlake Homeowners Association consists of 117 residential lots in Woodcreek Subdivision. Description of Gateway concept (is ROW involved?): a row of pebble rocks around the lakes to stop the erosion in our two lakes that are apart of our common area. We also want to the impending commercial development to our South Does the applicant desire participation by the City in funding the improvement described? Yes X No Along with completing this application, the applicant is required under the Council approved policy to provide the signatures of at least 60% of the members of defined neighborhood and/or Home Owner's Association supporting this development. See attacf~ed list ofsanatures 13 0112910`1 Amberfake Horneawnt"s Association, Inc. Amberlake Addresses & Phone Vs January 29, x007 t'ustnrner dkissson. i'crry & Gloria AA tten, Donald & Christine Amin, Anup & Shilpa Balker, 13ob & Linda Beckmann, Jeffery & Judy 3e11ott, Michael & Deanne j1ellrand, Daniel & Clare 13eremand, Phillip & Marian )3ielamowicz, Billy & Mickey ■lion(i , Jnnics & Mary 130 1t V ordcn, Joseph C:. & Paula ❑vcn, tieorge Rc Oaytha 13nysen, Dirk & Carey•r- 1SriggS, James & Michelle Burback, Donald & Gayle fall away, Travis & Kerry VCalliham, Michael Phone 979-680-9128 979-764-6670 979-764-0848 979-6968504 979-764-6410 979-764-9635 979.693-2534 979.693-5495 979-693-17.80 979-694-8449 979-6%-9377 979-696-5497 979-696-0693 979-696-6316 979-&93-17821 Cangelose, Martin Capps, Drat & Debra tIds, James & a-- 7 V hilds, Maria & Jarste~r--- Cohen, Peter & Robin JJ per, Charles & Shoran Orley, T. Prank Jr. & Carolyn ulpeppcr, Jack & Mary Ann.- Dohbs, Ken & Marti Duguay, Yves & Kathy Durham, Kenneth & Patricia JRbanks, Jim & Eleanor lam, Marvin & Rhonda Enjeti, Pntsad & Radhika Viruru Ganzer, Diane V&par,Julian & Jayanthi Vtiedroo, David & Linda i~ Gonzalez, Steve & Lauray. (ireen, John. ,Grisham, Lynn & Jan ~/U (jq R" hI NPI ahn, Itrrgen & Mtiriahail, Brian Ilall, Robert & Judith iancock, Michaal & Rebecca Harty Jef£& Michellcr rl{atch, Steve La Vor & Nora Lee ix, Charles & Nell offert, Ri chard & Sylvia Hollis, Darrell & Annette 11ott, Michael & Kathy tang, Tongyin & Lui, Mei /ohrv oM Marion & Melba Jones, Jr.,Robcrt & Alice Jose, Manuel tin, Cliff & Salty lnm Vikrarn & Vishalarn VIrby, Karen yKjolen, Semb VKlein, Robert & 'Irish 1/ Kountakis. Pete & Janet Krirse, Dail: & Maggie ,KuPPCSsmith, Ronald B, & Nicole stla, Dennis& Carol Lee, W. John & Phyllis f Lewis, Kyle opcf George 3,uCpnit~ Rap & CM ui, Yiuwing & Hsaioping Magee, Derry & Gwendora 979-696-2979 979.693-2714 979-693-0320 979-695»9499 979-695-9499 979-696-9525 979-696-8778 979.693-4231 979-696-8053 979.693-5213 979-680-1113 979-680-1389 979-693-6605 979-693-2855 979.696-7397 979-764-6620 979-764-7924 979-764-7352 979-946-2040 979-694-2834 979-693-3663 979-6965838 979-694-2158 979-696-0981 979-6968141 979-764-7133 979-764-0770 979-764-0622 979-696-0708 979-696-5432 979-764-9494 979-7tr1-7125 979-6964399 979-764-3903 979-764-4459 979-680-1100 979-696-3329 979-693-0845 979-775.9070 979-693-7248 979.6193-41511 Ship to Dr. & Mrs. Perry Adkisson 9211 lake Forest N. College Station, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs. Donald Allen 9215 Brookwnter Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Dr. & Mrs. Anup Amin 9306 Lakeside Ct. College Station, TX 77PAS Mr. & Mrs. Robert Balker 9243 Brookwater Cr. College. Station, TX 77945 Mr. & Mrs, Jeff Beckmann 9301 Ambawood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Bellott 9244 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs. Daniel C. 13cltrand 9203 Surd At CL College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bercmand 9208 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs, Billy Biclarnowicz 9235 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, Jaynes Bond 9218 Brvukwater Q. College Stalion, TX 77845 Mr, Joseph C. Borden 92,31 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. George Boyett 9300 LAkcsidc CL Cal lege Station, TX 77845 Dr. & Mrs. Dirk Boysen 9261 13mokwatcr Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Jaynes 13riggs 9219 Brook-water Cr. Cotlege Station, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs Donald Burback 9348 Amberwood Ct. Callegc Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs.Travis Callaway 9207 Lake Forest Ct. North College Station, TX 77845 Dr. & Mrs. Michael Calliham, Jr. 9257 Bmokwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. Martin Cangclose 9305 Lake Forest Ct. S. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Oral Capps, Jr. 9204 Sutrlake Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. James Childs 9202 Suntake Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, James Childs 9202 Sunlake Ct. College Station, Texas 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cohen 9249 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs. Charles J. Cooper 9232 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, T. Frank Corley Jr. 9241 Brookwater Cr. College Sintion, TX 7794.1 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Culpepper, 1119200 L Akc Forest N. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, Ken Dobbs 9266 Brookwmcr Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Yves Dnguay 9245 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Durham 9267 Brookwatcr Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ebanks 9204 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77945 Marvin & Rhonda Elam 9203 Lake Forest Ct. M College Station, TX 77845 Drs. Prasad Enjeti & Radhika Viruru 9208 Lake Fnrest Ct. N, College Station, TX 77845 Ms. Diane Ganzcr 9213 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Dr. & Mrs. Julian Gaspar 9303 Amberwood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. David Giedroc 9229 Brookwaler Cr. College Station, TX 77645 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gonmlez 9246 Brook-waterCollege Station, TX 77845 Dr. John Green 9259 Brookwater Cr. College Station. TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, Lynn Grisham 9210 Lake Forest CE, N. College Station., TX 77845 9209 Lake Forest 0. N. College Station, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs. Jeurgen Hahn 9207 Brookwater Cr, College Station, TX 77845 Mr. Brian K. Hall 9228 Brookwatcr Cr. College Station, Tx 77845 Dr, & Mrs, Robert Hall 9275 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Micheal A. Hancock 9210 Brookwater Cr. College Subon, TX 77245 Drs. Jeff & Michelle Hart 9306 Ambnwood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, Steve Hatch 92:27 Brookwater Cr. College Station, N 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hix 9240 Brookwater Cr. College Stanon, TX 77845 Mr, & Mrs. Richard Hoffert 9303 Lake Forest Ct. S. Cotlege Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Hollis 9206 Brook-water Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs, Michael lfoft 9237 Brookwater Cr. Cotlege Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Tongyin Jiang 9236 Btookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 1tilr, & Mrs. Eddie Johnson 9264 BrookwoterCr. College Station, TX 77945 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, Jr. 9205 Lake Forest Ct N. Cal lege Station, TX 77845 Mr. Manuel Jose 9256 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr, ClifPKim 9217 BrookwaterCr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Vikram Kinra 9206 Lake Forest Ct. N. College Station, TX 77845 Ms. Karen Kirby 9245 Brookwatcr Circle College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mfrs. Setelh Kjolen 9311 Lakc Forest Ct. & College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein 9214 Broolrwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Kountakis 9309 Lake Forest Ct. S. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kruse 9247 Brookwata Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kuppcrsmith 9201 Luke Forest Ct, North Cotlege Station, Texas 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis las,ila 9239 BrookwaterCr. College Station, TX 77835 Mr. & Mrs. William Lee 9310 Lake Forest Ct, S. College Station, TX 77845 Kyle Lewis 9300 Lake Forest CL S. College Station., TX 77945 Mr. George Low 9201 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Dr. & Mrs. Roy Luepnitz 1200 Neel Cl. College Station, TX 77845 Dr. & Mrs. Yiu-Wing Lui 9222 Brookwater Cr. Coltegc Station, TX 77845 Mr. & Mrs. Derry Magee 9265 Brookwater Cr. Cotlege Station, TX 77845 14 Amberlake Nonwowner's Association, Inc. - Amhelrlake Addresses & Phone #'s : 01(70/0 January 29, 2007 C ostomcr Phone Ship to - Aniord, Bill & Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Bill Maniord 9310 Amberwood CL College station, TX 77845 artine, Raymond & Kathitiiiil~ 979-693-7975 Mr. & Mrs, Raymond Martine 9300 Amberwood Ct. College Station, TX 7784S c,CILLM Mike & Micky 979-693-5893 Mr. & Mrs. Michaet McClure 9262 Brookwater Cr. College Station, '1X 77845 McMillin, Lon Dennis & Michelle 979-6695-2691 Mr. & Mrs. Lon McMillin 9345 Arnberwood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Me}rr, Paul R. & Ann 979-693-7850 Mr. & Mrs, Paui R. Meyer 9230 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 iller, John & Kim 979-694-1304 Mr. & Mrs. John Miller 9226 13rookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mohan Robert & Babetic Mr, & Mrs, Robert Mohan 9263 BraokrvaterCY. College Station, TX 77$45 nrpurgo, Benjamin & Hinat Mr Benjamin Morpurgo 9242 Brook-water Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Mosley, Robert & Paarcia B. Mr, & Mrs. Robert Mosley 9221 B rookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 nncarmw, Matthew & Verunica Mr_ & Mrs_ Mauhew Naticarrow 9254 Brookwater Cr. College SUdiun, TX 77845 gel, Raymond & Dally 979-696-6074 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Noel 9304 Amberwood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 VOOtken, Frank & Helen 979-7(yl-7723 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Olken 9212 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 'atel, Dinesh & Pushpa 979-693-3980 Mr. & Mrs. Dinesh Patel 9301 Lake Fort Ct. S. College Station, TX 77845 one, Ruth Ellyn 979-696-9930 Ms. R. Ellyn Perrone 9211 8mokwater Circle College Station, TX 77842 nManuel Jr, & Rebecca ~ 979-764-0949 Mr, Mrs, Manuel Pina Jr. 9314 Lake Forest Ct. S. College Station, TX. 77845 vy, Dan & 'I nrnrve Vlos 979-696-2750 Dr. & Mrs. Dan Po.wy 9202 Bmokwater Circle College Station, TIC 77845 uarles, , Joim &Y Arden, Nancy 979-693-9569 Mr. John Quarles & Nancy Arden 9253 Breakwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Cluirant, Leonard & Barbara 979-693-3212 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Quiram 9234 Bmokwater Cr, College Station, TX 77845 Ramps, Kenneth & irman Drs. Kenneth & Irman Ramos 9304 Lakeside Ct. College Station, TX 77845 V/ ifc, Wayne & Anr►r 979-764-8382 Mr. & Mrs, Wayne Rife 9255 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Riggs, Michael & Marian 979-694-2119 Dr, & Mrs. Michael Riggs 9307 Amberwood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Russell, Jim & Judy 979-693-2810 Dr. & Mos. James Russell 9302 Amberwood Ct. College Station, TX 77845 Schechter, David & Karen 979-694-9797 Cyr. & Mrs, David Schechter 9273 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 Ir Se:mler. Donald & Sheila 979-693-6420 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Semler 9214 Lake Forest CL N. College Station, TX 77945 5cn, Anrn & Swazi-~ 979-693-7305 Mr. & Mrs. Aronabha Sen 9269 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 VShipman, Frank M. 111 979-764-8073 Mr. Frank M, Shipman, 1[19201 Sunlake Ct, College Station, TX 77845 Shook, Jerry & Charlcen 979-764-6454 Mr. & MTS. Jerry Shook 9277 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 `Simon, Troy Courtney 979-680-0205 Mr. & Mrs. Troy Simon 9271 Brookwaler Cr. College Station, TX 77845 y meins, Fred & Judy 979-693-1088 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Smeins 9233 Brvokwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 mith, Dennie & Lana 979-694-9977 Mr. & Mrs. Dennie Smith 9302 Lake Forest Cit. S. College Station, TX 77845 V ymith. Mark & Ellen 979-764-$039 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smith 9248 Bmokwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 mith, Roger III & Nancy A. Leslie Roger Smith, 1]I & Nancy Leslie 9252 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 use bee, Jeff & Jan 979-693-8218 Mr, & Mrs. Jeff Sosebee 1202 Noel CL College Station, TX 77845 Speed, Michael & Diane 979-690-0478 Mn & Mrs, Michael Speed 9312 Lake Forest CL S. College Station, TX 77845 y statrfl'er, C'urtie & Cheryl 979-693-3888 Dr. & Mrs, Curtis Stauffer 9206 Sunlake CL College Station, TX 77845 /Stockton, William & Linda 979-695-9220 Mr. & Mrs. William Stockton 9220 Brookwater Cr, College Station, TX 77845 u, Chin & Grace 979-693-0256 Mr, & Mrs. Chin Su 9302 Lakeside Ct. College Station, TX 77845 ur Daniet & Fens 979-764-8330 Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Sui 9240 Brookwater Cr. College Station, TX 77845 harry & Kathleen everbaugh, 979-696-1616 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Teverbaugh 9225 Brook-water Cr. Cot lege Station, TX 77845 Fhakrar, Mahesh 979-694-1818 Mr. Mahcsh Thakrar, 9309 Amherwood CE College Station, TX 77845 aatcheE, Scott & lnyvc 979-694-1647 Mr, & Mrs. Scott Thatcher 9238 Brookwatt r Cr. Cotlcgc Station, TX 77845 nibble, 13oh & Janice F'Pstem 979.693.1972 qtr. & Mrs. Robert Tribble 9200 Sunlake Ct. College Station, TX 77845 anAlstync. John & Anita w- 979-693-1420 Mr. & Mrs. John Va»Alstyn : 9256 Brookwater Cr- College Station, TX 77845 tisqucz de Velasco, Guillermo 979-696-8763 Dr. Goillcrmo Vasquez de Velasvo 97.23 Brook-water Cr. College Station, TX 77845 fiordo MF-"r9-Ck^'{~1on-VQ9-9203 BTookwaterCr, College Station, TX 77845 eta irJrl rlt° 979-764-5833 ihrwFiR 9251 Brookweter Cr. College Station, TX 77845 ',Xaltman, Robert 979-698-8440 Mr. Robert B. Waltman 9307 Lake forest Ct. S. College Station, TX 77845 Warner, James & Linda Mr & Mrs James Warner 922413(ookwatcr Cr. College Station, TX 77845 } "olfe, Jim & Mary 979-696-3397 Mr. & Mrs. James Wolfe 9212 Lake Forest CL N. College Station, TX 77845 Lardkoohi. Asghar & Maria 979-696-5259 Mr. & Mrs. Aslehar %ardkoohi 9244 lake Forest Ct- N. College Station, TX 77845 6 page 2 15 SignRtUreS of 60% of members supporting the gatewRy development: Address 1,:)--c 4- 13rco(c u e C+r, Phone C{79-&10-1 (13 7 6~ `2.59 C-e (474- 3 - 72-- 16 Signatures of 60% of members supporting the gateway development: Name Address 7LL-- 9Yon k.w~ ('y c e. ~~rl'y ~j~rrt7~ - Phone ~G - z9, ele :76_q -7.35 03 homf 13 91 L\ (Af -v ~f a- t°c34_e G.% !iIz -7 i3 c,6kwcl r C,,:r . ?&V r~-. q,~s3 rv vKij.,lPe- (,r 9,20~ slL~ C 4- b ~ y6 -g3?-7 70 - go ?s Z 5'3-oz)-39 Y6 - a g I 6,15- - 7 73;~v 62 ~ Ay3 ~ R3 - ~ s6? 6q3-3 ~ 17 Signatures of 60% of members supporting the gateway development: Marne Ct RO Address _~oAr Phone tog 4- g 1-53 W~-OIM A-0u P3<7 7 tf `-2-5Z ag77 `if - k ~ lir ~3~>6~ z ~-70C i 7Z rl - I qI-OF I ~ ZS I ~ ws.~,„ Ct 18 On, Signatures of 60% of members supporting the gateway development: Name Address Pbane 131 1 ~ (1 C A :5 C r .o ° G 9'G ,S 11 2, 0 Z 7411 c, k LwE KIT r 7 D4'1 19 4„ z `i7 M 1~ 1 f !1 f YA, -L A k~LL - RQ i Ic. t Y.1 J 0 NOLL DR y ~ 't l " J1 _ ~:t.~' - L ~ j•• r a ..fir , , wn # s AS" dv a k, r t 'y t 7 i~ r e ` T LR Sld~ R . . " GI S r Y\E -OP . ..n. ~ M c ~ S r .t t r€~, li ~ - ~t ~•3 y ~ , ~''Y€t a ~ ~ ~ ` n- ( ~ i ° a R v.. a A A - 1 OQ G lo6l ` 4 d 1• ` ♦4R ,a F { BRO s , it 4- f .a f ,r/ P# a.P! ~.'J~ + ( { ' ~'y{ _ ~'^••5+.. .b 'x r ..ter ~s~=`4 ~ ~'y _ r8' ~ t`"~ - i~+y~ n4 .*'6 fe1 ` dv -gym N N ~d yF/✓ h ell T r ' f j"' ♦ be .c' 'R, R,..R, ~ ~~r t A y ,1 •{."1 Y . . n '"'~^rfi~ =Y~~~ 3•Ye-. ~~f .f c • J x>~~ Y ~ 1~~ ~ .'_.Y_''~' t + "~yY',. - ~~R r P~ t . a Y a d ~w f k xF+. , v t 's•jw'h . c F r.. + t f'r°, ' ~t F~: t~LL~ - ~•c"^ ~"r= . gam, ^ : »r , a Pictures for Amberlake Homeowner's Association Gateway Grant (07-115) t "P R ti 22 Erosion around Perimeter of Lake Landscaping along Woodcreek Drive Ser viee Jllllail"temanee, of the Brazos lValllley, fie. 1R.Qlr. 111:~nC ~~55 ICoMege Station, TX 77342 cstomer Ambedake Homeowners' Assoclaffon P.O. Box 11018 College St dlon, TX 77842 ESTIMATE Date Eutimate 10/5/2007 1691 Descaipu m CRY Cost TOW Maintenanoe of Amberlake Homeowners' Asoclallon Common Area-Erosion Control of North lake: Install Interlocking bulkhead, bordering around the North Lake to prevent erosion: wdl install gMxoxlmat* 8" in ground to 3" above normal fake levels 5500.00 15,500-00'F Accepted by. Subtotal $15,500.00 l P)aane # Fax # -mail Sa es Tax (8.25%) $1,278.75 979-776-7785 979-776-0286 serWoemCftuddenfinkmall.com Tbital $16.778.75 23 Service Maintenance of the Brazos Valley, Inc. P.O. Box 985 College Station, TX 77842 Customer Amberlake Homeowners` Association P.O. Box 11018 College Station, TX 77842 ESTIMATE Date Estimate # 12/27/2006 1595 Description Qty Cost Total Landscaping of the common area along Woodcreek Drive, north and south of 1 6,000.00 6,000.OOT Lake Forest Court: build 8 beds between existing crape myrtles---37,44,45,40,37,44,44,44 feet long, using 15 yards of bed mix, planting 75 (3-gallon) Knock-out Rosebushes, will move the sprinkler heads to the streets curbline. *Includes 1 year Warranty on plants. Accepted by: Subtotal $6,000.00 Sales Tax (8.25%) $495.00 Phone # Fax # E-mail 979-776-7785 979-776-0286 , servicem@suddenlinkmall.com Total $6,495.00 24