HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 City Law Limits Types of Usable Gas Containers City Law Limit ■ Types Of Usable Gas Containers As the summer grass mowing season arrives, College Station residents are reminded of the city ordinance limiting the type of container which may be used to carry flammable liquids. E. F. (Woody) Sevison, College Station Fire Marshal, says that this law has not been strictly enforced recently and "many res- idents have forgotten, or are ig- noring the existence of this law." According to the 1962 ordi- nance, "It is unlawful for the owner or manager of any service station, filling station, or dis- pensing station, or the agents, employees and servants of such owner or manager to sell and dis- pence or offer to sell and dis- pence gasoline or any other flam- mable liquids having a flash point below 200 degrees Fahrenheit in any type of container other than a metal container equipped with a cap or other similar device suf- ficient to prevent the escape of vapors. Sevison said "some people are using plastic containers to carry such liquids and that it is un- lawful." The ordinance states that any- one violating this ordinance will be guilty of a misdemeanor. This could lead to a fine of not less than $10, or more than $200. Ap Bryan Building & Loan Association, your sav- ings Center, since 1919 BB &L Adv.