HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Kat Chat 12.20.1962 M C _ns_ _'.,otu!_' Joni. :r High School Decumbor 20, 1 c 5 '. \,'.----‘ ----) 1 : ---------------.4 7 ----- '\ !--.\----., r- ( --A /:____ —;\ i:; \ i . ( i ? t ► t 1 \,,,,......_ ...■"" .4..,..........„„...----...,,:\\ . Cs) / ' t; .1:‘,. v ., \\(.5".* \ -' --v'v :-... .4 1 . 7 , .., / ( l \ 'N) , '. 4 \ .....1,....... �[ h_ / / 1 ` \ ■ i / , , \ { i . \1/41‘ _ - _ A. • \N. pi f t\ \ ..„ ---\\ • , 0. 7 1.- i \ \11\ i q . r...--A I -....._. , ..........„---4 ‘ ------- i /-_. : ,, 0 1 , . . • ' VI ,: / r - - ---.- -- ii t * 1 j, . , i ( C _ ....t,___ jj ..., ,..„ ' . .. \ \ . U -,1 ,/../,'„, 1 j______) I __ .. ` . Soon we shall begin the observaece of `�hristmas. What will our guests see in our homes? A Christmas in which hrist is incidental? Or will our Christ- mas center in Jesus, the world's Saviour, our Saviour? Only then Christmas will beam rays of light and strength into the days and years that lie ahead. Horace Schaffer WHAT DO YOU THINK? THE DEER by Fred Maddox by Landon Gilpin Years ago, in foreign lands As I was walking in the field one day, The lowly shepherds watched their sheep, I saw a little deer, When a host of heavenly angels came I made a little noise. And quickly woke them from their sleep. So sensitive was his ear That up he jumped and ran away A brilliant light shone all about, Into the neighbor's field of hay. A light that our Creator made. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** An angel came to speak to them; FALL PASTIME The shepherds, then,were sore afraid. by Susan Peach The angel told them that the Lord Falling, \ y Had sent a Saviour to the earth. Falling, j He then described the baby Jesus's Falling Lowly, humble place of birth. Gently to the ground Soon so many leaves will fall, Was He dressed in the finest of velvet They will make a moundr and gold, Up above, the squirrels chatter, With the softest of pillows beneath His Throw down acorns, head? Watch them shatter. Or was He wrapped in swaddling clothes And laid in a manger for a bed? Flying, Flying, Was He born in a castle clean, Flying With the finest of furniture inside and Birds in the sky, out? Flying high above the clouds Or was He born in a stable barn, Wrapped in tiny, little shrouds With sheep and oxen roundabout? Mystery,concealed. Was He born of a mighty king, Scamper, And taught to conquer with the sword? Scamper, Or was He a truly heavenly thing, Scamper i Who learned to conquer with His word? Tiny, little baby squirrels, ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** With the acorns, pampered. MISTLETOE Soon their parents come a'running, *) by Jim Stephenson Catch the little baby squirrels , In the tree, a'sunning. As I looked out the window, Green caught my eye, 'twas Mistletoe. Hunting, When closer I looked to see, Hunting, 'Twas hanging from a tree. Hunting The Mistletoe, which is hanging there, Finding acorns, bright, brown acorns, Contrasts with the trees, so dark and Dropped by pretty birds, the buntings. bare. Squirrels must stop their endless hunting; I look at the Mistletoe, Sun is setting, out of sight. But 'tis Christmas that I see, Squirrels must settle down till light; With children, decorations, All is quiet in the night. The manger, and the tree. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 'Tis smiling parents also, that I think of, NATURE Watching laughing children with laughing by Kristen Gardner love. Busy, busy bees All this I see looking out the window Playing in the trees In one little plant called Mistletoe. Flying here, darting there Though the parasite may kill They seem to be everywhere Many trees without a care, Making lots of honey It's worth it for the joy Nut any money, It brings in moments of despair. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** L 'aUREL FALLS A FOUNT 1I N PEN uy Covi'Li Aismuyer Ly Forty rwne In the clear, cool mountain air Don't ever wish Hewing, That you were a pen. The winding waterfall is People just love Foaming„ To push your nose in. The waterfall is cascading Majestically, I bleed blue blood Onto the moss - covered rocks below Which is quite a confusion. Mistily. Each time you fill me up, The sunlight is filtering through the It's just like a transfusion. swaying pines Quietly, I write Spanish, English, As twilight becomes dusk. Greek and Hebrew. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** I write red, green, purple, OUR CAT And blue. by Allen Denton I am slung, tortured, and We found our cat a long time ago Often beaten, On a cool November day; And most of the time I asked Mom if he could stay I'm chewed and eaten. She said the stray could stay. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The pencil is a terrible THE GEESE Foe. " -/ by Paul Madeley I write darker Than he does, though. The geese fly about so gracefully at night You'll find me at your Their winos outstretched and white Favorite store, As they go about enjoying their flight Under the section marked In the gleaming mist of night. "Pens Galore." *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** I AM A BLACKBOARD Beethoven used me by Charles Leinweber To write his pieces; To play for all his Ism a busy blackboard ;■1.. Nephews and nieces. Always full of action; Sworn to do my duty Oh, dear people, Regardless of distraction. I wish you would Treat me as I am very useful You really should. As you shall quickly see, *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** I am an endless source MYSTERY PEOPLE Of rare capacity, On Monday this eighth grade girl wore a Work you math upon me; red skirt, a white blouse, and red socks, Two and two are four. She wore a silver ring on a chain around Draw a little homestead her neck. At noon she flirted with Van With a fancy door. Odell. She has a brown bubble, and on Monday she wore a black bow in it. In Do your English on me, study hall she talked constantly. Here's the chalk - now write. The mystery boy is in the sixth grade. You had better get with it; He wears glasses. On Monday he came to We haven't got all night. school wearing black shoes and tan jeans and a blue long- sleeved shirt. He rode Oh, no Not again! to school on a blue bike, as usual. He For the fifty -first time makes very good grades (It runs in the You forgot to erase me. family). He has a sister with red hair I call that a crime! in the eighth grade. ***************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 3 !...Cn1flfl 1r'LII`Jf LITTLE 7 7v 51 LIF De,r_le W. by Jamus Roberts L PUNISH HER - Jill R. JAMES,HOLD THE LADDER STEADY - Charmille I'm off to see this Place Grand, & James The older streets, and then the Strand, TRUE, TRUE LOVE - Jimmy & Kay That far -off nation in the sea, / SHE WEARS MY PIN Ann, Kay, & Kathy You(11 never know what it means to me. SHAME ON ME - Wally WHAT KIND OF LODE IS THIS - Sheeley & Larkin My home from home JULIUS PLAYED THE TRUMPET - Chris N. Shall harbor me DOCTOR DEN CRAZY - David Riedel Until I'm safe DO YOU LOVE ME - Andy & Kathy From whatever seeketh me. LOVE DAME TO ME - Margaret & Frank PLEASE SEND ME SOMEONE TO LOVE A Ruth E. In darkness, LOVE ME TENDER - Bob & Dede In brightness, DD YOU LOVE ME - 3arbara & Tobev It holds true to me, ANNA - Ann 8howing me friendship all new to me. I NEED YOUR LOVE - Larry & Evelyn DO YOU LOVE ME -- Jan & Donnie The years of the war IN YOUR ARMS - Kathy H. & Mike P. Had tested that chain GUITAR MAN - Jimmy A. Through sickness, through agony, YOU CAN RUN, DUT YOU CAN'T HIDE _ Mike L. All told were the pain. I LOST MY DADY - Kerry F. MONSTERS HOLIDAY - Judson & Joe This reason._I give you, THE LONELY HULL - Jimbo 3. This reason I name, -- PEY WADDLE - Kay K. This reason I tell you, MY DAD - Linda, Neil, and Dudley Gives right for the some. %Ma1 kT MASH - Ronnie D. & Clyde A. SOMEDAY - Jane L. I'm off again for London. THIS LAND WAS MADE FOR YOU AND ME - Every - I'11 be again in London, body at Consolidated That city by the Thames. RUMORS - Koren ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I SAW LINDA YESTERDAY - Linda A. ANSWERS TO THE MYSTERY PEOPLE 2,n11020.30 LOVES A CLOWN - Ronnie O. - MY OWN TRUE LOVE - Joe & Mary Did you guess correctly? The answers areMY HOME TOWN - College Station Folk Ann Trail and Bart Inglis. D083Y'S GIRL - Mary E. D. I*********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** E LOVE OF A BOY - Phyllis W. THE TOP TEN .ONSTERS' HOLIDAY - Weekends --CD AIN, RAIN, GO AWAY - Girl Scout Troop 32 Who stuffed the ballot box ?? at thb campout MONSTER MASH - 202 votes LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU - Jane D. PURPLE PEOPLE EATER - 689 votes 00 YOU LOVE ME - Dill P. to Elizabeth C. HEARTLESS - Penny H. to Dill F. 1 - I'M SD CLOSE TO KATHY (124) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - Gordon M. 2 - MR. MOZART'S MASH (13) `" MERRY GO ROUND - Tommy S. 3 - GET OUT OF MY HOUSE (9) y V',) WHAT KIND OF LOVE IS THIS - Sandy & Gordon 4 - TORTURE (8) POOR LITTLE CUPID - B H. 5 - DON'T HANG UP (6)% HIDE AND SEEK - Gordon's party 6 - RETURN TO SENDER (6) ,--014 -THE ROOF - Santg Claus V - GREEN ONIONS (5) LITTLE BOY SAD - Mike M, 8 - PUNISH HER TORTURE -- Mrs. Hiertih's 8C's skits 9 - HE'S A REBEL SANTA'S WATCHING YOU - All you little 10 - BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY children in Cunsolidated Junior Hi.gh OFF THE RECORD La Sra, Watkins Visite El Club de Espaftl /I'M SO CLOSE TO KATHY - Steve During La semana pasada la Sra. Watkins visit! CHAINS - Terry & Janet el Club de Espanol, 0TCHING MARY GO ROUND - Mary Hooper La Sra, Watkins, quien es natural de 1YOU MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME - Van & Ann Puerto Rico, nos hablo sobre le Isla. aI WANT TO DE BOOBY'S (WALLY'S)GIRL A Nancy Ella fue a Puerto Rico el verano pasedo. 4 (Continued on next page.) I • ornr7o7 Ir's 17!-10 sabre el climo Mr_ Anderson why did you bury Linda's y c stum„ ou ; e la lsl" Tom- pliytiousa �sidu your garage? en nos mostro fotografias de los sitios Meg, what is this about your little toe? mma interesantes de la miema, Joe W., I'll let you in on a little ***********.********************************secret Mary H. likes you. NN( KITTENS KORNER Tommy S,, are you going to the M.Y.F. hayride? Linda ;;. you shouldn't say you read Jimmy A,, whose name was on your basket Penny's diary when you really didn't! She ball, but it didn't bring you any luck? might murder you next time!!! Whom did it bring good luck to? Speaking of diaries, certain people Seventh period P.E. boys, yuu surely might find Elizabeth's diary very interest- were cute in your P,E, shorts Monday, inn! "a.. o.„ looks so cute in a suit! <.. Dill R,:, she's been a bad girl, but she " still likes you Faye I, we didn't know you talk in your Janet, are you really made at Terry? o sleep! Ruth Ellen and Dede, what does that Penny Hu, that Flan X -15 of yours was salute mean? surely sneaky! Rocky P., do you really hate Van? Sheeley C„ are you zoo - crazy? With that Sandi N,, did anything interesting giraffe, now a frog, and then, of course, happen back home over the week end? Lakin we're beginning to wonder if we *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** should put into a zoo! JOKES 4, `k� Twenty four - page - reports! Really. Mr, (.11) Cc Holland, you may set a record! Detter Definitions: watch out though, Mr. Hnderson may beat Christmas - -A widely observed holiday on you! He's got a new kind of four -page- which the past nor the future is of so report: Linda and Faye, did you have fun suffoca much interest asihe present. /� * ** ,ing on the campout? Hug - -a roundabout way of expressing love �� _aJ.vn W,., someday you may be a famous * ** ::y1:.s?. if you keep on reading art books! Famous sayings by famous people: Does 3D really look like a bunch of sheep, There is one thing more exasperating Holland? than a wife that can cook and won't, and :Jolly, do you really like roasted bananas? that is a wife that can't cook and will, Janet C., how do you spell blew? - -Frost Diane D. happy hulidays! ? ?! * ** Linda A,., your daddy doesn't want you to Take care to get what you like or you lose his lunch! will end up liking what you get; Charmille and Penny, what were yuu doing , -- George Dernard ° haw ilocia1 night? Aren't you afraid you'll * ** a_ ".:e Evalyn jealous? Dlessed is he who expects nothing for Larry H;., did you ever get finished he shall never be disappointed. uaBning dishes? If you don't watch cut, * ** you'll get dishpan hands! Terry J.- -Dill, did you hear the joke Ann T o which ring did you choose? about the Egyptian guide who showed some rhereis going to be chain reaction on the M„Y.,F„ hayride! tourists two skulls of Cleopatra, one as Karen T,_, what happened to David? a girl and the other as a woman? girls, what was in the Dill P.-- No,let's hear it, Hey, 9 punch at the Alien Academy dance? * ** Mr. Holland (at Christmas dinner) -- * This space was reserved for ''hel:ley, James I introduced the turkey into this but whe did not want the information put in. country. Cathy Ashworth, what does A.D. + C.A. Host (trying to carae)- -And this must be mean7 the beggar he introduced. That :s cute, Larkin: A tisket, a tasket, All's well that ends, made a basket, * ** Nolan, how many pictures of boys are in your wallet? I bet none!! (Continued on the'next page.) 5 .._.