HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955 National Music Guild Certificate 1 . . y � .. .r 0 ILI . v �/1 i r e = 3 jiss15 = s -..s �' t s ' ... � ,► h. 411 f l Q -u . v J ► a I-0 Q 1111 oessegigliN V/ k.1 e :4= 141% lik 1 CI 110 .., 4 , ..... 1 Z = -4—• V t{ W = ' :4-,... S I . W 04 �,USICIq�,S . ^ r z '_s■� a ? V ° - ... _- . J ' v d 3t8l' 'qv qatl 1 1 N Q. w , .� '+-e 0 ' t.1 ••--40:= Z # a ...‘, V ' v i lki6.13.4 °V tt 4:,.. e..- --, V) t LTIN NO r...v...► t 6. , ,, H 420% 'NIII L.) 4. SACII4 W - , 14 ItWtri) tri. N Ed e • ) a A ek ` 7r#0 ._ 1 o 4 _ � Pupil No._ 4) of Teacher's Group Analysis of Pupil's Performance ' Pa PUPIL'S PROGRAM a y am, w O d * Judge, write below Judge, write below -- — — a) d JUDGE, CHECK RATINGS Nos. of Pcs. in t? Nos. of Pcs. In r'-+ Composer Titles of Pieces a., ON PHASES: C A which C's occur: S which A's occur: l 1 _ (3enr8 PIal( Fie wera _ ACCURACY: Time Values 2 Correct Votes — 3 Rests -41.(.1.4" ___ _ 4 _Tempo Indications 7 5 Marks of Expression 6 TONE QUALITY: Warmth _ 7 Vitality 8 Legato- Blending 9 _ Singing Tone 10 Sensitivity / — 11 TECHNIQUE: Clean -cut ✓ 12 Arm and Wrist Ease 13 Fingering 14 Fluency / T 15 Velocity �// 16 1 Command of Touches - 17 RHYTHM: Accent 18 _ Steadiness of Beat V 19 Continuity— Momentum 20 Flexibility PHRASING: Slurs J Key To Judge's Cheeks on Plisses: Proper Grouping Rise & Fall —Mel. Line 7 — C— Special Commendation Range of Shading -- A— Attention To Finesse in Endings DYNAMICS: Contrast Unchecked Phases — Satisfactory for Ability, PEDAL: well -timed Age, and Time Studied. Legato Connection If Judge signs the Attached Certificate, the Avoidance of Blurs Pupil has passed. _ Add'l Pedal Effects JUDGE'S ADDED COMMENT: Use of Soft Pedal I T1�1 RPRETATION: Style ''"- Balance—Mel. & Ace. / /j Structural Design V Clearness of Voices III Nuances 41 1 i Climaxes Feeling— Imagination ` ) t j REPERTOIRE: Classic f Romantic & Modern IM MT Added Phases Copyright by National Guild of Piano Teachers TOTAL NO. of C's I ) 0 TOTAL NO. of A's k VV Judge: Please write clearly TOTAL NO. OF C & A C $ IN Spaces Above q ; & also on Pupil's Record Above _— ____P_=, V GUILD MEMBER' O.___ _ Ste!_ ? _ / PUPILS REPORT CARD PUPIL'S N ' I ' ��� - - - -- - / PART ONE Entrant in the DISPOSITION OF REPORT CARD BY JUDGE _ L Judge receives Report Cards of each teacher's 191.::. NATIONAL PIANO PLAYING pupils from Monitor just before group is to play. Pupils play according to number on front of Card. 2. Jk piece h AUDITIONS, U. S.: A. indicated, alternating Pupil to play choices thereafter. of own c oice Each as piece heard, as well as the phases of pupil's play - ing is rated by C, A or an Uncheek. Then Judge writes Total No. C's and A's given, checking N. P. or P., ,under Pupil's Record on Card, writes Added Comment, and then Must Sign Both Card and Attached Certificate with Black Ink, if Passed. ���Lt6E O t 3. Judge then severs Report Card along perforated line. retaining Part -Two to be sent by Chair - Q 1 ...4 '�, man to Helen Robinson, Gail College, Abilene, _ Ft t Li" man for Guild Records. Ft n 4. PART-ONE of Report Card with Certificate at- 13-.; tachecj is delivered by Judge to teacher, after en- �� c, tire group has played. If teacher is not present, NG Pl - -. Judge' deliver9 all Parts -One and Certificates of the group to the Chairman for later delivery to teacher. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHER MESSAGE FROM THE DEANS TO PUPIL AND PARENT 1. After receiving Part -One of Report Card with attached certificate, f111 in below the Record of Pupil. Dear Student 2. 'loon the attached certificate, fill in the number of years the Pupil has entered the National Audi - Three facts preclude comparison of your present record with that tions and also the number of years he or she has of a year ago or with that of any other pupil. These are: first, been a National Winner by successfully entering your studies are more difficult each year; second, some judges are a complete program of 10 or more selections. liberal and others conservative in their grading; and third, your 3. After making certain that the Judge has signed program is different from that of any other entrant. the attached certificate, the Teacher must also sign with Black Ink. Present certificate at public Your true gains from the Auditions are likewise triple; the extra recital. effort put forth in preparation beforehand; the constructive analysis of your playing by the Judge; and the added poise the experience PUPIL'S RECORD will bring you. While your honors are the cloth out of which the frame of a man is made, they mean nothing unless you feel inspired to greater NO. OF S's (Count Unchecked Phases) effort. Consequently, if your record is low, be not downcast but (S means Satisfactory for Age, etc.) spurred to work more than ever; if high, remember that "Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." NO. OF C's /D (Count C's Checked) Study your Chart and seek always to do better, under the guidance of your teacher, in every point, with true attainment as your goal NO. OF A's Z (Count A's Checked) and the Golden Rule your guide. / Yours for a richer, finer, better, tomorrow NO. OF PIECES ELATE of musical accomplishment, TYPE OF WINNER Hans Barth • COMMITTEE COLOR OF STAR ON CERTIFICA John Mokre]s OF DEANS —. Carl M. Roeder CLASSIFICATION i