HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Last Will and Testament of Class of '65 We the Senor Claes, being judged of 'unsound mind and not reeponsible for our deeds do here'ef leave thie our last will and teetament as followe JAN BUTLER leaves tie Drill Team to Sylvia Pre and Ruth McGill. JOY COOPER & J. ?EV tHERS leave their lover's. quarrel to Janet Gould and Walter Varvel who will have so much fun making up. CANDY EVANS 1eav: her long dry spell during mononucleosis to Julie Davis, JULIE GOODE lee me her almost efiotieee Honor Sweater to Ann Ave ra. JACKIE !MU eave E her dictionary to Sellye Sorenson, BILL WHITE liaves his leash and collar to Carl Gough. CYNDI .K leaver- her discretion to Diane Ross. WAR1 W. gives his "Hoof and Mepth" disease to Carolyn Hooper. ANN ail3Y gives her leadership to David Holmgreen. JIMMY R;EVES donates hie had driving habit:: to Bin Gilmore. PAM IVELI leaves her pastive opinions to Linda LiIe MEIjNfl 1 1ILLfft wills: ter femininity to Janet Dayton. To Kareni Stuverui NANCY INGLIS givee her hairbrurth. Y.:RIWYN LINEHAPf leaves her loweheeied oneakers to Vietginia Gregory. JANET WE:TEHEUL) leaver her troubled complex personality to Joe Powe1L 3 JOHN BAD equeaths his subterranean pre ee to Fred Worle:e and Don DeLucia, The Senier e leavee KEN FISHER to posterity. TON McCar,.tY leve,,e his crown to David Parsons. „TIN mri.S leack's h1 e. tennis raquet to Claire Elkine, WHEE. KEIT MLMS leaves hie cleanlinesf in thought, word and deed to FhII Butler.., .C'IA RUNKLZS leave her teeeheeehee to Robert Reed,-, 11 eliv•R:tit STELLY Ieavee hie grasp of ideas to Carter Oaks. SUE,HTERTH 'wills her advice th, the lovelorn to Jame e Carter. a 8 DIANNA WEIRUS leaves her out -to -lunch sign to Pat Hotchkiss. STANLEY CLARK leaves his subl.ities with girls to Harold Lueducke. RANDY RtNSDxLLL leaves a brand -new Ivy League Jacket buckle to Mike Doran, We don't know what MILTON YOUNG has to leave, but whatever it is he leaves it to Janet Bother, Ken Young, Danny Whitt, and Sherry Mims. ANDREA CHANCEY NEMONABIONN leaves her freckles to Isabel Grameteges. DAVID GAY leaves his M.Y.F. weekends to Karen Berndt, who is Catholic. LINDA FELDMAN AND KAY GILBERT leave the Athletic Department to Jphn Sharon and David Murphy. JENNIFER HARTELY AND GAIL KEc .4N cleave all the broken wine glasses to Kim Alexander, Susan Boswell, Rosemary Sharp, and Joan Huff. BENNY HARDEMEN j•RIMEMMAN leaves the dark room to Jack Winslow and John Stockton. JUDY QUISENBERaY gives her last name to Ronnie Brown. RUSSELL HANNA leaves his ability to pall the wool over Mrs. Martin's eyes to any junior who needs it MICHEAL LINEHART leaves his nasty habit of studyin to Tom Denton to do with as he pleases, BILL DUKE leaves his place on the football team to John Perry-, RALPH SMITH leaves his piacie in the band to Yolanda Burkhalter and Mike Linger PATRICIA HILL leaves her niche in society to Jana Schaffer. BOB MORRIS leaves his obscurity to Dan Beauchamp, JIMMY T R r»`nrs #1X7IRX leaves his sweet, quiet, unassuming, unagressive, unconcerned attitude to Jim Amyx. PAULA GRUMBLES leaves her voice to Sandra Free and Ailese Houston. RICKY WOLF leaves his speech career to Katherine Edwards and Christine Schroeder KRISTINE ANDERSON unassumingly and quietly leaves her view from the top of the world to Gail Venuti, Bernice Krenek, Kay Douglas, and James Butler. VICKIE MARTINEZ leaves. JUDY MARTIN leaves her #ff sincerity to Linda Bloom, 00### BRUCE RIGGS leaves his birthright to .TAns M0M +4. ELLIOT GLLBERT leaves his navity to Margaret Durst and Jackie Hunt. CRAIG HARSTON leaves an ant farm in Montana to Jerry Pickron and Kitty Stone to enjoy as they see fit. SONNY I3ENIVIDEZ leaves his 'cycle to Donna Files and Billie Jean Greer to add spice to their senior year. BILLY MITCHELL leaves his reservered spot at the Dusk.tocDawn movies to Frank Morrison, Ken Calaway, Charles Castle, and Fred McNeil. DAVID KENT leaves Lorelei Brown a real -live Corsage. SUSAN TIMM donates her knowledge of swine to Georgia Heritage SHERRY HOLLAND bequeaths her halo polish to Cathryn Cleland. LINDA HARVELL & BARBARA LORENZ leave their left -L nd rings to Jean Ann Davis. CHERIE LeBLANC leaves her Bryan letter jacket to the Bryan Athletic Department. CAROL LIV :RMAN leaves her late hours to Daisy Sloan� ROSE LYNCH leaves her naturally curly hair to Sonny B »own, ELINDA PLANTT leaves her blond hair to Linda Rud3er- . PAM ADAMS leaves early and goes home, GEORGE HUE.BNER leaves Bryan High without a valdSietorian MARGARET BROWN donates her driveway to Peter F CHARLES DODSON leaves his artistic talents in the valentine line to Bob Bishop MAHGLZET MeMURRY giver her Cleopatra hair-do to :7,arbare ter GLEN COLLIER leavee his cooperative nature to lathy Sperry. JUNE BEAREN leaves the Drill Team. EARL CARL bequeaths his Falcon hubcaps to Fat Atkins, Jimmy Beamer„ and Ricky Carlton. JUDY DEAN leaves Tigeriand Teentable to David Maddox_ SAM HENRY CRESWELL donates his waterproof library to 34$48$41 Sylvia Mansfield. -- FRANK LITTERST leaves his Tastee Freeze parking permit to Tommy Meinecke, Dick :ewthers„ and Timmy Wolters. BOBBY ELKINS leaves his charter membership in the notorious fraternity at C. H. S., Un Ceppa Fa, to ilubert Hearne, Rune Hartzell, ard Thomas Powell. 00 JACK COFFEY leaves the Speech Department to Mrs. Aleton. E. A. HOLLAND leaver the airport to Continental Airlinee. SUZANNE MEDLEN leaves Mre. Martin gladly. CAROLYN ALLEN bequeath her lavender loafers to Sharon Lynch. LEE SICILIO leavee the punchline to'hes Playboy joke to Billy Haris and Charles Courirn. BOBBY WUIT'1!.G leaver Europe to DeBaulle 4. GAIL Cl2,RK leaver ier homaking claes to Chris Gooding and Debte (tore, SUE WHITE AND LINDA LEDBETTER leave A&M to John Gladden, Tra ir Larry Carter, Tommy Duncan, and whoever else need it PA! DKINS leaver her quiet 000g unassuming ways to Gvaidine Bassett,