HomeMy WebLinkAboutEighth Grade Prophecy EIGHTH GRADE PROPHECY JACKSON, Judy - Pocket Book Designer �S�pe ��Is�d_..�MPr?ea _ JitROS, Joe - Bull Fighter ARMSTRONG, Martha - Bubble Dancer BATES, Dan - Junebug Catcher JONES, Bill - Professional Yo- Yo -Ist _._ e Janet - Bounder of _Home - ..for. JOYER, Joe - Secret Service Commis - --- _...__. BEARRIE, __-- d - Mr�a stians - sioner . BECKHAM, John - Caddy for Mr. Holland JUNEK, James - Snake Racer BELL, Mary Ann - Harmonica Tuner KIMBERLING, Gary - Snow Ball Maker BISHOP, Emma Ruth - Pediatrician .KIACANNON, Carol - Chef BOLEN, Ronnie - Tennis. Ball Manufacturer LAURE NSON, Bell First BOSTICK, Bill - Second Dennis the Menace LAVERTY, � up Professional Skater BOYER,, Gail � r3ight . Club Owner LITZLER, Lee _Crane Operator BROWN, Frank - Producer for M-G-M BURKE, Oswald - Second Mickey Mantle _ LOUPOT, Ann - Fir stt Woman to Attend CALHOUNN Emily Successor to xr MPMALIGA, Paw.. - Dictionary Writer 'olland MANNZ�IC� Scott' -,.,.:U?. Manufacturer CALLIffPM, Mike - Dairy Owner -41fiEJK�i, Charles - Lion Tamer C ARROLL, Jimbo - Flea. Trainer Stand -In for Dracula CHARANZ�� Delmer - Mr.mss ,MCAFEE Jay - an - on fo Dr f MORG AN, Judy Expe CHENAULT, Robert - Cowboy PLANTS COONER, Harold - Supersonic Airplane MURRAY, Mike - Tree Surgeon Flyer MUTH, Dennis - Olympic Champion COUFAL, Sidney - Frog Keeper NICHOLS, Jimmy - Umbrella Maker ,. COULTER, Allen - Weight Wrestler rjOLAP3, Glenda - Bikini Designer COIIRTENAY Ivy - Gossip Chairman Agent OWEN, Ricky - Salesman of Ladies' 'tn inrTbrai t�i_Frange.s- W.Advertising Age Ready- to DAVIS, Sue - Choripodist OZMENT, Jean - Beauty Operator DAWSON, George - Bear Hunter ��R� Leslie - Superintendent of DEVEIUL, Linda -Snake Charmer Home for Spastics EDWARDS, Thomas - Announcer P , Carolyn - Bubble Bath Tester DENS, Bill - Weight lls - ei L Lifter PAR S{, Marilyn - Telephone Operator DENS, PARSONS, Diane - Horse Fly Detector FICK, Donald -Haas Sfyla.st FLOWER, Suzanne - Seller of Insulated PARSON, J. on - Probation paOOfficer Bags FRUITY, Byron Saleswoman FREEMAN, Kay - Marriage Counselor PRUITT, Carol - Jewelry FUGATE, Jack - Author of Book of Month PIWITT, Clifford - Horseshoe Champion GANDY, Charles - motorcycle Cop RAY, Mickey - Tennis Net '.leaver GANDY, Larry - Las Vegas Gambler ROBISON, Mike - Guitar Player G ARC I A, Jthnny - Author ROSS, Jackie - Flower Pot Designer ROSS, Willie - Stove Designer GARNER, Candy - Woman Wrestler SCHET�IBER, Kurt - Principal GODDARD, Lane - Girl Scout Leader SCHROEDER, Robin - Jazz Band Leader GREGG, Della - A ii Consolidated SHAUNFIELD, Phil - Pied Piper Secretary HANCOCK, Paul - Lipstick Tester _ Player SIGBORNSON, Lary - Star Basketball HENSARLING, Katie - Wellborn Bus Driver HOLDREDGE, David - Kindergarten Teacher SIMMONS, Connie - Substitute for Loud HOLLAND, Terry - Santa Clause SMITH, Bradley - t'mb HOOPER, Diane - Chewing Gum Tester HOUZE, Bobby - Clock Watcher SMITH, Cynthia - Nurse HUGHES, Linda - Psychiatrist SMITH, Patsy - Stand -In for Tinkerbel.L. HUGHES, Tommy - Ballet Dancer in "Peter Pan" PROPHECY CONTINUED -- Ann LOUPOT's skates go to David GAY; Scotty MANNING "s walk to Russell HANNr.; SMITH,-.rry_ 7. Perfume Tester Leslie PALMER's jokes to Harriett SMITH Sharon - Dramatic Actress HIERTH; Ricky OWEN's dancing feet to SOUTHERN, John - Golf Hole Rose LYNCH; Peggy AMES leaves her duck ; STEPHENS, Mickey - Professional Tennis to Sharon COVEY; Judy MORGAN to Sylvia; Ball Chaser DAVIS her blonde hair; Sherry SMITH STEVENSON, Susie - Tennis Champion her smile to Barbara ELLIS; Sharon SWITZER, Ronald - County Road Commis- SMITH her pixie hair cut to Kay GILP`:' sioner Jimmy MCAFEE his muscles to Lawrence TAUBER, Kathy - Cigar Salesmoman STELLY; Jimbo CARROLL his bobby pins THOMAS, Terry - Piano Tuner to Johnny BADGETT; Eleanor WORLEY her THOMPSON, Pat - Bikini Salesman editorial comments to Jan BUTLER; THOMPSON, Rosemary - Comic Artist Rosemary THOMPSON leaves her eyes to TOOMER, il..aud - Rancher David MCCORVEY; Candy GARNER her Ber- TOOMER, Eva - Teacher of the Year muds shorts to Darnelle CUNNINGHAM; VANDER CRUYSSEN, Henry - Dog Trainer Sue DAVIS her ability to chew gum to VESTAL, Kathleen - Prell Shampoo Model Jack ATWATER; Emily CALHOUN's brains VROOMAN, Charles - Model For Mad Covers go to Billy MITCHELL; Franees CUNNING - jJALLACE, Gene Hair Stylist — HAM's guitar to Button LINTON; Allen WOLTERS „Pam - Cowgirl COULTER's legs to Earl CARLS; Charles WORKMAN, Marilyn - Candy Shop Bwner GANDY's cute ways to David LITCHFORD; WORLEY, Eleanor - Care taker of the Sidney COUF AL' s white shoes to Norma O Asylum GLEASON; Jackie ROSS 1Bdves his dreamy ***********7 �3}*3 * 3� #iE # # #if3�iE ;fi�i� # #at # #itit eyes to George BELL; Kathy TAUBER her blue dress to Julie GOODE; Connie EIGHTH GRADE WILL SIMMONS her beautifyl hair to Judy MARTIN; Mary Ann BELL's ear rings go Tommy HUGHES leaves his belt to Benny to Nancy COOPER; Pam WOLTER's comb HARDEMAN; Bill BOSTICK'S white teeth to Ken FISHER; Martha ARMSTRONG's go to Lawrence STELLY; Diane PARSON'S jewelry to Judy DEAN; Suzanne FLOWERS' horses to Suzanne NEDLEN; Mickey sunny smile to Warren WAGNER; Dennis STEPHEN's grades to David KENT; Kurt MUTH's build to Randy HALL; Jimmy SCHEMBER leaves his bicycle to June NICHOLS' laugh to Jon ANMIRATA; Jean BEARDEN; Mickey RAY's tennis racket to 0ZMENT ' s ear rings to Patricia HILL; Lorrie WOODS; Ronnie BOLEN's English John BB6KHAM's astronmmy books to book to Matgaret BROWN; Patsy SMITH's Darlene MCCUAN; Susie STEVENSON;s parties to Pam AVERA; Ronald SWITZER's art talent to Ralph SMITH; Cynthia musical talent to Bi11KIDD; Pat THOMP- SMITH leaves her lipstick to Betsy SON's history book to Bruce RIGGS; PEARCE; Terry THOMAS his drama abil? Marilyn WORKMAN's candy goes to Andrea ty to Bobby WRIGHT; Gene WALLACE his CHAUNCEY; Havid HOLDREDGE leaves his brown eyes to Meriwyn LEINHART; Frank shyness to Frances URSO; John SOUTHERN BROWN his mechanic ability to Billy his golf ball to Alice PUTZ; Robert STESKO; Oswald BURKE HIS library book CHENAULT his chickens to Pat STONE; Jackto Margaret MCMURRY; Ivy COURTENAY' FUGATE's height goes to Michael TRENCHARD; sentences go to Nancy INGLIS; Della GREGG's chopsticks to Judy WHITED; Bill EWENS' handsomeness to John Terry HOLLAND's clothes to Bobby WHIT= KRENITSKY; Johnny GARCIA's themes to ING; Katie HENSARLING's long hair to Barbara LORENZ; Mike MURRAY's joke Elinda PLANTT; Lane GODDARD leaves her book to Elizabeth STONE; Mike ROBI- accent to Cynthia KERLICK; Bill JONES SON's boots to Tommy TYDLACKA; Joe his red shoes to Andrea MITCHELL; Judy JARO's artistic creations to Linda JACKSON her quidttness to J. ,PEWTIIERS; FELDMAN; Joe JOYER's dancing feet to Lee LITZLER His locker to Jim MILLS; Patricia SHANKS; James JUNEK's snakes to Bobby ELKINS; Paul MAMALIGA's baseball glove to Pam ADAMS; Mike CALLIH[ bermuda shorts to Margaret BROWN; Clifford PRUITT's dark glasses to Ragna SHUFFLER; Byron PRUITT's motorcycle to Sonny BENAVIDEZ; J. W. PARSONS leaves his Hearne trip to Michael LEINHART; Bradley SMITH h..s talking to Gail KEOWN; Phil SHAUNFIELD his place in the hall to Jack CO F EY; Chuck VROOMAN his books to Willie Mae MATEJKA; George DAWSON his hair to J. PEdTHERS; Gary KIMBERLING 's feet go to Randy RANSDELL; Bobby HOUZ 's trumpet to Harriett H_IERTH; Larry GANDY's motor scooter to Bobby ELKING; Alan LAVERTY' games to Sherry HOLLAND; Charles MATEJKA's notebook to Bill WHITE; Glenda NOLAN's homemaking book to Judy WHITED; Kathleen VESTAL's squeal to Vickie MARTINEZ; Larry SIGEORNSON's missing papers to Pam ADAMS; Emma Ruth BISHO?'s compact to Melanie MILLER; Claud TOOMDR's grin to Julie GOODE; Bill LAURENSON's blonde hair to David (AY; Carol inn KI CANNON leaves her walk to Carol LIVERMAN; Marilyn PARER and Carolyn P^FIER their identicalness to Carolyn ALLEN and Judy QUISENBERRY; Diane HOOPER to Pam AiDKINS her full skirts; Linda DEVAUL her radio to Baggy BREAZEALE; Linda HUGHES her white loafers to Mary CAREY; Carol PRUITT to Sonny BROWN her sunny personality; Gail BOYER her hair cut to Joy COOPER; Robin SCHROEDER his math grades to Donna DOZIER; Paul HANNCK his gum to Paula GRUMBLES; Willie ROSS his strength to E. A. HOLLAND; Nils EhTELT his braces co Bill KIDD; Delmer CHARANZA his pull -ups to Roy MARTINEZ; Henry VANDER CRUYSSEN his blue jeans to Carter OAKES; Eva T00ia's P. E. clothes go to Suzanne MORRIS; Dan BATES's missile notebook to Bill WHITE; Janet BEAiRIE's sandles to Susan TIMM; Harold COONER'c hail to Randy HALL; Thomas EDWARDS's Russian to Barbara ELLIS; Donald TICK's fast talk to Sam Henry CRESWELL; Kay FREE - MAN's . ing to Judy QUISETEEPLRY. iiif ### 3534# 343fiiii3: 3' c343: 3c3: 3c*3 .i ?:*3'c3c?:;`c?c3 1*31 ** 3e3t'?:*#3i #ic******* Yd5 ##** I**3•c* * *3I f *#3'c34*3•c A AND M CONSOLIDATED bids farewell to the following: Mrs. Stella to Aust n, Texas' Sixth Grade: Mrs. Nye to Houston, Texas Karen Thomas to Brownsville, Texas Mr. Hayes to Stillwater, Oklahoma Kent Edwards to Hawaii Mrs. Seacat to Lubbock, Teas Diane Novosad to Bryan, Texas Gerald McCaulley to Alabama Eighth Grade: Lane Goddard to Gainesville, Florida Seventh Grade: Gail Boyer to Ithaca, New York Tommy Tydlacka to Bryan, Texas Ronnie Bolen to San Antonio, Texas Barbara Ellis to Ft. Bragg, North Willie Ross to Houston, Texas Carolina Bill Ewens to Stillwater, Oklahoma Billy Steshko to Elgin A. F. B., Bradley Smith to Lamar in Eryan, Texas Florida Mickey Ray to Lovett, Texas 34343P3c *** *'c3:3'c3cit 3F34 :c :43 :3: v .• •ax • - x.� :1 • s• • • _c •�. :• •• .• .. • ,• ..a s• : : , 1 •• •c •• •• " ....:...., r. :., 34... r :.... c # 3c .c :r.Y3.Z...csc7, :.- :r #*3c 53' c3 :3t*3c3 :3ciF3'c343t3E At 2:30 a.m. a Des Mc nos rear_ called a neighbor and said cheerily, "Gosh, ;..in't this a nice d ?" "Nice day!" expl the nef €hbcr. "Don't you know it's 2:30 and you got ma out of bed ?" "Oh, that can't be tr ?o," s :_d the first man. "Your dog is in my yard barking, and I can't beli<ve you'd be letting him run loose at that time of night." The dog hasn't been out at right since.