HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council Compass BLUEBONNET GIRL SCOUT N C s Vol. V 1 No 5 WACO, TEXAS March, 1965 REGISTER EARLY FOR CAMP KACHINA Registrations for Camp Kachina will Construction on Kachina Sessions, 1965 be accepted after March 1st. Camp Dinin g Hall Started Session 1 —June 6 - June 18 (Note special units) folders have been mailed to girls, and Consrtuction on the new dining hall Session 2 —June 20 - June 26 these folders give the dates of camping Session 3 —June 27 - July 9 sessions from the summer, 1965. Some and unit for Camp Kachina have been Session 4 —July 11 - July 17 _ started, and it is expected building will Session 5 —July 18 - July 30 girls may not have received their fol- Six day sessions are for young and der and if so, please contact the troop '"`�� be completed by the date of the open- beginning Ju Girl S G ir l s who will be C adettes or S eniors, Sep- leader, the neighborhood chairmen, or ing of camp, June 6th, 1965. Open tember 1965 will not be accepted at the council office, where one may be House will be held when the buildings a s ix day session. secured. The sessions offer excite- are completed in order for all to view R EARLY! (Note: On March 1st, the Special Unit ment and fun to the Girl Scouts of what cookies are building! Horseback Riding Unit, was filled.) this Council, summer, 1965. ifsr , is 44110 , 'W 1 t The two Bluebonnet Girl Scout Penny Hancock, College Station. ville; Jody Ecker, Ft. Hood and Celia Roundup patrols were announced at Standing, left to right, are Evelyn Donaldson, Valley Mills. the conclusion of the Senior confer - Worley, College Station; Judy Munos, Alternates to the 1965 Roundup pa- ence in Temple during January. Pic- Waco; Beverly Smith, Bryan; Chris trots not pictured are Nelida Quilar, tured are those selected: left to right, Gelini, Killeen; Donna Garlick, Cop- Belton; Diana Fox, Waco; and Sharon Cathy Von Ach, Killeen; Glenda Sto- peras Cove; Margaret Page, Ft. Hood; Campbell, Killeen. ver, Gatesville; Emily Goodnight, Lyn Kress, Temple; Mary Lou Bra- Temple; Pat Montgomery, Waco; Sher, Temple; Diane Thompson, Gates- Page2 COUNCIL COMPASS March, 1965 COUNCIL COMPASS COUNCIL CALENDAR Official Publication Bluebonnet March 1: Girl Scout Council, Inc. Lakeside Nbrhd. Mtg. 10:00 A.M. 3807 Cobbs Dr. President - Mr. Gene Schwartz Sunset Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Lakewood Chris. Ch. Executive Director and Ed Huaco Nbrhd. Mtg. 7:00 P.M. Mrs. W. E. Shipp March 2: Telephone PL 6 -4497 Friendship Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. 1st Chris. Church 2517 Washington, Waco, Texas _ Valley Mills Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Trainmen Res. COMPASS POINTS Teague Nbrhd. Mtg. 1:00 P.M. 220 N. 8th Bryan -C. Sta. Nbrhd Mtg. 9:00 A.M. Scout Hse. March 3: North Trooper neighborhood, Waco, McGrgeor Nbrhd. Mtg. 1:00 P.M. 101 Crockett is issuing a monthly bulletin for lead- Coveite Nbrhd Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Ciochetti's Res. ers; it gives program hints, news of Montague Vill. Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Scout Hse. troops, news of volunteers. Thanks, March 4: North Troopers, for placing the No. Trooper Nbrhd. Mtg. 7:00 P.M. 2515 Colonial - Council office on your mailing list! ' Trefoil Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:00 A.M. 7th St. Meth. Ch. Mrs. John White is neighborhood March 5: chairman. J. Low Nbrhd Mtg. 9:30 A.M. 1st Baptist Church Did you know . Waco now has March 6; a troop with girls from special edu- Cedarbrakes Banquet 6:00 P.M. Leon Hts. Cafetorium cation class in Waco? Mrs. Wm. A. March 7: Johnson is the leader. When she GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY. called to volunteer her services, the March 8: - p rinci P a1_ of the school said, "Please _Ft. Hood Ban. o 6:30 P.M. NCO Club_ _ _ ( Br wnies don't hang up while I am gone for a Cedarbrakes Nbrhd. Mtg. 7:30 P.M. Scout House pencil - - ". JCAFB Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Scout Room Mimeographed minutes of the Ft. March 9: Hood neighborhood meetings are J. Low, Cadette -Sr. Banquet Temple mailed to the Council office —and ap- West Nbrhd. Mtg. 10:00 A.M. Moon Res. preciated. Bryan -C. Station Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Scout Hse. While the Brownie banquet for the Valley Mills Nbrhd Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Hillcrest Sch. Ft. Hood neighborhood will be held Hearne Nbrhd Mtg. 8:30 A.M. East Side School in March, Girl Scouts, Juniors, Ca- March 10: dettes, and Seniors, will have their Marlin Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Methodist Church father - daughter banquet, April 5th at Lakeside Nbrhd. Banquet 6:30 P.M. Hillcrest School the NCO Club, Ft. Mood. Eastern Belles Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Waco A professional Staff meeting of the March 11: Bluebonnet Council was held February Sunset Banquet 6:30 P.M. Richfield High School 24-25; Council office. Plans were corn- Bryan -C. Sta. Banquet 7:30 P.M. Allen Academy pleted for the trainer of leaders course Jull. Low Banquet, Jrs. Temple which is to be offered in this Council P Marlin Banquet Falls Hotel in April, as well as plans for Girl Mockingbird Nbrhd. Mtg. Waco Scout week, Cookie sale, spring Huaco Banquet Waco training, and day camp. Gatesville Nbrhd. Mtg. 10:00 A.M. Scout House Neighborhoods observed Feb. 22nd, Teague Banquet 6:30 P.M. Sally Monnger School "Thinking Day" in various ways. In Gatesville Banquet 6:30 P.M. School Temple two ceremonies were held, North Trooper Banquet 6:30 P.M. Lake Air Junior High 7:45 A. M. and 4:45 P. M. North Mexia- Dunbar 6 :00 P.M. Dunbar School Trooper Nbrhd. made a "Thinking March 12: Day" apron with each of the leaders' J. Low Banquet- Brownies Temple names —this was sent to a friend on Hillsboro Banquet 6:00 P.M. Harris School the special day. Mexia Nbrhd. Mtg. 9:00 A.M. Scout Hse. Temple Girl Scouts presented "It's Eastern Bells Banquet 7:30 P.M. E. LaVega Elem. School Up to Us" for the Temple Lions Club March 13: in February. Coveite Nbrhd Banquet 6:00 P.M. Harris School Mrs. L. Frank Jones, Board mem- March 17: ber, has recovered from surgery. A Hillsboro Nbrhd Mtg. 10:00 A.M. 916 E. Walnut hospital gift to her from Temple Girl March 18: Scouts was a "Growing Up Tree " — Dist. 4 Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Belton Scout Hse. with money gifts for a Jenny Jones Dist. 1 Mtg. 9:00 A.M. Bryan Scout Hse. campership to Kachina. (Enough for West Banquet 7:00 P.M. High School Gym. three camperships was on the tree!) Dist. 6 Mtg. 9:30 A.M. Copperas Cove Seniors are good cooks! Senior Girl March 19: Scouts prepared the food for the two Dist. 5 Mtg. 10:30 A.M. Pic. Cafeteria, Waco family banquets in Killeen in Febru- March 22: ary, and they will prepare the food for Dist. 2 Mtg. 10:00 A.M. G. S. House, Teague the father - daughter banquet in Belton Dist. 3 Mtg. 10:00 A.M. 1100 N. 66th, Waco in March. Cadettes are helping to March 23: serve the banquets! Board of Directors 10:00 A.M. 1st Nat'll. Bank, Waco Girl Scouts of Montague Village are presenting "The Wizard of Oz" dur- Seniors Taking L. 1. T. WATCH FOR G. S. FILMS! Two thirt ing Girl Scout Week. y minute films will be The following girls have completed shown on TV during Girl Scout Week! two sessions of the Leader -in- Training THIS IS GIRL SCOUTING will New President course which is being taught by Mrs. appear on KWTX, Channel 10, Fci- Ruth Price: Jody Ecker, Josie Muniz, day, March 12, 4:00 P.M. KCEN, Training, March Linda Smith, Margaret Page, Sharron Channel 6, will show THE WIDER Oberman, and Elaine Reynolds, Fort WORLD, another Girl Scout film, Mr. Gene Schwartz, president, Blue- Hood; Charlotte Quehl, Nelida Aquil- Saturday, March 13th, at a time to bonnet Council, will attend the train- ar, Lynna Parker, Lee Ann Richter, be announced in the TV schedule of ing for new Council presidents which and Beth Brackin, Belton. The third the daily papers. These are courtesies is to be held at the Inn of the Six session of the course will be held to the Girl Scovts of the Bluebonnet Flags, Dallas -Ft. Worth, March 29- March 20th, Belton Scout House, Bel- Girl Scout Council to help us fur - 30. Mrs. W. E. Shipp, Executive Di- ton, Texas, 9:30 A.M. This will be ther the Girl Scout image in this rcetor, will attend the President's the last session of the course, and is to area. The TV time is greatfully meeting to follow, March 31 -April 2nd. be a cook -out. acknowledged. March, 1965 COUNCIL COMPASS page;; Girl Scout Cookies Make Tasty Desserts TRAINING -_ IN MARCH MINTED BROWNIE PIE BASIC OUTDOOR SKILLS COURSE* 14 Girl Scout Mint Cookie "The Basic Outdoor Skills Course which is scheduled during March :s 3 egg whites designed to help leaders and troop committee members working with Fly -up dash salt Brownies, Junior troops or Cadette leaders (needing beginning skill) with 4. cup sugar planning an overnight and for beginning skills in the out -of- doors. This course %zteaspoon vanilla is also designed for Day Camp Staff and /or Directors that desire the beginning cup chopped nut meats skills in the out -of- doors. Sweetened whipped cream The course is scheduled as follows: (% to 1 cup heavy cream) District I: Chill cookies in refrgierator for a Session I March 23 9:00 -12:00 Girl Scout House, Bryan few minutes, if they have been stored Session II March 25 9:00 -12:00 Girl Scout House, Bryan in warm place and frosting is slightly Session III March 30 9:00 -12:00 Girl Scout House, Bryan sticky. Break, cut or roll between fold Overnight, April 2 -3 at Camp Howdy of waxed paper to even crumbs. Beat District II, III, V: egg whites and salt together until soft Session I March 16 10:00 - 2:00 St. Albans Church, Waco peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar, Session II March 23 10:00- 2:00 St. Albans Church, Waco beating until stiff peaks form. Beat in Overnight, (Date to be announced) Camp Kachina, Lake Belton • vanilla. Fold in crumbs and chopped • nut meats. Spread evenly in buttered District IV and VI: 9 -inch pie plate. Bake in slow oven Session I March 16 10:00- 2:00 1st Christian Church, Killeen at 325 degrees for 35 mniutes. Cool Session II March 23 10:00-12:00 Camp Kachina, Belton thoroughly. Overnight (Date to be announced) - Serve with sweetened whipped *Note all persons desiring the course must pre- register and in the event the cream on each - wedge; or spread site for the training needs to be changed the trainee will be notified in advance. sweetened whipped cream over top. TROOP CONSULTANT COURSE Chill 3 or 4 hours and garnish with A Troop Consultant Course is tentatively scheduled for Waco. curls of unsweetened chocolate. COOKIES IN FRUIT Session I March 11 9:00 -12:00 St. Albans Episcopal, Waco Turn a 22 -ounce can of cherry pie Session II March 18 9:00 -12:00 St. Albans Episcopal, Waco fillnig into 8 -inch pie plate. Press 6 Session III March 25 9:00 -12:00 St. Albans Episcopal, Waco to 8 vanilla sandwich cookies slightly Session IV April 1 9:00 -12:00 Place to bed discussed by group into surface. Heat in 400 degree oven Trainees must pre- register for this training course as they will be notified until bubbling, 15 minutes. Spoon in- as to location of training scheduled in Waco. If fewer than 10 pre - register the to dessert dishes with cookies on top course is subject to cancellation. of each serving. Serve warm with cream. Makes 4 to 6 servings. «:.:. <:.,Y:: ;,<,.: k.:: „;«?...::.x:.,;r'<::<e: e sandwich cookies are de- r 10010.1 01 F Council-Wide Cadette Chocolate with peach or pineapple fill- y x HEAVENLY COOKI N.,. `S Cam 'out ECRE AM '<:'`A p 1 v n a.s >::: 0 Girl Scout vanilla sandwich .: . . . a d i w ch Q' " %'�;�:: The "Thinking Cap Committee” for cookies, plus extra cookies. t the Council cadettes voted to have a 1 cup well- drained crushed pine- Cadette Week -end at Camp Kachina, apple April 23 -25. Troops will camp at the cup chopped dates, or drained site by troops, and are asked to arrive marachino cherries »» Friday afternoon on the g iven date. cup heavy cream, or 1 package A troop camp fee, $1.00 per troop, is • dessert topping mix asked for those staying overnight, plus 1 teaspoon vanilla 10c. 10c. per person first night, and 5c. per 1/2 teaspoon lemon flavoring. V person second night, plus the cost of Roll the 10 cookies between a fold s ASS food for the week- end —to be de- of waxed paper to even crumbs (cream� termined by the troop. Each troop filling mix with crumbs.) Combine �g will bring their tents and cots own with fruits nad nuts: bed roll, cooking equipment and food ' prepare dessert topping mix as di- W: r . » �. - -as well as other troop camp equip- rected on package. Fold in flavorings „� ° " : 3 ment. Bulletins regarding the week - and crumb mixture. Chill. Spoon into F end have been mailed cadette leaders dessert dishes. Set a vanilla or choco- and neighborhood chairmen. Regis - late sandwich cookie on edge into , S S S tration is to be made at the Council each serving with insignia "GS" let- "s'.,u .., ' : :.:. - office. The event is for registered • ters'in full view. Makes 6. servings. Girl Scouts only. The suggestion is GREEN ANGEL DELIGHT ; x <..4 % >-`�K .: -,.�w made that cadettes invite two senior (Made with sandwich cookies) SAILING IS FUN AT KACHINA Girl Scouts to camp with them to as- 1 14 % -oz., can evaporated milk sist with their troop program. The 1 2/3 cup) "Thinking Cap" Committee was held 1 package Lime Geletin Roundup Patrols to at the Kyle Hotel, Temple. 13/4 cup hot water 1 cup sugar Begin Training cup Lime juice oons Lemon THANK YOU FOR YOUR 2 Tablespoons juice The first session of training for the COOKIE SUPPORT 2 Cups Crushed Girl Scout Sand- Bluebonnet Girl Scout Roundup pa- wich Cookie crumbs Many thanks to all for the r trols will be held at Camp Kachina, wonderful support g /z cup melted butter chocolate bits March 26 -28. Check in time is from the 1965 Gir Scout they giving Mix butter with chocolate crumbs. , Line shallow dish with mixture. Whip 4:30 -5:30. Girls are asked to bring February 26 -March 6th. This is milk which has been chilled in freez- their lunch for the Friday evening expected to be the Council's great - ing compartment. Dissolve gelatin in meal, and the cost of the week -end est sale. A wonderful group of hot water. After partially set, whip is to be $1.50. Fees are to be sent to cookie chairmen are working dill- until fluffy. Add juice and sugar to Miss Glenda Stover, Jonesboro Star gently to meet deadlines, make the gelatin. Fold in whipped milk and Route, Gatesville, no later than March cookies available to the girls, and chocolate bits. Pour over cookie 12th. The Rounup selectees and al- conducting a very efficient sale crumbs. Place in refrigerator until ternates have been advised of the throughout 13 counties. Thanks! ready to serve. equipment to bring. Page4 COUNCIL COMPASS March,1965 OBJECTIVES OF CAMP KACHINA, SUMMER, 1965 Killeen Senior to 1. To stimulate real enjoyment and appreciation of the out -of -doors through pro- All- States gressively adventurous experiences. 2. To provide training in citizenship through the give -and -take of camp living in Miss Lesley Marie Westbrook, 115 which each girl has a part in planning and carrying out the camping prcgram West Young Avenue, Killeen, has with the help of adult leaders. been announced a selectee for the All - 3. To contribute to the physical and mental well -being of every camper and to help in the development of such qualities as resourcefulness, initiative, and States Encampment to be held in the self- reliance. Nantahala National Forest near An- 4. To develop character through non - sectarian spiritual programs and inspirational drews, North Carolina, August 9 -17. ceremonies and to help each girl to grow in her cooperation with others, care had Lesley ha previously been announced of her belongings, table manners and in other forms of good behaviour. L L a first pr alternate. The announce - Since 1958 Girl Scouts of the Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council have been meeting the above camping objectives at Camp Kachina. The 1965 camp season will again ment of her selection as selectee came offer a well rounded out -of -door program. Girls live in tent units and plan their as the Compass was going to press. own daily activities with the help of four counselors, and one unit leader, to each Congratulations, Lesley. The Council thirty -two girls. Through the use of the patrol system of government, girl leaders and counselors will carry out a fun-filled day which will mean inspiration, know - looks forward to helping you prepare for this wonderful experience. Only ledge, and new skills for each girl. nine girls from Region IX ( Texaj, Making new friends (no more than two girls from one Neighborhood will be Oklahoma, and New Mexico) have placed in a tent), renewing old friendships; playing, working, living together in qualified for this event. One hundred one of nature's most beautiful spots will leave girls with fond memories for years girls from the nation will participate to come. (See camp folders for further information.) and share in the backpack by patrols, without adults, into a nearby forest. STAFF TO TRAINING Quarterly Bulletin Kachina Sailing Club Mesdames Lionel Hood and Ruth Mailed to Seniors Price will leave March 10th to be gone For Spring a week for attendance at a training Senior Girl Scouts in the Council meet at the midwestern Girl Scout area receiving a quarterly bulletin Girls who qualified for sailing at - training center, Excelsior Springs, Mo. edited by Miss Mickey Burford, Coun- Camp Kachina last summer are to They are to participate d c the ad- y meet this spring as a sailing club for vanced training for district advisors. cil senior advisor. Senior troops are a week-end at Camp Kachina with Miss Mickey Burford returned Febru- invited to send articles of interest ary. 23rd from a two week trainin pertaining to their troops to Mickey their sailing instructor, Miss Liza Col - session at the center for job training for publishing in the senior bulletin. gin. The girls have been notified by for district advisors. The last issue of the bulletin was mail of their exciting plans for a week -end of fun at Kachina during the mailed in February: it told of the spring. The activity was authorized Three Bicycles! Thanks! senior conference in January, when at the January meeting of the Board I 77 Seniors . registered at the meeting of Directors. Thanks, a million, to Mrs. L. C. at the Hawn Hotel, Temple; the Grumbles of Bryan for delivering Senior Conference program; how three bicycles for Camp Kachina one Senior Girl Scouts participated in an- Girl Scout Week rainy Saturday monring in February. nual meeting in January; the Christ- There are others who will give Ka- mas camp -out for Seniors; that the Plans china a used bicycle, we feel sure. We Girl Scout leader magazine is now do need about sixteen bicycles at available to Seniors; service aide pro- From over the Council reports of Camp Kachina for summer camp! jects for seniors; and new adventures being made of plhns for the observance in camping for Seniors, 1965. of Girl Scout Week, March 7 -13. The Banquets in February plans are exciting and wonderful. Ap- .- - • McGregor Neighborhood held a prece Four on Round -up Staff ia is ea to all ,he os sharing g to m make this'd vSo sweetheart banquet on iFebruary 14th, The Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council derful week in the history of Scouting. at which time Girl Scouts of the is honored that four of its volunteers Girls will be worshipping at the church of their choice on Girl Scout Sunday, neighborhood honored their dads at will be members of the national and during the days following will the Methodist wship hall of the First Roundup staff in Idaho this summer: be concentrating on programs of thethod ds Church. What fun g ere the Dads blush as their daughters Mrs. Gene (Shirley Schwa, Homemakin:, Citizenship, Health and : Safety, e - • � - e -^ H them with a great big kiss, Temple has been approved •• t •4) n•�i e ��� p g Jo) nt; r s Arts, -• e l ! will b - . :(lfiFII: a - Thanks, Dad, for helm us advisor to the national ev •e goo• Girl Scouts!" Todd Stewart (Elva Jo •f 1� '��iii�•L 0 • - undred and fifty -four was the has been, approved as a rse1 1 ties, f !(T .� • - o . I= those entertained and par- Susan Wills of Temple ha bee U- activif: • • • • e .. in two family night banquets proved as a clerk- typist, and ' - r. I -n • �* eld by the Friendship Neighborhood., Schwartz, the Council preside , • • . Board of ctors, arch February. Mrs. Rudolph Levy of Kil- been approved as commissary mama- leen was the Mistress of Ceremonies ger. Noted is the fact that all four The Board of Directors will meet . for the first banquet; Mrs. David are from Temple. Congratulations, at the First National Bank conference Andre of Killeen, for the second. "A Temple —as well as thanks, for giving room, Waco, March 23rd. Mr. Gene Promise in Action" was the theme. such wonderful Girl Scout volunteers. Schwartz, president, will preside. 1Dll IO Bul Third Or Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council Bulk ul k - Thf i r d Ors. UNITED 2517 Washington Avenue Q Waco , Texas 76710 Supported by Your •f� 4 United Campaigns Miss Penny Hancock 201 Gilchrist College Station, Texas