HomeMy WebLinkAboutUpdated Application 112103City of 77842-9960 I. A Date of Submittal Name of Applicant Address Telephone E-mail Address II. Owner Information Name of Owner Address Telephone .(_ ) E-mail Address III. Date of Construction Does original location) City of College Station Hi'sro-tic Building Plaque Application and Block Numbers) 1 of 4 Indicate the original and adapted uses of the building. Original Uses [~] Agriculture [--] Commerce [~] Education ~ Government [] Healthcare [~] Industrial [-] Recreation [-] Religious [] Residential [--] Social [--] Transportation Adapted Uses IV. Architectural Description A. Physical Characteristics Number of stories Orientation Floor Plan OPen plan L-plan Modified L-plan Center pass~ge plan 2-room plan Roof Type Gable Hipped Flat with parapet Gambrel Mansard Shed Other (specify) CH~ Of College Station oric Building Plaque Application 2 of 4 B. Materials (Please check all that apply) Construction Frame sSOlid Brick olid Stone concrete Other (specify) Foundation Pier and Beam Stone Brick Original Stone Brick Wood Shingle Other (specifY) Windows Sash g Fixed (specify type) Current Application 3 of 4 Supporting Documentation Please attach the following information. A. Alterations List any known changes or modifications made to the property throughout its history. List any property. C. Property Ownership List all known owners of the property. Include original owner and subsequent owners. D. Tenant History List all known tenants of the property throughout its history. Narrative History Attach a narrative explanation of the chronological and historical development of the property. Drawings · Provide a sketch of the current site plan. Include the proposed location of the historic plaque. · Provide a sketch map indicating the nominated property and any related sites. Photographs Historic · Provide at least one historic photograph of the property. Current · Provide at context. ' Provide surrounding is included. Additional Information Provide an3 architectural ~ may include etc. I. References Attach a list of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form. The College Station the front faCade of the ~ are mounted on >l~cement Applicant Signature City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 4 of 4 V. Supporting Documentation A. Alterations 1. B. Historical FigUres Southside fl- led R.R. president C. Property Ownership the The 38 p, 560, Grantor and 8,1932 15,1940 Sept. 27,1968 Oct. 23,1973 Aug. 17,1977 Jan. 19, 1999 Tenant History as property ownership. Histo~ Nana Marie B~s August 1, 2003 was Dexter 1980 and~ were used redone ori the as i added style structural front' Ta screens used The - College Station Parks & Recreation Background Historical. October 25, 2003 ht_31p:/..~2_J?..,'~(_).~ ?2.~3j1224rd/_. ~,t,; :~stl~?_ d/ex cl: The Wall a flat Onc~ tO to fix the applying 4_5.6 F. Drawings See attached site plan, floor plans, and eleVations. G. Photo~aphs Hartman Be~y,l 2003.< 8, 1932 1998 Co ~ Banks, Nana. Berry, Don. 2003. < i October 25, Street Journal. Historical ;02O9 Addenda The follow text is an email from Cathy Loving who owned the house at 304 W Dexter Drive for 13 years. Sorry I never got back to you. We lived at 304 West Dexter from 1977-1990. The house was built around 1933 or so. I know that b~xause one day a man was in my front yard and introduced himself as Paul Mangelsdorf--the man who had the house built for his family. He was a scientist with the TX Station (in. on to become the Herbarium is named in honor of Asa Gray the great botanist). We bought the house from Duane Cote in 1977--he built the fence and was nice enough to give US the front of the ~ ? Paul Pate I room, adding the master bedroom and the loft--not sure about all that. wife was I invited him in and he on the beamed room as good as when he put it in. Years later--after our meeting--I read perhaps Thomas building collected corn: wife also Ironically, when we bought it in 1~7 it was corn yellow!! Don't know how long or who started that trend. I am the one· paint colors of blue house, Hope this helps. and Valerie you earlier. Sorry. Cathy Loving Current Photographs Southwest on the OB Original ceiling Rotted screen which is Off carport 172 TO I heir's ~d assigns administrators, the said D, B, claiming or ~i%neas our $3,00 ReVemue Stamps affixed and duly cancelled, THE STATE OF T~S! CODlffY OF BRAZOS j County, Texas~ on cured the s~me for the Given u~er t he exe- ~ (SEAL) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ! Texas, on this day the per~n by me, she t~ sa~ c~ed tha e~ressed ~d ~at : Given ~der mY ~d (sm/.) The the ~.th day of A,D, 19~ at 2:30 in and COUNTY OF BRAZOS I ENO.~ I Co~y, a ~'lvate ~ State of Te~s, acti~g by.~d ~ Com~y, ~ , ~tate of Texas for ~d in co~lderatlOn of ~D~ sum of $~,00 Seven Hundred fifty and no/l~ of the laws of the haVe Granted, s°ld the said Dr~ P. C. tract or parcel of lend eight per cent (~) per year on any amount not paid when due. i selI and cOnvey, ~tO ~ 8al and C~ County end 173 as plot ted. bF ,~rt in Kerry Street in ?~lock 8, forty ( pro aha ~her stake. this point at point with the 21,000 sq. ~ See accomoanying This de~d is 1. The Company each lot; (2) opening up us plotted in p~ovision of College Park. 2, ~. The ~.nd no scheme of facing :~hall mining aide point of departure of 185 feet and set direction feet, From this direction) 97,8 the north side of Hetty included is approximately or th~s lot, Southside Dewelopmen the property line of st=eats and avenues Plant end the hone fide residents of P~rk shell be adhered to 'thereof, which tuestion of deter- of The South- Company. 6. ]he company reserves the rightin fee to use the s~ for p~v~ments, railways, gas au telegraph and telephone wires, ?. EO ho~se 8. Ohurchee, stores, t! Development azfl sidewalk~, s, electric lights, as the wmpany may see fit. y feet. and other central meeti,ng places shah Be · : au a-rehi te ct tM plus 0~ which or acceptable gO ~he board of directors, 'of The £:ouths.~d~ Developm~t .... colored opposite s~x w~thout her r~ght *The company perly ** The company h~s b~ud ~tself pr amuses ~ iLut It ls the above described and a~ ~terest the when this deed ~;ime ss t~ by and ;brough ~, College S~a~lon, Texas,.- ~1.00 ~even~ St~ps an4 duly cancelled. T~2 ~TATE 0F day person~ly a co~orat~os, ~d O. p~x'$o~s ~hose ~ames me t~t he executed In ~ ~e~r- cape ti% EOV,. 26. I9~2. The fetching lsa true the Sth day of Dec. A.D. 1933 at 9 o'clock a.m. THE £T~.TE OF TEXAS[ Bailey, Co tns. Custom~xT the s~id et c~thSe the Pages t rew h upOn said land to sec~ by P. O. ret=dca in Volume. ~, Deed records to whlCh deed end the o~her records, in,con- t~a~ a veaao~,s ~en , da~e untl pert~ Of is ness;· sad, on ;;i stil~ debt do r ' these presents; 175 payable annnually and pro~ said P.C.Mangelsdor£ pay said indebted- P,O,M~gelmdorf has of said in- Company; },~angelsdorfj in con- ida Development Company, Y acknowledged total amount Sixty-Six Cents I p~omise to pay said mmoun~ shall have been installment calender have been Dally paid option of and extend the yen- ls'fully paid and Constructing giving avalid and sub- to secure his ed van- paid ordl~nte its said second and infe;rior to a First and clVe~ by Po certain lm~ ~v [ar cash in hand does h~.reby sub- be and remain the said real esi. ate to be this day in par~ payment for erected o~ said property; and hereby does agr~;e that said lndebtedr~,ss and lien shall be and r, emain first and superior to Taxa s, Y o~f and tach vendor's lien alcove menttol~d,sI~ll be second ! Taxas~ name ls Subscribed the same for 'the Withe ss my h~nd TH~ ~.TE OF TEXAS[ COUNTY 0F ~S } Texas, on th~s d~y be the parsons whose t ~rein ex o~ t~ s~ld ~ltne ss my h~d The foregol~ is e true dopy 5th day Of Dee, A.De a,D, 193~ at 9120 0r THE STATF, OF T~LY~S! COUR~Cf OF B]~ZOS ~o~e, described as followa~ For $2~0,00, pa~ble from ~t fol' Braloe and deed ,and for per oen*t records of tortalman,s lien th~ rein uated in the COunty of B~'azos, Being a portion of Joa,' Abstract I~o irregular-shaped tract in Block 8-~, reoarded in Volume $8, pages 602-~5, B~ZOS (~al~ lla bei~j fMst ad superior to a v~ndor,a lien on f and ma- Of land, sit- Texas-, ~d an dedl e~tion thereof t° me in sold, of the County Of ~ by m~ in ~ud to :~o have Ten mad No jones, the receipt Of is hereby ackn6wledged, have !eXas the said lien and all for ever e hereby %¥itn 177 C0 .~/~TY .~ Count y the me ~!~t he The foreco lnc t he of Dee. A.D. i933 at 'said to me to be ~nd acknowledjed to therein e xpr~ssed, A.D. 1923. Public in and fer flle~ for ~eo~ on 7th day GDU~fy OF~ B~Z08 Latlonsl a nd L. D. Palermo That certain deed, of trust dated the ~pr'il county, in of w~,iti~g, towit six tracts of t~md nmde f~ id and between The First part WItnesseth: r cfa a certain Deed cf Trust of Bra~ s h' re (~1750 en Hundred Fifty ~ote~ ~nd and .for to ~ ox~enslo~ of the v~hich indebtedness is ~ckno~;ledged par~, To nm~ure ~s follows, and ~Lo said par~y o~ thc second said ~rty of the of by my one certain have agreed of said lndebtednes% by the party of the seoond pay the said.' ihdebtedn&ss t'o the first part or other holder thereof at t~e expiration of said extended Nov elmber ~ ' 1933. · Tm OF BRYAH Wi tm ess $ lgfmt ure: Ivan LangfOrd BY :OF BR%0$ ! B=az°s I!78 ToXa ss on Nstlonal Bank of' Bryan F. lrst end eonslderatloll therein Given [uader ~dr hand · he fore~oing is a true 5th day of Dee~ A.D, 19B~ at ~.D. 19~3 at 11:10 o'clock e.m,'t THE STATE OF TEXASI COUNTY OF BRAZOS .of t?m County of Bramos ~he party of the That whe teas, the Vendor,s lien, the second part, to Robert Robert E. Jones to ~.. L. page i~A Deed Hz on the the p~rty ~' the said ia Vol. 73 and of Five Itundred 'f iilrty Hundred i'hirty December l~th, AI~) ~'iH~kEAS, have agreed to the indebtedness, cent per annum ttut ll pmld. ~RD the said party of the part hereby ~tl~e said 'Part.y.9_f.~.the first ~her holders tended time. It is further agreed tbmt all ferrari upon, or acquired by, the ~rty of the fi or g~n~ee ls exp~ssly ~se~ed ~d confessed, In ~ltness ' ~e paid ~rtle C~J~Y OF B~$ ] day p~n~ly a~e~ed ~.%. L~ who~ n~es are s~scr!bed t h executed t~ Indeb~edness to' of said ex- benefits con- orlg lnel benef.i clery eot elon~ to the extension herein granted a Notary Public, in for B~mzos County, Te~s, 'on this Sam both kn°wn .to m~ to be the pe~fso~$ Perry of the Second Paul Pat new ~edroom and bath Location: Street ~cidrcss., . Lot r ~0~+ West Dexter Permit No. This perrnjt is to be conspicuously construction, Re: Loan Dear Mr. }tervey, I Station. 1. The estimated cost is as follows: Carport Walks Terrace 30'x20' (brick or conc.) Contingency Total Loan Request Sincerely~ 840.00 8.oo 560.00 245.00 225.00 225.00 600. O0 $3 ~ . O0 .O0 $3,5o0.o0 28 January, 1969 22 Apr~l 1970 Dear Mr. James, Thank you. Sinoerely, / ? But 2 ! eX- 1983 chitectural Texas A&M before 1973. In 1980, submit a At the not i angle Texas Avenue dows. At no place an offlce window. He dark and l huge oak and his number of ardfitect. "But a Houston t siderabl, mean classical '' ' '~ J.W. W~! 3 ike LW. Wood, ~ ':"/~'~'When you have growth rate, Morley be ~ves th, ~ anything. As chitecture here i~ strongest selli~ ~int. value to in- three to nine feet off the using aesthetics as here ~ t. A tower in- windows g fans keep the air filled overnight That's fine~ but Fi~t how sign, "Arid order creator of with an Good brick 'Gus Hamblett Tower campus. in the on The the .I little pton 5 6 Metro centre Cavitt home to pu yo up Bi' thc se~*iuS spaces end size secm simplicity various Sei up tO another, |sn'i m you come right down to it." Cote needs up with ~*Th~ d~a~ter,' encoufa~emP, Im last 'local 8 limit ~f the more natural of "You have to be ;oo bold for is an Eagle stagy 1983 Hxstonc Homes Calendar 1938.1988 304 West Dexter Owe, r-Jerry Loving Artist: Loucille Hankins Elliott SUNDAY ? inspect~l in Texas Official Wood Destroying Insect Report lB. for reference and instructions. TPCL No. Phone 4B. Report forwarded to: 5A. Date P~rchas~r 0 Seller [] Agent.j Purchaser [] Seller [] Agent 6A. Were any areas of the property obstructed or inaccessible? dyes ONo Insp. Reveals Visible Evidence of: Insect Damages No No Yes N Subterranean Termites [] ~t [] ~ [] ~ [] '~  A~ Drywood Termites [] [] [] [] ~ Wood Borer Beetles Spec~y [] t~ [] ]~ [] li3 [] ~ 8D. Other A DIAGRAM OR GRAPH MUST BE ATTACHED:.~F~.p ain and mark areas on diagram on back or attached of active W.D.L evidence or conditions.c.o,n,,duoive to W.D.L infestation. The inspectc must draw a diagram and indicate with the letter'S" the approximate I ,,e~!ton where subterranean termites or their damage are found. The letter 'D' is indicated where drywoed termites ay found or suspected. Use the letters "P" for wood boring t~eetles and C" for COnducive conditions. ExPlain each area r~arked. 8E. Remarks/additional findings: ~ '~"~i~ rc~.~,~.~ 9A. Treatment Recommended: []Yes J~No 9C. ~ 9D. ~ Date of Treatment common Name of Insect 9F Contra~ is in force [] Yes ~ No Attach COpy if yes. 10. The insect damage and COnditions conducive to insect infestation reported on this form. 10A. Will be or has been corrected by this Company. 10B. Will be corrected by another company (see attached contract). 10C. Will not be corrected by this company, recommend that damage be evaluated bY qualified building expert to determine if repairs need to be made. 98. This COmpany has treated the structure(s) [] Yes Common Name of Pesticide Conducive Conditions Damag~ A. THIS REPORT ;uch as. but n( I portion of the structure, expert. a qualified buildin lacement work. TREE DIAGNOSIS AN[) TREATMENT LIST / Prots 042092