HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 A&M v TCU Program TEXAS AGGIES vs , , TEXAS CHRISTIAN OFFICIAL 50 .,.., . .„„,. PROGRAM -40 4 - -) - '": :311/A--94,tt..71,1ginkTig2141/ ' ,: ':= '- -''.- -- ,7::'?A' 14- 1 -, VV4-1-i--44, -- ,- -: :`-; _ ,-''-- " - ' , - ''' " , '-;-;4! 14 :- ' ..., ' e 7 ■ . . ' --, - - ...el- : , , . . 0 ■4 . ' ...qtRp .." .....! 4 . _. ,r- -- „ . ;, .. - , 1 ir ,, . a - ' , . . -, h , o - . , r: - . . - ,.. . , iiiii.. - - - . .. . , . , .-. ' 1 , -- . -' 1111 - 4 ' - - '''"" - ' " ' . .;:-1;4■Lgi4#40,1",:‘,...5-Z)"'"5';',4;Z:,',"":"S',"-X-,-4";44,:aritdix--61.11^24,40"4.4",',,:;',41;4-..-, ''‘..'":,"., .4 :!" - 4' , ' , ':' ,4 7:4";447'1',"4":44`-"C",,,,ONZi.Y.0441.44,,- - ' , ik„ier,rye°0-44:,. '';'*' --" .-,,; --.. ' ,-, ., !„, r;","":-.; '`' ' 0,4,01, 4„,4„4411 1„1 . ": ":'''_"'"'"r•--1 Li' --"-''''''.1" 4-''''''-: ' ' ' ': ' , , " ", ''' 'f , , ,, , ,, ' . '.. -,:.''. : L' .:','-'-';',',..,,,,,,, ,- ,..„4!,' ,, : c.i.ri , 'A - 4;;;I:,';':,,,V.L'';Irgni,„ :"■ ,,.‘lvn7.„ ,1 , „,„ ,. a ,, '. , - , . Kyle Field College Station Texas 7:30 p.m. Oct. 19 , 1968 . ... . • . , - .. . . ...____ • . WELCOME TO f. K FIELD .., , .„„,,.... , ,,,,, , .., -- , 14.,,,k,,,,,,,,,„, . ,,,, . , ,4,., -,...,,,,,,„,..,....„,, , ,,, , , ,,,, , ,,,,,,..„ ..., ,,,,, ,,..,,,,,... , .. ,„,„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,..,,..„,,,, „,. ,,,,,„„...„,..,,,,,,,,, „,_ .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . „. ,. , . , 41,e,i,, , , ,, 7,-, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.‘,,, ,,--- , , 4 ., , ,,,,,..,' ,., , 1 ' . , . -,,,,,,- , „,,,,,,,, ,.... i., ,. .,„ ,. i ., ,.....„.,,,,,,..„. ,..,..4„,„„„ ....,,,,„ .,,,„,, .,„,„ z.,,-,,,,,,,,,„„ ,,,,,, 3 ' i I, a 4 i # g i o�m I T , t. rill ; ; p ° , a i 030 Officers and Directors President TRAVIS B. BRYAN, JR V - Presidents GEORGE P. BLEVINS R BOND AUGUST L. NOWAK Cashier SAMUEL R. NIGH Assistant Vice Presidents Henry Buchanan John A. Darby Elizabeth Prazak Orlan Weatherford Raymond W. Stanford Henry J. Steck Assistant Cashiers Wace T. Cowart Gladys C. Marsh Staff Maxine Georg Simec Nita Lou Blackburn, Skinner, Ruth Ann Clinkscale, Carrie Stacha, Martha Hungate, Grace Shirley, Christine Bien ki, Fay Gott, Lois Sikorski, Nina Quitta, Patsy Phipps, Pat Saxon, Geneva Morelia, Jane Schultz, Joyce Jones, Cheryl Haggin, Mary Lou Mayfield, Nan Reglin, Emmie Ondrasek, Elizabeth Patterson, Linda Sharp, Cherry McDonald, Leonard Mousner Directors Travis B. Bryan, Jr. J. A. Skrivanek C. M. Halsell J. M. Bullock 1 Reuben A. Bond W. C. Davis M. Linton Jones G M. Easterlin Richard E. Wain erdi Offering the most imaginative idea in Motor Banking— Tellervision BANK THE FIRST NATIONAL MEMBER MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE OF BR YAN FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATION SYSTEM 1862 Bryan, Texas 1968 1 r COMPLIMENTS OF HOUSTON SHELL & CONCRETE CA 2 -9161 PASADENA SAND & GRAVEL GR 2 -3691 BAYTOWN READY MIXED CONCRETE 422 -8118 CONROE TRANSIT MIX PL 6 -2844 HI 3 -8746 (Houston) 2 E C eM 91 11 I I`d — Sai 66y ail .ao j aa,aM„ SVX3Z 'uxIIxg �� �b 30 RNs MOIZVd.S 3O3'I'IOo xHVN3SO3 '3A1d SVX3iL ( t Lit Q3 VDO I i Q33 LNV IVf O NOI I O�'dSI LXS -, //ill ___j QNV 3OIAH3S ,L3)IHVNH3df1S \, - N�I3QON ISON ,SXX3J, HIf1OS M � .sonny pAo 1 'uo M uoQ ' }ngianH �i�n! 'ti }tuts tiding 'ti } ?uzs sauti3 s }un }stssV :sbuiiin }S eue 11°13°3 pnaH :asooy�i PnS 'iianAod aaa 'sui1°H el/D 'sutb -bnH epi- seti3D°D }un }stss�r 'psn�i�td �Iilg 29u11311' ( }obis o} }IaI) ddv.Ls 'I'IlIS ood 3I DV SHX3y j r w . , rte" t ,�,,," +�? �. � � � Ili >. N � ��, � � z H , , ,, � , � aim ,, . it, 1 1 1. 3 T '41111,0 fiA '1.1,0 p 4 M� - ' 1 * Pi; ' M. Y � ' A '- <�. „,„ � YG pyr 1” yip ILI A �- IL" IL*JV.LS 1V]ID `v' O.1' ' ... 3inivs v r-- ,_ • • & Diversif 1eS Curriculum State's Oldest Institution , k Approaching Century Mark ' P Texas A &M University continues to diversify , its curriculum as it heads for the century mark , - ,,, A with great expectations , ''' This fall, for example, the state's oldest public institution of higher learning formed a separate; �-- College of Business Administration and reorga- nized the present History and Government and Education and Psychology Departments into four' °° ,- separate departments. Business administration, which currently is a m..., school within A &M's College of Liberal Arts, will 0 �' rank alongside liberal arts, engineering, science,R; geosciences, veterinary medicine and agriculture } as a major division of the university. Liberal arts, university officials stress, will continue to be strengthened, with new emphasis on the humanities. $ Students studying liberal arts now represent 27 V. per cent of A &M's enrollment, exceeded only by engineering students, who account for 32 per cent. By its centennial in 1976, Texas A &M should have an enrollment of 20,000 students and an an- nual research budget of $50 million. That's the basis on which university officials are compiling a master plan for the institution's, orderly growth. A 20,000 enrollment would be almost twice that of today and the research budget three times as large. EARL RUDDER At first glance, these predictions appear far- President, Texas A &M fetched, but a closer analysis indicates they might be conservative. fuel elements for the nuclear reactor will increase A &M's enrollment reached the 13,000 mark its power tenfold and give it "pulsing" capabilities. for the first time this fall. The projected enroll- In all, the university now has more than 150 ment calls for an annual increase of approximately well- equipped research laboratories in which hun- 1,000 students, a pace the university has been ex- dreds of individual projects are being conducted. ceeding the past four years. While mushrooming in size and scope, no major j Increases in research have been even more changes are contemplated in the university's basic spectacular. From a modest $9 million annually in concept. There is, however, a distinct possibility 1961, the budget has jumped to about $19 million that other areas of study will be elevated to col - today. lege status, just as business administration was With the opening of the Cyclotron Institute this fall. and Olin E. Teague Research Center, which houses The university also is continuing to grow in the university's space research facilities, there is physical facilities. Besides the cyclotron and every reason to believe A &M's research program has a bright future. Teague Research Center, recent campus additions i include a new biological sciences building and a 1 This prospect is further enhanced by signifi- services building which houses the Journalism t cant improvements to two other campus facilities Department. which currently rank among the best in their A new engineering research center is under fields. The Data Processing Center recently i-n- construction. Major expansions to the library and stalled a powerful new third - generation IBM 360/ veterinary medicine facilities are underway. In 65 computer and the Nuclear Science Center is the planning stage are a new auditorium, aca- updating its reactor. demic building, oceanography - meteorology com- A &M's new computer is five times as power- plex and a major addition to the Memorial Student ful as its previous equipment. The new "TRIGA" Center. 5 T ABC -1000 Watts KORA AM -FM STEREO 1240 -98.3 BRYAN, TEXAS The Voice of Aggie Sports Beverly Braley In the Brazos Valley �] `Jour) pave/ DOMESTIC FOREIGN f a$Iuon$ M[MIER means GJle j STEAMSHIP HOTELS G✓ G GROUP TOURS AIRLINES INDEPENDENT TOURS DOWNTOWN MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER LOBBY 823 - 0961 TOWNSHIRE 312 E. 25th Street, Bryan 4 "LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" BEST OF LUCK TO COACH GENE STALLINGS, HIS STAFF AND THE FIGHTING TEXAS AGGIES FOR THE 1968 SEASON The Exchange Store CC7/ / 30, Jhinhing Tan Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907 6 Texas A &M's Gene Stallings.... The Many Faces Of A Football Coach Gene Stallings, in the short span of three sea out breaking stride with his " cont i n ual imp rovement " sons, took the Texas Aggies on a scintillating rags attitude. to- riches ride across the collegiate gridirons of the A native of Paris, Tex., Stallings played three Southwest that vaulted them into the SWC throne seasons of varsity football at Texas A &M under Coach room last fall. Paul Bryant and then went with that great coach to Those close to the young football boss at Aggie Alabama where he worked his way up to assistant land were not surprised. They knew, soon after he head coach. H reached a high plateau in his career became head coach that he was destined to succeed. last Jan. 1 when his Aggies beat Bryant's Crimson He was determined, dedicated, a thorough organizer, Tide in the Cotton Bo wl . a tireless worker and a knowledgeable football m an. Stallings is a coach, a teacher, a lecturer, a busi- Success had to be the end result. nessman, aln administrator, a recruiter, a public as Stallings, like all the successful men in his pro er, a public relations expert, a husband, a father, a fession, wears many faces, travels many roads and churchman, a psychologist, a traveller, an athlete, a works long hours. gentleman. This is his first season in the dual role of head Below, the camera's eye provides the many dif- coach and athletic director. He added the latter with- ferent faces of this one, you ng, great football coach. M . .. . , , ,,,, r . , , ,.., ,,...),. , ...v.._ , ...,..,,, .,,,,, ,. ,, _ , ..,‘,,,, ,, ,,, a . Phone Is Handy Snack In Air Signing Recruits Visiting Bonfire '''')I : ; ,‘ 4, :‘,116,44„.,,,, ,*100,,t4;.,1 Dons `Game Face' Enters Arena Stop That Guy! No, Not That �' ''�"� - g 'R ` , e . , '''' ' \:' ,i, ', A.. ' ' , „, . ,,,, ..,,,.. , # P'. Of , r V:,` , . 4 , '''. . I '..,,', "*.... - . - �• y`<„ r? -fin f ` :4°..,4,4 "....,,,N -,::,....,..1.,-2,1: 41 " - -,- _ . ' -: Let's Try This That's Better A Touchdown! Happy Ending 7 "Gig 'em A 9 TOTE OF CENTRAL TEXAS 13 Convenient Locations To Serve You In Bryan and College Station 8 FUTURE OFFICIAL WATCH AGGIE FOR THIS GAME SCHEDULES • * * * * * * * Sept. 20 —At LSU Z Sept. 27 —At Nebraska Z 11 LONGINES Oct. 4 —At Army Oct. 11 —At Texas Tech Oct. 18 —At TCU Oct. 25— Baylor THE WORLDS Nov. 1 —Ark. at Little Rock T MOST HONORED Nov. 8 —SMU WATCH® Nov. 15 —At Rice Nov. 27 —Texas 10 world's fair grand prizes 0 O 1970 28 gold medals Sept. 19 —At LSU Sept. 26 —At Ohio State Fridays — Saturdays Longines watches are recognized Oct. 3 —At Michigan Oct. 10 —Texas Tech Open 11:30 a.m. as OFFICIAL for timing world Oct. 17 —TCU championships and Olympic sports Oct. 24 —At Baylor Close 1:00 a.m. in all fields throughout the world. Oct. 31— Arkansas . Nov. 7 —At SMU Nov. 14 —Rice Nov. 26 —At Texas ty 1971 Sept. 18 —At LSU ,-,4 ,,; ' Sept. 25 —At Nebraska Oct. 2 —U. of Cincinnati Oct. 9 —At Texas Tech l Oct. 16 —At TCU f Oct. 23— Baylor Oct. 30 —Ark. at Little Rock Nov. 6 —SMU ii N ' Nov. 13 —At Rice -, Nov. 25--Texas 1972 Sept. 16 —At Nebraska "Where Friends Meet if Sept. 23 —At LSU Sept. 30 —Army Oct. 7 —Open date Longines Ultra -Chron #8205, automatic with calendar, $175. Other Ultra -Chron Models, $115 to $595. Oct. 14 —Texas Tech For A Tasty Treat" Oct. 21 —TCU the fabulous, new Oct. 28 —At Baylor Nov. ansas LONGINES ULTRA - CHRON® Nov. 11— At Guaranteed Accurate To A Minute A Month* Nov. 18 —Rice The ultimate personal chronometer, Nov. 23 —At Texas guaranteed accurate to a minute a month— 1973 a mean average of 2 seconds per day. Sept. 22 —At LSU Ultra -Chron tells the date, hour, minute, second. Never needs batteries. Winds Sept. 29 —Open automatically while you wear it. All Proof® Oct. 6 —Open construction defeats water, dust, Oct. 13 —At Texas Tech 2610 Texas Avenue shock, magnetism. At Longines - Wittnauer Oct. 20 —At TCU Franchised Jewelers, coast -to- coast. Oct. 27— Baylor Bryan, Texas *Your Longines- Wittnauer Franchised Jeweler will adjust your Ultra -Chron to this accuracy, if necessary. Nov. 3 —Ark. at Little Rock Guarantee is for one year. Nov. 1O —SMU Phone 822 -1441 LONGINES - WITTNAUER WATCH CO. Nov. 17 —At Rice NEW YORK • MONTREAL • GENEVA Nov. 22 —Texas Maker of Watches Of The Highest Character For Over A Century 9 RIDGECREST VAN CURRY PHARMACY DYKE FURS PORTRAIT Sales Prompt, Free Delivery Service STUDIO & Double S &H Green Stamps With Every Prescription Storage 846 -5771 215 W. 26th 2005 Main Bryan 3511 Texas Ave. Bryan Bryan, Texas Brookshire CAMPUS CAMPUS PHOTO Brothers CLEANERS CENTER 3 "The Best for Less" Convenient Locations Redmond Terrace This area's most complete line of College Station, Texas 846 -6115 cameras, film and equipment. Photo finishing a specialty ... This is the one -stop shop to handle all your photo needs. "Gig 'em Aggies!" y p h o o n eds. Spearman Homes, Inc. North Gate at Main Bob Spearman College Station General Contractors and Home Builders 846 - 5418 BRYAN, TEXAS 3600 E. 29th 822 -1534 A&W ROOT BEER "The Fightin' Aggies Thirst Quencher" 4611 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 10 "It's finger lickin' good" W. E. KUTZSCHBACH KENTUCKY COMPANY FRIED CHICKEN Electrical and Mechanical Contractors BRYAN, TEXAS TAKE HOME A BUCKET Frank Murphy's ONE HOUR DRY CLEANERS Dial 846 -3238 1012 South Texas Ave. • Telephone 823 -5042 3320 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas WEINGARTEN'S SHOPPING CENTER Attention, Aggie Friends o A P When in Alicia d rop d y and gee 2 onzin add 66 'MEXICAN FOOD SUPREME Ir RESTAURANTS *Ask for an Aggie coin purse with the '68 schedule FREE! 3071 W. Northwest Hwy. 12 As near as your phone . . . As close as your mailbox GOODS, INC. WATCH FOR OUR EXPANSION PLANS ET TIE ITTL FUTURE AUSTIN, TEXAS VICTORIA, TEXAS 3901 Guadalupe 308 E. Stayton AC 512 AC 512 PHONE 454 -3643 PHONE 575 -0651 P. O. BOX 1604 P. O. BOX 2238 13 Holiday Inn of x � l 4 e Compliments Tallahassee ®_ youth and 111111 J Pest Wishes 1302 Apalachee Pkwy. US 27 Sj hoppe from "Fashion Leader" AC 904 877 -3141 HE NATION 4 MORTIMEB M I N MIN 119 N. Main BROWN Bryan, Texas REG. U.S VAT. OEE Bailey Loke's Allan Newberry & Assoc. Prescription Economy INSURANCE Pharmacy Furniture Personal and Business Estate Planning Drive -in Window Appliances 901 Corrigan Tower • Dallas, Texas 75201 & Floor Coverings Allan Newberry '57 Delivery Service 302 Bryan, 822 -1426 Main Texas .�Q > � � J. C. DOUGLAS rno 3 ar ecue PENNEY JEWELERS //�� C � CO. Diamonds (,aterin j Service & Downtown Watches Bryan 212 N. Main Bryan Best Barbecue . Beef, Sausage, & Spareribs in the B -CS Area ...university "In Front of the A &M Campus" studio 801 Hwy. 6 So. 846 -4275 Official Yearbook College Station Photographer 14 ;., Compliments of Alma Mater Song JADE EAST MEN'S SIfOp "Spirit of Aggieland" in the Some may boost of prowess bold, PLANTATION CENTER Of the school they think so grand, 1 But there's a spirit can ne'er be told at It's the spirit of Aggieland. 2012 TEXAS AVE. Known For Distinctive Styling Chorus We are the Aggies —the Aggies are we, True to each other as Aggies can be. We've got to FIGHT boys, We've got to FIGHT! We've got to fight for Maroon and White. After they've boosted all the rest. They will come and join the best. THE SURREY INN For we are the Aggies —the Aggies so true, We're from Texas A. M. U. Caldwell, Texas Second Chorus T— E— X —A —S, A— G— G —I —E, Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Maroon! White—White—White! A— G— G —I —E, Texas! Texas! A. M. U. Gig 'em Aggies! 1! 2! 3! Farmers Fight! Farmers Fight! T H E a Fight fight — fight. fight — fight Farmers, farmers, fight! EMMONS CO. "The Spirit of Aggieland" was written in 1925; the words by Marvin H. Mimms, a student, and the music. by Col. Richard C. Dunn. AIR CONDITIONING . . . Residential �+ . . . Commercial Aggie War Hymn y 2003 S. College 822-0763 Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck Goodbye to Texas University, So long to the Orange and White. Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies, • Compliments of They are the boys that show the real old fight, The eyes of Texas are upon you, The That is the song they sing so well, So good -bye to Texas University, We're going to beat you all to— DAIRY QUEEN Chig- ga -raa- gar -em ! • Rough! Tough! 1612 Texas Ave. Real stuff! Texas A &M. "WE'RE FOR THE AGGIES!" The War Hymn was written by J. V. (Pinky) Wilson, former student, while standing guard on the Rhine with the AEF, after World War I. 15 No Bull - - - Good Beef JARROTT'S Randy Sims Bar -B -Cue PHARMACY House Bryan, Texas Highway 6 3 Locations Class '61 to Serve You Brown -Allen BRYAN Motor Co. OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 3222 Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas Oldsmobile — Cadillac Phone: 822 - 3620 Main at 20th St. Box 686 Bryan, Texas WEHRMAN'S CAFE Holiday Plaza Motel STEAKS — CHICKEN and Restaurant WELCOMES YOU TO AGGIELAND SPECIALTY Swimming Pool— Playground —Cable TV HOME COOKED FOOD 54 Rooms, Suites & Complete 24 -Hour Service PASTRIES Recommended —Mobil Travel Guide 822 -3748 1720 Texas � 9 fhrk - \ iii\ iv . _. / ��� — �� V \ Townshire E. Austin Highway 21 West in Bryan Fine Furniture 1009 West 25th Street 16 __ AGGIE `�`' �` .1 MILESTONE WINS /� ....\ Texas A &M teams have scored 366 v ictories through the years. Important I � milestones in that successful record: t - C, ii Win Game No. Year No. Foe -Score SELECTED 50 1907 5 u 32-5 So ' 100 1916 1 Southwestern, 6 -0 150 1923 4 Sewanee, 14 -0 200 1932 4 Texas A &I, 14 -0 BY THE 250 1941 1 Sam Houston, 54 -0 1 , I 300 1951 3 Oklahoma, 14 -7 \ \ \\ 350 1963 4 Houston, 23 -13 r U . S • OLYMPIC I AGGIE ALL - AMERICAS 0 / Y ear Player Position COMMITTEE A 1936 Joe Rout Guard 1/ 1937 Joe Rout Guard 1939 Joe Boyd Tackle 1939 John Kimbrough Fullback // )!1' 1940 John Kimbrough Fullback 1940 Marshall Robnett Guard ( 1950 Bob Smith Fullback 1951 Jack Little Tackle 1952 Jack Little Tackle 1956 Jack Pardee Fullback 1956 ._ Charles Krueger Tackle 1956 Dennis nis Goehring Guar hring Guard 1957 Charles Krueger Tackle 1957 John David Crow Halfback 1966 Maurice Moorman Tackle Line t o ro 1967 Bill Hobbs backer We � • ■ • (Crow won the Reisman Trophy in 1957) AGGIES IN EAST WEST that pHisoHex® has been selected as the antibacterial wash SHRINE GAME p Year Player Position to be used by the U.S. Team for the 1968 Olympic Games! 192 Jo Joel Hut Quarterback End 1928 Red Petty End 1930 O. D. Alsabrook End 1938 Joe Routt Guard a '� 1943 Willie Zapalac .._ Back 1944 Felix Bucek Guard "• 1945 Clarence Howell End 4. 1945 Monty Moncrief Tackle 1946 Leonard Dickey Tackle 1946 Bob Goode Back ' 1949 Bob Goode Back ,: 1949 Odel Stautzenberger Guard 1949 Jim Winkler Tackle NS 4 . 5 1951 Andy Hillhouse End 6{'_� 1952 ............ Glenn Lippman Back , la�f ( 1955 Bennie Sinclair End 1963 Ray Kubala Center 'fife nt 1964 Ray Gene Hinze Tackle AGGIE BOWL GAMES Date Bowl Results Jan. 2, 1922 —Dixie Classic A &M 22 Center College 14 Jan. 1, 1940 —Sugar Bowl A &M 14 r Tulane 13 Jan. 1, 1941 — Cotton Bowl A &M 13 Fordham 12 Jan. 1, 1942— Cotton Bowl Alabama 29 A &M 21 Jan. 1, 1944— Orange Bowl LSU 19 A winning athlete t akes special care chlorophene to protect your skin 4 A &M 14 9 P P P Y Dec. 9, 1950 — Presidential Cup A &M 40 of his skin. Above all, he protects it against germs between washings. Georgia 20 Dec 28 1967 —Gator Bowl Tennessee against bacteria that can cause infec- And if you have problem skin, A &M 0 tions and lead to missed practice ses- pHisoHex is often valuable. The anti- Jan. 1, 1968— Cotton Bowl M Alabama 16 sions and games. bacterial film it leaves on your face (Won 5. Lost 3) If you've ever tried to play with an will ward off blemish- infecting bac- infected blister on your heel or an teria. pHisoHex also helps to soften UNDEFEATED abscess on your finger, then you know and wash away blackheads. AGGIE TEAMS the role of healthy skin in sports. And Use pHisoHex, the skin cleanser of Year No. Games Coach that's why pHisoHex is an important winning athletes. 1896 3 A. M. Soule & H. W. South part of anathlete'sdailyhealthroutine. Made by Winthrop Laboratories, 90 1902 9 J. E. Platt pHisoHex is America's leading liquid 1909 •• 8 Charles B. Moran P ' 9 q Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1917 8 D. X. Bible antibacterial skin cleanser in homes Available in drugstores in 5 oz. and 1919 10 D. X. Bible and in hospitals. Used regularly in 16 oz. plastic squeeze bottles. 1927 9 D. X. Bible place of soap, pHisoHex produces a 1939 11 Homer Norton superclean skin and builds up an in- P1477 1956 10 Paul Bryant visible antibacterial film of hexa- Winthrop Laboratories, New York, N.Y.10016 17 (12300) y � NORTH GATE R...titehe PIZZA 846 -4112 { EAST GATE 846 -4266 TO GO or DELIVERED or OPEN EAT IT "HERE 5 p.m. Till 12 A C . _ H OT — TASTY — DELICIOUS —FAST �- MENU '..J • Mozzarella Cheese • Mushroom r. e • 1 /2 Cheese - 1/2 Sausage •Pepperoni • •Green Pepper • Anchovy • Onion • Hamburger 30 •Sausage • Ralph's Special FAST FREE DORM DELIVERY � , , f friNelts ri A _ , 4 - my / s `\ . :Vil 4ih \ `, ` t dli - A� t j Get' 1 r - iqw - 1 :\* % = -, : ' -=`:- t . 1 :::-.3„am---'` .* - , - p p, , i 4 • .ti 4 `` \ A , 110. VW-4,i - - %IP ----___,..._:;„. -: _ 9 �� There are many ways to protect against the high cost of a hospital confinement. The best is with a Weekly Hospital Indemnity Policy from Pan - American Life Insurance Company of New Orleans. Offices in principal cities in Texas. • 20 ROMAN PHARMACY MANUFACTURED ON A Three Locations KYLE FIELD ... Downtown Bryan (KYLE, TEXAS THAT IS) ... Medical Center ... I Shop 302 E. 27th 2601 Osler Blvd. FORGED STEEL FITTINGS AND PIPE NIPPLES AVAILABLE THROUGH Coach ' Coach Honor d YOUR JOBBER Restaurant LONGHORN MACHINE WORKS • PANCAKES 6823 Navigation, Houston, Texas 77011 • STEAKS Plant at Kyle, Texas 78640 • SHORT ORDERS OPEN AT 7 A.M. Mrs. Homer Norton — Owner -Mgr. 6` R i ce ...an b ea l s T exas 9! o . r . 0 % 4 „ t r. AK , : fr , r . 1 V 44, A: Those words were part of Humble's first broadcast of And now for the 35th year, wherever Southwest a Southwest Conference football game on October 27, Conference football games are played, Humble's 1934. It was Rice against Texas before a sellout top - flight broadcast teams will be there to bring you crowd at the old Rice Field in Houston. And what a all the exciting action. Check the poster at your game! Aside from being Humble's very first live radio neighborhood Enco dealer's for times and stations. broadcast of a Southwest Conference game, the fans And when you can't attend the games in person, saw, and heard, some of the wildest grid -iron tune in for the play -by -play, brought to you by the action of the day. With three minutes left to ;", "Ha "Happy Motoring. "® people. play, the Rice Owls overran the Longhorns' w:i ENCO 9 -7 lead to score two touchdowns and then Humble Oil & Refining Company went on to win the Conference Championship. America's Leading Energy Company 21 "People Seek The Better Life Through Higher Education brand new. They are bu a Lighter paper means reduced cost in backlog of competence • to attract mailin quality students from many areas. g , Dr. Hans van Buijtenen said 2,000 Even with a multitude of events cottonwood varied cuttings are being and circumstances threatening du- gr own on Brazos bottomland usually ate enrollment, forecasts made only reserved for two - bales - per -acre cotton. five years ago are being increased ' eer tenen, rinci al as people seek the better life through P p geneticist for , the Texas Forest Service and Plant higher education. Science Department associate for the A &M is among the state's leaders. Agricultural Experiment Station, pre - in Ph.D. candidates, particularly ond; 7 diee research will help determine the enrollment percentage basis. Doc- if cottonwoods can be grown commer- ! torates, 92 of them, are available in cially on rich bottomland. 57 fields. Masters are offered in "' A complete answer may be seven 90 areas, including newly instituted LIGHTS LENGTHEN LIFE— or eight years away, but A &M and ocean engineering, school ublic re- p Makin ni ht Champion officials feel results will lations, and range and forestry. g g driving as safe as more than offset time and expense. in day is an aim of Texas Trans- An example of Graduate College 3' Engineering, science and agricul- j growth, Rudder noted, is the Eco- portation Institute researchers ture set a fast enrollment pace for nomics Department. Six persons other graduate programs to emulate. at A&M. Sidney Stanford registered in 1966. Now, more than a. ney ord jot 50 students place accent on mathe- notes as Dr. Neil Rowan and doc- At A &M, expansion is the name of the graduate game. The Univer- matical economics and econometrics. toral candidate Ned Walton in- sity's research budget exceeds $20 Rudder pointed out A &M conferred million, a hike which more than 785 advanced degrees this year, with spect ten 1,000 -watt lights to be doubles the 1961 fund. Much research 162 of them Ph.D.'s. affixed atop a 100 -foot steel pole. financing comes from federal and personal grants. Experimentation is a ke facet of The lighting innovati is used p y Superior graduate and research virtually any research, university of- in several states. programs are complementary, Rudder ficials recognize. Unique and new declares. He estimates cost at $25,000 research to benefit A &M and mankind annually to support a graduate stu- is well- received by Graduate College Paper and Fibre Co., the firm that dent. officials. makes paper used by Time and Life magazines, is cooperating. University officials foresee a $50 For instance, a doctoral candidate million budget by 1976 to brace the is aiding an A &M silviculturist in The aim is to produce a slick, light- anticipated bumper crop of graduate a cottonwood pulp study. Champion weight paper desirable for magazines. students. • 7 " 4' I t . . gip':: a .� �,, ' " m ( f ' .."": � • fit! $ " ".,� tti .�. -. , ;:lit I I . i 'd 46 '" '174"" ` A &M OCEAN BUILDERS — Coastal and Ocean SUPER REFRIGERATOR— Amidst A &M's more Engineering research is considered an integral exotic research projects is low temperature phys- part of a bright future by Texas A &M leaders. ics. Graduate students term Physics Department In the Civil Engineering Department, the division toil `super refrigeration: Prof. Tom W. Adair III already is waist deep in a tank full of oceanic (seated) takes notes a Fa -Chung Wang of Free nightmares. Here, Dr. R. M. Sorensen reviews China and Tom R. McKee of Fort Worth expert- wave force puzzles with master's candidate Owen ment with a Helium Isotope Three dilution refrig- Ralston of Waller. An A &M grad, Ralston is em- erator. Wang and McKee are doctoral candidates. ployed by the U. S. Corps of Engineers, Galveston. ! 23 1 1 North Cato Ph. 84G G615 U niveroi1y Cl arteri & estaundry ' Ernest Sebesta '39 , ,, 112 N. Main College Station •S''' What's so great t ► N about ROTC . -� MOTOR HOT 4040 TULANE AVE. H U 6 - 6111 Check 'em. ,, ❑ Great opportunity. You earn a commission 1 = while you earn your college degree, Graduate , —you start at the top. Fulfill your military '' l ' ° obligation as an Army officer. With officer's x F 1 11 0 ;__11--1-%.'" , ," t , 1• AG t i es . e Employers refer a ' _ I__ .� ,_ �_ 4 . _,t '_. _.R: . . f - 11!a 3700 p t...�.....W.– ....W. college graduate with service as an officer. " Pay more to get him. Because he's a trained, A . i 4 w .. - - - �,. - experienced leader. Can handle heavier ay, ' '– + _ '°"' , , R - ter'"" ` . responsibilities. ❑ Great success. From the 5% of college ■ ''I , � 1 ` .t t , ` _ k' ' men who had ROTC training have come 24% of our state governors, 28% of executives earning $100,000 to $325,000 per year, 10% of ,te FOR RELAXED DINING AND FINE FOOD Congress, 15% of our ambassadors. 1 s ' For delicious Continental and Creole foods impeccably served ❑ Great guys. ROTC men are campus leaders qoQ ,,, in glittering splendor. — in ROTC, athletics, extracurricularactivities. And they do better scholastically than non - A ROTC students. 'i€ FOR AN INTIMATE AND ENCHANTING EVENING ❑ Great extras. $50 per month in junior and %; / ' 1 ! Cockta hour 5 to 7. Complimentary hors d'oeuvres, dancing, senior years. Scholarships for outstanding ,/ f' LO"^ entertainment. Name bands nightly. students. Free flight training at over 125 colleges. Extra social activities — military balls, honor societies, bands, rifle teams. Any way you look at it, there's a lot more FOR EXCELLENT FOOD QUICKLY SERVED going for you when you're in ROTC. A favorite meeting place. Open at 6 a.m. Delicious food, Your future, your decision ... ' � I '" ' ' popular prices. choose Army ROTC. I oPP� � oP 494 LUXURY ROOMS I— Army ROTC CP 69 • P.O. Box 12703 LARGEST SWIMMING POOL IN TOWN — separate high diving pool, Philadelphia, Pa. 19134 separate wading pool for children. 1 want to know more about Army ROTC. OUTDOOR POOL SIDE LOUNGE with table service Send me your free brochure. Convenient to shopping, business area, French Quarter Name Age SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PARTIES AND CONVENTIONS Address City I 24 L state Zip 1 Coiiiizunjt3 AND Phone (713) 846 -77 75 P.O. .O Drawer 2800, College Station, Texas 77840 H. E. Burgess, '29 James B. "Dick" Hervey, '42 Chairman of the Board President "You Can Count On Us" National Car Rental Sears, Roebuck and Co. Easterwood Airport or Townshire Shopping Center On Corner by Ramada Inn College Station 1901 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 24 -Hour Service — Ph. 846 -4911 arkei•- HARDWARE a.'ni. (i)c&ct,0 bL'a Gifts — Furniture & Appliances MENS CLOTHING SINCE $896 BRYAN — TEXAS Bryan at 25th 822 -1541 Bryan BARGE & CRANE RENTALS Houston, Texas CA 2 -9161 W. J. (Jerry) Sparkman, '45 James D. (Jim) Allen, '47 25 ., IR real( your , .. ,, beard in right • • Right now your beard is in the formative stage. You can shave it with a razor blade like your father does. And each time you do your beard will grow back a little more difficult. Until one day shaving's no longer a chore. It's an agony. ,3 Look no further than your father's face ,r for p roof. But fortunately, you're catching your N beard at an early age. You can break it in to be z , A i just as shaveable 10 and 20 years from now as it is today. With a REMINGTON shaver. And if you think the kind of shave we're selling won't be close enough for you, you're wrong. Our new blades are sharper than anything that's been in an electric shaver before. And there's a dial that ' lets you adjust them for your skin and beard. ` r €. t What's more, you can dial a REMINGTON a ; electric shaver into a sideburn trimmer' Admittedly, it costs more to buy our electric shaver than a razor and some blades. But it's a good investment. These next few years will determine how you and your beard will get along for the rest IEMINGTON of your lives. LSI=EI42Y R.DTH ®1.68 BPERRY RAND CORP ELECTRIC SHAVER DIVISION •BRIDGEPORT.CONNECTICOT. MEET THE TEXAS AGGIES 60 BUSTER ADAMI, Jr., I VL, 21, 6 -1, 204, 26 JERRY CAMPBELL, Sr., 2VL, 22, 5-9, brown hair, green eyes, throws right, kicks 187, brown hair, brown eyes, throws right right, Freer, Tex. Born February 23, 1947 kicks right, Center, Tex. Born Jan. 25 w' in San Antonio, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. 1946 in Center, Tex. Son of Mrs. Frank a Grant E. Adami, Jr., Box 117, Freer (Phone: Campbell, 1406 Anita Street, Center (Phone EX4- 7157). Father is a rancher. Played LY8- 3480). Mother employed by Center football at Freer High under Coach Ray High School. Was tri- captain at Center i 4 Adkins. Distinguished student at A &M. High under Coach Bruce Bradshaw. A &M Was president of Freer National Honor Student Body President for 1967 -68. Won Society and HS valedictorian. Won frosh two varsity letters at A &M playing de- numeral and then redshirted one season, fensive rover. Physical education major. ADAMI won varsity letter last season as starting sophomore linebacker. Majoring in govern- 51 MIKE CASWELL, Jr., 1VL, 21, 6 -3, CAMPBELL ment. 206, black hair, brown eyes, throws right, * .0* ,, v 88 JIMMY ADAMS, Jr., 1VL, 20, 6 -2, 186, kicks right, Houston Smiley. Born Jan. 17, s 0 4 brown hair, blue eyes, throws right, kicks 1947 in Morgan City, La. Son of Mr. and right, Houston Waltrip. Born Jan 4, 1948 Mrs. Olin Caswell, Route 2, Box 726, in Magee, Miss. Son of Mr. and Mrs. James , Spring, Tex. (Phone: SK7- 4554). Father M. Adams, 5002 Happy Hollow, Houston, employed by T &L Drilling Contractors of - Tex. (Phone: OV2- 4820). Father is chemist Houston. Played football at Smiley High 0 , for Matcote Co. Honorable mention all- under Coach Keith Harshbarger. Suffered state at Waltrip High under Coach Les broken leg in car accident after spring , Burton. Switched from split end to de- training and redshirted for 1966 season„ Pensive halfback for Aggies last season to Centered on punts and was regular substi- earn varsity letter. Changed back to split tute center last season. Moved to weak tac- ADAMS end for spring practice. Chemical engi- kle during spring. Majoring in petroleum neer. engineering. CASWELL 70 HARVEY ASCHENBECK, Sr., 2VL, 21, 6 -2, 205, brown eyes, brown hair, throws 28 ARTHUR COOLEY, Jr., IVL, 22, 5-9 right, kicks left, Bellville, Tex. Born June 170, brown hair, hazel eyes, throws right, , 6, 1947 in Houston, Tex. Son of Mr. and kicks right, Victoria. Born July 31, 1946 in Mrs. Albert W. Aschenbeck, 185 Holland, . _ Gonzales, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellett 4 th Bellville (Phone: UN5- 9224). Parents own Cooley, 2404 Crestwood Drive, Victoria and operate a cafe in Bellville. Played foot- (Phone: HI5- 4093). Married, wife's name r,, ball at Bellville High under Coach Duane is Clemmie. Has one son, Tommy Lee. 1 tegm s' Dean. Earned varsity letter as sophomore, Played halfback at Victoria High under as starting defensive tackle and added an- Coach Tom Pruett. Won frosh numeral other last season as a junior. Made several at A &M and then redshirted one season All -SWC second team selections as tackle. due to a knee operation. Earned varsity ASCHENBECK Majoring in physical education, letter last season on kickoff and punt re- COOLEY 61 WINSTON BEAM, Jr., 1VL, 20, 6 -0 , turn teams. Played safety during spring 235, brown hair, brown eyes, throws tight training. Major in accounting. kicks right, Odessa, Tex. Born Nov. 15, 89 MIKE DeNIRO, Soph., FN, 20, 6-0, +; l 1947 in Brady, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. 205, brown hair, blue eyes, throws right, + ` C. H. Beam, 120 Casa Grande, Odessa, kicks right, Youngstown, Ohio. Born Aug. 0 (Phone: FE2- 7267). Father is fishing tool 27, 1948 in Youngstown. Son of Mr. and operator for Keown Fishing & Rental Tool. , Mrs. Carl DeNiro, 388 South Bonatr A. Mother teaches at Bonham Junior High Youngstown (Phone: 799- 0534). Was all I 4 " school. Was tackle and guard at Odessa city, all- state, All- America end at Chaney ' High under Coach Hank Watkins. Earned High under Coach Louis Angelo. Won varsity letter at defensive guar, as sopho- A { ggie freshman numeral as split end- more, but saw only limited action due to defensive end. Named to A1l -SWC freshman knee injury. Missed spring training due team. Played strictly defensive end during BEAM to knee operation. Management major. spring training. Physical education major. DeNIR0 41 MARC BLACK, Soph., FN, 19, 6 -2, 198, black hair, green eyes, throws right, 36 DAVE ELMENDORF, Soph., FN, 19, . =.x kicks right, Arlington, Va. Born Oct. 22, 6 -1, 194, blond hair, green eyes, throws 1948 in El Paso, Tex. Son of Col. and Mrs. ri h g t, kicks right, Houston Westbury. Born g Don W. Black, Arlington, Va. (Phone: 521- June 20, 1949 in San Antonio, Tex. Son • 4219). Father is presently serving in Viet of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Elmendorf, 5431 Lym 4\ Nam. Graduated from New Mexico Mil- bar, Houston (Phone: PA3- 3614). Father s itary Institute, Roswell, N.M. Missed most is former student of A &M, Class of 1938, - , b - _ of freshman year at A &M due to an injury. and is an engineer for Fluor Corp. in Hous "" Played wingback and tailback during spring ton. Was all -city, all- district, all -state and< training. Majoring in business administra- all- America at Westbury High under Coach tion. Howard Allen. Was all -SWC freshman 33 ROSS BRUPBACHER, Jr., 1VL, 20, footballer and all -SWC and all- district 6 BLACK 6 -3, 201, brown hair, hazel eyes, throws varsity baseballer as frosh. Majoring in ELMENDORF right, kicks right, Lafayette, La. Born April liberal arts. 7, 1948 in Lafayette. Son of Mr. and Mrs. 72 MIKE FIELDS, Soph., FN, 19, 6.3, 219, . it P. H. Brupbacher, 104 Clement St., La- brown hair, green eyes, throws right, kicks fayette (Phone: 232 2925). Father is a dis- right, Texarkana, Tex. Born Dec. 11, 1948 patcher for Southern Pacific RR. Mother in Texarkana, Ark. Son of Mr. and Mrs. ; is a secretary. Three years all- district, two year all- state, one year all- America at Eugene a, Fields, (Phone: Redwood Drive, - i t , ' Lafayette High under Coach Rayford Le- Texarkana, Tex. (Phone: 838.0213)- Father -' 1'' Blanc as halfback. Started season as sub- is crane operator for Red River Army Depot. Was all- district tackle at Libert - stitute fullback, switched to defensive half- y back where he intercepted 5 passes and Eylau High under Coach B. D. Spigner. recovered one fumble to earn varsity letter Won played weak tackle numeral spas ring tackle in- as sophomore. Liberal arts major. and played weak tackle during spring [rain - BRUPBACHER ing. Majoring in liberal arts. FIELDS 75 TOM BUCKMAN, Sr., 2VL, 21, 6-4, 216, brown hair, hazel eyes, throws right, 38 LYNN FISTER, Jr., 1VL, 21, 6 -0, 178, kicks right, Fort Worth Amon Carter River- blond hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks 04";,. side. Born March 3, 1947 in Fort Worth. right, Dallas Hillcrest. Born Feb. 21, 1947 ' rt. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Buckman, 2524 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Son of Mr. and .: „ i Marigold, Ft. Worth (Phone: TES- 5907). Mrs. O. J. Fister, 6441 Park Lane, Dallas ' Father is former student at A &M, Class of (Phone: EMI - 6778). Father is employee y '32 and is now city traffic engineer in Ft. relations director for U. S. Steel in Dallas. ( "' Worth. All- district in football at Amon Captain, all -city quarterback at Dallas Hill- j 8 Carter Riverside under Coach Lon Gold- crest under Coach Joe Simpson. Played stein. All -state basketball. Earned varsity football for LSU one season (freshman),.` letter at offensive end as sophomore and transferred to A &M in 1966. Won varsity junior. Second team All -SWC as junior letter last season as defensive halfback. BUCKMAN end. Civil engineering major. Majoring in mechanical engineering. FISTER 27 Oh' MEET THE TEXAS AGGIES 58 CARL GOUGH, Jr., 1VL, 21, 6 -2, 199, 55 BILL HOBBS, Sr., 2VL, 22, 6 -1, 215, brown hair, blue eyes, throws right, kicks brown hair, blue eyes, throws right, kicks - * right, College Station, Tex. Born Feb. 16, right, Amarillo Tascosa. Born Sept. 18, =, ' 1947 in Carlsbad, N.M. Son of Mrs. Frances 1946 in Mount Pleasant, Tex. Son of Mr. _ " Gough, 403 Glade, College Station (Phone: and Mrs. Ottis Hobbs, 3404 Patterson Drive, 846 and Mr. C. M. Gough of Hearne. Amarillo (Phone: FL6- 6968). Father is an Father is a commercial pilot and mother is insurance agent, mother is Tascosa High .. �•. a registered nurse at Texas A &M University School secretary. All- district, honorable Hospital. Was captain and all- district cen- mention all -state end at Amarillo Tascosa ter at A &M Consolidated High School under Coach Pat Patterson. - Has two var- under Coach Edsel Jones. Varsity squad- sity letters as A &M linebacker, was All - GOUGH man for one season. Earned varsity letter SWC All- America and SWC Defensive HOBBS last season as soph after moving into start- Player of Year last year. Physical educa- ing lineup as offensive tackle. Business tion major. . ":=7 t1 management major. e, ,14 59 GARY GRUBEN, Soph., Sqd., 20, 5-10, 27 WENDELL HOUSLEY, eyes, Sr. 2VL, 21, k- p q > 6 -2, 203, blond hair, blue eyes, throws right, 198, brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks right, Richardson, Tex. Born Nov. i,,,,, ii kicks right, Tulia, Tex. Born June 3, 1948 1Q 1946 in Dallas, Tex. Son of Mr. and in Lubbock, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. , ,, ,,,,,, „ : ,., , ,,,,,, i � Mrs. Robert Housley, 334 E. Main Street, , H. V. Gruben, 26 Houston Road, Tulia Richardson (Phone: AD5- 7201). Father is (Phone: 995 - 3084). Father is manager of a building contractor in Richardson. Made $ ( "a Clayton Cotton Gin in Tulia. All- district, all- district, all- Greater Dallas, and all -Metro All -South Plains, all -state guard under � teams at Richardson High under Coach Coach Jimmie Keeling at Tulia High. Won Billy Ray Atkins. As sophomore he set 4. frosh numeral at linebacker. Was varsity A &M school record for most carries in squadman last year. Played weak guard g game (33 carries for 127 yards vs. HOUSLEY GRUBEN single during spring training. Physical education Baylor). Saw limited action last year due major. to injuries. Management major. •r 4-44, 11 CURLEY HALLMAN, Sr., 2VL, 22, 6 -1, 23 IVAN JONES, Sr., 2VL, 21, 5.11, 185, 180, black hair, green eyes, throws right, blond hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks 0 kicks right, Northport, Ala. Born Sept. 3. right, Houston Waltrip. Born March 25, 1946 in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Son of Mr. and 1947 in Houston, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. r Mrs. S. M. Hallman, 3820 38th Ave., North- port (Phone: 752 - 3825). Father is a retired B. H. Jones, 3817 Lane, .Houston. carpenter. Captain, all- county, and hon- (Phone: OV2- 4948). Ascot Father is used car orable mention all -state at Tuscaloosa High manager for Mel Croan Volkswagen, Hous- under Coach Joe Wilson playing QB. Earned ton. Was all -city and most valuable back two varsity letters as starting defensive at Houston Waltrip under Coach Leslie back for Aggies and was second team All- Burton. Was starting rover back for Aggies last year with 3 interceptions. Business SWC halfback last year. Physical education management major. JONES HALLMAN major, plans to coach. , 65 ALLAN HANSON, Soph., FN, 19, 6 -3, 94 ROY KIRKPATRICK, Soph., FN, 19, 218, blond hair, blue eyes, throws right, 6 -1, 197, blond hair, blue eyes, throws right, kicks right, League City, Texas. Born Feb. kicks right, Tyler, Tex. Born March 15, 28, 1949 in Chanute, Kan. Son of Mr. and 1949 in Dallas, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence E. Hanson, 120 West 6th Roy L. Kirkpatrick, Sr., 2632 S.W. 55th Street, Kemah, Tex. (Phone: 877- 4269). Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. (Phone: 685- ' Father is chemical operator, Amaco Cheth- 2492). Father is branch manager for Cot - icals, Texas City, Tex. Was all- district end tingham Bearing, Inc. Played end at ,, at Clear Creek High under Coach Paul Gips. R. E. Lee High under Coach Don Barton. Played nose guard on dense to earn Won freshman numeral at A &M as guard, freshman numeral. Moved to strong end moved to defensive end during spring during spring training. Majoring in zool- training. Majoring in business administra- HANSON ogy. lion. KIRKPATRICK 10 EDD HARGETT, Sr., 2VL, 21, 6-0, 56 JACK KOVAR, Jr., 1VL, 21, 6 -1, 194, 190, brown hair, hazel eyes, throws right, brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks .,,, .. kicks right, Linden, Tex. Born June 26, right, Houston Jones. Born Oct. 9, 1947 in 1947 in Marietta, Tex. Son of Mr. and Houston, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. t Mrs. Otto Hargett, Route 1, Marietta, Tex. Kovar, 5830 Southmont, Houston (Phone: °" *"*11, (Phone: 835- 2558). Married, wife's name RE3- 8873). Married, wife's name is Janet. is Shirley Ann. Father is a farmer. All- Father is mobile homes salesman, mother = 3 district, second team all -state quarterback is secretary for E. S. Levy Co. Was tri- at Linden - Kildare under Coach Jack Het- captain of Houston Jesse Jones High state ,, herington. Starting QB soph and junior quarterfinal team. Came to A &M without a years. Holds 18 A &M passing and offensive scholarship and won frosh numeral at guard. , ' r ecords. All -SWC and SWC Offensive Player Moved to center for 1967 season, earned HARGETT of the Year as junior. Electrical engineer- first varsity letter as sophomore. Mechan- KOVAR ing major. ical engineering major. 15 BARNEY HARRIS, Jr., 1VL, 20, 6 -2, 74 ROLF KRUEGER, Sr., 2VL, 21, 6-4, t 192, brown hair, green eyes, throws right, kicks right, San Antonio, Tex. Born Nov. 243, brown hair, green eyes, ec right, 9 kick s right, 1946 3, 1947 in Ft. Stockton, Tex. Son of Mrs. ckght, Bryan, Tex. Born Dec. Ben B. Harris, 8722 Sagebrush, San Antonio in Caldwell, Tex. Son of Mr. and d Mrs. ''' .., .,, (Phone: TA2-9538). Mother is secretary in W. W. Krueger, 205 W. Robertson, Bryan (Phone: 822- 6176). Father employed by N.E. Ind. School District. All- district, all - ith44 city, all -state quarterback at MacArthur International Shoe Co. Younger brother High under Coach Joe Bill Fox. Won frosh of Charles Krueger, two -time All- America numeral at A &M as quarterback and punter. football player at A &M. Was all- district Earned varsity letter last year as sophomore and Super Cen -Tex at Stephen F. Austin as wingback and split end, also returned High under Coach Doyle Weldon. Started HARRIS punts and kickoffs. A business manage- as off guard for Aggies last season, switched • s back to def. for SWC and was named to All- KRUEGER ment major. SWC team. Business management major. 1 16 LEROY HAUERLAND, Sr., 1VL, 22, 5 -10, 171, brown hair, brown eyes, throws 52 WAYMOND LIGHTFOOT, Soph., Sqd., right, kicks right, Sealy, Tex. Born April 20, 6 -0, 201, red hair, green eyes, throws 10, 1946 in Sealy, Tex. Son of Mr. and right, kicks right, San Antonio, Tex. Born Mrs. Anton Hauerland, Route 1, Box 4, Nov. 2, 1947 in Texarkana, Tex. Son of Sealy (Phone: T1'5- 2467). Father is fore- Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Lightfoot, 454 Space- man for Anderson & Clayton Co. Oil Mill, way, San Antonio (Phone: OL5- 4450). 3 ,,,, :.4 . Z, Richmond Tex. All district back at Sealy Father teaches at MacArthur High, mother High under Coach Harry Daily. Played is a counselor for Alamo Heights High. Co- ' football two years at Blinn Junior College, captain and all- district center at MacArthur transferred to A &M in 1966. Earned varsity High under Coach Joe Bill Fox. Played letter last season as defensive back. Physical center as squadman last y q year. Pre - veterinary HAUERLAND education major. medicine major. LIGHTFOOT 28 MEET THE TEXAS AGG I ES 42 BOB LONG, Sr., 2VL, 21, 6 -0, 181, 64 JIM PARKER, Soph., FN, 19, 6 -1, 198, - brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks black hair, green eyes, throws right, kicks t right, Paris, Tex. Born Aug. 12, 1947 in right, Gonzales, Tex. Born July 16, 1949 Paris, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Poss Long, in Gonzales. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Park - - ..4,, tv 3025 Lamar, Paris (Phone: SU4- 8889). er Jr., Wrightsboro, Tex. (Phone: 437 - Father is principal of Reno Elementary 2319). Father is a farmer. Was all- district, , 3 S Mother teaches history at Paris. all- Central Texas tackle at Gonzales High x All- district, all - state quarterback at Paris under Coach William Dubose. President o High under Coach Dick Mabry. Has two senior class in HS. Won frosh numeral at varsity football and baseball letters. Was A &M as guard. Played strong guard on all -SWC end - wingback last year. Twice all- offense during spring training. Pre -vet LONG SWC centerfielder. Math major. medicine major. 43 RANDY MADDOX, Soph., FN, 19, 6-1, PARKER 208, brown hair, green eyes, throws right, 40 JIM PIPER, Jr., 1VL, 20, 6-0, 192, kicks right, Houston Westbury. Born Aug. brown hair, green eyes, throws right, kicks 18, 1949 in Harlingen, Tex. Son of Mr. right, Brownwood, Tex. Born Nov. 8, 1947 and Mrs. Paul G. Maddox, Jr., 5034 Dryad, in San Saba, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Houston (Phone: PA3- 8193). Father is in- Luther Piper, 4108 Glenwood Drive, Brown- ., ' surance salesman for Texas Life Insurance wood (Phone: 642 - 8336). Father is a travel - - Co. Mother is a secretary. Married, wife's ing salesman for T.W.T. Molding Co. Was s name is Barbara. Has daughter named all- district, all -state fullback at Brownwood -. Tommy Anne. All- district, all -city line- High under Coach Gordon Wool. Won backer at Houston Westbury under Coach frosh numeral at A &M as rover. Switched �'� i f Howard Allen. Majoring in liberal arts. to defensive end last season where he 81 TOMMY MAXWELL, Sr., 2VL, 21, 6 -2, earned varsity letter and was named to MADDOX 192, blond hair, blue eyes, throws right, All -SWC second team. Accounting major. PIPER kicks right, Houston Jones. Born May 5, 73 GEORGE RESLEY, Sr., 1Sq, 22, 6 -6, r' :- 1947 in Houston, Tex. Son of Mr. and 253, blond hair, hazel eyes, throws right, " * Mrs. T. M. Maxwell, 7450 Belfort, Apt. 50, kicks right, Fort Stockton, Tex. Born Nov. Houston (Phone: MI9- 0539). Father is area �, supertindent for Pan American Petroleum M , 1 H. in Fort Stockton. Son of Mr. and Corp. Father is former student of A &M, Mrs. H. E. R 386 -2 307 N. Gillis, Fort Stock- ton (Phone 336- 2694). Father is Ci ty Re- i1 S' Class of 1932. Was all -city at Jesse Jones corder for Fort Stockton. Mother teaches 1 High under Coach W. C. Treadway. Moved school. A weightman in track who was out from off. end - wingback to starting def. for football last season and was squadman # safety last season and then played both at defensive middle guard. Completed his ways. Made All -SWC team at safety. Man- track eligibility with A &M last spring, was " agement major. second in SWC meet in shot with toss of MAXWELL 35 PHIL McANELLY, Jr., Sqd., 21, 6 -1, 56 -41/2. Marketing major. RESLEY 193, brown hair, hazel eyes, throws right, kicks right, Hondo, Tex. Born Oct. 29, 1946 12 CHARLIE RIGGS, Sr., 2VL, 22, 5-7 P' in Hondo, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. 176, black hair, brown eyes, throws right, , >: John F. McAnelly, 1406 20th St., Hondo kicks right, Houston Galena Park. Born (Phone: HA6- 2579). Father is an agricul- Sept. 17, 1946 in Houston, Tex. Son of /` a ture teacher at Hondo. Mother is special Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Riggs, Route 1, Willis, T ex. (Phone: 344-6742). Father is Rod Mill education teacher at Hondo. Father it ,. `j . former student at A &M, Class of 1939. Was foreman for Armco Steel in Houston. Mar - '-. fullback at Hondo High under Coach Doug- ried, wife's name is Stephanie Lynn. Cap las Johnson. Was squadman last year as rain and all -state quarterback at Galena weak guard then moved to full/Jack. Missed Park High under Coach Paul Smith. Field most of spring training due to broken leg. goal and extra -point man last year, set Agricultural education major. A &M record for most FG in one season McANELLY 68 STEVE MULLEN, Jr., Sqd., 21, 6 -2, with 8 of 10, had 15 of 18 PAT. Business RIGGS 206, brown hair, blue eyes, throws right, management major. ,, kicks right, Brownsville, Tex. Born Jan. 8, 83 MITCH ROBERTSON, Soph., FN, 19, , a 1947 in Brownsville, Tex. Son of Mr. and 6 -2, 198, brown hair, green eyes, throws s, Mrs. W. M. Mullen, 105 Blanche, Browns - right, kicks right, Abilene, Tex. Born vine (Phone: M L12- 8633). Father is salesman March 8, 1949 in Gadston, Ala. Son of ' for Burton Auto Supply. Mother is secretary Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Robertson, 4066 Walde F R q wif in the Brownsville School District. All -dis- mar, Abilene (Phone: OR2- 2644). Father trict, all- Valley off. and def. end at Browns- owns and operates Ab -Tex . Van Lines Co. ir , vine High under Coach Lloyd Parker. Was i squadman as end last year then switched to Mother e s a secretary for company. Mar - - rta is Phy All distric guard, played guard during spring work- state te end at t Abilene Cooper under C al Coach outs. Business management major. Merrill Green. Played def. end during MULLEN 67 LYNN ODOM, Jr., 1VL, 20, 5 -10, 205, spring. Business management major. ROBERTSON brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks right, Corsicana, Tex. Born May 28, 1948 31 BILL SEELY, Jr., Sqd., 21, 5 -7, 162, in Corsicana. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks Ray Odom, 1811 Navarro Drive, Corsicana right, Brownwood, Tex. Born Nov. 24, 1946 (Phone: TR4- 7227). Father is maintenance in Bryan, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom e f superintendent for Texas Miller. Mother R. Seely, 11400 Titian Dr., Austin, Tex. employed by Tom Huston Peanut Co. Was (Phone: 836- 0705). Father is vocational V • , Most Valuable Lineman at Corsicana High guidance consultant for Texas Education 4. a under Coach James Acree playing tackle. Agency in Austin. All- district, all -area, hon- ° He earned his first varsity letter as a orable mention all -state tailback at Brown- ' ° • y ;r sophomore. Missed part of season due to wood High under Coach Gordon Wood. an injury. Middle guard during spring. Did not have scholarship when - came to 4 Business management and Industrial En- A &M, earned one in 1967 spring training. ODOM gineering major. Father former student, Aggie Class of 1942. SEELY Finance major. 18 STEVE O'NEAL, Sr., 2VL, 22, 6 -3, 182, red hair, blue eyes, throws right, kicks 63 JIM SEGREST, Soph., FN, 19, 6 -1, 200, right, Hearne, Tex. Born Feb. 4, 1946 in brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks Hearne. Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. right, Lafayette, La. Born Dec. 8, 1948 in " O'Neal, 607 Barton in Hearne (Phone: LI6- Odessa, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank _ 2025). Father is clerk for Southern Pacific Segrest, 130 Fernhill, Lafayette (Phone: CE2 Railroad Played football at Hearne High 300 s g 3003). Father ow &= under Coach Ken Batson. owns Mother operates is a Sego . All � n. Came to A &M on ical Co., Lafayette. Mother is a nurse. All � { / � � track scholarship (hurdler and broad jump- district end at Lafayette High under Coach ' k - er). Has three A &M varsity track letters. Frank Foreman. Won frosh numeral at - Was All -SWC punter last year for Aggies. A &M as def. end. Changed strong ed to stron guard b Punted 81 times for 42 -1 average, had two during spring workouts. Majoring in math - O'NEAL long punts of 62 yards. Pre - dental student. ematics. SEGREST 29 ir MEET THE TEXAS AGGIES 22 TOM SOOY, Jr., IVL, 21, 5 -11, 177, 77 MIKE TIGHE, Soph., FN, 19, 6 -2 218, V " .' blond hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks brown hair, green eyes, throws right, kicks „* �' right, Baytown, Tex. Born Dec. 26, 1946, right, San Antonio, Tex. Born March 9, t t in Montgomery, Ala. Son of Mr. and Mrs. 1949 in Richland, Wash. Son of Mr. and k Byard E. Sooy, Jr., 1706 Richardson Lane, Mrs. Joseph Tighe, 455 Pinewood, San a Baytown (Phone: 582 - 4854). Father is port Antonio (Phone: TA6- 4866). Father is re- r ", • dispatcher for Humble Oil & Refining Co. tired from U. S. Air Force. All- district r0 A11- district at Robert E. Lee High under tackle under Coach William Brashier at : Coach Pete Sultis. Was defensive halfback San Antonio's Robert E. Lee High. Won 1 1 last season, but was sidelined most of season frosh numeral as tackle at A &M. Played with knee injury. Missed spring practice defensive tackle during spring training. -- -- due to knee operation. Majoring in finance. Majoring in electrical engineering. SOOY TIGHE 39 JOHN TURNEY, . 53 RUSTY 3TALLINGS, Soph., Sqd., 20, , Jr., Jr. , Sqd., 21 , 5 -10 , 6 -1, 197, blond hair, blue eyes, throws right, 158, brown hair, blue eyes, throws right, 1 § kicks right, Midland, Tex. Born April 17, kicks right, Dublin, Tex. Born April 16, 1948 in Paducah, Tex. Son of Mrs. H. L. 1947 in Dublin. Son of Mr. and Mrs. , a. Stallings, 1520 Overhill, Stephenville, Tex. He W. Turney, Rt. 7, Box 35, Dublin y • (Phone: 968 - 2525). Mother is an English (Phone: GI5- 3059). Father is a farmer. professor at Tarleton State College. Captain All- district, all -state halfback (Ft. Worth ' and all- district lineman at Midland Lee Star - Telegram) at Dublin High under Coach = ' t High under Coach Joe Newbill. Won frosh Johnnie Gragg. Won frosh letter at A &M. tu numeral at A &M as center - guard. Was Was varsity squadman last season. Played squadman last year. Moved to weak guard defensive halfback and safety in spring during spring. Pre -vet medicine major. training. Father former student at A &M, STALLINGS Class of 1935. English major. TURRET' w o , 17 ROBERT STANSBERRY, Soph., Sqd., 84 DOUG VALOIS Jr., t ) right, 20, 6 -1, 186, brown hair, blue eyes, throws , J , Sqd., t, black hair, blue eyes, throws right, kicks irks right, kicks right, Eden, Tex. Born July right, Amarillo, Tex. Born Aug. 23, 1946 „ 16, 1948 in Brady, Tex. Son of Mr. and in San Antonio, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. t o I Mrs. F. T. Stansberry, P.O. Box 445, Eden, Douglas Valois, 2602 Vine Street, Brown- � ' Tex. (Phone: 869 - 5001). Father is a ranch- a wood (Phone: 846 - 6686). Father is vice - er. All- district, second team all -state quarter- ��< . , president of Central Bearing Service. End 4� back at Eden High under Coach Leslie J ohnson. Was squadman last at Amarillo Tascosa High under Coach ;' r � q year. Played Pat Patterson. Varsity squadman last sea- �'_ quarterback during spring training. Bus- iness management major, plans to ranch son. Played end during spring practice � " , or coach after graduation. sessions. Majoring in Business Management. STANSBERRY VALOIS 25 LARRY STEGENT, Jr., 1VL, 20, 6-1, 24 JAVIER VELA, Jr., 1VL, 21, 6 -0, 188, 2 2 54, blond hair, hazel eyes, throws right, black hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks right, Kerrville, Tex. Born July 14, 1947 kicks right, Houston St. Thomas. Born in Mission, Tex. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Dec. 1, 1947 in Houston, Tex. Son of Mr. Trinidad Vela, 509 Barnett Street, Kerrville and Mrs. J. C. Leatherwood, 1824 Angeline, (Phone: CL7- 4537). Father is aide at V.A. Houston (Phone: UN4- 5531). Father is a Hospital in Kerrville. Mother is charge • attendant at Kerrville State Hospital. Mar- ried, wife's name is Margaret. All- district, *1 salesman for Mechanics Uniform Supply. Mother employed by J. C. Penny Co. All- district, all- state, all- America halfback at fitiiiiiii St. Thomas High under Coach Joe Mc- all -West Texas at Tivy High under Coach Donald. Started season as fullback last Bill Farrington. Earned first varsity letter as soph last year at defensive halfback and season, switched to tailback where he was fullback. Education major. STEGENT named to All -SWC team and Sophomore -of- the -Year, playing part of season with VELA broken hand. Business administration 79 DALE WATTS, Soph., FN, 6 -5, 190, major. brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks , right, Lawton, Okla. Born Jan. 5, 1949 in ? . 54 MIKE STINSON, Soph., Sqd., 20, 6 -1, Roseburg, Oregon. Son of Mr. and Mrs. �' i y ' �, �- Leonard Watts, 703 North 33, Lawton, Okla. A .; 200, blond hair, blue eyes, throws right, Father is sales manager for Mt. Scott's kicks right, Fort Worth, Tex. Born Feb. 23, 1948 in Fort Worth. Son of Mr. and Food. All- conference, all -area, all- district, 1 all -state tackle at Eisenhower High under _ Mrs. Coy Lee Stinson, 5029 Lyndon Drive, , � t Ft. Worth (Phone: PE8- 8429). Father is Coach Jim Phillips. Won frosh numeral last year as defensive tackle. Played defen- general supervisor for General Dynamics, sive right tackle during spring training. Fort Worth. Mother is a bookkeeper. All- Majoring in Recreation and Parks. district center at Arlington Heights High STINSON under Coach Homer Ludiker. squadman last year. Majoring in business, management. 85 GADDY WELLS, Jr., 1VL, 20, 6 -2, 178, WATTS brown hair, hazel eyes, throws right, kicks right, Liberty, Tex. Born Oct, 14, 1947 in - 46 ANDY TEWELL, Soph., FN, 6-2, 193, Oxford, Miss. Son of Mrs. Anne Wells, r. brown hair, brown eyes, throws right, kicks Star Route, Box 10A, Liberty (Phone: FE6- right, Austin, Tex. Born Mar. 29, 1949 in 4343). Mother is district manager for Field ' ' s Fort Hood, Tex. Son of Mr. Thomas Ralph Enterprise, Inc., Chicago. Was all - district - TN. ,.,,; Tewell, 6801 Isabelle, Austin (Phone: GL2- end in football at Liberty High under - 0837). Father is a printer for Steck Printing Coach Don Hughes. Held out of action 4 , . . All-district linebacker during spring training. Business nomics major. finance major. IL TEWELL WELLS 45 JACK WHITMORE, Jr., 1VL, 21, 6 -0, +_.___ 71 MARK THOMAS, Jr., Sqd., 21, 6 -2, 177, brown hair, hazel eyes, throws right, 195, blond hair, hazel eyes, throws right, kicks left, Houston Westbury. Born Feb. 4, kicks right, Weathe Te Born Oct. 1947 in Hl Campo, Tex. Son of Mr. and 13, 1946 in Weatherford, Tex. Son of Mr. Mrs. J. W. Whitmore, 4310 Tonawanda, a . and Mrs. E. A. Thomas Jr., Route 2, Gran- Houston (Phone: PA3- 3782). Father is a 't •0..... bury, Tex. (Phone: 573 - 3359). Father is sales manager for Cal -Tex Citrus Juice, Inc. a real estate broker. Mother is a school Mother office employee for Houston schools. 4 teacher. All- district, honorable mention all- All-city, all -zone back at Westbury High state back at Weatherford High under under Coach Howard Allen. Held out of Coach Sam Morrow. Was held out of action action one season. Won varsity letter last one season, was squadman last season. year as sophomore defensive halfback. Played offensive tackle during spring train- Switched to wing back during spring. THOMAS ing. Management major. Veterinary medicine major. WHITMORE 30 •,, .... � „ 1- `r * oe 011 o _ flAE- i/ -,,, 4 . OuT Ir o ' 1), : . 0 . kr .. A h BEFORE YOU , BUY, GEE YOUR CARYS' LER- PLYMOUTH OR DODGE f = - '''°°' DEALER 1 r K..BE ME CENTER .' o ATTENTION INA NMI CAR t ,' A FROM G1Ry6L CO RPoRATMON . I . - - � � WHAT A , ___.7-- '. LINE ,�. c P 00 TRIPLE / cHRYSLF -R. i t � " - _ IMPEf7t4L, THREAT SIMCA OR c r -- , SUNBEAM � " `, �, '.M41° .- ,�, � . I . A .°`x - ZkEY • / .gypI 4130.4' � GRAE3 , ► your ,� k k ' , t l.. - r'''' i.. „, CkR S L:00: f a y . ! , L1JNG _ ✓ p l* ✓ , i. STYun X I I C � \ FEATU � / p , i AND ON } p i f C .' �7 EENGINEERING IP 1' �� 4 CHRYSLER Plymouth• Dodge• Chrysler• Imperial. Dodge Trucks •Simca•Sunbeam �� CORPORATION SEE THE AFL IN ACTION EACH WEEK ON NBC -TV. 1 , ^ 7 tt qv '''''''';'''!".4'''*, \ , .1 '44,,, "` �t �..,, 14 i . , A ,4_ ti!N* 4** '' , ' - . . * , i k \NO. \ A ' ' 1 4,.4 ' '" ***,„,,4' ''''' ' 7' 4 7,0, iFfir 1 \IIIIIIIIikilih. 4 °Mie ° 4 A joy, ,,,,, IT: '' , ... : i t';; ..... t 1,01,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s\ "*4. ! ‘ 'V' ,m10,9"S'i 1 ,, ; r C ir i mia......r.„, , : , ,. , ''' _ '" ' r ; , 7 '''' __1(11„.... ., , t:""*"''' \ .'''°'''''.- ''''' ''''''' 'NT \IN. , 7 /06 i � � c ��� EM I ' ,�. , !I 0116 , , / l'#07:0481 ' i f . , fiVio ,; 1 CM ,,, II \ ' ' , ' , '.14'... i t Y Nt,„„„.40, t " i ✓� ' ' ii i �• 1 � �' ,` ».° '"" d. ' s+w '9 - -- ''''. ;'-,,,14 , - "k" A \ ' . . 6 ,,, , ...,, � �� ��� � `t +�' 02"" , fi n * C d.„,_ife UIFoh, .. x F. i • TRADE. MARKO?) COCA -COLA AND 'COKE" ARE REGISTERED TRADE MARKS WHICH IDENTIFY ONLY THE PRODUCT OF THE COCA -COLA COMPANY PRINIEO IN U , A OFFENSE DEFENSE 88 JIMMY ADAMS WE 72 CLAY MITCHELL LT 54 MIKE STINSON WT 62 LARRY ADAMS LG 65 ALLAN HANSON WG 66 DAVID HOLT RG 56 JACK KOVAR C 73 TERRY SHACKLEFORD____ RT 53 RUSTY STALLINGS SG 52 RANDY HALE LLB 75 TOM BUCKMAN ST 31 STEVE GUNN MLB 15 BARNEY HARRIS SE 54 JAMES VANDERSLICE____RLB 10 EDD HARGETT __ QB 24 GREG WEBB LCB 19 JIMMY SHEFFIELD TB 16 MIKE HALL RCB 27 WENDELL HOUSLEY FB 25 BILLY LLOYD SS h 42 BOB LONG WB 29 CHARLES BRIGHTWELL___ FS Texas A &M T.C.U. DEFENSE 4. OFFENSE 40 JIM PIPER LE 26 LINZY COLE __ SE 74 ROLF KRUEGER LT 76 CHARLES BALES LT 67 LYNN ODOM MG 60 DANNY LAMB LG 70 HARVEY ASCHENBECK __ RT 57 JOHN RUTHSTROM C 89 MIKE DeNIRO RE 63 JAMES RAY RG 23 IVAN JONES R 74 FRED BARBER 81 FRED NIX 55 BILL HOBBS LLB TE TE 60 BUSTER ADAMI RLB 17 TED FAY QB 11 CURLEY HALLMAN LHB 35 ROSS MONTGOMERY HB ' 33 ROSS BRUPBACHER RHB 80 JERRY MILLER FL 81 TOMMY MAXWELL S 23 NORMAN BULAICH FB >' ',' "' TEXAS A&M SQUAD TCU SQUAD 10 Hargett, QB 53 Stallings, WG 10 Underwood, QB 52 Hale, LB t 11 Hallman, DHB 54 Stinson, C 11 Carter, QB 53 Shedd C 7 It 12 Riggs, QB 55 Hobbs, LB Y' 14 Fondren, PS -S 54 Vanderslice, LB Ir /r 14 Self, QB 56 Kovar, C 16 Hall, DHB 57 Ruthstrom, C 15 Harris, WB 58 Gough, SG 17 Fay, QB 59 Wright, C lo 16 Hauerland, DE 59 Gruben, WG 18 Brown, FI 60 Lamb, OG 17 Stansberry, QB 60 Adami, LB 19 Mayfield, DHB 61 Forney, DG 1 18 O'Neal, Punter 61 Beam, MG 62 Adams, DG 19 Sheffield, QB 62 Deaton, WG 21 Thornton, SE 22 Wright, S 63 Ray, OG I + \" c 20 Gary, QB 63 Segrest, SG 23 Bulaich, FB 64 Terveen, DG 22 Sooy, DHB 64 Parker, WG 24 Webb, DHB 23 Jones, Rover 65 Hanson, SE 67 Odom, MG 65 Riley, OG 24 Vela, FB 25 Lloyd, S 26 Cole, SE 66 Holt, DG -:'*4 d ,/. !" . I 25 Stegent, TB 68 Mullen, WG 67 Smith, OG • , SE 1 26 Campbell, DE 69 Valois 84 27 Tidwell, DHB 68 Mayes, DG 28 Cornelius, DHB 69 Cooper, OG 27 Housley, FB 70 Aschenbeck, DT 29 Brightwell, S 70 0 Kirby, OT s 28 Cooley, S 71 Thomas, ST 30 Rabb, FB 29 Cole, MG 72 Fields, ST 71 McDowell, DT 30 Woodward, FB 73 Resley, MG 31 Gunn, LB 72 Mitchell, DT 31 Seely, WB 74 Krueger, DT 32 Durrett, LB 73 Shackelford, DT 32 Franklin, TB 75 Buckman (80), SE 33 M HB 74 ritt, Neel OT 34 4 M DG 35 Montgomery, 33 Brupbacher, DHB 76 Kazmierski, ST t g K KS 75 Neely, OT 34 Kelly, FB 77 Tighe, DT HB 76 Bales, 07 35 McAnelly, FB 78 Philley, DT 36 McDaniel, LB 77 Wilkerson, OT 36 Elmendorf, DHB 79 Watts, DT 3egnLB 78 Creech, DT 40 8 Wagner, W 37 Hitt, DHB 81 Maxwell, WE -S er FB 79 Meyers, DT 40 Whelan, 38 Fister, Rover 82 Yeates, WE HB 80 Miller, FI 7411114010.*..- "� 39 Turney, DHB 83 Robertson, WE 41 Collins, TE 81 Nix, TE Mh o ,, 40 Piper, DE 85 Wells, SE 50 Hooten, LB 84 Birdwell, TE 41 Black, WB -FB 86 Williams, WE 51 Walker, LB 85 Brown, FI 42 Long, WB 87 Fulton, WG 43 Maddox, LB 88 Adams, WE 45 Whitmore, SE -DHB 39 DeNiro, DE OFFICIALS = 46 Tewell, LB 90 King, DE REFEREE JAMES L. HAYS 47 Minyard, Rover 91 Stapleton, Rover UMPIRE �- 48 Armbrister, FB 92 Davis, LB HEAD LINESMAN W. D. LAWS JAKE LAWS r , _ r, � 49 Millsap, MG 93 Reynolds, LB ON 50 DeWitt, C 94 Kirkpatrick, SE FIELD JUDGE HORTON NESRSTA 51 Caswell, WT 52 Lightfoot, C 95 Williford, DHB 96 Froeschl, ST BACK JUDGE GILLY DAVIS it *:t44t000k , n to ere i "4 / 1 ".r; , tr; ''''''' -- - IT . \\\,,,,, lir re o I 'maws aLil u? uoll ?ladtuoa lsaq '8g -gy sa. sd aq. lsuii 2i u ?m —op pima eq main! sa222y IIu lsgm plp uosluTAT uo uoi3uaTsiu?utpy ssauTsng jo sluapnls TA2'y Jo a2a1o3 aril putt aanoo aq3 uo saanlsu2Is 000`Z lsouLie paurluoa tuea2aial aril •pua3laam ls.u! uma Lauagll matt aql paanTuaj utua2 -aiaj aanjuu2?s s ut ?Li 2ulpues dq tupi puulaq sum l? mouN uosluIAT -oad 8,30am lssg .cz-zz said ;ai Spoq luapnls a122y sexay `1.ou ao padiaq l? aaLilagm uo palnaoi lnoAsi abed -oml s ' /tg - TL Jo paoaaa piaom am smog osie aH 'paoaaa `02aiioD aTenpua0 am uo aanjuaj a!duticiO mau s aoj satlau? `lain L9 q.ogs aql passo; aq kepuoyAT s,utuaoid aqT glTm uT sill IT pus •sagoUT anlJ autos 3o ww.&T W lunDs aql iojoa uT uoaToioS0 aril saanlsa3 Aq 2uog suHria o soldtuATO am. ul puoaas pagsiuij ati 'Tuff ssxal le aaotttogdos s stem aq uagm `o.�e sa�ea�S anod •soldtttAIO eql u? lnd auts2 s,lq Tuo1 3o aanoa aqy logs aql .SuruTm— sanaS aoj pu?tu u! Iso2 auo peq seq `sollaigl"e jo Saolstq am. u? saolgadtuoo palsy ?pap ;soul aql jo auo `uoslu JOAO) OLIl up I 'lnd logs am. `4r ?cads s ?q ut aoeid ;sag aoj lupaui plot a!dtu iO aql uom aq uegm SupuoTAT lssd slgl 40 oalxaN u? utsaap 2uoi - aji! r pezlisaa `sduznd uuoau al22y ssxal eql `uosluytt 1Spuvj Iepaw PI°D suits uosiew u? jAt2y of autso s ?IIS aua0 tm awe! s ao a �no a o am; gams 1Sisoa lsout am. sum ssoi fl 'I Lil. Ill q �I am seq n,OZ apls Lioea goal aril •asaS sun sattra aaglo uolsg 0; sienna; nil amok oae j uo sotto leaa2 oml T llm s3loeq ut �s Su id o; uls�� eoa �uluuna jo e e �? s yin luau 4Leaa2 pa2uega aq puma ao I g I P Ill q q P lg2tuol dnau ?I s jtp'y si xal aLil l ?q saT22y eql )iaam lxaN -1saj anuq pinom aura s,l112Tuol `painful uaaq lua2alS loft PeH atre .18A0 'anoj luoaj atm tqm s pine Baal sexal pus all uT paojmouqs Saaal pine ;loll *eau)! lanq s timm lno uaaq ep ?iol.d `nS'I of sassol ql ?m ieaS p ?n `ilaLiol ?IAT Sup `surupy pug aH 'u$rdutso 896T aql jo aLil aoj 8 -T aye sa ?22y aLil daawe7 paanleaj asuajap s,f1Ol uonae lsanj sTq aoj clam pa/NO pus xaam lssl pioJ at.22y o; 'Sup •saanlaaaa ss aiqulrns aie Iaop Pau-Tula- SaIsnoH IiapuaA 2 a -anlss lsnI `8 -T `umop llIATS Psu uatujg asu pine SalsnoH `Hem ouad a -xsW Stuuzol `sut�epy JSututlp `sly •son u? Papua P un s P ' amp. aoj sssume a y nano peal 8-L s PIaLi dagl 'nIAIS -asH Saua1eg `2uorT qog se s)ioJ annq uanas aaglo aql pus 9g tom pus susumlay of 2ulsoi aaolaq Lions pine 2 u ?qal ?d aql aipuuq IITm suq 1131 aI ?Lim supra T8 ql ?m 33o gnia smog pool ipaq uagl pure 1.1a2asH ppg aolttas 'am am. of o2 apstu anuq saT22y am. `soma goal ut2loaO o; ;so! Taal 'uossas sal22y a4l uagm `AianlsuaJTO 89 snolnaad eql u1 •sa122y s ?ql iciasa satus2 asoio lsol sgq Tuts pine s2oa,d aql Jo 2ullaaut mpg pine ainpagos .�uoals s pa�Suld a aalsng pus `oaTNaQ a�iTIAi `aid d alp eq HIM atuu2 s,lg2luol seq ;um auo `gnIa II'eglooj snoaa2 tu!p `aa2anag non 'mop() uuSJ 'aallovad ul apiue - uep `2uoals `21q s ais s2oad 2u!anl•eaJ asuajep .tun !q -pauq ualloaq s panlaaaa oqm n uos2 2ulpenuT s,aolfnl paid LiosoD `Nolnb s do moagl Tum TATIsy - aad it ?g pua lsoi aa!iaue f1Ol •goal se `aura 2utuuna s,nOl aillsq of -xal of ssol sAaam ;Rut 2ulmollol 'gal lanq s Sq paaadumq sl 'I L? is ply ?pReq vaquagosy �Sana1H apiael :3loeq T s? IAI�By sexal nIAiS Pus sssumiay of ;soi 2uln1eq `�feid awns aq; u? uaaq lou ansq Sagl ;lug s 2ulsanu s? sggoH II ?g uT Si ueT sti ssxa uosuas sun 'Ina •o2e asa& s aim aa)Ia1gau ?I looj pm! s ql ?m lno Or1AS Z l qO l O11AS aql uom dagl se sat22y sl uagnaO Sasj pasn2 : aapinogs •ll,eglooJ ale!2aiioo ul aril aoj ao1ed pataaol s las `got; painful ue gllm paullapls s? salaas palaols all jo auo aunts - nulquxoo t ss `iSaisnoj pun lua2 lua2alS Saa rT 3 Iaugi ; : Saa.2ans -aa Sagl ss 40iuo; aaaq °pun; - S 'lSaauio2lttoTT ssog 3laegjfeq aau)l oXaapun of pug g2noO Iasj assga allFl aouaaajuo3;samglnoS pun goring uutuaot NouglinT ul pasn2 2uoals 'salanfu? paaallns eql u! Ssls of 2 u14 1 4 2 lg eq Ulm iinglool ul Kloeq 2utuuna ;soul; saaA1eld jo aagtunu s Tem rm. sum; Itsglooj jo aidnoo y W V9 S,IHDINO1 1 1968 Texas A &M University Numerical Varsity Football Roster No. Player Pos. Wt. Ht. Age Class -Exp. Hometown -High School 10 Edd Hargett QB 190 6 -0 21 Sr -2L Marietta (Linden - Ki!dare) 11 Curley Hallman DHB 180 6 -1 22 Sr -2L Northport, Ala. 12 Charlie Riggs QB 160 5 -8 21 Sr -2L Galena Park, Tex. 14 Rocky Self QB 170 6 -1 19 Soph -FN San Antonio (MacArthur) 15 Barney Harris WB 192 6 -2 20 Jr -1L San Antonio (MacArthur) 16 Leroy Hauerland DE 171 5 -10 22 Sr -1L Seely, Tex. 17 Robert Stansberry QB 186 6 -1 20 Soph -Sqd. Eden, Tex. 18 Steve O'Neal Punter 182 6 -3 22 Sr -2L Hearne, Tex. 19 Jimmy Sheffield QB 170 6 -0 20 Soph -none Houston (Waltrip) 20 Kyle Gary QB 158 5 -11 19 Soph -FN Dallas (Bryan Adams) 22 Tom Sooy DHB 177 5 -11 21 Jr -1L Baytown (Lee) 23 Ivan Jones Rover 185 5 -11 21 Sr -2L Houston (Waltrip) 24 Javier Vela FB 188 6 -0 21 Jr -1L Kerrville (Tivy) 25 Larry Stegent TB 194 6 -1 20 Jr -1L Houston (St. Thomas) 26 Jerry Campbell DE 187 5 -9 22 Sr -2L Center, Tex. 27 Wendell Housley FB 203 6 -2 21 Sr -2L Richardson, Tex. 28 Arthur Cooley Saf. 170 5 -9 22 Jr -1L Victoria, Tex. 29 Ronald Cole MG 193 5 -11 21 Soph -Sqd. Paris, Tex. 30 J. D. Woodward FB 163 5 -7 19 Soph -FN Crockett, Tex. 31 Bill Seely WB 162 5 -7 21 Jr -Sqd. Brownwood, Tex. 32 Mike Franklin TB 180 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Richardson, Tex. 33 Ross Brupbacher DHB 201 6 -3 20 Jr -1L Lafayette, La. 34 Larry Kelly FB 194 6 -1 19 Soph -FN League City (Clear Creek) 35 Phil McAnelly FB 193 6 -1 21 Jr -Sqd. Hondo, Tex. 36 Dave Elmendorf DHB 194 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Houston (Westbury) 37 Lee Hitt DHB 166 6 -2 19 Soph -FN Ft. Worth (Arlington Hgts.) 38 Lynn Fister Rover 178 6 -0 21 Jr -1L Dallas (Hillcrest) 39 John Turney DHB 158 5 -10 21 Jr -Sqd. Dublin, Tex. 40 Jim Piper DE 192 6 -0 20 Jr -1L Brownwood, Tex. 41 Marc Black WB -FB 198 6 -2 19 Soph -FN Arlington, Va. (NMMI) 42 Bob Long WB 181 6 -0 21 Sr -2L Paris, Tex. i d 43 Randy Maddox LB 208 6 -2 19 Soph -FN Houston (Westbury) 45 Jack Whitmore SE -DHB 177 6 -0 21 Jr -1L Houston (Westbury) Iaa 46 Andy Tewell LB 193 6 -2 19 Soph -FN Austin (McCallum) 47 Jerry Minyard Rover 183 6 -0 19 Soph -FN Port Neches, Tex. 48 Gary Armbrister FB 197 5 -10 19 Soph -FN Houston (Waltrip) 49 Lenard Milisap MG. 209 6 -0 19 Soph -FN Fredericksburg, Tex. 50 Benny DeWitt C 228 6 -4 19 Soph -FN Nacogdoches, Tex. 51 Mike Caswell WT 206 6 -3 21 Jr -1L Houston (Smiley) 52 Waymond Lightfoot C 201 6 -0 20 Soph -Sqd. San Antonio (MacArthur) 53 Rusty Stallings WG 487 6 -1 20 Soph -Sqd. Midland (Lee) 54 Mike Stinson C 200 6 -2 20 Soph -Sqd. Ft. Worth (Arlington Hgts.) 55 Bill Hobbs LB 215 6 -1 21 Sr -2L Amarillo (Tascosa) [ 56 Jack Kovar C 194 6 -1 20 Jr -1L Houston (Jones) a 58 Carl Gough SG 199 6 -2 21 Jr -1L College Station (A &M Con.) 59 Gary Gruben WG 198 5 -10 20 Soph -Sqd. Tulia, Tex. 60 Buster Adami LB 204 6 -0 21 Jr -1L Freer, Tex. I 61 Winston Beam MG 235 6 -0 20 Jr -1L Odessa (Odessa High) 62 Tommy Deaton WG 185 5 -11 19 Soph -FN Dallas (Bryan- Adams) 63 Jim Segrest SG 200 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Lafayette, La. 64 Jim Parker WG 198 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Gonzales, Tex. -;' 65 Allan Hanson SE 218 6 -3 19 Soph -FN Kemah, Tex. 67 Lynn Odom MG 205 5 -10 20 Jr -1L Corsicana, Tex. 68 Steve Mullen WG 206 6 -2 21 Jr -Sqd. Brownsville, Tex. ') 69 Doug Valois (84) SE 205 6 -0 22 Jr -Sqd. Amarillo ( Tascosa) 70 Harvey Aschenbeck DT 205 6 -2 21 Sr -2L Bellville, Tex. j 1 71 Mark Thomas ST 195 6 -2 21 Jr -Sqd. Weatherford, Tex. 72 Mike Fields ST 219 6 -3 19 Soph -FN Texarkana (Liberty - Eylan) 73 George Resley MG 253 6 -6 22 Sr -Sqd. Fort Stockton, Tex. 74 Rolf Krueger DT 243 6 -4 21 Sr -2L Bryan (S.F. Austin) i a 75 Tom Buckman (80) SE 216 6 -4 21 Sr -2L Fort Worth (Amon Carter) 76 Jim Kazmierski ST 210 6 -2 22 Sr -Sqd. Pasadena (South Houston) 77 Mike Tighe DT 218 6 -2 19 Soph -FN San Antonio (Lee) 78 Andy Philley DT 235 6 -4 19 Soph -FN Temple, Tex. 79 Dale Watts DT 202 6 -5 19 Soph -FN Lawton, Okla. (Eisenhower) 81 Tommy Maxwell WE -Saf. 192 6 -2 21 Sr -2L Houston (Jones) , 82 Larry Yeates WE 170 6 -2 19 Soph -FN Jasper, Tex. a 83 Mitch Robertson WE 198 6 -2 19 Soph -FN Abilene (Cooper) I. 85 Gaddy Wells SE 178 6 -2 20 Jr -1L Liberty, Tex. 86 Sammy Williams WE 166 5 -11 21 Jr -Sqd. Houston (Wheatley) 87 Mark Fulton WG 212 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Arlington, Tex. ; 88 Jimmy Adams WE 186 6 -2 20 Jr -1L Houston (Waltrip) 89 Mike DeNiro DE 205 6 -0 19 Soph -FN Youngstown, Ohio i 90 Wayne King DE 209 6 -3 20 Soph -Sqd. Houston (Reagan) i ; 91 Ronnie Stapleton Rover 196 6 -3 19 Soph -FN Leakey, Tex. ,t 92 Ted Davis LB 184 5 -11 19 Soph -FN Bryan (S.F. Austin) 1 93 James Reynolds LB 176 5 -11 21 Jr -Sqd. LaMarque, Tex. r1. 94 Roy Kirkpatrick SE 197 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Tyler (Lee) 95 Mark Williford DHB 175 5 -10 19 Soph -FN Houston (Waltrip) i 96 Wayne Froeschl ST 210 6 -1 19 Soph -FN Texas City, Tex. 32 , 4Nimaxissimmita T --- 1968 TCU Numerical Varsity Football Roster No. Name Pos. Wt. Ht. Age Class -Exp. Hometown - School 10 Busty Underwood QB 205 6 -3 19 So -FN Lubbock (Lubbock) 11 Dan Carter QB 175 6 -1. 20 Jr -IL Liberty 14 Billy Fondren PS -S 185 5 -11 20 Jr -1L Plano 16 Mike Hall DHB 185 6 -0 21 Sr -2L Plano 17 Ted Fay QB 190 6 -2 20 Jr -1L Ft. Worth (Arlington Hts.) 18 Les Brown Fl 188 5 -10 21 Sr -2L Snyder 19 Robbie Mayfield DHB 180 5 -9 21 Jr -1L Austin (McCallum) 21 Bubba Thornton SE 175 6 -0 22 Sr -1L Keller 22 Larry Wright S 185 5 -10 21 Jr -Tr Weatherford 23 Norman Bulaich FB 216 6 -1 21 Jr -1L LaMarque 24 Greg Webb DHB 180 6 -1 20 So -FN Iowa Park (George) 25 Billy Lloyd S 186 5 -11 21 Sr -2L Liberty 26 Linzy Cole SE 170 5 -11 20 Jr -Tr Dallas (Madison) 27 Jimmy Tidwell DHB 175 5 -11 19 So-FN Granbury 28 Jackie Cornelius DHB 180 5 -10 21 Sr -Sq Burkburnett 29 Charles Brightwell S 185 6 -0 21 Sr -2L Aransas Pass 30 Sammy Rabb FB 205 6 -1 20 Jr -1L Llano 31 Steve Gunn LB 200 5 -11 21 Jr -1L Stephenville 32 Andy Durrett LB 208 6 -0 21 Jr -Tr Carthage 33 Vernon Marlar HB 190 5 -10 20 So -FN White Deer 34 Wayne Merritt KS 195 5 -9 20 Jr -1L Midland (Midland) 35 Ross Montgomery HB 216 6 -3 21 Sr -2L Midland (Midland) 36 David McDaniel LB 190 5 -10 21 Sr -1L Fort Worth (Paschal) 37 John Nichols LB 205 6 -2 20 So -FN Wichita Falls (W. Falls) 38 Howard Wagner FB 190 6 -1 20 So -Sq Schulenburg 40 Marty Whelan HB 190 5 -10 20 Jr -1L Jefferson 41 Terry Collins TE 210 6 -3 22 Jr -1L Graham 50 Doug Hooten LB 185 6-1) 21 Jr -1L Killeen 51 Pat Walker LB 205 6 -0 20 Jr -1L Groves (Port Neches) 52 Randy Hale LB 204 6 -3 20 So -Sq Paris 53 Rick Sheddy C 210 6 -1 21 Sr -2L Wichita Falls (Rider) 54 James Vanderslice LB 205 6 -1 20 Jr -1L Wichita Falls (Rider) 57 John Ruthstrom C 230 6 -3 20 So -Sq Houston (Spring Branch) 59 Fred Wright C 215 6 -2 21 Sr -2L Abilene (Cooper) 60 Danny Lamb OG 215 6 -1 20 So -Sq Temple 61 Chuck Forney DG 2 °5 6 -5 20 So -Sq Corpus Christi (King) 62 Larry Adams DG 223 6 -4 23 Sr -2L Wolfe City 63 James Ray OG 228 6 -3 20 Jr -1L Aspermont 64 Donnie Terveen DG 228 6 -3 20 Jr -1L Donna 65 William Riley OG 205 6 -0 21 Jr -1L Weslaco 66 David Holt DG 215 6 -0 20 So -Sq Snyder 67 Paul Smith OG 210 5 -11 20 Jr -1L Fairfield 68 Gene Mayes DG 225 6 -0 21 Sr -2L Garland 69 Jerry Cooper OG 215 6 -1 20 So -Sq Andrews 70 Gerald Kirby OT 210 6 -3 20 So -Sq Houston (Lee) 71 Mark McDowell DT 215 5 -10 20 So-FN Wichita Falls (W. Falls) 72 Clay Mitchell DT 210 6 -3 20 Jr -1L Liberty -Eylau 73 Terry Shackelford DT 205 6 -1 21 Jr -1L Perryton 74 Fred Barber OT 230 6 -3 22 Sr -2L Houston (Spring Branch) 75 Don Neely DG 220 6 -3 21 Jr -1L Victoria 76 Charles Bales OT 220 6 -3 21 Jr -1L Azle 77 Dean Wilkerson OT 205 6 -2 20 So -Sq Odessa (Odessa) 78 Bob Creech DT 200 6 -3 19 So -FN Corpus Christi (Ray) 79 John Meyers DT 200 6 -2 20 So-Sq Wichita Falls (Rider) 80 Jerry Miller Fl 180 6 -0 20 Jr -1L Fort Worth (Eastern Hills) 81 Fred Nix TE 200 6 -3 21 Sr -2L Schulenburg 84 Phil Birdwell TE 200 6 -3 20 So -Sq Graham 85 Allen Brown Fl 180 6 -0 21 Jr -1L Houston (Waltrip) 33 st ,t.„ f,:t„,,,,...„ 5 exaJ • ',,, ,c--.„-4,- 3 � `'' CARTER RAY ,,,---Pek.,..„....:::,:':„:;:.r.... ..., ... ..:) • ti a - yitivepjity FRED TAYLOR Head Football Coach - ' , , ....... t , „. , . . , ..,,..... .. , .,. . . . FAY MONTGOMERY v ■ I ti •t' '1 f: * ;., t. ,, it . . ' . t''''' • ^� } \ FER GUSON GUNN HALL MAYFIELD MITCHELL BULAICH N. „„:::::: * '*....,4, : C . ,.,,:;,.--, .... li :' --il" o,t..."4 ....,ii;',::*. ' .44w::1 BALES BARBER y mss' REECH LLOYD MILLER MERRITT g , ° ir ...,t' ., ,,'....i: , !..0/ ..:i "'.—:: . , _!, l'°' 4.1,..7..:,11::::'• - .4; ''':"..:',-?.I#•••'''''' . Vi µ' t ..:i:::....7:''...:4 4..:' 7.':..... 1 \''''''''.4'.. "1:,.;,.:;„,.:,.., -.:' '.:t.":„.„-- HURRETT COLE TERVEEN ADAMS RUTHSTRO VA g .. ' ' , ..":. 4k ' It' . ' .41: ' 't '''.'4.::::;,:liit•,;1',:it t•'' ->„ w. : 1 0 t.';' : ' .: t• '•:,i, 7,: . F 4.:.' ,,,faits.:.:*1:::.: , _ ,,,,.,,...,,.:., .,.., RILEY WHELAN BRIGHTWELL WALKER RABB SHACKELFORD 34 Unl T.C.U. Eyes imit ed Futur e Texas Christian University, proud of its his- tory of growth and development since its found- ing in 1873 on the cattle frontier, began its 96th '° x academic session in September with new and ex- panded programs that point toward a relatively unlimited future. Since opening the door of its single building that initial year to 13 students, the private, co- educational university has become one of the major institutions of higher learning in the South- west, and its 243 -acre campus is one of the best - known landmarks of Fort Worth, the city that has been its home for 56 years. TCU, medium -sized and non- sectarian, is re- lated to tho Christian Church. Each semester the University becomes "home" to approximately ... 7,000 students, coming from almost every state in the United States and from about 30 foreign lands and representing as many as 40 religious Drs. SANDY WALL and E. Leigh Secrest, asso- groups. Approximately 2,700 of these live in the ciate dean and dean of TCU's Graduate School, at 14 on- campus residence halls. control panel in TAGER -TV building, designed for With a teaching force of approximately 500 closed- circuit microwave television. and with 60 per cent of the full -time faculty mem- bers holding earned doctoral degrees conferred A = �'" by leading universities throughout the world, TCU {'` "' �- has a student - faculty ratio of 15 -1 and offers 23 different degrees in approximately 80 fields. Ad- vanced work leading to second and third degrees, '• , "X� s .1i ` .. °• , with the exception of work in religion, is planned ; . ,." tt " and coordinated through Graduate School, which provides studies leading to master's degrees in 39 �, r ' , , r , , areas and to Ph.D. degrees in. English, athemat- F , 1 i , f _ ., ics, physics, chemistr and Y, histor y plycholagy. In its continually growing pro the Graduate 7 ' ' School gave more than 300 awards in excess of $500,000 during 1967=68 to students working in 20 fields of study and coming to TCU from 32 � 4e T � " 0. states, 3 foreign countries and Hong Kong. � M= As evidence of the University's forward- look - . . -.,� ing philosophy, a number of new programs have �"'"""°"" �_ _ been initiated within the last year. These include. -art y �. TAGER -TV, a joint venture and pilot ADMINISTRATION BUILDING — Named in program of academic television in which cooperat- honor of the late Dr. M. E. Sadler, who served ing institutions originate courses to be received as TCU at other campuses and several North Texas in- the ad President and chancellor from on building is near the center enter f dustrial firms. The microwave network is s ministrati of sored by The Association for Graduate Education TCU's 243 -acre campus. and Research (TAGER) for strengthening grad- uate education as it supports specific programs at 1970 s and beyond. The first program, Computer - the doctoral and post - doctoral levels with initial Assisted Instruction, includes an IBM 1500 -1800 emphasis on science and engineering. CAI system and eight teaching stations as a nu- An Institute for the Study o o f Cognitive clews around which the Institute is formed. It Systems to In ndut major research S the study provides a total capability to write computer-con- of how man's mind uses what his senses tell him. trolled instructional programs, to test and to re- Part of its work is su vise them as required and to present them to stu- pported by the Department dents. of Defense, which chose TCU as one of 50 institu- , , . Expanded this p year was the. Institute of tions in the country—and one of only four psychol- Behavioral Research, TCU's interdisciplinary re- oy projects —to be given Project THEMIS sponsor- search program in the behavioral sciences focused ship. on improved understanding of human personality .. The Instructional Systems Institute was and behavior. formed to assist the University's "leap into the Construction projects and expansion programs future" as it develops new approaches to the continue as new programs begin and as existing challenges posed by college instruction in the ones are enlarged to meet today's needs. 35 Compliments of GULF COAST PORTLAND CEMENT CO. WA 6 -3181 Houston, Texas We Equip The Fightin' Texas Aggies P Il la 12 If You Like Good Pizza Let Us Outfit Try THE PIZZA INN CARRY OUT OR EAT IN You Pi zza nn fi I ... ", ; of w ' ✓' �, ''F, ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. SUN. 1 A.M. to 12 P.M. AUSTIN, FORT WORTH, SAN ANTONIO Phone 846 -6164 HOUSTON 413 Hwy. 6 So. — Across from Ramada Inn 36 When Your Son Comes To A &M He'll Need To Know About The Bank of A &M 1 A young man on his own needs to develop an understanding of financial matters. When your . son comes to College Station he'll need a good banking connection. 4 about Sure, he could bank at home with your bank. That would be convenient for you —but what Most A &M students have a bank account here. They find it more convenient and their parents 1 find it gives them excellent training in money management. The choice of your son's bank is extremely important. By establishing his account at the Bank of A &B, you'll be sending him to friends. The Bank of A &M is managed by A &M former students and directed by former students and faculty. The Bank of A &M is interested in your son and his development. Ask your banker to make the arrangements t o open your son's account —or write or call Bank of A &M President Dennis Goehring '57 today. Your son will appreciate your confidence. And so will we. BANK of A & DIRECTORS HENRY B. CLAY FRED D. MAURER EUGENE STALLINGS Vik President, First Bank & Trust Assoc. Dean, College of D. H. GOEHRING President, Bank of A &M BILL HOLT Head Football Coach Veterinary Medicine Texas A &M University Texas A &M University J. STANLEY STEPHEN WILLIAM T. MOORS Executive Vice - President Senior Vice - President State Senator First Bank & Trust First Bank & Trust JOHN R. NAYLOR *JOE BUSER Kizer Claims Service Box BC FRANK W. R. HUBERT Special Assistant to the College Station Dean, College of Liberal Arts CHARLES H. SAMSON, JR. President of Texas A &M (713) 846 -5721 Texas A &M University Head, Civil Engineering Dept. University Texas A &M University i H elden;els Br oe. CORPUS CHRISTI GENERAL CONTRACTORS * VICTORIA and producers of construction materials * CALALLEN * �VILLE PINPOINTING THE NEEDS ' * KINGSVILLE OF SOUTH TEXAS FOR ROCKPORT MORE THAN 30 YEARS it l' ,. /_ • L � !ice - lei P 1 0 1 � � P : 1 i Ildt 8 i i i: .11711 3 $ = l ifi , `/ IQrl� �4r __. 37 Goodyear Service Store Compliments BOBBY HOLLIDAY Tires, Batteries, Brake & Alignment, and Marketer General Electric Appliance Television Sinclair Products and Stereo. "Drive With Care 315 S. Main 822 -3791 and Buy Sinclair" PARK CLEANERS Southside Shopping Center ?/ llefcome to -ACtstin HIGHLAND CENTER WASHATERIA Redmond Shopping Center College Station Sheraton Crest Inn Lew -'1 Restaurant Downtown —First and Congress At The GR 8 -9611 North Gate of Aggieland WOOD FURNITURE CO. Elegance in fine furniture 501 N. Texas Bryan, Texas 822 -1227 38 B-CS Qu . ,.., 0 ... Support Aggies VI Dedicated to the su p port of Texas A &M 4 y A athletics, the Aggie Quarterback Club of `p , , , : , Bryan- College Station is made up of busi- " d , ' nessmen, former students, local citizens and friends of Texas A &M. The club meets each Tuesday night dur- �" t ". S '40. ing football season to view movies of the N .., I previous Aggie game and hear a scouting # report by one of the Aggie coaches on the next foe. 1968 club officers (pictured at right) are `' ` (L to R) E. Wayne Schmidt, '60, president; tee, Bill Thornton, '53, vice president; Glen. 1 a. Brewer, treasurer and Jack Cumpton, '59, ,,. !I secretary. . 4'K Citizens interested in membership should 2 f t "144:k , ,, -, contact one of the members listed below. 1968 Aggie Quarterback Club Of Bryan - College Station Jimmie M. Akin Jack W. Cumpton Lowell F. Jones Don H. Robertson Sigmund H. Albert Mit Dansby M. Linton Jones Raymond C. Robertson Ford D. Albritton, Jr R. C. Dansby Frank Kahan Rusty Rush C. J. Allen W. Lewis David Dr. Tom B. King B. L. Rychlik Robert L. Allen W. C. Davis Hugo Krenek Joe A. Sawyer C. S. Anchicks B. H. Dewey, Jr. Kristian F. Kristiansen Phil Scamardo Dr. R. A. Antony James C. Dooley W. E. Kutzschbach E. Wayne Schmidt Aubrey W. Arnold W. D. Dooley, Jr. Johnny S. Lampo R. M. Searcy C. H. Bailey Ray F. Downey g, John M. Lawrence, III Sam Sharp Larry Bailey John P. Doyle M. O. Lawrence B. H. Siegert, Jr. Dr. John Baird Nelson Durst Martin W. Leissner, Jr. Robert L. Siegert Donald J. Ballard Dean Dyer Dewey Liccioni Roy Simmons Mike Barron Dr. Charles A. Ernst I. H. Lloyd Randy Sims J. B. Baty Charles Estes T. C. Lorenz Robert H. Singer L. M. Beal, Jr Joe Faulk J. E. Lupot H. Ray Smith Dr. Robert H. Benbow Fred C. Ferrera W. R. McCullough Dr. G. A. Smith Fred J. Benson Rex Forster Otis McDonald James C. Smith R. I. Bernath, Jr. Roy Frenzel Davis T. McGill R. L. Smith, Jr. George T. Blazek James E. Frierson E. L. McIlwain George Sousares, Jr. Ruben A. Bond Edwin C. Garner E. E. McQuillen W. M. Sparks E. V. Bowden Carl W. George, Jr. Edward Madeley Robert Spearman George Boyett Harry L. Gillam W. S. Manning Stacy Furniture Company James R. Bradley Dennis H. Goehring W. R. (Dede) Matthews Eugene Stallings Frank Brewer Henry Graham H. Roger Maxwell Delbert R. Stanley M. Glen Brewer Dr. R. B. Grant, Jr, Kenneth Mills Iva Starnes E. Ridley Briggs M. L. Greenhut Mike Mistovich W. A. Stasney R. R. Broach, Jr A. D. Griggs Ray Monaco James Stegal Donald B. Browning M. K. Grimes Leo Moon Dr. E. R. Stephenson Travis B. Bryan, Jr Ronald Hale B. D. Moore James A. Stricklin Henry Buchanan Wayne C. Hall H. H. Moore Harold Sullivan ti Jesse (Red) Burditt C. M. Halsell Leonard Morehead Glenn Terry H. E. Burgess John W. Halsell J. T. Munoz Travis Thigpin E. J. Burkhart Dr. Clyde Hargrove, Jr. Louis M. Newman H. J. Thorn O. D. Butler John W. Harris August L. Nowak H. Richard Thornton Victor Canavespi Charles Hart Sanky Park William S. Thornton Frank Chuck Cargill Charles T. Haynes Billy M. Payne u nk Thurmond Bill Carll Vernon L. Head Dr. E. L. Payne Glenn R. Tunnell F. T. Castles 1 Jack Hernandez Bookman Peters Brazos A. Varisco Alfred Chalk Roy L. Henry Marshall Peters Troy P. Wakefield James O. Chance, Jr J. B. Hervey Mervin Peters Allister M. Waldrop Guy E. Chandler Art Herwald Holland Porter Dr. J. Garland Watson Jack Clark William P. Hickson Kent Potts Jimmie Weedon Pete Clary Edward E. Holley Bill Presnal Hawley E. West Jack Conlee Jodie Hoyak Marion Pugh Freddie Wolters Ervin Conway Barlow Irvin R. D. Radeleff Van Wood Bill Cooley A. C. Johnson Jack K. Ramsay Rand" Woodard Joseph E. Courtney Alvin W. Jones Doyle M. Ranson Ted N. Wyatt Wallace T. Cowart L. Goodrich Jones J. E. "Jocko" Roberts Joe Zemanek 39 I r0 Ni , I I, 1 \‘..._ , ,,,, , ,. \,,,,,....„.. f.,„ ,\„.. 441 ,,, . \ od i , t.... " „ U 9 6 r 640 BEST WISHES FOR A WINNING SEASON FROM ®MHMAINI America's Leading Sporting Goods Stores! HOUSTON DOWNTOWN POST OAK PALMS CENTER NORTHLINE SHARPSTOWN MEYERLAND TOWN AND COUNTRY VILLAGE ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT 2310 Maxwell Lane Houston, Texas 77023 WA 8-3171 OTHER STORES IN PASADENA, CORPUS CHRISTI, BEAUMONT, AUSTIN AND BAY CITY 40 All The Way Army! CO NWAY & CO. "Correct Men's Wear" 822 -1919 Bryan, Texas 1150 AM 92.1 FM FORSYTH ENGINEERING CO. \Y ATCH of Houston Engineers and Machinists T HE 875 Lockwood Drive P. 0. Box 18602 AGGIES Houston, Texas 77023 WIN James M. "Cop #1" Forsyth '12 First play -by -play 1 John E. Tinsley 41 Football broadcast Texas A &M vs. U.T. Flem M. Garrison, Supt. Thanksgiving, 1919 1 jramI 11‘111,1 Ap4=4.11 1 // 4 : : FIRS FEDERA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BRYAN 41 WOODSON LUMBER 1106 Texas Ave. 9' � 822 -3765 uIp ph otographer 1506 S. College — Bryan WOODSON REALTY Phone 823 -8023 1106 Texas Avenue 822 -4929 AGGIELAND GOODYEAR GENERAL ELECTRIC STUDIO e College Station V TIRE E. APPLIANCE -CO. Phone 846 -6412 AT THE CORNER OF COULTER & TEXAS AVE. PHONE 823 -5473 R A M A D A Convention Center -169 Rooms Meetings & Banquet Rooms INN Seating Up To 800 People COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Pancake House —Beef Eater's Room Phone 846 -8811 TWX: 713 -823 -5116 RODEWAY INNS of America SOLID COMFORT — OLD FASHIONED RATES 78 UNITS Southern Lane and Hwy. 6 Phone 823 -5454 Bryan, Texas 42 TEXAS AGGIE FACTS, FIGURES GENERAL INFORMATION S. M. Meeks, Equipment Manager REDMOND Location— College Station, Tex. Billy Pickard, Athletic Trainer Enrollment - 13,000 (expected) Dr. Henry McQuaide, Team Doctor Real Estate Nickname — Aggies Emil Mamaliga, Weight Training Stadium —Kyle Field (48,000) Spec Gammon, Sports Information Coliseum —G. Rollie White (8,500) Band— Fightin' Texas Aggie (254) FOOTBALL COACHES 118 Walton Drive Mascot — Reveille III, American Gene Stallings, Head Coach Mrs. Harold Redmond, Collie Elmer Smith, Asst. Head Coach Alma Mater — "The Spirit of Bud Moore, Offensive Coach Master B roker Aggieland" Dee Powell Defensive Coach Phone 846 -5116 Fight Song— "Aggie War Hymn" Loyd Taylor, Offensive Backs Conference — Southwest Jack Hurlbut, Quarterbacks Colors— Maroon and White Don Watson, Linebackers Lide Huggins, Defensive Backs ADMINISTRATION Ralph Smith, Ends Earl Rudder, University President J. W. Helms, Asst. Coach 0. D. Butler, Chairman Athletic Jim Keller, Freshmen Coach PRUITT'S Council Harry L. Kidd, Athletic Council OTHER COACHES Lannes H. Hope, Athletic Council Tom Chandler, Baseball Redmond Southside Walter S. Manning, Athletic Shelby Metcalf, Basketball Council Jim Culpepper, A Basketball Terrace Shopping Charles Samson, Athletic Council Charles Thomas, Track 846 - 5212 846 - 6264 ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Ted Nelson, Asst. Track Art Adamson, Swimming Gene Stallings, Athletic Director Pat Patterson, Associate Swimming College Station Marvin Tate, Associate Ath. Dir. Emil Mamaliga, Diving Wally Groff, Business Manager Omar Smith, Tennis Felix Gibson, Academic Supervisor Henry Ransom, Golf I • ELLISON AGGIELAND I North Gate • •''" • - College Station =a • P 4 Er S DISCOUNT I : j PHARMACY .:iiiii: t ..:::1 Sunnyland Shopping Center i 1.i:::": • ' Bryan 1 •••• RR ...... ........ ......... .::::::.. • :.:.:.: ..:.:.:. ....... R ed TnufrirtJ Sunnyland Restaurant i ••' • Breakfast Anytime • • �''� • Tasty Hamburgers • Delicious Steaks "Always A Good Place to Eat" 43 iiii=1......t ,...... , INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS Fly Non -Stop THE MOST COMPLETE between TRUCK LINE BUILT College Station and Dallas Trucks - Service Four Flights Daily Parts - Accessories DAVIS AIRLINE S "FOR INFORMATION CALL" ' t FACTORY BRANCH INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. 401 S. Main 822-0158 „ Just Fine Clothes _.x r.- s . ' Cessna 402 for Men Shortest Distance Twin Turbo System Country Fastest Time . Aircraft quirt Rusty Rush, Mgr. Lv. Dallas / Lv. C- Station (Formerly The Varsity Shop) 9:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. ® 11:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Townshire / Bryan / 823 - 5051 College Station - Dallas Ph. 846 -6398 Ph. 352 -3414 C O N CR °E I E B E N T Quality .. . RAH P R O D U C T S LUMBER C O M P A N Y For All Building READY -MIX CONCRETE and and Repairing Needs BUILDING SUPPLIES * PARKER LUMBER CO. 419 N. MAIN STREET 2400 Hwy. 21 East BRYAN, TEXAS Bryan, Texas "Building Materials for Every Need” 44 � . �.,1 All Advertisers - . � , * �� k In This Progra �' `� � YI, d $ i ' s Are Friends -... - . '4 . 4 t Of Texas A &M 1 ;� - '41''''(''':.,:t1', 'r °' �" „,, - ,-, ' *- * i t. i 1 ; , . '4;;Rif - Support Them! , s` � S z” { x g l 1 :y , } ' , . i , . *. .i; CC' REDMOND ,,f Drug Store � _ ' gyp g Redmond Terrace KYLE FIELD RECORD CROWD —Some 53,175 fans jammed New Kyle Field last Shopping Center Thanksgiving to watch the Texas Aggies beat Texas, 10 -7, to win the SWC football title. Nearly 6,000 of them were on the track in ternporary seats. The stadium, now completed, will seat 48,000 in the permanent seats. V1/i Jranh/in uuc� eu Furniture & Appliances Sports Photographers Dallas, Texas "Quality Is Our Trade Mark" 6411 Hillcrest Ph. 526 - 8559 26th & Bryan St. Bryan, Texas Phone 822 -3581 D. R. CAIN CONSTRUCTION CO. HOME BUILDERS Developers 823 -0934 D. R. Cain Joe Courtney '60 45 Find out what profit sharing can do REAL ESTATE Agency INSURANCE for your company! B usiek Agency Investment ideas for retirement plans for corporations and individuals F.H.A.— Veterans and Conventional Loans Clinger and Co., Inc. FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Richard Alexander '35 John Hull '35 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846 -3708 711 Polk, Houston, Tex. CA 5 - 0855 Home Office: Nevada, Mo. Stocks — Bonds — Mutual Funds BRYAN BUILDING SCHULMAN THEATRES PRODUCTS CO. "For The Best In Movie Entertainment" Wholesale Building Materials PALACE CAMPUS QUEEN CIRCLE DRIVE INN 822 - 1503 SKY -WAY DRIVE INN Box 73 Bryan, Texas Bryan College Station "Only The Best Is Good Enough TWIN CITY PLYMOUTH For Our Customers" Factory Authorized Sales — Service — Parts 1215 Texas Avenue SWANZY'S BRYAN, TEXAS CAFETERIA FIRST AID 2025 Texas Avenue Emergency First Aid station is Townshire Center — Highway 6 maintained by American Red Cross at south end of stadium Bryan, Texas near the American Flag pole. Pies, Cakes, Lunches To Go Hillier Ambulance Service Phone 823 -5739 Bryan, Texas 822 -1571 46 lir The i ° Barbecue Barn 4613 Texas Ave. . QUALITY A &M ATHLETIC COUNCIL —These five members of Texas A &M Univer- CLEANERS sity's faculty comprise the school's Athletic Council. They are (L to R) Dr. Lannes H. Hope, associate professor in Education and Psychology Definitely Better dept.; Walter S. Manning, associate professor in Accounting dept.; Dr. Cleaning, Pressing, Charles H. Samson Jr., head of Civil Engineering dept. ; Harry L. K Dyeing, Alterations associate professor in English dept. and Dr. O. D. Butler, head of An and Repairs Science dept. Dr. Butler is chairman of the council and is A &M's faculty representative for the Southwest Conference. 409 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas V' : THE COTTON PICKIN' AGGIES ARE AT IT AGAIN! ti r 0 .... 0 FOR ACTION , ., " f „� � , .< ON THE GRIDIRON, SEE j% ` v THE FIGHTING TEXAS AGGIES! . ? ? _J::::' ' , FOR FULL SERVICE BANKING SEE i 4 °.s CITY t NATIONAL N FULL' * �� BANK kr„ \/ \i ® )L 1 -, Main and 24th St., Bryan 1 47 BRYAN SHIPLEY'S PAINT & GLASS CO. GOLDEN DONUTS AND FLAME BURGERS Pittsburgh Paints & Glass 3312 S. College Ave. 2111 College Road, Bryan, Texas Hamburgers, Sandwiches & Drinks Box 3801 —CREAM OF ALL DO -NUTS— 822 -3741 R. L. Peacock —Owner "Let's Talk Lumber ROBERT HALSELL Varisco TRAVEL SERVICE Lumber a 1 1 R eservations For Airlines • Hotels Y Steamships • Cruises • Tours Ph. 846-4787 venu Domestic and Foreign Travel Planning South Texas Avenue —Bryan J. E. Donaho '47 1016 Texas Avenue 822 -3737 Ken Mills '38 Halsell Mot ®r Co. Inc. Beard Transfer and Storage Dodge - Chrysler- Imperial Office 707 South Tabor Bryan, Texas Since 1922 Authorized Agent UNITED VAN LINES Phone 822 - 2835 1411 Texas Avenue 823 - 8111 JIM BEARD —Owner & Manager ZUBIK'S GOLDEN CLEANERS UNIFORM TAILORS 3 Locations 2ij inclive Quality 313 College Main 311 University Drive 846 -6019 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 103 Walton 48 1 '_ Let = }�.''`� f four JPOWCr� V V OLL /` :l i • nc. wt f " J� date if AP [you. Serving A &M Since 1891 Hallmark Greeting Cards CUSTOM BOOTMAKERS Gifts Makers of the Famous AGGIELAND FLOWER & Texas Aggie "Senior Boot" ,` GIFT SHOPPE Boot and Shoe Repairs Leather Goods 209 University Drive 846 - 5825 North Gate College Station, Texas C. W. VARNER & SON JEWELERS San ci ESTABLISHED -1935 MOTEL North Gate Highway 6, South College Station College Station, Texas PHONE 846 -5816 Ed Garner '38 j rip f.i�llffICi ,Y 4- eniter �(,„ FAR DAIRIES NATIONAL BA NK ► ICE CREAM Imu Bryan Houston "ON THE SIDE OF TEXAS A &M" AGGIE CLEANERS ONE DAY SERVICE At the North Gate NORTH GATE College Station, Texas 846 -4116 College Station i 49 A&M Justly BASKIN- ROBBINS Of ICE CREAM Great 31 Flavors The "Spirit of Aggieland," spine- tingling Alma Mater song of Texas 2500 Texas Ave. A &M University, is at its zenith when rendered by the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band. The astonishing thing about the great band really is three -fold. (1) No scholarships. (2) No auditions. (3) No music majors. There are two prerequisites : previous marching and previous playing experience. w Molding one of the truly great bands CHARLIE'S t of the land under those circumstances requires a dedicated director of infinite GROCERY talent. Texas A &M University has, and has had for the past 22 years, such a p erson in Lt. Col. E. V. Adams. • Snacks Now approaching his 23rd season as • Cleaning Material Aggie Band Director, Col. Adams has de- veloped his group into a showpiece of Southwest Conference football halftimes. NORTH GATE The largest military marching band in the nation has thrilled millions of tele- vision viewers over the years and again R will appear on Thanksgiving afternoon when he Aggies clash with Texas in Austiir on national TV. Col. Adams directs the music and plans B W ot the formations for each halftime show. Construction Co. A precision marching unit, the Aggie Band COL. E. V. ADAMS steps to a military cadence of 116 beats per minute. "The 116 is our tempo for non -Corps marching," explains the dean of SWC bandmasters. "It gives the band a more stately appearance in halftime drills." CONTRACTORS Bryan, Texas Members come from most of the 50 states, several foreign countries and major in courses from aerospace engineering to zoology. The unit, 12 men wide and 20 to 22 long, covers 35 yards of gridiron and requires three drum majors for control. Because of primarily outdoor appearances, the band employs heavy brass and percussion sections. Typical organization includes 60 trumpets and cornets, 50 woodwinds, 55 trombones and baritones, 22 drums and "Our Customers 18 sousaphones. Look Like Champs" First formed by a Czechoslovakian cobbler, Joseph F. Holick (class of '98) in 1894, the band sounds the pulse of athletic events, reviews, parades and other functions. Holick and Arthur N. Jenkins formed the D 0 N " S first band, a 13 -man group that wore Texas Militia uniforms and played BARBER SHOP their own or borrowed instruments. From that meager beginning, the Aggie Band has come full blown 211 Sulphur Springs Rd and is nationally renown. College Station The band is supported by the Texas Aggie Band Association, orga- nized by former bandsmen in 1966. 50 Caldwell `� Jewelers eattOtt z Corner Diamonds Watches North Gate and Hwy. 6 at 20th Silver Gifts Steaks, Shakes, & 115 N. Main Bryan Specialty Foods Compliments of Phone 846 -FOOD r ..<<. x tY: e Orders to Go Covy Williams, Mgr. Downtown, Bryan INSURANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT M • L-kS/n nco HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77801 C. J. Allard Jack Gardner Jerry Nail J. O. Alexander Dick B. Haddox CPCU Parker Presley Sid Bergoon Jack Herrington Marley Styner John A. Blasienz J. Walter Kilpatrick John L. VanOsdall CPCU J. B. Blakeley Joe T. Locke, Jr. Joe E. Vincent CPCU M. L. Cashion CPCU T. W. Lopp Ross Viola John B. Dougherty 51 A MA D I V I A INN Compliments of R. B. ROADSIDE HOTELS BAILEY BUTLER, Inc. \ / ��??�� Contractors, Finest Accommodations OXYGEN E VOLKSWAGEN RAMADA INN CO. CARS 4201 Franklin Bryan, STATION WAGONS Waco, Texas Authorized Sales • Service Bryan, Tex. Tex. Pho. AC 817 HICKMAN GARRETT 756 -7461 Volkswagen Bryan, Tex. Conlee Brothers / 07ATR !ARM DICK MUNDAY '57 • INSURANCE U. M. ALEXANDER, JR. '40 Agents 600 S. BRYAN BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION Bryan, Tex. Representing STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES MOVING and STORAGE 822 -1341 P. O. Drawer 473 Bloomington, Illinois SABER I N NW Teague Furniture (Motor Hotel) & RESTAURANT L. E. (Jack) Teague Overlooking A &M University Campus 701 Hwy. 6, South 846 -7755 Bryan, Texas GENERAL TELEPHONE GENERAL Inili fYfT[M A Member of the GT&E Family of Companies 52 SELLSTROM PONTIAC - BUICK MO NTG OME R i A i i OPEL . L . "Gigum Aggies" "SELLSTROM SELLS FOR LESS" ; j' €' ti >A aka 1 Sales — Service — Body Repairs — Parts .4''''":$4 . I f 1 young rlo k i : Adults... ' : ` GET CREDIT AT WARDS TVTO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ',Jill/ 1 ; . No money down I 1 ',,' with Wards CHARG- NEW & USED / NL .T g P�r a . all! No c - si ners SALES ? i g 600 Texas DOWNTOWN �. .: � � „ � your ability to pay 822 -1336 is your best refer - 26th & t �' 822 -1307 ` ence Texas Ave. at Villa Maria Rd. When the AGGIES roar up to Dallas... H ome is th e Hilt 1 nn In Dallas, Hilton Inn is headquarters for football and just about everything else. N. Central Expressway at Mockingbird (Exit 8, U.S. 75), just 3 minutes from the Cotton Bowl turnoff. Call your nearest Hilton Reservations Service or Dallas (214) 827 -4100. Edward A. Janus, General Manager. 53 ii 1 12t A Educational and./ Presented 1r MR. AND MRS. L. F. PETERSON FT. WORTH, TEXAS FORD D. ALBRITTON, JR. HENRY B. CLAY FRITZ W. GLITSCH, JR. BRYAN, TEXAS BRYAN, TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS PAUL BASS, CORBUSIER HELDENFELS BROTHERS CY JOHNSTON CHEVROLET CO. CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS BRYAN, TEXAS TYREE L. BELL IN MEMORY OF JOHN R. HILL, JR. LUBBOCK, TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS N. COX DALLAS, TEXAS R. I. BERNATH, JR. ANDREW C. ELLIOTT, '33 WILLIAM E. HOLKE BRYAN, TEXAS MIDLAND, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS DAVID M. BRITT FASKEN FOUNDATION FARREL G. HUBER, JR. WHEELER, TEXAS MIDLAND, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS CADE MOTOR CO. BOB FRYMIRE J. L. HUFFINES, JR. BRYAN, TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS GREENVILLE, TEXAS WOFFORD CAIN ED B. FULBRIGHT M. B. (DOC) KILLIAN, '26 DALLAS, TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS E. KING GILL, M.D. JAMES R. CHRISTOPHER ORIGINAL 12th MAN R. C. LEFFEL AMARILLO, TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS SAN ANGELO, TEXAS The 12th Man Scholarships are presented by a select group of 50 individuals and /or business firms who are supporting Texas Aggie athletes with one scholarship L MAN 1;17 11 Athletic Scholarships by FORSYTH ENGINEERING COMPANY HOUSTON, TEXAS WILLIAM LEWIE, JR. PARKER BROTHERS & CO. WACO, TEXAS INC. L. NEWTON SMITH, '38 HOUSTON, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS EDWIN S. MAYER BERT PFAFF SAN ANGELO, TEXAS NILEY J. SMITH TYLER, TEXAS CAMERON, TEXAS W. C. McGEE, JR. REED CANDLE CO. A. W. THOMPSON, INC. HOUSTON, TEXAS PETER N. REED, '45 F. L. THOMPSON SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS MIDLAND, TEXAS GUS MIJALIS 'X NELSON REES R. C. THWING, '42 SHREVEPORT, LA. ODESSA, TEXAS ARANSAS PASS, TEXAS HIRAM MOORE SONS JOE C. R RICHARDSON, . J CLYDE H. WELLS MIDLAND, TEXAS AMARILLO, TEXAS GRANBURY, TEXAS GEORGE D. MULLOY JACK SAMPLES ROYCE E. WISENBAKER HOUSTON, TEXAS MIDLAND, TEXAS TYLER, TEXAS t j TOM O'DWYER, '47 MR. AND MRS. DALLAS, TEXAS CLARENCE J. SCHIER O. S. WYATT, JR. SEALY, TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS HAP PADGETT, '31 MR. AND MRS. LUBBOCK, TEXAS JAMES L. SEWELL ZACHRY PROPERTIES DALLAS, TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS each Appreciation plaques are displayed in Coach Gene Stallin s office ffice and in the Lettermen's Lounge, both located in G Rollie White Coliseum, THE THE " IN GROUP„ Is your name included? Most of your friends are. AGGIE The people listed on this page and the three that follow are all members of The Aggie Club (as of September 1, 1968) , the organization "dedicated CLUB to athletic excellence at Texas A &M ". They are in the "IN GROUP" because they are the people who provide the scholarships for the boys , who represent our university in this game. Each person listed did their I Dedicated share with a tax exempt contribution varying from $5.00 to $2,000.00. Shouldn't you be in the "IN GROUP" also'? to I Athletic Herbert F. Adey C. H. Beaty Valry Brown, Jr. William R. Adkisson William J. Beck Wayne W. Brown Excellence C. G. Albert Edwin A. Beckcom, III Dr. Charles L. Bruchmiller Reece Albert Harold B. Beckham Roy H. L. Bruns Ford D. Albritton Paul B. Beckman Ernest H. Bruss i at M. R. Alexander H. C. Bell, Jr. W. T. Bruton N. J. Alexander, Jr. Stanton P. Bell Joseph D. Bryan i Texas A &M Richard Alexander Tyree Bell Dr. Noel A. Bryan D. R. Alford Dr. Joe B. Belue Eugene Bryant J. B. Allcorn Louis H. Benavides Jack E. Bryant University James S. Allega Dr. Robert H. Benbow Jack M. Buckler, Jr. Bob Allen Lew W. Benham, Jr. Frank A. Buckley Orville G. Allen, Jr. J. M. Benkendorfer T. R. Buckman Richard Alterman P. J. Bennett, Jr. Dan Buckner J. D. Amend Fred C. Benson F. K. Buckner 319 Patricia Street Staron E. Ammons Dr. W. R. Benson F. IKng Buckner, Jr. Louis P. Amster, Jr. Hatless R. Benthul N. E. Buescher, Jr. Colle Station Sam Amspoker Dr. Charles E. Berger Joe L. Buford College C. S. Anchicks August C. Bering Ernest Ben Bugh Dan J. Anderson Conrad Bering, Jr. E. B. Bugh, Jr. Texas 77840 Frank G. Anderson, Jr. Bob Bernath William F. Bumpas Gade D. Anderson, Jr. William T. Berry Jesse N. Burditt, Jr. Telep hone (713) 846 8797 Jennings Anderson, Jr. Earl J. Berryhill Arthur L. Burch p Robert J. Anderson J. G. Bertman, Jr. V. R. Burch, Jr. I R. R. Anderson K. V. Bethea V. R. Burch, Sr. Dr. William L. Anderson A. P. Beutel Dr. Jesse N. Burditt, Sr. Dr. Dwight W. Andres William Bever Gerald R. Burgamy Thad Ansley John C. Bibbs H. E. Burgess S. "Dusty" Aono Leroy Bieri Burleson County A &M Club James C. Appleman W. H. Billingsley John A. Burns President Leslie L. Appelt W. A. Billington, Jr. Ross C. Burns Dr. J. R. Arledge Clayte Binion Walter T. Burns, Jr. Jim H. Uptmore, '53 A. W. Arnold Dr. J. W. Birdwell Bill Burton Charles E. Arnold Dr. A. A. Bishop Bill Butler San Antonio D. C. Arnold John T. Blair H. D. Butler T. H. (John) Arnold William H. Blanks O. D. Butler Johnnie Arolfo Joseph F. Blanton Wilburn J. Butler Lewis T. Ashford T. H. Blaylock Sam A. Byer James W. Aston George T. Blazek James C. Byram James R. Atkins Joseph V. Bledsoe Eugene N. Byrd A. Chandler Atkins3n Joe A. Blieden O. L. Byrd Clarence 11.0kugsburger James C. Blue Harry D. Cain Vice - President Michael J. August Charles Blumenthal Wofford Cain Harry G. Austin George Bock Roy Caldwell Jr., '43 Jcel E. Austin H. F. Bockhorn S. 0. Callahan, III Ford D. Albritton, Joe Avant Fritz L. Boedeker, Jr. Robert Callaway Br an Guy Baber R. B. Boettcher, Jr. George H. Callcott y Clarence Baca Anthony J. Bolner C. E. Calvert M. B. Bader Dr. Bill F. Bolton Calvin D. Campbell Vice - President Llo F. Badgett Ibrey T. Bonnette Gordon Campbell Alton L. Bailey Samuel C. Bonnette Henry V. Campbell, Jr. Thomas A. O'Dwyer, '47 Thomas C. Bain Robert M. Boone Sam P. Campbell Eddie Baker H. A. Bornefeld Francis O. Cantini Dallas Hollis O. Baker Bobby J. Boswell E. B. Cape Hub Baker Jimmy Boswell Roscoe Capers I. M. Baker Dr. Edward L. Bowden, Jr. Mrs. E. K. Caperton Jerry Baker Vernon N. Bower John W. Caple Robert W. Baker Donald V. Boyd Louis E. Capt William R. Baker W. W. Boyd C. M. Caraway, III Ben A. Baldwin James W. Boykin Leeward J. Caraway ?ohn R. Ball, Jr. James E. Boyles V. C. Caraway Executive Committee Dr. David M. Bandy Sid M. Boynton John E. Cardwell Harwell Barber Clint W. Bracher Capt. George E. Carlson, Jr. Dr. Tony Barcelona, Jr. Richard L. Braden Dean Carlton J. L. Huffines, Jr., '44 Tommy Lee Barganier Ralph S. Braley Harry M. Carlton Greenville B. II. Barnes Edward D. Brandt, Sr. Monte E. Carmichael Jack Barnes George E. Bransom, Jr. M. J. Carmichael Robbie D. Barnes David J. Bratton, Jr. David R. Carnahan Herschel G. Maltz, '50 R. V. Barnes Vick H. Braunig Dr. E. G. Carney R. L. Barnett John C. Bray G. C. Carothers Houston Brig. Gen. Victor A. Barraco Herbert W. Brehmer Jack L. Carothers Delvin R. Barrett M. Glen Brewer A. L. Carpenter J oe C. Richardson, Jr., '49 James L. Barrilleaux Phil Brewer Hugh C. Carpenter 1 Walter T. Barron R. W. Briggs Rufus L. Carpenter, Jr. Amarillo S. C. Bartlett A. John Brinkoeter, Jr. H. N. Carr Z. W. Bartlett W. R. Brinkoeter Carl C. Carrico John F. Barton Andrew C. Brisco Donald F. Carroll Royce E. Wisenbaker, '39 C. S. Basinger Dave Britt Curtis R. Carson J. Horace Bass T. M. Britt Edward B. Caruthers ■ Tyler Paul M. Bass, Jr. George Brockman Joseph R. Cash E. D. Bateman Jack H. Brooks George M. Cason, Jr. James B. Baty Jordan A. Brooks, Jr. James A. Cato Jim -Bob Baty R. V. Brooks Robert C. Cecil A. W. Baucum E. C. Braun, Jr. Arthur Chaffe W. H. Bauerschlag James Broussard Charles A. Chambers Charles R. Baugh A. K. Brown Darrell E. Chandler Bernard A. Beach Ben F. Brown Ernest W. Chaney Executive Vice President John L. Bearrie, Jr. Clifford L. Brown, Jr. Thurman J. Chapman Charles Beasley E. A. Brown William W. Chapman John H. Hopkins, '57 Charles G. Beasley Griggs W. Brown Charles J. Charske John Beasley Robert L. Brown Dr. J. N. Chastain College Station William D. Beatty Troy J. Brown Jack Chewning 56 James R. Christopher Daniel W. Deupree, III Hugh R. Ferguson Doyle R. Griffin William J. Hlavinka Frank Cinatl E. J. Deu Pree Raul B. Fernandez Dr. John W. Griffin W. Cecil Hobson Dr. C. E. Clark B. H. Dewey, Jr. Fred C. Ferrara Zack Griffin Charles P. Hodges Joe Gail Clark Ben DeWitt Jimmy L. Fetters Everett Griffith, Jr. Malcolm B. Hoefle Robert C. Clark John DeWitt Tillotson B. Field, Jr. Henry G. Gritter C. "Dutch" Rohn Sidney T. Clark Carter M. Dibrell William R. Fikes Wally Groff Ben B. Holder T. Haller Clark Frank N. Dibrell Jack Finney Gerald K. Grogin Hartwell E. Holder, Jr. Alex Clarke, Jr. C. Wayne Dickens 0. J. Fister Erwin A. Gromatzky Perry J. Holder L. S. R. Clarke A. J. Dickinson Robert G. Fitts Lewis Gross Burt C. Holdsworth Henry Clay William P. Dill Champe Fitzhugh, Jr. Charles H. Grube William E. Holke Dr. Jack L. Clayton G. C. Dillard Edwin F. Flato Garrett A. G, Iy, Jr. W. Paul Holladay, Jr. Dan D. Clinton, Sr. James C. Dilw,rth, III F. E. Flinn Paul M. Guthrie Mrs. Chase Holland, Jr. ('hester R. Cl udt 0. D. Dinwiddie Stephen J. Flood, Jr. Dr. Albert J. Gutknecht John A. Holland Dalton H. Cobb George A. Dishman, Jr. R. D. Florence Richard E. Haas Robert C. Holmes Arthur L. Cochrum Glenn W. Dittmar Apolonio Flores Paul R. Hable Bill Holt James B. Cockrell Dr. Don P. Dixon A. J. Florey, Jr. Marvin W. Hagemeier Dale Honeycutt Thomas J. Cockrell Wallace J. Dixon, Jr. Tully R. Florey Charles R. Haggard Joseph Key Hooks Geneos Pete Cckinos James W. Dockery, Jr. Ford Flurry Herbert Q. Haile, Jr. Wallace Hooper F. D. Cole Dr. Doyle W. Dodd Cecil F. Flynn William A. Haile Theo Hopgood, Jr. Fred L. Cole, Jr. Charles H. Dodson Alvin E. Foerster Michael T. H- Ibouty Dr. A. F. Hopkins J. S. Cole Louis C. Doehne Charles S. Fcley L. V. Halbrooks John H. Hopkins A. S. Colley W. T. Doherty J. W. Foley J. J. Hall Lt. Col. John H. Hopkins, III Dale Collins Chick Dollinger, Jr. Ed M. Fontaine Robert L. Hall Howard W. Horne Ed W. Collins F. 0. Dollinger M. M. Fontenot Tommy G. Hall Charles F. Hornstein, Jr, Leon L. Collins Eddie Dominguez Ted V. Foote William K. Hall, Jr. Oscar T. Hotchkiss, Jr. T. F. Collins Walter Doney J. F. Ford H. H. Halsell Jerry R. Houser James A. Colson Donald L. Dopslauf Dr. Sol Forman R. C. Halter Dr. Don F. Houston W. N. "Flop" Colson Cloyd J. Dowling, Jr. Douglas Forshagen Ed 0. Haltom, Jr. Lewis B. Howard Dr. Clifford L. Condit Charles M. Drake, Jr. James M. Forsyth E. P. Haltom Ralph W. Howe Michael M. Cone J. D. Driskill, Jr. Charles B. Foster, Jr. It. C. Haltom Hulen W. Howell .1. D. Conlee Ira C. Driver Ben T. Fowler A. L. Ham Thomas B. Howell R. N. Conolly W. H. Drushel Parr Fowler Howard C. Ham, Jr. Stanley J. Hruska �.: F. W. Conrad Don R. DuBois William H. Foy Lewis W. Ham Farrel G. Huber, Jr. Harold J. Conrad A. J. Dudenhoeffer S. R. Franck Martin E. Hamilton Lewis Huber E. B. Conway Ed Dudley Lawrence E. Franks, Jr. Doyle F. Hammack William C. Huber J. H. Conway, Jr. David W. Duffield Clyde C. Frazier Robert J. Hammons Dr. T. F. Hubert Dr. James E. Cook Frank R. Duke William A. Frels Paul T. Hanes William F. Huddleston James Gwin Cook J. L. Duller Donald T. Friend Carl J. Hansen Charles E. Hudson �_..- Lee E. Cook Fred B. Duleck John J. Fritch Larry D. Hanson Glenn Hudson, Jr. Robert Cook A. K. Duncan Jack G. Fritts Jerry Harbert, II W. R. Hudson Joel B. Coolidge David T. Duncan R. M. Frost D. B. Hardeman John Huebel i.. H. Floyd Copeland John T. Duncan Kenneth L. Fry, Jr. Lt. James T. Harrgrove Philip Huey Donald H. Cornell V. H. Duncan Bob Frymire Jesse W. Hargis, Jr. J. L. Huffines, Jr. W. H. Corbusier J. H. Dunn Edward B. Fulbright W. D. Hariman Dr. A. C. Hughes Drew M. Cornell Robert S. Dunn Dr. Charles H. Fuller George R. Harper Fred Lee Hughes Frank X. Coronado L. C. DuPuy C. M. Gaines Terrell It Harper J. Harold Hughes John Carl Cottle, Jr. Richard C. Durbin William A. Galbreath, Jr. Col. Earl Y. Harpole Dr. J. S. Hull, Jr. R. C. Couch, Jr. H. L. Durham, Jr. Ransom Gallaway Clyde W. Harrell John B. Humber Sidney Coufal W. H. Dwyer, Jr. James H. Galloway Pierrepont Harrell Asa E. Hunt Joe E. Courtney Col. Edwin M. Eads Henry D. Galvin Robert B. Harrell A. D. Hurbrough, Jr. w, Lee Courtney F. W. Eagleton Charles C. Garner Charles B. Harris Charles A. Hurst R. E. Cowling Mrs. Helen Earhart John D. Garner Charles T. Harris John K. Hynds Elmer 0. Cox Allen M. Early Porter S. Garner, Jr. David B. Harris Don C. Ince § Joe G. Cox R. G. Early John S. Garnett George G. Harris Dr. Joseph M. Cox Charles Easley Dr. R. M. Garrett J. R. Harris Lee Ingle, Jr. C. . W. . Ingle, ' Mrs. N. A. Cox William K. Easley Robert J. Gary Lanier C. Harris, Jr. James D. Ingram B. R. Craig G. M. Easterling David T. Gentry Robert D. Harris Johnie E. Ingram, Jr. James Carroll Craine A. A. Eberle, Jr. Duane H. Gentz Tom Harris E. E. Inman Bradley C. Crane Woodrow W. Echols L. 0. Gerbig T. B. Harris, Jr. Barlow Irvin Edward E. Cravens Charles L. Eckert Preston M. Geren Bedford Harrison, Jr. Phillip E. Jacobs, Jr. Robert S. Crawford, Jr. Gordon Edge W. "Pete" Gerlich George L. Harrison Mike E. James, Jr. Dr. W. E. Crenshaw Paul W. Edge, Jr. 'B ob Germond Dr. Henry Harrison John D. Janak Paul D. Cretien George R. Edwards E. L. Gibson Dr. Richard H. Harrison, III William E. Jauer Charles R. Crews K. J. Edwards Gordon F. Gibson Tedford E. Harrod Charles W. Jenkins Steve Crews, III Mickey Edwards Jack E. Gilbert Charles Hart Robert L. Jewell Jack A. Crichton Wendell E. Edwards Dan L. Giles Michael L. Hart J. B. Joffrion Ray B. Criswell R. K. Egger Edgar E. Giles Frank W. Hartmann, Jr. William G. Johnson Dalton E. Cr •.cl:ett Dr. Edward Ehlert, Jr, Dr. E. King Gill Louis A. Hartung Cyrus M. Johnston R. S. Crockett Donald E. Elder Dr. James R. Gill, Jr. Joe E. Hartwell Russell L. Jolley Charles A. Cross J. B. Eldridge Victor W. Gillett, Jr. Frank B. Harvey Barry R. Jones Earl F. Gilliam M. A. Cross David G. Eller Melvyn Hausenfluke Billy Jones t William F. Cryer B. 0. Ellington George W. Gilliam Col. Henry F. Hauser Burrell E. Jones Elmer W. Culler, Jr. A. C. Elliott Jack E. Gilpin A. D. Hawley, Jr. George M. Jones J. H. Cumley Andrew C. Elliott, Jr. B. C. Glass Norman L. Hay, Jr. Grady M. Jones B. J. Cunningham C. Wendel Elliott Ira V. Glass Arnold Hayes Dr. Hudson Jones " Charles R. Cunningham Donald S. Elliott Dr. S. E. Glass Don M. Hayter James D. Jones George W. Cunningham James D. Elliott, Jr. Fritz Glltsch, Jr. Dr. Howard M. Head James T. Jones, Jr. P. E. Cunningham Forrest P. Ellis Jack Goebel Douglass D. Hearne Jerry William L. Cunningham G. W. Ellis Dennis Goehring Mrs. Minnie Belle Heep Dr. L. Bonham Jones Wayne 0. Cure John M. Ellis Billy J. Goldsmith Winston J. Heidenheimer Dr. Luther G. Jones Lee Curry S. Jerry Ellis Irvin P. Goldstein J. L. Heim L. P. Jones W. H. Curtin Raymond T. Fliison, II Gerald J. Gondran F. W. Heldenfels, Jr. Ray C. Jones, Jr. David S. Curtis Fred A. Elliston Gonzales County Texas A &M H. C. Heldenfels Richard F. Jones J. Leon Curtis Dr. E. A. Elmendorf Club J. R. Heldenfels Dr. Robert E. Jones Michael Cuscurida Charles C. Emery William B. Go-de, Jr. Earle C. Hellums Terry S. Jones John H. Cuthrell F. Charles Emery H. F. Goodenough Dury L. Helm Forrest W. Jordan Dr. Harold I. Daily I. R. Emmons Major Leo E. Goodman, Jr. Dan Renard Wilbur S. Jordan Dallas A &M Club Col G. J. Eppright T. B. Goodrich Dr. C. D. Henderson Richard S. Joseph C. D. Dallmeyer Robert A. Epstein R. A. Goodson Dr. Edmond A. Henderson Perry M. Kallison M. L. Dalton Joe E. Evans Charles W. Gordon R. Wayne Henderson Fred J. Kana, Jr. James M. Daniel Phillip R. Evans Patrick T. Gordon Tom S. Henderson Karnes County A &M Club R. C. Dansby William M. Evans Arthur K. Gorman Sam K. Hendler, Jr. Howard Karren B. J. Darby Claude H, Everett, Jr. Ralph Gorman E. G. Hendrix, Jr. Don G. Kasper Eugene B. Darby G. D. Everett Bryan Gouger Charles R. Henington L. E. Kauffman Wayne Darville George H. Ewing C. M. Gough John F. Herbig Edgar R. Keeling, Jr. James F. Daugherty, Jr. Carl M. Fabian W. E. Gould, Jr. David F. Herold L. S. Keen Simon D. Davids -n C. Arthur Fabra J. E. Gregg Ladimir G. Herold Frederick Lee Keller A. I. Davies Donald R. Fada1 Gordon C. Graham Claude J. Herpin Dr. J. C. Kelley David 0. Davies , W. C. `Dub' Pain J. A. Graham, Jr. R. L. Herring William A. Kelley D. M. Davis Mrs. M. B. Fall -n Dr. John C. Grammer Col. Steward D. Hervey James B. Kelly Rothe Davis Steve Fambrough Dr. Earl L. Grant E. F. Heusinger, Jr. George A. Kelt Roy B. Davis, Jr. Don Farek Warren A. Grasso Charles R. Hewitt A. B. Kennedy, Jr. W. C. Davis Robert D. Farmer Henry L. Graves A. M. Hiatt Mrs. Ann Kennedy 0. Dooley Dawson Murray Fasken James R. Graves Larry D. Hibler K. S. Kennerly C. Webb Dean Joe Faulk J. Earle Gray Jere W. Higgs, Jr. Thomas H. Kennerly Lawton E. Deets Elgin A. Faniker, Jr. Harold Green Dr. T. G. Hildebrand Dr. Thomas P. Kennerly Bryan W. Dedeker H. K. Fawcett P. M. Green B. G. Hill Dr. Dennis M. Key Jack R. Dehm L. E. Feehan, Jr. Dr. M. L. Greenhut John R. Hill, Jr. Rollin Khoury • Sam E. Dehm Carl A. Felker, Jr. T. S. Greenwald, Jr. Charles A. Hinton Roy Kight J. M. Dellinger Dr. C. E. Fenner Dennis N. Gregg W. S. Hipp M. B. Killian J. M. Dellinger, Jr. Max Fergus Billy B. Gregory Bernd Hirsch Otis Kimball Harold J. Derr, Jr. Capt. Robert T. Fergeson Charles V. Griffin, Jr. Charles J. Hlavinka Kenneth W. Kindle 57 Guy King, Jr. William A. McCarty, Jr. Caroline Mitchell Charles R. Parencia, Jr. H. L. Reynolds James W. King E. R. McChesney D. R. Mitchell Alvin H. Parker R. M. Rhea Randolph S. King Frank H. McClain Johnny Mitchell Bill Parker G. H. Richards William H. King Dr. Charles R. McClintick J. W. Mitchell Dan R. Parker H. Lee Richards, Jr. Henry W. Kingsbury Donald P. McClure Melvin M. Mitchell John L. Parker Ronald R. Richarda R. W. Kirberg T. Morgan McCollum John A. Mobley Philip Parker B. C. Richardson J. E. Kirkland E. P. McConnell T. W. Mohle, Jr. Robert L. Parker Joe C. Richardson Roy Klossner Stewart McConnell T. W. Mohle, Sr. William H. Parks J. C. Richardson, Sr. William H. Knotts, Jr. Dr. James D. McCrady Charles F. Molberg V. P. Parr C. H. Richey William H. Knotts, Sr. W. P. McCreary A. M. Moncrief H. S. Patrick Charles V. Richter Dr. John M. Knox Dorsey E. McCrory Charles B. Monday A. G. Patterson Robert K. Ridley Albert M. Koehler John P. McCullough Richard A. Monschke C. R. Patterson, Jr. R. W. Riggins Buford R. Koehler Andrew F. McDade K. E. Montague Gaylon Patterson Thomas E. Riggs Joseph L. Korenek Hugh H. McDaniel, II Gordon K. Montgomery Tip Patterson George Riley M. Scott Kraemer William B. McDaniel, Jr. Jeff Montgomery Don R. Patton Bill Rippetoe B. F. Krall Jerome A. McDavitt J. I. Moody, Jr. J. L. Patton B. F. Risinger Karl Kreager Fremont McDermand Thomas Ned Moody Lawrence S. Pawkett Jack Roach, Jr. Ben J. Krenek Dr. Charles N. McDonald Robert Reisor Mooney Emil Pawlik Cooper Robbins, Jr. Kenneth C. Krenek Dr. Robert L. McDonald Carlyle B. Moore Eugene E. Payne Dr. Jack D. Robbins Charles W. Kreps W. D. McElroy Forrest W. Moore H. B. Payne, Jr. Maj. Gen. Jay T. Robbins Charles A. Kroll Alton O. McEvers Frank Moore V. S. Payne J. E. Robeau, Jr. A. R. Kroulik E. C. McFadden Homer J. Moore It. B. Pearce H. L. Roberts C. C. Krueger Melvyn E. McFarland Jack Moore Jack F. Pearson J. W. Robinson, Jr. Carl C. Krueger William F. MacFarland James S. Moore Roy L. Peden Richard J. Roeder Dr. A. A. Krumholz Michael L. McGannon, Jr. J. D. Moore .1. D. Peeples, Jr. Dr. Paul C. Roemer, Jr. Dr. Morton L. Krumholz W. C. McGee, Jr. J. Hiram Moore Robert I. Pender Robert E. Roepke Ed F. Kruse A. E. McGilberry Dr. John M. Moore Warren Y. Pennington George E. Roesner A. A. Kuehn Jce E. McGinty T. G. Moore William K. Penrod Donald L. Rogers Turner L. Kunkel Joe McGlothlin Thomas B. Moore Jahn W. Perry Sherman G. Rogers George H. Lacy T. J. McIntyre W. N. Moore Dr. Royal H. Perry Albert Rollins W. Hoyt Lacy J. D. McIver Edward Morgan Eber H. Peters H. M. Rollins Charles M. Lagow Harold J. McKenzie George B. Morgan E. M. Peters James J. Rollins J. C. LaGrone, Jr. Donald D. McKinney L. G. Morgan L. F. Peterson Dave Rooke Carroll F. Lam Peyton McKnight Michael R. Morgan Richard H. Peterson Isadore Roosth Tom M. Lamberth, Jr. John O. McLeroy, Jr. Thomas L. Morgan Frank B. Petroski, Jr. John D. Roper L. L. Landers Tom J. McMullin C. E. Morganthaller Jim M. Pettigrew M. L. Rosenberg Maxwell Landon Dr. J. T. L. McNew Donald S. Morris Bert Pfaff R. C. Ross Y. M. Langdon J. M. McPhail Col. Paul E. Morris Walter Pfluger Clinton H. Rothe E. Keith Langford Horace McQueen Richard R. Morris Charles W. Philipp Din L. Rowe Tom Lanier Dave McReynolds Robert P. Morris E. R. Phillips M. G. Rowe Frank E. Larkin J. M. McReynolds W. L. Morriss Col. Harry G. Pierce Dr. Ralph W. Rowe Dr. W. R. Larson Weldon M. McReynolds S. J. Morse, Jr. Robert L. Pike E. B. Rowland Walter Lasley Edwin R. Maas, Jr. J. T. Moseley Dick H. Piner, Jr. R. W. Rowland Jerry Lastelick J. D. Maberry, Jr. Otto Moser Harry T. Pinson J. Newell Royall J. R. Latimer, Jr. lIampton Mabry William R. Moss Lloyd L. Piper J. D. Ruckman William W. Latimer, Jr. W. P. Machemehl T. E. Mostyn Claude F. Pipes J. C. Rudd Michael D. Laughlin Malcolm A. Maedgen, Jr. Frederick W. Mueller Richard L. Pipes Pres. J. Earl Rudder Edwin B. Law Joe Mahaffey I. A. Mueller James D. Pitcock, Jr. John W. Rudder Len Layne Herschel G. Maltz Charles W. Muil M. J. Pizzitola Jack R. Runkles Robert E. Layton, Jr. Melvin Maltz J. A. Muller William T. Plagens Philippa L. Russek Cecil L. Leatherwood Vincent J. Mandola John G. Muller J. D. Poage James A. Rutherford Dr. Patrick H. LeBlanc Carl A. Mangold George D. Mulloy Fred L. Pochyla Joe E. Rutherford Melvin Lebo Raleigh L. Mangum Ford Munnerlyn Wendell M. Pool William M. Rutherford Claude S. Lee, Jr. Walter S. Manning Joe U. Munson, Jr. Holland Porter James Melvin Rylander L. Ed Lee Clarence E. Marcum Dr. Joseph G. Murphy James W. Porter Alfred O. Saenger N. E. Lee Gordon Marcum Pat Murphy John C. Porter Obert Sagebiel R. C. Leffel David P. Marion W. T. Murphy Marvin Porter Robert Saibara W. H. Legrand Dr. Irwin C. Mark Tom Murrah C. J. Porterfield J. W. Sallee Charles L. Leissner Richard E. Marks Dr. W. L. Murray L. T. Potter Jack Samples D. C. Lentz Johnny M. Marrou Charles E. Myers W. Scott Potter H. S. "Duke" Samson Leonard Leon R. C. Marsh Dr. Clyde P. Myers Charles Potts George W. Sandars A. C. Leske, Jr. Carl J. Marshall v A. L. Nabors John W. Potts S. H. Sanders Jack W. Lester Charles D. Marshall John K. Neal George E. Powell Edgar G. Saper Frank M. Leverett A. D. Martin, Jr. Othel M. Neely Tom E. Prater Douglas L. Saunders Shewsun Lew Boe W. Martin Dr. Allen H. Neighbors, Jr. John L. Pratt Kerry D. Savage William Lewie Dr. D. B. Martin, Jr. Robert A. Nelms L. Roy Prescott H. A. Sawyer W. C. Lewie, Jr. K. C. Martin Fred S. Nesmith, Jr. W. A. Preston Robert C. Sawyer A. Y. Lewis Vernon F. Martin Jaro G. Netardus, Jr. W. A. Prewitt, III R. M. Sawyer Dr. R. L. Lewis Juan M. Martinez C. S. Netterville Richard J. Price Augie W. Saxe, Jr. Dr. W. M. Lewis A. E. Massengale, Jr. Allan Newberry Walter T. Price, Jr. E. H. Schaefer Robert M. Lidheim R. C. Massengale A. R. Newman Will S. Price, Jr. John M. Schaefer L. V. Lienhard Claude A. Mast Louis Newman R. M. Priesmeyer William E. Schaeper Grady Light Raymond C. Mathews Fronk H. Newnam, Jr. L. A. Priester R ^pert D. Schaforth Jeff B. Lilley, Jr. Allen W. Matthys Ward W. Newport M. R. Proctor Dr. Robert H. Schawe Robert F. Lindsay A. G. Mavrico Don Newsom Col. John R. Propst Claren_e J. Schier John H. Lindsey H. Roger Maxwell Frank N. Newsom Roland H. Prove Edgar J. Schlabach John V. Lindsey J. L. Maxwell Bryant G. Newton Robert J. Province Col. Al Schlafli, Jr. George A. Linskie I. T. May, Jr. Paul E. Newton Edward R. Prowell Robert E. Schmid Glenn Lippman Richard W. May A. O. Nicholson George Puls, Jr. Capt. James E. Schnabel L. F. Lippman Edwin S. Mayer Tom K. Niland, Jr. Charles M. Pumphrey, Jr. Gene Schrickel Mrs. S. A. Lipscomb Ralph P. Mayer Phillip Nix John B. Pumphrey Bruno E. Schroeder Robert B. Little John C. Mayfield, Jr. James M. Noel Benier F. Pye, Jr. Dr. James E. Schroeder Dr. R. D. Little John C. Mayfield, Sr. John E. Nordeen H. M. Qualtrough Adolph Schubert R. B. Livingston Richard M. Mayfield George D. Norman Charles L. Quill Oscar W. Schucany Charles B. Locke Robert B. Mayfield Hugh C. Norris, Jr. Jack Quirey Oscar W. Schuchart Larry J. Locke Ira Q. Mayhew Joe Northern John H. Quisenberry D. H. Schuenemann Morgan C. Locke Creighton C. Maynard Gene Norton Morton Rachofsky Walter Schulze John E. Lockhart William L. Mayo Clifford J. Novosad Dr. Lee R. Radford Howard Schwarzenhach T. E. Lohman Dr. Floyd R. Mays, Jr. Clyde F. Nowlin J. R. Ragsdale Dr. Daniel E. Scott Cecil E. Lohn C. H. Megarity Dr. Donald H. Nowlin Jack L. Raley Lynn P. Scott Cecil D. Long Dr. Henry E. Mehmert James W. O'Brien Glendale B. Rand Dr. V. A. Scott, Jr. Dr. J. M. Long Max A. Melcher W. J. Ochterbeck Arthur J. Raney Dr. R. M. Searcy J. T. Long T. M. Melden, Jr. James O'Connor, Jr. John M. Rankin Roland M. Searcy, Jr. Robert B. Long Alex S. Mijalis Thomas A. O'Dwyer B. J. Rash L. A. Sears W. C. Lonquist, Jr. Gus J. Mijalis J. C. Oelkers James Q. Ratcliff Temple B. Sebastian, Jr. Peter A. Lopez, Jr. Franklin H. Mike'_l Robert S. O'Hara John N. Ratcliff, Jr. A. L. Sebesta Tony A. Lostracco Victor Mikulec George W. Ohlendorf Lowell G. Raun Charles C. Secrest Albert M. Loudon . ames C. Miles Norman A. Olansen Gerald L. Ray Col. C. B. Seidenglanz P. E. Love W. C. Miley Roy W. Olbrich Ted J. Reagan Elmer R. Seidensticker George A. Loveland Carl W. Miller L. N. Oliphant Dr. J. E. Reed, Jr. James L. Sewell Rowland Luce Dr. Ed Crow Miller J. E. Oliver J. E. Reed, Sr. Winston G. Sexton P. H. Luckett E. L. Miller C. E. Olsen L. R. Reed J. D. Seymour Alvin R. Luedecke Jack B. Miller Marvin B. Olson Peter N. Reed Dr. Robert J. Shaeffer Otie Carl Luna Jack B. Miller N. U. Onofrio, Jr. Dr. Harry B. Reele Herbert Shaffer Dr. Thomas W. Lyles R. B. Miller Jim Onstott Sirel A. Reele Gary W. Shank Lawrence R. Lynd, Jr. W. S. Millington William H. Oswalt, III W. Nelson Rees Marvin L. Sharp, Jr. Harvey P. Lynn, Jr. Lloyd J. Mills A. J. Otte J. M. Reily Jimmy W. Shaw Doyle F. McAdams R. Ewell Mills Dr. B. B. Ozier John Reinhart, Jr. Wayne H. Shaw R. E. McAdams Charles F. Milstead Dr. Max A. Pachar Kenneth W. Reinhardt Harry R. Shawver, Jr. L. H. McAlpine .Tames Milstead H. A. Padgett, Jr. A. Fred Renaud, Jr. Harry N. Shea Harry J. McBrierty, Jr. Percy J. Mims James R. Page Jim L. Renick, Jr. David E. Sheffield Robert N. McBurnett William A. Minnock, Jr. Franklin J. Pagel Ben R. Reynolds, Jr. Herschel V. Shelby 58 H. R. Shelton, Jr. Iva Starnes S. A. Teasley Raymond A. Van Eaton Harold F. Wendt J. Howard Shelton Dr. M. B. Starnes E. E. Tedford Tony Varisco, Jr. Richard S. Werner Lockett Shelton Thomas R. Starr George E. Tedford William C. Vasser, Jr. Hawley West Ray D. Shelton N. A. Steed J. B. Templeton Edward J. Verlander Tom B. Westbrook, Jr. Frank H. Shepherd Harry C. Stefani W. R. Thames James H. Vickery A. H. Weyland Dr. Clifton J. Shepler, Jr. L. D. Steffens W. H. Thanheiser Henry C. Viktorin James R. Whatley Carlton A. Sheram Ben Steig John Robert Thomas Manuel J. Villarreal, Jr. Bill Whitaker Earle A. Shields, Jr. Joe D. Stein Ralph R. Thomas George A. Vinyard Delbert A. Whitaker Thomas Shipley, Jr. R. S. Stephens Charles J. Thompson Howell Frank Vineyard Clinton D. White R. Marvin Shipman W. T. Stephens Frank L. Thompson Marvin Gaines Voigt John B. White Ray Shoemaker ITel Stephens H. Durward Thompson M. G. Voigt Lawrence D. White Walter T. Short J. B. Sterling, Jr. Homer E. Thompson Gary K. Voss William J. White John B. Simoneaux H. W. Stern Jack W. Thompson Robert C. Wakefield Dr. John T. Whitley Frank M. Simpson Harry A. Stevens Jce W. Thompson Troy P. Wakefield Cleo C. Whitlock Willard E. Simpson, Jr. R. L. Stevenson Mayo J. Thompson Allister M. Waldrop John T. Wier W. W. Simpson Jesse D. Stewart, Jr. M. S. Thompson C. E. Walker Dr. Kenneth M. Wiggins Ben Oris Sims Floyd M. Stigler, Jr. Robert E. Thompson Jerry V. Walker Walter D. Wilkerson, Jr. J. M. Sims Charles E. Still Sam P. Thomson Joe R. Walker Dr. John E. Wilkins, Jr. Jim Singleton W. D. Stine H. E. Thornhill W. D. Walker, Jr. D. W. Williams William D. Singleton Joseph B. Stokes C. J. "Tex" Thornton Weldon W. Walker Don W. Williams Robert C. Siptak Harold B. Stone J. W. Thrasher, Jr. Charles F. Walla Ernest L. Williams T. J. Skrabanek L. W. Storms, Jr. Julian W. Thrasher, Sr. Claude H. Wallace James W. Williams Ernest Slaughter, Jr. Raymond Stotzer, Jr. Col. Walton O. Threadgill Jerry N. Wallace Joe E. Williams, Jr. Gibbs Slaughter Dr. Bob E. Stout Frank Thurmond, Jr. Robert Wallace, Jr. J. V. Williams Capt. Halbert R. Smart, II Eldon L. Stovall R. C. Thwing Paul Wallin, Jr. Ray N. Williams A. J. Smith John Stradinger, Jr. Andrew J. Tickle Don H. Walton Dr. Thomas B. Williams Billy C. Smith Teof ;l N. Strauss L. T. Tighe Marion M. Walton Williamson County A &M B. M. E. Smith E. Stravolemos Eugene D. Tilley Delbert R. Ward Club Ennis Smith William A. Streich, Jr. Bailey O. Timmerman J. Harve Washington Walker K. Williamson George G. Smith J. D. Strickel W. D. Tiner P. K. Watkins Dan Willis Harry M. Smith C. A. Strieber John E. Tinsley Col. Douglas H. Watson Donald R. Willis Jerry A. Smith J. B. Striplin Franklin E. Tipton Dr. J. Garland Watson James E. Wilson Joe M. Smith Ben Stripling, Sr. James Tittle Dr. T. N. Watt Lee H. Wilson Jon M. Smith William B. Stripling, Jr. B. E. Todd Claude D. Watts, III Gerald Potter Winchell J. R. Smith Arthur C. Stroeck A. H. Torian Dr. Fenwick L. Watts David W. Winters L. Newton Smith James R. Stroope R. S. Torn William E. Weatherford Joe E. Wirsching Niley J. Smith A. W. Stubbeman Joseph J. Tramonte John E. Weaver Paul E. Wise Capt. Robert D. Smith Frank Stubbs Robert S. Travis Jimmie Weedon Dr. Charles R. Wiseman S. C. Smith Hiram B. Stubbs David Trent J. N. Weens Royce E. Wisenbaker Stanley P. Smith Harold Sullivan B. R. Trimmier Dr. Carl P. Weidenbach E. P. Womack, Jr. T. F. Smith Cragg Sutherland Craig Trotman Charles Weinacht John E. Womack T. L. Smith, Jr. Dr. Dan R. Sutherland Dr. John E. Trott Don Weinacht Don L. Wood W. Aubrey Smith Ernest R. Svadlenak James M. Trotter Charles H. Weinbaum, Jr. Forres E. Wood William Otis Smith, Jr. W. R. Swank Edward A. Tschoepe Harry H. Weiner Horace Wood Jack M. Smither Bobby R. Sykes Ivan Tucker H. G. H. Weinert Jesse W. Wood Cecil B. Smyth, Jr. R. G. Taber R. R. Tumlinson Rirhard Weirus Joel Don Wood J. B. Snider, Jr. Wayne Talbert Gilbert Turner Carl H. Weisenfelder, Jr. W. A. Wood J. R. Snodgrass C. W. Talbot Harold Turner M. K. Weisinger H. D. Woodward F. W. Snyder, Jr. John A. Tarver, Jr. oz., B. Turner W. B. Weisinger Dr. Ge ^rge S. Woofin J. Warren Somers Marvin P. Tate Robert William Turner Lester O. Weison, Jr. Elmer Wooldridge Stanley Sommers P -bert B. Tate Wi'liam H. Turner Billy G. Welch Eugene E. Wright Dr. H. M. Sorrels Clayton C. Tatom J. G. Turney H. G. Welch John L. Wright J. F. Sousares, Jr. Alonzo C. Taylor Jack W. Tynes James F. Welch M. F. Wright Bill Soyars Austin B. Taylor, Jr. Craddo -k M. Ulmer Leo J. Welder William D. Wright Tom C. Sparks Clifford A. Taylor, Jr. A llan Uotmore W. D. Welder James A. Wueste William M. Sparks Jack L. Taylor Jim H. Uptmore Joe H. Wellborn William A. Wurzbach Adolph Specie, Jr. Joe S. Taylor Ted J. Uptmore Al Welling F. S. Wyatt, Capt. Gary W. Spence Gene Stallings Robert H. Taylor, Jr. A. Preston Utterback, Jr. Clyde Wells Frank R. Yokel el Ge W. ne Stamps Dr. R. W. Taylor Bobby R. Uzzell Tom C. Welsh, Jr. John M. Yantis T. H. Stancliff Dr. Thomas S. Taylor Charles H. Valentine A. J. Wendel Zrchry Properties M. D. Stanford W. Clayton Taylor Jibes J. Vandaveer Henry C. Wendler Donald L. Zedler W. L. Stengel Olin E. Teague Joseph A. Vandewalle, Jr. Charles G. Wendt P. E. Zimmerman We g Agg Backing The Godfrey's Restaurant Pott's Jewelry Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. Collage Station Downtown Bryan Agricultural Chemicals C. H. (Bob) and Jean Godfrey '55 Bryan, Texas The Fabric Shop Big G Malt Shoppe 201 Main Bryan Radio And TV College Station Bryan, Texas 1301 S. College i C. H. (Bob) and Jean Godfrey '55 Bryan, Texas Colson s Corner Patterson Electric Service Magazine Stand Jones Pharmacy 120 -A Walton Drive 108 W. 23th, Bryan Phone 846 -4743 College Station, Texas College Station, Texas • Vick Pharmacy • Loupot's Bryan & W. 26th Western Motel "The Aggies Friend" Downtown Bryan Highway 6 846 -5757 College Station, Texas College Station, Texas Firestone Store Sak -N -Pak Bryan, Texas Sam's Drive -In 206 Jersey and Do -Nut Shop College Station, Texas Home Lighting Center 3409 Texas Ave. 820 Villa Maria Sam Rizzo Phone 823 -8333 Twin City Pharmacy 340 Jersey Street 3400 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Engineering &Office Supply Corp. Bryan, Texas 402 W. 25th Sherwin- Williams Co. Campus Wheel E Bryan, Texas J 3814 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas Record Shop i, North Gate F[F @ k @ 59 Alterations Insignia & Repairs Patch Sewing 4 jar;tiee. dr retice, YOUR PROFESSIONAL LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANER 2617 Texas Ave. 201 College Main St. 846 -5115 822 -1583 x t t s .. fia s * , �I BR A 5 s YAN BUILDING & LOAN O BUILDING, A T I O N 2800 Texat Ave. 713 / 822.0181 • 114 South Bryan FORD LADE MOTOR Ed) r M E RCU RY - COMPANY L Two LOCATIONS: 1309 & 1700 Texas Avenue Your Friendly Ford De aler c G yiz9 Z�rPi �/CI�aI/�(� p ��CC % ea'�B'Ii ��/PJIi � C/e ... devoted to clothing excellence for the men of A &M! i IP atilt, AtOrite0 r 4;%„,„..:4-„,- , unibergitp r u en�g bear 329 University Drive 71 / 846 -3706 College Station, Texas 77840 60 r _ k ,iii} 7 , r "r n , ) _ 1 ( ip ;to \ \ jI -�- ALENCO, the largest private w _ employer in this part of k., f '2 Texas, is a growing organiza- ' `' 4 e ° tion dedicated to the design, ....,---4._ ' = j. ''' - - 1 %k production and marketing marl) _ a ,- 1 ; of four basic types of quality Oil @ _- r' Sr _ products. . . . 4* s# 7 '-` ' - 1 1 , IN -, 1 .. , i .��' Residential aluminum win - ' ' A _ j `� doves and doors ' `�� ' Architectural alu minum build - .7kit ' � r . ing products manufactured .� J. f f-- III u _ ;� to custom specifications ,1 E -■ �, -r �► ''' ' �`� 1 Aluminum extrusions t i ` 1 ' 1 'a � IIIK _ # produced to custom specifi- ! �, , 1 v I i cations ., •r1 a ( 1*. 1 Truck mounted hydraulic -,0-41 , ill i cranes 4 1 1. :' fj 1 1 , x i .4:: ' 4 ' ,7,.,, Tail \ , LEf1G0 - -- n� � *:\),..,A _ i 1 011' 1 �;.\ .,...., - Et gi v /, it el ... i s%64 \.:? i(.'',.,`4,■110 ' _ — \ - , \ " 4ti 1 14' ALEflCO ;., ,,, - IIP On._ 4 1.. . - , ` J a 1 v � _— , ALBRITTON ENGINEERING CORPORATION ��— _s ? l�= J_ , Y 7/ ' " yy , \ . \ POST OFFICE BOX 3309 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 � � 1 v -ti k v 3\ TELEPHONE (713) 822 -0121 TELEX 76 -2452 GM e C hevrolet starting lin -u p for 1969 • (i we don't build the car you want, maybe what you want isn't a car.) Townsman Station Wagon 2 & 3.seat) on Chevrolet Brookwood Station Wag rice (2-seat) Capric Coupe Sedan 116" Wheelbase Caprice Custom Coupe Concour 3 seat) *ago Estate Impala G on Impala Sport Coupe Contours Station Wag Impala Sport Sedan (2 & 3-seat) Impala Convertible G r ee nri er StatonWagon Impala 4•Door S mad Station Wagon Bel Air 4-Door Sedan Nomad Bel Air 2-Door Sedan g 4-Door Sedan Camaro Biscayne 2 "000r Sedan Sport Coupe Convertib Chevelle Chevy Nova Malibu Sport Coupe Malibu Sport Sedan Coupe Malibu Convertib Sedan Malibu 4-Door Sedan SSport Coupe Corva�r 300 Deluxe Coupe rt Coupe 300 Deluxe Monza Spo ruble 300 Deluxe 4 -Door Sedan Monza Come Chevrolet Wagons Corvair 500 Sport Coupe Ibase Corvette 119" W hee on Kingswood Estate Wag Coupe (2• & 3-seat) Convertib Kingswood Station Wag (2• & 3-seat) i .! Putting y f irst, keeps us first. C HEVROLET