HomeMy WebLinkAboutMr. Jefferson Writes a Composition MR. JEFFERSON WRITES A COMPOSITION (from 'TEEN DIGEST) Thomas JEFFERSON July 4, 1776 English 8 - Mrs. Baugh wh - -4t ! i t t 1 z in the :Curse of human events, it becomes t t4lthC Cr S rC `1 11 necessary for one people to dissolve the political v" h ex--e- bands which have connected them with another, and to -5P ac _ N assume among thepowers of the earth, theeparate and _.__._. w1 Co. rS2 equal station to which thews of 6Iture and of &- ture's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare r'N C the causes which impel them to the separationC -)We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men (:ate ue_ are created equal, that they are endowed by their 1 et v e � �� Creator with certain unalienableqaglits, that among Fv ev he dt - � _ __.____ ._ _ ¢ - -._._ c . 5 r� 1 ` the se are Lcfe , (`L .berty, and the pursuit of ppine ss . -- k el i 6 '' "s 7 That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among aen, deriving their just powers from the con- sent of the governed,That whenever anyt Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the2opleto alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government laying its foundations on 'such principles and organizing its powers in such ° form, as to them will seem most likely to affect their fety and HNppiness. h- ry t - F ---�1 t r ,c I c ci �J< <e Sc. - I -c t`'�t J.e�e sat+ 'fr Sen e\ -NCe. C 211t 1 cc fo0 1 c»c J , t- dcQi ` 1- N . (With apologies to Mrs. Baugh, Mr. Holland, and Mr. Jefferson)