HomeMy WebLinkAboutFoster School Print View 9/21/08 12:07 PM From =Bill Page" <BPAGE@Iib- gw.tamu,edu> To: "Anne Boykin" <Aboykin @cstx.gov> Date: Wednesday - September 10, 2008 11:10 AM Subject: Foster School Just two references: Foster School is mentioned in: "Our Schools," (weekly) Bryan Eagle, 21 Nov. 1889, p.4, co1.3 College Station, Texas, February 20 - I feel authorized, in behalf of my people - the colored people of the Brazos Valley - to ask that preachers come to this section and labor in the cause of the Savior. The young men are going astray and the labor put here_will do an amauntof good which can hardly be cakulated- A column could be written, but it is hoped the request fox help is all,that is needed. Yours truly, R.R. Foster. Houston Post, 24 February 1892, p.2, co1.4 I have NO idea who this R.R. Foster was, but it seems likely he was connected with Foster School ? ? ? ?? ht tp : / /einall.estx. goo /gw /webacc ?User. context= kn19gp &tt...2843&UdrFolder. type =Fotder.NQRMAL &action =Item.Read &merge =msgprint Page 1 of 1