HomeMy WebLinkAboutBVVM Korean War Memorial Groundbreaking 2010 VETS C erenio ny is Friday a , 1 0 a. i
Continued from A7 The statue is titled, "kaichi
"We fought together, k ip�hida," which means "we
go an h irer [Korean War rto together" in Korean. II veterans' service and try to a "'� when you look at
For House. this phrase rep"
teach the younger people. who the history and the r ' .nts "the strong and endur-
were not alive during Ibis ink personal relationship bet
16 war, what this war wa all relationship with Steen the Republic of Korea
he said. r_iuth Korea, it is one and the US., and this symbol"
I - On June 25. 1950, North of the ctrnn est we izes the very unique and long
Korean forces invaded South S standing relationship we have
Korea. prompting the t" 5. arid have and it is an had with another country."
other United Nations court- The statues will be unveiled'i
ho nor tries to oin the fight against important one.
l on Veterans Day. and Paik is
communism. expected to attend.
Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. I I. Gen. Randy 1ivu c Payne Lara, a Navasota
Randy House, vice president 1` ice presidentofBrazosValley artist. is creating the piece
of Bz Vlley n Memorial Foundation a has lr
11111.-: _
vets tilemthe or•iraal os Fecun said s Veterans other nd memorial aeady statues crea for t th e
the day should lxa used for park, A statue dedicated 10 the
reflection to appreciate the will be placed at the Inemori- American Revolution will he
"tremendous alliance that al. The memorial will include unveiled July 1.
goes back till years" between statues of a Korean soldier "He is a very unique. eery
ii‘ /( �, the Republic of Korea and t h e and a U.S. soldier standing talented artist who is also a
l.e� h rl i� j] S, sure -hy side. very dedicated historian.
"They fought under our "1 went to him with this idea Newman said. "He gets very-
I command and the fought and what we wanted to do, so involved with these statues as
ar pp11r'el' a I
i under their command. W he put together a meeting and Ini as understandiig who the
2 f+rrtrht together, and when you 1 hi'iefed smile other South participants were."
lank at the history and the Korean veterans about what Netvrnarr said the goal is to
I)y DEVICE HIERNANDEZ relationship with South my vision was and what we have a statue dedicated to
den ir .hernnntie fitee gle rent Kcin' it is one of the are doing: gibe . it the park. 1 each of the itt sites on the
strongest we nave and it 1s an asked if the �1 ould help con- Lynn Stuart Pathway in
11'lportal t one," he saki tribute to the 15 soldier tat Veteran, Park.
Community leaders will e l irrnhers of the Lit os Lie. and the idea was ti, r well Friday's y's ceremony will
break ground on a Korean - V ley veterans :1letndrial received." 1-1ouse said begin at 10 a.tn. and '.viii i
'ar memorial at Veterans Foundation lord said they The money raised by 1aik include a p resentation of the i
ark in College Station on are rxlxeriulg a large number will go toward funding the colors, a rifle Mute and taps
q of Korean students to a ttend statue e t the U. . S soldier, and.
May the ill anniver I played by the Texas -x,411
�,; + the ceremony, including ev— the Brazos Valley Vete.rans Corps of Cadets. National
kir of the bes:_ri>•iir_G o f the y
vr•ean 14 ir_ eral active -duty Korean otli Memorial Foundation will anthems of both countries will
`F'orinet' U.S. Navy (apt. cers who are
school at Texas attending �gtadu Fkeynote nd the Korean soldier stns he played. House will be the
keynote speaker.
Ike 1 vs ' serves as House id about -1111 Kur- "This is r� sijnifeant ges- Anyone interested in co
resident of the Brazos Valley
can student; are enrolled at lure, and it is a recol.,9iition tributing ibuting to future statues
Veterans Memorial Foun- the university. " between the partnership and call fillt543247 for inibrmation
dation, sa id the day snacks an II ouse is also a close friend alliance the two countries The foundation is
important time in history not of South Korean Gen. Paik have," said Steve Bcachy, a on- 'ptin €3 veterans' n
only for Americans. hut for Sun -yup. who has helped riiae hoard member of the Bt' zoo be plated d on the Wall of Ho
the world. $1,Z,000 for a "twin statue" that Valley Merriam :Al Foundation. until Aug. 15.
"It is important that we rec-
The Eagle newspaper, June 24, 2010