HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-3224 - Ordinance - 01/14/2010ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -3224 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit `B ", and as shown graphically in Exhibit "C" and Exhibit "D ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars- ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. PART 3: Said Ordinance will not become effective unless a deed executed by Brazos County Markets, LLC is recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas on or before the I 5th day of June, 2010. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 14 day of January, 2010 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: C&W , 44 Ci ecretary APPROVED: ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -3224 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from C -1 General Commercial, R -4 Multi - Family and A -O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District: Lot 2R and Lot 3R, The Woodlands of College Station Subdivision. ORDINANCE NO. 2016 -3224 EXHIBIT "B" Page 3 The applicant has provided the following information related to the purpose and intent of the proposed zoning district: "The purpose of the development is to provide an urban pedestrian and bike friendly development containing multi - family housing, retail, and related uses in close proximity to Texas A &M University. The intent of the overall development is to provide for housing with the retail, restaurant, and related commercial uses being integrated in the overall development that will support not only the development, but nearby residential as well as pass by traffic." The Concept Plan proposes three use areas. The Commercial area along Harvey Mitchell Parkway will follow the uses and standards of the C -1 General Commercial district. The Multi - Family area located in the center portion will adhere to the uses and standards of the R -6 High Density Multi- Family district. The Mixed Use area is located at the corner of Southwest Parkway and Wellborn Road. The Mixed Use area requires non - residential uses on the ground floor with the option for multi - family units and/or other non - residential uses above the ground floor to create a vertical mixed use. The Mixed Use area utilizes P -MUD Planned Mixed Use District uses with addition of Health Care, Medical Clinic and Drive -in / thru window as permitted uses and will follow the standards of the C -1 General Commercial district except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. The 100 -year floodplain is retained as Natural Areas Reserved and the Concept Plan accommodates the relocation of the existing hike and bike trail easement for the proposed multi -use path. The Concept Plan in Exhibit "C" is divided into four sheets which graphically depicts the development and provides notes which are incorporated herein to describe additional details and development standards. Through the PDD, the following meritorious modifications have been granted: 1. Section 3.17 "Administrative Adjustment" of the Unified Development Ordinance The Administrator has the authority to grant Administrative Adjustments for up to 10% of any design standard in additional to the dimensional standards already authorized. 2. Section 5.2 "Residential Dimensional Standards" and 5.4 "Non- Residential Dimensional Standards" of the Unified Development Ordinance Required setbacks along internal property lines shall be reduced to 5 feet. An internal property line is defined as a property line not bounded by Southwest Parkway, Wellborn Road, or Harvey Mitchell Parkway. 3. Section 7.2.E "Interior Islands" of the Unified Development Ordinance Landscape areas between abutting head -in parking can count toward the interior island requirement. To qualify, the island will need to be at least 8 feet in width between the spaces. 4. Section 7.4.N "Freestanding Commercial Signs" of the Unified Development Ordinance Two additional freestanding signs are permitted within the building plot consisting of the entire The Woodlands of College Station Subdivision in addition to the two freestanding ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -3224 Page 4 signs permitted by Section 7.4.N. The additional signs will be placed at the existing driveways to Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Southwest Parkway and are limited to 10 feet in height and 100 square feet in area each. 5. Section 7.6.F "Buffer Standards" of the Unified Development Ordinance No buffer is required between the commercial and mixed use areas and the proposed and existing multi - family uses. The Natural Areas Reserved serves as the buffer in most areas. 6. Section 8.2.A.9.b "Utility Easements" of the Unified Development Ordinance Public utility easements are not required on internal lot lines if the property is replatted. Public utility easements at alternate locations will be required if necessary to serve utilities to the proposed lots. 7. Section 8.2.A.10 "Blocks" of the Unified Development Ordinance In lieu of block length requirements, the central drive will be constructed with a minimum 24 -foot paving width, 5 -foot sidewalks on both sides between the traffic circles, allow parallel parking (with a wider paving width), meet driveway spacing standards for a minor collector and the geometry, including centerline radii, for fire apparatus access roads. 8. Section 8.2.A.13 "Sidewalks" of the Unified Development Ordinance Sidewalks are not required along Harvey Mitchell Parkway as alternative pedestrian routes are provided with the multi -use path and the central drive between the traffic circles to be constructed with a sidewalk on each side. Sidewalks will be provided on Wellborn Road and Southwest Parkway. 9. Section 8.7 "Requirements for Parkland Dedication' of the Unified Development Ordinance In lieu of the Neighborhood Park Development Fee, the developer may design and construct the multi -use path and receive dollar- for - dollar credit against the neighborhood park development fee. The multi -use path will be designed with the first phase of development and will be constructed and dedicated to the City prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy of the second phase. The design is to meet City specifications for a public multi- use path and include exercise stations. The developer may opt out of the path construction but will be required to pay the Neighborhood Park Development Fee for all units. The following four meritorious modifications apply to the mixed use area only if it is developed as vertical mixed use. To qualify as vertical mixed use at least 20% of the gross floor area of the development must consist of residential uses above the ground floor. 10. Section 7.2.C.7 Subsection of "Dimensions and Access" of the Unified Development Ordinance ORDINANCE NO 2010 -3224 Page 5 The requirement for parking spaces located within 15 feet of a right -of -way to provide a double landscape island (18 -foot wide) for every 7 parking spaces is reduced to a single (9- foot wide) island for every 15 parking spaces. 11. Section 7.4 "Signs" of the Unified Development Ordinance The area developed as vertical mixed use may utilize the Hanging Signs and Projection Signs as allowed in the Northgate districts as described in Section 5.6.B. 12.c.3 and 4. 12. Section 7.4 "Signs" of the Unified Development Ordinance Banners are permitted on light poles internal to the site and a community flag for the residential development is allowed. 13. Section 7.9.E.3 "Landscaping" of the Unified Development Ordinance The double landscaping points for building plots in excess of 50,000 gross square feet are not required. The standard landscaping points and requirements will apply. A PDD=SP -OT q ` KEY MAP \ PROPOSED TREES G PROPOSED \ PROPOSED ED ,% \ \\ `% SIGN P.B.A. \ PARKING - ` &ACCESS OWNER TIDE TIIIOfM CpIPNnE6 C Ruc. anExl E j` ; . �oo 0 wu� `� ' PNf'NO0,M)J�i1Yt0 �? r % APPUCANiIDE /ELOPER 9 � % N ATURA L RESERVED CENTERLINE PARKING I �` r .'. P' A� %� ^� I OF CREEK I / AREAS & ACCESS PAR EE KI gq N �� G C- PDD -SP -01 saue: i�eoo . Axe awe. avumAL u\E: iaonm IwPawEOer: w 0 z C� N H 0 N N b AT d4 CD :19 •• • . O� RNEP /,VENUE IAN9IXO. Mh;111U1J1 .®ae RB:A. COMMERCIAL (CA BASE ZONING) MIXED USE TALL USES ALLOWED UNDER P-MUD BASE ZONING HEALTH CARE, MEDICAL CIVIL ENGINEER i roui�m, ow E wrteao r I ....� �� ARCHITECT PEDESTRIAN ''• ! / BRIDGE A moo H.meSr w�u Row wrtE �a owx ws rows r `! �� PDD CONS PJ CAMPUS VILLAGE LOTS 2R a 7R •\` OF THE WOODL OF OF COLL EGE STATION SUBDIVISION NORTHEAST CORNER Of '�r J HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY 8 WELLBORN ROAD r APPROX. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS G `2` • � y +••n '` /�� \ APPROXIMATELY 42.56 ACRES O CATION OF & BIKE � ® {� Campus 1 ( \ 1 Village ...o. comnv.+vee N ATURA L RESERVED CENTERLINE PARKING I �` r .'. P' A� %� ^� I OF CREEK I / AREAS & ACCESS PAR EE KI gq N �� G C- PDD -SP -01 saue: i�eoo . Axe awe. avumAL u\E: iaonm IwPawEOer: w 0 z C� N H 0 N N b AT d4 CD :19 MOLT- FAMILY (R-6 BASE ZONING) COMMERCIAL (CA BASE ZONING) MIXED USE TALL USES ALLOWED UNDER P-MUD BASE ZONING HEALTH CARE, MEDICAL AND CLINIC, DRIVE.INRHRU WINDOW WITH NONRESIDENTIAL USES ONLY ON THE GROUND LEVEL) I ,/ i ICI r APPROX. O CATION OF & BIKE \ 1 TRAIL N ATURA L RESERVED CENTERLINE PARKING I �` r .'. P' A� %� ^� I OF CREEK I / AREAS & ACCESS PAR EE KI gq N �� G C- PDD -SP -01 saue: i�eoo . Axe awe. avumAL u\E: iaonm IwPawEOer: w 0 z C� N H 0 N N b AT d4 CD :19 ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -3224 I Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -3224 Page 8 J NOTES: 1. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 5 STORIES ( +/- 66) 2. 100 -YEAR FLOODPLAIN LINE SHOWN ON PLAN 3. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR DESIGNATED PARKING AREAS 4. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR BUILDING SITES (IDENTIFIED AS P.B.A.) 5. REFER TO'PROPOSED USE" LEGEND FOR BUILDING SITE USAGE 6. ALL BUILDING SITES, PARKING AREAS AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS WILL BE ARTIFICIALLY LIT 7. OPEN SPACES AND CONSERVATION AREAS INCLUDE AREAS IN AND AROUND THE FLOODWAY AND COURTYARDS AROUND BUILDINGS 8. GREENWAYS INCLUDE TRAILS AND PARKWAYS 9. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR STREETS AND ACCESS 10. THERE ARE NO PUBLICLY DEDICATED PARKS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN 11. THERE ARE NO SCHOOLS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN 12. THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THE 10' HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL IS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN. LOCATION WILL VARY WITH FINAL DESIGN 13. THERE ARE NO PROPOSED BUFFER AREAS 14. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT MAY BE PHASED. INDIVIDUAL PHASES SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS 15. EXISTING TRAFFIC CIRCLES SHALL BE MODIFIED TO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT FIRE TRUCK TURN RADII AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADJOINING PHASE 16. MINIMUM HEIGHT FOR PRIMARY USE BUILDINGS IN THE MULTI - FAMILY AND MIXED USE AREAS SHALL BE 2 STORIES. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND ADA ACCESSIBLE DWELLING UNITS MAY BE ONE STORY. COMMERCIAL ONLY BUILDINGS IN THE MIXED USE AREA MAY BE ONE STORY 17. MINIMUM DENSITY IN THE MULTI- FAMILY AREA SHALL BE 15 UNITS PER ACRE OR 40 BEDROOMS PER ACRE, WHICHEVER IS LESS. MINIMUM DENSITY MAY BE CALCULATED NET OF NATURAL AREAS RESERVED AND HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL AREAS 18. MIXED USE AREAS SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM BUILDING SETBACK OF 100' FROM THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY 19. SOLID FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED ADJACENT TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY OR ADJACENT TO A HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL 20. TO QUALIFY AS MIXED USE, AT LEAST 20% OF THE GROSS FLOOR AREA OF THE USES IN THE AREA DESIGNATED MIXED USE ON THE PLAN NEEDS TO CONSIST OF RESIDENTIAL USES ABOVE THE GROUND FLOOR 21. THE CENTRAL DRIVE WILL NOT BE GATED 22. IF STRUCTURED PARKING IS PROVIDED IN THE MIXED USE OR MULTI - FAMILY AREAS, THE GARAGE WILL BE SCREENED FROM THE RIGHT -OF -WAY BY ANOTHER BUILDING OR BE DESIGNED TO BE COMPATIBLE IN MATERIAL AND DESIGN TO THE PRIMARY BUILDINGS WHICH ARE ADJACENT TO IT 23. SIDEWALK STYLE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS NOT TO EXCEED A WIDTH OF 5 FEET WILL BE PROVIDED FROM PARKING AREAS AND ACCESS AREAS TO THE 10' HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL 24. COMMERCIAL AND MIXED USE AREAS WILL MEET THE NON - RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS CONTAINED IN SECTION 7.9 OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR BUILDING PLOTS WITH BUILDINGS IN EXCESS OF 50,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET IN AREA, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS ORDINANCE S)TE VICINITYMAP T9. OWNER 1NE GOVETUL coNPFnIEs A sso inBanW Rorn, aurtE mi TNENS. cEOncw soeos corrtACr m DAVe wuu�r rEL ra.fmsl>t�i -0io FA%NO. APPLICANT/DEVELOPER IR55N Hmuw 1510 N. DILW D NNEA AVENUE uNBMG 41fi00AN �BBBB COI/TACf. 1� IN MOGMW F�A.< ND ISiij iPJ�.1iu CIVIL ENGINEER arn[raasn,wone.SOCUTES. ue. nim PAracExrnu owre, swTE Imo oAUaa, TElfA4 rss CONTAOT: IO:VIN (N91�Y, P.E TEL. ND.11 FAl! W. ryR)1]BJBm ARCHITECT 09RIEN NIGA950CNTE5, IMG SB104NRVE4f NiLL ROAO.6UIIE tm ON.lA9. TEJ4t9 i6m0 CONTAOT: J 7 051 F.NO.(R) CONCEPTUAL PDD SITE PLAN CAMPUS VILLAGE LOTS 2R & 3R OF THE WOODLANDS OF COLLEGE STATION SUBDIVISION NORTHEAST CORNER OF HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY & WELLBORN ROAD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS APPROXIMATELY 42.56 ACRES O z n z O IV O I-r O W IV IV �Q CD L-w O N a A I 1 1• N N M O N zz W U 7 SO .. - •- E� e lI® ® ®, ®® o p ®0 000 • ������ • • ' , • . lrll 011 - I ':. ' ... ❖P�I�� •�` 1111 I H H IH Irll III �� � \ � ill'`•' ��� ® ®� � � f I � '��' �� / • �0 ,pal, � 6 ?.. � �E��_ y I.`