HomeMy WebLinkAboutChecklist for Evaluating/Remaining/Staying During Hurricane 6u!neal aaolaq yaliMs uMolq aq 146!w ley; slaafgo loop aaMOd ulew ail pallnd pue amen -lno pa_lnoas JO palols noA aneH 'b se6 ulew ail }1O ings noA aneH '01• auoyd ssa.ippy • Aenne unnolq fiu!aq woa} •g lied wag; daax of Jalenn 41!nn pall!1 auoyd ssa.ippy •q 'III x!puaddy aaS i6u!y1o13 pue asnoy ail of lxau pap aq ueo AJessaoau /quo ua iel noA aneH •6 sleoq I!ewS (•san!JJe waols 041 auoyd ssaappy 'e _lade s6uuoow s1! >laayo of uJnlal zsau!a!paw JO s6nap of JO leoq anoA uo waols e lno zsaallays ssoa0 paa ao uoilduosald luaia!}}ns aney noA 00 •8 ap!a o1 ldwalle lou 00) zAlaanaas asua}aa limo lsaJeau anoA Joie!" paloow 1! s! 'wog e unno noA }I '£ -wnu auoydaial pue uo!leaol ay1 �saoop pue sMOpu!M pasodxa woal Mou)t noA op'pauooaew ale noA }i ' El, Aenne annum} panow noA aneH 'uo!lsa6uoa a! } ;e _l1 ale!nalle d!aq of a!q!ssod uagM of alnoa asn a �saoop apislno _lanais Ol 'IIeM zpapaau }! 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Do you have the location and watches and warnings and for control or extinguish fires. telephone number of the nearest instructions from the local EOC? Red Cross shelter posted in your 16. Are you aware of the dangers house? Information will be given 12. Do you have an axe and Wrecking (flying debris) of opening a door over radio concerning available bar immediately available? If the or window on the windward side shelters. Remember that the list house shifts or falls, these tools of the house? Exit on the down- may not include the shelter closest may be needed to open doors or wind side if possible. to your home. to rescue trapped individuals. 17. Are you prepared to evacuate if a. Address Phone 13. Have you moved furniture away required? Take only necessary from exposed windows and doors? clothing. (It is advisable to have Tape windows to reduce the a suitcase packed.) See Appendix b. Address Phone possibility of flying glass. III, Part 5. c. Address Phone 14. Do you know that it is extremely 18. If you have to evacuate at the important to stay inside during last minute, do you know which 20. Do you know that downed electric the storm and not to go out during the lull while the eye is passing? evacuation route to use? Keep power lines are extreme /y dangerous? up -to -date on the best route Do not move or touch them. 15. Do you know how to shut off the by listening to the radio in your main gas valve and to pull the area. main power switch if the house starts to flood? Flooding will a. Use route to extinguish pilot lights and gas may leak. High water can cause b. Use route to shorting of electric lines, which c. Use route to could start fires. It is unlikely