HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Food and Water 1963 MP- 665 1°/A FOOD and WATER ,g. (( ,), 2 4. eVe* .,-;.‘. • 1 `'' . Lv WIN MI 4..• ._...,...•„.... ,... iiii,„ iii t_..",,e. _...., I -- ___ ,__;......._.........,........ ..rod e°. s_...„°a�.c ./' TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY College Station, Texas TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE J. E. Hutchison, Director 6 Contents Introduction 3 Radiation Effects 3 Decontamination 3 Storage Methods 3 1 Emergency Food Supply 3 1 ' Equipment for Cooking and Serving 4 Special Foods 4 J ' Refrigerated and Frozen Foods 5 Water 5 Canning Emergency Drinking Water 6 Warning 6 Food for Infants 6 Example for Food and Water Inventory 7 References 12 E . spool aeliuirs pue saldde `seuEueq `saoleiod se gans spool laad pue gseM •g • 'Poo; / ^^ ^i pa.2exaed pue pauura jjo qsniq .To gseM ;.,^ ^ ''\ • suanq uolaPTpei luanaad oa pooj paaeunurl Mir v'\^ -UO3 2ullpuEq uagM sanol.2 aaggna aeaM • 1 � ? :uopeurw1?1uoaap to spoglaur a1E .2uIM011o,� •pace 4. Zi, lu - uTeluoaap ,(pnpaalla aq louuea leaiu pue 'Xi!A 1De "w"::: .. -o! Ea Aoa sa 1■ p I p iou lllM $ul�oo� seaae paleulutel uoa 10 lenouia-' aaelans age Si uopeulU111UOaaQ UOI1DUIWD3UmQ •uopdwnsuoa aiolaq pairuiuleluoaap aq isnui pooj alp `pool gaTM IaEiUOa ui auioa op salapied isnp 11 •aaenbapu s! pool aqa uo .2uiplas Isaigl wog isnp sluanaad legs uopaaioad / uy •asnp aseaaau! gsil pue uleg 'sinu panes •i(Ilaaeas aaaeM se Arm pules agl u! amog aga saalua InoIIe3 to asneaaq 'spool pauoseas- J(pg2ll apnlaul •9 •salnsaa ,(anfui !Ewan!! Tawnsuo3 s! •adei gaTM papas gaigM 'map a0 Pool pa.iaaoaun uo ,(paaarp allaas pug lulu aliSeld UI padde1M a0 SaaUTe1UOa maul UT salailaed Egdle io eiaq ual(rre inq '2Ur)IUup .TO pasolaua `SUOaaea waded leu!$rao uI alal ag •g 2upra uI aa.iuep aleaaa aou swop pue anpaeo!Pea �urzaaal Molaq iou pue 3 saga aI alleui iou swop aaaeM JO pool g$noaga .SU!SSEd t ap 0L anoge iou `aaeld kip e u► palms ag y Uoneipea runuro •papaau s! uoilaaaoad eaaxa aaolaaaga `sJEluruw pue SuEIUng 01 /quo lnluueg c loll a0 plop 'algrpa i(laaalduroa ag •g aii SARI Euivae j •sappaed Eaaq pue Egdle 'uon •uopEaedaad ao uopeaa2Ialaa ou aiinbag 7 -erpei 1IUU1E2 SUUIUoa inollel anpaeorpe1 gsaid 'sa lgeg pool AIIUTEI alp owl a!d • I S 33JJ3 UO!JO!pDS :pinogs 1(lddns pool ,(aua.Raauaa UV 1 • pogs 2u!Aallaa u! anna SEM durquioq II rem fpddns pool fiaua6JaW3 plaoM 2uiinp eai aaaeS '10H •a1gEITEAE sr .`du! -aeaq II auioalaM asOCI s! pool aoH •slenpinipu! lO •sgluoul 9 01 g aaale sleaw mu! 2uraq -IIaM le1U311.1 aol osle lnq 2ulaq -IIaM lea! L i aaeaoi pue asegaand lO aaep ay iplM spool )hear -s(qd 10 ,Cluo aou auEaaoduii sr pooj •(Cyiligvis i 'pasn s! pogaaui STII1 II ' aaalags 4 ITW 1 j aqa u! -ui lvuo m,ua ui s;aa /Ja.I ssalys pun 'swags sasnva E ,(lddns pool ,(up-11 a uleiu!riu pue aaoas •g .iaysysrQ •sleaui aaenbapE pue sauaiaanu IEpuassa �0 to a .�Pa1MOU1 e puo,(aq 2ulpuIasaapun sanlonu! t 2UTAII aaalags u! '(Iltel aga aol Pool aaenbapy •aaAseq a0 xoq 'hags Xaua.Saauaa uE a. uEaad j •pasn aae ,(alp se suipli aaEldag •purq uo ,(lddns •paadnasip aq ,(U) aaaeM I ,(rp-1 e ap!AOad 01 pool 1Eln$aa aseaaauI • I pur Aararaaaala 'se$ se Bans saa!Aaas 1E17uassg 'Ino - Ilel snoaauep ga!M 1aaael si! uloal salrul Xuutu spogiaw Amon EaaE uE aalluilq pinoa uoisoldxa quaoq -H ud •a2e -liogs pooj snolaas e aaeaaa pup saaanos uonngTaasTp •UOpeUTUteauoa aaelans wan pool ay alddraa pinoa Xauaaaaula leuoPE' d -aid 01 inq pue agog u! sSullaad pue aaaeM mod gl3ea u! Nog 2q) `atgeilEAE lot! s! uleap Il g 'aaaseslp apEUi -uelu 10 IEanaeu f 1'' se gans 'auo 2iq a a0 'sisan2 paaaadxaun aol •asnlaa /(ang luau E Si : gans 'sauo aim! aq ,(EUa ,(aq j •au ii ,(um •llirap UMOP aaleM LISE.M 1)a1r11!T1 7UOa _nod 'g aE aSi1E UEa SalauaiaUlg •aSUalaQ to auauiaaed .pooj 1E1!m!s pue hangs u! 11a03 'a2Egg1a 'aanalal -au 'asualaQ l!nr7 to aalllp aqa sa$an pulp pupil to s..2uiaanoa aplsino anouaaa puE gseM •b flu aE UNVH NO 0003 10 x)ddns AVU -171 v loa 1131VM ONV 000J lGua 5 , taut t (1" , DECONTAMINATION - Remoual of Surface Contamination SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY CORN ROOT VEGETABLES DRIED FRUIT • ,, SOYBEANS SCRUB %�-� &PEEL* & COTTONSEED REMOVE HUSKS o �, Q `v PEAS CABBAGE & LETTUCE a e o� ts40 D a° 7 r/ WASH REMOVE & SHELL ' * OUTER OILY OR STICKY SURFACES %%- LEAVES RETAIN CONTAMINATION * Scrubbing Under Running Water Removes 60 -87% Peeling Removes Remaining Contamination 7. Include special foods for babies or foods 4. Canopener, bottle opener, paring knife, needed for special diets. wooden spoon, fork, measuring cup. 8. Include canned foods in sizes that will serve 5. Disposable plates, cups, forks, knives. the family for one meal, eliminating the problem 6. Waterproof matches. of storing leftovers and preventing waste. Kinds of food suitable for emergency storing 7. Paper towels, napkins. are shown in Table 1. Amounts needed by an 8. Medicine dropper for measuring water puri- 1 adult for 1 day and 2 weeks are shown in Table 2. fier. Table 3 and 4 show a suggested meal plan and market list for 7 days for a family of four adults. 9 Aluminum foil. Double the amount for 14 days. Teenagers need 10. Rubber gloves. more than amount shown in table; younger chil- dren need less. Use available sources of heat to the fullest: 1. Divide a cooking pan into sections with Equipment For Cooking and Serving aluminum foil to heat several foods at once. Cook- ing pans lined with foil lessen dishwashing. In a shelter, it may be necessary to improvise equipment for heating water or for cooking and 2. Heat canned foods in can; punch several serving meals. Adequate ventilation is necessary holes in top or remove top. Focus heat on food if open flame is used. Keep equipment for emer- by surrounding can with a larger can, top 4.. gency cooking and serving readily available. A bottom removed, during heating period. suggested list includes: 1. Small compact heating unit, canned heat Special Foods or buddy burner. There are a number of commercial food cuu- 2. Skillets, other cooking pans. cerns currently marketing multipurpose foods and food kits designed for shelter storage. The port - 3. Chafing dish, candles. able kits are assembled in cartons for sustaining 4 s ` ,ot SP'llt __ _ Tr •DDanos •2uploo3 tug 1nog11M aatuM aagtouu aq 1q2tm sagna tat patial'\i •uaau pamutp aneq tug) spool Airy aza3a3 -3.z t,uo(1 i, auinuttaud ano,( ut s1TOn1asa.z patuuImu1uo3 puu papuaasap 1n0fiu3 aaojaq 33o tugs aaam stolen alviut paiil3 ST 13z3a3 paptnoad `aatum ayes jo (4ddns Caua2aauta uu DMA papp wad 'aanitu3 aamod law smog gg )(plum -oad s�Iuut pilot puu aaual3os aa1uM `aatuag aaauns -ixoaddu ao3 pooj uazo.t3 daa/ film saazaaa3 pooj alp 3o stuatuo3 `aatfags aim' 491 arts Si 1! uag a�ultods aao3aq spooj uazoa �1ooa JO tud •aatiags ut tods 1safoo3 ut a/insaa a101S •ssut2 •aatfags Dill anuaf 01 DIES sI ti SE UOOS su aazaaa3 2uisn 31 ,(Iiutaadsa ',polls JO Isu4q utoa3 a uuiup pooj aqt 'paga 'aanpu3 aaMOd jo 1uana III •g tuanaad o1 saaututuo3 34aud 01 2s1M ST 11 *stout ano3 ao aaag1 aagtouu o1 aaunutuo3 auo wag •afgtssod aatuM 2utanod /q panoaduu si aa1uM 30 1OAEjg SE UOOS su asn puu aatfags 01 spooj patuaaIa3aa •saopo puu atsut afquatsapun dofanap ,(um 1! a3u4 a)1u1 '2utuauM 2u!MOIIo3 sMOiiu amp 3I •I sgiuoui g ,(Dana asn ,(aua.$aama ao3 aatuM a$uut i :MOiio3 a1s1M a1uututti3 01 spooj •atsut tuusuaidun U* aatuM alp uazoa3 puu patuaa2ta33a 3o asn ao3 suopsanns anti Amu autos tug 'papas ,C110p OCT ui:a ,Cagt 31 'asn O1 a3us tau saaumuoa lutayk •31unbapu spooj uazoa j pun painaa6pjab are saau1utuo3 3o sadk1 aati10 puu s2nf mnnaun Diu -3Td 'sap1oq taunb 'sauf ttna,d -smith!' ao3 mum -spooj asodindninm puu pa1uat -u03 aua01S poo$ art saaddots JO saan0D 2up113 - 1133u03 ,(aua2aauta asatia 3o autos g11M ,(fddns pooj 1112p 'mm. s2nf ssu12 puu 3psufd •sasodand Bans anaasaa auindaa aq1 tuautalddns 01 asTM aq ,(um 11 103 papuamuTOaaa Si _TatuM 3o suo1pi2 L aagtouy •aauds 3o mnuquIut u uT pawls aq uua puu steam •,(fsnotnaad pauopuaut aatuM su ,(lgunb autos alp 30 - agnbaa iuuopTa1nu put spooj asodndpfnm asagj aq pinogs 2utgsuMgsfp puu gtaai 2uTgsiuq iuppuq •a4qu41unu 0Slu tau saa1317xo3 puu saapuatxa pooj ao3 aatuM •siuUp 13OS puu saatnf tina3 3o satin su pasn aq uu3 gaTgM 1uatu03 1uuOpUInu 1 1q -uunb a.2au1 2uU0ls Aq taut aq uua spaau pinbif 3o spooj patuatua3uoD •paaots J41sua aq UM puu autos •pouad ,sraM g u ao3 paatnbaa tau uos s,Cup 3o aaquinu uan1S u ao3 suOSaad atom JO Duo -tad lad suo11u.2 uanas •sasodand uottuaudaad p0o3 puu 4upp_gap ao3 ,Cup tad aa11M 3 uoire2 Hug ■ auo jo Tuntu?uTUC u saambaa (1!Aitau (autuapas 01 04 p ■ a2u2ua uosaad u 'aag1uaM atuaapoui u1 •asn 431 a3us sI sappog1nu gtfuaq Aq patsat aatuM -map 9' asn h3ualaauta aO pawls aatuM Imp tuutaod � _ �l 3p -m1 sI 11 •IunInans 103 tsnm u ST aa11M a3us ---) ' BIM /y J ' •a1 sssod su - q. / /l 311114 SE aazaaa3 pooj atp uado 'stpu3 aaMOd 3I '9 c •sa1nutut Mai u ao3 aaiags anuaf of ayes sI II 33110 • 'pooj papa1oad upuigo 01 aaufd 1ua14a3xa uu sT as -zaaa3 pooj 'u0 sutuutaa J 1ptapa1a paptn0ad •g 1 E , It is impossible to purify water against radio- 4. Tablet method activity. Purification against bacteria is necessary Water- purification tablets that release chlorine in some cases, before storage, and in most cases or iodine can safely following an attack. The following methods are purify water. They '-'4 used to purify water: are inexpensive and `' 1. Boiling can be bought at most e).°:. The safest method of purifying water is to boil sporting goods stores ri, it vigorously for 1 and some drug stores. to 3 minutes. To im- If you use water -puri- prove the taste of the fication tablets, fol- I' water after it has low directions on the �' ( � (�� 1 been boiled, pour the package. �� boiled water from one Canning Emergency Drinking Water clean container to an- 1 jars. Pour boiling water into hot -- � / i other several times. Sterilize the j g jars until full. Seal with two-piece closures. Vent- % ° ing takes place during processing when two -piece 2. Bleach method closures are used. Process pint and quart jars for Any household bleach solution that contains 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Allow pressure 5.25 hypochlorite, a chlorine compound, as its gauge to return to zero. Open the cooker. Re only active T rite, - move the jars and cool away from drafts. Water ent, purifies water i processed in this way may be stored up to 1 year. easily and inexpen- T., t Warning sively. Add the bleach solution to the water Water that has been exposed to radioactive in any clean con `rj, fallout after an attack may be unsafe to drink. tainer in which it Ilir This applies to water in open sources, such as can be thoroughly mixed by stirring or If . uncovered wells, cisterns, streams and ponds. Water from wells and springs is safe if the well shaking. The follow- or spring is protected from surface contamination. ing table shows the proper amount of a Food For Infants 5.25 ercent chlorine 'n is a of foods nutritionally Following s list Y ade- solution to add to water. Let stand 30 minutes. quate for the survival of an infant or young child The water should have a distinct taste or smell under 18 months of age, for 2 weeks. The amount of chlorine, if not, add more. This is a sign of may seem a bit high, but without refrigeration, safety. unused portions in any opened jar must be dis- Amount of solution to add to carded each day. Amount of water Clear water Cloudy water Food Number Size 1 quart ( gallon) 2 drops 4 drops Milk, canned evaporated 18 13 or 14 1 gallon 8 drops 16 drops 5 gallons 1 /2 teaspoon 1 teaspoon ounce cans Meats and meat and vege- 14 3 ounce 3. Iodine table dinner combina- jars You can use ordinary household 2- percent tinc- tions, chopped and ture of iodine to puri- strained meats and meats fy small quantities with vegetables 1 of water. Add 3 drops Instant baby cereals 28 ounces of tincture of iodine ready to mix with milk Fruits, strained 13 3 ounces �► to each quart of clear or chopped approximate, / ` water; 6 drops to each jars quart of cloudy water. Stir thoroughly. An infant's water supply should be equal to wi ll at of need amo nt g and cleaning. 6 spoaJds asaag3 •D snoauolia3S!W 4 L '9 Ja;;nq (biddy •o s;e•Ms '£ L sip epo {a6on puo slot .Z L . wnpod •o ;aip opads —pool Agog • L L • pools! UtS Da •D 1oa1"-po0Jg •0 owl! a6uoJ0 •o sa��nl ;InJI '6 S;o3pdD papa •o ;inJd •g sUDBq U88JO •D sapo;a6an •L . s ;nuoad •o s;nuoad 'sou 'sous! 'sped 'WOOS • 9 a'!J woods •o suoi;ouigwo) gsip -uiow •s ua>p!ga pauog .0 ;oaw • i 9 SluSJp ;los •o sa6OJane9 • . pa ;oiodon3 •o spnpoid >,p w puo JII!W •Z Palo '9 pauuo) •o JeloM ' L suoid puo!;ippo paJO;s poop suosiad p 1110;1 puo sop ;uewaaoided a ;oa Mou ;Unowy Jol paaN Aao;UaAUI .1940M pUD pool .aoi aidwox3 SOURCES OF LIQUIDS Your stored water supply iiii° and bottled drinks 0 ..) 4111Wr-- 0 Mid ,.. ...—.„. — ---__-..- Water-packed Water- p fruit `....------- and vegetables Ice cubes and liquids glir stored in undamaged _7 Fresh fruit refrigerator i - it ertifr • . , ■ Z N �..� 4 4. �a , :i ` ! c - " I Water from hot water heater, if clean Table 1. Suggested Kinds of Food for Emergency Food Supply Milk and milk products Vegetable soups Evaporated and non -fat dry milk (Use juices from vegetables for diluting soup.) Powdered cream Assorted cheese spreads Fruit (dried and canned) Applesauce and applebutter Beverages Apples, pears, peaches, plums, prunes Instant coffee, cocoa, tea and tea Asags Berries Soft drinks Fruit - cocktail Flavored beverage powders Pineapple chunks, halves or slices (Dry milk, concentrated and frozen drinks and soups use a Apricots, whole and halves large amount of water. Unless an abundant safe water (Use liquid from canned fruits as beverage.) supply is available, keep use to a minimum.) Meats Fruit juices and concentrates Canned lunch meat Tomato, orange, pineapple, and grape juice Potted meat spreads Instant breakfast drink Corned beef Breads and cereals Sausage, pork, frankfurters, vienna sausage Crackers Canned ham Melba toast Boned chicken and turkey Quick cooking and ready -to -eat cereals Meat soups Date nut bread Salmon, tuna, sardines Precooked rice Main -dish combinations Packaged cookies Spaghetti in tomato sauce Raisin bread Spanish rice Canned breads Chili con carne Corned beef hash Fats and vegetable oils Macaroni and cheese Hydrogenated shortening Beef stew with vegetables Margarine Mixed vegetables (Use only those that do not require refrigeration.) Beans, peas, lentils, nuts, peanuts Sweets Green, waxed, kidney, and lima beans Granulated sugar Black -eye and English peas Marmalade, jam, jelly Peanut and other nut butters Candy bars Assorted nuts Instant pudding and pie mixes Preserves, sirup, honey Vegetables Apple and other fruit butters Asparagus spears Corn, hominy Miscellaneous spreads Carrots, squash, beets Relish, catsup, mustard Irish and sweet potatoes Salt and pepper Sauerkraut Extracts, vinegar Spinach and others greens Bouillon products 8 6 4L (paiapmod) a6oJanaq paJOA °li Z1 spnpoJd uoll!no8 Z1 (4uo;su!) wows AJp 8 l (yu°4su!) °o)O) '°a4 'aa;;oD •sa!y!I!q!ssod 6u!tloo) ;o 4ua4xa puo sa)(4)°Jd AI!wo; o; 6u!pJo))y snoauona)s!W L s6u(ppnd 4u°4sul L uoD s4nN 8 l wn6 'Apu°) poi/ AIa4!u! ;apu1 1°4aw Jo a601)od J06nS s4nu 's4aams 'sjo6n5 •uo!44)4a6!J;aJ °J!nbaJ mu op 4°y4 spu!JI aJO4S •alq!ssod 444d L Jo 6uploo) ;o 4uapxa uo spuadap 4unowy punod L o4 do s1!o a19°4a6an puo s4° j Z 1 u°o swap paloq peuuo 4L mow L a6o pod Jadod pa)Ioo)un L L I°4aW e6opod 1ou!6!Jp yoa- o4 -Apoaa (spunod L -S) spoo6 s6utAJas 9S-Z4 s6u!AJas 4 -£ paJloq puo sloaJa) 9 J°I• 4n°nIJanos 'sao4owo j 9 ogwnf 9 mow y!ni; pa!JO punod L 8 L UOD sa)!nl puo 4!nJ; Jay40 punod z/ 9 Jot. sa)!nl SZ 01 4!nJ; Sn(4!) pauuoD 4 £OE 9 J °f sauJay) Jnos 4 OOE s6u!AJas s6u!AJes puo sa!JJaq pauuo z /4 Z 8 L uo) sdnos algo4a6an S L 9S 4 -mew pasuapuo0 4 )(u)(d L sa19o;a6an puo s4!nJ j 4 10A0 t 4 °D 1 4 L (peuu°) L z /t AII°!)Jawww IIy) L /t L b /t 8 1 u°D Spam) puo sa19oya6an s6u(nJaS JagwnN 'maw ;o saJn4x!W :sa!1ddo uoD sdn) 4L dn) t pa!Jp 's°ad A !IoJeua6 6u!mo1Io; ayj •4y6!am poo; 8 L U °0 paup 'su°a8 puo >flnq 'edA4 uo spuadap s6u!AJes ;o 8 1 u°0 JO JO AJyinod JagwnN •s6u!AJas ;o Jagwnu )!;reads L L u °0 ys(d o wo4uo) AII°nsn saz!s uo pJ °pu °45 8 uo� s6u!AJas 8Z s6u!AJas Z maw syuai°n!nba Jo ;DOW 4Z 1°yaw JO xo8 (paJapmod) sa6oJana43 SJ°( a)uno -9 Omj pa4JOSS° 'sp°aJdS sip! a)uno -L omj asaayo UMW) paJapmod sponb 41 L sdn) 4 - s4Jonb 5 = Jau!oyuo) punod-1 aup (ua.pi!y)) �I I!w kip 4° ; Z 1 Ioyaw ;I s4Jonb 4 L sdn) yJonb L = u°) a)uno -4/ aup (sJa6ouaa;) ponb L = su°) a)uno -9 aaJyj 9 uoD s4Jonb L sdn) L s4)npoJd )II!w pay°JOdon3 (s4lnpo) AJ!°p puo JII!W •(Jau!O4uo) uo s6u!AJas ;o Jagwnu syIuoyy Jau!°4uo) adAj sleep". Z Aop L an(6 Anonsn spoo; pauu°) All °!)JawwoD) pool •Jau!°4uo) Jad s6u!AJas ;o JagwnN aw!4 0613J04s wnw!x°W papaau 4unowy Arldng pool aIuased Lof apino •Z anol >. 'a d 0) • 0 d 0 N iii 7, I a �e a R d t ° a a) o y V d d E m m c m o d -1 `o LI 0 -0 Y N c 0 N d c d N V ` a) a E N V d F ` d o d a 1e d .c ` °o z d ° d o Y d ? d o d 0 .a c . " 0) V ' 0 '? !' a) 'a at 2 t °• 01 d m 3 a o 3 o v a) o c 4 a 0 5 c o o s a c C 4'), o c a. > a c, v > o c •a a> 0 al 0 a d a 'a d d d d 'C d y) y d o of x .le x m '^ a E O E m 2 0 x m a a o * m L. i a. " d '' v v o c m "6 * m i 4.^. V o o N ` a o N a. N .a r d >. ° d 0 ' 0 . 0 'o Y 'a .a V - O .` a) a d >. °' P. • d r a ) 4 m V d a a) " E a N v Y Y Y a d , al A c L °. m a o ° d • ° 3 N a N ° N y C C ` d r E a) S ON E d • L d N a 6 d ° d E O 7 Of ° d ° O O) 2 N W > o > > .. .a a 2 al a ' E ° m a 3 1 s c o a 0 o N O 0 0 _a N o r d o 3 - o d N a o 0 r a d C 6 .° d d N d d c a d > O d d O y o C E d D. 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N N ' 0 7C' m - ° m . t 0 O 0 0 0 t0 ° • 0 10 m m I° 3 M 3 N y T D Q. 3 N 3 £ Z -• o m CO m ; F �" m 7e• . e e N 0 N N S 3 m c v o 0 30 T m 0 3o s me sm3 nm N g e o � m 03:t"?z N 5)G12R 07 c o O °' m Q m m a 3 „ o m - ° ° o t'. A it ° a v v 3 3 3 0. 3 333. • ` . o m .<.<ae s 3°• ° m S3 c' ' > >a .1 To m� m m m ° ° ° ' ° ° A ? . °. u e . C °- p° °. •„ -, C o 3 0 O Q 0 D• Q• C C o C N p C C v m C ° S -0 a•e. 2F2- „y3" N 0 kL �. m 3 3 ° o o o o m � N o o c a- o 3- 0 mm N N N N ° o v 0. m' o °. � m E E. m m Q. D og ' 71'; e o 3 3 m '° ,° o m 'o 0 m° I D 3 0 t° 0 O D a m m m A a , N N 0 3 e ° 3 S . n 'o °• • o a a: ° x o a N ° N 0 _ '° me 0 ' I'D a N 3 m X u'. 0- 0 ma C m O) .- 3 0 3 D Z a -. W -. -.-.0.N).) ...o -4 -o.•...-. ..•+ °. NN A A A N IA A•• - +•+N SAN C O O O O G o m ' N 3 - W N O. D o N co m m 1 v v CO — — maoa m o C O mvC070 m— ZZZZZ ZZZ — ZZZZ O O 0 N N° -IOC O 7 0 3° 0 % ' O O O O O 0 0 0 ° ° ° O C W 0000 • nn °° 3 C C N 3 0. 3 m° ,. ° ' Q N 0 N Q C W W ,02_7 0 0 C C N W W N N t0 t0 m 0 0 N �Q,,,•O - ' ° 0000 t0 0 ° 00 , 1. 4 O A m m o 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 W W W N. N M C ) f. W n m G 0 ' + c . ° . 0 0 0 0 0 w . 0 ' ° n 0 0 0 3 N y —% 3 0 3 m n m O ° 0 N w u u N 0 a Q A 3 3 0 • ° to t° m m N • f4 1 References What's New in Home Economics, April 1962. "Survival Through Planning, Action and Training." • Forecast for Home Economics, November 1961. "A Plan for Survival." USDA Family Food Stockpile for Survival. Home and Garden Bulletin No. 77. Personal Preparedness in the Nuclear Age. Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense, No. SM3 -11. Texas on the Alert. Office of Civil Defense and Disaster Relief. If Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A &M University and United States De- partment of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. 75M -6 -63.