HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaking hydrogen fusion feasible challenges 1980Makin g ragen ftision feasible h Y d challenges scientists, engineers Second of two articles By DAVID F. SALISBURY Christian Science Monitor LIKE PROMETHEUS, the legendary fire- bringer, a group of researchers is trying to harness the celestial fire - hydrogen fu- sion - that powers the sun and other stars. But while they are optimistic that control of this process is within their grasp, they are not certain they can transform successful laboratory experiments into an economically attractive source of electric power. These researchers are beginning to ap- preciate the tremendous engineering chal- lenges that will be involved. For the past year, the International Atom- ic Energy Agency has been conducting an assessment of these engineering require- ments. According to one of the participants, Weston M. Stacey Jr. of the Georgia Institute of Technology, the conclusion is that "there is an awful lot of development and engineer- ing to be done, but it is do-able." THE IAEA REVIEW concentrated on the mainstream of experimental fusion technology, which is embodied in a class of devices called the tokamak. This is a ma- chine in which magnetic forces confine the hot hydrogen gas in what amounts to a doughnut-shaped magentic bottle. When heat- ed to 10,000 times the temperature of the sur- face of the sun, the hydrogen atoms fuse to- gether to form helium, releasing tremendous amounts of energy. -,ate this ?r.-:..nsun;ing more energy than is produced by the fusion reaction itself, a special type of mag- net is required. This is a "superconducting" magnet, which carries electrical current with virtually no resistance when cooled to within a few tens of degrees of absolute zero (minus 273 degrees•Celsius). For fusion power plants, superconducting magnets must be developed that can gener- ate magnetic fields twice the intensity of those achievable with present technology. WHILE THE OUTLOOK for supercon- ducting coils that generate a constant magnetic field seems good, the same can't be said for the coils that would generate the pul- sating magnetic fields needed to control instabilities by which the hot fusion medium tends to escape its confinement. Radiation damage to the walls of the reac- tor vessel also is an important engineering consideration. High-energy radiation from the fusion reaction weakens metals and causes them to become radioactive. To be economical, the reactor lining must be de- signed to last four to five years and then be rerr l i ? ,,'<<ti%ely easiiy by re- mote control. Today, about the only available material that is suitable would be stainless steel, ac- cording to Stacey. Yet it suffers more from radiation damage than other, more exotic, materials. Niobium and vanadium, for instance, with- stand radiation better and also become less radioactive than stainless steel. Unfortunate- ly, materials such as these also are rare and Fem. touch?s on a tokamak - Monitor photo expensive. Set the material used for the reactor verse has a major bearing on envi- ronmental art social questions. One of thenain advantages of fusion over fission poweris that it involves less radioac- tivity. Yet th; is a potential advantage rath- er than an artomatic benefit, said John P. Holdren of he University of California at Berkeley, wh has analyzed the environmen- tal implicatins of present design concepts for the fusion:)ower plant. CURREN'IPLANS for tokamak plants use lithium,either as a coolant or to gener- ate tritium, t,e radioactive form of hydrogen that would beused as fuel. This liquid lithium would be thelargest source of stored energy in such a reator, Holdren said, and a lithium fire well mayrepresent the "maximum hypo- thetical acci(--nt." The fusion specialist has made a preliainary study of possible "worst case" accide.ts that would release radioac- tive materialrom tokamaks of several possi- ble designs. In a fusionreactor, the amount of radioac- tive matter hat would exist in a volatile form is only <small fraction of that typically found in a fiston reactor. A lithium fire, how- ever, can be tot enough to melt the metal in the reactor s,ucture. This could release any radioactive laterial trapped there. Conse- quently, the "worst case" of a release of radioactive raterial from a stainless-steel fu- sion reactor is estimated to be a sizable frac- tion (about three-fourths) of that estimated for a fission reactor, in terms of radioactivity released per megawatt of capacity of the reactor. On the other hand, second- or third-genera- tion fusion plants, using "advanced" materi- als and with reduced tritium inventories, could have "worst case" releases one-tenth to one-hundredth that of first-generation plants, Holdren believes. IN THE CASE of radioactive waste, fusion plants begin with a considerable advan- tage over the breeder reactor, the fission reactor that "breeds" more nuclear fuel than it consumes, the scientist has calculated. Per unit of electricity generated, the first-genera- tion fusion plant would produce only one-fifti- eth of the waste produced by the breeder. And advanced fusion plants could be even more waste-free, generating one ten-thou- sandth the amount of radioactive byproducts as the breeder did. Achieving fusion's full environmental advantages depends on realizing the benefits of these advanced designs. This may prove to be considerably more difficult than the present problem of making fusion work in the laboratory. For, perversely, the approaches to control- ling fusion that now seem closest to technical success are among the least attractive possi- bilities from the environmental standpoint, Holdren said. To forego the earliest possible commercialization of fusion power in favor of realizing its full potential will be expensive in time and dollars, he said. But he believes it to be the proper course. Another group that sees environmental and social problems with current fusion technol- ogies is the utilities. "Public acceptability is of primary importance," said Clinton P. Ash- worth of Pacific Gas & Electric Co. He is deeply disturbed by the direction taken by the U.S. Department of Energy's fusion pro- gram. In particular, he and a number of col- leagues in the utility business are concerned about the concentration on a few, large-scale technologies such as that of the tokamak in the drive to show that controlled fusion is possible. < ]E ARE LIKELY to end up with fu- sion reactors that are well tested but totally unacceptable," Ashworth warned. The large scale of current designs is the utility expert's major objection. Driven by design and cost factors, federal engineering studies have envisioned giant fusion plants with 3,000-megawatt capacity and each cost- ing almost $5 billion. "These are far too large to be of use," Ashworth said. There are alternative fusion concepts that have been given low priority in the federal ef- fort that could result in smaller and more ac- ceptable power plants, he said. Pacific Gas & Electric, with the Electric Power Research Institute, has chosen one such concept to sup- port. And the nuclear industry is attempting to organize itself to influence the course of the federal program. Meanwhile, some fusion researchers and influential congressmen are convinced! that a demonstration fusion reactor could come on line as early as the 1990s., Putting finishing