HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Disaster Shelter Brochure 195889-B-IQOZ 'Vt6i 'OE aunp pm: 'papuawe se '6IGI 'B ~eW 3o ssaaHaop ;o shay ayy ;o aausaay;m; vi pa~ngw}s~Q •Sul~eaadooa azu~ •Inai~Bd ;o ~{vawa,[edaQ sa3e1S Pallufl pue wa7s6S a;tallo~ 'A'9 'd sway ayy 'sa~mouoo~ awog puu azn~lnaw~y ul ~.ioM uo~sualzg aniae~arloo~ StlX31, 'NOI1V1$ 331100 '2J01~3MIQ 'NOSIHOI(1H ~3 3~Ina3s NOISN3J.X~ -]e~n1-ln~l~~b' StfX31 `t'~ ~M ~ ~ ~ r ~Nr ~~~~i , I ",1 ! ~ ~ uia;sdg a~allo0 'I4I ~ 'V sgxay i ~aaui~u~ 1ro.inlYnaz~GV uopsua~x~ m xsz~V 'S I~ ,~'r,~~, ~ ~fq pa~us,~V ,~'4: ' t , ~ u~+ tl . n . i`~ d l 1 i~.~ W S r - „vs. ~y ,..fM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •pa1►nbai ss Zulsd 8uyoo,~daalsm so ilsydsV . ,~isssaaau se a~1M uaalas pus slisu `saButV ~N~ i duo[ ~I-puno,i «8 :Y~r; (lsll►uls ao allsusrl) adld i 8uol ~8 SkS 8xZ `iaqum~ I •ad i 8uo[ Ai SYS 8xti `iagwn7 i . i • •sad pi ~uol ~L galsui ialuaa ,~9x«T `.iaqum~ i saes ~ ~Guossut `;uawa,~ ti,~ y ,'f , ~ ~ 'q[ OOi`i ~auq 1o s,lap(mq `puss ~ f~. 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Where the water ing can be accomplished by installation of the leaflet along with information on how to stock table is high, part of the cellar can be above the and coating the blocks with asphalt or a water- s tornado rushing directly toward your home. general level of the ground as shown. Then proofing paint as shown in the details. The the the cellar with emergency provisions. Upon ad- Where would you and your family go for pro- earth is piled around and over the cellar to give drain must be adequately drained to a seepage ~ vice of building materials dealers, county agents the rotection from winds the same as complete pit or carried to an outlet to make it effective. tection. Many Texans have experienced this and other specialists, you can modify this plan p and other disasters from time to time. A safe to suit your needs if they vary from the specifi- place is necessary in both rural and suburban cations shown. These suggestions can make your Safety Feature S areas. A good storm cellar can be built by you storm cellar more convenient and usable for and your family without special skills and with other purposes. Adequate ventilation is necessary in a storm that it will open easily. Tools to aid in removal cellar. All vents should be equipped with sliding of debris that might block the entrance should doors that operate from the inside. These doors be kept in the cellar at all times. Electric power, should be checked periodically to make sure water and sewer connections usually are not L o e a t i o n o f a D i s a s t e r Cellar that they open and close freely. The door should made to the storm cellar since they often fail Since tornadoes generally move from south- wall, large trees or other debris will not block be constructed as shown and properly fitted so during a tornado or similar disaster. west to northeast, the storm cellar should be the entrance. Select swell-drained site which located southwest of the house. Its entrance can be landscaped to harmonize with the home 0 t h e r U S @ S should face northeast. The cellar should be lo- surroundings. toted far enough from the house that a falling Many storm cellars are designed for multiple SUGGESTED FOOD SUPPLY FOR YOUR uses. In some cases they are used for vegetable DISASTER SHELTER storage. Since most tornadoes occur in April, Design and Construction ~ May and June when the supply of vegetables The following list provides food for one per- usually is exhausted, this combination works son for 7 days. You may vary the quantities to Storm cellars should be strong to withstand The size cellar to build depends on expected Well fit your family numbers and needs. the impact of falling debris. The cellar also use. For an extended period of comfortable oc- Check your pantry at least once a month, pre- should be watertight, economical and relatively cupancy, allow about 10 square feet of floor ferably more often, and rotate regularly. Bot- area per person. When the cellar is filled to tled water must be changed every 6 weeks. easy to keep, Cast-in-place concrete, precast con- capacity for a short time only, each person will SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT FOR THE crate or concrete masonry meet all of these re- DISASTER SHELTER MILK: Powdered nonfat dry, one package; eva- need at least 2 square feet of standing room. porated, 2 cans (141/2 oz.). quirements. The plan in this leaflet shows the The cellar shown in this plan is the smallest correct construction steps for a concrete ma- size recommended for a family of six and in- Fire extinguisher JUICES: Tomato, one can (1 qt. 14-oz.) ; or- sonary storm cellar with acast-in-place top. dudes space for storage of emergency supplies. Shovel ange, one can (1 qt. 14-oz.) ;grapefruit, one Windup clock can (1 qt. 14-oz.). One sheet FRUITS: Peaches, one can (11b. 14-oz.) ;pears, M a t e r i a l S Pick one can (1 ]b. 14-oz.) ;dried prunes or apri- Folding cot cots,l pound. The floor, roof and steps are of cast-in-place since the corners are guides for the rest of the Water in jugs VEGETABLES: Tomatoes, two cans (16-oz.) ; concrete. Cast-in-place concrete should be made wall. A line stretched between the corners Three or four cans of canned heat peas, two cans (16 to 17 oz.) ;corn, one can of quality materials. With average aggregate, serves as a guide for the intermediate block. Jellied alcohol stove (12 to 161/2 oz.) ;green beans, one can (151/2 the mix should contain at least 6 sacks of ce- If the wall is long and the line sags at the ten- Waterproof matches in tin box oz.), ment per cubic yard of concrete. If concrete is ter, lay the block near the center to hold up Can opener SOUPS: Assorted, four cans (101/2 oz.). job-mixed, use the following proportions; 1 part the line. Candles MEATS AND MEAT SUBSTITUTES: Beef cement; 21 Many techniques are used to place mortar for Battery radio stew, one can (1-lb.) ;salmon, one can (1-Ib.) /4 parts sand; 3 parts gravel. the joints. One method is to spread a strip of Paper supplies or tuna, two cans (6 to 7-oz.) ;spaghetti and The steel should be rust free and positioned mortar along the face shells of the block. The Games for children meatballs, one can (1512 oz.) ;baked beans, near the center of the slab. only mortar placed on the block being ]aid is put • Covered pail one can (1-]b.) ;cheese, one small jar; peanut The masonry units shown are of the light- along the end-face shells. The finished joint Flashlight with extra batteries butter, one small jar. weight aggregate type available from materials after each block is leveled should be 3/8 of an One blanket CEREALS: Ready-to-eat, 7 (individual-serving dealers throughout Texas, They should be laid inch. A tooling iron or grooving tool run along Two large towels pkgs.). in a mortar consisting of 1 part masonry ce- each joint before the mortar has hardened tom- Jack knife CRACKERS-COOKIES: One box. ment and 3 parts sand. Enough mixing water pacts it. Paper plates and cups BEVERAGES: Instant coffee, one jar, or in- is added to obtain a workable mortar. Doors may be made of marine or exterior Sauce pan stant tea (2-oz.) ;one jar or instant (1-oz.) Always lay the block for the corners first. type plywood. Use sound lumber for headers and Old newspapers cocoa, one package (1-lb.). Each block is leveled carefully and plumbed other wooden members, First aid kit SOFT DRINKS: 12 bottles.  I~