HomeMy WebLinkAboutFallout shelter discussion 09.22.1960~ ~ y i Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 22,1960 THE BATTALON Tech Goin Full ~ ~ e ~ 's r ~~"•'wX Yu r1~ ~k~ t y ax ~ ~c, Speed for Past ~ n~,Nr ort us ~ f ~ t res men ®®t ~3 a Two Scrlm~nages # x 4~ y: - Y ~ ; By The Associated Press x ' ~ LUBBOCK -For the second , ; t „r r ~ ®rt or 1 r ~t e e straight afternoon, Texas Tech's ~s"~~,Y: a e ~ 1 ~J scrimmage went full speed both of fensively and defensively. r~ „ ~ ~4~ ~ Some 40-add freshmen football Among the top linemen are end David Blackerby, T, 205, White- Ray Kubala, C, 230, West _ _ The Raiders make their South ~ { ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ar west Conference football debut as ~ t t k fi • ~ ~ a ~'m ~u 0` ~ a~' div ~ o; hopefuls greeted Coach Travis Kenneth Bode of Brady, center Ray Wright Dickie Kubecka, E, 176, Palcios ~ , a member Saturday against A&M ~ ~ t a~ (Shorty) Hughes this week as the Kubala from West and Bobby Ev- Kenneth Bode, E, 185, Brady Raymond Kubesch, QB, 17y Gar- ~ ` ~ ~ 1`. ` k B 193, Harlin en wood at College Station. x , Fish officially opened practice. ans of Thorndale. Eloy Cabaza, g n ri~ ~ ~ g'4t I Although the first freshman Coach Hughes is beginning his Ronnie Carpenter, QB, 210, Mar- Ross LaGrange, E, 208, Rio3rande Coach DeWitt ti`'eaver said he ~ ~ ~ ; was pleased with the offensive SN game isn't until Oct. 5 with the first season as freshman coach. shall City 9~ ~ 1 TCU Wogs, the team has endured Before coming to A&M last spring, Jimm Clark B 169 Whitewri ht Jim Linnstaedter QB 170 Bren- showing, displeased with the de- ~ ~ N ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ xr ~ y s , > g , , a~ r. n 2wi e x,"~.~~ t ~k 4~.s+.bsy M A',~ ~ '~Aw,y . fensive. He said fullback Coolid e • xt>'~`$~~ ~ $ a ~ ~,"sa ~ heavy workouts since Monday. Hughes racked-up an impressive Mac Compton, C, 190, Henderson ham g a s ~ a; a, ~ a~ Although this year's crop of Fish record at Deer Park High School James Craig, T, 210, Jasper Terry McLeod, G, 195, Jaspr Hunt performed well on offense. ~,:y,'. ~ ~ - isn't quite as heavy as last year's, where his teams lost but one dis- Larry Crutsinger, E, 185, Brown- Steve McGrath, E, 191, Lihrty jSenior Dan Gurley, an intended - - ' there are still 12 men that go over trict game in eight years. wood Larry. Morrow, T, 185, Koffman starter at halfback, will miss his ~ RalTlbhrig 200 pounds. Hughes is ably assisted by Gale David Duncan, G, 190, Jacksonville Buddy Oakes, B, 205, Houton second game due to a torn liga- Sam Byer, No, 1 sophomore fullback, gets workout as the "best of the week and much pent in his left foot. Probably the brightest spot in Oliver, Joe Munson, Buddy Payne Tommy Ecker, E, 190, Amarillo Jack Pascavage, G, 230, Teas City 1 off to a full steam start in yesterday's prat- better than TUeSrltay S drill, ~ • this year's freshmen is the fine and Robert Sanders, Bobby Evans, B, 215, Thorndale Phil Peter, B, 19G, Houston ,Weaver said the only lineup t1Ce SBSSlOri. COaCh Jjm 1tilyerS lauded the crop of backs. During last spring's 1960 Jim Fa17is, B, 190, Houston Travis Reagan, B, 166, Wihita F. cl}ange will be Fred Weaver at recruiting Coach Jim Myers said A&M Freshman Football Roster Wayne Gent, C-G, 195, Kaufman Richard Rice, B, 178, Kendy stiarting guard instead of Ed • that he had three of the top backs David Anderson, End, 184, Corpus Eddie Hall, QB, 180, Dickinson Jerry Rogers, B, 210, Corps C. Strickland. ~ Cons®lidated Team m the state. He was speaking of Christi George Hargett, B, 165, Linden Robert Sullivan, T, 210, Lagvlew ~ w® Jim Linnstaedter of Brenham, Jer- Curtis Barbay, B, 184, Pt. Arthur David Hill, C, 198, Amarillo Mike Swan, G, 206, Athen: r ry Rogers of Corpus Christi and Pat Barton, E, 195, West Larry Holm, B, 198, George West Allan Weiss, T, 215, TexasCity 11I~®~S `Pflddling'I • Travis Reagan of Wichita Falls. Gary Bennett, T, 210, Galena Park Mike Inlow, B, 173, Arlington Johnny Williams, B; 150, Camas C. j ~ See ACtI®~ ~ s Week Doug Johnson, E, 206, Irving Jim Wood, G, 180, Phillip; Clyde Jones, 190, B, Hallettsville Charles Woodward, QB, B7, Al_ actin ~lnhappy By RUSSELL BROWN Wright and junior varsity squad- Coach Logan will probably go Intran~.ural Plans Johnny Kolacek, T, 218, G'. West bony. Battalion Sports Writer man Irvin Todd will run at the with a lineup reading Bob Adams, By The Associated Press ~ halves and so h R4ek Owen will 170 senior and Larr Randol h 155 The A&M Consolidated Tigers ~ p y p FORT WORTH -The piddling run from fullback, Johnny Krenit- junior at ends; John Litzler, 170 • • two gridiron elevens see ft~l ac- Nlklta WOn,'t uej~ a ound of TCU's alternate unit on lion this week as the varsity Ben- .sky, Byron Pruitt and Sidney~At- senior, Alex Quisenberry,-205 sen- ~'~a ed b ~eleh p d fense W2~lnesday left Coach Abe gals journey to Giddings Friday water will also see plenty of ac- ior, or Mark Luther, 190 senior at pp J b actin unhappy as the Frogs pre- and the "B" team Maropn sand lion. Todd has been relegated to tackles; George Outlaw, 140 senior p red for their intersectional game Rrhite treks to Navasota tonight. the "B" squad after failing to meet and Bob White, 180 senior at By LARRY SMITH be given three throws and the best A I ~ th the University of Southern „ „ seholast~c ltequii' ext guards- and Chatll~' Ro~bed~+170 S® Picks ~®11e The B squad, composed of ' Assistant Sports Editor throw will 'be declal•ed the- winner. 11J 111. 111 1lJ C ]ifernia Saturday night at Los In the main attraction the vat- junior at center. The best team avers e will be de- geles. n freshmen, sophomol~and~;~S~in- sity Bengals will attempt to make In the first meeting of the nth- g ;1+. kling of juniors, will be out to re- a jumbled-u~lbackfie,; the dared the team chain ion. There By WILL GRIMSLEY terback to replace Dan Mredith. `Another ~^ame like some of on it two in a i•olt~ agtairst t~Le 20~AA , letic officers. yesterday, Barney p ~ y venge their older bro~iers 1~ de- starting assignments could fall any Welch, intramural director; made Fill also be individual winners. NEW YORK - Since the Rus- Michigan State 19, PitEsurgh 7: k s played~agaiPilliL'fKa'~sas last • Buffaloes in Giddings., Butterfly Added ! ' sans claim the game tof, "futbpl" ~'he S artans ma, be the bst team n feat at the hands of • he Ratt ors m one of three way~ .Cony ugh, P Y w ek he told the alter to team, ~hipgs ;100} l,~ title-wise for plans and explained,, chances for l~ the two clubs seas ppe he ~ " • 175 senior will quaPterbaclihile ' r orals. After last year's, misunderstand- had its Mirth in.the Soivet,Union, In the Big Ten, w h i c his good « nd you'll }xe sitting ~i the bench „ 9 ~ the Buffs, playing m the same con- the eomin~ year of nit sin s tr k the'bu to ~ We thou htvt;a, odd idea td;6ave enou •h: Tiger B eleven has droj5p its John P digot,150 senior and Cyril ing of the brea is o ti, t r g g g th rp ~ onl decision this r, a -3 - ' tp fe tnc@'.ivith therTay, or Du~ks, rat•f Pl A new sporE has been"added this f(y stroke has been added to the premier Khrusllchev, a visitor h2re ~til - S racuse, 38 $nston < ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~lrkel,' 65r `7unlor> will rl~' the y ~d number too an =th~ pieseasod Th~" ~es-has>=on defense al- the pre(lo.,minantly junior-senior halves and Frztik Ha ]er 170 sen- yearfor the k'A'eshlneD;,the Softball. intramural swimming program: t)lis week; lelkl, a hand ,with the U' 7; Yale 21, Connecticul0; Rut- AA rating. Elgin, moving up from g ' t t ough t first and ~econd units B squad fFpm Huntsville ior will run fullback. Ho vet if. throw., Eacl_ outfit will get the Sint~tl►e butterfly is such a=tY~9ng Weekend,. grid sele~tdpns. gQrs j4; Princ¢to 12' Pao$11C33, n 4:. ~ y - . ~ " `'clkss A,' ~y~,'Georgetownr,~with 11 , ~ ' b st thr e men,to be entered the r~ „ ~ ~~~r~l s e t alqual. arltount of tlmo Loaches George Johnston and Hagler's ankle injury fails to re- ¢ , ; ~ st~'oke, this event wrll• be Ilimited Nikita said, Nyet, sp we go it Villanova 0; Ar ~ , oeon Col- lish'in their own la s Barrie lettermen could also cause the Bi- p g p y • g Art Bright Will open? with five sons T spond by Friday, Jim McAf e soph e opt which.w4ill b%conducted simi- to{ aii~0 ft. race, This year th~~g alone: lege;,13. a y in plenty frouule lr~hile Round jl Thursday, the Frogs sophomores, three junior's and three: 150-poundt~' could run in 15 spot 1a to the shoi#~11~~ Eaph rDan; will w~ll be a 400 ft. medley relay in 'Notre Dame 22, California 7: MIDWEST - Michiganl9, ire- ill be in top physical cogclitio q ° Rock is dub ed to occupy the ce~- wh• h,four men ~~ill swim the back- Coach Joe Kuharich's professional goo 8;t 1Visconsi X18, Stafford: 13; the Troy. ~ fl•~~hl>~t~irlt,,an.atmpt n ;'~Ir 1vino y d~ +,Rugh eou~Cll witch tot ~illba 1k ~ ~ . nl stdE'~rmen f'e- ' win colwnn. Sophs Mlke~alliham " and Russell We c , 155 3u 1 ,coo d stroke, breaststroke, freestyle and touch begins to pay dividends. _Gal s Illinois 'll, India 'a" 14; Pti•due 14, turuees. • . and Don Duncan will man the ter- run the ball club from quarterback. TYPEWRIT~rS the butterfly. ,pass defense too porous: UCLA 7; Iowa 18, Oreg~n State r ~r Defense has been the order of 14; Kansas 33, Kansas sate 12; 1111 LL ADJ urinals, juniors Tounny Hughes the week for .Coach Ed Logan's Pugh ran well from fullback I ~ " belch said thaE-quite a few soph- Mississippi 21, Kentucky 0: / and Tommy Taylor will be the lac- I against Madisonville and McAfee omore managers are needed this George Blair and Jim Anderson Nebraska 14, Minnesota 1; ~ f Tigers, as the Madisonville Mus- Rental -Sales kles, sophs Mike Robison and Sid chipped in with the winning TD, year in order to carry on the intro- s ark the nation's No. 1 team to SOUTH -Auburn 14, Zmnessee tangs racked up 295 yards total p 7• North Carolina 14 Nolh Caro- Coufal will hold down the guard offense against the Ben als last Service -Terms mural program. Any sophomores an easy victory. + g The Tigers journey to Crockett C 5 slats and fish Bill White will .be that have the desire to be managers Southern California 13, Texas lino State 7; West Virpnia 20, R~S~`T week. With three game totals now next week for a tilt with the 22-AA 111~~~"' over the ball. are asked to meet with Welch Mon- Virginia Tech 12; Clemon 24, available, Tiger foes have racked DISTRIBUTORS FOR: Christian 7: The Trojans race- Bulldogs before returning home for day, Sept. 26 at 5 p.m. in the In- Wake Forest 20; Georgia l4, Van- ~ In the Tiger backfield freshman up 202 yards per game on the ROyal horse backfield finds its legs their final non-district bout a alert tramural Office. against a formidable foe, derbilt 6; Georgia Tech 21 Rice 7. signal-caller Jay Pewthers will run ground and 66 yard., per tilt on the g New Eligibility Rule SOUTHWEST - Arkaisas 19, the club while freshman Bob air, 10-AAA power Huntsville. and ~ Oklahoma 19 Northwestern 7: Tulsa S; Baylor 21, Corrado 7; ' In the meeting yesterday the ' The Sooners survive with steam - v1CtOT 1 athletic officers agreed to and es- Arizona State at Tempe 7, Nest of hobbled halfbacks and a rugged l; r ~ r Calculators & Addin Machines` tablished a new eligibility rule for Texas 0; Texas A & M ll, Texas y. " r<,t► g the Carps Intramurals. It stated defense. Tech 6. 1 i1 C members of their own outfits. This backfield performers give the Colorado State U. 7; Ar,ona 14, i A T E S that the corps units will use only Texas 14, Maryland 7: Explosive FAR WEST -Air Iorce 20, K rule does not pertain to civilians. ~.onghorns an edge in a tough in- Utah 13; College of Pzific 13, TYPEWRITER'C0. Welch urged all athletic officers tersectional game. Marquette 0; Washington 28, Ida- ~ 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 that did not attend the meeting to Ohio State 20, Southern Method- ho 14; Wyoming 21, Nel Mexico a ry .r w.4 .a ,NCK1'+n5 .'~..'.~,1.. ~.4 J.,x contact him as soon as possible. ist 13: The Texans haven't a quay- 7. ` ' • _ ova. r~r~nALI01V~ GLASSI~'IED - r F BA l l ~OLGER S L~NI~T ON ~ Ib~ c WANT AD RATES OFFICIAL NOTICES FOR RENT FOR RENT ~r).e day 3p per word CHE~S~ SPR~A® Ibe b®X C 2t per word each additional day Clean redecorated furnished garage apart- MARRIED COUPLES. If yu need an Mialmum charge-40~ Official notices must be brought, mailed moot in nice neighborhood, two blocks from apartment or small furnishedhouse, call llEADLINE9 pr telephoned so as to arrive in the Office campus, rent reasonable, phone VI 6.5861. VI 6-7331. ~ 135t4 8 p.m. day before publicatloe ,f Student Yublieations (Ground Floo[ 2t4 Classified Display ti'MC'A, VI 6-6415, hours 8.12, 1.5, daily Two bedroom furnished sprtment, re- 80~ per column inch flonday through Friday) at or before the Furnished apartment one block from decorated, hardwood floors, mple closet L'~~rf6 4 14 0.~ ~,ottl~ C each Insertion deadline of 1 p.m, of the day proceeding campus, utilities paid, $50.00 monthly, TA• space, window fan, the draiuoard. 304 ~ PIIONE VI G-6413 qublication -Director of Student Publican 2-3177. lt4 East 22nd. TA 2-7430. 134tfn FOR SALE bona. Furnished garage apartment. Shower, Small room in brick garage. Also room Ph. D• Language Examination clean, quiet, private. Ideal for graduate fi 'tome. One block South of Drill Field. Q Englander bed springs, $10.00. VI 6•R154. students. Bills paid. $30.00 a month. TA- VI 6.5636. 139tfr, CHILI Wolf Brand rlo. ~ CI~CI ~ / C - 2t7 Examinations for meeting the foreign 2.3359. lt4 langua-ge requirement for the Ph. D. de- One bedroom brick duplex mfurnished 30 ft, house trailer with attached bed- gree will be given Wednesday, Oct. 5th at Unfurnished three bedroom house. One apartment. Central heating, !20 wiring, N room. Ready for occupancy. Ideal for 8;00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. in Roam 1'29, bath and washer connections. 355,00 month- carport, 312 Second St. Phon VI 6-6468. ROya I GELATIN 2 boxes ~ 5C THOA~PSON ~ ~ Academic Buildin Students wishing to ~ married couple, located one mile from take this exami anon should leave the ly' 409 Liveoak St. VI 6-8351 lt4 134tfn A&M Campus. Phone VI G-7775- lt5 F ~ material over which they wish to be ex- Clean, one bedroom furnished apartment, Redecorated furnished apartment. I~ i la FL.O R 5 Ib, ba C Apartment size refrigerator; excellent amined with the Secretary in the Depart 1018 Foster, College Hills, walk-in ch>sets, Screened porch and garage. A7t~, Mont- G M O U ~ ~ ~ ~ moot of Modern Languages not latex than roll-away bed, garage, call VI 6-6266 or Clair. Available September 1St. Call VI• condition, very reasonable. TA 2-4463 after 5:00 p, m. Monday, Oct. 3. Redmond Real Estate Co. Itfn 6.4962 after 5 or any time wekends. 2;, 00~ 4- 6 p. m. 134tfn Department of Modern Languages 134tfn J. J. Woolket, Head Clean, redecorated furnisher] garage " f` Senior booty, Sam Brcwn, Boot Fonts, 135t1D apartment. In nice neighborhood. 2 blocks Large quiet room, near camas, private BRAZOS VALLEY Bart Rack, and accessories. Boot size 9, - mEdium calf. Good shape. Call VI 6-5672 from Campus. Rent reasonable. Phone entrance, bath. VI 6-42x1 134tfn ' after 5. 134tfn WORN WANTED VI 6-5861 it4 < Furnished one or two bedrom duplex's. ATTENTION COLLEGE VIEW COUPLES Nice 2 bedroom furnished ho tse, ideal .Extra nice, reasonable pnce On East - - - Rubber Base paint only 83.96 per gallon Experienced maid wants work, will keep for student and working wife. Reasonable, Gate bus line, at 900 East 30th TA 2.1552 ~rhole ib. C d VI 6-7037 after 6 and weekends. 135tfn or TA 2-3719. 133tfn at CHAPMAN'S PAINT STORE, next to post office-downtown Bryan. 134th children. References. TA 3-2267. 3t2 Unfurnished apartment, four blocks from 8ewiag machines, Pruftit little Shop. ~7~1~ Will keep 3 children weekdays. Playroom, College. Neat and clean. Only $37.50. 98tfn ARM®U R STAR HAMS ~Lj'~ WAl~ l ED balanced noon meal, snack and milk. Con• phone VI 6-0331. 135t4 I _ venient to College. Mrs, Beth Andrews, Air conditioned bedroom, Fivate bath, 906 A Inlow, VI 6-6666. 2t4 Nice furnished house facing College. private entrance, gentlemen prferred. 804 I need juniors in the Corps dorms who E60.00. Call VI 6-"33L 13614 South College, Bryan, TA 3-639. 133tfn 99p TTI~I~ n want to make good easy money in spare TYPING WORK SHANK LB, eT'DQ BU11 LD. 4~Ci t~~~~ time. Contact Charles A. Leonard, Dorm Typing dale in my home on electric Small furnished apartment. Near North 1. For Rent-duplex apartmet 1 Gate. Ideal for two boys who want to 2. furnished and unfurms et 17, Ratm 114. 1t4 typewriter. Reasonable rates, Call VI 6- ~ - - - - , 8400. 217 study and get by cheap. Phone VI 6.7248. '3. one and two bedrooms CENTER SLICE R 89c 1~'CW CCOp DelIC10nS Can you use extra income? We need 135tfn 4. half-way between Bryan tnd College more Tupperware dealers in this area to f HIED CARE Station off College Ave. m Duncan St CC L demonstrate on home party plans. Box 67, Will care for young child one year or Furnished three room apartment. Con- 6. Call TA 2.66'Ll, day. TA ;1786, night. ~ ~ ~ ~ C I~o ~ C College Station or Phone VI 6-4009 135t5 venient to campus. 403 Boyett, Call VI 6- 131t9 Rath Pare Pork older in air conditioned home. 315.00 a 6626 135t[n - week, meals included. Call VI 6.840U af2~7 Two bedroom unfurnished three year l A I (C A/ ~ ~ ~~u ~ Q~ FanC Sept. `l6, old apartment. Stove and refrigerator ~ Jam/,\IVIJ V y SPE(,IAL NOTICB Room wi+h connecting bath and walk- furnished. 6U9 Fast Stmt. VI 6-8150. ///°01\~~ Will care for children in my home, 6 tog distance off Campus. Phone VI 6- - 13Dtfn [~o ~ 11r Experienced and qualified piano teacbor Norton Street. Phone VI fi-6503. lt4 5232. 136tfn ~ Hormel or Swift PremEH~n L `l`„/, ~ )1. resuming lessons. Mrs. Young, call VI 6• Nicely furnished small hose. Nest I _ 6417 or come by 905 B Cross St. lt4 Will keep children in my home fur work- Furnished apartments vritb, utiLt~es, Only Shopping Center, bus, and washateria. BACn ing mothers..Mra. Cooper, D-5-Y College E35.00 and 345.00. Couples only. Walking Trees, Karage. Rent very reaonable. 208 p ~~"~o Our nursery by the hour, day or week. - ltfn distance. Phone VI 6.733E 13514 yV, Duncan. TA 3-6589• 130tfn ~ ~ ~ C 'Crisp Juinbo Children all ages, experienced, have health Vicw card. VI 6-8151. 134110 ~ Nice small house, furnished for couple, Student, apartments North sate, Newly ~ Fresh Jumbo - Infant care in my herte.. Phone tTT 6- only 332.50. P~ one VI 6-7333. 135t4 refurnished.- E26.00 to $95.00, VI 128tfn i ~ ~ ETTj ~ ~ ~ ~ TOM THIJMR NURSERY SCHOOL 7563. - Ages 2~ 5 years. Storytelling, Singing, t•, i rni~hed on= bedroom dup- t t ra 135t5~ Tvopneenanrl:ng throughout, washer ~ i os SH~-~M.~~ ~ Drawing Fay~ng. Opera I Mrs. Ja' Would like to keeu rhilden aces 1-3 m lox ~ Apartment two blocks frm campus. LOn White anne Mahe*. Close to Collc„e. VI 6-4841. my home. Am A+~ ~`e a -nr+ !rave son connections, window fans. 11sn one bed- New bmldm.-, n rely frrn_'ed, walk-in g Reference when requested. 1DDtfn ! 18 months old. 606 A M,ls~n, Collzge ~+a- r + r e win- closets, hardwood, i "ontea drain- Hormel All MCat /A, room nicely u i`the,, hoe K board, venetian blind.,, 220 wring. VI 6- ---------"T"-r- ~ lion, VI6-4996. 1~Stfn dow fans. Be w~.cn 1'ryan and College. rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~jj Fdsc±rolux Palos and urn...: G. C. TA 2-6927 or kB 7-6241. 134tfn 7248- 117tfn 1L~/ I ~ ~ T ~ ~ p, Wllliame. TA 3-6600 90tfn Why wart until last mimtte to get your ~o ~ ,14 ~ -1 ~ z- ~ Theses reports, etc. to Bi-Ctty Secretarial ~ ~ - - ~ ~ J DAY NTrr^TR,Y F+ t'~+ w^-k, day or service? Electric typewritee, offset ,,11 q KELLEY'S - hour. Calk Mxs. G egory, bD2 Boyett printing, negatives and TMe+al plates made. Early I"r.rLL SI1Oppe, Inc - VI6.4006. 120tfn 3408 Texas Ave Vf 65786. 87tfn ' - - Coffee Shop ~ Iorr~I ~ SPECIA!_~ ~;OOf~ SEPTF~I~~P 22 - 23 - 24, 1960 C¢-tame - ~'sbrice- T~ya p rn 2" ~f - - _ illVt M, PYF, D , I p • • _ Drily • ° _ - s - RadLO ~ ~1!?''Il RFPRFCE1TItiG Ridga^,*ast Village 201 S. Main Bryan Service & Repair ~'~LroAOljtan T 1fQ Tog, ~ ~ ' GILS ~ ^.~ao ~ ~v - ~ _ _ - ~ , S ~ P E ~ x - VI 6=5055 TA 2-6232 ' ' TA 2.0826 101 Highland 401 Cross St C. S. ~ sxernrEERINa e!v-n ~ y. y - - eso~TECTU*teE auPPrJae i S O S O L I K' S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . I ~ BLUR L4.E PRINT!! ~ {V ~ , ~ ~ BLiIE PRINTS • PHOT08Te!/ . RA)!~><0 • PID1V V 0I t W/cdare the Art of ! SCOATES INDUSTRIES i SEI►YICE Jd'oEard~ ra Ca~et~rf a Cooking la Not Loaf ~ I ~ 0 RRYI.N, T8E8~8 R"` I 713 S Drain ~4, TA~.194~ 3800 TEXAS AVENUE VI 6-6613 / ~"1 11 IY~T-_- _ S F _ a I~ I THE BATTALION Thursday, September 22,19b~ Col➢ege StatSon, Texas Page 5 • s.:.; ' ` ~.:r ,M /a'^-. .:M ~ ~ ~ 4x 1 G I E ROSTER t ~ ~ t~y~~. ~f~ , ',y~'~ ~ z t. r: ; LEFT END RIGHT TACKLE I ~ ~ 82 Ralph Smith 71 Wayne Freiling <~j 84 Don McClelland 70 George Hogan ' . 81 Bobby Huntington 77 James Walton ~ ~ 85 Richard Love RIGHT END 80 Bob Phillips r LEFT TACKLE 88 Russell Hill t 75 Wayland Simmons 83 Jim Milby 79 Ben Krenek ~~x s . 72 Joe Eilers QUARTER SACK X wy 14 Powell Berry t,< •~z 11 Ronnie Brice 12 Daryle Keeling LEFT GUARD , 16 Babe Craig 60 Wayne Lobar 45 Kenneth Kipp r 67 Walter LaGrone 62 Jim Harper LEFT HALF 61 Keith Huggins 29 Ronnie Ledbetter 66 Joe Bob Johnson #,r~ 21 Jon Few wt. 28 John Kent a: 42 Jim Murphy CENTER ! ,tom 56 Roy Northrup RIGHT HALF 54 Jerry Hopkins 26 Bob Caskey 55 Larry Broaddus ~ '<s 46 Calvin Janner f 40 Randy Sims 41 Jack Estes RIGHT GUARD ~ 68 Carter Franklin FULL BACK 63 Jim Phillips 34 LeeRoy Gaffey 69 Mike Roquemore 37 Sam Byer 64 David Powitzky 25 Eddie Van Dyke ~ .a. AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP CALLAWAY~JONES FUNERAL HOME HOTARD'S CAFETERIA Bil( ilioon, Prop. "first in Ambulance Service"' "Where the Art of Cooking is Nat Lost" "Serving Aggies For 35 Years in Same Location" Townshire Shopping Center C°llege Stati°n, Texas THE CITY NATIONAL BANK AMERICAN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Convenint P rking & Drivedn Facilities IDEAL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS ~ryan, Texas 2613 Texas Ave. ' Pickup Stations Taylor Variety Store & Fidgecrest Washatorium COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK INTERNATIONAL SIIOE CO. BILLUPS WESTERN PETROLEUM CO. P}ember L'.D.LG Bryan,'Cexaa "Fill np with Bi"aps" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAGNESS ~ SONS Member F.D.LC• Poultry Processing Co. BRAZOS COUNTY PRODUCERS CO.OP Bryan, Texas U.S.ll.A. Inspected & Graded "home of the Brazos Valley Fryer" ASSOCIATION ~ Feed, Seed, Fertilizer, Locker and Processing M~~~'_i'C~OMfERY 11' ARn (Y, 1 Feed Div. - TA 2-3761 Locker Div, - TA 2.12$4 - - Owned and Operated by Agricultural Producers ~ BRYAN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ll ~x~sT con1P~~;~~Y `~~°~WEI~RI~IAN'S CAFE" "}tome'Cooked Food" Bryan, Texas II I I 1009 ?t'. 2 nth St„ Bryan, Texas  . c_ . _ . 1 rz THE BATTALION ~ ,ate • A 3 Page G College Station, Texts Thursday, September 22, 1,960 ~ ~ ~ BRAZOS VALLEY - WWOLE AI UNASSE~BLY fi~, fl~ ~ ~ , a . y~ ; r ~OV1etS ~®~1St1 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ( } N 4 ~'eace Declarations ~ x Y . I By The Associated Press hour of the forenoon session s~` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gold Seal Veal The United States and the Soviet Wednesday appeared unimpressed ~ F` R®~ P P 9 < T b are ort of the 1 ovtet trade ~ ~ ~ ~ ' MINI ~ Lb, 69e I pion olished u declarations on Y p ~ ~ _ the prPServation of world peace, agency Amtorg that he would he ~ ~~x ~ Gold SealiVeal C while fledmline new member na- the target of an assassination plot ~ ~ ~ ~ SHO V Lj~ER L7TEAK • IU tions hng~ed the II. N. General Involving a gun concealed in a ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ l,b, I C j, ; Assembly For relief from the cold eatnera. New Yorl{ police were tn- ~ x y ~ " war's nerds. dined to doubt it, too, even specu- ~ ~ y 'k ~ ~ i ~ Rath Rlackhawk As the historic l,th session, in lating that it mie•ht he a piece o; ~ r t• ON 11~ the presence of many chiefs of Communist propaganda. ` : U Grade Lb. ~~C b ~ I z. ~ a state and e•overnment, headed to- Seemed Dour ! ' } , ~ ward consideration of the most As the Soviet leader Ieft at noon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Win' Gold Seal Veal d n ern Is world issue t n ion for his Park Avenue headquarter ~ ~ ~ a 2 I s, at e t x•. ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ LOIN STEAK Lb. 59c centered anon the appearance of he seemed dour and out of sort ~':a ~ ~ ~ 1 Fresident Ei~~enhower on the cos- so much so that some speculated ~N ~ ~t ~ ~ - r~z~' J° ~ tlohawk Canned tram Thursday. He is expected to that the pace might be telling ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ t ~ ~ ~ ,;,li hb. 1 Q ~ P~CNIGS unveil new or revised proposals in uppn him. ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..................................................3 Canc~l.lli9 a chahenlre to Moscow to ease in- Khrushchev indicated he way ~ r, f ; ~ t ' ~ ternationa] t?nsions, chafing all the mare at betn„ ~ " "'p k Gold Seal i But Soviet Premier Nikita Khru- fenced in and restricted to Man- j x t ~s VEAL BRISKET 29e , - LI 1J 7 shchev, his mood seemingly Chang- hattan. 1n an impromptu appear- Lb. ' ing from bubbling effusion to ante on the balcony of the Soviet headquarters on n The A e Pla 'erS ~ Gold Seal grimness, was reported carrying pper Park Ave- } i 1 another of his bombshells, Com- nue, Khrushchev claimed he was ...Street SCem from "Winterset" ' PAN SAUSAGE . 39 munist bloc sources said when he under house aI•rest. He insisted he ~ Lb' makes his appearance I'riday, he believed the American people AGGIE PLAYERS BEGIN E N nn Wisconsin Daisy will present "drama~c new ppro- "more than ever" welcomed his " " ~ ~ i" ~ GEESE 59 pmsals" on outstandin world rob- visit. • ~lnterset Pre s Cont~.nue ...................................................Lb. c lams. The informants would say no The shirt-sleever Khrushchev, ~ • more than that, shouting answers down to ques- Khrushchev, sitting in for an tions shouted up by reporters, said F~l.GER`S-Mounfiain Grown-Lb. Can he would be on hand for, but did p{ not commit himself to stay through ~ ~t7 T11 L\ ~~aCt ~Lm late Leiters COnSUIe President Eisenhower's speech, He ~~„11(,l, jj.l~ 1 1 1.J ll~i ~ ' just said he d he at the U.N. jjj I • Passions Aroused By T01I1IY HOL$F.IN Aggie Players 1st year were "The as an outstanding drama organiza- ~f ter Red-hot passions aroused by the Battalion ~eatnre Editor Tender Trap," a spicy comedy tion. y ~~11 descent of so many controversial The great American tragedy, concerning a Itiw York bachelor, $ig Year Ahead - • figures-Krushchev, satellite Com- "Winterset," by Maxwell Antler- and "Dirty Wrk At The Cross- As in years past, the Aggie (i p munist bosses, Cuba's Fidel Castro, son, is the roduction selected b rozds" a enure melodrama com- ra~IC osses P Y , g Players are preparing for a big IIl•C Yugoslavia s President Tito- the Aggie Players, campus drama plate with vilain and "Little veal ahead, reaching for higher seemed to be cooling. Overwhelm- organization for performance this Nell" heroine. goals and readying themselves for GRANGE DRINK By The Associated Press ing force by police and security p, a season of hard work in the field HARRISBURG, Pa.-No wordsl fa The Players n years past have personnel seemed to discourage Casting for the show began of drama. however tender, can take away the been noted foI their professional 41i•OZ. outbursts of the sort whzeh had Tuesday night, and will be coin- Man of the Pla ere have re- 9C pain that comes from losing a brought formal protests overnight leted tomorrow ni ht accordin touch given a1 their productions, y Lang FOr g including the acing and stage pro- turned from last year, and many ' child, from the targets of demonstrators. to C. K. Esten, director for the others are "first-timers" for the But if they come from the heart, duction. This was especially no- Spectators were kept at a safe production. Assisting Esten will or anization who have shown en- words can do the next best thing, ticeable in the original costumes g distance from the U.N. building, be Vic Weinin , rofessor of Silver Seal Gallon They let those who grieve know g P used for Chi melodrama last thusiasm for working in the vari- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A~ CartOn guarded now by more than G00 speech and English, ous bases of drama. Or Square that others grieve with them, and uniformed police alert for symp- spring. P Creamland ~C Great American Tragedy that they hope for something, in The Players work under a rigid toms which had caused near riots "The show is a three•act play Many of th dresses worn in time, akin to healing. as the assembl session o cued discipline of meeting rehearsals Y p taking place on a riverbank in the show war original fashions • So it is with Almeta and Albert g P over 100 earsold, found in attics and working on perfection in their N0. , Tuesday. Police even se re~,ated New York City under a large 3' p Y ~ T~ C Kunkle, who live in the town of "pros" and "antis" beyond a no ,1 and other store laces,, and eon- varied arts, whether the be an C bride said Esten. g p Ephrata, Lancaster County. man's ]and neutral area to re- „g ' acting, or any of the other phases. P The set work and designing of tributed for ue during the show. The Kunkles lost their son, Paul, vent new brawls. ~ Drama has had a hard time props will involve extensive work The heirloom. passed down for . • 10, in an automobile accident on Inside the glass building on the making a place far itself at A&M with scenes being changed by generations, wre touched up a bit I,b, Labor Day. East River, wm•ld leaders heard but in the past few years, with ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 lighting effects on the stage. and used very effectively in the l3ag C The Kunkles are well-liked. It emphasis nn liberal arts as well representatives of 13 new African roduction. The play is written in a free- P was to be expected that they nations, their pride of achievement as technical subjects, the Aggie verse ty e of oetr and has a ®SCAR MAYER 'y should get many letters of con- evident in their words, plead with P P y' The Players have done a large Players have had an integral part dolence. magnitude similar to Shake- variety of plus in the past few in helping stimulate interest and ''tt T 12.OZ, the giants to keep the cold war speare's greater tragedies as well L U N C H ~ ®1~ Cori C One Surprise out of Africa's back yard. years, all of real quality which appreciation in drama and the But one letter came which was as those of Greek drama," he has built the eputation they have fine ,arts. indeed a surprise. It is a letter added. • "Winterset" opened at the Mar- ~ ,r. Mrs. Kunkle reads over and over. l?ncle Williams Birds Camera tin-Beck theater on Broadlva in C She draws comfort from it. Her ~ 19.35, and w•as acclaimed the great Tops IrFoOd ~J P E C ~ A L Pork & I;eans ~r "~✓~\,r.-/~-~,,,,~^• Lr~.,,..,,,n..~::,.~J~.~r"~~,/w'1~ heart warms to the busy, high- placed couple who sent it. She is • play of that year. Since that DINNERS 300 Pictures In time, it has been picked by many E fficiert Service QO 3 25e :,e Foao especially grateful to the woman • Cans LIBt3Yls critics as the great American who wrought into the letter her ~ CLIiB STEAIi tragedy dealing with a victim of own sorrow over a similar loss. • ' cellen Drinks FRIED CHICIiF.N CC1ey~~p ~t~y.y society as a main theme, said ~ Comstock It was Mrs. David Lawrence, ►1,JJ lilt ll~~ jj ~ VEAi, CUTLETS wife of Pennsylvania's governor, E playing during the week of Nov, n +'V['ling Well Spent SALSBiiRY STEAK die Apples ~ ~C 24-OZ. who wrote it. By The Associated Press CHI'CIiE'V FRIED STEAK - 15-21 in Guion Hal] the codas- No, 2 "The governor and l were great- A small bird that lays a big egg, I P Othin; Rut The Beat FISH-ALWAYS FRESH 19C ~ BAG ly distressed to read of the tragedy a camera that takes tiny pictures tion w•i1 feature a cast of from Can that has come to you, and we want are anion this week stories of 20 to 25 people, with aglarge crew ALp ARTE TEXAN ; of mdrolduals workm on seta ' ou to know ou have our dee est science at work: li htm makeu and ubhctt be * $E T'AURANT Loose Leaf ' sympathy," the letter says, P Puny Portraits g gl P p y Texas S ctal Sirloin $1.90 sides acting. Texas Spctal T-Bone $1.90 AND Filler B~R~S ~YE ' Lost Two Anew camera takes pictures so Roles To Be Assigned Sea FoodPlatter $2.00 Paper "Because we lost two of our small it could reproduce the entire Delicious/i Fried Chicken $1.2;i DRIVE-IN p boys in an auto accident, we real- Bible a e b A total of 27 persons were on _ ~ ~ 6•~Z. It p g y page, on an area Piping Ht Pizza Pie (Plain) .85 3~~4 College Ave. 98c Q ize how ver difficult it will be for smaller than Lincoln's head on the hand far the initial tryouts Tues- 6lC CAN$ Value Y day night, and readings for party "OI1R DESIRE IS TO SERVE AGGIES"' ' you to accept the fact that Paul Aenny. Individual letters are al- continued last night; Esten said was taken from you at such an most as small as bacteria. all roles will be assigned by to- early age. Mere words are most The camera was developed by mort•ew, some of which have al- ALL PURPOSE WHITE inadequate to express our feeling the National Bureau of Standards, ready been determined, for you at this time. not for microcopying but to test Following "Winterset," the Un Sept. 24th the 11ISC Presents ' "However ou are in our for the fineness of detail that P ~ T A T ®E Y Fourposters, which rvil] be di, thoughts and we ra God ma various films can record. ~ P Y Y rested by Vic Weining, will open give you the strength and courage Megapode in the Lower Level of the Me- - ~ ' • you mead to endure these dark beep in the dry scrublands of morial Student Center on Dec. 7, I i 1 j 3 ~ t days." Australia lives a bird called the Last s rip Weinin directed ,v 6 ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ P gl To the Kunkles, the Lawrences megapode. The female weighs only two plays simultaneously, includ- sls~ t~~ &~'e'' ~ „s. S. IbS• ' are no longer remote figures in a three pounds, yet about every four ing "The Man of Destiny" and ~ ~ a ' ~ ,c. ~t~ r.,` ~ w " remote mansion. They are alt good days she lays an egg the size of ''How He Lied To Her Husband" a. SpCC1alA neighbors together now, for they a grapefruit which she abandons, which were performed in the d ' ~ ~ Thurs., Fri., have sorrowed as one. never seeing her offspring. Lower Level, in the round. When ~ ~ : a ~ Sat,-Sept. ' Ever since a shattering night in The male megapode builds a a production is played "in the A1f91©FI6Etlr7 RECOR~i'^ nansrs;„`~~,, z April 1942 when the Lawrences mound as big as a compact car round; the audience generally sur- 'r' learned that two of their sons- to act as incubator. Somehow he rounds the stage and actors on CONCERT AT GUION HALL ' •~f~~ ~/,,ry,y~,'~ , 3:30 P. M. $1 ~0 Per Person ' .F ~~,1~~'+'•^~~ •^7 ww~ one 13, the other 16-had been keeps the temperature at exactly three sides, giving a different killed, Mrs. Lawrence has been 92 degrees. The chick hatches fully type of theater than normal "front DANCE LN MSC BALLROO;VI ' writing letters of sympathy to par- feathered, ready to fly. Papa de- audience" plays. 10.00 P. i1I. $2.00 Stag or Drag ants who have lost children in any sects the chick too, so he can build Other Plays Jonathan kind of accident. I other mounds. Two other plays done by the THECURRENTS YOU SWING IN- ?RINK FOR VICEROY? THANKS! ~ • • un ~ r j HELPING US suRE CATER THE RIGHTTASTE BECAUSE R {/0 IFTHA'f YOURSELF! SAY.,.WHYDO,~1U, . I'~ ~ 2S-POUND THINK ~icoroys got ~t..• lbs. ~ ~ ~c~,T.. TEST LWE VICEROYS : I SHES HoLDSWEGL BEST? BECAUSE WE'LL NEVcR MAKE w WOW I JUST CLEAR VICEROYS' GOT I' ~ E I'f,DANI LOOK! WHATA ~ SNUBBED x THERAPIDSI ~ _ ...ATBOTHENOS at both ends ~ , I AROUNDTHETREE _ GoTTHEBLEND~ RAPIDS AHEADI CAST. _THATS THE MAIN ' 1 ` I sr, ' G , ~ w. ,THING[ j, _ Fresh Gree ~w i ^ • • N ~ ' ` I NoYEDONE j~-~ r~ ~ . ; I GOT GOT P®LE BEANS ~ ~~z~, ~~=-'ry - THE THE ~ " = ~ ' ~ ~ ~ FILTER.., BLEND! ~rCERaY 2 CONVENIENT LOCA'T'IONS ` a ^-Y ~ 25•Ih, test" means the line - When their raft's mooring line Oan t{k~l{e itself will stand 25 pounds aF :;erp parts, two "muskie" fishermen pocke is _ pail, but with the aid of the !b• 200E 29th Street , , Downtown desperately fight the current to onto h ~ 'a - "spring" fi the pole, it win j 3516 TeXi1S Avenue . . . . . . . reach the shore of the river fishllne"~ > hold much more. / I;i(lgecrest _ ®1960, BBOWN & WILl1ANBON TOBACCO~COBP. _ _ - - ,..,...,._,_...,._...r...,_.~.,....w.,_.w.._._._~.....~,.~..,,.~_