HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 A&MConsolNewsletter 102703k.. -., ~ &~ ~ 1~ (E;®1A1~®ILIIIID~'II'~IlD II~Im~H°~Il3,TIID~Il~T~' ~(E;~®®1Z, IlDII~'II'~II~C;'II' COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS NEWSLETTER NUMBER 19 FEBRUARY 1970 Dear Parents: You are asked to vote in two important upcoming elections. The first is to authorize the Board of Trustees to sell school bonds-which have already been voted; the other is to elect two members to the Board. of Trustees. Your elected Board of Trustees asks you to vote on March 14 to approve the sale of $2 million in unsold bonds. Voters of this district approved a $3 million school bond issue on May 17, 1969. One million of these bonds have been sold. The election involves no change in the amount of the bond issue. The school district's financial adviser and attorney advised that this. election be held because of changes in school bond election procedures within the past few months. The Board of Trustees is seeking, from all registered voters in this district, this special permission to sell the $2 million remaining unsold bonds. IMPORTANT DATES FOR BOND ELECTION *February 23 - First day for absentee voting March 10 - Last day for absentee voting March 14 - BOND ELECTION *Absentee voting in Superintendent's Office The bond election on May 17, 1969, was held in accordance with Texas law, which limits voting in school bond elections to property taxpayers who are registered voters. The decision to call an election for March 14 results from a recent court ruling in an Arizona case. This ruling questioned the validity of limiting voting in bond elections to property taxpayers who are registered voters. Now, until the Supreme Court rules on the Arizona case, the Texas Attorney-General will not approve the sale of any Texas school bonds voted, only by property taxpayers. This is the present BOND STATUS of the A & M Consolidated School District: May 1969 - New issue passed $3,000,000. 1948-68 - Old Issues $1,257,000. August 1969 - Part. of new issue 1,000,000. August 1969 - Bonds sold 1,000,000. sold new issue' February 1970- Bonds unsold. $2,000,000. Present Bond Debt $2,257,000. When all the bonds authorized for school expansion are sold, the total bonded indebtedness of $4,257,000 will represent 7.8 per cent of the districts projected valuation of $50,436,000 in 1970. Although the legal limit is 10 per cent, the lower ratio (7.8 per cent) assures a lower interest rate and will facilitate the sale of f:he remaining bonds. - 2 - ' The vote must pass in the taxpayers' box and in the combined vote of both boxes for the remaining bonds to be sold. To be qualified to vote, a resident mt.st be a registered voter and must have lived in this school district for six months and in Texas for one year. Board of Trustees President A. B. Wooten, in urging a large "yes" vote for the Bond Election, points out that taxes should remain the same regardless of the outcome of the election, as space must be bought for the growing school population iii the Consolidated district. The building program was begun with the $1 million in bonds sold in August. It is on schedule. Here is a review of the plan and a progress report: ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 1970 1. Purchase new high school site. This has been done. The 40-acre site was reasonable in cost and is readily accessible, being located on West By-Pass approximately one mile from Highway 6 South and one-half mile from Wellborn Road. 2. Enlarge the two elementary schools by ten classrooms each to provide space for increased enrollment and for fifth grade to go to neighborhood schools in September 1970. Construction slightly ahead of schedule. 3. New cafeteria at College Hills. Library will move into old cafeteria. On schedule. 4. Add cafeteria and ten classrooms at high school. This will meet current needs and provide for Middle School when it moves to this facility. On schedule. TO BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 1971 5. Construction of new high school. With the aid of parent advisory committees, professional staff, student committees, architect, and educational consultants, the Board of Trustees is planning and developing educational specifications for this facility. Streets and other improvements are under construction in the area surround- ing the site. * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * ~e In the second election, called by the Board of Trustees for April 4, all registered voters in the district will have the opportunity to vote for two members of the Board of Trustees. For the first time in this district, candidates will run for position instead of at-large.. The ..two whose terms are expiring are Mr. Ed Cooper, who recently replaced Dr. Alan Porter on the Board, and Mr. Bob Griffin. Both have indicated that they will be candidates. _. w `y - 3 - IMPORTANT DATES FOR BOARD OF TRUSTEES EI,FCTIUN March 4 - Last day to file for place on ballot 5 - Candidates draw for place on ballot, 5 p.m., Administration Building 16 - First day for absentee voting 31 - Last day for absentee voting April 4 - BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Edwin H. Cooper was selected on February 9 by the Board of Trustees to complete the term of Dr. Alan Porter, who moved from this community. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, who live at 908 Pershing, have five children whose ages range from high school to the lower grades. He is a distributor of petroleum products. Formerly, he was the first Director of Civilian Student Affairs at Texas A & M University. In 1969, he was Vice President for Organization of the B-CS Chamber of Commerce. Last September we were proud that four young men in Consolidated High School qualified as semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship competition. The proportion of semi-finalists to school population is unusually high. Now, these same four have been notified that they all are finalists in NMS competition, the largest number of finalists from Consolidated in any one year. Ranking in the top one-half of one per cent of all high school seniors in the United States are Jared Goldstein, David Pfannstiel, Harry Schroeder and Arthur Sittler. Arthur is already attending college. Fourteen members of the faculty and Superintendent ia. T. Riedel have been studying st8te-adopted textbooks to choose those they think will be of most benefit to' Consolidated students. This Textbook Committee will make recommendations to tre Board of Trustees, which must approve and order books in eleven subject areas for use beginning in September 1970. The State Textbook Committee worked during the past year to adopt five textbooks for each course which is scheduled for new books. A copy of each book which the State Committee adopted was sent to each school district for evaluation by the district's Textbook Committee. In all, there are 97 different books which members of the Consolidated committee have studied. Recommendations will be made in the following subject areas: Arithmetic, Grades 1, 2, & 3 American History, Grade 8 Literature & Spanish Science Industrial Art * * * ~ * ~ * ~ Reading, Grade 7 & 8 American History, High School Journalism English I & French Distributive Education ,N `-' ,r, .,~_ , __ - 4 - The First Annual COMMUNITY- INSTITUTE on MENTAL HF.AI.TH will be held on the A & M Consolidated campus on Saturday, March 7. Registration i.s at 8:45 a.m. with the opening session beginning at 9:00 in the auditorium. This Institute is co-sponsored by the Brazos County Counseling Service and a number of local professional, educational and civic organizations. Speakers, discussion leaders and resource persons are leaders in the fields of mental health, psychiatry, psychology, religion, education, law, sociology, medicine and science. Pre-registration is urged so that seating can be reserved for persons desiri~Zg to attend specific discussion groups. Luncheon reservations must be made by March 3. Cost of the Institute, including the luncheon, is $3. To make reservations, contact the Brazos County Counseling Service, 412 Varisco Building, Bryan, Texas 77801. The anniversary of the Declaration of Texas Independence on March 2 provides the ideal week to observe Texas Public Schools Week. You are welcome to visit schools and classes at any time, but especially during this week. To make it possible for parents and patrons to visit one or all of the schools acid classes, a series of evening Open Houses has been arranged. (See Calendar) You are invited to attend. You are welcome! CAL E N D A R *Athletic schedule follows this calendar February 23 - Absentee voting begins, School Bond Election 28 - Junior High All-Region Band Concert, Bryan Civic Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. March 1 - 7 - Texas Public Schools Week, statewide observance 2 - Open Houses, College Hills and South Knoll Elementary schools, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Pre-registration, Grade 11 3 - Open Houses, Middle School, 6:30 - 8 p.m. High School, 7 - 8:30 p.m. - "Jack and the Beanstalk," first grade operetta, College Hills Elementary cafetorium, 1 p.m. 4 - Last day to file for place, Board of Trustees election 5 - Candidates draw for position on ballot, Board of Trustees Election, Administration Building, 5 p.m. 7 - Community Institute of Mental Health, Registration, 8:45 a.m., High School Auditorium - 5 - CALENDAR (Continued): March 7 - CEEB Tests 9 - Pre-registration, grade 10 - South Knoll P-TA Board meeting 10 - Last day for absentee voting, School Bond Election 13 - School dismissed; teachers attend meeting of District VI, TSTA, Huntsville - Choir Musical, auditorium, 8 p.m. 14 - SCHOOL BOND ELECTION - Choir Musical, 8 p.m. - UIL Solo and F,nsemble Contest, Junior High and High School Bands, Bryan 16 - First day for absentee voting, Board of Tr ustees election - Pre-registration Grade 9 - , South Knoll P-TA meeting, 7:30 p.m. 20 - Choir Musical, 8 p.m. 21 - Choir Musical, 8 p.m. 23 - Preregistration, Grade 8 Parents of Grade 8, 7:30 p.m. 24 - FFA and FHA meetings 25 - Student Council 26 - 30 inclusive - EASTER HOLIDAXS 31 - Last day, absentee voting, Board of Trustees election April 4 - BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION ATELETIC EVErITS February 27 - Golf: Junior Varsity at Temple ?.8 - Golf : Varsity at Bastrop - Track: Memorial, Houston March 2 - Golf: Varsity at San Antonio 6 - Spring Branch Tennis Tournament Golf: Junior Varsity at Beaumont 7 - Tennis: Spring Branch - Track: Varsity, Bryan Relays Freshmen, Temple 13 - Tennis Tournament, Rosenberg 21 - Junior High Track Meet 26 - A & M Consolidated Track Meet HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent Place Time March 3 Bryan Here 4 p.m. 7 La Vega (Waco) Here 1 p.m. 10 Bryan There 4 p.m. 13-14 A & M C onsolidated Tournament 17 Glestbur y Here 4 p.m. 20-21 La Vega (Waco) Tournament 24 Corsica na There 4 p.m. 28 Corsica na Here 1 p.m.