HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 08.06.1979 Brazos County Civil Defense Meeting August 6, 1979 - 5 PM - Courthouse Present: Jake Canglose, North Bardell, Charles Phelps, Bobby Yeager, Carroll Bell, Warren Heffington, Ben Wormeli, Judge Dick Holmgreen. Presiding: Jake Canglose Agenda: It was noted that on July 1, Frank T. Cox succeeded Marion Parks Bowden as the Disaster Emergency Services State Coordinator. Mr. Bowden has provided excellent leadership in this department, beginning in 1961 and served as State Coordinator since 1974. FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency is the name of the new organization which is a consoliaation of the nation's emergency resource, response relief and management agencices. This was expected to become effective July 1. President Carter has selected John W. Macy, Jr. as the head of this new agency. Congressional approval is still forthcoming. Mr. Canglose reported that he had a request for infor- mation if there were city ordinances exempting home fallout shelters from city tax. North Bardell will check for College Station and advise. 9aa ®ur 1980 Program Paper and Program Status Report - Profile workshop will be conducted for Region 6 in Waco, Thursday, September 13. Charles Hunter will be in charge. Mr. Canglose suggested that representatives from Brazos County, Bryan and College ^ tation attend with him. They will be contacted later when s. 2duling can be confirmed. The Greenleaf Psychiatric Center has purchased the Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center, effective August 1. Since our Package Disaster Hospital is on this property, we will need to arrange with these new owners for the legal papers to continue the use of the PDH location - -also, our shelter space in the hospital needs to be confirmed. Mrs. Kay Sanders is the executive director of this center. Col. Carrol W. Bell, MOBDES, was on active duty July 23 thru August 3. His major activity was updating the roster of Tornado Spotters, He contacted each spotter and found replacements and additions so as to have good county coverage by competent personnel. August 6th meeting cont. There are twenty -seven tornado spotters on the current roster. The Tornado Spotters County map was updated, ,4s a result, there is a good complement of people available to assist in locating and reporting severe weather storms promptly and provide an accurate base for severe weather warning for the citizens of our area. These Tornado Spotters will now be issued identification cards. The "Tornado Reporting" cards need to be updated. The Radiological monitoring course for EMT's in Fire and Police Departments is now planned for November. Col. Bell will be responsible for. this.