HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 12.04.1978 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING MONDAY DECEMBER 4, 1978 - 3:30 P.M. MEDALLION ROOM, BRYAN UTILITY BUILDING Present: See attached Presiding: Jake Canglose Judge Wm. R. Vance introduced Mr. M. P. Bowden, State Coordinator, Division of Disaster Emergency Services of the DPS in Austin. He presented the outline of the Federal Agencies concerned with the many phases of Civil Defense and how they will be combined in the Phase 3 proposal of President Carter. This should be "in place" by April 1, 1979. Mr. Bowden also outlined the Crisis Shelter Plan and the Crisis Relocation Plan which is being put into effect nation wide. He noted that these plans are "print ready" for Brazos County. Mr. Bowden then presented a Certificate of Appreciation signed by Governor Dolf Briscoe for his eleven (11) years of excellent Civil Defense work during his terms as Judge of Brazos County Judge Vance spoke of his appreciation for this recognition and then spoke of his appreciation for the Civil Defense work carried on continuously by the many public officials and employees and the private citizens of Bryan, College Station, Brazos County and Texas A &M University. Jake Canglose presented Judge Vance with a Certificate of Appreciation signed by officials and told of the respect and appreciation the Civil Defense organization had for him and his support and great work as County Defense Coordinator and Chairman. Dec. 4, 1978 Judge Vance responded, including his appreciation for the work of Jake Canglose as County Director and Chairman and for the city and county directors and the many who actively participate in the Emergency Planning and Operations. Jake Canglose outlined the 1979 Program Goals for Brazos County. He then introduced Mr. Dick Holmgreen who will begirt his term as County Judge on January 1, 1979._, • BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING MEDALLION ROOM, DECEMBER 4, 1978 Brazos County Bryan Jake Canglose Hubert Nelson William R. Vance Charles Phelps R. J. Holmgreen Charles Bluntzer E. E. Burns Bill Stasny Bud Cargill Walter Wilcox Bill Cooley Warren Heffington Carroll W. Bell College Station Ben Wormeli Lois Peters George Huebner Jack Grant North Bardell Ruth McLeod Bill Koehler W. D. Burley Doug Landua Frank Boriski O. M. Holt Mary Nichols Tom Sistrunk TAMU News Media James Presswood John Morris - Eagle Harry Stiteler Steve Boehm - Eagle John Rauch Troy Kenmel - KBTX Jack Keese Robert Rosenzweig - KBTX Other Gov't. Agencies Guests Sam M. Saxon - DPS Annie Ruth Ware Marion P. Bowden - Austin Mrs. Vonnie Ray Vance Charles F. Hunter - Waco B. F. Vance Jr. Joel McMullen - State guard Alma K. Holden W. J. Byfor Highway Dept. Mr. & Mrs. D. E. Wade Walter Jones W. H. Robinson Lucille Canglose Willie Belle Bogart Bill Vance - Vance's son Karen Vance - Vance's daughter Bill McLeod r ` i 4 7g -. ° ?I L / , ! .; ,,i/ 4. , e" / $‘ 7h/z4). 9- S Wak 9-- ---/-1 N/ AIL roo Le \/ ,e,4 4elm q ea 7 g1 , Gy 2 ( c -' .:_' \I I 0 • N a V d A9 ' / 1 11) 11 ii A pp: ir d / 4/.--ette.-•,,V ' -. _____ , -r tiii /, < Ot i ' ,. 48 73( k- I , , .Z7-' /-------- \// 4- !,... .", „,,,,,, IF .7 yaLb,t.,,, ,f_e_,.._, , /, � t \/ , - ' ,,e \/ Ai.,- `'. 6>Z-,._ ,.., 7e-- 1,s J td , A- • ,Zf' _ • , ____ N /i ''' IP'Y' , / - , 5 - i 7 1 / / 4 , t -->r/z,.-c -/:_,-- -,._ z=,-.- L, c tii..eit,,,--,_ 1 4 ''' c: C 191 4 , 1A.. \. VAAAY1/14 — ---c----i(-C_ k # / 'r ',I.- 1 .,, ■ . i -_ i , r 11010111P) 7 L oL 4 / *PI: — -- - 7 A WVVv �iii■ �T /l/ ✓2e yam. 1,. 1 �- / 1 / of i� . V 0- s :41 .- . " 't-,,,,, ,--de?".____.---14:tcati V1/4' 1(4,00/ z Jam \ ki re ii ,- 4 ot-A-17:61 t y `- ; i'-. . 1 1 / v . , v r INW millil t! .a) k C< 4- A 0 Opinion Page „ , By BOB FLEISCHER i h Things w The Eagle y. g Brvan- College Station "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." W .S. Pearson Robert A. Fleischer President Publisher Managing Editor R od Armstrong James L. Pollard Charles W. Baumgartner Operations Director Advertising Director Circulation Director • P ace 10A f Sunday, December 10, 1978 Civil defense uses r, Boy cut motto "Be prepared." plans, complete with maps That Boy Scout motto carries pinpointing shelter locations. We plenty of weight in Brazos hope our subscribers took the County's civil defense office. time to read the stories written Elaborate plans have been by John Morris, and to take drawn by CD director Jake particular note exactly where Canglose for Brazos County they would go in the event of residents in case of emergen- either a weather or nuclear etas, , ,,, .._ emergency. Natural disasters, such as Perhaps there's an irony in the flash floods or tornadoes, are fact that Strategic Arms *taken into consideration by Limitation Talks (SALT) Z j� 1 Canglose, as well as the more negotiations between America unlikely incidence of nuclear and Russia have been hi hl / attack. g Y Unfortunately a great many successful. people will either disregard or Yet while those talks are scoff at the plans which call for underway, Russians have gone both mass evacuation and use of into great detail to plan for bomb local civil defense shelters. shelters. Those same people probably I Because the plans revealed by laugh at fire drills. Brazos County officials also 1 ( , i No one likes to think that a fire include preparation for weather °'; xi will start in their place of emergencies, we believe them to 1 business, school or their home, be very important. , " :, t it really does pay to know, In We only hope the laudable allvance, how one would escape efforts of the civil defense will be if a fire Would break out.:. heeded by Brazos County The situation is no different for residents so that they know major emergencies. where to go and how to react just Stories in Friday's, Saturday's in case an emergency does oc- and today's editions of The cur. Eagle describe the various It's all part of being prepared. • • _4 ! 1 OF CI1 4,;.;if(N 1 - PV; �► and - Ire EMERGENCY PLANNING We The Undersigned Presents To: Honorable William R. (Bill) Vance 4th This 1st Day Of December 1978 This Expression Of Our Sincere Appreciation For His Dedication And Support Of Civil Defense And Emergency Planning In Brazos County During His Tenure Of County Judge From September 1, 1967 To December 31, 1978. CITY OF BRYAN COUNTY OF BRAZOS Richard A. Smith William A. Stasny MAYOR COMMISSIONERS COURT Hubert Nelson Jake Canglose CITY MANAGER COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR Charles W. Phelps E. E. Burns DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Lorence Bravanec MAYOR North Bardell TEXAS ABM UNIVERSITY CITY MANAGER George L. Huebner James Presswood DEPUTY DIRECTOR CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR BRA ZO S CO LINTY � . O . JAKE CANGLOSE OFFICE OF JAMES PRESSWOOD COUNTY DPECTOR AND CHAIRMAN TEXAS A• M UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR E.E. BURNS CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING GEORGE L. HUESNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J.LOUIS ODLE BRYAN.TEXAS 7780 NORTH EIARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE !STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOI November 21, 1978 1:!!!::::!!!: Dear Mr. A special meeting on Civil Defense and Emergency Planning will be held Monday, December 4, at 3:30 p.m. in the Medallion Room of the Bryan Public Utilities Building. Mr. Parks Bowden, Texas State Coordinator for Emergency Planning, will give us a brief summary on "Civil Defense Today" and what we can expect in the future. Mr. Bowden, representing the Governor's Office, will present Judge Vance with a Certificate of Appreciation from Governor Briscoe for his dedicated support and leadership in Emergency Planning during the past ten years in Bryan, College Station and Brazos County. As County Civil Defense Director I can assure you that Judge Vance, as Chairman of the County Civil Defense Council, has more than earned this honor by the dedication of his time, support and leadership. I sincerely hope you will join me in showing our appreciation. Your attendance and support is respectfully requested. 1/ erely yours, dl,, ., . Cangl Director an ounty Chairman JC /lp BRAZOS COUNTY NUCLEAR CIVIL PROTECTION 1NFORIIATION BRAZOS COUNTY - BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION ., IN THE EVENT OF A NUCLEAR ATTACK, BRAZOS COUNTY, BRYAN AND COLLEGE STATION WILL IMPLEMENT ONE OF THE TWO FOLLOWING EMERGENCY PLANS: I. PROTECTION OF CITIZENS BY INSTRUCTING THEM TO SEEK SHELTER IN DESIGNATED FALLOUT SHELTERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UPDATED LOCAL FALLOUT SHELTER PLAN. II. OR THE ORDERLY RELOCATION OF OUR CITIZENS TO THE SURROUNDING COUNTIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR CRISIS RELOCATION PLAN (THIS PLAN SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF 1979). THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CRISIS RELOCATION PLAN IS DUE TO THE HIGH POPULATION CONCENTRATION IN THE BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION AREA; IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT WE WOULD BECOME A HIGH RISK TARGET AREA IN THE EVENT OF A NUCLEAR WAR. THE PROBABILITY OF AN ATTACK OCCURRING WITHOUT WARNING IS CONSIDERED LOW BY OUR NATIONAL EMERGENCY PLANNERS AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT A PERIOD OF RISING INTERNATIONAL TENSION WOULD BE LIKELY, GIVING US ENOUGH TIME TO DISTRIBUTE EMERGENCY IN STRUCTIONS AND THE ORDERLY EVACUATION OF THE LOCAL TARGET AREA. IN THE EVENT OUR WARNING TIME DOES NOT ENABLE US TO EVACUATE, THE LOCAL FALLOUT SHELTER PLAN WILL BE IMPLEMENTED INSTRUCTING CITIZENS TO GO TO FALLOUT SHELTERS IN THE LOCAL AREA. OUR LOCAL NUCLEAR CIVIL PROTECTION PLANS WILL BE PERIODICALLY UPDATED WITH "PRINT READY" EMERGENCY INSTRUCTIONS READY FOR DISTRI BUTION IN THE EVENT THAT OUR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SHOULD DETERIO RATE AND A PERIOD OF TENSION, CRISIS OR "STRATEGIC WARNING" SHOULD OCCUR. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STUDIES SHOW THAT PROTECTING PEOPLE IN PLACE COULD ADD SOME 30. MILLION SURVIVORS IN A HEAVY ATTACK. WITH NO CIVIL DEFENSE PROTECTION IT IS ESTIMATED THAT 80 MILLION WOULD SURVIVE. THE SAME STUDIES SHOW THAT RELOCATION OF THE POPULATION COULD ADD 100 MILLION MORE SURVIVORS OR A TOTAL SURVIVAL RATE OF 130 MILLION. YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WILL CONTINUE EMERGENCY PLANNING AND TRAINING EXERCISES IN ALL AREAS OF EMERGENCY PLANNING SUCH AS: NUCLEAR ATTACK, NATURAL DISASTERS, MAN - MADE DISASTERS, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS AND EMERGENCY OPERATION EXERCISES IN ORDER TO BE BETTER PREPARED TO COPE WITH ANY MERGENCY. d C.. _ a, In a5 COUNTY DIRECTOR C p.TE 0 � � BRAZOS H4 R� COUNTY JAKE CANGLOSE OFFICE OF JAMES PRESSWOOD COUNTY DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN TEXAS AG M UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR E.E. BURNS CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING GEORGE L. HUEBNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J.LOUIS ODLE BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 NORTH BARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOR November 21, 1978 A special meeting on Civil Defense and Emergency Planning will be held Monday, December 4, at 3:30 p.m. in the Medallion Room of the Bryan Public Utilities Building. Mr. Parks Bowden, Texas State Coordinator for Emergency Planning, will give us a brief summary on "Civil Defense Today" and what we can expect in the future. Mr. Bowden, representing the Governor's Office, will present Judge Vance with a Certificate of Appreciation from Governor Briscoe for his dedicated support and leadership in Emergency Planning during the past ten years in Bryan, College Station and Brazos County. As County Civil Defense Director I can assure you that Judge Vance, as Chairman of the County Civil Defense Council, has more than earned this honor by the dedication of his time, support and leadership. I sincerely hope you will join me in showing our appreciation. Your attendance and support is respectfully requested. Sincerely yours, Jake Canglose Director and County Chairman JC /lp