HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 10.02.1978 1 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 1978 - 5:00 P.M. COURTHOUSE PRESENT: Jake Canglose, Charles Phelps, James Presswood, Harry Stiteler, Bill Koehler, George Huebner, Ed Burns, Warren Heffington, Judge Wm. R. Vance, Bobby Yeager, Hubert Nelson, Carroll Bell, Ben Wormeli PRESIDING: Jake Canglose SEPT. 22: Jake Canglose, Hubert Nelson, Chief Joe Ellisor and Ben Wormeli, participated in a district meet- ing in the new DPS District Office in Austin to prepare the 1979 Program Paper. SEPT. 27: Jake Canglose, Joe Ellisor, Charles Phelps, Harry Stiteler, Hubert Nelson, North Bardell met in the Medalion Room of the Bryan Utilities Building to complete the Projected Program activities of the Program Paper 1979. OCT. 2: At our meeting today, copies of our Program Paper 1979 were distributed and the accomplishments of 1978 and the 1979 plans were reviewed. A copy is attached. Mr. Canglose presented the outline of the "Brazos County Emergency Planning Program Goals for 1979 ". These goals, with target dates, were discused with the most emphasis on Item 10 "CENTRAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS STUDY ". After some exploration of the possibilities and problems, Mr. Canglose asked Sheriff Bobby Yea er if he would meet with the Bryan and College Station police chiefs to develope the needs and feasibility of proceeding further in this effort. Jae Vance will check for possible BVDC funding. It is felt that a study of this subject could be productive. Item 9 "COMPLETE CRISIS SHELTER MARKING PLAN" will be completed by Capt. Warren Heffington on his two weeks of active duty. This will include establish- ing the department in each city that will set up the signs should they be needed; i.e who says go, who does it, and what do they do. The kind and location of signs ready for use should be identified. ✓ ... r r C.D. meeting Item 11 "EMERGENCY PLANS FOR RESOURCE NEEDS ", will be completed by Col. Carroll Bell. This will include fuel, radio equipment, repair service, emergency generator service and vehicle tire - road replacement and support. Mr. Canglose outlined the provisions of a National Fire Protection Association, a new Training Program for all emergency services. This had come to the attention of Harry Stiteler. The training package will include slides and eleven (11) cassette tapes. The cost is $350. The fire chiefs of Bryan and College Station will be asked to appraise this program. The Civil Preparedness Circular 78 -5, May, 1978, on Carbon Graphite Hazards was discussed. Careless burn- ing of this material can be dangerous, for these particles float in the air for a long time. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. There was good participation in the discussions. 10/2/78 BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY PLANNING PROGRAM GOALS FOR 1979 TARGET DATE 1. TRAIN ALL POLICE OFFICERS ( BRAZOS COUNTY, BRYAN, FEBRUARY COLLEGE STATION, TAMU) IN TORNADO SPOTTING. 2. TRAIN AUXILIARY POLICE, FIREMEN AND VOLUNTEER MARCH SPOTTERS. 3. HOLD TORNADO WARNING SEMINAR. MARCH 4. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING WORKSHOP. JANUARY, JUNE 5. BRIEF PUBLIC OFFICIALS ON EMERGENCY PLANNING. JANUARY 6. COMPLETE CRISIS RELOCATION (CRP) INTERNAL PLAN. APRIL 7. REVIEW NUCLEAR ACCIDENT PLAN. FEBRUARY 8. EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION WORKSHOP. FEBRUARY 9. COMPLETE CRISIS SHELTER MARKING PLAN. JULY 10. CENTRAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS STUDY. JANUARY 11. PROVIDE EMERGENCY PLANS FOR RESOURCE NEEDS IN FOLLOWING AREAS. 1. FUEL - GASOLINE, DIESEL 2. RADIO EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE. 3. EMERGENCY GENERATOR REPAIR SERVICE. 4. VEHICLE TIRE -(ROAD REPLACEMENT & SUPPORT) JC:1p .` _.., Lvt- ekt- .,Iv IL rr1et •w - n.u* 1 ANNUAL PROGRAM PAPER Ap Expires Oct. I Y 70 1 Agency: l t 1_5 ^'" CIVIL, CEFE: 5E 2 Address: r JT 55.65 A ,,.,J T t C'r 5507C i 1 3 City: tOt y;, 1-4 State: IX 1 5 Zip: 779 1 TEN (Table Entry No ) CODE (DCPA Use Only) CONGL. (Risk /Host No.) 'L .CT T 1 , 197e g9_2222_ �j 1!� 7 -1 1970 POPULATION r ]�� 7 .1 2-1 AS OF DATE 2.2 2u TSS DATE 2 -3 DAT ] 7 -2 EST. CURRENT POPULATION 3 CLEARLY DEFINE JURISDICTION(S) BERG REPORTED ON: 7 -3 1970 POP COVERED BY OUTDOOR WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARDS FACING JURISDICTION 46 j C: -; LLS C TY :° Ci. �l`Ir�iO k Y4ty 1 i a�G ST { t r-^� 4� G I ,y' 8 -3 OTHER 1 ' - 1 (Specify) j 8 -1 DIR. EFF. RISK , k 8 -6 WINTER STORM t 8 - FALLOUT RISK X 8 7 FLOOD /FLASH FLOOD 4. CP DIRECTOR tNerne) j iK E C A Ic G (J � 8 - 3 NUCLEAR INCIDENT ^^ B 8 EARTHQUAKE CURRENT ANNUAL FUNDING REQUESTED AND PROJECTED (to neatest dollar) 8 -4 TORNADO X 8 -9 TRANS. ACCIDENT FEDERAL i 8-5 HURRICANE k 8 A INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT FUNDS A. FY 1978 B. FY 1979 C. FY 1980 8 C IN LAST FY, ��- -, —,�� NO. OF DISASTER ALERTS Fri] - ! O C URRENCESI j • ■ I 5 -1 P &A rillnillil $ 0 - $ a REGULAR HOURS PER WEEK 5 2 MS(R &M) $ • S CO PERSONNEL 2 4 Q a (Including Directors 8 20 30 40 5 3 SM �S 0 (, ! 9 -1 P &A PAID 0 - 0 1 $ • 5-4 EOC $ II $ INIIIMIIMINMEi 9 -2 OTHER PAIL j 3 1_ 1 �a�� (For Local funds list only monies NOT matched by Federal funds) i 5 5 LOCAL 9 -3 VOLUNTEER , _.a_ � � # �� FUNDS $ 9,000 11' IF 10 ' 000 6. ABILITY TO EXECUTE EMERGENCY PLANS 9 -4 TOTAL OTHER VOLUNTEER MANHOURS IN LAST FY 6 -1 Nuclear War Peacetime Nuclear ( SQ a Q L J n 6 - incidents Operations al 6 -3 ® 0 Other Peacetime R IECTUR HOURS PER WEEK: Disasters g 5 p Paid ET Vol.f 8 1. PART H. STATUS OF LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM. (Highlighting current accomplishments — Key to Standards J for Local Civil Preparedness.) z 1. PLANS DEVELOPMENT: z CRP in development phase. RACES Emergency Plan Nuclear Peacetime Plan completed (Cyclotron). Hazardous Material Handling Plan. Shelter Supply Inventory. ! t J Tornado & Severe Weather Plan updated. l I, is Citizen Band Emergency Communications Plan updated. I, J ii 5 2. TRAINING: MOBDES Officer f ' Assistant C. D. Director - State C.D. Seminar Sixty (60) Tornado Spotters trained Tornado Warning Plan Exercise 3. COMMUNICATIONS: Coordination & Communication ability established with National Weather Service. NOAA Radio Station in Waco for Emergency Warning. RACES, Citizen Band; updated and excerised. 4. RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE: 9 Home study courses Shelter Radiological kits inspected New batteries received for replacement in kits 5. WARNING: Tests conducted on Tornado Warnings. - 6. TEST & EXERCISES: ! Twelve (12) Tornado Warning tests conducted, 7. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Public information on Tornado Warning & Severe Weather & CRP given r to local radio, newspaper and TV Stations, 8. OTHER: Purchased one (1) Tone Alert NOAA Weather Radio for use by Tornado Warning Officer. Dept. of Defense Defense Civil Freparedreas Agency O.M.B. No. 1 120 PART III. PROJECTED PROGRAM ACTIVITIES LOCAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS R003fi ANNUAL PROGRAM PAPER Appro.. eie�ylr ®` PROJECTS AND MAJOR ACTIVITIES WHICH THE LOCAL JURISDICTION INTENDS TO CARRY OUT DURING THE FISCAL YEAR TO INCREASE DISASTER RESPONSE CAPABILITY. INCLUDE STATE AND FEDERAL ASSISTANCE (INCLUDING FUNDS) REQUIRED. (See Progrern List and Instructions on Reverse./ 1. Plans Development _ I Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS Review Potential Hazards NEEDED Develope Plans for CRP is ---� Crisis Shelter Marking Brief Local Officials on C.D. Plans 2. Training Description of Activity FEDERAL_ FUNDS NEEDED Tornado Warning Seminar. Provide Training Materials Tornado Spotter Training Class, To: Schools, Fire Dept., RACES Radio Training Class, Police Dept., Update MOBDES Hazardous Material Workshop. training 3. Communications Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED Update and /or develope an Emergency Communications Development Plan, (S Buy additional C.D. communications equipment. 4. Radiological Defense -- Description of Activity FEDERAL. FUNDS NEEDED Inspect inventory RADEF equipment. Exchange batteries. $ Update Radioactive Accident Plan (Nuclear Reactor). Organize & train Radiological Response Team 4 5. Warning tion of Activity P FEDERAL FUNDS Description NEEDED Train Tornado Spotter Network (refresher course) ($ Investigate possibility for a county -wide Emergency Dispatch Center. 6. Tests and Exercises Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED Take part in: State -wide NAWAS Test. Test Tornado Warning Exercise. Hold tornado drills in schools. ( Increase Readiness Reporting System Exercise. ( 7. Public Information Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS Hold two (2) Emergency Public Information Workshops: NEEDED Hazardous Materials Accident & Evacuation. � — l Coordinate emergency information on Crisis R-1ocation. Other Participate in State & Federal Tornado Warning Tests or FE exercises and other programs to update local Civil Defense posture. [s __ I No further monies or other benefits may be paid out under this pros +arn unless this report rs corrdpl etedfand fried as required by e.,stng law ono regulations 150 U.S.C. App. 2253, 2281, 2286; E 0. 10052" 32 C.F.R. 1801.3, 1807 5) UND RSIGNED AGREE TO EXERT THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO CARRY OUT T PROJECTS AND ACTIVITI O "�CRIBEG t om- CS ,n �ure of iota. Civil Defense et are neat Orrector. Cc nrchnator) (StQnsture of rocel Chef ExecutivelsI r c ' f�i��t PROGRAM PAPER ;IS) (IS NOT!' PROVED PROGRAM 'r-APER ;IS) tiS NOT, APPROVED + SFaFr Pry: rr r "f• ysc r,. f . f ✓ ' -- a