HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 05.30.1978 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PLAN MEETING May 30, 1978, 1 :15 p.m. MEDALLION ROOM, BRYAN UTILITIES BLDG. ATTENDANCE - Emergency Team Bryan City Manager - J. Louis Odle College Station City Manager - North Bardell Bryan Fire Dept. - Chief Don Van Huss Raymond Janac College Station Fire Dept. - Chief Doug Landua Charles Yeager Bryan Police Dept. - Chief Joe Ellisor Major Charles Phelps College Station Police Dept. - Jimmy Beame:r Sheriff Dept. - J. W. Hamilton Gary Shaw Campus Security - T. R. Parsons J. R. McDonald Dept of Public Safety - Sam Saxon Sgt. Gary Farguson Texas Highway Dept. - Chester Price Bobby J. Erwin Brazos County Civil Defense - Jake Canglose E. E. Burns Ben Wormeli - Adm. office Warren Heffington - MOBDES Texas A &M University System - James Presswood Harry Stitler Chairman - Jake Canglose, presented the updated "Brazos County Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan" May 1978. The plan dated February 1978, was presented at the March 2 meeting. Items I Purpose, and II Accident Assumptions, III Emergency Team Coordinator, and IV Hazardous Material Accident Team sections A, B and C remain unchanged. 3V flay, 17 / 6 Section IV D, was the subject of this meeting. The provisions for "Emergency Evacuations Procedures" was discussed in detail. Section IV D - Emergency Evacuation Procedures and E - Radio -TV Emergency News Team have been added. The listing of the Emergency Team Members, Emergency Consultants and Emergency Phone Numbers is updated. Radiation will be included in this plan and treated as a hazardous material. Notify DPS and they will get a radiation team from Waco. Also the TAMU has radiation personnel and equipment. After considerable productive discussion it was agreed that the outline of Section D was effective in notification and response actions as indicated by the nature of the hazard. Prompt comm- unications to those concerned is essential. Notify the dispatcher of the department concerned and this first dispatcher will notify all the other key dispatchers who will then notify their personnel. Notify the Fire Dispatcher and he will notify the other fire dispatchers (Bryan will notify College Station) and each fire dispatcher will notify the other departments on their lists. "If there is a railroad derailment, everyone should be notified by the fire chief in every instance ", Jake - Discussion: 1. The notification must get to the fire chief in charge. 2. After the fire chief has determined that a hazard exists, then his dispatcher will notify the other concerned units. The highway department and the DPS should be notified of each railroad accident. They have a responsibility to report to their state office. On anything near TAMU notify the campus police. Use the Emergency Consultants (Camp and Leonard) whenever indicated. Section E - Radio -TV Emergency News Team - provisions were reviewed. Representatives of this area will meet soon to select the key personnel and review this plan. -2-